17-10 -- 18-1

Book 17 Chapter 10 – Stargazing

Back at the Command Centre, he had just finished telling Teng Yi about Tian Dan's survival. Just as Teng Yi's face changed colour, Jing Jun barged in and reported: "Lu Buwei is getting ready to attack the farms and is now deploying his men."

The two men could not be bothered about Tian Dan anymore. They asked in chorus: "How did you know?"

Jing Jun sat down and explained: "Earlier, Meng Tian came secretly to look for me and told me he overheard his father instructing a trusted family warrior to select two thousand men from his family warriors. Together with traitor Lu's family warriors, they will form an army and attack the farms while disguised as horse thieves. None of us is to be spared. Hng! Meng Ao is such a fool. We must not spare him too."

Teng Yi's expression grew serious: "This is not called foolish, this is called cruel. If they succeeded and with Lu Buwei sheltering them, who can lay a finger on them? If the Imperial Cavalry Commander falls under their control, Xianyang City will be their playground. Luckily, we have always been fortifying our defences at the farm and have added a perimeter wall recently. They are still ignorant of our true strength so we still have a fighting chance."

Xiang Shaolong reminded: "Meng Ao is well-versed in warfare and he must have capable men under his command. Coupled with the thousands of warriors in Lu Residence, they will have double our strength if they attacked with just seven thousand men. If not for Meng Tian's information, we will suffer a huge loss when they attack. Of course it is a different matter now."

Teng Yi's face lost colour: "Not good. This morning, Pu Bu and Liu Chao have led two thousand men towards the Northern Border. We have lesser manpower and it does not bode well for us."

Xiang Shaolong was shaken: "What? They left already?"

Teng Yi sighed: "This is Grandmaster Wu's idea as Eldest Brother needs these men urgently. Thus, they made quick preparations and left as early as possible."

Jing Jun suggested: "Why don't we get a few men from the Cavalry Army to help us?"

Xiang Shaolong concluded: "We must never do that. If we have any deployments, that traitor Lu will soon get wind of it. Moreover, our Wu Family Elite Army must not be mixed with outsiders as this will affect our efficiency. We may also put Meng Tian in danger."

Jing Jun nodded: "I nearly forgot to say something. Meng Tian suggested that we run for our lives as he did not expect us to have the ability to face his Dad's army."

Filled with a heroic air, Teng Yi state in a deep voice: "I will return to the farm immediately to prepare for battle and disperse all our young and womenfolk. Third Brother and Little Jun can return tomorrow and do not cause any unnecessary alarm. You should not fetch Widow Qin to the farm if possible. The crux of this battle is the element of surprise. We must trick the enemy to continue thinking that we are unprepared for them."

Xiang Shaolong composed himself and nodded: "I understand. This time round, we will make Lu Buwei, Meng Ao and Guan Zhongxie take a big tumble."

Arriving home, Xiang Shaolong told his wives about Tian Dan being alive, Lu Buwei using Wang Ci to ambush him and the imminent attack on the farms. Everyone including Ji Yanran was shaken at this news.

Zhao Zhi's revenge dream has been shattered. In addition, worrying about Shan Rou's safety has caused her to lose her appetite and she hid in her room crying.

Xiang Shaolong did his best to comfort her and returned back to discuss further with Ji Yanran and Wu Tingfang.

Ji Yanran sighed: "Tian Dan's substitute is really remarkable and he imitated his body language and gestures exceedingly well. Even we were tricked!"

Wu Tingfang bitterly smiled: "If the impersonation is lousy, the fake Tian Dan would not be able to deceive so many of us at the hunting fair."

Xiang Shaolong can feel the hatred swelling up in him. He was thoroughly deceived by this sly old fox. But Tian Dan's substitution trick is meant for the people of Chu and not him but he was deceived as well. It seems like fate cannot be changed.

Ji Yanran forced herself to brighten up: "Luckily, Uncle Qing has built many new weapons that Xiang Shaolong has invented. We can use this opportunity to test their effectiveness."

Xiang Shaolong recalled his improved weapons and armour and can feel his spirits rising. He was about to speak out when Zhou Wei came in hugging a roll of drawings. Despite her tired look, her eyes are shining with excitement.

Ji Yanran gladly mentioned: "After Little Wei received your instructions, she has been working day and night designing the fake Black Dragon. It seems like she finally has a breakthrough!"

Zhou Wei humbly greeted: "It is all thanks to Madam's guidance."

Xiang Shaolong received the drawings and spread them open. It was a construction plan with many creative designs.

Zhou Wei sat down and began explaining: "This Black Dragon is divided into eighteen sections and one man will operate each section. Just by using their hands, they can form a black dragon which can float and sink as needed. When the dragon is built, the men needed some practice to make sure that everything runs smoothly."

She added: "There is an air bag along the spine of the dragon. When it is filled with air, the dragon can float or sink as needed. To escape underwater undetected, all you need to do is to burst the air bag after the performance."

Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed and he went through the plans with Ji Yanran and Zhou Wei for another two hours. They thought hard at all the possibilities and made all the improvements before retiring back to bed.

The next morning, Xiang Shaolong and Jing Shan led the Wu Family Elite Warriors who are in the Cavalry Army as well as Ji Yanran, Wu Tingfang, Zhao Zhi, Xiang Bao'er and the Tian sisters back to the farms.

The Imperial Cavalry Army was left in Wu Guo's charge.

Xiang Shaolong set off earlier and went to fetch Qin Qing with the Eighteen Guardians.

Qin Qing is waiting for him in her residence. When he arrived, she set off immediately and joined his entourage.

This ancient beauty is delicately dressed with a snow white cloak and a thin veil that blocks out the strong wind. Her overpowering charm has Jing Shan and the Guardians totally spellbound.

Riding beside her, Xiang Shaolong forgot all about Lu Buwei's threat and laughed: "Grand Tutor Qin is especially pretty today!"

Qin Qing nonchalantly replied: "Go ahead and tease me all you like."

Xiang Shaolong loosened up: "Grand Tutor Qin has a veil on. Are you afraid that we will see your red and embarrassed face?"

Qin Qing has led a chaste live and has never been teased like this. She loudly wailed: "You better behave yourself or I will not speak to you during the journey."

Xiang Shaolong had a big shock and hurriedly swallowed the rest of his words.

Qin Qing charmingly giggled: "So Xiang Shaolong is not as brave as I thought. What did the Empress want with you yesterday?"

Xiang Shaolong was astounded: "It seems like nothing escapes your detection within the palace."

Qin Qing plainly replied: "The Empress is considered to have spent little time within the palace. Her attendants are mainly made up of Lady Hua Yang's ex attendants so if you dare to do anything deceitful, you cannot escape my knowledge. So far, you have been quite honourable."

Xiang Shaolong was amused: "Grand Tutor Qin, please forgive me for being rude but I believe it is you who is being deceitful. You have already fallen in love with me but still refused to admit it. Ha!"

Appearing unmoved, Qin Qing mused: "All men loved to brag and Grand Tutor Xiang is of no exception. On this trip, I am just accompanying Yanran, Tingfang and Zhi Zhi. Official Xiang must be mistaken to sprout such nonsense. Based on this fact, I will not hold it against you but you better watch yourself."

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "It seems like I have to resort to force instead."

Qin Qing shrieked: "You dare!"

The city gates appearing in their view, Xiang Shaolong squeezed Jifeng with his legs and he sped forward, laughing loudly: "I now understand that dating Grand Tutor Qin is so exciting. Thanks for your sharing."

Out of the city, they met up with Ji Yanran and the rest and continued riding. At night, they finally stopped at a high slope and began building tents and cooking meals, enjoying the wonders of Mother Nature.

The weather is great and the sky is filled with countless stars. The land is covered with shimmering snow and it was a mysterious and breathtaking sight.

Qin Qing appears to be in a great mood and is having a private conservation with Ji Yanran. Once in a while, they will give Xiang Shaolong a mesmerizing look and fill his heart with warmth against the bitter cold.

After dinner, the two mothers Wu Tingfang and Zhao Zhi went to coax Xiang Bao'er to sleep while Tian Zhen and Tian Feng helped to wash up.

With Ji Yanran and Qin Qing in tow, Xiang Shaolong went to a slope and laid some blankets on the ground. Sitting down, they looked up to the sky and were lost in the mystifying exquisiteness of the universe.

Xiang Shaolong laid down with Ji Yanran on his left and Qin Qing on his right. Enjoying their fragrances, he was completely inebriated and wished that time can stand still in this moment forever.

After a while, Ji Yanran bypassed Xiang Shaolong and started chatting with Qin Qing. Like the most melodious music, their voices entered his ears.

Funnily, he did not pick up their dialogue and is unwilling to. He is at ease and takes pleasure in hearing their voices just like he is listening to the best musical orchestra.

The bright moon slowly rose above the tree branches and gently shone down on them.

Sounds of the warhorses or humans can be heard occasionally from the top of the slope.

It is absolutely tranquil and peaceful.

Xiang Shaolong let out a comfortable sigh.

Ji Yanran loving looked down at him and softly asked: "A penny for your thoughts?"

Xiang Shaolong stretched out his four limbs and accidentally brushed past Qin Qing's jade legs. He hurriedly shrunk back but Qin Qing had already trembled slightly and whined sensitively in protest.

Pretending not to hear anything, Ji Yanran wailed: "I am talking to you!"

Xiang Shaolong's heart nearly melted. He stretched out his hand and gently held onto Ji Yanran's hand and yearned: "I was thinking that the three of us can sleep here tonight and enjoy this limitless view. We can count the stars and fall asleep counting them. We may even dream of stars in our sleep."

Qin Qing was thrilled: "How can the sky be unlimited?"

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "If there is a limit, then there must be a border. But there must be something beyond the border right?"

Her eyes shining with joy, Ji Yanran stared up to the sky and softly remarked: "Hubby's words are too deep and even I cannot fathom them. Godfather mentioned before, every human is a star that dropped down from heaven. When we die, we will return back to the sky. Isn't that sweet?"

Xiang Shaolong stared at Qin Qing.

The beauty is staring at the sky and her flawless looks seemed to be part of the attractive sky. Under the moonlight, her face is glowing like a piece of top quality silk. His heart aroused, Xiang Shaolong could not help but stretched his other hand over and held her hand tightly too.

Qin Qing's body trembled again and she shot him a look. Trying to wrest her hand back, she gave up after two tries and her face began to burn with passion.

Out of a sudden, Xiang Shaolong felt like he owns the entire beautiful star studded sky.

Everything is materializing like a dream.

He remembered the times when he first came to this ancient era and was subjected to numerous sufferings and was bullied by Zhao Mu and other villains. It is all thanks to his strong will and fighting spirit that he managed to cultivate Qin Shi Huang and even won the hearts of these beautiful women. What more can he ask for?

To the people who knew him in the 21st century, he had died a long time ago. Who can guess that he is living a different life two thousand years ago during the warring states period?

Is this a kind of reincarnation? When he really dies, will he be reborn again two thousand years later to travel back again in time to this ancient era? It is all due to the time machine which somehow manages to preserve his age and memory!

Ji Yanran chirped: "Why are the two of you so quiet?"

Qin Qing struggled again and realised that she cannot overcome Xiang Shaolong's iron grip. She whispered: "I don't know why but I feel so lazy I do not want to say anything."

Xiang Shaolong could not help but utter: "This is called: Speaking to your loved one at night, silence can be better than words!"

Both women shook at the same time and lowered their heads to look at him.

Ji Yanran sighed: "These two lines are so poetic and appropriate for this present circumstance. There is no line that is more befitting."

Qin Qing seems to be moved and held his hand harder instead. She softly pleaded: "Can you say a few more lines for me?"

Xiang Shaolong knew that his literacy is limited and most of his lines are the limited knowledge he gained from his high school Mandarin lessons. He bitterly smiled: "I must have an Inspired Moment and I cannot intentionally create lines whenever I wanted."

Qin Qing was touched: "Inspired Moment. These four words are already so poetic. Ai! Xiang Shaolong, why is your brain so different from others?"

Ji Yanran laughed: "If Xiang Shaolong is a normal man, Sister Qin will not sit beside him and allowed him to accompany you to sleep while admiring the stars. And you will not blame him for being rude to you."

Her face turning red immediately, Qin Qing protested: "Sister Yanran, you... When did I agree to accompany him...? I am going to keep quiet."

Ji Yanran coaxed: "Hubby, do say a few more beautiful lines for Sister Qin. I also wanted to see her moving expression.'

Xiang Shaolong wanted to say 'When the golden wind meets the jade outdoors, it is better than countless moments in man's world' which is what Zhao Ya repeated non-stop before her death. He felt like his heart was being sliced apart by a knife and could not say anything momentarily.

Qin Qing was looking intimately at him and was surprised: "Is Grand Tutor Xiang feeling unwell?"

Xiang Shaolong sat up and took a few deep breaths, suppressing the grief he had over Zhao Ya's death. He shook his head: "It's nothing."

Ji Yanran leaned onto him and gently comforted: "Except for Sister Qin and me, you are not allowed to think of anything else."

Xiang Shaolong emptied his brain of all thoughts and stared at the faraway mountains that were enveloped in moonshine. Like a lost child, he kept nodding his head.

Qin Qing mused: "It would be great if Yanran has her jade flute now."

Ji Yanran smiled: "Now, I only wanted to hear hubby say a few touching sentences. Doesn't Sister Qin?"

Qin Qing loudly complained: "Xiang Shaolong bullying me is bad enough. Now I have to deal with this terrible Talented Lady Ji too."

Xiang Shaolong composed himself and had an inspiration. He chanted: "Is there a pub that cannot make you drunk? Is there a lady who does not pine for her loved one? What great ability do I have to gain the affections of the two best women on earth and make this bold statement?"

Both women were moved and like two opposing poles of a magnet, their gazes were fixated on his face.

Abruptly, Jing Jun's voice rang out behind them: "I found them!" Following him were Wu Tingfang and Zhao Zhi who are looking for their hubby, scaring Qin Qing who frantically yank her hand back.

That night, Xiang Shaolong, Tian Zhen and Tian Feng shared a tent, only hugging each other to sleep. Times are precarious and it is inadvisable to indulge in pleasures of the flesh.

Before the sky has yet to brighten, Xiang Shaolong is already fully awake while the Tian sisters are still sound asleep like two cute kittens.

Xiang Shaolong carefully slipped out of the warm blankets and put his cloak on. Feeling his way out of the dark tent, he approached Qin Qing's tent.

Within the pitch black tent, Qin Qing's light breathing can be heard.

But Xiang Shaolong suddenly sensed that something is not right; there are a dagger pointing at his own waist and Ji Yanran's threatening voice can be heard in the darkness: "Who is it?"

Qin Qing's light breathing stopped and she was jolted awake.

Xiang Shaolong was totally humiliated. He whispered: "It is me!"

Ji Yanran chortled and kept her dagger. Leaning into his bosom, she giggled: "I am so sorry and my mistake is unpardonable. I actually spoiled hubby's grand plan to raid our tent and make love to us."

Qin Qing may be keeping quiet but Xiang Shaolong wished he could dig a hole and bury his head inside forever.

The sky has just brightened and everyone is occupied with packing their tents.

Qin Qing stayed as far apart from Xiang Shaolong as possible during the journey. Xiang Shaolong is feeling guilty too and he rode ahead with Jing Jun and the rest in the front.

Shortly after noon, they finally arrived at the farms.

There are sentries based on every piece of high ground cum strategic locations and security is extremely tight.

Teng Yi is busy instructing the Wu Family Elite Army to plan obstacles and lay traps near the entrances and exits. Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun went to assist him while Ji Yanran and the other girls returned back to the farm residences.

Teng Yi led the two men on an inspection tour of the farm layout and defences. As he rode his horse alongside them, he explained: "Our farms is enormous and it is impossible to guard against every battle line. Therefore, I have focused our strength at the courtyard. Because there is nothing specific to guard, I have increase the height and thickness of the perimeter wall and erected more signal towers. I have also laid many traps around the walls and herded most of the animals away. I have left about a hundred animals behind as a decoy."

By now, they have ridden up a small hill that is overlooking the wide farmlands.

The Hidden Dragon Abode is one of the buildings in the main courtyard. Initially, there were only eighteen buildings but now, there are over sixty buildings. With high walls surrounding each building, it is like a mini city. If the two thousand men were used to defend the two mile perimeter, it will be largely insufficient. Moreover, the enemy would have come prepared; if they focused on one or two main areas to attack, they can overcome the defenders easily.

Xiang Shaolong shared all his observations and finally suggested: "This time, we must use some of the battle strategies from the Mohist Scroll and 'attack the attackers'. If we can lay an ambush outside the perimeter wall and coordinate our attacks, we will give them the fight of their life."

Teng Yi frowned: "I thought about this possibility too. The problem is that Meng Ao is attacking us personally and this man is well-versed in warfare. He would not use up all his men in a full attack but will probably base his forces on higher ground and attack us in different waves. Our ambush army will become an isolated army instead and this is disadvantageous for us."

Xiang Shaolong confidently decided: "In that case, it is the higher ground that we must establish control first." Pointing to a dense snow forest near a mountain base, he recommended: "If we can build an underground tunnel that goes to that forest from here, we can distract the enemies' attacking force."

Jing Jun interrupted: "Without a month or two, it is impossible to build a tunnel like that."

Xiang Shaolong kicked himself for his mistake and changed the topic: "In that case, we can build a hidden shelter instead."

Teng Yi bitterly laughed: "If the shelter can only hide a dozen men or so, it would be fruitless. Moreover, Meng Ao should see through this trick given his battle experience."

Xiang Shaolong thought even harder and happened to see some smoke rising from the farm chimneys. He had a brainwave and exclaimed: "I got it!"

Both men stared at him in shock.

Looking at the smoke, Xiang Shaolong proudly explained: "We can dig a few holes along the valleys and fill them with oil, firewood and other burning materials. It would be better if there is a bad smell created from the burning. When it is lighted, large amounts of smoke can be produced and some of the smoke will be blown uphill towards the higher ground. When the enemy is thrown into confusion, we shall attack them at the perfect time and I guarantee that their forces will be in total disarray and easily destroyed as a result."

Jing Jun and Teng Yi were inspired by his strategy.

Laughing to himself that this is probably the first form of chemical warfare in history, Xiang Shaolong continued: "The enemies will naturally attack at night. As long as we are careful, we can escape after lighting up the smoke pits. We will also have a wet cloth to cover our faces and avoid breathing in any of the smoke."

Jing Jun excitedly cried: "I know of some trees nearby called Poison Oak. When the wood is being burnt, it produces an extremely foul smell. Let me go and cut some now!" Finishing his words, he rode away at once.

Teng Yi was astonished: "Third Brother is truly creative and wise. In fact, we can set up several of these smoke pits and light up those which are having a favourable wind direction. I shall get some men to prepare these pits now. You should go back and have some rest!"

At dinner time, Teng Yi is still busy with work.

Xiang Shaolong and Wu Tingfang went to the main hall to dine with Wu Yingyuan and his wife while Qin Qing accompanied Ji Yanran and Zhao Zhi for dinner in the Hidden Dragon Abode.

When Xiang Shaolong came back, Ji Yanran and Qin Qing are performing a duet with their flute and qin. His musical knowledge is quite shallow but he still enjoyed their playing.

Out of the blue, Ji Yanran suggested that Xiang Shaolong go for a stroll with Qin Qing. Unexpectedly, Qin Qing agreed to her idea too.

Xiang Shaolong is beyond delight and realised that Qin Qing did not really hold it against him for his earlier intrusion and hurriedly accompanied his love out of the Abode.

Book 17 Chapter 11 – The Great Farm Battle

The farms were lighted in many areas and it was as bright as day. The two thousand Elite Wu Family Warriors and several thousand farmhands are busy constructing defence structures, giving top priority to the smoke pits.

It was strangely calm and peaceful within the residences as if no one expects an imminent battle.

Xiang Shaolong and Qin Qing are strolling along a gravel path that is linking the several farm buildings. Coming to a well, Xiang Shaolong fetched a pail of water and took two sips. His arteries nearly froze on the spot.

Qin Qing sighed: "Rural living is pleasant indeed. People living in the city are more hypocritical and ruthless."

Xiang Shaolong sat down on the edge of the well and patted the empty space beside him, smiling: "Shall we take a rest?"

Qin Qing smoothly sat down beside him. Lowering her head, she softly asked: "Does Grand Tutor Xiang know why I am willing to accompany you for a private stroll?"

Feeling uncomfortable at a possible confrontation, Xiang Shaolong took a deep breath: "Speak your mind. I can accept anything."

Qin Qing sighed and shook her head: "It is not as bad as you think. I did not hold it against you at all. In actual fact, I could not conceal my feelings too and had to come to the farms with you. As you had mentioned, I have been deceiving myself all these while and suffered the pain of pining for you. But from tonight onwards, I will not be so foolish anymore."

Xiang Shaolong was unexpectedly surprised and intimately scrutinized her matchless beauty. Intoxicated, he trailed: "Grand Tutor Qin is saying that..."

Qin Qing shyly whined: "I am not saying anything. Why are these people working non-stop? Is someone going to attack the farms?"

Xiang Shaolong understands that if he tries to hasten things with Qin Qing, she would despise him. It is totally unforeseen that she would actually lost her inhibitions and offered herself willingly, adding to the excitement of the relationship. Telling himself to be patient, he divulged Lu Buwei's scheme and concluded: "Will Grand Tutor Qin blame me for putting you in danger?"

Qin Qing decisively shook her head: "Of course not! I am delighted because you have finally regarded me as... Ah, it is nothing."

Xiang Shaolong could not help but face the sky and laughed: "Is Grand Tutor Qin trying to say that I have finally regarded you as my woman?"

Qin Qing loudly wailed: "No such thing. Hai! It is your brain and you can think whatever you want."

Xiang Shaolong reached his hand over and held tightly onto her hand. Standing up, he invited: "Let me introduce you to our battle formation. Otherwise, you may blame me for hiding things from you again."

Qin Qing struggled shortly and finally accepted the fate of her hand being held by him. She shyly nodded at him first before shooting him a look at his last line, faulting him for bearing old grudges.

Xiang Shaolong's heart has completely melted and resisted the strong urge to kiss and caress her. He proceeded to lead her on a night tour of the farm.

Back at the Hidden Dragon Abode, Xiang Bao'er has been coaxed to sleep by the nanny while Wu Tingfang and Zhao Zhi are engaged in a game of chess. The Tian sisters are watching the intense game at the side.

Ji Yanran is analyzing with Uncle Qing on how to build Zhou Wei's fake black dragon.

Witnessing Xiang Shaolong and Qin Qing's return, Uncle Qing hurriedly got up and paid his respects.

Ji Yanran scanned Qin Qing's expression and smiled knowingly at Xiang Shaolong. Qin Qing maintained an innocent look throughout as if nothing has happened.

Qin Qing noticed that although they were staring at each other, she was the centre of attention and quickly left for her room.

Xiang Shaolong joined in their discussion and by the time Uncle Qing has fully grasped the essence of their needs, Xiang Shaolong took the chance to ask: "Does Uncle Qing knows how to produce firecrackers and pyrotechnics?"

Ji Yanran proudly proclaimed: "Uncle Qing's forte is in blacksmith works. If you wanted to talk about fire crackers and pyrotechnics, you can start asking me for advice!"

Xiang Shaolong was stunned: "You know about gunpowder and related stuff?"

Ji Yanran smugly replied: "Of course. I know about many other things too. Feel free to test my wisdom!"

Xiang Shaolong acknowledged that her Talented reputation is not without merit. He was thinking of getting Uncle Qing to manufacture a hand gun for his personal protection but decided against it in the end as a hand gun does not have the range of arrows and it is difficult to load gunpowder. He smiled: "Who am I to test you?"

Uncle Qing excused himself and Ji Yanran's expression turned serious: "Then it is my turn to test you. Go to sleep now and from tomorrow onwards, I shall take up the heavy responsibility of drilling you in spear skills. Before your duel with Guan Zhongxie, hubby must sleep alone and not indulge in pleasures of the flesh."

Xiang Shaolong groaned inwardly. Wouldn't this shatter his beautiful dream of making love to the exquisite and alluring Qin Qing? He protested: "According to studies, love making does not affect the athletes' performance."

Ji Yanran was shocked and furrowed her brows: "What are you talking about?"

Xiang Shaolong raised both his hands in mock surrender: "I will obey all your instructions."

He left with a bitter smile.

For the next five days, Xiang Shaolong got up at cock's crow and received Ji Yanran's strict tutoring and even took the initiative to swim in the winter waters in a nearby river. In his free time, he went riding with Qin Qing and his wives and Qin Qing's favourable impression of him grew by leaps and bounds. She no longer views him as a creature of lust and they became much closer.

Teng Yi busied himself with the farm defences and morale was high among their men. Everyone is gearing up for the big showdown with their enemies.

At the sixth day, there was a heavy snowfall.

Spies reported signs of the invading army vanguard in a dense forest about five miles away.

The atmosphere became very tense immediately.

Leading his three wives and Qin Qing who are all dressed in armour, Xiang Shaolong is inspecting the surroundings from a high wall. Below him, Uncle Qing is commanding his subordinates to install heavy duty crossbow mechanisms on the city walls.

This new crossbow machines are Xiang Shaolong's latest creations. Using the same principles as machine guns, they can fire twelve arrows in succession and reach a range of over a thousand feet. This range is twice of a normal crossbow and its weakness is that it is not portable. However, as a defensive weapon, there is nothing else more ideal.

Xiang Shaolong projected his vision further away and saw that the surroundings were hazy. It is favourable for the attackers and disadvantageous for the defenders.

Ji Yanran predicted: "The enemies will definitely attack after the snowstorm and this hasty attack will be less efficient as they are lacking rest. Moreover, Meng Ao is an arrogant man and does not view us as worthy opponents. His belittling of us will create opportunities for us to win."

Sure enough, at dawn, spies reported sightings of the enemies from the south eastern direction. There were roughly a thousand attackers with ten odd battling rams used to ram the city walls and gates.

Everyone calmed down and prepared themselves mentally for the incoming attack.

All the warriors and workers retreated back into the city while Jing Jun led five hundred of the Wu Family Elite Warriors to a secret bunker that was built behind the high grounds.

The remaining one thousand and five hundred Wu Family Elite Warriors are camping at the trenches along the city wall. Another twenty odd farm workers made up of males, females, the old and young are situated around the residences, ready to put out any fires or repel any invaders who have successfully climbed the city wall. The fighting spirit is abundant and the atmosphere is full of battle tension.

To Qin Qing standing beside him, Xiang Shaolong asked: "Are you cold?"

Qin Qing shook her head to indicate that she is not cold and blew out a wisp of white air: "This is the first time I am participating in a battle and maybe it is due to your presence by my side; somehow, I do not have the least fear."

Xiang Shaolong remembered that her late husband died on the battlefield and took the chance to inquire: "Does Grand Tutor Qin abhor wars?"

Qin Qing took some time to consider her answer and replied with astonishment: "This is the first time somebody asked me such a strange question. In Qin, fighting is a way for the men to showcase their ability and gain the highest honours. But after careful thinking, fighting has caused countless people to lose their countries, their homes, their parents, the spouses and their kids. War causes more hatred. What does Grand Tutor Xiang thinks?"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "Although I hate to admit this but fighting seems to be part of human nature. Whether it is fighting between two countries or two persons, fighting arises from competition as it is human nature to compare and compete. It becomes a case of survival of the fittest but it is actually human greed for more territory or more possessions. Every person is striving to gain more fame, power and wealth by putting down other people. Thinking about this, I could not help but shudder."

Wu Tingfang moved closer to him and leaned into his arms in daze. She admiringly praised: "Hubby's words are so true."

Ji Yanran nodded: "This is the reason why Godfather and I have been praying for the New Saint. Only when the world is united can we enjoy genuine peace and harmony."

Xiang Shaolong silently stared at the glowing snowflakes that were illuminated by the light of the fire. He recalled something and smiled: "My dear wives, do you all know that I loved Grand Tutor Qin addressing me as Grand Tutor Xiang. If she addresses me as Commander Xiang or Official Xiang, then I know that I am in trouble."

Qin Qing loudly wailed: "You, why are you always bringing up the past."

Zhao Zhi poked Qin Qing's shoulder and teased: "When is Sister Qin going to address him as hubby just like us... hee... you know what I mean!"

Qin Qing was greatly embarrassed but could not bear to blame her. Her face is as red as an apple and she was speechless. Before she could react, the enemies have been sighted.

As Teng Yi had anticipated, the enemies assembled themselves on the high slopes before moving their battling rams and cloud ladders twenty feet away from the perimeter wall, getting ready to attack the farms.

Xiang Shaolong and his wives put on an act of unpreparedness and their men pretended to be flustered and were running around in panic.

Their act of confusion is to draw the enemies nearer.

Ji Yanran smiled: "In defending a city, first, everyone must be united and face death without fear. Next, men must be properly allocated according to their capabilities and teams. Thirdly, you must have sufficient defensive structures and fourth, there must be no lack of food and resources. Our perimeter wall may not withstand the attacks but we have laid many traps around the area which will cover up this weakness. We have also fulfilled the four conditions so I am certain of victory."

Teng Yi came up to them and added: "Yanran is well versed in city defences; we will also need to look at attacks!"

Ji Yanran smiled: "We will have to depend on Little Jun then."

The rumbling sounds of the battle drums filled the air as the attackers started to move the rams nearer. Disguised as horse thieves, they attacked from four routes.

Teng Yi laughed: "Meng Ao is trying to trick us by making a frontal attack and taking away our attention. The real attacking force should be coming from the back. Let's play along with him."

Before he finished speaking, a loud crash was heard. One of the battling rams has fallen into a trap along with several men and horses and it was a sorry sight.

The traps were all within range of the crossbow machines. Teng Yi shouted an order and the arrows fell like rain. The enemy vanguard of one thousand men were shot down mercilessly as another battling ram fell into another trap that was filled with sharp knives.

The battle drums sounded again and it was followed by war cries from the left and the back. The war has finally begun.

Stones from catapults and flying balls of fire were crisscrossing in the air.

Due to the long range of the crossbow machines and their higher position, every single enemy soldier was killed before they can even come near to the perimeter wall.

For two whole hours, only two battling rams managed to reach the base of the perimeter wall but were smashed to smithereens by the catapulted rocks.

Occasionally, some fire arrows were shot into the city but were swiftly extinguished.

Everyone knew that if the wall is breached, it will be a serious disadvantage so everyone is doing their utmost best to fight. The blood of the enemy soldiers is flowing like a river and the plains were scattered with corpses.

By now, the enemies have laid wooden planks over the traps and are using giant shields to protect their bodies. Advancing with the remaining five battling rams, they advanced rapidly.

Xiang Shaolong knew that the time is ripe and gave his order. The trumpets sounded his order over the entire compound.

About ten of the smoke pits started to emit thick smoke. With the wind carrying them, they were blown in the direction of the attackers outside the city and also those who are based on the high slopes. The enemies begin to break down and cough incessantly.

Teng Yi roused the Elite Army and motivated them to fight even harder.

Xiang Shaolong separately kissed the cheeks of Wu Tingfang and Zhao Zhi, instructing them to stay within the city. He then came to Qin Qing.

Qin Qing's face is totally red and she turned her face to one side, awaiting a kiss from him.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Shaolong used his hand to prop her chin and lifted her face, kissing her heavily on the lips. With a broad smile, he left with Teng Yi and Ji Yanran.

As the thick smoke is subsiding, loud shouts of killing and arrows firing can be heard from the high slope. Apparently, Jing Jun and his men are now attacking the enemies with arrows.

At the main door, one thousand Elite Wu Family Warriors are already mounted on their horses and waiting patiently for Xiang Shaolong, Teng Yi and Ji Yanran. When the three of them mounted their horses, thunderous drumming filled the air and their army marched out neatly before erupting into ruthless slaughtering of their foe. Using the safe paths that were not booby-trapped, they cut into the enemies' formation like a sharp cleaver.

With the Flying Dragon spear and shield, Xiang Shaolong led the pack and killed everyone he saw. The enemy soldiers who have lost their fighting will due to the smoke are barely able to resist his overpowering attacks.

The Elite Warriors displayed their fearsome attacking power. Everyone was fighting their best and like a tiger among a herd of sheep, the enemy formation was broken and they continued their killing spree up the high slope.

By this time, the enemies on the slope are in complete disarray thanks to the choking smoke and Jing Jun's attacks. Coupled with this new attacking force upon them, the attackers could not take it anymore. Demoralised, everyone is only trying their best to escape in all directions.

The city gates opened again and it was another army of three hundred Elite Warriors led by Wu Yan Zhu. Timing their attacks, they killed numerous enemies on the lower ground. In a pathetic state, all the invaders are now only concerned about escaping and staying alive.

Xiang Shaolong met up with Jing Jun's forces and they continued chasing and killing more enemies for another twenty miles before returning back to the farm.

It was a complete rout. Over two thousand enemies were killed and more than two hundred were imprisoned. On their side, there were only thirty one dead and less than two hundred injured. It was a significant win but Xiang Shaolong could not find any joy. For a peace loving man like him, wars, death and injuries are not something he can derive any joy from.

When the sky has brightened, the Wu Family Warriors came out to survey the damage and clean up the area. Jing Jun is put in charge of sending the prisoners of war back to Xianyang City and create some trouble for Lu Buwei.

Teng Yi and Xiang Shaolong surveyed the aftermath and lamented: "Too bad we did not capture Meng Ao or Guan Zhongxie. Otherwise, Lu Buwei will surely be implicated."

Xiang Shaolong knew better than anyone that before Xiao Pan's coronation, Lu Buwei cannot be toppled. He let out a long sigh and did not reply.

Teng Yi added: "Those captured are either Meng Ao or Lu Buwei's family warriors. Let's see how he explains himself."

Xiang Shaolong replied in a deep voice: "Don't underestimate him. I am sure he has a ready solution. This matter will only come to a rest."

Two days later, they received their answer.

Jing Jun sent someone to report that when they arrived at Xianyang City, they were detained by Guan Zhongxie at the City gates. Lu Buwei came personally and took over the prisoners, promising to punish them severely and find out the true mastermind. Based on Lu Buwei's strong influence, it is hard for Xiao Pan to interfere and the end result is meaningless.

Earlier, Jing Jun has been reminded by Xiang Shaolong and submitted Talented Lady Ji's report to Wang He who in turn, submitted it to Left Premier Lord Changping. Lord Changping then reported the whole incident to Zhu Ji and Xiao Pan during the morning court.

The report was powerful in the sense that it did not pinpoint Lu Buwei as the main perpetuator but hinted at his involvement every now and then.

No matter how daring Lu Buwei is, he will not dare to invade the farms in near future.

Xiang Shaolong is working especially hard today at his spear techniques because Qin Qing woke up early specially to see him practice.

Pi! Pi! Pak! Pak! For the first time, he forced Ji Yanran to fight with all her might to match his attacks.

Xiang Shaolong saw that he has caused his beloved Talented Lady Ji to fight her best and broke out into laughter. Retrieving his spear, he stood upright in an imposing manner just like a heavenly general.

Wu Tingfang, Qin Qing and the other girls are clapping so hard their palms hurt. Ji Yanran was pleased: "Hubby is really formidable. In a few days, you have understood the essence of spear techniques. I submit to you."

Teng Yi came up to them and was holding a long sabre that Uncle Qing has just forged. He laughed loudly: "Second Brother is here to test your spear skills using this new sabre Uncle Qing has forged for you. Shaolong must be careful. The sabre has chromium alloy which is invented by you. I have tried using it to sever several spears in succession and the wear and tear is insignificant."

Ji Yanran is naturally curious and attracted to new things; moreover, it is something her own hubby created. She quickly received the long sabre from Teng Yi and scrutinized it carefully. After some time, she sighed: "This is the best weapon during a cavalry battle (fighting on horseback). I cannot understand how hubby managed to think of such a creative weapon. On the battlefield and charging at the enemy with a sword, one has to utilise the arm strength to hit the enemy as the horse speed is too fast. You cannot just pierce your sword forward. In this case, a sword is not very effective although both sides of the sword are sharp. Additionally, the sword is a narrow weapon and only the sword centre is thick enough to be effective. With this sabre, it is easy to cut down at the enemy as it is sharp on one side and thick on the back. It is a durable weapon which is good for hacking enemies and uses less strength for the same blow. Oh. I must also get Uncle Qing to forge another sabre for me to play."

Xiang Shaolong was speechless at her observations.

He wanted a sabre from Uncle Qing as he had always admired the samurai katana of the Japanese. He did not expect the weapon to be so formidable.

Wu Tingfang received the sword from Ji Yanran and admired it. After taking a closer look, she exclaimed: "This sabre has very nice engravings on it. Ah, it even has a name inscribed here: Hundred Battles. Hundred Battles, Hundred Victories. It is a lucky name. Ah! This sabre is so heavy!"

Teng Yi explained: "Uncle Qing's forging method is Yue's secret 'Hundred Forges' method. The weapon is forged over many rounds and subjected to intense fire. It is definitely much superior to a common sabre."

To Ji Yanran, he smiled: "If Yanran wants another sabre like this, you have to wait for a year but the sabre may not be as good as this Hundred Battle Sabre. This is Uncle Qing's masterpiece. He has failed countless times before he was finally enlightened to forge this heavenly weapon. All right, Shaolong come!"

Everyone was excited and hurriedly retreated.

Among the falling snowflakes, Teng Yi raised the sabre and stood in an impressive pose.

Xiang Shaolong let out a roar and the Flying Dragon spear sprang into life into mid air and agilely advanced towards Teng Yi's chest area.

Teng Yi understands that Xiang Shaolong is afraid to injure him because of his longer weapon and chided: "Are you lacking confidence in me? Show me your best moves!"

Wu Tingfang was affected by Teng Yi's air of righteousness and loudly cheered for Xiang Shaolong. Even Qin Qing is cheering loudly for him, showing that she has adapted to Xiang Shaolong's household and lifestyle.

Xiang Shaolong laughed and adopted the horse stance, his long spear striking towards Teng Yi's belly like lightning.

Only with such a long weapon can he attack from such an angle as it is hard for the sabre to deflect the long spear.

Teng Yi coldly snorted and slashed down with the Hundred Battle Sabre.

Xiang Shaolong changed from a piercing attack to a hooking attack. Dang! He failed to hook the Hundred Battle Sabre. He quickly retrieved the spear to protect himself. In the midst of his movement, Teng Yi dashed forward to attack him and Xiang Shaolong blocked with his spear. In a short span of time, they have exchanged many blows.

The first time the sabre and spear come into contact, the spear was heavily deflected. If the Flying Dragon Spear is not made of the best steel but ordinary wood, it would be broken into many pieces by now.

By now, the Eighteen Guardians and Shan Lan have heard the commotion and are busy cheering for them and it was a lively scene.

After another heavy blow, both men retreated and showed signs of tiredness.

Ji Yanran clapped loudly: "This is a match with no clear winner. As long as Second Brother practices more with the sabre and gain more experience, the loser will be our undefeated Xiang Shaolong for sure."

Xiang Shaolong looked up to the sky and had a long laugh. Throwing his spear away, he cheered: "I think I am not using the spear anymore. Next month, I will use the Hundred Battle Sabre to take Guan Zhongxie's life."

Teng Yi joyfully passed him the sabre and wished: "I wish Shaolong will fight and win a hundred battles and be invincible under the skies."

Xiang Shaolong received the treasure sabre and tested its weight, praising: "This sabre is nearly as heavy as my Mozi Sword but it looks much lighter from its appearance. This will catch Guan Zhongxie by surprise and make him regret for duelling with me."

Teng Yi laughed: "From today onwards, your Mozi Sword is mine. After using the Hundred Battle Sabre, all other weapons other than the Mozi Sword is uninteresting."

Both men exchanged a look and laughed loudly. On the side, Ji Yanran just received a report from Wu Guang and happily chirped: "Wu Guang just reported that a giant hot spring has been discovered at Moon Prayer Cliff. Let's go there immediately."

Wu Tingfang, Zhao Zhi, Tian Zhen and Tian Feng cheered in unison.

Xiang Shaolong was astounded: "Are we skipping practice today?"

Smiling sweetly and charmingly, Ji Yanran gently coaxed: "With this indomitable Hundred Battle Sabre, what's wrong with taking a day off?"

Xiang Shaolong can feel his confidence rising. At the end of the day, he managed to survive until today is because of his knowledge that spans across two thousand years. This sabre he is holding in his hand is the best proof.

Book 17 Chapter 12 – Love Wish Granted

Among the rising heat, the entire rock pool is bathing in warmth. Coupled with the snowflakes falling from the sky, it is heaven on earth.

The boiling spring water sprang out from three cervices in the rock wall and flowed straight into the pool. Any excess water continued to flow to another rock pool five feet below, forming another soaking area. Jing Shan and the other Guardians are congregating in that pool.

On Moon Prayer Cliff, at this inaccessible location, all earthly rules no longer matter. Ji Yanran, Wu Tingfang, Zhao Zhi, Tian Zhen, Tian Feng all revealed the glory of the beautiful bodies and were soaking contentedly in the hot spring. None of them are willing to leave, for in this ancient era where hot water showers are unavailable; there is no better treat for their bodies in the middle of winter.

Qin Qing removed her shoes and soaked her delicate feet into the spring water. To her, that is as far as she would go.

Xiang Shaolong and the girls stared at her with embarrassment. Sitting down beside her and soaking his feet too, he offered: "Does Grand Tutor Qin wants to soak the spring water too? I can join the boys down there."

Qin Qing resisted the temptation of the spring water and shyly shook her head: "Grand Tutor Xiang can go ahead and enjoy himself. I am very happy where I am."

Xiang Shaolong noticed that her face is slightly reddish, making her even more mesmerizing. He teased: "Are you not afraid to see me naked?"

Qin Qing knows that this man is intentionally teasing her and she wailed: "Get into the pool quickly. I will not be bothered with you anymore today. I have yet to settle the last score with you!"

Xiang Shaolong knew that she is referring to the incident where he kissed her on the lips. Without any concern for her feelings, he leaned over to kiss her face and embraced her in a bear hug. Just as Qin Qing is about to struggle, both of them slipped and fell right into the hot spring.

Ji Yanran and the other girls swam over, cheering, giggling and teasing them. Among the falling snowflakes, there are no more barriers between them.

After dinner, while Qin Qing and the other girls are playing with Xiang Bao'er, Ji Yanran dragged Xiang Shaolong to a small pavilion in the garden to do snow-watching. She cooed: "I have never seen Sister Qin so happy before. Are you ready to marry her officially?"

Xiang Shaolong thought for a minute and replied: "I think we should discuss this after my duel with Guan Zhongxie!"

Ji Yanran suggested: "I have thought about it already. The best time is after the appearance of the Black Dragon. That is the best time for changes, including a change in Sister Qin's status. It will not arouse the displeasure of the royal family."

Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed: "Yanran is thoughtful indeed. With Sister Qin, I have no other wants."

Ji Yanran seriously state: "To get Sister Qin to marry you is not easy. You better treat her like a respectable lady. Ai. I am talking about making love. Sister Qin hates the custom of Qin girls having pre martial 5ex. Hubby should understand what I mean!"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "Now, I dare not even touch you; why would I even dare to think about doing anything to her?"

Ji Yanran giggled: "It is fine to make love once or twice before the duel as long as you curb your desires."

Xiang Shaolong was delighted and held Ji Yanran's hands, sighing: "You must have understood my agony to grant me this special pardon."

Ji Yanran gently replied: "It must be the hot spring's effects. But the one sharing your bed tonight should not be me. Since I am the one who set this rule, I should be the last one to make love with you."

Among the giant snowflakes, Xiang Shaolong held tightly to the Hundred Battle Sabre and is standing alone in the middle of the snowy plains. Behind him are the Wu Family farms.

It may be due to the wonderful feeling of this new weapon that the sabre has never left his side for the past ten days. He is trying to inculcate the three Ultimate Stances of Mozi into the sabre play. After a round of meditation, his heart is still as choppy as the sea. He seems to be on the verge of having a breakthrough on the sabre skill but something seems to be lacking.

During his meditation, he had memory flashes of his past. When he recalled the scenes of the tragic deaths of Zhao Qian and the maids, hot blood surged up in his body and he could not suppress it anymore.

Brandishing his sabre, he sliced ferociously through the air at an invisible opponent.

The sabre rang out loudly as it cuts through empty air.

He suddenly felt at ease and naturally exhibited the Mozi Swordplay but this time, he focused on slashing and chopping moves. Somehow, there is still something missing.

Out of a sudden, he had a brainwave and finally understood the crux of the problem.

He remembered that the Mozi Swordplay focuses on defence rather than attack but the nature of the Hundred Battle Sabre is to attack and not to defend. Therefore, when he tried to inculcate the Mozi Swordplay into the sabre play, it doesn't feel right.

Thinking about this, he quickly forgot about the Mozi Swordplay and focused on attacks. Among the flashing of the sabre energy, he can feel his forceful attacks striking forward just like bolts of lightning, giving him a strong dose of endorphin.

The tremendous impact of the sabre flashes can be felt all around him.

Like a solid mountain, Xiang Shaolong stood erect but his mind is filled with countless giant waves.

He thought about karate and Chinese wushu which are all based on science and logic, such as attacking using the shortest distance between you and the opponent or using momentum, flow and gravity to your advantage. He even thought about ranged attacks. From all these knowledge, he tried to incorporate the essence into sabre play.

He also thought hard about samurai katana moves. Although it only has a few basic essential moves, every one of them is strong and powerful.

Thinking till here, his sword skills and sabre skills seems to merge into one.

Since Mozi can created his own swordplay and he himself has learnt the essence of his skills, why can't he create his own set of skills by taking the essence of all the martial arts he knew? Xiang Shaolong can feel the boundless of his heart and he was so touched hot tears begin to pour down his face. Facing the sky, he let out a long roar and the Hundred Battle Sabre is now flashing in a maelstrom that has seemed to envelope him.

Following the shadow of the sabre strikes, Xiang Shaolong executed a few intricate strokes and can feel the might of a million strong soldiers and war horses in his heart. He felt a sense of invincibility and fearlessness regardless of the future.

He kneeled down in an instant, knowing that he has fully grasped the intricacies of sabre play. All he lacks now is experience.

Back home, he promptly looked for Teng Yi and Ji Yanran to test out his new skills.

Holding the Flying Dragon Spear, Ji Yanran saw Xiang Shaolong posing with his sabre and was stunned: "Hubby, what happened to you? The moment you stood there exhibiting your sabre pose, I can already sense that there is no way I can even attack you successfully."

Laughingly, Xiang Shaolong bellowed: "This is called confidence and might. Come my dear, my hands are itching already."

Glancing at his natural heroic aura, Qin Qing and all the girls are fully intoxicated.

Letting out a shrill cry, the Flying Dragon Spear came alive in Ji Yanran's hands. Like endless waves of strong currents, the spear dashed forward towards Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong brightened up. His strength, hands, eyes and footsteps are in perfect synchronicity. Using the Hundred Battle Sabre, every move is used with the appropriate strength, not too much and not too little. Instead of defending as before, he is now mainly focused on attacks. He met the attack head on, appearing to disregard the weight or length of the Flying Dragon Spear.

Under the strong pressure of the formidable sabre attacks, the Flying Dragon Spear was forced back several times. Talented Lady Ji could not retaliate at all.

Ji Yanran sensed that there is no way she can overcome him. Throwing the spear aside, she retreated and wailed: "I quit!" Turning happy in an instant, she pledged: "Xiang Shaolong, today, I, Ji Yanran, fully submit to you."

Without any warning, Teng Yi leapt over and the Mozi Sword swung towards Xiang Shaolong with tremendous impact.

Xiang Shaolong enthusiastically let out a roar and met the attack head on.

On the surface, his counter attack looked ordinary but underneath, its angle and direction is the best possible position available, giving everyone present a sense of grandmastery.

Even with Teng Yi's amazing arm strength and the weight of the heavy Mozi Sword, he was forced to take half a step back.

Teng Yi can feel his exhilaration rising too. When he was about to retaliate, Xiang Shaolong followed up with another two strikes. Trailing the cold sabre energy, Teng Yi felt helpless and overpowered, taking five continuous steps back in order to counter his two strikes.

Taking advantage of this window, Xiang Shaolong carried on delivering one mighty slash after another. The aura of his indomitable sabre attacks caused everyone including the girls and the Guardians to feel their hearts turning cold.

Teng Yi is a worthy opponent after all. Only after meeting another ten blows did he take another two steps back.

Xiang Shaolong retrieved his sabre and retreated but he still retained his aura of dominance.

Teng Yi laughed loudly: "If Third Brother has the intention to take my life, I am afraid I will be dead or severely maimed."

Jing Shan was flabbergasted: "What kind of sword play is that?"

Xiang Shaolong solemnly state: "It is not sword play, it is sabre play!"

Talented Lady Ji agreed: "This is Shaolong's creation: Hundred Battle Sabre Play. It is more powerful than Mozi Swordplay. Guan Zhongxie is in trouble!"

Amidst their cheering, everyone went back to the houses.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Qin Qing's melodious voice sang out from within the room: "Who is it?"

Xiang Shaolong dryly coughed: "It is me. Can I come in?"

Qin Qing answered: "Yes, oh, no!"

Xiang Shaolong has already barged in. He was curious: "Why did Grand Tutor Qin first said Yes and then said no? Hey, what are you doing?"

Qin Qing stood up from her seat on the floor rug. Her bedroom has a stove on so it is as warm as Spring. She is dressed in an ordinary white dress with a lake green singlet. Coupled with her exquisite face, she resembled a heavenly angel.

On the floor are several pieces of protective plates. Most of them are square but there are also some rectangular and triangular pieces. There are small holes along the edges and Qin Qing is busy sewing them together. She appears to be sewing an armoured vest and the front part is already completed. There are another thirty odd pieces on the floor that has yet to be sewn.

Her petite face turning red, Qin Qing was furious: "Aren't you out for archery? Why did you come back so soon?"

Noticing the plates on the floor, Xiang Shaolong came to her side and smiled: "Aren't these Uncle Qing's protective plates? Hey, Grand Tutor Qin must be weaving an armoured vest for me, isn't it?"

Even the root of her ears has become red. Nodding, Qin Qing tried to wriggle her way out: "I am pretty free compared to the rest. Tingfang and Zhi Zhi have to manage Bao'er and Yanran is occupied with the Black Dragon construction, so I tried to find something to do to pass the time. Ai, can you stop staring at me in such a manner?" Lowering her head, she added: "Do you realise that this is my bedroom?"

Xiang Shaolong relished: "It is fortunate that I did not treat this place like a forbidden ground, otherwise, I will not have seen Grand Tutor Qin's dedication to me. In the future, when I put on the vest, it is like… Hey! It is like Grand Tutor Qin…"

Qin Qing stomped her foot: "Can you please stop saying anymore?"

Xiang Shaolong's heart is as sweet as honey. He gently asked: "When I barged into the Qin Residence the other day, you hid the embroidery that you were sewing, I wonder…"

Qin Qing embarrassedly walked away and stopped at the window with her back to him. She lowered her head in silence, and silence means that she is indeed sewing something for him.

Xiang Shaolong can feel his pulse racing. Going to her back, he hardened his heart and grabbed her chiselled shoulders.

Qin Qing trembled for a while before calming down. Amazingly, she did not put up any struggle.

Xiang Shaolong leaned forward and pressed onto her smooth cheek and inhaled her fragrance deeply, gently reminiscing: "I can still remember the first time I saw you. It was right outside the Crown Prince's study. We were both reprimanded by you and we are like complete idi0ts. From then on, my respect and love for you is like an immortal."

Under his warm teasing, Qin Qing's body softened and leaned backwards into his arms. She moaned: "Your words are really unique. Complete Idi0ts. Like an immortal. I am only doing what is right but the two of you are clowning around, causing me to lose my temper. I nearly died of anger then."

Xiang Shaolong can feel her tender back against his own body and he was enveloped in her fragrance. His two eyes feasted on her peerless face, he thought about her virginity and was in ecstasy. His courage grew by leaps and bounds and he proposed: "Grand Tutor Qin, will you be my wife?"

Qin Qing's body shook strongly. First, her eyes shone with delight before they darkened again. She shook her head.

His hands and feet turning cold at once, Xiang Shaolong was shocked: "You do not want to marry me?"

Qin Qing had a fright too: "No, Ai, don't jump to conclusions. If I am unwilling to marry you, I will not have come to the farms with you. I am only concerned about you. For the past few years, there have been countless marriage proposals from many members of the royal family as well as high ranking officials. They have all been rejected with the same excuse: I have no more intention to remarry. If I change my mind and marry you, it will incur much jealousy among them. Even though they are unable to prevent us from marrying, they will act unfavourably against you. You must not forget Empress Ji. She seems to have guessed our relationship!"

Xiang Shaolong heaved a sigh of relief and proudly proclaimed: "Let them say or do whatever they want. When have I been afraid of anyone?" Turning her around, he hugged her tightly. The sensation of feeling her soft bouncy breasts and their legs entangled together is something that cannot be described in words.

Qin Qing opened her mouth and began panting slightly. Her eyes are half-closed, adding to her unparalleled charm.

The number one beauty of Qin forced her eyes open and declared: "Shaolong, if you really head to the borders one day, by hook or by crook, I must go with you. But please do not incur the public's wrath because of me. Ai, since I have come all the way here, I have already regarded you as my hubby, Ah!"

Xiang Shaolong greedily kissed her and allowed her to enjoy the unreserved pleasure of intimacy of a love relationship. By the time they stopped kissing, the usually strong-willed woman has completely melted in his arms. Her arms proactively embraced his well-built neck and her body is soft but burning with passion.

The flames of love are burning stronger than ever.

Qin Qing whispered into his ear: "Let's act normally on the surface but behind closed doors, you can do whatever you want, all right? Ah!"

How can Xiang Shaolong hold it any longer? Carrying Qin Qing up in both arms, he walked towards her bed.

By the time Xiang Shaolong woke up, it is already dark outside.

Qin Qing's voluptuous figure is still intertwined with his body.

Xiang Shaolong fondled her again and Qin Qing is awakened by his touches. Discovering Xiang Shaolong's caress, she remained submissive. Just when things are getting interesting, she suddenly sat upright and revealed the top half of her flawless body, wailing: "Oh no, it is all your fault. We have missed dinner. How am I going to face Yanran and the rest in the future?"

Xiang Shaolong cheerfully sat up and hugged her, coaxing: "It is normal for people to fall in love. Who dares to make fun of our Grand Tutor Qin? Come, let me help Grand Tutor get dressed. I am the one who undressed you so I should also be the one who dressed you"

Qin Qing may have made love to him but still cannot stand his teasing. She demanded: "Get out of my room and check out what is happening outside. Come back and report to me as soon as possible."

Xiang Shaolong accepted her order and jumped out of bed. He hurriedly got dressed and came back shortly. Qin Qing is sitting in front of the bronze mirror tidying up her hair. Xiang Shaolong seized her hand: "There is no need to comb any further. I love to see you with your hair and clothes in a mess. Moreover, everyone has gone to sleep. Only the Tian sisters are waiting to serve us. I have instructed them to bring dinner to us so you need not expose yourself outside."

Right this moment, Tian Zhen and Tian Feng came in with a knowing smile. After setting up dinner, they left. Qin Qing let out a cry and fell into Xiang Shaolong's arms, complaining: "Shaolong, you have really gotten me into trouble!"

Xiang Shaolong was surprised: "What did I do?"

Her eyes filled with numerous emotions, Qin Qing shyly replied: "Without you by my side in the future, my days will be full of sorrow!"

Xiang Shaolong helped her up and supported her up. He shook his head: "A short parting is sweeter than marriage. This is how deep our love is."

Qin Qing was in a daze and repeated 'a short parting is sweeter than marriage' a few times before sighing: "No wonder even with Yanran's talent, she still has to submit to you. Hubby's words are the most pleasing to the ear."

Feeling guilty, Xiang Shaolong gently asked: "Shall I feed you?"

Qin Qing nodded her head. What followed was a night of love and passion.

For the next ten odd days, Xiang Shaolong controlled his desires and spent all his time practising his sabre play, making huge progress.

On this day, he dragged the Guardians out to be his sparring partners. After he has defeated all of them soundly, Ji Yanran secretively got everyone to a location outside the farm.

At the riverside, everyone stopped their horses. She started: "Recently, a black dragon has been sighted along this river. Is hubby brave enough to kill this beast and save the people?"

Besides her, Teng Yi chortled: "If the dragon is really destroyed, Uncle Qing will strangle every one of you here."

Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed: "The Black Dragon has been completed?"

Qin Qing shouted: "Look!"

Everyone followed her line of sight and saw a strange head surfacing from below the water. With lights shining from its eyes, it was followed by several metres of the dragon body surfacing. It is a chilling scene.

However, within a minute, before the dragon can swim closer, it has already broken into two.

Ji Yanran cursed: "Those fools!"

The black dragon has now broken up into several pieces. As the river is filled with air bubbles, the men operating the dragon frantically surfaced and swam towards shore.

Wu Tingfang and the others are laughing so hard they nearly fell down from their horses.

Holding back his own laughter, Teng Yi assured: "There is no need to fret. It is just some minor engineering issue. The weather is too cold too. They should be fine after a few more practices."

Xiang Shaolong is already very satisfied with the demonstration. After praising Ji Yanran, Xiang Shaolong turned his horse towards the direction of home and sighed: "These time spent back at the farms are so carefree and joyful. Thinking that I have to go back and face that smelly Premier Mentor, I don't have any appetite anymore."

Teng Yi mused: "Little Jun is the exact opposite. He is so unwilling to stay here at the farms."

Wu Tingfang laughed: "Of course. Without Lu Dan'er, what joy is there for him!"

Ji Yanran enquired: "There is another ten days till Lu Buwei's birthday. When is hubby returning?"

Xiang Shaolong thought for while and decided: "The day after tomorrow!"

Qin Qing reminded: "We must take precautions in case Lu Buwei sets an ambush for us along the way."

Xiang Shaolong commented: "The possibilities may not be high but you are right. It is better to be safe than sorry."

Teng Yi proudly state: "I have already made arrangements. This trip back to Xianyang City will be without hassle. I have sent men to monitor the roads so safety is not an issue."

Zhao Zhi smiled: "This time, I must also go and watch hubby fight and kill Guan Zhongxie that "

Wu Tingfang clapped her hands in agreement.

Ji Yanran frowned: "What if Lu Buwei really decided to marry her daughter to you? What shall we do?"

Qin Qing smiled: "This is why Lu Buwei sent his men to attack the farms. He has his own fears too. Lu Buwei is also afraid that Guan Zhongxie will lose too. Thus, even if Shaolong wins, Lu Buwei will never marry his daughter to him."

Slapping his horse forward, Xiang Shaolong laughed: "Who cares what will happen? Most importantly, we must kill Guan Zhongxie first. We will solve whatever problem that comes along the way."

With their fighting spirit at their peak, everyone slapped their horses and gave chase, leaving a long trail of horse tracks on the snow grounds. After gaining the Hundred Battle Sabre, Xiang Shaolong has no more fear of anyone anymore.

Book 18 Chapter 01 – The Empress Moves Out Of The Palace

Xiang Shaolong has just passed the city gates when he received Xiao Pan's imperial edict to enter the palace at once.

Xiao Pan is in the inner court discussing matters with Lu Buwei, Lord Changping and other high ranking officials. After waiting in the Imperial Study for an hour, Xiang Shaolong managed to see Xiao Pan.

After they got seated, Xiao Pan smiled: "Does Master know this man named Feng Qie? He is our law minister."

Xiang Shaolong replied with a smile: "What is it regarding that Crown Prince specially mentioned this person?"

Xiao Pan plainly replied: "This man has some backbone and is not fearful of authority. He even dared to rebut me in court. He may be influenced by the Spring-Autumn Annals of Lu. He has been criticising our Qin laws, saying that they are too harsh and we paid too little heed to the teachings of the sages."

Xiang Shaolong mused: "In this case, Crown Prince should be upset instead. Why did you sound pleased when talking about this person?"

Xiao Pan laughed heartily: "Master knows me best. Some of his arguments do make sense. For example, he pointed out that the Kings of every state will issue new laws according to changes in society. The changes are often abrupt and take place instantly, causing confusion among the officials and the people, creating unnecessary legal issues. This is very true. We need a uniform legislative process to make our country stronger."

Gazing at this soon-to-be-eighteen future Qin Shi Huang, Xiang Shaolong is filled with respect. It is not because he has grasped the importance of uniform law making, but that he is open to alternative views and criticism.

Xiao Pan whispered: "Initially, I thought he is Lu Buwei's man but he speaks with the same fearless aura as Master. After that, using the farm invasion report, he censured Lu Buwei strongly. As a result, I am confident that he is unafraid of death like Master. Ha! This man may not be good with administration but I am sure he will make a good Administrative Premier."

Xiang Shaolong was stunned. Isn't Li Si's dream going to end up in smoke? He frantically interrupted: "The Crown Prince must reconsider. I think Official Li is a better choice."

Xiao Pan shook his head: "Talking about choices, I think Master is the best choice. Have you ever heard Li Si rebutting anyone? In terms of knowledge, Li Si is ten times better than Feng Qie. He is wise and may have even surpassed Shang Yang. From his Three Premiers Nine Ministers organization, he is most suited to be the Law minister and handle our great laws of Qin. I can also use his talent to build a lawful country in preparation of uniting the world one day."

Xiang Shaolong is dumbfounded. In terms of ruling a country, he would not dare to debate with the man who will unite China.

At the end of the day, the Law Minister is still considered a high ranking post and Li Si should be contented.

At the same time, he can see his own influence over Xiao Pan. Because Feng Qie speaks like himself, Xiao Pan immediately has a high opinion of him.

Success is no coincidence. It is because Xiao Pan is capable of putting talent to good use which gives him the opportunity to conquer the world.

Turning happy, Xiao Pan continued in a low voice: "Little Jun has told me everything about the farm battle. I cannot believe it is so exciting. Master could be even better than Bai Qi. If Master fields an army in the future, I am sure you will be undefeated."

Xiang Shaolong smiled to himself; this is his worst fear. Since Xiao Pan has this idea already, he will have to act accordingly sooner or later. Luckily, it is not an immediate concern. Changing the topic, he asked: "How did Lu Buwei shift the blame off himself?"

A cold murderous look flashed past Xiao Pan's eyes. He detailed: "He released them unconditionally and find a few scapegoats to be executed, saying they are the masterminds. Thus, there is no way we can verify anything. If not for the Black Dragon scheme, I would have summoned him privately and kill him personally. Hng! Meng Ao deserves to be killed too. Fortunately, he has two capable sons."

He faced Xiang Shaolong and implored: "Has the Black Dragon been completed?"

Xiang Shaolong explained the details.

Xiao Pan sighed: "Thank Heavens that Master has came up with this miraculous solution or I would not know how to counter Lu Buwei. Hei! My success today is all owed…"

Xiang Shaolong interrupted: "Don't say such things. Crown Prince has been chosen by Heaven to unite the world. As your subordinate, I am just doing my best!"

Deeply moved, Xiao Pan could not say anything for a while. Finally, he sighed: "Yesterday, Empress moved to Oasis Palace!"

Oasis Palace is situated north of the city among other royal buildings. It is considered to be a position that opposes the main palace. Since Zhu Ji has moved there without her son, their relationship must be in dire straits.

Xiang Shaolong frowned: "Did you have a big fight with her?"

With a wronged expression, Xiao Pan shook his head: "On the contrary. I have listened to Master's instructions and did my best to repair my relationship with her. When she brought up the topic of moving to Oasis Palace, I did my best to make her stay but she was completely oblivious to my pleas. I smell a rat too. Hei! Actually, it is better that she moved out. I need not witness her scandalous acts."

Xiang Shaolong understands that he is referring to Zhu Ji and Lao Ai's illicit affair. He felt funny too. By right, Zhu Ji should stay in the palace to maintain her influence over politics and power. Why did she choose to leave Xianyang Palace? He had a brainwave and recalled Qin Qing. Based on her information network, she is the best person to investigate this strange behaviour.

Xiang Shaolong questioned: "Does she partake in the morning court sessions and official meetings?"

Xiao Pan smiled: "Of course she will not give up her power. She may not always be present but insists that every edict must be approved by her regardless of importance. Now, dealing with her is even more difficult than before. The most annoying issue is the rise of Lao Ai. Acting like her spokesman, he has been quite vocal and is always sowing discord between Empress and others. I wish I can kill him with one stroke."

After a short contemplation, Xiang Shaolong laughed: "Since this is the case, we should support him and make him the official representative of Empress. With his insatiable ambition, he will clash with Lu Buwei sooner or later. When that happens, we can sit by the side and enjoy a good show."

Xiao Pan is incensed: "But every time I see him, I am so irritated…"

Xiang Shaolong smilingly cut him off: "To achieve big things, we must have tolerance and real skills, doing what others cannot do. Ultimately, Lao Ai is only a clown who is only good at ganging up with other crooks. The damage he can cause can never match up to Lu Buwei. He is only good with the Empress backing him. In other's opinion, he is still Lu Buwei's man but if we can make him more powerful, it is as good as creating more trouble for Lu Buwei. Crown Prince, I think we should tolerate him for a few more years!"

Xiao Pan realised: "Master is right. As long as I am not coroneted, I have to give face to Empress. Hei! Before she moved, she insisted that I make Lao Ao a marquis. I declined immediately. From that day onwards, she refused to co sign my edicts, making it hard for the officials to begin their work. Ai! I guess I have to comply with her."

Xiang Shaolong commented: "A wise man act according to circumstances. Crown Prince can let Empress know that after the Spring Festival, when it is time to make new changes, you will promote Lao Ai to be a marquis."

Xiao Pan was perplexed: "It is not so easy. Empress even wanted me to promote a few of his cronies. For example, Lao Ai wants his own clansman Lao Si to be the Interior Minister. There is also Ling Qi and Han Jie who are his new recruits. Empress wants them to be promoted too and I can feel a headache coming."

Xiang Shaolong already saw this coming. Without these implementations, Lao Ai will not dare to rebel in the future.

He comforted: "No matter how powerful they grow, they cannot accomplish much. To gain Empress's support, Crown Prince has to bear with this. Don't fret. Lu Buwei's headache is worse than yours!"

Xiao Pan thought about it and laughed: "Somehow, everything is easily solved when they come to you. I will follow Master's advice."

After further discussion, Xiang Shaolong left the palace and went to find Qin Qing.

They had only parted shortly but Xiang Shaolong is already here to see her. Qin Qing is especially delighted and received him in the inner hall.

Since they mated, Xiang Shaolong has to focus on his training so they did not have any more close contact. Meeting her in the inner hall, they both felt intimacy and some awkwardness at the same time. It was simply refreshing and yet they felt lost too.

In the end, Xiang Shaolong held her hand and asked: "Have you heard that Empress is moving to Oasis Palace?"

Qin Qing's eye brows tightened and she whispered: "I knew it the moment I came back. The attendants she brought to the Oasis Palace are all her own people so I am afraid I cannot conduct any investigation for you."

Pulling her to the rear garden, Xiang Shaolong and Qin Qing came to a bridge and sat down on the railings. With one hand hugging her slender waist, Xiang Shaolong pondered; "There must be a reason for her moving. I wonder what it is."

With his arm around her, Qin Qing's body turned soft instantly and leaned onto him, pressing her own leg against his. Despite the cold winter, her face is burning hot like the summer sun. She joyfully whined: "Can Official Xiang watch his behaviour? The servants may see us!"

Xiang Shaolong let out a loud laugh and lifted her to sit on his lap.

Qin Qing cried out in panic and lost her balance. When she straightened herself, her lips are already locked onto his.

After a round of kissing and teasing, a satisfied Xiang Shaolong exclaimed: "This is to punish you for calling me Official Xiang. Do you plead guilty?"

Qin Qing was feeling sweet in her heart. Shooting him a charming look, she wailed; "So domineering!"

Xiang Shaolong is intoxicated by her charm. He hates himself for losing his ability to conceive after coming to this era. If he can impregnate Qin Qing or Ji Yanran, it will be really blissful. Thinking about this, his body shook uncontrollably.

Seeing his changed expression, Qin Qing was shocked: "What is it?"

Looking at the far distance, Xiang Shaolong whispered: "This is bad. Empress must be pregnant."

Stepping into the Wu Residence, he heard that Zou Yan is back. Xiang Shaolong is overjoyed and inquired on his whereabouts. Zou Yan is chatting with Ji Yanran in the inner chamber and he hurriedly joined them.

Looking great as normal, Zou Yan is also glad to see Xiang Shaolong.

Ji Yanran has already told him the reason for inviting him back. After dinner, Zou Yan dragged Xiang Shaolong to the garden pavilion for a chat. Ji Yanran naturally tagged along. Snowflakes are flying through the sky and illuminated by their lamps, making it a pleasant sight.

Xiang Shaolong embarrassedly began: "Because of us, we have to bother godfather to come all the way here. We are really…"

Zou Yan chuckled and interrupted: "Since when did Shaolong become so polite? You need not feel bad as I am also thinking of travelling back to Qi and see my old friends."

Xiang Shaolong remembered Shan Rou and was about to say something when Ji Yanran indicated: "You need not say it. I have already told godfather to help us search for Sister Rou. Based on his contacts in Qi, this should be an easy task."

He was beginning to get worried about Shan Rou. Thus, Xiang Shaolong is comforted to know this news. Shan Rou's swordsmanship is outstanding so it should be easy to locate her.

Sitting down beside a stone table, Zou Yan's eyes twinkled and he state in a deep voice: "To think that in my senior years, I, Zou Yan, is able to help cultivate a New Saint. There are many miracles in this world but none are as amazing as this."

Ji Yanran gently informed Xiang Shaolong: "Godfather has completed his masterpiece <> and has ordered me to safe keep it for him!"

Xiang Shaolong was feeling strange about this. In a way, he understood that Zou Yan can foresee the future and know that Xiao Pan will unite the world. Therefore, he decided to leave his masterpiece in Qin. Otherwise, it may be destroyed or lost during wars. He was inspired: "Godfather, feel free to tell us what to do with your <>."

His eyes shining with pleasure, Zou Yan smiled: "When the Black Dragon appears, Shaolong will be responsible for presenting it to Crown Prince Zheng. This is a hundred times better than me propagating it."

Ji Yanran was blown away: "Godfather is leaving us before the Black Dragon event?"

Zou Yan shook his head, sighing: "Heaven has its plans and I don't think I can wait so long. Even if you two did not look for me, I would have looked for you to settle my last wishes."

Ji Yanran's face lost colour at once. Taking a panic look at Xiang Shaolong, she wailed: "Godfather!"

Zou Yan gave a carefree laugh: "Spring leaves and Summer comes. This is nature and humans are the same. Yanran, do you not understand?"

Ji Yanran is not ordinary person. Forcing a smile, she agreed; "Godfather is right! Thanks for the advice."

Xiang Shaolong nodded in agreement. Feeling melancholic, he recited the words of the famous Song Dynasty philosopher Su Shi: "Humans meet and part, undergo joy and sorrow. The moon becomes full and crescent dependingly. Godfather is right."

Zou Yan is astounded and stared at him along with Ji Yanran for a while before praising: "Shaolong is very better than me in seeing past life and death." Pausing, he added: "Lu Buwei still has some luck on his side. Before the Crown Prince coronation, Shaolong must bear with him. Do not confront him directly and I can rest in peace."

Xiang Shaolong could not help but sincerely respect him from the bottom of his heart. Zou Yan is surely the most intelligent man during this ancient period. Only he, Xiang Shaolong, can truly appreciate his deep wisdom. No wonder his five virtues theory is able to spread far and wide, applying to politics, science and even the arts.

Zou Yan continued to stare at the falling snow in silence.

Ji Yanran softly asked: "Godfather! When we create a Black Dragon like this, are we deceiving the gods?"

Zou Yan laughed: "It is something really creative! But Heaven has decreed that the new Saint will be Crown Prince Zheng whose rise will be due to Shaolong's efforts. Although the six states have some might now, they are fools who plot against one another. In the future when the Crown Prince has received full authority, the end of the six states will be in sight."

Xiang Shaolong was astonished: "After all, Godfather is a Qi native. Why are you not worried about your own country's fate?"

Zou Yan calmly replied: "Qi just happens to be my birth place. My mission is to help unite the world. Moreover, the present King is an idi0t. Thinking about this, I could not help but feel angry."

Ji Yanran added: "Godfather and I have the same view. Only when the world is united can the people enjoy real peace and harmony. But when I thought of Shaolong's 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely', I am concerned that Crown Prince Zheng may change and is no longer the wise and responsible person he is now. That is a system flaw."

Xiang Shaolong unwittingly let out Heaven's Secret: "This will only change when the people become democratic and rule the country as a representative group of people rather than a single monarch. But that will only take place around two thousand years later."

Zou Yan and Ji Yanran are totally swept away. After exchanging looks with each other, Ji Yanran curiously asked: "How can there be such a system? How does hubby know for sure that this will take place two thousand years later?"

Kicking himself, Xiang Shaolong shook his head and awkwardly replied: "I am just making a wild guess!"

Zou Yan smiled: "Shaolong often speaks with great wisdom, proving that you are no ordinary man. Otherwise, my dear daughter will not love you wholeheartedly."

He looked up to the sky again. The moon and stars are absent and the sky is filled with countless snowflakes. He bleakly concluded: "It is late! I need to rest early. Tomorrow, I will head back to Qi."

Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran exchanged a glance, understanding that this great philosopher has consulted astrology and predicted that his death is near.

This is their last reunion.