611 - 618

Chapter 611 Live For Eternity

In the stadium, the "Second" Kiba arrived, startling The Ivies and the monks who saw him leaving with Ksitigarbha a few seconds ago.

Rita was the only one who wasn't surprised. She walked alongside him and stepped before the console system, just a few meters away from the glass walls where Ashlyn was trapped.

"What are you going to do?" Rita asked.

"Nothing much," Kiba replied as he stepped towards the glass wall. "I only plan to end this and get her out."

Far away, Stina and Hansen pulled themselves out of the LCD screens where they have been smashed into. They both were mentally broken, especially the former who had lost all signs of rationality.

"Dr. NTR! You are going to fail!"

Stina shouted, her eyes filled with madness. She has already lost everything due to him so what was there to fear?

"Nothing can save that adopted daughter of mine! Nothing! The moment the Plague of Decay was injected in her, her fate was set! No, it was long before that! Dharma Chakra has managed her fate since she was born! Just like countless other Cursed Ones! Hahaha!"

Stina started laughing because she knew Ashlyn's destiny. The Anti-Evolution Radiance Pillar could be stopped, but only by killing Ashlyn.

So Dr. NTR was about to experience what she had – the pain of loss.

"No matter what type of supreme powers you have, there are things you can't change! Hehe!" Stina added.

Some distance away from her, her madness terrified Hansen. He was pissed at her for her betrayal, but now, he didn't even dare look at her. He didn't want Dr. NTR to murder him just because his wife has lost it.

Kiba ignored Stina's words.

He obviously had an idea that Ashlyn was controlled not by The Ivies, but Dharma Chakra.

If his idea was right, they could have taken the Plague of Decay themselves but they didn't. Instead, they used Cursed Ones to retrieve the virus so that the Cursed Ones would accept their role and lower their pyschological resistance. Because the virus required consent to exploit the genes of a Cursed One.

Perhaps before Ashlyn, many Cursed Ones had retrieved the virus from other World Fragments, but they failed at the last stage.

As for Dharma Chakra's goal and purpose, Kiba didn't know, nor he cared.



Kiba walked through the glass wall. The wall has an electrifying force field, but it didn't restrict him.

Ashlyn felt something. It was a presence she hadn't felt in a long while, and she felt it approaching her.

Surprised, she opened her eyes and lifted her head to see the man she most cared about.


"It has been a while, hasn't it?" Kiba said as he sat before her.

A droplet of tear escaped her eye and she nodded. Her cold, poker face was rarely filled with the emotions like it was now.

She then looked at her body as it continued to emit radiance.

Realizing what it might be doing, she opened her lips and said, "Save Zed… get him to safety!"

Kiba stared into her emerald-green eyes full of concern. It wasn't for herself but for Zed, because she knew just how much Kiba cared for him.

"Wow! We meet after so long! Instead of greeting me and asking about my well-being, you are worrying about Zed!" Kiba exclaimed. "You are making me jealous!"

Ashlyn didn't say reply, she seldom did. She only looked at him, urging him to do what she wanted.

Knowing her, he knew what she was thinking and her worries. Smiling, he said, "Don't worry, he's fine."

A small sigh of relief escaped her lips.

"Shouldn't you be now asking me to leave, or at least enquire about my well-being?" Kiba asked.

Ashlyn shook her head.

She has shared adventures with him and knew the type of person he was.

In this world, he was the last person she would ever worry about.

Because his existence only risked others and not the other way!

For him to be here, it could only mean The Ivies and Dharma Monks were in crisis.

As for asking him to leave, since when had he left before he had fun?

Unless his sadistic cravings were fulfilled, he wouldn't leave even if she asked him to!


Kiba was taken aback.

Did she really think he was some twisted, sadistic, and evil man?!

If yes, how could she misunderstand him to such an extent!?

Ashlyn noticed his expression and despite her weakness, her lips curved up.

"There's something I have wanted to do…" Ashlyn started,

"What?" Kiba asked, surprised.

She replied by leaning forward and pressing her glistening lips on his.

As their lips sealed, she felt as if a current was passing from his lips to hers, making her tingle from head to toe.

Enjoying the beautiful sensation, she pressed her lips further and kissed him with everything she had.

This shocked Kiba and before he could respond to her kiss, she pulled her lips back, her breath shallow.

There was a slight tint of red on her pale face as her heart thumped loudly.

Ever since she left the forest, she has observed romantic couples and seen them as they "pressed their lips on each other."

While she didn't know what they were doing, them kissing would remind her of one of her future goals.

To love!

Many months ago, Denisa had told her to experiment, to make mistakes, and live life instead of simply existing.

Now with this close to death, she wanted to try at least partly living one of her goals. So when death would take her away, she would have no regrets.

Now she had lived and not simply existed, even if only for a few seconds!

Her lips bloomed into a serene smile and she closed her eyes.

She was ready for death. There were no more regrets.

Slowly, she felt two warm hands on either side of her cold face, holding her.

"You did what I wanted to…"

The lips she had felt a few moments ago were back on hers.

A tremor ran through her but she didn't open her eyes, because she was unable to with what the kiss was doing to her.

Her body shivered from an indescribable excitement.

His lips spread warmth into hers, burning away the coldness and exhaustion she felt from her slowly approaching death.

Her weak arms slipped off around him, holding him tightly.

The radiance continued to burst out of her and it splashed on Kiba, but she didn't care, not now.

Her lips started melting between his lips, and she wondered how great it would have been… if she could feel such warmth in the future.

She knew death awaited her so she did what she could… by prolonging the kiss, making memories for herself.

"Who said you are going to die now?"

Kiba's voice ringed in her mind as they continued to kiss.

"Death wouldn't come today, tomorrow…. Or even millions of years later! I promise you that!"

Ever since he was little, he never desired eternal lifespan. This was even true after he became Kiba because neither power nor eternal lifespan picked his interest.

His dreams were based only on his wish to live life like it was his last day of life.

To live like there was no tomorrow!

But now, as he kissed the woman he loved, he desired eternity so that he could hold her, kiss her, and make her forget her first twenty-one years of life in the foreverness they would live.

She deserved it, and so did he…


Pure power Cosmic emerged from his body and wrapped her body. Five mechanical orbs also appeared and from them, the presence of a serum surged out, something that resonated with the virus inside her.

The power Cosmic absorbed the serum and directly entered her. The virus and the nano-bots – that had embedded themselves on her genes – shivered as the power annihilated them, without giving them a chance to resist.


The glass walls blasted apart and the Anti-Evolution Radiance Pillar collapsed.


At the same time, the forces of Dharma Chakra and their affiliates were attacking the power centers of the world. With the powers of mutants suppressed, they had a very easy time dealing with the factions of the world.

Most factions only had the technology to protect themselves, but even that was compromised due to traitors.

In Holy City, the president was in crisis and about to be killed when he felt the suppression of his powers disappearing. This was a pleasant surprise and he instantly crushed the head of the monk in front of him.

On the moon, Ksitigarbha was taking a rain of blows when he sensed the collapse of Anti-Evolution Radiance Pillar.

His eyes constricted and he muttered, "Impossible!"

"What impossible, bitch?!"

Kiba asked as his hammer furiously bashed his ribs.

"I'm Dr. Kiba and not impossible! So, show some respect when I treat your stupidity that robbed me of my rights!"

Ksitigarbha didn't even get time to tap into his powers as the blow smashed into the moon again, filling his body with dust and debris.

He now regretted not using his full strength and only using a power equaling the early-stage Level VIII.

Now this doctor wasn't giving him an opportunity to channel the great reserve of his powers.

"Bitch, what's that stupid expression for?! You are regretting and feeling sad?! How dare you! I'm the one who is sad!"

The golden hammer thrashed again into his chest. This time, his chest caved in and his back arched out.

"When I first saw your projection a month ago, I thought – Great! I'm going to get to screw a wife that would not be from twenty-one first century! A conservative woman!

"Don't misunderstand, I love screwing modern women who have a liberal attitude towards sex! But I wanted to tap into a new category of ass and pussies!

"So, you can imagine the extent to which I looked forward to banging your wife!

"But then you poured cold water on my dreams by revealing you had killed her! Can you imagine my regret and sadness?!"

Kiba asked as a side thrust of his hammer sent Ksitigarbha flying into a satellite ten thousand kilometers away. The satellite instantly exploded into debris, and this further angered Kiba.

"Dumb impotent scum! You just want to ruin my dreams, don't you!?

"Do you know the importance of satellites!?"

Kiba's figure blurred in front of Ksitigarbha and he thrashed the hammer into his nose.

"How the hell would my female patients use encrypted apps and book appointments with you destroying the communication system?!"

Ksitigarbha was shocked.

This Dr. Kiba just wanted excuses to beat him.

First, he used his deceased family as an excuse than the crater on the moon and now even a satellite!

How could such a crazy guy be a doctor?!

If not for his dignity as an ancient man, he would have shouted, "I'm in the wrong script! Take me out!"

As another blow hit him, he finally gathered enough concentration to exploit his powers.


The space behind him collapsed and a primordial glow erupted like the detonation of a star.

The glow turned into a ten-thousand feet tall phantom of a monk whose very presence dulled everything in existence.

"Demonic creature! I will kill you!" Ksitigarbha lifted his hand and the praying beads rushed out, forming a circle.

"Bitch! I'm the doctor and you dare think of killing me?!"

Unfazed, Kiba teleported in front of Ksitigarbha, his hammer ready to pound the hell out of his patient.

Outside Earth, he didn't need to use Evolution Field to handle such unruly patients.

Chapter 612 She's Back!

In the center of the stadium, Kiba grabbed Ashlyn's hips as they rose to their feet, their mouths joined together.

The fragments of the glass wall fell around them while the console system exploded into pieces, not all affecting the kissing couple.

In the distance, Stina, Hansen, and others were shocked.

The Anti-Evolution Radiance Pillar collapsed without Ashlyn dying?! How was it possible!?

Minutes passed, and only when her breathing turned strained did Kiba broke the kiss.

"We have all the time in the world to continue this later."

Kiba said as he turned around.

"But for now, there are things I must take care of."

Stina's pupils dilated as at the exact same moment, he appeared before her and grabbed her head.


He thrashed her face into the ground, bursting it with pieces of stones and concrete. Before she could release a cry, he pulled her out and tossed her into the air. He followed her in the air, his knee crashing into her belly.

Her mouth fell open, and blood sprayed out.

She tumbled to the ground, her body convulsing with pain.

"Ple…please spare me!" Stina begged. The pain had wiped out her madness, replacing it with the sensation of approaching death.

"And why would I do such a thing?"

Kiba asked as he slowly approached her like the grim reaper. He might not be wielding a scythe, but that only made him appear far more menacing.

"I… I can be your slave!" Stina swallowed the blood in her throat and made an offer. "You liked me enough to fuck all my holes at the same time! Now you can vent on me anytime you want!"

Not every woman was capable of handling three cocks at the same time. And she felt her offer was tempting for a seducer like him with a vast appetite for sex.

"Nice offer, though it is something I often get."

He lifted his hand, and telekinetic force wrapped Stina, making her float in the air. Slowly, she came face to face with him, but she didn't dare even look at him.

She was terrified, but her hope remained… he would spare her! After all, men were possessive of women, especially the ones they have slept with!

The psychology of man's desires, especially their dark fantasies, was clear to her.

"Sorry to break your little heart."

Kiba's lips turned into a sadistic smile as he repeated the words she had spoken to Ashlyn not so long ago.

"!!" Stina's entire body broke out in cold sweat, and she trembled.

"I'm not at all possessive of any woman, not even the ones I love, much less of random women such as you."

Kiba stretched his hand, his fingers splitting apart. The teleportation force wrapping Stina similarly started stretching, splitting her body.

"It might not look like it, but I actually believe in personal freedom. So being possessive isn't for me."


Stina screamed for the last time as she was violently torn apart.

Bloof and flesh splashed around, some of it landing on her crestfallen husband.

"Stina!" Hansen cried. "Nooooo!"

She might have betrayed him, but she was still his wife – the only woman he ever loved.

Yet, in the final moments, not only she offered to become the slave of the man who fucked her, but she even died in a frightening manner.

It made his chest tighten as if a clenched fist was pressing on his heart.

He was on the brink of a heart attack...

"No! I can't die now! My wife was a whore, and I won't throw away my life for her! That slut got what she deserved!"

Using these thoughts as motivation, he mustered all his strength and ran. Sadly, the stadium was sealed by the bead left by Ksitigarbha, and there was no way he could break it.

Some fifty meters away from him, the space distorted, and Kiba emerged.

"Dr. NTR!"

Hansen stopped in the track, his body trembling. Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he glanced at the surviving forces from The Ivies and Dharma Chakra.

Feeling his gaze, they pretended to be oblivious.

"Damn! Selfish bastards!"

He knew they wouldn't come to help him. Then again, if he was in their situation, he would have done the same.

There was no loyalty between them, and even if there was, it wouldn't survive in the face of imminent death.

Channeling his powers, he retreated like a shooting star.

"You loved your wife, didn't you?" Kiba asked as he slowly stepped forward.

"Y-yes…" Hansen answered as his body suddenly stopped in mid-air.

"Then shouldn't you reunite with her?" Kiba enquired with a smile.

"!!" Hansen's face paled further. He shook his head furiously, refusing to reunite with his wife.

"Aww… don't be like that!"

Kiba lifted his right hand, and the air around him started twisting as a bright mass of destructive force flashed.

"True love transcends life and death!"

Kiba remarked as he grabbed the force.

"By mistake, I killed your wife… and I don't want your eternal love to break!"

"Nooo! Spare me!" Hansen shouted.

The destructive force blurred with speed, and it charged at him.

Just as he felt death was about to grab him, two discs shot through the force, tearing it apart.

"Ashlyn?" Kiba was startled. He turned to his right to see her.

Her full-body suit swirled with dazzling currents of blue energy as the discs returned back to her.

"A-Ashlyn!?" Hansen was pleasantly surprised. Despite everything, she has come to his rescue!

"Everything was just a misunderstanding, daughter!" Hansen sobbed with a pained expression. "Just like you, I was also controlled by Stina! I tried to stop her but couldn't…!"

Even if his wife was alive, he would have gladly thrown her under the bus to save his life. Now with her dead, there was no trouble for him to use all his acting powers to convince this daughter of his.


Ashlyn observed him for a few seconds before nodding. Her beautiful lips spread into a cute smile, and she said, "I believe you, father."

Kiba was dumbstruck, though for not the reason Hansen believed. Under their watchful gazes, Ashlyn stepped before Hansen, her soul-stirring smile blossoming further.

"Thank you."

Ashlyn said politely.

"There's no need to thank, child!" Hansen quickly wrapped his arms around her for a hug. "We will leave this place and live somewhere where Dharma Chakra can never find us."

His lips curved up into a grin as he hugged her and rested his head on her shoulder.

He has succeeded! He will live!

With how that doctor has behaved so far, it was clear he wouldn't do anything to displease this adopted daughter of his!

Hiding his grin, his eyes momentarily moved to Dr. NTR and saw his face full of pity.

Hehe, that doctor underestimated the potential of brainwashing! Feeling pity was now useless!

As if sensing his thoughts, Kiba shook his head and said, "I'm feeling pity not for her, but you."

"Huh?" Hansen was confused, but only for a moment.


A knee violently smashed into his crotch, surging out with a terrifying tide of energy.

His little balls left his crotch, passed through his stomach, and burst out of his back like two explosive beams.

They instantly crashed into a wall behind, turning into ghastly fragments.

Hansen wasn't in any condition to see their fate.


All he capable was to let out the most tragic scream a human possibly could.

His arms fell from Ashlyn's back, and his legs dropped.

Like a broken doll, he slipped to the ground; tears and foam covering his face.

Life slowly started leaving him, and if he was capable of thoughts, he would have begged death to take him sooner.

He couldn't handle the nerve-wracking pain he was feeling.

"!!!!" June, Leabeu, and the surviving forces of The Ivies and Dharma Chakra backed away, their bodies shivering.

Not even in their worst nightmares have they witnessed a brutal scene. And nor they ever expected Ashlyn was capable of such brutality.

Ever since she returned from the forest, they have noticed she has changed but for worse. She was always in a state of melancholy, emitting a feeling of deep sadness.

Even when Zed was there, the sadness hasn't left her, and she was only a shell of her former self.

Now though…

Just thinking of the explosive changes, the Dharma Monks and the men in The Ivies curled up, their hands moving to protect their balls.

But there was a man who actually smiled and started clapping!

"The Ashlyn I know is finally back!"

Kiba's body blurred, and he appeared before Ashlyn.

"And she's back with the evolved Nutcracking Art!"

"...." Ashlyn looked at him and smiled, but this time it wasn't acting – one of the "lessons" he taught her long ago.

She smiled genuinely from her heart.

She was now free, forever separated from the shackles that bind her.

Her new life has started, and she would live it by experiencing everything she has always wanted to.

She extended her hand towards the man with whom she would share her new life.

He took it and held it gently while his eyes stared into hers.

She stared back, her eyes melting with happiness.

Chapter 613 You Tricked Me!

Holding Ashlyn's hand, Kiba brought his attention to the surviving forces from The Ivies and Dharma Monks.

"It was nice to meet you all."

Kiba said as he lifted his free hand and aimed it at the seal barrier surrounding the stadium. A column of spatial energy swept out, opening a portal in the seal.


He leaped towards the portal with Ashlyn. Rita followed them.

On the ground, Leabeu, June, and others were pleasantly surprised. They weren't killed!

Even the silent Dharma Monks sighed a breath of relief. The pressure of impending doom has finally left them!

"We survived!"

They rejoiced and praised Dharma.


Suddenly, an incorporeal cubic cage appeared inside the stadium, imprisoning The Ivies and Dharma Monks.

"Give my regards to Hansen and Stina," Kiba's voice ringed in the cage. "And rest assured, I will send Ksitigarbha to accompany you all."


Before they could react, a berserk gravitational force surged out from all the eight directions, pulling their bodies and disintegrating them.

The cage disappeared and all that left of the people was free atoms.

Outside the stadium, Ashlyn looked at Kiba and shook her head. She wasn't surprised that he killed them after giving them false hope.

Rita, on the other hand, was a bit surprised. Though she grinned and her eyes brightened. She was now sure staying with him would be very enjoyable.

"Things are going to get a bit messy and much more fun!" Kiba lifted his head and gazed into the night sky. "And for me to fully enjoy that, I will have to leave."

Ashlyn nodded as they landed on the road.

"You will be meeting The Family here," Kiba said as his body turned into innumerable dots of golden light. "Tell them I will be back soon."

The dots flew into the sky, soon disappearing from sight, leaving behind Ashlyn and Rita.

"Well…let's clear some things…" Rita looked at Ashlyn. "I'm not gonna apologize for what I did as I have no regret. I did what I wanted to, of my own free will. And if you want to hate or fight me, feel free."

Ashlyn looked back at her.

She didn't hate her, but neither did she liked her for what little role she played in the plan of her adopted parents.

If not for the foundation laid by Zed, she might have been broken and not in the state to emerge stronger from everything that happened to her.

A soft sigh escaped her lips and she shook her head. She didn't have any grudge as the ones truly responsible for her situation were dead.

Now it was another life and she wanted to start everything anew.

"That's good to know!" Rita replied with a smile.

A gust of soft wind passed in front of them and the air turned crimson, from which the twins emerged.

"We missed you!"

Madison and Lillian said in unison as they jumped on Ashlyn, startling her. She has only seen them briefly in the forest, without having any actual contact, and yet… they were weeping as they hugged her.

The hug from the twins made her fail to see that a woman and a little kid has also stepped out of the crimson glow.

Agatha with Hope.

Ashlyn sensed their presence and she turned towards them.

It was the first time she was seeing them but when her eyes stopped on the few-months-old Hope, she found features resembling Kiba, especially the golden eyes.

"Hey..." Agatha was about to speak to break the ice when Madison took Hope from her arms.

"Hope!" Madison looked into the eyes of the little girl and pointed at Ashlyn. "It is time to meet your new stepmom!"

Agatha gasped and even Ashlyn's expression changed.

New stepmom?!

If they were shocked by only this much, then the next statement from Lillian should be enough to give them a heart attack.

"One of the new stepmoms!" Lillian corrected her little sister. "Daddy will find more stepmoms for you! Just give him time!"

"Right!" Madison agreed. She turned back to Hope and said, "And the first gift your stepmom would give you is hosting the explosion competition!"

Lillian channeled her powers to communicate their words telepathically to Hope. And as expected, Hope's eyes sparkled and she clapped her hands.

Lightning crackled through her eyes and hands, and the air surged with a detonating might. She was ready!

Ashlyn brought her eyes on Agatha, her expression full of confusion.

"I..." Agatha bitterly smiled. This wasn't how the introduction was to happen.

"Let's say my daughter is fascinated with carrying out explosions…" Agatha started, her lips twitching. "And her father agreed to another explosion competition so that she can surpass him this time."

Ashlyn's vision darted to Hope and the latter looked back at her with sparkling gaze where lightning glowed.

This gaze was far too familiar to her as Kiba would often show such a gaze before he started having fun.

"Is she also a sadist?" Ashlyn asked.

"...…" Agatha flinched.

Ashlyn has spoken for the first time, and that too to ask such a question about her daughter.

But it would be disrespectful to not answer so she replied, "I don't know."

Ashlyn nodded. She didn't know much about parenting but she could feel Agatha was worried about her daughter inheriting more of her father's personality.

Hope pressed her little hands on Ashlyn and the latter looked at her. She could feel her almost saying - 'Let's start exploding things!'

Seeing this, Agatha sighed again.

"Let's go to The Ivies' headquarters," Agatha said bitterly. "Hopefully exploding your mansion and lab facilities would satisfy her cravings."

Ashlyn nodded.

In the outer space, the dots of golden light fused with Kiba as he teleported before Ksitigarbha.

"You are overestimating yourself, demon! I have unleashed my full powers!"

Ksitigarbha roared as his aura of peak Level VIII blasted out, shaking the starry sky and creating hundreds of space cracks.

The torrent of aura crashed on Kiba, but it resulted in nothing except providing cold breeze.

"Bitch! I'm your doctor and you dare speak like that?" Kiba asked as his hammer morphed with thorn-like protrusions. "You need injections from my hammer as it pounds your bitchy ass!"

The illusory phantom of the gigantic monk reached his hand down. A runic trigram appeared on its palm, surging with a dazzling wave of power that could crumble the firmaments.

This hand pressed on Kiba.

"Bitch! No unruly patients escape this doctor's punishment!"

Kiba raised his free hand while his hammer broke through the circle of praying beads and blurred out.

It chased retreating Ksitigarbha that didn't dare take a direct hit from this new version of hammer.

By now, the phantom hand made contact with Kiba's small hand that didn't warrant a mention.

The phantom of the monk snorted. This demon didn't know his limits! He was trying to compete physically with its hand made of firmaments-destroying power!


Thunderous explosions erupted and to the phantom monk's horror, its own hand shattered into glass-like fragments.

Ksitigarbha was just as horrified as its phantom, though for a different reason.

The hammer has slashed through his protective aura and he quickly darted to his right, making it rush past him.

He thought he has escaped a hit, but just then, the hammer swung back and smashed on his ass!


Ksitigarbha grunted painfully as not only the hammer cracked his bones, the thorn protrusions stabbed in. They tore through his flesh and also hit his crotch, ripping into his manhood with a decaying force.

His poor crotch was done for!

"This injection was on behalf of my Ashlyn – who sadly couldn't be here to crack your nuts!"

Kiba said as he teleported before Ksitigarbha, punching out with his right fist.

"And now time for Dr. NTR's world-famous fist that would cure all patients that don't bring their wives and daughters for my personal care!"

Ksitigarbha tried to back away, but couldn't as the fist rushed with an overbearing gravitational force.

Shockingly, he moved forward to take the fist that wanted to destroy him!

It was then the phantom monk stepped in, albeit very late.

By the time it acted, half of the fists force had punched Ksitigarbha. His chest cracked apart and he vomited more blood as he shot back like a shooting star. If not for the phantom's timely move, perhaps he would have almost died!

"H-how could you be this powerful!?"

Ksitigarbha asked.

He could clearly feel Kiba's power was still at the early-stage of Level VII and yet, he was overpowering a peak Level VIII mutant! It was with such speed that he couldn't even summon his abilities to retaliate.

While he knew a wielder of Power Cosmic was strong than a mutant of the same level, the power Kiba displayed here surpassed all logic.

Nothing like that has happened on Earth!

"Wait! Earth! The majority of your powers must be suppressed there!"

He recalled the ancient records from the Celestial Elysian Plane, specifically the part why Earth was chosen as the destination for most of World Fragments and Lord Xeced's mechanism.

"You tricked me by asking me to leave Earth!" Ksitigarbha's eyes turned bloodshot as the realization hit him.

Chapter 614 Greatest Treasure on Earth!

"You tricked me in leaving Earth!"

Ksitigarbha roared angrily as the phantom monk flew behind him. The scattered praying beads joined together and floated before him, turning into a circle.

"I guess I did!" Kiba responded with a faint smile. "Only because you were stupid enough to do what your opponent suggested you to! Did you also murder your common sense when you killed your family?"

"You!" Ksitigarbha's angry soared. In sync, the phantom's eyes flashed with Dharma Flames, ready to incinerate the space.

"What me?" Kiba lifted his hand and the hammer rushed to him.

He didn't bother telling Ksitigarbha that even if they were on Earth, little would have changed. After all, he could have summoned Evolution Field to enter in combat mode where his powers would have greatly amplified.

In combat mode, his powers would have been at the early-stage of Level VIII. While Earth's mighty repression on Power Cosmic would have greatly suppressed his strength, he could easily face a peak Level VIII mutant.

The only exception would be if his enemy was someone like Hyperion – another wielder of Power Cosmic. When that happened, Earth's repression would have been on both them, with more focus on Kiba.

The reason was simple: The Cosmic Spark.

When multiple viruses enter a body, the immune system would focus more on repelling the virus with stronger lethal potential. The same applied to Earth.

Kiba might barely be using 1% of the power in The Cosmic Spark, but as far as Earth was concerned, he was the most dangerous due to the potential he carried. Everything thanks to the mechanism left behind by the greatest scientist of Celestial Elysian Plane – Lord Xeced.

Before Dream Rise House was destroyed, Kiba never bothered to find methods to fight against this mechanism. After all, he was already strong as it was, despite having to fight Earth's repression.

Now, he wanted to change the status quo.

And to make that possible, he needed to freely use his powers and get a good understanding of his potential.

This was where Ksitigarbha came into the picture.

He would serve as a nice guinea pig to test his powers.

Perhaps by the time this was over, Kiba would able to tap more powers from the Cosmic Spark and become more ridiculously powerful.

"Thanks to you, I will be able to use more of my powers on Earth!" Kiba swirled the hammer in his hand. "For an impotent scum, you have been rather useful!"

"How dare you!" Ksitigarbha's aura exploded further as he opened all the reserves of his powers.

Space collapsed as if a formless crater was carved on it. All the satellites in the range of the explosive aura detonated, rendered to dust.

Even the moon in the distance started cracking apart, emitting blasting sounds despite space having no medium to carry sound.

Behind him, the phantom's figure twisted and a full-body armor appeared on it. In its hands, battle axes appeared, rippling out a force that distorted the collapsed space.

Seeing this, Kiba did his best to not grin. Provoking his opponent was far easier than he thought.

Then again, even the sanest of man would have turned insane had they faced what Kstigarbha did, especially with the permanent damage to manhood.


Like a specter, Kiba teleported in front of Ksitigarbha. His hammer swung out and the collapsed space split apart like a broken mirror.

The circle of prayer beads buzzed, turning into a shield to block the hammer.

At the same time, the battle-axes slashed downwards. The cracked space was torn asunder by their might, resulting in blinding arcs of destructive energy as they burrowed into Kiba.

Yet, the hammer moved unhindered, directly passing through the shield without making any contact. It was like the shield didn't even exist!

As for the axes, they slashed into Kiba but instead of splitting him, they just phased through. It was like he was in a different space, separated from this version of reality!

"Impossible! How could he manipulate space despite it being destroyed?!"

Kstigarbha's eyes squinted as spatial winds brushed him.

The hammer was just a few centimeters away from his face, its thorn-like protrusions glinting with a vicious glint.

He knew if the hammer touched him, it wouldn't pass through! It would ruin his face!

Reacting at light speed, he shot back while making an incantation gesture.

A roaring dragon made of Dharmic Flames stormed out and crashed into the charging hammer.


A deafening blast ensued, and to his relief, the hammer was sent flying back while the dragon faded.

But just then, his back turned cold and a sense of deadly crisis engulfed him.

"No way!"

The cracking moon had appeared behind him, thrusting towards him!

"What in the name of Dharma is going on here!?"

Kstigarbha wanted to shout impossible again and again.

Sadly, he neither had the time to shout nor dodge the moon due to its gigantic size and sudden appearance.


Without any surprise, the moon stomped into him, turning his back literally into a ditch and his bones to pieces.

His eyes literally jumped out of their sockets while blood sprayed out of his entire body.


A painful scream left his mouth as his body turned into an unrecognizable mess.

He was lucky though as he was a peak Level VIII mutant. His physical and protective powers saved him from turning into motes of dust!

Meanwhile, the impact split the moon into two. Their gigantic fragments shot towards Earth, like flaming meteorites.


On Earth, no matter the time zone people were in, whether in the night sky or broad daylight, they noticed this phenomenon.


People panicked and started fleeing, making the best use of their abilities. The fear from the roaring moon fragments instilled such fright in them that many of them tapped into their unexplored potential and evolved.

Just as the fragments were about to enter Earth's orbit, Kiba made a lifting motion. The fragments stopped and they moved back.

"You got to be kidding me!"

Kstigarbha's regeneration abilities had kicked in, healing his body. But seeing what was happening to the moon, he coughed out an arrow of blood in shock.

Every piece of debris and rock was returning to the two moon fragments and they started joining together. That wasn't what shocked him, rather it was the fluctuations the moon emitted.

Time reversal!

It was like the moon was flowing back in time, slowly returning to its unbroken state, and then flying back to its original place!

"What are you?!" Kstigarbha's asked, his body shaking in fear as he turned towards Kiba.

"Doctor… Dr. NTR."

Kiba answered as if it was rather obvious.

His arms spread around and an ethereal light bathed the space around him, making the starry sky glow with Power Cosmic.

Kstigarbha didn't know if it was his imagination but as Power Cosmic glowed out, he saw stars revolving around Kiba, planets bowing before him, and countless lifeforms prostrating in front of him.

"Space is my operation room! My natural domain!"

Kiba's eyes reflected illusory galaxies.

"And only my rules apply here!"


The asunder space exploded with blinding Power Cosmic, blasting into the phantom monk.

Like a piece of frail glass, the phantom shattered; its armor and axes serving no use.

Blood sprayed out of Kstigarbha as the backlash hit him. His organs shifted and he collapsed into his knees.

"Don't show such weakness unless you want to die!"

Kiba lifted his hand, making the space to grab Kstigarbha and bring him on his feet.

"Burn away your potential and do everything you can unless you want to die"!!"

Kstigarbha's face paled. He realized he might die today.

Till now, such a possibility was virtually impossible, but now, he knew it was more than possible!

The instant he left Earth, he has left behind his luck and handed his fate to the ruler of the space.


Kstigarbha snapped his teeth and channeled his potential to materialize forbidden spells. As he did, he couldn't help but ask, "Why would you remain on Earth – with its restrictions on you – when you can rule the space and countless other worlds?!"

In response, Kiba looked at Kstigarbha like he was an idiot.

"Dumb idiot! Earth has the greatest treasure out there! Why would I leave it until I own it fully?!"

Kstigarbha was taken aback.

Earth has a treasure that could entice a powerful being like Kiba to stay with all its restrictions!?

Just what was it?!

Surely, it must be something supremely powerful! Perhaps a mighty treasure from Celestial Elysian Plane!

Maybe it was related to why the Celestial Elysian Plane died? Then could it be the Cosmic Spark!?

Or was it something even stronger?!

Kstigarbha swallowed his greed and looked at Kiba, his eyes almost begging to tell him about the greatest treasure.


Kiba answered in a matter of fact tone.

Kstigarbha's eyes turned wide and his jaw dropped to such an extent that the contents of his stomach were visible.


That was the greatest treasure!?

Surely, his ears must have turned defective from the beating he took from the moon!

Yes, that must be it!

Realizing this, he stopped channeling his powers to summon forbidden spells. Instead, he spread his energy into his ears. He found no defect there, still, he shattered them, and then created them from scratch to get rid of any side effects from the aftershock.

Kstigarbha then brought his gaze on Kiba, and said, "Can you please repeat what's the treasure you were talking about?"


Kstigarbha's eyes whitened, his ears numbed, his heart clenched, and his knees dropped.

Chapter 615 Angel?! Or God!?

In the forest known as Desolate Blood Forest, there was a village that served as a transition point for all those who wanted to visit the core region. In the middle, there was a black pagoda – the one where the legendary "Guardian Spirit" supposedly resided[1].

Presently, "Dark Star" Myiesha floated amidst spatial rifts that reflected a face that clearly belonged to a race foreign to Earth.

After the successful rescue of her mother - Ivey[2] - from the core region, she has left for the city and only returned today.

"You have only taken from me," The Guardian Spirit started. "Now is the time for you to pay."

Myiesha bowed respectfully and replied, "I will honor our contract."

The veil did little to hide the icy glint in her eyes as she replied. There was a fury in her heart that thumped with respect she had for him.

"What happened to your father has nothing to do with me. He only paid the price for trying to chew more than he could." The Guardian Spirit continued. "If you want to hold a grudge, I shall not stop you."

Myiesha nodded. She knew her limitations in front of existence like the Guardian Spirit. He has given her powers, and if he wanted, he could take them back. The only way to avoid that was to fulfill the terms of the contract.

"I shall take my leave."

Her body disintegrated into molecules, and using her ability to manipulate them, she phased through space, almost as if she was teleporting away, and reassembled in the village.

The Guardian Spirit was amused. Having servants that wanted to defy him brought him joy. I

"If she's lucky enough, she might even succeed! Wouldn't that be exciting?"

The Guardian Spirit mused when suddenly he sensed a burst of Power Cosmic outside Earth.

"Ah! That kid must be having fun again! This time it isn't as Genesis!"

Throughout the world, the pagodas that were located outside World Fragments glowed. The glows were invisible to everyone, just like the power emitting out of them that formed a net over Earth![3]

In the center-most pagoda, the one located at Blood Dunes, the shrine of Asmodeus Fryer Burislav splashed out a presence of immortality.

This presence passed outside Earth and recorded everything, including the events that happened hours ago.

"He must be aware of the net and its functions! No wonder he refused my offer!"

A voice ringed in the shrine.

There was no anger, disdain, or any negative emotions in the voice. It only carried a sense of excitement that "the kid" might break the status quo and do something that might shock him.

"Lord Xeced… I have kept my part of the deal. Stopping this kid is not my obligation… I wonder if you have planned for such a scenario."

The voice chuckled.

He found the kid the most interesting person in this world as he reminded him of someone.


Now the only question was: Would the kid create havoc as he had in Celestial Elysian Plane?

In outer space, "the kid" answered Ksitigarbha's question by replying, "Pussies!"

Blood spurted out of Ksitigarbha's mouth as the answer echoed in his mind like a clap of thunder.

It took him minutes before he regained enough stability to wipe the blood and stare at Kiba with a dazed look.

A man with such amazing powers was living under repression… just to have "the greatest treasure" known as pussies!?

For a moment, he wondered if he was misunderstanding pussies as something vulgar.

After all, it was possible that in some alien language, pussies might mean something else!

Perhaps even a world-defying artifact!

Right! That was more than possible.

"To be honest, Earth has another great treasure, something I find equally precious, if not more!"

Kiba continued, making Ksitigarbha listen with all concentration.


Kiba revealed the treasure name with all seriousness. This only increased Ksitigarbha's urge to cough up more blood.

"Y-you! Are you joking with me?!" Ksitigarbha roared.

"What's to joke about?"

Kiba blinked in confusion.

"Just because a cultureless man like you can't understand the worth of pussies and boobs, it doesn't mean no one else can!"

Simultaneous to his voice, his aura erupted out like a raging volcano. Ksitigarbha backed away and lifted his hands to block the fluctuations.

"In this universe, there's no heaven! And if it is there, it is between the thighs and chest of every gorgeous woman!"

Kiba's body blurred, and he appeared all around Ksitigarbha.

"Any existence that doesn't respect the glorious culture of worshipping pussies and boobs only deserves beating!"

Thousands of fists bombarded on dumbstruck Ksitigarbha, who was caught off-guard by the sudden onslaught.

The bombardment only happened for a millisecond, and it turned his body blue and black.


Blood spilled out of him, and he regretted he stopped summoning forbidden spells just so that he could enquire about the treasure known as pussies.

A moment of wrong decision has wracked him with pain.

"This doctor is wild and unpredictable!"

Ksitigarbha thought as he wrapped himself with Dharmic Flames and turned intangible.

"One moment, he gave me the time to gather my strength and then started beating me before I could complete!"

He has seen opponents trying to protect their culture and risking their lives for it. As a protector of Dharma, he was one such person who wanted to preserve and amplify his culture.

The doctor was the same… but his idea of culture defied his expectations!

Worshipping sexual parts of women… just what sort of culture was that?!

"The greatest culture that is known to men!"

Kiba answered as if he could read Ksitigarbha's thoughts. He waved his hand, summoning a shower of Cosmic Rain.

The rain didn't contain water but rather heavenly bodies – asteroids, meteors, and comets.

Rumbling sounds followed as they descended like beams.

Ksitigarbha hastily spread out Dharmic Flames and materialized two forbidden spells.

"Dharmic Nirvana!"

"Life Severing!"

The spells charged into Cosmic Rain like a scythe, accompanied by Dharmic Flames.

Boom! Boom!

As they collided, multiple booming sounds reverberated, and gigantic shockwaves of catastrophic proportions spread out.

This time, Ksitigarbha's attacks overpowered the cosmic attack, rendering Cosmic Rain to nothingness.

"Demon! You have infuriated me as none has! And now is the time for you to pay."

Ksitigarbha roared as he burrowing his hands into space.

He might be a monk, but even he has a limit of the insults and provocation he could handle. Now the humiliation has reached the peak, turning him crazy enough to use taboo abilities that would lead to serious side effects.

"Space is your domain, and you are its natural ruler! I accept that!"

At an incredible speed, his energy coursed through space, wrapping a range of more than one lakh kilometers.

"But if you think an Alpha of my rank can't surpass a Domain, then you are just a frog in a well!"

The natural laws in his range of powers twisted, first turning into the domain, then that of a realm!

In the blink of an eye, the space transformed into a realm with sky, land, sea, mountains, and every other natural scenery.

Various species of flora and fauna flourished, all of them in harmony, emitting a calm presence.

Kiba was in the middle, looking at the countless species. Birds flew in the sky while animals played on the ground, making it seem this was a paradise.

"The evolution of domain is Realm! This is Fury of Dharma Realm!"

Ksitigarbha's voice echoed.

Simultaneously, the species turned berserk with their eyes flashing with Dharmic Flames.

A strange sensation appeared in the Realm, reminding Kiba of the attack Ksitigarbha used as a projection: Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

Just like that attack, as the sensation spread, every emotion and desire started acted as a self-inflicting wound, as if they were explosive swords ruthlessly bursting inside one's organs.

"Lowly demon! Now is the time you face judgment!"

Ksitigarbha announced.

"Here, I'm the Sovereign, and your fate is mine to decide!"

Every species shot at Kiba, their bodies burning with Dharmic Flames. Scathing wind currents kicked up and wrapped them in swirling motions, making it seem they were vortexes!

The species were on Kiba who didn't move, or maybe couldn't move due to Fury of Dharma. The natural laws had chained him, pinning him for the attacks.

He was now like a boat in the middle of a stormy ocean, facing nature's wrath.

"And I sentence you to death!" Ksitigarbha declared.

The vortexes swirled into Kiba, taking him within them, and then detonated. Alongside them, the Realm started exploding, surging out with apocalyptic fumes.


The Realm first frantically twisted, distorted, and finally turned into nothingness in an explosion so dazzling that even supernovas would be put to shame!

Ksitigarbha shot back to avoid the resulting explosive might and looked at the destroyed space. There was nothing there, not even radiance from the sun or stars.

His eyes brightened, and his lips spread into a smile.

He has succeeded!

Yes, it cost him his Realm to wipe Kiba out of existence, but the end result was that he has won! He could create another realm with time!


He started laughing.

As a monk, he seldom smiled or laughed or expressed any emotion, but now he did.

That's how much he was relieved by Kiba's death, especially when he recalled the writ containing the power of reality-warping.

Now with Kiba dead, that writ would naturally collapse. He wouldn't need to worry about the past reality about his wife changing!

"Haha! Serves that demon right!"

Laughing, he focused his senses inside his brain to see the writ scattering.

Thump~! Thump~!

His heart thumped so loudly that he could hear his own heartbeat.

Because the writ wasn't scattering. There wasn't even a scratch.

The more he observed it, the brighter it seemed, almost as if its innate power was getting a boost.

"Don't tell me…!"

His gaze moved to the destroyed space where there was nothing but darkness. Suddenly, a feather appeared there, spreading an ethereal glow.

The feather blew by him as if carried by the autumn wind. He didn't look at the feather, but at the glow it left behind.

"What's going on!?"

As far as his eyes could see, the glow has bathed the entire space, filling it with an empyrean presence.

Someone descended into this glow, almost as if from the heavens.

This person was not a human; he can not be.

For three pairs of enormous wings sprouted from his back, his hair soft and smooth, it's color enough to put the brightest gold to shame.

He wore a pure white tunic made of a material softer than silk and luminescent. Perhaps it was created by the threads of moonlight as they danced to the tunes of the stellar winds.

His muscular chest laid bare, along with his lean shoulders and incredible abs. Indeed, he was the epitome of what a man should be.

Around his waist, he wore a golden belt, decorated with celestial jewels as if the brightest of stars were embedded there.

He was enchanting, beautiful, seductive, and yet domineering.

Yes, he was Kiba!

His right hand moved up, and from his chest, the Cosmic Spark shot out a bolt of lightning. It flew into his hand, and as he grabbed it, it transformed into a golden staff.

Cosmic energy exploded out of the staff, emitting a tyrannical might that made Ksitigarbha lower his gaze and bow down.

The elements of the cosmos started bending before him while time, space, and reality whirled around him.

On Earth, whether it was day or night, the bright silhouette of Kiba's form dazzled high in the sky. It was like a celestial body far more blazing than the sun has appeared, and people couldn't help but look up.

The features of the man might not be visible, but his majestic presence was clear to them. They could see the wings slowly flapping, expanding, and caving in.

And they couldn't help but wonder, what was he?

An angel or a God?

Only a specific few knew the answer that he was neither. He was The Devil!

[1] In Chapter 370, we saw Guardian Spirit after he showed interest in Kiba

[2] Kiba saved Ivey in Chapter 452 because she was a beautiful MILF! He almost seduced her, but then her children appeared!

[3] In Chapter 371, we saw the invisible net wrapping Earth.

Chapter 616 Dharma Chakra's History!

As Kiba emerged from nothingness, boundless energy surged out of him. The elements prostrated, and the essence of the cosmos swirled.

"I have succeeded!"

Kiba clenched his fists and felt an infinite power flowing through his veins.

Usually, such sensation would fill him when he summoned Evolution Field, but now it was without that.

He achieved it by successfully tapping more powers from the Cosmic Spark. They gave him this domineering Holy Form.

Now more than ever, he felt he could do as he pleases and use his powers to achieve any effect he wanted.

It was like he has taken another step towards the omnipotent ability known as Cosmic Manipulation.

He closed his eyes and heard the whispers from the essence of space, time, reality. They revealed the secrets of the cosmos and the magical abilities he could use by using their essence.

It was just a matter of days before he gained enough understanding to use them.

Fifty thousand kilometers away, Ksitigarbha suppressed the urge to bow and looked at Kiba's Holy Form.

The three pairs of wings and the staff made from golden lightning…

Feeling the vast power emanating out of them, his expression twisted with bitterness and frustration.

"This is so unfair!"

Even without any confrontation, he knew he has lost. Only death awaited him. Perhaps if he was on Earth, such a fate could have been avoided but not here.

"Why does a man who only cares for fulfilling his selfish desires get such almighty power!?"

Ksitigarbha roared with bloodshot eyes.

He stared at the dark recess of space, almost as if he was looking in the direction of The Creator.

"Just why do you have to be so unfair?! Why bless the wicked?!"

Far away, Kiba opened his eyes. Learning new abilities could wait; first he has to deal with this noisy monk.

"Selfish and wicked!" Kiba's lips curved up. "No doubt I'm what you called, but isn't it hypocritical for you to label me as such?"

Ksitigarbha has murdered his family and friends to use their deaths as a foundation for his rise as an Alpha. Then there were the many Cursed Ones he sacrificed in pursuit of creating Anti-Evolution Radiance Pillar.

"You know nothing of my reasons!" Ksitigarbha shouted, his eyes burning with righteous indignation. "I did what I did to help the cause of Dharma! To protect Earth and its natives!"

"Wow! So not only you're a hypocrite, but you also have hero complex?" Kiba was amused.

"Demon! In pursuit of lust and vanity, you failed to notice the world is on the brink of collapse!" Ksitigarbha responded. "The seals covering World Fragments are breaking! It is just a matter of time that those who don't belong to Earth would be free!"

Kiba's eyes narrowed.

Months ago – as Zed – he explored Desolate Blood Forest with Sophia, Verna, and others. Back then, Demonic White Phantom Snakes has shockingly attacked them. (Chapter 361).

Their attack was shocking as the snakes belonged to the core region, and until then, they were never seen outside.

Later on, when he entered the core region, he found the living environment of alien species rapidly deteriorating. This resulted in migration and gave him an idea of why the snakes might have possibly left.

Now, after hearing Ksitigarbha's words, he understood the "how."

As the seals started breaking, the mechanism left behind by Lord Xeced turned the living environment inside World Fragments uninhabitable.

It forced the alien species to leave and seek for new shelters. This might also explain why the rivers and streams in the forest were drying up.

"What do you think will happen after they emerge on Earth?!" Ksitigarbha thundered. "Innocents will die, blood would soak the Earth and dye the sky!

"It will not happen because the beings of Celestial Elysian Plane are strong!

"It will happen because we humans aren't united!

"We have World Government which supposedly governs the entire world!

"But you must know about the revolutionaries and even the independent forces within the government! Eden, Atlantis, and many more!

"As long as such a structure exists, humanity is bound to fail! That's why Dharma Chakra and I stepped in! To unite the world under the banner of Dharma!"

This was why they used Anti-Evolution Radiance Pillar to temporarily suppress the mutant powers around the globe. With the capabilities of others suppressed, the forces of Dharma Chakra and their affiliates could overpower the government and other organizations and bring a new order.

But Dharma Chakra has failed! Because the pillar collapsed in a matter of hours!

"You ruined everything!"

Ksitigarbha roared, his face twisting from rage as he pointed at Kiba.

"To protect one human girl, you wiped out decades of efforts and put the entire planet on risk!"

He might be outside Earth, but he knew that the government and other organizations were now retaliating against Dharma Chakra.

Perhaps only when the three great sages step in, would Dharma Chakra survive, and that too at compromises that would break their foundation.

None of this would have happened had Kiba not interfered!

"So, not only I'm wicked and selfish, but I'm also responsible for everything wrong in this world!"

Kiba lifted his head and broke out in laughter.

"Hahaha! Oh, man, this is so funny!"

Not even the reactions of husbands he has cuckolded made him laugh like this.

"Demon! This isn't some joke!"

Ksitigarbha raged, his aura exploding out.

"The path of Dharma had existed long before kingdoms and empires flourished on Earth!

"It was Dharma that guided humanity through kings and emperors! And for you to laugh at the destruction of those brought prosperity to the world, you are shaming the glorious culture!"

Kiba's laughter only turned intense.

After he fought Akshobhya, he was always curious how a powerful organization like Dharma Chakra could exist, right under the nose of the World Government, that too by the patronage of Nine Great Families.

Now he knew why!

"What you meant to say is – that before the era of evolution started, you ruled the world!"

Kiba said amidst his laughter.

"There might be kings and emperors, but the power was within your hands! Because you provided them legitimacy! But the era of evolution and the rise of science robbed you of that power! And you were trying to get it back!"

"!!" Ksitigarbha was shocked.

"If I'm not wrong, Dharma Chakra is made of those who lost power due to a new world order!"

Kiba's figure blurred, and he appeared before shocked Ksitigarbha.

"Which could only mean – religious leaders, the ones who got power over others through superstition and blind faith!"

Ksitigarbha shot back to retreat.

Being the good guy, Kiba decided to provide him some help.

His left hand viciously struck Ksitigarbha on the face!


In an instant, Ksitigarbha shot back ten thousand kilometers, coughing up blood and teeth as his face turned unrecognizable.

"So powerful!"

He knew Kiba would be strong in this new form, but never to such an extent. Just a slap was far more powerful than hundreds of hammer strikes.

"I do feel for you guys! You had ruled the world for thousands of years through shadows!"

Kiba said as he materialized behind Ksitigarbha. The latter rapidly swirled around only to get slapped.

Blood violently sprayed out along with pieces of flesh.

He has wrapped himself with protective energy of peak Level VIII powers, but in front of a simple motion of slap, it didn't serve any use.

"You might be divided by religion and sects, but you had one goal just like kings and emperors! Power! But then meteorites arrived in the year 1900 and boom! Everything changed! Hard to control masses when supernatural powers and science flourished, something that puts doubt to what you have preached for so long!"

Ksitigarbha's body shot towards Mars like a falling star. Kiba appeared above him, and his eyes squinted.


He cried just as a boot ruthlessly stomped on his face. His face caved in, and the back of his head arched out.

The impact changed his direction of fall, and he flew towards Earth.

"A catastrophic situation is always good for religions and sects! If used wisely, the situation could be used to turn the masses into fanatics! The perfect soldiers!"

Kiba said as he pulled his foot back.

"Yet you guys only lost influence! Let me guess again - The Nine Sovereigns didn't want to share power! They wanted a new world order where they didn't need legitimacy!"

Kiba chuckled at the irony. The World Government's legitimacy was its image, its propaganda.

"Obviously, they too failed as faith was something impossible to kill! It can decline and wane, but never wholly die! So, the Sovereigns compromised, and that only helped them in keeping a good image of themselves!

"You guys, on the other hand, were on the decline. All mediums of communication were under the control of the World Government, and your means were limited to regain your lost influence!"

Kiba stomped again on dazed Ksitigarbha. The pain hurt him, but so did Kiba's words as they were true!

Brutal, unfiltered truth!

They shook his mind as he continued to shot towards Earth.

"So, you all gathered together, and as often happens, the strong devoured the weak! With the new structure, you feasted on the desires of those in the Nine Great Families who didn't enjoy that much power! And slowly, you rose to power, achieving what Nine Sovereigns feared!"

Kiba laughed again. This time it was maddening laughter.

"While I'm curious why you picked Dharma Chakra as your organization name and how you gained such abilities..." Kiba raised his hand, holding the staff. "Now is the time we end this!"

Ksitigarbha's bloodstained constricted, and his heartbeat echoed like drums.


With a shrill keening sound, the staff flew through space, instantly crossing thousands of kilometers and pierced into his chest.

Chapter 617 The Writ Takes Effect!

Blood flowed out as the staff pierced into Ksitigarbha's chest, creating a ghastly hole. A burning, yet icy feeling surged through him, as if straight from the abyss of hell.

"What's going on!?"

The staff wasn't killing him, at least not in the traditional sense, as it didn't emit any destructive force. Instead, the second the staff pierced into him, the moment was forcefully stretched.

A second.

A minute.

An hour.

A day.

A week.

A month.

A year.

A century.

It seemed the time around him was shifting, with the only constant being him. There was no longer a staff into his chest, and he was now young as if he had flown back in time.

"Is he making me travel through time?! No… this isn't time travel!"

Ksitigarbha's heart twisted as realization dawned upon him.

"It is Reality warping!"

He barely managed to think before the surrounding changed, and he was on Earth, standing amidst mountains.

The year was 1890, ten years before the meteorites arrived and changed the world for the better.

In this period, he was an ordinary person with a family. His aspirations were different, as supernatural powers didn't exist.

That didn't mean he was living a simple life.

He was a religious leader with a significant following, which naturally resulted in political power. Kings bowed in respect while the emperors acknowledged him with a respectful nod.

As he appeared in the mountains, he forgot everything about the future.

Walking proudly, he arrived before his home – a group of huts.

There, his lowly followers served as servants and helped his family. He was living a good life despite not having a palace or royal mansion.

"Reverend, you have returned!"

An exclaimed voice entered his ears, and even without turning, he knew it belonged to his wife.

He smiled and nodded at her – a beautiful woman he had picked among his followers.

She was accompanied by his mother and daughters, beautiful on their rights. His sons and his father too followed, showing a respectful expression like he was their God.

"Reverend," His wife bowed and said, "A youngster has arrived after passing the trial of fire! He has begged to be chosen as your personal disciple! He assures he will spread your name far and wide!"

"I see."

Ksitigarbha nodded. He stepped to another hut where he saw a golden-haired youngster – so handsome that he could be labeled as the enemy to all men.

Ksitigarbha didn't know why, but looking at this youth, he felt déjà vu. Like he knew him.

"Strange!" Ksitigarbha thought as the youngster stood in respect.

"What is your name?" He asked.

The youngster bowed and replied, "Kiba."

"Fate has blessed you," Ksitigarbha said with a profound smile. "You will be my personal disciple."

"Thank you!" Kiba hastily expressed his gratitude.

Ksitigarbha nodded again and left. Usually, he wouldn't have chosen a personal disciple, but he picked Kiba due to the strange feeling.

"Could God be telling me something?"

Ksitigarbha wondered.

The time flew by, and in an instant, a year passed in which Kiba showed great progress.

Ksitigarbha was impressed not only by his dedication towards him, but also the contributions towards his family.

He would see him helping his wife in the chores, treat his mid-fifties mother, and educate his adult teenage daughters.

"He has the potential to be my successor!" Ksitigarbha thought.

More time flew by, and one day, he returned back to the mountains after months.

As he approached his hut, he heard strange yet intense sounds.

There was heavy breathing, the sound of flesh hitting flesh, and words that made no sense.

"OOOOoooo! God Kibaaaaa!" His wife's voice echoed. "Give me nirvana! Release the Nirvanic Juices and set my body free!"

"Punish us for being bad girls!" His daughters' voice ringed in sync. "Teach our soft ass the lesson they deserve!"

There were also the sounds of slaps and even some muffled noise, the latter clearly belonging to his mother.

Surprised, Ksitigarbha quickly stepped forward.

He was curious to see how his personal disciple was bringing his wife to nirvana and setting her free.

Similarly, he wanted to know why his unruly daughters were so looking for getting their ass slapped.

"My personal disciple must have found a way to educate them!"

Ksitigarbha thought with a smile.

"But why was mother's voice muffled?"

Arriving before the hut, he peered through the gap and was dumbstruck by what he saw.

His big-breasted wife was naked on all her fours, getting nirvanic strokes from Kiba.

Every stroke flushed her face, and she praised "God" as her breasts moved enticingly.

On either side of his wife, his daughters similarly lay naked, their ass raised high in the air so that the personal discipline of their father could educate them.

Below his wife, his mother laid, her mouth pressing on the underside of the balls that stored Nirvanic Juice.

She moved her lips in rhythm with the balls as they hit her daughter-in-law.

Ksitigarbha's chest tightened, and he pressed a hand on his chest.

"This couldn't be true!"

His vision darkened, and he collapsed on the ground, unable to handle his wife achieving nirvana.

The last thing he saw was crystalline white juices leaking out of his wife and landing on his mother's breasts.

They truly were liberated!

When Ksitigarbha opened his eyes, he found himself pinned to the floor by chains.

If this shocked him, the things that followed were enough to kill him.

His loyal followers, the ones who were practically brainwashed, kneeled. Not for him, but rather for his personal discipline!

"Reverend, when did you return?" His wife asked as she followed the personal discipline.

Ksitigarbha was ready to bark, but then he saw Kiba's hands fondling her breasts and his lips kissing her neck.

The "loyal" followers didn't show any reaction, as if either they were used to it, or such a scene was only natural.

"Ah! Reverend! Praise the Lord!"

His wife continued amidst moans.

"Your name will spread around the globe!"

"What?!" Ksitigarbha was taken aback.

His wife dropped to her knees in complete veneration.

"Let me first worship, Reverend!"

The wife said as she pulled the fabric around Kiba's torso and took his enormous tool in her mouth.

With her lips tightening, Ksitigarbha couldn't ask his wife what she meant by his name spreading.

He could only see his wife "worshipping" the herald of nirvana with her mouth, tongue, and even breasts!

Her worshipping was such that Kiba was impressed, and he sprayed the blessings on her face.

Ksitigarbha couldn't handle such a thing. His eyes burned with madness, and he roared.

Sadly, his anger did no good as his wife wanted more blessing, this time not on her face, but somewhere deep inside.

Amidst his curses and shouts, she lay next to him so that Kiba could bless her. With a terrified look, he witnessed the entire process.

"Reverend! Praise the Lord!"

His wife moaned again, as she achieved one nirvana after another.

"You will forever be remembered as the first to be cuckolded!"

An hour later, Ksitigarbha got another shock. Perhaps, this was comparatively less intense.

"Say what?! You are using my followers… to spread teachings of God of Cuckolding?!"

Ksitigarbha was taken aback as he learned what Kiba was doing.

In a short time, all his followers had deserted him and joined his personal discipline.

Kiba wasn't their teacher or leader… No! He was their God!

"What sort of sorcery is this?!" Ksitigarbha was frightened.

Not even he was able to brainwash his followers to such an extent!


Months passed, and Ksitigarbha was mentally broken. He accepted his new role and used his influence to spread the teachings of God of Cuckolding.

Local leaders, noble houses, and even royal families learned the greatness of this new God.

Whether it was military generals or kings, they all respectfully invited "God" and turned their homes into "temple."


Ksitigarbha also built a temple amidst the mountains. It was grand, created by the best architectures of the times.

With a resigned look, he named it Holy Temple. The place where God would materialize his Divine Presence for the benefit of devotees.


Today was the day the temple would be opened, so he stepped into his hut and prepared a pool of milk, honey, and incense.

"Wife, please take a bath..." Ksitigarbha requested his devoted wife. "God was impressed with my efforts, and as such, given me the opportunity of being honored again."

"Ah! I will get nirvana!" The wife exclaimed happily.

Smiling, she dropped her clothes and stepped into the pool, soaking herself.

Outside the pool, Ksitigarbha looked with desire as she rubbed rose petals on her curves. Her glistening skin looks appetizing, and the nourishment from the bath further softened it.

The sight of her washing her breasts, especially the way she cleansed her cleavage and nipples, made him drool.

But he knew his place. He wasn't allowed to touch her.

That was his place as a cuckold, the first of his name.

He patiently waited as she left the pool. He offered her dress made of fine silk and swallowed as she clad herself, looking no less than a royal concubine.

The temple was two kilometers away from the hut. Not letting his wife take any pain, he covered the rough path with roses and orchids.

"God will be happy!" She said with a genuine smile as she stepped on the track. "I will make sure to request him to let you have the blessing!"

Ksitigarbha forced a smile and thanked her. He guided her to Holy Temple and opened the door.

"Wife, please step in! Gain the one true love of God!"

Ksitigarbha begged as he kneeled before the entrance.

She smiled and stepped inside to fulfill her husband's request.


Ksitigarbha looked inside as God welcomed his wife to Holy Rod.

She became one with the only true God.

Her back arched, and her head dropped as she reached the crest of enlightenment.

Sacred words escaped her lips, words Ksitigarbha wished he was capable of making his wife whisper.

But he keenly observed the process and took what joy he could take.

Soon, the love of his life cried from happiness as God flooded Nirvanic Juices inside her. The juices spilled out of her, dropping on the floor.

"Reverend!" She turned towards her husband. "God has allowed you to savor the sacred blessings!"

"!!!!" Ksitigarbha shivered, but he smiled and thanked the true God.

Prostrating, he dragged his body so that he could lick the blessing lying on the floor.


Three years passed, and then a world-shaking event occurred.

Meteorites arrived from outside space and landed on Earth! Millions died from the impact, but strangely Earth wasn't destroyed.

Instead, it benefitted Earth as the meteorites resulted in the Era of Evolution.

Ksitigarbha was one of the lucky few who not only got mutant powers but also found a Legacy Orb. It was complete luck as he got the orb without any efforts.

"From today onwards, no emotion or desires would affect me!"

Ksitigarbha roared as incredible strength coursed through him.

"I will become free of everything!"


Following the methods in Legacy Orb, he slaughtered his family, friends, and followers.

None who knew his shameful past survived, not even the kings and royal families.

He destroyed the temples and wiped out all teachings of God of Cuckolding.

But to his eternal regret, he never found "God."

It was almost as God has disappeared the instant the meteorites arrived.

As decades passed, concentrated on advancing his strength. By the time Nine Sovereigns changed the world order, he had joined those who would ultimately establish Dharma Chakra.


Time jumped forward, and now he was in the space, his chest pierced by the staff of "God."

"I curse you!" Ksitigarbha screamed.

The staff emerged from his back and returned to the one who shamed him by making him witness his wife, mother, and daughters fucked.

The one who made him lick the sacred blessing!

The one for whom he built the temple!


"Well, that's a strange thing to say," Kiba said with a serene smile. "You were thanking me for all my blessings."

Ksitigarbha cursed as he continued to fall towards Earth.

He was no affected by Reality-warping powers. Because those powers have permanently changed the past!

Everything was real!

Of course, Kiba wasn't omnipotent. He couldn't defy the mechanism of Fate, unlike his future self – The Cosmic Emperor.

This was why the past changed in ways that wouldn't deviate too much from the original timeline.

That's why Ksitigarbha's still slaughtered his family.

But this time, the motivation for him was different. It wasn't just power or desire to rule, but also humiliation!

Decades and eventually a century passed, but he never lost the motivation to slaughter "God" who insulted him in the worst possible ways.

Alas, he couldn't take revenge.

Life started leaving him as he dropped in Earth's orbit. Flames surrounded him, and like a broken star, he entered the atmosphere.

"Hey! You aren't going to die!"

Kiba's wings flapped as he chased Ksitigarbha.

The net enveloping Earth started suppressing his powers, but he was far more powerful than before. So while his powers were indeed repressed, he remained more strong than ever.

The present powers in his Holy Form were almost equal to the ones he got when he summoned Evolution Field!

That too, without the side effects which would destroy the surrounding and disintegrate the weaker beings.

Kiba grabbed Ksitigarbha and transferred his powers inside his brain. It was there where his consciousness – the soul lied.

As the powers emerged, Ksitigarbha's soul trembled. Like a cocoon, the powers wrapped him and forcefully extracted his soul.

"If there's a reincarnation cycle, I'm giving you moksha!"

Kiba grabbed the soul and let the body go.

"You are now free from saṃsāra!"


Ksitigarbha's body smashed into the middle of a city. The impact created a large crater, sending waves of debris high in the air.

The frightened masses hastily lifted their heads to see "God" - whose silhouette they saw before -disappearing amidst clouds.

Sadly, all they saw was his wings and his divine physique. They failed to notice his face, but even then, they were incomparably excited.

Because the glow emanating from him bathed them!

"I'm evolving!"

"My powers are awakening! How could it be!? Not even the medicines worked!"

"I have reached the peak of Level V! Just moments ago, I was at the beginning of Level V! What just happened?!"

"It was God!"

"Right! He was God and not an angel!"

"He must be the God of Evolution!"

Everyone benefitted... except for the one whose corpse rested in the crater.

Only he knew what sort of God everyone was praising.

Chapter 618 Wouldn't It Be Fun?

With the wings flapping, Kiba rapidly flew through the sky.

To those on the ground, he was point-size yet as bright as the sun, the glow radiating off him acting as a blessing.

Countless citizens from hundreds of cities benefitted from this glow, that was nothing less than the Divine Presence of God.

Ksitigarbha – or to be precise his soul – was dumbstruck. He could sense the changes Kiba's Holy Form was creating.

Evolution takes time, the right opportunity, and a lot of resources. Now, it was achieved by the mere presence of an Alpha.

It was something impossible!

"How is such a thing possible!?" Ksitigarbha couldn't help but ask.

Kiba opened his left hand and looked at the soul that was barely five centimeters tall.

"You are a complete soul so I guess it isn't surprising you can act like a living being and ask questions."

Every soul has two aspects – mortal and immortal.

Normally, on death, the mortal aspect that carries memories of the present life would erase from existence.

The immortal aspect would become a part of natural laws so that it can enter what people believe to be the Sea of Reincarnation.

The millions of souls Ksitigarbha had trapped in his praying beads were of mortal aspect. Which means they were incomplete.

He might be a high-ranking Alpha, but it was impossible for him to trap the immortal aspect as it would mean defying the natural laws.

But such a thing wasn't impossible for present Kiba or his other personality – Extermination.

Obviously, this meant Hyperion and the trillions of souls sealed in Genesis were complete souls.

Compared to them, Ksitigarbha's fate was countless times better. Had he known, he would have cried from happiness and thanked Kiba.

"Haah~ You are a lucky guy!" Kiba mused with a smile. "And I guess you do deserve an answer for all the help you have provided!"

He was in a good mood as Extermination didn't try to emerge when he allowed Ksitigarbha's most powerful attack to land on him.

Of course, it was so that the danger to his life would allow him to tap into the Cosmic Spark.

An easy gamble that succeeded.

Ksitigarbha was bewildered by Kiba's response, but he patiently waited for the answer.

"The core nature of my power is Evolution," Kiba explained. "So obviously it would affect those around me… whether it is for good or bad, that depends on the form I am."

Had he summoned Evolution Field, the people celebrating now would have screamed as they were disintegrated.

Ksitigarbha didn't really understand, but Kiba didn't bother to explain further.

In the span of a few minutes, he arrived in the skies of City of Arcadia.


A blinding light surged out of him. His wings faded while the staff disappeared as he transformed into his ordinary form.

Streams of white light then enveloped him and he teleported away.

He appeared in the warehouse where he had shifted the lab facilities.

"You are back!" Eva exclaimed with a faint smile.

"Yeap!" Kiba replied while checking the lab. Only Eva was here.

"They are in the penthouse," Eva answered his unasked question.

"You didn't go out with them?" Kiba asked.

"No," Eva replied. "Your daughter had enough company to safely explode things."

Kiba couldn't help but grin.

"And don't worry, we didn't tell her your fight resulted in moon being wiped out multiple times," Eva added with a mischievous smile. "You brought the moon back to its original condition so you are safe."

"I guess she won then!" Kiba remarked.

"Sure did!" Eva replied.

Kiba chuckled.

He opened a virtual tab and observed the visuals from the penthouse.

Hope was asleep, as was the rest of the family.

Even Ashlyn was asleep. Her face was expressionless like it always was, but there was a slight smile on her lips.

"She was tired," Eva said with a sigh. "The events of today must have exhausted her both mentally and physically."

Kiba nodded.

"But she will be fine!" Eva reassured him. "The foundation you laid has worked… and she will start her new life without looking back!"

"I know."

Kiba replied as he saw the slight smile on Ashlyn's lips.

A few minutes later, he lay down on the examination table and said, "Claudia, you can start."

[[Understood, sir.]]

Multicolored light swept out of the table and wrapped him. A detailed examination started.

At the same time, in the city where Ksitigarbha's body had fallen.

The government officers barricaded the crater while the researchers carefully picked the corpse.

Above a building, Lord Harley materialized, his eyes burning with greed as he looked at the corpse.

Other families and leaders were either nursing their wounds or dealing with Dharma Chakra.

But not him as this area had a far greater opportunity.

"A corpse of a peak Level VIII mutant! It will greatly benefit our research!" A scientist working for Hestia Family said. "Maybe we could even reanimate the corpse!"

"Fufuf! Things are working well for us!" Lord Harley exclaimed, but just then, his eyes squinted.

The moment the corpse was placed in a corpse-persevering container, something inside it triggered, and it detonated.


The explosion happened out of blue, blasting not only the container but the researchers as well. Every one of them was wiped out of existence.

"What?!" The scientist was taken aback. "How could this be!?"

"Whoever killed Ksitigarbha… he anticipated the government's move to acquire corpse! So, he left behind a gift! What an interesting fellow!"

Lord Harley broke out in a smile.

Two hours later.

Kiba sat on a chair and read the report. There was nothing out of the order. This made him sigh in relief.

He then glanced at Eva who was working with Claudia to improve her strength. She might be strong, but in front of the twins or even Agatha, her strength was greatly lacking.

"Eva… I'm sorry."


Eva turned towards him.

She looked at his expression and since she knew him the best after Claudia, she realized why he apologized.

"Don't worry," Eva replied with a wink. "I will complete my dreams sooner or later! I don't need White Angel Corporation for that!"

Kiba smiled.

She was the first woman he ever liked as Kiba. The one who was there for him always.

Yet partly due to him, her dreams of gaining enough influence to rule the world has shattered.

It wasn't like she was living in a delusion and believed she had what it takes to rule the world.

But just like him, she wanted to pursue her dreams, even if the only result was failure and death.

With a smile, he rose to his feet.

"You know… I kind of went in the 1890s," Kiba said as he arrived before her. "And experienced the life of those in power, especially the kings."

"You went back in time!?" Eva was shocked.

"Not exactly time travel," Kiba explained. "I kind of messed up with reality… so you can say an Avatar of me appeared in a specific period, long before I was born."


Eva nodded as he explained to her about the writ created from Reality-warping powers.

"It isn't like I didn't know why people always desire to rule over others… but only when I went in the 1890s – decades before the monarchy was done for – and experienced what it meant to directly rule over countless people… I really understood your dreams!"

There was nothing that can give one high as much as the power over the fate of others. The feeling of dominating masses was intoxicating, far more powerful than any drug was capable of.

Not even sexual conquests could compare to it.

"So, what do you think now?" Eva's lips curved up and she leaned into him. "Are you going to change your dreams and aspire to control the world?"

Kiba wrapped his arms around her and brought his lips closer to hers.

"No, my dreams would remain the same!"

"But?" She knew there was more to come.

"I'm rather bored... of getting in women's pants by using wits! While I can get there by charm alone, but even that would be boring! So, I think, slowly but surely, I'm going to change my style!"

Kiba pressed his lips on hers and started a kiss that soon turned into making out.

"And how exactly?"

She asked as their lips separated and his face arrived on her chest.

"By becoming the master of the world!"

He answered as he pulled her blouse and unhooked her bra.

"Ahhh!" She gasped as his mouth nuzzled to her breasts, slowly caressing them with his lips and tongue. "You mean by becoming The Emperor?!"

"I guess so!"

He replied as his mouth moved from one breast to another.

"Ooo! Guess then I hit the jackpot in many ways!" She exclaimed as she pushed his face further down.

"You sure did!"

Soon, his lips met her most sacred lips, soaked with glistening wetness.

A night of carnal pleasure started.

A few hours later, Kiba placed a blanket over sleeping Eva and teleported her to her bedroom.

After dressing up, he returned to complete a few important things.

[[You really want to become The Emperor?]] Claudia asked.

"To be honest, I'm not sure," Kiba answered. "But I think it would be fun."

[[Of course, it would be! I'm sure the world couldn't wait to have The Sadistic Emperor!]]


[[Not to mention, husbands around the globe would love to see the rise of such a great emperor!]]


[[Even now, they are eagerly waiting for the day when they will receive the royal decree that orders them to be cuckolded!]]


[[I can only imagine just how fun it would be!]]
