21-10 -- 22-1

Book 21 Chapter 10 - A Shattered Dream

Following Xu Ran, Xiang Shaolong stepped into the cabins and came to a door.

Xu Ran stopped in his tracks and pushed the door inwards. He gestured: "Master Zhang is inside, you can go in on your own!"

Surprisingly, there was no ambush along the corridors. Instead, melodious music can be heard from the upper decks. This is a brilliant situation to trap Xiang Shaolong. Even if he shouted for help, no one can hear him.

Xiang Shaolong grinned and viciously used his own shoulder to smash into Xu Ran's shoulder.

Caught unaware, Xu Ran called out in shock and stumbled into the cabin.

A black cloth bag swiftly clamped down and enveloped Xu Ran's head and face. The bag was secured and Xu Ran was dragged deeper into the cabin. Gu Ming, Fu Yan, a few other drivers, Wu Xun and a few family warriors pounced upon Xu Ran, raining merciless, heavy blows on him.

Xiang Shaolong slipped into the cabin and closed the door behind him. Xu Ran is already pitifully writhing on the floor like a freshly cooked shrimp.

These men may be overly excited to carry out their task and did not notice that they were beating the wrong person. Xiang Shaolong and Xu Ran are dressed very differently and have different body builds as well.

Gu Ming was the first to notice that the man standing at the cabin door is Xiang Shaolong and not Xu Ran. Flabbergasted, he pointed dumbly at Xiang Shaolong but no words can come out from his mouth.

By now, everyone realized they have laid their hands on the wrong person.

Xiang Shaolong shook his head slowly and sighed, "Do you know what your mistake is?"

Xiang Shaolong dashed forward and came to the side of the short strongman, Wu Xun, in a flash. Using his momentum, he kneeled Wu Xun in his nether regions.

Back in the 21st century, Xiang Shaolong is an expert when it comes to bar fights. He totally understood the principle - To capture a man, shoot his horse; to nab the thieves, capture the bandit king.

Wu Xun is a strong, well-built and courageous man. Otherwise, he would not posses the strength to push Xiang Shaolong down the gangplank. Therefore, Xiang Shaolong chose to attack him first and attacked his most vulnerable spot as well.

His speed is too incredible and Wu Xun did not have the slightest chance to defend himself.

The next moment, Xiang Shaolong has already slipped in between the two family warriors. Using his two elbows, he strike both men heavily at the side of the rib cages.

These close combat techniques are most applicable while fighting in tight and narrow spaces. It is hard for the opponents to predict his moves and he can easily use the opponents' bodies to shield himself.

Both family warriors cried out in pain and collapsed.

By now, Xiang Shaolong has leapt to the front of Fu Yan. Avoiding a punch to his face, he grabbed Fu Yan's neck with both hands and kneeled him twice below his abdomen.

With another flying kick, he sent another driver soaring through the air. PIAK! The driver hit the ship's wall.

From the upper decks, the music became more lively and high pitched, as if it is cheering Xiang Shaolong.

Out of a sudden, someone grabbed Xiang Shaolong from behind. Releasing Fu Yan and letting him kneel down to the ground, Xiang Shaolong used Judo and flipped the man behind him over his own head, aiming to slam him in the direction of the cabin window.

BANG! The man's spine hit the cabin window frame and the man rolled to the corner of the ship's wall.

Gu Ming and the other two drivers advanced towards Xiang Shaolong. Using hand-grabbing techniques, Xiang Shaolong had a grip on one of the driver's wrist and kicked him twice in his abdomen. The driver bent over in pain.

Tugging the driver with his enormous strength, he managed to cause the stumbling man to crash head on with the other driver. Both drivers collapsed into a tangled heap.

Gu Ming is now facing Xiang Shaolong alone. The two family warriors had managed to get on their feet but were still in a daze.

Gu Ming is mad with fury and anger is glimmering in his eyes. He drew out a dagger from his bosom and launched a piercing attack towards Xiang Shaolong's chest.

Xiang Shaolong faked a movement and avoided the thrust. Using his hand in a chopping attack, he ruthlessly strikes down on his wrist.

Gu Ming's dagger fell to the ground and he stumbled forward. Xiang Shaolong delivered a crushing punch to his back as he fell.

This overbearing driver landed flat on his face and is a pathetic sight to behold.

JIANG! JIANG! The two family warriors have regained their composure and their aggressive spirits have been ignited. Both drew out their swords.

Bloodwave left its sheath as well and turned into a sword storm.

Never in their wildest imagination did they expect Xiang Shaolong to be a godly swordsman. Among cries of panic, their long swords have long left their grasps and their wrists are bleeding.

Xiang Shaolong sheathed his sword and pressed forward, attacking with his iron fists.

Sounds of bones breaking and chilling screams followed. Three punches later, both men can no longer stand up.

As Gu Ming struggled to get up, Xiang Shaolong pressed him against the ship's wall and landed four heavy blows to his abdomen. Gu Ming vomited a mouthful of fresh blood and sat down with his back against the ship's wall. His pain is indescribable.

The cabin door swung open and was continued by Sister Ling's shriek.

Except for Xiang Shaolong, nobody else is able to stand up.

Xiang Shaolong casually clapped his hands and joked, "How are you, Sister Ling? Aren't you going to report me and get me fired?"

Sister Ling's exquisite face has long been drained of any colour and she is still unable to believe her own eyes. Her lips were shuddering and she is speechless at the same time.

One of the family warriors managed to get on his knees but after puking a mouthful of blood, he fainted back onto the ground.

With his piercing eyes shining a deathly aura, Xiang Shaolong advanced towards Sister Ling.

Sister Ling screamed and fled the scene.

Xiang Shaolong stretched his limbs and believed that it is time for him to leave this ship soon.

Xiang Shaolong is standing confidently in the centre of the spacious main hall of the ship.

Feng Fei is wearing her usual veil. Behind her stood Little Ping'er who is still dressed up as a boy.

This is the first time Xiang Shaolong laid his eyes on the second in command of the Song and Dance Troupe, Dong Shuzen. She is sitting beside Feng Fei and standing beside her is Sister Ling, who is still quivering with fear.

Dong Shuzen is around her twenties and extraordinary features lined her face. Her eyes sparkle like Christmas ornaments and are incredibly lively, betraying her intelligence.

The Head Musician Yun Niang (I typo Yun Liang previously) is present too. She is seated on the other side of Feng Fei. Presently in her middle age, she still retains much of her beauty and portrays a sense of maturity that is lacking in all the young lasses. She is as mesmerizing and alluring as the courtesans.

Zhang Quan is seated on the side with a joyful expression.

Sa Li has been summoned from the other ship to participate in this 'court session.' He is seated opposite Zhang Quan and his eyes are filled with hatred. He looked as if he wants to swallow Xiang Shaolong whole.

The two men and three ladies are seated like a fan, converging on the standing Xiang Shaolong.

Kun Shan and the other family warriors lined up two sides of the hall and the entrance of the hall. Although there are more than twenty people of them in the room, there was complete silence, adding to the stifling atmosphere.

Gu Ming, Fu Yan, Wu Xun, Xu Ran and the others have been properly bandaged. Weak and dejectedly looking, they sat on one side of the hall like a bunch of defeated cocks. They look amusing and yet pitiful at the same time.

Dong Shuzen started, "Shen Liang, what is going on? Since you joined our troupe, there have been numerous incidents. Are you aware that our troupe forbids duelling?"

Her voice is sharp, clear and full of energy. Her singing should be delightful to the ears.

Xiang Shaolong swept his gaze over the entire crowd and found everyone has their eyes on him. Only Feng Fei remains unfathomable. He grinned widely and deepened his voice, replying, "If you wish to know what has happened, why don't you ask Sister Ling instead? She is the mastermind and should know much more than me."

Sa Li interrupted furiously, "Shen Liang, who do you think you are? How dare you be so disrespectful! Kneel!"

Xiang Shaolong's eyes lit up with iciness. He stared incessantly at Sa Li but maintained his silence.

The family warriors supporting Sa Li began to turn boisterous and unruly.

Feng Fei scolded, "Shut up!" Everyone quietened down.

Pressing his hand on his sword hilt, Xiang Shaolong raised his head and laughed, "I'd rather be killed than to be insulted. A man's kneel is as valuable as gold. If you want me to kneel to crooks like Sa Li, you might as well take my life first."

Sa Li stood up immediately and grabbed his sword handle. He grunted, "Then let me take your lowly life."

Xiang Shaolong was greatly amused, "If you can withstand ten strikes from me, I will kow tow ten times to you."

Sa Li is angry beyond comprehension. His face turned from red to white and red again. However, he dare not draw his sword.

Adding fuel to fire, Zhang Quan egged, "If Assistant Manager Sa possesses excellent sword skills, I, Zhang Quan, will like to witness it."

Yun Niang who has been silent all this while sighed, "You are all noisy and unruly. What is this troupe coming to? How can you solve any issues arguing like this?"

Sa Li took the opportunity to stand down. Boiling with rage, he returned to his seat.

Feng Fei softly decided, "Very good. Now let us understand the whole situation first. Wu Xun, you are the head of the family warriors. Tell me what is going on."

Wu Xun is a simple-minded person and is not good with words. He could not find the words to express himself and his face is beginning to turn red.

Gu Ming intervened, "This matter is started by Shen Liang. We brothers are just enjoying ourselves in the cabin when Shen Liang…"

Little Ping'er called out in interruption, "Miss (Feng Fei) is asking Wu Xun, who are you to speak up?"

A grievous Gu Ming swallowed the rest of his words.

Wu Xun finally found his tongue and replied in an anxious tone, "Yes. Shen Liang barged into our cabin and began beating us up with no rhyme or reason. That is all."

Zhang Quan dismissed, "How would he know that all of you are hiding in the cabin and enjoying yourself?"

Wu Xun is speechless once again.

Sa Li frantically countered, "Is General Manager trying to protect this criminal? It is obviously Shen Liang is the one attacking and injuring all these men. Looking at his disrespectful bearing, you should know he is the reckless perpetrator."

Dong Shuzen began to assess Xiang Shaolong. She frowned, "Everyone keep quiet for now."

Turning to Xiang Shaolong, she questioned, "Shen Liang, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Xiang Shaolong will definitely not offer an explanation. He behaved like he cannot be bothered and shrugged his shoulders, "I have nothing to add. Second Mistress just have to say it and I will leave the troupe, concluding this matter."

Zhang Quan's face changed colour, "How can you leave without explaining yourself?"

Xiang Shaolong shot him a cold glare and snorted, "Master Zhang is having ulterior motives in hiring me. Now that I have understood your malicious intentions, I will never allow myself to be used by you. What is the point of staying here?"

Zhang Quan is considerably infuriated that even the green veins on his forehead are protruding. In that moment, his guilty conscience held his tongue.

Sister Ling frostily reprimanded, "You insolent slave, you have injured so many men and there is no way we will let you leave like that!"

Dong Shuzen cut her sentence, "Little Ling, zip it!"

Sister Ling has always enjoyed Dong Shuzen's affections and is seldom publicly admonished like the present situation. She began to tremble with fear and dared not speak anymore.

Xiang Shaolong is initially humoured and nonchalant, awaiting the decision to chase him out of the Song and Dance Troupe.

He purposely pushed the decision into Dong Shuzen's authority because he assumed she would shield her own personal serving maid. When he heard her telling off Sister Ling, he began to worry.

The ship's main hall is filled with total quietness except for Zhang Quan and Sa Li's heavy breathing.

Dong Shuzen firstly looked at the amazing soundless Feng Fei and skimmed everyone in the room. Finally laying her eyes on Xiang Shaolong once again, she frowned slightly and lectured, "It is no longer the issue of the fighting but Shen Liang's bad attitude and lack of respect for others."

Pausing a while, she continued, "You are an extraordinary man but we are just a simple Song and Dance troupe, I am afraid we cannot accommodate your talents here, therefore…"

Xiang Shaolong is about to send his thankful prayers to heaven when Feng Fei suddenly spoke up, "Hold it!"

Everybody turned their attention to her in awe.

Xiang Shaolong's mind became agitated. If Feng Fei identified him, his life will turn into hell.

He deliberately changed his voice, posture and with his new appearance, on top of their one and only meeting, by right he should be able to evade her detection.

Under the scrutiny of every eye in the hall, Feng Fei softly sighed, "Who can imagine that there will be so many issues even in a small troupe such as ours. The fault does not lie with Shen Liang but with the management. I have been very tolerant so far but things are really getting out of hand. I will no longer sit back and do nothing."

Xiang Shaolong was consoled that his cover is not blown. Concurrently, he knows that things are not going according to his plans. If he is not dismissed, is he going to Qi instead? Zhang Quan, Sa Li and Sister Ling's face lost colour upon hearing her words.

Dong Shuzen is feeling uneasy too. She can feel Feng Fei's words are aimed at her as well.

Feng Fei judged, "Shen Liang, you can continue to be my driver with a peace of mind. If anyone were to make trouble for you, you can report to me directly."

Xiang Shaolong was stunned beyond words. He wished he could start crying at the failure of his escape plan.

If he insisted on leaving, doubts will be raised.

Zhang Quan who mistook him for the real Shen Liang now hates him to the core. He may even plot against himself or have misgivings about his identity.

He can only salute and give his thanks.

Feng Fei is now facing Zhang Quan and Sa Li. She gracefully took down her veil, revealed crystal sharp features that can rival Ji Yanran and Qin Qing.

However, her two eyes are frosty and her expression is one of displeasure.

Zhang Quan was terrified and he hastily kneeled down, kowtowing, "I know I am wrong. I know I am wrong!"

Sa Li is still banking on Dong Shuzen's influence and tried to wriggle his way out. He argued, "Mistress, I wasn't on this ship when the incident happened…"

Sister Ling shrieked, "How dare you talk back like this?"

An annoyed Dong Shuzen commanded, "Little Ling, kneel! From today onwards, you need not serve me anymore!"

Sister Ling petite frame was shaking uncontrollably. She broke down crying.

Sa Li finally came to his senses and kneeled down too, kowtowing non-stop.

Feng Fei plainly state, "At the next stop, Sa Li you better scram. Go as far as your legs can take you. Otherwise, don't blame me for being heartless."

Turning to Zhang Quan, she announced, "Taking into consideration all the years you have been with me, and taking into account you realized your mistake, I will only demote you to Assistant Manager. Yu Niang will now control all the finances. Gu Ming and his partners in crime will all be fined a month's salary. Anyone who opposes will be fired on the spot."

Finishing, she ignored Sa Li's pleas and rose, leaving the hall. Even Dong Shuzen was horrified and kneeling on the ground.

Xiang Shaolong has no choice but to kneel down as well. In his mind, he was contemplating to join Sa Li in 'going as far as his legs can take him'.

Feng Fei's astute judgment and insight is something he definitely did not anticipate.

Book 21 Chapter 11 – River Prisoner

After the episode, Xiang Shaolong's status is largely elevated. For a start, he gets to upgrade from his basement bunk to a room in the middle deck. He is now roommates with four other family warriors and no longer face the likes of Gu Ming and the other drivers.

Most importantly, nobody dares to pick on him anymore or even be rude to him verbally. Of course this is not solely based on Feng Fei's warning; it is also due to his assault on Wu Xun and Company.

To a certain extent, he has risen to become the hero of the troupe. Many other colleagues who have been oppressed by Zhang Quan, Sa Li and Sister Ling in the past are now delighted to have Xiang Shaolong vent their frustration.

In the power struggle within the troupe, he is no longer a newcomer but a veteran, a winner. But according to his escape plans, he is the biggest loser.

He is naturally unwilling to be sent to Qi in such a manner but it is suicide to jump into the river and swim away in the middle of winter.

It is still a question if he can successfully slip away at the next landing.

At dinnertime, there is still no one who is courageous enough to strike a conversation with him. Nonetheless, people are beginning to nod their head to acknowledge him and their body language is friendlier.

Xiang Shaolong relished his peace.

When most of the troupe staff retreated back into their rooms to avoid the cold winter wind, he sat alone on a pile of goods at the ship's tail. He stared blankly at the gorgeous scenery on the two riverbanks under the starry sky.

Three other big ships are following closely behind.

Remembering his lovely wives and son in Xianyang, now further and further away from him, and recalling Zhou Liang and the Eagle King's tragic death, as well as his soldiers dying one by one beside him, his chest swelled up with intense emotions and he nearly wanted to shout his lungs out.

Li Mu taught him the bitterness of defeat in war.

But he does not hate him, nor bear thoughts of revenge.

Li Mu did mention, "If we ever meet on the battlefield, there will be no mercy." Li Mu's words felt fresh in his mind, as if it was only spoken to him yesterday.

Now that he is unaccounted for, will Xiao Pan be miserable or secretly celebrating? At the end of the day, Xiang Shaolong represents Xiao Pan's past.

Without Xiang Shaolong, Xiao Pan can be the Great Qin Shihuang without any reservations.

Xiang Shaolong is having conflicting thoughts.

Xiao Pan is changing every day.

In the history of China, every warrior who assisted his Lord significantly never enjoys a good ending, unless he betrayed his lord to be King.

Therefore, he exercised utmost caution in this aspect. He seldom claimed credit for his achievements but he somehow became a centre of power regardless and exerts notable influence over this future Qin Shihuang.

He knew Xiao Pan since his teens; will he be able to avoid this unfortunate tradition? Deep in his contemplations, a gentle female voice sounded beside his ear, "A penny for your thoughts?"

Xiang Shaolong broke out of his stupor and turned his head around. It is the recently promoted, Lead Musician Yu Niang.

He hurriedly got up and paid his respects.

Yu Niang stepped to his side, shoulder-to-shoulder and sighed, "Are you enjoying the scenery here in loneliness because everyone else on this ship is terrified of you? First Mistress (Feng Fei) and I saw you from the upper decks and it is she who asked me to speak to you."

Xiang Shaolong observed at her carefully. This lady should be twenty-seven or twenty eight years old. She maintained her beauty well and her silky skin is comparable to a much younger girl. Her well-defined features are peppered with small signs of aging but she has a more womanly feel. He was mesmerized momentarily. Yun Niang saw him staring at herself and smiled, "Looking at how intoxicated you are earlier, I am sure you enjoy countless days of glory serving Prince Xinling. Out of his three thousand family warriors, being his personal driver is an accomplishment already. Now, no one will belittle you."

Xiang Shaolong recollected the gratitude and enmity between him and Prince Xinling, his bright eyes revealing signs of melancholy. The usually calm and composed Yun Niang was struck by his expression and her heart is beginning to stir. She can feel herself becoming more and more attracted to this man.

Xiang Shaolong caught Yun Niang averting his own gaze and thought to himself, "Even she is afraid of me?"

He sighed: "To be loved everywhere you go or to be feared everywhere you go, which is a better choice?" Yun Niang discovered she cannot relate to Xiang Shaolong as a plain subordinate anymore and his words have aroused her interests. Pushing back her delicate hair which has been blown out of place by the wind, she replied without thinking: "Needless to say, it is better to be loved." Her face reddened when she finished speaking.

Xiang Shaolong shook his head, "This is the mindset of the young and inexperienced. It will be great to have both but that is impossible. I will choose to be feared; at least that keeps me safe."

Yun Niang was stunned at his words. A long while later, she confessed, "You thinking is indeed unique but not without reason. Many who have hurt me in the past are people who loved me. Ai. For your level of talent, why are you contented to be a simple driver?" Even she herself could not comprehend why she is discussing intimate matters with a subordinate.

Xiang Shaolong of course does not suffer from any inferiority complex.

To a modern man from the 21st Century, every human being is equal.

In reply to her question, Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed, "Luck comes in cycles."

Yun Niang will never fully understand his true intentions but after spending some time to grasp the meaning of his words, she was moved, "What an excellent way to describe the factor of luck in our human lives!"

Reluctantly, she bade: "I have to go and report to Miss."

Xiang Shaolong took the chance to enquire, "Are we docking soon?"

Yun Niang responded: "Are you thinking of heading to shore to entertain yourself? Not on this stop. We will reach Li Xia tomorrow but will only dock for two hours. Except for those purchasing supplies, nobody else is permitted to leave the ship. I have to go!" Watching her sashay away, Xiang Shaolong groaned inwardly. Looks like he has to postpone his escape to the stop after the next.

As expected, the ship docked the next day. From the deck, Xiang Shaolong can see the pier swarming with Qi citizens, from commoners to officials. Everyone wants to catch a glimpse of Feng Fei and even the City Mayor personally came on board to pay his respects to Feng Fei, giving Xiang Shaolong no chance to slip away.

He is beginning to grow impatient. This ship resembles an open concept water borne prison to him.

The sole consolation is that throughout these days on board, he has fully recovered from all his ordeals. He looks much better than he was when he was still a fugitive. His skin is no longer coarse and yellow and he is no longer all skin and bones.

On the way back to his room, he bumped into Zhang Quan. He gave Zhang Quan a venomous look but Zhang Quan only smiled in return.

He is now quite friendly with the four family warriors and he tried to ask more about the next pier stop.

One of them named Fei Sun laughed, "Brother Shen must thinking about girls."

This Fei Sun is of middle build, which means he is shorter than Xiang Shaolong by an entire head. With average looks and an easygoing character, he makes everyone around him feel comfortable. Just turning thirty, he is the eldest among the four family warriors.

Another family warrior named Feng Liang answered, "We will be docking at Di City the day after tomorrow and it will also be the last stop before we reach Lin Zi (capital of Qi). If you guys want to have some fun, this is it. I've heard about massive inflation in Lin Zi and we likely cannot afford the fun there."

Feng Liang is a twenty-year-old lad, tall and muscular. He is only shorter by Xiang Shaolong by a few inches and is the most knowledgeable among the four.

Another family warrior is named Lei Yun'er. Younger by Feng Liang by two or three years, he is born with long limbs and resembles a primate with a shapely body. Due to him hooking up with an influential serving maid, he behaves in a superior manner. Despite treating Xiang Shaolong as a friend, he is still demeaning in some ways.

He snorted in boredom, "Who says you need money to get chicks? Watch how I do it when the time comes."

Fei Sun and Feng Liang stood up to protest and the three men are having a noisy banter.

Xiang Shaolong remembered himself and his drinking buddies Little Zhang, Man Niu and Xi Pao back in the 21st Century. The atmosphere is similar and he immediately felt a sense of warmth. When men get together and engage in idle chatter, the topics will hardly deviate from women and money.

Di City is his last chance of escape.

If he arrived in Qi's capital Lin Zi, it will be several times more treacherous.

Just based on Tian Dan's subordinates alone, several of them can easily identify him.

The worst circumstance is that as Feng Fei's driver, he will have to drive her to and fro all the residences of the rich and powerful. His fake identity will be easily exposed and the menace than follows will be overwhelming.

He was about to turn in when there was a knock on the door. A serving maid came looking for Xiang Shaolong, announcing that Feng Fei wants to see him.

Xiang Shaolong was caught by surprise. His heart began to beat faster and faster. Why would Feng Fei want to see a lowly driver like him?

The maid leading the way look slightly familiar and Xiang Shaolong instantly remembered that she is the fierce ***** who scolded him on the first boarding day. He asked: "How do I address Elder Sister?"

The maid coldly hissed, "Why do you have so many questions? Why are you so talkative? When you meet Mistress later, you better know what's good for you. If you infuriate her, you will be having endless trouble in your life."

From her barrage of words, Xiang Shaolong predicted that she is either on Sister Ling's side or even a close acquaintance of her, which explains her dissatisfaction with him. He could not be bothered to see eye to eye with her and smiled silently. They ascended to the upper decks.

Feng Fei is without her veil and is sitting serenely in a special seat in the centre of the ship's hall.

Xiang Shaolong paid his usual respects before sitting down on a floor cushion as gestured by Feng Fei. The cushion is about five feet away from her.

The vicious maid took her leave and only the two of them are left in the hall.

The attraction between males and females is a naturally occurring phenomenon.

Xiang Shaolong could not hold back and feasted his eyes on this grand beauty.

Her sitting posture alone is already exceedingly enthralling. Feng Fei is in a long and wide highly quality silk dress than covers her legs and feet. Parts of the dress that went beyond her feet are folded nicely to her left. Although she was sitting down, her back is straight like a pencil, causing her breasts to become more prominent. It was a proud yet elegant pose. Any ordinary man will be tempted to touch her and it must be a heavenly feeling to touch such an extraordinary beauty.

Her hair is tied up into a bun and her expression is peaceful and gentle. Xiang Shaolong finally understood why Tu Xian praised her as 'A beauty inside and outside.'

Placed beside her is a 5-string zither. The strong wooden smell and the deep wooden colour contrast well with her white dress, embroidered with a yellow phoenix, increasing her attractiveness.

This will be the perfect sitting portrait. It transcends pure beauty and is more like a work of art, a poem.

There is a pot of burning wood in the hall and the occasional cackling sound from the fire, coupled with the sounds of waves hitting the ship, formed a melodious tune.

Even a strong willed man like Xiang Shaolong can feel his heart slowly melting away in from of this enchanting beauty.

It is no surprise why she the head of the Three Courtesans.

No wonder the number of Kings, Marquises, Generals and Lords who succumbed to her looks are immeasurable.

As long as she paid a little bit more attention to anyone is more than enough to send them into ecstasy.

As he was fighting his own agitations, Feng Fei plainly asked, "How did Prince Wuji die?"

Xiang Shaolong raised his sense of awareness, lowered his head and replied in a pained tone, "If Mistress had asked me the same question in Daliang, I will never give an honest answer."

He continued speaking with great emotion as if he was there to witness the entire scene, "Anli that incompetent King is gravely ill and is about to pass on. Lord Longyang and Crown Prince descended upon our Residence with a large army, delivering a single cup of wine. Prince Xinling summoned us batch by batch to give instructions about his funeral and his will. He then drank that cup of wine. Ai!"

Xiang Shaolong knew that he must tell a detailed story or he might arouse the suspicions of this intelligent beauty. Thus, he cooked up the whole fairy tale to avoid her pressing for other facts.

As anticipated, Feng Fei did not show any signs of disbelief. She lightly sighed and did not speak further.

Thinking at the speed of light, Xiang Shaolong suspected that Feng Fei might be interviewing him now to test her theories.

Nevertheless, he is confident to smoke his way through. Although they had an unplanned encounter with dim lightings and his dressing and posture are now vastly different from before. He has a face full of beard now and is still about 5kg thinner than before. The best cover for him is that Zhang Quan hired him from the official stables of Wei. Of course no one will expect such an incredible turn of events except for Xiang Shaolong.

Feng Fei laid his eyes on his face and softly asked, "Shen Liang, are you really just an ordinary driver for Prince Wuji?"

Xiang Shaolong was slightly taken aback but his quick thinking mind has already produced a story for him. He confessed, "Mistress is indeed sharp. I used to be working for the great Zhao General Lian Po. With General Lian, we left Zhao to depend on Prince Wuji. I became his family warrior and I thought I could make a name for myself. But heaven has other plans for me and I became a destitute in Daliang. After these two upheavals, I harbour no more ambitions. All I wish is to make my fortune, find a rural village and live a simple life until I die."

Feng Fei was impressed, "Heaven has other plans for me. What an excellent saying. It manages to convey a sense of helplessness and disappointment in it. Brother Shen, your encounters are definitely lamentable, but if it is not too meager for your worldly talents, how would you like to be my troupe General Manager?"

Xiang Shaolong feigned embarrassment and lowered his head, imploring, "Since when do I deserve Mistress to call me Brother? Moreover, I am still a newcomer and don't command the respect of the troupe yet. Mistress, please reconsider your decision."

Feng Fei smiled, "I have toured all the seven states and have met all kinds of people. You are someone who does not succumb to pressure, can hold your ground and exceptionally self-assured. From these I can tell that you are not used to a lowly position. Ai! You reminded me of someone I once met in Xianyang. If not for Zhang Quan vouching for your identity, I would have made a mistake."

Xiang Shaolong was shocked but he pretended to be keenly interested, enquiring: "Do I really resemble your friend?"

Feng Fei scrutinized him carefully and her eyes showed signs of uncertainty. She dreamily replied: "There is a certain resemblance, especially your eyes. But even without Zhang Quan's verification, I also know that you cannot be him. There is news from Zhongmou that he has safely returned. It is amusing how Wei nearly combed every inch of Daliang just to find out that it is a mistake. Of course they cannot find their target!"

Xiang Shaolong was hit by a realization. He is certain that Teng Yi and Jing Jun have received news from Jing village about his whereabouts. They deliberately create a smokescreen; spreading rumours that he is safely back in Zhongmou. This will convince his enemies to give up searching for him. This is a truly brilliant strategy. All they have to do is find Wu Guo or someone with a similar built as him and with simple disguise make up; he can pass off as Xiang Shaolong when viewed from afar.

The only person who saw him in Daliang is Lord Longyang, who is in a dilemma as well, for if he tells the truth he would also be blamed for letting Xiang Shaolong escape.

Ultimately, Lord Longyang is still loyal to him. He did not contest the rumours and kept quiet, indirectly giving him a lifeline. Regarding the secret palace tunnels, they may still be undiscovered or even when discovered, may not be linked to him, as the idea would seem too far-fetched.

With all these new information entering his brain, Xiang Shaolong can finally smell salvation, the light at the end of the tunnel. Invigorated like a new man, he held back his joy and mentioned instead, "Mistress must be referring to Xiang Shaolong of Qin."

Feng Fei looked at him emotionally, her eyes betraying her longing for that encounter, but she kept quiet.

In this moment, Xiang Shaolong recognizes that Feng Fei has some feelings for him and is greatly honoured.

Feng Fei gently revealed, "After my visit to Lin Zi, I would have accomplished my dream of touring all the States. I will disband the Song and Dance Troupe, return back to the South and live an ordinary life."

Xiang Shaolong was shaken, "So Mistress is intending to retire."

Feng Fei lightly smiled, "I am not somebody who can sit still in one place. Since I cannot conquer the world through power, I shall influence the world through my music, glorifying the songs and dances left behind by our ancestors. This trip to Lin Zi will be a rather challenging one. Someone has leaked the news that I am going to disband my troupe after visiting Lin Zi. Now everyone is watching my every move. Brother Shen should know what I mean."

Xiang Shaolong was baffled, "Since this is the case, why doesn't Mistress abandon this trip? All your problems will be solved, wouldn't it?"

Feng Fei simply countered, "If I did not cover Lin Zi in my tour, it will be like a missing jig saw puzzle, I will never live it down. Moreover, isn't life about meeting challenges and not running away from challenges? If I back out now, I will live in regret for the rest of my life."

Pausing, she added, "Talented men like you are not easily acquired. Why don't we trade our dreams? When Brother Shen successfully assisted me in leaving Qi safely, and not condemned to be someone's mistress or concubine, I will reward Brother Shen with twenty ingots of gold, securing your livelihood for life."

Xiang Shaolong can feel a headache coming. Firstly, he himself is unwilling to go to Lin Zi. Even if he somehow made it there, he will do his utmost to stay low profile to avoid detection. As the General Manager of the Song and Dance Troupe, he has to face the likes of Tian Dan, as well as the dignitaries of Qi on a daily basis. He, too, has to manage the duties of the managing the troupe and prepare counter tactics to protect Feng Fei's chasity. Taking up this job is as good as offering his neck to the executioner's sword.

Simultaneously, he can understand Feng Fei's predicament.

As long as the Song and Dance Troupe is touring the States, they cannot be violated. But once this protective status is gone, every man will wish to bring this fresh flower home to his bedroom.

These is a unique culture and attitude; provided that Feng Fei keeps the same distance from everyone and maintain her neutrality, she can maintain her individual status. Upon disbandment of the troupe, she becomes available to the public and men will definitely fight over her.

Her considerations are not without reason.

Xiang Shaolong can only bitterly smiled, "Mistress is giving me too much credit."

This is not something he can accomplish by sheer might, but rejecting her will seem inappropriate too. Looks like he has to harden his resolve and help her out.

He was in a dilemma.

Feng Fei soothingly state, "If you are not willing to help me, do you think Zhang Quan is up to it? At least you are someone who is not easily bribed. I have zero confidence in Zhang Quan's integrity."

She then sighed, "At the end of the day, we are just womenfolk. We need you to handle all those stinky men."

Xiang Shaolong frowned, "If Mistress had keep this disbandment a secret, wouldn't you have avoided all these trouble?"

Revealing a pained expression, Feng Fei lamented, "I intentionally shared this secret with someone close to me and mislead her into thinking that she is not the only one who knows, testing her honesty. Now, we all know the truth and while it did endanger my life, it was worth it."

Xiang Shaolong was shaken, "Is it Second Mistress?"

Regaining her calm, Feng Fei nodded, "All along she has been wanting to take over my position; in a world where men call the shots, it is an uphill task for women to stand out in any career. The only exception is the Song and Dance Troupe. She is second in authority after me and will naturally want to get rid of me."

Xiang Shaolong suggested: "Why don't you just let her take over the Song and Dance Troupe?"

Feng Fei explained, "This is a highly complicated problem. When I first started out, I promised all my followers that upon disbandment, everyone would receive a generous payout. Ai! We all know an entertainment career is short lived. When we have made enough money to retire, who would want to continue slogging? Therefore, Dong Shuzen has to try to wrest control of the Song and Dance Troupe from me before I disband."

Lingering, she added, "In actual fact, you have already helped me a lot by giving me a chance to chase Sa Li away. However, Dong Shuzen is now in cahoots with Zhang Quan, Brother Shen should understand my difficulty."

Xiang Shaolong can feel his troubles piling up. He pretended to accept the promotion.

His contradictory situation and suffering is indescribable.

He could not bear having such a gifted, outstanding and gorgeous lady getting into harm's way and falling into the claws of someone she do not love.

Book 21 Chapter 12 – Meeting A Friend In A Foreign Land

The next morning, Feng Fei assembled everyone from the Song & Dance Troupe, including the courtesans and management staff like Zhang Quan, announcing that she is making an exception and promoting Xiang Shaolong to be the General Manager, and is charged with all matters pertaining to the troupe.

Dong Shuzen and Zhang Quan were astounded but dared not oppose.

The first to congratulate him is Yun Niang, who also whispered into his ear, "You should thank me for your promotion."

She wants Xiang Shaolong to know that she is Feng Fei's confidante and is the one secretly encouraging Feng Fei to promote him. Xiang Shaolong doesn't know whether to laugh or cry instead.

This is also the first time he set his eyes on the other eleven courtesans besides Dong Shuzen. Each and every one of them is a peerless, fascinating beauty, causing him to lose his bearings.

However, most of them are nonchalant about Feng Fei's promoting Xiang Shaolong and their expressions remained unfazed.

One of the leggy courtesans Zhu Xiuzhen even looked at him with disdain.

There are a total of one hundred and eighty troupe staff.

Feng Fei is at the top of the hierarchy.

Below her would be the courtesans and musicians, headed by Dong Shuzen and Yun Niang respectively. A staff of serving maids attends to them.

Except for a few men who are musicians, the entire group is made up of females.

The management of the troupe, both internally and externally falls on the shoulders of himself and his assistant Zhang Quan. Family warriors, drivers, male servants and porters all fall within their jurisdiction, forming a government-like organization.

Zhang Quan's supporter Kun Shan leads the family warriors while the drivers are led by Gu Ming.

These two men, in addition to the grudge-bearing Zhang Quan, are enough to give Xiang Shaolong a really big headache.

He could not wait to make his escape this instance, but burdened with this heavy responsibility and Feng Fei's high expectations, he could neither advance nor retreat, and nearly wanted to cry his heart out.

Something good that comes out of it is that Zhang Quan is now deployed to the other ship and Xiang Shaolong has a single cabin all to himself on the second deck. When Yun Niang came a knocking, he is mentally prepared to receive certain benefits from her, at a cost.

On the pretext of handing over work to him, Yun Niang entered his room and there is no way Xiang Shaolong can reject her.

After handing over her work to him, a courageous Yun Niang enticingly look straight into his eyes and cooed, "All right, how is Manager Shen going to thank me now?"

Her expression reminds him of Zhu Ji (Qin) and Madam Zhuang (Chu).

For (sexually) experienced and mature women like them, when they take an interest in someone, sex is all that they will pursue and they are very open and direct about it. On one hand is to satisfy a human need, on the other hand, they are more senior and cannot be bothered with the wild fantasies and cumbersome dating process of the young men and young women. They will take the most practical route to satisfy their needs.

From a men's point of view, Xiang Shaolong will not mind having a friendly match with this sexy lady and is confident of giving her a session she will never forget and wonderful memories to last her lifetime.

Nevertheless, in the present situation and while he is planning to flee, it is not wise to get involved in a relationship.

He knows himself best. When he has made love to a woman, he will certainly be emotionally attached to her. This burden is something he can do without for now.

If he just did her and left, he will absolutely feel guilty about it in the future.

Unless of course, if she is in the flesh trade. That will be a different case altogether.

He found it difficult to reject her on the spot and used a delaying tactic instead. Suppressing his own manly reactions to her advances, he changed the topic and smiled, "I am obviously grateful to you, but I have a question that I hope you can enlighten me!"

Pleased, Yun Niang prompted, "Please go ahead and ask. I will tell you everything I know."

Judging from her body language and tone, it is evident that Xiang Shaolong can do whatever he wants with her. Xiang Shaolong can feel his loins stirring and was about to lose control. Warning himself to behave, he asked in an official manner, "Wherever the Song & Dance Troupe travels to, we will attract all the lustful men. For Miss Feng it is definitely not an issue but when someone wants to woo our courtesans, what should I do?"

Yun Niang gave his a meaningful look and answered, "The scenario you articulated happens rather often but our Courtesans are not prostitutes. If any man wishes to gain her heart, he will have to put in considerable effort. For example, inviting them to banquets, using ways and means to make them happy, and try to see if they will reciprocate. These kinds of arrangements are beyond Mistress's control and unquestionably beyond your league."

Xiang Shaolong is curious, "So are there any courtesans who got married and left the troupe?"

Yun Niang nodded, "Yes there are, but the numbers are limited. What is so good about marrying the rich and powerful? Before they bed you, you are treated like a queen. After they lay you, your value is gone. In addition, you have to become enemies with the other wives and concubines that they married. Staying as a courtesan is much more comfortable. When you have made your fortune and returned to your village in glory, you can marry whoever your heart fancies."

Xiang Shaolong nodded in agreement, "Marrying a rich man is like falling into the sea. For a girl to have such insight is truly brilliant."

Yun Niang's eyes lit up. She praised, "Marrying a rich man is like falling into the sea; what an excellent expression! I must tell Mistress about it. She is writing a song about a pitiful wife. This line can be one of the lyrics."

Xiang Shaolong can only smile bitterly to himself.

Yun Niang became more aroused and moved closer to Xiang Shaolong, where her long dress is touching his kneecap. She divulged, "On this trip to Lin Zi, we are also participating in a competition with two other famous Courtesans, which explains why Mistress is very anxious. She will not want to lose to Lan Gongyuan and Shi Sufang at Henggong Pavilion and Qixia School respectively."

Only now did Xiang Shaolong know that these two other ladies whom he has encountered before are going to Lin Zi as well.

Qixia School is naturally the headquarters of Qixia Sword Saint, Mister You a.k.a. Cao Quidao. Not recognizing Henggong Pavilion, Xiang Shaolong sought the answer from Yun Niang.

Yun Niang sweetly replied, "Henggong Pavilion, also known as Huan Pavilion, is a grand conference hall in the Qi Palace. When Henggong is in power, he loved to hold lavish banquets there, hosting his officials as well as visiting diplomats. Hence, it became the name of the Pavilion. Courtesans who have never performed at Henggong Pavilion before are not considered prestigious."

Hearing her explanation, Xiang Shaolong is filled with a yearning to take pay a visit to the place. In this period of the Warring States, Qi is considered one of the bigger states with rich cultures and tradition. Since he is passing by, it will be a pity to give it a miss. However, preserving his life is more critical. He lost the mood to tour the place and reminded himself to stop thinking about it.

Yun Niang leaned onto him and gently commented, "The King of Qi is rather generous, paying us 200 gold ingots for two shows. When we arrive, you must remember to collect this payment from him."

Xiang Shaolong was flabbergasted. It is an astronomical amount in these ancient times. He realized the people of Qi are squandering away their nation's wealth. The same amount of money can pay for a year's wages for five hundred soldiers.

Yun Niang coaxed, "I have told you everything; you have yet to tell me how you are going to show your thanks."

Since there is no way he can avoid the situation, Xiang Shaolong decided to cast aside all his reservations. Snaking his hand to hug her thin waist, he was about to pull her into an embrace when the ship suddenly braked to a stop. Moments later, it began sailing at a much slower pace.

Both of them are startled. They will only reach Lin Zi tomorrow. Why did the ship suddenly stop? Ahead of them, shining lanterns can be seen.

Using this distraction, Xiang Shaolong jumped up and went to his window, looking out. It appears that there is a huge ship ahead of them and is intentionally slowing down for their ships to catch up.

By now, Yun Niang has squeezed to his side, her petite frame prostrated on his body, trying to catch a glimpse.

Xiang Shaolong mused, "I wonder who is the owner of that ship?"

Yun Niang scrutinized the flags hoisted at the tail of the new ship. She abruptly shrieked: "Mister Tan is here! He is on board the ship of the Imperial Physician of Han."

From her exhilarated and glowing expression, Xiang Shaolong believed that this Mister Tan has an unusual relationship with Yun Niang.

Men are really *******s. He initially regarded Yun Niang's passion as his misfortune and treated her as a platonic friend. Seeing her excited and horny as a ***** in heat, he knew that his 'love rival' has appeared, evoking pangs of jealousy. With a sour taste in his mouth, he inquired: "Who is Mister Tan?"

An elated Yun Niang has forgotten all about her plans to seduce Xiang Shaolong. She merrily chirped: "Among the gifted men within Lord Nanliang's Residence, Mister Tan is the most talented man in terms of poetry and music. He is a trusted confidante of Lord Nanliang as well. He did mention coming to see our performance at Lin Zi and here he is! I must tell Sister Feng (Fei)!" Finishing her sentence, she exited his room in a flash, ignoring Xiang Shaolong completely.

Xiang Shaolong can only look on as the door slammed in his face with a 'bang!' In the same instant, he could feel something weird rousing in his mind.

Lord Nanliang's name rang a bell, but whom did he hear it from?

The gap between the two ships is slowly closing.

Feng Fei and her fellow courtesans are all gathered on the deck, enthusiastically awaiting the arrival of Mister Tan. It appears that this poetry and music prodigy holds an important place in their hearts.

Yun Niang is the most fanatical of them all, waving her hands harder than all the courtesans.

Illuminated by the moon and lanterns, several men can be seen on the facing side of the new ship. They are waving energetically in response and the atmosphere is remarkably lively.

Ropes with grappling hooks are tossed over from the other ship. Xiang Shaolong hastily directed the family warriors to hang on to the ropes, pulling the ships even closer together.

The ships slowed down to a snail's pace.

When the ships come close enough for him to look at the faces of the other party, Xiang Shaolong's body shook uncontrollably. He has just seen a friend that he has missed for many years.

When the friend happened to lay his eyes on Xiang Shaolong, he was stunned as well, and his body shook uncontrollably in response.

This friend is none other than Xiao Yuetan.

Xiang Shaolong finally solved the mystery. It was Tu Xian who told him about Lord Nanliang.

Upon reaching Han (State), Xiao Yuetan became Lord Nanliang's family warrior. With his many hidden talents, it is no surprise that he managed to gain the affections of the courtesans.

LONG! The two ships lightly collided and after a series of tremors, are finally lined up side by side.

A gangplank came over from the new ship and lodged onto their ship. Xiao Yuetan was the first up the gangplank and strode over with a few of his followers. He first winked at Xiang Shaolong before laughing happily, coming to Feng Fei. He paid his respects to her, praising, "Since we parted last Spring, it has been a year since we last met. Miss Feng's spellbinding song and dance performance still occupies my thoughts and dreams. To think I can have the fortune to meet you tonight on this river. The Heavens have been really kind to me."

Leading the courtesans in returning the courtesies, Feng Fei smiled, "The meeting in Han was a most memorable event for me as well. A stimulating conversation that went on till night has benefitted me tremendously. Since we are lucky enough to run into Mister tonight, we must be a good host and treat Mister Tan and our other guests to a cup of tea in our ship hall."

Xiao Yuetan signaled to his men on his ship to retrieve the ropes and gangplank before leading his followers, together with Feng Fei, into the ship hall.

Xiang Shaolong is craving for a good talk with Xiao Yuetan but he can only suppress this desire for the time being. He felt relieved as well. Witnessing Xiao Yuetan's authority and achievements, he is certain that Xiao Yuetan is doing very well under Lord Nanliang. Otherwise, he would not be able to commandeer a ship to fulfill his date (with Feng Fei), coming all the way to Lin Zi to watch The Three Courtesans Grand Competition.

All the jealousy in his heart has effortlessly vanished and he wondered how many other courtesans as his playboy friend tried aside from Yun Niang. When the two ships are separated, Xiang Shaolong went to the ship's hall, wanting to check out Xiao Yuetan's situation.

At the entrance of the ship's hall, he can see Xiao Yuetan introducing his three followers to Feng Fei. They are all important men working for Lord Nanliang. From their appearances, Xiang Shaolong can tell that they are very knowledgeable.

Feng Fei, Yun Niang and the courtesans are seated on the left while Xiao Yuetan and his men are seated on the right. Yun Niang went to the extent of personally serving tea to the four men and never stopped batting her eyelashes at Xiao Yuetan.

Xiao Yuetan saw him at the door but pretended to ignore him.

Xiang Shaolong was aware that his status is below that of the people in the hall and was contemplating to enter or leave when a maid standing behind Zhu Xiuzhen (courtesan) came over, disparaging him, "This place is none of your concern, please attend to your other matters instead!"

Xiang Shaolong can feel his blood boiling. He cast his view to Zhu Xiuzhen, who did not even care to return his gaze. Contempt, however, is written all over her face. Enraged, he softly grunted to the maid, "Scram!"

The maid panicked and upon seeing the cold rays emanating from Xiang Shaolong's eyes, her face became drained of colour and she subconsciously took two steps back.

This is precisely why Xiang Shaolong believes that it is better to be feared than to be loved. He strode right into the hall.

Feng Fei noticed him coming and felt awkward due to his inferior status. She introduced with a frown, "Shen Liang is our new General Manger. Come and greet Mister Tan."

Xiao Yuetan stood up and exchanged greetings with Xiang Shaolong at the same time. He laughed, "Brother Shen has an remarkable appearance. We must get to know each other better."

The three men escorting Xiao Yuetan are baffled. Xiao Yuetan is a proud character and seldom exhibits such warm gestures to anymore, moreover to lowly manager of a Song & Dance Troupe.

Even the founder of Shi Sufang's Song & Dance Troupe, Boss Jin, Jin Chenjiu has a much lower status compared to Shi Sufang. In the eyes of the rich and powerful, he is just a manservant with some influence. Shi Sufang is one of the other Three Courtesans.

Dong Shuzen, Yun Niang, Zhu Xiuzhen and the rest were equally mystified, unable to comprehend Xiao Yuetan's respectful treatment of Xiang Shaolong.

Only Xiang Shaolong and Xiao Yuetan know the underlying reason; and it is becoming quite challenging to conceal their excitement after seeing each other once again after some many years.

Xiao Yuetan invited Xiang Shaolong to sit down beside him and to avoid suspicion, he chatted up Feng Fei instead of him. Their topics hardly deviated from music composition, lyrics writing and poetry.

Xiang Shaolong knows nuts about these subjects and cannot join in the conversation.

Xin Yue, a petite courtesan who is a few notches prettier than Zhu Xiuzhen, commented, "I hear Mister Tan is an avid collector of folk songs and folklore. Among all the State Poems & Songs (Book collection), the Songs of Qi (book) is one of the more exciting. Mister will not leave Qi empty handed on this trip."

Xiao Yuetan's three associates are completely intoxicated with Feng Fei's charm. One of them, Zongsun Heji, a fine-looking scholar chuckled upon hearing her words, "Mister Tan has made two trips to Qi in the last few years. His collection is long completed!"

Xiang Shaolong knows Xiao Yuetan's character and that he detests dirty politics. He must have focus his abilities on poetry, music and the art, which unexpectedly turned out to be a good career move for him.

Dong Shuzen is elated, "Mister Tan must share with us what he has learnt."

With one hand stroking his beard, Xiao Yuetan looked exceptionally dashing, reminding Xiang Shaolong of the first time he saw him in Handan (Capital of Zhao).

After so many years, he is likely to be in his forties by now but still maintained a robust and youthful disposition. It is no wonder why Yun Niang is so smitten with him.

After humbly excusing his incompetence (a polite gesture), he smoothly articulates, "Folk songs and folklore naturally embodies the local culture and heritage. Stories of joy and sorrow are common; while the most touching are the works of love and war. A broken man misses his wife; a chaotic country misses its generals. True love exists in every suffering. That is life."

Yun Niang suggested, "The lyrics in folk songs are the bravest and most direct. The people of Qi reside near the sea and are very open-minded. The Songs of Qi must be highly explicit. Why doesn't Mister Tan sing us a few lines to broaden our horizons."

Faced with the pleading of the girls, Xiao Yuetan tapped the table and sang, "鸡既鸣矣,朝既盈矣,匪鸡则鸣.苍蝇之声.东方明矣,朝既昌矣.匪东方则明,月出之光.虫飞薨 薨,甘与子 同梦.会且归矣,无庶予子憎."

This song describes an emotional scene, where two lovers are meeting in a bedroom on a quiet night. Cursing the rooster, which crows at sunrise, waking them up from the sweet dreams, the lady persuades the gentleman to leave but the gentleman insisted it is the flies buzzing instead. When the lady pointed out that the eastern horizon is lighted, the gentlemen asserted it is moonshine. At her wit's end, the lady swore to continue sleeping with him if it is genuinely the flies buzzing but if he stayed on when he should be leaving, it will invite rumours.

The tune is simple, ordinary and easy to understand. The lyrics are sincere and yet exciting, portraying a real life situation and the descriptions are very lifelike. Sung by Xiao Yuetan's soulful and jazzy voice, everyone present is moved.

Even Xiang Shaolong is captivated by his singing when an angelic voice arose from Feng Fei's mouth, continuing the song and pairing the story, "东方之日兮,彼妹者子,在我室兮.在我室兮,履我即今.东方之月兮,彼殊者子,在我闼兮.在我 阐兮,履我 发兮."

Her song describes a rendezvous from the gentleman's point of view, singing about a beautiful lady entering his house at sunrise and joining him. Why did she come? Was it a coincidence or was she attracted by my singing, that she joined me on my journey.

This is the very first time Xiang Shaolong is hearing her sing. He finds her voice especially unique and is quite unlike the singing of Lan Gongyuan and Shi Sufang. Compared to the other courtesans he has heard of in the past, Feng Fei is light years ahead.

Not only is she a great singer, she does not follow the normal singing styles and has a rebellious streak. Her sentimental singing is like floating on water among streamingly colourful rainbows and fluffy clouds, carrying deep, unfathomable emotions. Her voice has a wide variation and she can reach all the different pitches. Merging her breathing into her singing, the lure of her song is limitless. She paints a mind-blowing picture with her lyrics and like a magnet, attracting all her listeners to pay full attention to her singing.

Xiang Shaolong, Xiao Yuetan and everyone else was cheering madly when she finished.

Xiao Yuetan was not the least upset Feng Fei stole his thunder. He frankly queried, "I have never heard of this song before. I wonder if this is Miss Feng's latest production?"

Feng Fei humbly replied, "It is indeed my new work. Please pardon my inadequacies."

Xiao Yuetan and everyone were full of praise.

Seated on the other side of Xiao Yuetan, a strongman Youji sighed, "I have long heard about Miss Feng's divine singing. Now that I have finally met you and heard your singing, I can die without regrets."

Feng Fei modestly responded, "Mister You is giving me too much credit."

Only now did Xiang Shaolong understand why Feng Fei deserves her title of the Head of the Three Courtesans and enjoyed first class treatment from the rich and powerful of every State.

Everyone will appreciate and treasure a talented beauty.

But if she officially retired, it will be a different story altogether.

Compared her brilliance, Dong Shuzen and the other courtesans are like the little stars beside the bright moon.

Xiao Yuetan professes, "The four of us are highly envious of Brother Shen. If you offer your job to the four of us, I can guarantee we will come to blows fighting for it."

Awaking from his stirrings, Xiang Shaolong laughed, "Mister Tan sure knows how to crack a joke. This is actually the first time I am hearing Mistress sing a song!"

The four men were shocked; but only Xiao Yuetan's shock is faked.

Yun Niang explained the recent developments to them.

Zongsun Heji used this occasion to test Xiang Shaolong's abilities, "Does Manager Shen have any comments?"

Xiang Shaolong said the first thing that came to his mind, "Such a song belongs to the heaven and not the earth."

This time, even Feng Fei is moved.

Guilt ridden, Xiang Shaolong admitted, "I am just a greenhorn when it comes to music, but Mistress's song has made me lost my bearings."

Youji was amazed, "No wonder Mister Tan has such a good feeling about Brother Shen. Mister Tan is an excellent judge of character. Brother Shen's eloquence is seldom sighted. 'Greenhorn', 'Lost my bearings', these are all very appropriate and well-suited descriptions of the actual situation. Needless to say, the 'Such a song belongs to the heaven and not the earth' is a flawless depiction."

Xiang Shaolong knows it is not good to reveal too much about himself and kept quiet. He dared not face the attention that everyone is suddenly showing in him, especially from Feng Fei.

Dong Shuzen commented, "Mister Tan's earlier piece of Qi Song is immensely compelling. When Kong Qiu visited Qi and listened to a local music performance, he was so absorbed that his food was tasteless for three months and he called it the Perfection of Music."

Xiao Yuetan jestered, "When I saw Miss Dong's 9-movement Dance last year, my food has remained tasteless ever since!"

Everyone had a good laugh. Dong Shuzen is rather pleased, having gained some acknowledgement.

Xiang Shaolong realized that Dong Shuzen is able to become Second in Command of the Song & Dance Troupe is due to her terrific dancing skills.

It was soon midnight and the four men were unwilling to take their leave.

Yun Niang is especially reluctant for Xiao Yuetan to leave. She sighed, "How I wish the ship is bigger, we can spend more time on the cruise and learn more about ancient cum modern music from Mister Tan."

Youji enthusiastically hinted, "As long as we have a bed to sleep on, we would be more than happy."

Dong Shuzen suggested, "We cannot subject you to such inconveniences. Nonetheless, we can probably create some additional sleeping quarters if gentlemen can lower your expectations…"

Zongsun Heji and the others were overjoyed and agreed in unison.

Inspired, Xiang Shaolong hinted, "I am staying alone, why don't …"

The experienced Xiao Yuetan easily caught the hint and laughed, "Let me share the room with Brother Shen and learn more phrases from him. We can send for our gear tomorrow."

Back in the room, they blew out the candle and sat down on a corner of the cabin floor, reminiscing about the past.

Deep into the night, Xiao Yuetan has finished listening to Xiang Shaolong's fugitive encounters. He advised, "When Shaolong leads his army to war, there is no one who did not panic in the eastern states and there is a fear of your prowess everywhere. Even when you are alone without your army, you still create chaos wherever you go. Presently, Han, Zhao and Wei have laid heavy defences and ambushes on your returning path to Qin. It is too risky and not worth it to return to Qin straightaway."

Xiang Shaolong mused: "Any reaction from the people of Chu?"

Xiao Yuetan answered, "Absolutely no reaction from them. A man's heart is difficult to fathom and travelling through Chu may still not be safe. If you ask me, Shaolong should lie low and avoid the heat. When the three states are fully convinced that you have returned to Zhongmou, I can leisurely escort you back to Qin."

Pausing, he added, "I will have my confidantes report to Master Tu at Xianyang and he will relay the news to Yanran that you are safe with me. You can put your mind at ease and stay in Qi for an extended period."

Xiang Shaolong reminded, "You could recognize me without much difficulty, what about other people?"

Xiao Yuetan examined his face carefully and diagnosed, "You have kept a beard and with your loss in weight, your appearance has been altered significantly. I can recognize you because I caught you staring at me first and I am been worried about you for the past two months. Never forget that I am a master of disguise and with some modifications, for example, trimming your beard, varying your hairstyle and letting you wear a headdress, I can guarantee that even Tian Dan cannot recognise you even if you stand face to face with him. After all, no one is more familiar with your physical features than I."

Pausing again, he laughed, "If you can learn the art of stuttering from me, there will be no more loopholes left in your disguise. As a manager, you will only interact with Tian Dan's followers so please do not be overly worried."

Xiang Shaolong can feel his body being rejuvenated, gaining a new lease of life.

Honestly speaking, he cannot bear to part with Feng Fei too. He does not bear any ulterior motives towards her but merely desire to see her in action and at the same time, protecting her and assisting her to leave Qi unmolested.

He wondered, "If you are going to make changes to my appearance, wouldn't it raise any suspicions within the Song & Dance Troupe?"

Xiao Yuetan coolly assured, "We can make gradual changes to your looks so the change will not be too obvious. They will probably associate the change due to your beard trimmings. Relax! Shaolong should know what I, Xiao Yuetan, is capable of."

Invigorated, Xiang Shaolong calmly laughed, "I have no doubt about your abilities and in fact, my greatest admiration lies in your skirt-chasing skills."

Xiao Yuetan gushed, "Are you referring to Yun Niang and (Dong) Shuzen? These two b!tches are super horny when the right buttons are pressed. Feel free to try them out for yourself if you don't believe me."

Xiang Shaolong was astonished, "You even managed to try Dong Shuzen?!"

Xiao Yuetan clarified, "Dong Shuzen has been laid by several men; this is hardly anything new. Her escort fee is the highest among all of them and one night with her will cost you an arm and a leg."

Xiang Shaolong scowled, "What is the difference between them and hookers?"

Xiao Yuetan enlightened, "Of course there is a difference. You must first win their favour and gain their affections before you can make the deal. The liaising contact used to be that bastard Zhang Quan, and you are now the new contact."

Xiang Shaolong was flabbergasted, "You mean I am now a pimp? A Papa-san (male version of mama-san)?"

Xiao Yuetan is confused, "What is a pimp? What is a papa-san?"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled, "Forget about these boring stuff. Who else will be coming to Qi to take part in the festivities?"

Xiao Yuetan coldly laughed, "Lu Buwei is one of them. With him around, you can be sure of trouble."

Xiang Shaolong suddenly had a brainwave. He recalled Dan Meimei mentioning that the Crown Prince of Qi has yet to be chosen.

In this juncture, the twisted hand of fate has miraculously drawn him into another life changing episode.

Isn't Qin at war with the Five States? Why is it possible for Lu Buwei to saunter into Qi in such a carefree manner?

In the same line of thought, the news-less Shan Rou came to his mind.

Will he see her in Lin Zi?

Book 22 Chapter 1 - History's Mystery

Xiang Shaolong sat cross-legged on the floor, allowing Xiao Yuetan who is kneeling behind him to work on his hair.

This old friend smirked, "I may be proficient in all methods of disguise but the practical application is rather limited. Now that I can put my expertise to good use on you is a rare occasion indeed."

Pausing, he continued, "I have your hair tied up in a different style and dyed several spots white, making you look several years older."

Xiang Shaolong is uncomfortable with it, "Does that mean I cannot wash my hair?"

Xiao Yuetan proudly proclaimed, "My personally crafted dye mixture cannot be washed off easily. But to be safe, we can re-dye from time to time."

He added, "We will reach the waters of Lin Zi in a few days. Your biggest challenge presently is to alter the way you speak. You cannot re-use the speaking manner you used while you were disguised as Dong Horse Fanatic. Let's train you to stutter and foolproof your disguise."

Xiang Shaolong confessed, "I will be lying if I say I am not worried. My biggest fear is my enemies recognizing me from my body build."

Xiao Yuetan burst out laughing, "Qi is originally part of Dongyi Tribe. The tribesmen are taller and have a bigger built than the average person. There may not be many men who are as tall as Shaolong but there is unquestionably a considerable amount. All Shaolong has to do is to act a little hunch-backed and not walk with your head raised and chest puffed. That should prevent people from identifying you through your body build."

Recalling that the people of Qi are the modern Shandong (China Province) people, famous for their height and build, Xiang Shaolong was relieved.

Xiao Yuetan took a glance at the sky through the cabin window and murmured, "The sky is brightening and we have chatted the entire night but I can only feel myself becoming more and more energized. I haven't been so happy for a long time. Since Lu Buwei tried to kill us, I…"

Noticing Xiang Shaolong's solemn expression, he apologized, "I shouldn't have brought this up. Ai! Thinking about it always gives me insomnia."

Xiang Shaolong concluded, "The day of Crown Prince Coronation will be the same day Lu Buwei dies a horrible death. This is a fact that nobody can change."

Xiao Yuetan obviously did not understand the full meaning of his historical prediction. He reminded, "Shaolong must not let your guard down. Lu Buwei has been in power for so long in Qin. He will not give up without a fight and watch passively as his authority dissipates into thin air."

He softly confided, "On this trip to Qi, I harboured the possibility of assassinating him to avenge Third Princess (Zhao Qian) and myself. Now that Shaolong is here with me, I am confident that we can succeed."

Xiang Shaolong is in a difficult position, because it is stated clearly in history books that Lu Buwei died in Qin during Xiao Pan's coronation. Any attempts to kill him in Lin Zi will surely end up in failure.

He naturally cannot divulge this and suggested instead, "We need to plan this in detail but I am not satisfied for him to die just like that. I want to personally destroy all that he has built and accumulated, piece by piece, as if I am cutting flesh from his body bit by bit. Only then will I be able to placate the hatred in my heart."

Xiao Yuetan nodded, "I can see where you are coming from. Ha! I'm done. Your resemblance to Xiang Shaolong is getting lesser and lesser! Wait till I get a bronze mirror to show you your new look. While there is still some time left, let's catch up on some sleep."

Barely asleep for an hour, Xiang Shaolong was awakened by the sound of the door opening. With the little light shining in the cabin just before sunrise, he peeped and saw Yun Niang slipping in. After she has determined Xiao Yuetan's bed, she snaked into his blankets. What speedily followed were sounds of Xiao Yuetan's playful protest, which was again quickly replaced by sounds of kissing.

Xiang Shaolong was amused. If not for Xiao Yuetan's coming, he will be the one Yun Niang is passionately kissing now.

He realized the importance of one's status in society.

When he used to be high ranking and held in importance, coupled with his good looks, he could effortlessly sweep women off their feet and won the hearts of many beauties.

With his current beggarly looks and lowly manager status, his attractiveness to women has largely declined.

Despite sounds of teasing and flirtation coming from the other bed, his mind is as calm as still water. He soon fell into deep slumber, having a good time with his wives and son in faraway Xianyang.

Incredibly, it was Xiao Yuetan who woke him up instead.

It was well into the day. Xiang Shaolong has been getting plenty of rest on this trip so even with just four short hours of rest; he can still start his day without any signs of tiredness. Witnessing Xiao Yuetan's highly invigorated countenance, he was astounded, "I thought you would still be fast asleep."

Xiao Yuetan awkwardly explained, "This woman is really desperate. Fortunately, the more women I make love to, the more revitalized I am. The ship is reaching the pier soon. I will send someone to deliver a secret message to Xianyang (City) Master Tu (Xian). Relax! Master and I communicate in a secret code. Even if the message falls into the wrong hands, the enemy will not be able to understand it."

Climbing out of his warm blankets, Xiang Shaolong cheered, "I have complete trust in your abilities."

Both men got to work after getting dressed.

Sure enough, the ship docked shortly at the pier. This is Xiang Shaolong's first time carrying out his duties as the General Manager. Luckily, Feng Fei sent her serving maid Little Ping'er to assist him. Little Ping'er is still dressed as a boy and together; they headed ashore to purchase supplies.

Except for food rations, other items procured included silk cloth and make up ingredients. They were kept busy for more than half a day and finally returned to the ship at sundown.

Throughout the day, Little Ping'er treated Xiang Shaolong in a rude and arrogant manner. Xiang Shaolong is not the least bit upset, as he believes that she is treating him simply as the lowly manager, which he is.

Riding back to the ship on their horses, Little Ping'er who was initially riding ahead slowed down her horse and was now riding beside Xiang Shaolong. She courteously advised, "Mistress (Feng Fei) wants me to remind you that although you have been promoted to Manager, you must not be complacent and watch your own behavior. Don't follow Zhang Quan or Sa Li's negative example and ruin the good standing of our Song & Dance Troupe."

Xiang Shaolong was flabbergasted, "Your servant (polite way of saying I) does not comprehend what Sister is referring to."

Little Ping'er pouted her lips and coldly snorted, "You should know what you did. Someone reported seeing Yun Niang enter your room last night. Mister Tan is a man of integrity, a gentleman. This incident certainly has nothing to do with him. Humph! How dare you deny it after you have hooked up with her."

Xiang Shaolong was speechless.

He could not betray Xiao Yuetan and stain his prestigious reputation in the eyes of Feng Fei. He kept quiet and allowed himself to be his sacrificial lamb.

With a face full of scorn, Little Ping'er ignored him and rode ahead of him once again.

After having his dinner, Xiang Shaolong returned to his cabin. Xiao Yuetan was sitting on his bed, focusing on mixing his dye. He updated, "After spending several hours searching, I finally acquired these ingredients. I am planning to darken your facial skin, making you appear more rough and coarse."

Xiang Shaolong sat down beside him and laughed, "Do you know I just became a scapegoat for you?"

Xiao Yuetan was stunned, "What happened?"

Xiang Shaolong repeated Little Ping'er's accusation word for word.

After a moment's examination, Xiao Yuetan snickered, "That haughty youngster is plain jealous! Shaolong is really charismatic to cause her such anxiety."

Xiang Shaolong groaned, "Brother Xiao must be joking!"

Xiao Yuetan articulated, "Shaolong is a wise man and I did not expect you to foolishly fall into her cunning trap. Think about it! The weather is freezing nowadays. Everyone will be fast asleep at 4am in the morning; why would there be anyone around and coincidentally seeing Yun Niang entering our room with his or her own eyes. It must be Yun Niang's personal maid who discovered her Mistress (Yun Niang) leaving her bedroom and told the pretty tomboy about it. She must have guessed that Yun Niang has come for you and tested your reaction. She has found out the truth except that she nailed the wrong guy."

Xiang Shaolong lost his tongue.

Xiao Yuetan guffawed, "Except for Feng Fei, what good standing is there in the Song & Dance Troupe? Do you believe Feng Fei doesn't know about my trysts with Yun Niang? I am a famous playboy after all. That green-eyed monster Ping'er deliberately used Feng Fei's name to put you down!"

Xiang Shaolong gritted his teeth, "One of these days I am going to give her a taste of her own medicine."

Xiao Yueten chuckled, "The best medicine is served under the blankets. Use you manhood to conquer her."

Xiang Shaolong exhaled, "I am not in the mood for relationships right now. But I'll definitely make trouble for her to appease my anger. Moreover, I can tell that she detests me."

Xiao Yuetan disagreed, "She will not approach you with that reminder if she is not concerned about you. You are an expert with women yourself and should know that a woman's heart is irrational. The more they seek to irritate you, the more they adore you."

Xiang Shaolong does not want to continue this discussion. Changing the topic, he queried, "Why didn't I see your companions coming back to the ship?"

Xiao Yuetan answered, "Are you referring to Zongsun Heji and the others? I tricked them into going back to my ship, just in case they start becoming suspicious about our close relationship. To be honest, I used the same trick as Little Ping'er, using Feng Fei's name to scare them away."

Looking at each other, both men burst out laughing at the same time.

Xiao Yuetan carefully hid the freshly grounded dye mixture into his luggage chest and clapped his hands, inviting, "Feng Fei is having a rehearsal tonight and has requested me to give her some pointers. Care to come along?"

Xiang Shaolong lay down in his bed, dismissing, "If I don't see you later tonight, I will know you are in Yun Niang's room."

Xiao Yuetan shook his head smilingly and left.

Music was soon heard playing in the upper decks but Xiang Shaolong was doing some deep reflections instead.

After countless trials and tribulations, he eventually still cannot avoid making a trip to Qi. He wondered if the trip will be beneficial for him or is he heading for another disaster

The Warring States are Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Wei, Han and Qin. Except for the capitals of Yan and Han, he has stepped foot in the others.

On his return trip to Qin, Xiao Yuetan may well take him through the capital of Han. Thus, he probably has no fate with the capital of Yan.

He recalled Prince Dan from Yan as well as all the Lords from other States that he has met before. The last face he envisioned is the 'pretty face' of Lord Longyang. Unknowingly, he was losing the urge to sleep.

The ship will continue sailing tomorrow morning. He wondered if he would meet this 'traitorous' friend in Lin Zi.

In these war-ridden times, everyone is fighting for the country or Lord he is loyal to. Even he is of no exception.

To a certain extent, Xiang Shaolong is loyal to history. He is charting his life to be as accurate to history as he can.

All these events and circumstances have been lined up by the hands of Fate. Xiang Shaolong is basically executing the will of Fate.

Here comes the golden question!

Without him, will History be the same?

Logically, history will be altered. At least there is no way Xiao Pan can become Qin Shihuang without his intervention.

Without Qin Shihuang, China may never be unified.

Such an ambitious man like Qin Shihuang does not often appear in the history of China.

He strongly disputed the fact that Qin can unite China without Qin Shihuang.

To be fair, he is a time traveller who already knew the future. His judgment may be biased.

A simple change can determine victory or defeat.

If Qin does not possess men of talent like Wang Jian, Li Si and even himself, conquering the other Six States will remain a dream and never a reality.

If this is the case, why wasn't Xiang Shaolong a historical figure?

Thinking about this, he broke out into cold sweat.

When he used to ponder about this issue, it was normally envisaged in a fleeting moment.

Currently, he has nobody to distract him and he was bored to tears thus he can contemplate more profoundly about this issue.

He did suggest to Xiao Pan to forget everything about himself (Xiang Shaolong) because he was afraid of something even more horrendous.

When it comes to the day when Xiao Pan thought of this on his own without Xiao Shaolong's suggestion, it would mean the end of him (Xiang Shaolong).

At the end of the day, the only obstacle to Xiao Pan's ascension to the throne is his Zhao origin.

The intelligent Lu Buwei knows part of the secret and will only get more suspicious when Xiao Pan totally disregarded him as his father.

Thinking back to the occasion when he did a blood test between Xiao Pan and Lu Buwei, proving to (Qin General) Lu Gong & Company that they are not father and son, it was indeed an earth-shattering feat in the eyes of (Master) Tu Xian. The secret is another loophole for Xiao Pan and has to be protected from Lu Buwei at all costs.

Thinking about it, he shook with fear.

Only Zhu Ji and himself know the location of the family who raised Yingzheng (Zhu Ji's son). If Zhu Ji ever shares this information with Lao Ai, Xiao Pan's life will be critically endangered.

Judging from Xiao Pan's character, he will not allow anyone to challenge his authority.

He may not kill himself (Xiang Shaolong).

But what about Zhu Ji?

Knock! Knock!

Knocking was heard on the cabin door.

Xiang Shaolong sat up in surprise. "Who it it?" he demanded.


The door swings open.

A serving maid entered his cabin and joyfully greeted, "Hello Manager Shen! Going to bed already?"

Xiang Shaolong recognised her as courtesan Zhu Xiuzhen's personal maid Little Ning. Just barely yesterday was she trying to chase him out of the ship's hall and now she is all smiling, friendly and sweet. Puzzled, he questioned, "What can I do for Sister Ning?"

With her small mouth curved in a cute smile, Little Ning sat down beside him and smiled, "I am here to seek your forgiveness. Wow! Manager Shen is really sleeping so early?"

Witnessing her intimate behavior, Xiang Shaolong became wary and officially state, "Doesn't Sister Ning have to wait on Mistress Zhu Xiuzhen?"

Inching closer, Little Ning flirted, "I am here on Mistress's orders. Ai! This trip is so lonesome. I wouldn't mind some company myself."

Xiang Shaolong frowned, "Why is your Mistress looking for me?"

Little Ning cheekily replied, "Can you please don't treat me like your enemy? Hee hee! But you look very domineering when you are angry and it is very appealing to me. How I wish I can let you punish me and let you do whatever you want to me."

Xiang Shaolong is a man after all and could not help but feel aroused. He scrutinized this maid from top to toe.

She is positively below eighteen and her looks are average. Nonetheless, her long lashes, seductive eyes, jutting breasts, slim waist, long legs and her good skin complexion is a big draw for him. He can start to feel some temptation for her.

Just as he was deliberating whether to hug her into in his arms, he also felt that it was an inappropriate gesture and was in a dilemma. Before he can make up his mind, Little Ning revealed, "Unfortunately, it is Mistress who has eyes for you. I can only wait until she is done with you."

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback, he stuttered, "Your Mistress,…"

Little Ning nodded, "You should know which room belongs to Mistress. Tonight after midnight, she will be waiting for you in her room. You just have to push the door to enter. Hee! After the deed is done, you must not forget my effort in bringing the two of you together!"

She slipped out after she finished talking.

Xiang Shaolong sat there like an idiot.

In terms of looks, Zhu Xiuzhen comes in third after Feng Fei and Dong Suzhen within the Song & Dance Troupe. She usually stares at him with such hatred and contempt. In reality, she is masking her affections from him.

This is a one-night stand initiated by her, should he take up her offer?

If Feng Fei hears about it, what would she think of him?

Ever since leaving Xianyang (City), except for a session with Qiuling in Daliang (Capital of Wei), Xiang Shaolong has been leading a celibate and lonely life. With his current cozy environment and his sexual desires re-ignited by the wanton woman Yun Niang, he is intuitively aroused when a dazzling courtesan offers him such an opportunity.

All his sleepiness vanished into thin air.

Needless to say, this eye catching Little Ning must be sharing Zhu Xiuzhen's cabin bedroom. If he took up the invitation, he may well end up in a threesome.

He suddenly felt guilty and embarrassed.

Back at home, the Talented Lady Ji and the others are worried sick for him and yet he is here having a good time with other women. How can he face his own conscience if he went ahead with his trysts?

He did not have a choice when he made love to Qiuling but he absolutely has no justification if he wants to make love to Zhu Xiuzhen.

He hardened his resolve and lay down once again onto his bed, covering himself with his blanket.

Xiao Yuetan happened to come back to the room this minute, humming a tune happily.

Xiang Shaolong was piqued, "Why would Yun Niang be willing to release you?"

Xiao Yuetan absentmindedly danced a few steps and responded, "This is one of my beliefs when it comes to taking care of my health. We cannot do without sex but we cannot go overboard with it too. Let me tell you something new. Dong Shuzen is implying to me that she is open to a relationship with me and hinted that I can also have her 'sister' Zhu Xiuzhen as well. Looks like they have a favour to ask of me."

Hearing this, Xiang Shaolong turned quiet and became disinterested.

It is apparent that Zhu Xiuzhen is a free for all.

Seeing that Xiang Shaolong has something on his mind, Xiao Yuetan pondered for a while before asking, "You having trouble sleeping?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed, "I was about to fall asleep but I was awakened by someone!"

Xiao Yuetan sat down and probed him for the reason.

After Xiang Shaolong finished telling his story, Xiao Yuetan reflected on it and abruptly exclaimed, "What a close shave! This is definitely a trap!"