25-3 -- 25-7

Book 25 Chapter 03 - Xianyang Happenings

After residing for three days, Qin Qing returned to Xianyang.

Xiang Shaolong is now fully conscious of Xiao Pan's mindset: To protect his throne, he has no qualms about killing all that stands in his way.

Although it is uncertain if Xiao Pan will eventually come after himself, Xiang Shaolong decided to assume the worst after his Lin Zi experience.

He kept the habit of waking up every morning before dawn to practice his sabre play and even added archery to his training regime.

From the warriors of the Wu Family and Jing Village, he selected three hundred men which naturally include top experts like Wu Yan Zhe and Jing Shan. After specially arming them with chromium sabres and strong bows that were forged by Uncle Qing, Xiang Shaolong even went to the extent of imparting his flying needles skill to them. Day and night, they practiced nonstop.

In the meantime, Wu Yingyuan and the others started to leave the farm in batches. When it was time for Wu Tingfang, Zhao Zhi, Zhou Wei, Shan Lan, the Tian Sisters, Lu Dan'er and Xiang Bao'er to leave, everyone was filled with reluctance and the separation was an emotional one.

Xiang Shaolong, Teng Yi, Jing Jun and Ji Yanran accompanied the convoy for three days before returning back to the farm, which is now an uninviting and foreboding empty shell. They felt uneasy at this change of environment.

At dinnertime, Teng Yi remarked in a deep voice: "Wu Yingen should be the spy."

The others were stunned.

Wu Yingen is the third younger brother of Wu Yingyuan. Although he is against abandoning the life of luxury in Xianyang, no one would have expected that he would become the spy for Xiao Pan.

Ji Yanran wondered: "All along, I have paid extra attention to this man. However, why is Second Brother so confident that he is the spy?"

Teng Yi explained: "I was able to come to this conclusion because he insisted on staying behind to manage the farm and only leave with the last batch of personnel. This behavior contradicts his usual greedy and cowardly nature. Therefore, I placed him and his followers under surveillance and found out that he would secretly dispatch messengers to Xianyang. I informed Master Tao about it and instructed him to send stalkers after the messengers. True enough, the messengers would enter the palace by a hidden entrance to make their reports."

Jing Jun aggressively cursed: "I've never liked him."

Xiang Shaolong was comforted: "Fortunately, we took early precautions. But with him around, it is quite troublesome for us to carry out our plans. Is there any technique that we can use to chase him and his men away?"

Ji Yanran contemplated: "He has merely been deceived into becoming a pawn for somebody else. Due to his craving for wealth and a materialistic lifestyle, he committed these acts of stupidity! If we can exploit his weaknesses and employ scare tactics, such as hinting him that by spying for Crown Prince, it is as good as making it easier for Crown Prince to attack us, I guarantee that he will wake up and realize what a fool he was."

Teng Yi frowned: "You must exercise caution and don't exacerbate the situation. If he were to report this to Crown Prince, Crown Prince would know that we are guarding against him."

Her lovely eyes flashing with brilliance, Ji Yanran shrilly snorted: "If we send his wives, concubines and children away, what can he do besides obeying us? Leave this to Yanran."

Noting that Ji Yanran is personally handling the affair, Xiang Shaolong can put his mind at ease. He checked: "We have to return to Xianyang tomorrow. Who is staying behind to oversee the farms?"

Ji Yanran bitterly laughed: "Let Ji Yanran stay back! Otherwise, Wu Guo may not be able to stand up to Third Master."

Xiang Shaolong is most unwilling but also recognizes that this is the best arrangement. Time is running out and Xiao Pan will be coronated in three month's time. All their preparations will come to fruition on that day.

Back at Xianyang, Xiang Shaolong's first move is to enter the palace and seek an audience with Xiao Pan.

As per normal, Xiao Pan received him in the Imperial Study and Li Si is present too.

After accepting Xiang Shaolong's paying of respect, Xiao Pan commanded: "Subordinate Li, give me your report on the happenings of Xianyang."

Li Si seems to be afraid of coming into contact with Xiang Shaolong's gaze. Lowering his head and flipping the documents in front of him, he narrated in a deep voice: "Lu Buwei is spending most of his time outside Xianyang. Using the excuse that he is supervising the last leg of Zhengguo Canal's construction, he was actually meeting up with the local officials all over Qin, trying to garner support from them in preparation for turmoil within the Court of Qin."

Xiang Shaolong intentionally tested him: "What about Guan Zhongxie?"

Still not looking in his direction, Li Si kept his head low and responded: "Guan Zhongxie was freshly dispatched by Crown Prince to the region of Han in order to pressurize them. Unless he disobeyed his orders, he should be far away from here during Crown Prince's coronation."

Xiao Pan plainly added: "This man's archery skills is too amazing. With him around, Guaren cannot eat or sleep in peace. Guaren has planted spies around him and should he do anything out of the ordinary, someone will kill him immediately with Guaren's secret decree."

Li Si quickly peeped at Xiang Shaolong once before lowering his head again, broadcasting: "The entire Yongdu has more or less landed in the hands of Lao Ai. With his thirty thousand followers, they have occupied every single official post in Yongdu."

Xiao Pan sniggered: "Guaren is purposely allowing him to grow without any restrictions, indirectly numbing him to the real sense of danger. Afterwards, I will exterminate him and his cronies once and for all. Humph! I'll just tolerate his willful lifestyle for a few more months!"

Looking directly at Xiang Shaolong for the first time, Li Si enlightened: "According to Crown Prince's estimate, Lu Buwei will take advantage of Crown Prince's trip to Yongdu and stage a rebellion simultaneously with Lao Ai, thereby gaining control of Xianyang. As the Imperial Infantry is still commanded by Xu Shang and Lord Changwen's Imperial Guards would have to escort Crown Prince to Yongdu, it is possible for Lu Buwei to succeed in his endeavor."

Xiao Pan added: "Both traitors Lu Buwei and Lao Ai are carrying the Seal of the Empress. Among the confusion, it is likely that some righteous officials would be misled by them and unknowingly end up as their accomplices."

Xiang Shaolong plainly state: "Leave Xianyang to me. I guarantee that Lu Buwei will end up in failure."

Xiao Pan and Li Si exchanged looks of surprise.

After a long time, Xiao Pan insisted in a deep voice: "Without Great General at the side of Guaren, how can Guaren be at ease? We can place Xianyang under the care of the two generals Teng Yi and Jing Jun. Great General must accompany Guaren to Yongdu."

Xiang Shaolong had anticipated this reaction from him. Sighing to himself, he pretended to be unaffected and accepted: "Subordinate dare not disobey Crown Prince's order."

Frowning at Xiang Shaolong for some time, Xiao Pan then turned to Li Si and instructed: "Guaren wishes to speak privately with Great General."

Not daring to look at Xiang Shaolong anymore, Li Si retreated from the room.

The study is now filled with an awkward silence.

Xiao Pan sighed with a breath of air: "Is Great General dissatisfied with Guaren? There are many occasions when Guaren is left without a choice and was forced by circumstances to undertake such extreme measures."

Staring unblinkingly at Xiao Pan, Xiang Shaolong felt as if he is looking at a complete stranger. He lightly checked: "How does Crown Prince plan to deal with Empress?"

Without backing down at all, Xiao Pan matched his stare. Hearing his question, his eyes started to glow with a chilling aura as he icily hissed: "Till today, Great General is still speaking up for this wanton and corrupted lady who has destroyed the reputation of the Qin royalty?"

His own eyes glowing with a chilling aura too, Xiang Shaolong continued staring and frostily reminded: "This is subordinate's sole request for Crown Prince. I don't care who else you are going to kill but I hope you will take into account Empress's past relationship with you and let her off."

A flash of killing intent sparkled once in the royal eyes of Xiao Pan but it is unclear if it was directed at Zhu Ji or him, Xiang Shaolong. Recovering his tranquility, Xiao Pan decided in a deep voice: "If she stays in the palace and no longer intervene in State affairs, Guaren will not treat her shabbily. Is Great General satisfied?"

If not for Qin Qing leaking out the information of a Zhu Ji replacement, Xiang Shaolong may have believed his words. But right now, all he feels is a sense of disappointment.

If Xiang Shaolong is single and without any dependents, he would straightaway expose his lie in a full counteroffensive.

But remembering the lives of Teng Yi, Jing Jun, Ji Yanran, Wu Family and Jing Village all resting on himself, he had to swallow this ball of anger.

Serving a king is like walking with tigers. If one is not careful, it could result in personal death and clan annihilation.

This future Qin Shihuang is not easy to get along with.

His tone softening, Xiao Pan gently inquired: "Master do not trust me?"

Brimming with emotions, Xiang Shaolong sighed with a breath of air before asserting in a deep voice: "Crown Prince is well prepared against the forces of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai. Why do you need me around? I might as well leave tonight!"

Xiao Pan thundered: "No!"

Xiang Shaolong's heart was shaken as well.

He was using these words to test Xiao Pan's response. At this moment, he has finally drawn a conclusion, and it is the most bone-chilling conclusion of all.

Xiao Pan inhaled a deep breath: "Master had promised to leave only after watching me become King. How can Master go back on your word."

He sighed with the same breath: "Don't you wish to kill Traitor Lu with your own hands?"

Xiang Shaolong is conscious that if he keeps persisting along this path, he can forget about leaving the palace alive. Pretending to be mentally and physically drained, he bitterly smiled: "If I keep my word, will Crown Prince keep yours too?"

Xiao Pan was annoyed: "Since when did Guaren fail to keep my word?"

Xiang Shaolong thought: The changes within these two years are really drastic. Xiao Pan and himself can on longer communicate with complete honesty and trust. Now, both of them have to resort to mutual scheming and lying.

Of course Xiang Shaolong is not so stupid as to expose Xiao Pan's plan to create a fake Zhu Ji. He smiled: "If Crown Prince has nothing more to say, Subordinate wishes to return home for a rest."

Stepping out of the study, Li Si is still standing there. He saw Xiang Shaolong departing and whispered: "Let me send Great General off."

Xiang Shaolong guessed he has something to tell him and walked by his side. Surprisingly, Li Si did not say a single word during the long walk to the square.

Noticing Xiang Shaolong, Jing Shan and the others brought his horse over.

Li Si suddenly whispered: "Shaolong! Get out of here!"

He then left with a helpless expression on his face.

Inside his heart, Xiang Shaolong can feel a tsunami of emotions rising and they are unlikely to subside anytime soon.

Li Si is now the closest and most trusted official of Xiao Pan. Based on his intelligence, he should have a good grasp of Xiao Pan's intentions. As a matter of fact, from the clues that have popped up, it is not impossible for him to deduce Xiao Pan's real background and the genuine relationship between Xiao Pan and Xiang Shaolong. From these assumptions, he could foresee that Xiao Pan will eventually seek the extermination of him, Xiang Shaolong.

Without Zhu Ji and Xiang Shaolong, Xiao Pan can preserve his Yingzheng identity forever.

Besides Zhu Ji and Xiang Shaolong, anyone else would not be as convincing or exert the same amount of influence.

Just as Xiang Shaolong rode out of the palace, someone called his name from behind.

Turning back, he saw Lord Changwen chasing up to him from the palace gate. Lord Changwen suggested: "Let's talk as we ride!"

Xiang Shaolong was incredulous: "What is it regarding? Don't you have to work?"

With a heavy expression, Lord Changwen interrogated: "Is Shaolong really leaving for the borderlands?"

Xiang Shaolong simply responded: "I am ill suited to be here, because I cannot stand acts of war and violence. You have known me for some time and you should have a clear idea of what kind of person I am."

Lord Changwen was quiet for a short spell, as if he wanted to say something but could not bring himself to say it. He finally disclosed: "Crown Prince doesn't seem too happy with your decision, saying that it will affect the morale of the military."

His heart aching once, Xiang Shaolong affirmed in a low voice: "You need not persuade me any more. My only regret is not leaving two years ago. If I did, my recollections of Great Qin shall be the fondest as I race my horse across the vast grasslands."

Completing his sentence, he squeezed the horse's belly to increase his pace and sped away from a stunned Long Changwen who had reined his horse to a stop, leaving him far behind in a blink of an eye.

Ten over riders galloped like the wind, overtaking every horse or carriage that they encountered, racing down Xianyang's highway at full speed with the sunset as a backdrop.

In this instance, Xiang Shaolong has given up all hope on Xiao Pan.

He has one major concern in his mind right now: How can he save Zhu Ji from the murderous clutches of Xiao Pan.

Ever since he came to this ancient warring period, he has to face all sorts of challenges on a daily basis, inadvertently training his willpower to be stronger than anybody else. Even when his opponent is Qin Shihuang, he does not possess the slightest nuance of fear.

But he would never underestimate Xiao Pan because he is the only person in this time period to have full knowledge of Xiao Pan's fearsome character. In the annals of history, Qin Shihuang utilizes heavy-handed methods to exercise his authority throughout his empire. At the end of the day, the whole of China will bow down at his feet.

Ironically, this heavyweight historical character was personally fashioned by Xiang Shaolong himself.

Xiang Shaolong wished he could face the sky and shout with all his might in order to vent frustration in his heart.

But he would not do that.

Only by trudging on can he stay alive and travel to the borderlands to enjoy a new lease of blissful life.

If Zhu Ji is willing to follow him, Xiang Shaolong would definitely bring her along, using this opportunity to compensate her for his lies and years of guilt.

With just one leg stepping inside Wu Residence, Tao Fang had already begun pulling him towards the inner hall. Curious, Xiang Shaolong wondered: "What is it?"

In a secretive hush-hush manner, Tao Fang snickered: "Your old buddies are here!"

At this juncture, he was entering the inner hall and saw Teng Yi engaging two guests in a conversation. They turned out to be Tu Xian and Xiao Yuetan.

A thrilled Xiang Shaolong ran towards them. Holding the hands of both men, he was so overwhelmed with happiness he was momentarily speechless.

His eyes turning red due to a burst of strong emotions, Tu Xian clarified: "I did not know that Yuetan is coming over to Xianyang so I did not inform you guys in advance."

With the groove of his eyes wet as well, Xiao Yuetan grinned: "Elder Brother used Shaolong's life as a gambling chip in Lin Zi; I trust Shaolong will not blame Elder Brother, right?"

Teng Yi laughed: "Since we won the gamble, of course!"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "Elder Brother's confidence in me is even greater than the confidence I have in myself. Fortunately, I managed to run away fast enough from Cao Qiudao. Otherwise, I would not be able to hold hands and chit-chat with both of you today. This is called: Among the thirty-six stratagems, running away is a top stratagem."

Everyone broke out into laughter.

Tu Xian sighed: "Well said. Running away is a top stratagem. Earlier, we were analyzing a plan to try and leave this forsaken place."

Tao Fang chuckled: "Let's sit down and discuss further!"

Once everyone is properly seated, Xiao Yuetan narrated: "My purpose in coming back to Xianyang is to witness Traitor Lu's downfall with my own eyes. But after speaking with Brother Teng, I realized that Shaolong is in an unfavourable situation too."

Laying his eyes on Xiao Yuetan, all the grievances in Xiang Shaolong's heart has disappeared without a trace and was replaced by a heroic aura. He cheerfully laughed: "A true hero is someone who can continue to stand tall in the face of trouble. With Brother Xiao assisting me, all my worries are gone with the wind."

Tu Xian was pleased: "Looking at Shaolong's overwhelming confidence, we are happy for you too. Regardless of the danger, we shall maintain our high morale. Now that Traitor Lu's destruction is certain, our only problem is how to safely reach the borderlands and enjoy the rest of our days in peace!"

Tao Fang added: "Earlier on, Manager Tu has made a detailed analysis of Traitor Lu's situation. The forces at his disposal include the Imperial Infantry, Guan Zhongxie's team, fifteen thousand family warriors and his partner-in-crime Lao Ai's camp. Although there are several officials who are in cahoots with him, they are of no use when real trouble strikes. If we plan our strategies and deployments well, we could force him to a corner and exact revenge on him."

Xiao Yuetan solemnly state: "The crux of the problem is: How can we take down Lu Buwei while guaranteeing a safe retreat."

Xiang Shaolong beamed: "Initially, I was troubled over this but now that Elder Brother is here, it is a different story altogether!"

Xiao Yuetan bitterly smiled: "Don't become over-reliant on me. For all you know, I may fall below your expectations."

Xiang Shaolong whispered: "Does Elder Brother have the confidence to create another Xiang Shaolong?"

Everyone was stunned on the spot.

Xiang Shaolong gleefully explained: "Wu Guo is very talented when it comes to masquerading. In addition, his body build is quite similar to mine. If Elder Brother has a way to change his face to look like mine, I am sure we can deceive everyone and launch a stealth attack on our enemies."

As everyone gazed at him with anticipation, Xiao Yuetan contemplated for a short while before concluding: "This would be the greatest challenge for me, Xiao Yuetan. Despite the significant difficulties, I can guarantee that I will not disappoint Shaolong."

Slamming his palm on the table, Xiang Shaolong burst out laughing: "With these words from Elder Brother, the circumstances have improved dramatically. The first person we must kill is Guan Zhongxie. With him dead, Lu Buwei is as good as a toothless tiger and his evil influence will be contained."

Teng Yi nodded his head in agreement: "That's right! If this man picks up his bow and arrows, we can expect heavy casualties."

Tao Fang reminded: "However, our main concern is not Lu Buwei but Yingzheng."

Xiang Shaolong simply clarified: "That is precisely why I needed another Xiang Shaolong."

The corner of Xiao Yuetan's mouth revealed a trace of a smile. Exchanging looks with Tu Xian first, he then laughing sighed: "Shaolong is truly formidable; you have deceived us thoroughly."

In this moment, Xiang Shaolong realized that Xiao Yuetan and Tu Xian had already inferred that Xiao Pan is not the real Yingzheng.

And it is also because of this reason that Xiao Pan is going all out to kill himself.

For those in the know, they would have guessed that Xiao Pan is acting this way because of a particular reason.

Only when Xiang Shaolong is dead can Xiao Pan solve the root of the problem and not live in constant fear of another identity crisis.

The showdown between him and Xiao Pan has long been decided by fate. Nobody can prevent this from happening.

Book 25 Chapter 04 - Hard To Differentiate Between Real And Fake

Over the next ten days, Xiang Shaolong attended Court as per normal but politely declined all entertainment engagements. Instead, he devoted all his time and energy in training his team of three hundred elite 'Special Forces' members.

Their equipment can be considered the best this era can offer, incorporating his modern 21st century design and was further improvised by Uncle Qing, the head of Yue's blacksmith association, allowing them to become the living examples of the martial arts experts illustrated in Wuxia novels. Besides being proficient in all types of normal and hidden weapons, they are able to climb any wall and trespass any property, becoming what we would know as stealth ninjas.

On this evening, Ji Yanran and Wu Shu came over from the farms and they brought good news.

The gorgeous Talented Lady exclaimed: "Under my mixture of soft and hard tactics, Wu Yingen finally confessed that he has been supplying information to Crown Prince. However, he insisted that he was doing this for the sake of the Wu Clan as Crown Prince has instructed him to try and persuade us from leaving for the borderlands!"

Teng Yi icily smiled: "A traitor will always have his excuses!"

Ji Yanran explained: "Yanran did believe his words, because when Yanran pointed out that due to Hubby's incredible accomplishments, influence and prowess, it is possible for Crown Prince to view Hubby as a threat and a target for extermination, he was so terrified his face turned green and his lips turned white. In the end, he disclosed the identity of the person liaising with him."

Xiang Shaolong interrogated in a deep voice: "Who is it?"

Ji Yanran replied: "His correspondent is a man named Yao Jia. Does Hubby know him?"

Xiang Shaolong nodded: "He is the assistant of Li Si and he is responsible for communicating with the various States. He just came back from Qi and I would classify him as a very wise man."

Ji Yanran added: "Third Master En has now recognized the severity of the situation and promised to cooperate fully with us. To be safe, Yanran has sent all his family warriors and followers to the borderlands, just in case Yao Jia has bribed them individually."

Xiang Shaolong determined: "Wu Yingen's greatest usefulness is that through him, we can dupe Crown Prince into thinking that we will only leave for the borderlands after everything has been completed."

In a deep voice, Teng Yi reminded: "If I am this ungrateful brat, I will have you killed at Yongdu by the hands of Lao Ai. When that happens, I can use the excuse of avenging you and fully annihilate the forces of Lao Ai, killing two bird with one stone."

Xiang Shaolong chortled: "No matter what, we must mislead him into believing that we will only leave after killing Lu Buwei."

Turning to Ji Yanran, Xiang Shaolong proposed: "Yanran's thinking is much more thorough than we, the two brothers. Can you try to fake some story and reveal it bit by bit to Yao Jia before the coronation? It would be good to make the story obscure, letting him slowly deduce and piece the jigsaw puzzle before guessing the final message that we want to pass to Crown Prince."

Ji Yanran batted her eyes once at him, answering: "No need to flatter Yanran, I'll just do my best!"

Teng Yi probed: "We would need to leave for Yongdu in two months time. Has Third Brother thought of a plan to kill Lu Buwei and simultaneously make a safe retreat?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed with a breath: "I want to see Zhu Ji before confirming the details."

The two persons, Ji Yanran and Teng Yi were utterly shocked.

Teng Yi advised: "Lao Ai is now regarding you as a thorn in the flesh. If you go to Yongdu, you may get into trouble. Moreover, if Crown Prince knows about it, he would be more determined to kill you than ever."

Ji Yanran also spoke up: "Empress is no longer the Empress of the past. She may even assume that you killed her real son in order to make the switch. It is really not appropriate for you to see her."

Xiang Shaolong did not consider these points. His heart becoming uncomfortable, he turned speechless.

Patting his shoulder, Teng Yi consoled: "As long as we act with a clear conscience, it does not matter how others judge us!"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "I wanted to see Zhu Ji and try to prevent her from getting killed is precisely because it is weighing on my conscience."

To Ji Yanran, he implored: "Can you invite Sister Qing over? Through her, I can meet Zhu Ji in secret."

Her exquisite face darkening, Ji Yanran furiously reprimanded: "Once you have decided on something, you would stubbornly follow it through. Zhu Ji has mothered two bas.tards for Lao Ai, do you really believe she will abandon her two sons and leave with you? Presently, we can barely fend for ourselves and here you are, trying to increase our burden. When Tingfang and Zhizhi are leaving, they did instruct me to watch over you and not let you participate in any dangerous activities. If you insist on meeting that lady, Ji Yanran seeks a divorce!"

Ever since Xiang Shaolong got to know Ji Yanran, this is the first time she is so fierce and upset. Petrified, he shuddered and dare not defend himself anymore.

Teng Yi nodded: "Today, Second Brother is not going to help you, especially when this concerns the life and death of the entire clan. No matter what, Third Brother has to listen to Yanran."

A helpless Xiang Shaolong had no choice but to agree.

Only then did Ji Yanran's anger subside.

Over the next few weeks, besides giving his full attention to training the three hundred men team, Xiang Shaolong also instructed Wu Guo on the finer tips of impersonating himself, for he must succeed in deceiving Xiao Pan, Li Si and the others who know Xiang Shaolong very well.

The only loophole is his voice. Luckily, Ji Yanran has an excellent idea: At a suitable time, Xiang Shaolong will start faking an illness. Therefore, even when his voice becomes deeper and hoarse, it will not arouse any suspicions. On top of that, he can do away with speaking less, thereby killing two birds with one stone.

That night, Xiao Yuetan came back from the farms and borrowed a set of Xiang Shaolong's official robes. Locking Wu Guo and himself inside a room, he has everyone patiently waiting outside, eager to find out how Wu Guo will eventually turn out.

Until now, everyone is still puzzled over Xiang Shaolong's decision to have Wu Guo masquerade as himself. Unable to tolerate the suspense, Jing Jun posed the question to him.

Xiang Shaolong responded: "Firstly, I want to deceive Lu Buwei. Crown Prince has decided to leave Xianyang under the care of Lu Buwei. Based on Lu Buwei's character, he would use this opportunity to get rid of Second Brother and Fifth Brother, leaving me… YI!"

Ji Yanran, Teng Yi and Jing Jun were stupefied, staring at Xiang Shaolong whose face is suddenly drained of colour.

With a skeptical expression, Xiang Shaolong wondered: "Do you think Guan Zhongxie would employ the same technique and slip back to Xianyang? We are one month away from the coronation day and the current time frame is a critical period. Would he be contended to remain stationed far away?"

Teng Yi rationalized: "Without Brother Xiao's talented hands, how can they create a fake Guan Zhongxie?"

Ji Yanran debated: "If Lu Buwei has the intention, it is not difficult to find someone who resembles Guan Zhongxie. By getting people to provide additional cover, like mistaking fish eye for pearls, it is highly possible for Hubby's hypothesis to be right."

To Tao Fang who had just arrived, Xiang Shaolong told him about his conjecture and added: "Please inform Manager Tu and ask him to pay special attention to this matter. If we can track Guan Zhongxie's movements, he'll be the first to go down, followed by Han Jie and the rest."

Jing Jun quizzed: "Earlier, does Third Brother mean that he wishes to hoodwink Lu Buwei into thinking that Third Brother has accompanied Crown Prince to Yongdu but is actually staying behind in Xianyang to counter him?"

Xiang Shaolong nodded: "That is the main reason. In addition, I can carry out my plans without Crown Prince looking over my shoulder."

Teng Yi reviewed: "Nevertheless, we must be extra meticulous in our deployment and find a way to get Wu Guo out of Yongdu. Otherwise, this kid may end up in a life-threatening situation."

The voice of Xiao Yuetan resonated: "That's the brilliant part of the plan. By simply reverting back to his original appearance, it will be quite easy for Wu Guo to make his getaway."

As everyone looked over to the open doors of the room with anticipation, Xiao Yuetan and another 'Xiang Shaolong' slowly strode out, earning cheers and exclamations.

With the appearance of Xiang Shaolong, Wu Guo faced the crowd and sang an opera tune before striking a pose. Pretending to grab the hilt of an imaginary Hundred Battle Sabre, he roared: "Traitor Lu, on your knees! I, Xiang Shaolong, have been waiting for seven long years to finally cut off your smelly head!" Amazingly, even his tone and voice is quite similar to Xiang Shaolong's.

The crowd instantly broke out into wild laughter and Tao Fang was laughing so hard he bent over and held onto his tummy.

Ji Yanran shrilly giggled: "This is impossible. How can the resemblance be so striking?"

Wu Guo stared at Ji Yanran with a surprised expression. He mocked: "Wifey, you are so muddle-headed you cannot even recognise your hubby? Don't blame me if I dump you."

His teasing naturally got the entire hall laughing all over again.

Panting from her laughter, Ji Yanran threatened: "If you dare to dump me, I'll kill you with a single sword slash."

Watching the scene unfolding, Xiang Shaolong can feel his emotions stirring. For the past two years, the Wu Residence has not seen such a carefree and happy ambience that was filled with joy and laughter.

Putting on a frightened look, Wu Guo relented: "Wifey is so fierce. Hubby shall give in and apologise."

Unwilling to continue the banter with him, Ji Yanran faced Xiao Yuetan and questioned: "Mister Xiao is truly the world's number one make up artist. How did you create this miracle?"

As he lovingly admired his own handiwork, Xiao Yuetan lightly articulated: "It took me five days to sculpt Shaolong's bust from wood. Afterwards, I concocted a skin mask using a special recipe to recreate the fake face. Finally, I touched up the colouring to the smallest details. Thereafter, another Xiang Shaolong is born."

Jing Jun praised: "In the future, I would not dare to believe the outer appearance of anyone."

Xiao Yuetan chuckled: "Without Wu Guo, even if I have three heads and six arms, my talents would be inapplicable. This fellow's body figure is almost the same as Shaolong, except that his shoulder is not as broad. Thus, I have added padding to his clothes to conceal this loophole."

Facing the sky and laughing out loud, Wu Guo took huge strides up and down the hall, mimicking Xiang Shaolong's body language. It is really difficult to tell them apart.

The two men Xiang Shaolong and Xiao Yuetan are sitting within the hall. Admiring the beautiful, star-studded sky, they were overwhelmed with emotions.

Xiao Yuetan sighed: "Life is really baffling. Last time round, we were in Lin Zi, busy handling all sorts of people and dangerous situations. This time round, although we are back in Xianyang, we are again faced with the same scenario of trying to flee for our lives. But of course this round can be considered the last and final round. How wonderful!"

Xiang Shaolong nodded: "With Elder Brother giving pointers by the side, I am extremely confident that we will be able to reach the borderlands safely and enjoy the life that we have been pining for so long."

After a deep contemplation, Xiao Yuetan questioned in a serious tone: "We already knew that Yingzheng will not let Lu Buwei have a good ending and by staying back, we have to put up with a certain amount of risk. Should we make plans to leave before the coronation instead? Wouldn't that save us plenty of trouble?"

Xiang Shaolong reasoned: "I did consider this too but discarded the notion because of two reasons. Firstly, the retreat of the entire clan would take some time to be completed. Secondly, I am concerned that Yingzheng has made secret preparations. If I displayed any signs of leaving, he would cut me off along the way and simply kill me while telling the world that I have left for the borderlands. As a result, we have to wait for the best window period, which is the day when Yingzheng is away in Yongdu for his coronation. And to further safeguard ourselves, we must attack Lu Buwei proactively; otherwise, we will die without a burial place."

Xiao Yuetan nodded in agreement: "Shaolong's thinking has covered all the angles."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "My thinking powers are inferior to Elder Brother's. I can outshine you presently because nobody understands Yingzheng's capabilities and callousness better than me. If we are not careful, we will all perish like a sinking ship on the open sea."

Xiao Yuetan wondered: "How do you plan to deal with Lu Buwei?"

Xiang Shaolong officially state: "I was about to seek guidance from Mister."

Supporting his bearded chin with one hand, Xiao Yuetan grinned: "Master Tu should be the correct person to consult. Besides him, no one has a clearer picture of Lu Buwei's actual strength and schemes. He has been patiently serving him for so many years in anticipation for this day to arrive."

Xiang Shaolong was elated: "In this case, I shall depend on the two of you to come up with the appropriate plans and strategies. The rest of us shall await your orders like soldiers."

Raising his head to gawk at the enchanting night sky, Xiang Shaolong fantasied: With Tu Xian's years of experience and Xiao Yuetan's wisdom, he would soon be able to view the same night sky from the borderlands.

The next morning, even before the sun has appeared, the warriors of Wu Residence are already up and assembled in the garden, practicing their martial arts. Xiang Shaolong himself is patiently guiding Wu Guo in using a replica Hundred Battle Sabre that Uncle Qing has specially forged.

Although the chromium used in this sabre is not as good as the original, the sabre is already one of the best weapons that Uncle Qing has forged.

Being a martial arts exponent himself, regardless of bearing or aura, Wu Guo is able to fashion himself after Xiang Shaolong.

Using the Mozi Sword, Teng Yi engaged him in a duel. After more than a hundred moves later, Wu Guo exhibited signs of losing.

Wu Yan Zhe, Wu Shu, Jing Shan and the Guardians clapped and cheered for him.

Beckoning Wu Yan Zhe to his side, Xiang Shaolong advised: "Among the Guardians, you are the wisest and most steadfast. During the trip to Yongdu with Wu Guo, you must remember that safeguarding your lives is the top priority. Whenever the circumstances become unfavourable, use the grappling hooks and escape back here."

Wu Yan Zhe acknowledged: "Master Xiang, you can put your mind at ease. Two years ago, Master Tao has already stationed some men at Yongdu. Not only can we gain a good understanding of the situation, certain preparations have been put in place. In cases of emergency, they can offer shelter to us."

Standing beside them, Ji Yanran comforted: "This fellow Wu Guo is full of devious ideas. During any confrontations, he is always the one who walks away with the better deal. Ambushing him is easier said than done. Shaolong, you can put your mind at ease."

Xiang Shaolong has full conviction in Wu Guo's abilities; otherwise he would not have allowed him to take this risk. He specifically reminded Wu Yan Zhe who is now opposite him: "Crown Prince would wait for the best opportunity before launching a secret assault on me. That would be the time when he and Lao Ai are clashing head on. Otherwise, he would not be able to frame Lao Ai for my death."

Ji Yanran interrupted: "If there is a way to secure the mask on a corpse with the same body build as Hubby, we may be able to temporarily deceive Crown Prince."

His eyes lighting up, Wu Yan Zhe was thrilled: "Let's see what happens! I am certain it can be arranged."

At this juncture, a breathless Wu Guo came up to the three of them. With a proud air, he smirked: "How is my Hundred Battle Sabre Play?"

Ji Yanran giggled: "Look at you. Does your Master Xiang pant and gasp for air after a fight?"

Wu Guo cheekily laughed: "Don't forget that I have not fully recovered from my sickness. Some wheezing is considered normal."

Ji Yanran nodded: "You are good. I nearly forgot about that point."

Turning to Xiang Shaolong, she recommended: "Hubby had better look for Mister Xiao and get him to put some make up for you, giving you a sickly appearance. When Crown Prince sees your face, it would be easier for you to fake your illness later on."

Wu Guo added: "At the beginning, you should act tired. As time passes, you can gradually increase the signs of illness. That would be a perfect cover."

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought: This is called two heads are better than one. When he was about to speak out, he saw Tao Fang leading a man and walking briskly towards them. As the crowd looks towards him in astonishment, everyone erupted with delight.

The man turned out to be the long-absent Wang Jian, Qin's indomitable and legendary general.

Book 25 Chapter 05 - Reunion After A Long Split

Compared to the past, Wang Jian is more tanned and muscular-looking. As a matter of fact, he has transformed into someone with a powerful and masterful aura. The most striking were his sharp and electrifying eyes, radiating an impressive sensation despite his calm demeanour, truly befitting the characteristic of this celebrated general.

With a sincere smile hanging on his face, Wang Jian gave Xiang Shaolong a bear hug before releasing a long sigh: "Does Third Brother know how much Little Brother has yearned for all of you?"

Teng Yi and Jing Jun leapt into their arms. As the four sworn brothers shared a group hug, it was such a touching and tear-jerking scene.

Wang Jian happily laughed and hugged Teng Yi and Jing Jun individually as a form of love. He observed: "Shaolong has lost some weight but you are much more awe-inspiring compared to the time when I left Xianyang."

Turning to Ji Yanran, he smiled: "Third Sister in Law is much prettier too."

The rest of the men started to swarm over, taking turns to shake hands and salute this renowned general.

Xiang Shaolong wondered: "When did Fourth Brother come back? Have you seen Crown Prince?"

Wang Jian mused: "Judging by my ordinary attire, you should have guessed that I came back secretly. Somehow, I felt that it is better for me to visit you guys first before paying my respects to Crown Prince."

As everyone was stunned at his words, Ji Yanran probed: "Why would Fourth Brother in Law possess such a mindset?"

In a deep voice, Wang Jian divulged: "To be honest, I had arrived three days ago but chose to endure the inconveniences and stayed in a secret place outside the city. In the meantime, I sent my men into the city to seek out information as I am concerned that Lu Buwei and Lao Ai had summoned me back by using a fake decree. Beyond my anticipation, I got wind of some alternative news. It seems like Third Brother and Crown Prince are not on good terms."

Teng Yi questioned: "What updates did Fourth Brother receive?"

Wang Jian revealed: "Firstly, Crown Prince appears to have given permission for Third Brother and your clan to leave for the borderlands and secondly, Crown Prince and Third Brother are not as close as before. Unlike the past, Crown Prince no longer discuss his private affairs with Third Brother."

Jing Jun sighed: "Fourth Brother's spies are really proficient."

Making up his mind, Xiang Shaolong invited: "Let's enter the hall before we discuss any further!"

Sitting themselves in the inner hall, Wang Jian coldly grunted: "This time round, I have brought thirty thousand crack troops back with me. They are the best of the best and every single one of them is willing to die for me, Wang Jian. Fighting against these mere rebels? I only need to point my finger and I guarantee their absolute destruction."

He then sighed with a breath of air: "However, I am worried about Crown Prince and the possibility of him trying to harm Third Brother. As Crown Prince matures with age, he has become more and more formidable."

Everyone can easily deduce that Wang Jian must have received news about Yingzheng's questionable heritage and is therefore making this assumption. To prevent Xiang Shaolong from being awkward and also as a sign of trust in Xiang Shaolong, he did not directly confront him.

The news of Yingzheng beheading Qian Zhi has taken the entire State by the storm. There is no reason for Wang Jian to be ignorant about it.

The ten eyes of Tao Fang, Ji Yanran, Jing Jun, Teng Yi and Wu Guo are all focused on Xiang Shaolong, letting him decide his explanation to Wang Jian.

Xiang Shaolong broke out into a wide smile: "Fourth Brother is truly worthy of the title: Qin's Top General. You had barely came back and your intelligence of Xianyang is so comprehensive."

He is indirectly affirming Wang Jian's presumptions.

His eyes shimmering with brilliance, Wang Jian professed: "My enemies are the dim-witted Xiongnu while Third Brother is contending against the allied forces of the five eastern States. Since when did I, Wang Jian, become the top general?"

Pausing, Wang Jian went straight to the point: "Whatever Third Brother wants me, Fourth Brother to do, I will do exactly as per your instructions. You can speak without any reservations."

Xiang Shaolong burst out laughing. Stretching his hands and grabbing Wang Jian's broad shoulders, he cheerfully exclaimed: "I want Fourth Brother to cleanse our State, wiping out all traces of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai. And assist Yingzheng in uniting the lands and build the Great Empire of Qin. In the process, Fourth Brother shall become the most illustrious general in the records of history."

At this point in time, Qin has two Great Generals and they are Xiang Shaolong and Wang Jian. From the perspective of the Court of Qin, both men enjoy the highest respect and accolades internally and externally. Within the military, their standing is even more prominent.

If the two of them choose to work together, they will definitely pose a viable threat to Yingzheng.

However, Xiang Shaolong chose to simply reject Wang Jian's suggestion and thereby preventing a Qin's internal strife.

Of course the others do not know that Xiang Shaolong had already understood this fact from history: Nobody can hope to overcome Qin Shihuang. As a result, he dared not even harbour any thoughts of staging his own rebellion.

Unconsciously, he won Wang Jian's praises of admiration but Xiang Shaolong modestly expressed: "Fourth Brother is giving me too much credit. There are many areas that I would have to rely on you."

In a solemn tone, Wang Jian described: "In the history of our Great Qin, Crown Prince can be considered our wisest and most scheming ruler, while Li Si's capabilities is not inferior to Shang Yang. But if we are talking about meeting on the battlefield, I, Wang Jian, fear nobody except Third Brother and Li Mu. In terms of scheming, you can never be safe against underhand methods. What are Third Brother's plans?"

Xiang Shaolong enquired: "Is Fourth Brother aware of Crown Prince's military deployment?"

Wang Jian unabashedly shared: "The main strength of Crown Prince lies mainly in the Imperial Palace Guards and the Imperial Cavalry. Lately, the Palace Guards have been actively recruiting personnel and their strength has been boosted to fifty thousand. Regardless of training, equipment and remuneration, they are far better off compared to the other forces. In addition, they are fiercely loyal towards Crown Prince. They are the ones Third Brother have to guard against."

Xiang Shaolong recalled that day when Lord Changwen chased up to him from the palace and advised himself to give up his plans to leave for the borderlands. Unfortunately, he was rejected unreservedly by Xiang Shaolong.

After all, Lord Changping and Lord Changwen are members of the royal family. Blood is thicker than water. In case of a dispute, they would definitely side with Xiao Pan.

Wang Jian added: "Against these rebels, Crown Prince should have logically summoned Huan Qi back. Instead, he summoned An Guxi all the way back from the Qin-Chu Border. Based on this point alone, I am certain that he has the intention to confront Third Brother."

Teng Yi was thunderstruck: "An Guxi is back? Why are we kept in the dark?"

In a deep voice, Wang Jian established: "This is Crown Prince's secret attack force. However, I have yet to determine the size of his army. I only know that he has left the border and is camped somewhere between Xianyang and Yongdu. Upon receiving the royal decree, he can reach Xianyang or Yongdu within a day."

Like Lord Changping and Lord Changwen, An Guxi is a member of the royal family and would definitely support Yingzheng in times of trouble. No wonder Wang Jian could speculate that Yingzheng is having unfavourable thoughts about Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong solemnly swore: "I don't give a hoot about his deployments. As long as Fourth Brother can secure the fake Xiang Shaolong's departure from Yongdu, we have the ability to handle the rest."

Wu Guo smiled: "It is true that we have to depend on Master Jian to take good care of my measly little life."

As Wang Jian stared at Wu Guo with a flabbergasted expression, Ji Yanran swiftly explained their ruse in her melodious voice.

Wang Jian bitterly laughed: "If your ruse is exposed, Third Brother would be found guilty of deceiving the King!"

Teng Yi grudgingly smiled: "This is a risk we have to undertake. If Fourth Brother has seen Wu Guo in action, you too, would feel confident that we can pull this through."

Ji Yanran giggled: "Additionally, your Third Brother will be faking an illness, making it easier to proceed with the impersonation."

Wang Jian suggested: "If the switch can be made halfway through the journey, it would be perfect!"

Xiang Shaolong was elated: "With Fourth Brother supporting at the side, it has increased our conviction drastically. Meanwhile, it is not convenient for Fourth Brother to stay for too long."

After finalizing their future secret communication methods, Wang Jian furtively slipped away.

Xiang Shaolong left in search for Xiao Yuetan and found him sitting in front of a bronze mirror and disguising himself as an old man. He promptly updated him about Wang Jian's collaboration.

Xiao Yuetan nodded: "Judging from his bearing and appearance, it is unmistakably clear that this man places heavy emphasis on brotherhood and is not someone who will cower to the rich and powerful. With him secretly providing assistance, the odds of our success have increased by several folds."

Turning puzzled, he quizzed: "Don't you need to attend morning court?"

Xiang Shaolong explained: "That is why I am looking for you. I have to trouble Elder Brother to apply some make-up for me and give me a sickly appearance."

With an amused expression, Xiao Yuetan scoffed: "Shaolong has underestimated Yingzheng. If he learns about your sickness, he would surely send a royal physician to treat your disease and concurrently investigate the truth about your illness claims. Shaolong's fraud would be exposed by just a simple diagnosis."

Xiang Shaolong was horrified: "What should I do?!"

Glancing at the sky, Xiao Yuetan calculated: "Fortunately, there is still time, because Yingzheng can only send for the royal physician after the morning court session. I shall leave at once and gather some herbs for you. After consumption, these herbs will trigger your pulse to become unstable without any side effects. We can then deceive Yingzheng and prevent him from growing suspicious towards you."

With regards to Xiao Yuetan's knowledge and skills, Xiang Shaolong has nothing but respect and admiration. He was secretly gratified that Lu Buwei has tried to harm Xiao Yuetan, forcing him to switch sides. Otherwise, Xiao Yuetan would probably become his most feared enemy right now.

That very afternoon, as Xiao Yuetan had forecasted, Xiao Pan sent two Imperial Physicians to attend to Xiang Shaolong's medical condition. Even Lord Changping was also here to see him.

After the two doctors felt his pulse, both unequivocally diagnosed that Xiang Shaolong's has over-exerted his physical body and has therefore caught the flu bug.

Inspired, Xiang Shaolong gingerly lead them on, causing them to believe without a doubt that root of his sickness was due to long exposure to snowy wilderness during his fugitive days.

Once the Imperial Physicians retreated out of the room, Lord Changping sat down on his beside. With a heavy expression, he sighed with a breath, appearing to be in a dilemma over what he wants to say to Xiang Shaolong.

Putting on a feeble act, Xiang Shaolong muttered: "What is troubling Your Lordship?"

Lord Changping sighed: "Aye! My mind is in a quandary. On one hand, I wish Shaolong can remain sick and bedridden but on the other hand, I wanted Shaolong to recover in due time. Aye!"

Xiang Shaolong can feel the warmth in his heart. Strongly gripping Lord Changping's hand, he whispered: "I understand everything. Your Lordship need not speak any further."

An agitated Lord Changping stammered: "You… …"

Revealing a bittersweet smile on his face, Xiang Shaolong pondered in a deep voice: "Serving a king is like walking with tigers; this is an age old truth. Let's not talk these things anymore. Is Ying Ying happy? How is Duanhe treating her?"

His eye sockets filled with hot tears, Lord Changping decisively declared: "Our prosperity and attainment today is all thanks to Shaolong's endorsement and patronage. If we, the two brothers, can sit by and do nothing while Shaolong is in trouble, can we be considered humans? Crown Prince is obviously the one at fault."

Xiang Shaolong is touched. He gently advised: "Regarding these matters, there is no right and wrong. Please do not bear any grudges towards Crown Prince. Little Brother has a way to preserve my life."

Wiping his tears with his sleeve, Lord Changping divulged after a short contemplation: "Shaolong must guard against this man named Wei Liao. He hails from Daliang, Capital of Wei. After arriving in Qin, he has become a resident advisor under Crown Prince and is highly regarded by him. In fact, there are several matters that Crown Prince would consult him instead of us. This man is extremely shrewd and talented in military maneuvers. He authored the military manuscript 'Wei Liao Strategies', driving the main concept: Attack small to grow big; one to rule them all, which largely coincides with our Great Qin's ambition to unite the States. Crown Prince is probably influenced by him and is pushing the agenda for conquering the other States. Whoever that opposes his grand plan of uniting the lands are mercilessly beheaded."

Xiang Shaolong understood his predicament.

Lord Changping is hinting him that Xiao Pan is going all out to get rid of him in order to preserve his kingly authority and wishes for him to remain sick in bed. Indirectly, he is insinuating that if Xiang Shaolong were to accompany Xiao Pan to Yongdu, certain death awaits him.

Noting that this Wei Liao is not holding an official post, Xiang Shaolong is convinced that he has been specially selected by Xiao Pan to deal with himself. This is because the talented officials under Xiao Pan are all hardcore buddies of Xiang Shaolong. To get rid of himself, Xiao Pan has to engage an 'outsider'.

Lord Changping added: "Did Shaolong notice that Li Si has changed a lot? We no longer adore him like before; he is too desperate for power and authority."

Xiang Shaolong is feeling moved again, recognizing Lord Changping's intention to warn him about Li Si. Nonetheless, only he can truly comprehend Li Si's situation. In reality, Li Si is even more passionate about pursuing the dream of conquering all the States and uniting all the territories; it is his ultimate goal in life. As a result, he was forced to do whatever he can to please Xiao Pan. Li Si, after all, did risk his own life to advise Xiang Shaolong to flee for his life, clearly demonstrating the genuine friendship that exists in his heart.

Patting Lord Changping's hand, Xiang Shaolong grinned: "Go back and make your report to Crown Prince! Tell him I will definitely accompany him to Yongdu."

As Lord Changping is still reeling from shock, Xiang Shaolong winked at him several times. Although he does not have a clue about his plans, Lord Changping got the message after identifying Xiang Shaolong's look of confidence and left him as it is.

For the next three days, Xiao Pan continued to send Imperial Physicians to attend to him.

By now, it is only ten days until the trip to Yongdu. Xiang Shaolong pretended to recover slightly and entered the palace to seek an audience with Xiao Pan with lesser 'sickly' make up.

After being informed of his arrival, Xiao Pan personally received him at the palace entrance, putting up a good show of respect.

Concluding a round of pleasantries, Xiao Pan and Xiang Shaolong adjourned to the Imperial Study to begin their secret meeting.

This future Qin Shihuang heaved with a sigh of relief: "It is a blessing that Great General is able to recover in time. Otherwise, without Great General beside Guaren providing pointers, stratagems and countering the rebels, it would be disastrous."

Xiang Shaolong carefully scrutinized this King of Qin whom he had personally raised. Momentarily, his heart is overwhelmed with countless emotions clashing with one another and he could no longer differentiate between love and hate. As instructed by Xiao Yuetan, he queried in a hoarse voice: "Is everything ready?"

Xiao Pan nodded: "We are all set. Wang Jian is back and he had brought along an army of thirty thousand crack troops, every one of them a brave and experienced war veteran. Guaren has assigned him to a location near Yongdu as per our deployments."

Xiang Shaolong frowned: "What are your plans?"

With a tinge of awkwardness, Xiao Pan articulated: "According to Mao Jiao's spy reports, Lao Ai is planning to activate his forces and begin the rebellion on the night of the coronation when everyone is drunk and asleep from all the celebrations. When that happens, Wang Jian will besiege Yongdu with his men, trapping Lao Ai and his accomplices."

Xiang Shaolong deliberately put on an air of displeasure: "Since Wang Jian is back, why didn't he come to visit me?"

Xiao Pan hurriedly explained: "It is Guaren who had prohibited him from entering the City. Great General must not misjudge him."

Xiang Shaolong interrogated: "Any news from Lu Buwei's camp?"

His royal eyes turning icy, Xiao Pan frostily hissed: "In the meantime, what can he amount to? However, it will be a different story when Guaren lead my civil and military officials to Yongdu."

Seemingly afraid of meeting Xiang Shaolong's gaze, Xiao Pan lowered his head and continued in a deep voice: "After the departure of Guaren and Great General, Advisor Wei Liao will remain behind in Xianyang and assume command of the City. To deal with Lu Buwei, he shall be bestowed with Guaren's Tiger Seal and he has complete autonomy to deploy the three armies of Xianyang. Guaren shall announce this tomorrow morning during the Court session."

Xiang Shaolong can feel his anger mounting. Despite his nice sounding words, Xiao Pan is actually relieving Teng Yi and Jing Jun of their military command.

At the end of the day, the Qin military is fiercely loyal to the royal family. If Teng Yi and Jing Jun are unable to deploy the Imperial Cavalry, Xiang Shaolong would be handicapped in the showdown between him and Lu Buwei.

To make it worse, Wei Liao would have complete jurisdiction over any killings.

Xiang Shaolong shook his head, disagreeing: "This arrangement is illogical. Presently, the Imperial Infantry is controlled by the two camps of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai. Wei Liao is a fresh face and lack battle accomplishments. Not only would he be unable to win the respect of the soldiers, it would dampen the morale of the Imperial Cavalry. This proposal is impractical. Would Crown Prince please reconsider?"

Xiao Pan still retains some fear of Xiang Shaolong and on top of that, he has a guilty conscience. After a short contemplation, he clarified: "Essentially, Guaren's strategy is strictly aimed at Lu Buwei. If he tries to manipulate the deployments of the Imperial Cavalry, we can charge him with treason. With reason on our side, Wei Liao can simply exterminate him and his followers. Hey! Of course we would require the collaboration of the two generals Teng Yi and Jing Jun."

Though Xiang Shaolong's deep-set eyes are flickering with a chilling sensation, he plainly concluded in a calm tone: "You can simply promote Wei Liao to become the Imperial Infantry Commander!"

Xiao Pan was perplexed: "But this is a pointblank offensive against Lu Buwei; that Traitor would never give his consent."

Xiang Shaolong stated with indifference: "In this case, Crown Prince can simply hand your Tiger Seal to Teng Yi. Once the coronation hour has passed, Crown Prince shall become the King of Qin. Without Empress's approval, Crown Prince can control the armies of Xianyang at will. Isn't it better than causing unnecessary alarm?"

He is convinced that Xiao Pan needed to coax himself to Yongdu and would not clash with him at this point in time. Since Xiao Pan is evidently inferior in terms of courage, Xiang Shaolong used this golden opportunity to ask for the sky and watch how Xiao Pan would respond.

In reality, Xiao Pan cannot be bothered with the Imperial Infantry and had wanted to regain control of the Imperial Cavalry. But of course he could not say it outright.

After a lengthy pause, Xiao Pan finally relented: "Since you say so, I shall stick to the original military appointments. Wei Liao will encamp outside Xianyang City with his forces and whenever necessary, he shall supplement the two generals Teng Yi and Jing Jun."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly humoured. Even if Wei Liao has three heads and six arms, he would not know that Xiang Shaolong is the real mastermind behind Xianyang's deployments and is bound to be at a disadvantage.

No longer interested in idle chatter with Xiao Pan, Xiang Shaolong used his lingering sickness as an excuse to return home.

Book 25 Chapter 06 - Thick Clouds Of War

Back at Wu Residence, Xiang Shaolong learnt that Qin Qing is here and found her with Ji Yanran in the hall, whispering secretively to each other. Both ladies wore a heavy expression on their faces and forcefully mustered a smile at the sight of him.

A bewildered Xiang Shaolong sat and questioned: "Why are the two of you in a state of anxiety?"

Ji Yanran explained: "Crown Prince has officially decreed Sister Qing to accompany him to Yongdu in order to assist him with the coronation procedures. Sister Qing is feeling distressed over this. She cannot afford to disobey the decree and yet, it is not ideal for her to go to Yongdu."

Xiang Shaolong violently trembled: "No one knows me better than Yingzheng. He has hit me at my Achilles Heel."

With a frantic expression, Qin Qing dismissed in a melancholic tone: "Just leave without me. I don't think he has the guts to vent his frustration on me. After the dust has settled, I will look for you people at the borderlands!"

Recomposing himself, Xiang Shaolong shook his head decisively and declared: "No! If we are leaving, we will leave together. Otherwise, the heart wrenching pain of pining for each other will torture me to no ends."

Listening to Xiang Shaolong's emotional outburst, Qin Qing is so touched her lovely eyes begin to turn red.

Ji Yanran suggested: "Yanran can disguise myself as Sister Qing's personal maid and can react to any unforeseen circumstances."

Briefly dazed, Xiang Shaolong agreed: "That's a good plan and the enemy would not anticipate it. If necessary, I can get Jing Jun to personally fetch both of you at Yongdu. In terms of ninja climbing skills, who can hold a candle to him?"

Qin Qing wondered: "I would like to learn about Hubby Xiang's ninja climbing skills. Are you willing to teach me?"

Hearing her words, Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran stared at each other with a flabbergasted countenance. Qin Qing is such a civilized, prim and proper beauty. If she were to pick up the climbing skills of the Wu Family Special Forces, how would she eventually turn out?

That night, Xiao Yuetan leisurely strolled back.

Everyone quickly gathered in the secret room for a discussion.

Xiao Yuetan started: "If not for Master Tu keeping Traitor Lu under secret surveillance, as we walk down the path of reincarnation, we would remain as muddle-headed ghosts."

Everyone flinched and swiftly pressed him for details.

Xiao Yuetan clarified: "Lu Buwei is now facing a shortage of reliable talents and had no choice but to assign heavy responsibilities to his pioneering family warriors which Master Tu headed. Hence, Master Tu is able to comprehend the finer details of Traitor Lu's schemes."

Ji Yanran exposed: "Of late, Lu Buwei has kept a low profile and appeared to be vulnerable and in a state of decline. So it is just an act."

Jing Jun antagonistically cursed: "This time round, we must tear him to shreds."

Xiao Yuetan chuckled: "We have neglected Lu Buwei's last trick in the bag: His allies from the Six Eastern States. Among the Kings of the six States, each and every one of them views Yingzheng as a savage beast that will devour everything in its path. In order to topple Yingzheng, they are willing to pay any price. In their opinion, if Lao Ai can end up as the King of Qin, it would be even better."

Xiang Shaolong's face turned pale: "Would he have the audacity to open up the passes and simply allow the allied army to pass through?"

Xiao Yuetan chortled: "Even if he possesses the guts to do so, it would be futile. The soldiers of Qin love their country and would not carry out the order. In addition, the Three States, Chu and Yan are severely handicapped by Shaolong's assault. Even if we open up the passes, their armies would not have the conviction to proceed with the invasion. Nevertheless, the six States has dispatched four teams of kamikaze desperados, each of them a highly skilled fighter who is able to fight off a hundred men. At an opportune moment, they will execute their well-planned assassination attempt. Their four targets are Yingzheng, Xiang Shaolong, Lord Changping and Li Si."

Of course Yingzheng and Xiang Shaolong would be among the chosen targets.

Lord Changping and Li Si are the top military and civil officials of Yingzheng. If they are out of the picture, the hundreds of civil and military officials would be leaderless, giving Lu Buwei a chance to take charge.

Xiang Shaolong thought: The person they should really try to assassinate is Wang Jian. However, Lu Buwei is probably still in the dark about Wang Jian's return.

Presently, the State of Qin is undergoing a critical period in its evolution. The minute Xiao Pan ascends the throne; the two camps of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai will perish without a burial place.

Tao Fang enquired in a deep voice: "Are these men in Xianyang?"

Xiao Yuetan answered: "To conceal their presence, they are holing up in the nearby mountain caves and forests while their food rations are provided by Master Tu. Ladies and Gentlemen, you should realize what a favourable arrangement this is."

Ji Yanran inquired: "Is Manager Tu aware of their plans and details?"

Xiao Yuetan disclosed: "With regards to this, Imperial Infantry Commander Xu Shang is the one with all the information. As long as we can capture him alive, I would be able to force a confession out of him."

Teng Yi professed: "If Xu Shang steps out of the City, we would be able to capture him alive for Mister's interrogation. But if he stations himself within the Command Centre, we are powerless unless we chose to attack him head on."

Xu Shang himself is a master swordsman and is a resident of Imperial Uncle Residence. Wherever he goes, he would be escorted by a sizable entourage of bodyguards. Within the Command Centre, it is a concentration of his men and influence. Killing him might be workable but capturing him alive is going to be an incredible feat.

From his bosom, Xiao Yuetan produced a roll of parchment. Spreading it across the table, he narrated: "This is a complete blueprint of Imperial Uncle Residence, including all the defensive traps and hidden rooms. If we employ certain strategies instead of brute force, it is quite possible for us to assassinate Lu Buwei and kidnap Xu Shang."

Pausing, he added: "Master Tu has prepared a powerful anesthetic; if we put it in the drinking wells of Imperial Uncle Residence, its consumers can forget about waking up within three days."

Jing Jun cheered: "That's brilliant!"

Xiang Shaolong probed: "Since Senior Tu did participate in Lu Buwei's confidential meetings, did he manage to learn about his complete scheme?"

Xiao Yuetan icily grinned: "Even if Master Tu did not participate in the meetings, Traitor Lu cannot pull the wool over his eyes. Traitor Lu's plan is to unleash two simultaneous attacks. When Lao Ai is staging his rebellion at Yongdu, he would launch his own uprising at Xianyang and kill everyone who opposes him."

Pausing, he continued: "It is imperative to successfully assassinate Yingzheng. With Yingzheng dead, Lu Buwei can use the excuse of attacking Lao Ai and obtain full military control of Qin.

Tao Fang frowned: "If Lao Ai failed in his rebellion, wouldn't Traitor Lu's beautiful dream end up in smoke? And he would be labeled as a stinking insurgent."

Xiao Yuetan enlightened: "That's why Traitor Lu has instructed Guan Zhongxie to proceed to Yongdu to meet up with the experts from the six States and oversee their assassination maneuvers. Based on his remarkable archery skills, he has a decent shot at success. At the end of the day, Yingzheng is not familiar with layout of Yongdu."

Everybody is in a state of agitation. If they do not act first and get rid of this man, he would become a most fearful threat.

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "We did suspect this move from Lu Buwei; unfortunately, it turned out to be true. Is there any way to pinpoint Guan Zhongxie's location?"

Xiao Yuetan shook his head: "This is the Old Thief's last and most powerful weapon. Except for himself, nobody else knows about Guan Zhongxie's movement. The success or failure of Traitor Lu is resting on the deciding death of Yingzheng, and he does have a fair chance of victory."

Ji Yanran pointed out: "Wouldn't Wu Guo be in an extremely dangerous position?"

Wu Guo's face is completely drained of blood. However, no one will blame him for being frightened after taking into account Guan Zhongxie's supreme archery skills.

Stroking his beard, Xiao Yuetan guffawed: "Dear all, this is called thinking too much. Actually, Guan Zhongxie is not absolutely untraceable. After all, his first target has to be Yingzheng. An alternative is assaulting the four targets simultaneously in order not to raise the alarm and lose the element of surprise."

Wu Guo instantly heaved a sigh of relief.

Ji Yanran deduced: "In this sense, the assassination attempts should be concentrated in Yongdu. Only in this instance can they frame Lao Ai for the murders."

She went on with a smile: "Those well versed in warfare will overcome their enemies by strategy instead of numbers. The biggest weakness of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai's collaboration is their mutual distrust and mutual scheming. According to Yanran's estimate, it is likely that Lu Buwei did not reveal to Lao Ai about his assassination plans and has planted spies among the followers of Crown Prince. If we manage to leak the assassination plans to Lao Ai, we may gain some unexpected benefits."

Xiang Shaolong is not the least worried about Xiao Pan's royal life; otherwise, history would not have records of this person known as Qin Shihuang. In the same context, he is not worried about Lord Changping and Li Si too.

At this point, Teng Yi commented: "The best way is to kill Guan Zhongxie beforehand and indirectly safeguard ourselves. If anything were to happen to me and Little Jun, Traitor Lu can simply seize control of the Imperial Cavalry."

Guan Zhongxie is gifted warrior and an astute strategist. With him masterminding the assassins from the six States, who would dare to be complacent.

Xiao Yuetan suddenly proposed: "With Wu Guo disguised as Shaolong, Shaolong can concurrently impersonate Wu Guo. That would be a perfect scenario."

Everyone was full of praise and cheers.

Tao Fang wondered: "Is there enough time?"

Xiao Yuetan happily laughed: "When I was making the first mask, I already thought of this and made both masks instead. That's why I ended up taking so much time!"

Everyone took turns in commending Xiao Yuetan for his brilliance and is full of admiration for his wisdom and foresight.

Subsequently, they discussed the details of their deployments and decided that their utmost priority is to track down Guan Zhongxie. At the same time, they made special provisions in case of unforeseen circumstances.

That night, Xiang Shaolong had a very good rest and intentionally appeared during the morning court session, allowing Lu Buwei and the others to witness his sickly appearance and hear his hoarse voice.

The court session that morning was mainly centered on the affairs of the approaching coronation.

Lu Buwei actively persisted on staying behind and guarding Xianyang while Xiao Pan pretended to lose the debate and accepted his proposal with reluctance.

After the morning court session, the five men Xiao Pan, Xiang Shaolong, Lord Changping, Lord Changwen and Li Si adjourned to the Imperial Study for their private meeting.

Lord Changping and Li Si submitted their reports first and both their reports are concerning the Yongdu coronation process.

At the end of their submission, Xiao Pan narrated: "Officials (All of you) should know that this is the last opportunity for the two camps of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai to topple Guaren. In this aspect, what propositions would Officials recommend?"

Lord Changwen reported: "Your subordinate has made detailed preparations with regards to this matter. First of all, the ships sailing to Yongdu shall be similar looking and all of them will bear the royal flag, making it difficult for the enemy to pinpoint the actual ship that Guaren is sailing on. In addition, several mini battleships shall pave the way for us. Lastly, there will be elite soldiers lying in ambush in all the critical parts of the shore, guaranteeing a safe journey."

Xiao Pan nodded his head and praised his work before reminding: "Nonetheless, the main danger would lie in Yongdu. For many years, Lao Ai has been making preparations just for this one day. We cannot afford to be complacent."

Lord Changping added: "Guxi will first lead ten thousand elite soldiers into Yongdu and secure all the exits and entrances. Subordinate has confidence that Lao Ai would not dare to challenge him."

Xiang Shaolong frowned: "When did Senior General An come back?"

Xiao Pan dryly coughed once and explained: "As Great General is at home and recuperating, Guaren dare not disturb and thus, did not tell Great General about his return."

Li Si and the other two men lowered their head and kept their silence.

Xiang Shaolong furiously state: "Crown Prince is well-prepared and certainly do not require subordinate's presence and advice. Why don't subordinate remain in Xianyang and continue my recuperation?"

The heads of Li Si and the other two sank even lower.

Without any signs of fluster, Xiao Pan corrected: "Great General, you must not jump to conclusions. Guaren is now seeking your advice."

Xiang Shaolong concluded: "If you do not make known to subordinate about your deployments and the available soldiers, be prepared to fail."

Including Xiao Pan, the four men were taken aback.

Xiang Shaolong thought: This is called: I don't usually speak, but when I do, you can expect some nerve-racking words. After receiving the precious intelligence reports from Tu Xian, he is much more confident in fighting this double war; the first war is against the gangs of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai; the second war is against the heartless fellow Xiao Pan.

With a serious demeanour, Xiao Pan questioned: "What does Great General mean?"

Of course Xiang Shaolong knew that Xiao Pan places a heavy emphasis on the meaning behind his words. Moreover, since he was young, Xiao Pan has always regarded himself as an infallible immortal. In addition, Xiang Shaolong has assisted Xiao Pan in resolving many of his difficulties and his standing in Xiao Pan's heart is irreplaceable.

If it was somebody else, be it Wang Jian or Li Si, they would not have the same chilling effect on this future Qin Shihuang.

Instead of answering, Xiang Shaolong plainly interrogated: "How many men did Senior General An brought back from the Qin-Chu border?"

After some hesitation, Xiao Pan helplessly replied: "Fifty thousand."

Scrutinizing the expression of the others, Xiang Shaolong is convinced that Xiao Pan did not lie to him about this matter. Without the slightest hint of surprise, he probed: "Where are the other forty thousand men stationed at? Who is in charge of them?"

Of course Xiang Shaolong is well aware that the huge army is not solely here to get rid of Lu Buwei; they would be used to attack Teng Yi, Jing Jun and the Wu Family Warriors as well but he intentionally forced Xiao Pan to confess so.

Xiao Pan appears to be afraid of facing Xiang Shaolong's glare and pretended to flip through several documents on his table. With an air of nonchalance, he responded: "They are the reserve army which I prepared for cases of emergency. With Wei Liao at the helm, they can swiftly supplement the forces of Yongdu or Xianyang by taking the river route."

Subsequently, he reminded with some impatience: "Great General has yet to answer Guaren's question."

Under the sky, only Xiang Shaolong would dare to speak with Xiao Pan in this manner.

Li Si and the others dare not interrupt.

Xiang Shaolong simply rationalized: "However brazen they can be, the gangs of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai would not throw eggs at stone by staging an open rebellion. Therefore, I am convinced that they will try to employ a secret assassination attempt. If they can successfully get rid of Crown Prince, chaos will descend and the traitors can reap benefits from the state of disorder. They will end up as the biggest winners."

Lord Changping cannot help but interject: "We already thought of that and have implemented appropriate countermeasures.

Xiang Shaolong articulated in a deep voice: "Imagine a scenario whereby the head of the assassination team is Guan Zhongxie and the participants are top assassins from the other six States, each of them painstakingly chosen from thousands of candidates and has undergone vigorous training. On top of that, Crown Prince has to expose himself to the public during the coronation ceremony and there are also spies within the Palace Guards aiding the assassins. Is Your Lordship as surefooted as before?"

Including Xiao Pan, everyone's countenance underwent a drastic change.

Years ago, on the way to Deshui for the Spring Sacrifice, Xiao Pan's entourage was ambushed. Luckily, the decoy carriage was attacked but the memory of the incident is still fresh in their minds. With the deadly marksman Guan Zhongxie involved in the latest assault, who can guarantee that everything will be fine.

Lord Changping was thunderstruck: "According to the messengers, Guan Zhongxie is still in Han territory, locking horns with the people of Han."

Xiang Shaolong dismissed: "That's a sham. In this critical juncture, there is no reason for Lu Buwei to not summon his beloved son-in-law back. This is called: Feeding an army for days, unlocking their value in one battle."

Xiang Shaolong's words are highly persuasive and plausible; no one doubts his theory.

His royal eyes flickering, Xiao Pan glared at Xiang Shaolong and grilled: "Where did Great General get your information from?"

Xiang Shaolong has already anticipated this question from Xiao Pan and replied with a smile: "Lu Buwei has friends in the six States and so does subordinate."

Xiao Pan stared blankly at him for a short spell and nodded: "What solutions do Great General advocate?"

Taking full advantage of his superior bargaining position, Xiang Shaolong demanded: "For a start, Crown Prince has to grant subordinate your Tiger Seal, giving subordinate the ability to deploy the military at will. Only then can subordinate find a remedy to this problem."

This is Xiang Shaolong's most astounding move and there is no basis for Xiao Pan to reject him. For the different ranks of commanders and generals, they are presented with a different Tiger Seal that reflects their rank and identity. In the same context, the Tiger Seal will limit the amount of soldiers they can bring into battle.

For those who are ranked Senior General and above, there is no limit on their army strength. Wherever they may be, they can recruit or deploy soldiers at will.

After every war and upon their return to Xianyang, the generals and commanders must surrender half of their Tiger Seal to the Court. The soldiers will be re-assigned back to their original barracks and the generals will be left with their personal soldiers. The personal soldiers of each general will vary based on their ranks. At the end of the day, the control of the military will reconsolidate in the hands of the King.

Being one of the two Great Generals of Qin, if Xiang Shaolong possess the complete Tiger Seal, he is as good as the Chief Commander. When that happens, except for Xiao Pan, no one can retract his authority.

As a result, with both halves of the Tiger Seal, Xiang Shaolong wields absolute authority over the soldiers of Qin. If Xiao Pan wishes to harm him, he cannot utilize Wei Liao who is a new and lowly ranked commander. The only possibility is for Xiao Pan to attack Xiang Shaolong in person.

This clearly demonstrates the importance of the Tiger Seal.

For three reasons, Xiang Shaolong is confident that Xiao Pan will acquiesce to his request.

Firstly, Xiao Pan is under the impression that Xiang Shaolong is always by his side. After arriving in Yongdu, Xiao Pan can easily demand the return of the Tiger Seal. It is not as if Xiang Shaolong is fighting a distant battle and can choose to disobey Xiao Pan's decree.

Secondly, Xiang Shaolong had deliberately painted this scenario, forcing Xiao Pan to accede to his demands in order to placate and continue deceiving Xiang Shaolong.

Thirdly and best of all, Xiao Pan's trust in Xiang Shaolong's capabilities are deep-rooted. Furthermore, Xiao Pan fully believes that Xiang Shaolong would not bear to harm him.

As a result, Xiang Shaolong is not anxious about Xiao Pan's decision. Additionally, Xiao Pan cannot make enquiries about his plans, as it is tantamount to distrust.

As anticipated, Xiao Pan was briefly dazed before nodding his royal head in agreement: "As per Great General's request!"

Suppressing his overwhelming exhilaration, Xiang Shaolong plainly swore: "The day of Crown Prince's coronation shall be the day subordinate presents the head of Guan Zhongxie. If I fail in my duty, Crown Prince can punish me according to the military laws."

An extremely complicated look flashed past the eyes of Xiao Pan.

Xiang Shaolong sighed to himself and took this opportunity to retreat.

Book 25 Chapter 07 - Unorthodox Interrogation

Lord Changwen chased up to Xiang Shaolong from the back. Riding side by side, their horses unhurriedly galloped along the road while the Guardians and Lord Changwen's bodyguards carefully scrutinized their surroundings for any signs of danger. Armed with human-sized shields and holding their bows, they kept a strict lookout for possible assassins. It was a tense atmosphere.

Xiang Shaolong casually checked: "Don't you need to attend to Crown Prince?"

Lord Changwen shook his head and probed: "What are Shaolong's plans against the rebels? Can you share some information with me? I may be able to lend you a hand."

With an air of indifference, Xiang Shaolong grilled: "Was it Crown Prince who ordered you to chase up to me and ask these questions?"

Revealing a stunned look, Lord Changwen is unable to answer him.

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "You can save it. I understand your difficulties."

His face darkening, Lord Changwen shamefully implored: "Can Shaolong help me out?"

Xiang Shaolong narrated: "You can report to Crown Prince that I have laid my hands on a bunch of clues, allowing me to take down Guan Zhongxie and the assassins of the six States in one fell swoop. Nevertheless, I would need to operate under full secrecy for my strategy to succeed. Therefore, with lesser people aware of my plans, the better it is for me."

Lord Changwen hastily enquired: "What's the purpose behind Shaolong's request for the Tiger Seal?"

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought: Of course it is a life preservation tactic. Instead, he answered: "Because I would need to deploy thirty thousand Imperial Cavalry soldiers in my quest to exterminate these trespassing invaders."

Pausing, he asked in return: "What is Wei Liao's present rank?"

With a look of dilemma on his face, Lord Changwen lowered his head and responded: "I am not very sure."

Xiang Shaolong sighed to himself. Ultimately, Lord Changwen is inferior to his elder brother in terms of brotherhood loyalty. Sharing weal is easy; sharing woe is a different story.

Thinking about this, Xiang Shaolong cannot be bothered with his company.

With a "Please return!" Xiang Shaolong and the Guardians sped away. Back at his Command Centre, he immediately summoned the three men: Teng Yi, Jing Jun and Wu Guo. After updating them about the Tiger Seal incident, he asserted: "Presently, we are considered untouchable. Unless Yingzheng personally leads an army against me, nobody else can lay a finger on us."

Teng Yi frowned: "However, Yingzheng can issue a decree to confiscate Third Brother's military authority."

Xiang Shaolong grinned: "That's the best part. To make sure that I get rid of Guan Zhongxie, Yingzheng would not recall the Tiger Seal before the coronation. By the time he wishes to act against my interests, he would discover my absence at Yongdu. During that period, we could enjoy a few days of complete freedom and focus all our energies on countering Lu Buwei."

Wu Guo nodded: "In this case, I must make my getaway before the end of the coronation ceremony."

Jing Jun wondered: "Are we really going after Guan Zhongxie?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed with a breath: "Just take it that we are giving Yingzheng a huge farewell present before our departure!"

Teng Yi agreed: "We must do it; otherwise, if Traitor Lu happens to succeed in his scheme, we can forget about enjoying our days in peace."

Xiang Shaolong proposed: "As long as we can capture all the members of one of the assassination teams that are concealed in the mountains or wilderness, and with Tu Xian concealing this development from Lu Buwei, we could execute our torturous interrogation methods and discover the location of Guan Zhongxie."

Wu Guo was puzzled: "I am still confused; instead of using the opportunity to head to Yongdu, why are the assassins still loitering near Xianyang."

Jing Jun questioned: "Three days later, Yingzheng shall proceed to Yongdu. When does Third Brother plan to strike?"

Revealing a self-satisfying and self-confident smile, Xiang Shaolong simply decided: "Tonight! Let these men have a taste of our well-trained and seasoned Wu Family Special Forces."

The three men stammered in shock: "Special Forces?"

Xiang Shaolong contentedly nodded.

Because of his 21st century scientific knowledge, Xiang Shaolong is able to recreate this ancient Special Forces team that employs the best battle techniques, allowing him to accomplish many missions that were originally insurmountable. Out of the blue, he can feel his chest swelling with infinite fighting spirit.

Under the brilliance of the bright moon, Xiang Shaolong who was disguised as Wu Guo is in a prone position with Ji Yanran beside him. They are waiting patiently on a cliff about six miles south of Xianyang City.

Armed with foldable crossbows, they are dressed in light jungle clothes. Underneath their clothes is a special armored vest, something similar to the 21st century bulletproof vest.

Now lying on the soft grass of the cliff, Xiang Shaolong reached out and patted the thigh of Ji Yanran who is sitting beside him. He softly remarked: "I hope Wu Guo don't screw up."

Tonight is the first time Wu Guo is entering the limelight with his Xiang Shaolong disguise. Accompanied by Teng Yi, they are meeting Xu Shang for a discussion, analyzing how the Imperial Cavalry and Imperial Infantry can work hand in hand when Yingzheng is absent from Xianyang.

This tactic is to allay the suspicions of Xu Shang.

If Xu Shang learns that Xiang Shaolong has left the City, it will set off alarms in his head.

Lightly whining and brushing off Xiang Shaolong's invading hand, Ji Yanran frowned her brows: "Don't touch me. With your Wu Guo disguise, I forbid any intimacy."

Xiang Shaolong was humoured: "Outer beauty is deceptive; inner beauty is genuine. Even our Talented Lady doesn't realize this?"

Ji Yanran faintly sighed: "It is easier said than done. How many people can really forgo one's appearance? If a choice is available, who would choose ugliness over beauty."

At this juncture, Jing Jun crept towards both of them and whispered: "The enemies numbered between twelve to fifteen men and they have set up camp in the forest. Their only defense is a sentry. I have casted sky-wide nets (chinese idiom 天罗地网), guaranteed to capture each and every one of them."

This time round, it is truly a case of using sky-wide nets. The outstanding hunter, Jing Jun, has specially crafted dozens of large nets that can be placed on the ground or casted from the trees above.

These assassins who have sneaked into Qin are the elite warriors of the six States. Without a good strategy, killing them is easy but capturing them alive is going to be a challenge.

Jumping to his feet, Xiang Shaolong commanded: "Do it!"

Jing Jun sneaked away.

Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran ascended the summit of the hill and prostrated themselves among the thick grass, overlooking the huge stretch of thick forests that lie below them.

If not for Tu Xian's accurate information, even with a massive army combing the area, it would be impossible to corner their targets like the present situation.

Out of a sudden, the sound of hoof beats can be heard about a mile away. It gradually became louder and louder, signaling its approach and is advancing towards the forest from far. Of course Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran are not the least surprised, for it is part of their scheme to force the enemies to run in the opposite direction towards the ensnaring nets.

As anticipated, the enemies reacted instantaneously. By observing the stationary birds suddenly taking flight due to the commotion, Xiang Shaolong deduced that they are fleeing in the southeast direction where the nets are.

Continuous cries of astonishment and exclamation can be heard from the forest. Minutes later, the forest resumed its natural silence.

Exchanging a smile, Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran knew that they had succeeded. Now, all they have to do is wait for Xiao Yuetan's interrogation methods.

Altogether, thirteen men were captured. Despite their varying appearances, all of them are tall and strapping characters. In an open skirmish, Xiang Shaolong and his men may suffer injuries or even death. But with their clever tactics against these unprepared criminals, no losses were reported and the entire operation was a piece of cake.

The apprehended men obviously had a pre-arrangement, with each person holding his tongue and radiating a strong determination as if death is nothing.

After smuggling them back to Wu Residence, Xiao Yuetan gave instructions to lock them up separately. Concluding a round of observation, he chose one of the assassins to be his interrogation target. To the crowd, he explained: "This man is rather handsome looking. I am sure his lifestyle is much more enriching than the others and he would certainly enjoy the attention of many ladies. For a person like him to be willing to risk his life for this mission, I am positive he is doing it for the money and also to win the affections of a beauty. Needless to say, he is somebody who treasures his body and life."

Ji Yanran complimented: "Mister is truly an expert in human psychology. No wonder you are Manager Tu's most capable assistant."

Xiao Yuetan chuckled: "I am just someone who uses my brain more often! It's really nothing."

He then pleaded in a low voice: "Can Yanran excuse yourself?"

Ji Yanran realizes that he is up to something that is unsuitable for a female spectator. Despite her unwillingness, she could only compliantly retreat from the room.

When the room is only left with the three men, namely Xiang Shaolong, Jing Jun and Xiao Yuetan, two Wu Family Warriors escorted the selected assassin in.

The lanky and fine-looking man is in the prime of his youth. Currently, his face is portraying a ghastly look and his body is exuding an air of despondency. With mud all over him, several parts of his clothes are torn and tattered. His hands are bounded behind him and his feet are locked together by an iron chain.

The three pairs of sharp eyes are scanning his face, keeping a lookout for any changes in his facial expression.

Xiao Yuetan lightly snickered: "The person beside me is the earth-shattering figure Xiang Shaolong. Since Brother has the guts to come here, you should know what kind of person he is."

The man peeped at Xiang Shaolong once. Initially exhibiting a strange look, he then slowly nodded his head.

In their hearts, Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun are full of admiration for Xiao Yuetan's choice of interrogation suspect. The other men would probably remain immobile. Since this person is willing to nod his head, there is a good chance of a confession.

Xiao Yuetan gently questioned: "How do I address Brother and where are you from?"

The face of the suspect revealed traces of an internal struggle and obvious signs of distress. Eventually, he vehemently shook his head once, indicating his refusal to speak.

Xiao Yuetan burst out laughing: "Let me show you something first. Afterwards, you can decide if you want to cooperate with us or not. Strip him."

Receiving his order, the two warriors jumped into action. In the blink of an eye, the man is standing there in his birthday suit and his face is carrying a horrified expression.

At this moment, even the two men Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun cannot predict Xiao Yuetan's next move.

Xiao Yuetan gave another order and from outside the door, the sound of a trolley wheeling can be heard. There are also bizarre 'ji ji' noises, sending shivers down the spine of Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun.

Entering their sight was two Guardians pushing a huge, six feet by six feet iron cage. Inside the cage is about a hundred rats of all sizes, busily scampering around and making the 'ji ji' cries.

Jing Jun exclaimed: "Oh boy!"

On the other hand, Xiang Shaolong can literally feel all his hair standing on their ends and nearly wanted to excuse himself.

Blood fully drained from his face, the man's legs softened as he kneeled down on the floor. Simultaneously, his body started trembling all over as he visualized his looming torture.

Xiao Yuetan casually remarked: "Without my explanation, Brother should have guessed the purpose of these rats. I heard these rats are especially good at digging holes. Ha!"

With a wheezing sound, the suspect nearly fainted.

Lowering his head, the good-looking man asked in a quivering voice: "Are you telling the truth?"

Xiang Shaolong challenged in an unfriendly voice: "Have you ever heard of one incident when I failed to keep my word? Nonetheless, we must be able to prove that Brother is not lying to us before we will set you free."

The man submissively nodded: "I confess."

After obtaining precious information from the suspect, Wu Guo, Teng Yi and the other Guardians happened to return. In the highest of spirits, they must be feeling gratified at successfully deceiving Xu Shang.

Wu Yan Zhe commended: "Elder Brother Guo is brilliant indeed; whenever he gets stuck in the discussion, he would start coughing. With one hand supporting his head and a bitter expression, the resemblance is uncanny."

Having excused herself earlier, Ji Yanran stepped into the hall and frowned: "Make sure you do not overdo it."

Teng Yi assured: "You can set your mind at ease. Even I had to keep reminding myself that he is not Third Brother. Their only difference is the glow in their eyes. Fortunately, others will attribute it to Shaolong's lingering sickness and will not think much of it."

Turning to Xiang Shaolong, he inquired: "How is the interrogation?"

Xiang Shaolong cheerfully flashed the 'Victory' sign.

The Guardians and Wu Guo shouted and cheered in unison, nearly bringing the house down.

Jing Jun updated: "Luckily, we have Mister Xiao heading the interrogation, scaring that fellow into cooperating with us obediently. He even revealed details and answers that went beyond our questioning. It turns out that this is not some secret collaboration between the six States; it was Tian Dan masterminding the assassination all along. All the warriors are from Qi and some of them are impersonating as assassins from the other five States. Their leader is Bian Dongshan, Cao Qiudao's top disciple and he reportedly has learnt the essence of Cao Qiudao's skills. Lan Gongyuan was personally trained by him and he is currently residing at Yongdu."

Xiao Yuetan supplemented: "This man is a master assassin. We cannot afford to be negligent."

Teng Yi wondered: "I thought Guan Zhongxie's Sect and Qixia Sword Sect are sworn enemies? Why would he collaborate with the disciple of Cao Qiudao?"

Xiang Shaolong reasoned: "Of course there is Lao Ai's powerful henchman Han Jie who is linking and mediating between the two parties. This man is likely to be receiving bribes from Lu Buwei and has become Traitor Lu's spy within the camp of Lao Ai."

Ji Yanran probed: "Right now, what are Hubby's plans regarding Guan Zhongxie?"

Remembering Lu Niangrong, Xiang Shaolong sighed to himself. In a deep voice, he declared: "Given the present circumstances, where it is kill or be killed, I have to chop him down with Hundred Battle Sabre before he has the chance to pick up his giant steel bow."

Xiao Yuetan quizzed: "When does Shaolong plan to strike?"

Xiang Shaolong seriously enquired: "Can we get our hands on two ordinary fishing boats? It must be secretly acquired."

Tao Fang answered: "Leave this to me. When does Shaolong want the boats?"

Xiang Shaolong avowed: "Tomorrow! The earlier the better! I want to cut off the head on his neck before he receives any updates and present it to Yingzheng as our farewell gift."

Everyone cheered in response and their morale was sky high.