506 - 513

Chapter 506 End of Goten Whiteskins Part II

"Red Fox didn't tell you about her, did he?"

Even without Zed saying anything, Goten Whiteskins knew the answer.

"Fufu, this is so funny," Goten Whiteskins broke out into laughter. "You not knowing about your mother!"


Zed visibly flinched.


In the corner of the cafeteria, Felicity, Jessica, and others were astonished. Felicity's eyebrows knotted while Jessica turned confused.

"Didn't his mom and dad die when he was young and living in the slums?" Jessica whispered. "So what does Zed not know about his mom?"


Felicity remained silent. Unlike others, she knew the story of his parents' death was false and that he has never met them.

"The infamous Fire Queen must be really furious!" Goten Whiteskins smirked coldly. "Red Fox finally did something good for once!"

He then aimed a hand at Zed and the skin on his fingers stretched out, shooting like a net.

Zed used the flame on his body to amplify his reflexes and dodge, but the skin-net was faster and it enveloped him. A cooling sensation rippled out of the skin and like water extinguishing the fire, the flames puffed out of existence.

At the same time, from behind, Felicity attacked Goten Whiteskins. The floor cracked apart as hundreds of vines charged through them, ready to pierce through Goten Whiteskins. Alongside this, she released mutated pollens to affect his senses.

"Girl, save your efforts!"

Goren Whiteskins thundered and the vines smashed into pieces. The pollens failed to produce any effect as his skin formed a protective layer on his senses.


Felicity coughed up a mouthful of blood and dropped to the floor. She felt her skin freezing, turning her senses numb. No matter how she tried, she couldn't make a single movement.

"How could he manipulate skin to such an extent?!"

Jessica wondered in shock as she too found her body freeze just as she thought of helping.

After taking care of little distractions, Goten Whiteskins focused back on Zed.

"Fate has brought you to me, kid!" Goten Whiteskins said. "You were responsible for my decade-long suffering and now I can pay that bitch in the way she deserves! By gifting her your skin!"

Zed struggled inside the skin-net.

While he didn't fully understand the situation, he did realize his mother was not among Goten Whiteskins' favorite people.

Amidst the pain, he lifted his head and said, "Just like Red Fox, she must have got you real good! Otherwise you wouldn't vent your frustration on me!"


Goten Whiteskins clenched his fist, and simultaneously, the skin-net tightened.

Zed still didn't stop as he said, "What did she do to you? Broke your little ego?"

Goten Whiteskins snapped his teeth and put a hand on his face. His facial skin wrapped and changed, bringing back his original facial features.


Zed was stunned. His mind flashed with one scene from the events of the future past that Pythia showed him.

Goten Whiteskins - the mercenary!

Zed identified him as one of the two assassins that he knew of, trying to murder him after he was born. Pythia has helped him witness the prelude of Goten Whiteskins and another assassin's battle with Red Fox so he was sure.

Some distance away, Loren's face constricted in shock.

"How could that murderous mutant be here?! He was imprisoned in Stormseal Island till the end of his life!"

"Stormseal Island?!"

Felicity was no longer surprised by the overwhelming strength of the opponent.

"Yes! I was around nine years old when that happened! It was on the news in the city I used to live!" Loren said, her voice filled with fear. "Dad told me about it!"

Felicity frowned and tried to regain control of her body.

Goten Whiteskins didn't care about exposing his identity. He didn't plan to let anyone live so there was no risk.

And unlike that pageant, there would be no one to hinder him, and even if that man from the pageant was here, he has enough trump cards to take care of.

A savage expression appeared on Zed's face.

Goten Whiteskins' very existence broke the only code that he followed: Never letting anyone with murderous intent towards him live!

"Red Fox must have told you about me," Goten Whiteskins said when he noticed the change in Zed's expression.

"..." Zed didn't respond.

"Anyways, you asked me what your mother did."

Goten Whiteskins placed fingers below his chin and then raised them up. His face distorted and changed, but not into another person's. It was still his but burned and hollow... to such an extent that the insides of his mouth, nose, and eye sockets were visible.

It was ugly and unsightly...

"That bitch burned my face on the cellular level! To such an extent that neither science nor supernatural abilities could ever regenerate my vibrant skin!"

Goten Whiteskins' eyes were bloodshot.

"And why? Just because I tried to do what her family paid me to do? "


Zed's face darkened.

Suppressing the pain from the skin-net, he asked, "Her family paid you to assassinate me?!"

Goten Whiteskins smirked and replied, "Oh, they did more than that! Things you couldn't even imagine!"

Zed knotted his fists. Unspeakable rage pumped through his heart.


He barely managed to ask as murderous thoughts ran through his mind; urging him to transform and destroy this world.

"Because your origin blood---"

Goten Whiteskins stopped in between as he felt a powerful burst of aura from Zed.


The temperature in the cafeteria drastically fell while flames appeared on Zed's body.

"You are absorbing the surrounding heat to overpower the confines of my net? It is useless!" Goten Whiteskins snorted but then his expression flickered.

Fire burned in Zed's eyes, seething fiercely. The flames grew wild, radiating scorching heat and cutting through the skin-net.


A pillar of fire erupted from his body and ripped through the ceiling, soaring into the morning sky.

Goten Whiteskins was startled. He looked with shock as the pillar opened up like a curtain of fire, quickly wrapping a radius of two hundred meters, locking the area into a barrier of wildfire.

"Domain at such a young age?!" Goten Whiteskins muttered in amazement. "You are just like her! A monster!"

The sudden appearance of Domain interfered with his flow of power and freed Felicity and others from his control.


The heat ripples blew the entire building into igniting ruins.

"The rise in temperature is far too terrifying!" A student complained while trying his best to be not burned to ashes.


The air turned unbelievably hot, making it harder for people to even breathe. They felt as if they were in the gas chamber, forced to inhale toxic air.

Even the ground surface turned volcanic hot as the heat fluctuations eroded through it.

The students and teachers were alarmed, their eyes filled with fear.

"This is the power of Zed?!"

"How could he be this strong!?"

"Not even the teachers could match his aura!"

"Forget about us teachers! Not even the city forces could summon such power!"

"Indeed! Don't judge us weak! That kid is a monster!"

The heat fluctuations distorted the air, making it difficult to see clearly.

Goten Whiteskins eyed Zed and with plain ridicule, said, "You surprised me, but having the ability to summon domain means nothing! Your fate remains the same!"

Chapter 507 End of Goten Whiteskins! Part III/IV

Inside the fire domain, as the students and teachers tried to protect themselves from the sweltering environment, Zed took action.

A movement of his eyes made the domain spit hundreds of fireballs, like a meteor shower.

"You are angry, kid," Goten Whiteskins lifted a hand to create a shield of hardened, indestructible skin. "Learning about your past must have hurt you like I expected."

"Nothing hurts me more than being forced to see the ugly, burned face of a man!" Zed said in the tone that was out of character for him. "So, yes, I'm angry!"

Goten Whiteskins narrowed his eyes. He found the tone of retort strangely familiar though he couldn't pinpoint to whom.

He rotated the skin shield around him, at such speed that it became a series of blurs.


The fireballs violently smashed on the skin shield. Melting heat ripples surged outward and a few fireballs bounced back, smashing on the domain boundary.


The students and teachers were horrified. They thought Zed was powerful, but seeing the ease with which Goten Whiteskins repelled the attacks, they were forced to conclude Zed was actually weak.

"It's not that zed is weak, but that man is to powerful!"

"Yes! He was able to resist the natural principles of Domain!"

The domain's most powerful aspect was not the attack power it gave to its wielder, but rather the natural principles that reigned supreme within its range.

Like in the case of the fire domain, these principles would weaken the target by making the body lose water. The brain and heart were composed of over 70% water, and even reduction of a small portion would lead to fatal consequences.

Yet despite the overwhelming nature of domain, Goten Whiteskins was unaffected! His body wasn't the least bit dry!

"Zed is going to die!" A female student sadly remarked.

Felicity ignored the conversation and focused only on the fight. Due to the heat distortions and sounds of attacks, it was impossible to hear what was spoken between Zed and the ex-prisoner of Stormseal Island, but she guessed it wasn't anything good.

"If I summon my domain, it would reduce the might of his domain!" Felicity thought. "I can't interfere!"

Meanwhile, Zed pulled a hand back before slashing it out diagonally. In the trajectory he made, the air ignited itself and exploded out, like an arc of fire.

"Kid! You are wasting your strength for nothing!"

Goten Whiteskins said with disdain as the arc swept forward, slashing like the scythe of the grim reaper. He lifted the hardened skin-shield up and the arc smashed on it.


Sparks flew out like firecrackers, but unlike the previous attacks, the arc of fire didn't repel back or fade. Instead, the potent fire energy in it spread through the shield in the form of threads and seeped directly into the pores.

After coming to the other side, the threads of fire energy concentrated back in the form of an arc and strike Goten Whiteskins. Everything happened in a matter of seconds!


The potent force exploded on contact and Goten Whiteskins was blown back by over ten steps. His skin manipulation powers absorbed the explosive force, saving him from the harm.

Still, Goten Whiteskins was astonished.

Not by the power of the attack for it only pushed him back due to the surprise factor, but rather the quick-thinking of Zed to bypass the shield.

"You have rich battle experience!" Goten Whiteskins praised with a grin. "But in front of overpowering difference in strength, it makes no difference!"

"Really? No difference at all?" Zed asked.


Goten Whiteskins' eyes flickered and he quickly looked up just in time to see a humongous head, made of fire, descending.

"He was distracting me to summon this demonic head of fire?!"

The humongous head opened its enormous mouth and exposed its sharp teeth that were, in fact, spears of volcanic flames.


The demonic head roared before swallowing Goten Whiteskins and shutting its mouth. Terrifying pressure erupted inside the mouth, just like the second before the volcano erupts.

Goten Whiteskins' skin dried completely.

"That son of a bitch!"

He cursed as the spears rushed forward to impale him while the entire head exploded into molten lava.


A terrifying explosion blasted through the domain, making its very existence tremble.

Felicity and others protected themselves with everything they got, and yet most of them coughed blood and passed out.

"Zed!" Felicity called out.

"I'm fine."

Zed assured her as he forced himself to stand.

It took all his strength to summon the head of fire. But he knew that would happen as it was the ultimate attack he could use at his level.

Suddenly, the back of his head numbed. His expression changed and he made fire erupt below his feet to jump back.

The moment he jumped back, a sharp blade passed by. Even though he jumped back, the fluctuations from the blade slashed through his chest, cutting so deeply that his bones came in sight.

Zed placed a hand on the wound and cauterized it. He then lifted his head and looked in front to see Goten Whiteskins standing without any injuries.

The teachers and students looked at Goten Whiteskins in plain shock, their faces plastered with dread.

"Wasn't he caught off-guard?! So how could he survive that terrifying attack?!"

"And that too, without suffering a single scratch!"

"He must be hiding his strength!"


"You managed to surprise me, again!" Goten Whiteskins said with a vicious smile. "And I should have expected nothing less from her blood!"

"...." Zed turned silent.

"Now let me show you absolute strength that not only you, but no one could ever surpass!"

Goten Whiteskins released the restrictions on his pores.


A frightening aura exploded out of him like a tsunami, destroying everything in its path. The ground toppled while the domain collapsed into lingering streams of fire.


Throughout the campus, students and teachers felt a stifling sensation and their knees bend on their own, as if in reverence.

Felicity's heart sank for she knew what this feeling of reverence implied.


A title conferred on the rarest and strongest of mutants!

The ones who have broken through the shackles of humanity and evolved into gods!

Felicity hasn't met Alpha but she has heard from her father what the true presence of an Alpha felt like.

The survival instinct would force every cell to kneel down in reverence, to worship the stronger form of life.

Goten Whiteskins stood in the tempest of his aura. The skin on his body turned into the darker shade of a sharp metal, similar to reclining-moon-blade.

He eyed Zed and was surprised to discover him still standing. The natural reverence that came for an Alpha was missing.

"You astonish me again and again," Goten Whiteskins said, impressed. "But how could you surpass the urge to worship my existence?"

Zed wiped the blood from his lips and didn't say anything.

"It must be your father's blood!" Goten Whiteskins guessed. "Truly, a bloodline originating from Celestial Elysian Plane couldn't be underestimated!"

Zed's eyes constricted.

Bloodline from Celestial Elysian Plane?!

"No! That would be impossible!"

Zed reminded himself.

Having knowledge of advanced science, he has studied his genes in detail. Thanks to this, he knew he inherited his ability to wield fire from his mother and the ability to sense danger from his father.

He also discovered his genes came from two sets of impressive parents, but none of their bloodline originated from an alien source.

"Goten Whiteskins must be mistaken or lying... unless...!!"

Zed's expression turned grim. He knew what has happened to him as a newborn.

Gritting his teeth from a rage he has never felt before, he said, "One of you must have toyed with my genetic source and wiped out most of the genetic inheritance!"

Goten Whiteskins was startled.

What was this kid saying?!

Genetic inheritance!?

It could be wiped out?!?

"It was really well done, without leaving any clues!" Zed's eyes turned bloodshot. "But no one had the right to do that! Neither my parents nor you cheap assassins!"

Chilling murderous intent surged out of him. Every characteristic unique to his personality disappeared and his expression twisted into that of a bloodthirsty demon.

"!" Goten Whiteskins didn't knew why but his face paled from alarm.

This greatly shocked him.

How could an Alpha like him be alarmed by a kid?!

Some distance away, Jessica and others couldn't listen to what was spoken due to the aura of Alpha, but they noticed the change in Zed's expression.

They unconsciously trembled while Felicity turned worried...

"And you fucking imbecile, you have the guts to provoke me with that impotent face of yours?" Zed asked coldly.

Goten Whiteskins turned angry but even before he could think of taking action, his eyes flickered from the scene ahead.

Crimson blood erupted from Zed's mouth and spread through his body. The blood ignited his skin, making him wreathe in crimson flames.


The ground shook and debris exploded into the sky.

The fluctuations from the crimson flames made everyone feel as if they were looking at the sun, forcing them to shut their eyes or risk turning blind.

"You are igniting your blood source to summon Blood Flames!" Goten Whiteskins said, surprised. "But that wouldn't make a difference against me!"

"We will see!"

Zed tapped on the ground and charged forward, leaving behind a trail of flames. Like a meteor, he directly smashed on the all-powerful Alpha.


The entire campus trembled violently. The windows and walls cracked apart while cracks snapped through the ground.

On the place of collision, a large crater appeared and the crimson flames exploded into the skies, like a crimson pillar.

A kilometer away, two police helicopters rapidly flew towards the academy when they noticed the illumination of the crimson flames. The helicopters paused, while the police unit inside wondered what was responsible for the crimson flames.

Similarly, on the road, police vehicles were quickly closing to the academy when the sudden burst of flames sent them into confusion.

"The children of important persons study there!" The police captain said in a commanding tone. "So hurry up!"

Inside the surging crimson flames, Goten Whiteskins stopped Zed with a motion of his hand. He didn't suffer a single scratch despite the price Zed paid by burning his lifeforce.

"This is the difference between our powers!"

Goten Whiteskins said as he slashed on Zed's chest. Like a fountain, blood splashed out...

But contrary to what he expected, Zed smirked. There was no painful grunt, despair, or fear... just a smirk.

"You could still smile after failing?" Goten Whiteskins asked, annoyed.

"Failed? I succeeded!" Zed answered as his facial skin scattered out of existence.

"!" Goten Whiteskins was startled.

He wasn't using his ability to pull Zed's skin so what was going on?!

"Impossible! This couldn't be happening!"

Goten Whiteskins muttered in absolute shock as the lethal wounds on Zed's chest rapidly filled up.

"What the hell!?"

He hadn't even blinked and in that time, the wounds disappeared, as if they never existed.

"Hey, impotent bastard, tell me something."

A new voice awakened him from thoughts. He looked up and was stupefied by what he saw.

Someone else was in Zed's place!

It was that unpleasant man from the beauty pageant!


How did he appear inside the crimson flames?! And where was Zed?!

As he tried to make sense of things, Kiba asked.

"My mom ruined your face to such an extent that you could never show it to any woman... and since you say how similar I'm to her... don't you think I should outdo her?"


Goten Whiteskins was so shocked by what Kiba's words implied that he couldn't even think, much less respond.

"I take your silence as a yes!"

Kiba grabbed a strand of crimson flames and twirled it with an invisible strand of power Cosmic. He then crushed the fused flame strand on Goten Whiteskins' crotch.


Goten Whiteskins broke out of the trance. At an indescribable speed, he brought his hands down to extinguish the flame.

But much to his terror, the crimson flame that earlier couldn't harm in the slightest, grew strong to such an extent that by the time he was able to extinguish them, his crotch has turned into charred flesh.

And he could feel... the flames have burned him on the cellular level, just like his face! The damage was irrevocable!

Still, despite the damage to his face, he could show it to others... either by masking it with fake skin or donning another person's skin...

But his crotch?!

It was burned to such an extent that even he could not bear to look at it! And unlike with his face, using fake skin or another man's skin would prove useless!

So, even if a woman wanted to be with him, he could never show his destroyed treasure to her! Forget about using it!

Kiba observed Goten Whiteskins with a warm smile.

"My mom would be so happy! I outdid her!"

Like a filial child, his eyes erupted with tears of happiness.

"I don't know her, but you do! So tell me, how proud would she be of me?"

Chapter 508 End of Goten Whiteskins Final

The police helicopters and vans rushed into the smoking ruins that were once the cafeteria.

The police captain swiftly jumped out and gazed at the rotating pillar of crimson flames. He has observed it for less than a second when he felt the same urge as the students and teachers: to kneel down in reverence! He wasn't even able to think of resisting!

In the sky, the pilots lost control as the strange urge gripped their consciousness.

Their bodies bent down, leading to disastrous consequences as the helicopters crashed directly into the ruins. Neither them nor those inside could think of jumping out as the helicopters exploded from the collision...

"What the hell is going on?!"

The police captain panicked as the surviving police members kneeled alongside him. They have come to save the students but now they were just as helpless.

"Just what on Earth is causing this!?"

The police captain wondered in dread.


Inside the pillar of crimson flames.

Goten Whiteskins looked at his charred crotch with bloodshot eyes. Like any desperate person, he tried to search for a silver lining, but no matter how he tried, he couldn't. His treasure was completely ruined...

It was then that he heard Kiba happily gushing about his mother and outdoing her. After all, for any parent, the happiest feeling was of being surpassed by their child. The same went for the child.

"I don't know mom, but you do! So tell me, how proud would she be of me?" Kiba enquired with a sincere look.

"You bastard! I would rip your skin apart!" Goten Whiteskins emitted filaments of power.

"Why so angry? Don't you want to satisfy the curiosity of a lonely child separated from his mom?"

Kiba asked with a confused expression as he ducked to the side and expanded the inner-diameter of the pillar of crimson flames. From the initial five meters, it spread to a hundred meters in an instant, making more space available for battle inside.

"You caught me off-guard with that strange transformation of yours! And then used the surprise element to land a despicable attack!" Goten Whiteskins grit his teeth and said, "But don't you dare believe you have what it takes to face Alpha!"


His Alpha presence surged outward like an explosive tempest and smashed on the pillar of crimson flames. Cracks appeared on the pillar and the flames stilled.

Outside, the frightening tempest swept over everything. Everyone was sent tumbling backward while the vehicles blew into the sky.

Inside, under the might of explosive tempest, Kiba stood still while his hair dancing in the air. The ground under his feet ruptured and crushed stones blew around him, swirling aimlessly.

"An imbecile who vents on the child for the actions of the parent calls himself Alpha? Nothing can be more despicable than that!"

Kiba lifted his head and broke into laughter.

Amidst the laughter, his powerful aura burst out like a raging volcano. The terrifying surge of aura enveloped the land and its horrifying pressure came crashing downwards. The ground sank by dozens of meters while the cracks in the pillar filled up.

Goten Whiteskins' face paled as if he has seen a ghost. In a voice of absolute shock, he exclaimed, "You are Alpha!"

Kiba grinned and replied, "Bingo for realizing the obvious! As a reward, you get to escape from your impotent existence by dying!"

Goten Whiteskins didn't hear anything. His senses were in a mess from the moment he discovered Kiba was Alpha.

The latter might now appear in the late twenties but he knew his actual age was around twenty-two!

Twenty-two and Alpha?!

How could that be possible?!

On the entire planet, there were not even two hundred Alphas! That's how rare they were in a population of over ten billion!

And none of them achieved the reverend title at such a young age!

Not even the Nine Sovereigns!

The youngest Alpha was the ruler of Eden!

The Ice Queen!

But even she was older than Kiba or Zed, or whatever the hell his name was!

"What on Earth are you?!"

Goten Whiteskins asked as their aura collided against each other, creating terrifying airwaves that rippled outward. Had they not been blocked by the pillar of crimson flames, the outsiders would have turned into blood mist.

"Your death!"

Kiba's expression twisted into that of a murderous fiend. He stretched a hand towards Goten Whiteskins and pulled it back.


Goten Whiteskins felt an overbearing force pulling him forward. Despite his strength, he rolled through the air and smashed in front of Kiba.

"Kid! How dare you!"

Goten Whiteskins entered into combat mode and launched ten skin constructs to punish the preposterous kid.

At the same time, every skin cell on his body melded into the wind. From a materialistic body, he turned into a fading specter that completely vanished!

Kiba narrowed his eyes.

He quickly crushed the skin constructs while looking around. There was no sign of Goten Whiteskins.


Suddenly, Kiba felt his body turning numb as some invisible substance wrapped around it.

Goten Whiteskins has compressed his presence to skin cells and then blend them with the wind. Now, he coiled those blended particles on Kiba to take control of the latter's body.

After all, as long as he could assimilate the skin with his particles, he would be the master of another Alpha-rank body!

This method was one of his trump cards! Something he rarely used!

Kiba shut his eyes tight.

"l knew you were strange with that hobby of wearing other's skin, but didn't know so strange that you would have homosexual tendencies to glue on another man!"

Kiba snapped his eyes open, glowing with strands of lightning.

"I'm all for the rights of homosexuals, but that doesn't mean I appreciate being the target of their affection!"

Dazzlingly bright bolts of lightning erupted out of his body. They mercilessly stabbed on the foreign particles, cutting and shredding them.

The consciousness of Goten Whiteskins simultaneously felt the agony of being stabbed and electrocuted. Something he could have resisted had his body not split into particles.

Cursing Kiba, he miserably retreated back and fused back into his humane form.

"You have a venomous tongue!"

Goten Whiteskins swore at Kiba's nonstop provocation. From burning the crotch to stabbing with lightning, Kiba always found an opportunity to make hurtful comments while successfully making himself look as pitiful and righteous.

Goten Whiteskins never met an opponent with such provoking skills.

"Pretty sure the women you saw in the pageant would beg to disagree!" Kiba replied as he rushed forward.

"Shameless! Red Fox forgot to teach you manners!"

Goten Whiteskins turned his skin into indestructible and sharp before spreading it into fine lines, forming a fortress that caged the incoming Kiba.

If possible, Goten Whiteskins didn't want to use this attack as he wanted Kiba's body without killing him since he has to complete the mission for which he was here. But now he knew he had no choice but to use all his strength, even if that meant killing.


Hundreds of skin weapons shot out from the fortress, enforced with the might of Alpha.

"For once, you are right!" Kiba's lips spread into a grin. "Had Red Fox taught me manners, I wouldn't have killed him! So, when you meet him in the afterlife, don't forget to chide him for being a bad caretaker!"


Goten Whiteskins was astonished.

This kid killed Red Fox?! The legendary mercenary from Prism Island?! The one who fought multiple Alphas and survived?!

"For a self-declared Alpha, you get distracted rather too easily."

Kiba mocked as his body turned illusory like a phantom.


The powerful skin weapons rushed at him, emitting explosive force that threatened to rend the sky and collapse the earth.

But to Goten Whiteskins' disbelief, instead of stabbing Kiba to death, they phased through him, without creating a single injury.

"You even have spatial abilities?!" Goten Whiteskins wanted to pull his hair in frustration.

Pyrokinesis, shapeshifting, extraordinary strength, enhanced speed, regenerative healing factor, telekinesis, lightning, and now even spatial abilities! Last time he even used mind control!

Just what type of existence Rebecca gave birth to?!

"Well, yes, spatial abilities among others," Kiba replied while spreading his arms. "Now my turn to end this."

Had Kiba been in the mood of playing around, he would have used Happy Moments. But since he wasn't, Goten Whiteskins was spared of misery that was as worse as having his crotch burned.

Though in a few seconds, he wouldn't feel lucky at all...

Inside the pillar of crimson flames, the flow of gravity changed as an incorporeal, intangible cage superimposed over it.

The flames lost their glow, the light lost its power of illumination, and the air lost its ability to act as a medium. Everything turned dark as if a curtain of darkness was spread over the world.

The skin fortress trembled and Goten Whiteskins screamed without emitting any sound. He found his indestructible skin swirling outward, as if ready to tear apart from his body.

It was at this moment that Kiba spoke two words:

"Gravity Cage."

An extremely violent gravitational force pulled the skin fortress from all directions. The fortress brutally ripped into specs of dust while the ground smashed into a depthless crater.

In front of the frightening law of gravity, the overbearing strength of Goten Whiteskins didn't matter.

Exactly a second later, the superimposed cage vanished, marking the return of light and sound...


Kiba floated over the crater and made a grasping motion. From the crater, the body of Goten Whiteskins flew out, ruined beyond recognition and without a single cell of human skin.

For Goten Whiteskins, the irony of his present state wasn't lost.

"How could such an overkill ability exists!?"

Amidst the terrible agony of having his skin removed, he forced all his strength to ask.

The terrifying strength used by Kiba not only frightened him out of the wits but also made him extremely envious.

How could a kid who has barely lived two decades have the power that could destroy an Alpha like him?!

This question made his soul hurt from terror and jealousy, but he also knew he would be helpless to do anything even if he got the answer.

He was barely alive, and that was not due to him, but rather Kiba.

So, all he could do was barely cling to his life and pray his agony would die...

"The reason lies in the factor that brought you to the slums and kill innocent slum-dwellers," Kiba answered, coldly. "The same reason for which you sought me in the academy."

Goten Whiteskins' pupils constricted as he muttered, "Castor Damon?!"

"No, that's not the reason for which you were there, though you may have been told otherwise," Kiba said with an icy smile. "Well, in the afterlife, you will meet a lot of people that can explain everything you want to know."


Goten Whiteskins flinched.

"You do have a bit of courage."

Kiba observed with a bit of appreciation as Goten Whiteskins neither begged nor cried.

"Not bad for a cheap serial killer and self-declared Alpha."


"So, decades ago, who hired you?" Kiba asked. "And who wiped out my genetic inheritance?"

Goten Whiteskins felt a deep hatred for Kiba just as much as he did for his mother. He didn't want to answer, but he knew, he had no choice unless he wanted to prolong the agony he was suffering...

"I don't know the answer to your second question," Goten Whiteskins started. "As for the first, I was hired indirectly... The higher-ups of aristocrat families always do that to protect their prestige."

"Aristocrat family?" Kiba raised an eyebrow.

Goten Whiteskins nodded and said, "Yes. And I know I was hired on behalf of the head of Hestia ----"

Half of what he planned to say died in his throat as something deep in his brain sparkled. His eyes turned listless and foam streamed out of his mouth.


Kiba was astonished.

He has scanned Goten Whiteskins for tracking \u0026 other items before and crushed them with Gravity Cage. So the sudden death caught him off-guard.

"His body wasn't emitting any signal to outside... so his death could only mean one thing."

Chapter 509 Bring Me City

"For a self-declared Alpha, he was far too stupid. The mind is one place no existence could have dared compromised but he...."

Kiba looked at the unrecognizable corpse of Goten Whiteskins and sighed.

"He didn't even know that mind was implanted with a foreign biological matter that would react the moment he shares information his consciousness deemed confidential."

Kiba pressed a finger on the corpse and wrapped it with streams of energy. Dazzling light erupted and the corpse broke into specs of dust.

"Then again, even I wasn't able to detect that matter when I scanned him so he couldn't be faulted entirely."

It wasn't Kiba's first encounter with such mechanisms to protect confidential information from being disclosed. Months ago, when he captured revolutionaries, he tried to read the memories of one of them. Sadly, the hidden mechanism activated and the consciousness of the revolutionary collapsed.

"The style is different so it isn't revolutionaries... It must be either aristocrat families or the government, though if Castor Damon is to be believed, there is little difference between the two.

"Anyways, was the foreign matter implanted to stop him disclosing information about what he did over two decades ago? That would seem far too stretched since many were involved..."

Kiba wasn't sure if Goten Whiteskins died due to plain bad luck. After all, the only demand for the foreign biological matter to react was sharing any information deemed confidential by oneself...

Kiba lowered a hand and shot out a column of light that enveloped the depthless crater. In the blink of an eye, the light turned into soil mass, reducing the crater's dimensions by over 90%.

Kiba then brought out a black capsule from the storage space. It was something he never had to use, but he knew there was always a first time for everything.

"Time is running out so need to hurry up."

He scanned the area inside the pillar of crimson flames and ensured everything was as he wanted.


Rays of golden light enveloped him and he transformed back into Zed. Then, without any hesitation, he stuffed the capsule in his mouth. The capsule broke into black pellets that melted inside his bloodstream and created havoc on his internal organs.


His healthy face lost vigor and he coughed out multiple mouthfuls of blood.

"Claudia must have taken real joy in creating this pill."

Zed bitterly thought as, throughout his body, multiple wounds appeared, making him look exhausted and bloody. Still, the good part was that he didn't feel any pain despite his tragic appearance.


At the same time, as he lost his strength, the pillar of crimson flames dispersed.

"That urge has disappeared!" The police captain thought as he found his body back in control. He rose to his feet and the others around him did the same.

The moment Felicity got her senses back, with panic in her eyes, she quickly looked in front. And finding Zed alive, the terrible feeling in her guts died. Still, noticing the way he looked, fear gripped her.

"Jessica! You need to act now!"

Felicity grabbed the tranced Jessica and summoned her powers. The ground below their feet bloomed with flowers that quickly wrapped them and rushed forward, bringing them to Zed in an instant.

Jessica placed a hand on his forehead and the other on his heart to check his condition.

"His injuries are lethal!"

Jessica panicked. She quickly enveloped him with her healing powers.

"You can't die!" Jessica said with tears in her eyes. "Not before the date you promised!"

Zed forced a nod with his eyes half-shut. His condition was really worse because that was the purpose of the pill. Something he had to use given the number of spectators in the vicinity.

"What happened to that Goten?" Felicity asked while looking around.

At the same time, as she asked, more emergency vehicles charged into the area. From one of the vehicles, Suzane rushed out, along with her husband. They both quickly scanned the area and noticed their daughter was safe. Without wasting any time, they rushed to Loren who was with Felicity and others.

"Goten suddenly vanished," Zed answered. "He toyed with me and then disappeared like he was bored."

"We all are lucky if he was bored," Loren said with dread in her voice. "Still, I can't understand how a prisoner of Stormseal Island could escape."

"Stormseal Island?" Zed furrowed his brows.

"You wouldn't know," Loren replied. "He was captured over a decade ago and sentenced imprisonment for life."

It was then that her parents arrived before her, hearing everything. She looked at her father and said, "Right, dad?"

Morgan's expression turned solemn. He couldn't let others know he was aware of Goten Whiteskins being out and that too working with the government.

"Yeah, he was a terrifying criminal," Morgan said. "Don't worry, the military base has been informed and they would capture him."


Half a mile away.

Marlon stood over a building and looked in the direction of the academy. Beside him, Amora observed the tracking tablet through her stitched eyes.

"That bastard has literally vanished just like that kid said! The trackers we injected in his bloodstream are sending no signals!" Amora cursed.

Marlon nodded before replying, "The first thing we need to do is stop the flow of information! Morgan's daughter identified him and has told the others... Thankfully Goten Whiteskins might be an idiot, but he still had some brains. Just like the pageant, he used the EMP device to nullify cameras and other recording devices."

"In the pageant, he didn't show his real appearance, but here he did," Amora crushed the tablet. "If the higher-ups learn then..."

Marlon's expression turned unsightly. Angered, he locked his vision on Zed.

"That brat!"


By now, Jessica has almost healed Zed fully. Felicity sighed in relief and so did others.

"How are you feeling?"

Suzane asked as she wrapped her arms around him for a warm hug. She knew he was orphan and knowing he has barely survived a bloodthirsty psycho, her motherly instincts took over her. She couldn't let him fall into depression.

Zed wanted to reply but he couldn't. His face was planted so deep into her breasts that her soft pliant skin rubbed against his cheeks.

In her emotional state, Suzane has forgotten how big and soft her breasts were! They were so great that they took away his ability to speak!

Behind, Morgan watched as his wife took Zed into a hug and him not responding to her question.

As an investigator, he could understand the trauma was making it hard for Zed to respond.

"Zed, you are like a family to us! Don't ever think you are alone!"

He liked Zed and wished everyone was like him - kind, humble, honest, and sincere!

Something a certain golden-haired man lacked! If someone had to suffer trauma, it should be that golden-haired man! Not Zed!

"My love is right!" Suzane patted Zed and said. "You are not alone! I'm always there for you!"

"I know!"

Zed managed to say even as her breasts caressed his face. He always knew she was there for him (Kiba).

Suzane could feel his sincerity and knew he would be able to recover!


A minute later, Suzane freed him of the hug. Zed thanked her and then shook hands with Morgan.

"Sir, you are the greatest man I ever know!" Zed said honestly. "It is because of great people like you that I would never feel loneliness, no matter what struggles I face!"

Morgan was pleased...


Meanwhile, around the city, strange accidents occurred.

The powerful mutants that have arrived in the city -- on the behest of the government and other organizations after the attack of Dark Beasts-- found themselves attacked by sticky liquid. No matter how they struggled, they couldn't win against the liquid and suffered the fate of being wrapped into a sticky cocoon...

Loqua brought these cocoons to the seventh underground floor of Sky Fiend Group. He then kneeled down and said, "Great Titan, please accept these humble offerings."

A terrifying sucking force pulled the cocoons into the chest of Hyperion. Like roots stretching into the soil, the veins of his chest stretched into the cocoons and devoured their nutrition.

"Weak, so weak."

Hyperion grunted.

"I can't wait any longer. Bring me the entire city."

Loqua's face paled but he nodded swiftly and said, "Great Titan, we shall start in a month."


Hyperion thundered and the entire floor trembled violently.

"Do it now."


Chapter 510 Hank Makes A Move!

Under the night sky, Kiba flew through the clouds, surrounded by an invisible energy barrier. He was more than strong enough to resist the air pressure, so the barrier wasn't for him, but rather for the little life in his arms.


As they flew further, skyscrapers came in sight, their peaks piercing through the layers of mist. The sight was imposing, even more at this altitude.

But for Hope, the skyscrapers made her adorable eyes sparkle with curiosity. She pointed her little arms at them, wanting to know what they were.

Kiba smiled.

He established a telepathic bond with her, and without the usage of words and language, explained about skyscrapers.

Her little face turned serious as if she was contemplating and then, she broke into soft giggles. Even before her giggles completed on their own, her mouth let out a yawn.

"Little lady, you are getting tired," Kiba said happily. "We shall explore more in the future."

Hope responded by closing her eyes and falling asleep.


Kiba kissed her forehead and said, "Good night."


A column of white light enveloped them and they teleported away.


Dream Rise House.

After placing Hope in the cradle, Kiba moved the cradle back and forth in a musical rhythm. He observed his sleeping daughter and smiled when her lips curled up.

"I want every moment of your life to be like this... filled with happiness."

Kiba whispered.

Behind, Agatha observed him with her arms crossed. The display of unconditional love melted her heart into pure joy.

"He is content."

Agatha thought with a warm smile.

She was also relieved that what happened yesterday at the academy didn't affect him. He has told her about Goten Whiteskins, what he learned from him, and what he discovered by combining all details he knew.

Yet he was neither angry nor bothered.

Somehow, she knew he was rather happy about what happened to him after he was born. After all, if not for those bitter events, he wouldn't have the present happiness.

And looking at his ecstatic expression, she knew he wouldn't exchange it for anything. Not even for a happy childhood.


The next morning.

In the living hall, the droids served breakfast to Kiba and Agatha.

"My parents contacted me," Agatha said while grabbing a bread toast.

"Oh?" Kiba raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He didn't expect her parents to contact her after what happened during the broadcast of Hypocrite News.[1]

He has completely humiliated them by airing their dirty laundry and exposing their hypocrisy; leaving them with no face to judge or mock anyone.

"They wanted to meet Hope," Agatha further said. "And voiced their interest in forming a relationship with their granddaughter."

Kiba nodded in understanding.

He knew the extraordinary fascination and love the parents had for grandchildren. Something that was unaffected even if they had an acrimonious relationship with their children.

"They invited me and Hope for lunch today," Agatha continued. "I'm thinking of accepting their invitation."

She didn't want to think about their judgemental behavior from long ago. It was all water under the bridge now.

"Well, you should accept their invitation," Kiba replied with a smile.

He wanted Hope to have everything she needed or desired. In the future, she might want to have a relationship with her grandparents, and since Agatha's parents were available for the same, he has no interest in stopping this natural development.

Agatha nodded.


A few hours later.

Since Agatha and Hope left for the restaurant at Close Horizon, he had plenty of free time, something he wanted to use. So, as Zed, he arrived in a virtual reality game parlor to hang out with Felicity, Jessica, and Loren.

"You look good," Felicity said. "Something I couldn't say the same for our academy."

Zed scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Goten Whiteskins' burst of aura had smashed most of the campus so her remark wasn't fair.

"The beauty pageant has been canceled," Loren shared a piece of news to change the topic.

"That's to be expected," Jessica said. "I heard the contestants and female staff hurriedly left the city due to their fear of..."

She trailed off in between as she remembered Goten Whiteskins was responsible for both incidents.

"It hasn't been canceled, just postponed," Zed clarified their misunderstanding.

"How would you know?" Felicity asked. She didn't care for the pageant but she cared about the surviving male judge hasn't fulfilled the promise he made to her.

Zed smiled and answered, "Well..."


Close Horizon.

Inside a private dining room, Agatha sat with her parents - Arlo and Wren.

"We are so glad you brought our granddaughter."

Agatha's mother - Wren- said with a kind smile. She rubbed her hand on Hope's head who was sitting on Agatha's lap.

"I second your mother," Arlo added. "We all are a family and some sour memories shouldn't change that."

Agatha nodded for she too wanted to have a relationship with her parents. She was glad that was finally happening.

At the same time, unknown to her, the floor under her erupted with a strange teleporting force.

Even Claudia- who constantly knew of Agatha and Hope's location through the silver bracelet and electrical gadgets- didn't notice any change in coordinates as the entire dining room teleported into a different location.

Agatha remained oblivious as the waitress brought lavish dishes...


On the thirty-sixth floor of White Angel Corporation, Eva read a file and her face fell.


Eva tore the file to pieces and then clenched her fists, her eyes flashing with hesitation.

"I don't owe him any favors...If anything, he owes me so there is no reason I should act..."

Eva told herself but then her mind flashed with memories she shared with him, especially the last time they mated, sharing more than lust.

"I'm turning stupid!"

Eva chided herself as she rushed out of the room and stepped into the elevator to move to the eighty-third floor.

But to her shock and dismay, the elevator stopped at seventy-one and the door opened up, with dozens of guards aiming their laser guns at her.

"My lovely daughter, how surprising to see you here," Hank Webley's voice came.

Eva composed herself and acted as per her the personality she has created - soft, honest, naive, and innocent.

"Dad? What's going on?" Eva asked with a bewildered and shocked expression.

"You can drop the act!" Hank replied with a cruel smile. "After suffering from that bastard's hands, I researched and planned in secret so I know what you are, you scheming bitch!"

Eva's eyes constricted.

"Despite you being a woman, I gave you a position at the company!" Hank said. "And this is how you pay me? By being a slut for that bastard?! And now even trying to screw up with my plans!"

"...." Eva was caught off-guard.

"Well, you can forget your little scheme! No one is going to mess up with my plans!" Hank thundered while ordering the guards to capture her.

"Aww! Father, I'm so frightened by this!" Eva's expression twisted. "But do you really think I don't have backup plans for such a scenario?"

Hank's eyes flickered and before he could order the guards to fire, Eva tore the diamond necklace around her neck.


The moment the necklace tore, in the power room, the circuits exploded as if some mechanism was activated. The power of the building vanished and using the resulting abrupt darkness for her advantage, Eva faded into the shadows.

In less than two seconds, the backup power activated, but by that time, Eva had disappeared.

"Find me that bitch!" Hank ordered the guards. The guards nodded and rushed to catch Eva.

"The entire building is locked for outer communication so she wouldn't have been able to contact that bastard! Besides, that floor is sealed with force field so she wouldn't be able to enter!"

Hank consoled himself.

"The plan wouldn't be affected!"


Eighty-third floor.

Agatha took a glass of water and brought it to her lips when a shadow appeared beside her, turning into a stunning woman.


Agatha was stunned by her appearance. Eva looked exhausted as if she has used a considerable amount of energy. And indeed it took her great energy to bypass the force shield.

"This is a trap!" Eva grabbed Agatha and Hope. "We need to leave now!"

Arlo and Wren's expressions changed in panic. They stood up to stop her while Agatha asked, "What do you mean?"

"You aren't at a restaurant!" Eva answered while slamming the table to the incoming Agatha's parents. "And nor your parents invited you for a fucking reunion!"

"What?!" Agatha was shocked. She noticed the change in her parents' expression and their quick actions to stop Eva.

"Don't believe her!" Wren stopped and said in a kind tone as she secretly got information that the floor was sealed.


Eva furrowed her eyebrows as she realized the worst has happened by Wren and Arlon's body language.

Agatha felt unease from Eva and knowing everything she knew about her, she knew Eva wouldn't be lying for something like this, at least not so out of blue.

"What do you mean?"

Agatha asked while taking Hope in her left arm and looking around. There was nothing wrong with the room nor did she felt the fluctuations of her being transported to another location.

"They used alien technology to swap locations and bring you at White Angel Corporations," Eva hurriedly explained while thinking of the forces that should be outside the room. "And I'm pretty sure you should be able to guess why they would do such a thing!"

"Kiba!" Agatha turned towards her parents. "You wanted to use me and Hope to make Kiba help the corporation!"

Arlo and Wren knew the sudden appearance of Eva has ruined most of their plans. So there was no use of lying.

"We are doing it for you and Hope's good!" Arlo said in a soothing voice. "As parents, our actions are always for the well being of our family! Nothing else matters! Not even differences!"

Wren then added convincing lines to defend their actions, including the skirt-chasing nature of Kiba and how he was a master of deception. She then explained benefits, including how the family would get more influence on the board of the corporation, the privilege of acquiring Divine Particles, etc.

Agatha scanned their expressions. She then looked at her daughter who looked bewildered by the conversations between adults.

"You are right," Agatha stepped in front of her father and smiled. "The actions of parents are always for the well being of the family."

Eva was surprised and cursed under breath, "Naive!"

Arlo and Wren, on the other hand, secretly sighed in relief. The former happily opened his mouth and said:

"I'm so glad you understand---"

His pupils suddenly dilated to the size of a needle and the words he wanted to continue turned into an ear-piercing scream.


The expressions of everyone in the room abruptly changed except for Agatha.

Unfazed, like she wasn't doing anything, she turned her father into an illusory phantom and grabbed his heart. And the moment he screamed, she violently twisted it.

"I understand perfectly, father. People always take advantage of naive and guileless."

Agatha said with a nonchalant expression even as her father screamed in horror.

"Kiba taught me that a long time ago. And now you made me understand that the actions of parents should be for the well-being of the family."

Arlo wanted to tell her to stop, to make her understand, but before he could, she pulled his heart out.

"I will do anything it takes for the well-being of my family," Agatha said while tossing the heart away. "Anything."


Arlo turned corporeal and dropped dead on the floor.

Wren's face paled and she threw up her lunch. The sight of her deceased husband and his tossed heart made her entire body tremble from dread.

"Mother, you were right about Kiba. He is a master of deception, but what you don't know is that he has boundaries he would never cross, something I can't say for you."

Agatha turned towards her.

Terrified, Wren jumped back and lifted her hands to release blasts of orange energy on Agatha. But to her terror, she found her body incorporeal, without any materialistic existence. Her attacks were also incorporeal just like her, completely useless.

"Agatha had such terrifying powers?!"

Wren anxiously wondered.

"Weren't her powers limited to turning her body into incorporeal?! So how could she have this deadly ability without us ever realizing?!"


Agatha took a step forward.

"D-don't kill me!" Wren got her wits back and shouted. "I gave birth to you!"

"You are right, again, so rest assured I will not kill you, mother," Agatha replied with a kind smile.

Wren strangely found the smile similar to the one she used when she rubbed her granddaughter's head.

"Mother, do you know how thick Earth's crust is?"

Agatha asked while turning towards the door as it was broken by guards.

Wren was surprised by the sudden change in topic and the strange question. She shook her head, and answered, "No, I don't."

Agatha nodded in understanding, and said, "Now that father is dead, and you have nothing else to do, why don't you find out?"


Wren looked confused for a second before she found her body falling through the floor.

Her incorporeal body lost the last of its materialistic character that made her stand on a solid surface.

Now, having no physical limitations and restrictions, she phased through floors and dropped lower and lower.

In just a matter of seconds, she sank through the land and fell into Earth's crust.

Back in the room, Eva was dumbstruck.

She didn't expect Agatha had what it takes to do such a thing. It went against the very nature she knew of.

Meanwhile, the guards aimed at Agatha and Eva.

"Step back and kneel down!" The guards commanded. "Or we wouldn't mind killing you!"

Agatha ignored their words and looked at her daughter. She noticed a red dot on the side of Hope's face, something that denoted she too was aimed by the guards.

Without turning angry, she lifted her head and said, "My mother must be lonely below. Would you mind joining her?"

Even before her words entered the guards' ears, they felt a burst of energy coursing through them, turning them into phantoms.

"Despite her old age, she is a gorgeous woman so I'm sure you would appreciate her company."

Just like Wren, the newly arrived guards collapsed through floors.

Eva listened to Agatha's words and studied her actions carefully. Her jaw slacked as she realized something.

"She has been influenced by Kiba!"

Eva looked at Agatha and the latter looked back at her. They simultaneously smiled and nodded as an unstated bond developed... a bond whose common link was Kiba.

"Let's leave."

[1] Hypocrite News was broadcasted in Chapter 62-63. With help from Claudia, Kiba exposed the dirty secrets of Agatha's family, friends, etc.

Chapter 511 Chaos In The City

Inside the game parlor, Zed surpassed Felicity and others in the virtual reality game. To their surprise, he won in all types of games, whether it was racing or fighting.

"You should allow women to win," A fellow gamer said as the game finished. "That's a gentleman thing to do."

Zed looked at him and replied, "The gentleman thing is to treat them as equal challengers and enjoy the game, instead of patronizing them."

"He is so different from the rest! Always treating everyone equally with respect!"

Jessica thought with admiration.

"So I can't understand why he would say everyone sees what he wants them to see!"


Suddenly, powerful violent fluctuations swept through the game parlor. The fluctuations hit everyone like hammers, making them collapse.


The game machines tore apart while cracks spread through the building.

"What the hell?!"

Through the cracks, one of the gamers saw an abandoned building in the vicinity as the source of the fluctuations.

Zed's eyes narrowed and rose to his feet. Then, without any warning, the back of his head numbed and a chilling sensation crawled through his body like ice water.


He was stunned as the sense of crisis was the strongest he has ever felt. Not even BSE79 gave him this chilling sense of crisis.

"What could it be?!"


Throughout the city, many buildings and warehouses - that were supposedly forgotten by the owners - shook. With rumbling sounds, they were smashed from inside out as beasts and living organisms foreign to the world awakened.


Shocking roars erupted from these creatures that made the surrounding builds quiver. Some weaker humans inside lost consciousness as their eardrums ruptured.


On the top of a thirty-storied building, an enormous mutated bird placed its feet. It smashed its peak into the inside of the building and swallowed the frightened humans.

"What's that?"

"Is this the attack of mutated beasts?!"

The people on the streets wondered aloud as they ran.


The main intersection that ran through the center of the city exploded and a gigantic snake crawled out through the debris. In the blink of an eye, it coiled around the fifty-storied building and opened its mouth to suck the humans inside.


Sky Fiend Headquarters.

In the underground facilities, Hyperion's body shook with vitality as he felt his injuries healing, albeit very slowly.

"The humans are so weak, but together, they are indeed useful."

Hyperion remarked as the beasts and other creatures transferred the vitality they absorbed to him.

"If only I had a source of power Cosmic, I wouldn't need to rely on this cheap method."


White Angel Corporation.

Hank Webley was astonished by the sight of beasts, birds, and strange lifeforms outside his skyscraper.

"What the hell are they?! They radiate a malevolent aura just like those Dark Beasts!"

Hank thought while quickly moving to the upper floors to end the chaos that his daughter and Agatha were creating.

"I have sent the group to capture Divine Particles, but if those bitches continue this mess, I would never get Kiba to help at the right time!"


"Man's schemes are inferior to those made by The Fate."

Not only Hank, but all the big players in the city would find today how true this verse was.


Zed and others retreated quickly. Not only had they have to survive the rampage of the strange lifeforms, but also the possible stampede and shockwaves.


The giant bird from before smashed its foot down to grab Zed and those near him. Everyone exploded with their abilities, and as did Zed, but with a difference.

With his experience, he knew the beast was almost as strong as a high-ranking Beta, something that not even the combined might of everyone here could face. That's how terrifying the difference in each level was.

So when Zed launched the attack, he summoned a bit of power Cosmic and looked in the eyes of the bird.


The bird froze as he noticed the golden glow in the eyes of the human and its entire body crushed on a nearby building. It was like a giant has smashed the bird away.


While others were amazed with eyes wide, Zed coughed up multiple mouthfuls of blood. His face turned deadly pale and exhaustion took over him.

Felicity quickly grabbed him and ran, without saying anything. Now was not the time to talk or wonder about things.


Felicity's eyes brightened as she saw the hovercraft owned by Zed rushing towards them, bypassing all dangers.

"Claudia! It seems the city can't take a break!"

Felicity said as the hovercraft opened up. She pushed Zed first and then sat with everyone else.

[[I'm afraid you are right, Lady Felicity. The entire city is in a mess.]]

Claudia flashed up news panels.

Zed ignored the news and took a capsule that he has created for a scenario like this.

A few minutes later, after crossing some distance, the car stopped.

"Why are we stopping here?" Jessica wondered.

[[The car is overburdened and for it to display its maximum speed, one person needs to leave. It would be master obviously.]]

Claudia informed them.

[[Don't worry, another vehicle is rushing for him.]]

Felicity was startled and so were others, including Zed. Suddenly, he thought of something and left the car.

Felicity brought a hand to open the door and join him, but before she could, the automatic locks shut, and the car speeded off.

Behind, Zed stepped into an isolated street. He brought his cellphone out.

"What happened to Agatha and Hope?"

Zed asked while transforming into his other form.

[[ I'm afraid I can't say. They are still sending coordinates from the restaurant, but with Close Horizon being attacked, I expected them to move, but strangely their location still remains the same. They haven't moved a bit.]]

Kiba's expression turned serious. Rays of white light enveloped him and he teleported away.


A few minutes later.

Hotel Close Horizon.

The restaurant manager and others looked with awe as two mutated beasts were killed by Kiba. Before they could thank him, Kiba's body turned blurry and he vanished in a puff of smoke.

The next instant, the manager found his body violently pinned against the wall by Kiba.

"What happened to them?" Kiba showed a photo of Agatha and Hope. "And if I were you, I wouldn't try to answer with nonsense."

The private room where Agatha and others should have been eating was ruined to pieces, and yet the location Claudia got was the same.

"I don't know," The manager started, but seeing Kiba's expression darkening, he quickly added. "But I do know the guests who invited them.... were two hours early... with some other people that left before this lady and child arrived.."

Kiba's expression twisted and he let go of the manager.


[[I have checked CCTV footage, but there are no records of the persons the manger mentioned. Even Lady Agatha's parents barely arrived ten minutes before the time.]]

"... The footage has been tampered?" Kiba didn't doubt the honesty of the manager.

[[It would seem so.]]

"Agatha's parents... they are part of White Angel Corporation."

[[I'm afraid your guess is right.]]

Kiba didn't say anything else and teleported away.


Ten kilometers away from White Angel Corporation, Kiba appeared and fell on a building.

"My teleportation failed!?"

Kiba exclaimed in surprise. He has always teleported easily to the inside of the corporation without any hindrance.

[[It would seem Chairman Hank finally realized you were spending quality time with his daughter; unrestricted by the anti-teleportation barrier technology he was so proud of.]]


Kiba took a deep breath and let it out.

The only time his godly teleportation ability didn't work was in the core region and other meteorites. For White Angel Corporation to achieve a similar effect, it seemed impossible.

"It doesn't matter how they did."

Kiba tapped on the floor and flew forward. He didn't care if the entire area was affected by the anti-teleportation field. He would crush through the entrance and find the ones who mattered to him.

Kiba pointed a finger to the side as he sensed a beast pouncing on him. A concentrated beam of energy swept out and pierced through the beast's skull, killing it instantly.


More beasts and birds in the area noticed him, and feeling his rich power, they rushed at him.

"I'm in no mood to play so fuck off!"

His words caused the air to explode apart in billowing airwaves. The beasts and birds paused as they sensed incomparably dreadful energy from the airwaves.

They quickly decided to retreat, but the airwaves were unforgiving.


In the flicker of a second, the airwaves brutally smashed through the beasts and birds, shredding them to pieces. Blood and gore erupted in the air...

Chapter 512 Destruction in White Angel Corporation I

After killing the rushing beasts and birds, Kiba flew ahead like a golden comet, creating multiple sonic booms in the process. The resulting sounds were both ear-piercing and destructive, making the road below tear apart and the surrounding windows to shatter.


At the same time.

Throughout the city, the alien creatures swallowed over ten thousand people. The number sounded big, but in the megacity with a population of over fifteen million, the casualty count was rather small.

Now, sensing that many of their companions killed, the alien creatures stopped and turned in the direction of White Angel Corporation.


With explosive speed, they left and ran into the direction of Kiba. They wanted energy and they sensed the source they felt was far better than millions of weaklings.


In Sky Fiend Group headquarters, through the command center, Joshua noticed the activity of the alien creatures. He turned to Loqua and commanded, "They have sensed a powerful source. Go acquire it for the great Titan!"

Loqua bowed down and left.

Joshua ran his elderly hand over the monitor screen and read more details.

"It is near to White Angel Corporation! Is this perhaps related to Hank's plan for Sky Fiend Group?"

Joshua wondered with a crafty smile.

"Hank, you have done a great job."


Meanwhile, at White Angel Corporation.

As Hank moved up through the elevator, the digital sensors informed him about approaching Kiba.

"Damnit! If not for the attack of strange creatures in the city, this wouldn't have happened! A fucking coincidence is screwing everything!"

Hank cursed under his breath.

As per his original plan, Kiba wouldn't learn about Agatha's disappearance for hours and by then, everything would be ready as per his wishes. But now, with the attack of beasts, Kiba learned much sooner than he expected.

"No! It doesn't have to change anything! His arrival might be unexpected, but this doesn't change the main plan!"

Hank waited for the elevator to open up. He just has to catch those bitches and everything would fall in line.


Eighty-third floor.

Eva and Agatha stepped out of the dining room and arrived in the corridor. Agatha looked around and noticed the layers of force field surrounding the exit.

"We are locked," Agatha said while calming Hope.

"Yes," Eva nodded. "I was able to barely pass through it as the main focus of the force field was to stop those inside."

Agatha eyed her and smiled. She knew Eva was being modest as the force field wasn't so easy to pass through. Of course, Eva also paid a great price to pass through it, and Agatha swore she would remember her sacrifice.

Shaking her head, she lifted her free hand and pressed on the force field. She transferred her powers to turn the force field into incorporeal but failed.

"Can't you turn us into phantom forms instead?" Eva asked while looking into the distance as another batch of guards rushed.

"I can, but the force field would be able to block us," Agatha answered with a frown. "It is made to stop all forms of trespassing."

"Well, I guess they made it in keeping Kiba in mind," Eva narrowed her eyes.

The chief of the guards stopped before the force field barrier and said, "I know what you two did. But if you want to live, you better back up and retreat back into the room."

He didn't want to commit the mistake of his former subordinates by trying to confront Agatha directly.

"And if we don't?" Agatha asked.

"Then we have the means to make you!" The chief guard replied while tapping on the virtual panel on his hand.

The force field turned red from white. Filaments of destructive currents cascaded out and shot at Agatha and Eva.

"I can isolate them, but it would be a waste of energy," Agatha said while backing away along with Eva.

Eva agreed.

She was worried about her father and other powerful mutants of the corporation would arrive. Unless there was a method of leaving the corporation, it would be stupid to waste energy on fighting force field.

The chief guard grinned and said, "No longer cocky, huh?"

Agatha frowned while Eva's expression changed into that of a sincere, kind woman. She smiled and looked at the chief guard with sparkling eyes. The addition of the glasses gave her face the perfect touch of frail beauty.

"You wouldn't hurt me, right?" Eva asked.

The chief guard swallowed down. The expression and voice of Eva made his heart stir. She looked so fragile, so weak, and so desperate. It made him want to grab her and assure everything would be alright.

"No! Chairman said she is a great actress! I won't be fooled!"

The chief guard got his senses back and brought his finger to activate another mechanism of the force field.

He tried to tap his finger but found it not responding... no, missing! Even the control panel was broken!

"What the!"

The chief guard thought with horror as he looked at the finger. Blood splashed out of it as if it was sliced apart.

The nearby guards exclaimed in shock. They too were tranced by Eva's expression, and noticed too late as one of their shadows turned into a sword and slashed the finger of the chief and break through the control panel!

"All of you must have been sleeping in school," Eva said as she took off her fake glasses. "It is basic knowledge that men have the shortest concentration span."

Eva threw her glasses and then waved her hand. The sword shadow swept forward to slice the torso of the chief, but at the last moment, he twisted his body and narrowly avoided it.

"You whore!"

The chief cursed. He couldn't believe he was distracted enough to allow Eva to concentrate enough energy to focus on their shadows, and that too despite the existence of the force field!

"It was just like the Chairman said! She was hiding her true strength!"

The thought of what could have happened in the absence of the force field terrified him. More than ever, he was thankful that the damage to the control panel didn't break the force field.

The sword shadow took another swing. The chief guard retreated back and so did most of them except for one guard who became the victim of the sword shadow...

Eva sighed as the surviving guards left the range of her powers. She felt she lost the chance to break the force field, but then reminded herself. Her father wasn't stupid enough to give all the controls to the chief guard.

"I would kill you!" The chief guard roared at Eva.

"But you wouldn't," Agatha said with a smile. "Unless you have enough guts to break the force field and kill us."

"....." The chief guard grit his teeth.

It was this moment that the elevator opened up and Hank stepped out. Alongside him, two mutants in black followed.

Eva's expression turned serious.


On the ground floor.

Over fifty guards stared at the sealed entrance - the grand metallic door.

Half of the guards aimed their advanced weapons while the other half summoned their abilities; ready to attack without wasting any time.

"Even if he is ridiculously powerful, it would take him a lot of time to break through the entrance!" The captain of the guards said. "So no need to worry! We have plenty of time!"

The other guards nodded. They knew how powerful the metal used to make the entrance door was. It was indestructible and strong enough to be used for bunkers!


A loud banging sound emanated out from outside and the sealed entrance shook. The indestructible metal caved in slightly, forming a dent in the shape of a fist. And through this dent, terrifying vibrations rippled outward, rushing into the entire entrance.


The hearts of everyone pounded in shock. They felt tremors strong enough to shatter a mountain!

"Just how powerful is he?!"

The captain wondered just as the entrance door exploded in.

Half the guards didn't even get time to listen to the question as the exploded door spin towards them, slashing through the air. By the time the guards noticed, it was far too late as the door slammed into them and knocked them out.


The other guards backed away, their eyes filled with terror.

How could this happen?! Wasn't the entrance supposed to take a lot of time before it collapsed?!

With dread in their hearts, the guards moved their eyes to the place where the entrance used to be. It was now filled up with smoke, fire, and dust of explosion.

"He is here!"

The guards thought nervously as the man they were warned of walked out of the explosion cloud...

Chapter 513 Destruction in White Angel Corporation II

As Kiba emerged out of the dust and smoke, the guards unconsciously stepped back.

"Where are Agatha and my daughter?" Kiba asked.

The guards glanced at their captain as if passing all responsibility to him. The captain cursed his luck before replying, "Chairman Hank said you would learn at the right time! For now, you have to leave and wait, unless you wish to face grave consequences!"

The captain spoke with more bravery than he felt.

"Is that so?" Kiba icily asked.

The captain's eyes expanded as the moment Kiba's words entered his ears, the air in front of him exploded. It happened far too quickly, and even before the thought of dodging could run through his brain, the impact shattered through his defense and blasted him back.

The other guards were dazed and disoriented as the captain smashed on the wall. They were observing everything too carefully but still couldn't pinpoint how exactly the air exploded.

"I know the captain said Kiba was ridiculously strong, but this is too much!" One of the guards said. "How are we supposed to face attacks we couldn't see or feel?!"

"You are right! Not to mention, we aren't paid enough to face a monster like him!" Another guard added as he ran towards the destroyed entrance. "The elite unit can come here if they want to stop him! I'm leaving!"

The remaining guards: "..."

Many of them cursed him for being a coward while few secretly agreeing he was smart. Still, they had a duty to perform and lacked the luxury of running away.

Without wasting any time, they launched multiple attacks. Some fired multiple shots with laser and plasma guns while the rest lashed out with their offensive abilities.


The combined might made the air fluctuate with bright, multiple attacks. The ground floor shook while the enhanced metallic tiles cracked.

In the face of such attacks, Kiba remained nonchalant. He eyed the attacks and the attackers, making their spines crawl with chilling sensation.


An ear-piercing sound erupted as the laser and plasma beams froze in mid-air. The mutants attacking with offensive abilities similarly froze in mid-attack, their bodies completely immobilized.

"Get lost."

Two words entered their minds just as a devastating force hit them on their chest. Everything then became a series of blurs as laser and plasma beams along with the guards rapidly swept back.

One moment they were near Kiba and the next, they crashed on the walls.


The "coward" guard wondered as he arrived at the destroyed entrance and glanced back in time to see his companions defeated.

He didn't wonder for long and moved forward to leave, but then trembled as he found himself immobilized. He didn't need to think about how or why...

"I... I don't know anything!" The guard shouted with all his strength. "Not even the captain knows!"

Perhaps his response, no matter how unsatisfying, was true as he was able to move again. He used the best of this opportunity to rush out.

Kiba ignored the knocked out guards and closed his eyes. His extrasensory perception erupted to scan the skyscraper. There were many enhanced electronic gadgets to block scanning but his senses swiftly covered one floor to another, observing everything in detail: people, traps, missile rockets, guards, etc.


He found the floors after the fiftieth floor completely cut-off from his perception; as if they were in some inaccessible space.

"Hank must have prepared a lot."

Kiba thought as he opened his eyes. He enveloped himself with rays of golden light and then shot up, smashing through the ceiling and directly arriving on the first floor.


Even as the people on the first floor started reacting at the rumbling sounds, Kiba has already broken through its ceiling and arrived on the second floor.

Round holes emerged on one floor after another, in rapid succession, and all the people saw a supersonic golden comet dashing upwards.

"What was that?!"

The people wondered as they looked up through the successive holes...


The moment Kiba passed the sixteenth-floor, multiple artillery locked on him. The ceiling above opened up to reveal multiple weapons that fired a sea of ammunition at him; making the floor filled with multiple bright lights, like firecrackers.

"I know the corporation sells weapons, but this is too much."

Kiba said as along with bullets, mini-rockets shot at him, backed by destructive power. He already knew they contained not only traditional gunpowder and high explosive type materials, but also special chemicals lethal to mutants.

Kiba spread his arms, and through his palms, energy ripples flashed out.

The ripples swept through the bullets and rockets, and a buzzing sound crackled through the air. The propelling power of the bullets and rockets died, and they collapsed on the floor.


The instant they touched the floor, they exploded into a blazing storm that quickly spread through the floor.

On the floors below, the sound of the explosion echoed through the holes.

The people near the holes looked up to satisfy their curiosity. Sadly, this was the same moment when the blazing storm passed through the successive holes like a pillar descending. The fluctuations turned them into a pile of ash.

The others nearby jumped back in horror while secretly thanking their lucky stars for not gazing through the holes.

Today, they learned the meaning of "curiosity killed the cat."


Kiba shot through another floor when the explosives locked on him lost their propelling power. The floors were enhanced with sensors and durable metals to survive against any attack, including explosive powers, and while he could easily break through them, the blazing storm wasn't so lucky.

He arrived on the twenty-fifth floor when the elite unit attacked him.

The mutant named Xil opened his mouth and released a green, foggy acidic breath. While the mutant named Wlo transformed his arms into mechanical blasters to smash Kiba away.

"Chairman Hank wants you to leave!" Xil said as the acidic breath enveloped Kiba. "And wait for his orders!"

"If not, you can forget about your loved ones!" Wlo threatened with a grin. "And blame yourself for the rest of your life!"

Kiba landed on the floor, enveloped by the acidic breath.

"You think I'm some idiot you could fool?"

Kiba asked as a destructive power surged out of his body.

"The very fact that Hank didn't stop me on the ground floor itself, by using a video of Agatha and Hope, pretty much tells me your little scheme hasn't worked as you planned! Plus, using guards and weapons to threaten me pretty much confirms I'm right!"

Kiba wouldn't be Kiba if he didn't noticed small details. He didn't know what didn't work in Hank's favors, but he knew, his guess was right!

Even if he was served with doctored videos of Agatha and Hope, it wouldn't work as he would have demanded a live conference on the spot. That would also ruin the possibility of using shapeshifters!

The expressions of Xil and Wlo changed, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Wasn't it said that in emotional and distress situations, people lose their ability to think rationally and act logically?! So how the hell could this guy still think properly and see the flaws!?


The destructive power radiating out of Kiba smashed through the fogy, acidic breath and ripped it apart.

Xil's eyes constricted as at the same instant, Kiba appeared in front of him.

So fast!

Xil thought just as Kiba grabbed his neck.

"Your breath smells like a dead rat," Kiba said as he snapped Xil's neck. "Something my daughter wouldn't appreciate on my body."

"!" Wlo was dumbstruck with terror.

This wasn't how things were supposed to happen! At least, Xil wasn't to die in seconds, without getting a chance to resist!

Kiba turned towards Wlo and the latter flinched. Just as he thought he was next, a feminine presence appeared at the end of the floor.

"Carole," Kiba called out without turning back.

"Kiba," Carole greeted him back with a soft sigh.

"Do you want to die as well?"



On the eighty-third floor.

Agatha and Eva looked on as Hank walked out of the elevator and stepped towards the force field barrier.

"I have to admit, you have got guts to kidnap Kiba's daughter," Agatha said with ridicule. "But do you think he is someone you can control?"

Hank ignored the ridicule and scorn in her voice. He knew she was right about Kiba.

Kiba was unpredictable and wild.

Still, without losing his cool, Hank replied, "Neither you nor your daughter is kidnapped. Remember you were having a lunch with your parents? We just changed the location and nothing else."

"Yeah, right," Agatha scoffed.

"Trust me, I had no intention of making you feel kidnapped or confined," Hank said before bringing his eyes on Eva. "But my bitch daughter ruined that and brought us to this uncomfortable scenario."

"Well, father, I'm very sorry about that!" Eva said with a sincere expression. "Let me out and I will make everything right! Promise!"

Hank ignored her.

He hasn't acted on his daughter before because he wanted to know her modes of spying in the corporation. And when he realized she has learned his plan and wanted to interfere, he moved to stop her, but she surprised him with her trump cards.

"Agatha, cooperate with us," Hank started again. "What I planned would benefit us all, including Kiba."

Agatha snorted in disdain before turning towards Eva.

"I have an idea, and that requires both of us to act as one, but I'm not sure if we will succeed," Agatha said.

"Well, seeing that we are out of options, let's try whatever you have in mind," Eva replied with a grin. "But let me warn you, I'm not in women so your idea of us acting as one better be different than what you are implying."

Agatha: "..........."

I didn't imply anything!