22-2 -- 22-5

Book 22 Chapter 2 - Going Along With The Plan

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback, "Why do you say it's a trap?"

Xiao Yuetan surmised, "Few individuals are my match when it comes to plotting and trickery. When you told me how you managed to rise to your current position, I already smell a rat and paid extra attention to everyone and everything around me. Not only does Zhang Quan hates you to the core, Dong Shuzen and the courtesans close to her can't wait to see the last of you. Given such circumstances, Zhu Xiuzhen's invitation can only be a trap."

Xiang Shaolong sobered up and cursed his own inattentiveness. He nodded, "I suppose when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Fortunately, I had no intention of going anyway."

Xiao Yuetan was baffled, "Since when did our great Xiang Shaolong become so easy going? As the saying goes - It is hard to fight external battles when the internal battles are not won yet. If we do not use this opportunity to diminish our enemies' influence, the schemes coming from these women coupled with that bastard will catch you off guard one day. Moreover, you have promised Feng Fei to assist her in resisting the men lusting over her. If you do not counter attack them with some trickery, how are you going to prove yourself to her?"

Xiang Shaolong was awkward, "I am not used to scheming against women and I always have a soft spot for them. In addition, I have no clue how I can counter this beauty trap."

Xiao Yuetan beat his own chest with confidence, "Firstly, let me analyze the entire scenario. From my conversation with Yun Niang last night, I found out that Dong Shuzen and Zhang Quan are sleeping partners; and the same goes for Sa Li and Zhu Xiuzhen. They are not genuine lovers but just trading sex for power and vice versa. Now that Sa Li has been dismissed and Zhang Quan demoted, you have indirectly antagonize both Dong Shuzen and Zhu Xiuzhen. You are in a perilous state right now."

Hugging his blanket, Xiang Shaolong concluded, "This is Feng Fei making use of me to restructure the Song & Dance Troupe. Otherwise, why should she trust a complete stranger like me?"

Xiao Yuetan agreed, "Feng Fei is a scheming beauty and is even more cunning than a fox. You have become one of her chess pieces. I can sense that she dare not offend Dong Shuzen, otherwise even Zhang Quan will be dismissed along with Sa Li. Ha! What kind of trap is Zhu Xiuzhen laying for you? I don't think she has the courage to kill you. It is most likely she will malign you for entering her bedroom with an ulterior motive, pressuring Feng Fei to sack you from the troupe."

Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed, "That sounds like a good deal to me. If I can leave the troupe, you can then engage me as a driver or a manservant. By then, no one will be able to identify me!"

Xiao Yuetan exhaled, "Going over to my side is even more dangerous. Many of my shipmates have seen your WANTED portrait and someone may recognize you after spending more time with you. That is why I tricked Gongsun Heji and the others back to my ship. Only when I have completed your disguise can you interact more freely with them."

Xiang Shaolong wondered, "What should we do now?"

Xiao Yuetan shook his head, smiling, "Zhu Xiuzhen is only adept at using her body to trap men. Shaolong, are you interested to try out this woman? I guarantee that it will be a memorable session and you will not be disappointed."

Xiang Shaolong's excitement is beginning to stir but he quickly suppressed it. He rejected, "I am not used to making love to a woman who has no feelings for me, nor do I want to overpower her in such a manner. If Feng Fei knows about our relationship, she will have a bad impression of me. So this is undoable."

Xiao Yuetan concurred, "I forgot that you are a true gentleman. Since this is the case, let's give her a scare and teach this wanton woman a good lesson."

He continued detailing his plan in soft whispers.

As the river wind blows through the air, Xiang Shaolong snaked out of his cabin through the cabin window. Using his climbing equipment, he hooked up the higher decks and stepped on horizontal planks protruding from the ship's body. Like a lizard, he shimmied towards Zhu Xiuzhen's bedroom.

Luckily, the layer of ice formed on the ship's external wall has melted away due to the rise in temperature. Otherwise, it will be a precarious climb even with the hooks and ropes.

There is complete silence on the ship and the shore is equally noiseless. Under such hostile weather, everyone will want to snuggle in their warm bed and blankets.

Every time he passes through a cabin window, he has to stoop down.

He has to travel past ten odd cabins and only a few of the cabins are still illuminated with a faint candlelight. Zhu Xiuzhen's cabin is obviously not one of them.

The three rooms nearest to the ship's front belong to Feng Fei, Dong Shuzen and Zhu Xiuzhen, the three most influential courtesans. Yun Niang's room is on the opposing side.

As Xiang Shaolong's room is nearer to the ship's tail, he has to climb a long distance, through several sections of the ship before he can arrive at Zhu Xiuzhen's window.

It is a different world being inside the cabin and outside the ship. Besides the difference in temperature, it also evokes a different kind of feeling.

Xiang Shaolong was humoured.

He resembles a hero from Wuxia (sword-fighting) novels who can scale walls and jump from roof to roof. The only disparity is that he is not fighting for justice but simply trying to preserve his existence.

Xiao Yuetan's assessment of Feng Fei has made him more wary of this beauty.

As the saying goes - Never trust anyone. He is too gullible and even more so in front of good-looking women. His mind has subconsciously given him the impression that these women are equally beautiful on the inside. A woman's heart is hard to fathom. Right now, Zhu Xiuzhen is a living example.

Xiang Shaolong retrieved his grappling hooks and shot them out again, further and higher. Using the momentum, he repeated this step a few times and finally landed outside Zhu Xiuzhen's window.

The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop.

He was about to draw out his dagger and pry open the window when he heard intermittent sounds of moaning coming from Dong Shuzen's window up ahead.

Xiang Shaolong was stunned and curious at the same time. He couldn't help but inched forward to her window and place his ear again the wall.

Who could be in Dong Shuzen's room?

He was in a state of shock after hearing what followed.

It turns out that the two person making love in the room are both women and he could hear them screaming in ecstasy as they reached their orgasm.

It appears that Dong Shuzen is bisexual.

He was about to leave when Dong Shuzen praised in a hoarse voice, "Xiuzhen is really good."

Xiang Shaolong was astounded. Why is Zhu Xiuzhen in Dong Shuzen's room? And who is in Zhu Xiuzhen's room right now?

Didn't Yun Niang tell Xiao Yuetan that Dong Shuzen and Zhu Xiuzhen are hooked up with Zhang Quan and Sa Li respectively? In that case, Dong Shuzen should be opposing Zhu Xiuzhen instead. Why are they a lesbian couple now?

While he was in a state of confusion, Zhu Xiuzhen panted, "To think that you are still in the mood to tease me. That fellow should be making his way here soon. If we continue making out, we will not be able to hear him entering my room."

Dong Shuzen giggled, "All we need to hear is Xinyue's cries of rape!"

Zhu Xiuzhen pondered, "I only switched rooms with Xinyue tonight. Will this arouse Mistress's (Feng Fei) suspicions?"

Dong Shuzen sniggered, "This is the best part of the scheme. Even if Feng Fei suspects us of any misdeeds, she will also see for herself that Shen Liang is just a pervert. He is newly promoted to manager but is already trying to get fresh with the courtesans. How can he shoulder heavy responsibilities in the future? Besides, she has to bear with us because without us, there is no way she can hope to win Lan Gongyuan and Shi Sufang."

Zhu Xiuzhen reflected on her words for a while and whispered, "I really cannot understand what a prestigious person like Mister Tan sees in that lowly servant Shen Liang."

Xiang Shaolong was just about to leave but upon hearing her comment, he continued to eavesdrop.

Dong Shuzen sighed, "This fellow has certain abilities and his fighting skills alone is heart-stopping. If not for the fact that he is above bribing, I don't mind letting him take advantage of me."

Xiang Shaolong doesn't have an inkling why is Dong Shuzen coming up with all these schemes. He wished that she will divulge more of her plans but when their silence is interrupted by sounds of light moaning, he lost all interest and returned back to his cabin.

After Xiao Yuetan heard his story, he was greatly amused too. He ran the thoughts over his mind and slapped his thigh, exclaiming, "I have a plan. We can turn their scheme around to attack Zhu Xiuzhen and increase your standing within the Song & Dance Troupe."

Xiang Shaolong quickly asked him for the details.

Xiao Yuetan whispered, "You can write a letter. Inside the letter, you can express your gratitude for Zhu Xiuzhen's love but you are unable to accept her affections and ask for her forgiveness at the same time. We will place the letter under the door to Zhu Xiuzhen's original room, now occupied by Xinyue. In this case, we can expose their scam and at the same time, prove that you are a man who can resist such temptations."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed, "This cannot be accomplished. I can fight or lead an army to war but writing a letter is simply beyond me."

Xiao Yuetan was in a daze and laughed, "I did not think of that. Well, I suppose I can write the letter for you but you have to sign it yourself. Just remember not to sign Xiang Shaolong on it."

Solving this difficulty for good, Xiang Shaolong can feel his shoulders lightening and laughed together with Xiao Yuetan.

Early next morning, the ships began sailing, continuing their journey.

After having breakfast in their rooms, Xiao Yuetan joined the courtesans at the ship's front deck, enjoying themselves as they admired the picturesque scenery on both sides of the shore. Xiang Shaolong is kept busy as he learnt the ropes as the troupe manager.

As expected, Little Ping'er was guiding him on the side.

He may be thinking too much but Little Ping'er's attitude towards him seemed to have improved. When they were auditing the new purchases at the basement of the ship, she asked out of the blue, "Why did you take the rap for someone else?"

Xiang Shaolong was confounded, "What rap are you talking about?"

Her face reddening, Little Ping'er replied, "Last night, I discovered that Yun Niang's partner is Mister Tan and realized that I have wronged you. Why didn't you refute my accusations?"

Xiang Shaolong deliberately provoked her, "Didn't you mention that Mister Tan is an upright and righteous gentleman? Furthermore, Sister Ping'er did not give me a chance to speak out. My conscience is clear and I do not owe you an explanation. So, I guess Sister Ping'er will not despise me anymore?"

Little Ping'er is greatly embarrassed and changed the topic, "You seemed to have aged a bit over the past two days. Even your hair is turning white."

Xiang Shaolong was panicking inside but acted like nothing is out of the ordinary. He laughed, "There are people whose hair grew white overnight. I am considered to be lucky as I only have a little bit of white hair."

Little Ping'er knows that he is hinting that he was so worried about her misunderstanding him that his hair turned slightly white. She was surprisingly pleased and shot him a look before resuming an official expression, instructing him on his responsibilities.

Xiang Shaolong was secretly laughing his heart out. Teasing cute babes is one of life's little happiness.

Oddly, Feng Fei summoned him to join her for lunch. Xinyue was invited as well.

Xiang Shaolong of course knows what this is all about but he feigns innocence.

Feng Fei took this opportunity to ask him about his new duties before going straight to the point, "Does Manager Shen know that he was nearly a victim of a vicious plot?"

Xiang Shaolong acted surprised, "Your servant (polite way of saying I) does not understand Mistress's words."

Opposite him, Xinyue clarified, "At Zhu Xiuzhen's request, I switched rooms with her last night and I became the recipient of your 'love' letter. Does Manager Shen understand now?"

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be angry at being cheated. He cursed, "So she is planning to harm me."

Revealing a gentle expression, Feng Fei praised, "You did not disappoint me. Whoever I hired in the past will eventually succumb to their advances. Manager Shen is the only exception."

Xinyue commented, "I did not expect Manager Shen to have such good writing skills too!"

Xiang Shaolong frankly admitted, "That was written by Mister Tan after I begged him to help me. Except for being able to sign my own name, the rest of my writing is unintelligible."

Feng Fei nodded, "You are willing to speak the truth. That is very rare. But Manager Shen is extremely eloquent and knows a wide variety of proverbs. Why are you unable to write a simple letter?"

Xiang Shaolong obviously cannot reveal the truth. He lied, "I have read a few books but did not practice my writing."

Xinyue was startled, "Manager Shen must be the son of an official. Ordinary folks will not get to read books."

Xiang Shaolong is facing the 'identity interrogation' of his lifetime. During those ancient times, the printing press is not invented yet and every single book is hand copied onto cloth or bamboo. Books are not commonly found and are considered precious items. If not for ancient scholars starting public schools to educate the masses, only the rich and powerful are entitled to learning words and becoming literate.

If the two ladies continued asking about the books he has read before and their authors and such, his lies will be exposed.

He sprouted nonsense, "I came across some books while serving Great General Lian (Po)."

Feng Fei bought his story and assured, "Zhu Xiuzhen's scheme is a small matter. In the future, even if someone disparages you, I will not believe it."

Xinyue appears to be quite fond of Xiang Shaolong. She suggested, "When we are rehearsing our routine later, it will be good to have Manager Shen around. It will be good for you to know about our manpower arrangement together with the props we will be using. Can you be there?"

Xiang Shaolong acquiesced.

Feng Fei abruptly let out a sigh, frowning her two delicate eyebrows.

Xiang Shaolong may be used to seeing pretty faces but he cannot deny that she has one of the most elegant eyebrows he has ever seen.

The eyebrows looked like they are personally hand painted by the Creator, crescent-shaped and simply flawless.

Xinyue sighed with her and murmured, "Mistress must be feeling perplexed over that issue again! This trip to Lin Zi, we must not lose to the Three Courtesans Troupe and the Soft Boned beauty."

Xiang Shaolong has nothing to add.

If they need a swordsman for a duel, he can absolutely do his part. But in this aspect, he is unable to make a contribution.

From Feng Fei's expression, he can guess that she is having some difficulties over the Song & Dance arrangements.

Being in the creative industry, Feng Fei would certainly want a breakthrough.

This also means challenging her own ways of thinking and doing things, to break her own mold. Needless to say, it is not easy to reinvent yourself.

Feng Fei's expression became slightly downcast and she kept mum.

Xinyue is the one continuing the conversation and specially reminded Xiang Shaolong to come to their rehearsal tonight.

After taking his leave, Xiang Shaolong was about to return to his room and corroborate his story with Xiao Yuetan when someone called out from his back, "Shen Liang!"

Xiang Shaolong turned around. It is the 'matchmaker from hell' coquettish maid Little Ning.

She rushed along the long corridor towards him, speaking in a loud voice, "Why didn't you come over last night? Mistress waited tirelessly for you the entire night."

Xiang Shaolong apologized, "I was waiting in bed but I accidently fell asleep as I was too tired. I beg your pardon Sister Ning."

Little Ning was infuriated, "You are really incorrigible. Mistress is very upset with you now!"

Xiang Shaolong casually shrugged his shoulders, giving her a helpless look, stunning Little Ning with his indifference. He turned back and started walking towards the wooden steps linked to the lower deck.

Little Ning caught up to him and pulled his sleeve, admonishing, "You are going to just go off like that? How are you going to redeem yourself?"

To prevent her from harassing him, Xiang Shaolong faced her and directly offered, "The person I like is actually you, Sister Ning. Why don't you accompany me instead!"

Little Ning apparently knows about making out and glared at him chiding, "Do you want me to be thrown out by Mistress? Ai! Since you are such a nice person, I will try to salvage the situation for you!"

Xiang Shaolong is becoming impatient and coaxed, "Love cannot be forced. Sister Ning need not worry about this. Why don't you come to my room tonight?"

Seeing that her plan has failed, Little Ning was worried, "How can we use your room? Mister Tan is your roommate."

Stretching his hand out to pinch her cute face, Xiang Shaolong chuckled, "Mister Tan is a considerate man and will not mind at all."

Finishing, he walked off, laughing inside his heart.

Back in his room, he shared his story with Xiao Yuetan. Both men found his encounters hilarious.

Xiao Yuetan began to dye his hair and beard. In the middle of the disguise session, someone came to summon Xiao Yuetan at the request of Feng Fei. Both men were shocked and hastily hide the entire disguise apparatus.

Alone, Xiang Shaolong is about to take an afternoon nap. Unexpectedly, Zhang Quan came looking for him. Zhang Quan appear very amicable, the complete opposite of his former self.

After he got seated, Zhang Quan officially stated, "Brother Shen used to serve Prince Wuji. Apparently, you want to make a name and fortune for yourself. I want to make a deal with Brother Shen and see if we can reach an agreement."

Xiang Shaolong already knew he has an ulterior motive for coming. He plainly requested, "Brother Zhang, please speak your mind!"

Zhang Quan confessed, "I did harbour ill intentions when I first hired Brother Shen as a carriage driver. However, you cannot pin all the blame on me. This is not an easy role to fulfill. You will know what I mean when we arrive at Lin Zi. Those rich men and powerful officials viewed us as lowly servants and we will be in trouble if we let our guard down. After being angry when they failed to gain Mistress's (Feng Fei) attention, they will vent their frustrations on us. If Brother Shen is willing to work with me, I will definitely take care of you like my own brethren. After all, I have been the troupe manager for the past two years."

Xiang Shaolong was laughing inside. He prompted, "Brother Zhang, please come straight to the point."

Zhang Quan's eyes rotated a few rounds before leaning forward and divulging, "The biggest advantage when working with me is that Brother Shen can enjoy pleasures of the flesh. Except for a few untouchables, I can even get Second Mistress (Dong Shuzen) to sleep with you."

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be surprised and chortled, "Brother Zhang must be kidding me."

Zhang Quan hurriedly swore an oath that he is telling the absolute truth before adding, "As long as Brother Shen is willing to follow my advice, I can reward you with five ingots of gold now. When the mission is accomplished, I will give you another ten ingots."

Xiang Shaolong is amazed.

Fifteen ingots of gold is not a small sum and can allow anyone to lead a luxurious life for many years. Where did Zhang Quan get his money from?

Thinking about this, he can safely predict that Zhang Quan has been bribed by someone rich, powerful and has evil designs on Feng Fei.

Book 22 Chapter 03 - Ancient Opera

Xiang Shaolong observed Zhang Quan beating around the bush and not going straight to the point . He guessed Zhang Quan is testing his limits before revealing the full picture. He affirmed, "The money is very tempting and I would hate to be Brother Zhang's enemy. However, Mistress (Feng Fei) and I have an affinity for each other. I will not repay her trust with malice."

His words are tactfully chosen, making his stand clear that he will not do anything against Feng Fei's interest.

Zhang Quan cunningly scoffed, "Brother Shen is mistaken! Why would I cause any harm to Mistress (Feng Fei)? For the past few days, I admit that I am upset with her for demoting me. But thinking back, it was my own fault. Thus, I do not have the right to bear any grudges."

Xiang Shaolong was curious, "What does Brother Zhang expect of me? Whatever I can do, Brother Zhang can do better. There is no need for you to lose those glittering pieces of gold into my pocket!"

Zhang Quan leaned towards Xiang Shaolong and whispered, "Are you aware than Little Ping told somebody she has affections towards yourself?"

Xiang Shaolong frowned, "What has this got to do with the deal? Anyway, I don't believe she will tell anybody she likes me."

Zhang Quan snickered, "She did not say it out word for word but she often talks about you in front of the others. Based on her personality, it is as clear as day that she has taken a serious liking to you."

Xiang Shaolong can feel his head aching.

In the present situation, he cannot allow himself to be entangled in any relationships. Moreover, he is too softhearted when it comes to handling the fairer sex. All these complications will only add to his burdens and he secretly warned himself to resist such temptations. He rejected, "Brother Zhang need not speak any further. Making use of Sister Ping to achieve our goals is beyond me. How about this? I will plead with Mistress (Feng Fei) to promote you back to your original appointment and I will serve as your Assistant Manager. We will all be on good terms once again. Isn't this better than all the daily infighting?"

Noticing his resolute countenance, Zhang Quan was irked and cussed, "Brother Shen is too naïve. Do you really believe that you are promoted to my ex-position because Mistress (Feng Fei) believes in your abilities? She is only using you as a scapegoat! In fact, she is already in love with a mystery man. After her trip to Lin Zi, she will disappear with him to an undisclosed location, leading a life of seclusion and happiness. According to my estimations, she will pretend to develop feelings for you and use you as a diversion, drawing attention away from the real culprit. You will die a wrongful death."

Xiang Shaolong was outraged, "Who is that man?"

Zhang Quan groaned, "I will not have come to you if I know who he is. Except for Little Ping'er, nobody knows about Feng Fei's affairs."

Xiang Shaolong's opinion of Feng Fei is becoming less and less favourable.

And it is all because Zhang Quan's words make perfect sense.

Feng Fei is as wise as an owl. She is unlikely to place all her hopes and safety in his hands and yet she gave him such an impression. She is obviously trying to stir up his heroism, painting herself as a helpless damsel who requires his protection. In actual fact, she could have easily planned her own retreat from Qi.

On the other hand, Zhang Quan has been bribed by someone to destroy her grand plan and detain her for his (the rich person) personal enjoyment. Even if he (rich person) cannot win her love, he will have her body.

Feng Fei is like a limited, top quality gem, which everyone wishes to acquire. Although no one can openly use force to obtain her, there will be countless schemes to achieve the same result.

The circumstances are unbelievable.

He was unlucky enough to be drawn into this turmoil.

Zhang Quan assumed that Xiang Shaolong has changed his mind. He took his money pouch out from his bosom and counted five ingots of gold. He put his arm around Xiang Shaolong's shoulders and gently persuaded, "My mastermind is a high ranking and influential man in Qi. He is one in a million. Brother Shen only need to do your job well and you may be even rewarded with an official post. He loves Mistress (Feng Fei) whole-heartedly and will give her a good life. At the end of the day, take it that we are doing Mistress a huge favour."

There is no way Xiang Shaolong will trust his words.

But if he puts himself in Zhang Quan's shoes, he will too bluff about have a rich and powerful backer in Qi because it is indeed an effective way to coerce the weak into submitting.

Xiang Shaolong plainly requested, "Let me try to understand the situation more thoroughly before I commit to a decision. Brother Zhang, please keep your gold for the time being. Ai! Regardless I work with you or not, you should give me some time to consider your proposal."

Looking at his unwavering appearance, Zhang Quan nodded, "All right, but you must give me an answer by the time we arrive in Lin Zi."

After Zhang Quan left, Xiang Shaolong is still fixated in his daydream.

Will Feng Fei really use him as a scapegoat for the man of her dreams?

With her refined and lovely facade, it is hard to imagine that she is such a despicable person.

From the beginning, he had assumed Zhang Quan to be Dong Shuzen's lapdog, but it is apparently not true after analyzing his (Zhang Quan) tone.

Dong Shuzen is trying her best to get rid of him, while Zhang Quan is trying his best to bribe him. Their actions are contradictory to each other.

He is getting more and more muddle-headed when Xiao Yuetan returned to the room.

Listening to Xiang Shaolong's exchange with Zhang Quan, Xiao Yuetan frowned, "Never in my wildest imagination did I expect Feng Fei's retirement to cause such a big hoo-ha. It appears to me there is indeed a mastermind trying all means and ways to have Feng Fei all for himself. To a certain extent, Zhang Quan's words sounds logical. Feng Fei enjoys the respect of numerous Kings and Lords. If she takes the trouble to ask for assistance, she will have no lack of capable men coming forward to offer their protection. And yet she has to be so secretive about the whole thing. Thus, I conclude that her mystery lover is someone unique, maybe even someone who has a lowly status. Exposing this person's identity will cause disaster to befall upon him."

Compared to Xiang Shaolong, Xiao Yuetan has a better understanding about the mentality of the rich and powerful. He queried, "Is Feng Fei so wicked that she will really use me as her scapegoat?"

Xiao Yuetan grinned, "Let's wait and observe the situation further. I am sure things will be clearer after some surveillance. Our Shaolong is no pushover after all; whoever dares to scheme against us can expect a scheme in return."

Xiang Shaolong agreed.

Who would have thought that such a small Song & Dance Troupe would involve such complications?

Watching the Song & Dance Troupe rehearsal, Xiang Shaolong finally understood how Poetry, Singing and Music can be amalgamated into one body. In the past, either he did not pay much attention to these performances or he only stare at the beautiful main character. In this moment, he can feel himself immersing into the presentation and can fully appreciate every component of it.

By itself, the 30 odd member orchestra led by Yun Niang is show-worthy.

Yun Niang plays a set of 8 hanging bells, representing the 8 ancient and original tones (Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do). Ranging from big bells to small bells, they took up one-fifth of the space in the hall. She strikes the bells in a graceful posture, mesmerizing the audience with her nimble stances and dance steps. It is no wonder why she is highly respected by Feng Fei.

Xiang Shaolong assumed that Yun Niang is aware of Feng Fei's plans to disband the Song & Dance Troupe. Thus, she is using every opportunity to get close to Xiao Yuetan, hoping to marry him after the disbandment. As one grows older, one becomes more practical. If he was in her shoes, he too would choose the 'successful' Xiao Yuetan and not the 'pathetic' Shen Liang.

The hall is full of ancient instruments like the stone clappers, metal cymbals, pipes, lutes, bronze drums, chimes and harps, providing well-matched melodies. The music is soothing, gentle and pleasing to the ears.

Xinyue, Zhu Xiuzhen and the other courtesans are dancing to the music.

Feng Fei and Dong Shuzen are standing at a side, analyzing the dance. From time to time, they will lean towards each other and exchange feedback. From their body language, it is impossible to tell that they are secretly opposing each other.

The serving maids are tasked to assist the courtesans in changing clothes and serving refreshments. It was a busy and lively scene.

On this occasion, Feng Fei did not invite Xiao Yuetan along. As a result, Xiang Shaolong is sitting at a side, watching the rehearsal all by himself.

Fortunately, he can feast his eyes on the gorgeous courtesans. He kept himself busy checking them out.

On several counts, Xinyue flutter her eyelashes at him, giving him a sense of warmth, making him feel less lonely.

Zhu Xiuzhen appears to be as angry with him as before. She gave him a fierce stare and no longer pays any attention to him.

Out of a sudden, an icy voice sounded out beside him, "Who are you staring at?"

Xiang Shaolong turned in head in astonishment. It is Little Ping'er dressed up as a boy, looking at him with a hostile expression. He was momentarily shaken before he spluttered out, "I am watching the rehearsal!"

Little Ping'er whined, "I think you are looking at Mistress (Xinyue) instead."

'None of your business', Xiang Shaolong was scolding inside. On the outside, he swallowed his pride and inquired, "Doesn't Sister Ping think the rehearsal is fantastic?"

Little Ping'er stomped her feet, "You are paying so much attention to her and must be lusting for her."

Xiang Shaolong can detect the overpowering jealousy in her words and since he feels no affections for her, he is beginning to feel annoyed. He intentionally rebuffed, "It is common for men to be drawn to attractive women. When Miss Xinyue performs in front of a large audience, is Sister Ping going to scold the few hundred spectators?"

Her face reddening on the spot, Little Ping'er marched away in anger. Xiang Shaolong can instantly feel a burden released from his shoulder. This lass is willful, easily jealous, stubborn and demanding. It is best not to get involved with her.

Feng Fei waved him over and enquired, "What does Manager Shen think about this new routine?"

Dong Shuzen's gaze fell upon his face, scanning him with full attention. Despite knowing that this is a loose woman whom he can easily sleep with, the fact that he has heard her moaning before, coupled with their close proximity now where he can have a delightful view of her huge breasts and slender waist, Xiang Shaolong is transfixed. He dryly coughed, "I am inexperienced when it comes to music but I must say that the melodies are a treat to my ears. Yun Niang's playing of the bells is clear and precise, akin to a Commanding General leading his huge army to war."

Dong Shuzen said, "Manager Shen is too modest. Your simple words have explained the essence of the orchestra. The ringing of the bells has all along been essential to managing the timing as well as the sound effects of the orchestra. The bells marked both the starting and ending of every song, and can be played as a solo or as an accompanying instrument to the zither, lute, pipe or flute. The bells are the most versatile and they affect the mood of the song."

Facing her enticements, Xiang Shaolong knows that she is faking them but is nonetheless surprised by her enlightenment. He pretended to listen intensively to her words.

Taking in the intoxicating fragrances of the two ladies, Xiang Shaolong visualize himself as the only male species in a country of women. Sailing up the long river on this giant ancient ship in winter, he felt like he is on top of the world.

In a remarkably tender voice, Feng Fei shared, "Content arises from poems, movements arise from dancing, sounds arise from singing. When these three become one body, it will become a special birthday present for the King of Qi. It is named - The Immortal Phoenix Arising. Unfortunately, I encountered some difficulties in the main song. Hopefully, I can resolve it by the time of the banquet. Otherwise, it will be a huge disappointment."

A strange look flashed by Dong Shuzen's face. Although curious, Xiang Shaolong cannot guess what is on her mind.

Xiang Shaolong turned his attention to Xinyue and the dancing courtesans. He casually asked, "Is there a different dance movement for every song, portraying a different setting? And lastly, will the main song come in to bring the audiences to a climax, bringing closure to the story?"

The curvy bodies Feng Fei and Dong Shuzen uncontrollably trembled. Their pretty almond-shaped eyes looked at each other in wonder for some time before they both stared at him.

Xiang Shaolong can sense that something is not right. Witnessing their amazement, he awkwardly apologized, "Your servant (polite way of saying I) is spouting nonsense. Both Mistresses, kindly do not take offence."

The two ladies remained silent.

Now it was Xiang Shaolong's turn to shudder. He found out the reason for their reaction.

To a 21st century person, it is common to express a story through a musical. There is nothing new or surprising.

However, during the period of the Warring States, music is traditionally linked to its origin - used as part of prayers to the Creator. Music itself has no 'storyline' until the later dynasties of Song and Yuan.

In the eyes of Feng Fei, his words are a groundbreaking revelation.

Her alluring breasts still quivering, Feng Fei finally exhaled, "Ai! Shen Liang, this is a very novel perspective of things. You are indeed a very special person."

Dong Shuzen quipped, "This idea is not only unique but superbly refreshing. Mistress should consider it."

Feng Fei's pair of glimmering, soul-hooking eyes rested on Xiang Shaolong's face for some time before she decided, "Shuzen, please give some thought to it as well. I am going back to my room to take a rest."

Finishing, she took her leave without giving Xiang Shaolong a second glance. Dong Shuzen came closer to Xiang Shaolong until her pert bosom nearly came in contact with his hand. She revealed, "No one has ever cause Feng Fei such agitation. Shen Liang, you are the first."

Embarrassed, Xiang Shaolong uttered, "Second Mistress must be making fun of me."

Her lovely face blossoming like a flower, Dong Shuzen tiptoed and whispered into his ears, "My heart beats for you too." Finishing, she even lightly blew a mouthful of air into his ears.

Xiang Shaolong is fully aware that she is trying to seduce himself to achieve her dark, unspoken goal. Nonetheless, he felt like touching her in return. Hurriedly suppressing his temptation, he rejected, "Second Mistress, please don't. It doesn't sound right."

Dong Shuzen gave him a coquettish smile and shifted slightly away. She batted her eyes at him, "You can come to my room whenever you are free. There will just be the two of us and we can enjoy each other's company in full privacy."

Xiang Shaolong thought: Wouldn't that be sending the lamb into the tiger's den? Getting himself ensnared in her beauty trap?

He answered, "Your servant dare not. Mistress (Feng Fei) will be offended."

Dong Shuzen sweetly smiled, "Your fists are so hard and yet your guts are so little. Mistress (Feng Fei) will not bother with my business. Oh! Unless you are pining for Mistress (Feng Fei)?"

Xiang Shaolong was stunned, "Second Mistress must be joking. Your servant is just a lowly manager. I dare not dream of being the toad lusting after the swan's flesh."

Dong Shuzen's body wobbled, "Toad lusting after the swan's flesh. How in the world did you think of such proverbs?"

Xiang Shaolong realized that this proverb is not invented yet. He uneasily responded, "It is just me spouting gibberish as usual."

Dong Shuzen took a closer look at him as if this is the first time she is seeing him. After some time, she questioned, "Every time you say something, you will disclose some thought-provoking ideas. You are such a talent and it is a pity if you are under-utilized. Shen Liang, have you ever thought about your plans for the future?"

Right now, the music has stopped playing. The courtesans are giggling among themselves, awaiting further instructions from Dong Shuzen.

Only Xinyue is alone at a side, jealously eyeing the intimate conversations between the two of them.

Little Ping'er is nowhere to be seen.

Xiang Shaolong professed, "I am completely satisfied with my position now as General Manager. Ah! They (the courtesans) are waiting for Second Mistress's guidance."

Dong Shuzen divulged, "Let me tell you a secret. The Song & Dance Troupe will disband soon. Everyone who knows about it has been keeping a lookout for other prospects. For myself, I am greatly troubled, as I do not wish to end up as someone's concubine or mistress. Shen Liang, if you have any plans, please come and talk to me about them."

She stretched out her hand, pinching his arm and softly beamed, "You are really muscular."

She then smilingly went over to the courtesans.

Xiang Shaolong dared not look at Xinyue's expression and quickly slipped away.

On his way back to his cabin, this is the first time he sympathizes with Dong Shuzen.

She has dedicated her entire life to singing and dancing. She obviously does not wish to lose her career as such a young age. Moreover, it is the only admirable career a woman can have in this ancient period.

To a certain extent, Feng Fei is awfully selfish and only makes plans for herself. It will be even more unforgivable if Feng Fei is using him as a scapegoat, a diversion, as propagated by Zhang Quan.

If there is a way to allow Dong Shuzen to become Feng Fei's successor, giving Feng Fei a hassle-free retirement, that will be a happy ending for both parties. It is a difficult proposition, though not entirely impossible. The issue lies with Feng Fei.

Back in his room, Xiao Yuetan has just completed his new dye and is working on Xiang Shaolong's disguise. When Xiang Shaolong told him about Little Ping'er noticing the changes in his (Xiang Shaolong) appearance, the latter laughed, "I guarantee that nobody can see through your disguise once my work is completed. Our biggest advantage is your weight loss, causing the shape of your eyes to be different from before. You must watch your diet and don't gain too much weight."

Xiang Shaolong groaned, "I have been restricting myself already. Now that Little Ping has expressed interest in me and Dong Shuzen is trying her best to seduce me, I can feel my head aching. What should I do?"

Xiao Yuetan jested, "Xiang Shaolong is Xiang Shaolong. Even Talented Lady Ji has fallen for you; it is no surprise that other girls will do the same. Hey! Let me show you something."

Xiang Shaolong shifted his gaze to the object on his open palm. It resembles a fruit seed, extremely hard and about the size of a thumb. Piqued, he questioned, "What is it?"

Xiao Yuetan rationalized, "It does not matter what it is. What it is used for is more critical. When you put it under your tongue, it will change the tone of your voice, making you sound vastly different from Xiang Shaolong."

Xiang Shaolong frowned, "But if Feng Fei and the others hear my new voice, wouldn't it raise any red flags?"

Xiao Yuetan assured, "Your status is not the same as before. When Feng Fei is speaking to outsiders, do you think you have the right to be present? And even if you happen to be around, you do not have the right to interrupt or give your opinion. When you are meeting with someone familiar, all you have to do is to pop this into your mouth and evade identification."

After experiencing Xiao Yuetan's bag of tricks, Xiang Shaolong is no longer surprised by the ridiculous stuff he comes up with. He picked up the seed and placed it under his tongue as instructed by Xiao Yuetan. With further supervision by the Master of Disguise, he is re-learning how to talk as if he is a toddler. True enough, the tone of his voice is now very different from before.

As Xiao Yuetan is laughing at Xiang Shaolong's antics, the sound of knocking is heard. He swiftly went to open the door.

Xiang Shaolong saw Xiao Yuetan being yanked out of the room and was in a state of perplexity when Xiao Yuetan reentered the room and whispered, "I am going over to Yun Niang's room tonight to have a good time. If you are feeling lonely, try approaching Xinyue or one of the ladies. I have not tried Xinyue before but I personally guarantee that Dong Shuzen will give you a night to remember. All the best." When the cabin door was closed again, Xiang Shaolong can only smile bitterly to himself.

The voyage is a lonesome one and a female companion for the night will surely grant him significant happiness. However, he cannot go against his own conscience. After being in a daze for some time, he made peace with his own emotions and snuggled into his bed and blanket. Since he left Qin, his greatest joy lies in meeting his wives and son in his dreams. Just as he was about to fall asleep, his ears picked up the sound of the door softly opening and he woke up in shock.

Xiang Shaolong reached over and barely grasped the handle of Bloodwave hanging by his bedside when he was overwhelmed by a womanly fragrance. A sizzling hot female body has snaked underneath his blanket, entangling him securely like an octopus.

Book 22 Chapter 04 - Knee Deep in Trouble

As Xiang Shaolong is well rested, his mind is especially alert and his five senses are exceedingly delicate. Facing the probability that this lady in front of him can be Dong Shuzen, Xinyue, Zhu Xiuzhen or even the unlikely Little Ping'er, he is excited beyond words.

After expending a tremendous amount of willpower, he managed to evade her lips and whispered into her ears, "Who are you?"

The mysterious lady cooed, "Do you have many women who come to you like this?"

Xiang Shaolong cannot recognize her faked voice and laughed, "It is the exact opposite! If another woman had come to me in such a manner, I would have mistaken you for her! Why would I bother to ask about your identity?"

The lady held tightly to his waist and buried her face into his chest, purring, "It is also possible that you have many ladies coming to you and you could not tell them apart."

Xiang Shaolong is absolutely sure that this lady cannot be Little Ping'er or Xinyue as Little Ping'er is still angry with him and Xinyue should know that he values his chastity and is not easily tempted.

Groping her, Xiang Shaolong countered, "If this is the case, I should be able to tell who you are by feeling you and need not question you further."

The lady murmured to herself and appeared to be moved by his words.

Xiang Shaolong cannot hold back his inhibitions any longer. He flipped over, hugging and pressing her down tightly. Concurrently, he reached for a fire stick at his bedside table.

The lady gave a shrill cry, pulling his hand back, exclaiming, "Are you trying to embarrass me? This is the worst time to put the lights on. Let's begin!"

All Xiang Shaolong needed was some starlight to see her features but it was a cloudy night and on top of that, both of them are still covered by the blanket. Xiang Shaolong is as good as blind.

On the other hand, it is this kind of ignorance that caused him to be greatly aroused.

The lady should be one of the three ladies: Dong Shuzen, Zhu Xiuzhen or Little Ning'er. Every one of them is good-looking, voluptuous and can mesmerize a man with a look or a smile. He is immensely ecstatic and cannot resist this physical invasion.

If not for the layers of clothes between them, there is no way Xiang Shaolong can hold his ground until now.

At the back of his mind, Xiang Shaolong gingerly felt that if he conquered the lady now, he would be no different from a common pervert. Indirectly, he has lost his self-control and surrendered himself to a strange intruder.

Which is why despite the lady's caressing, the strong lure of enticement and even with an erection, Xiang Shaolong persisted in suppressing the raging flames of passion. Pushing his upper body slightly away, he purposely lied, "I know who you are!"

Below his body, the lady trembled slightly and responded, "So, who am I?"

Based on her shocked reaction, Xiang Shaolong can tell that the lady did not expect Xiang Shaolong to correctly guess her identity.

This meant that she couldn't be Dong Shuzen or Zhu Xiuzhen as these two courtesans have tried to seduce him and have hinted him to bed them. The two of them will not react in such a manner.

Out of the blue, he was hit by an outrageous revelation. Xiang Shaolong stuttered, "First Mistress (Feng Fei)?"

The lady calmed down and soothingly coaxed, "It is Feng Fei indeed. Don't you have feelings for me?"

Xiang Shaolong can feel his heart bleeding and all his passions dissipated. He realized that Zhang Quan is right after all. If she did not plan to use him as a scapegoat, why would she lower herself to his level and offer her body to him?

Only with this sacrifice can she convince him that he is her lover.

All along, Xiang Shaolong has had the highest regards for Feng Fei. Right now, his impression of her has been largely tarnished.

Xiang Shaolong coldly hissed, "Why is First Mistress (Feng Fei) doing this?"

In a pleading tone, the lady lightly implored, "Can you please don't interrogate me like this? Come and give me your love."

Xiang Shaolong heaved with relief, calming down, "So it is not First Mistress but Sister Ping."

If she did not use her normal tone and voice, he may have to continue making wild guesses.

Little Ping'er has resumed her normal speaking manner. She gave a soft shrill and her lips advance once again, kissing him fervently.

Absent-mindedly satisfying her lips with his kissing expertise, Xiang Shaolong is furiously thinking about the entire situation.

Logically, Little Ping'er will be accompanying Feng Fei wherever she goes. In other words, unlike Xinyue and her fellow courtesans, she need not worry about her future when the Troupe disbands.

Right now, she has cast aside her self-respect and offered herself unconditionally to him. Though it could be partly due to true love, she may have been here on Feng Fei's orders, sacrificing herself to control and manipulate himself (Xiang Shaolong).

This belief is not without reason. Although he hasn't grasp Feng Fei's retirement conspiracy or how he will be tricked into becoming a scapegoat, Xiang Shaolong is absolutely sure of one thing - Feng Fei has been lying to him all along.

It does not make any sense for Feng Fei to bet all her hopes and dreams on a stranger like him.


The fire stick has lighted the oil lamp.

Little Ping'er protested, "Uhm… Uhm…" Unable to take the sudden brightness, her shining eyes are half closed for a while before she opened them fully.

Xiang Shaolong raised his upper body once again and scrutinized this lady in front of him. Her hair is open like a fan over the pillow and he was amazed at her pristine appearance, easily matching Dong Shuzen in terms of beauty. Her attractiveness has been camouflaged by her dressing up as a boy and not applying any make up.

They were looking into each other's eyes.

Contentment and nervousness is written over Little Ping'er's face. The swirling passion in her eyes is something that Xiang Shaolong cannot fathom.

Xiang Shaolong sighed inwardly. His suspicions have been confirmed.

Lowering his head and kissing her red lips, he gently soothed: "Is this the first time you are kissing a man?"

Little Ping'er nodded in reply.

Xiang Shaolong gritted his teeth, strengthening his resolve against the teasing and caressing. He icily questioned, "Are you here on First Mistress's orders?"

Her eyes wide open, Little Ping'er was taken aback. After a while did she give a flustered reply, "Why do you say so?"

From her reaction, Xiang Shaolong immediately knew that his guess is not far from the truth.

If she had come on her own accord and hearing this question, she would be seriously offended - she would either leave the room infuriated or face him with a wronged expression.

Her reaction only serves to betray her guilt, leading her to deny him an answer, hoping to preserve this secret.

For the past few years, Xiang Shaolong has been debating complicated issues in court. A young girl like her is far from his match.

Xiang Shaolong kept his silence and glared frostily at her.

A clear drop of tear appeared at the corner of her eye, running down her face, staining the pillow.

Little Ping'er turned her face to the side, avoiding his emotionless stare. Breaking down, she began sobbing incessantly and wailed with sorrow, "You don't like me?"

Xiang Shaolong laid down beside her, using his sleeve to dry her tears. He plainly state, "I should have known it is Sister Ping. If it were somebody else, they would have stripped naked before joining me in bed."

Little Ping'er has stopped crying and helplessly submitted, "You are truly formidable. I surrender. Happy?"

Xiang Shaolong's heart softened.

Has he been too ruthless with her?

He actually resorted to such means to deal with an innocent and naïve teenager. Moreover, she is only acting out the orders of her Mistress.

To pacify her turbulent emotions, Xiang Shaolong comforted, "You are a very good-looking lady. Why are you always dressed up as a boy?"

Little Ping'er pitifully confessed, "If I had dressed up like this all the time, the lady in your arms (I) will no longer be a virgin."

Xiang Shaolong can appreciate the hidden grief in her words. Sighing to himself, he continued, "Was your nasty behavior an act as well?"

Little Ping'er began to smile. Her eyes brimming, she revealed, "At the beginning, it was an act but eventually I got used to it. Ai! You reminded me of somebody."

Xiang Shaolong became slightly jealous and asked, "Is it your lover?"

Little Ping'er's mood took a dip. She dismissed, "You are thinking too much! I have only seen him once and his words are very direct and penetrating, exactly like you. His eyes looked as if they can see into your soul. Mistress (Feng Fei) has a deep impression of him too!"

It is Xiang Shaolong's turn to be taken aback. Knowing that she is referring to himself, he dared not probe further.

Little Ping'er professed, "I feel so comfortable being cuddled by you. So that is how it feels like between men and women. No wonder Yun Niang came looking for Mister Tan."

Xiang Shaolong mused, "Sister Ping, how young are you?"

Little Ping'er bashfully answered, "I just turned seventeen! I have been dedicating my life to Mistress (Feng Fei) since I was fifteen."

Keeping up the pressure, Xiang Shaolong interrogated, "Why did Mistress ask you to do this?"

Distressed, Little Ping'er howled, "Can you stop forcing me? I am in a dilemma. Ai! What should I do?"

Xiang Shaolong supported her up to a sitting position. Putting his lips to her ears, he decided, "What should you do? Honestly tell Mistress everything that has happened and that I have seen through her scheme and quitting this damned manager position."

Finishing his last sentence, he can feel a large burden being lifted off his shoulders. This job is not well suited for a man like him and additionally, the risk of exposure is too high.

Little Ping'er was frightened, "I can't do this."

Xiang Shaolong gently caressed her alluring back and smooth neck, smiling, "Just follow my instructions exactly. You need not bother about the consequences."

Little Ping'er appears to be engrossed in his massage and dreamily asked, "How did you guess Mistress ordered me to come here?"

Xiang Shaolong candidly responded, "Because it is unlike you to do so."

Little Ping'er seemed to have transformed into a different person. She unwillingly balked, "But I do have some feelings for you."

Xiang Shaolong is not amused, "It is ONLY some feelings! Come. Be a good girl and go back to your room. I do not wish to have you under such circumstances."

Little Ping'er went 'humph' and enveloped herself into his bosom. She seductively cooed, "Mistress is correct. You are one of a kind and different from other men."

Xiang Shaolong is filled with earthly desires and can feel himself aroused once more. He was petrified and reminded himself to watch his inhibitions; otherwise, he would lose this golden opportunity to quit his job. He half-forcefully carried her in his arms, sending her to his door.

Little Ping'er turned courageous and hugged his neck with both arms, kissing him zealously.

After a brief struggle, Little Ping'er grudgingly gave him a heart-breaking look and left reluctantly.

Xiang Shaolong locked his cabin door and prevented himself from thinking any further. He soon fell into a deep sleep.

At daybreak, Xiao Yuetan came back to the room a completely satisfied man. After hearing his womanly encounter last night, he was astounded at Little Ping'er's behavior. He nodded: "It is a wise decision to leave Feng Fei's employment. Sometimes, less is more. At the end of the day, I still do not understand why she is resorting to such a scheme. Ai!"

Noticing his pale expression, Xiang Shaolong was traumatized, "What is it?"

Xiao Yuetan stammered, "Yun Niang came looking for me last night. Was she acting on Feng Fei's instructions too? Otherwise, why would Little Ping'er know about me going over to Yun Niang's room?"

Xiang Shaolong exhaled a breath of air, "Can you give your little brother (me) a break? I am as tense as a tightrope. Even if this is true, it is nothing surprising."

Xiao Yuetan did not know whether to laugh or cry. He explained, "If this is the case, Yun Niang's words become unreliable. All the information that she has given to me could be lies."

Looking outside the window, Xiang Shaolong swore, "Who cares if they are true or false. No matter what, I am quitting."

Knock Knock!

Xiao Yuetan demanded, "Who is it?"

Little Ping'er voice sounded out from the other side of the door, "Good Morning Mister Tan. Mistress (Feng Fei) is asking to see Manager Shen."

Xiang Shaolong and Xiao Yuetan exchanged looks before he pushed the door open.

Little Ping'er avoided his gaze and led the way towards a long corridor.

She has resumed her disguise as a boy and has a poker face, behaving as if nothing happened last night.

Initially, Xiang Shaolong was thinking of teasing her but eventually resisted the idea, knowing that this would lead to more troubles.

This is the first time Xiang Shaolong is stepping into Feng Fei's bedroom on board the ship. Her bedroom is twice as big as his own and divided into two sections. A curtain separates the two sections and one of the section is furnished like a living room.

Of course Feng Fei will not be waiting for him in bed. Right this moment, she is lying on her side on an animal skin covered long bench, with her upper body resting on a cushion. Her hair is slightly untidy as if she had just woken up and her complexion is pinkish, making her appear exceptionally desirable. When he first saw her, Xiang Shaolong was momentarily stunned before he finally paid his respects.

No wonder the saying goes: A beautiful woman can cause a country's downfall.

For someone as charming as her, the rich and powerful will go to extreme lengths to possess her for their own enjoyment. After all, during these ancient times, it is common for influential men to acquire a harem of concubines.

Little Ping'er closed the door and took her leave.

With a peaceful expression on her face, Feng Fei pointed to a chair beside her and invited, "Please have a seat!"

Noticing the absence of any hostility on her face, Xiang Shaolong was feeling confounded and took his seat. His nose was instantly filled with the wonderful fragrances emanating from her body.

Feng Fei beamed, "Little Ping'er is definitely not your match. Otherwise, why would she be tricked by a few simple lies from you?"

Xiang Shaolong did not expect her to be so brutally honest and straightforward. He fumbled and dryly coughed twice, "Can I speak my mind?"

Feng Fei plainly state, "If you want to tell me you are quitting, you can save it!"

Xiang Shaolong could not think of anything to say to that. Confused, he vexed: "What is the point of Miss (Feng Fei) keeping me around?"

Feng Fei's eyes turned to him, "Zhang Quan came to see you yesterday; is he trying to bribe you?"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly sighed, "Without my answer, you should know what he is trying to achieve. I do not understand why you allowed him to stay on when you can sack him along with Sa Li. Wouldn't things be much better without all these obstacles?"

With her shining eyes, Feng Fei gave him a smile. In a gentle voice, she dissected, "Let us settle these issues one by one. Presently, I have only two wishes. Do you want to know what they are?"

Calming down, Xiang Shaolong snapped in a deep voice, "If this is Miss's secret, you can save it!"

Feng Fei does not mind his outburst and gingerly smiled, "You are not only a unique person but an extremely strange one as well. Of all the people I have met, there are those gentlemen who do not hanker after fame or fortune. They can choose to think highly of themselves because they are born with a silver spoon in their mouths and live their lives in abundance, without worrying about food or clothing. But you are just a poorly paid carriage driver and yet you behaved like you cannot be bothered and you don't mind starving to death. Shen Liang, why don't you tell what this is all about?"

Xiang Shaolong is secretly alarmed, knowing that his anxiety to quit has exposed a loophole, drawing the suspicions of this cunning beauty. He hastily salvaged, "Ai! This is just who I am. I will not bow down to power nor follow orders blindly like a fool. Ha! Worse to worse, I'll just starve to death. There is nothing to hold me back."

Feng Fei scrutinized him for quite some time and seemed to have made some conclusion by observing his body language. She finally insisted, "Just by looking at your sitting posture, I can tell that you are not used to working for other people. Why don't you openly tell me who you really are?"

Xiang Shaolong's heart is beating frantically, guessing that she may have seen through his masquerade and knowing that he is Xiang Shaolong but is unable to verify it. The primary reason lies in Zhang Quan hiring him from the Official Stables of Wei. This is irrefutable evidence of his identity as Shen Liang.

At present, he knows he cannot show any signs of hesitation. He frowned, "Your servant (I) has already told Mistress about my background. To be honest, I am thinking of resigning because I fear that my life will be in danger. At the beginning, I thought Mistress would be supporting me indirectly. Only last night did I realize that Mistress is made from the same mold as the other people trying to get me into trouble. Why should I still trust you?"

Feng Fei is displeased, "Who said that I am scheming against you? You have fulfilled my first wish, allowing me to compose a (Song & Dance) routine that can crush my two major opponents. Therefore, I instructed Little Ping'er to accompany you for a night, relieving your sense of loneliness. At the same time, I am worried that you may eventually succumb to Dong Shuzen's seduction and switched loyalty to her camp. You have misunderstood my intentions."

Xiang Shaolong is afraid that he will reveal more clues about his real identity if they continue debating like that. He dared not protest any further and acknowledged, "So it is all a misunderstanding!"

Feng Fei lightly highlighted, "Of course it is a misunderstanding. Moreover, I will never force Little Ping'er to do something against her wishes. I am hoping to find a good husband for her in the process."

Xiang Shaolong recalled his lowly status and can only keep quiet.

Feng Fei simply declared, "As long as you escort me out of Lin Zi safely, I can guarantee you a generous payout and even marry Little Ping'er to you."

Xiang Shaolong was mystified, "Don't you require her services in the future?"

A hint of sadness flashed past her lovely eyes as Feng Fei lamented, "Who would want to remain a lowly servant for her entire life? Ai! You seemed to be uninterested in Little Ping'er. I really don't know what is going on in your head."

Xiang Shaolong clarified, "Sister Ping is such an attractive lady; anyone would be glad to marry her. However, my career is more important to me and having a family will only be a liability to me. I hope Mistress can understand my position."

Feng Fei gave him a look and grieved, "Another fool who does not recognize the brutalities of war. How about this? After accomplishing our mission, I will write you a letter of recommendation that will allow you to find work wherever you go. Regarding your future success, it will have to depend on your character and abilities."

There is nothing Xiang Shaolong can add to her words. Pretending to be full of gratitude, he took his leave.

On his way out, he unexpectedly thought of a great idea. He recollected Xiao Yuetan faking his own death to escape from Lu Buwei. Who knows, maybe Xiao Yuetan can create a similar potion as seen in 'Romeo and Juliet'. It is the potion Juliet consumed to fake her own death, allowing her to escape from her family.

Pondering about this, he can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and can feel his steps becoming lighter and lighter.

Book 22 Chapter 05 - Staying Against His Will

He had barely taken two steps when further up the corridor, a cabin door opened with a 'Yeeank' sound. In a graceful, dance-like disposition, Zhu Xiuzhen sashayed out and blocked his path. Her eyes glared at him with annoyance but yet she pleaded, "Is Manager Shen available?"

Xiang Shaolong is not that dumb to take her appearance at face value. The reason is that all these courtesans are well-trained actresses.

Although Dong Shuzen and Zhu Xiuzhen did schemed against him in the past, he did not bear the slightest hatred against them now that he is more informed about the present circumstances. On the contrary, his sympathies lie with them.

At the end of the day, they are simply fighting for survival in this male dominated society. Though their methods are overbearing, they are left with no other choice.

Most unfortunately, he himself is the number one wanted man by the Eastern States. His own survival is at stake and he could not assist them even if he wanted to.

His main priority right now is to slip away and not get further involved in this problematic turmoil.

Before he can offer an answer, Zhu Xiuzhen is already pulling his sleeve, dragging him into her bedroom.

Out of a sudden, Xiang Shaolong realized that he is the critical factor in this Song & Dance Troupe internal struggle, the showdown between Team Feng Fei and Team Dong Shuzen.

Regardless of whether it is Feng Fei's retirement or Dong Shuzen usurping Feng Fei's position, both ladies will have to collaborate with him and his 'men'.

In addition, he is their bridge to the outside world.

His present role resembles a manager of an international Superstar in the 21st century or, more accurately, the manager of a girl band.

Without his cooperation, Feng Fei and Dong Shuzen are like toothless, clawless tigresses, unable to achieve anything on their own. This explains why in the past, Zhang Quan and Sa Li are able to sleep with Dong Shuzen and Zhu Xiuzhen.

Unexpectedly, Feng Fei has made used of Zhang Quan and Sa Li's infighting to destroy Dong Shuzen and Zhu Xiuzhen's backers, preventing them from gaining the upper hand. She then bestowed this key appointment onto him, Xiang Shaolong.

He finally understood why did Feng Fei allow Zhang Quan to continue serving in the Troup. In fact, it is a very strategic and advantageous decision.

Due to the intimate relationship between Zhang Quan and Dong Shuzen, it is very challenging for Dong Shuzen to openly seduce Xiang Shaolong. The only way out is for the two of them to work together to chase Xiang Shaolong away but that will only force Xiang Shaolong to look for Feng Fei herself for support.

If Dong Shuzen disregards Zhang Quan, the latter may submit to Feng Fei, betraying all her plans and secrets to Feng Fei.

Sa Li is Zhu Xiuzhen's backer and with him gone, she is now alone and defenceless. She has now chosen to side with Dong Shuzen and has become her pawn. However, once she finds another backer, it is possible that she will fight with Dong Shuzen once again over the succession plans of the Song & Dance Troupe.

On the side, Feng Fei, Dong Shuzen and Zhu Xiuzhen may be oblivious to the knowledge that Zhang Quan has been bribed by an external party and is harbouring evil intentions.

Presently, Feng Fei has failed to bribe him with Little Ping'er, Dong Shuzen has failed in her beauty trap and Zhang Quan cannot win him over with money, forming a stalemate.

And to think that running away was all that he ever wanted.

As all these complicated thoughts are running through his brain at the speed of light, Zhu Xiuzhen had closed the door, embraced him tightly and buried her delicate face in his bosom. She emotionally questioned, "How can you be so cold towards Xiuzhen (me)?"

Xiang Shaolong can clearly feel her curvaceous body sending him waves of temptations. In his mind, he felt like treating her with tenderness. Despite knowing that she is faking everything, he feels sorry for her.

He did not hug her in return, nor did he push her away. Standing there without any reaction, he plainly advised, "Miss Xiuzhen, there is no need to do this. Just tell me what you need and I will do it for you."

Zhu Xiuzhen raised her striking face and burst out in tears. She heart-wrenchingly cried: "I am so frightened!"

Xiang Shaolong did not expect her to use this tactic. His heart softened: "Miss Xiuzhen!"

Zhu Xiuzhen buried her face on his wider-than-average chest and cried even harder, wetting the front of his shirt.

Xiang Shaolong frantically comforted her, supporting her to her bed and seating her on the bed's edge. He allowed her to continue hugging his neck and being in his bosom while helping to dry her tears. Eventually, she stopped crying and wailing but she still shudders occasionally (due to the heavy crying).

He is confident that it is a fake show with true feelings.

The feelings are obviously not feelings of love, but feelings of fear about her unknown future.

Zhu Xiuzhen woefully commented, "You should know about Mistress (Feng Fei) intention to disband the Song & Dance Troupe and her plans to use us (courtesans) as gifts to secure her friendship with the rich and famous, allowing herself to leave unscathed."

Xiang Shaolong was thunderstruck, "Are you sure?"

Zhu Xiuzhen assured, "It is definitely the truth. In the past, there were some sisters in the Troupe who left and got married into a rich family. Their lives took a turn for the worse. There were some who are beaten to death by the first wife and some who became prostitutes of the official brothels after their Lords lost power. Those who are neglected considered themselves lucky to have not suffered a worse fate. Xiuzhen (I) will rather choose to be dead than to live such a meaningless life."

Xiang Shaolong frowned, "Were all of you (courtesans) bought (as a slave or servant) by Mistress (Feng Fei)?"

Zhu Xiuzhen sorrowfully nodded, "She may appear to be treating us with kindness but it is because we are of some usefulness to her, such as supporting her in winning the title of the World's Best Courtesan. In actual fact, she only makes plans for herself and we are just her tools."

Xiang Shaolong can tell that she is getting desperate, causing her to confide her insecurities in him. He laments the detestable status of womenfolk in these ancient times and that he is unable to contribute to her situation. He wondered, "You are telling me all your secrets. Aren't you concerned that I may betray you to Mistress (Feng Fei)?"

Zhu Xiuzhen bitterly smiled, "I have seen all kinds of men and you are the kind who is full of justice. I have judged you erroneously in the beginning but I will not repeat this mistake. Now, I can only cast aside my pride and beg for your assistance."

She added, "We are sheltered women who knew nothing except our (Song & Dance) routines. When we leave the Troupe, we will be at a disadvantage and would likely be bullied wherever we go."

Xiang Shaolong proclaimed, "But you have to get married eventually!"

Zhu Xiuzhen raised her head, facing Xiang Shaolong with a tear-stained face. She gently mentioned, "It would be good if we need not get married. All of us (courtesans) have saved our money well and can live the rest of our lives without worrying about food or clothing. Nonetheless, we do require someone to make proper arrangements for us. Now that Sa Li has been dismissed by Mistress (Feng Fei), I can only come to you."

In an instant, she lowered her head and insisted, "Even if I must get married, I hope my partner will not know about my past as a courtesan. Xiuzhen (I) would rather be a dedicated wife of a poor man than to become a concubine or mistress of a rich man"

Xiang Shaolong had a sudden brainwave. This is the crux of the matter that he has been trying to comprehend.

Within the Song & Dance Troupe, there is the ambitious Dong Shuzen whose aim is to take over Feng Fei's position and the unambitious ones like Zhu Xiuzhen, who only wish to lead an ordinary life from the money that she has made by performing and sleeping with the rich.

Regardless of their goals, everyone wants to be free, to be the master of their own destiny, to forge a life of happiness and independence.

For the first time ever, he is weighing his options about leaving. Even if he can flee successfully, will he bear to leave them in the lurch? The best option is to arrange for them to settle down in Qin. On one hand, they will be spared the atrocities of war and on the other hand, they will be safe under his protection.

As long as they are willing, Xiang Shaolong would have no trouble finding them a good home, given their exceptional appearances.

However, he is now fighting for his own survival, not to mention the Troupe internal bickering and Zhang Quan the traitor. With all these weighing down on him, will he still be able to make a difference in their lives? He decided to test Zhu Xiuzhen's sincerity and warmly enquired, "Sa Li was dismissed because of me. Did you ever think taking revenge for him?"

Zhu Xiuzhen's body shivered, "No wonder you did not come to my room! You have uncovered my scheme! Xiuzhen (I) earnestly offer you my apologies. I will accept any punishment from you."

Of course Xiang Shaolong did not 'punish' her. He even made up his mind to not get involved with any girl from the Song & Dance Troupe, preventing himself from being entangled in a relationship burden.

In this moment, he pledges to do his best for these vulnerable girls of the Song & Dance Troupe, allowing each of them to live a life of liberty. In a way, he hopes this gesture will help to redeem some of sins his fellow men have accumulated.

He tactfully rejected Zhu Xiuzhen's advances and returned to his room, sharing his encounters with Xiao Yuetan.

Xiao Yuetan nodded, "Although some risks are involved, a man should overcome difficulties with courage and strength in whatever he does. Frankly speaking, I feel sorry for them as well but my resources are limited. If we can arrange for them to migrate to Xianyang (Capital City of Qin), you can use this opportunity to travel home, reuniting with your family and they can find a safe abode. It will be two perfect endings."

Xiang Shaolong thought hard and frowned, "But Feng Fei has her own plans and she will not be sharing them with us."

Xiao Yuetan assured, "She is quite dependent on you and therefore, you must be playing a crucial role in her grand plan. You can simply follow her plan and gather clues in the meantime. Our main priority now is for you to start familiarizing yourself with different members of the Troupe. When you are able to command them like commanding an army for war, you can accomplish your duties more easily."

Xiang Shaolong groaned, "Sa Li's supporters have now pledged their allegiance to Zhang Quan. Most of the troupe members appear to be respectful but in reality, they are hostile and cannot wait to witness my downfall. This is my biggest challenge now. It is impossible to win their trust in such a short space of time."

Xiao Yuetan dismissed, "Zhang Quan is just a clown and hardly a threat to us. All I need is to give the command and he will disappear from our lives forever. Nevertheless, we should find out who is the main perpetrator. Only when we understand our enemy fully can we have a chance at victory."

Xiang Shaolong suggested, "Unless we resort to torturing him, he may not divulge his employer's identity."

Xiao Yuetan dismissed, "In terms of scheming, your elder brother (me) is way better than you. Using torture is an inferior strategy, potentially causing him to give us false names, which we have no way of verifying. Ha! I have a more sensational plan where we can get rid of Zhang Quan and win the hearts of the people at the same time." He leaned towards Xiang Shaolong's ear and began whispering.

After listening to his suggestion, Xiang Shaolong praised, "Luckily we were best friends from the very beginning. Otherwise, I would have lost to Lu Buwei a long time ago."

A heavy snow descended from the skies after lunch.

The fleet of ships is about twenty sailing hours away from Lin Zi. They will arrive in this Qi melting pot of different arts and culture tomorrow morning.

With his new mindset, Xiang Shaolong tried his best to understand the affairs of the Song & Dance Troupe. Flipping through the past accounts, he came to realize that besides receiving substantial remunerations for their performances, the valuables presented by the rich and powerful are enough to fill more than forty chests.

Whoever marrying Feng Fei is equivalent to inheriting this astronomical amount of wealth and treasure. It is gaining both money and beauty in one swoop.

He has his doubts about Zhang Quan's theory of Feng Fei and her secret admirer. Perhaps Zhang Quan hopes to be lucky man himself! When Feng Fei went to rehearse her (Song & Dance) routine after dinner, Xiang Shaolong used this opportunity to initiate a visit to Zhang Quan.

Zhang Quan was elated to see him coming and exclaimed, "I was about to pay you a visit."

After sitting down and receiving a cup of tea from Zhang Quan, Xiang Shaolong muttered, "Mistress (Feng Fei) summoned me this morning, promising to reward me with 100 ingots of gold and an official appointment in Qi. Honestly speaking, everyone is after fame and fortune. Now that Mistress is going to promote me in Qi, if Brother Zhang is in my shoes, would you reject such an offer?"

His face turning slightly pale, Zhang Quan guaranteed after some consideration, "The mastermind employing me is known for his wealth and his net worth is much more than Feng Fei's. Nonetheless, I must seek his permission before I can formally endorse a matching offer for you. I am confident I can secure at least 150 ingots of gold."

From his words, Xiang Shaolong deduced that unless the person is from Qi, he would be one of the dignitaries visiting Lin Zi for the birthday celebrations (of King of Qi). Otherwise, Zhang Quan will not be able to report to him with such convenience.

Unsatisfied with just this intelligence, he shook his head, "Brother Zhang need not go to the extent! Money may be important but holding an official position has always been my dream. Mistress (Feng Fei) is on good terms with many influential individuals. Everyone will have to grant her some allowances."

Zhang Quan interrupted, "Brother Shen is a wise man. When we are discussing prominent characters, the topic will ultimately conclude that Qin has the most of such talents. My employer is a powerhouse in Qin. If Brother Shen wants to gain official appointment, you can join me in submitting to him. Otherwise, you may not enjoy your official appointment for long before you become the citizen of a conquered state."

Xiang Shaolong can feel his heart thumping wildly, for this Mastermind could well be Lu Buwei.

Based on Lu Buwei's lustful and possessive personality, coupled with Feng Fei's previous visit to Xianyang, it is not unlikely that she has drawn his attention.

With his wealth and authority, bribing someone like Zhang Quan is as easy as ABC.

As Lu Buwei is on his way to Lin Zi and matching with Zhang Quan's description, Xiang Shaolong construed that his invisible opponent is none other than Lu Buwei.

Treacherous and merciless are the two best words to describe him.

But with Tian Dan's support, it will not be easy to trounce him.

Faking disbelief, he pondered, "Who can it be?"

Zhang Quan sighed, "I would tell you if I can. But if I, Zhang Quan, told you any lies, may I die a horrible death. Brother Shen can put your mind at ease!"

Xiang Shaolong probed, "A cunning rabbit is killed; a traitor is beheaded. If he went back on his words after obtaining Mistress (Feng Fei), Brother Zhang and I would not only failed to receive any benefits but may even have to forfeit our lives."

Zhang Quan disagreed, "Your description is very heartrending but you can rest assured that we will not be played out. This man is famous for the countless family warriors he hosts at his residence. He appreciates talent much more than your old employer Prince Wuji. There are numerous scholars and heroes he recruited all over the land. I am sure there is a place for you in his residence. Brother Shen can trust my judgment."

Xiang Shaolong insisted, "This is only based on Brother Zhang's opinion. How about this! Get him to pay me half of my reward as a deposit. I will only cooperate with Brother Zhang when I see my money."

Zhang Quan was relieved, "This should not be a problem. However, let me warn you in advance. In the event that Brother Shen took his money and yet failed to fulfill your obligations, you can forget about leaving Lin Zi alive."

Xiang Shaolong laughed, "A gentleman's word is his bond. Fortunately, I did not agree to Mistress (Feng Fei) terms immediately and used a delaying tactic."

Zhang Quan was delighted, "This is wonderful. Brother Shen should try to get closer to Mistress and find out who her allies are or who her mystery man is. When I report to my employer, at least I have some results to show him and it will be easier to ask for your deposit money."

Xiang Shaolong firmly state, "I will naturally tell you everything I know once I see my money. Brother Zhang should know me by now. This deal is cash on delivery."

Zhang Quan could not negotiate further and nodded in agreement.

Xiang Shaolong was humoured. Having come all the way to Qi, he is still locking horns with Lu Buwei.

Xiao Yuetan will be overjoyed if he knows about this.

Both of them are well versed with Lu Buwei character and schemes. They are in a superior position because they understand their enemy well, as mentioned in Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Lu Buwei, on the other hand, knows nothing about them. Even with Tian Dan's partnership, he may not gain the upper hand.

Moreover, Tian Dan himself is intertwined in a power tussle within his own state (the crown prince selection). With the prized Feng Fei at the centre of another skirmish, Xiao Yuetan and he can make excellent use of the circumstances to create plenty of chaos, eventually beating Lu Buwei soundly for good measure.

Relishing these thoughts, he cannot be bothered with Zhang Quan anymore and took his leave.

Outside his room, he had barely taken a few steps when someone called out his name from behind. It turned out to be Little Ping'er glaring coldly at him.

Xiang Shaolong stopped walking. Little Ping'er came to his front and interrogated in a harsh manner, "Did you just come out of Zhang Quan's room?"

Xiang Shaolong can only nod his head.

Little Ping'er blew her top, "What tricks are you up to? Are you thinking of betraying Mistress (Feng Fei)?"

From her expression, Xiang Shaolong predicted that Feng Fei has told Little Ping'er about his stand (on not wanting to marry Little Ping'er), causing her extensive suffering. It is better not to give her false hopes anyway so Xiang Shaolong allowed her to vent her frustrations. He whispered, "Do I look like such a person? This is not a good place to talk. Is Sister Ping looking for me?"

Her two eyes reddening on the spot, Little Ping'er stomped her feet, "Who wants to look for a heartless beast like you? It is Mistress (Feng Fei) looking for you."

His heart softening, Xiang Shaolong explained in gentle tone, "Can you please listen to me? I… …"

Covering her ears with both hands, Little Ping'er cried, "I don't want to hear anything from you." Before her sentence is completed, tears of emotion are flowing out of her eyes. She left crying.

Xiang Shaolong can only shake his head and give a bitter smile.

Since he must be heartless to her, he might as well make it the first and only time.

He really cannot afford the implications of love.

Isn't Feng Fei busy rehearsing? Why is she looking for him?