514 - 524

Chapter 514 Destruction in White Angel Corporation III

Eva smirked at Agatha's stunned expression.

"No time to waste, so let's start," Eva reminded her.

"Ah, yes!" Agatha nodded.

Outside the force field barrier, Hank looked at them with bewilderment.

"What are they doing?!" Hank wondered.

He has full confidence in the force field to block any attempt to escape, but seeing them trying to attempt, uncomfortable thoughts ran through his mind.

With one hand holding Hope, Agatha placed her free hand on the floor and released her powers.

"Intangible Space!"

The floor, the walls, the ceiling, and every other object in the area turned intangible. Even the force field turned illusory, though unlike other places, its existence was more materialistic.

"It is useless!" Hank said with disdain. "The force field won't lose its main function!"

"You are right!" Agatha replied with a smile. "And that's why I'm relying on Eva!"


Even as Hank questioned, Eva muttered one word that changed the nature of the existence of the floor.


Countless strings of shadows crawled out of nowhere and enveloped the intangible area. To Hank's shock, Eva, Agatha, and Hope dissolved in shadowy liquid and dispersed in the shadowy-intangible-area.

"Dammit!" Hank's face fell. "They are superimposing their abilities to make up for each other's weakness!"

The guards and the two elite members looked at him in confusion.

"Stop staring at me, idiots!" Hank shouted. "Stop them!"

"Sir, the attacking function of force field has been disabled," The chief guard said. "Eva broke the control...."

Even as he spoke, the shadow space disappeared as if it never existed. This made Hank's heart sink and he swiftly turned towards a guard near the force field barrier.

The shadow of the guard turned darker and vivid, and from it, strands resembling tentacles crawled out.


Hank cursed as the shadowy tentacles converged together to transform into Eva, Agatha, and Hope.

"Shadows are intangible existence, to begin with! And with Agatha's ability joining Eva... a new ability was created!"

The guard, in the meantime, screamed in shock. But not for long as Eva squeezed his throat with her shadows.

The other guards and elite members jumped in action.

"I can't handle for long!" Eva said as she created a shield of shadows.

"Me neither!" Agatha said while huffing.

Everything looked easy, but only she and Eva knew how physically taxing their combined action was.

What they did was almost like teleportation: by creating an intangible space dimension so that shadows could sweep through it and appear back through another shadow.

They wanted to appear far away, or at least, on another floor, but since it was their first use, they couldn't.

"You two don't know what's good for you!" Hank shouted.


Blinding mass of energy flashed out of his chest and enveloped him. At a speed visible to the naked eye, this energy turned into cybernetic armor, merging his physical essence into that of a powerful machine.

Even as the guards and elite members made Agatha and Eva retreat against the barrier, Hank punched out in the air. Oscillating shockwaves rippled out and landed on the shadow barrier.


The shield smashed into pieces and the remnant shockwaves hit Eva and Agatha. Even the guards and elite members weren't spared...


Far below, on another floor.

"Do you want to die as well?" Kiba asked.

Carole looked at him for a moment before replying, "No one wants to die, sir. No one. And no one would as long as you cooperate with what Chairman Hank has in plan."

"You're talking a load of crap!" Kiba snorted coldly and appeared before Wlo.

Wlo was alert from the start and he quickly retreated while lifting his blaster-arms. Plasma energy waves flashed out and blasted forward.

"Why unnecessarily struggle?" Kiba asked while repelling the blast.


Wlo cried as the blast reached him. But just then, Kiba's eyes narrowed as the blast didn't land on Wlo.

A transparent energy bubble has blocked it!

"Carole!" Kiba turned towards her.

"Sorry, sir, but I can't let you do more damage to the corporation," Carole said politely. "Please cooperate and I promise to get you any benefit you desire."

Kiba eyed her and then Wlo. He contemplated her words and then replied, "You are not here to earn my cooperation, but buy time."

Carole's expression didn't change as if denoting that Kiba's words were false, but internally, shock swept through her.

Kiba realized he was right. There was no time to waste!

"I love beautiful women, but that love is nothing in front of my child!"


Wlo and Carole retreated in a hurry as fierce energy exploded out of Kiba.

"And no one deserves the right to part her from me, for any reason!"

His body blurred and disappeared.

At the same instant, Wlo screamed as the force field bubble popped and his blaster-arms sliced apart. As the arms fell on the floor, a fist blasted through his brains, killing him.

Behind, Carole gasped as Kiba lowered his bloodied fist.

"His powers have amplified!"

Carole couldn't believe the sudden burst in his speed and strength. Even as she contemplated, she saw the space in front of her blurring.

Sensing the crisis, her brain worked at its top capacity. She tapped on the floor and her agility reached its peak.


She appeared a hundred meters behind. She then swept her hands out and hundreds of bubbles appeared around the place she was earlier, now occupied by Kiba.


Carole snapped her fingers and the bubbles detonated. But to her horror, as the terrifying explosion occurred, Kiba ran through it with a devilish expression.

His hair danced, his eyes glowed, and his lips twisted into a murderous smile.

"The devil!"

Carole muttered just as he appeared before her and smashed on her stomach. Cracks appeared on her body and she exploded.

Meanwhile, even as she exploded, in an apartment far away. Sitting on the floor in the mediative position, Carole's eyes snapped open and blood erupted out of her facial orifices.

"My clone has been destroyed!"

The pain of the clone passed through the mental link and she cried.


At the same time, Kiba lifted his head and looked in the direction of the apartment far away.

"What a conniving woman. No wonder I found her dating material."

Shaking his head, he pulled the digital access panel from the exploded gore of Carole and then shot up.


Multiple blasts echoed in quick successions as he flew higher and higher, blasting through the floors and obstacles.

As he arrived on the fiftieth floor, he linked with the access panel, and the invisible lock that made the floors above inaccessible opened up.


At the same time.

On the eighty-third floor, the lights flashed and alarms rang.

The guards and elite members - who have immobilized Agatha and Eva - looked at each other in shock.

"He has passed the fiftieth floor!"

Hank's eyes flickered in anger. He turned towards the guards and commanded, "Take them inside! We still have time!"

"Yes, sir!" The guards grabbed the women and pulled them.

Just then, out of nowhere, crimson snow appeared and drifted windlessly.

"What's going on?!"

The snow was beautiful, radiating softness and purity, but the instant it touched the guards, it melted into blood.

"This is the materialization of murderous intent!" Hank thought in shock.


Even as the shock took over everyone, tremors ran through the floor.

"Dammit! He is already here!"

Chapter 515 Oops! Sorry!

At the center of the floor, a round hole burst into existence.


Everyone gasped as the dust and debris shot into the air, a figure enveloped by golden light emerged.


The instant the figure tapped on the floor, the drifting crimson snow turned wild. The environment changed to the wintry days of bluster and ice, but with a shade of crimson.


The guards and elite members' faces paled as the snowy wind whipped at them, sending a murderous sensation deep into their souls.

They shivered, and by the time their minds thought of moving, layers of snow piled up on their bodies... freezing them into crimson statues.

"!" Hank was dumbstruck.

The materialization of murderous intent can freeze elite mutants to death?! How is such a thing possible!?

While Hank's expression changed for worse, Agatha's brightened. She looked in front and smiled at the man who was here for her and their daughter.


Agatha called out happily.

Kiba nodded to her and then turned towards the worn-out Eva. He didn't need details to know the worst-case situation was avoided thanks to her.

"I never thought you were stupid enough to risk your life for someone," Kiba remarked.

"Yeah, neither do I," Eva replied with a grin. "Guess I managed to surprise us both."

Kiba nodded before bringing his eyes on the one who mattered to him the most. The sight of her melted his heart and killed his negative emotions.

Some distance away, Hank snapped his teeth and shouted, "Kiba!"

"You don't need to shout."

Kiba turned towards Hank.

"But then again, as the orchestrator of the most ambitious, but unsuccessful kidnapping in history, you have the right to have such urges."

Hank clenched his fists and replied, "If only you were a minute late, everything would have been worked as per the plan."


"Still, don't you dare think I have failed!" Hank said with a ferocious look.

Kiba's eyes narrowed and the expression of Eva drastically changed.

Hank has vanished from his place! And at the same second, Agatha vanished as well, but for an instant. When she returned back, she was in Hank's former place!


Agatha hastily turned back and looked at the place she was earlier.

"Hahaha! I haven't failed!" Hank announced while holding Hope in his hands. He eyed Kiba and continued, "Don't even think of doing what you want to or else... Hahaha!"

Kiba's face darkened.

His teleportation ability was sealed in the building and the area of ten kilometers. While he could use super speed and other abilities, they carried great risks.

After all, with Hank having cybernetic armor and implants, he would be able to sense the instant Kiba tried to use his powers. Hank might not be able to stop him, but the briefest possible time would be enough to scratch Hope. Even though killing her would be impossible for Hank, Kiba could not accept any scenario where she was made to feel pain, no matter how low it was.

"See Kiba? I haven't failed!" Hank said with laughter. "This alien swapping technology is really amazing!"

"What do you want?" Kiba asked.

"Why so serious?" Hank smirked while lifting Hope. "No need to answer for I already know!"

Agatha tightened her fists while Eva sighed.

"As for what I want, well, I only want you to participate in a little mission for me," Hank said with a grin. He then placed a finger on Hope's forehead, and asked, "You wouldn't mind, do you?"

"...." Rage pumped through Kiba's veins.

Hank was satisfied. He looked at Hope and saw her nascent eyes filled with confusion.

With a grin, he lifted his head and remarked, "Children are the worst form of weakness!"

Kiba didn't respond, and neither did anyone else or at least that's what the silence on the floor denoted.


Just then, a crackling sound erupted.

Hank was startled for he realized the source of the sound was in his hands.

He lowered his head just in time to see strands of lightning emanating out of Hope's fingers and rushing straight into his eyes!


The strands of lightning spread throughout his eyeballs and then exploded. The resulting pain made him threw the child as he brought his hands to his eyes.

Agatha and Eva looked in shock as Hope was tossed into the air, and even before they could think of acting, two hands caught her.

Hope's lips spread into a happy smile. Even without looking, she knew she was in the presence of the person she loved the most.

Her father.

"Well done!"

Kiba kissed her on the forehead.

"You were amazing!"

Pleased by the compliment, Hope ran her hands over his face.

A minute ago, through the mental bond she shared with her father, she heard him saying, "Little lady! Why don't we have another round to see who creates the best explosion?"

Another round?

She vividly remembered the day when she exploded the waterfall and destroyed the living hall! The explosion she created was so bright and dazzling!

Her father?

His explosion was very weak! He only exploded a wall!

If her father wanted to be defeated again, she didn't mind! She would show him she could win again!

Still, she was a bit confused when he challenged her to target the eyes of the fat man holding her.


"But this time I will win!" Kiba said as she continued to run her hands on him.

Agatha and Eva glanced at each other and then at Kiba.


Just what is going on here?!

They felt terrible when Hank grabbed Hope, so Hope's sudden attack came as a pleasing shock.

Now Kiba's response bewildered them...

At the same time, Hank cursed and shouted, "I would kill that little bitch!"

Kiba hugged Hope and looked ahead. Hank's eyes were charred black from the explosion, but now, they were replaced with mechanical eyeballs.

"Wow~ You have got a new pair of eyes! And they look cool as well!" Kiba observed. "So instead of being grateful, why would you want to kill my daughter?"

"Bastard! She destroyed my organic eyes! I could never regenerate them back!"

Hank swore in rage.


Kiba gasped and then freed Hope from the hug. The father-daughter pair looked at each other and the former nodded in understanding.

He turned Hope towards Hank, and said, "She isn't even a month old, so she couldn't speak, but there is something she wants to tell you."


Hank asked as he summoned his strength and readied his trump cards.

"Oops! Sorry!"

Kiba said on Hope's behalf.

Chapter 516 White Angel!

"Oops! Sorry!" Kiba said on Hope's behalf.

Eva was speechless while Agatha wryly noted: "Hope is just like her father!"

Hank didn't appreciate the apology.

If not for his cybernetic implants, he would have been blinded forever from the little lightning attack.

"Kiba, you just have to ruin everything!" Hank's mechanical eyes glowed brightly. "We all could have so much! Power and everlasting youth! But no! You have to refuse again and again!"

"I have everything I want," Kiba replied coldly. "So forgive me for not taking any interest in your petty schemes."

His body flickered and he arrived before Agatha and Eva.

"Consume them," Kiba said as he gave them healing and recovery pills.

Agatha and Eva nodded before stuffing the pills in their mouths.

The pills were of high-grade and created from unique materials, so, in just a matter of seconds, Agatha and Eva recovered.

"Take care," Agatha said as she took Hope from him.

"I will," Kiba assured her.

Agatha didn't say anything further and isolated the space around her; causing her, Hope, and Eva to turn incorporeal and transparent.

While she knew Hank's swapping ability must have serious limitations, she didn't want to take chances.


Kiba noticed Hope looking at him with an eager expression. He could guess the reason and that brought a warm smile on his face.

"Little lady, wait and see. I'm going to create some real explosions!"

Agatha: "..."

Eva: "....."

Kiba then turned around and charged forward.

His speed was frightening and he appeared before Hank in the snap of a second. The latter wasn't startled for his cybernetic senses gave him accelerated sensory abilities.

"I shouldn't have spared your pathetic life back then!" Kiba said as he punched out.

"Last time, you caught me off-guard so I didn't have the chance to use my powers!" Hank scoffed as from the center of his armor, a dazzling energy beam erupted.

Kiba stopped the punch and darted to the side to avoid the beam. To his surprise, the beam turned direction and slammed on him the moment he tapped his feet on the floor.


The beam blasted him back.

"Just because you are powerful, doesn't mean I'm weak!"

Hank said as his armor entered into combat mode. His cybernetic eyes locked on Kiba and he fired far more powerful energy beams from his hands.

Kiba was in front of a wall and as he moved away at ultra-sonic speed, the beams cut through the wall and whistled after him.

Hank grinned and suddenly, the speed of the beams amplified. They caught up with Kiba and smashed on him.


A violent explosion filled the air, destroying the floor and walls. From distance, it was if dazzling lights have erupted through the floor.

Hank's vision cut through the dazzling lights and dustcloud. His pupils dilated and his mouth turned wide as he saw no sign of Kiba in the explosion.


He didn't believe he was lucky enough to pulverize Kiba from this attack.

"Could he have accelerated his speed at the last moment and escaped the blast?!"

Suddenly, a feeling of danger swept through Hank's heart and he snapped his head towards the right.

Kiba was standing right beside him!

"Hey there!" Kiba flicked a finger on Hank's chest.


Hank's eyes constricted as the moment the finger smashed on him, a golden glow erupted that ripped through his armor and cut his chest area.


Like a kite with its string cut, he flopped backward and crashed on the floor while coughing up blood.

Only he knew how powerful the simple finger attack was. It cut through his many enhancements and haywire many aspects of the armor.

He gritted his teeth and jumped back on his feet.

"Damn you!"

Hank shot at Kiba while his armor regenerated back on its own. His body flashed with energy currents that concentrated together and swept out.

The currents crackled through the air with a withering force; decaying everything in its vicinity.

"Oho~ Not bad!"

Kiba said as he released his aura.


As the two opposite powers collided, a terrifying boom echoed through the skyscraper.

The entire eighty-third floor completely disintegrated into debris and fell on the floors below. The resulting loss of stability made the floors above similarly collapse.

"This isn't working!" Hank narrowed his eyes.

Instead of further using the combat functions of the armor, he decided to use his main trump card. Because he knew that would be the only way to defeat the monster in front of him!

He flicked his wrist and a metallic cube materialized in his hand.

"Kiba! You give me no choice but to use something I never wanted to!"

Hank said while crushing the cube and tossing it down. Kiba looked below with surprise as the crushed cube erupted with blinding flash.


Between the falling debris and collapsing floors, the blinding flash turned into a circular portal.

"Summoning portal?" Kiba muttered.

From the portal, a powerful aura burst out.

Far away, as the alien creatures from Sky Fiend Group rushed towards the corporation with Loqua, they stopped.


Loqua lifted his head as he saw the spiritual entity flying out of the portal.

"White Angel!"

The moment the angel appeared, she plucked her wings out and grabbed them as swords. She lifted the right wing and swept it through the collapsing floors.

The floors flipped over before pulverizing and by the time everyone noticed this, the corners of the wing slashed Kiba's chest.

As blood flew before his eyes, behind him, the buildings across the corporation were washed by the wind fluctuations from the movement of the wing. They were left in shambles...


Kiba felt the sharp piercing pain. Everything happened so fast that he didn't even get time to react.

Agatha and Eva were similarly stunned.

"You didn't know about this White Angel?" Agatha asked.

"No," Eva answered. "And I guess neither did Kiba despite Claudia spying on the corporation."

"You might be right," Agatha said while glancing at Hank and the angel. "Just where did he got such a powerful entity?"


"Hahaha! What's wrong, Kiba?" Hank asked.

Kiba eyed the angel. He then raised his head towards the sky and said, "There is nothing wrong! In fact, everything has never been this right!"

He couldn't remember the last he met someone capable of injuring him. So meeting an entity that could challenge him, make him bleed, and cause him pain was a welcoming change.

"Let's fight for real!"

Chapter 517 The End of White Angel I/II

Even before the corporation was attacked, the buildings in the vicinity were abandoned due to the invasion of alien creatures. A decision the people would be forever thankful if they saw the condition of the skyscraper...

Rumbling roars filled the air as floor after floor collapsed into chunks. Through these collapsing floors, Kiba flew upwards, maneuvering past the debris and shooting straight at White Angel.

It was difficult to imagine the one responsible for the present destruction was her. With a height of ten feet and a slender figure, she seemed frail and fragile...


White Angel brandished the wing in her left hand and slashed it down. The wind flared up and blasted downwards, frantically gusting against Kiba and the intact floors below.

Much less a human, the power radiating out of the wing was capable of crushing multiple skyscrapers.

Under such destructive power, Kiba's golden aura burst forth and rippled through the winds. As the wing slashed at him, he lifted his hand.


An ear-piercing explosion reverberated and powerful shockwaves flashed outward.

Even before the explosion cleared and shockwaves died, Kiba emerged; having stopped the wing with his hand.


Blood trickled out of his palm, some of it dyeing the soft white feathers that were far sharper than the sharpest swords in existence.

Everything looked simple but happened in less than a second; at a speed that was simply impossible to comprehend.

A kilometer away, Loqua's expression turned grim. With shock, he muttered, "They both are... Alpha!"

Hank's expression changed as he retreated from the terrifying shockwaves and created a barrier around him. His cybernetic vision showed him the battle in slow motion and that made his heart sink.

"How could this be possible?!"

He felt that using his trump card would end the fight in an instant. And the confidence was built on the power of Alpha!

But now seeing Kiba having the strength to face the attack of an Alpha, he realized its horrifying implication.

As shock and terror swept through others, White Angel arrived at the same elevation as Kiba and pulled her wing from his grasp while thrusting with the other wing.


Multiple movements that eyes couldn't even detect occurred simultaneously. In one moment, Kiba and White Angel were high in the sky and the next between the collapsing floors.

After avoiding another slash, Kiba clenched his right hand into a tight fist. The space around his fist twisted with strong gravitational force, and he punched out.

White Angel was over a hundred meters away from him but the punch arrived in an instant, almost as if by teleportation.

Despite such speed, White Angel's body flickered and she ducked to the side. The punch smashed on the building behind.

"What the hell?!"

Hank's eyes popped out from the resulting impact of the punch.

Instead of exploding, the building vanished! It was like the fist was a black hole, devouring the building, leaving no traces of its existence.


The very same instant, the vanished building erupted out of the fist, but in the form of broken pieces! These pieces raged through the air like meteors and smashed on the ground, sending a mass of dirt up.

"Gravity could be used like that as well?!" Loqua wondered with shock and awe.

At the same time, as Kiba's punch missed the target, from behind, White Angel's wing sliced through the air to strike at his waist.

Sensing the attack, Kiba somersaulted. The wing swept under his somersaulting body, and in mid-somersault, he waved his hand towards White Angel.


Multiple flashes of golden light emerged out of his palm and condensed into energy spears. With a shrill shriek, they tore through the air and heavily slammed into White Angel's chest, giving her no time to dodge.


The impact sent her crashing on the thirtieth floor. The floor caved in and the glass panels exploded into tinkling shards.

On her chest, the energy spears tore through her defenses. The spears then blew open like cobwebs and ripped through her internals; trying to claw their way out of the other side of her body.


A dazzling white glow erupted out of her body and overpowered the violent energy inside her!

Recovering in a second from the time she crashed, White Angel rose up and shot straight at Kiba.

"Well, you are definitely a true Alpha."

Kiba said as he charged at her.

"Unlike that self-declared Alpha from a few days ago."

Kiba always referred Goten Whiteskins as self-declared Alpha. The reason being that despite Goten having the awe-inspiring majestic aura, he wasn't a true Alpha. He has crossed the boundary of Level VI but didn't reach Level VII! And the faint gap was as vast as the ocean, impossible to cross!


Kiba and White Angel collided into each other, echoing a powerful boom. The resulting shockwaves recklessly washed over the remaining portions of the skyscraper, turning it into dust.


White Angel cut a wing through the imploding airwaves and slashed through Kiba's arm. Blood splashed out and the wing pierced further, penetrating the bone.

Even as the excruciating pain filled his senses, with his other hand, he launched Gravity Fist.


The fist landed straight on White Angel's face.

The terrifying gravitational force started devouring her face; ready to shoot it out as bloody pieces. But even as half the face disappeared, it regenerated back at the same speed!


Failing to achieve the desired result, both Kiba and White Angel shot back, eyeing each other.

"I hate regeneration ability the most!"

Kiba remarked, rather hypocritically as his own regenerative ability rapidly healed his wound.

So far, Kiba and White Angel seemed to be on equal footing, both displaying a similar level of strength.

Realizing she has no choice but to use her full strength, White Angel embedded the wings with more power. They rapidly expanded, reaching a height of hundred meters.

Kiba found himself between two wings.

Thinking she planned to crush him between the wings, he decided to back off, just as she smacked the wings into each other.

Blasts of wind gusted at him, so strong that they could uproot an entire neighborhood. His hair floated and his clothes fluttered.

Her speed was a lot faster than his, and the wings rapidly closed into each other with him in the center. But to his surprise, as the wings approached, they split into glowing feathers.


Kiba didn't have to wait to find out what she planned. The glowing feathers rapidly spun around him, caging him.


The feathers swirled through the air, transforming into an enormous vortex that revolved madly, joining the sky with the earth.

Far away, inside the isolated space, Agatha and Eva looked at the feather vortex with panic.


Agatha's face fell. She sensed a force powerful enough to make the sky fall and the earth crumble.

"This is the power of Alpha?!"

Hank's grim face brightened. Even though he has researched the summoning cube, he never knew the extent of its power.

Inside the vortex.

Like piercing beams, the swirling feathers slashed at Kiba. Blood gushed out of him as one feather after another cut through his body.

"White Angel... You leave me with no choice."


Meanwhile, at Sky Fiend Group Headquarters.

After receiving information from Loqua, the titan's eyes opened. Hyperion looked out, and his vision rapidly passed through hundreds of buildings before stopping inside the vortex.

"His body is erupting with power...!"

Hyperion's vision, as if sensing something, moved outside the vortex and locked on a mother-child pair.

Chapter 518 The End of White Angel II/II

As the feather vortex continued to swirl fiercely, the expressions of Eva and Agatha turned worse. Hank's, on the other hand, turned pleased.

Only White Angel's expression remained the same as ever, cold and detached. She made a squeezing motion, and in response, the glowing vortex brutally shrank inward.

"This is the end!" Hank said happily. "I have won!"

Just then, an ear-piercing crackling sound erupted from the vortex. Dazzling, twisting colorful lights followed, scattering through the layers of feathers. As the feathers spread apart, the colorful lights shot straight into the sky, turning it into psychedelic.

The expressions of everyone drastically changed and they looked at the collapsing vortex in utter disbelief.

Among the swirling feathers, Kiba stood, his eyes shut and body torn opened with wounds.

"Purgatory: Effulgence."

His eyes opened up violently, glowing with warping colorful patterns.


The psychedelic sky split apart and a crevice burst into existence; forming a gateway to the dimension filled with depthless, twisting colorful stripes.

These stripes shot down and spread around like a curtain.


They covered everything, from the ground to the sky, making everyone feel as if they were thrust into a kaleidoscope.


Vengeful cries and shrieking howls rang out as colorful shadows emerged from the stripes, resembling ghosts and demons.

"What the hell are they?!"

Loqua's eyes dramatically bulged. He sensed energy so dreadful and menacing that his very soul trembled, feeling as if it was both refined and punished.

The alien creatures around him seemed to agree with his feelings as they scrambled backward. Just seeing the shadows made them feel as if they were in the presence of the almighty figures that carried the power of judgment, murder, and mercilessness.

Hank was similarly scared. He quickly retreated while wondering what was going on.

"What type of purgatory is this?"


Inside the isolated space, Agatha and Eva similarly felt dizzy despite being in incorporeal forms.

Only Hope looked excitedly at the colorful world; her eyes flashing with the fleeting blurs of shadows.

White Angel lifted her arms up as the vague shadows flew towards her. Glowing wings materialized in her hands and she whipped them out.

Not only her feathers were extremely sharp and filled with power to penetrate anything, but they also shouldered the weight of thousands of tons; strong enough to crush everything.

Such frightening feathers made the wings!


The wings tore through the air at a speed that left behind hundreds of afterimages, making it impossible for others to even notice the movements.

Space trembled, air whooshed ominously, and piercing winds spread around.

A ghost howled as a glowing wing stabbed through it.


Its frightening figure shattered like a brittle mirror, fading into the air.

Even as this ghost disappeared, White Angel sliced apart a hundred more. Her casual whipping carried the power to destroy those others found terrifying!


As colorful dust scattered into the air, she thrust one wing at Kiba while using the other to fend more ghosts.

Seeing the wing stabbing forward, Kiba pulled a colorful stripe and snapped it. Ghosts flew out and crunched down on the wing with their mouths.


Sparkling colorful lights erupted, turning into icy patterns that embedded on the wing like a tattoo.

White Angel narrowed her eyes and observed the icy patterns.

Instead of eating, the ghosts were "purifying" the wing. But unlike the humane concepts of purgatory and its function, this purifying was different.

The colorful patterns were refining her source of existence! That too by stripping off her energy and will!

And instead of heavens, if the purgatory succeeded, what awaited for her was an existence that was no different than these ghosts!


An extremely fierce aura exploded out of her. Her powers amplified and the ghosts on the wing detonated.


At the same time, Kiba charged at her, wielding multiple stripes. At an equally impossible speed, White Angel brought the wing facing the ghosts in front of her, slashing it out diagonally.


The stripes and wing collided, creating a dazzling explosion. The colorful shockwaves swept out, wreaking havoc in all directions. Everything in their range instantly reduced to pulp.

The ground sank further and further, and even before the direct collision ended, Kiba summoned another ability.

"Gravity Cage."

As the terrifying pull of gravity emerged, White Angel's body bulged down and her hands trembled.

The ghosts used this opportunity to attack her face and neck; branding her angelic white features with colorful patterns.

White Angel was different than the earlier victims of Gravity Cage.

Despite the overbearing force of gravity, she neither kneeled nor let the weapons in her hands turn into dust.

Grabbing the wings tightly, she sliced them through the intangible cage of gravity.


The powerful gravitational force shattered with a loud screeching sound. The intangible shards of gravity scattered around, bursting past Kiba and White Angel.

"That's how a battle should be!" Kiba exclaimed. "The enemy having the power to nullify your attacks!"

White Angel remained silent.

Ignoring the attacks of ghosts and demons that continue to decorate her body with sparkling patterns, she smashed the wings on Kiba.


Kiba coughed up a mouthful of blood. His chest and hands ripped open, and hot blood splashed out.

Kiba ignored the pain as the impact sent him flying. He put his feet on the ground forcefully and stopped himself from dragging back any further.

"This is so much fun!" Kiba grinned as blood trickled down his lips. "But now is the time we bring this to the end!"

He lifted his bloody hand towards the crevice in the sky before abruptly bringing it down.


White Angel crushed the ghosts and demons on her body and looked up.

More colorful stripes shot down, but unlike anything before, they transformed into ghostly chains.

They pierced through space and swung directly at her!

White Angel's eyes constricted and she jumped up. Even as she jumped, more chains followed, trying to coil around her.

In mid-air, she spread her arms and flapped the wings in circular motions. The air churned and wind currents swirled together to transform into multiple vortexes!


The vortexes smashed onto the crevice. Terrifying fluctuations rippled out and multiple chains scattered into nothingness.

Meanwhile, Kiba lifted an arm and a ghostly chain flashed in his hand. Just like the other chains, its end part extended into the crevice.

Feeling the chain in his hand, White Angel locked her eyes on him. Grabbing her left wing like an arrow, she shot it at him, embedding it with all her strength.

The wing screeched through the air like a tornado, glowing with sharp swirls, ready to stab him to death.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm not interested in dying!"

The colorful patterns in his eyes brightened and hundreds of ghosts swept around him, stopping the wing.


The wing sliced through the vengeful ghosts like a sword beam. The resulting shockwaves cut through the surrounding ghosts.


The ghosts died instantly, but that time was enough for him to dodge to the side and break the wing with Gravity Punch.

At the same time, as White Angel continued to clash with the ghostly chains, she leaped backward as she sensed Kiba closing onto her.

"Please, don't dodge this time!"

Kiba increased his speed to the limit and charged at her.

White Angel reacted with extraordinary speed to bring wings to stop him. Cyclonic ripples swept out, surging with violent winds.


The wind currents shredded Kiba's flesh, making his blood spill out. To her surprise, he neither winced nor cried, and instead, smiled with madness.


White Angele's expression twisted.

Under her dumbstruck eyes, the ghostly chain shot through the wings and stabbed right into her chest.

Instantly, she sensed the "purifying" force blooming. Colorful patterns emerged on her chest and spread into her insides, erasing her source of existence.

She felt herself turning a part of something else, something extremely sinister!


Her heart sank further as the chain yanked out of her back and then shot back into the crevice. Now, both ends of chains were in the crevice, and she was stuck in between!

Even as this happened, the other ghostly chains fused with the chain stuck inside her, enhancing its durability.

White Angel realized destroying the chain was impossible. Still, she couldn't let her target go.

And how could she?

Her existence was that of Alpha!

An early-stage Level VII being!

Something the mortals of this world regarded as Gods!

Snapping her teeth, she materialized more wings and crushed them on Kiba.

"Your speed has reduced and so has your strength."

Kiba said as he easily avoided the shocking crushing power.

"So it is time for goodbye."

White Angel disagreed. She refused to give up.

As the crevice began to pull the chain up, and her by the extension, she brightened her body with dazzling power.

Multiple vortexes swept out and submerged Kiba into fatal airwaves.

By the time White Angel managed to do so, the chain dragged her struggling body into the crevice.

The countless ghosts and demons - that couldn't leave the gateway due to Kiba's limitations - eagerly opened their mouths. They looked forward to adding a powerful existence to their ranks...


Kiba destroyed the airwaves and landed on the ground. The wounds on his body started healing rapidly and he eyed the fading crevice.

"We will meet again, but with different roles."

Kiba said with a sigh as the purgatory disappeared.


Since he never got the opportunity to practice Purgatory: Effulgence, he wasn't able to use it as he wished. Nor was he able to bring out its true power.

"Oh well, there might be opportunities in the future."

Kiba thought with a smile.

The reason he spend so many efforts in facing White Angel was that he wanted to test the weakness of his abilities. His intention was never to gain battle experience.

Shaking his head, he turned towards Hank. The latter was kilometers away, but when he sensed the gaze, he flinched and swallowed down.

Trembling, he turned around.

"Forgive me!"

Hank kneeled down.


Kiba was about to continue when, out of nowhere, energy threads pierced through Hank's armor. The cybernetic circuits imploded and the armor shortcircuited.


Hank screamed like a pig being slaughtered.

"Pardon my intrusion, Mister Kiba."

Loqua said as he appeared before Hank.

"I have to thank Chairman Hank for his help in progressing our well-laid-out plan."

Chapter 519 Titan and Hope I/II

The energy needles shortcircuited the armor and made Hank feel as if he was being fried. Amidst such terrifying agony, Loqua's words entered his ears.


Appalling thoughts started running in his mind.

Surely, his scheme and actions against Sky Fiend Group couldn't have been for their benefit!

"Yes, Chairman Hank, plan," Loqua said brazenly. "Everything, well, almost everything of what you have done has been part of our plan."

For him, it was rather annoying to communicate his voice throughout a large area so that everyone could listen to him.

Hank's face cramped and cold sweat started dripping off his brows.

"Then my son and...!!"

Hank trailed off as he thought of the team he has prepared to acquire Divine Particles from Sky Fiend Group's headquarters.

The team was covertly on stand-by near the headquarters, waiting to be joined by Kiba for the planned heist.

"I'm sorry to say, but they are dead," Loqua said with a sly smile. "But don't feel sad, their deaths have contributed to something greater."

Half a kilometer away, Agatha and Eva walked out of the isolated space and heard the conversation.

"Brother is dead?" Eva muttered.

"Jack has been killed?!" Agatha was stunned.

"Haah~" Kiba let out a soft sigh.

He somewhat expected this when the attack of alien creatures started. These creatures were hibernating throughout the city but no one ever realized it, not even the all-powerful World Government. This obviously spoke volumes on Sky Fiend Group's planning skills and vast information network.

"No! I could never be a pawn of others!" Hank shouted.

"Oh, but you are," Loqua replied. "Or do you believe we could be careless enough to let information about Divine Particles leaked?"

"!" Hank's body froze.

Kiba was startled. It was him who acquired the metallic biscuits containing traces of Divine Particles. (Chapter 1).

Of course, he did that on the behest of Hank by robbing the team from Sky Fiend Group.

"Why would you do it?" Kiba asked but then he felt the answer was rather obvious.

He thought of the attack of Dark Beasts from a few weeks ago and then the actions of the alien creatures today. This pretty much signified whatever Sky Fiend Group has in plan required gathering of powerful mutants in the city.

What better way to attract mutants than Divine Particles; something that offered power and longevity?

"Mister Kiba must have realized it," Loqua observed with a smile.

Secretly, he was relieved that he would be able to drag time, even if it was by a minute. This was why he communicated his voice through a long distance so that everyone could hear him.

The alien creatures were cowered by Kiba's display of power and they needed time to regain their senses back.

"Well, so would I be wrong to assume you let other corporations and vested interests also learn about Divine Particles?"

Kiba asked as his body turned into a stream of golden light and shot off towards Agatha.

"No, you would be rather right," Loqua answered.

Hank's insides constricted.

How could Sky Fiend Group be so confident that their plan would work?! Weren't worried that the government and other powerful organizations could learn about Divine Particles and target them?!

If such a thing happened, Sky Fiend Group wouldn't survive!

As if sensing Hank's questions, Loqua replied, "We placed our full faith on selfish desires of humans and their greed. And as you could see, it worked."


Hank wanted to scream and shout. His son was killed and his corporation destroyed. Everything due to greed!


At the same time, Kiba arrived before Agatha and took Hope from her.

"I won this time!" Kiba said cheerfully. "So we are even!"

Hope glanced at the razed buildings and the depthless crater. Instantly, she knew the explosions he created were far better than hers.

Still, she nodded her head and accepted his loss. She might not be even a month old, but even she knew the meaning of - To be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

"Well, I'm sure you will surpass me next time!" Kiba said further.

Hope's nascent eyes sparkled as if saying - Yes, next time, I will surpass you!

Eva and Agatha: "...."

Surpass this level of destruction?!


Don't tell me you plan to explode the entire city!?!

Agatha felt like crying.

She has so many plans for her daughter, but Kiba was ruining them by turning Hope into a delinquent!


Hope loved to run her hands on his face and she eagerly started doing that. Kiba smiled.

Meanwhile, an enormous snake shot out of the ground and arrived before Hank.

Loqua grinned and said, "Swallow him!"

The snake opened its mouth and pounced down. Hank's face darkened from despair while Loqua's brightened from happiness.

"Hank would provide a good amount of nutrition!" Loqua thought.


Blood and gore erupted into the air and a corpse started falling down.


Loqua's eyes narrowed in shock as the corpse was of the snake! The same instant, a chilling sensation crawled through his spine and he jumped back.

Even as he jumped back, a golden arc charged forward with astounding speed.


The invisible protective layer around him torn apart like thin paper and the arc slashed through his torso.

"No... way!"

Loqua muttered as his body split into two and fell on the ground. He forcefully turned his head and caught the sight of the attacker.


Loqua didn't expect this, at least not being attacked like this, out of the blue.


Kiba stepped in front of Hank and said, "You thought you could die so easily?"

Hank shivered from terror.

When he saw the snake explode, he anticipated good news, but now... seeing Kiba, he wished the snake has swallowed him! It might be painful, but at least, he would be spared of the agony this demon was capable of.

Kiba placed a hand on Hank's head.

"Ki...Kiba... please!"

Hank begged as swirling energy rushed into him. The energy shattered his cybernetic armor as if it was as frail as a chicken egg and then swept into his body.


The swirling energy destroyed his organs into a broken mess, by frying them inside out. The pain was indescribable and even as this happened, his consciousness was enveloped by psychic energy.

"The injuries won't kill you," Kiba grabbed Hank by telekinetic force. "So rest assured, you will live for a long time, but as a cripple."

The psychic energy rampaged inside his consciousness, erasing his ability to ever communicate or block pain.

Kiba flicked a finger and Hank shot in the sky, disappearing into the horizon. Maybe when he drop on the ground somewhere, he would be lucky enough to find medical care.


At the same time, hundreds of alien creatures roared and charged forward. The ground trembled and the air vibrated.

Kiba eyed them and his aura billowed out.

The creatures quivered and before they could react, the aura exploded through their bodies, plastering the ground with their blood.


Even though Loqua was sliced into two, he didn't die. Now seeing the army of creatures exploding, the pain he felt increased countless folds.

"You are still alive?" Kiba aimed a finger at Loqua and a beam of golden light shot out.


Loqua exploded into gore.


A minute later.

[[Master, the anti-teleportation mechanism is still active.]]

Claudia spoke through the silver bracelet.

Initially, she felt with the destruction of White Angel Corporation, the mechanism would be deactivated.

"Yeah, I noticed."

Kiba replied as Agatha and others joined him.

[[Hank has spread the mechanism in the 10km range. You have already destroyed most of the mechanism during the battle with White Angel... so you only need to deactivate the last piece.]]

Claudia sent him coordinates.


Kiba said as he enveloped Agatha and others into a golden force field and flew towards the coordinates - a building.

In less than a minute, they arrived in front of the building. Unlike the heavily-protected skyscraper with impenetrable floors, the defense here almost was non-existent.

Almost, because, the moment they entered, a team of thirty guards attacked them with weapons.

"Get lost."

Multiple energy beams swept out and shot through their heads, killing the guards instantly. They dropped on the floor along with their weapons.


At the same.

Loqua's body emerged from the exploded gore and blood. It took him minutes before he reformed fully.

"That hateful bastard!" Loqua wiped the sweat from his face and cursed. "If not for the bond I share with Great Titan, I would have died!"

Loqua dreaded the close-encounter with the death. He looked at the remnants of the army of the alien creatures and gritted his teeth.

Closing his eyes, he said.

"Great Titan..."


Kiba stepped into what seemed to be an office room. He found what he was looking for under a table.

He grabbed the last piece of anti-teleportation mechanism into his hand to crush it when suddenly, he snapped his head and looked out of the window.

A gigantic hand shrouded the sun! The hand was red, fully scaled with spike-like protrusion! And it was rushing here!


Kiba's face fell and he crushed the anti-teleportation mechanism. As he did, he sensed the space locked by a foreign power that resembled his own!

"Protect yourselves!"

He transformed into a golden beam and shot out of the window. The words he said entered Agatha and Eva's ears when the window exploded into tinkling shards and he disappeared into the sky.

By the time they realized something was wrong, Kiba slammed into the hand.


Chapter 520 Titan and Hope II/II

The destruction that started at White Angel Corporation has spread to cover an area of three miles, turning everything into ruins.

Far away from this area, the people ran in panic, frightened by the shocking events.

"What the hell is going on there?!"

"No idea!"

"The shockwaves are so strong that we can neither see nor record anything!"

"Same! Even with my enhanced vision, all I see is the energy mist!"

"Whatever happens there is for our good though! It attracted every strange creature attacking the city!"

"Yeah! Every cloud has a silver lining!"

Just as someone mentioned this, the world turned dim.

Startled, the people lifted their heads and saw a gigantic hand obscuring the sun as it rushed towards the destroyed zone.

"What's this pressure?!"

A terrifying pressure descended from the hand, making the buildings quiver and the roads crack. The people shivered as the pressure developed a deep sense of reverence in their hearts.

High in the sky, Kiba shot forward like a golden cannonball, colliding directly into the hand.


Blasts and explosions rang out, spreading radiant flashes of light...

Inside the building, Agatha placed a hand on the wall and transferred her power.

"Space Isolation!"

The building turned incorporeal and transparent.

"Shadow Barrier!"

Eva streamed out hundreds of shadows that quickly wrapped around the incorporeal building.

Agatha held Hope against her chest and rubbed her back while looking at the sky.

"Be safe."


Kiba and the gigantic hand backed from the impact.

"You carry the power that is restricted to only a few of my world."

An ancient voice reverberated from the hand.

"Despite your body making it clear you a mortal of this world."

A vast amount of energy concentrated around the hand, turning into a lake of light. Inside this lake, creatures made from light appeared and gazed at Kiba, their eyes emanating murderous glint.

Kiba didn't know what the hand was, but he knew two things: It has no good intention and it was powerful. So he has no intention of holding back.

The space around him twisted and warped with a gravitational force that was far terrifying than the Gravity Cage.

He shut his eyes and the gravitational force materialized in the form of an enormous fist.


Kiba and the hand rushed at each other, joined by their respective attacks; their speed so fast that there were no afterimages or anything.

The lake of light far surpassed Kiba in speed and crashed on him instantly.


A sky-shaking boom explosion rang out. The creatures of light crazily assaulted him, emitting chaotic \u0026 blazing light that cut through his body.

His regeneration and recovery abilities got in action, rapidly healing his wounds, but in the midst of the lake of light, his abilities were in decline. The rate of destruction surpassed the recovery!

Despite so many happenings, the assault began milliseconds ago, the briefest possible time!

It was then that the fist of gravitational force smashed.


The extremely fierce gravitational force surged through the lake of light. The droplets of light and creatures contracted into tornados and then rushed into the fist.

The fist exploded into blazing radiance and dispersed into the sky.

As this happened, the gigantic hand charged forward and grabbed Kiba. So far, his eyes were still shut but when the hand grabbed him, they opened, radiating cosmic dust.

"Cosmic Storm!"

Kiba's voice broke through the void and brought frightening geomagnetic waves into reality.


The hand let out a gasp as spatial debris and asteroids, wrapped with cosmic energy, joined the geomagnetic waves to transform into the cosmic storm.

The clouds twisted and split while the ground rooted out, drifting into the air.


A huge explosion ruptured as the storm sucked the gigantic hand. The strands of the swirling energy pierced all the way.


The gigantic hand shattered into astral shards.

"Astral Projection?!"

Kiba was startled by the conclusion. He initially thought the hand was real instead of some projection.

"It must be the projection of the alien that is guiding Sky Fiend Group..."

Kiba thought while wiping blood from his lips and turning around. He looked at Agatha and Hope and smiled.

Agatha returned the smile and Hope waved at him.

"Watch out!"

The very same instant his heart sank and he shot down, rushing faster than what even his teleportation ability was capable of.

Agatha and Eva were startled, but just for an instant as they felt a dreadful pressure from behind the building.

An enormous red finger has appeared!

Perhaps the gigantic hand was a distraction to hide the finger, or maybe this finger split when Kiba launched Cosmic Storm... whatever the reason, Kiba knew things have turned bad.

The finger pressed on the building.


The shadow barrier shook violently and crumbled down while the isolated space disappeared. The backlash blasted Eva and Agatha back.


Agatha gasped as the impact made her drop Hope in the air.

Kiba's face twisted and he summoned all the strength he could muster to run down. His eyes dilated as the enormous finger blasted through the wall and rapidly closed to Hope.

He only needed half a second to arrive before her. Everything would be alright then.

But this half a second was like asking for eternity.

Something he couldn't get even if he summoned his full powers due to the one reason... he didn't have time!

But he refused to give up!

Not when it concerned his daughter!

He gritted his teeth and flew faster, breaking the confines of space and reality. The air melted and space split apart, releasing spatial winds.

For others, one second wouldn't even matter, but for him, this less than half a second would last far longer than a century. Everything for him was in slow motion, his mind and body working at their full capacity.

The red finger got closer to Hope and Kiba felt his heart squeeze.

His eyes turned bloodshot and he charged faster and faster.

He noticed Hope looking at him, her nascent eyes filled with confusion by his pale expression.

The enormous fingertip was now just an inch away and he barely two.

But this gap was far vast than the one between the sky and the earth.

Something he knew he has to overcome, no matter the price!

Unless he was ready to see his worst nightmare turn into reality...


Paradox Dimension.

In the throne room of the floating castle, Cosmic Emperor rose to his feet.

"So many times... yet I couldn't grow numb."

He let out a soft sigh before spreading his lips into a faint smile.

Chapter 521 Defying The Fate!

(A/N: Please read till the end!)

Inner Zone, Paradox Dimension.

The ever-changing hellish weather released plumes of lava as the rain. The giants, chimeras, and other species hid in their shelters, gazing at the clouds and sometimes, momentarily, eyeing the direction where the clear sky was visible.

None of them dared look at the floating castle, afraid of the blood-soaked chains that bound the castle to the ground.


Suddenly, intense rumbling raged out as the door leading to the castle opened up.

Inside, Cosmic Emperor stepped down the dais. Behind, the throne of darkness burst forth into pure darkness and wrapped around his naked figure, turning into a robe.

As he stepped at the exit, his pitch-black dark eyes pierced through space and arrived on Delta City.


In the mid-air, after breaking the void, Kiba arrived before Hope. The enormous finger reached behind her, emitting powerful force.

Kiba knew what would happen the moment the fingertip touched her. The very thought made cold sweat develop in his eyebrows and drip down his eyelids.

Clenching his teeth, he stretched his hands out to grab Hope. Just then the finger almost touched her back.


Despair and helplessness swelled in his heart.

Outside the castle, Cosmic Emperor opened his lips and said:

"Infinity Spell: Transcendental Confinement."

The darkness on his robe seethed and spilled outward, spreading to Paradox Dimension and then Bermuda Triangle. It enveloped the Black Sea, the meteorites, the oceans, the continents... the entire planet.

Earth turned into a globe of darkness but it didn't end there. The darkness spread into the solar system, wrapping everything, even the intangible laws that governed the very existence of the cosmos.

Outside the galaxy, powerful spatial creatures shivered and turned into the direction of Milky Way. They found the spiraling galaxy disappearing, replaced by glowing layers of darkness.

"Eternal Darkness!"

Despite their strength to swallow planets and destroy solar systems, the spatial creatures trembled violently. But only momentarily for the darkness sucked them inside, erasing their traces of existence...

On Earth, everything stopped.

The water in the oceans stilled; the winds stopped flowing; the falling leaves froze; the birds in the sky paused.

No matter the species, everyone similarly stopped, regardless of what they were doing.

The couples making love, the mutants engaged in life and death duels, the parents playing with their children... everyone froze as if they were suddenly turned into statutes.

But it wasn't them that stopped or froze. It was time!

The moment Cosmic Emperor spoke, the time came to a grinding halt!


Cosmic Emperor took a step forward and arrived in Delta City, directly crossing an impossible distance.

"How long has it been since all this started?" Cosmic Emperor wondered to himself.

He appeared inside the building and looked around, ignoring the enormous finger.

Eva has frozen after crashing against the wall with a bitter expression. Agatha after bouncing back from the floor, her expression that of horror.

Then there was Kiba. His expression was twisted into multiple emotions.

Fear, panic, helplessness, rage, and despair.

Cosmic Emperor then glanced at Hope who was tossed into the air.

Her little face was bewildered by the expression on her father's face. There was also sadness in her small eyes, almost telling her father to not feel bad.

"Fate... what you want, you shall have. But so would I."

A tear slid from the corner of his eye as he stepped before Hope.

"No matter the price."

He took her into a hand and gently tapped a finger on her forehead.

Violet rays sprayed out of her eyes, emitting extremely potent life energy. These rays converged into the air above.

From her chest, strands of darkness erupted and shot into the converging violet rays.

Cosmic Emperor turned in the direction of Agatha, and simultaneously, from the center of her chest, a glowing Cosmic particle emerged.

It carried a trace of darkness, and as if resonating with the darkness inside the violet rays, this trace of darkness shot out, joining the mass of covering energy. The glowing Cosmic particle then settled back inside Agatha.

Cosmic Emperor placed a finger on Kiba's chest. A bolt of golden lightning flashed out and swept into the converging energy mass.

"Fate... you want her dead... to punish her father for defying you with his existence."

The Fate was the strongest concept that governed the cosmos. It defined start and end, of every being; living or non-living!

All paths lead to one ultimate destination set by it. If one defied it and took a new path, ultimately, this path too would join the already decided destination!

For example, if a planet destined to be destroyed by a series of asteroids survived for any reason, a set of reactions - or coincidences- would start to bring the end of the planet in other ways. The crust of the planet might collapse by natural or manmade factors, or the planet might be discovered by a set of galactic devourers.

Whatever The Fate wanted, it always happened! If not today, then tomorrow!

That's how it governed the universe.

No one could escape from this basic principle, no one! Not even the strongest of the universe!

"So she would die... but she would also live!"

The violent rays, the two sets of dark energy, and the bolt of lightning fused together. There was no longer the flow of time so it was hard to say when these fused energies turned into a humane body.


Or another Hope.

Everything about her was the same as the former with one exception. Her body stayed between transparent and illusion as if she lacked something!

The new Hope opened her eyes and found herself looking at the man with pale skin tone, dark eyes, and long dark hair.

A refined face she was looking for the first time.

She raised her hands and ran them over his face.

Cosmic Emperor allowed her to do so while placing back the first Hope in the position she was earlier, barely an inch away from the red finger.

Inside the floating castle, the strange skeletons weren't affected by the stopping of time. They crawled on the floor and hissed.

"Cosmic Emperor... you have already broken many rules of existence!"

"And now, you have destroyed the equilibrium between the Three Primordial Concepts of Cosmos - Fate, Space, and Time!" A skeleton with eight arms and six heads shouted. "If you continue, the entire cosmos would pay the price!"

"You have no right to risk the cosmos!" A skeleton carved with precious jewels thundered.

"Even if you defied Fate, the time wouldn't forget your actions!" Another skeleton hissed. "She would vanish from existence the instant she loses what little stability she has!"

"And you can't stop this forever!" The other skeletons reminded. "So stop messing with time!"

Inside the building, Cosmic Emperor looked at the old Hope and then the new.

"Time? We shall see."

Cosmic Emperor replied while grabbing the unstable Hope.

"But for now, what the world indeed needs is the stable flow of time, without any diversion!"

Cosmic Emperor and the unstable Hope vanished from the building and appeared in a restaurant not far away.

The restaurant was empty and collapsing from the shockwaves earlier. But when he arrived, it returned back to its original condition. Though from the outside, it disappeared, as if it never existed.

Cosmic Emperor placed Hope on the chair and sat across her while looking in the direction of Kiba and Agatha.

"Haah~" Cosmic Emperor let out a heavy sigh. "Some things can't be avoided."

He gazed at the unstable Hope and snapped his fingers.

"Just wait for some time."


The moment he snapped his fingers, the darkness retraced back from the entire galaxy and returned to his robe.

Earth started revolving again and the flow of time returned.

The water followed its natural movement, the winds flowed with soft whistles and the floating leaves aimlessly drifted into the air.

Inside the building, Kiba's pupils constricted as the finger moved further and pressed on Hope.

Strands of pure power Cosmic swept out of her and entered the finger, and then she...


Kiba screamed. All his stretched hands caught was burst of blood. Some of it splashed on his face.


He couldn't move his eyes away from the blood.

"Such power from this child!" The ancient voice ringed out of the enormous finger. "It is enough to revive me for now!"

The voice awakened Kiba. He lifted his eyes and looked at the finger, his eyes flashing with hatred as deep as the ocean.

A terrifying aura exploded out of him and crushed the finger.


The finger exploded into astral shards and vanished.

At the same time, Agatha collapsed on the floor. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at the patches of blood.

"No... this isn't real."

Agatha refused to believe what her eyes made her see. She got on her feet and forced herself to step ahead.

"Agatha..." Kiba suppressed his emotions and turned towards her.

"Where is she?" Agatha demanded.

"She..." Kiba couldn't bring himself to continue. So all he could manage to say was, "I'm sorry..."

Agatha's face turned as white as a sheet of paper. She started falling and Kiba hurriedly stepped to support her.

In the process, the blood on his hands dyed her. And the moment she felt the blood on her, all her strength disappeared.

She pulled his shirt and said, "You swore you will protect her!"

He could feel her grief and sadness. It was no less than his even though he suppressed it and didn't allow it to erupt.

"You promised me twice, Kiba! Twice!" Agatha reminded him. "Or have you forgotten! Answer me!"

Kiba wasn't able to answer. He has broken his promise.

And no matter how much he wanted, there was nothing he could say to reduce her sadness.

Besides, was it even possible to console someone who has lost everything?

He didn't think so.

"Answer me!"

Agatha left his shirt and fell on the floor. She didn't have any strength left to wait for an answer or even open her eyes.

Some distance away, Eva looked at her with a complicated expression. She felt bad for Agatha but couldn't understand the extent of her grief.

She never cared for anyone, at least to not an extent that she would lose her will to live.


Eva let out a heavy sigh and crouched before Agatha.

She has heard what the ancient voice from before said, so she knew the true culprit was reviving.

After thinking about it, she felt it would be natural for the culprit to return with full force to consume Kiba and Agatha's powers.

Knowing a crisis was imminent, she took Agatha in her arms and jumped on her feet. She then turned towards Kiba and said, "Let us get out of here."

Kiba looked out of the broken wall and gazed at the horizon.

"You two leave. I have to kill that bastard."

Eva was startled.


She has barely spoken when teleportation force enveloped her and Agatha. They disappeared in a flash.

Kiba's aura surged out in the form of boundless golden energy. The floor under his feet exploded and then the entire building.

He shot into the sky and charged towards the Sky Fiend Group Headquarters.


His eyes glowed violently.


Intense rumbling sounds filled the sky. The air turned turbulent and chaotic winds burst out.

On the ground, everyone raised their heads and peered into the sky.

"What's going on!?"

Everyone was astonished as they saw dark clouds gathering into the clear sky, turning the weather into stormy.

"Isn't this similar to the golden lightning phenomenon from the wasteland?!"


"Oh god!"


From the exploded building ruins, Rhea's phantom from the past observed the stormy sky and Kiba.

Inside the restaurant, Cosmic Emperor brought his eyes from the unstable Hope to Rhea's phantom from the past.

"Very soon."

Chapter 522 Attack on Sky Fiend Group

Sky Fiend Headquarters was spread in an area of almost 2 sq.km. The over twenty buildings and factories were evenly spread, hosting thousands of workers, including mutants and researchers.

Ever since Joshua unleashed the alien creature on the city, he activated the advanced state of the art.

Military-grade rockets, automatic laser artillery, and battle droids were on stand-by, ready to tackle any situation.

But these were just elementary.

The true defense was the energy barrier that enveloped the entire headquarters, in the form of a transparent dome.

This dome was created by an advanced technology that belonged to Celestial Elysian Plane, courtesy of the great titan! It was strong enough to block high-stage Level VII Alpha!

What's more, this dome was capable of bursting with frightening offensive power in case of an attack!

In the underground facility, Joshua rubbed his elderly hands excitedly as he stared at the vital readings on the monitors.

"The Great Titan is recovering at terrifying speed!"

Thousands of meters below, on the last floor, Hyperion burst out into raucous laughter. His decayed corpse-like body rapidly transformed and crackling sounds erupted throughout.

The missing flesh on his body filled up with new blood mass while the scales that were long gone reappeared. His arms bulged exponentially and the claw-like hands turned sharp and fierce.

Meat sacks erupted on his three decomposed eyesockets and then burst apart in a shower of goo. Now in the place of decomposed eyesockets, eyes filled with vitality appeared, radiating endless vitality.

All his four eyes opened!

"I have almost regained 10% of my strength! All thanks to that little girl!"

Hyperion was pleasantly surprised by the amount of power Hope carried. The power he extracted was as vast as an ocean without any impurity!

"If she carried such power, then her father...!"

Hyperion laughed sinisterly.

Having such superior power was useless if one couldn't tap into it and use it. And given the restrictions on this world and nature of humans existence, he wasn't surprised that the human couldn't tap on this ultimate power!

"All he could do was transform power Cosmic into cheap forms of energy! I can recover by almost half if I absorb him!"

Hyperion concentrated back on healing his body.


Inside the control room, Joshua continued to focus on the recovery stats with a smile that touched his eyes. The happiness of his subordinates wasn't any less because they knew the progress of Sky Fiend Group relied on the great titan.


Suddenly, rumbling sounds echoed through the underground facility.

"What's this sound"

Joshua was startled.

For rumblings to intense enough to travel on underground floors, something must be happening outside.

He quickly activated the cameras and was shocked by what they projected on the screen.

The clear blue sky was covered with an expanse of dark, stormy clouds. Their appearance dimmed the area, making him feel as if pitch-black ink was splashed on it.

"There is someone there!"

A subordinate pointed on the screen.

Joshua was focused on the clouds so he didn't notice what his subordinate told him.

Now that he was informed, he concentrated on the screen and noticed a figure standing amidst the stormy clouds, like the overbearing sovereign of the world.

The figure wreathed in thick layers of golden energy, making it impossible to observe his features.

"He must be Kiba!" Joshua said with a mocking smile. "Loqua said he was an Alpha! But here, he would be as strong as a stray dog!"

His subordinates agreed with him. They sneered while observing Kiba on the screen.

So what if you are an Alpha?!

We have The Great Titan with us!

Alphas might be Gods on this planet, but Titans are the Gods of Celestial Elysian Plane! They are the real supreme!

Much less one Alpha, soon, the entire world would bend before The Great Titan!

The World Government, the Nine Families, the Beauty Island, the Revolutionaries, the Dharma Chakra... everyone would kneel before us!

"It is good for us!" A subordinate said. "The Great Titan wouldn't have to hunt him down!"

"Hehe, you said what I wanted to say!" Another subordinate chimed in.

"We all should be thankful that he came here to offer his life!"

"Poor guy! He came here to challenge The Great Titan, but his luck is so bad that he couldn't even barge in!"

"He should stand there and wait for his end! It would be soon!"

Joshua and others grinned. The dome was impenetrable!

"It would be great if he tried to attack the dome!"

"Haha, I wanted to see that as well! The offensive power of the dome would make him learn how great we are!"

In the sky, Kiba's hair grew out speedily, fluttering wildly in the wind. The half-blue in his eyes turned a brilliant gold just like the rest of his eyes.

At the same time, lightning surged through the dark clouds, illuminating the area with a frightening radiance.


As thunderous rumbles resounded out, everyone below felt a chill run down their spines. Their faces paled as if they were pressed heavily by a mountain, turning their breathing laborious.

"What is this overwhelming pressure?!"

Joshua's heart thumped loudly.

"And how could it pass through the dome?!"

He could understand the rumbling sound echoing in, as the barrier wasn't programmed to stop sounds. But oppressive might was a different matter!

Outside the dome, turbulent winds rooted out the trees and sent sand and rocks into the air. The roads split apart before turning into dust.

In the sky, the bolts of lightning struggled to break out of the clouds and rush down. They wished to obliterate the world, and their intent couldn't be more clear from the pressure they radiated.

"Destruction and nothing else!"

A streak of golden lightning split through the sky and rushed straight into Kiba's hand. The moment it appeared, the world started trembling and everything fell into disorder.

Kiba gripped the streak of lightning tightly and a terrifying aura surged through him. He rushed down, descending with the endless power of violence and destruction.

In the control room, Joshua's elderly body shook.

"This is the might of Level VII mutant?!"

Looking at the streak of lightning extending from the sky to Kiba's hand, he felt he was looking at the god of lightning.

The god capable of obliterating the world!

Despite the protection of the dome, fear gripped his soul as the lightning grow larger and larger on the screen.

Outside, Kiba whipped the streak of lightning on the dome.


The moment the lightning crashed, the dome shook violently and shattered into pieces.


Joshua's eyes popped out and jaw dropped.

The powerful dome that he was so proud of, something that could stop even god-like Alpha was shattered just like that?!

And that too only with "Kacha" sound! Not even a boom!

The subordinates were knocked off their feet when they saw the dome shatter in a single move.

This must be a nightmare!

There was no way the dome could be broken!

Even if it could, at the very least, it should have offered a bit of resistance! And attack Kiba with its oppressive power!

But to their terror, there was no retaliation by the dome! None at all!

It was like the dome was nothing more than a piece of frail glass! Completely useless!

Even as they muttered "impossible", the lightning didn't stop after destroying the dome. It continued to cut down, emitting a sharp whistling sound.

Wherever it passed through, everything in its vicinity collapsed.

The military-grade artillery turned haywire and the droids imploded. The buildings and factories instantly toppled and those insides turned into dust.

They didn't even get time to cry!

When the lightning swept into the underground facility, the ground flipped upside down! Even the most terrifying landslide in history hasn't created such an effect!

On the first underground floor, the hoard of Dark Beasts and scientists screamed as the fluctuations from lightning roiled them into blood mist.

The regenerative ability of Dark Beasts was such that they could revive from even a single droplet of blood, but now, not a single trace of their existence remained, not even a bone!

On the third floor, the screen turned blank.


Joshua's subordinates let out a heart-wrenching scream. Even though the lightning was ripping through the first floor, the fluctuations made them split into two, killing them.

"Just what on Earth is this lightning?!"

Joshua's heart turned cold.

The underground facility was made from indestructible alien metals, something necessary as it was the most important area.

Yet, a single strike of lightning that shattered the impenetrable dome continued to cut forth, destroying everything, even the safe underground facility!

The most frightening part? It has barely been a few seconds since the lightning crashed down!

Only seconds to destroy the powerful headquarters he made with his blood and sweat! All his efforts, all his tech, all his mercenaries... everything turned to dust!

"Dammit! This wasn't how things were supposed to happen!"

Joshua's body turned illusory and he shot down, rushing straight into the floor Hyperion was.

Just like Loqua, he was linked with the titan so he was able to escape from the overwhelming pressure and run.

But even as he ran, the floors around him disintegrated, turning into tiniest specks of dust.

"Save me!"

Joshua shouted as he felt the pressure stabbing through him, tumbling his blood in disorder. The pressure cut through his organs, bones, and limbs.

Just as he thought he was dead, a gigantic claw-like hand stretched through the disintegrating floors and grabbed the streak of lightning.

Chapter 523 Fighting Hyperion!

From the ruined underground facility, a heavy feeling of suppression shot up, slamming into the oppressive pressure that came crashing down from the stormy clouds.


The moment the two forces collided, energy detonated and burst out with dazzling sparks.

In the sky, Kiba's eyes sharpened as the gargantuan hand grabbed the streak of lightning. He snorted coldly and pulled the lightning up.

"Great Titan!" Joshua exclaimed happily. "Thank you for saving my life!"

Ignoring the words of gratitude, Hyperion began to rise. The tubes and wires that connected his body to lab equipment collapsed and the ground flipped on either side of his body.

By the time he rose to his feet, a massive amount of soil and dust flew up, making the air turbulent.

Kiba looked at Hyperion as they came face to face.

"A titan."

Kiba said coldly while observing the body that spanned for over a thousand feet.

The limbs stout and thick, emitting strong vitality. The red fur - draped over the chest and back- sharp and shiny. The horns - on the forehead - glowing with a hellish light.

"Your powers have amplified countless times since you destroyed my astral projections," Hyperion said without any emotion. "But so have mine, thanks to your daughter."

Kiba's eyes erupted with fury.

Every single cell of his body demanded him to avenge the one who mattered him to the most.

The one who made him realize there was more to life than just chasing beautiful women and making men cuckold.

The one whose smile melted his heart into pure joy, no matter what mood he was in.

The one who loved to run her little hands over his face, no matter what form he was.

The one who loved him unconditionally.

The one whose life was extinguished by the creature in front of him.


The emotions he was suppressing till now erupted like a volcano.

Resonating with his rage and fury, the dark clouds seethed and roared. Brilliant arcs of lightning flashed through them, emanating an annihilative aura.

The streak of lightning that stretched from the clouds to Kiba's hand dazzled brightly and flashed with world-obliterating might.

Without saying anything, Kiba hurtled down at the titan's head, stabbing out with the lightning.

Hyperion jerked his head back at an impossible speed and his four eyes glowed resplendently.


Four beams of white light erupted out, and when seen from the distance, these beams were far thicker than hundreds of pillars combined.

The streak of lightning swept forward, changing into the shape of a massive sea, glowing with thunder force.


The beams of light crashed into the thunder force and exploded. Violent blasts of energy swirled outward and enveloped the air.

As the terrifying shockwaves filled the air, the very same moment, the streak of lightning cut through them and moved further.

Hyperion was a bit startled. He realized he has underestimated the human far too much.

He quickly moved his one hand to stop the lightning as it came close to his head. Alongside this, with his other hand, he punched at Kiba.

The punch released devasting force, akin to an unstoppable flood that washed over the world. Space trembled and cracks visible to the naked eye appeared.

Kiba lifted his free hand and pressed it on the incoming punch.

His body, much less his hand, didn't deserve comparison with the gigantic punch, but when he pressed his hand out, a destructive force so powerful bore down that it stopped the punch.


The impact sank the razed ground further, destroying everything in its vicinity.

"This couldn't be real!"

Joshua trembled continuously.

The shockwaves were far too terrifying! If not for the protection from Hyperion, he would have died hundred times by now.

"Just how strong is Kiba?!"

Joshua wondered.

"Last time, he was Level VII Alpha... and even though he destroyed the astral projections of the great titan... he was injured!"

He knew when Hyperion summoned astral projections, he has barely recovered by 5%. Now thanks to Hope, he has reached 10%. The gain in strength wasn't additional, but multiplicative! So Hyperion was countless times stronger!

Yet Kiba seems to be able to hold his own!

"How could this be possible!? Has he crossed Level VII?!"


Perhaps the people of the city were lucky.

After all, the pressure from golden lightning was clashing with the presence of Hyperion, nullifying each other. If not, even one of the forces was more than enough to explode half the megacity.

Far away, the crowd took a deep breath of cold air as they saw the vast body of the titan. They couldn't see the features clearly due to the continuous energy detonation, but just the outline made their bodies numb.

There was a creature like this in the city?! And there was also a human that could face such a creature!?


Weisz House.

Felicity, Jessica, and Loren stared at the tv as the news about Sky Fiend Group headquarters flashed.

"Just what's going on there?!" Jessica wondered aloud.

"No idea, but whatever it is, it is bad, very bad," Loren said with a bitter expression.

Just then, the tv screen buzzed and the visuals from the battle site disappeared.

"The shockwaves must have acted as EMP waves and destroyed the recording devices," Loren guessed as the news anchor apologized for losing visuals. "Not like we were able to see anything even when the live feed was on."

"Yeah, all the visuals showed was energy explosions and the outline of two figures," Jessica agreed. "One of a giant and another a human shrouded by golden light."

Felicity opened her hand and emerald energy concentrated on top of it. In a minute, a glowing emerald seed appeared.

"Let's see if this works," Felicity said as the seed flew out of the window.

"What do you mean?" Jessica asked.

"After the nanites attacked my body, I have grown somewhat resistant to disintegrating forces," Felicity replied with a smile. "And I plan to use this to my advantage by trying to 'see' what's going on at the battlefield."

The seed drifted through the winds and rushed towards the battlefield...


Delta Military Base.

Inside the bunker, Morgan stood on the side and looked at Marlon as the latter opened the door to the most important area of the base.

Nearby, through her stitched eyes, Amora observed the news of battle on a digital screen.

"Hurry up!" Amora shouted. "We need to activate the generator or the city would be destroyed!"

"I know! So shut up!" Marlon rebuked.

The door opened up and the generator-like device came in sight.

"Hopefully it would work as the President claimed otherwise we all are fucked!"

Chapter 524 Evolution Field

After the brief clash, Hyperion lifted his head and looked up in the sky.

He observed the layers of dark clouds and lightning dancing about within. As the bolts of lightning struggled to overcome some hidden restrictions, he listened to their roars filled with thunderous superciliousness.

"When I first saw this, I thought it was similar to what I have witnessed millions of years ago. Naturally, I felt I was mistaken."

Hyperion said, his voice filled with reminiscence.

"But after clashing with you and facing the power of violence and annihilation head-on, I know I wasn't mistaken. This is indeed Evolution Field!"

On the ground, Joshua's blood turned cold. His expression turned to one of disbelief and alarm.

"Evolution Field!?"

Being the head of Sky Fiend Group, he has access to various secret records of Celestial Elysian Plane. One of these records mentioned Evolution Field, albeit briefly.

"Since the beginning of the universe, countless planets and planes have bloomed with life and vitality."

"But with the flow of time, many of these worlds withered! The innumerable races inside them turned to dust!"

"And the only common point in the deaths of worlds and races is... that they were preceded by a single cosmic event!"

"Evolution Field!"

"It tests the evolution of the worlds and the lives within!"

"To ensure they deserve to exist and feed on the energy of cosmos!"

"Those failing have no choice but to be obliterated!"

Joshua was scared out of wits. If the records were to trusted, the appearance of Evolution Field denoted world-wide genocide!

"Surely the Great Titan must be mistaken!"


Hyperion kept his eyes on the clouds for a second, but in that time, he remembered where he saw them last.

On a planet occupied by higher forms of life. The planet that was within the domain of Celestial Elysian Plane!

"No one would have thought that the planet would be annihilated."

He has witnessed the annihilation millions of years ago, but the scene was still imprinted his memories:

Lightning amassing over the entire planet, crackling amidst the layers of clouds and surging with the ultimate power of annihilation. The lifeforms within the planet doing their best to survive... using everything they have at their disposal.

Yet failing when lightning crashed down...

Hyperion let out a sigh and brought his eyes back on Kiba.

"Even though you derive your strength from Evolution Field, you couldn't tap on it properly," Hyperion said. "But that's to be expected."

Kiba didn't give a damn about Hyperion's words. He whipped the streak of lightning and slammed it outward.

Hyperion responded by slashing out with his claw-like hand. The space ripped apart and scratch marks dragged through the air.

Five kilometers away, simultaneous to the appearance of scratch marks, the buildings that were intact till now brutally ripped apart.

One could only imagine how powerful the claw attack was for the fluctuations to create such damage!

As the gigantic claw dug into the streak of lightning, explosive bang echoed out. The air distorted and strands of lightning splashed out.

The streak of lightning was almost cut!

Kiba's eyes narrowed.

"Kid, I'm not the only one you are facing in this fight!" Hyperion reminded. "You are also facing the world!"

Evolution Field preluded the death of the world. And no world would accept such a fate without a fight!

The same applied to Earth!

Even though the present Evolution Field occupied an area not worth mentioning, Earth wouldn't allow Evolution Field to channel its powers!

This was why the bolts of lightning in the sky continuously struggled to descend! They were fighting the resistance offered by the planet!

This applied to Kiba as well for he was the carrier of the Evolution Field! Its herald!

Even as the streak of lightning was almost cut, the stormy clouds twisted and channeled more strength through the streak of lightning, bringing it back to its former shape.

The recovery happened in an instant, but it was enough time for Hyperion to launch his own attack. With his claw still cutting through the streak of lightning, the spikes on his arms brightened and burst out.


Kiba was too close to Hyperion so there was no time to dodge.


The enormous spikes stuck on the protective golden aura around his body. The moment they bombarded, the aura corroded and melted!

Even though the spikes tore through golden aura, Kiba's body was virtually indestructible in his present form. Still, the power from the spikes was no joke as they blasted him back.

Kiba forcefully stopped himself in the air.


As he regained balance, the air around him whooshed and dazzled with boundless light.

He swept a glance and noticed himself surrounded by corona: light in the shape of a crown; decorated with magical patterns! The corona was vast, taller than even Hyperion, occupying everything in Kiba's eye view.

In fact, there was not one corona, but six, blocking all possible exits! Even space was locked to stop teleportation!

"This was his true attack?" Kiba wondered.

Far away, the people shut their eyes. All their sight caught was a massive amount of light appearing out of nowhere, radiating blinding glow.

"Void Destroying Absolute Light!" Hyperion's voice reverberated through the air.

Simultaneously, the coronas smashed on Kiba with indescribable speed.

Kiba firmly gripped the streak of lightning in his hand and swung it out.

Despite the blinding glow, the streak of lightning drew out an outline as it scraped through the corona rushing from the front!

The instant it touched the corona, the streak of lightning erupted with thunder force, turning into a vast thunderstorm.

The thunderstorm and light smashed into each other.


The instant they made contact, they started intertwining with each other, trying to destroy the other. The struggle surged out strands of explosive thunder-light in all directions, blasting everything.

"Struggling is futile!"

Hyperion's vision passed through the sea of light and stopped on Kiba.

The attack he used was one of his major attack abilities, albeit the weakest of all. Of course, since he has barely recovered by 10%, he couldn't bring out its full power. Otherwise, even his weakest attack would have obliterated the planet!

Kiba has sliced the streak of lightning through two coronae when the other four crushed on him.

Anyone who saw him could tell that it would be impossible for him to face so many coronae with the streak of lightning alone!

"This is the end!" Hyperion said.

Just then, the corner of his top right eye blurred from an exceedingly dazzling flash. It was from the clouds behind him!

He jerked his head to the side just as a bolt of lightning split through the sky and shot into the coronae, landing on the free hand of Kiba.


After the bolt of lightning entered the coronae, a shredding sound erupted from Hyperion's face and blood flew out.

Even though he has reacted timely, the bolt of lightning was too fast! It sliced through his cheek before rushing into Kiba's hand!

"That kid!"

Hyperion swore just as a powerful explosion dazzled in front of him.


As the coronae detonated with the void-destroying light beams, lightning cut through them, splashing the air with a golden glow.

Inside the dazzling explosion, Kiba spun his body nonstop, his one hand gripping streak of lightning and the other bolt of lightning.


Stretching from the clouds, both lightning slashed through the explosive might of detonated coronae, transforming into a lightning vortex!

Hyperion was stunned. He didn't think Kiba was capable of tapping more power from Evolution Field!

Just as this thought passed in his mind, the space in front of him distorted.

Hyperion rapidly raised his claw-like hands in front of his face as though the distorting space, Kiba emerged, wielding the streak and bolt of lightning diagonally, forming "X" shape. Without any words, he slashed out.


As the lightning collided on the claws, shockwaves visible to the eyes swept off. The ground sank further and the area of ten kilometers instantly turned into dust.

Annihilaitve power crazily poured through the claws, melting them and ripping off the scales, but even as this happened, the godly regenerative ability of Hyperion nullified the damage.

"You are strong but this is your limit!" Hyperion said while lifting his claws to push the streak and bolt of lightning back. "You couldn't tape any more strength from Evolution Field!"

"Are you stupid?" Kiba asked with a mocking smile. "Maybe the long sleep has killed your vocabulary, but still, don't you get tired of spouting the same repetitive lines about my limit?"

Hyperion ignored the insult as he sensed something and looked up. His four eyes glowed as his gaze penetrated through the dark clouds and swept into the orbit.

There, countless artificial satellites were placed, continuously sending and receiving data.

Just as Hyperion's gaze arrived here, the satellites in this part of the orbit were enveloped by golden force.

"What is he doing?!"