502 - 513

Chapter 502 Power? Fame? Riches? I Don"t Want I

'Ancient Lands is a hidden Realm of a dominant race that ruled the Heaven Realm hundreds of thousands years ago. For some reason, they decided to create their own Realm and move there, taking all of their cultivation secrets with them. We tried to convince them to come back as their Realm wasn't that stable yet they didn't listen. Unfortunately, their stubbornness brought them doom. '

Ming described calmly as if it happened not long ago, yet Xuefeng could barely imagine how could one person live for hundreds of thousands or even a million years. Unless he had someone with him that would spend this time with him, he didn't think he would survive.

'I often forget you are so old when you look so young,' Xuefeng commented, recalling Ming's curvy body but Ming got offended, complaining, 'Hey! Did you just call me old? I'm still young!'

'Yes, yes. You are still young.' Xuefeng confirmed, noting down to never call any women old and asked to change the topic, 'What happened next?'

'Humph,' Ming snorted and continued. 'Their Realm partially collapsed, killing all of them in the process. We interfered, repairing the Realm but we were not able to save anyone. What did survive tho were all of their techniques and treasures. They were still intact. To give you a perspective, all Godly Treasures, together with your Elemental Bracelet came from the Ancient Lands. Each time there is at least a few that gets taken out.'

Before he didn't understand why everyone was so eager to join this Holy Tournament which basically guaranteed death but now it all made sense. Having a Godly Treasure equaled immense power that could completely destabilize the power struggle between many clans or families. It is only natural many of them send their youths to take part in that Holy Tournament.

If one could survive and get a Godly Treasure or even two… He didn't want to imagine.

'After fixing it, we closed the Ancient Lands and set it to open every ten thousand years. For most cultivators, they have only one chance to enter it in their lifetime so it's only natural that they will join. I actually respect that they didn't send Wu there unless they were sure she has the chance of survival. Most Families just throw all of their youths in hope at least one of them return and treat it as investments. Talents can be born again but Godly Treasures are impossible to recreate,' Ming added, giving her opinion on the matter.

Xuefeng's mind cleared a lot after Ming's explanations.

As they chatted, Wu and her father were silent. Wu was calming herself internally as she stared at her father. Each time she looked at him she was getting angry. She didn't know how Xuefeng could be this calm when someone just tried to kill him.

It was the first time she was in a relationship with someone so the moment her own family was threatening to kill her man, she didn't know what to do other than protecting him. This was the first time she broke her


character like this, acting completely like not her which quite scared her.

She used to never rely on anyone yet now she had Xuefeng as support which felt weird to her.

"Xuefeng, can I ask you for a second? I need to talk to you," Wu called out, unable to fix those issues on her own.

Although she asked, she didn't wait for his response and simply grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the room. Before they left, she called out to her father sternly, "Don't you dare leave. We will be right back."


The doors closed and she placed Xuefeng by the wall next to it, locking his head between her hands. The guards who were ordered to return in five minutes were just walking back when they left. She only gave them one look and they didn't ask anything, doing a group one-eighty before giving themselves another five-minute break.

"What happened? " Xuefeng asked, rubbing her arms on full length. "You look troubled."

"Because I am. Xuefeng, I'm confused. Why am I the only one who is getting mad? It was you who got threatened to get killed, not me. I got carried away by my emotions yet you showed none of them," Wu explained her problem, thinking it was best to communicate in relationship. "Maybe I'm over-thinking but—"

"Wu," Xuefeng called out her name sweetly, cutting her off. "I understand you, First kiss me and then I tell you."

She didn't hesitate and bend her elbows, leaning forward to kiss him but right when their lips touched, he seized this opportunity to embrace her waist, pulling her closer.

She was in control just a second ago yet Xuefeng quickly changed it, taking it away from her. Her back pressed against the wall as he lifted her leg, squeezing it just as his lips dragged on her own. He wanted her to calm down earlier yet now he was sucking her breath away, causing her chest to beat faster.

"Mhmm!" She alarmed him and pushed him away with her forehead, separating their lips with little to no distance. "Tell me."

She grabbed his hair to stop him as they were in public but that didn't stop him.

He forced his way in, seizing another kiss from her before demanding, "Promise you won't get mad at me."

"When you say that, I get even more worried," Wu muttered, rubbing her slim nose against his own. "Tell me. I won't get mad."

Xuefeng pulled away even so slightly, allowing her to see his face clearly and confessed, "What if I told you that I don't really care what happens with me as long as those I love are safe? I will walk through fire, jump into darkest abyss or climb the coldest mountains if that means I can save you. Didn't you already realize? You all are my world. Without you, I don't want to live on this world."

He leaned forward right after he finished, kissing her passionately as if his life depended on it. No matter how much she pulled, he didn't care, claiming one bite after another till he was satisfied.

"Power? Fame? Riches? If I can't share it with my loved ones then I don't want it," Xuefeng concluded, finally giving him a break to breathe.

"But that's wrong…" Wu replied, not agreeing with his mindset. "You should—"

Xuefeng cut her off once again as he questioned, "What is wrong? That I care more about my wives than about myself? Maybe. But that's how I am and I don't plan to change myself."

"You asked why I didn't get mad," Xuefeng continued. "If your family tried to kill you, I would destroy the whole Trade Union and kill anyone that stands on my way. So what if they tried to kill me? I don't care. As long as you are safe, they can say and do what they want. They threaten me, I will just laugh at their face, knowing they don't stand a chance anyway but if they do the same to my loved ones, I don't leave anything to fate. I will crush them before they can even have the chance to try."

He wasn't joking. She knew he really meant it.

Each word he spoke struck her like a lightning, sending shivers down her spine. She didn't agree with it yet why did she feel warm inside her chest? She finally understood why every woman fell for Xuefeng after knowing him well.

In the world full of dangers, he made her feel safe. She felt as if she could give her life to him and he would protect it with his own. Before she decided on it, she was already hugging him, not knowing what to say.

"If I killed your grandpa's avatar, his real body would get hurt and his resentment to me would be even bigger. If he uses Trade Union power to kill me, I can only run. I know my strength well. This way, there is a hope he will honor our deal and fight with me fairly which is exactly what I want," Xuefeng explained, returning the hug.

He kissed her neck, giving her time to digest what he just said and she finally expressed herself.

"I will make sure you can depend on me just like I can rely on you. I will be the one to care for you for once. I promise."

Chapter 503 Dragon Edge - Part 1

"We are back," Wu called out as they returned to the office.

She looked much calmer compared to her previous mood where she wanted to beat her father up. She returned to her normal calm and dominant Wu, making Xuefeng happy. This is how he liked her the most.

They walked with their hands wrapped together, treating each other like equals. Although Wu liked to cuddle into his arm, she seemed to resist her urges well.

"Welcome," Manager Kong greeted, looking up from his papers. "I wanted to ask before, but what was the reason you came? Was it to introduce Xuefeng to me?"

"I was about to talk about it. We initially came to get a new sword for Xuefeng yet this whole mess happened," Wu explained, rubbing her temples in annoyance. "You don't mind, do you?"

Although she wasn't mad anymore, she still had to pretend to get Xuefeng a better deal.

Just as they thought, her father agreed immediately, "Of course not! A sword? I can gift him one of the best we have. I gathered a few Rank 9 swords over the years."

"Thank you," Xuefeng acknowledged, knowing how precious such Spirit Artefacts were.

Despite their differences, he was still getting a free treasure so he was naturally thankful. They already talked about their plan before returning and Wu promised him the best sword they had.

Manager Kong took off one of his rings and passed it to him, offering, "Here you go. You can choose any one you like. I won't charge you anything."

Xuefeng inserted his consciousness inside the ring and was surprised to see twelve multi-colored swords, all looking very powerful. He could sense a deep Spiritual Power coming from each of them. It was a sign of a high ranked Spirit living inside of the swords.

He was actually impressed but Ming had another opinion about them.

'Meh,' she muttered not interested. 'They are decent but you definitely deserve something better. Swords like those can be bought cheaply in the Heaven Realm. If you want to be competitive in Heaven Realm, you will need to get something better later on.'

'Those swords should be the best of the best in the Earth Realm. At least they are better


that the Black Flames Slayer I'm currently using,' Xuefeng replied, grateful about any upgrades. 'Tell me which one I should pick.'

He trusted his experts choice, knowing both Ling and Ming combined were more experienced than anyone.

Before he received an answer, Wu reached out for the ring and asked curiously, "Can I see?"

"Sure." Xuefeng guessed she will tell him something more about them so he didn't mind, passing her the ring.

He didn't expect that Wu will frown and glare at her father right after inspecting the ring's content.

"Dad, what is the meaning of this?" Wu asked sternly. "Those are not the best swords we have. Where is Infinity Blade or Dark Fantasy? Bring out both of them and add my Dragon Edge together with them."

"Absolutely not," Manager Kong disagreed immediately. "Those two are Trade Union's top two treasures gifted to us by your grandpa and Dragon Edge is a present for you. I'm supposed to present it to you right before your ascension according to your grandpa's instruction."

Wu didn't seemed to accept a 'No' as an answer as she countered without fear, "Do you want Mom to know that you tried to kill her future son-in-law?"

Manager Kong's face paled as he stood up and called out, "Don't you dare bring up your mother—"

Wu cut him off before he finished and pulled out a Communication Crystal, reporting in a dramatic fashion, "Mom! You won't believe what Dad just did! Sniff… He and grandpa tried to kill Xuefeng when I came to introduce him! Xuefeng almost died in the process! How could he do it to me?!"

If one closed their eyes, they might think Wu was in total dismay yet upon opening their eyes, they would clearly see Wu was acting, smiling as she talked.

Even Xuefeng was in shock, not expecting she was such a good actor.

"You…" Manager Kong almost choked, not knowing how to respond.

"Alright, it's recorded. Should I send it?" Wu asked with a teasing smile, playing with the green crystal in her hand.

It was a pure blackmail but Wu didn't seem to care, doing whatever she can to get what she wants. It was his fault for messing with her.

Manager Kong gave Wu one last stare and admitted defeat, "Fine, you win…"

He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled out a string with a ring hanging on his neck. It was a wooden Storage Ring, looking so plain and old that no one would expect that it has some top Spirit Artefects inside of it.

"Is my Dragon Edge inside of it?" Wu reminded before her father passed it to her. "It will be mine either way so I can do whatever I want with it."

Her father sighed and nodded, "Yes, it's inside. Your grandpa will kill me once he learns about it. He is still bound to fight Xuefeng to get the bracelet off of him."

"Don't worry about Grandpa. Before he learns about it, we will already be in Heaven Realm and he will have other stuff to worry about. Especially me kicking his ass," Wu assured, walking back to Xuefeng with the ring.

"Thank you, Wu," Xuefeng acknowledged her effort, already thinking how to pay her back later.

"It's not a problem. You deserve the best," Wu replied humbly, rubbing his cheek with care and took a step back. "Let me introduce you to all three and you can pick which one do you like."

She pulled out the first sword and the room instantly got darker as if someone blocked the sun rays from the window. The sword in Wu's hand was long and wide, being purple in color. It released a constant dark mist around it which made Xuefeng quite intrigued.

Chapter 504 Dragon Edge - Part 2

"This sword is called Dark Fantasy. It's extremely sharp, excelling in breaking through defenses. Its special ability is 'Fantasy Mist.' It can create a black poisonous mist the size of a small city, that will make anyone who breathes it hallucinate," Wu explained, passing the sword to him.

Xuefeng was quite satisfied, swinging the sword a few times until Ming pointed out, 'Not bad. It's actually a God Rank sword. Its ability is impressive but cultivators who mastered Air Element can easily create a barrier around their faces, allowing them to breathe. No matter how strong the poison is, if its easy to counter, it's useless.'

Knowing the swords' weakness made him completely lose interest, but he didn't mind that, wanting exactly that.

"Can you show me the next one?" Xuefeng asked with a smile, passing the sword back.

"Naturally," Wu nodded and kept the Dark Fantasy into the ring, pulling out the next one.

It was milky white, the color of ivory with a slim build. If there was an attractiveness scale for swords, this one would definitely be categorized as sexy.

"This one is called Infinity Blade. It's more styled for fancy movement and Sword Arts as it's light and slim, allowing you to perform almost all of them. It's special ability spawns infinite number of blades. Once you pierce the sword straight into the ground, the area in a diameter of hundred meters will be impaled with swords coming out of the ground," Wu described, looking really sexy as she carried the sword.

"Oh, cool!" Xuefeng called out, excited for this one.

He already imagined himself flying high in the sky only to smash down at the approaching army killing them all with one strike. Unfortunately, Ming was there to ruin his excitement.

'Nice! It's actually a top tier God Rank sword. Too bad it's ability is mostly useless for you. All high stage battles in the Heaven Realm happen in the sky instead of the ground so I can't see the battle you would actually use it even once. Also, you might accidentally kill your friends as swords are aimless. It can only be useful if you are going for hunting and fight Spirit Beasts.'

'Hmm… It would be useful for the Hidden Realm expedition then,' Xuefeng wondered. 'But in the long run I agree.'

Just as he returned the sword to Wu, Ling sighed, lamenting about her own knowledge, 'Ah, I wish I could help you just as Ming can…'

'Ling, you already helped me a lot when I came into this world. Without you, I would probably die in the first week. You are irreplaceable,' Ling cheered her up. ' If you want, you can help me with training when we return.'

'Okay~' Ling immediately


agreed, sounding more happy.

He knew she wanted to be more useful to him which he loved about her.

'Xuefeng, ask her to show you the Dragon Edge one. Anything that has something to do with True Dragons can be really overpowered as they are the strongest race in existence. Of course, it can only be the name that's connected in this case.' Ming suggested, moving the testing forward.

"I like this one. It would be useful for our expedition," Xuefeng praised. "How about the last one?"

"I'm still yet so see it so I'm also excited. Let's experience it together," Wu replied, keeping the Infinity Blade.

He felt bad for taking something that was supposed to be hers but knowing Wu, she will want him to have it so he was conflicted. The better the sword will be, the worse he will feel while taking it for himself.

"Alright, I'm ready," Xuefeng announced, squeezing her hand.

Wu nodded and brought out the last sword. It slowly materialized in her hand and her face changed when it finally appeared. She let go of his hand and grabbed the handle, struggling to keep it straight.

"It's so heavy!" Wu called out, looking at Xuefeng in desperation for help and he quickly took over the sword.

It was indeed heavy, all of his muscles tensed but he was able to lift it. The long sword was blue, having similar color to Drakos' scales and the blade looked as if made of one big dragon scale, having an unique pattern on it.

He sweated just from holding it but he still give it a swing out of curiosity.


An invisible shock wave hit their ears as it broke out from the edge of the sword and smashed into the wall, shaking the whole building. All three of them were left dumbfounded, looking at the sword in shock.

Even Manager Kong seemed like he didn't expecting it, all of his papers now flying all around the room.

"What the heck? I didn't even use my Spirit Qi, just casually swung it…" Xuefeng questioned confused, placing the tip of the sword on the ground to give himself a break.

'Impossible…' Ming muttered in his mind, her voice just as surprised as his was. 'Someone actually made a sword out of a real Dragon Scale?'

"A casual swing of it almost destroyed this room. How powerful would be a proper strike?" Manager Kong wondered out loud before gazing at his daughter. "Wu, you have to own this sword! Your grandpa probably spent fortune on it!"

"Me? I can't. How do you expect me to wield it when I can't even lift it? The sword is too heavy for me, no matter how powerful it is," Wu rejected and decided, "Xuefeng can lift it just fine so I will give it to him."

"That's not a valid reason to reject such a powerful sword," Manager Kong argued, but Xuefeng didn't join their battle, conversing with Ming instead.

'Is it really made from Dragon Scale? Wow…' Xuefeng muttered, staring at the blade in astonishment. 'Dragons must be really powerful.'

Drakos was so small yet his body was really strong already. Xuefeng couldn't imagine how powerful Drakos would be if he returned to his old size.

'Yeah, it's definitely a Dragon Scale. And a scale of a powerful dragon at that,' Ming confirmed excitedly, 'Even though it separated from his body, it still carries his power inside of it. I'm actually amazed.'

'Xuefeng, you have to get this sword,' Ling urged. 'Even though it's heavy, we can improve your physique. It doesn't have a spirit inside to give it an ability but just the sheer offensive power it has is like the ability itself.'

'I second that. I can't tell what rank it has but it is definitely the best of those three,' Ming agreed, giving him little choice.

'Alright, I will try.'


At the same time, back in Liu Clan palace, Drakos was chilling on the balcony when his eyes snapped open and he gazed in the distance.

His body shivered as if something was calling out to him.

"How come I can feel my body…? Wasn't it completely destroyed…?" Drakos asked himself confused and immediately launched in the sky, following the scent he just felt.

The closer he got, the more sure he was that he wasn't wrong.

A part of his body appeared in the city! It was impossible but he couldn't deny it, his whole body reacting to it.

"Whoever has my body part, you are dead!"

Chapter 505 Lovebirds

"I like this Sword," Xuefeng announced, stroking the surface of the dragon scale. "It's a little heavy but I should be able to get used to it."

He didn't straight up say he wanted the sword but both his words and gaze hinted that he did.

Wu grinned when she heard that and immediately replied with a nod, "Deal, it's yours. I will take Infinity Blade instead. I like it better. It's light and slim, great for a beginner like me. I don't want to struggle with that heavy monster."

"Wu, you don't understand what you are giving up…" Manager Kong continued his rant, not giving up. "Your grandpa went through a lot and offended many people to secure this sword for you. He did all of it so you can become strong and powerful, capable of taking part in the Holy Tournament. If you ignore all that and give it to Xuefeng, it would be like spitting on his face. Once he learns about it, he will definitely use full force to take it back."

Wu wasn't bothered, already having her comeback prepared.

"Spitting on his face? Wasn't he the first one to do the same by trying to kill my man? Anyway, I already decided. I can't use Dragon Edge and I like the Infinity one. Case closed," Wu concluded, pulling out her white beauty before passing the ring back to her father.

"You look really sexy with it as well," Xuefeng commented, looking her up and down.

He genuinely thought that Dragon Edge didn't suit her as much as Infinity Blade did. She was an elegant lady so a scaled sword that depended on brute force wasn't good for her.

"Do I?" Wu asked with a smile and started posing with her new sword, showing all of her good angles. "How do I look?"

Xuefeng was about to compliment her when the room suddenly trembled as if an earthquake shook the whole building. Before they knew, the doors to the office got blasted open and to Xuefeng's surprise, it was Drakos, the blue dragon that arrived uninvited.

"WHO DARES TO STEAL MY—" Drakos roared at them but paused mid-sentence, looking at him surprised, "Xuefeng? What are you doing here?"

"I think I should be the one asking this question," Xuefeng replied with an awkward smile, looking behind Drakos.

The guards protecting the office were like pancakes, all laying on top of each other, totally unconscious.

"I came here to get a new sword. What about you?" Xuefeng questioned, showing off his new Dragon Edge and commented on the side, "By the way, it's nice that you didn't break the wall to get here."

"Oh, no problem. I didn't want Yiren to scold me again so I only knocked them out. They should be awake in a bit,"


Drakos replied distracted before shaking his head as if trying to regain his focus.

"This sword!" Drakos pointed out at Dragon Edge. "Where did you get it?!"

He realized he was asking the wrong person so he turned to Manager Kong and repeated, "Where did you get it?! Tell me the truth or your death will be painful!"

"Whoa… A talking beast…" Manager Kong muttered in a daze. "Is this the same one that destroyed the Royal Palace?"

Naturally, Drakos didn't take it lightly and Xuefeng quickly moved to stop him as the small dragon started to curse, "Bish! Who are you calling a beast?! I'm a mighty Dragon! The Legendary Drakos! Call me beast one more time!"

"He is Wu's father so try not to hurt him," Xuefeng explained before Drakos slipped out of his grasp. "And he doesn't know anything about this sword. It was brought in here from Heaven Realm by Wu's grandpa. Why you ask?"

Xuefeng wondered why would he even come here when he looked at the two of them at the same time.

The color of the blade matched his scales!

"Is the sword yours now?" Drakos asked instead of replying and didn't walked for an answer, acting like the sword was already theirs. "Let's go. We will talk outside."

"We will be leaving now. Thanks for the warm welcome," Xuefeng called out to Manager Kong as he kept the sword in his dantain and pulled on Wu's hand, following after Drakos.

Drakos didn't bother walking all the way back to the entrance and this time he broke the corridor's window with one kick and flew out of it.

"Put it on Liu Clan's tab," Xuefeng called out to the guards who were starting to wake up and embraced Wu's waist as if it was natural. "Ready?"

"I got to ask," Wu said as she hid her new sword and asked with a playful smile, "Is life around you always this chaotic?"

"Hah, battles, explosions, but most importantly my beautiful wives because I'm never let them leave my side. Are you sure you can keep up?" Xuefeng replied as he lifted her up and walked up to the window.

"I think I can," Wu nodded, wrapping her hands around his neck and whispered, "There is one thing you forgot to mention."

Xuefeng jumped forward, spreading his swings and swung a few times to get above the buildings before finally asking, "What is it?"

"There is something that comes as a result of having multiple wives to handle. Don't think I was blind and didn't see you were there in the bathroom the whole time. You did it with Xiao Wen and Princess Shan before Yi, am I right?"

"How do you know?" Xuefeng questioned, not hiding himself with it. After all, she was already his so it didn't matter.

Too bad, it was just a trap.

"I didn't, but now I confirmed it," Wu replied with a smug. "It means you also saw my body, right?"

"Indeed, I saw everything," Xuefeng admitted honestly and grasped her butt to assert his dominance. "It's not that nice to trick your husband. You know what happens with naughty girls?"


The sound of butt being slapped resounded high in the sky but Xuefeng's hand wasn't the one who enjoyed the juiciness of Wu's flesh.

It was the opposite.

"Your butt is quite nice but mine is softer," Wu commented, smirking into his face.

"Did you just smack my butt?" Xuefeng asked as if to confirm before he takes a solid revenge on her.

"Yup, you think you are the only one who can spank? This was the payback for watching me naked without my permission. What if I wasn't accepted by your wives? My body was violated by your eyes and I lost my innocence just like that," Wu pointed out, pulling on his ear as her own revenge. "Just so you know, you are the first man I ever kissed or allowed to touch me."

"You know that pulling on my ears just makes me horny?" Xuefeng informed, causing Wu to rub it even more and ask, "Like this?"

Feeling pleasure from her soft hands, Xuefeng realized something. "I think my body already accepted you… If not, I would feel irritation when you do this."

Wu's eyes widened and she immediately followed up, looking like she wanted to know more, "Your body did but what about your heart?"

They started into each other's eyes for a moment, hovering high in the sky when Drakos suddenly flew down, annoyed.

"What are you doing lagging behind for so long? You two lovebirds can play later. Give me the sword, I can't wait any longer."

Chapter 506 Drakos" Story - Part 1

"Don't worry, unlike him, I can wait. I'm not leaving any time soon," Wu muttered, kissing him on the cheek and pulled away, hovering right next to Xuefeng on her own.

Just because she used to fly with him, it didn't mean she couldn't do it on her own. Getting more skin-ship between the two of them was just a good method to improve their relationship.

"You are not leaving at all," Xuefeng corrected her as he grabbed her hand, caressing it lightly before adding thankfully, "Alright, give me a second."

He pulled out Dragon Edge, barely holding it upwards with two arms so he used Spirit Qi to boost his strength.

"Is this really your dragon scale?" He asked as he passed the sword to Drakos. "Don't ruin it. Even if it was yours in the past, it became a sword that I want to use now."

"Idiot, of course I wouldn't destroy my scale. It's still my body after all," Drakos cussed as he snatched the sword from Xuefeng's hands.

Even with his small build, Drakos easily lifted the sword with one hand, swinging with it like it was nothing. Xuefeng wasn't even a bit surprised, knowing Drakos true strength but Wu was gawking at the funny scene in front of her. The sword was after all triple the size of his own so it looked like a child swinging an adult sword.

"My scale… So beautiful…" Drakos muttered as he hugged the sword, stroking it's surface. "I need to kill the bastard who dared to ruin my scale and lower it to become a mere sword."

"What happened with your old body?" Wu asked curiously. "I don't think I know the whole history."

Wu was still new so she didn't know most stories with caused Xuefeng note down to summarize everything to her later.

"Oh, you want to hear the story of this Legendary Dragon? If you beg me like this, I guess I have no choice but to give in and recount this Legend's story," Drakos replied with a smug, his chin high in the sky and pointed at Xuefeng. "I didn't share the whole story before so you should listen to know how great I am."

Seeing his high and mighty act, Xuefeng


rolled his eyes and Wu seemed to realize she made a mistake by asking, looking at him hopelessly. Xuefeng only shrugged, knowing it would be impossible to stop Drakos anymore and instead created a small sofa out of the clouds nearby, hardening it just enough for them to sit on it.

He sat down first and extended his hand to Wu who gladly took his offer, sitting on one of his legs. Xuefeng swiftly embraced her, planning to use this time to the fullest when another woman appeared, claiming his second leg.

"Ling, you came out," Xuefeng called out surprised and quickly reacted, not limiting himself to only Wu.

"Mhmm, I wanted some huggies and kisses…" Ling muttered, cuddling into his chest and extended her neck backwards, leaning for a long awaited kiss.

Xuefeng naturally didn't reject her, giving up to her desires.

Unfortunately, they weren't alone where they could continue undisturbed. Wu didn't let them ignore her as they engaged in a passionate kiss and bit on his ear to get his attention.

"You didn't introduce me…" Wu pouted, causing him to immediately pull away, letting the two face each other.

"Wu, this is Ling, my Fate Spirit. Ling, this is Wu, your new sister," Xuefeng introduced the two, calming Wu down.

"I thought so. Nice to meet you Ling, please take care of me," Wu called out, reaching out for a handshake but Ling leaned over and hugged her instead.

Having two hotties hugging each other on his lap was definitely alluring, especially when their soft bottoms rubbed against his thighs with each of their moves. After a moment, they both looked at Xuefeng in surprise, looking up and down between his eyes and lower belly.

Xuefeng embraced their waists, pressing their butts against his crotch to hide the evidence and asked as if nothing happened, "What? It's normal, isn't it? How can I not get horny with you two sexy bombs on my lap?"

Just as he asked, Drakos shouted angrily, "You three! Are you even listening to me?!"


Xuefeng felt like he forgot something and it turned out to be Drakos who already started his history lecture yet he didn't register a single word.

"I'm sorry, we distracted Xuefeng for a moment," Wu apologized for everyone and pleaded sweetly, "Can you please start from the beginning?"

"Fine, only because you asked so nicely. Let me grace you with my greatness once again," Drakos replied, closing his eyes as he started again.

"It all started when the King of Dragons, my father, tried to kill me because he didn't like some of my deeds. I had to fight him and after the heaven-defying battle, I managed to defeat him, even injuring his vitality. Too bad, the rest of the Dragon Race didn't like that and wanted to get their revenge on me. All those bastards chased after me, trying to kill me but they were not able to take this Legendary Dragon down. In the chase, I injured many of them and I can tell many are still healing their wounds from that battle even after all those years."

"So you managed to escape in the end?" Wu asked curiously, getting a quiet praise from Ling, "Nice, the more we stall, the longer we can cuddle with Xuefeng."

Wu seemed to know exactly what they were doing as she then leaned on his chest and whispered to him while grazing his lower abs with her nails, "We will take this as a compliment…"

"Only as a compliment…?" Ling asked with a gentle smile and suggested, "I think we should help him…"

"Hmm?" Wu murmured in question but Ling didn't reply and instead acted.

She embraced Wu's arm in the middle, connecting their shoulders to delete the gap between them and reached out behind her back with the other hand, grasping his soldier firmly.


Chapter 507 Drakos" Story - Part 2

Xuefeng opened his mouth almost soundlessly, not expecting Ling would be so bold.

Drakos wasn't aware of their naughty act as he continued, fully immersed in his story. He walked in the sky, gesticulating with the sword instead of his small arms.

"No, I wasn't able to escape. It is after all impossible to endlessly run from the whole Dragon Race, the most powerful race in existence, but they still needed to spend a lot of resources to finally catch me. I thought they would kill me but then my father came and forgave me, deciding to lock me up in the Heavenly Prison. He thought I will redeem myself and improve my behavior but jokes on him, that was his last time he saw me," Drakos described, slashing sideways with the Dragon Edge as if he was chopping heads.

"Oh, did you kill him?" Ling asked with a fake excitement, pretending to be a good girl on the outside while her other hand rubbed against Xuefeng's pants, teasing him without mercy.

When her soft hand slipped inside, wrapping around him as if finally seizing the object of her desires, he couldn't help but repay her with multiple kisses on the neck, accepting her offer wholeheartedly.

Drakos was quick to reply, aiming at the invisible enemy with the sword, "No, I did something better, something only this Legendary Dragon can do."

He paused before announcing proudly, "I escaped from the Heavenly Prison, being the first person who ever did it!"

Wu's eyes widened at that moment, causing Drakos to let out a chuckle but he didn't know she wasn't surprised because of him.

While Drakos was talking, Ling leaned over to Wu's ear and whispered playfully, "It's so long and hard that I can't tame it with one hand… I think I will need assistance. Do you want to help me?"

Xuefeng naturally heard everything. He looked at Wu, curious of her reaction.

Drakos continued to live in his world though, describing his past life, "I know, I know. It's unbelievable but it's true! I made a secret tunnel reaching all the way to the surface and freed myself. Although it took me many years, I succeeded in the end. Being free, I started roaming around the Realms and after I fully recovered, I finally implemented my ultimate plan."

He gave them time to guess before revealing, "To steal one of the Godly Treasures, Elemental Bracelet, from the bastards in the God Realm."

Although Xuefeng hoped for Wu to agree, he never thought she would actually do it. He felt her caress his hand that rubbed on her thighs and ask Ling quietly, "How do you want me to help…?"

"Give me your hand. I will lead you…" Ling proposed and to Xuefeng's surprise, Wu didn't hesitate, leaning on his chest as she reached out behind her.

Her hand was like a blind snake searching for its prey. The moment her nails touched him, she pulled away ever so slightly before closing it again as if curious of the new creature in front of her.

First she touched him gently with the tips of her fingers, seizing him up before adding her palm, giving him a warm welcome hug.

"Look at you… Seems like I don't even need to guide you…" Ling whispered, retreating with her hand but Wu quickly called, bringing her back, "No… I need you… What do I do now?"

"Wu, don't feel pressured to do anything…" Xuefeng whispered, not sure if she really wanted it but Wu pouted, squeezing his hardness without mercy, "What do you mean pressured…? You don't like it?"



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Xuefeng groaned into Wu's ear as she grasped the most sensitive part without noticing it.

"No, I like it…" Xuefeng admitted which calmed her down.

"I will continue then…" Wu declared. "Ling, please teach me…"

Drakos story was slowly reaching the culmination as his excitement was faltering.

"As you can see, I successfully stole the Elemental Bracelet as it is in our hands but I paid with my life for it. I didn't steal it as soundless as possible so before I got out, I got discovered. They couldn't catch me and I was about to escape when multiple other Clans learned about Elemental Bracelet being stolen. They grouped up to hunt me down which sealed my doom. They chased me all the way down to the deepest hole in the God Realm that leads all the way down to hell."

"Oh no… What did you do then?" Ling asked in the middle of her teachings, buying themselves time.

"Hehe, of course, I tricked them all," Drakos replied with a giggle, looking happy he grabbed Ling's attention. "I jumped inside the hole before separating the Spirit from my body, escaping with the Elemental Bracelet. I knew that I would be able to recreate my body at some point and take my revenge. My body should still be at the bottom of that hole but I doubt anyone actually went down there to claim it."

Drakos displayed the sword and added, "This scale of mine should be the one that I lost during the chase after one of the Clan Leaders struck me on the side. My scales are normally indestructible but I had to detach one of them to block the strike."

"I see, I see… What are your plans once you re-enter the Heaven Realm?" Ling asked curiously before whispering another command to Wu, "Now go down and grab the two balls underneath… Be careful, they are delicate. Make sure you don't squeeze too hard…"

"Hmm, good question. Let me think…" Drakos muttered, giving them the time they needed.

Wu listened like a good student, moving down and performed the order like a trained soldier, first investigating the target, embracing it gently with her warm hands before neutralizing it without mercy by rubbing and massaging one at the time, giving them her full attention.

Meanwhile, Ling took control of the head, showing the newbie how a pro worked. She let it slide on her palm like a waterside before wrapping around it and letting it pierce rapidly in between of her fingers. He was already wet thanks to Ling's saliva so he passed through despite the tight squeeze.

The sensual massage made him gasp, giving both of them more motivation, hearing he liked it.

From shy and gentle, Ling became untamed and merciless, especially when it came to making him feel good. He used to teach her different skills in bed almost every day so the student finally surpassed the master.

When he finally twitched, signaling she was close to finishing him off, Ling grabbed Wu's hand and moved in up, letting her do the honors. "Stroke him as hard as you can. Don't worry, he can take it. When I tell you, embrace his head and don't let go until he is done… There is a surprise waiting for you at the end…"

Wu didn't hesitate and followed Ling's lead without questions. She seemed more eager the more pleasure he felt and showed with his actions. Ling showed her the movement first but then let her go, giving her freedom to show off her newly acquired skills on her own.

"Now," Ling suddenly muttered as if predicting the future and Wu grasped on his head, imprisoning it inside her palm. Just as she did, Xuefeng finally burst, making Wu jump out of surprise but she didn't release, following the order.

"Hu… That was good…" Xuefeng muttered and kissed them both as a reward.

"My hand is covered in your…" Wu said shyly, looking as clueless as every one else, proving him she was really an innocent soul.

"You should drink it…" Xuefeng suggested as if it was normal but Wu didn't seem to get it, still confused. "Drink…?"

She pulled back her hand and saw the thick golden liquid on her palm but she still hesitated.

"Isn't she cute…?" Ling asked playfully and squeezed him forcefully, getting all the last drops onto her finger before reaching to Wu. "Open your mouth…"

Wu wanted to speak but Ling put her finger inside her mouth, spreading his seeds on her tongue. "Taste it, you will know how good it is," Ling assured, causing Wu to finally taste it, sucking on Ling's finger.

There always had to be the first time.

"Mhmm!" Wu exclaimed, looking pleasantly surprised and gazed at the liquid on her hand. She didn't hesitate anymore and immediately licked it off her palm.

At that moment, Drakos was done contemplating their options and called out, "I think there are only two options. Based on the chaotic rules in the Heaven Realm, we can either kill individuals or rob Clans. There is no other way to get the amount of Fate Stones that I need to regain my strength. Thankfully, it won't be a problem because Heaven Realm is one big battlefield."

"That will have to wait. I already promised someone to save one beauty in the Heaven Realm. She is trapped somewhere and need assistance," Xuefeng explained, acting like he was properly listening the whole time.

"Tsk, you are your beauties. If you spent the same time on cultivation that you spend playing with your wives, you would ascend long time ago," Drakos commented sarcastically but Xuefeng didn't care much.

"What's the point of ascending if I can't bring those I love with me? I will wait for everyone to reach the point where they can follow me and then we will move. All together, like one big family," Xuefeng expressed, hugging the two beauties on his lap.


Just as he did, he heard a quiet bang coming from Wu as if something unlocked inside her and her cultivation surged, entering the ranks of the Sages.

"You broke through?" Drakos asked confused but Wu seemed even more shocked.

"I think I did…? Wow!"

Chapter 508 The Game

"Congratulations on your breakthrough," Xuefeng called out happily as he hugged Wu and suggested, "We should hurry back to the palace so you can stabilize your stage."

"Oh, alright. I'm still in shock," Wu agreed, looking confused. "I thought I will need to use pills to speed up my cultivation yet I guess it will not be necessary any longer…"

As Wu said it, she looked at him excitedly. Xuefeng could only shrug as he knew very well what this gaze meant. He already saw it many times from his other wives and all of them wanted the same thing.

"You are welcome," Ling whispered as she finished covering the tracks of their deed and patted his pants in the form of goodbye. "I will go back inside. Call me when you start training."

She didn't wait for his reply and instead helped herself, stealing a deep kiss from his lips before disappearing, sinking back into her world. He noticed Ling has been more interactive, trying to push her presence out as if to make sure he doesn't forget about her which looked cute to him.

With Ling gone, Wu quickly claimed back her original position, giving her access to all of him. The way she looked at him, Xuefeng knew she had many questions to ask so he didn't wait any longer.

"Alright Drakos, pass me the sword," Xuefeng called out, canceling the cloud sofa.

The way Drakos handled the sword was concerning so he wanted it back. Just as he thought, Drakos looked really reluctant to give it back, caressing its surface with care.

"How about you let me play with it for some time?" Drakos proposed but Xuefeng didn't have time to banter.

"Do you want to have another session with Yiren or you will give back the sword? I need it for training now," Xuefeng gave him an ultimatum, changing Drakos' decision on the spot.

"Fine! But make sure you take care of it! If you lose my scale I will beat you up," Drakos threatened and eventually gave the Dragon Edge back.

Xuefeng didn't wait and put it inside his dantian before the sword's weight affected him before slowly gliding back to the Palace.

"You are quite naughty, not even sparing your Spirit…" Wu commented on their way back. "Is she one of your wives too?"

"Yes, she was one of the first," Xuefeng replied honestly. "She will always by my side, bound to my soul and I'm the only man she can ever have until I die. The least I can do is give her my love and affection. For me she is not just a spirit, she is a woman just like you and deserves to


feel loved."

Reaching down onto Wu's butt, he squeezed it boldly and added, "Your man is really naughty indeed. Is that a problem for you?"

"Not at all. I'm just inexperienced so if you want to do anything with me, you would have to teach me everything…" Wu whispered into his ear, leaving a subtle kiss on his neck. "I'm already yours so I don't mind if you touch me more intimately. I actually like it. Just make sure to be patient with me. Everything you do is a first time for me so I might be a little clumsy."

"Don't worry, I will make sure to teach you well," Xuefeng assured, returning her to a normal embrace, seeing some cultivators passing by in the distance. "There is no way to avoid it anyway. If I want to dual cultivate with Ling, we have to connect which leads to intimacy. I wouldn't feel right to use her help without showering her with my love."

"So you are cultivating with everyone through sex?" Wu questioned curiously. "I wondered why everyone is so eager to become one with you. I guess not only it feels good for them but it also brings them benefits."

"You sound interested," Xuefeng pointed out and Wu quickly nodded, confirming, "Why wouldn't I? Connecting pleasure with boring cultivation sounds so appealing. I can also enjoy my time with my man. What's more, with just one time, I was able to breakthrough. Isn't the choice obvious?"

"Well, if I could I would help everyone but unfortunately, I'm not a machine. I can't spend whole day in bed with you girls, even if I want to. I'm even limiting my Dual Cultivation with Ling so that I don't ascend before everyone else. If I wanted to cultivate quickly, I would spend a week or two with Ling and reach the peak of Monarch stage in no time," Xuefeng explained, surprising Wu.

"Amazing… Even with the best pills, I would still need a month or two to reach the peak. Ling is really awesome," Wu commented amazed and asked suggestively, "So you are saying that you can help us cultivate… It's your seeds that cause the boost in cultivation, right…?"

"That is correct. They are filled with highly concentrated Spirit Essence so you get that boost from consuming them," Xuefeng described shamelessly, sounding as if he was promoting and asked, "Did they taste good?"

"Mhmm, they did. I initially thought they would be gross but I'm actually a fan… Gosh, I'm slowly becoming a pervert," Wu seemed embarrassed as she hid her face in his neck but still asked without caring about her image, "So can I come to you to drink more whenever I want from now on…?"

Her question had a double meaning which Xuefeng caught quickly. He didn't think Wu was asking while thinking about her cultivation but more to confirm their relationship.

"Sure. You will be with us the whole time anyway. As long as I'm not busy I always use my time on my wives," Xuefeng agreed, already accepting her.

"Okay, thank you…" Wu replied as she hugged him tightly, turning silent.

They were already nearing Liu Clan Guard patrols so it was probably a best idea. He didn't want to hurry anything with her so he was glad Ling's teasing turned out well. He would hate it if Wu got a bad expression of him.

As they landed on the balcony, they saw all the girls still sitting on their spots, busy cultivating their elements so he walked up with Wu, placing her on the bed.

"What about you?" Wu asked as she sat down cross-legged, ready to cultivate the stored essence.

"I will train my Sword Arts on the training grounds. If you are done, you can come visit me. When others finish cultivating they will show you the way," Xuefeng explained and received a nod from her.

He planned to get going when Wu caught his hand, stopping him.

"You forgot something…" Wu whispered as she looked at him with a soft smile and leaned forward, patting her lips as a hint.

Xuefeng was surprised how quickly she adapted to her role, already demanding kisses but he was happy to comply, giving her lips a taste.

'Am I already addicted to the game and flirting?' Xuefeng wondered, staring at Wu as he walked away.

Each time a new women appeared in his life, it felt like a new adventure, making him excited. Each land he discovered was vast and full of treasure, waiting for him to explore it further.

He didn't know that after he left, all girls simultaneously opened their eyes and glanced at Wu with curious gazes.

Chapter 509 Ether Elemen

As he went out, Xuefeng passed by Drakos who waited on the balcony for him and as usual, Drakos has something to comment.

"Tsk, you all with Golden Talents will know nothing about the struggle of Cultivation," Drakos snickered, his ego high as the sky. "Back in my days, we used to fight for each resource yet they get everything with ease."

"I thought that Dragon Race talent is the best out of all races? How come you struggled to cultivate?" Xuefeng questioned as he launched himself in the sky, already late with his practice.

"Of course! The talent of dragons is the best of the best! No one can match us!" Drakos immediately countered as he followed him. "I was talking about others. Not me. Because of the hardships, many tough humans were born that could rival even dragons. Aren't you making them weak if they get so many resources without fighting for them?"

"What? You want them to fight with each other for resources?" Xuefeng asked sarcastically, but then imagined his wives wrestling each other in the mud while only wearing bikinis, making such idea quite alluring.

His dreams could only stay as dreams.

"I think you are overreacting," Xuefeng added without waiting for Drakos' comment. "I want all of my women to be strong. They will get enough of a battle experience and struggles when we enter the Hidden Realm. Right now they need to grasp all the elements before we depart."

Drakos didn't argue anymore, probably recalling how he himself told them they need to cultivate to survive in the Hidden Realm.

'Talking about elements, I'm already filling your dantian with Ether Qi. Do you mind testing it out?' Ling suddenly joined the conversation, reporting her work.

'Good that he doesn't know about you helping me all the time. That's when complaints would start,' Xuefeng pointed out as he scanned the Qi inside his dantian.

The only reason why they could do it was because he had full trust with Ling, giving her full access to his body. Not many Fate Holders were willing to give so much power to their Fate Spirit.

Talking about him, he already had all eight elements filled to the limits of his cultivation stage, making him eight times more resourceful than a typical Sage Cultivation without any elements and the ninth section was currently filling up.

Spirit, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, Metal, Blood, Ether.

All nine elements combined allowed one to create Fate Qi, the most powerful Qi in existence. Everything that existed was made from elements so technically, one could create anything with just enough amount of Fate Qi. That was the reason why Drakos could rebuild his body thanks to Fate Qi.

'What do I do with it?' Xuefeng asked


as he wrapped his hand with some Ether Qi only to see it disperse after he lost control over it.

'Ether Element is used to bend space around you. You can transport other elements through space with it, together with you. What's more, Ether Qi is really unstable so you need to be definite with your actions else it will disperse into space. Try transporting small objects at first,' Ling proposed, giving Xuefeng an idea.

He was already above the training grounds so he stopped, hovering above it and created a small rock from Earth Qi, materializing it in his hand. He then wrapped it with some Ether Qi and as soon as it was completely surrounded, the rock disappeared.

It felt strange but even though he didn't see it, he could still feel the rock laying on his hand. He tried to move it with the Ether Qi and surprisingly enough, it flew whenever he wanted it to. He checked how far can he send it but after five meters, the Qi around the rock dispersed, making the rock appear once again.


It was a fun concept to be able to send objects far away but also dangerous. Couldn't someone just send a knife through space and kill someone unexpectedly?

'Good job! The more Ether Qi you use, the further and quicker you can travel in space,' Ming called out cheerfully. 'You need to grasp this concept as we will need it for your Sword Arts. Try moving your body through the Training Grounds barrier and appear on the other side. It's just a defensive barrier so it doesn't have a function to block space.'

Hearing Ming's proposal, Xuefeng naturally wanted to try it and started surrounding himself with Qi. He made the layer a bit thicker than normal, just in case. He didn't want to be stuck inside the barrier on accident.

Right when his body was fully wrapped in Ether Qi, his surroundings turned grey and time slowed down. He inspected his body and then transported himself down just like the rock before. He passed the barrier as if it wasn't there and saw the Tianshi with Lisa.

They seemed to be testing something, acting like they didn't see him at all.

Lisa was running around with a shining white hue around her body, reaching quite a great speed. He gently landed on the ground and observed them with a smile, forgetting his time was limited.

He was about to dodge seeing Lisa was running straight into him but then his body appeared, returning back to the outside world.

"Ah!" Lisa exclaimed, trying to dodge him but Xuefeng did the same, choosing the same side to dodge.


Lisa's soft body was like a rock when she knocked into him, sending them both backwards with the momentum she built. All Xuefeng could do was hug her and absorb all the damage as he fell on his back, sliding on the ground for at least ten meters.

"Xuefeng!" Tianshi called out from afar but Xuefeng was naturally fine.

"Don't worry, nothing happened," Xuefeng assured but still made sure with Lisa who curled in his arms in panic, "Are you fine?"

"Mhmm, I'm okay," Lisa confirmed but didn't seem willing to move, hugging into Xuefeng's chest. "Only my heart is beating really fast…"

"I'm sorry for scaring you," Xuefeng apologized as he lifted them both up but Lisa shook her head and corrected sweetly, "It's not that. It just beats faster when you hug me…"

As she said it, Lisa jumped away from him and wrapped her arms with Tianshi, asking, "Why did you appear in front of me all of a sudden?"

"I was training my Ether Element," Xuefeng relied before questioned as he pointed at Lisa's barrier, "Are you training your supportive arts? Is that a speed buff?"

"Yes. It's both defense and acceleration buff. I'm still not sure how strong it is. We just started testing different buffs," Tianshi explained. "Do you need help in your training?"

"Not now but I might need you later. I will train my Sword Arts right now. We can later test the strength of our arts together," Xuefeng proposed and the girls immediately nodded, "Yes!"

"Alright, I won't disturb you for now," Xuefeng hugged them both, giving each a casual kiss and walked away towards the other corner of the Training Grounds. "You two continue."

Tianshi took it calmly, smiling at his back but Lisa was moved, touching her lips with her eyes wide open as if she wanted to savor this moment.

Xuefeng only smiled, watching her reaction even without physically looking.

'What do we start from? You said you have seven Sword Arts for me?'

Chapter 510 First Move

'What I am about to teach you are not really seven separate Sword Arts but a collection of seven moves created by the Sword God himself. They cover all three, defense, offense and counter attacking.'

Ming began her explanation, turning on her teaching mode.

'With just seven moves he was able to dominate the world, killing thousands of his enemies. Because he liked to kill and rob rich clans, he was hunted down by an alliance of many top clans. Even though they desired his Sword Arts, they wanted the history to forget about him even more so they destroyed any remains after him. Because of that, there are not many who remember him today.'

'How do you know his Sword Arts if they destroyed everything?' Xuefeng asked curiously.

'Did you forget I'm the Fate Queen, the mother of all Fate Spirits? Back in the Fate Kingdom, there is an Artefact that allowed me to communicate with all my children. Thanks to that, I was able to get a lot of information about all Fate Holders without even leaving my palace. Unfortunately, without that Artefact, I'm powerless in that regard. I wish I could reunite with my children,' Ming answered with pity in her voice.

'Wait a second… So all Fate Spirits are your children?' Xuefeng felt a need to clarify this information.

'Not all but some are. Aside from a normal birth, I have an unique ability that allows me to give birth to Fate Spirits. Once a month I can create an egg that would later grow into a Fate Spirit. All I need is plenty of Fate Qi to nourish the cell and within a few years they become a full adult being. This process is much faster than natural birth but the Fate Spirits born with this method were much weaker than natural born. I still love them all,' Ming explained, making Xuefeng even more confused.

Sensing it, she explained further, 'Back in the days, there were very few of us so I was required to give birth to many Fate Spirits to increase our population. The whole process doesn't happen inside of me but I can still be considered their mother as they were once a part of me, grown from a single small cell. Unfortunately, even if I wanted to do it again now, it's impossible. The amount of Fate Qi required for the whole process can only be provided by Fate Kingdom which is now closed.'

'Mhmm, I understand now. Ling should be your only real daughter then?' Xuefeng asked, using this opportunity to learn more about then two.

'That is correct. Though, I don't mind to have more… This time with the right person,' Ming suggested, almost making him choke.

'What were we talking about earlier? Sword Arts, right? We went off-topic for a minute,' Xuefeng swiftly changed the subject, feeling like it wasn't the best time to talk about children.

He didn't mind having some in the future, far far future. Right now he was focused on adventures and improving himself together with his wives. Their lives would get really complicated.

Ming didn't seem to mind and continued the old topic, 'Yes, Sword Arts. Thanks for that Artefact from before, I knew about his Sword Arts before he died. Sword God was actually a Fate Holder


as well so we were able to keep track of his doings. We naturally can't interfere too much in the human world but we could store data without much problems.'

'Let's start with the easiest one, the charging strike. Each move is harder to master than the other so we will move step by step. This one requires the least skill, focusing on precision and raw power. It combines your bodily strength and your speed, focusing all of your power at the tip of your sword. Don't underestimate it just because it sounds easy. This charging strike grants you the highest offensive power from all the seven moves so its also the most essential to master.'

'Alright, let's do this,' Xuefeng called out, already hyped up with her explanation but his hopes to quickly get into it were crushed as he pulled out his new sword and he almost fell due to its weight.

"Cough, I need to figure out how to even use this sword before we can even start the training," Xuefeng muttered, looking at the sword hopelessly. 'Is there a way to improve my strength in a short amount of time?'

'Did you forget about your bloodline? How about putting your Titan Blood to some use?' Ling suggested as a bystander. 'Although it's not enough for a full bloodline transformation but it should give you some physical enhancement once you run those drops through your veins.'

'I totally forgot about those!' Xuefeng realized excitedly and closed his eyes, venturing deep inside his dantian with his consciousness.

He entered into his Spirit and saw a blood drops hovering next to his other bloodlines.

'Swallow one drop and it will integrate into your body,' Ming directed. 'Although it's not permanent, it should give you about an hour of a boost in strength, just enough to finish our training.'

Xuefeng didn't hesitate and followed her suggestion, taking one of the drops into his mouth before awaking back in his own body, observing it for the changes.


In the next second, Xuefeng felt like his body exploded. The ground cracked under his weight. His muscles and veins bulged, looking as if one paper cut could slice them open.

"Wow…" Xuefeng muttered amazed, feeling the sudden power coming from his body.

Although his body didn't increase in size, his muscles seemed enhanced, making him feel like every muscle in his body was now active and ready to bring out the utmost of its potential.

He lifted Dragon Edge once again and sure enough, the sword was much lighter than before. It wasn't a heaven defying change but he could at least carry the sword in a straight manner.

"Much better," Xuefeng announced, trying out the sword and repeated the slash from before in the office.


Without using any Qi, the air smashed into the Training Barrier, causing everything to vibrate. Seeing such power from a casual swing, he couldn't help but imagine the power his strike would have using the Sword Art.

"Whoa…" The girls watched him in surprise, stopping what they were doing to watch him.

Having an audience of beauties, Xuefeng couldn't disappoint them.

Just as he was about to ask, Ming displayed a scene in his mind, showing the first move in practice.

On the scene, it was actually him performing the art. He held the sword with one hand right next to his waist and charged at the enemy shadow. He was so fast that he could barely see his movements if not for the fact that it was slowed down. The point of his sword cut through air like a slim drill until it finally reached the target, passing right through him without even leaving anything.

Total annihilation.

He was so impressed that he wanted to try it immediately.

"Let me help you," Ling called out as she appeared next to him in one of her white casual dresses. "You need an opponent."

With that said, she flew towards the other side of the Training Grounds and created a copy of him, holding the same Dragon Edge as him.

"Interesting…" Xuefeng muttered with a smile and did the same, giving himself some place to gain his momentum.

"All I need to do is replicate the scene from the video. It's not hard," Xuefeng hyped himself up and set his stance like on the video.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Xuefeng launched forward, running as fast as he could.

Boost! Boost! Boost!

Multiple arts for boosting his speed activated at once, causing him to burst forward like cannonball. His eyes followed the tip of his sword, aiming it at his clone's chest, right in the middle.

His copy stood still, aiming its sword at him which sealed his doom. It was too late to run even if he wanted to.

Unfortunately, that's exactly what Ling wanted him to do.

She smiled and sent a simple order to the clone, making him send an air bomb, aimed at his legs.

He jumped to dodge it but his charge got disrupted, his sword losing the precision from before on top of slowing him down.


Xuefeng's copy sidestepped and smashed at his sword from the side, making him miss completely.

"Lesson number one. Don't expect your opponent to just stay still and do nothing. Unless they are really slow or immobilized, try to avoid using this Sword Art. Even though it's the strongest, it's easy to disrupt your movements with external factors. Unless you can be unstoppable, you won't finish your strike."

Chapter 511 Reinforcements

Although he got played by Ming and Ling, he had to admit it was a valuable lesson. He would rather fail now during training than dying on the battle later.

'Even if it's hard to execute against humans, I think it would be perfect versus huge, immobile Spirit Beasts in the Hidden Realm so I will continue to train it after my Titan Bloodline loses its properties,' Xuefeng decided. 'I already have a nice idea how to improve it.'

'What idea?' Ming asked curiously but Xuefeng kept it a secret, a little revenge for tricking him earlier. 'I will show you later. I can only tell you I will name it Sky Drill.'

'Interesting… Let's move onto the second move then.'

They didn't waste time on talking as Ming displayed another scene for him, showing the second move.

'It's a counter-attack move that allows you to strike the enemy using your torque after blocking their attack,' Ming described as he watched himself block before disappearing from his position and reappearing behind the enemy, striking him at the blind point. 'This is where your Ether Qi comes to play. After a block, you quickly wrap your body with it and move behind enemy, using the enemy strike to your advantage.'

"Nice! Let's try it," Xuefeng called out excitedly, lifting his sword to face his clone's attack. "I'm ready."

At the same time, back their bedroom, Wuying opened her eyes, sensing vibrations coming from one of her Communication Crystal. They just finished listening to Wu's report of the recent events from the Trade Union when she got disturbed yet again.

She pulled out the crystal and vanished from the bed, appearing on the balcony.

'Wuying, I think we have a problem. We need your help.'

Liu Xiaobei's voice came out of the crystal.

It was the first time she heard him this serious which made her drop everything and rush to his office. Although not as powerful as Xuefeng's invisibility, her Shadow Art came in handy, allowing her to pass through multiple walls and floors without wasting time.

When she reached the office, she saw multiple people inside, including her second hand from the Shadow Guard, the leader of Elvish Guards and someone from Xiao Family who she didn't recognize from face but rather his uniform, having the familiar logo on his chest.

He looked middle-aged, having a short but neatly cut beard. She sensed his cultivation was much higher than her own so she guessed he was someone important.

"What happened?" Wuying asked immediately, skipping all formalities. She knew the matter must have been serious seeing all of the leaders gathered in the office.

"Wuying, thank you for coming. I know you are busy training," Liu Xiaobei acknowledged and glanced at the man in Xiao Family Uniform. "This is the Chief Officer of Xiao Family Guards."

"Greetings Milady," the Chief Officer bowed in greeting to which she only nodded. There was only one person above her in power and that was Xuefeng.

He didn't seem to mind that and quickly pointed at the papers on the desk, moving straight to


the point, "We have received multiple reports about Royal Family relocating their forces. They must be plotting something but we were not able to find out what yet."

Wuying's gaze turned much sharper as she glanced at the papers and asked seriously, "How much reinforcements are we talking about?"

"Around three thousand Sages and two hundred Monarchs passed through the Central Region Barrier just this morning. They are coming from all four regions and even more should arrive by tomorrow," the Chief Officer answered patiently. "They are not coming to the Capital officially but rather incognito, hiding their identities. They even use long distance Teleportation Stations used by officials to reach the Capital much faster."

"When will they arrive in the Capital?"

The chief officer smiled bitterly and showed two fingers, "Two hours at the maximum."

"Our forces are still much stronger than them even if they wanted to fight us directly," the Leader of Elvish Guards pointed out, sounding confident. "I think we should strike immediately. Together with Young Master Xuefeng and our Queen, we can sweep through the Royal Palace in less than an hour."

"Hold on." Wuying frowned when she heard him, halting his approach. She didn't like chaos so directly attacking without proper plan was a bad idea.

She thought deeply about their options and asked Liu Xiaobei, "How are the preparations for the take-over?"

"We already started preparing, allocating our men throughout the Capital but we still need more time. We should be ready by tomorrow morning if we follow the plan," Liu Xiaobei reported. "I think we shouldn't risk the chaos. I called you here to help us decide."

"I understand," Wuying nodded, ready to express herself when the Chief Officer added, "There is also a rumor that the Ruler of the Realm decided to pass the crown onto his son. It's not yet confirmed but our spy reported the Ruler's son was bragging to his servant about it, promising her to be his Queen after his coronation. It could be as quick as tomorrow but it wasn't yet announced to the public so we are not sure what they are planning."

His words didn't change her idea so Wuying suggested, "We should gather forces and take control over the Teleportation Stations. From what I know, there should be four of them in total. Perform a temporary lockdown of the Capital by disabling all of them. Normal citizens doesn't use them so they won't be affected much but we will be able to stop all the reinforcements no matter what the Ruler plans."

Liu Xiaobei seemed to like the idea as he immediately supported it, "Let's do it."

Others nodded in agreement and only the Chief Officer from Xiao Family questioned, "What about the rumors of the Ruler's abdication? If that is true, there is a chance that the Ruler knows about our plans and decided to simply escape from the Capital, saving his skin. There is honestly no reason for him to stay, knowing his doom is inevitable."

He didn't wait for her response and proposed, "How about we kill the Ruler today but keep quiet about it, only announcing when we are ready?"

Wuying knew very well how bad of an idea that was, recalling all of the battles of the highest level. There was literally no way to avoid getting discovered.

"Impossible. How do you plan to hide such a big war from public? If we were to storm the Royal Palace, it is bound to gather attention. Once the Ruler starts counter attacking and Xuefeng battles with him, all Royal Family expects throughout the Capital would be alarmed which would lead to one big chaos. The only way is to finish them in a full sweep, taking over all Royal Family buildings at once. Trying to kill him quietly is too risky as you said it yourself, there is a big chance he is expecting us," Wuying explained sternly.

She didn't want to listen to any more agreements and ordered, "Gather your men and take control over the Stations. Limit the casualties to Zero. We can't afford to lose any of our people."

"Yes Milady." Both leaders of the Liu Clan's forces nodded, knowing very well who had the last say in the matters while the Chief Officer agreed reluctantly.

In the end, he didn't have choice even if he didn't fully agree to it. Wuying was Xuefeng's wife and Xuefeng was Xiao Family's Son-in-law. He lost at the start already.

"Shall we notify Xuefeng?" Liu Xiaobei asked when the three left but Wuying shook her head, "No. He is training and preparing for our expedition. This was also another reason why we can't attack right now. Royal Family is not worth as much as the success of our expedition."

"Are you planning on helping directly or return back to the training as well?"

Wuying thought for a moment and missing the action, she chose the first option, "Yes, I will join and lead the operation this time. It has been a while since I stretched my bones. I almost finished my training anyway so I'm free."

"There is also one more person that is free and would love to join in some fun," Wuying added with a smile, already imagining how eager she would be to follow her.

Chapter 512 Nuwa, The Queen Of Forest Elves

Multiple Royal Guards surrounded a portal that was one of the most strategic locations aside from the Royal Palace. Although it was a very rare occurrence, its most important role was to sneak reinforcements into the Capital in case it was attacked.

"Gosh, why were we ordered to guard this portal? Nothing is happening for a long time and it's boring. Is some important person coming? No one told us anything," one of the younger guards complained annoyed, sitting down on the edge of the portal.

"You are a guard so your role is to guard. You don't need to know the details," the older guard explained before chiding him, "Now stand up and shut up. Someone will arrive any minute. We need to protect the site in case anyone attacks the station."

"Who would dare to attack us? There are almost fifty of us outside and twenty inside. There is no way anyone can kill us all before we set an alarm and mobilize the glorious Royal Guard. Who stands a chance against us?" The young guard sounded confident, bringing out a roll from his neighbor's eyes.

"Honestly, I don't know where you were the past few days but you are really naive to think that Royal Family still has the upper hand in the Capital." The older guard shook his head when the portal suddenly lit up, making all the guards stand with their backs straight. "Stay focused. I don't want any accidents!"

The young guard quickly stood up, looking at the portal excitedly. In the next second, two silhouettes slowly materialized on the platform before their bodies were revealed from the bright light. The sheer power released by those two people was enough to crush the young guard but he didn't seem scared, more like intrigued and curious.

"Welcome to the Capital! Can I have the names of you two as well as the secret password?" The older guard greeted them immediately, bowing his head.

One of the arrivals was a skinny middle-aged man, already looking like he was reaching his sixties. His gaze was sharp and he frowned when he heard the guard's words.

"Two?" He seemed confused at first but then he looked behind him and his eyes widened, seeing a beautiful blond woman with a veil covering her face.

Her skin seemed so smooth and soft while the body curved perfectly from bust to her bottom, shaping like hourglass. What was even more enchanting about her was her flirty gaze and pointy ears that were rarely seen.

"What a coincidence that we two arrived at the same time. What's your name milady?" The skinny man asked politely, smiling at the lady while completely ignoring the guard.

The lady glanced at him, looking offended, "Are those the manners of Royal Family members? Asking for the lady's name without even introducing yourself?"

The skinny cultivator immediately turned red from embarrassment but he didn't show any anger on his face, apologizing with a deep bow, "I'm very sorry for my rudeness milady. My name is Bai—"

Too bad he wasn't able to finish as the lady cut him off, "It's okay, I don't care. I only wanted to waste some of your time before my people arrive. Now you can shut up for now and enjoy the show."

"Wha—" The skinny cultivator frowned, looking up but before he said


anything, his mouth forcefully closed and his body suddenly cracked, moving on its own.

He face planted to the ground with his hands locked behind his back, unable to do anything. He exerted his Monarch Stage power to its limits but nothing helped.

Everything happened so fast that the guards surrounding the portal were ultimately confused, not knowing why the lady was attacking the man.

Didn't she come as reinforcements? The man's rudeness wasn't enough of a reason for such treatment. Only a moment later did they finally process her words but it was too late. The lady raised her arms upwards, looking at their direction.


The twenty guards inside the building suddenly cried out in pain and fell on their knees, their arms unnaturally locked behind their back. At the same time, multiple black shadows appeared next to them, locking their wrists with handcuffs.

Only when every guard was locked did the lady withdrew her powers.

"Who are you people?!" The younger guard shouted, making the lady laugh.

"Haha, who am I?" the lady repeated the question and took of her veil, showing off her features. "I'm Nuwa, the First of My Name, Queen of Forest Elves, the Undefeated, the Beauty of Century and most importantly, the Wife of Liu Xuefeng."

As she finished, the guards had no more questions of who just attacked them.

Liu Clan.

Nuwa enjoyed everyone's shocked expressions and ordered, "Gather them in the corner like before and put something in their mouth so they don't disturb us. We need to squeeze some information from this guy."

She gazed at the Monarch Stage cultivator in front of her, not believing her luck would be this good today. Just as she teleported on the platform to trick them, someone else actually appeared at the same time as she did.

Her day couldn't get even better.


The tied skinny cultivator shouted despite his lips glued together, glaring at her as he struggled to escape but Nuwa held him in place firmly.

"Is there something you want to say before we start asking questions?" Nuwa asked, unlocking his mouth to speak.

"I will not tell you shit, bitch! Fuck you!" the man cursed at her immediately just as she expected.

Nuwa didn't get angry but instead even more excited, having a proper reason to torture the man.

"Wuying, don't you just like it when they struggle even through they know the ending results?" Nuwa asked calmly, looking at the empty space on the side.

Out of thin air, a slim body of Wuying in her black uniform appeared next to Nuwa and nodded with a smile, "I will let you do the honors."

"Ah, you are so sweet," Nuwa called out happily and lifted the man, forcing him to kneel.


She swung her right leg, striking the man right into his stomach, right above his dantian.


He wasn't sent flying as his legs stayed glued to the ground but his face turned purple, struggling to breathe.

"I think you missed. His dantian is a bit lower," Wuying advised, looking at their prey calmly.

"Oh, don't worry. He will curse me again so I will fix that mistake," Nuwa assured and asked with a cheerful smile, "What did you call me again? I didn't hear clearly."

This time the man didn't dare curse like before, spatting weakly, "W-what do you want…?"

"Ah, it's a pity he started behaving so quickly. I wanted to kick him a bit more," Nuwa muttered unhappily and questioned, "Tell us everything you know about the Ruler's plans. Why did you come here and why does he need reinforcements? We will send you back if we are satisfied with your answer."

"I was ordered to come and support the new Ruler… I don't know the details yet. I just arrived. I was supposed to learn when I reach Capital," The man answered, slowly regaining his ability to talk.

"I don't think he tells the whole truth," Wuying muttered and Nuwa agreed, "Yeah, he must be hiding something."

Nuwa prepared to strike, swinging her leg when the man cried out, "No! I swear! I even have a letter from the Ruler in my storage ring! Everything is described there. I naturally agreed to come without details as such opportunity doesn't come often. Who doesn't want to visit the Capital?"

Nuwa and Wuying exchanged gazes before a sudden crack came from the man's neck and his body fell to the ground, void of any life.

"I'm sorry, I lied," Nuwa shrugged, looking away from the dead body. "There wasn't anyone who called me a bitch that lived for more than five minutes."

The flew rings that decorated his hand flew off his fingers and landed on Wuying's palm. "You can check the rings but I doubt he is lying," Nuwa said casually.

Wuying didn't seem to mind her brutal approach, and looked through the rings just in case.

"What he said is true. No details," she confirmed right after and ordered to her men, "Take care of this Station just like we did with the other three. I will wait for your message."

"Yes, Milady."

Being done with their job, the two walked towards the exit, passing by multiple unconscious Royal Guards. They were all brought inside after they were silently put to sleep, alarming barely anyone on the streets.

Just as they left the building, they heard a few men with the Royal Family uniforms yell while running on the streets.

"The Ruler is abdicating! Tomorrow morning his son will become the new Ruler of the Realm! Coronation Ceremony will begin at noon!"

Chapter 513 Nuke

In a cloud full of dust, the clone stood still, ready to receive a strike. Ling looked around, trying to find Xuefeng but after temporarily cutting her connection with him, she didn't even feel his presence anymore.

They were running out of time so Xuefeng decided to quickly try the fourth move before his Titan Bloodline loses its effects.

The third move was pretty similar to the second one, involving redirecting the power of enemy attack after a successful block but instead of a sneaking behind an enemy, it consisted of a powerful face-check slash.

Out of nowhere, Ling turned in one direction and saw Xuefeng coming from the sky, his sword above his head, already collapsing at the clone. She already expected it so Ling acted immediately, ordering the clone to strike back instead, seeing a clear opening in Xuefeng's chest.

To her surprise, Xuefeng didn't defend as she thought he would and proceeded forward, heading straight into her pointy sword.

"Noooo!" She cried out, trying to withdraw the clone but it was too late.

The sword pierced through Xuefeng's chest, making Ling's turn pale but then Xuefeng turned into a mist, confusing her.


Before she knew what happened, another Xuefeng appeared in front of his clone and cut diagonally, slicing the clone in half.

Seeing Xuefeng turn around with a smile, she didn't think twice before running into his arms. "Ah! Dummy, you scared me… I thought I hurt you by accident," Ling muttered worriedly, squeezing his body as if to check if he was fine.

"Hehe, if I can trick you, I guess I can trick an enemy as well," Xuefeng muttered, pulling on her slim waist as if to reward himself with her soft body. "It was an afterimage that was meant to confuse you. Looking at your reaction I guess I succeeded."

She didn't mind his advances at all as her whole body was his to caress whenever he wished. If anything, she wanted more of him.

"Mhmm, I thought I lost you for a second. It looked so real," Ling agreed and gazed up in search of his lips.

Just as they kissed, she quickly reconnected their bodies, feeling his presence once again.

"Please don't make me cancel our connection again… I want to be with you at all times," Ling pleaded, bribing him with a passionate tongue twister, not letting go of him until the cloud of dust started to slowly die down.

Xuefeng, on the other hand, was indeed treating it as a reward, looking forward to train even more if each successful moves could win him a prize like this. His traveled down her body, exploring her bottom with force when he suddenly found himself losing his power.

The arm that held the sword suddenly shivered and in the next second, the Dragon Edge fell


to the ground as he was unable to support it.


The sheer weight of the sword created a tremor when the tip smashed into the ground, causing Ling to pull away in surprise.

"Ah, I guess our sword training time reached the end," Ling muttered, sounding as if it was quite unfortunate but her expression showed something different.

She showed a playful smile and tracing her fingers from his chest to his abs, Ling proposed sweetly, "How about we cultivate for a bit now…?"

Her proposal was really tempting and he felt she was in the mood but there was still something he wanted to try.

"Sure, but after I try the first move once again," Xuefeng suggested instead, postponing their dual cultivation for later.

"Don't you need your Titan Bloodline to lift the sword?" Ling questioned but he only smiled and assured her, "Don't worry, I don't need it this time. I have a different idea."

"Let me show you my Sky Drill," he called out while smacking her butt like a good luck charm and spawned his Golden Wings, launching himself in the sky.

It was hard to fly so he temporarily kept Dragon Edge into his dantian and ordered, "Create my clone once again and don't move it around. I just want to test how much damage I can possibly deal."

"Alright. Do you want me to use all of my defenses on it?"

"Yes, all of them. Let's test the penetration too," Xuefeng nodded.

Ling blushed from that as she pouted, "Can you stop saying all those naughty words? You only make me think about one thing…"

"Haha, I will swallow my words then," Xuefeng laughed and flew away, enjoying the look on Ling's face.

To give himself an even bigger challenge, he decided to include Tianshi in his experiment as well.

"Ah!" Both Tianshi and Lisa screamed when he landed next to them and lifted them from the ground without asking.

"Tianshi, will you help me? I need you to use your shield on the clone," Xuefeng asked mid-air, confusing her for a moment but then received a nod, "Of course."

He dropped them off next to Ling, describing his plan and finally launched to the sky, right to the peak of the Training Grounds barrier.

"There isn't a lot of space but I guess we can manage somehow," Xuefeng muttered.

'Can you tell me what are you planning? What is this Sky Drill?' Ming asked once again but Xuefeng didn't expose anything.

'Let me show you!'

Just as he called out, his wings swung aggressively and he launched himself forward, flying with great speed in a circle. He was accelerating till his vision was almost blurred and suddenly pulled out Dragon Edge, using its weight to aim himself straight into the clone's position.

Like a drill, Xuefeng started spinning, his sword shining, filled with Qi to the brim and fell straight into his target. Right when the tip touched his clone's stacked barriers, he released full power stored in the sword.


The sword passed through the clone's body like a knife through butter before smashing into the ground, causing a giant explosion that first blinded and then almost blasted him away through the shock wave.

"Arrrrrrgh!" Xuefeng yelled, holding onto the hilt of the sword as thousands of small rocks hit his body before dropping to the ground when the explosion ceased.

Although his body wasn't in pain, his outfit was ruined, most of it in shreds. This wasn't exactly the most surprising but the change in the surroundings was.

Half of Dragon Edge was stuck in the ground while he was at the bottom of a giant hole, almost fifty meters deep and hundred meters wide. He looked around with a dumbfounded expression, not expecting such a power behind the strike.

There was no sight of the clone, completely destroyed but that wasn't what he was most worried about.

"Are you all okay?!" Xuefeng cried out, looking at the edge of the hole and thankfully, he saw three heads pop out, replying the same back to him, "Are you okay?!"

"I'm good!" He shouted back and pulled out the sword from the ground, looking at it with admiration.

'That was stupid. You could have injured yourself if not for me shielding you,' Ming scolded. 'Next time try to aim the power forward instead of downward unless you plan to change your clothes each time you do it."

"Hehe, I will try," Xuefeng giggled, very excited about this new move of his. The only thing that didn't match anymore was the name.

"I have something cooler. From today this move will be called Nuke."