491 - 501

Chapter 491 Wifey"s Day - Part 4 **

'Nuwa… I hope you remember our promise…'

Xuefeng muttered in his mind, having a bad premonition. He was happier when it was Yiren who chatted with Lisa instead. When Nuwa started a conversation, it only meant she had a certain goal in mind which usually didn't end well.

"Well…" Lisa hesitated for a moment. "He was the one who made the first move…"

"Oh, he did? Tell us in details, please," Yiren pleaded anxiously, joining her mother in questioning. "Did you two kiss already?"


Xuefeng took a deep breath, knowing this was not going in a right direction but there was nothing he could do to stop it. Anything he did was already done so he just let the nature take its course as he turned his focus back on Xiao Wen.

Even though he stopped, she continued for him, grabbing onto his arm for support and moved up to her liking. It wasn't exactly fair for her if he left her without finishing the job yet right now they were in a dangerous position. Just one look at Xiao Wen was needed to know what was going on.

A faint silhouette was fiercely grasping onto her soft layers of fat on her butt and her entrance was spread fully apart as if she wanted to show herself to the world. At that point, Xuefeng could as well appear on the scene normally knowing there wasn't much difference and that's exactly what he did. He could only hope that both Lisa and Wu wouldn't use any methods to scan the room.

A part of him was still curious about the situation behind his back so he listened with one ear.

"Xuefeng indeed took my first kiss… But that was the cause of a misunderstanding…"

Lisa's first words made Xuefeng sigh in relief. She seemed to be planning on telling the whole truth which was better than avoiding certain details.

"He thought I was planning on following my sister's example and leave to Heaven Realm… so he forced out the pill I had in my mouth… with his tongue…" Lisa recounted before crying out, "Ah! It's so embarrassing…"

"Hah, don't worry, there is nothing embarrassing about it. We have all been through this," Yiren assured her with a giggle when Nuwa asked once again, making Xuefeng anxious.

"Do you think you started liking Xuefeng because of this incident, because he was the one that took your first?"

To his surprise, Lisa didn't sound flustered this time as she replied almost immediately.

"I was thinking the same which is why I decided to accept his offer and follow him here. I wanted to be sure of my feelings before I give my life to him. Even before the kiss, I found out I like him a lot and I just couldn't wait to see him. I wouldn't meet with him if I didn't like him even a bit."

"Are you sure?" Nuwa asked only to hear a confident confirmation, "Yes."

The tension in the air increased but Yiren was quick to blow it away.

"Mom, why are you scaring our cute Lisa," Yiren complained. "Come here sweetie.


This big sister will give you a hug."

"Uhmm, sure…" Lisa agreed hesitantly, not knowing what trap did she walk into.

Xuefeng didn't need Tianshi's foretelling ability to know the future scene that was about to unroll.

He turned out to be right as he heard Lisa's follow up suggestion, "Since Xuefeng is not here, how about I help you clean properly? I have this really nice product that makes a lot of bubbles. You will for sure like it."

"I— I think I'm goo—" Lisa tried to politely reject yet Yiren didn't let her, cutting her off mid-sentence. "No, no, don't worry. I really don't mind. It's completely normal between us sisters."

Xuefeng couldn't help but turn his head, trying to look through the mist yet it was too thick. He channeled his Spirit Qi into his eyes to improve his vision and finally saw the outlines of their bodies. Yiren was behind Lisa as they sat at the edge of the pool and Lisa was squeezing her towel while Yiren tried to take it off.

"Yiren, wait… I can really do it on my own…" Lisa commented more firmly but Yiren didn't give up. "What if Xuefeng appears here and wants to have some sexy time with us? You need to be properly cleaned for that."

"But…" Lisa seemed like she couldn't find words to fight that argument.

"Trust me. We have done it hundreds of times," Yiren assured once again and finally took Lisa's towel off.

He sharpened his vision to the maximum yet she immediately covered her chest while squeezing her legs tightly before he could see anything. Lisa was fully red when she turned to Yiren and pleaded shyly, "Please be gentle… It will be my first time…"


Xuefeng sucked in deep breath, finding her cuteness almost matching Yiren. He didn't know why his first thought was to move and replace Yiren in this activity. There was something alluring in the concept of being the first to claim her innocence.

Yiren poured some type of liquid on Lisa's back and began rubbing it in, spreading it throughout Lisa's body. When she reached to the front, she pulled on Lisa's hands and commented, "Come on, don't be shy. Let go with your hands. I need to reach everywhere."

"Ahh… Don't rub so hard…" Lisa cried out her complains causing brainstorm in Xuefeng's mind. He was being attacked from two sides with Xiao Wen requiring attention and the girls' scene being displayed live in his mind.

Ah… Ah… Ah…

Xiao Wen moans and tightening with each of his thrusts didn't help with regaining his focus. He realized he has been going hard on her the whole time, pounding without mercy to the point she was already close to her limits. Whenever she was about to reach ecstasy, she shivered all over her body with her muscles twitching from pleasure.

He threw the cute duo to the back of his mind and reached out to Xiao Wen's arms, pulling her up into his embrace. She straightened up as he wished, still connected with him and embraced his neck, leaning fully on his chest.

With one hand he held her waist in place and he wrapped the other around her face, facing her eyes into his own. He wanted to watch her expression when she finally surrender to the pleasure.


She wanted to cry out at the brink on her sanity yet he seized her lips forcefully, swallowing her lovely moans with greed. She wiggled in his arms as she climaxed but he held her in place, continuing to slide wildly until her eyes begged him to stop, to give her a little break.

"Wen, can you lend me some—"

He just pulled out, his soldier still ready to slay when Princess Shan peeked from her shower. She froze, not expecting Xuefeng was feasting right next to her this whole time. He didn't hesitate and pulled her in, quickly adding her to the menu.

Xiao Wen was gasping, staring at him with a loving gaze as he pinned Princess Shan to the wall, lifting her leg and flooded inside her without losing any momentum. She was smart to cover her mouth before that to stop herself from screaming.

Xuefeng was already reaching his own peak yet he dragged it further, seeing the awakened drive in Princess Shan's eyes. She trembled each time he tingled her end, pulsing and twitching inside her as she stabbed his shoulder with her nails.

His ear was being bitten by Xiao Wen which made him struggle even more till he finally exploded, unable to resist any longer.


"Ahh…" Princess Shan couldn't stop herself anymore and let out a soft moan, her eyes rolling with pleasure. The cause of it was Lightning Qi which he mixed with his seeds, making her insides tighten, squeezing him to the last drop.

She wasn't the only one who had to cope with a sudden outburst of pleasure as Yiren had to go through the same, sharing everything Xuefeng felt. She shivered and fell powerless on Lisa's back.

"Yiren… Are you okay?" Lisa asked confused when Yiren stopped moving, waiting for the climax to end.

"Hu…" Yiren breathed heavily and replied as if nothing happened, "I'm good… I just felt like hugging you…"

Chapter 492 Yi"s Feeling **

'Ah… The hot water can be really relaxing…'

Xuefeng thought as he sat in one of the many baths. They were spread throughout the bath hall allowing people some privacy as they bathed so he picked one of them for himself. He needed to soak himself as a break after his quite intense session with Xiao Wen and Princess Shan.

He already knew that once he appears next to Nuwa, he would be seized by her immediately. Once he gives her the chance, he wouldn't be able to escape for a while so he made sure to relax beforehand. His wives were chatting in another pool so he decided to have some time for himself before he joins them.

Unfortunately, he wasn't really lucky with his bath choice as he sensed someone was coming, hearing some gentle footsteps getting closer.

'Sigh, I didn't finish my break… Let's see who is calling to wor—' Xuefeng lamented as he turned around to see who it was but got surprised seeing the person.

Yi walked in between of the baths, looking left and right as if she was searching for someone. He figured she was looking for him but then she sighed dejectedly when she couldn't find him.

She approached his bath, taking her towel off and entered, coincidently sitting right next to him. Yi looked down at her body and squeezed her breasts, showing a disappointed expression.

"Am I lacking something…?" Yi whispered, her voice as thin as a mosquito. "Maybe I'm not attractive enough… Xuefeng… When will you look at me the way you look at Tianshi?"

Hearing the comments about her body, Xuefeng naturally felt bad. She was one of the top beauties in the Capital yet she felt insecure because of him. He couldn't blame her for thinking like that. She was the only woman in their current group that he still didn't physically connect with. How could she feel his love if he didn't show it to her directly.

Although he didn't, with so many naughty nights one would think that is how he showed his love, through physical connection. He opened his mouth to express himself when he halted, hearing Yi wasn't done.

"I'm patient… I will wait till you finally love me… But please… Don't let me wait for too long… It hurts… I want to be fully yours… I want you to be mine…" Yi continued her monologue, unknowingly causing Xuefeng to shiver. "I will be a good girl like you want… I will never leave you… Just love me too… Please…"

"Yi…" Xuefeng finally muttered, unable to stay quiet anymore. His indecisiveness caused her to feel rejected yet she never complained, smiling as they stopped at kisses. If she knew what effects she would have on him if only she expressed herself earlier, she definitely wouldn't wait so long.

Her eyes widened when she


heard him and instantly looked around, searching for him. "Xuefeng…?" she muttered weakly, looking as if she didn't believe what she just heard.

He didn't tease her for too long as his body returned to normal, slowly appearing in front of her view. She covered her face in disbelief, her fingers visually shaking.

"Did you…?" Yi asked, unable to finish the sentence but he easily figured what she wanted to ask.

"I heard everything…" Xuefeng replied in a whisper and reached out, caressing her arm. "I'm sorry."

Yi shook her head and rejected, "No… I didn't say it to make you feel bad or apologize... I—"

Xuefeng stopped her words right there by putting a finger up to her lips and repeated himself, "I'm sorry for making you feel like that… I care for you."

Her eyelashes trembled, clearly touched by his words. He didn't stop at that and slid his fingers down onto chest, caressing her bare breasts.

"You a beautiful, remember that. There is nothing I dislike about your body. I love it all," Xuefeng expressed honestly, brushing his other hand into her silver hair.

He made her look into his eyes, showing his loving gaze and added, "I will make sure you can see my love with how I look at you. Can you see it?"

He closed the distance between their faces and stared at her with a soft smile, their noses barely touching.


"I can…" Yi replied, a single tear of happiness watering her cheek.

Xuefeng leaned over and licked it away before savoring a part of her, warming her lips. He could feel her heartbeat speeding up with each advance and retreat, each caress and whimper.

"Let's do it…" Xuefeng suddenly whispered and attacked her tongue right after so she wouldn't reject him.

She deserved his love. If the only way to prove he cared for her was through making love, he would do it.

Yi panicked at first but then she responded with similar passion, embracing his head in a tight squeeze. They twisted and tumbled on the surface of the pool until he sat her down on his lap, leading her through her first experience.

He led her hand down to his lower belly and she regained her confidence, already recognizing the object of her desire.

"Let me help you…" Yi wished, wrapping her fingers around his sleeping soldier, already familiar with this process. Watching and taking part in daily activities in bed taught her many things, especially how to please him properly.

"I should let you do it more often… Your fingers are really skilled…" Xuefeng muttered as he witnessed how fast she got him ready. "But now, let me take over. The King has to serve his Queen from time to time."

"Mhmm…" Yi didn't argue, letting him lead her.

He lifted her up and placed on the edge of the pool, going down in between of her legs. Her legs trembled when he started sucking and twisting his tongue inside her but he had to make sure she was ready.

Xuefeng could see her anxiousness as he started playing around her entrance, rubbing and teasing her so he assured her gently, "I will be gentle. Just relax."

She smiled at that and nodded, giving him a go signal.

He was about to slowly connect with her when he froze, both him and Yi looking in the same direction. The cause of it was Lisa who questioned out loud, "Where did Yi go? She was here just a moment ago."

Yi glanced at Xuefeng in panic and he gave her an eye signal to talk to her. He didn't plan to stop when they were this close.

"I'm here. Sorry, I need to exchange my towel." Yi shouted back right when Xuefeng pierced inside her without any warning, "I will be back soo— Ahh~"

She moaned softly and quickly covered her mouth to stop herself. Lisa seemed to pick it up and asked concerned, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yes… I'm fine. I only slipped…" Yi explained, locking her lips tightly as Xuefeng slowly penetrated further.

"Be careful. There is water everywhere," Lisa warned and assured, "We will wait for you, don't worry."

"T-thank you…" Yi replied and embraced him, whispering hurriedly, "I'm fine… You can move…"

He could see she was just pretending she was fine so he didn't listen and instead started slowly, walking out of the pool while caring her to the changing room. With each step he thrust deeper inside her but she seemed to get used to it quickly, breathing heavily into his ear.

Although the place wasn't as comfortable, he created a small cloud on the floor, placing her on it and surrounded them with a soundproof barrier.

"Now you can moan as you wish…" Xuefeng whispered as he laid on top of her. "I want to hear them all."


Chapter 493 Serious Talk

"Yi, what took you so long? You were away for like twenty minutes."

As Yi returned to the group, she was naturally questioned by them, especially the curious and cheerful Lisa. She seemed to get infected with Yiren's positivity as the two were the loudest which was quite a transformation. Wu, on the other hand, was much more reserved and mature, rarely talking as if she liked to watch instead.

"I sorry you had to wait. I sensed Xuefeng when I was looking for the towel so I went out to greet him. We had a quick… moment together, so I was late," Yi explained honestly as she clumsily entered the pool.

One could easily see she had trouble walking and her thighs shivered as she moved, still showing the signs of her ecstasy. The girls quickly picked up on it and smiled knowingly.

"Is he still here?" Nuwa questioned with hope but Yi shook her head. "He said he will wait for us in the bedroom instead. He wants us to relax first and take our time."

Xiao Wen and Princess Shan exchanged glances but they didn't say anything, keeping their session with Xuefeng private.

"Anyway, congratulations Yi. You finally got your first time," Nuwa called out, smoothly changing the topic. "How was it?"

Based on everyone's face, she wasn't the only one who wanted to know.

"It was amazing..." Yi replied, going back to that moment in her mind. "He was so gentle and sweet with me. The pain disappeared almost immediately, replaced with pleasure. It felt really good… I'm still shaking from it."

"Mhmm, it indeed feels great. You will slowly get addicted to it. Once you do it, you can never forget it and only wish for more," Xiao Wen confirmed, bring Princess Shan nod as well.

"I think I'm already addicted… I can't help but think about our second time," Yi commented, rubbing her cheeks that suddenly warmed up. "I think I'm really in love with him."

"Hehe," Xiao Wen giggled and patted her. "We all are."

"So sex indeed feels really good… I guess I will only find out after I try it," Lisa muttered to herself, showing a curious expression.

"Nuwa, you said you want to talk about something once Yi is back," Wu suddenly reminded, making everyone calm down and look at her.

"That's right. Now that everyone is here, we can finally have a serious talk between us. It's about you two," Nuwa announced while looking at both Wu and Lisa, "Can you guess what it is about?"

Wu wasn't really surprised and guessed, "Probably about Xuefeng and us joining the group."

"Indeed. As you already can see, there is a lot of us now, already nine. The bigger our group is, the more difficult it is for Xuefeng. It is already hard for him to handle us


all," Nuwa pointed out, gazing at everyone.

"As our group grows, the requirements to join it has to grow as well. In this world full of danger, just loving each other is not enough. Xuefeng doesn't have time to protect us all the time. All of his wives need to be strong and be able to support him whenever he needs us."

She locked her eyes with Wu and asked, "What can you bring to the table when you become Xuefeng's wife?"

Lisa visually tensed when she heard the question, staring at Wu to see what she will say. Meanwhile, Wu was chilling, placing one leg on the other as if she already expected such a question.

She opened her mouth and recounted in a clear voice, "I'm a daughter of the Earth Realm Trade Union's general manager and the first granddaughter of Heaven Realm Trade Union founder who control the trade across many Realms. Aside from the prosperity of Liu Clan in Earth Realm after the cooperation with Trade Union, I can provide free living space, free cultivation resources and connections in all major cities of almost all human-occupied Realms. My trading and managing skills are top notch as well. About my stage and battle capabilities, I'm confident I can defend myself well enough. Since Xuefeng upgraded my Spirit Talent, I have been training non-stop. I think I only need one or two months to reach the peak of Monarch Stage and master my fifth element."

Everyone blinked a few times, wondering if she was joking but Wu kept her coolness, staying serious the whole time. None of the girls thought she would actually go all out like this.

If they were to compare with her, would any of them even have a chance? Only Nuwa who had her own army of three hundred Monarch Stage experts and her own race could somehow compare with Wu.

They looked at Lisa who was as dumbfounded as they were, not knowing what she had to pull out to actually outdo Wu.

"Uhmm…" Lisa hesitated. "I'm a Rank 9 Alchemist… I can make pills…"

Being an alchemist ranked this high was actually a big achievement yet after Wu she didn't have the same impact as she wished.

Lisa couldn't handle the pressure and cried out, hugging to Wu who was sitting next to her, "Waaah, how can I compare with you…"

"What are you talking about? Aren't you better than me?" Wu questioned confused. "You became the youngest Rank 9 Alchemist in the history and earned the respect by working hard. On the other hand, everything was given to me at birth. It was why I decided to move to Eastern Region to earn the respect on my own, without relying on my father."

"Thank you…" Lisa acknowledged that only to hear another question from Nuwa which made her pause.

"Are you ready to put Xuefeng's safety over your own?"

Wu thought about it for a moment before expressing, "Yes, if I know for sure that my life can be exchanged for his own. If there is someone stronger trying to kill us, all of us would be dead anyway so I might as well try to save him at least. I wouldn't foolishly jump in front of him to block a deadly strike when there is a chance of winning. My death would only make things worse."

The girls nodded unanimously to that response, feeling the same. If they died in front of Xuefeng, there was a big chance he would lose his composure.

Only Lisa was left and she seemed to take her time. In the end, she shook her head and replied honestly, "I feel like I want to say yes but I can't. I think I need more time with Xuefeng to be sure. I want my answer to be fully one hundred percent but its not yet."

The seven judges looked at each other as if they had conversation with their eyes and Nuwa suddenly announced their decision.

"We will tell Xuefeng we don't mind you two joining our group. Everything else is on you."


When Yi said Xuefeng moved back to the bedroom, she wasn't lying. He was laying on the bed, thankful that he had Ling who could regenerate his body. He knew he would become a walking zombie.

He didn't return with Yi as he didn't want to oversaturate his sexual life. At some point, too much was too much. If he forced it too much, it would feel like a chore. He wanted to enjoy every session with his wives.

"I wonder how long they will take—" Xuefeng pondered while looking out of the balcony when he saw a blue dragon landing hurriedly, "Drakos? Where have you been?"

Drakos didn't reply to his question right away, his expression grim.

"Xuefeng, I think we might have a problem."

Chapter 494 Problems

"Why is your face so grim?"

When the girls returned back to the bedroom, all fresh and smelling like flowers, they saw Xuefeng sitting on the edge of the bed, deep in thought.

Xuefeng didn't reply but instead looked at Drakos, asking, "Can you repeat to everyone the same you just told me?"

"Well, I was investigating the Hidden Realm we were supposed to explore soon. I wanted to properly asses our chances of conquering it before we would all enter inside and I must say, I don't have pleasant news," Drakos informed helplessly and explained in details.

"Firstly, the amount of beasts inside that Realm tripled since the last time I was there and let me tell you, they are much more powerful. If we were to be attacked by multiple Spirit Beasts at the same time, I doubt we would be able to return alive. I killed a few beasts easily but then accidentally alarmed hundreds of others and they all pounced on me aggressively. I barely escaped from there."

Just the first news wasn't exactly nice to hear but it wasn't a nightmare either.

"So as long as we are careful and don't bring the beasts' attention on us, we should be safe, right?" Xiao Wen asked curiously, not really showing a sign of fear. "Or are they too strong?"

"Their strength improved but are they invincible? No. Can we slowly, move forward, beating the beasts until we finally reach our goal? Definitely. Are there many risks involved with it? Yes." Drakos performed a question and answer quiz for them to speed up the process. "Such method would require a lot of time but it's doable."

"How long will it take?" Nuwa questioned, searching for the catch.

Both Wu and Lisa didn't exactly know what was going on so they only listened, standing on the side.

"I calculated that it would take us at least three months," Drakos answered, confusing everyone else.

What was three months for them, cultivators? Their lifespan was already extended with each Stage they advance.

"Isn't that fine then? Three months is not that big of a deal," Wuying commented what everyone thought. "It is not like we will waste that three months. We can treat it as training."

"Well, and that's where we reach our second problem," Drakos continued. "The time flow in that Hidden Realm changed for some reason. I have been there for only a few hours yet a few days passed in the Earth Realm. I only realized it after I left so I wasn't able to investigate on that. Based on my calculations, the time is almost ten times slower inside the Hidden Realm."

"So basically… If we spend three months there, almost two and a half


months will pass here." Tianshi did the math for everyone.

"Correct," Drakos nodded.

"I don't mind," Yiren called out first as she walked up to Xuefeng. "I will go wherever you go. Time doesn't matter."

"I'm happy to hear that," Xuefeng expressed with a smile as he pulled her into his arms and let her sit on his lap, adding, "But this is not what I was worried about."

He looked at his wives and spoke, "There are matters important and more important. You are much more important to me than some Hidden Realm. I'm not going to separate from any of you for almost three years for any reason. If we want to enter this Realm, we have to go all together. I'm not leaving anyone behind."

He thought about it and realized he wasn't scared of fighting with savage beasts. He also didn't care about the time he had to spend there. The only thing he was scared of was breaking his promise. He promised he will never leave them and he wanted to keep it.

"Isn't that okay then? I think all of us want to come with you," Tianshi commented, looking at the girls. One by one, everyone nodded in agreement, leaving only two, Lisa and Wu who didn't confirm yet.

"Can I know what is so important that you need to enter that Hidden Realm for? From your words I can guess it's really dangerous there," Wu asked cautiously, representing the troubled Lisa as well.

Xuefeng didn't mind the question and patted Yiren's butt, signaling her to get down. He walked up to Wu and uncovered his sleeve. There was a golden bracelet on his forearm which he showcased to her.

He was about to explain when Wu's expression changed. She immediately got closer and grabbed his arm, exclaiming in shock, "Where did you get this?!"

"You know it?" Xuefeng asked surprised.

"Of course I know it! It's one of the Godly Treasures, Elemental Bracelet! I read about it in my Grandpa's books," Wu explained excitedly, scanning the bracelet with her gaze. "Legends say that once the bracelet is complete and you gather all Elemental Stones, you will have the power over all elements. Are you going to that Hidden Realm in the search of the Elemental Stone?"

"That is correct," Xuefeng confirmed, finding Wu's excitement quite interesting.

Hearing him, she hugged his arm into her chest and pleaded seriously, "Xuefeng, we have to get it. Once you become the owner of the bracelet, your path is already destined. If you don't collect all Elemental Stones, the bracelet will kill you."

"That's what I heard," Xuefeng replied casually, making Wu even more tensed.

"Xuefeng! This is serious. We can't drag it for too long. There were many who tried to collect all Elemental Stones but all of them failed to gather them in time," Wu explained, finally showing some emotions on her face. "The bracelet killed most of its owners while cultivators killed the rest. Many want to taste its power despite the dangers it brings."

"How come no one ever gathered all Elemental Stones? How hard can it be?" Xuefeng asked curiously, see how passionate she was about the subject.

Wu glanced down at the mysterious bracelet and answered, "It's because once its owner dies, she explodes, launching all of the Elemental Stones into random Realms. Every time a new owner emerges, he or she needs to find all of the Elemental Stones from scratch."

Even Drakos was surprised when he heard all of the explanations from her. "Girl, how do you know all those stuff. Who is your grandpa? You know more than me about it," Drakos questioned.

"My grandpa is one of the Heaven Realm Trade Union founders. He used to come to the Earth Realm when I was younger and told me many stories about Heaven Realm. He was really passionate about Treasures so we mostly talked about them." Wu replied proudly. "He stopped coming ten years ago so I guessed that something must have happened."

"I don't really know any of them but damn…" Drakos commented before adding as he bumped Xuefeng's shoulder, "She is quite a nice catch. You should definitely get her to be your wife."

"Oh, shut it," Xuefeng scolded and smacked him across the head. "Don't be rude or I tell Yiren to train you."

"What did I do? I was just helping…" Drakos complained but he didn't retaliate, knowing Yiren was watching.

Having Drakos quiet, Xuefeng took Wu's hands into his and asked seriously, "Wu, do you want to join us on this expedition?"

She didn't even hesitate when she called out happily, "You joking? Of course I'm coming!"

Chapter 495 Lies & Decei

Seeing Wu this happy made Xuefeng smile as well but then he realized he did it once again, deciding things without his wives' approval. Thankfully, Tianshi seemed to know his troubles as she reported at the same time.

'We accepted the two of them. The rest depends on how you feel about them.'

'Thank you.' Xuefeng acknowledged her effort, knowing he would be in a dark place without her.

He looked into Wu's eyes and asked just to be sure, "Do you know what you are getting yourself into?"

"I think I know. I can only follow you as your wife, right?" Wu questioned coolly. "Is there a trap somewhere?"

Xuefeng nodded seriously, "Yes. Once you join me, there is no going back. You will be mine forever."

He thought she will hesitate even a bit yet Wu only smiled and replied confidently, "Okay, deal."

She didn't stop at that as she smiled and added, "Also, I forgot to tell you something. My grandpa owns one of the Elemental Stones. I think the only way for you to get it is by marrying me."

Drakos threw his small claws in the air, calling out, "See?! I told you she is a good catch!"

Xuefeng was in shock so he ignored him.

"Are you serious…?" he asked cautiously before shaking his head, "No, wait, don't say anything."

"Why?" Wu asked curiously.

"I don't want any of my relationships to be build based on some kind of a trade. If you were to become my woman, it would be because of our feelings, not because of some Elemental Stone," Xuefeng explained as he grabbed her intimately by the chin. "Do you understand?"

"Mhmm, gotcha." Wu approved and corrected herself with a smile, "My grandpa definitely doesn't have an Elemental Stone. I will not help you get it no matter what. Don't even ask me. I will not agree. Never."

She kept her smile and asked playfully, "Is that better?"

Xuefeng stared at her and finally commented while caressing her cheek with his thumb, "I think that smile suits you."

His comment didn't break her but she did seem happy to hear it. "I will smile more then…"

"My grandpa has been wearing this necklace that had a


red crystal inside of it. He told me it's the Fire Elemental Stone. He was chosen by other founders to keep it safe for the Trade Union and it seems to be their top treasure. I'm sure he will be willing to give it up once he knows I'm with you," Wu explained further.

"Hmm, I wouldn't be so sure," Drakos countered. "I heard all Trade Union Founders are crafty foxes. They didn't reach the top by being fair and honest. To survive in the trading business you need to use lies and deceit. Only after you trample everyone under your feet you will be able to reach the top."

Xuefeng didn't want to agree with it but it was sadly true. This world wasn't that different compared to his Earth when it came to business. If one wanted to be the top, they have to go through a lot of people who often try to bring them down.

"Do you think your grandpa will give up the Elemental Stone for free just because of you? Other founders will never agree. They will try to either get the best price possible or kill Xuefeng so Trade Union can get the Elemental Bracelet for themselves. You underestimate the greed of old cultivators," Drakos added sternly.

"Grandpa wouldn't do that to me. He is a good person," Wu defended but her expression started to change as if she found some sense in Drakos words.

"Maybe he is, maybe he is not. We don't know that. What we know is that there is one more thing that cultivators seek through cultivation aside from power and that is longevity. Every cultivator will eventually die unless they reach the true pinnacle, surpassing the nature and become a Living Spirit. This way they won't need a host to survive and can roam freely forever," Drakos continued.

"But, this method is almost impossible and no one has ever reached such level. This is why cultivators search for another method and one of them is Elemental Bracelet. There is a rumor that once you complete the bracelet, you will become an immortal being, living eternally."

"What's the point of living forever if you can't bring your loved ones with you? I wouldn't want to live in a world without those I love," Xuefeng pointed out, showing his view on the matter. "If I can't grant immortality to every each one of you, I would rather prefer to get old with you instead."

He gazed at his wives as he spoke, receiving a loving looks from each of them. This was how he truly felt and they knew it.

"You are a special breed. Almost all cultivators are selfish and scared of death. They will do anything to get what they want and if killing you can give them the chance for that, they will do it," Drakos concluded. "If Trade Union actually gives you their Elemental Stone, they would require you to pledge loyalty to them and become their dog. There is no way they will do it for free."

Wu wanted to comment on that but Xuefeng stopped her, ending the conversation, "It's enough. We will worry about it when the time comes. There is no need to trouble ourselves with this now. The issue at hand is collecting the first Elemental Stone. We will worry about other eight after we ascend to Heaven Realm."

"Mhmm," everyone else nodded in agreement.

Having Wu settled, Xuefeng finally turned to Lisa and walked up to her.

"Lisa, what about you? I don't want to return after three years and find you already forgot about me. If there is a chance we can have something genuine between us, I don't want to separate now," Xuefeng confessed, taking her small hands into his own.

"Will you come with us?"

Chapter 496 No One Left Behind

Lisa looked at Xuefeng's shining, golden eyes and suddenly felt as if something got stuck her in throat.

"I…" Lisa tried to speak but nothing came out.

Xuefeng expression changed when he saw her hesitating and muttered sadly, "So you don't want to go… I understa—"

"No!" She finally coughed up a word, quickly shaking her head. "It's not that. I really want to go with you. I don't want to be left alone for three years... It's just… that I…"

This time she didn't have any problems speaking. She was just embarrassed, her rosy face changing to a darker shade of red.

Xuefeng seemed to caught up on that and questioned, rubbing on her arms to cheer her up, "What is it? You know you can tell us anything."

Lisa gazed at him anxiously and finally closed her eyes, expressing herself clearly, "I don't know how to fight…"

She didn't open her eyes as she dove into his arms, confessing, "I have never fought, neither I faced a beast… I spend my life studying pills so I know I will be useless for you guys… I don't want to ruin your expedition or drag you down…"

"At least she is sensible. Don't worry, three years is not that—" Drakos commented, causing her heart to hurt and her hug to tighten.


Before he finished speaking, she heard the sound of a slap and Yiren's scolding voice as she bashed at Drakos, "Little Blue! Do you want a beating?!"

"Au! What do I do?! I'm innocent!" Drakos argued right away but Yiren didn't have it, smacking him once again. "Apologize now!"

Xuefeng seemed to be upset as well as she could feel his heartbeat speed up. He embraced her tightly, pressing her cheek against his chest as if he tried to protect her. Lisa immediately forgot what just happened as she spaced out in his arms, enjoying his hug.

"I'm sorry…" Drakos apologized with his voice shivering.

Lisa opened her eyes, curious of the scene and saw Yiren's eyes shine brightly, glaring at the blue dragon.

"Yiren, can you take Drakos for a little walk?" Xuefeng asked seriously, sounding a bit irritated.

"Nooo! I already apologized!" Drakos shook his little head and started running, getting away from Yiren but she ran after him.

"Little Blue! Come with big sister!" Yiren commanded yet Drakos didn't listen, running


away from her across the room. "No! I will be good now! I promise!"

Yiren stopped chasing and called out his name more sternly. "Little Blue."

He finally stopped running and slowly dragged his feet to her, his head down. It seemed like Yiren could actually control the dragon which made Lisa admire her new best friend even more. The two left to the balcony and Xuefeng returned his focus back onto her.

"Don't listen to him. You will not drag us down, don't worry," Xuefeng assured her, lifting her chin so that she would look at him.

She didn't know why but those words made her even sadder as she knew the truth. "I know I will… You don't have to cheer me up…" Lisa muttered with a deep sigh. "All I know is making pills…"

Out of nowhere, Tianshi came up to them and confessed while patting her shoulder, "Lisa, I also don't know how to battle well."


Lisa got surprised, thinking all of them were perfect. "How come?" she asked curiously.

"Everyone in our group is skilled in different things." Tianshi explained simply and started recounting as she pointed a finger at each of them.

"Xiao Wen, Shan and Wuying are our front line fighters. They enjoy melee battles with their weapon but they are also skilled with their elements. They are our main attacking power."

"Yi is a sword master so she battles mainly with her sword, making it four of us who focus on attacking."

"Me and Yiren are not really experienced in fighting but we are great supporters. We stay at the back line, assisting everyone else but we can also attack from range if there is a need."

Caressing Xuefeng's cheek, she added, "Nuwa and Xuefeng are flexible as they can act on both lines. Everyone found their own place. You just need to find yours."

"Hmm…" Her words made Lisa think a little, trying to figure where would match.

She liked Yiren and Tianshi the most so she pleaded, "Can I join you two as support…?"

Tianshi smiled at her softly and nodded, "With pleasure. That would make the three of us."

Feeling like she needed to add something of value, she added eagerly, "I know many antidote Pills so if anyone gets poisoned, I can heal them."

"See? It wasn't that hard," Tianshi hyped.

"I can also create harmless pills that can boost your strength. Most of them lose properties after some time so they can only be consumed few hours after creation. I can make them on the spot," Lisa added, showing a smile herself.

"Yes, that would be amazing," Tianshi agreed, making Lisa even happier. She wasn't useless after all.

"I can also make explosive and poisonous pills that will blow up any beast!" Lisa called out excitedly. "I can do all of it!"

This time Tianshi didn't say anything and only smiled knowingly as if saying, 'I said you can do it.'

Lisa let go of Xuefeng and hugged Tianshi instead, saying genuinely, "Thank you Tianshi. You a great."

She helped her understand what she can bring to the group which helped her regain back her confidence. "Xuefeng, I want to go with you guys. I will be useful," Lisa announced happily, causing him to cheer up as well.

"Perfect. This means no one will be left behind," Xuefeng concluded, turning to the rest. "You know what are we going to do whole day to celebrate it?"

"What?" The girls asked excitedly.

"We will train, obviously." Xuefeng replied with a grin, causing them to sigh.

Before anyone complained, he questioned, "What do you think we would do? We will leave in two days. Did you all finish your training and master all elements?"


Based on their faces, Lisa could see they didn't finish it.

Chapter 497 You Will Not Break Me

When Yiren returned back caring the cute fluffy rabbit, Xuefeng saw Drakos following after her, showing a fearful expression as he looked at her.

"You will not break me… You will not break me…"

He repeated some kind of mantra as he entered, distancing himself from her.

Xuefeng couldn't help but ask, really curious of her methods, "What do you do to him?"

"Oh, I just forced him to be nice," Yiren replied simply, displaying her rabbit. "I asked him to be nice to Fluff for at least one minute. He choked but he somehow said some nice words. I think there is still some room for improvement."

"Just wait… When I regain my power I will find you and eat you alive…" Drakos muttered as he stared at the fluff hatefully, blaming it all on him.

"Little Blue!" Yiren warned hiding fluff from his view, "Do you want another session?"

"I was just joking, okay? There is no way I would ever think of a roasted bunny. Not possible," Drakos defended himself and seeing Yiren's glare, he suddenly excused himself, "I think I will go for some hunting, be right back!"

He disappeared from the room in a swish, causing Xuefeng to laugh.

"Haha, I think he is a lost cause. It's best if you hide your Fluff from him. He is still a dragon," Xuefeng advised and patted her on the head, "Now join others in your training. You are yet to master your elements."

"Yes~" Yiren agreed happily and walked up to the bed, sitting crossed legged with fluff on her lap.

His other wives followed suit, settling themselves next to Yiren and got ready to continue their training. Tianshi seemed to have a different idea as she pulled on Lisa's hand and pleaded, "Lisa, would you mind helping me with my training?"

Lisa seemed surprised by the proposition but she quickly accepted, "Oh… Sure!"

Having everyone working together and being friendly to each other was exactly what Xuefeng wanted. Their group wouldn't work well if there were any internal conflicts so he wished to avoid them.

"Alright! Let's go outside then," Tianshi called out happily and reported to him, hugging and kissing his lips sweetly, "I will train with Lisa for a while. I need to test my arts and I will finish cultivation later."

"No problem. You know what's best for you," Xuefeng agreed without any problems, knowing she got some secret arts to master.

"Mhmm, you are the best," Tianshi muttered and pulled Lisa a bit closer, right in front of him, "Let's go Lisa."

Lisa seemed a bit flustered but she looked up at him and also gave him a hug, "Bye Xuefeng~"

The two hopped away towards the balcony and flew out cheerfully. Xuefeng only waved them off and when the two left his sight, he gazed at the only woman left still standing.

Wu was patiently waiting for him to finish and asked him before he could speak, "Are you going to train as well?"

"I was about to ask the same question," Xuefeng replied, not really sure what Wu needed to train. "I was thinking of training my


swords arts."

Ming already mentioned about it before and he was yet to train all the moves, not mentioning about mastering them. If he wanted to bring out the most power out of those arts, he would have to spend some hours to perfect them.

"How about I join you?" Wu suggested, looking really eager to spend more time with him.

Xuefeng didn't really mind, replying, "I mean, sure. You can be my sparing partner if you want to."

"I would love to," Wu nodded and shamelessly wrapped her fingers with his own as if it was natural between them. "You have a really soft hands."

"Yours are much softer," Xuefeng complemented back without shying away, and pulled her towards the balcony as he called out to the girls, "I will go train with Wu. I will come back and check on you soon so no slacking, okay?"

"Okay~��� His wives agreed in unison, focused on their own job.

Once couldn't master all elements as simply as he did but thanks to the Wisdom Trees and their unlimited supply of Elemental Essences, they could still speed up the process. As long as they mastered at least one additional Element, it would give them more advantage in the Hidden Realm later.

As he pulled Wu outside, he listened to Ming who began telling him about the arts she prepared for him.

'The Swords Arts I taught you earlier were only the basic movements but now I will teach you the seven main Swords Arts of the Sword God. They were his pride and joy, allowing him to conquer anyone he wanted so I'm sure you will love those,' Ming hyped before finally explaining.

'If they were just normal Sword Arts, I wouldn't bother telling you about them but Sword God was the first to implement Elemental Qi into his Sword Arts. You will need to master your Ether Qi first before we start. I asked Ling to start working on it for you.'

'Right, I still have this one last Element to master and then I should have all nine, right?' Xuefeng questioned before counting it on his own. 'Yeah, I only need this last one. I always wanted to test what will happen once you have all nine elements.'

Ming was quickly to ruin his dreams, 'Nothing will happen for you actually. Don't you already have Fate Qi? You will be able to create Fate Qi using all nine elements but that's pointless for you. To regain your lost Qi you will use Fate Qi again so it's like an endless circle. If you were a normal human tho, that's a completely different story.'

'Then what I was excited for this whole time?' Xuefeng questioned, suddenly feeling stupid but he didn't receive a reply as Ming reminded him, 'Your new wifey is calling to you.'

He quickly regained his consciousness and looked at Wu, realizing he got distracted with Ming.

"Xuefeng, are you there?" Wu asked with a smile, squeezing his hand.

He wanted more smiles and she seemed to be following his wish.

"I'm sorry, I spaced out.What did you ask?" Xuefeng apologized. "I was talking with my Spirit for a moment."

"I was asking if you already got yourself a better sword. I recalled you are still using that old one you got in the Eastern Region," Wu repeated, not minding his clumsiness.

"No, I didn't find time to exchange it for something better. I wanted to make my own but I doubt I will have the time to learn Artefact Crafting before we leave," Xuefeng admitted. "Do you want to help me choose one?"

"I was about to say that. We can visit Trade Union to get you a Sword you deserve," Wu suggested and asked curiously, "By the way, you said something about Spirits. You have a Spirit?"

"Oh, right. You don't know anything yet," Xuefeng realized she might have been clueless about Fate Spirits. "Yes, the few of us have Spirits called Fate Spir—"

He wanted to enlighten her a bit, knowing she would be part of them now, but she suddenly approached him and placed her finger on his lips, stopping him. She hugged his neck gently and pressed her chest against his own.

"You can explain it to me on the way… What do you think?" Wu proposed, not really giving him the chance to reject.

With her sexy body glued to him, there was very little chance he wouldn't embrace her. His arms moved in their own and he held onto her slim waist, securing her in place.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Xuefeng asked calmly, feeling her fingers brush into his hair.

"Is it working?" Wu didn't deny it.

He didn't reply but instead spread his wings, ready to launch. She definitely asked for it herself so he didn't restrain himself, slipping one hand onto her bottom and squeezed to feel her texture.

Seeing her smirk, he cleared his throat and explained himself casually, "Cough, I just don't want you to fall. I need to make sure I support you well."

"Of course. I understand," Wu nodded and leaned over to whisper into his ear.

"You can do it whenever you want from now on…"

Chapter 498 Different Side

"So you are really one of them…"

Wu muttered surprised after hearing Xuefeng's explanation.

"It's not just me. Tianshi, Yi, Xiao Wen and Yiren are the same. They also have a Fate Spirit inside them. I still want to find Fate Spirits for everyone else," Xuefeng added, hovering above the capital.

He didn't want to share such stuff to anyone else so he made sure there was no one around them when he started.

"I heard about it from my grandpa. My father also mentioned it. When I first met you, I kind of knew you are one of them but now it's confirmed," Wu nodded, their faces almost touching together. "Your achievements were just too good for them to be performed by someone normal. You needed to have something special. This was the main reason I kept close relations with you all this time."

"So it wasn't for my perfect looks and muscular body?" Xuefeng joked with a grin but Wu replied seriously, "No, it wasn't. Back then I was only interested in business but the more I saw and thought, I realized you have exactly what I search in a man. Although you are younger than me, age doesn't matter for us cultivators as out lives are long enough."

"To be honest, you don't look old at all. I thought you are still in your twenties when I first met you." Xuefeng complimented honestly. "I find you really beautiful and sexy."

This comment brought out a smile from her and she replied as she caressed his cheek, "I figured you liked it. After all, you have not let go of my butt since we left the palace. Is it really that nice?"

"It is really soft and squishy. I like it," Xuefeng admitted shamelessly and gave her another squeeze, using more strength than usual. "I grab it because I can. Didn't you tell me to do it whenever I want?"

"I indeed said that and I don't mind it at all. I asked because I wanted you to admit it," Wu explained with a smile, booping his nose playfully. ��I forgot to tell you that I'm an all or nothing woman."

"What does that mean?" Xuefeng asked curiously, watching her teeth bite on her bottom lip.

He knew she did it on purpose to entice him yet he couldn't help but step into her trap.

She neared his face, staring deeply into his eyes and muttered alluringly, "It means when I set my mind on something or someone, I never give up. I will either ride or die, there is nothing in between."

"So you are saying you want to ride…?" Xuefeng repeated, his mind already creating naughty scenarios of the two of them.

"Mhmm, I do…" Wu confirmed, rubbing the tip of her nose against his own.

She knew they were all alone in the sky. There was nothing and no one who could disturb her.

"Well… There just happens to be a free seat in my wagon. Do you want to ride with me?" Xuefeng asked, playing along with her.

"I would love to, but all the seats next


to you are taken… Can I ask ride on you?" Wu pleaded softly and kissed him on the cheek, whispering into his ear, "I promise I don't take a lot of space…"

She returned back to the front but Xuefeng's answer didn't came in the form of words but instead, he leaned forward and gave her what she wanted this whole time, hinting him with her body language.

Her response of tightening her arms around his head confirmed his guess. She wanted to experience his lips so he fulfilled her wish.

"Mhmm…" Wu let out the sound of pleasure, clearly liking his lead when he suddenly folded his wings, letting them free-fall.

Their lips stayed connected, bodies tangled together as they began to tailspin with their heads down. It was the best feeling Xuefeng liked to enjoy while flying so he wanted to share it with Wu. He always wanted to go skydiving back on Earth but his parents forbid him. Now he was flying with his own wings and beauty in his arms.

Wu was fully dependent on him, not even using her Spirit Qi to support herself so when they approached earth at such speed, she naturally tensed. She squeezed his neck tightly as if scared she will fall yet how could he let anything happen to her?


Just when they were about to hit the ground, Wu exclaimed, closing her eyes to face the impact and Xuefeng finally spread his wings again, catching wind into his wings. He flew in between of the buildings and bounced back in the sky, leaving only a small golden trail behind him. They were so fast that he doubted anyone saw them clearly.

"Did I just hear scream from your mouth?" Xuefeng teased when he finally stabilized their flight, slowing down.

"You are a bully…" Wu muttered cutely, hiding her face in his neck.

"Hehe, I thought you will like it. Did you?" Xuefeng asked with a giggle, rubbing her back with care. He didn't expect she would be so scared.

"I didn't…" Wu muttered again, almost as quiet like a mosquito.

He pretended he didn't hear her and called out, "Oh, you liked it? Let's do it again then!"

"No!" Wu cried out immediately, pulling away to face his face. What she saw was a playful smile of his as he was obviously joking.

"Why is your face so red?" Xuefeng teased, seeing the rare rosiness on her cheeks.

Wu pouted and showed her cute tongue, calling out upset, "Bully!"

"Haha, I hear that every day," Xuefeng replied in laughter and assured, "Don't worry, I would never cause you any harm. You should trust me more."

"It's not that I don't trust you. Anyone would get tensed when they fall head-first to the ground. It's not like I'm the weird one," Wu explained herself, hugging him again. "Don't fly too fast now…"

"Alright, we will fly safely from now on," Xuefeng agreed, finding her really cute all of a sudden.

He realized he still had a lot to discover about her as there were many sides of her she didn't show yet.

"I liked the kiss," Wu expressed as they gradually flew down towards the Trade Union Headquarters. "I thought you will never kiss me."

"Why would you say so?" Xuefeng questioned curiously. "Isn't that normal?"

"Yeah but everything happened so fast. I thought you might need time. After all, you are a person who wouldn't kiss someone they don't have feelings for," Wu answered happily. "If you kissed me, it means you like me which makes me happy. Thank you."

"It is hard not to like you Wu," Xuefeng said honestly. "Also, you already joined our group which means you are my woman. I would never let another man into our group which means I'm your only choice. You can only be mine."

"Mhmm, I understand," Wu nodded, giving him a kiss on the cheek and suggested as she laid her head on his chest. "Let's go to the Trade Union."

If Xuefeng ever decided to travel with a male friend, this would only create many problems. Unless he was gay, he wouldn't be able to hold himself back with so many beauties around him. Another thing was, Xuefeng liked his privacy. He didn't want to wonder if his male friend is watching whenever he wants to kiss or hug his wives.

As they were approaching the building, Wu stopped clinging to him, reverting back to businesswoman Wu and pointed out, "I'm still yet to tell my parents about us. I wonder what they will say."

"Wait, we are meeting your parents now?" Xuefeng asked surprised. "You didn't tell me earlier."

"Oh, my bad. I thought it was obvious. My father is in possession of the best gear in the Trade Union. If we want to get you a nice sword, we can only go to my father," Wu explained calmly. "The Spirit Artefacts we display to normal customers can't compare to our top gear."

"I hope you don't mind?" she added.


Xuefeng took a deep breath, not expecting he would have to meet with her parents so fast. He wasn't mentally prepared for that but he still shook his head.

"I don't. Let's go in."

Chapter 499 Unexpected Gues

"Miss Wu."

As they walked through the Trade Union Headquarters, all servants, workers and managers bowed their heads politely as if she was the Queen of this establishment. It wasn't that far from the truth as Wu indeed handled almost everything since she returned to the Capital.

She didn't mind what other people say about her so she walked next to Xuefeng with their fingers wrapped together, publicly displaying that he was someone she chose.

Unfortunately, even if she was the Queen, she didn't have the access to every room.

"I'm sorry Miss, your father ordered us to not let anyone inside as he is greeting a very important guest. He even created a barrier surrounding his room to make sure no one disturbs him," one of the familiar Family Guards stopped them in the tracks right in front of her father's office.

A shiny golden barrier covered the doors, looking thick and sturdy. It was her first time seeing such a barrier which made her frown.

"Did he tell you that even I can't enter inside?" Wu asked sternly, making the guard visually tense.

"No Miss… He didn't say that…" the guard replied anxiously. "I'm sure Miss can enter whenever she wants… It's just that we can't open the barrier for Miss."

"Don't worry about it. Move back," Wu commanded and the guards walked away, creating a secondary blockage behind them that gave them a free space between them and the doors.

She pulled Xuefeng with her and touched the barrier. It was really smooth to the touch, buzzing as she felt it.


Just as she was about to take her hand away, she exclaimed as if hand got shot by lightning, quickly taking it back. She felt a sharp pain on her palm so she quickly checked it out.

There was a black spot on her palm as if her skin got completely charred. The pain got quickly unbearable, causing her to suck in cold breath but it lasted only for a moment. Before she could think of a solution, Xuefeng grabbed her hand and she felt a refreshing energy sink into her body.

In less than a second the burned skin fell off, replaced by a new, perfectly smooth skin.

"Dummy, why are you so careless. Didn't your mom teach you shouldn't touch unknown barriers? It's obviously not a normal barrier," Xuefeng scolded, giving her a stare.

She immediately felt like a little kid, not knowing what to say. She didn't expect her father would set up an attacking barrier that could hurt her like that.

Xuefeng's expression softened when he saw her saddened expression and he rubbed her cheek to cheer her up. "Are you okay? Does it still hurt?" he asked softly with care in his voice.

The guards were watching them, looking like they wanted to help after hearing Wu's cry but before they could even do anything, the crisis ended, forcing them to cease their actions.

"I'm fine already. Thank you for taking care of this dummy…" Wu muttered, leaning on his hand before giving the guards a side look.

They swiftly turned around, minding their own business.

"Tell them to leave and


come back after five minutes. They are not needed here. The barrier is stronger than the one surrounding Central Region. If someone who can destroy it comes by, they won't be able to stop him anyway," Xuefeng suggested, giving her a wink.

She didn't hesitate and called out to the guards, "You heard him. Leave and come back in five minutes."

"Yes, Miss," the guards bowed without questions and walked away, leaving the two alone.

Right after they disappeared, Xuefeng asked with a smile, "Do you want me to open those doors?"

"Can you do it?" Wu asked back surprised, knowing very well how sturdy the Central Region Barrier was.

Even if she used her best attack she wouldn't even graze it, not mentioning destroying it.

Xuefeng only smirked and questioned, "Is there something your man can't do?"

He rubbed her cheek once again and walked up to the barrier, touching it.


The golden doors buzzed and lightning shot at him yet Xuefeng didn't even move, taking it like a boss. The lightning continued to strike but instead of hurting him, it gathered on top of his skin, dancing around. Xuefeng only giggled as if it just tickled him, playing with the lightning on top of his palm.

"Whoa…" Wu muttered impressed, realizing the gap between them.

She finally understood why the girls were training so hard. If Xuefeng was so strong right now, he would quickly get away from them, leaving them behind. The only way for them to stay with him was becoming stronger and do their best to keep up with him.

'I need to train harder too…' Wu thought, her motivation sky-high.

"This barrier was made with Fate Qi. It seems like it was created by the guest of your father. I can neutralize it easily," Xuefeng explained as he finally stopped playing and pulled up his sleeve, displaying the golden bracelet on his forearm.

Xuefeng gave her a smile and the bracelet melted on her eyes, covering his arm with a golden liquid in the form of a gauntlet. Wu couldn't describe how excited she was, her mouth wide open and eyes glued to his arm.

He reached out to the doors and the barrier got sucked in by the gauntlet, creating a big hole. In the end, the barrier broke and suddenly disappeared, allowing the doors to be opened again.

Xuefeng canceled the gauntlet, reverting it back to its physical form and asked like a gentleman, "My Queen, shall we go inside?"

She smiled shyly as she approached him and hugged onto his arm.

"Yes, my King," she replied in the same style, feeling like a teen in love.

When Xuefeng opened the doors, she saw the interior of the familiar office and her father, sitting on the main seat behind his desk. He seemed to have expected their arrival as he was staring at the door in silence, his expression calm.

"Dad? Is everything alright?" Wu asked with a frown, knowing very well something was up. "Why did you close yourself?"

She knew his father very well. He was always cheerful and playful but whenever something troubled him, he was calm and collected as if looking for a solution.

He didn't say anything and instead gazed at Xuefeng's arm she was holding, visually paling afterward. His usual rosy cheeks turned white and he glanced at the seat in front of him as if looking for advice.

Wu sensed trouble but she didn't let go of Xuefeng, getting a lot of courage from him. She didn't need to wait for too long to find out who the guest was as the chair rotated and the person showed himself, shocking her.

"Grandpa!" Wu exclaimed, seeing the familiar face of her grandpa. "When did you came back?!"

Lush and waist-long back hair with no white strands at all, firm skin, muscular and fit body. Despite an old age, his looks didn't change at all since she was born, showing how long the lives of top cultivators could be.

"My dear granddaughter. I'm sorry I didn't visit you first. I had something to discuss with your father," her grandpa called out, smiling warmly. "I was going to meet you right after your father. It's good that you came on your own. We were just talking about you."

His body was covered with a thin layer of golden hue which signaled he was in his avatar form, the only way to visit the Earth Realm. Aside from that, there was a small red crystal hanging down his neck just as Wu described. It had the perfect size to fit inside his bracelet sockets.

Her grandpa stood up full smiles and spread his arms, asking, "Why didn't you hug your grandpa yet?"

Wu wanted to walk forward and hug him like she used to but then she realized something, holding her back. There was no way her grandpa didn't see how Xuefeng destroyed his barrier using the one and only Elemental Bracelet. How come he was not freaking out or getting all excited?

"I'm sorry grandpa, I'm with someone. I can't leave him." Wu played it save and introduced Xuefeng.

"This is Liu Xuefeng, the person I chose to be my life-long partner."

Chapter 500 Unexpected Guest - part 2

She didn't take her eyes off her grandpa and just in case, she moved a bit forward, trying to protect Xuefeng with her own body.

Just as she thought, both her grandpa and father were not satisfied with it. Grandpa's smile disappeared at that moment as he ordered, "Little Wu, come to me. There is something I want to tell you."

Wu didn't move, recalling what they talked about back in the bedroom and with how her grandpa acted, she immediately realized what he wanted to do.

"No. I'm not moving. If you want to tell me something, do it from there. Xuefeng is my man. Whatever you say, he shall know it too," Wu replied sternly.

She was slightly mad and disappointed at her grandpa. She didn't expect his first idea would be this. He didn't even glance at Xuefeng from the moment they entered the office as if Xuefeng was non-existent for him. It could only mean one thing.

Xuefeng was already a dead man to him.

Her grandpa gave her a stare before sitting back down on the chair, showing a smile. "My granddaughter is really smart. Too smart and too beautiful to be a side character. You know that, right?" her grandpa asked, rubbing his chin with interest as he looked at them.

It was the first time he finally looked at Xuefeng, looking him up and down before stopping at his arm that had the bracelet hidden under his sleeve.

"So you are the boy that claimed my granddaughter's heart," Grandpa continued. "You do realize what you have on your arm is something that many would kill for?"

Wu looked at Xuefeng's face in worry, knowing what her grandpa was implying but he didn't seem to be worried, casually smiling.

"Let me guess, you plan to do exactly that and kill me before gifting the bracelet to your granddaughter. Am I right?" Xuefeng finally spoke, exposing what Wu wanted to say without hesitation.

To her surprise, her grandpa didn't get angry and instead nodded, confirming, "That is correct. I do plan to kill you for the bracelet. My granddaughter is only stalling the inevitable. You being calm despite knowing it shows you are not a weakling. I respect that."

For Wu it was like spitting on her face so she immediately shouted angrily, putting on her defensive mode. "Grandpa! What are you talking about?! If you want to kill him, you will have to kill me too!"

She stood in front of Xuefeng with her arms extended to the sides and glared at her grandpa as if saying, 'Ain't nobody touching my man.'

Her grandpa didn't seem to care much and explained, "Little Wu, did you forget what I told you about this bracelet? The only reason I told you was because I have always wanted to gift it to you. I was searching for it everywhere in the Heaven Realm the past few years which was why I stopped visiting you."

He switched his gaze onto Xuefeng's arm and continued with a smile, "Who would have thought it was in the Earth Realm this while time? Now that it's here, I can finally groom you to become the greatest cultivator of all times. With the help of Trade Union, you would receive resources and information about all Elemental Stones, allowing you to claim them much easily.


The whole time I spent expanding Trade Union's influence was exactly for this moment. Don't you understand it?"

"Did you even ask me if that's what I want? The answer is no, I don't." Wu felt like she was about to go crazy. In her mind her grandpa was someone she idolized all those years yet now all of that disappeared, bursting like a bubble.

She wanted to rage more when Xuefeng hugged her from behind, giving her a kiss at the back of her hair and lowered her hands. "Wu, don't worry, nothing will happen to me," Xuefeng assured, holding her still. "Calm down for a second."

Hearing his calm voice and feeling his warm embrace indeed helped her, allowing to let out all negative emotions with a deep breath.

He rubbed her arms and suggested, "Don't be mad at your grandpa. He is not that bad. He knows how much power does the Elemental Bracelet have and wants the best for you. Just the idea of him searching many years for it should be enough to prove his love for you."

"Mhmm…" Wu agreed, also thinking it was nice of him. If he was greedy and selfish, he wouldn't care about her and simply take it for himself.

Xuefeng switched to massaging her on the shoulders and continued, "We already talked about this before. He naturally doesn't know much about me so he is making this decision based on what he knows. Right now his priority is securing the best possible future for you and he doesn't care about consequences. Just like many parents, he thinks he is doing good to you, thinking you will understand why he did it later but he makes a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes."

"So, don't blame him too much, okay?" Xuefeng added, turning her around to look at him.

He showed a gentle smile that made it hard for her to reject him.

"Okay, I won't," Wu accepted, hugging him tightly.

With how calm Xuefeng was, she decided to trust him.

Her grandpa stared at them, deep in thought and finally asked while looking at Xuefeng, "Do you really think I will spare you after your speech?"

Before Xuefeng could reply, her own father voiced out his opinion, asking her, "Wu, don't you want to take this chance and become the biggest cultivator in the Heaven Realm? You can make a mark in the history instead of being a side character and be forgotten. Once you are strong enough, there will be many who will—"

"Okay, hold up," Xuefeng cut her father off in the perfect moment before she could do it herself. "You both talk all this crap while forgetting one of the most important facts."

"And that is?" Grandpa's eyebrows rose in question.

"You forget the fact that you need to somehow kill me to get the Elemental Bracelet. Do you really thinking you can do that, Sir?" Xuefeng explained politely and suddenly released her, distancing himself from her. "Come at me. You were worried you will damage your granddaughter yet now I'm all alone now. Show me what you got."

Xuefeng put his arms behind his back and just stayed there, smiling. Her gaze bounced from the two of them, watching the two anxiously as she didn't know what to do. She wanted to protect Xuefeng yet he released her on purpose. She didn't want to disturb whatever plan he had in mind.

Wu expected some action yet after nothing happened for a while until she noticed something changed in her grandpa's expression. He frowned and looked down at his hands as if they didn't listen to his order.

"What happened? I thought you wanted to kill me?" Xuefeng provoked, walking up closer. "Weren't you so sure you can easily kill me? Prove it. I'm waiting."

Her grandpa slowly opened his mouth and stuttered, having problems with his speech, "W-what did you do…?"

Xuefeng grinned to that and finally reached her grandpa's chair. He placed his hand on its armrest and asked while staring into his eyes, "Do you really think your granddaughter is blind and would pick a weakling as her lover? I don't like to brag but I don't have competition left in the Earth Realm. If I can beat anyone under God Stage, do you think you can kill me with a mere avatar?"

Grandpa didn't reply to him, so Xuefeng walked away, no longer bullying him.

He clicked his fingers on the way back and her grandpa regained movement. Naturally, he didn't attack and instead stared at Xuefeng's back with curious expression.

"I will take good care of your granddaughter, don't worry," Xuefeng assured as he embraced her waist and warned without looking, "You are my family now so I will only give you a warning but next time you try to take her away from me, I won't hesitate and kill you."

"You have balls…" Grandpa finally commented, not showing ill intentions anymore. "How did you know the weakness of my avatar?"

"Its not really a secret. Avatars are made from Qi. You can perform your arts but your consciousness is weak. You can never win against me," Xuefeng explained with a shrug and gazed at the Fire Stone. "I will come to claim that stone when we enter Heaven Realm. If I win against you, the stone is mine and you will assist me in gathering the rest. If you win, the Elemental Bracelet will be yours."

"Deal. I will wait then," Grandpa agreed without hesitation and turned to her father. "I will be going now. My time is limited. Tell her what we talked about earlier."

Her grandpa's body dimmed when he looked back at her and she heard his last words before he disappeared.

"Little Wu, don't blame me. He made this choice himself."

Chapter 501 Holy Tournamen

"Dad, explain yourself. What is the meaning of this?"

With her grandpa gone, Wu turned to her father, expecting an explanation. Xuefeng knew she wanted to have a wholesome meeting, trying to introduce him to her family yet they tried to kill him instead. How could she ever trust them in such case?

She didn't seem to realize the importance of this talk, talking through his anger so Xuefeng hugged her again, trying to calm her down.

"Wu, it's alright. They did what they thought was best for you. They were wrong but everyone makes mistakes," Xuefeng assured her, wrapping his arms around her.

Wu used to calm much faster in his embrace and it worked once again, bringing out a sigh from her. Although it was awkward, he didn't want Wu to ruin her relationship with her family. After all, they were still family. As long as they didn't do anything horrible, it was okay to forgive.

"Xuefeng, I know it might not be enough for you but I want to apologize. I have nothing against you. I even advised my daughter to chase after you as you are a good man, worthy to be my son-in-law," Manager Kong apologized sincerely but Xuefeng didn't want it.

"Don't apologize to me, I'm fine. Do it for your daughter who just lost her trust in you," Xuefeng suggested, hiding behind Wu so she becomes the main focus. "If she forgives you, I will too."

"Wu, I'm sorry. You should know that me and your granddaughter have been secretly searching for the Elemental Bracelet for many years. That part is very true. Your grandpa searched throughout the Heaven Realm and I did it here in Earth Realm." Manager Kong confirmed. "It seems I failed as I wasn't able to find it in time. What's worse, the man I chose for you was actually the person who had the bracelet the whole time. What an irony."

"When you learned about it, couldn't you simply give up on it then and support him?" Wu questioned, still upset with her father's choice. "I���m happy with Xuefeng. I don't want to kill him just to get his bracelet. I would hate and blame myself forever. I don't want to live like this."

"I figured since you haven't been with each other for too long, you would only end up hating me and your grandpa. As long as it could guarantee a bright future for you, we would accept such an outcome," Manager Kong replied simply before sighing, "We just didn't expect Xuefeng would be this strong, already on top of the Earth Realm."

"Even if you succeeded and got it,


do you think I would accept it? I would rather die than take it from you," Wu called out, her anger only kept in check by Xuefeng. "You want to give me bright future but did you ask me if that's what I want? I just want to be happy. I don't care about power or being the top of the world or make a mark in the history. If you asked me, I would tell you."


Manager Kong didn't reply to her right away. Nothing he would say would explain his actions. He knew he was wrong. His only chance is hope that Wu forgives him.

"Even if I know that now, the damage is already done. I can't rewind time. If that is really what you want, I will respect your wish," Manager Kong decided for himself. "But, that's just me. I'm sure your grandpa will not give up on the Elemental Stone without a fight. It would mean he wasted so many years for nothing. For me it was just a side job but he was really invested in the idea of making you the greatest cultivator in existence."

Manager Kong gazed at Wu softly and added, "In the end of the day, we just wanted the best for you. You know how much grandpa loves you. When he thought of giving you the Elemental Bracelet as a gift, he got obsessed. He was so invested in the search for so many years that he forgot to ask how do you feel about it. I'm also guilty of that."

"Just forgive them. It's not that big of a deal," Xuefeng shared his opinion. "It's clear that your grandpa loves you. Either way, if I wanted to gain Trade Union's support, I would have to fight him to prove that I'm worthy of you so nothing changed. It just that he learned about me sooner than later."

So what if they wanted to kill him? There were many who tried and all of them failed. He doesn't need to beg for the Elemental Stone in Wu's grandpa possession. He will take it himself and prove why the bracelet should belong to him.

"Mhmm…" Wu nodded but she didn't seem to be fully convinced.

He opened his mouth to assured her more when Ming called out to him, 'Ask him if the Holy Tournament is the reason why her grandpa wants to give her the bracelet.'

Xuefeng didn't hesitate and repeated the question out loud, trusting Ming.

"What is the Holy Tournament?" Wu questioned confused and followed his gaze, looking at her father.

"How do you know about the Holy Tournament?" Manager Kong asked back surprised and nodded, "Yes, indeed. Ten years ago they announced the date of the next Holy Tournament. Since then, we have been searching for the Elemental Bracelet for Wu as that's the only condition we would let her take part in it."

"How come I don't know about it?" Wu complained upset.

"We didn't tell you as we didn't find the bracelet. Without the bracelet that is one of the Godly treasures, we didn't want you to risk your life. Now that the last of the Godly Treasures is taken by Xuefeng, it's impossible for you to join anyway," Manager Kong explained. "It's a really deadly tournament for cultivators that are younger than one hundred years old. The survival rate is less than one for every hundred participants so only the top of the top are joining this one."

Xuefeng wasn't really surprised but that, realizing people in this world seemed to love tournaments and brag how strong they are. He wasn't really a fan but if the reward was nice, there was no harm in trying.

"I suppose the price for the winner is drool worthy for many to risk their lives like that, am I right?" Xuefeng guessed.

"For the winners," Manager Kong corrected. "From what I know, top one hundred cultivators with the most kills that survive the trial will get an admission to Holy Academy and enter Ancient Lands. I don't know many details about it but one thing I know for sure. Anyone who returned from the Ancient Lands became a famous Cultivator with power that no one could match."

'I guess I calculated correctly. It really is the time that Ancient Lands open once again. Hehe, I guess we will need to speed up and grab as many Elemental Stones before the Holy Tournament starts,' Ming commented with a giggle. 'He is right. Wu wouldn't be able to survive without having at least one treasure like Elemental Bracelet. Even you would have hard time surviving.'

'What are Ancient Lands?'