25-8 -- 25-END

Book 25 Chapter 08 - Surprise Attack

Early next morning, while disguised as Wu Guo, Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun led fifty specially selected Wu Family Warriors in boarding the fishing vessels in a stealth manner. Against the current, they sailed towards Yongdu.

Because the Guardians have to escort Wu Guo, who is impersonating Xiang Shaolong and has to accompany Xiao Pan to Yongdu, they cannot participate in this mission.

Ji Yanran has to escort Qin Qing and cannot come along too.

Meanwhile, Teng Yi is responsible for leading the Imperial Cavalry in securing Xianyang and exterminating the other three teams of assassins.

With thick clouds covering the skies, it was drizzling non-stop.

Wearing their raincoats, the two men Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun are sitting at the bow of the vessel and discussing the details of their assault.

Xiang Shaolong professed: "We only have one full day and one full night to carry out our plan. If we cannot kill Guan Zhongxie within this time frame, there will not be a second chance."

Brimming with conviction, Jing Jun suggested: "After sneaking into Yongdu, we will immediately place Guan Zhongxie's hiding place under strict surveillance. When it gets dark, we shall move in and take his life."

Xiang Shaolong frowned: "However, I cannot decide if I should approach An Guxi for assistance. It may alert Lao Ai to our plans."

Jing Jun proposed: "Why don't we seek Fourth Brother's help instead!"

Xiang Shaolong shook his head: "I do not want Yingzheng to learn about this. Moreover, it will affect Fourth Brother's career development."

Jing Jun exclaimed: "In this case, let's depend on ourselves. With careful planning, we can simply vanish after the deed. By then, Lao Ai would still be unaware that Guan Zhongxie is back and even perished in his territory of Yongdu."

Xiang Shaolong shook his head: "Nonetheless, Han Jie would quickly realize that something is amiss. To make things worse, this is Han Jie's territory. If we are planning to kill him as well, our risk will increase by several folds. That is why I am in a state of indecisiveness."

Jing Jun belittled: "So what if he knows! Would he dare to tell Lao Ai about it? Furthermore, if he wishes to send word to Lu Buwei, it can only happen two days later. Even so, his messenger may be intercepted by Second Brother."

According to their plans, when Xiao Pan leaves for Yongdu with his civil and military officials, Teng Yi's Imperial Cavalry will set up blockades on the river route and travelling roads between Yongdu and Xianyang, carrying out checks on all the travellers going in and out of the city.

Xiang Shaolong agreed: "I guess that's the best we can do."

That same evening, Xiang Shaolong and his men discarded the two boats and climbed ashore about two miles away from Yongdu. Slipping past the river security checks, they approached Yongdu on foot.

Using falsified identification papers, they impersonated Qin citizens from other parts of the country. In different batches, they entered the City while posing as men from varying occupations.

Once they managed to contact the Wu Family Warriors whom Tao Fang had planted in Yongdu two years ago, Xiang Shaolong and his team concealed themselves in a common household near the south of the city. From there, they started their surveillance work.

Yongdu is Qin's first capital city in the Guan Zhong district. Situated at the merging point of River Wei and River Zhi, it is a melting pot for the cultures of Guan Zhong, Ba Shu and Si Gen.

The location of Yongdu is strategic, with roads leading to Long Nan, Han Zhong, Ba Shu and many others.

One hundred and fifty years ago, the Duke of Qin selected Yongdu as his capital precisely because of this factor. On top of fortifying the area of Guan Zhong, he can set the stage for world domination.

In the future, Yingzheng's success in uniting the lands of Hua Xia is due to Yongdu and Guan Zhong's strategic and critical location.

Although the capital of Qin has relocated to Xianyang, the ancestral temple of the royal family is still based in Yongdu. For all grand ceremonies, they must be held in Yongdu's ancestral temple.

As the last line of defense for Xianyang, Yongdu plays an irreplaceable role since the founding of the State.

Yongdu is home to several majestic palaces. Among them, Dazheng Palace and Qinian Palace are the most magnificent.

Presently, Dazheng Palace has become the residence of Zhu Ji while Qinian Palace is designated to be Xiao Pan's temporary residence for his coronation trip.

Arriving at Yongdu, Xiang Shaolong is able to have a first hand experience of Lao Ai's grandeur.

The soldiers of Yongdu are dressed in military uniforms with a golden band around their collar, portraying an air of extravagance. Besides dressing differently from the usual simple-looking Qin soldier, the Yongdu guards are behaving in a brazen, condescending manner.

An Guxi's garrison has obviously failed to gain control over the entire city. For the time being, only the South Gate near River Wei, the road leading to Qinian Palace and Qinian Palace itself is under his jurisdiction.

With Zhu Ji backing Lao Ai and before their open confrontation, even Xiao Pan is powerless against this 'fake father'.

Of course the situation will be totally reversed when the indomitable and master general Wang Jian enters the City. Regardless of their self-glorifying titles, Lao Ai's thirty thousand rebels will be like cows being sent to the abattoir.

The only viable threat is Guan Zhongxie's secret assassination team.

And Xiang Shaolong's current mission is to move one step ahead of them, uprooting and annihilating them before they could carry out their plot.

Furthermore, he has to complete his mission without alerting Lao Ai. Otherwise, he would be collateral damage.

It is nearly 7pm and the sky is still drizzling when a report came in: Disguised as a commoner, a lone Guan Zhongxie has just left his hiding place.

Guan Zhongxie and Xiang Shaolong share a common drawback. Irrespective of their disguise, the observant would be able to identify them from their aura.

Xiang Shaolong decisively gave the order to begin their mission.

With Jing Jun and the fifty warriors, Xiang Shaolong disembarked at a quiet and lonely alley near the selected residence before removing their outer coats that is concealing their equipment and night suits.

The fifty warriors swiftly divided themselves into ten teams of five. Borrowing the cover of the walls and nightly shower, they snuck into the residence. The activities of the residence are limited to the occasional strongman travelling along the corridor. None of the faces are familiar to Xiang Shaolong or Jing Jun.

This particular residence is divided into five parts. In the centre, there is a sky well and sheltered walkways provide the link between them.

Once everyone is in battle position, Xiang Shaolong, Jing Jun and two teams of warriors cloaked themselves among the flower bushes beside the main hall.

The illumination of lanterns and human voices are transpiring from inside.

A warrior crept to the window and stole a peep before tiptoeing back and reporting: "There are five men inside the hall and two of them are armed. They are clustered on a mat at the east side of the hall, sitting rather close to the window."

Xiang Shaolong quizzed in a deep voice: "Are there any womenfolk?"

Another warrior who had peeped into the hall replied: "I noticed two female maids."

Xiang Shaolong was greatly troubled. Originally, he had wanted to kill every living soul within this dwelling. In this kill or be killed scenario, there is no room for compassion.

But how could he bear to kill these defenseless women?

He sighed with a breath: "Kill all the men. Capture all the women. We will deal with them afterwards. Tell everybody to wait for my signal."

Four of the warriors left to execute his command.

Within a minute, Xiang Shaolong's instructions have been communicated to everyone. They will act once they hear Jing Jun's pre-arranged three continuous birdcalls.

On the first wave of birdcalls, Jing Jun and the warriors rapidly dived out from the flower bushes and stationed themselves at their allocated window or door.

The birdcalls are broadcast again.

Sounds of door breaking and windows shattering reverberated throughout the residence.

For the main hall, Jing Jun was the first to break through a window. Before he even landed on the ground, he unleashed a flurry of arrows around him, heralding the start of a close combat sequence.

An arrow pierced the throat of a man near the window and he collapsed at once. As the other men scrambled to their feet in horror, they were simultaneously hit by at least three arrows, tragically dying on the spot. It is not known if Bian Dongshan is one of them.

From the rear courtyards, dreadful shrieks were heard but they are quickly replaced by silence.

Minutes later, ten warriors escorted a lady who is carrying her baby son in her arms and four female maids who are shocked out of their wits to Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun who are standing in the centre of the hall.

Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun exchanged a look. The lady turned out to be Lu Family's Third Mistress Lu Niangrong.

Although there is no trace of blood on Lu Niangrong's face, her eyes are brimming with determination and blazing with extreme hatred. In her arms, the child is peacefully playing with his own collar, completely oblivious to the oncoming catastrophe.

Clenching her teeth, she viciously swore: "Go ahead and kill us! Dad will definitely avenge us."

Never in his wildest dream did Xiang Shaolong anticipate the presence of Lu Niangrong. Momentarily, he was stunned into silence. After all, he is still feeling apologetic towards Lu Niangrong and would not extent his hatred for Lu Buwei onto his daughter.

Jing Jun icily smirked: "Revenge! Humph! Your father can barely fend for himself, how can he hope to protect you? If you are feeling unjustified, you can only blame it on yourself for being his flesh and blood."  

Lu Niangrong furiously challenged: "Shut up! Who gave you the right to speak to me like that?"

Xiang Shaolong extended his hand just in time to prevent Jing Jun from slapping Lu Niangrong. Softening his tone, he examined: "What brings Third Mistress here?"

Lu Niangrong coldly grinned: "My affairs are none of your concern."

The Wu Family Special Forces members instantly flared up and grunted menacing. Once Xiang Shaolong gave the green light, they would hack her to pieces. Simultaneously, the eight legs of the four maids turned into jelly and with a series of 'ku dong' sounds, the maids collapse onto the floor and one of them was so shocked she fainted on the spot. The baby started to cry with a high pitch.

Signaling his men to hold their ground, Xiang Shaolong sighed: "Putting aside all other matters, isn't Third Mistress worried about the infant in your arms?"

Lowering her head to pacify her treasured baby, Lu Niangrong's face is streaming with hot tears. In a pitiful tone, she grieved: "If Zhongxie is dead, life has no more meaning for us, mother and son."

At this juncture, someone reported: "Target is reaching the residence soon!"

Lu Niangrong resolutely raised her head and faced Xiang Shaolong, her pretty eyes radiating with a pleading expression. In fact, Xiang Shaolong's anguish is not inferior to hers. He had promised Xiao Pan that he will present Guan Zhongxie's head to him at the coronation ceremony. Now that he is facing Lu Niangrong mother and son, he cannot harden his heart.

Xiang Shaolong has promised Xiao Pan that he will present Guan Zhongxie's head to him at the coronation ceremony. Now that he is facing Lu Niangrong mother and son, he cannot harden his heart.

He does not have the luxury of time to slowly contemplate the situation. Xiang Shaolong ordered: "Miss Lu, please take a seat."

To Lu Niangrong, he added: "Should Third Mistress try to shout a warning, Brother Guan will certainly die tonight. Aye! Do you trust me, Xiang Shaolong?"

Hearing his words, Lu Niangrong was taken aback while Jing Jun frowned with disapproval. Struggling to say something, he eventually kept quiet.

Under the light drizzle and night breeze, an unprepared Guan Zhongxie stepped over the ledge into the courtyard. By the time he realizes something is amiss, Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun had mugged him from the left and right, overpowering him in an instance.

Recognizing his prowess, the warriors disarmed him. When they are about to bind his hands, Xiang Shaolong motioned them to stop. He enquired: "Why didn't Brother Guan inform Little Brother that you are back."

From his voice, Guan Zhongxie realized that he is Xiang Shaolong. He demanded in a deep voice: "Where is Niangrong?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed with a breath: "Sister in law and your son are safe and sound. Let's talk inside!"

Noting the capture of Guan Zhongxie, Lu Niangrong instantly broke down and wept incessantly.

Glancing bitterly once at the mother and son, an exasperated Guan Zhongxie sat down at a faraway corner as indicated by Xiang Shaolong. Crestfallen, he surrendered: "Although I, Guan Zhongxie, is unwilling to admit defeat, I must say that I am certainly not your, Xiang Shaolong's, match."

Subsequently, he lowered his head and pleaded: "Can you let them off? I only ask for an honorable death."

Xiang Shaolong is feeling touched. For the first time, he can feel this formidable nemesis treating Lu Niangrong mother and son with true love, explaining his subservient and begging tone.

Furthermore, this is definitely not an appropriate time but still, Lu Niangrong risked her life to meet up with Guan Zhongxie, clearly demonstrating their loving relationship.

As Xiang Shaolong pondered, Jing Jun interrupted: "Third Brother! I wish to have a word with you."

Xiang Shaolong shook his head: "Let's talk later! I understand your concern."

Turning to the vulnerable Guan Zhongxie, Xiang Shaolong grilled: "Brother Guan should recognize the fact that your Father in law's days are numbered and Lao Ai cannot amount to much. Brother Guan, what are your plans?"

Guan Zhongxie shuddered once. Lifting his head to face Xiang Shaolong, his eyes glowed with utter disbelief.

Jing Jun panicked: "How are we going to answer to Crown Prince?"

Regaining his composure, Xiang Shaolong plainly decided: "I know what to do. Brother Guan, you have yet to tell me about your plans?"

Guan Zhongxie exhaled once: "Brother Xiang is not afraid that I may send word to Imperial Uncle or Lao Ai?"

Xiang Shaolong replied: "That is why I must get Brother Guan to promise me that you will not do so. Anyway, I will escort Sister in law and Brother Guan separately from Yongdu. Both of you shall sail to Chu. By then, even if Brother Guan wishes to send word, it would be too late. Without anyone working with you, Brother Guan is like a single hand that cannot clap; all your efforts will be futile."

Looking once at his wife and son at another corner, Guan Zhongxie's eyes started to shimmer with unbounded tenderness. Shifting his gaze back to Xiang Shaolong, he stretched out his giant hand.

Xiang Shaolong reached out and gripped his hand firmly. In a sincere tone, he wished: "Brother Guan, bon voyage."

His two eyes turning slightly red, Guan Zhongxie lightly thanked: "Even though we have always been enemies, Brother Xiang is the man I, Guan Zhongxie, admire most. Thank you!"

That night, the residence where Guan Zhongxie is hiding erupted into a sea of inferno. After the fire has been put out, more than thirty male corpses were unearthed. To Lao Ai and his men, it is a complete mystery.

Only Han Jie knows the truth. Scared out of his wits, he deserted Lao Ai and fled Yongdu. Since then, there is no news of him.

Early next morning, accompanied by Jing Jun, Xiang Shaolong who is disguised as Wu Guo finally contacted An Guxi. Together, they await the arrival of Qin's Crown Prince, who is currently travelling along the Yellow River and will subsequently be coronated three days later.

Book 25 Chapter 09 - The Cruel Truth

Comprising of more than a hundred large, three-mast ships, the colossus Imperial Fleet is sailing commandingly against the current towards the southern harbour of Yongdu.

Ahead of the fleet, two battleships unloaded a hundred Palace Guards which rapidly assembled to form a protection squad, exhibiting a fearsome and serious ambience.

Leading the officials of Yongdu, Lao Ai formed a welcoming party at the harbour.

Disguised as Wu Guo, Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun remained at the side of An Guxi, viewing the enormous fleet from a distance.

Jing Jun leaned towards Xiang Shaolong and whispered: "Take a closer look at Lao Ai; I am certain he did not sleep well last night."

Not knowing that Han Jie had flown the coop, of course Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun are puzzled over Lao Ai's lethargic appearance.

The royal ship of Xiao Pan rumbled as it begins to approach the shore.

Jing Jun was restless: "If that fellow Wu Guo failed in his impersonation and is escorted down the ship with ropes tied around him, what should we do?"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "The only way is for me to confess to Yingzheng that we are trying to confuse the enemy. Nonetheless, our scheme will fall apart."

At this juncture, An Guxi turned to Jing Jun and cheered: "It has been a long time since I laid my eyes on Third Brother. In my heart, I have been pining for him. Come!"

Patting his horse, he rode forward.

The two men hurriedly followed him.

As the gangplank slide down the side of the ship, from the shore, Lao Ai ordered the musicians to play a welcoming song.

First off the ship are three hundred Palace Guards who formed a three layer human wall on the left and right while maintaining a ten feet gap in the centre. Their well-synchronized movements are neat and pleasing to the eye.

An Guxi and the others jumped off their horses and kneeled at the side of the horse.

Taking large strides, Lord Changwen took the lead in coming down the gangplank. Behind him are twenty elite palace guards who are responsible for clearing the travelling path of obstructions. The first two palace guards are bearing the royal flag and clan flag respectively.

Hot on their heels are ten palace attendants bearing gifts and prayer accessories. Behind them are another twenty palace guards before the appearance of the future Qin Shihuang Xiao Pan and his Crown Princess. Surrounding Xiao Pan and his wife are various important officials such as Lord Changping, Wang Guan, Li Si, Cai Zhe, Qin Qing with a head veil and of course, Wu Guo who is disguised as Xiang Shaolong. Together, they alighted from the ship.

Beyond the barrage of Palace Guards, tens of thousands of Yongdu dwellers instantly exploded into earth-shattering cheers and calls of 'Your Majesty'. Kneeling down to pay their respects to Xian Pan, it was a highly robust scene.

Seeing that Wu Guo is 'unmolested', Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun heaved a sigh of relief.

Xiang Shaolong stole a glance at Lao Ai who is a distance away from him and noticed his face darkening at the welcoming cheers of the crowd. He inwardly sighed: You are just a gig.olo who managed to obtain your current official position through nepotism. In terms of military might, popularity vote and image, you are simply no match for Qin Shihuang.

With an expressionless face, Xiao Pan acknowledged Lao Ai's congratulations. With Crown Princess, he boarded the royal carriage. Under the protection of Lord Changwen's Palace Guards, the carriage drove towards the city gates while An Guxi and his forces provided additional security along the road, guaranteeing a flawless journey. Seizing an opportunity, Xiang Shaolong and Jing Jun boarded Wu Guo's carriage. Both Xiang Shaolong and Wu Guo swiftly removed their masks and clothes before switching their attires.

Wu Guo proudly proclaimed: "Fortunately, I am good at malingering; otherwise, it is really hard to handle all the socialization."

Xiang Shaolong probed: "Did Crown Prince approach you?"

Wu Guo answered: "He merely sent the Imperial Physicians to check on me. He did mention that after landing in Yongdu, he requires that I accompany him to Dazheng Palace to pay his respects to Empress."

Xiang Shaolong was thunderstruck: "What?"

At this moment, An Guxi finally found the time to ride to their carriage. Xiang Shaolong hastily sat on Wu Guo's earlier seat and smiled: "Greetings to General."

An Guxi appears to be ignorant about the friction between him and Xiao Pan. He chuckled: "Shaolong can simply address me as Guxi like before! Shaolong is truly remarkable and is a pillar of our Great Qin."

Xiang Shaolong engaged An Guxi in an uninteresting conversation. When the convoy is entering the city, An Guxi excused himself and speedily attended to his affairs.

Leaning on the back of his chair, Xiang Shaolong heaved a sigh of relief.

The first part of his plan has reached a successful conclusion. The remaining plan is to try and survive Xiao Pan's hidden attack and flee back to Xianyang.

With Crown Princess and a large group of officials, Xiao Pan disembarked from his carriage in front of Dazheng Palace's main hall.

Noting that Xiao Pan is accompanied by numerous officials, Xiang Shaolong began to relax. He secretly thought: It would be disastrous if Xiao Pan and himself were the only ones who are meeting Zhu Ji.

After Ji Yanran's reminder, he excruciatingly forced himself to face the stark reality: Zhu Ji is beyond redemption and it is impossible for her to forsake Lao Ai and leave with him.

Is there a way to protect her from the impending massacre?

There is some hope.

But after losing Lao Ai and her sons, and realizing that Xiao Pan is not her own flesh and blood, what is the point of living? She would be passing her days like a lifeless zombie.

At this interval, Mao Jiao came out of the hall. After kneeling down to pay his respects, he announced: "Today, Empress is not feeling well and does not wish to face a large crowd. She specifically asks for Crown Prince and Great General only."

Everyone was taken aback.

Xiao Pan and Xiang Shaolong exchanged glances. Both of them were having the same thought: If there were soldiers ambushing them from within the hall, wouldn't the two of them end up as mincemeat?

Lord Changwen insisted: "General (I) has to escort Crown Prince at all times."

Standing beside them, Lao Ai cheekily remarked: "Empress is merely against a huge number of visitors. Of course the Head of the Palace Guards must accompany Crown Prince!"

Xiao Pan suddenly declared: "It's all right! To enter the palace and pay my respects, Guaren only requires Great General's company."

Noting Mao Jiao secretly signaling Xiao Pan, Xiang Shaolong finally comprehended Xiao Pan's abrupt display of bravery.

Gesturing at Xiang Shaolong, Xiao Pan boldly ascended the stairs to the hall. Xiang Shaolong hastily chased up to him.

Without turning his head back, Xiao Pan whispered: "In your opinion, what is that lady thinking of?"

Xiang Shaolong whispered in reply: "She probably wants to clarify matters and from our meeting, she will decide whether she wants to support Lao Ai whole-heartedly or otherwise."

Without the least hint of surprise, Xiao Pan coldly hissed: "This is called: Making one mistake after another."

Xiang Shaolong wanted to make a last ditch attempt to remind Xiao Pan to keep his promise. But he is also fully aware that his effort would be in vain. Therefore, he suppressed the urge to talk about it.

Perched high up on her Empress throne, Zhu Ji is alone in the hall. As their boots stepped on the floor of the massive hall, the sound of footsteps somewhat produces a chilling sensation.

The empty and spacious hall is cold, lifeless and uninviting

Although Zhu Ji is slightly chubbier, she is still as attractive as ever and there weren't any signs of aging. The only distinguishable factor is some haggardness in her features. Frostily eyeing the two men bowing to her, Zhu Ji plainly state: "Royal Son, Great General, please have a seat."

Both men sat down on the first two seats to her right. Xiao Pan simply followed the palace protocol and commented: "Witnessing Empress Mother radiating with even more brilliance than the past, Royal Son is filled with joy."

Zhu Ji sighed with a breath: "How long has it been since I laid my eyes on Royal Son? I believe it is at least three or four years! Sometimes, I felt as if I never gave birth to a son like you."

His eyes flashing once with a killing aura, Xiao Pan quickly faked an air of reverence: "Empress Mother is mistaken. Royal Son is fully occupied with matters of the State and on top of that, I do not wish to disturb Empress Mother's recuperation. Royal Son still loves and care for Empress Mother just like before."

Xiang Shaolong stared blankly at the space in front of him. In his heart, he wished he was dreaming, for the truth is simply too unbearable.

Remembering the earlier days in Handan when Zhu Ji and Xiao Pan are loving each other to bits, they have come to a stage when both parties are lying through their teeth and mutually scheming against each other.

Her gaze landing on Xiang Shaolong, Zhu Ji's voice became gentle as she acknowledged: "I have yet to congratulate Great General on your triumphant return!"

Staring intensely at her, Xiang Shaolong can feel his heart being overwhelmed by immense and genuine sensations of guilt and affections. He sighed: "It was due to luck that I managed to preserve my life! It is not worthy of Empress's commendation."

Her delicate eyes turning chilly, Zhu Ji interrogated: "Recently, the rumours surrounding the heritage of Crown Prince is spreading like wildfire. What counter strategies do Great General propose? I hope you can say something to calm my nerves."

Xiao Pan icily interrupted: "Royal Son has issued a State-wide decree, prohibiting anyone from discussing this matter. I hope Empress can understand my position and put your doubts to rest."

Zhu Ji blew her top: "As your natural mother, am I barred from discussing it too?"

Xiao Pan replied with indifference: "Royal Son dare not. However, Great General is not permitted to violate the decree."

Zhu Ji started laughing in an unnatural way. She pitifully observed: "It nearly slipped my mind. Three days later, Royal Son will be officially crowned; naturally, you cannot be bothered with me, Empress."

Xiao Pan plainly state: "Empress Mother is mistaken about Royal Son. At the end of the day, the slanders that Empress Mother heard are deliberately cooked up by evil villains who wishes to disrupt the relationship between us, mother and son."

Subsequently, he stood up and declared: "Empress Mother's health is far from ideal; it is not good for you to get agitated. Royal Son is taking my leave. At a later date, I shall pay my respects to Empress Mother again!"

Up till now, Xiang Shaolong did not have a chance to speak out.

He could only sighed to himself. Even if Xiao Pan did not have the intention to kill her, based on Zhu Ji's words, she has basically sentenced herself to death.

To make it worse, Xiang Shaolong is incapable of saving her.

This is because Zhu Ji no longer treats him with goodwill. The goodwill has been replaced by the bitterest hatred of all.

She has already jumped to the conclusion that Xiang Shaolong had deceived her, and may even assume that Xiang Shaolong has killed her real son.

Given these circumstances, what can he do?

Qinian Palace.

In the Imperial Study, Xiao Pan received the giant steel bow of Guan Zhongxie that Xiang Shaolong had presented to him. He burst out laughing: "Official Guan, if you did not end up as a muddle-headed ghost, you should have realized that you made the worst mistake of your life by choosing to collaborate with Lu Buwei years ago."

Standing on Xiao Pan's left and right are Li Si, Lord Changping, Lord Changwen, An Guxi, Wang Guan and several other officials. One by one, they congratulated Xiang Shaolong for drawing first blood.

As if a huge burden is lifted off his shoulders, Xiao Pan placed the steel bow on his table and motioned for the officials to take a seat. With a thrilled smile, he faced Xiang Shaolong and commended: "It is a pity we are unable to secure Zhongxie's head, nonetheless, Guaren fully agrees with Official Jing's actions: By destroying the bodies and other physical evidence, we would not alert the rebels to our presence."

Pausing, he added: "Over the next few days, we must be very careful with our food and drink. Or else, we may fall prey to Lao Ai's venomous hands."

Lord Changping cheerfully replied: "Crown Prince can put your mind at ease. Officials (We) will be extra cautious."

Scanning the faces of everyone in the study, Xiao Pan's gaze eventually landed on Xiang Shaolong. In a gentle voice, he inquired: "Is Great General feeling better?"

Shaking his head, Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "While fleeing for my life at the borders of Han and Wei, I have overexerted my body. Back then, I can force myself to endure the agony. Unexpectedly, after my return, I suffered countless relapses. The amount of medication I am taking is enough to strike fear into my heart. "

Xiao Pan appreciated: "In this case, over the next few days, Great General must have a good rest and refrain from participating in strenuous activities!"

Subsequently, his royal eyes turned frosty as he icily rumbled: "It has been ascertained that Lao Ai and his gang will begin their rebellion during the royal dinner banquet, which is taking place the same day after the coronation ceremony. Does Great General have any bright ideas?"

Xiang Shaolong simply remarked: "He who moves first gain the initiative; he who moves later loses the initiative. Such is the timeless truth."

Slamming his palm on the long table in front of his dragon throne, Xiao Pan sighed: "With this proverb alone, our victory is assured."

Wang Guan frowned: "Pardon subordinate's incomprehension but didn't we decide earlier to wait for the rebels to make their move first before charging them with the act and consequently launching our counterattack?"

Xiao Pan compellingly chuckled: "Earlier decisions are based on earlier circumstances; Present decisions are based on present circumstances. Regardless of the methods employed, victory is our top priority. We shall make our move before the royal banquet and catch him with his pants down."

Li Si commented: "The atrocious traitor Lao Ai will probably die without even realizing what is the cause of his downfall."

Of course Li Si is referring to Mao Jiao the super spy. Because of his meticulous efforts, Xiao Pan is fully conscious of Lao Ai's manpower, preparations and rebellion timing, allowing him to plan his moves accordingly.

Appearing to be brimming with confidence, Xiao Pan nonchalantly articulated: "Two hours before the royal banquet, Senior General An shall take my decree and seize military control of the city. All the entrances and exits must be secured and no one is allowed to leave. This would surely provoke Lao Ai into commencing his rebellion at an earlier timing. Concurrently, the Palace Guards shall seal off Qinian Palace. On one hand, they can safeguard our officials. On the other hand, they can arrest enemy spies within our cohort according to the name list."

Pausing, he added: "Simultaneously, Great General Wang and his massive army shall enter the city and decimate every single insurgent while Great General Xiang and Guaren shall move in and attack Dazheng Palace. Hng! Guaren is interested to know what will be Lao Ai's final consequence.

Everyone expressed praises and approval.

Only Xiang Shaolong can recognize the inkling in his words; if he does not come up with a good solution, Dazheng Palace shall be his final resting place.

Xiang Shaolong returned to his designated courtyard at the rear of Qinian Palace. His immediate neighbour Qin Qing and Ji Yanran who is in the guise of a maid have sneaked in and are chatting with the two men Jing Jun and Wu Guo.

Noticing Xiang Shaolong, the two ladies are especially delighted.

Sitting down, Xiang Shaolong questioned: "Did you manage to contact Fourth Brother?"

Jing Jun nodded: "While Third Brother is off to Dazheng Palace, I used the opportunity to meet up with him."

Ji Yanran probed: "What did Zhu Ji say?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "The situation is dreadful. Her relationship with Crown Prince is irreparable. "

After answering, he turned to Jing Jun and enquired: "What did Fourth Brother say?"

Jing Jun reported: "Fourth Brother mentioned that Crown Prince has ordered him to barricade Yongdu with immediate effect. Unless they have a special travel pass, no one is allowed to leave or enter."

Xiang Shaolong was thunderstruck: "Crown Prince is lying to me again. Minutes ago, he mentioned that the barricade will only be set up after the coronation and before the royal banquet."

Qin Qing was terrified: "What should we do?"

After contemplating, Xiang Shaolong reasoned: "It would be easy for me to leave. I can officially propose to Crown Prince that I am sending some men back to Xianyang to increase the fighting prowess of Second Brother. Disguised as Wu Guo, I can simply walk out of Yongdu unchallenged. It is not difficult for Wu Guo too. By resuming his original appearance and with Fourth Brother assisting him, his getaway is assured. My main issue is Sister Qing. In the name of security, Yingzheng would definitely send men to keep you under strict surveillance. What can we do to counter this?"

Ji Yanran wondered: "Has Hubby decided on your departure schedule?"

Xiang Shaolong responded: "By right, Jing Jun and I should leave for Xianyang tomorrow. Aye! But how can I leave the two of you behind? Crown Prince knows me too well."

Ji Yanran giggled: "Then let's leave together!"

Everyone stared at this gorgeous Talented Lady with amazement.

Qin Qing cheered: "Yanran, stop beating around the bush. What brilliant strategy did you come up with?"

Ji Yanran elatedly narrated: "I was inspired by Hubby's earlier words; we shall exploit the ambiguous relationship between Empress and Crown Prince. Think about it, if Empress asks for our Grand Tutor Qin to keep her company in Dazheng Palace, how would Crown Prince react?"

Everyone was full of praises for her ingenuity.

Qin Qing joyfully proclaimed: "In this aspect, I can apply some trickery and make it impossible for Crown Prince to reject."

Everyone knows that Qin Qing is extremely familiar with the intricacies of the palace's affairs. To her, it'll be a piece of cake.

Ji Yanran added: "Additionally, this tactic would give Crown Prince the false impression that Hubby no longer wishes to flee. Unknown to him, before our Grand Tutor Qin arrives at Dazheng Palace, she would have vanished en route." Wu Guo asked: "And when should I, this imposter Great General, start to make my getaway?"

Xiang Shaolong cautioned: "Basically, you have to react to the ever-changing conditions. Notwithstanding, preserving your life is of utmost importance. You must remember to leave before the beginning of the coronation. Or else, by then, Yingzheng would not let you out of his sight."

Ji Yanran suggested: "You should probably leave on the night before the coronation! With a two days window, we should be able to take down Lu Buwei."

Jing Jun reminded: "Do not loiter around Xianyang; get back to the farms as soon as possible. After we have reassembled, we can then make our final escape according to our plans. That would be our grand finale."

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "After years of hardship, it is time for Heaven to grant me days of leisure and a mind free from worries!"

The eyes of everybody were lost in a series of flashbacks. In their ears, they could somewhat hear the hoof beats of a vibrant horse galloping freely across the green prairie of the borderlands.

Book 25 Chapter 10 - The Takeover of Xianyang

That very night, Xiang Shaolong sought an audience with Xiao Pan, indicating his desire to send Jing Jun and his troops back to Xianyang in order to reinforce Teng Yi against Lu Buwei.

Without any grounds to deny his request, Xiao Pan agreed on the spot, giving Xiang Shaolong the opportunity to openly and fearlessly make preparations for shipping and logistics.

Early next morning, Qin Qing paid Xiao Pan a visit too, professing that she has received Empress's invitation to stay in Dazheng Palace for a few days.

Not suspecting anything and coupled with Qin Qing's insistence, Xiao Pan gave his permission.

Disguised as Wu Family Warriors, Qin Qing and Ji Yanran were escorted by another eight authentic Wu Family Warriors. Together, they unabashedly strode out of Qinian Palace. Along the way, they rendezvoused with Xiang Shaolong and they jointly concealed themselves among the entourage of Jing Jun. After hiding their carriage in an inconspicuous location, they immediately left the city and boarded their ship. Sailing along the current and aided by a favourable wind, they arrived at Xianyang in half a day's time. Landing at the predetermined shore, they waited for an hour before Teng Yi, Tao Fang and Xiao Yuetan came to pick them up. Noticing the presence of Qin Qing and Ji Yanran, the welcoming trio is exceptionally thrilled and their morale is boosted to a higher echelon.

Teng Yi chuckled: "Everything is prepared and we are simply waiting for Great General's leadership and instructions."

Xiang Shaolong laughingly threw a punch at Teng Yi's beefy shoulder, declaring: "Even Second Brother is making fun of me; I'm sure you are feeling really happy. Presently, we only have a two-day window. Thus, we must act at once."

Ji Yanran questioned Xiao Yuetan: "Any news from Manager Tu?"

Xiao Yuetan answered: "Master Tu, his family and his three hundred loyal brethren are prepared and in position. Once we give the word, they'll drug the water."

Teng Yi advised: "It is critical to time our attacks well. As Manager Tu is doping the wells, we have to simultaneously seize control of Xu Shang's Imperial Infantry. This is to ensure a safe passage for Manager Tu's family and followers. In addition, it will prevent Old Traitor Lu from eluding our capture."

Xiao Yuetan sighed: "This is precisely the limitation of the anesthetic. Due to its strength, the drug will take effect almost immediately. The only way to maximize its effect is to apply the drug at dinnertime. Nonetheless, it is difficult to tell how many would fall prey to it."

Jing Jun proposed: "If we secretly besiege Imperial Uncle Residence, Lu Buwei will surely fall into our clutches."

Xiang Shaolong checked: "Is Manager Tu aware of the secret tunnels of Imperial Uncle Residence?"

Xiao Yuetan explained: "During the construction of Imperial Uncle Residence, Master Tu is undergoing the lowest point in his career. Merely responsible for purchasing building materials, he does not possess the slightest knowledge about this aspect."

Xiang Shaolong mused: "In this case, we have to deploy some signaling outposts outside the city. Aye! Unless we have Crown Prince's royal decree, we are unable to prevent him from leaving the city. Furthermore, it would arouse the suspicions of our Imperial Cavalry lieutenants. As a result, it is better for us to pursue him with our own forces."

Turning to Qin Qing, Xiang Shaolong instructed: "Sister Qing can now proceed to your residence under the escort of Master Tao. After selecting your followers, the rest of your staff should be fittingly dismissed. Upon completion, you should head to the farms at once and await patiently for our good news."

Affected by the calm before the storm, Qin Qing bit her lower lip and nodded once.

As Xiang Shaolong's heart is flooded with tenderness, Ji Yanran questioned Teng Yi: "Recently, did you uncover any traces of the adversaries?"

When she mentioned 'adversaries', everyone knew that Ji Yanran is referring to Wei Liao and his army of forty thousand soldiers. All the eyes are now centered at Teng Yi.

With a bewildered expression, Teng Yi remarked: "I am equally baffled as there is no indication of their existence."

Xiao Yuetan made a guess: "Presently, we are in a race against time. In my opinion, Wei Liao and his forces should be camping further upriver. Once he receives Yingzheng's decree, he can easily sail to Xianyang within a short span of time. If we move fast enough, we can depart Xianyang long before the arrival of Wei Liao."

Not giving a hoot, Xiang Shaolong excitedly hailed: "It's showtime."

Everybody enthusiastically affirmed his words.

Still disguised as Wu Guo, Xiang Shaolong entered the city and headed to the Imperial Cavalry Command Centre. Resuming his original appearance, he simultaneously summoned the lieutenants of Imperial Cavalry and Palace Guards who had stayed behind to fortify Xianyang. Displaying his Tiger Seal, he proclaimed that he is acting on the orders of Crown Prince to return to Xianyang in order to regain control of the three armies of Xianyang and guard against any potential uprising.

Of course the lieutenants are aware of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai's working partnership. Moreover, Xiang Shaolong has always been Crown Prince's confidante and his personal standing is unmatchable. Coupled with the appearance of the Tiger Seal, they are fully convinced and pledged their willingness to fulfill their duties even at the cost of their lives.

Once he completed his deployments, Xiang Shaolong and his companions raced towards the Imperial Infantry Command Centre.

At this time, the lanterns are in the process of being lighted. Within the city, the ambience is tranquil and there is nothing out of the ordinary.

First of all, Xiang Shaolong ordered the Palace Guards and Imperial Cavalry to barricade the Command Centre before personally barging in with Teng Yi, Jing Jun, Ji Yanran, Xiao Yuetan and his other compatriots.

Before the sentries could sound the alarm, they are overwhelmed by Xiang Shaolong and his men.

At this juncture, Xu Shang was having a discussion with his lieutenants in the main hall. Caught unprepared by Xiang Shaolong's gatecrashing, he did not even have the chance to react when his life is already threatened by more than ten crossbows.

The countenance of Xu Shang and his lieutenants changed at once.

This Shangcai number one swordsman did not even have the opportunity to pull his personal sword out of his waist sheathe as this invasion is simply unforeseeable. Especially when Xiang Shaolong should logically be at Yongdu.

Maintaining his coolness, Xu Shang demanded in a deep voice: "Great General, what do you mean by this?"

After his men have disarmed Xu Shang and his lieutenants, Xiang Shaolong displayed the Tiger Seal and broadcasted: "General (I) is acting on Crown Prince's orders. From this second onwards, the Imperial Infantry shall fall under my jurisdiction. Who dares to disobey?"

Witnessing the Tiger Seal, Xu Shang realizes that he is stripped of his military authority and is now a powerless commoner like before. The lieutenants stared at Xiang Shaolong with a dumbfounded expression.

Noting that he has the situation under control, Xiang Shaolong directed: "Except for Commander Xu, escort the others to prison." When Xu Shang is alone, Xiang Shaolong took the main seat and ordered Xu Shang to sit down at a side. After retrieving Xu Shang's Imperial Infantry Seal, Teng Yi and Jing Jun left the hall to begin their takeover of the Imperial Infantry. Xu Shang bitterly smiled: "You have won!"

His words carrying a double meaning, Xiang Shaolong plainly state: "This is predetermined fate. I, Xiang Shaolong, am just acting my part! Ever since Lu Buwei poisoned and murdered the late king, that traitor is destined to suffer a terrifying demise. The problem is; is Brother Xu concerned about your personal consequence?"

His eyes flashing with hope, Xu Shang wondered in a deep voice: "Will Great General be willing to let me off?"

Xiang Shaolong chortled: "Brother Xu should know that I am not a ruthless killing machine. Even Guan Zhongxie and Third Mistress have been spared by me. Right now, they should have arrived in Chu. Brother Xu, what future would you choose for yourself?"

Learning that Guan Zhongxie has failed and has fled for his life after being released by Xiang Shaolong, Xu Shang broke down. He sighed: "Great General is truly peerless. What do you want from me?"

Xiang Shaolong negotiated: "Once Brother Xu reveals Lu Buwei's emergency escape route, I will immediately escort Brother Xu and your family out of the city."

Whilst Xu Shang is contemplating and hesitating, Xiang Shaolong prompted: "If Brother Xu still wishes to hear Lan Gongyuan's angelic voice, you must come to a quick decision."

Ji Yanran gently reminded: "Even if Lu Buwei manages to flee from Xianyang, certain death awaits him. Brother Xu had better not let this opportunity slip by."

Xiao Yuetan plainly announced: "I am Xiao Yuetan; Brother Xu should have heard of me!"

Xu Shang stared at Xiao Yuetan with amazement: "Didn't you die a long time ago?"

Xiao Yuetan viciously snarled: "If I did not fake my death; do you think Lu Buwei will allow me to live till today? Do you really believe that Lu Buwei appreciates you and your talent? As a subordinate of Lu Buwei, you are nothing but a pawn that he can kill or abandon at will, do you understand?"

Xu Shang finally conceded. He disclosed: "Inside the bedroom of Imperial Uncle, there is a secret passageway that leads to a huge mansion along Bai Tong Street, near the south of the city. That's all I know."

Xiang Shaolong eagerly stood up. After waiting for nearly ten excruciatingly years, the time is finally ripe to take the life of his arch nemesis Lu Buwei.

As Xiang Shaolong and his men lay siege to the passageway exit, every single one of them is feeling perplexed.

Four hours ago, when Tu Xian led Jing Jun, Teng Yi and their troops into Imperial Uncle Residence, they discovered comatose individuals strewn all over the property. However, they are unable to locate Lu Buwei. He has evidently made his escape through the secret tunnel.

Furthermore, there are no reports of Lu Buwei leaving the city; could he be hiding in Xianyang?

That does not make sense.

Jing Jun proposed: "Let's conduct a complete sweep of the city. We'll definitely trace him."

Tu Xian advocated: "Why don't we search this empty residence first? If my presumption is correct, there must be another secret passageway from this residence to another property or warehouse near the city wall. From there, a final tunnel will lead to an exit outside the city."

Teng Yi immediately gestured to his troops and they rapidly began searching.

Ji Yanran sighed: "If this is true, we have lost the game by merely one move. Unfortunately, our signal outposts are only paying attention to the travellers leaving Xianyang City."

Xiao Yuetan suggested: "Traitor Lu cannot bear to part with his treasures and valuables. Additionally, travelling through tunnels is much slower than travelling on roads. Why don't we take a gamble? Let's assume he has left the tunnels and is travelling by foot towards the borders. I am making this conjecture because Xianyang's river routes are under our control."

Xiang Shaolong decisively ordered: "Cease the search. Let's leave the city at once." Xiang Shaolong, his companions and two hundred over Wu Family Special Forces members rode swiftly out of the city and in the direction of Zhao. In the blink of an eye, they discovered footprints about one mile away from Xianyang City. Some of the footprints are very deep, indicating a heavy load on its owner.

Xiang Shaolong and his followers are ecstatic.

Jing Jun frowned instead: "Judging by the footprints, there are more than two thousand of them. Their strength is way above ours."

Teng Yi scoffed: "For someone on the run, he is surely lacking in courage. In addition, part of their group is made up of women and children. There is nothing worth fearing."

In a serious demeanour, Xiang Shaolong indicated: "Within the family warriors of Lu Clan, there is no shortage of experts. If we were to catch up to their tail, they may learn about our strength and engage us in a fight to the death. Although we may not lose, death and injury cannot be avoided. It is not a feasible plan."

Ji Yanran recommended: "If we can somehow estimate Lu Buwei's flight path, we can take advantage of our horses and speed to overtake them. From there, we can ambush him and confront him head on. As this technique will not betray our strength, the odds are more favourable."

Tu Xian is best acquainted with Lu Buwei's affairs. He deduced: "Judging from the direction of the footprints, they should be fleeing towards Wu Chang City, a developed City that is situated downriver from Xianyang. The city mayor is Lu Buwei's trusted confidante. From there, they can board a ship and sail towards the east. Otherwise, with their mere feet, how far can they run?"

Teng Yi enthusiastically cheered: "En route to Wu Chang is a valley named Windstorm Valley. To reach Wu Chang, they must travel through it. With our horses and including a detour, we can easily make it to the valley within four hours. Why don't we wait there for the esteemed arrival of Imperial Uncle!"

Xiang Shaolong burst out laughing: "You reap what you sow. If not for Master Tu 'taking care' of Old Traitor Lu for so many years, we would be the ones leaving with our hands empty."

Tu Xian chuckled: "It's nothing. General Teng, please lead the way."

With sky-high morale, the two hundred odd riders raced off like a gust of wind.

Book 25 Chapter 11 - Exacting Sweet Vengeance

At the darkest hour before dawn, a long procession of nearly three thousand human beings is entering Windstorm Valley in silence. Their only source of illumination and guidance is a few torches.

From the appearance of the procession, it is evident that these refugees are in a state of panic and disorder. Intermittently broken up into several sections, each batch of travellers are moving in an uncaring manner. Leaving the women and children to their own devices at the back of the procession, no assistance is rendered to the fallen.

Although everybody detests Lu Buwei to the core, they are filled with sympathy at the sight before their eyes.

Xiang Shaolong pondered: "I only wish to take the life of Old Traitor Lu. Is there a way of singling Lu Buwei out from so many people?"

Xiao Yuetan coldly chortled; "Given Old Traitor Lu's self-seeking character, he would definitely be at the head of the pack."

Pointing to the front of the convoy, he indicated: "There are a few human-pulled carts. Old Traitor Lu must be inside one of them."

Xiang Shaolong instructed: "In this case, once the first batch of hundred odd individuals exit the valley, we can seal the valley with wood and stones. It'll be easier to capture him this way! Except for Old Traitor Lu, the others can go free!"

The minute Lu Buwei and his immediate group of hundred-odd refugees left the mouth of the valley, several tree trunks and countless giant boulders came crashing down suddenly from the top of a cliff. Momentarily, the area was engulfed by a huge cloud of dust and the booming noises of the falling objects shocked everyone out of their wits.

The wood and rocks that are pushed off the cliff instantly separated the procession in the most heartless manner. Falling into disarray, the refugees on both sides of the obstruction fled for their lives in opposite directions among the cries and shouts for help.

Some of them naturally fell down and were trampled all over by their fellow travellers. It felt like the apocalypse.

For those who managed to leave the valley, they are blindly running away when scores of torches are being lighted. As two hundred Wu Family Warriors rode towards Lu Buwei from all directions, they did not harm any of the porters and followers. They simply encircled the wretched-looking Lu Buwei who is presently protected by ten odd bodyguards.

In a split second, Lu Buwei is completely surrounded and he has reached the end of his tether.

Standing in the centre of a protective circle formed by his family warriors, Lu Buwei's face is deadly pale and he is panting non-stop.

Together with Tu Xian, Xiao Yuetan, Teng Yi, Jing Jun and Ji Yanran, Xiang Shaolong rode out from the crowd. Perched high up on his horse, he thundered: "Lu Buwei, years ago when you ambush my forces and murdered my wife and maids, did it ever cross your mind that there will be a day like today?"

Noticing Tu Xian and Xiao Yuetan, Lu Buwei was bristling with anger and hatred. As his body shook uncontrollably, he pointed his finger at them and bellowed: "Well done! To think that I, Lu Buwei, have been treating you two with benevolence, how dare you conspire with outsiders against me."

With a 'pui', Tu Xian spat a glob of saliva on the ground. Clenching his teeth, he cursed: "Shut your smelly mouth. I should be the one using these words against you. Despite my unwavering loyalty, you chose to sacrifice my bosom buddies in order to direct suspicions away from yourself. You are not fit to be human."

Xiao Yuetan scorned: "In the face of death, you are still incorrigible and full of shameless nonsense. Today, I am personally here to witness your demise because I want to prove the justice and righteous ways of Heaven. How dare you dispute the truth and make willful accusations?"

Lu Buwei was briefly dumbfounded. Noticing the hundreds of arrows aimed at his heart and waiting to be released, he lost his tongue.

In her shrill voice, Ji Yanran admonished: "The late King has always treated you with kindness. However, you cold-bloodedly poisoned him to death. Lu Buwei, you are worse than a beast." Teng Yi roared: "The deaths of Xu Xian and Lu Gong were all because of you. Heaven must be blind for keeping you alive for the past few years."

Jing Jun instead bellowed: "You bunch of fools, are you thinking of accompanying him to his deathbed? Throw down your weapons at once and scram as far as your legs can carry you."

The family warriors exchanged glances with one another. After the first weapon is discarded, everyone disappeared in a flash. What's left is a freshly betrayed-by-his-men Lu Buwei standing alone in the centre of their encirclement.

Xiang Shaolong and his companions leapt off their horses and advanced towards Lu Buwei.


Xiang Shaolong unsheathed Hundred Battle Sabre.

Within a second, his mind has experienced countless flashbacks of the most heart-wrenching moments of his life, and they are all triggered by Lu Buwei.

Chunying and her fellow maids, his trusted subordinates, one by one, they started bleeding and eventually collapsing on the ground; in the prime of her youth, Zhao's Third Princess turning into a lifeless corpse in his arms; the look of grievance in King Zhuangxiang's eyes as he passed away; Lu Gong dying with his eyes wide open, these images simultaneously recurred in his vision.

Feeling as if a huge boulder has been casted into his tranquil, mental lake, he is now overwhelmed by turbulent waves of grief.

Out of the blue, he discovered the Hundred Battle Sabre in his hand has penetrated the abdomen of Lu Buwei.

It was Lu Buwei's body that suddenly lunged forward and pierced itself against his Hundred Battle Sabre. Actually, Lu Buwei was smacked in the back by Teng Yi's Mozi Sword, causing him to stumble forward. In the ears of Xiang Shaolong, he could hear Teng Yi praying: "Princess Qian, this is for you. May your soul in heaven be appeased."

By the time Lu Buwei slumped against the body of Xiang Shaolong, he has turned into a lifeless corpse. All the fame and fortune of the world has nothing to do with him anymore.

Although Xiang Shaolong personally killed his nemesis, his heart is feeling empty. His mind totally blank, he did not experience any joy from exacting sweet vengeance.

He has grown to detest the mutual killings of humans.

The sky is finally brightening.

After three days and two nights of continuous riding, Xiang Shaolong and his followers could not withstand the fatigue anymore. Pitching tents, they took a break.

They are one day's journey away from the farms.

During their voyage, Xiang Shaolong is extremely quiet.

That very night, the weather is excellent. Accompanied by a new crescent moon, the sky is star-studded. Spreading over the entire horizon, the stars are twinkling in clusters of varying sizes.

Leaving the campgrounds, Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran ascended a small hill. Leisurely sitting back to back on a turf of grass that is tall enough to reach their knees, they soak in the ambience of genuine and deep love as husband and wife.

Xiang Shaolong started to relax. Presently, Lu Buwei's issue seems to be miles away and the threat of Xiao Pan is literally non-existent.

He suddenly recalled a movie about Qin Shihuang that he watched in the 21st century. Lu Buwei certainly did not die the way he did.

After being implicated for recommending Lao Ai into officialdom, he was stripped of his Premiership by Yingzheng and exiled to Shiyi, Henan Province.

Nonetheless, still bearing malicious intentions, Lu Buwei remains in cahoots with the rich and powerful of the six States. Eventually, he was forced by Yingzheng to move to Zhuo Jun and was served with a warning letter.

Knowing that he cannot escape the gallows, Lu Buwei chose to commit suicide by drinking poisonous wine.

However, Xiang Shaolong was obviously the one who killed Lu Buwei with his sabre. Did he unconsciously change the course of history?

In the midst of his wild reflections, Ji Yanran's shrill voice sounded beside his ear: "Hubby, a penny for your thoughts?"

In the spur of the moment, Xiang Shaolong nearly wanted to make a full confession of his 'background' to his lovely wife. Ultimately, he suppressed the urge and bitterly smiled: "Even I do not know what I am thinking about."

Ji Yanran comforted: "Yanran understands Hubby's emotions. Human beings are really bizarre. Sometimes, we spare no effort and go all out to achieve a goal but once we succeeded, we would feel so empty and lost inside. Fortunately, this is not the trend for everything. For example, friendship between humans will get better with time and deeper as the days go by. Of course, there are also friends who would become your enemies!"

Xiang Shaolong nodded his head: "Listening to Yanran speaking is one of the greatest pleasures of my life. Being able to grow old together with Yanran at the borderlands, what more can I ask for?"

Snaking into Xiang Shaolong's bosom and using his shoulder as a pillow, Ji Yanran gazed intensively at the flickering stars in the sky with her pretty eyes. She faintly remarked: "Yesterday is the day Yingzheng becomes the official King of Qin. I wonder if Lao Ai and Empress are still… Aye… Yanran should not have brought this up."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "My virtuous wife, I do not mind it one bit. In fact, I have come to terms with it. With our limited abilities, we can only achieve so much; we cannot possibly accomplish everything we set out to do. Concerning Empress, it is beyond my powers to protect her. For the time being, my only wish is to find Wu Guo and the others safe and sound when we arrive at the farms."

Ji Yanran sighed: "Yanran also wishes to leave this place as soon as possible and never come back."

First thing next morning, everybody packed their tents and resumed their journey. Following a predetermined secret route, they rode in the direction of the farms.

As evening approaches, the farms can be sighted from afar.

Riding at the head of the convoy, Jing Jun suddenly turned back. The expression on his face is horrendous.

Knowing that something is not right, everyone started to panic.

In a deep voice, Jing Jun reported: "The farms are surrounded by multiple layers of enemies."

Under the limited glare of the moon and stars, the land is dimly illuminated. Perching on a higher elevation, they scanned the environment.

Entering their sights were tens of thousands of Qin soldiers who are laying siege at the perimeter of the farm. They are located outside the arrow firing range of the farm battlements.

Surprisingly, the battlements are in good condition. It is evident that the enemies have yet to launch an attack.

The Wu Fortress is completely dark, resembling a ferocious beast that is fast asleep.

From the side of the Qin troops, sounds of chopping wood and felling trees can be heard. Unmistakably, they are constructing war machines that are meant to attack the fortress.

In a fierce tone, Teng Yi wondered: "Logically, they should fake an attack in order to deplete our supply of arrows and wear us out physically. Why are they completely immobile instead?"

Remembering Qin Qing and the limited warriors within the fortress, Ji Yanran bit her lower lip in agitation, causing a trickle of blood to emerge. In a deep voice, she explained: "Wei Liao is waiting for our return. Luckily, they are not familiar with the terrain and did not expect us to use this secret path."

Hit by a brainwave, Xiang Shaolong added: "That is not the main reason. Most importantly, he is waiting for Yingzheng to personally attack us in secret. This is the only way to prevent news from leaking out."

After careful scrutiny, Xiao Yuetan confirmed that the entrance of the secret tunnel is situated far away from the enemies' tents and war machine construction yard. Heaving a sigh of relief, he declared: "Before Yingzheng's arrival, we must fully utilize whatever precious time that remains. Using the secret passageway to return to the fortress, we must immediately grab everyone and depart at once."

Of course no one will object to his suggestion and everybody quickly jumped into action.

An hour later, they have entered the fortress without being detected. By the time Xiang Shaolong embraced Qin Qing's petite frame, it felt as if an entire lifetime has passed by.

As the warhorses have been trained to pass through the tunnels, no noises were generated and the enemy is still in the dark about their presence.

Out of the blue, Teng Yi stammered: "What? Wu Guo and the rest are not back?"

Xiang Shaolong is badly shaken. Lightly pushing Qin Qing away, he muttered in shock: "This is impossible."

Initially speaking with Teng Yi, Tao Fang sadly conveyed: "Looks like Wu Guo is in trouble."

Pausing for a while, he added: "Last night, the enemies abruptly appeared at the perimeter of the farms. In fact, they have surrounded us and advanced towards us from all directions. Fortunately, they did not harass us; otherwise, we would be in a dilemma: Should we defend the farms with our lives or simply flee?"

With a heavy expression, Xiao Yuetan asserted: "We must retreat at once, for they will discover the secret tunnel sooner or later. When that happens, we would be trapped."

Xiang Shaolong decided: "Let's leave in batches. No matter what, I must stay put until the last minute and leave only when the enemy is finally attacking. Zhou Wei has already lost her only kin, her elder brother. I cannot allow her to lose her beloved husband too!"

Tu Xian burst out laughing: "If we must leave, let's leave together. Let this be a test of Heaven's goodwill."

Mounting the fortifications, Xiang Shaolong and the others examined the enemy formations that are spread before their eyes like a tree of fireflies.

The difference in their strengths is mind-blowing. Any resistance would be futile.

Furthermore, Xiang Shaolong and his team have been riding for days and nights. In their weakened state, engaging the adversaries can only result in defeat.

Teng Yi analyzed: "Judging from the battle formation, Wei Liao is truly a military genius."

Xiao Yuetan sighed: "Yingzheng is thoroughly prepared for this assault. By deploying these border guards who are not related to Shaolong, I believe they themselves are unaware that they are attacking Wu Fortress."

At this juncture, Jing Jun ran up to them and announced: "We are all set. Shall we bring the horses to the secret cave? With them, it would be easier to make our getaway."

Ji Yanran proposed: "Why don't we place the horses near the entrance of the secret tunnel? Take it as our last effort to assist Wu Guo and the others. After all, it is better than being surrounded and without a means of escape."

Everybody kept quiet and stared at Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong acknowledged the wisdom of his pretty wife.

If they wanted to transport six hundred people, horses and provisions through the passageway in complete silence, they would require at least four hours.

He reluctantly agreed: "All right!"

Jing Jun left to execute his order.

Out of a sudden, Teng Yi violently shuddered: "Yingzheng is here; Wu Guo and the rest are finished."

Reeling with shock, the rest of the group followed his gaze. Together, they witnessed a never-ending procession of torches that resembles a fire dragon. From afar, these new entrants proceeded straight into the tent of the enemy General.

Xiang Shaolong conclusively barked: "Retreat at once."


The sound of war drums echoed throughout the air.

Everyone exchanged glances with one another. Yingzheng had obviously travelled nonstop throughout the night. Without even stopping for a break or a drink, he instantly commenced the attack, clearly demonstrating his determination in killing Xiang Shaolong.

In a distressed tone, Xiang Shaolong vexed: "Xiao Pan! You are too heartless!"

Ji Yanran hollered: "Abandon the horses! We can only rely on our feet to make our escape. Otherwise, it will be too late."

Acknowledging her command, everyone started moving accordingly.

Watching the enemy soldiers advance from all directions in an overwhelming manner, their hearts sank straight to the bottom.

Book 25 Chapter 12 - At The Brink Of Death

By the time the fortress gates are breached, half of Xiang Shaolong's followers have yet to enter the tunnel. Exasperated, Xiang Shaolong ordered them to squeeze themselves into the newly constructed mausoleum as a form of concealment. At the same time, he sealed the extra-thick steel double doors of the mausoleum, hoping to buy as much time as possible.

It would be ideal if Xiao Pan was misled into thinking that they had left and gave up the search.

But at the back of their minds, everyone knew that this is just their wistful thinking.

When the occupants of a huge fortress have suddenly vanished, there must be a secret passageway that will lead them out of the fortress.

If Wei Liao fails to uncover the passageway, he would not be able to account himself to the newly coronated King of Qin.

Within the mausoleum, everyone is eyeing one another with anxiety. Watching the warriors enter the secret tunnel one by one, they could faintly pick up chaotic noises of war cries and hoof beats. Despite feeling restless and agitated, as if their hearts are on fire, they could only put their trust in the Will of Heaven.

Sounds of 'LONG! LONG!' resounded continuously. Apparently, the invaders are breaking down doors and conducting a search.


Right before their eyes, the steel door is finally being hammered. The evil clutches of the enemy has ultimately found its way to this place.

After a round of pointless bashing, silence enveloped the mausoleum.

The hearts of Xiang Shaolong's followers are now stuck at their throats and they are having difficulty breathing.

They could easily predict the next move of the enemy. By tying a large log to a cart, the enemies can fashion a battering ram and use it to break the door down.

The next fifteen minutes felt like a century.

Putting themselves at the back of the queue, Xiang Shaolong, Ji Yanran, Teng Yi, Jing Jun, Tu Xian and ten odd Wu Family Special Forces members are armed with their crossbows, ready to defend the mausoleum with their lives. By holding back the enemies, more of their compatriots can make it to safety.

No one is in the mood to talk.

At this juncture, besides them, there are about thirty followers who had yet to enter the secret passageway.

Fortunately, during the early days of construction, special attention was being paid to the tunnel ventilation. Otherwise, with so many people crammed in the tunnel, they would suffocate to death before reaching the exit.

Xiang Shaolong unconsciously glanced upwards at the center of the tall worshiping altar. Gazing at the ancestral tablet of Xiao Pan's birth mother Lady Ni, he resentfully smiled to himself. He thought: Ni'er, did this ever cross your mind; that one day, I, Xiang Shaolong, will be personally killed in cold blood by your beloved son.


The entire mausoleum shook once but the steel doors remained intact.


The three steel door fasteners that are securing the steel doors started to bend inwards and there is now a gap between the double doors. Through the gap, the light from fire torches can be seen and the battle cries are even more realistic than before. Like waves hitting the shore, the enemy soldiers are shouting incessantly into the mausoleum.

Luckily, by this time, Xiang Shaolong and his companions are the only ones who are left in the mausoleum. The rest of them have entered the tunnels.

Xiang Shaolong bellowed: "Get in! Quick!"

Of course nobody dare to be sluggish. Like bees returning to their nests, everybody scrambled for the tunnels.

Before they could replace the steel cover for the secret tunnel, a giant HONG! sound rang out. Both the enormous steel doors collapsed onto the ground, taking with them part of the brick walls. Momentarily, the mausoleum is shrouded with dust.

The four individuals Xiang Shaolong, Teng Yi, Jing Jun and Ji Yanran stood guard by the tunnel entrance, ready to kill whoever that trespasses.

They had to do this.

Presently, the tunnel is filled with people. If the enemies begin to pursue them from the back, everyone would be slaughtered.

The more they can delay the enemy and prevent them from understanding the tunnel layout, the greater chances of survival the others would have.

The light from a fire torch is shining down the tunnel.

Xiang Shaolong and the others stepped backwards, avoiding the illumination of the torch.

A man excitedly shouted: "The entrance is here! They did not even have enough time to put the steel cover back."

Xiang Shaolong and the others groaned to themselves. Out of the blue, beyond the passageway, the entire mausoleum became completely silent.

Next, sounds of kneeling and paying of respects is heard.

Although Xiang Shaolong and his companions are itching with curiosity, they are equally terrified. However, there is nothing they can do.

This man must be Wei Liao.

Yingzheng is amazingly quiet.


That was the sound of someone kneeling down.

From the edge of the tunnel entrance, Li Si's quivering voice sounded: "Great King, please have mercy!"

Wei Liao was astonished: "Chief Officer?"

What followed was another round of mysterious silence.

Wei Liao's voice sounded again: "Great King, please give the order at once. Otherwise, if we miss this opportunity, it will be lost forever."

He then dryly coughed once and wondered: "Why is Great King staring at the worshiping altar and the ancestral tablets?"

In the hearts of Xiang Shaolong and the other three, an indescribable feeling is beginning to emerge. Xiao Pan must be quietly gazing at the tablet of his beloved mother Lady Ni.

Except for the four of them, the others should have crossed the halfway point of the tunnel. In another thirty minutes, the evacuation would be complete.

Nonetheless, if Xiao Pan takes up Wei Liao's suggestion, everybody will still end up dead.

The familiar voice of Xiao Pan finally sounded: "Official Wei and the others, Guaren hereby command that you retreat from this room at once. Only Official Li shall remain."

Wei Liao was stunned: "Great King…"

Xiao Pan roared: "Get out!"

The sound of footsteps was heard.

Once his soldiers are out of earshot, Xiao Pan questioned in a deep voice: "How can we prevent the world from talking about this incident?"

Li Si answered: "After Great King has conquered the six States and united the lands, Great King can issue a nationwide decree, prohibiting anyone from mentioning the three words: Xiang Shaolong. Violators will be beheaded at once. This would certainly make everyone stop talking about him and the problem will be resolved accordingly."

Xiao Pan coldly hissed: "If they did not talk about him but recorded him in historical documents, what should we do?"

Li Si replied: "Great King can burn their books and bury the authors alive."

Below them, Xiang Shaolong is absolutely flabbergasted, never expecting himself to be the reason for Qin Shihuang to burn books and bury scholars alive. Concurrently, he realizes that the burning of the Book of Wu Pu is to deny the public of valuable knowledge.

Xiao Pan grilled: "Nevertheless, how should we explain the killing of Lu Buwei by Xiang Shaolong?"

His voice becoming louder, Li Si proclaimed: "It is really simple. The explanation is: To escape punishment, Lu Buwei fled back to his territory of Shiyi where he eventually committed suicide by drinking poisonous wine."

Footsteps sounded again and someone came to the edge of the tunnel entrance.

After a short spell of silence, Xiao Pan's voice lightly expressed: "Master! May you have a safe journey!"

Following that, Xiao Pan decisively thundered: "Retreat at once!"

The footsteps trailed off.

Unable to hold back any longer, the hot tears of Xiang Shaolong overflowed his eye sockets.

In his heart, he could feel the immense agitation of creating a crucial episode of history.

The minute Xiao Pan steps out of his mother's mausoleum, he would no longer be the Zhao Xiao Pan from Handan.

Because he would have completely severed his past and become a true blue Yingzheng. In the future, all his energies will be expended on the grand scheme of conquering the world.

The instance he crosses the fallen steel doors, the six States are destined to be eliminated one after another.

Their opponent is the unshakable super conqueror – the founder of China, the bearer of the title: One in a millennium Emperor, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng.

Recomposing their emotions, Xiang Shaolong and his companions caught up to the main body by going through and exiting the tunnel. To their astonishment, they spotted Wu Guo and the Guardians among them.

It turned out that they were forced to take the roads after Lord Changwen barricaded the river route. As a result, they ended up arriving several hours after Yingzheng. Coincidently, they ran into the others near the tunnel exit.

At the same time, Wu Guo brought updates from Wang Jian. Lao Ai was sentenced to death by having his body torn apart by five carriages and the two sons of Zhu Ji and Lao Ai were burnt alive.

Zhu Ji herself was escorted back to Xianyang.

Of course everyone knows that the real Zhu Ji is dead. The Zhu Ji that is returning to Xianyang and subsequently placed under house arrest is merely an imposter conjured by Yingzheng.

After the withdrawal of Yingzheng's massive army, everyone returned to the farms and mounted their horses before leaving again.

Xiang Shaolong did not forget to bring along the ancestral tablets of Zhao Qian, Lady Ni and the other ladies.

Three months later, they finally arrived safely at the borderlands, fulfilling their long awaited dream.

Book 25 Chapter 13 - United States of China

As the rebellion forces of Lu Buwei and Lao Ai are mainly staffed by foreigners from the six States, coupled with Zhengguo Canal being exposed as a trick by Han to destroy Qin, on top of Yingzheng's worry that the foreigners from the six States will continue to propagate 'rumours', Yingzheng implemented an 'anti foreigner' policy despite the mounting protests from his officials, instantly endangering foreign guests from the eastern States.

Li Si is fully conscious that he knows too much for his own good. Nonetheless, he is highly supportive of Yingzheng's dream to unite the States. At the risk of his life, he submitted the following report:

"When subordinate heard that the Court of Qin has decided to implement anti-foreigner policies, I felt that this move in inappropriate! In the past, Duke Lao was seeking talent. From the west, he recruited You Yu from Rong; east, Baili Xi from Wan; welcomed Jian Shu from Song; and embraced Pei Bao and Gongsun Zi from Jing. None of these five men are originally from Qin but with their support, Duke Lao was able to occupy more than twenty States, forming the Kingdom of West Rong.

Using the laws of Shang Yang, Duke Xiao reformed local customs and manners, causing the population to greatly flourish and the country to grow rich and powerful. The population rejoiced, and the feudal lords were subjugated. Obtaining experts from Wei and Chu, they gained sway over thousands of miles of land, and to this day their governance was strong.

King Hui used the stratagems of Zhang Yi and seized the three river plains areas. In the west, he consolidated the states of Ba and Shu. In the north, he governed Shangjun, while in the south he took over Hanzhong. He embraced the nine barbarian tribes, and regulated Yan and Shao. He seized the dangerous passes to the east, which were easy to guard and made them hard to attack, cutting off the fertile land. He dispersed the alliance of the Six Eastern Powers, and made the west solely dominated by Qin. His accomplishments persisted to this very day.

Enlisting the help of Fan Wei, King Zao promoted him to the position of Marquis Xiang and disposed of Hua Yang, thereby strengthening the court administration and weed out corruption. By eradicating the feudal lords, King Zao is able to consolidate his authority.

The success of these four kings is undeniably linked to their reliance on foreign talents.

Regardless of perspective, these foreign advisors did not disappoint!

If the opposite had happened, for example, the four kings condemned these foreigners to lowly positions and did not exploit their capabilities, Qin will not stand to gain from their expertise and can never be as strong as today.

Additionally, this policy is not carefully researched and there is no distinction between truth and fiction. There is no basis to discriminate between citizens and non-citizens of Qin. Ultimately, the emphasis should be on genuine talent and not nationality. Thus, this policy is flawed."

From the frank and open assessment that Li Si had presented, besides exhibiting his undying loyalty to Yingzheng, it clearly elaborates ironclad truths and facts.

Finally, Yingzheng retracted his decree and abolished the 'anti foreigner' policy.

At the same time, Han Fei, the old friend of Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran, was forcefully invited to Qin.

However, his loyalty lies with his birth State and he spoke up for Han on several occasions. Due to his ineloquence, he failed to get into the good books of Yingzheng. Eventually, he offended Yao Jia and Li Si, and with the two men jealous of his talent, Han Fei was poisoned to death in prison.

After eradicating Lu Buwei and Lao Ai, Yingzheng consolidated his authority over Qin and subsequently began his conquest of the other six States.

Alone by themselves, none of the six States can withstand the might of Qin.

But if they worked in hand in hand, it is not impossible to give Qin a run for their money. For example, six years after Yingzheng's coronation, Qin suffered a crushing defeat against the allied forces of Chu and the Three States. However, Han Chuang was down on his luck and perished during the skirmish.

Without Lu Buwei backing him, Tian Dan lost power. From then on, there are no more distinguished talents from Qi.

Learning his lesson the hard way, Yingzheng switched to employing strategies recommended by Li Si and Wei Liao. In an intricate manner, he exploited the three methods of bribery, sowing of discord and divide and conquer to destroy the six States.

Fourteen years into Yingzheng's reign, King An of Han was the first to yield to Qin. The next year, the armies of Qin embarked on a killing spree and conquered Han.

Personally trained by Xiang Shaolong, Heng Qi (Huan Qi) was promoted to Great General after accumulating a ton of merits. Unfortunately, he pitted himself against Li Mu, the gifted general who devastated the army of Xiang Shaolong. After incurring huge losses at He Fei and ashamed to face Yingzheng, Heng Qi fled to Yan.

Finally, it has boiled down to a war between the two renowned generals Wang Jian and Li Mu.

Under the leadership of Wang Jian and Yang Duanhe, the armies of Qin launched a massive campaign against Zhao. Meeting them outside Handan City, Li Mu engaged their forces and their fights resulted in a deadlock. Bewitched by Li Si's sowing of discord, Guo Kai went to the extent of persuading the King of Zhao to switch Li Mu with another general. Refusing to accept the switch, Li Mu was executed by the King of Zhao.

With the passing of a giant, there are no generals in Zhao who could stand up to Wang Jian. Like a gust of strong wind sweeping the fallen leaves, the armies of Qin swept Zhao into the memories of history.

After Yingzheng ruled for nineteen years, Prince Dan sent Jingke into Qin and tried to assassinate him. Failing in his mission, Jingke was mutilated and killed.

Finding a reason to counterattack, Yingzheng dispatched Wang Jian to Yan. After soundly defeating the armies of Yan at the west of River Yi, the next year, Wang Jian occupied Ji, the capital of Yan and killed Prince Dan.

With his son Wang Ben, Wang Jian went on to dominate more than ten cities of Chu. The next year, Wang Jian demonstrated his legendary abilities once again. By breaking a dam and flooding Daliang, he effortlessly erases Wei off the map of China.

Twenty three years into Yingzheng's reign, Wang Jian began invading Chu and inflicted heavy casualties to the army of Chu at Pingyu. The next year, Meng Wu successfully overran Shouchun. The King of Chu and Li Yuan ended up as prisoners of war while Li Yanyan committed suicide by poisoning herself, heralding the demise of Chu.

Twenty six years after Yingzheng became the King of Qin, Wang Ben breached the defenses of Lin Zi. Tian Jian, the King of Qi, surrendered unconditionally.

From this point onwards, the vanquished six States are like a cloud of dissipating smoke. At the end of the day, all their lands are now part of Qin.

Recollecting Xiang Shaolong's suggested caption of 'Shihuang Emperor', Yingzheng instructed his officials to evaluate the feasibility of this title now that he has united the whole of China.

Everyone is naturally full of praise and approval.

Therefore, Yingzheng gave himself the title of Shihuang Emperor. Removing the structure of marquises and lords, Yingzheng divided China into thirty six provinces. Confiscating all the weapons of China to safeguard himself, Yingzheng also constructed twelve golden statues in his likeness to remind the people of his authority. At the same time, he standardized the weights and measurement, road widths and carriage sizes of China. Yingzheng is also responsible for issuing a single currency for the whole country and deciding the language medium for all forms of communication. Finally, he resettled the richest one hundred and twenty thousand households to Xianyang

Indirectly, he has established the model for the future of China.

When Yingzheng ascends the Emperor throne as Shihuang Emperor, the majestic Huai Qing Platform is simultaneously being constructed.

The common folks are under the impression that their Emperor is building this to commemorate Widow Qing.

Only those in the know like Li Si and Wang Jian are aware that Yingzheng is actually building it to commemorate Xiang Shaolong who is far away from the Central Plains.


Under the flying hooves of the horse, the ground rapidly fades towards the back.

With three of his brothers Wu Zhuo, Teng Yi and Jing Jun, Xiang Shaolong is riding at full speed on the fresh and crisp grassland that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, about half a mile in front of them, a herd of nearly one thousand wild horses are startled and instantly fled towards the north.

The four men started shouting. Squeezing the abdomen of their horses to change directions, they continued the pursuit.

Xiang Shaolong and his fellow riders divided themselves into two teams.

One team started flanking the wild horses from the side, forcing the leading alpha horse to change their flight path while the other team persisted in hounding the horses from the back.

After a short chase, the herd is intimidated by their horsewhips and had no choice but to jump into the river and swim towards the opposite shore.

Reining his horse to a stop, Xiang Shaolong thundered: "Kids! It is time to display your talents."

On the opposite shore, more than a hundred men suddenly appeared with ropes in their hands, enthusiastically waiting for the horses to walk right into their arms. Among them are Wu Guo, Wu Yan Zhe, Zhao Da and Liu Chao.

Observing his brothers and men capturing wild horses with plenty of excitement, Xiang Shaolong praised: "First Brother is truly talented in picking a good territory. This location comprises of countless rivers and streams which is useful for farming and drinking. With bountiful water supply, fertile soil and limitless grazing grass, this is a piece of paradise."

His eyes scanning the endless fields around him, Wu Guo inhaled a breath of fragrant grass smell and chuckled: "When I first came here, I did not feel good because I have this impression that we are forced to come here, like a self-imposed exile. But after living here for so many years, only death can force me to leave this place."

Jing Jun suddenly barked to the men on the opposite shore: "That pure white horse! I want that pure white horse!"

Teng Yi was tickled: "This fellow, Dan'er has given him three sons and two daughters and yet, he himself is like a kid who has never grown up."

At evening time, the men are satisfied with a rewarding day and started riding back to the hunting camp.

Ji Yanran, Qin Qing, Wu Tingfang, Zhao Zhi, Tian Zhen, Tian Feng, Zhou Wei, Shan Lan, Lu Dan'er and the other ladies are sitting on a slope, overlooking a group of more than thirty boys and girls aged between ten and fifteen years old. The children are riding their horses and playing polo on a grass meadow.

The air is filled with laughter.

One of the children is Xiang Bao'er.

He is much more brawny compared to the other kids. Wearing a beautiful cap made from eagle feathers, coupled with his thick brows and large eyes, he is already an outstanding character.

At this moment, he happened to bend down from his horse and use his mallet to dribble the ball. Under his skillful maneuvers, no one could snatch the polo ball from him.

Beneath their feet, like a shimmering green carpet, the boundless grass prairie seems to extend all the way to heaven.

A distance away, more than a hundred tents are clustered together. As the smoke rises from the cooking stoves, more than ten ladies are starting a fire and preparing a meal for their husbands and sons to enjoy later.

Nearby, the two men Tu Xian and Xiao Yuetan are sitting on the ground and chatting idly with each other. Occasionally, they would throw a glance at the polo-playing children.

The game is now reaching a point of excitement and the spectating ladies clapped and cheered nonstop. Among them, Wu Tingfang and Lu Dan'er cheered the loudest.

Out of the blue, Qin Qing nudged Ji Yanran who is sitting down beside her. She joyfully exclaimed: "Hubby is back."

Shifting their gaze to the edge of the horizon, the group of ladies spotted more than a hundred black dots that are gradually becoming bigger and bigger. The sound of hoof beats is also faintly discernable.

Feeling in the mood, Ji Yanran stood up and hollered in her shrill voice: "I am going out to welcome our victorious warriors; who is with me?"

The children have already abandoned their game. With some of them riding ahead and some riding at the back, they are heading towards the approaching horsemen.

The sound of hoof beats reverberated thorough the air.

Ji Yanran's invitation is instantly taken up by everyone. Running to and mounting their horses, it wasn't too long until the ladies met up with their partners on the grasslands. Together, they rode back to camp.

Riding in front, the children are proudly leading the way back.

Slowing cantering beside Ji Yanran and Qin Qing, an emotional Xiang Shaolong gushed: "Heaven is indeed kind to us. In the past, I cannot imagine myself leading such a blissful and worry-free life."

Qin Qing sighed: "Because of our past experiences, we are able to appreciate the value of living freely on the grasslands. Unlike that little fellow Bao'er; he kept whining and expressed his desire to return to the Central Plains and see the world."

Wu Tingfang nagged: "In the future, you better not tell him any more stories about the Central Plains, especially about Chu. Bao'er has developed a liking for that place, how mysterious!"

Xiang Shaolong chortled: "Every person has his or her own dreams. Because our dreams are fulfilled, we are contended with our lives. Bao'er is merely pursing his dream! We should never try to stop him from pursing his interests and must never force him to live according to our expectations of him."

Ji Yanran is exhilarated: "Hubby's words are really moving. Bao'er's dream is to become an eagle in the sky, able to spread his wings and fly to any place he desires."

Zhao Zhi guffawed: "Everyone is pampering him without any reservations! In my opinion, Little Zhen and Little Feng are the worst culprits!"

Teased by Zhao Zhi, Tian Zhen and Tian Feng are covering their mouths and giggling. Happiness is written all over their faces.

As if she suddenly remembered something, Ji Yanran smiled: "I nearly forgot to tell you something, Father of Bao'er. Bao'er finds his name too childish and wishes to change it."

Unconcerned, Xiang Shaolong was thrilled: "As long as his surname is Xiang, he can choose whichever name he wants."

Pretending to be angry, Wu Tingfang protested: "The name Bao'er is my suggestion; it is his birth name!"

Ji Yanran continued: "Noting his love for eagles, I recommended him to use the name Eagle (Ying)."

Xiang Shaolong burst out laughing: "Xiang Ying! That's quite a nice name!"

Qin Qing gently rebuked: "As a father, you do not understand your son well enough. He finds the word 'Eagle' too aggressive and beast-like. Moreover, others will make jokes about his name. He has decided on the word: Yu."

Violently shaken, Xiang Shaolong reined his horse to a stop and unconsciously shouted: "What!"

The ladies, Teng Yi and the rest were stunned into stopping with him. All the attention is now focused on Xiang Shaolong.

In his mind, Xiang Shaolong is experiencing wave after wave of tsunamis.

Xiang Yu?

Isn't he the man who fought against Liu Bang for control over the entire China? And who eventually committed suicide by jumping into River Wu with the beauty Yu Ji? The one and only Chu Great Conqueror Xiang Yu?

What is going on?

Could it be merely a coincidence in their names?

Taking time into account, the probability is quite strong.

From the records of history, the Qin dynasty ended after two emperors.

Thirty seven years after Yingzheng became the King of Qin, he died of illness at Saqiu when he was touring the southern provinces. After him, the second Emperor perished three years later. At that point in time, Xiang Shaolong's son Xiang Yu is in his early thirties, the prime of his youth.

The cries of everybody brought Xiang Shaolong back to his senses.

Ji Yanran suspiciously probed: "Does Hubby dislike this name? But Bao'er loves it. If you want him to change his mind, leave us out of it. You can speak to him directly."

Recomposing himself, Xiang Shaolong started contemplating. Should he issue a warning to his son Xiang Bao'er? For example, when Bao'er meets a man named Liu Bang, he should unsheathe his sword and kill him at once.

But on the other hand, even though Xiang Shaolong is fully aware of historical developments, at the end of the day, he is unable to change its path.

Destiny is something that cannot be altered by mere willpower and effort.

Humans believe they are charting their lives; that is precisely because they are unaware of their actual fate. In fact, they are simply living their lives according to fate.

Only Xiang Shaolong is able to fully comprehend this insight.

One of his 'son' Xiao Pan built the Great Qin empire while his other 'son' Xiang Yu personally destroyed the same empire.

Qin Qing frowned: "What is Hubby thinking about!"

Abruptly breaking out into laughter, Xiang Shaolong replied: "I have thought through it and came to an understanding."

Teng Yi's voice sounded: "What did Third Brother understand?"

Xiang Shaolong joyfully exclaimed: "From this day onwards, Xiang Bao'er shall be Xiang Yu."

The crowd rolled their eyes in unison.

With a baffled expression, Ji Yanran enquired: "What is there to understand about changing one's name?"

From her back, Xiang Shaolong leaned forward to her face and inhaled her fragrance. He laughed: "I understood one point. If you succeeded, so what? And if you failed, so what? Success and failure are irrelevant. The most important thing is to lead a fulfilling and extraordinary life, inscribing your everlasting name in the records of history. That indeed, is a life worth living!"

Even more puzzled than before, the crowd could never guess that he is referring to his own son eventually becoming the legendary and illustrious Chu Great Conqueror Xiang Yu.

Letting out a burst of heroic laughter, Xiang Shaolong prodded his horse and started chasing up to Xiang Yu and the other children.

Everyone swiftly resounded and nudged their horses in pursuit.

Under the magnificent and colourful sunset, the humans and horses seemed to have merged into one body with Mother Nature, depicting a heavenly and ecstatic painting.

~~~ END ~~~