479 - 490

Chapter 479 Choose Wisely!

If it was a Ruler of the Realm, the people gathered on the plaza wouldn't dare to disrespect him but not many cared about Big Johny. He couldn't stop a big crowd so almost everyone laughed.

'I'm sorry dude, I have nothing against you but you were unlucky. Blame Royal Family,' Xuefeng thought as he disappeared yet again from the scene. 'You just appeared in the wrong place and at the wrong time.'

He pitied him, feeling like an asshole but quickly realized there were no underhanded methods in war. Big Johny was after all an enemy. By humiliating him, he gave a blow to Royal Family as well.

Naturally, this was just a provocation. What would happen next was no longer in his hands.

Xuefeng reappeared near his wives and saw them still covering their eyes.

\"I have such good wives,\" he commented happily as he walked up to each of them and gave them a kiss while uncovering their eyes.

\"What did you do?\" Xiao Wen asked curiously, looking around the laughing crowd. \"Did you actually took off his pants in front of everyone?\"

They could guess what happened based on Xuefeng's taunting words from before and the crowds' laughter.

Xuefeng didn't confirm and ordered, \"If he attacks, don't help me. I will fight him on my own.\"

\"What if he orders his men to join?\" Princess Shan questioned worriedly, not bothered by Xuefeng's motives. \"We will join you when they do.\"

\"I don't think he will. The only way to regain his pride is by beating me. Don't worry, I already have a plan,\" Xuefeng assured. \"So far it's working really well. I won't be able to stay here forever so I need to get rid of Royal Family before we depart to Heaven Realm.\"

Xuefeng turned to the enemy and saw Big Johny curse at his men or the crowd, giving him some more time. He wanted to explain why he acted like a douche.

\"I want to help my father take control over Earth Realm but Royal Family stands on our way. We can't get rid of them in one swoop as their roots are way too deep. Once we destroy them, the whole Capital will turn into chaos. People still need a leader and we will give them one,\" Xuefeng pointed out. \"If we ruin their credibility and slowly sway the public, they will be done much faster and cleaner. This will also give my father more time to prepare and Liu Clan to flourish in the Capital.\"

He was afraid they will think he turned into a bad person but his worries seemed to be unnecessary.

\"Xuefeng, we know exactly what you are doing. You don't need to explain.\" Wuying squeezed his hand to calm him down. \"We will always stand behind you no matter what you do.\"

Xiao Wen and Princess Shan confirmed with a nod, cheering with supportive smiles.

\"Your father also knows what you are doing and he is already preparing,\" Wuying added. \"He will inform you when he is ready to take over the capital. He and Xiao Feng have already been talking in private.\"

\"Oh, really?\" Xuefeng was pleasantly surprised. \"That's great. I wanted to talk to him after I finish my plan.\"

\"Hehe, I guess your father doesn't want to leave all the fun to you,\" Wuying giggled and suddenly pointed behind him. \"I think Small Dicky is mad mad.\"

Xuefeng turned to look at him again and this time Big Johny's anger was targeted at him. He seemed to realize he couldn't stop the crowd either by words or force, only making the matter worse. He had to do something else and


the solution was him, just as Xuefeng predicted.

\"Bastard! It's all your fault!\" Big Johny cried out, flying forward in between their groups.

This was exactly what Xuefeng was waiting for and he moved a few meters forward as well. Xuefeng glanced down at the crowd and announced, \"Guys! Don't laugh at Small Dicky. Let's keep it all a secret. Don't tell anyone about it, okay? Definitely don't tell it to your friends, neighbors, family and most definitely your grandma. Her heart might not take it.\"


The crowd burst out laughing even more. There was no way they wouldn't tell everyone about this. Xuefeng sounded as if he was really concerned about Big Johny which made his words even funnier.

He started it in the first place!

Big Johny was already as red as a tomato, no longer able to hold back his anger. He pulled out a shiny sword and aimed it at Xuefeng, crying out, \"You and I can't live under the same moon! Even if I have to die, I will fight you!\"


The crowd got excited, seeing a battle was about to break out. Such stuff was the peak class entertainment so no one wanted to miss. The whole plaza was already packed with passersby stopping to watch the show.

Xuefeng smiled at first but then laughed, \"Haha! You want to fight me? Do you think you are that important? Even your Ruler is not worthy to fight me.\"

Big Johny's eyebrows twitched, showing he was already on the verge of exploding. He didn't rush forward, seeing one hundred and fifty experts already preparing to attack if he got any closer. Royal Family guards also prepared their weapons, getting ready to pounce to assault.

The tension between the two groups increased to limits when Xuefeng finally spoke, \"Alright, I won't be so cruel. I am in a good mood today. If you can defeat one of my guards, I will fight you. I need you to prove you are worthy.\"

Big Johny didn't hesitate, needing an outlet to release his anger, \"Fine! Bring it on!\"

\"Alright,\" Xuefeng nodded, turning to the Elvish Team Leader and asked, \"Who is the weakest? Tell him to come forward!\"

\"Pfft!\" the crowd laughed yet again, this time already expecting something funny from Xuefeng. The excitement could be seen on their faces.

If Big Johny couldn't even win against the weakest expert from Liu Clan, wouldn't that be everyone else from Royal Family was useless?

Xuefeng thought it would be hard to find the weakest member but a second later, one of them flew up to meet him, announcing himself, \"I'm the weakest of my brothers, Sir!\"

Elves were not ashamed to be the weakest but rather used it as a motivation to improve. The short cut middle-aged man was still proud of being chosen to join this mission and able to explore this new world.

\"Good! If you can win, I will reward you one million high-tiered Spirit Stones,\" Xuefeng promised. \"Don't hold back at all.\"

\"Yes, Sir!\" the guard called out excitedly before focusing his eyes on the enemy.

Everyone was no longer excited but rather shocked. One million for one battle? How much money did Liu Clan have?!

Big Johny only smirked at that, his sword already gaining power and called out in angry laughter, \"Haha! Money won't help him—\"


His speech got cut off as the Elvish Guard didn't waste time, launching an offense right away. His two lightning fists exploded at the spot where Big Johny hovered, missing at the last moment when he teleported away.

\"Wait! We didn't start!\" Big Johny called out, not expecting his opponent will attack without any warning, breaking the common rules.

Too bad, this was not the arena match.


The Elvish Guard followed him swiftly without hesitation and this time hit him hard, taking the sword out of his hands with one hit and blasted his body with another.

\"W-what just happened?\"

This was the question everyone asked themselves, not expecting such an outcome.

\"Cheater!\" Big Johny called out angrily, caught by his subordinates some far away. \"I couldn't even move!\"

He wasn't injured but his armor absorbed most of the damage, being almost wholly crushed.

Elvish Guard didn't look at him and instead approached Xuefeng.

\"Sir.\" He presented the sword to him but Xuefeng shook his head, rejecting it. \"You can keep it. If you don't want it, you can sell it.\"

\"Thank you, Sir!\" Elvish Guard bowed in gratitude and claimed the sword as his, keeping it into his Storage Ring.

Big Johny raged at that move but before he could say anything, Xuefeng pointed at him and announced loudly, his voice aimed at the crowd.

\"Is this really what you all believe in? One of the strongest members of the Royal Family can't even win against Liu Clan's weakest expert? Can you even feel safe knowing such useless crap is protecting your Capital? Is this really where your taxes are going?\"


Although many cheered for the underdog from Liu Clan, most of the people were still behind Big Johny, connected with Royal Family one way or another. Seeing he lost, it felt as if they lost as well. Although they laughed, they didn't think too deeply about it.

It was Xuefeng who opened their eyes.

\"Royal Family is losing power with each day and their downfall is near! They are no longer the strongest in the Capital!\" Xuefeng's clear voice resounded throughout the plaza. \"Tell your friends, tell your family. It's time to choose.\"

He paused, before finishing his words with a banger.

\"If Royal Family can't even protect themselves, how can they protect you? Do you wish to listen to a Ruler who can't even take care of his own palace or do you want to join us, Liu Clan and Xiao Family alliance, two strongest entities in this world? There won't be a second opportunity like this. Switch sides now and be rewarded or lose everything when it's too late.\"

\"Choose wisely! Time is limited.\"

Chapter 480 Scrip

Xuefeng's words struck like lightning, stunning the whole crowd. Who wouldn't panic after being placed in front of a decision like that? A decision that very likely determined their close future.

If they chose to stay with Royal Family and they ended up like Tang Family, they would probably end up with nothing. Even their lives could be in danger. On the other hand, choosing Xiao Family and Liu Clan who looked much stronger in every way possible could give them a huge boost once they defeat the Royal Family.

If Xuefeng asked anyone the same question a few weeks ago, they would most certainly end up laughing in his face and disagree without hesitation. This was only because the Tang Family was there to balance the forces. This was no longer possible.

\"Don't worry! You don't need to decide right now,\" Xuefeng followed up after a short moment. \"Return to your family and discuss it with your close ones in private. Spread the news to your friends and whoever you meet. If you wish to join our alliance with your business, your strength or your wisdom, visit Xiao Family's or Liu Clan's palace by tomorrow.\"

He no longer looked at the crowd after his announcement, leaving the decision to them and looked at Big Johny instead. His smile triggered another avalanche of emotions on Big Johny's Face.

\"Rebel! He is starting the revolution! Don't listen to him!\" Big Johny cried out to the crowd, trying to save what's left. \"Royal Family has been stable for thousands of years! Two puny clans can't defeat the imperium that Royal Family created! We have the support of all four regions who are ready to send armies to support our cause.\"

Xuefeng didn't give him the chance to recover as he immediately countered, looking at Big Johny pitifully, \"Oh, really? Is Royal Family so weak right now that it needs help from outside to survive? That's really pathetic.\"

\"We don't need anyone's help! Royal Family is united, no matter where it comes. We are all together, both in misery and fortune,\" Big Johny replied back. \"We do not fear bullies and never will! Two families grouping up just to fight us, the Imperium?! Are you so afraid you can't battle us solo?!\"

Big Johny smirked, looking as if he already won. Part of the crowd was bought by his words, but Xuefeng prepared a simple comeback.

\"You think this is a game? It's obvious we fight as one. My father is Liu Clan Leader. My father-in-law is Xiao Family Leader. Our families already become one through marriage.\"

As he spoke, he pulled Xiao Wen into his arms and kissed her deeply. She was a notable figure in the Capital so everyone knew her.

He didn't let go of her and called out to the crowd, \"You all can go back home safely. We will protect you against Royal Family Guards so you don't have to worry they arrest you. Anyone who joins us will be protected, together with their families.\"

'There is no way he eats the bait, right?' Ming commented amusedly.

Just as she spoke, Big Johny glanced at the crowd who was preparing to disperse and called out in warning, \"Anyone who betrays Royal


Family will be accused of treason! Anyone who spread the words of a rebel will be considered one as well and dealt accordingly.\"

\"Hahaha, do you really think people are dumb?\" Xuefeng burst out laughing. \"We offer everyone a choice yet Royal Family use threats and violence on their own citizens. Do you want your wives, your husbands and your kids to live in fear or do you want to be free and happy? I guess the choice is obvious now.\"


The crowd started madly discussing, creating a massive buzz. Big Johny's face immediately turned ugly, seeing he was losing control.

\"No! We don't—\" Big Johny started but was cut off by a female voice from the crowd, chanting loudly, \"Free and happy! Free and happy!\"

With one person, another followed and soon everyone started shouting.

\"Free and happy!\"

\"Free and happy!\"

\"Free and happy!\"

A moment later, Wuying, who sneakily disappeared earlier, suddenly appeared back near Xuefeng and winked at him.

\"Bastard!\" Big Johny cursed, seeing the scene happen in front of his eyes and called out to his men, \"We are withdrawing!\"

Unfortunately, his timing was the worst.

\"Who do you think you call a bastard?\"

A cold voice reached him as his body froze mid-air.

Nuwa flew up from the ground and soon appeared in front of Xuefeng. \"My love, did this ugly man trouble you?\" Nuwa asked lovingly. \"I, your faithful wife, will punish those who dare curse you.\"

Big Johny was completely immobilized, his arms twisting as he got pulled forward by Nuwa's Spirit Power.

Xuefeng wanted to comment on her interference but ended up ignoring it and simply greeted her, following her style, \"Welcome back, my dear wife. How was your trial?\"

\"It was good. I got first again,\" Nuwa replied happily as she pointed at the leaderboard. She beat Big Johny's score by tens of thousands of points but that was to be expected.

What surprised Xuefeng was that she didn't receive the perfect score, allowing him to beat her if he tried hard enough. Nuwa seemed to figure out what he thought about as she muttered while pursing her lips, \"Don't think it's so easy. This trial was actually harder. If you can actually beat me this time, you deserve it.\"

She winked at him and turned around, her attitude changing one hundred and eighty degrees. \"I asked you a question! Are you deaf?!\"

Big Johny only moved with his eyes, showing panic.


Only then did Nuwa realize something.

\"Oh wait, I blocked his mouth too,\" Nuwa commented and clicked with her fingers, giving his head some free movement. \"There you go. Do you have anything for your defense?\"

She gave him the chance to get himself out of it yet Big Johny didn't take it, crying out to his men, \"What are you waiting for?! Help me!\"

Royal Family Guards tensed up, looking really hesitant to act. None of them moved, leaving Big Johny speechless.

\"I said come to help me! It's an order!\" Big Johny cried out but his men turned their heads away, avoiding his gaze.

\"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Do you think your men will help you? You can't even defeat the weakest of my guards. Do you think they stand a chance?\" Xuefeng snickered, already predicting such a situation would happen. The moment Big Johny lost for the first time, he could see the unwillingness in Royal Family Guards' eyes.

Although Xuefeng helped his man win just to be sure his plan worked, they didn't know that.

Having no one who can save him, Big Johny claimed, \"You won't dare kill me! Killing me will start the war! You are not ready for a war!\"

Xuefeng only smiled, finding it amusing. There were many things he dared and didn't, but this one definitely didn't belong to the latter.

\"Tell your woman to release me and we will forget about this. I will speak to the ruler on your behalf,\" Big Johny tried to convince him with another method but that only made Xuefeng laugh.

\"How come all Royal Family leaders are so delusional?\"


With one crunch, Big Johny's eyes froze still and his body lost power. Everyone in the crowd held their breath, not expecting they will actually kill him.

The truth was, Xuefeng was also surprised, still not done with his speech.

\"Nuwa? What was that?\" Xuefeng questioned confused.

\"Whoops. Did I read the wrong script? I thought it's time to kill him,\" Nuwa explained, putting on an apologetic smile. \"Did you need him for anything?\"

\"Nevermind. It's too late,\" Xuefeng shook his head and called out to the Royal Guards, \"Go back to your Ruler and say I killed him. He shouldn't blame you guys.\"

The Royal Family Guards looked at him surprised and bowed in gratitude, \"Thank you, Sir!\"

Seeing them fly away, Nuwa asked curiously, \"Why did you let them off so easily?\"

\"You will see really soon,\" Xuefeng replied with a mysterious smile.

\"I will report it to father,\" Xiao Wen announced as she pulled away from him. \"He needs to be ready in case the Ruler decides to act like an idiot and attack us.\"

\"Me too,\" Wuying agreed, taking out the communication crystal as well.

\"Don't worry, he won't,\" Xuefeng assured them. \"He needs loyal people for that.\"

Chapter 481 Ether Inheritance Trial

When Xuefeng entered the Ether Temple, he was greeted by the very same voice as in the last five trials. He couldn't help but ask the one important question.

\"Are you actually controlling all nine Inheritance Trials or am I hearing things?\"

Xuefeng was probably the only participant who always chatted with the Trial Spirit as if he was his friend. Because of that, the Trial Spirit actually responded to his questions. If it was someone else trying to gain an advantage by asking questions, he wouldn't receive much of a response.

\"I'm indeed in control of all trials. All nine of them are connected with each other underground. I don't have problems handling them all at the same time,\" the Trial Spirit replied honestly, not in a hurry to start the trial.

\"You must be really powerful for that,\" Xuefeng commented, stretching his body.

He already received some information from his wives, describing the trial rules but he still wanted some additional information. Although Nuwa wanted to win, she still shared her experiences with him.

The trial this time wasn't especially complicated or dangerous but definitely had a higher difficulty than the rest. He still didn't master Ether Element so he was really looking forward to this one.

Who would love to teleport? With his Spirit Qi, he could only achieve minor teleportation and it was slow but Ether Qi was different. It allowed him to bypass that and instantly shift his body through space.

\"I would say I still have room to improve,\" the Trial Spirit answered, staying humble. \"Are you ready to start the trial?\"

\"Sure! What do you have for me this time?\" Xuefeng asked eagerly, stopping what he was doing to listen.

Trial Spirit was more casual with his answers, no longer using his usual monotonous, robotic voice.

\"You will face yourself this time. There will only be one round in this trial and your goal is to kill as many copies of yourself as you can. They will randomly appear and disappear on the arena with their locations different each time. The speed will also increase overtime. You will be eligible for a reward once you clear one hundred clones. Naturally, the more you kill, the better score you can get.\" the Trial Spirit explained, his reply sounding identical to Nuwa's description.

With that said, Xuefeng appeared in the middle of the familiar arena and found himself surrounded by a round table with ten daggers on top.

The Trial Spirit didn't stop there and continued, \"You can only use those throwing daggers to kill the clones. When the hit is successful, a replacement dagger will appear on the table. Make sure you aim correctly


as once the dagger misses, it won't respawn anymore. You can consider the ten daggers as your lives. Once you lose them all, the trial will end. You also have a time limit of staying idle set to one minute.\"

\"Can I do anything with those daggers? Like use any skills or art on them?\" Xuefeng wondered.

If he could, the trial would not be that hard for him. He could create multiple dagger copies with his Multiplier and then send them flying across the arena with his Spirit Power. Unfortunately, it would be too good if turned to be true.

\"No. You can only throw them and can't use your Qi aside from your Spirit Awareness,\" the Trial Spirit denied. \"The key to mastering Ether Element requires a good grasp of space which can be trained with Spirit Awareness. All clones will appear and disappear randomly so one has to figure out their position before they vanish. One can only do that by predicting the pattern in which they change locations.\"

\"Alright, no Qi. Got it.\" Xuefeng didn't have anything to comment about that, only trying to find some ways to beat this trial as fast as he could.

From what Nuwa told him, she couldn't find any way to cheat. Their Spirit Power couldn't help them this time as apparently, the clones didn't have a physical body she could grasp.

Xuefeng grabbed a dagger into each of his hands and closed his eyes, releasing his Spirit Awareness. In the matter of seconds, he filled the whole arena with his presence.

'Any idea?' he asked the girls just in case. They could always advise him in the worst times.

'I'm still thinking. Aside from boosting your Spirit Awareness and brain capabilities, I don't think I know other ways to help you,' Ming admitted while Ling remained silent. 'Let me try to improve your perception. It should be easier for you this way.'

Soon after, he felt refreshed but at the same time, his mind became much sharper.

'You should hurry and get as many points as you can. I can't sustain this method for long,' Ming warned. 'It will make your mind tired and it isn't easy to regenerate. Make sure to tell me once you get a headache.'

'I will,' Xuefeng agreed and announced out loud, not wasting any more time. \"Okay, let's start.\"

\"As you wish.\"


The moment the Trial Spirit replied, Xuefeng moved, sending a dagger in a certain direction right when he sensed a ripple in the air. The clone barely spawned when its chest got pierced through.

\"...\" He was speechless, not expecting his reaction would be this fast. He didn't have time to contemplate on it though as another clone started spawning.


\"Are you telling me that Liu Xuefeng killed Big Johny in front of the public?\"

The Ruler rubbed his forehead in frustration, slowly losing it. The day couldn't get any worse than this.

The Royal Guard who came to report nodded firmly and added, \"Yes, Ruler. We stood no chance against them. Big Johny fought against the weakest member of Liu Xuefeng's Guards and he lost. His army of three hundred Spirit Monarchs is too strong. If we were to fight to get our revenge, we would all die for nothing.\"

\"It's good you didn't…\" the Ruler muttered without getting angry but one could see the annoyance on his face. \"Leave.\"

The Royal Guard quickly bowed and left, already done reporting everything.

\"Is it even worth to fight anymore?\" the Ruler asked himself, leaning against his throne. \"I can't kill him and I can't fight him. What's the point…?\"

He sighed and pulled out a red pill from his Storage Ring, staring at it, deep in thought. Anyone with brain would figure out it was just a matter of time before they fell.

He thought of swallowing it on the spot but he held himself back, pulling out a communication crystal instead.

\"Milady, I would like to request a meeting. I can't do this anymore.\"

He recorded his message and sent it. Only after a couple of minutes did he receive a reply.

'In two days, afternoon.'

\"Really? Two days? Do you know how many things can happen in two days?\" the Ruler talked to himself, smacking his forehead. It was pretty pathetic how low was he treated by the Fate Goddess but there was nothing he could do about it.

He swallowed his curses and thought, 'Will Royal Family even exist at this point after two days?'

Chapter 482 Good Girl

'Oof, I think I'm starting to feel it.'

Xuefeng finally reported, sensing some pain in his mind. Just as Ming said, the more he killed the more uncomfortable he felt. First he was tired, then sluggish and slowly a tingling sensation filled his mind.

He couldn't go any longer like this.

'No wonder normal people can't get such high scores. Only monsters like Nuwa or Fate Holders would be able to actually get into top rankings,' Xuefeng commented with a sigh, knowing the reality was just too brutal.

Most Fate Holders use their Fate Spirit's help and only he tried to improve his own strength. It became obvious that this way he will only fall behind others, no matter how much he tries. Fate Spirits were just too overpowered.

In the middle of the trial, he already realized he wouldn't be able to beat Nuwa while only using his own strength as the clones were appearing and disappearing too fast, his own reflexes not fast enough to react.

'Alright, I will stop then.' Ming was quick to cancel the support and Xuefeng finally saw how fast did the clones actually move.

Just as it spawned, it didn't even take half a second before the clone disappeared yet again. Thanks to Ming, he could react faster which made the clones seem slower but only now he could visualize by how much exactly.

\"Huh… What level did I reach?\" Xuefeng asked confused, thinking this should actually be enough to beat anyone. Even Nuwa shouldn't be this good.

\"As I said, here are no levels in this trial. The more targets killed, the better score. Naturally, there is a limit. If one can reach the point where the clones disappear right after they finish creating with no delay, they will receive a perfect score,\" the Trial Spirit answered before crushing his dreams, \"You are still far from that moment.\"

Xuefeng wasn't surprised by that and questioned, \"Did I get the first score by any chance?\"

He was sure he passed the trial but he still wanted to be at the top. His goal was mostly taking over the Capital from Royal Family's hands. Winning against Nuwa was just a bonus.

\"I'm sorry, your score is currently only on the second place.\"

The Trial Spirit announced, making him little depressed. 'Ah, I guess Nuwa beat me again,' Xuefeng lamented but then he heard the Trial Spirit continue, \"The first place is still ongoing. She is almost nearing the perfect score so I will have to stop her soon— My bad, she already reached it.\"

\"Wait…\" Xuefeng widened his eyes only to smile, realizing he missed another competitor that could always beat their asses.


Thinking about it, he found it laughable that he hoped to win in this trial. Couldn't Tianshi see the future? She could easily predict where the next clone would spawn, timing the dagger perfectly.

Xuefeng didn't want to continue anymore, knowing it didn't make much sense and waited till the time was up and the Trial Spirit announced the results.

\"Time is up. Congratulations, you have passed the trial. Please claim your reward.\"

Xuefeng quickly grabbed the vial with Liquid Ether Qi and the arts before leaving the trial. He already decided to consume everything after he returns to the palace so he didn't need to worry about it.

He managed to


reappear in the temple before Tianshi and waited for her.


A second later, the portal buzzed and the figure of his wife came out, protected by an invisible shield for as long as she stayed near the portal. She opened her eyes and saw him, standing in front of her and waiting to pick her up.

It always warmed his heart to see her smile whenever she saw him.

\"Xuefeng!\" Tianshi called out happily and ran out, jumping into his embrace.

\"Congratulations on the first place,\" Xuefeng whispered, squeezing her body with love. \"I'm happy for you.\"

\"Really?\" Tianshi looked up at him with guilty expression and apologized, \"I'm sowwie~ I knew you wanted to win…\"

\"Silly,\" Xuefeng summed her up with one word and kissed her as a reward, pulling her out of the temple.

She was happy to glue herself into his chest and grab onto his neck, letting him carry her as they flew to join the others.

\"I just wanted to make you proud…\" Tianshi muttered sweetly on their way to which he rubbed her back, assuring her, \"Don't worry, I don't blame you, but I also won't let you win next trial. Get ready to lose, hehe.\"

There was only fair competition between them.

\"Challenge accepted.\"


With Royal Family gone, no longer disturbing them, they were able to clear the next three trials relatively quickly. Xuefeng bet everything on the last, Lightning Inheritance Trial which basically looked like a Heavenly Tribulation Simulator. He has already been through many of them so he was confident he could win this time.

\"Hmpf…\" Nuwa pouted, looking at Xuefeng pitifully.

\"If you bet, you should be prepared to lose. No amount of begging will change this fact,\" Xuefeng shrugged with a grin, enjoying this moment way too much. \"Is this how a good girl should behave?\"

He naturally won the last trial, ruining Nuwa's plans.

\"Fine…\" Nuwa finally stopped pretending and gave up. \"It's just a month. I can do this. I will honor our bet and be a good girl.\"

They just came back to their palace room when Xuefeng reminded her about the bet. It was obvious that Nuwa hated losing.

\"Why do you sound as if being nice will kill you?\" Xuefeng questioned, walking up to her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed together with the girls.

\"What do you mean?\" Nuwa asked back, pretending to be confused. \"I was always nice. Now I will be even nicer.\" As she spoke, she reached out and grabbed onto his pants, pulling them down.

Xuefeng quickly reacted and caught her wrists, stopping her in place. \"What do you think you are doing?\" He asked with a frown.

\"Shouldn't you already know by now? I do it every night,\" Nuwa replied with a wink. \"I thought you said I should be good. Isn't it what a good wife is supposed to do?\"

Xuefeng didn't know how to comment on that. Especially when he saw the face of the rest getting excited.

He gathered the power in him and rejected her, \"No, we are not doing it now.\" Even though he really wanted it, they needed some discipline. \"We received the rewards from the trials. Now is the time to master the elements you are missing. We won't have time to do that later as we are busy. We have to use our time efficiently.\"

He grasped her hands firmly and pulled her away. She wasn't the only one naughty so he glanced at every face, one by one and called out, \"This is applying to all of you. We are training today.\"


The girls let out a synced deep breath and started pulling out their vials, ready to cultivate. Wuying, on the other hand, pulled out a communication crystal and played the message.

'Wuying, will you grab everyone and come to a family dinner? There are some things we need to discuss.'

Everyone paused and looked at Xuefeng, waiting for his decision.

\"Okay, we will have dinner and train at night then. We won't go to sleep until everyone absorbs their rewards.\"

It has been a while since they had a family dinner so Xuefeng didn't mind to spend little bit of their time with parents. Especially when he won't see them for a while after they travel.

Nuwa was the only one dissatisfied with that.

\"Nooo, night is not for training…\" Nuwa argued, grasping his hand. \"It's for sleeping.\"

\"Good girls don't argue.\" Xuefeng replied simply, shutting her down. \"Let's go. Parents are waiting.\"

To make it fair, he didn't hug any of his wife and they all went downstairs to the dining hall, walking in group.

To his surprise, everyone was already waiting for them.

His parents, Wu siblings and Little Mei, sitting next to Wu Kong. The moment they entered, she glanced at him with longing before turning her gaze away, pretending she didn't notice him. It didn't escape his attention.

\"Welcome,\" his father greeted warmly and pointed at the free chairs. \"Please, take a seat.\"

Xuefeng walked up to the table and sat each of his wife first, pulling the chairs for them before finally sitting next to Little Mei.

He reached out to pat her head and asked playfully, \"Mei Mei, how are you?\"

Just as he expected, she completely ignored him and looked away while pouting.


Chapter 483 Discussion

\"Mei-mei, I'm sorry for not visiting you often… I was kind of busy lately.\"

Xuefeng immediately realized what happened based on her actions and apologized genuinely. Recently, most of his time was consumed by his wives, fights with Royal Family and training. He didn't have time to casually play with Little Mei.

Unfortunately, she was still too young to understand it.

\"You said you will visit me often but you didn't come once.\" Little Mei muttered, looking at him with betrayed expression.

\"And I also told you can visit me whenever you want. Didn't I?\" Xuefeng replied with a smile.

Little Mei unexpectedly blushed and said shyly, \"I did… Yesterday evening. I thought you will be free but then I heard some loud noises so I didn't disturb you…\"


Xuefeng cleared his throat and praised, \"It's good that you didn't. I was kind of busy at that time…\"

He didn't know how to explain it to her and looked at his parents for help. They both laughed loudly and his mother changed the topic.

\"Little Mei, you have been bugging us to call Xuefeng for dinner. Are you happy that he came?\" Mu Lan asked with a playful smile.

\"Waaaah, I didn't!\" Little Mei denied immediately but her red face exposed her.

\"Are you sure?\" Mu Lan repeated, pushing her further. \"I thought you had something you want to share with him.\"


Little Mei swallowed hard and everyone heard it.

\"What is it?\" Xuefeng followed curiously, leaving Little Mei no choice.

\"I advanced to Spirit Overlord Stage…\" she muttered shyly, looking at Xuefeng's face to see his reaction. Naturally, he was amazed.

\"Already? Whoa, you are really working hard,\" Xuefeng called out proudly and patted her as a reward. \"I knew you had it in you.\"

She leaned to him as if she wanted more pats and added, \"I also mastered Air Element yesterday.\"

\"I'm really proud,\" Xuefeng praised genuinely and turned to Wu Kong. \"Did you take good care of Little Mei as I ordered?\"

He has been watching them unhappily but when he heard Xuefeng's question, he immediately cheered up and nodded, \"Yes! I am always protecting her.\"

\"Good. Keep it up,\" Xuefeng showed his thumbs up. \"I will be gone for a while so make sure she is safe and doesn't slack while I'm gone.\"

\"Yes, I will!\" Wu Kong exclaimed in excitement but Little Mei wasn't really happy about it.

\"Are you leaving again?\" she questioned in confusion. \"You just came back…\"

His parents were also interested as Liu Xiaobei asked more specifically, \"When are you leaving?\"

Most of their plans revolved around him after all. It was Xuefeng that was the icon of their Clan.

\"Probably in three of four days. I'm not really sure,\" Xuefeng replied uncertainly and recounted his plans. \"We just finished conquering the Trials and we are yet to use all the rewards we got so we will focus on that tonight. I still need to settle some matters with my wives and then there is the Royal Family issue. I won't leave until we finish with them.\"

The topic quickly changed from his cute talk with Little Mei to political matters.

\"I heard everything from Wuying.


Do you want to take over them in the next three days?\" Liu Xiaobei questioned seriously as he took a sip of his wine. \"I talked with Xiao Feng and we are ready whenever you are.\"

\"Oh, really?\" Xuefeng was surprised, thinking he would trouble his father with this decision but it turned out the opposite.

\"Yes. While you were fighting publicly, we were preparing in the shadows. We already contacted eighty percent of Royal Family businesses and their managers. After recent events, almost all of them decided to join us once the Ruler is dethroned. We made really generous offers to all of them so it wasn't a surprise they would bend. We think the last twenty percent is just a matter of hours. We already sent them offers. Wuying helped us organize everything.\"

Xuefeng turned to look at Wuying across the table and saw her humble smile. \"How did you…?\" Xuefeng asked curiously, knowing she has been with him the whole time.

Wuying shrugged and replied simply, \"I don't need to be present to send out orders and decide on matters. I can spend time with you and communicate with my team at the same time.\"

Xuefeng couldn't help but get amazed. He already loved her dearly but he decided to appreciate her more and reward her later, knowing how hard she worked.

She knew that his gaze meant so she only winked at him and spoke to his father, \"I already sent my men to ask for confirmation from both Spirit Stone Mines' owners and the few big restaurants that were hesitating earlier.\"

As she reported, Xuefeng felt her soft leg touch his own. It crept upwards, rubbing on his calf and then thigh, moving deeper with each second. He stared at Wuying, trying to find her expression change but her speech wasn't even disturbed as her toes landed on his crotch.

She rubbed it in a round motion, teasing him as she continued, \"After today's incident, there shouldn't reject us anymore. We already guaranteed safety for their families and promised to reimburse them double if they suffered any losses during our battle with Royal Family. The approval from the Trade Union to support us and become our main supplier of goods also convinced many shop owners. Manager Wu was really helpful with that.\"

He was forced to pull closer to the table and cover his lap with the tablecloth to hide her shameless act.

\"Cough, what about the public? Do we have enough supporters?\" Xuefeng questioned as he cleared his throat, pretending nothing weird was happening. \"I was preparing the public to accept us and I think it's working really well.\"

His erection was already awakened and growing, not able to handle the teasing. Even though he said no to any activities, Wuying still found a way to start the avalanche. He couldn't stop her, knowing she deserved a reward and also because he sat right next to Little Mei. He didn't want to ruin her innocence.

\"We are ready. We made sure that all your activities were spread to every citizen's ears. We are also opening two more shops with your clothes and lingerie so more people can know us. Our product is loved by all women.\" Mu Lan was the one who answered, trying to involve herself as well. \"If we can claim the women, we can also claim their men. After all, everyone knows that woman is the boss in any relationship.\"

She looked at the women by the table and asked with a smile, \"Isn't that right?\"

Tianshi was the first to reply, showing both sides of the coin, \"Men wouldn't be able to live without their women but at the same time, we wouldn't be the queens without our kings.\"

\"Tianshi knows what's up. You should hang out with her more and learn how to appreciate your husband.\" Liu Xiaobei suggested with a grin but only received a smirk from Mu Lan. \"Don't worry, I will appreciate you really well tonight. I want to hear how you beg me to forget about it.\"

\"Ehem, so we are good to proceed to the last step?\" Xuefeng hurried them, his arousal already reaching the peak. He couldn't just leave it alone to settle down on its own.

\"Yes. Together with Xiao Family, we have enough manpower to secure the Capital from entering into chaos.\" Liu Xiaobei nodded, returning to the topic. \"The only question is when. We need at least a day to prepare.\"

\"How about the day after tomorrow then? The sooner the better,\" Xuefeng proposed.

\"Sure,\" Liu Xiaobei agreed without hesitation, just in time when the food was served. \"Let's discuss the details as we eat.\"

Xuefeng exchanged a sneak glance with Wuying, sending her a message with his eyes to which she replied with the same. She deserved a reward and he couldn't just stay like this for the whole dinner.

\"Ehem, Wuyin—\" He tried to excuse the two of them for a moment when a sudden hand fell onto his thigh, squeezing it, making him pause.

He followed the direction of the hand and saw Tianshi's smile. She extended her hand further and grabbed his crotch firmly, asking him out loud, \"Xuefeng, can I ask you and Wuying for a second? I need to tell you something in private.\"

Chapter 484 Punish Us *

'Do you think you guys can sneak out on your own? You keep forgetting that I know the future.'

Tianshi voice resounded in his mind, at the same time as she grasped his erection through his pants, squeezing it as if measuring how hard it was. Wuying's foot was pushed down but she didn't stop rubbing, giving him a completely different sensation.

'I know that you wanted to reward Wuying for her work but I also did well today. I want to join you guys,' Tianshi demanded firmly, giving him no chance to reject him.

After all, how could he say no when Tianshi literally held him hostage, not looking like she planned to release him without a definite yes as an answer.

'I don't mind. I already figured she would find out sooner or later when I started teasing you.' Wuying also joined in the conversation, brought in by Tianshi. 'It will be more fun if Tianshi joins us.'

Xuefeng didn't need to hesitate at all, knowing there was only one choice.

\"Dad, we will be back soon. You guys start eating now,\" He called out to his father before sending the message to Tianshi, 'Tell everyone I will pay everyone back tomorrow.'

He could feel his wives' questioning gazes but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't take everyone with him else he wouldn't be able to come back to dinner and he also couldn't just leave his soldier like that. He believed he could finish pretty quickly if it was just the two of them. Tianshi kept the iron hot for hammering so he felt confident to start right away.

\"No problem, food won't grow legs and run away,\" Liu Xiaobei replied as he started putting food on his plate. His mother only smiled mysteriously and followed her husband.

'Done,' Tianshi reported after a moment and the girls seemed to calm down. He didn't know what Tianshi told them but if even Nuwa turned silent it had to be effective.

He was just about to teleport away with Tianshi when Little Mei grabbed onto his arm, stopping him.

\"Xuefeng, come back soon…\" Little Mei pleaded cutely. \"I want to spend more time with you…\"

\"Don't worry, we will be quick,\" Xuefeng assured her with a pat and suddenly disappeared from the dining hall.

Wuying followed them right after and all three appeared back in their room. Seeing his change of expression, Tianshi and Wuying ran away but before they could escape him, Xuefeng seized both of them into his arms.


Both of them escaped as he grasped their butts firmly as if he was about to punish them instead of giving a reward.

\"What is so important that you want to talk about?\" Xuefeng asked Tianshi but he didn't let


her speak, letting her explain it through the taste of her lips.

He knew what they wanted but he still had to scold them for how they teased him, giving him no choice in the matter. Unfortunately, he underestimated them yet again.

Tianshi immediately went on offensive with her tongue and invaded his mouth as if it was her home, twisting, biting then taking his breath away. She wiggled, tracing and stroking the top of his fighter, tickled the side, slid through the bottom only to withdraw, tempting him to follow her.

Xuefeng didn't know where her passion came from but she succeeded, making him yearn for more. He lifted them both effortlessly, his daring fingers sinking in their juicy curves and walked towards the bed that was only a few steps away. Too bad, he forgot there was another tease, waiting to torment him as well.


His loving wives synced as if they were communicating with each other and grasped his ears fiercely, jolting him awake with joy. His heavy cry got suppressed by Tianshi's lips as she continued to taunt him, gripping onto his lush hair to control his hungry instincts.

Wuying didn't stay idle, leaning onto his neck, biting and nibbling on his skin, raging with the tip of her tongue that felt like a needle poking his tensed muscles. She kept grazing his pulsing veins with her fangs as if ready to pierce and drain his blood to the last drop yet she shifted away, stimulating his long earlobe instead, sucking and swirling with the tip.

\"There is always a way to avoid no sex ban…\" Wuying whispered, her heated breath melting his mind. \"We just need to make you want it more than us…\"

He quivered, his body trembling and heart tightening. How could he resist such a temptation? His love for them surged with each day and it never seemed to stop.

He wished to explore more, flooding and filling their bodies with his love like water invading river with an open dam. He gave them his whole world, living for them yet he wanted to give more.

\"You smell delicious…\" Wuying murmured as she extended her hand, gently stroking the bulge in his pants. \"We want to taste you…\"

He craved for them as well, immersing himself in the sweet and fresh fragrance, succumbing to their untamed desires.

Once he let them go, the two went wild, freeing him from the restraints of his clothes in the matter of seconds. His jacket was thrown back and two snakes stormed under his shirt, eagerly ripping it apart before claiming the honey underneath.

One kiss after another, two mouths crept to the bottom, grazing and toying the crevices of his muscles while leaving a bite mark on each patiently carved panels.


His belt got blasted apart with one flick of Wuying's finger, exposing him completely but they didn't continue, standing back up instead.

\"Hmm?\" Xuefeng questioned, thinking they would bring him on a magical journey but the girls ignored him, exchanging another series of kisses with him.

Each of them shamelessly pleaded for one, acting void of any restrictions. Their hands already entangled around him, one stroking the other kneading, making him addicted to their touches.

He was completely at their mercy which had to stop before it's too late.


\"Ahh!\" Both of them cried out as he slapped their butts and tossed them on the bed, climbing as well right after.

\"We don't have time, yet you tease me endlessly. Do you think I can't see your ploy?\" Xuefeng scolded, pouncing on them like a lion.

\"Haha,\" they laughed, trying to escape from him but he caught them by the legs and pulled back.

They had no choice but to surrender to him.

\"We have been bad. Please punish us.\" Wuying begged playfully, taking off her top in front of his eyes and squeezed her bare breasts as she gazed at him seductively.

She didn't give him the chance to reject as she took his hand and placed it on her chest, letting him violate it roughly.

\"Mine too,\" Tianshi called out from the side, seizing his other hand for herself, her sexy body fully naked. They were both plump yet tender, making it hard for him to let go.

Before he said anything, he saw them slowly bent their back, once again trailing down on his body with kisses but this time, he felt warm tongues wrapping around him at the rights spot.

He tangled both hands into their hair, one black, the other brown yet both soft and silky smooth before leaning back, letting them do their magic.

Chapter 485 We Can Share **


Xuefeng let out a sigh of satisfaction, quickly overwhelmed with their skills.

\"You got much better… I can tell,\" Xuefeng praised them both, gently supporting their hair so they wouldn't get in their way. \"Your tongues are so…\"

He couldn't find words to describe it, closing his eyes in enjoyment. It was a completely different sensation when two hungry tongues tried to force him into yielding as they roamed with untamed wildness.

\"Well, you make us do it for you almost every night. We will naturally get better with time, hehe,\" Wuying replied with a giggle and continued licking, wrapping her tongue happily.

She joined Tianshi, sucking and playing with the head with their tongues randomly touching. They pushed each other around as their warm tips teased, wriggling on his sensitive spots. He couldn't help but twitch as they kissed from both sides, sucking passionately while stroking with their soft hands.

\"I don't force you to do anything. You guys are the ones who asks for it first.\" Xuefeng acted innocent but he quickly proved them right as his hips moved on their own, making Wuying unable to respond with her mouth suddenly full.

She knew exactly what he wanted so she let him do as he please, supporting him by swallowing his erection even deeper. With each thrust of his hips, he ravished her throat while her tongue twisted and wiggled around his base.

He didn't think he could ask for a better service but Tianshi proved him wrong by lifting herself up and pressing his face against her chest. He immediately sucked on her bare breast before his teeth sank into her with wolf-like sharpness. In revenge, she rubbed his ears, twisting and stretching which made him shiver.


With such double treatment, the spark in him immediately lit up but he held himself back, pulling out just in time.

\"Hehe, are you about to come already?\" Wuying commented playfully, looking proud of herself.

She continued to stimulate him, swiftly sliding with both hands until the surge was unbearable and he was ready to explode. Wuying seemed to be waiting for just that, stroking with her tongue extended, already prepared to devour his seeds.

His eyes were already closed when Tianshi suddenly released his head and dove down like an eagle.


He heard Wuying's cry when he felt wet and warm sensation consume him right before bursting out.

It turned out Tianshi shamelessly swallowed her reward, timely seizing the opportunity. Tianshi's mouth kept filling up with the golden liquid while Wuying watched her in disbelieved.

He recalled how each night there were battles for his seeds with girls going crazy as if they were the most delicious meal. When he asked them about it, they told him the taste was addicting and the boost in cultivation was just the bonus. This was they main reason why they preferred to savour it instead.

\"Wuying, don't be mad. I will make sure there is more,\" Xuefeng assured her, seeing the sad expression on her face. He normally went on for a few rounds so


it wasn't a problem.

Unfortunately, Wuying didn't plan on giving up and ignored him.

Right when Tianshi pulled away, Wuying grabbed his erection and licked the tip clean, stroking to squeeze the last drop yet there was obviously very little left.


Tianshi swallowed, making Wuying turn to her, staring with a viper's gaze.

\"How dare you leave nothing for me. Give me my share!\" Wuying called out merciless and jumped on Tianshi like a viper on its prey.

She grabbed her arms and their lips overlapped together, shocking Tianshi.


Xuefeng watched from the side as they tumbled on the bed, their naked bodies rubbing against each other in a heated embrace. It was a great show to look at so thinking about the all fellow men out there, Xuefeng didn't stop his wives to appreciate the sight in their stead.

Wuying won after a few spins, ending up on top of Tianshi and seized her tongue, trying to recover the most she could. They aligned perfectly on each other, their butts aimed directly at him as if inviting him to take an action.

Naturally, Xuefeng would never reject such a proposal.

He sneaked up to them from behind and smacked Wuying's bottom, grasping both cheeks firmly.

\"Ah!\" Wuying's moan escaped her mouth and Tianshi seized this moment to escape from her grasp, pulling Wuying away.

Xuefeng peeked from the side and saw them stare at each other, breathing heavily.

\"You didn't have to do it…\" Tianshi muttered, wiping her mouth from the excess saliva.

\"You stole my share so I got it back.\" Wuying replied with a shrug. \"We were supposed to split fifty-fifty.\"

\"Ha! I know you wanted to take it all for yourself,\" Tianshi exposed Wuying's plan. \"I only stole from the thief. It's not a crime.\"


\"No more arguing,\" Xuefeng stopped the argument, slapping Wuying's butt once again. \"Sisters should get along else they won't receive a reward.\"

He has been teasing Wuying as they talked, ready to thrust inside her at any moment but he still bluffed. Just as he thought, his beautiful wives didn't risk it and disagreed at the same time, \"No!\"

Wuying even reached out behind her and grabbed his hand, pleading, \"I want it.\"

He didn't let them wait anymore.

\"Yes!\" Wuying cried out in excitement as he pulled on her arm and rammed inside her without hesitation.

Her legs quickly bent under his pounding and spread wider, letting him shove it more smoothly. His fingers sank in the relaxed softness of her bottom as the creaks of the bed mixed with her moans. Each beat made her fall lower until she finally laid her full length on Tianshi, sending sparks throughout their bodies that rubbed.

Wuying's muscles quivered as she suddenly clung onto Tianshi who returned the hug. Even through they just had a small conflict, they were still sisters who supported each other. Both cried into each other's ear as Xuefeng switched every second thrust, slipping inside Tianshi only to return to taste Wuying, trailing back and forth.

The more he toyed with them, the greater his desire to succumb in the whirlpool of passion which they entered every night yet he knew it was impossible this time. Everyone was waiting for them yet he was back in their room, melting his way through his first wives' fleshiest parts.


The moment Wuying's heavy breaths intensified and her voice leaked, Xuefeng went on merciless offensive, pumping rapidly. Each time he smacked her butt, getting more rough and untamed, Wuying tightened and squeezed harder. After so many intimate times with them, he knew exactly what each of them wanted.

Wuying liked to be fully dominated until she surrenders, forced into submission with his raw power while Tianshi preferred it sweet and lovely with his moves more delicate.

\"Hehe, are you about to come already?\" Xuefeng repeated her text from before, feeling she was reaching her limits and stormed violently one last time.

\"Xuefeng!\" Wuying screamed his name and finally exploded, her body pulsing as if lighting struck her.

\"I love you…\" She confessed weakly and hugged Tianshi as if to cheer her on.

She rolled to the side, her belly still quivering with each breath but there was only joy on her face.

Xuefeng was still not done as he immediately fell onto Tianshi without losing his momentum and sucked on her lips, connecting their bodies into one. Slow but firm movement with quiet whimpers, suppressed by their passionate kiss. She loved to have him all to herself but he didn't blame her, also preferring it this way.

Even though it was often impossible, when times like this happened, he could give her his all, making the moment more meaningful.

'Give it to us outside…' Tianshi proposed, her words quiet as if her mind was corrupted by her heady orgasm that came out of nowhere. 'We can share…'

His wives held hands this whole time, making him feel warm on the heart.

'As you wish.'

Chapter 486 Promise

As Xuefeng and the girls entered the dining room, he thought it would be awkward but to their surprise, everyone was happily chatting while eating. They wouldn't notice their presence if not for Little Mei who stood up from her seat and called out immediately.

\"Xuefeng! You are back!\"

Everyone stopped talking and looked in their direction but no one commented on their long absence. He looked at Yiren who probably suffered but she seemed fine, feeding her fluffy bunny on her lap.

\"Xuefeng, girls, come eat before food gets cold,\" his mother invited them to the table, showing a gentle smile and returned to the conversation. \"So do you really think we can allocate some lingerie to your Holy Land? We opened another production line so we should be able to supply another shop.\"

Only then did Xuefeng realize there was another person in the room, sitting on his seat.


\"Yes, Ma'am. I can order our architects to finish the shop by tomorrow. I'm sure our females will love it. They are not really interested in battles or fighting so our auction doesn't interest them. Once we add lingerie for women, they will go crazy for it,\" Tangwei described excitedly.

\"Good. We can settle it,\" Mu Lan decided with a smile, being the one in charge of the shops.

Meanwhile, Xuefeng pulled the chair for Wuying and approached their own seats. There was only one free left so he naturally gave it to Tianshi. Tangwei noticed that and seemed to realize she took his seat as she quickly stood up.

\"I'm sorry. I took your seat. Please si—\" Tangwei acted friendly yet polite but Xuefeng cut her off, putting her back on the chair.

\"You should sit and eat. I'm fine,\" Xuefeng assured her as he reached out for a snack on the table and popped it into his mouth. \"This gentleman will stand.\"

Tangwei didn't argue with him and simple accepted it with a smile. \"Thank you.\"

\"Don't be. You are after all the one working hard. I'm mostly playing around,\" Xuefeng said with a shrug, knowing he was the least active member on their clan.

Thanks to Ling and Ming, everything came really easily so he didn't even need to train too hard. All he did was face slap Royal Family and play with his wives so he didn't pretend he was the boss.

\"What are we talking about?\" he added to move on from the topic.

\"Right after you three left, Tangwei came and we talked about the daily report. Things has been moving so fast that we need to discuss daily,\" Liu Xiaobei explained. \"Do you want us to repeat for you?\"

\"No need. I trust you. Just continue and I will just listen from the side,\" Xuefeng shook his head, knowing he wouldn't know much anyway.

Just as he thought, the stuff they talked about


bored him in a few minutes, making him glad he rejected his father proposal. Xuefeng knew he wouldn't be a good Clan Leader. Being free and adventuring with his wives was definitely much better for him.

As they talked about the business exchanges with the holy land, Nuwa joined them as well, negotiating as the representative of her race. Out of boredom, he started eating until he spotted someone gazing at him.

He turned to the side and noticed Little Mei who turned her head away, pretending she didn't look. A second later, she peeked at him again but this time their gazes met. She didn't look away this time but she blushed, acting as if she was debating on something in her mind.

Before he could question her, she suddenly stood up and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him away from the table.

\"Xuefeng, come with me for a second. I want to tell you something,\" Little Mei commanded without turning back and they left the dining hall.

She halted behind the doors and gazed up into his eyes. She still lacked a lot of centimeters of height to face him properly but she was growing with each day.

\"What is it?\" Xuefeng broke the silence, making Little Mei visually nervous.

Despite the shyness, she took a deep breath and asked, \"Do you remember the promise you gave me…? You said you will take me to the Heaven Realm if I reach Monarch Stage before your departure. Is that still valid?\"

\"Oh, it is, of course,\" Xuefeng nodded eagerly, already guessing what Little Mei wanted. \"I will keep my promise but you should know by now that the time of our departure is closing.\"

He knew she had little chance to make it so he didn't want to give her false hope. It was good to have a goal that could motivate her but he didn't want to use her feelings anymore.

\"Mhmm, I know,\" Little Mei nodded unbothered. \"I just wanted to know if you keep your promise. I'm improving really fast so I needed to confirm.\"

\"That's great. As long as you work hard, there is nothing impossible. You have Wu Kong who can accompany you in training. Make sure he doesn't slack too,\" Xuefeng cheered for her as he patted her head. \"Just make sure you rest too.\"

\"I will,\" Little Mei agreed immediately, closing her eyes in joy.

\"Shall we return—\"

Xuefeng thought their conversation was over and wished to go back inside yet she cut him off, stopping him by grabbing onto his arm. \"Wait. There is one more thing.\"


\"I want to make sure that you will come back home before you leave to Heaven Realm,\" Little Mei stated.

\"You mean after our mission in a few days? Of course I will be back,\" Xuefeng replied without much thought, considering it obvious. \"I won't leave to Heaven Realm without saying goodbye to my parents and everyone in the clan, including you.\"

\"Pinky promise?\" Little Mei extended her finger, similarly as the first time they met during the Spirit Awakening Ceremony.

He smiled from that memory and grabbed her pinky with his own.

\"I will pinky promise only if you stay a good girl and work hard for yourself. Don't cultivate for me.\" Xuefeng gave her conditions to which she immediately shook his hand, not even hesitating.


They returned to the dining hall after their little trade and he obviously received some strange looks from his wives, seeing how happy Little Mei was. When the diner was over, they naturally asked him about it so he recounted what they talked about. For him it was nothing but his wives seemed to be suspicious.

\"She definitely has a crush on you… Poor girl. She will get hurt once we leave,\" Tianshi commented sadily. \"I feel bad for her.\"

\"Me too, but there is nothing we can do. I already tried to prepare her for that.\" Xuefeng shrugged, knowing she might stop training if he rejects Little Mei completely so he chose the lesser evil. \"We will be leaving once we are all ready to advance.\"

\"Yes,\" his wives fully agreed and walked towards the bed as they reached their room.

When he saw their tricks, he couldn't help but grin. \"Talking about this, it's time to train. Don't ever think about going to sleep now.\"

\"Noooo…\" Everyone disagreed unwilling but he quickly shut them down with one argument.

\"Little Mei works so hard yet you think about slacking. At this point, she might even overtake some of you. She is like what, almost thirteen yet she already reached Overlord Stage. She might even join us to Heaven Realm.\"

His wives exchanged glances and they quickly sat down cross-legged, pulling out the rewards from the trials.

\"We will train,\" they announced united.

Chapter 487 Is There Enough Love?

Xuefeng absorbed all nine Elemental Liquids together with everyone and even though the quantity didn't increase by a lot, the quality definitely improved. He also unlocked the last three elements but he was forbidden to use them until Ling finishes creating the three Pseudo Wisdom Trees that they were lacking.

He finished cultivating first thanks to his Spirit's assistance so he had to somehow spend his time as he waited.

\"They are much bigger than I thought,\" Xuefeng commented, gazing down at Ming.

\"Mhmm, they are bigger and softer than normal ones,' Ming nodded. \"Do you want to touch them? You will be the first after a lot of time.\"

\"Can I really?\" Xuefeng asked excitedly. \"What if I use too much force?\"

\"Don't worry. You can squeeze them freely and nothing will happen. They have been with me for a while already and they are still fine,\" Ming assured him and placed them on his palms with a smile. \"Can you feel it?\"

\"Yeah… They are really soft. I like them,\" Xuefeng praised. \"They can actually be a natural stress reliever.\"

\"You can come and play with them anytime you want… I don't mind,\" Ming proposed when the doors to their bedroom opened abruptly.

\"What are you two doing?!\" Ling called out, storming to the room. \"Here I'm working hard to create the Pseudo Wisdom Trees and you are—\"

She paused when she was finishing her sentence, seeing the confused faces of Xuefeng and Ming.

\"We are what?\" Ming asked. \"I'm showing Xuefeng my jelly shells collection. Do you want to squeeze them?\"

She was naturally fully clothed and reached out with a pink shell on top of her palm.

\"They are really nice to touch,\" Xuefeng recommended innocently.

\"I thought you two are doing something naughty…\" Ling admitted the truth, feeling stupid. Although it was her own world, she didn't scan it every second to know what they were doing.

\"Huh? How come?\" Xuefeng questioned. \"We were debating about various arts when Ming decided to show me her collection so I got curious.\"

\"Well, the way you talked— never mind. Let's forget about it,\" Ling tried to explain but decided against it, knowing it was just her imagination that was dirty.

Only when she mentioned it did Xuefeng realize how suggestive their conversation was. He approached Ling and pulled her into his arms, grasping her sexy body.

\"Don't worry. If I wanted to do something naughty, I would definitely call you so you can either join or watch,\" Xuefeng assured, patting her butt with a smile.

\"Dummy…\" Ling pouted but still kissed him, not giving up on just an opportunity. Her mother already watched them kiss before she didn't mind it.

\"So you thought Xuefeng was playing with my breasts, right?\" Ming questioned as she walked up to them from


behind and grazed his back with her nails. \"You know, if you want to see, I can show them to you anytime. They are much bigger than my daughter's.\"

\"Mom!\" Ling called out with a warning in her voice and quickly defended herself, \"Xuefeng said mine has perfect size!\"

\"That's because for men every size is perfect. It doesn't matter how big or how small. They just like them all,\" Ming explained with a shrug. \"Isn't that right, Xuefeng?\"

Ling looked at Xuefeng, wanting to confirm this statement but he only rolled his eyes, not willing to argue.

\"Don't listen to Ming. She is just provoking you,\" Xuefeng commented and smoothly changed the topic. \"Did you already finish with the Wisdom Trees?\"

\"Yes, they are ready to use,\" Ling replied and received an instant reward as he kissed her deeply.

\"Shall we go back to cultivating? I will come back and spend the night with you after we are done,\" Xuefeng proposed to which Ling immediately agreed, nodding with delight.

He gave her one last bite and let go, turning to Ming. \"Be a good girl,\" Xuefeng commended.

\"Is there a reward for that?\" Ming asked playfully but she didn't expect Xuefeng would suddenly go on the offensive.

He closed the distance between them and grabbed onto her chin. \"Reward?\" Xuefeng repeated, looking into her eyes from an inch away.

The cocky Ming instantly froze, looking like she didn't know what to do.

This brought a smile onto his face as he pulled away from her and booped her nose. \"I don't think you are ready for any rewards yet,\" Xuefeng expressed.

He didn't let her come back and simply disappeared, returning to his body. If he stayed, he would see Ming's flushed cheeks as she touched them as if to check their temperature.

To Ling's enjoyment, Ming muttered to herself.

\"Why do I feel like a teenager again?\"


Beep, beep.

As she was cultivating, Wuying heard the notification coming from inside of her Storage Ring and her eyes snapped open. She looked around and realized it was already morning as the sun rays filled the bedroom. Everyone seemed to be still in the middle of cultivation so she stayed quiet as she pulled out the communication crystal.

Wuying stood up like a shadow and walked out to the balcony to the take message.

'Miss, the women you informed us about just entered the clan. We confirmed their identity. We will lead them to the lobby and wait for you.'

One of the guards reported to her as she wished. She was supposed to bring the girls up to their bedroom for the girls' meeting. Instead of flying out immediately, Wuying returned back inside and climbed on the bed, crawling on her fours towards Xuefeng who sat cross-legged without moving.

She paused in front of his face, watching the example of the perfect calmness on his face and took a big whiff of his natural smell. It was a refreshing and clean fragrance, being a bit of fruity, that she just loved to bath herself in.

He knew she was there yet he stayed still which made her happy. She liked to wake him up with a passionate kiss, performing such duty for a while already and that time wasn't different. Just when she melted into his lips, he responded with a soft nibble. His eyes stayed closed as he reached out and held onto her face, pulling it closer.

\"Mhmm… Good morning my love,\" Wuying greeted sweetly when their gazes met.

There were times where she also liked to be gentle and show her loving side. Only he could bring it out from her.

\"Good—\" He tried to respond but Wuying closed his lips with her own.

\"Shhh… You will disturb them,\" Wuying shushed him quietly, pointing at her sisters with her eyes. \"You can wake them up like I did… They will love it.\"

\"What about you? Are you going anywhere?\" Xuefeng asked in a whispered. \"I saw you left to the balcony.\"

\"I will go bring both Lisa and Wu upstairs. They already arrived. I felt to listen to the report,\" Wuying explained as she claimed another kiss and finally pulled away. \"You can wake everyone up before I return with them.\"

\"Alright, go to them. I will handle the rest,\" Xuefeng acknowledged, letting her go.

Her surroundings turned into shadows as she entered into her formless body and passed through the floors, heading down to the lobby.

'Soon, there might be two more sisters joining us… Is there enough love in his heart for us all…?'

Chapter 488 Wifey"s Day

As she reached the lobby level, Wuying saw two beauties protected by two Shadow Guards. They chatted with each other but although cheerful, she could see they were a bit nervous. Wu was more skilled in hiding her feelings but Lisa's anxiousness was clearly visible.

\"Miss,\" the two guards bowed when they saw Wuying appear to which she nodded, ordering, \"You are free to go. Thank you.\"

\"Yes,\" the acknowledged and disappeared without hesitation, leaving the three of them alone.

\"Good Morning, Wuying,\" Wu was the first to greet as she approached her and gave her a hug.

The two already knew each other well as they worked with each other even back in the Eastern Region.

\"Mhmm, morning Wu. You look great in this outfit,\" Wuying responded with the same, hugging her tightly. \"Are you trying to seduce Xuefeng with your outfit today?\"

\"Haha,\" Wu laughed, clearly in a good mood today but she left the question unanswered. \"Thank you.\"

Wuying knew it was after all pretty obvious.

Wu wore a short black dress that coiled around her tightly like an armor. It was made of black leather yet was really soft to the touch. It was sleeveless and the skirt was short but she wore long gloves and boots made of the same material. Her sexy and smooth thighs were bare, exposed to men's gaze. Wuying knew what man did Wu wanted to attract.

Though, the best part in her outfit weren't her legs but rather her chest that even Wuying fell victim of checking out. Her cleavage was deep, reaching the middle of her belly while the leather held her breasts firmly, teasing with the bit of an inner side-boob. If Xuefeng wanted, he could easily slip his naughty hands inside.

\"Are you maybe Lisa?\" Wuying asked as she turned to the other guest. \"Xuefeng mentioned you will come as well.\"

They only invited Wu for the girl's meeting while Lisa was invited directly by Xuefeng so they didn't exactly know each other.

Lisa still seemed a bit awkward but she walked up and bowed politely in a greeting, \"I'm Lisa. Please, take care of me.\"

Compared to Wu who was dripping with sex appeal, Lisa's wardrobe was much more reserved. The only exposed part of her body was the head while the rest was covered by an expensive-looking long skirt dress. It seemed like she wanted to look more feminine for Xuefeng.

\"Of course, I will. We all care for each other,\" Wuying assured, returning the greeting. \"I heard you are supposed to have a workshop assigned to you. Don't worry, I will later personally find something nice for you.\"

\"Thank you. I'm an alchemist by trade. Xuefeng proposed to move me into the Clan Palace and I accepted,\" Lisa explained, acting friendly.

\"Mhmm, he told us,\" Wuying nodded and linked her arms with their own. \"Come, I will bring you upstairs.\"

\"Xuefeng is waiting for us.\"


While the three were slowly walking up the floors, Xuefeng was performing his husband's duty, waking everyone with gentle kisses. It was a hard task to move around on the bed, trying not to wake everyone. He noticed that although it was big, they seemed to lack space when everyone sat down.

'Do I need to get a bigger bed?' Xuefeng wondered as he leaned over and attacked his first target.


She happened to be the closest to him so she was the easiest to strike. He grabbed her gently by the chin and planted her reward for working hard.


Tianshi let out a pleased sound as her eyelashes flickered and opened, gazing at his face.

\"Good morning my wife. You worked well,\" Xuefeng greeted quietly, copying Wuying's style. He wanted to be sneaky, yet he didn't expect she would throw herself at him, tipping him over with his neck hugged tightly.

The bed shook as they fell together, making everyone bounce up and down.

Xuefeng immediately realized his plan failed.

\"Good Morning handsome,\" Tianshi muttered as she continued what he started, nibbling and parting his lips. \"You


always know how to make me happy fresh in the morning.\"

He felt movement on the bed and Yiren's voice reached him right after, \"Tianshi… You are taking Xuefeng all to yourself again…\"

Before he knew, another pair of lips melted into his own and Yiren's soft chest smuggled into his own. Tianshi made enough space for her so the two of them could fulfill their morning desires.


Xuefeng let out a helpless breath and lifted them both as they plundered kisses from his neck, sucking and teasing. They sat down on his thighs, rubbing as they moved and soon two more pairs of soft breasts joined them, pressing on his back.

\"Good morning hubby,\" Princess Shan whispered into one of his ears, giving it a gentle kiss while Xiao Wen explored the other side. \"Good morning~\"

He knew they would be swallowed soon if he didn't do anything as their hands were already stripping his shirt off while the other tried to enter into his pants.

\"I know you all want more but right now I only give away kisses.\" Xuefeng halted their advances. \"Wu and Lisa arrived already. They are coming upstairs right now.\"

He lived every man's dream life yet he had to postpone their morning activities this time. The girls definitely didn't want to hear it but he didn't give them the choice.

\"Come here,\" Xuefeng reached out for Xiao Wen and drowned into her lips before inviting Princess Shan as well. \"You too. Everyone gets one kiss.\"

Knock, knock.

His lips were still locked with Princess Shan when a gentle knocking resounded in the bedroom. All four hugged onto him as they gazed at the doors. He didn't push them away as he also looked, expecting to see the two new faces.

This was their natural form. If Lisa and Wu wanted to join them, they had to get used to it.

\"We are back,\" Wuying announced as the door opened but Xuefeng has already focused on someone else already.

He couldn't lie to himself as Wu's outfit immediately drew his eyes. He finally glanced at her face with hardship and he has drowned once again, this time by her sharp red lips, looking juicy.

'Another demoness came to tempt me…' Xuefeng thought, knowing himself well. 'Hard times ahead… Hard times…'

\"Welcome girls! We just woke up so give us a moment,\" Xuefeng called out. \"Treat this place as your home.\"

He returned to his wives that were still glued to his body and patted their thighs. \"Chop, chop, you are all awake. No more kisses for you,\" Xuefeng ordered. \"We have guests.\"

\"Sigh…\" The girls pouted but still listened, pulling away from him. They left the bed and walked up to newcomers while Xuefeng walked to the last two souls.

Yi was quietly waiting for her kiss, sitting quietly on the edge of the bed so he tilted her head backward and gave her an upside-down kiss. She was the most obedient from them all which he liked about her.

\"Thank you for the kiss,\" Yi said happily, not being too greedy and joined the rest.

Only Nuwa was left to please and he didn't need to wait for her. She stood up first and sneak jumped on his back, shamelessly wrapping her arms around his neck and legs on his waist.

\"Carry me,\" Nuwa pleaded and whispered, \"I will be extra good today.\"

Xuefeng was about to argue but her proposal was really tempting. She was supposed to be a good girl now for the next month but he knew very well it was impossible to tame her so easily.

\"You promise?\" Xuefeng asked seriously as he looked behind him and he received a kiss with a nod.


It was honestly a good trade so he didn't mind. As long as she doesn't bully either Lisa or Wu in the first day, he was fine with anything.

He jumped off the bed with Nuwa on his back and approached the girls.

\"Did you introduce yourself already?\" Xuefeng questioned and all eyes fell on him.

\"Yes. We will slowly get to know each other. Don't worry,\" Wu assured, looking at him confused. \"The one at your back should be Nuwa?\"

He didn't need to ask as Nuwa hopped off his back on her own and walked towards Wu. They stared at each other for a second as if comparing their alpha-ness until Xuefeng coughed and Nuwa reached out with her hand.

\"You must be Wu. Nice to meet you,\" Nuwa greeted with a smile, letting Xuefeng sigh in relief.

If only those two domineering females didn't fight, everything else would go smoothly.

Xuefeng had to release the tension so he entered between them and gave Wu a friendly hug. \"I hope you have a good day today,\" Xuefeng said warmly.

Wu accepted the hug, prolonging it as she grasped onto his back. His hands were rubbing on her back but he stopped himself, pulling away first. He was surprised how smooth and soft her leather dress was, but he couldn't touch her up endlessly.

Wu seemed to figure it out as she commented with a smile, \"It's okay. You can touch freely. It's a rare armor made of rank nine Spirit Beast leather. It's one of the kind.\"

\"I would rather not,\" Xuefeng rejected and replied honestly, \"If I touch too much, I won't be able to stop myself.\"

It was naturally a compliment to her so her lips curved into a smile.

Xuefeng didn't forget about Lisa and pulled her into his arms as well. \"Lisa, I'm glad you came.\"

\"Well… I promised so I came…\" Lisa replied shyly, being a bit overwhelmed. He figured she was a bit introverted but he didn't change the rules just for her.

\"Anyway, I have some matters to do outside so I will leave you all to yourself. Don't kill each other please.\" Xuefeng joked as he slowly distanced himself from the group and waved as he walked towards the balcony.

He heard their cheers as he created his Golden Wings and flew away, disappeared from the line of sight. He turned invisible when no one saw him and returned back, landing soundlessly.

Xuefeng entered back inside and heard the girls discussing their plans.

\"How about we all take a bath together? We can reserve the Palace's public bath all to ourselves,\" Wuying proposed, brushing her fingers through her hair. \"It has been a while since I took one.\"

'Yes!' Xuefeng immediately agreed for them, thankfully in his mind, cheering for this option a lot.

He looked at both Lisa and Wu who had to agree to this decision first. Lisa was a bit hesitant but Yiren hugged her from the side, assuring, \"Don't worry, it will be fun! We don't bite.\"

Only after seeing Yiren's cheering smile did Lisa agree with Wu following right after.



Author thoughts:

Firstly, don't forget to vote <>

Chapter 489 Wifey's Day - Part 2

'Why do I feel like a stalker…?'

Xuefeng found himself feeling weird as he walked behind his wives, heading towards the baths. If he were to follow them all the way, wouldn't that mean he would end up seeing all of them naked? He wasn't worried about his wives but the two candidates that were yet to officially join their group.

'What if we don't even up together?' Xuefeng questioned in his mind. 'No one knows what will happen in the future—'

He contemplated what to do when he paused, gazing at a certain beauty's back.

'Tianshi…' Xuefeng muttered.

No one else knew the future other than her and she was the perfect person to help him.

He didn't hesitate and sneakily approached her from behind. She was thankfully walking at back, giving him easier access to her. He reached out for her hand but Tianshi moved first, catching his own firmly.

'I knew you will come.' Tianshi's voice resounded in his mind. 'What troubles you?'

'Well, I feel bad for spying on you without Wu and Lisa knowing,' Xuefeng confessed honestly, knowing she would understand.

'So you don't want to join us?' Tianshi questioned simply. 'I thought you wanted to know more about them.'

'I want to go but at the same time, I respect them a lot,' Xuefeng explained vaguely but Tianshi seemed to understand.

She rubbed his hand and assured him, 'Don't worry. Let me handle it.'

He couldn't figure out what she planned but whatever it was, she needed to act quickly as they already reached the baths.

\"My Queen, Princess,\" two Elvish guards standing in front of the baths bowed their heads to both Nuwa and Yiren before looked at Wuying, reporting, \"Miss, we cleared the baths as you wished. They will be to your disposal for as long as you wish.\"

\"Thank you. Make sure no one steps inside else they won't leave alive,\" Wuying ordered and invited everyone inside, \"Everyone, come inside. We have the whole bath for ourselves.\"

\"Yey~! Come Lisa. It will be fun,\" Yiren exclaimed, being first to move and she dragged poor Lisa inside, giving her no time to reject.

Everyone else followed after them, making Xuefeng anxious.

'Tianshi?' Xuefeng asked but she kept him in the dark, pulling him inside without saying anything.

The door closed behind them and Xuefeng found himself in the bathing lobby with various bathing accessories they could take. From then on, the lobby was separated into two other rooms, namely male and female changing rooms.

Tianshi took a towel for herself and dragged the confused Xuefeng into the female changing room, together with everyone. There were tens of wooden shelves for them to choose from but that wasn't Xuefeng concern. He could see everyone was already preparing to undress.

He squeezed Tianshi's hand and thankfully, she stopped teasing him.

\"Wu, Lisa.\" Tianshi broke through Yiren's giggling and chatter. \"Can I ask you a question?\"

Everyone paused, especially Lisa and Wu who looked at her. \"Of course,\" Wu replied casually, looking like someone who had nothing to hide. \"I will answer honestly.\"

\"Xuefeng is not here but if he was with us, would you mind it at all?\" Tianshi asked with a curious gaze, releasing his hand beforehand so he wouldn't be caught.

He rolled his eyes, not expecting she would simply ask them for permission.


Couldn't he do the same much earlier and actually be present without hiding? He wanted to slap his forehead for not thinking about the same but that would only make a sound.

He stared at Wu, awaiting her answer and noticed she wasn't flustered at all compared to Lisa who blushed, looking down shyly. Their answer could actually be taken as a confession of some sort. If they didn't like him even a bit, they wouldn't be willing to expose themselves like this.

Naturally, they could lie, but Xuefeng knew them well enough to know they wouldn't.

\"I already confessed my feelings to him before coming here,\" Wu replied first. \"That being said, no, I wouldn't mind bathing with him. If he wanted more, I wouldn't hesitate as well. You and I both know the way he treats women is not from this world. When I stay by his side or let him embrace me, I feel the safest I have ever been. I know that once he accepts me, he will always protect and love me. It's something any woman desire and so do I.\"

\"So true…\" Yiren commented, nodding wholeheartedly. \"Whenever Xuefeng hugs me, I feel like I'm melting… I can understand.\"

Tianshi didn't comment aside from agreeing with a nod and turned to Lisa.

\"What about you?\" she asked friendly, putting her towel on the shelf.

Lisa had her time to prepare but being called out, she got flustered once again. It was after all quite hard to confess in front of other people.

\"I think I would be really shy at first but if it was Xuefeng asking me… I wouldn't reject.\" Lisa expressed honestly after a small pause. \"Though, it's good that he let us have this moment to meet without him. If he was here right now… I would only look at him and our meet would be disturbed… I really wish to get to know everyone better.\"

\"Don't worry, we will have plenty of time to chat. Nothing gets people closer than a hot bath,\" Tianshi assured and slid her flower dress off, displaying an elegant white set, \"Shall we get in?\"

Lisa's eyebrows rose as she stared at her breasts but she quickly looked away, blushing. It was evident that it was the first time she was in such a situation.

\"Let me help you take off your dress~\" Yiren suggested immediately, hugging her from behind to which Lisa tried to politely reject yet failed miserably. Everyone started chuckling at them as they also started stripping to their underwear.

Xuefeng was there to witness it all, feeling much better after hearing the two's agreements. It also got him into thinking, much more than the usual.

'See, I settled it for you.' Tianshi reported back to him. 'You should stay hidden but at least now you know they don't mind.'

'Thank you.' Xuefeng gave her a sneak kiss as a reward. He was indeed much calmer, allowing him to look freely without feeling guilty.

His interest got piqued as the sexy Wu reached towards her chest and slipped her hands inside, slowly pulling the leather to both sides. The dress seemed to hook on her nipples, dragging two softies to the sides but she kept pulling until they finally bounced back.

'She had no bra this whole time…' Xuefeng commented surprised, blinking as if trying to recreate a picture in his mind that he could save for later.

Two bare breasts of Wu jiggled right in front of him but she wasn't done, tracing her hands down on her waists and bent her back, displaying her butt for him to see. The dress lowered by inch with each second, revealing the heart-shaped bottom until it finally dropped.

Only when she straightened up did Xuefeng realized he zoned out for a second. The body that was completely naked in his mind turned out to have a lace thong that matched her lips in color. She emitted with fire from head to toe.

'Impressed?' Tianshi suddenly asked to which he nodded instinctively. 'Very… Uhmm, I mean, she is indeed sexy. Just as I thought from her build.'

He returned to himself, leaving his short trance and realized everyone else was wearing their towels. He missed the group show as he got distracted with Wu.

'It's okay to look. You can't avoid it anyway,' Tianshi gave him justification and suggested while taking off her bra. 'You can touch too if you want~'

Xuefeng was weak to such temptation and before he knew, his hands squeezed tightly. Tianshi turned towards the shelf while temporarily covering them with the towel as she pretended to wear it. He twisted and stroked before giving one of them a bite, sucking blissfully.

'I feel so spoiled…' Xuefeng commented, feeling as if it was his birthday yet again.

Tianshi only smiled and finally wrapped her towel around her chest.

'I told the rest about you. They are looking forward to the bath,' She announced and walked away, calling out, \"Wu, let's get inside.\"

\"Coming,\" Wu nodded, following after the rest.

He planned to wait until everyone is inside when Wu suddenly stopped right in front of him, making his heartbeat enter the race. Her nostrils moved as if she smelled something and began sniffing.

She glanced directly at his invisible face as if she was on a hunt but hearing another call from the girls, she moved on, walking barefoot into the bathing hall.

'Oof… I need to be more careful around her…'

Chapter 490 Wifey"s day - Part 3

Xuefeng couldn't help but stare at the naked Wu as she walked towards the open bath area. Her leg muscles tightened with each step, showing she wasn't just a good manager but actually trained her body as well. If Xuefeng were to touch them, he was sure they would be as smooth and soft as they looked.

'I'm sure she would be down if you asked her. She knows what she wants and her assets are indeed drool worthy. Even I want to smack that booty,' Ming commented playfully, making his mind imagine the exact scene.

'No. I can't do it. If she discovers me, she will think I'm a pervert,' Xuefeng disagreed immediately, smacking himself on the cheeks to abandon his dirty thoughts. 'I do like Wu as a person but I won't do anything unless she officially joins us…'

He was really tempted by her beauty and spicy character but he had to postpone his plans. Imagining the special combo of her and Nuwa pleasuring him together only made him excited. Both were bosses in real life so their personalities would clash for sure, creating a mix even he was looking forward to.

'You have so many beauties as your wives yet you are still looking for more,' Ming snickered. 'Will there be a day you will finally be satisfied?'

'Oh, are you volunteering?' Xuefeng countered. 'I can come to you right now if you want.'

'You won't… Your wives are waiting for you,' Ming called out confidently only to turned silent as Xuefeng questioned.

'Are you sure?'

Xuefeng wouldn't mind to make a move just to prove his point and she knew it.

'I thought so,' Xuefeng commented, hearing no response for a short moment and slowly walking towards the bathing hall. With each step, a new unit of clothing disappeared from his body. Before he reached the baths, he was completely undressed just as one should be.

'I swear, there will be one day I won't hesitate to appear next to you and eat you whole. There is no way you can fight against me once I get serious,' Ming finally responded but Xuefeng didn't think too seriously about it.

'Sure, go ahead. I can't wait,' he replied casually and paused in front of the bath entrance.

He could hear the familiar giggles yet he couldn't see anything as it was fully covered with hot mist. This wasn't what made him stop though. It was the question that Ming asked just before.

Will there be a day he can say he is finally satisfied?

'About your question earlier…' Xuefeng spoke in his mind, already knowing the answer very well.

'I am already satisfied. I am already the happiest I have ever been and I don't think I deserve more. All of you make my life brighter but… even if I'm satisfied, I need to do my best to make my wives satisfied as well. I want them to feel loved and cherished. I feel joy when I know my wives are happy. No matter how many of them I end up having in the end, I will make sure to treat them all like Queens.'

'I know that… I just wanted to tease you…' Ming replied quietly. 'I think you deserve all the love they give you.'

'Thank you,' Xuefeng acknowledged and


finally stepped inside, being done with his speech.

One of his goals was making his wives happy and there just happened to be a few that needed to be satisfied.

He couldn't let them wait.

"Ah, if only Xuefeng was here, I would let him clean my back. His massages are heaven defying~"

Just as he entered, he received his first call for help. He couldn't help but let out a smug smile, recognizing Xiao Wen's voice. Even though she wasn't the most domineering wife, she definitely deserved the award for the most shameless wife.

He walked in the direction of her voice, walking without the use of his Spirit Awareness to avoid getting discovered when he heard Lisa asking curiously, "What exactly is Xuefeng doing right now…?"

"He didn't tell us what exactly he will do and we didn't ask as we trust him," Yiren explained, sounding as if she was next to Lisa. "Do you also want Xuefeng's massage like Wen? The way he massage your breasts feels amazing. I don't blame her."

"Me? N— I mean… If he wants to… I wouldn't mind it…" Lisa answered hesitantly, not as shameless as others. "Is it really that good…?"

"Yiren, you took a shower with Xuefeng recently. You are yet to tell us about it," Princess Shan suddenly questioned, her voice mixed with the sounds of the showers.

"Ah… It was the most amazing experience ever… He left my whole body and mind in tremors… At one point, my legs were already giving up from pleasure but he hugged me into his arms so we could keep going. I remember each thrust, all gentle touches and warm kisses that he melted into me. I still have many love bites from that night…" Yiren described in detail.

Xuefeng definitely got surprised, not expecting she would recall that moment so vividly but that made him happy. He wasn't joking when he said this was exactly what he wanted. To give them the best memories he could.

"It must have been amazing…" Lisa muttered in amazement and confessed, "I'm still yet to experience anything romantic in my life. I have been studying alchemy my whole life. Xuefeng is the first man in my life other than my father who ever touched me."

She seemed to be getting more confident and open after Yiren shared her story so casually. Xuefeng listened to each word as he reached Xiao Wen, seeing her silhouette through the mist. She was using one of the showers from the long row together with Princess Shan right next to her.

Each shower was separated with a wall, creating a small creek, just enough for two people to fit inside. He approached them from behind and saw their sexy curves wrapped with water that streamed down abundantly.

He was honestly proud of himself. Each of his wives was a peerless beauty, making him wonder how on earth he charmed them each time he looked at them. They all surpassed his beauty standard by a long shot.

Xiao Wen's hands run across her body, rubbing from her chest down to her bottom, squeezing and pressing on her butt as if doing some self-cleaning while Princess Shan was bent over like an acrobat, rubbing on her toes and legs.

His soldier immediately stood up as he recognized the familiar scene, waking up from the trance faster than he did. Xuefeng just couldn't look away from them. His desire to take them both right there was overwhelming.

Unfortunately, he wasn't a supporter of cloning himself just to satisfy his woman, so he chose to use the rule of first come first served. Xiao Wen was the one to call for help so he walked up to her first.

He reached to the shower without her noticing and turned off the water. He knew she would discover him right after and he wasn't wrong as Xiao Wen instantly caught his hand even without seeing it.

"Shhh…" Xuefeng whispered into her ear as he embraced her from behind, sinking his fingers into her breasts and teeth into her neck, nibbling on her playfully.

"Mhmm…" She nodded in agreement, acting as if she knew he will eventually come.

She dragged one of his hands down towards her lower belly while reaching behind her back, seizing the soldier in duty. He knew she wanted it badly as she led his fingers inside her, letting him stir her walls into oblivion and she did the same for him, stroking him with her soft fingers.

"I want you…" Xuefeng whispered as he bit on her ear and she nodded once again, slowly leaning forward. Just as she wanted it, he wasn't much different.

He grasped her butt-cheeks, aiming properly and suddenly realized something unusual. He was normally untraceable and even water droplets passed through him as if he wasn't there but he lost this trait after he got in contact with Xiao Wen's body.

His body was now covered with water which created a faint outline of him and only after he released her did he return back to normal. He was glad he discovered it sooner than later.

He turned on the shower to muffle Xiao Wen's moans and rammed into her without warning. It has been a while since the two could enjoy each other fully so he decided to take full advantage of this moment.

Too bad, right after he got into motion like an oiled machine, he heard Nuwa's voice in the distance, causing him to freeze.

"So you are saying you didn't do anything with Xuefeng, right?"