525 - 534

Chapter 525 We Have Prevented A Tragedy! I/II

On the ground, Joshua was protected by the light barrier created by Hyperion. This protected him from being smashed by the shockwaves and continuous energy detonation.

"The Great Titan might be right about Evolution Field!"

Joshua thought while looking at the streak and bolt of lightning that slashed against Hyperion's claws.

Earlier, due to fear and alarm, he has forgotten about the golden lightning phenomenon that occurred in the wasteland. Now that he remembered the phenomenon, he recalled the mutants that went to the wasteland were disintegrated into nothingness! It was just from the presence of the phenomenon and nothing else!

"Just the presence of Evolution Field could kill those who haven't evolved enough!"

Joshua was grateful that the power of the great titan was nullifying this function of the Evolution Field.

Suddenly, Joshua noticed something strange. Hyperion was looking at the sky even though his claws were pressed against the lightning.

"What's going on?!"

Joshua brought his eyes in the same direction as Hyperion. He noticed the layers of the dark clouds were split in the middle as if to give access to something.

When he noticed what exactly, his scalp creeped from horror.

"You got to be kidding me!"

At extremely high speed, ten satellites dragged down from the space! The momentum was such that by the time they entered Earth's atmosphere, they ignited and went supernova!

Like that wasn't enough, the lightning dancing in the sky erupted outwards and covered these satellites as they passed through the dark clouds!

Now they were intertwined with wisps of golden lightning! The instant the wisps appeared, the speed of supernova satellites accelerated to an impossible degree, far greater than the speed of teleportation!

Hyperion wanted to back-off but Kiba wouldn't allow him to.

Kiba pressed the streak and bolt of lightning tightly against the claws, and this barely lasted a second, and by then the satellites brutally smashed on the gigantic body of Hyperion.


The impact of the collision blasted through Hyperion's body, cracking his scales and entering into his bloodstream. His body quivered violently and he coughed up blood.

As this happened, Kiba pierced the lightning through Hyperion's claws, melting them to oblivion, and then stabbed forward.

At the same time, after smashing on Hyperion, the crushed satellites fell on the ground.

Even though Hyperion has taken the maximum brunt of satellites' powers, the remaining force in them exploded the ground with terrifying shockwaves and spread out like surging tidal waves, enveloping an area of thirty sq. kilometers in a second.

The intact buildings and roads blasted upwards before turning into debris and exploding.


Joshua muttered many profanities and swallowed forcefully. His throat twitched as if he was swallowing insects instead of saliva.

"I have heard of meteor shower but not satellite shower!"

His elderly body almost got a heart attack from the fight above.

"There is no way this is a battle between a titan and a human!"

Meanwhile, as Kiba destroyed Hyperion's claws and stabbed ahead, Hyperion roared furiously.

"Kid! I went too easy on you!"

His four eyes erupted with piercing beams of light and blasted on Kiba.

"And whose fault is that, stupid idiot?"

Kiba snorted coldly and flew backward to avoid the beams. This allowed Hyperion in containing the scale of damage.


Mass of crystalline flesh and blood dazzled out of his destroyed hands and transformed into claws. Simultaneously, throughout his body, the wounds from the satellite impact filled up with new blood mass and then stitched with scales, bringing his body to its former state.

Hyperion eyed Kiba viciously.

Even though his incredible regeneration ability has saved him, his body has still borne the strain of nullifying the wisps of golden lightning. This strain couldn't be wiped out, at least not in a short span of time.

"I didn't think you would have such amazing control on one of the four fundamental forces of the cosmos!" Hyperion exclaimed after calming down.

Gravitational force, Weak Nuclear force, Electromagnetic force, and Strong Nuclear force formed the four fundamental forces. What Kiba used to drag the satellites down was Gravitational force, manipulating it at almost an infinite range.

"Well, congratulations on expanding your horizons," Kiba retorted. "Now if you are done, could you shut up and die?"

"Kid!" Hyperion was annoyed by Kiba's sharp replies.

Kiba's aura burst out and his eyes sparkled with a dazzling glow. He brought his hands together, smashing the bolt of lightning and streak of lightning into each other.


Everything seemed to turn stagnant as an exceedingly frightening glow erupted from the thunderous collision.

Hyperion's vision was extraordinary but even he was forced to blink under this glow.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a sword of lightning stretching from the clouds to Kiba's hand. This lightning split the sky and earth, filling the world with a profound presence.

"He combined the lightning?"

On the ground, Joshua was horrified. He felt the sword of lightning capable enough to tear the world asunder.

Kiba tapped his feet on the sky and charged forward at a speed that couldn't be described. Holding the sword of lightning in both hands, he lifted it up, stabbing it straight into the firmaments.


The space twisted and air bent as an immense pressure emanated out of the lightning. The entire world trembled.


Hyperion's eyes flickered with shock as Kiba has appeared right above his head.

Kiba's rage exploded through lightning and he slashed it down.

Far away, all the people saw was an outline of what appeared to be Divine Sword, tearing through the firmaments and descending into the mortal world. It made them cower...

Hyperion bent the light to shift himself away, but even as he did, the lightning sword slashed down.

He has barely moved his body by some meters and the lightning sword smashed on his right arm.

The scales turned to dust and the spikes crumbled by the time lightning sword pierced into the arm.

Blood splattered out like a fountain, and just as quickly, this blood turned to nothingness by the pressure.


Hyperion grunted from pain for the first time.

When the lightning sword cleaved through the arm, the annihilative force scorched his insides, burning them to cinders. This was truly painful.

"Annoying kid!"

Snapping his teeth, he rapidly brought his left claw on Kiba. By the time he did this, his right arm was severed and it collapsed on the crater below.


Hellish light dazzled on the claw and Hyperion ripped it through Kiba's golden aura.

Like powerful acid, the hellish light corroded through the aura, and the enormous claw appeared on Kiba's back. It pierced through his invulnerable skin!

Kiba's blood flew out, but to Hyperion's astonishment, Kiba didn't let out a single grunt. If there was pain, it was fully hidden by the murderous look on his face!

Furthermore, instead of backing off to save himself, Kiba didn't move! He kept himself steady in the air and slashed the lightning horizontally to tear into Hyperion's neck!

"He is ready to die as long as he could kill me!"

Hyperion realized in shock.

Chapter 526 We Have Prevented A Tragedy II/II

Kiba might be ready to die, but Hyperion has no wish of engaging in mutual destruction. He has plans he has to complete and they couldn't be discarded due to some human!


Light energy surrounded him and he disappeared in a series of blurs. When he appeared, he was a few kilometers away.

"I truly underestimated you, kid!" Hyperion remarked.

"Say something you haven't said before," Kiba lowered the lightning. "Or has the long slumber turned you completely stupid?"

The claw-marks on his back disappeared and the wounds healed. The acidic power from the claw eradicated as well.

"You are right," Hyperion actually nodded. "The long slumber and awakening in a new world have made me slow, and even a bit stupid."

As he said this, boundless energy surged out of him. Unlike before, this energy contained traces of power Cosmic!

"Power Cosmic is hard to use in its true form," Hyperion said as the energy turned into a limitless ocean of blinding light. "And that's especially true when I have barely recovered."

The ocean of light enveloped dozens of kilometers, crushing everything in its range. Anyone who saw it felt a state of tight breathlessness and a sense of decay.

Light was life but it was also destruction. It could bloom life but also wither and bring death.

This ocean of light was the same. It emanated intense decaying force; dazzling with a radioactive glow.


Hyperion's body also turned into the light! Becoming a living embodiment of light!

Kiba held the lighting sword in one hand and opened his eyes.

Behind him, an illusory Evolution Field appeared, churning violently. His strength erupted to his limit and through the illusory Evolution Field, cosmic force surged out.

Hyperion and Kiba looked at each other for a moment and then charged at each other. The instant they clashed, the world trembled and an unbearable pressure spread out.

The ocean of light solidified around Kiba and erupted with countless seals. These seals were in the forms of crosses.

It was like Kiba was some demon that has to be sealed!

The crosses burst out with endless rays of solidified light and smashed on Kiba.


The illusory Evolution Field behind him erupted with cosmic bolts and crashed on the solidified light rays.


World-shaking explosions ringed out, making people even far away shiver with despair.

Kiba swung the sword out. The fluctuations made the solidified ocean arch back and flare up with dazzling radiance.

Hyperion thrust his claws on the lightning sword.


As this happened, both Kiba and Hyperion felt the blood inside them tumble.

Two powers brutally collided against each other, fighting for supremacy. One time the lightning has the upper hand and the next, the light.

"I'm using one of the strongest attacks I could presently use!" Hyperion said as cracks appeared both on the lightning sword and claws. "Yet you are able to hold your own!"

He was still holding back most of his powers as he wanted to keep them in reserve. Otherwise, there was a risk of backlash.

"Today is the day you would die!" Kiba raised his free hand. "No matter what it takes!"

Above him, a cosmic portal appeared.

As the portal opened up, an ancient aura seeped out, threatening to destroy the world. In response, the bolts of lightning in the clouds roared excitedly as if they were waiting for a companion.


Kiba coughed up a mouthful of blood. It was very taxing for him to summon this portal especially when Earth's power blocked Evolution Field.

"This aura... you are summoning....!"

Hyperion was startled.

Quickly, he responded by summoning another attack of his own. In the solidified ocean of light, magical circles resembling solar flares boomed out and through them, infinite power radiated.

Hyperion's face paled and he looked at Kiba.

"If this goes on, I would have to use my hidden powers to kill him! Hopefully, this attack would end it and I wouldn't be forced to tap into my hidden powers!"

As both Kiba and Hyperion began summoning deadly attacks, the world around them crumbled. Everything lost stability and it seemed it was only a matter of seconds before this part of the world died!

Just then, a shocking event occurred.

Some hundred kilometers away, a huge pillar of light shot into the sky.

Kiba and Hyperion's expressions dramatically changed. Even before they could respond, the pillar raged out with explosive ripples.


The ripples spread through the vast sky in instant, illuminating it with a strange color. When they surged into the dark clouds, the clouds faded and the Evolution Field turned transparent, on the brink of disappearing.


Kiba's powers fell completely. The portal he was summoning vanished and his attack disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Even though the ripples spread through the sky, Hyperion didn't feel any better. Because the force radiating out of the ripples bombarded down, suppressing his powers.

The ocean of light vanished and so did his other attack. He reverted back to his physical form.

"Anti-cosmic Field!" Hyperion muttered in shock. "How could it be here?!"

What astonished him more than Anti-cosmic Field was the effect this field was doing on Kiba!

Kiba was changing into a different person!

His hair shortened and turned blue; the golden color in his eyes was replaced with blue; his face turning into that of a new person.


"This is bad!"

Zed thought as the moment he lost his powers, he started falling down from the sky. Still, he has the powers he derived from Divine Particles so he erupted his body with flames and stopped himself.

Hyperion, on the other hand, didn't suffer any major drawbacks. His energy abilities might be suppressed by Anti-cosmic Field, but he was still a titan! His physical strength remained!

"Things couldn't turn any better!"

Hyperion grinned.

The presence he felt from Zed was weak, very weak. Something that didn't even deserve a mention!

So all he has to do was kill him and absorb his body! A task that was far simpler than snapping his fingers!


At the same time, in Weisz House.

Felicity jumped on her feet from disbelief.

The seed she has sent to the battlefield wasn't able to witness anything until a few seconds ago.

Unlike the recording drones that couldn't resist disintegrating forces, she could partly. So the seed has no trouble in germinating there as her senses.

Still, the terrifying shockwaves and energy detonation made it impossible for her to see anything. But when the Anti-Cosmic Field activated, the powers there died and she was able to see.

What she saw was the titan and the one facing him... Zed!

"How could that be possible!?"

This thought has barely run through her mind when her face fell and tears erupted into her eyes.


She collapsed on her knees.

Jessica and Loren were stunned.

They shook her body but she didn't respond. It was like she has fallen in an ineffable state of shock...


A few seconds ago at the battle site.

Zed propelled himself with flames and formed a protective fire barrier. He rapidly flew back while trying to re-establish a connection with Cosmic Spark.

Just as he retreated by half a kilometer, Hyperion laughed.

"Kid, you are done for!"

Hyperion tore one of his spikes into pieces and shot out the smallest shard.

Zed's pupils constricted.


Like a beam of light, the shard pierced through the fire barrier and stabbed into his chest. Blood sprayed into the air as the shard emerged out of his back.

All Zed fell was a sharp burst of pain in his chest and then his vision started darkening.


He rapidly flew back and crashed into the ground.


He refused to accept this. He hasn't achieved the task he has wanted to... the only task that mattered after he has lost what he held most precious.

"I'm... sorry..."

The shard corroded his internals and spread toxins through his bloodstream. His eyelids shut down and his heart stopped pumping.


Delta Military Base.

In the secret room, Amora stared at the generator-like machine. Even though her eyes were stitched, she could perceive the pillar of light erupting from it.

Next to him, Marlon observed the digital screen. As he read the information, his lips spread into a smirk.

"There are no more shockwaves from the battle site!" Marlon informed. "It is still partly covered with smoke and dust, but other than that, everything is fine!"

"We have saved the city!" Amora said excitedly. "And prevented a tragedy!"

"Indeed!" Morgan joined in.


At the battle site.

Joshua was stupefied by the turn of events. Out of nowhere, he lost the light barrier protection, and just when he thought he would die from the shockwaves, he realized there were no more shockwaves nor Evolution Field!

"What the hell just happened?!"

Hyperion wondered aloud while staring in the distance. Amidst ruins of a destroyed building, the body of Zed was pinned to the ground!

"Fortune has blessed us!"

Hyperion said while walking towards Zed.

He took slow and patient steps as he didn't want the pressure from his body to explode and turn Zed into blood mist!

"Great Titan!" Joshua quickly kneeled down.

Hyperion acknowledged his greeting.

With a smile, he said, "I haven't forgotten your efforts. So rest assured, you shall rule this world on my behalf."

"Thank you!"

Joshua trembled from excitement. His desire of ruling Earth was no longer a pipe dream!

"You can rise up."

Hyperion commanded.

Just then, alarms rose in his brain. An indescribable sense of crisis squeezed his heart.



Weisz House.

Felicity's skin suddenly crawled from a dreadful sensation. This dread awakened her from her state of shock and her face constricted as she felt this sensation was transmitted to her from the seed.

Unconsciously, she spread her senses through the seed and was dumbstruck by what she witnessed.


Amidst the ruins, the eyes of Zed snapped open. Deep within his pupils, a chaotic gray glow flashed past...


Delta Military Base.

Amora rubbed her hands and said, "The President should give us a promotion!"

"You are right!" Marlon nodded in agreement. "We prevented a great tragedy so this is the least we deserve!"

Chapter 527 Freedom From Self

People often say when death approaches, the memories of the entire lifetime play before the eyes... No one knew if it was true or just another gibberish saying.


When Zed closed his eyes and waited for the death to wrap her cold arms around him, the scenes of his life played before him.

But unlike the popular saying, he didn't see the entire lifetime. All he watched was the moments he hated the most.

The vague scene of him escaping Solitary Snow Island as a newborn with Red Fox.

He saw the blurred face of the assassins and felt the fluctuations of their attacks. This aroused his murderous intent.

The scene then changed to that of the slums.

The days he begged for alms. The hours he desperately pleaded for food to survive the pangs of hunger. The minutes he pleaded for mercy from Red Fox. The seconds he barely escaped from starved dogs with a piece of bread... and the resounding laughter of the overlords who enjoyed his desperation.

The momentary reminders from life that he was nothing but a discarded bastard. This flared up his fury.

The scene then changed to that of BSE-79.

He watched poor slum dwellers dying in the meteorite expedition. So many unnecessary deaths just so that Castor Damon and powerful men could reach closer to an infinite power source. This erupted a tempest of rage inside him.

The final scene brought him to the death of Hope.

Her little nascent eyes filled with confusion and sadness as she looked at his pained face. This exploded his soul with an infinite hatred.

As the arms of death wrapped around him, he again wished for something that he used to do as a desperate slum dweller.

"This world doesn't deserve to exist!"

As he wished this, a snapping sound came from his brain. The cocoon of golden lightning ripped apart and the gray particle jumped out.


At the same time.

Hyperion shook his head and got over the feeling that gripped his heart.

"What was that sense of crisis?"

Hyperion wondered while stepping before the building ruins.

"Perhaps it was due to the Anti-cosmic Field."

Hyperion eyed the enormous pillar of light that has penetrated the skies. It continuously radiated energy that suppressed the Power Cosmic.

"It doesn't matter. After absorbing this kid, I will recover by more than half! The Anti-cosmic Field wouldn't be able to restrict me then!"

Hyperion brought his eyes back on the ground and looked at the corpse of Zed.

"It is hard to believe he carries such boundless powers! Thankfully he is a human and can barely use a fraction of it!"

During the clash, he barely sensed the power that was a drop in the true ocean of power Kiba carried. But even that one drop was more than shocking for Hyperion.

"Kid, you should feel grateful that you got an opportunity to fight me!"

Hyperion said as he grabbed the corpse and placing it in his other colossal hand.

The spike-shard still pierced through Zed's chest, turning most of his body black from the toxins.

Hyperion brought two fingers to pull the shard away when out of nowhere, a burst of chilling winds swept forth and brushed past Zed's face. His messy hair moved from his face and went up, revealing his blood-soaked face.

"!" Hyperion was startled.

Zed's eyes were open!

What startled Hyperion was not this but the sense of enigma he felt from them. Even as he looked, a strand of chaotic gray burst from the pupils and lit the eyes with blazing grayness.

"Surely this couldn't be... Genesis!!!!"

Hyperion was shocked.

Just like how humans react when they grab an object on fire by mistake, Hyperion did the same. He threw Zed away!

Some distance away, Joshua was astonished.

"Why would the great titan throwing the corpse away with such force! The corpse would turn into bloody paste!"

This thought barely flashed in his mind when his eyes constricted.

The "corpse" didn't smash into the ground! Instead, it floated in the air as if winds were gently holding it!

"Great Titan... what's going on?" Joshua was alarmed.

To his shock, Hyperion ignored the question and tapped a foot on the crater.

Hyperion's weight was far more than a mountain and when he tapped on the crater, it tremored, and a massive clump of soil drew up.

Using the resulting momentum, Hyperion jumped into the air and rushed away.


Joshua stared at Hyperion's retreating figure with eyes wide open.

"I must be imagining things! The shockwaves from before have surely messed up mind otherwise how could this be real?!"

For Joshua, Hyperion was the true god. Someone who could not only rule this tiny planet but the entire universe!

Yet this mighty god was fleeing like a coward!

And why?!

Just because some corpse was floating!?

"Perhaps Kiba smacked Great Titan with lightning on the head... and now the effect is showing up!?"

Joshua tried to think rationally.

If even the legendary Evolution Field and Kiba didn't make Hyperion cower, then the only explanation for him to flee was that his head has been injured!

Meanwhile, the "corpse" of Zed placed his feet on the ground. He put a hand on the shard and pulled it out.

Joshua held his breath tightly.

The shard was enormous and heavy, and not to mention stuck in the body, and yet, Zed easily pulled it out.


As black blood spilled outward, Zed placed a hand on the bloody hole that was once his chest. A sinister grayish glow spilled out and entered the hole.

His bleeding stopped and the alien toxins inside his bloodstream vanished. Alongside this, new bones, flesh, and vessels emerged.

"This has to be a dream!"

Joshua thought as the rips and tears on Zed's chest closed up with new skin.

Since he was the head of Sky Fiend Group, he has researched a lot on the body of Hyperion. Thanks to this, he knew how toxic the spikes were.

If pierced with them, death was an obvious fate, even for a Level VII Alpha! As for recovering, that was impossible!

Zed lifted his head up.

The sky was covered with ripples of Anti-cosmic Field but to him, it was filled with clear clouds and warm sunlight.

He spread his arms around and took a fresh intake of air.

The grayness from his eyes swept out and wrapped his hair, face, neck, and then the rest of his body.


When the grayness spread on his arms, the silver bracelet on his right wrist flashed briefly before emitting crackling sounds. The inner circuits turned haywire and the bracelet exploded.

The rings on his fingers behaved in a similar fashion, turning into dust.


After breaking through the restrictions, the grayness surged excitedly.

Zed's face glowed brightly, and when the glow faded, his facial features changed completely. It was like he has transformed into a new person!


Terrifying tremors ran through the ground and the sky vibrated.

"!" Joshua's heart violently shrank.

These rumblings were created by the transformation of the gray man and Joshua felt an incredible sense of danger.


From the gray man, grayness gushed out.

It emanated calm presence like that of a peaceful lake, but when it spread, it behaved like raging sea waves. Wherever it passed through, the colors there washed off, leaving behind an eerie gray.

"Finally freedom from self."

His lips curled up into a satisfactory smile.

It was a smile that could be understood only by those who have suffered captivity and gained freedom after a long struggle.

Chapter 528 Sea of Sorrow!

Dream Rise House.

Inside the living hall, Eva placed the unconscious Agatha on the sofa.

"Finally some rest."

Eva dropped herself on the couch and relaxed.

When Kiba enveloped her and Agatha with teleporting force, they appeared some 15 kilometers away from Dream Rise House.

Even though Kiba hasn't voiced out his intentions, Eva realized what he wanted based on the location she was teleported to. So she rushed here at her top speed while carrying Agatha.

"Would she be alright?"

Eva asked while looking at the listless face of Agatha.

[[Physically, yes, but mentally, I couldn't say.]]

Claudia replied while examining Agatha through sensors.

[[The death of Lady Hope has killed her will to live.]]

Claudia added, her feminine mechanical voice filled with sadness.

She liked Hope as much as she did her master. So the loss of Hope has affected her no less than Agatha or Kiba.

But she couldn't allow her thoughts to be clouded by emotions in such critical times.

"How is Kiba?" Eva asked.

[[I'm not sure.]] Claudia answered. [[When he summoned his true powers, the fluctuations cut off electronic signals----!]]

Her voice trailed off in the middle.

After the Anti-cosmic Field activated, she was able to receive signals from her master. Even before she could fully analyze his state, the bracelet and rings she gave him exploded. This completely cut off her connections.


She created the bracelet and rings to prevent him from losing control and going berserk. Now...


The fireplace split apart and moved to the sides, revealing an elevator.

[[Lady Eva, please take Lady Agatha with you to the underground section and stay there till things get better.]]

"What's wrong?" Eva was startled.

[[Most likely, everything.]]


Weisz House.

Felicity felt her link with the emerald seed severed by an ominous presence. Since the seed consumed a great portion of her strength, the backlash made her shiver and cough up blood.

"Are you fine?!"

Loren and Jessica asked while supporting Felicity.

They were completely bewildered by Felicity's behavior from the last few minutes. One moment she was crestfallen, the other moment her reaction completely opposite.

"I'm fine," Felicity replied while drinking water.

The second she witnessed the shocking scene on the battle site, she decided she wouldn't tell anyone about it. Otherwise, there might be drastic consequences for Zed.

"Or maybe I'm being worried for nothing!"

Felicity bitterly thought as she reminded herself he was facing the titan! Yes, he was supposedly killed, but in just a few seconds he revived! And when he did, the frightening titan ran away!

With everything that has happened till now, she was completely numb to shock.

Had she not noticed the bracelet and rings on Zed, she would have believed some shapeshifter was impersonating him!

"But why did Zed's facial features changed?!"

Felicity wondered about the last scene she witnessed.

Even though she has no interest in the opposite sex, she knew Zed was considered exceedingly handsome by the female students in the academy. Many of them would readily drop off their clothes for him!

And she felt the same would apply for this new appearance Zed has taken!

But with a difference!

Zed's facial features emanated a sense of innocence like he could do no wrong. That was true with the personality she knew of.

The gray man, on the other hand, radiated something mystically different.

"Now that I think of it... the wife hunter the men so fears exuded a similar feeling!"

Felicity thought of her brief meeting with Kiba long ago.

From what she could conclude, Kiba was "devilishly" handsome! His charisma made everyone think of the devil!

Something that made sense when she thought how readily wives agreed to turn their husbands into cuckolds!

Then by the same standards, the gray man would be "sinisterly" handsome!

There was evil in his eyes!


As the crater rapidly turned gray, Joshua wiped the sweat off his eyebrows. He has never been this frightened before, not even during the fight between Kiba and Hyperion because he knew he was protected.

But now his protector has run away!

"I can't just stand here and wait for death!"

Joshua's old eyes flashed with a sharp light.

Due to Anti-Cosmic Field, he was no longer able to derive strength from the bond he shared with Hyperion, but his own strength was terrifying! Otherwise, he wouldn't have been the leader of Sky Fiend Group!


From his elderly body, orange airwaves swept out and swirled around him. They were as thin as needles and exceedingly sharp, no different than sword beams.

If these airwaves bombarded on a metal mountain, the mountain would turn into countless small stones! As for a human, the only fate would be turning into mincemeat!

"Omnidirectional Cutting Waves!"

Joshua shouted and the waves rushed out like a never-ending tempest, slicing through the ground and air alike.

With ear-piercing screeching sounds, the cutting waves entered into the grayish area, moving towards the gray man.

"You are exaggerating such a worthless attack?"

The gray man icily asked.

His voice was so cold that Hyperion felt a chill crawling up his spine and his face turned ashen.

The grayness continued to spread like before, and when the cutting waves entered the grayish area, they lost their color and their speed almost came to a grinding halt.


Joshua bite down the tip of his tongue and transferred all his strength to the cutting waves.

The cutting waves accelerated forth and attacked the gray man in unison, from all angles, leaving no possible gap!


The gray man simply stretched the right index finger out.

"!" Joshua felt his heart tighten.

The moment the finger stretched out, it expanded by infinite, at least in his eyes.

"What type of attack is this?!" Joshua's mind trembled.

The friction ridges that create the fingerprint swirled with grayish circles, imprinting the cutting waves with the fingerprint!


A pressure far greater than the worlds seemed to bore down from the fingerprint. The cutting waves smashed into powder!

The swirling grayish circles sucked the powder and then rotated at an impossible speed, turning into a gray whirlpool.

Even though Joshua was far away, he felt as if he was falling into the whirlpool. Wisps of grayish energy swirled around him and when they touched his body, he felt a strange power of death wrap him.

This feeling was peaceful as if he was becoming a part of something he was destined to be! It was a pure feeling, not at all like death for death meant a definite end! But the grayish energy offered something greater!

If he has to describe to the best of his ability, the feeling was like that of a newborn in the arms of the mother! He was blessed with purity and love!

Even without him realizing, the wisps of grayish energy rushed into his body, filling him with potent strength. Cracks appeared on his face and then expanded to the rest of his body.


He exploded. Not into blood and gore, but rather motes of grayish light. These motes assimilated with the grayness covering the area.


Some forty kilometers away.

Hyperion quickly rushed forth by taking long jumps.

During his fight with Kiba, both of them have engaged in close-range combat and fully concentrated on attacking each other without wasting any energy. This was why the resulting shockwaves only turned surrounding sixty sq.kilometers into a depthless crater instead of the entire megacity.

Now, Hyperion regretted keeping the scale of damage limited.

Had he and Kiba fought wildly, the megacity would be razed to the ground, and they could have indirectly avoided the technology used to create Anti-Cosmic Field.

"I need to quickly destroy the Field Generator!"

Hyperion grunted and leaped forward.

His actions might be mistaken to that of a coward, but he wasn't.

His aim was to smash the Field Generator and regain the ability to use his energy. Only that way could he avoid the most tragic fate!

If his energy wasn't sealed, he could have arrived at Delta Military Base in a second. But now, with his size and weight, traveling a hundred kilometers would obviously need a few minutes!

"If only I had known he was infected with Genesis, I would have avoided him like a plague!"

Hyperion could only curse his luck.

When he first met Kiba, it was in the form of Astral Projection so he wasn't able to scan Kiba due to physical limitations. When they met directly, Kiba has summoned Evolution Field so scanning him became impossible due to the rise in strength.

Hyperion felt it was ironic that he celebrated when Kiba turned into a useless human and collapsed under his spike!

The Anti-Cosmic Field that initially gave him ultimate joy now became his source of the worst nightmare!

Suddenly, Hyperion sucked a breath of cold air and ducked to the side. Just as he did, an overbearing pressure pounded down!

It was created by the enormous gray finger when it curled down!

"Damn! That good-for-nothing Joshua couldn't even buy me a minute!"

Hyperion glanced at the gray index finger.

It was hard to tell if this finger was phantom or real, but regardless, the pressure it created was terrifying.

He has barely gazed at the finger for a moment and by then, a vast quantity of grayish mist rolled out of it; spreading everywhere.

Amidst the mist, there were illusory faces of various species and races that were alien to Earth, emitting painful cries.

"This is Sea of Sorrow! The first level of corruption!"

Hyperion saw everything exhuming out colors like smoke. These colorful smoke disappeared in thin air, leaving behind a region of absolute gray.

"That would mean no gray matter! I have a good chance of winning!"

Hyperion tapped strongly on the ground and jumped forward.

hapter 529 Side Story: Welcome To The Family!

(A/N: This is an optional chapter, you can skip it if you wish to. I created it to have some light-hearted moments in the middle of the serious arc).

In a town somewhere in the State of Avalon.

This town hosted one of the most globally famous hospitals for treating the mentally ill and serving as an asylum.

Presently, this hospital was on red alert.

The doctors and nurses ran, screaming, while the guards and battle droids attacked two females who were in their mid-twenties.

These two females sat on the top of a ferocious beast and polished their nails with glittering colors.

If someone didn't know the situation, they would have thought they were innocent, fun-loving women engaging in simple vanity!

But the guards knew the situation.

Half an hour ago, the two arrived in the hospital, stole the beast from one of the hospital labs, made it submit to them, and then started slaughtering the people!

This was why the guards issued threats and attacked the females with guns, mutant abilities, and so on.

Sadly the guards had poor luck. The beast moved at high-speed and avoided all the attacks while not creating any instability for the females sitting on it.

Angered, the guards cursed and once again issued threats.

"Stop being so noisy!"

The female with pink, punk hair placed a finger on her lips.

As she did, the eyes of the guards constricted as blood tentacles appeared behind her. The guards have barely registered their presence, and by then, the tentacles shot forward at incredible speed, drilling into their hearts.


The tentacles greedily absorbed their blood and inflated, killing the guards instantly. The pale corpses collapsed on the floor while the tentacles disappeared.

"Sis, there were women among the guards! You shouldn't have killed them!"

The other female with silver-blonde hair, mixed with beached strands, complained.

"Sorry! I got carried away!" The first female apologized with a sincere expression and kissed her sister on the lips.

Obviously these two sisters were none other than the crazy twins!

Madison and Lillian!


Lillian accepted the kiss as an apology. She then glanced at the droids that were rushing towards them.

Knowing the droids would be pissed at Madison for only kissing her and not them, Lillian decided to settle the issue of bias.

After all, she couldn't allow droids to think the twins discriminated against machines!

So she blew them an air kiss!


The kiss was so full of love that illusory red lips manifested in the air! The illusory lips moved through the air and kissed the droids.


The moment the kiss happened, the droids exploded like firecrackers!

At the same time, the doctors and nurses visibly paled. The beast has pounced on them with its jaw wide open!


A minute later, Lillian and Madison stood among the corpses of male doctors and nurses.

They turned towards the female doctors and nurses.

"Now that we are done with unnecessary stuff, let's get to the reason why we are here," Madison's eyes glittered with expectations as she continued. "Would you like to be our mommies?"

Doctors and nurses were shocked.


That was the reason they did this!?

"Sis, we only need one momma!" Lillian reminded her twin.

"No! Our daddy is the king and he deserves a harem!" Madison sternly disagreed. "So we need as many mommies as we could get!"

"Your words make sense!" Lillian's eyes brightened. "For daddy, the more the merrier!"


Madison clapped her hands excitedly and scanned the ladies. They all were beautiful, slender, and hot!

The hospitals were truly the best place to find beautiful moms!

The doctors and nurses: "..."

Suddenly, Madison's eyes flickered and she lowered her head to observe her necklace. The necklace was made of transparent crystal, and now it shimmered with power fluctuations.

"Hmm?" Lillian noticed it as well.

Inside the necklace, there was a droplet of blood! Till a few seconds ago, it was gold but now it turned gray!

Months ago, when Lillian and Madison bid Kiba farewell, they kissed him.

During the kiss, they secretly combined their powers of manipulating energy and blood! Without him noticing, they extracted a droplet of his source blood and transferred it to the necklace!

It was due to this blood droplet they declared to him that they would find him and have a family reunion soon!

From then, the twins noticed the blood turning from gold to crimson and back as if their daddy was transforming between two forms.

"Daddy's blood is emitting a strong power of death!" Lillian said with a smile. "He must be having a lot of fun!"

"Our daddy is the best!" Madison puffed her chest with pride.

Lillian nodded and then crouched before a young doctor who was in her late twenties. Thanks to her powers, she felt the doctor's brainwaves were on a similar scale to hers and Madison!

So Lillian carefully scrutinized the doctor. She has rosy-pale skin tone, sharp and refined facial features, exotic eyes!

Pleased by her initial assessment, she tapped on doctor's clothes.

"W-what are you doing?!" The doctor gasped as she felt her clothes turning to dust, turning her naked.

"Relax! We all are women here!" Lillian said with a calm smile. "I'm just testing if you are fit enough. You don't mind, do you?"

"If you don't, it is fine! We wouldn't force you!" Madison added from behind while kissing down her neck.

Lillian nodded in agreement.

"...No, obviously not," The doctor replied. "It would be my honor if you test me!"

Lillian was pleased by the doctor's response.

She traced her glistening legs and enjoyed the smooth feel they offered. She then moved her hands further and stopped when she reached the insides of her thighs.

"You have great thighs!"

Lillian praised as she studied the soft tans on the loving thigs.

The doctor let out a gasp. Lillian was very close to where her thighs joined.


The very next moment, the doctor's face flushed with warm blood because Lillian pushed her thighs wide open!


Her body erupted with goosebumps as slowly, Lillian brought a finger to her furry mound and then below, to her most sacred region.


Her breathing turned heavier by the time Lillian rubbed the finger up and down over her pussy. Just as she expected the finger to shove into her, Lillian pulled it back.

"She qualifies for the role of our mommy!" Lillian exclaimed confidently. "Daddy would like her!"


Madison grabbed the astonished doctor's breasts with both hands. They were perfectly shaped with great smoothness and texture.

To make sure, she caressed the naked breasts, making the doctor tingle with pleasure. And for final confirmation, she squeezed the nipples, checking their sensitivity.

"Please...god!" The doctor let out a suppressed moan.

"You were right! She is perfect!" Madison remarked. "Plus she has big breasts so she definitely has another plus point!"

Madison was sure since she remembered how her daddy behaved in the core region while drilling the three slaves. He has paid extra attention to the slave with the biggest breasts!

"Congrats! You are going to be our first gift to daddy!" Lillian congratulated the doctor. "He would be so proud of us!"

The doctor: "...."

"Though we do have gifted him before as well!" Madison pointed out their roles in daddy gaining the three slaves.

"Right! But this would be the first gift daddy wouldn't expect!" Lillian corrected herself.

The doctor: "........"

"What's your name?" Madison asked.

"...Rosemary," the doctor answered.

"Welcome to the family, Rosemary!" Madison said with a warm smile. "Daddy would make you very happy!"

"Yeap! You would be so blessed!" Lillian chimed in.

The twins couldn't wait for the day when the family would reunite. They knew his dragon would be eager to penetrate their sealed caves but that would have to wait!

"Now let's check other candidates!"

Madison turned to the rest of the doctors and nurses.

"Do you wish to join the family?"

Chapter 530 A Strange Scene

Around twenty recording drones flew towards the over sixty-kilometers long crater. They were sent by media, military establishments, and powerful organizations.

Due to the rumbling sounds, the drones couldn't capture sounds, but even if they only recorded a few pics, people would be satisfied.

Slowly the live visuals from the crater appeared on popular news channels.

The earlier visuals have already aroused enough attention around the globe, and now when the latest visuals appeared, people gasped in shock.

Over fifty sq.kilometer crater! And that too monochromatic!

The spectators were stunned by the size of the crater, but then their eyes almost popped out when the drones brought more visuals.

The mighty Titan was running, doing his best to outrun the grayness that was chasing after him!

"Who is that gray man?!"

"And why does it seem the titan is running from him?!"

The scene seemed strange to them. They felt it would have made sense if it was the opposite!

In the comfort of their homes, some spectators chided the titan for being a pussy! They told him to man up and face the challenge directly!

Of course, Hyperion couldn't hear them, and even if he could, he wouldn't have cared about the opinions of humans.

He glanced back and noticed the gray man was barely ten kilometers away. He has to rely on jumping to cross the distance, but the gray man didn't have to spend any efforts.

The grayness carried him as it spread further!

"This is so unfair!"

Hyperion almost sounded like a human in his complaint.

"Genesis is also power Cosmic, and yet, safe from the effects of Anti-Cosmic Field!"

Genesis was a power that was fully corrupted, and as such, the Anti-Cosmic Field couldn't detect it as a target. After all, the Field was designed to suppress what it deemed to carry the properties of power Cosmic.

If the creators of the Field Generator knew the properties of Genesis, this defect could have been avoided.

Sadly, it seemed the scientists in the World Government were oblivious, or at least, lacked wide-scale knowledge on Genesis to overcome this defect.

Hyperion didn't blame the humans for this.

The Anti-Cosmic Field technology belonged to Celestial Elysian Plane, and the species on the plane too failed in solving the defects.

"Just fifty kilometers more!"

Hyperion thought as he crossed the crater and arrived among towering buildings.


He stuck his claws in the foundation of a thirty-storied building and pulled the building out. The people inside screamed, and ignoring their plights, Hyperion shot the building away, like it was some sort of an arrow!


The building charged straight through the air; stirring up fierce winds as it rushed towards the gray man.

When spectators watched this scene, they stiffened. It was their first time seeing a building used for attack and that too in such a crude manner!

By the time they formed shocking opinions about the titan, the building was above the gray man, ready to smash into him. It was clear to them that no matter how strong this gray man was, he was done for!


When the building entered the grayish area, it too turned gray along with the people inside it. And to the utter horror of the spectators, the building crumbled into mots of light before actually smashing into the gray man!

The motes of light brushed past him and merged with the grayness.


"Did you see what I saw!?"

"If you saw the building serving no role than creating dazzling motes of gray light, then yes!"

"Surely this couldn't be real!"

The viewers felt their chest tighten. They believed even a tiny needle would have done far more damage than that useless building!

The spectators might be shell-shocked, but not Hyperion. In fact, he didn't even wait to see the result after throwing the building away! He continued to run, needing to cross just forty-five kilometers more.

At the same time, the gray man stepped his feet outside the crater...

In front of him, the military units and special ops team from World Government appeared after failing to do the same with titan.

In no time, dozens of fear-inducing battle tanks, anti-mutant missiles, rockets, and other advanced weapons locked on him. The air twisted from the rays of energy that converged above the tanks and the fumes that seeped out of the missile launchers.

The scene was frightening to the core!

"Don't move!"

"Surrender yourself!"

"You are surrounded!"

"In the name of World Government, we order you to…."

The units issued hundreds of warnings and threats.

"Kneel down now!"

The military units and special ops team were assured by Delta Military Base that the targets' powers were suppressed. What little power they still have left could be taken care of by the advanced firepower.

And the units were confident because these weapons were sent by the government to assist in tackling the problem behind the golden lightning phenomenon! The combined firepower was more than enough to toast the entire city!

The gray man ignored the warning and stepped forward. The grayness spread alongside him, sweeping forth.

"Fire!" The leaders shouted. "Let him learn the consequences of ignoring us!"

As they issued commands, the gray man swept a glance towards them.


The military units and special ops team else felt a chill crawling down their spines. It was just a mere glance, but they felt murderous intent shrouding them, proliferating deep within their very being.


From inside out, their bodies turned gray, emitting explosive crackling sound.


Just like how a piece of frail glass shatters when it smashes on the ground, the military unit and special ops exploded into countless gray shards.

Alongside them, the advanced weapons - that were on the brink of launching attacks - turned gray and exploded into motes of light.

From the time the gray man swept a glance and everyone exploded, only a second has passed.

It was impossible for those observing the scene to understand what exactly happened and how. All they could say was that his gaze was explosive!

Even as they lost calm and panicked, the grayness didn't stop after killing the military and special units.

It continued to spread further and further, washing-off through the area.

This turned over fifty buildings monochromatic, much to the horror of those insides. The same applied to those outside who didn't get time to flee.


Everyone and everything there exploded; becoming a part of the grayness. There was nothing left…

Behind, the gray man took a deep breath.

He heard the screams, felt the terror, and sensed the absolute despair.

And then, in the snap of fingers, everything was gone, replaced by a frightening silence.


Even though he was standing amidst nothing, he spread his arms like he was in the middle of a pleasing landscape, enjoying the wonders of nature.

It wasn't the deaths that he enjoyed, but rather the resulting maddening chaos that rippled through the grayness.

As for deaths?

They weren't deaths for chaos has no end. What people considered death was simply the beginning of a beautiful life in the chaos known as Genesis.

Something that transcended the limits of human understanding.

By now Hyperion has created a distance of almost twenty kilometers. Even though his energy-related abilities were suppressed, he has an idea of what happened behind him.

Rather feeling sorry for those who lost lives, he was glad. Their deaths have brought him valuable time.

"Just thirty kilometers more!"

This pleasant thought barely passed through his mind when his expression flickered. He retreated back by a few hundred meters and landed on the ground.


In front of him, the space twisted with wisps of gray energy and turned into a portal.

The gray man stepped out!

"I almost forgot! This might be the first stage of corruption but it is still Sea of Sorrow! The more people die, the stronger Genesis would become!"

Hyperion sucked a breath of cold air.

He wasn't scared of the negligible gain in strength by the gray man, but rather of something far more dreadful.

While being careful, he eyed the grayness that was enveloping the area.

For a span of time that couldn't even be perceived, the grayness warped into the outlines of various ghosts and phantoms. This happened seconds after seconds.

"Just as I thought!"

He knew what these vague ghosts and phantoms were.

The victims of Gray Matter from Celestial Elysian Plane!

"For now, I need to overpower him temporarily!"

Hyperion's eyes flashed with fierceness.

His energy might be suppressed, but he was still a titan!

His physical strength, invulnerability, and resiliency were far more terrifying than even the energy abilities of Alphas!

The only reason he wished to avoid a direct confrontation was due to the nature of Genesis!

Otherwise, he wasn't afraid of the gray man! In fact, the aura gray man radiated was far weaker than the Kiba during the final clash!

And now that a confrontation was imminent, Hyperion was ready!


He dug his right claw into his left arm. Blood and flesh splattered outward, and without any hesitation, he grabbed the arm bone and pulled it out.


A suffocating pressure rippled out. The ground quaked and the air buzzed.

Hyperion might have barely recovered by 10%, but that was enough to make his bone the ultimate treasure. Just the physical presence alone made one shiver with despair.

He held the bone tightly and spun it over his head. It was over four hundred feet long, translucent like glass, and dripping with layers of blood.

From distance, the arm bone seemed like an enormous bone spear, its shaft joined with five crystalline claws.

Strange looking but mighty!

Chapter 531 Extermination!


Holding the bone spear in his right hand, Hyperion jumped up. He instantly reached an elevation of five kilometers, and from there, he hurtled downward, like a cannonball.

His momentum was such that the air behind him exploded while the ground below caved by hundreds of meters.

By the time he was two kilometers away from the ground, the veins in his forehead protruded and the muscles in his arm bulged out.

He transferred his entire strength to the bone spear!


Hyperion ruthlessly swung the bone spear down.

On the ground, the gray man lifted his right arm and stretched his hand out.


The mist of gray energy converged above his hand and transformed into the phantom of an enormous palm.

The palm shot up!

By the time the bone spear was a kilometer away from the palm, it bore down with such pressure that air compressed into violent storms.

Below, the lines on the palm seemed like mountain ridges, joining into an insidious formation. They rotated, surged out multiple gray vortexes, and clashed with the storms.

It was hard to determine who would win!

The palm that radiated enough energy to break down the sky? Or the bone spear that emanated pressure capable of rendering the earth?


The bone spear violently cut down on the palm. Sparks flew out and the space distorted enough to explode.


The world rocked and shocked...

Around the globe, from the time Hyperion pulled his arm bone, all people saw was the outline of the bone spear and the gray palm before they collided!

Nothing else!

Such was the speed of the strikes!

The spectators waited for the explosion to fade away. They wanted to see the conclusion!


A few seconds later, the explosion disappeared. The gray palm came in sight, holding the bone spear.

Both the palm and spear were covered with thick crack lines!


Blood sprayed out of Hyperion's mouth as the impact blasted through his hand wielding the spear.


Hyperion grunted as he eyed the gray man. His clothes were tattered but other than that, Hyperion couldn't discover any setback suffered by the gray man.

Then again, even if the latter's face paled from the impact, it was hard to determine given his grayish appearance.


Just then, layers of grayness swept from the palm phantom and wrapped around the bone spear.

This was what Hyperion feared the most.

Direct contact!

This was why he wielded his bone to face the gray man instead of attacking directly with claws.

Now, the grayness quickly shrouded the end of the bone spear and moved further.

Thankfully, since the spear was soaked with the titan's blood, the rate of gray energy spreading was very slow.


Hyperion applied pressure on the bone spear.


The bone shattered into six fragments and scattered. With the sound of air being torn apart, the fragments rolled through the cracks in palm phantom and rushed at the gray man, carrying the momentum of a mountain chain!

They hammered down on him. Thunderous blasts echoed out...

This happened far too quickly, something that was part of Hyperion's plan in case the spear strike failed.


Hyperion spun around and speeded off.

"Why do you always run away?"

A cold, merciless voice asked from behind.

"Didn't you say I should be grateful for getting an opportunity to fight you… and yet, you always flee when the fight turns interesting enough."

Hyperion's pupils dilated.

The gray man could speak?!

It wasn't that he hasn't heard voices from Genesis when he was in Celestial Elysian Plane, but nothing like this.

Not to mention, based on the words spoken, it was evident this host has personality!

Plus, part of what the host spoke was based on what he said to Zed after piercing him with spike shard!

How was this possible?!

The gray man's personality couldn't be that black-haired/ golden-haired man except for using the same body.

Hyperion was sure of this based on how the grayness committed the massacre.

And yet there was the personality that, at the very least, derived somewhat from his earlier form!

So far, Hyperion believed the gray man was targeting him due to his strength as Genesis wanted strong targets. Now he was no longer sure...


Humans have dark emotions they always suppress!

There also have negative thoughts they never express!

Could Genesis have fused with those emotions and thoughts to form a new personality?!

"You are not your true self! Yes, you must be the dark side!" Hyperion said aloud as he leaped forward. "The manifestation of his anger and hatred! Genesis must have taken over your consciousness!"

Behind, the bone fragments disintegrated into motes of gray light and merged with the grayness.

"Dark side? What a joke!"

The gray man muttered before lifting his head and laughing aloud.

"I'm the true me! Kiba, Zed, or whatever I was called… they existed because I was there, from the very beginning!"

In the slums, who saved him from the cruel caretaker and the sly overlords?

It was the anger bursting inside him! And not the so-called humanity, love, dreams, or positive emotions!

The anger that raged his very soul. It refused to let others win and satisfy their perverted cravings!

Who gave him the strength... when things turned worse and he became desperate enough to throw his life away!?

It was his hatred against the world, especially for his parents. And not the charity of sadist people who loved to see his desperation for a piece of bread and a coin!

A hatred so pure and deep that if fuelled his body even when starvation sucked up every droplet of strength. It made him thrive and ensured he didn't suffer the fate of discarded bastards!

Perhaps only those who have lived a life of privileged would undermine the role of anger and hatred.

Not him though.

They were what made him survive and prove the world wrong!

So what if the so-called humanity was against him? He wouldn't let them win!

No one would harvest his organs!

No one would force him to participate in a dangerous expedition without consequences!

The world didn't want him to exist?! Let them wish so!


Not only would I exist, but I would also rise!

It was me who supported this body whenever it needed the help the most!

But then, the illusions of good life suppressed me!

Lust, vanity, and dreams suffocated my true essence!

It made me forget my only true desire!

Seeing this worthless world turn to ashes!


"I'm also Genesis!"

An invisible burst of power surged out of him.

Wherever it passed through... the debris, metallic splinters, vehicles, and everything else stirred up from the ground, freezing in the mid-air. Even the droplets of blood and dust stopped in mid-air. The people were beyond frightened to find themselves in the air.

"And you can call me Extermination!"

The moment these words left his mouth, his eyes shined brilliantly with strands of gray energy.


Hyperion was five kilometers ahead, but his breathing paused.

A strange force erupted over his chest, spinning in spiral movements. His skin, flesh, and muscles twisted in spiral rotations.

Hyperion felt sleepy and happy. It was like he was back in his childhood, waiting for Mother Ternity to take him into her embrace.

The feeling was so pleasant. Just like the start of life.

He saw the outline of his mother, her relaxed smile, and her open arms. She was there... waiting for him in the gray mist.


Hyperion jerked his head and bite down on his tongue. The pain helped him gain some rationality and he looked at his chest.

His skin, blood, flesh, and muscles had broken down! The grayness bloomed there, like a luminous flower, emanating strong death energy.

Hyperion knew what happened just now. The man called Extermination has used the laws to hurt him! Something that only higher-rank Alphas could use!

"Laws of the chaos! I need to remove them!"

Hyperion ripped the blood mass off his chest and threw it away. And then, without wasting a second, he dashed off with long jumps.

"Only ten kilometers more!"

Hyperion swore he wouldn't stop before smashing Delta Military Base...

Behind, Extermination didn't show any hurry.

He closed his eyes and curved his lips up into a smile. It was almost like he wanted Hyperion to succeed!


Slowly, as he stepped forward, he ran a hand through his middle-length gray hair and set them into spikey.

He then brought his hand to his tattered clothes. They were barely serving any use so he tossed them away.

"Oh my god!"

The females around the globe exclaimed.

"Look at that wonderful physique!"

They stared at his naked body with awe.

He might be sinister, but they couldn't pull off their eyes from his body.

Extremely handsome face, bulging biceps, washboard abs...

Every part of his body made them flush with excitement.

As they stared, crystalline gray particles swept out and wrapped on his body.


These particles swirled, transforming into a set of clothes.

"Damnit! Why couldn't he remain naked?!"

An eighteen-years old female muttered in front of her parents.


Her father was speechless by her outburst.

How could this be her comment with all the things that man has done?!

He turned towards his wife for support. Sadly, for him, this brought another shock.

His loving wife was blushing while looking at the image of Extermination!


Despite his stare, she continued to gawk at the screen as if she was alone!


Chapter 532 Shocking The World!

As a set of clothes appeared on Extermination, another important simultaneously took place. Something that no one noticed!

The Holy Seer of Atlantis - Rhea - rushed out of a whirlpool of space and time.

"What is this grayness?"

Rhea wondered as her phantom-from-past landed amidst the disappearing buildings.

She was here to "witness" the last part of the "future" that she prophecized almost a year ago; at the request of Poseidon[1].

In a way, it could be said that she was nothing but a ghost of the past! What she was witnessing now has already been witnessed by her real self!

Rhea looked around before bringing her eyes on Extermination.

His smile startled her; making her wonder how he could be so relaxed with the number of people his very presence was killing!

She then thought about his identity and tried to connect him with the other scenes she prophecized. Mainly his link with the golden-haired man and the black-haired man.

"The aura he emanates is very powerful, but not enough to threaten me! Still, my instincts are warning me about this strange grayness!"

Rhea wasn't afraid since her bloodline originated from the Lords of Time. The Lords that were half-step into Meta-Immortality!

The second most powerful form of Immortality after Transcendental Immortality[2]!

So her strength could be imagined.

Had she been not strong, she couldn't have brought Atlantis to its present glory!

At the same time, barely a kilometer away.

The temporal forms of Kiba and Pythia appeared!

This was the final part of the Events of Future-past that Pythia brought Kiba to[3].

Since Pythia was nowhere near strong as Rhea, the grayness weakened hers and Kiba's temporal forms.

They felt nauseated as their forms reached the point of collapse. Still, they forced themselves to gaze at Extermination and wonder about his identity.

Meanwhile, in the restaurant that has long ceased to exist from this space and time.

Cosmic Emperor took the unstable Hope in his arms and rose to his feet. The latter ran her transparent hands over his face as he enveloped them with darkness and disappeared.

When they appeared, he was next to Extermination! Cosmic Emperor walked alongside him, but strangely, neither Extermination nor anyone else noticed his presence!

It was like he existed in another space-time! The same applied to the unstable Hope!

"Just some more efforts," Cosmic Emperor let out a barely audible sigh.

Blinding dark glow wrapped him and the unstable Hope.


When the glow faded, the unstable Hope turned invisible while he shapeshifted into Extermination!

Cosmic Emperor's eyes flashed with blazing darkness, and around him, an opaque water-like screen appeared.

This screen was actually a space-time barrier that sealed his and Hope's presence from everyone.

Now when he blinked his eyes, the side facing Rhea turned transparent while the others remained opaque.

Without Rhea realizing, her sight shifted from the real Extermination to the shapeshifter Cosmic Emperor.


Rhea didn't know why, but she started trembling. She felt an indescribable sense of fear. It almost minced her heart!

"What is this presence?!"

She suddenly felt Extermination was capable of destroying the entire cosmos.

Before, she felt he was extraordinarily strong, but now, she felt a power that has no limits!

As she tried to make sense of the fear, the shapeshifted Extermination turned towards her, as if perceiving her gaze.

"Bitch, you want to die?" Extermination malevolently asked.

Rhea was shocked!

How could he notice her existence when she was nothing but a ghost of the past?!

As she tried to make sense of things, Extermination stretched a hand towards her. Alongside this, the invisible unstable Hope also stretched her hand, without her realizing.


From the surrounding, wisps of grayness gathered into his hand and then moved on Hope's.

But since everything took place at an unbelievable speed, Rhea wasn't able to comprehend everything.

From her perspective, all she noticed was grayness concentrating on the Extermination's hand and then rush at her, transforming into a gray vortex.


The vortex engulfed her phantom-from-past and she vanished!


The unstable Hope looked at Cosmic Emperor in confusion.

A few seconds ago, when the grayness touched her, she felt relaxed. The strange "sense of something being not right" she continuously felt even momentarily disappeared.

This made her nascent eyes sparkle with curiosity.

"Just wait a bit."

Cosmic Emperor said as they again vanished from this time and space.


Extermination lifted his head and looked ahead.

A few miles away, Hyperion was high in the air as he jumped forward and closed to Delta Military Base.

Ignoring him, Extermination lowered his head and gazed in the distance.

Amidst the areas that were intact, thousands and thousands of mutants fleed in fear. Some used their abilities to fly, some crawl on the walls, some leap, and the rest amplified their speed on the ground.

The rush was such that many trampled over each other!


Vehicles collided, injuring many. In some cases, even causing deaths.

Then there were the mutated beasts and animals that so far were used as pets or lab specimens. Now, they turned berserk and speeded off; ignoring the requests and orders of their masters.

It could be said the city was inflicted with total chaos!

This made Extermination smile.

Despite the smile, the spectators were astonished to see him doing nothing. The grayness didn't spread further nor he stepped forward.

He just stood...


The Holy City, State of Avalon.

When the terrifying battle between Hyperion and Kiba started, the World Council called an emergency meeting.

Presently, the holographic projections of the councilmen sat across the round chair and looked at the visuals from the Delta City.

"Mason, you claimed your men have taken care of everything," Lord Elliot started. "And prevented a tragedy from unfolding in the city."

While saying so, he brought his eyes to Mason Maxwell – the president of the World Government.

Theoretically, Mason was the most powerful figure in the World Government, but only a few knew he was just a little more than a figurehead.


Mason didn't get an opportunity to explain as Lord Harley cut-off him and said, "From what we can see, the actions of your men have resulted in the expansion of the destruction. Earlier, only the central region was the target, but now the destruction is cutting through the city and sweeping towards the Delta Military Base!"


Mason knew the fault was his. Actually, it was of his subordinates, but the responsibility would come on him.

He couldn't blame his subordinates either. After all, they activated the Field Generator to save the city.

How were they supposed to know their preventive actions would ruin the city? As per their expectations, with the suppression of energy, the one with a strong physique would easily kill the other. And then the special teams would kill the surviving one. It sounded simple but there was a detailed plan.

Obviously, nothing worked as per the expectations…

"Mason, we don't see a reason for you to bear such pressure," Lord Kakusandha added. "Have rest."

"!" Mason was shocked.

These words pretty much decided his fate! His status as the president was at risk unless other councilmen interjected.

Sadly, as he glanced around, he noticed a few councilmen nodding at Lord Kakusandha's words. The others showed no interest and continued to observe the screen.

"Sir, please reconsider!" Mason begged just as new developments flashed on the screen.

"Block the live feed from the city!" One of the councilmen said while ignoring Mason's request. "Except us, no one should have access to the visuals!"


Delta Military Base.

When the soldiers and researchers stationed on the base realized the titan was coming towards them, they deserted the base!

Desertion was no less than betrayal, a crime that has serious repercussions, but in front of the overwhelming desire to live, no one cared about the punishment.

As for being brave, that was only possible when there was at least a tiny bit of hope in succeeding. But with the strength the titan has displayed, they knew that even with his energy suppressed, he could kill them hundreds of times!

Neither the bunker nor the advanced weapons would help them!

Morgan felt the same as he left the bunker and escaped in his hovercar.

"I can't let myself die!"

Morgan told himself as he ran the car at full speed.

"If I die, Suzane would be all alone! There would be no one to share warmth with her, relieve her of her stress, and make her happy!"

Morgan didn't want his loving wife to suffer.

Sure, she has mood swings whenever she didn't get her supply of favorite flavored lipstick... and even showed some weird fascination with "meatballs," but otherwise, she was the best wife a man could ask for!

She was the type of Good Wife every man deserved!

"My poor Loren! I have to find a great guy for her! Someone who is smart, kind, and well-mannered!"

"And then there is my good son, Olly! He has changed for the better, but he always looks tensed!"

Morgan knew he couldn't afford to die before making arrangements for his son.

"I have to find a good wife for him! Someone who is like Suzane!"

"Dear God, please give me an amazing daughter-in-law! Someone who can make Olly the happiest man in the world!"

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt the gods have listened to his last prayer!


At the same time, Hyperion arrived before the base. In front of him, the pillar of white light continued to erupt from the bunker and pierce the sky.

Hyperion thrust his claws on the force field barrier.


The claws sliced through the barrier and dug into the bunker. Force field fragments and debris crazily swept out, stirring up an energy storm.

Hyperion ignored the storm and continued.


His claws penetrated the base of the Field Generator; ripping it from inside.


As this happened, the pillar of light in the sky dimmed before scattering in thin air.

The generator detonated from inside.


A frightening explosion rang out; reducing the base to a pulp! From far away, a menacing explosion cloud shrouded the horizon.


Hyperion raised his head through the explosion cloud as energy surged through him.

"I have regained my abilities!"

Now he no longer needed to flee like a coward! He could show his might as the titan!

In his fight with Kiba, he withheld his true might as he was afraid of backlash.

But not any longer.

He has to exact revenge for the slight he faced!

He turned in the direction of Extermination. They were separated by a gap of many kilometers, but their vision instantly collided.

Hyperion grinned.

Just like he thought before, the aura of Extermination was weaker than Kiba with Golden Lightning Sword!

Hyperion was happy.

He wouldn't need to tap in his hidden powers! Sure the grayness was dangerous, but to avoid that, he could use his abilities related to Absolute Light!

Their visions continued to collide. Sparks exploded between them and fierce winds swept out.

To Hyperion's surprise, the lips of Extermination spread into a sinister smirk.

How could he afford to smirk despite the obvious gap in strength?!

"You have my gratitude for helping me again," Extermination lifted his right hand and brought it on his chest. "Now that you have served your role, your existence is no longer required."

Help again?!

Hyperion was bewildered.

Just as he thought of asking what Extermination meant, his four eyes constricted to the size of a needle.

The scene in front of his eyes shocked him to the core. The shock was so great that his mind shook violently.

His breathing turned heavy.


The Holy City.

In the meeting hall, the holographic projections of the councilmen looked at the visuals provided by the drones.

When the scene observed by Hyperion flashed on the screen, the expressions of every councilman drastically changed.

Almost instantly, all of them jumped to their feet, their eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

"Impossible... could it be...?!"

Lord Harley stared at the screen.

In front of Extermination, a glowing crystal floated.

Cosmic Spark!

[1] Chapter 55. After having a meeting with the World Council and learning about a shard of Cosmic Spark, Poseidon requested Rhea to gaze in the future.

[2] All types of Immortalities were explained in Chapter 290

[3] Chapter 287. Pythia, the only Alpha-rank mutant Kiba met in Desolate Blood Forest. She showed him many scenes from both the past and the future; one of them even related to Cosmic Emperor

Chapter 533 Chaos Throughout The World!

The moment Extermination tapped on his chest, the Cosmic Spark flew out of his body. A whirlwind of pure power Cosmic circulated around it like motes of starlight.

Even though everything around Extermination was gray, the mystical luster from the Cosmic Spark lit the monochromatic world with a colorful radiance.

Extermination stretched his hand and the Cosmic Spark hovered above his palm. A boundless power burst forth from it and swept into the sky, seeming to turn the world upside down.

In the sky, cyclonic ripples surged out...

Hyperion's pupils were constricted, and now feeling the tremendous power, they widened to such an extent that they turned white.

"This is truly the Cosmic Spark!"

Hyperion felt a presence far superior to his. A presence that he couldn't match even in his glory days, the times when he was at the peak of his strength!

"No wonder I felt limitless energy when I fought Kiba! I wasn't mistaken!"

Hyperion stared at the Cosmic Spark. It was the size of a human fist, filled with cracks, but 90% of its body intact.

"Why is it dark?!"

Hyperion was stunned.

Even though he felt pure power Cosmic, he noticed the spark was pitch-black, as if filled with darkness.

Amidst this darkness, from time to time, streaks of golden lightning flashed and then gray matter.

"This couldn't be! The Cosmic Spark has been contaminated with Eternal Darkness!"

Hyperion's heart was earlier filled with burning desires. But now seeing the darkness, those desires vanished in a puff. It was like water from icy hell was poured on him.

"Somehow, this kid must have been fused with Cosmic Spark! Furthermore, an incident must have happened to give Genesis an opportunity to use him as a host! Damn! I actually contributed to the fruition of that opportunity!"


The Holy City.

Even though the councilmen were only looking at the Cosmic Spark on the screen, they felt a vague pressure crashing down on them.

They were stunned beyond belief. The latest development surpassed their imagination!

As they stared at the Cosmic Spark, a longing to possess the Cosmic Spark erupted in their hearts. If they were asked to murder their family for possessing it, they would readily accept the condition.

They were still in a state of shock when they noticed Extermination sweeping a glance at them. Not at them, but rather the drones that were far away, recording the visuals.

But instead of destroying the drones, he spread his lips into a provocative grin. It was almost like he expected the visuals to be watched by the echelons of the world!

He waved a finger and the Cosmic Spark directly arrived before the drones! Even though its presence alone would have ruined the drones, nothing like that occurred.

"Could he be trying to provoke us... by showing-off the Cosmic Spark?!"

Lord Harley's elderly body trembled from disbelief.

Now that he thought about it, he noticed only the drones weren't disintegrated, while everything else did! Sure the drones were far away, but for someone like Extermination, how hard it would be to destroy them?!

The only possible explanation was that he spared the drones to provoke them with the Cosmic Spark!

Almost saying: Here is the legendary treasure you so desire! Come and grab it!


One after another, the projections of the councilmen disappeared. None of them replied before snapping the connection.


Stormseal Island.

The Earth's greatest prison was surrounded by violent hurricanes. If a military aircraft was caught in them, its fate would be no different then of a leaf in the storm! Much less an aircraft, even an Alpha would find themselves helpless, trapped by the violent swirls that could shred anything.

In the core zone of the prison, there were caves where the most dangerous prisoners were kept. They were the ones deemed by the government to possess a risk to the world.

In the last cave, there was a bare-chested man that was pinned to the wall by blazing chains. In front of him, prison warden and guards stood.

The man's hair was long and messy, falling over his face. Suddenly, winds swept by and moved the hair away from his face.

As this happened, his icy shade of blue eye came in sight. Not eyes, but only the right eye. The left eye socket was empty!

As the winds passed by, the eye glowed for an instant. The man lifted his head and burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! The beginning of the end has started!"

The warden and the guards were startled. They stared at him, but he continued to laugh. The warned turned angry and he took the whip from the guard. Without any mercy, he swung it at the laughing man.

"You must have turned crazy again!"

The warden whipped him over twenty times but the man continued to laugh. It was like it was his happiest day and he wouldn't stop laughing, no matter what.

"Wayu, thrash me as much as you want! That's my present destiny! And no one can change what's destined!"

The man declared between laughter.

"I told them that back then! But they didn't listen... Hahaha!"

"Listen to my order and stop laughing!" The Warden -Wayu- punched the man on the face. "Haven't over two decades of confinement taught you anything?!"

"It has!" The man coughed up a mouthful of blood before answering. "Your end is near just like theirs! Hahaha!"

"I said stop laughing!"

Wayu kicked him in the guts. The man's face turned ashen and he coughed up blood nonstop. And yet, despite the heavy beating, he laughed!

Wayu was incensed. Suddenly his mind flashed with an idea, and he said, "I forgot to tell you, but Goten Whiteskins has left the prison two months ago! It was on a government mission, but given his personality, what do you think would happen?!"

Wayu knew the man would understand the meaning. And that would send him into a sea of despair!

"Nothing," the man replied with laughter. "He would die... actually, he should be dead by now!"


Somewhere in the vast oceans, an archipelago stood out as one of the power centers of the world.

Every island in this archipelago was bordered with a perfect patch of sand that merged with serene blue water.

If there was paradise on Earth, then it was on this archipelago. One could discover it amongst the lush limestone peaks jeweled with luxuriant jungles, the enticing aquamarine lagoons filled with translucent turquoise waters, and the natives that were all women!

Perhaps, that's why the name Eden suited this group of islands.

If a man was lucky enough to take a peek at the natives, he would feel calling it Beauty Island was an understatement! The name should have been Heaven!

On the central island, above a lush peak, there was a palace. Female guards stood there, but instead of observing the palace, they looked towards the shore where a woman stood.

Cold air surged around her and whenever water sprayed up, the air froze the water into mesmerizing icy droplets.

She lifted a finger and the water rose up, turning into an ethereal ice wall. The wall seemed to be no different a polished mirror as it perfectly reflected her charming features.

Pearly white skin and a slender frame that made even fairies envious. Then there were her gorgeous black eyes that radiated brightness suiting her status. And finally, her elegant eyebrows that emanated her dominance as the ruler of Eden!

Yes, she was Ice Queen! The most beautiful woman on Earth!

She placed her right hand on the ice wall and closed her eyes. As she did, on the back of her hand, an enchanting glow sparkled. Inside this glow, a pulsating crystalline shard appeared.

A shard of the Cosmic Spark!

Chapter 534 Hyperion's Final Struggle!


As Ice Queen stood before the ice wall, a tall and slender woman arrived behind her.

This woman was in her late thirties, with amber hair that was tied in a bun, and rosy brown skin complexion. She was dressed in a warrior outfit, revealing a bit of her smooth skin, radiating intense charm.

When one looks at her, they wouldn't be able to concentrate on her charm or beauty though.

The reason?

She emitted the feeling of sharpness like a piercing sword, making one tremble and feel as if their hearts were stabbed!

And that was to be expected! On Eden, beside Ice Queen, she was the strongest mutant!

"Your Highness, are you alright?" The woman kneeled down and asked.

She was surprised when the palace guards informed her that Ice Queen has gone to the shore. As far as she knew, the Highness only did such a thing when she was unsettled.

But what could unsettle her?

If she wasn't mistaken, the Highness has asked to be left alone for attending the World Council meeting.

Could something have happened there?

"I'm fine, Martha," Ice Queen replied while lowering her hand. "It was just that I felt something I haven't in a long time."

"What exactly?" Martha asked.


Martha was confused by the response, but her queen didn't explain any further. And she didn't dare demand more details.

"Let's leave."

Stepping towards the palace, Ice Queen ran a finger over the back of her right hand, feeling a pulsing sensation from the shard of Cosmic Spark!


Delta City.

After regaining his energy, Hyperion became relaxed and confident in defeating the Genesis' host, Extermination. And he has reasons to be confident! He had recovered 10% of his true strength!

Perhaps, when someone hears 10% strength, they would find it extremely weak, but anyone who witnessed his might till now would know how horrifying even 1% of his strength was!

Then again, that was to be expected! He was a titan! One of the Great Guardians of a higher plane of existence - The Celestial Elysian Plane!

The number of entities that surpassed him even on that plane was limited! Not even fifty! So one could only imagine the depth of his true strength.

But he was no longer relaxed. In fact, he became serious and somewhat tense!

"Cosmic Spark!"

Hyperion gazed at the object he desired to possess until a few moments ago. Looking it floating before Extermination, Hyperion knew he couldn't afford to be careless.

"The one before him... Kiba... despite the hatred he has for me, he didn't bring out Cosmic Spark! But Extermination did!"

This astonished Hyperion.

After all, if thought logically and assumed that wielding the Cosmic Spark was possible for a human, then it should have been pulled out by Kiba!

Yet, Extermination who gained sentience not even half an hour was wielding the Cosmic Spark!

"No, I must be overimagining! While I don't know the reason as to why he was able to take out the Cosmic Spark... there would be no way he can wield its power!"

Hyperion was sure of it. He knew the restrictions that such a powerful treasure offered, especially the one that was contaminated with Eternal Darkness.

"Still, I shouldn't underestimate him! I have to attack with everything I got from the start!"


A vast ocean of light appeared with him as the center. The ocean was dazzling, far brighter than the sun, and emanated off a horrifying presence as it surged with waves of unfathomable might.

"Absolute Light Phyisuqe!" Hyperion lifted his hands up.

Luminescent energy burst forth from the ocean and rapidly poured into his body.

Wherever this energy swept through, that part became an embodiment of pure light. It didn't matter if they were his hellish claws, terrifying horns, or even his piercing four eyes.

His entire being turned into the light! There was no longer any blood, flesh, veins, or bones inside him!

Such change ensured he was no longer restricted by the chains that bind every physical entity.

"Now I don't have to worry about getting infected with Genesis!"

Hyperion roared.

In the entire universe, light has the greatest speed. It could almost travel 200 miles in the span of a millisecond.

Such speed was beyond understanding.

And Extermination faced such a speed!

The ocean of light swept forward, instantly submerging the twenty kilometers between Hyperion and Extermination. As it arrived near Extermination, it collided with the grayness that shrouded the entire area.

With seething sounds, they blend with each other, fighting for supremacy. Corrosive smoke swept through them, making space distort.

As this happened, from Hyperion, strands of sharp light rippled out and turned into enormous rings of light. They floated behind him, spinning in a planetary formation.

"Sealing Hex!" Hyperion commanded.

The ocean of light blent with grayness solidified before freezing into a glacier. The grayness froze, encased within the light glacier.

Extermination didn't react to this development, but Hyperion did. The rings of light charged forward, radiating no heat, and yet so intense with light that space melted.

Between the rings, Hyperion flew, like the sun between the planets. He raised his claws diagonally and then slashed out.


The sky and the ground split open. Between them, the intersection of light claw marks wove into a net and crashed on Extermination along with rings of light.

Just before the crash, in front of Extermination, a gigantic crescent-shaped gray wave sprang into existence.

It smashed into the spinning rings of light and net of claw marks!

Destructive sounds rang out while light violently spilled outward. The net faded while the rings of light pushed through the wave, trying to complete their objective.

Even as this happened, Hyperion clenched his gargantuan claws into fists and bombarded down on Extermination.

"Thankfully he was only at the initial step of corruption!" Hyperion thought with a smile. "As such, he couldn't use true offensive attacks related to Genesis!"

As the fists moved, cracks erupted on space as if it was a mirror surface that was smashed, emitting turbulent spatial ripples.

The fists carried a strength far imposing than the explosion of ten thousand grand mountains!


The fists made contact with the negligible-size body of Extermination, twisting with their detonating might.

The impact burst a depthless crater into the ground while the fissure in the sky exploded.


Extermination's body shook and fissures appeared throughout, emitting blinding energy.

Hyperion grinned and moved his fists back to punch again when his expression changed. He quickly spun his body as he noticed Extermination stretching a hand.

Swirling mass of grayness explosively rose before Extermination and through it, a beam erupted.

"Damn! Just like before, he could use elementary attacks! I can't forget that!"

Hyperion's speed was beyond comprehension but the same applied to the beam!

The beam channeled the potent energy of power Cosmic, bursting with corrupted Genesis. It blasted through the rings of light that just destroyed the crescent-shaped gray wave and flew straight towards Hyperion.

Even though Hyperion was made of light, he did have a bit restrictions due to the dual nature of light. There was a chance for the cosmic beam to exploit that!

Something Hyperion didn't want!

With everything he has, he avoided the beam. It swept past his head and shot into the sky, instantly emerging in the outer space.

In front of it, a government-owned defense satellite floated.


The beam smashed on the satellite, wrapping it with grayness before exploding.

At the same time, inside the military command center linked with the satellite.

The generals and researchers were observing regular data when the supercomputers and processing units short-circuited. All the connections became hay-wire and the monitor screens turned menacing gray.

"What on Earth is going on?!"

Everyone inside the headquarters was terrified. They felt if not for the physical limitations, the gray would jump out of the monitors and swallow them.


Meanwhile, despite the rings of light being burst apart, they reformed back!

Emitting piercing radiance, they rushed at Extermination just as the cosmic beam disappeared from his hand.

By the time he lowered his hand, they swirled around his body, constricting swiftly on him.

"Absolute Light Sealing Formation!"

Hyperion shouted.

The rings bolstered, growing longer and thicker, surging with sealing runes. In the span of milliseconds, Extermination was sealed.

Hyperion's aim was not killing Extermination but sealing him. Killing would mean freeing Genesis and giving it an opportunity to search for a new host!

As the sealing completed, Hyperion's eyes flickered. Cracks snapped on the rings, quickly spreading throughout, and within them, rays of gray cosmic energy exploded out.

The sealing formation crumbled down, and through the falling runes, Extermination stepped out.

Hyperion grunted.

He guessed Extermination projected cosmic energy from his entire being to destroy the sealing formation.

He also knew it must have cost Extermination a great amount of power.

"But something is strange though! He isn't taking any lead to attack me!"

Hyperion was startled for more than one reason.

Sure, he understood that he has the extraordinary advantage of momentum, but Extermination hadn't used his strength unless it was absolutely necessary! Even when he acted, it was always at the last moment.

Hyperion gazed at Extermination and then the Cosmic Spark flying before making a decision.


His grand aura rose explosively. The boundless hidden reserve of power he was holding erupted like a volcano.


The next instant, everything turned silent.

The frightening spatial winds disappeared, the violent shockwaves faded, and everything else vanished.

There was no one but Hyperion. It was like he became the center of the universe.

"If sealing you is impossible," Hyperion announced. "Then I would obliterate you along with Genesis!"