619 - 627

Chapter 619 Zerenski Valeriy

In this world, none understood him as much as Claudia. So, she knew why exactly he found the idea of becoming Emperor fascinating.

It wasn't because he wanted to dominate the world, or he loved the feeling of having other's fate in his hand.


The reason was simple.

After he became The Emperor, he could cuckold as he please, that too in the name of righteousness!

Furthermore, it was the best way to complete his biggest dream – of stealing wives for affairs while their husbands died of envy and shame.

"Haah~ Claudia, you misunderstand me yet again!" Kiba let out a sigh. "The idea fascinated me because it would help Eva in achieving her dreams!"

[[Of course, sir. All your actions are for the sake of others.]]

Claudia retorted.

[[Just like how Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd. was for the benefit of husbands, and not so that you could fuck their wives.]]


Kiba knew he couldn't win. So, he pretended not to hear her sarcastic remarks.

His body blurred, and he appeared before the container where Ksitigarbha was sealed.

"Well, I won't waste time in threatening you," Kiba said as he sat on a chair.

Ksitigarbha knew that was unnecessary. With what Kiba had done so far, no threats were needed.

"Tell me why Akshobhya attacked me," Kiba commanded.

"I don't know!" Ksitigarbha started, but feeling the dreadful sensation emitting from Kiba, he continued. "When you destroyed him, he was working for House of Hestia!!"


Kiba's eyes narrowed.

He didn't really find it shocking, as the one to be targeted by Akshobhya was Zed and not Kiba.

"Working for whom exactly?" Kiba asked.

"Kurtis!" Ksitigarbha answered. "When Dharma Chakra started an inquiry, he refused to answer what he wanted from Akshobhya… and due to the rules of Dharma, we didn't force him to confess."

"Kurtis? Who is he?" Kiba didn't know much about the House of Hestia except for his mother and Lord Harley.

"He's a high-ranking member of House of Hestia… and he is married to his distant cousin – Rebecca!" Ksitigarbha replied.


Now Kiba was surprised.

Ksitigarbha misunderstood Kiba's expression as confusion. So, he added, "Rebecca is one of the most powerful Alphas in House of Hestia and even Earth! I don't know her exact strength, but as per my intel, she should be just a step away from Level IX!"

"Is that so?"

Kiba smiled and then broke out into laughter.

"I must say, I didn't expect it was my stepfather who commissioned Akshobhya! Well, then again, I should have expected it… it was too obvious!"

"!!" Ksitigarbha was dumbstruck.

His stepfather!?

Indeed, he couldn't mean he was a son of Rebecca!

That would be impossible!

The only stepchild of Kurtis would be that bastard of Rebecca, the one called Zed!

The one who cured Ashlyn a few days ago!

Don't tell me…!!

"Yeap, I'm that bastard!" Kiba chuckled.

He could read Ksitigarbha's thoughts, and he didn't mind clearing some doubts.

"Bastard is such a nice word! I couldn't believe I used to hate it!"

Kiba rose to his feet.

"Oh, well! I plan to be the biggest bastard known to men, so I might as well start loving it!"

Smiling, he phased his hand through the container and grabbed Ksitigarbha.

Psychic energy surged out, and before Ksitigarbha could do anything, the energy scanned the mortal aspect of his soul, his memories.


The process was no less than stabbing his soul with daggers to expose his memories, and he started screaming.

"Oops! Sorry!"

Kiba grinned.

"I need to know a few things about my birth, which I'm sure you are aware of. While you wouldn't mind revealing the details, it would take a lot of time, so I'm taking a shortcut."

Ksitigarbha could only scream as he was incapable of struggling.


Kiba rapidly scanned through the memories and quickly found what he wanted.


Kiba muttered as he saw the image of a well-built man, with sky-blue eyes and dark hair.

He now knew from where Zed got those particular features.

"Zerenski Valeriy… The last scion of Valeriy!"

Kiba shook his head as he learned details of Valeriy.

It was an ancient clan that originated from the Celestial Elysian Plane.

"As expected, this confirms my genetic heritage was tampered with!"

In one of the World Fragments that arrived on Earth, the survivors of the Valeriy clan were also there.

By some unknown methods, they defied the mechanism left behind by Lord Xeced and escaped the World Fragment before the destined time.

Alas, they didn't know Lord Xeced's mechanism was to protect the races of Celestial Elysian Plane.

Because while the living beings of Earth were rather weak, the atmosphere wasn't the one to suit those of alien origin who were weakened by the tragedy of their world destroyed.

This was why the Divine Particles were released by World Fragments to mutate Earth and turn it into a suitable environment. It obviously required a lot of time… over a century of time!!

This change in atmosphere benefitted humans and other species of Earth. That was only a side effect as far as the mechanism of Lord Xeced was concerned.

"Or maybe intentional!" Kiba thought as he recalled the Hall of Legacies.

With a sigh, he continued to scan the memories.

Despite Earth's atmosphere not suiting Valeriy Clan, they couldn't return as the World Fragment was filled with their enemies. So, they could only stay on Earth, in an atmosphere that was no less than a poison to them.

Decades passed, and the clan continued to fall in rapid decline despite their extraordinary heritage.

The atmosphere has corroded their bodies and vitality, making it virtually impossible for them to have children.

At least that's how it was until the birth of Zerenski Valeriy!

Ksitigarbha didn't know the entire history of both the clan and Zerenski. The only thing he knew besides a bit of background was Zerenski's personality.

Zerenski loved women! Especially those who were in relationships!

"My father was a playboy!"

Kiba's expression dramatically changed.

"How could he sleep with women in committed relationships?! Shameful!"

Kiba couldn't help but sigh.

He continued to read memories to know more about his father.

Zerenski did change for the better when he met Rebecca in a World Fragment.

Ksitigarbha didn't know the full details, but he knew they had fallen in love!

According to the rumors of that time, Rebecca was separated from her husband, but that didn't make it any less humiliating for Kurtis.

"Well, no wonder my stepfather likes me so much!" Kiba mused.

Soon, the world came to know Zerenski and Rebecca were expecting a child. This invited the wrath of not only the House of Hestia but many other great families.

Everything because of a prophecy.

The child of a Valeriy and a human would result in world-shaking changes!

He will defy the norms and bring an era of chaos!

"So, because of some stupid prophecy… they wanted to kill me!"

Kiba's body flashed with murderous intent.


Destructive force rippled out and wreaked havoc through the lab. The walls split apart while the equipment shattered and turned into dust.

[[Master!]] Claudia exclaimed.

"Sorry," Kiba apologized and retracted his powers. "I lost control for a moment."

[[I understand, sir. Please don't apologize.]]


Kiba nodded.

He proceeded to confirm what he wanted to know – whether Rebecca was honest about what she said about his father.

And the memories confirmed her honesty.

Zerenski shifted Rebecca to Solitary Snow Island and acted as a distraction.

His clan was against him as his actions destroyed what little normality they had. To prevent extermination and for the greater good of the clan, they decided to sacrifice unborn Zed.

This left Zerenski with no choice but to murder them…

Sadly, the injuries he got in the process left him in no condition to face others. He was captured and transferred to the most secured prison on Earth.

Stormseal Island.

"Thank you… for giving me a chance to live."

Kiba closed his eyes.

"I will return the favor… I promise you that."

He let go of Ksitigarbha and didn't bother to check more memories.

He wasn't interested in knowing about why his mother returned to the family that tried to kill him.

It was her choice, and whatever her reasons, he didn't care.

Maybe it was just like what Katherine said to Zed, that even the strong have a significant weakness. But it didn't matter to him.

"House of Hestia…" Kiba's lips curved up in a sadistic smile. "My birth resulted in the extermination of my father's clan… I'm sure you find it unfair that only Valeriy got such special benefit!"

"Rest assured, as a filial descendant, I will fulfill your wish! You will be exterminated!"


Stormseal Island.

In the last cave, the father of Zed smiled like he always did, despite being confined by burning chains.

Suddenly, his only eye glowed as he sensed something.

"Old fogies… I told you back then! You can never change what's destined! Had you not acted like idiots, the destiny would have been a lot different!"

Chapter 620 Making Love With Ashlyn R-18

In the private roof deck, Kiba lifted his head and looked at the sky.

The dawn was about to arrive, and he wanted to see the first ray of sunlight bidding goodbye to the night stars.

The entrance to the roof deck slid open, and a woman in the early twenties stepped up, dressed in a white top and skirt, decorated with flower patterns.


Kiba could sense her presence and see her without actually looking at her.

Her new clothes surprised him since he has always seen her in the full-body black suit. Because the suit was a part of her powers.

For her to be without it, Claudia must have helped her.

Silently, Ashlyn sat on the chair next to his. She didn't speak, as was her personality.

Her eyes followed his line of vision, straight to the sky.

Slowly, a ray of light scattered through the sky, ending the reign of night. More rays followed, basking the entire city with its glow, bringing the domain of light.

Ashlyn closed her eyes.

"A ray of light is enough to shatter the dome of eternal night... And when the time comes, a spark of enlightenment is enough to burn away years of ignorance."

After looking at this scene, she finally understood what Zed meant when he said those words in their last meeting.

The dome of eternal night was her controlled past... and the ray of light was his lesson about kindness.

As for the spark...

With a smile, she rested her head on the one who was her spark - Kiba.

She has seen couples doing such a thing and felt this suited her now.

Minutes passed, and his shoulder continued to act as a cushion until she recalled something that suited her even more.

Her neck lifted up, and she kissed him on the cheek as his lips weren't within her reach.

Surprised, he turned his face towards her.

This gave her the opportunity she was seeking, and her mouth locked with his, kissing him clumsily with raw passion.

Kiba more than welcomed her kiss.

His arm slid to the small of her back so that he can pull her on top of him.

As she sat on his lap, she placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him further.

She didn't know if she was doing it right, but the feeling of her heart racing and the hot blush on her face told her to continue.

And she did with everything she got, not letting his lips move away.

He felt her rising excitement, and this only increased his own. His hands slipped to her back, slowly opening her top and pulling her bra straps off her shoulders.

The kiss broke to allow the bra and top to fall.

But she didn't allow him to look at her breasts as she resumed her attack again, savoring the intoxicating feel of his lips.

Her wonderfully soft breasts pressed on his body, and even without looking, he could tell they were the most amazing C-cup breasts in existence.

He couldn't caress her breasts, so he caressed her back, slowly stroking the length of her spine as they continued to kiss.

Ashlyn gasped in his mouth at the succulent warmth his fingers provided.

It tingled her, making her feel a hot flash of heat somewhere else, just between her thighs.

The sensation flipped her head backward, freeing his lips.

Kiba acted swiftly, his mouth nibbling on her ear.


A soft moan escaped her lips.

She felt assaulted by strange tremors that made her only feel wonderful. It was a feeling she has never felt like before, and she couldn't get enough of it.

Kiba's lips moved from her ear to her face, planting soft kisses on her cheeks.


She bit her lips to suppress the sounds her throat yearned to release.

Kiba didn't stop. His face arrived on her soft neck, taking her sweet skin between his lips. She was delicious and ripe, and he suckled on her skin, further sending tremors deep within her.

Her head dropped further, and her lips opened up, letting out gasps and moans.

Kiba's lips slipped down, arriving on her breasts.

They were more enchanting than he ever thought was possible, shaped perfectly like god's handiwork.

Her perky pink nipples were another sight to behold, and he couldn't help but kiss them one after another.

The tingling sensation inside her intensified, and subconsciously, Ashlyn wrapped her arms around his neck, pinning his lips to her left nipple.

Kiba opened them and took the nipple in his mouth, slowly sucking on it, rolling his tongue around.


Her hands flew open, and her eyes fluttered upwards inside her head. She didn't know what he was doing, but it made her feel as light as a feather, as is she was drifting amidst clouds.

Just as this sensation overpowered her, his face arched up, and he sealed her lips with his, kissing her. Slowly, his free hand moved on her legs, gracefully caressing her inner thighs while he slipped his tongue out, forcing her to open her mouth.


She was surprised yet again as he started licking in and out of her mouth. The blush on her face turned a deeper shade of red, with her eyes rolling further.

Soon, the tremors inside her exploded, shaking her entire body like she was being electrocuted.

Not even the most dangerous battles have shaken her like this... and yet, she only felt ecstatic.

She didn't know this was the first orgasm of her life and the first of many today!

Letting her savor the climax, Kiba separated his mouth from hers and hugged her.

Time passed, and neither of them moved till the post-orgasmic glow on her face slowly settled.

Kiba smiled, and he was about to kiss her again when he saw something in her emerald eyes.


"Do you want us to stop?" Kiba asked.

Ashlyn shook her head. She wanted to continue.

"Then? Why are you feeling uncomfortable?" Kiba enquired further.

"I don't know what to do after kissing...." Ashlyn answered.

He was making her feel so good... and she didn't know how to reciprocate. This made her feel uncomfortable.

Kiba blankly stared at her before breaking into laughter.

She was bewildered by his response, but before she could ask, he kissed her on the lips.

"Don't worry!" His voice rang in her mind. "Because one of us knows what to do!"

Kiba jumped to his feet with Ashlyn in his arms, their lips locked in a deep embrace.

Teleportic force enveloped them, and the next moment, they appeared in the master bedroom.

Before Ashlyn knew it, she was dropped on the bed, his body on top of hers, positioned against hers. Without her knowing, the rest of her clothes vanished, just like his.

The kiss turned more passionate, with him flicking his tongue against her mouth. In the meantime, his hands caressed and stroked her divine curves.

She murmured in his mouth, feeling the onslaught of orgasmic jolts.

His mouth parted from hers, but she has no reason to complain as he kissed her chin and then all the way down, tantalizing her warm skin.

Except for one region, no part of her escaped his lips, neither her breasts nor the inside of her thighs.

And slowly, he settled between her thighs, to bring his eyes on the one region he has missed.

Her vaginal foldings were closed, hiding her inner flesh. It was like a beautiful flower waiting to bloom, covering itself with petals.

His mouth moved closer, and feeling his breath grazing her, she felt goosebumps. Her legs involuntarily started closing, but he stopped her, assuring her there was nothing wrong.

The closer he approached, the heavier her scent got. It was far more fragrant than any flower he knew.

Slowly, he kissed her foldings.

A shiver ran through her spine like a surge of electricity, but she let him continue. She trusted the man she would spend her entire life with.

Moisture glistened out of her fleshly foldings, and looking at the wetness, Kiba's cock throbbed. He wanted to take her right now, but he didn't.

Today was about her pleasure and her alone.

Taking a deep breath to inhale her aroma, he pushed his tongue out. It slipped into the crimson opening, splitting her foldings and tasting the glistening wetness.

"Ahhh!" Ashlyn let out a moan.

She was more delicious than what her aroma denoted, and Kiba started feasting on her; eating her pussy with slow and gentle movements of his tongue

Her moans turned louder, and the flush on her body spread further.

As his tongue moved further into her flesh, slurping on her juices of arousal, her legs on their own squeezed around his head.

Without her control, she started rubbing herself, and to seek a distraction, she ran her hands into his golden hair.


She gasped as he pressed his full mouth to her love cave, swirling his tongue around.

Her head swayed, and the tremors that had long settled returned, this time with fury. They ran like a tsunami, spreading waves of pleasure from her thighs to her entire body.

Her eyes shut and back arched, locking Kiba's head between her thighs.

She climaxed!

Her legs dropped, and her back returned to the bed. Her thighs moved away from his head, giving him the chance to move, slowly kissing her from bottom to top.

He paid lavish attention to her breasts, cupping them as she enjoyed the climax. As his tongue rolled on her nipple, it sent a jolt into her, making her eyes open.

She wrapped her hands around his head and pulled him up to welcome his mouth with hers. This kiss was nothing like before, as it only contained wildness he never thought she carried.

She felt aromatic taste on his lips and tongue, and knowing where it came from, the wildness surged, and she shoved her tongue into his mouth.

She wanted him to feel good just she had, so she pulled his chest closer, making her breasts squeeze.

Lost in the delightful sensation, Kiba positioned himself properly, bringing his cock to her entrance.

Ashlyn felt something hard and throbbing touching her, and despite not knowing much, she knew they were about to take the final step.

Kiba didn't let go of her lips as he slowly penetrated her.

Pain coursed through her, and she couldn't help but dug his fingers on his rugged back.

She soon forgot the pain as he powered the kiss with a love she has never known. The pain vanished completely, and without her knowing, her hymen broke, and blood trailed off his cock.

Neither of them noticed it as they were entangled together in a cocoon of love.

Her pussy welcomed him fully inside her like she was created for him, and now her goal was complete.

Buried deep within her, Kiba separated his lips from hers and looked at her face. Her usual impassiveness has melted, replaced with genuine happiness.

She smiled at him.

No words were spoken, but he knew she was ready.

He started stroking into her.

His mouth nuzzled on her neck, further intensifying the orgasmic jolts his every thrust provided.

Soon, she twisted and curled underneath him as one climax after another hit her. Her pussy tightened around him, convulsing with orgasmic vibrations.

He kissed her on the lips again and swapped positions.

He slowed down his pace to allow her sensitive body to rest, but she urged him to continue by holding his face and staring into his eyes.

"I love you!"

Ashlyn exclaimed as he increased his pace and started hammering into her with more vigorous strokes.

"I love you too!" Kiba replied before sealing her lips again.

Their bodies moved intertwined further, and in seconds, they achieved climax together.

Kiba could have continued, but he knew she was at her limit. So, he didn't hold back and released a thick load inside her.

Holding her to the side, he pulled her for a cuddle. Their breathing returned to normal as they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Chapter 621 Making Love With Ashlyn II/II R-18

A few hours later, Ashlyn's eyes opened.

The first thing she felt was something hard and long resting between her butt cheeks. The second thing she felt was a hand resting on her flat belly and a face nuzzling on her soft neck.

Someone had spooned his body to hers from behind, holding her when she was asleep.


Without turning, she knew it was him.

Even if not for his fresh breath grazing her neck, she would have known from the hardness – the one that has exhausted her to sleep, that too so early in the morning.

Never before she felt exhaustion could be so wonderfully amazing. It was the best feeling she ever had.

Subconsciously, she began pushing her ass back, making his cock slip further, just a hairsbreadth away from her opening.

Her eyes constricted as she realized what she was doing, and she stopped.

Or she tried to... until she felt the heat pulsating out of it, making her opening quiver from desires.

Her hips moved back on their own, bringing his mushroom head inside her.

Feeling the familiar thickness stretching her, the wetness inside her increased.

She kept still, as just this much of him made her yearn to let out a moan. But she did her best to suppress it.

She didn't want to break his sleep.

At least that's what she thought until she heard:

"You have got a nice way of waking me up!"


His voice made her react like a startled cat, and she wanted to jump, but the hand on her stomach stopped her, holding her closer.

The hand slipped up, caressing her smooth skin and the sides of breasts before cupping her left breast. His cock further jammed into her.


She squirmed and yapped, feeling him buried deep inside her.

"Good morning to you as well!"

Kiba's voice echoed as his other hand tilted her face towards his, making it possible for him to attack her glistening lips.

She kissed him back.

He started making slow, gentle love to her, and she responded to him with passion from her lips and thrusts of her own hips.

Every part of them was in sync with each other, as not only their bodies fused, but so did their spirits.

The crest of orgasm was about to hit her, and her tight pussy started squeezing him. Her body erupted with goosebumps, and she felt a blinding sensation taking over her.

She climaxed with him inside her, but she didn't stop the movements of her hips. She thrust them back, and he knew she wanted him to continue, despite her orgasmic state and extra sensitivity.

He took her lower lip between his lips and suckled on it before he resumed slow and long strokes.


Her breathing turned strained as every thrust was now like waves of currents into her clenching pussy. It made her more slippery and warm, forcing Kiba to further pulsate and throb inside her.

This only excited her further, racing her heart like a train.

Before she knew it, another orgasm hit her, and her juices flooded out, staining the sheets.

Kiba followed, his crystalline cum splattering deep inside her. The thick strands of cum trickled down, slipping on the inside of her thighs and the stained sheets, further soiling them.

"We have made a mess here!"

Kiba exclaimed as he swept huffing Ashlyn off the bed, holding her by cupping her ass cheeks. Her arms on their own wrapped around his neck for support.

"And we are in an urgent need of a shower, aren't we?"

Ashlyn nodded, her face flushed red.

He grinned and started moving towards the luxurious bathroom. In the meantime, she leaned her face down and kissed him on the lips, once again savoring their intoxicating feel.

No matter how much she kissed him, she couldn't get enough.

And how could she?

She knew she has wasted 4-5 months by not following him after the events of Desolate Blood Forest.

Now she wanted to make up for the kisses she could have got... and then there was the interest!

The kiss intensified, and they were in the bathroom under the shower.

The first spray of water hit them like a jet, forcing her to temporarily break the kiss. She brushed away the wet strands of her hair, slipping between them, and resumed the kiss.

Kiba pushed his tongue on her lips, forcing her to open them, and in a second, he was in her sweet, little mouth, exploring it.

By now, she had gained enough experience to retaliate. Her tongue lunged on his, wrapping it, and soon, their saliva joined.

As they continued to make out like there was no tomorrow, Kiba turned hard and erect again while beads of wetness escaped Ashlyn's pussy and dropped on his hands cupping her ass.

Both of them knew it wasn't the shower water.

The kiss broke, and she landed on her feet, her eyes staring into his.

The water continued to rain down on their spectacular bodies, with every droplet looking like a pearl.

"We are here to get cleansed and not make out!"

Kiba reminded as he grabbed the soap and slowly started rubbing it on her breasts.


She gasped as he used soap only as an excuse to fondle her breasts instead of lathering.

The lather did appear, and as it did, he tossed away the soap.

His hands then squeezed and pinched her breasts and nipples, obviously so that the lather could work perfectly, or at least that's what he claimed.

Her eyes flashed with wildness as his onslaught on breasts continued. She moved him away and covered her hands with the foam on her breasts.

Kiba was surprised as she then took his cock between her hands. She started rubbing every inch of it with foam, from both sides, slowly moving back and forth.

She felt his cock throb twitch and harden, and she knew her counterattack was working. The water soon washed away the foam, but she didn't stop in her hand movements.

"You sure are a fast learner!" Kiba praised as he gripped her waist. "Now, time for you to learn another position!"


Before she could ask, he turned her around, making her hands fall on the glass wall. Behind her, he grabbed her hips tightly to tilt her butt upward and out.

Slowly, he then eased into her pussy.

Letting out an ecstatic moan, she leaned into the wall, pressing her palms against it. He was now pounding her, stretching her open with long, powerful strokes.

A shiver ran from her pussy to her spine.

The change from making love to fucking was only a pleasant surprise for her. It trembled her pussy, making her grip his cock with every thrust, reveling the way it made her feel.

It was even more pleasurable for Kiba. Not only was her pussy squeezing him like a vice grip, the sight of his cock disappearing between her ass cheeks as he stroked into her dripping pussy was no less than heaven.

He leaned further and kissed on the back of her neck and increased his pace.


Climax began to build up in their bodies, both of them turning maniac from approaching euphoria. In perfect sync, they orgasmed together, his cock melting in her fiery pussy.

Chapter 622 Milk of Vitality R-18

After the shower, Ashlyn returned to the bedroom. She dropped on the bed and shut her eyes, once again exhausted.

When she awoke, it was late afternoon, and she found herself in a familiar situation.

Kiba was cuddling her, this time their limbs entwined, her breasts pressing his chest as they slept face to face.

Unlike before, she wasn't wary. His eyes were closed, but she didn't mind waking him by moving her hips forward, directly trusted his cock into her.


Soon, the familiar moans and the sound of flesh hitting flesh followed.


She was always a fast learner, and even in sex, it was the same. Under her teacher Kiba's guidance, she learned the wonders of many unique, beautiful positions, her favorite being the classic cowgirl.

And she made sure to get enough practice.

Every downward thrust of her hips rippled her ass cheeks and intensified the ecstatic vibrations with her. But she continued to ride him, her fingers lingering on his muscular chest.

"I'm proud to have such an enthusiastic student!"

Kiba genuinely praised her, impressed by her dedication to squeeze his cock with her pussy.

She nodded, her head snapping back as she climaxed with violent tremors.


For the rest of the day, she only stopped to either sleep or to eat something. Then she would follow Kiba, learning more tricks and positions.

The next few days and nights followed a similar pattern.

Every time she fell asleep, she thought Kiba was indeed the best teacher in the world.

He taught her Nutcracking Art, acting cute before attacking... and now this!

If only she had met him sooner!


A week later.

Ashlyn waked late in the morning, and she was startled.

Kiba was not cuddling her!

She looked around and discovered he wasn't in the room.

She jumped to her feet and entered the washroom to freshen up. After that, she will find Kiba and continue with her lessons!

She was ready to evolve!


An hour later, she stepped into the living room.

Hope was playing with Red Tiger and the cubs.

Ashlyn didn't disturb them and checked the penthouse to find Kiba. He wasn't on the roof deck, swimming pool, and everywhere she checked.

She was about to give up when she heard slurping sounds or something that sounded like gurgling. Surprised, she looked in the direction of Agatha's room.

It was the only place she didn't check yet.

The door was partially closed, but not shut, and she approached the opening to see inside.


On the bed, Agatha – in a red bandage dress – was sitting, her back resting against the headboard. The left strap was off her shoulder, exposing her left breast.

Ashlyn was shocked.

Not because the breast was bare, but because she couldn't see it, at least not fully!

All she saw was the swell of her breast as a man's head shrouded the rest of it.


Even that didn't shock her as much as what he was doing.

His mouth was wobbling up and down Agatha's nipple!

What was he doing?

She wondered just as she noticed a trickle of milk escaping his lips.

Every droplet of milk was glowing, as if created from the most precious gemstones. And these beautiful droplets dripped down his chin!

Kiba continued to suckle on Agatha's nipple, causing more milk to escape and send a tantalizing current into her.

Her head tilted back and forth, unable to handle the fantastic sensation originating from her nipple.

Seeing all this, Ashlyn couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

Her voice was low, but for Agatha, it was like a clap of thunder.

"Ashlyn is here!?"

Her face turned crimson from embarrassment. She tried to back away, but there was no space to retreat, as behind, there was the headboard.

She forgot that with her ability, she could easily phase through anything.

But the shock of the question, especially the fact that Ashlyn has caught her breastfeeding Kiba left her in no condition to think.

If that wasn't enough, Kiba was still latching on her breast, sucking her milk... it was like he didn't realize Ashlyn caught them red-handed!

Agatha tried to separate him while glancing at Ashlyn.

The latter's expression was the usual impassive, making it hard for her to judge what she was thinking.

She swallowed while spending all her efforts to come up with an explanation.

"Think Agatha, think! You have to justify yourself!"

She told herself, but no worthy explanation emerged in her mind.

At least none that didn't make her sound like a pervert!

She stared down – at the source of her trouble – Kiba.

If only he had shut the door!

Kiba was oblivious to her stare. He parted from her nipple and turned towards Ashlyn.

"I was revitalizing myself."

Kiba answered in a matter of fact voice.

Agatha was dumbstruck.

As for Ashlyn, her expression changed to confusion. She seldom spoke, but she couldn't help but speak again.


She blinked in confusion.

Kiba nodded.

In a serious tone, he explained, "From the last week, I have exhausted myself in teaching you..."

Ashlyn's eyes flashed with understanding.

Even she was exhausted with the hours they spent in both day and night. Her body was also aching as she has gone past her limit in absorbing everything he has taught her.

"So I have no choice but to seek energy," Kiba continued. "Thankfully, Agatha stepped in to help!"

"Help?" Ashlyn thought of the shining milk he was drinking. "You mean by offering you Milk of Vitality?"

Milk of Vitality!?

Agatha almost fainted from Ashlyn's innocent question.

Did this nonsense explanation from Kiba really swindle her?!

"Yes," Kiba nodded again. "One of Agatha's special ability is producing energy-boosting milk. Not only it could revitalize, but it can also cure all ailments, even aching and soreness."


Ashlyn's gaze moved to Agatha's naked left breast.

Its size and texture were almost the same as hers, though a bit heavy, and now she knew why.

She stared at the nipple from where droplets of milk leaked a minute ago.

"You should consume it, directly from the source!"

Kiba continued in a deep tone.

"Only then could you be ready for our next lesson that's far advanced! So come, and latch on her nipple! Drink Milk of Vitality!"

"What?!" Agatha's eyes bulged in shock.

Just what was Kiba telling this naive girl?!

She glanced at Ashlyn and noticed a look that denoted contemplation!

"Don't tell me she believes him!?"

Agatha knew Ashlyn's worldview was limited and that she lacked an understanding of many things due to her upbringing.

But surely, she wouldn't fall for Kiba's words!

Alas, she underestimated her naivety. Before she knew it, Ashlyn pounced on the bed, her mouth latching straight on the bare nipple!

"Ahh!" Agatha shuddered at the touch.

Ashlyn didn't know how to suckle. So she tried to copy Kiba, but since she lacked understanding, her teeth scraped the nipple as her mouth tightened around it.

"Ooo, Girl! Don't! He is deceiving you!"

Agatha wanted to say, but how could Kiba let her?

He tugged her hair back and tightly kissed her open mouth, causing her words to turn into muffled gasps.

She wanted to believe Ashlyn would notice him kissing her and understand this was a crafty plot!

But Ashlyn didn't!

She entirely concentrated on the nipple.

A small stream of fragrant milk seeped forth, tasting like sweetened almond milk.

It made her throat yearn like she hasn't drunk anything from ages, and she eagerly swallowed the milk.

To her pleasant surprise, in an instant, she felt revitalized, her soreness fading.

Technically, Kiba didn't lie. Ashlyn was a wielder of Power Cosmic, and the milk her breasts produced naturally carried great energy.

Realizing the milk she was drinking was indeed Milk of Vitality, Ashlyn doubled down in efforts. She pulled the nipple between her lips, stretching it.

"Oh my god!" Agatha groaned in Kiba's mouth. "This is not how you suckle!"

Never before had she felt a woman's sensual touch, and now her breast was directly suckled by one. Then there was Kiba, exploring her mouth with his tongue.

Their joint work turned into a tide of pleasure, overwhelming her with tiny orgasms.

Kiba left her huffing mouth and slid down, arriving beside Ashlyn. He shoved a finger in Agatha's mouth, silencing her as he said:

"You aren't doing it right!"

Kiba's voice stopped Ashlyn. She glanced at Kiba as he separated her from the nipple.

"Let me show you the right way of milking her!"

Kiba cupped Agatha's breast and slipped his tongue out. The tip of his tongue licked the areola as if it was ice cream, causing the breast to quiver.

Ashlyn didn't notice it as her concentration was on Kiba's movements. She carefully observed as he moved from the areola to the nipple, biting it gently as he pulled it between his lips.

She didn't know why, but a seething heat erupted between her thighs.

Without him asking, she pulled off Agatha's right strap, bringing out her unexplored breast. Her tongue gently licked around the nipple, feeling it pulsate.

Opening her mouth, she took it between her lips and bit it softly. She was rewarded with an overwhelming squirt of milk, shooting straight into her throat.

A wet sensation followed between her thighs, and she couldn't help but become more eager in suckling on this wonderful breast.

Agatha was going insane from relentless pleasure. Both her breasts were occupied, providing milk to a man and a woman.

Kiba's finger left her mouth, but she couldn't bring herself to stop Ashlyn.

Kiba winked at her, and he dropped the nipple. Just as she thought he was leaving, he surprised her by joining Ashlyn. His mouth pushed Ashlyn's lips away and latched on the nipple, but Ashlyn retaliated, soon starting a fight over her right nipple.

"Ahhhh!" Agatha let out an intense moan.

Now both Kiba and Ashlyn shared her right nipple, kissing it together, causing the milk to spray between their lips.

Chapter 623 Pleasure The Man They Love R-18

(A/N: This and the next chapter will be R-18. You can skip them if you want to. The next major arc will start after these two chapters).

Kiba and Ashlyn continued to struggle for Agatha's right nipple like two starved kids fighting for a candy.

Teeth scraped, tongues licked, and lips suckled.

There was just too much pleasure for one nipple, causing her throat to emit guttural grunting sounds.

By the time they took a momentary pause, her nipple seemed stretched and hardened.


Agatha took a breath in relief, thinking they have spared her, but before the breath could leave her nostrils, they lunged on her nipple again, this time with more frenzy.

"There's more than enough milk for both of you!" She exclaimed between her yelps. "So, go easy on me!"

They ignored her request and greedily sucked more milk out of her, trying to outdo the other.

Milk sprayed between them, staining their faces, coating their lips, but neither stopped.

"Please! Kiba! Ashlyn!" Agatha begged.

Her right nipple was far too sensitive, and she couldn't handle the surges of electricity they were sending into her.

"My left nipple is free!"

Their eyes flashed, and at lightning speed, they moved to her left nipple. Their mouths squeezed and tweaked her nipple between them.

"This wasn't what I meant!"

Agatha complained.

Why couldn't they share both her nipples instead of fighting over one!?

Ashlyn ignored her complaint.

She was spellbound by the sweet taste of the milk and the thirst it created deep in her.

Even if not for that, she would have still fought Kiba to feel Agatha's breasts. They created terrific sensations whenever she touched them, as if they were sparks fanning flames of ecstasy.

Now she understood why Kiba was earlier sucking them with such concentration.

He already had tasted Agatha's breasts and suckled her milk to a great extent! So why was he still being greedy?

He should let her have her fair share for the months she had missed!

But the world wasn't fair, and now more than ever, she understood it.

So, she fought Kiba with everything she had!

Their lips mashed, and tongues swirled around each other as they battled over the squirting nipple.

Soon, it was like they were openly kissing each other with the nipple in between them.

"Ohhh, god! You two!!"

Agatha's head snapped back in intense pleasure.

She couldn't help but grip their heads and pin them over her breast.

More milk followed, which they readily swallowed.

"Ashlyn!" Kiba freed themselves from Agatha's grip and said. "You are devouring too much energy from her! Return some of it, or else she will be exhausted!"

"?!" Ashlyn froze.

She looked at him – as if asking how to prevent the worst-case scenario.

"Mouth to mouth!" Kiba answered like it was pretty obvious. "I have trained you for that!"

Ashlyn nodded.

Agatha was startled as she felt Ashlyn's mouth tightening on her nipple, trying to suck the entire breast.

"Ahh!" Agatha shuddered as her nipple released streams after streams of glowing milk, filling Ashlyn's mouth to the brim.

With her mouth full, Ashlyn let the breast fall and leaned up, kissing the dumbstruck Agatha.


Agatha was more than shocked; she was stupefied.

The lips on hers were soft and wet, electrifying her.

Seconds passed, and she couldn't respond before finally opening her lips to breathe. It was an opening Ashlyn needed to transfer the milk.


Agatha felt her own milk flooding into her mouth. It was pervert yet so erotic that she climaxed right there, drenching her panties.

Ashlyn's mouth parted from hers, but then Kiba followed, emptying a mouthful of milk in her.

Ashlyn didn't know why he didn't directly transfer it to Agatha, but she didn't ask.

Her senses were pulsating with sheer ecstasy, leaving her in no state to rationalize.

She took the milk from Kiba's mouth and then kissed Agatha to empty it. Agatha could only swallow, her face as red as tomatoes from the embarrassment of such dirty acts.

Kiba and Ashlyn only stopped when they squirted out the last drop of milk from her breasts.

Agatha was relieved it was ending, but how could Kiba stop now?

He gazed at Ashlyn and said, "Now is the time for us to start the next lesson!"

Ashlyn's eyes sparkled.

Next lesson!

The excitement in her hit the apex, and she stared at him, almost begging him to start.

Kiba made sure he didn't break out in laughter. It was a challenging task...

He kissed and nibbled Agatha on the lips, chin, collarbone, breasts, navel, and then slipped downward.

Ashlyn imitated him, but Agatha was in no state to stop them.

Or maybe she didn't want to!

Whatever it was, she soon found herself resting on her back, her dress torn apart.

Kiba separated her legs and lifted them by holding the back of her knees. Ashlyn laid below the legs; her eyes glued on the panties.

Glistening wetness leaked out of her, making it possible for her to see through the soaked panties.

Her vaginal folds exposed the shining flesh inside, emitting delicious warmth.

Ashlyn's nostrils flared, and her mouth watered. The pussy looked so appetizing, so tasty. Not even those milky breasts of hers were so amazing.

Could the next lesson be eating this pussy?

"Yes, we have to feast on it," Kiba answered her unasked question. "This is the next step of what we have been doing from last week."

Ashlyn nodded in understanding.

She thought this was only natural with everything she has felt so far from sucking and kissing Agatha.

On her own, she hooked her fingers in the sides of the panties and started pulling them.

Agatha's buttocks squeezed the white satin, and it took her a while to drew them up the thighs. Kiba helped her in dragging it out, allowing her to focus on the bare pussy.

Recalling what Kiba did to her before "eating" her, she repeated those movements.

"She is natural at it!"

Agatha thought as Ashlyn started kissing the inside of her thighs, planting lingering kisses.

Before today she will not have welcomed the idea of making out with a woman, but now, with everything that happened… she was looking forward to what's to come!


Her mind was pulled out of her thoughts as Ashlyn started sweeping around her pussy. Slowly, she licked clean her juices of arousal.

Kiba looked at her with lust and praise. She was doing so well, just like he expected.

Ashlyn put her mouth on the pussy lips and then swirled her tongue out, flicking it at the entrance. In response, like a flower, the pussy lips opened up, revealing the sacred flesh.

She shoved her tongue right into it, moving back and forth. She then took an upward lick, slipping till she hit the clit, feeling it pulsate.

"Yesss!" Agatha gasped. "You are good at it!"

The praise made Ashlyn realize she was doing it right, and with more enthusiasm, she licked in and out of the sopping wet pussy.

Kiba also joined her, his lips sucking the clit.

Another sweep of Ashlyn's tongue collided against his lips, and soon, their lips and tongues joined, this time with her clit as the center. They nibbled on it.

"You two are driving me crazy!" Agatha's hips started to buckle.

Ashlyn was incapable of hearing those words.

She was lost in the kiss with Kiba and the clit. Their lips separated only to wrestle their tongues in the pussy lips and splash the juices.


No longer she knew what she was doing. She just followed his guidance and her instincts, savoring the flavor of the juices and his mouth.

Kiba's hand moved to his cock, and he pulled away from Ashlyn and Agatha. He could no longer handle the throbbing of his cock.

He wanted to fuck.

So, he let Ashlyn continue feasting on Agatha while he got behind her. Throwing his pants away, he pulled Ashlyn's hips up, making her drop on her forearms and knees.

She was only wearing a skirt and nothing else, just like the last few days for easy access. It barely took a second for him to lift the skirt and expose her white buttocks.

He ran a hand over it, feeling the softness that was just like clouds. He couldn't help but give them a wet kiss before aiming his cock at her pussy entrance.


Ashlyn was pleasantly surprised as she felt him there. She was also wet and well-lubricated, and with one thrust, he jammed into her, hitting her cervix.

Her body shook, and moans escaped her mouth, but since her mouth was in the pussy, it came out muffled.

"Don't stop!"

Agatha urged her not to stop what she was doing. And she didn't. She rubbed her tongue, mouth, and entire face in the pussy.

Kiba grabbed her hips tightly and started hammering into her with long strokes.

Her warmth and young flesh inflated his desires to pound her, and soon, he started fucking her with powerful strokes.

In response, she shoved her tongue into Agatha's pussy, as deep as she could. She felt the pussy muscles clenching around her tongue in rhythmic movements.

She knew why! Because her pussy muscles were doing the same around Kiba! They were about to climax!

She ground her ass against him, and with the strokes, she felt the balls slapping loudly on her ass.

In seconds, her body wriggled along with Agatha's as the crest of climax washed over them.

Kiba was the only one not to climax. He pulled out of Ashlyn to allow her to enjoy the intense pleasure she was experiencing not only from her climaxing cunt, but also her melting mouth.

Even though the orgasm overpowered Agatha, she knew the state of the man she loved.

He always cared for the pleasure of his women, more than his, even when he was deceiving them.

She knew it better than anyone else.

"You are our man!" Agatha said as she leaned into him. "And pleasuring you is our only task!"

Without letting him respond, she locked her lips with his. She kissed him with everything she had.

Her hands moved to his cock coated with glistening juices, and she stroked him.

Ashlyn was left behind, but she too followed. She didn't need them to tell what she has to do.

Her hands joined Agatha's, and there was more than enough space left on his big, thick cock.

Soon, they started stroking him together, feeling the precum on their fingers.

Their lips started kissing each other and Kiba.

Three tongues openly lashed out, diving into each other's mouth, sharing saliva, and Agatha's pussy taste.

"Ashlyn…" Agatha broke the kiss. "For us women, Kiba has Supreme Potent Shake, and it is far more powerful than my Milk of Vitality!"


Ashlyn blinked as Agatha bent her body, her face hovering above Kiba's cock.

"It will come from here! He must have unleashed deep into you multiple times!"

Agatha explained as she slowly brought her lips over the tip of the cock.

"And knowing how he treats the women he loves... he wouldn't have taught you … that you could also get it from the magical technique known as blowjob!"

Ashlyn shook her head.

"As expected, he didn't want to teach you anything that he believes would only pleasure him!"

Agatha glanced up, staring right into Kiba's eyes.

He never asked, much less demand, oral sex from her, but she loved to give it to him. Because not only was she in love with him, but blowing him felt good to her.

It pleasured her to climax.

That's how wonderful he was.

She wrapped her hand around the base of his cock while her other hand rubbed his balls, creating a tingling sensation.

She then instructed Ashlyn to kiss the tip.

"Be slow and gentle… like you are teasing him! Don't let him feel your lips!"

Ashlyn did that and more.

Under Agatha's guidance, she slid her lips around, faintly kissing every portion of the mushroom head.

Even though her lips didn't press, the strands of precum attached her lips. Swirling her tongue out, she licked them and felt an alluring taste that made her squeeze a hand between her thighs.

"It is the best taste in the world! Isn't it?!" Agatha asked.

Not giving Ashlyn a chance to reply, she kissed her and licked the remaining strands of precum from her lips.

Ashlyn responded, their tongues dueling with each other.

Kiba observed this action between his women, and his cock hardened further.

Agatha parted her mouth and guided Ashlyn back to the throbbing cock.

Ashlyn slowly kissed the shaft. The bulging veins pulsated at her touch, emitting warmth that made her sensitive cunt tremble.

She started rubbing her pussy lips while sliding the tip of her tongue out, dragging it over his shaft.

Kiba grunted in pleasure.

He had lips and tongues of countless women over his cock, but none felt even remotely amazing as those he loved.

"You like it, don't you?"

Agatha asked as she joined Ashlyn. She slipped her tongue out and licked the shaft from the other side, while her hand stroked him.

Kiba nodded.

"Then, you will love what we do next!" Agatha winked at him.

Chapter 624 Pleasure The Man They Love Final Part R-18

"Then, you will love what we are going to do!"

Agatha took charge, and Kiba allowed her. He got on his feet and stood on the floor, just near the edge of the bed.

Agatha lay down on the bed, bringing her face just below his hovering cock and balls. Ashlyn followed, but instead of lying on the side, she laid over Agatha, their breasts mashing in.

Just this sight of two beautiful women lying over each other was too much.

Even Kiba's heart skipped a few beats, that too, despite having participated in multiple orgies. Because every threesome or orgy he was involved in consisted of women he had no feelings for.

Until now…

Ashlyn swept her tongue out and moved it down the length of his cock. Simunatelously, Agatha's tongue licked from the base of his balls to the start of his shaft.

They were in perfect sync, their nimble tongues caressing every corner of his cock and balls. It sent one orgasmic jolt after another into him.

Ashlyn brought her eyes on his face. Noticing the signs of intense pleasure, the excitement in her surged.

She followed Agatha's instructions and opened her lips. The latter guided the head of Kiba's cock between those soft lips while giving the balls a wet kiss.

Ashlyn sealed her lips around the head and started sucking it by moving back and forth. The excitement inside her soared further, and her nipples hardened, something Agatha felt as they pressed into her breasts.

Agatha opened her mouth and engulfed one of the balls.


Ashlyn further took the shaft in her mouth and started moving back and forth. Each time, she took him deeper, further bathing him with her saliva and the warmth of her mouth.

She was practically drooling now, the strands of saliva and precum dripping on Agatha's face.

Kiba's breathing turned heavy.

He now knew what it felt like to be a true god, with the women he loved worshipping his cock and balls.

Just when Ashlyn started to gag and couldn't take him deeper, she slipped him out with a popping sound.

Agatha knew now was her time. She freed the balls, wrapped her fingers around the cock, and guided it down, straight into her mouth.

She almost swallowed half of him and then started moving back and forth.

Ashlyn extended her tongue and ran it on the remaining portion, making Kiba grunt.

His grunts and the tantalizing warmth of his cock resulted in one mini-orgasm after another for his women.


Now with more enthusiasm, Agatha pulled him further into her, till he touched her throat. She then pulled him out and shared it with Ashlyn, who eagerly took it.

Agatha's hand wandered over Ashlyn's back and ass, creating an intense show for Kiba's eyes as he was devoured by Ashlyn.

Kiba was on the brink of eruption, but he stopped himself. He wanted to enjoy this beautiful sensation further.

And his women didn't disappoint. They opened their puckered lips and wrapped on either side of his shaft. They then moved together, back and forth, giving him a double blowjob.

Minutes passed, and they stopped on the head of his cock.

Being sandwiched between the drooling mouths of the women he loved was not something Kiba could handle for long.

Agatha put him to the edge by swirling her tongue around the tip of his cock. She felt it twitch, and she knew he was about to erupt.

His balls clenched, and he shot out a massive load into their mouths. There was just too much cum, and some of it spilled out.

Feeling the Supreme Potent Shake Agatha promised, Ashlyn swallowed it thoroughly. It not only tasted amazing, but it also spread robust vitality into her.

She now understood why Agatha praised it so much.

Agatha winked at Kiba while swallowing the cum in her mouth.

"Time to clean!"

Agatha leaned up and kissed Ashlyn, and the latter eagerly responded. The cum on their lips swapped before finally slipping down their throats.

They then licked each other's face, not leaving behind a single droplet of cum.

Ashlyn brought her eyes back on the still hard cock, and she sucked him again, swallowing any cum that was left.

"Don't be greedy!" Agatha told her.

She grabbed Kiba's cock and rubbed it over Ashlyn's face, like it was a paintbrush, coating her cheeks with the last strands of cum.

She then licked the cheeks clean while feeling the cock in her hand pulsate. Kiba was already hard, and now also erect and long, just like he was minutes ago.

"See? I told you will love it!" Agatha winked at him again.

"Yeah, you did!" Kiba responded as she pulled him on the bed.

She asked him to lie down while commanding Ashlyn to mount him

She wanted him to pound her, but she wanted to give Ashlyn that honor again. Being older by seven to eight years, she felt a sense of responsibility towards Ashlyn.

Ashlyn nodded at her in gratitude.

"No need to thank me!"

Agatha wrapped her fingers around the base of Kiba's cock as Ashlyn began to lower over it.

She didn't allow her cunt to directly engulf it. Instead, she rubbed it around the entrance, teasing both Ashlyn and Kiba, feeling them writhe in frustration and excitement. She then extended her tongue around the pussy and on the base of the cock.

"Ah!" Ashlyn gasped and took hold of Agatha's head. She pulled her up, her eyes almost begging.

"Don't worry, I'm not mean!"

Agatha said as she guided Kiba's cock back to the entrance and allowed Ashlyn to ease over it. Her wet pussy lips spread wide as inch by inch, she engulfed him deep in her.

Ashlyn moaned as she started riding him by rotating her hips back and forth. The way it stretched her left her huffing, but she couldn't bring herself to stop.

Agatha straddled Kiba's face, slowly bringing her pussy over his lips. He kissed her slit and suckled her clit before he started feasting on her.

"Ohh, yes! Eat me!"

She shuddered as a hot flush spread from her pussy to her breasts. She started squeezing them.

Ashlyn noticed this, and even as she rode Kiba, she bent forward to fondle those fantastic breasts.

Agatha's head snapped back. She was already climaxing from the tongue working inside her, and now this jerked her body.

Ashlyn was the same. Kiba felt her contracting around his cock with vibrating ripples. He grabbed her ass cheeks and held her, supporting her as she shivered from climax.

His hands moved up and holding her by her waist, his figure blurred with his mouth still sucking Agatha's cunt.

He flipped Ashlyn, bringing her back on the bed, and simultaneously made Agatha lie over her. This time in 69 so they could stimulate each other.

Kiba pulled his tongue out of Agatha's cunt and replaced it with his cock.

"Kibaaaaa!" Agatha was caught off-guard by his sudden invasion.

She has just brought her lips on Ashlyn's pussy. Now his long thrust into her created an explosion of ecstasy, making it impossible for her to concentrate.

Kiba started ramming into her with deep thrusts. Below her, Ashlyn licked her lips before moving her tongue on the clit above her.


Agatha wailed and moaned. The naïve girl she knew has become an expert, wrapping her tongue around the clit, giving her another orgasm.

She couldn't let her overpower like this.

With great difficulty, as the powerful thrusts shook her body, she attacked Ashlyn's pussy with her mouth.

Three hearts raced together, enjoying each other's body.

Kiba thrust in and out. Agatha was squeezing him with every thrust, as she experienced one orgasm after another, but neither of them wanted to stop.

His hips moved back and forth, blurring from tremendous speed. Below, Ashlyn couldn't help but marvel at the might of her man.

Excited, she swirled her tongue on his moving cock. It was sticky from juices, and she licked them every time he moved back and forth. She alternated by moving it to the climaxing cunt and then back at the blurring cock.

"You two were born for this!!"

Agatha trembled. Controlling her trembling mouth, she sucked Ashlyn'c clit, pushing both of them on edge.

Kiba didn't stop plowing Agatha. Just as she forcefully contracted around him from another climax, he pulled out and shoved his cock in Ashlyn's mouth. The latter eagerly cleaned him, and he then returned back into shivering Agatha, this time with more powerful strokes.

His women have already experienced multiple climaxes, and he was the same as he splattered his cum into Agatha.

He started melting in her as he leaned to kiss her back…

They took a deep breath, and Ashlyn surprised them by attacking her cunt, devouring every droplet of cum.

Agatha wanted to say – save some for her- but she didn't get the chance as Kiba instantly turned erect again. The erotic pleasure from his women was never too much, and he slammed into Agatha.

The latter could only scream in pure ecstasy. She knew they have barely started…

And she was right.

Kiba soon stacked Ashlyn and Agatha on top of each other. He lined their pussies one above the other so he could alternate between them.

Ashlyn was below, and as he jammed into her cunt, she grabbed Agatha's breasts tightly.

The one she loved the most was deep in her, penetrating her… as she fondled the breasts of the woman she has started loving.

"I'm finally living my life!"

Ashlyn whispered as another thrust blackened her vision. She was happy with her life…

Both Kiba and Agatha noticed her losing consciousness from another orgasm.

They separated from her, and seeing her pleasant expression, they knew why she was content. It wasn't just from mind-blowing orgasms.

"You really know how to change the lives of women you love!"

Agatha said as she spread her legs.

Kiba smiled and stared at the welcoming pussy.

"Or maybe, they know how to change my life!" He replied as he slipped into her.

Chapter 625 Dramatic Year

The next morning, Ashlyn awoke with a smile on her face. Her eyes no longer glinted with the usual coldness.

After freshening up, she donned a yellow skirt and joined Kiba for a lavish breakfast. The entire "family" was present, but the man she worried about the most was missing.

Taking a glass of orange juice, she looked at Kiba and asked, "Where is Zed?"

Ashlyn splashed the mouthful of coffee she was drinking.

Eva smirked, while the eyes of the twins sparkled with excitement.

As for Kiba... he froze with toast jammed in his throat.

"Zed?" Kiba repeated while forcefully swallowing the toast.

Ashlyn nodded.

She loved Kiba but cared more for Zed. She was really protective of him.

Because unlike Kiba, Zed was innocent, honest, and a bit gullible. He could be deceived, and with his powers far lesser than Kiba, he was at risk.

Weeks ago, Kiba had reassured Zed was safe, but not seeing him left her worried.

"Zed... well..." Kiba was a bit embarrassed as he answered, "He is me, and I am him."

"?" Ashlyn was bewildered.

Then her eyes widened, and her lips opened as 'Kiba' transformed into 'Zed.'

The glass in her hand dropped and shattered while the juice splashed on her.

But she was incapable of feeling the stains.

"I wasn't deceiving you," Zed explained with his characteristic polite behavior. "Kiba is my alter ego..."

In the meantime, Agatha slipped an arm around Ashlyn.

"You can say he has Multiple Personality Disorder!" Agatha added to soften the blow. "The man in front of us is the good part.. the one we love is the evil part."

The corners of Zed's lips twitched.

Ashlyn stared at him while recalling every moment she had shared with him. She then compared it with her memories of Kiba.

"Innocent is wicked."

She remarked and closed her eyes, leaving everyone stunned.

Maybe it was due to her personality, but she could handle the shocking revelation without any extreme reactions.

But she also knew of someone who wouldn't be able to handle the revelation of Kiba and Zed being one and the same.

Remembering that eighteen-year-old teenager, she let out a heavy sigh.

"Poor girl."


House of Neville, State of Avalon.

Sophia was training with her mother - Katherine. A burst of cyan energy rippled out of her hand and morphed into an enormous fist.

It was about to unleash when her body shook, and she sneezed. The temporary disturbance distorted the fist, leaving her in no state to block the incoming beam.

Without any surprise, the beam crashed into her, sending her flying into the distance.


Katherine was startled. She expected her daughter to be able to resist the attack.

So what happened?

But now was not the time to think.

Her figure blurred, and she appeared behind the flying Sophia. She caught her and nullified the destruction from the beam.

"Are you all right?" Katherine asked.

"Yes, I lost concentration for a moment," Sophia assured her mom. "But it is strange, though! I'm perfectly fine, so why did I sneeze all of a sudden and felt someone was feeling pity for me?"

Katherine didn't know how to answer that.

"Or maybe I was feeling a sense of crisis?"

Sophia wondered.

"Could it be that shameless villain? It is even possible that Zed is at risk!"

She panicked, but Katherine patted her shoulder and said, "You are overthinking! It was just a sneeze!"

"Right! I'm overthinking!"

Alas, soon, Katherine would learn her daughter wasn't overthinking.


Days turned to weeks to months, and ultimately a year. Like a breeze, a year and a half passed by.

In that time, many shocking developments took place over the world.

One of them was about a doctor whose name became legendary.

Dr. NTR.

There were far too many sick and injured in the world, and the doctor knew he was needed almost everywhere.

So, he established clinics in almost every human city, except for the State of Avalon and Lizeana, and used his powers to create thousands of Avatars.

The patients celebrated in joy and thanked the glorious Creator... for this doctor was magical!

His treatment left them weak in knees for days, but none ever complained!

The rise of Dr. NTR's clinics around the globe picked the interest of many. Because not even fame, money, and wealth could make him diagnose a male patient; forget proper diagnosis.

Many science journals and doctors begged for interviews and internships, to not only learn of his omnipotent methods but also make him answer a few questions:

1. Why were all his patients only women?

2. After treatment, why did every patient of his couldn't walk properly for the next few days? Was it related to his technique that was described as mystic arts?

3. As per a recent survey, a city with Dr. NTR's clinic was more prone to divorce than a city without him. Was his clinic responsible for the bloom in the divorce business?

4. Why did the divorced husbands – whose former wives benefitted from Dr. NTR's treatment – turned angry yet silent whenever asked to comment on the clinic?

Sadly, the great doctor refused chances to be interviewed.

The second shocking development was the rise of a cult.

Its leader was a man known as Erone, whom the members of the cult called Holy Pope.

Shockingly, the cult worshipped Dr. NTR!

The Holy Pope preached about the glorious deeds of the doctor before he became Dr. NTR.

The deeds were pretty vague as they were in the form of epic poems. Though it seemed the followers of the church knew their meaning.

Even many boyfriends/ husbands who wanted their girlfriends/ wives to be treated also became followers.

Not only them, but thousands of other males who had mothers, sisters, or women in life regularly contributed to build what would become Holy Church.

As for why... none exactly knew the reason.

The third shocking development affected the entire humanity. Like Ksitigarbha predicted, the seals on World Fragment drastically weakened, giving a few alien lifeforms a chance to escape the unhabitable meteorites and seek new shelters.

Only the seal on Paradox Dimension remained strong as ever... but none knew till how long that would remain!

The fourth development affected very few, though it was important in its own ways.

It was Zed.

Or, to be precise, the lack of him.

The Nine Great Families and many other organizations used every means to track him, but availed no success.

It was like after the destruction of Dream Rise House, he has disappeared from Earth's face. But they knew he was there... as from time to time, he was seen in human cities.

House of Neville knew about him, and so did House of Eleanor. The former, due to Sophia as she got emails from him from time to time. The latter because of Felicity and Jessica... especially Felicity, as they had video interactions.

But none of the two houses could find him with all their resources.

It wasn't all the Nine Families that wanted to find him... there was one that was thankful he was missing.

It was the House of Parcae.

Out of The Nine Great Families, House of Hestia was known as the strongest... while House of Parcae was known as the most mysterious.

None really knew about them in details, except for their affinity with Fate.

Unknown to Zed, he had interacted with this house when he was nothing but a slum beggar.

When Akshobhya attacked him years ago, he had relieved his memories. One of those memories dealt with an event when he was eleven years old[1]. (Chapter 105).

During a charity gala to help slum dwellers, he had requested a group of good-looking teenagers for some food.

One of them attacked him for offending them by his presence, while the others laughed. It lasted hardly for a minute until Marina – who was part of the group – used her ability to check his "Strings of Fate."

What she saw left her terrified.

Something the most outstanding talent from the younger generation of House of Parcae also noticed years later.

Alice[2]. (Chapter 145).

While passing through Delta City, she noticed a breach in time!

Shocked, she had followed a trail that lead her to Dream Rise House. There she saw Zed and tried to check his Strings of Fate. Sadly, unlike her cousin, she suffered a terrifying backlash.

All thanks to Genesis that was dormant in his brain.

After a year and a half passed by, Alice sat in the garden of her estate. Next to her kneeled her middle-aged servant. In front sat the head of House of Parcae.

"Back then... you claimed your fate was connected to that kid."

The family head said as he prepared herbal tea.

"Yet, when he went to Desolate Blood Forest... you failed to notice until it was too late. After that, you returned and stayed in seclusion."

Alice remained silent. The family head handed her a cup, and she graciously accepted it.

"We already knew that kid was special..."

The family leader continued, this time with a sigh.

"After all, one from our family had prophesized about the calamity that will arise – from the union of a Valeriy and a human. It resulted in the imprisonment of that kid's father."

"...." Alice took a sip from the cup.

The family head's expression turned bitter as he concluded, "The one who prophesized did it for greater good... Sadly, he forgot that events you try to stop will eventually arise from the very act of stopping!"

Alice placed the cup down and tucked a strand of pink hair behind her ear.

She then looked at the family head and said, "Lately, I feel Fate is furious... at me, you, everyone in this universe."

The family head's expression turned grave, and he nodded.

"I have been feeling the same, but from the time one wielding Evolution Field fought Hyperion! It happened in Delta City! The same place where you discovered the breach in time!"

Alice's face changed drastically as she realized the meaning.

"The child of a Valeriy and a human... He will defy the norms and bring an era of chaos!"

She repeated a part of the prophecy.

The family head stared at the sky. He visualized the appearance of old men he hadn't met in years.

"They committed a blunder when they erased his genetic heritage. While they had no choice as Rebecca had stopped them from chasing after him and Red Fox... that one action will be the contributing factor for the chaos."

He could feel the world-shocking events were about to start. Far sooner than he expected.


The city of Arcadia.

The penthouse has a private pool filled with crystalline water.

Kiba stood on the edge, ready to jump when Madison emerged from the pool.

She was clad in a red bikini, and with her body wet, the fabric clung tightly to her skin.

Kiba couldn't help but swallow. Looking at her glorious bodies, he felt bikini was only made for her and her sister.

"Like what you see, daddy?" Madison asked as she flung her wet hair in his direction.

A spray of water landed on his face as he nodded.

She knew how much he liked from the look in his eyes.

She started teasing him by bending forward, showing-off her drool-worthy bursts.

Kiba had enough of her teasing and felt it was time to teach her a lesson.

But just then, he sensed a presence that was ancient yet awe-inspiring.

Madison also felt it, just like Lillian and almost everyone else in the world.

They all looked in the distance, thousands of kilometers away.

Above the State of Avalon's border, the sky in the diameter of five kilometers has suddenly disappeared.

In its place, there was what appeared to be a neverending maze.

"Infinity Maze."

Kiba's eyes narrowed.

He knew about it, not because of his knowledge that he acquired from BSE-79, but because almost everyone knew of it.

This maze, or whatever it was, was responsible for the success of the one known as Nine Sovereigns.

The history books propagated by the World Government were full of it.

"9 Hours, 9 Minutes, and 9 Seconds!"

Kiba recalled the period for which the maze will remain after it opens.

"And if I'm not wrong… it will open in an hour!"

His eyes narrowed further, not because of its sudden – almost random – appearance, but the reason.

He didn't trust those history books, because as far as he was concerned, history was always written to glorify the winner.

"Don't tell me...!"

The realization hit him, and he teleported directly to the warehouse where his lab was. He appeared before the shrine of Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose.

[1] In Chapter 105, one of the flashbacks was about Zed facing young masters from House of Parcae. When they came to know of his Strings of Fate, they were terrified and ran away after handing him food. They didn't forget to apologize.

[2] Alice was introduced in Chapter 145 where she noticed the breach in time. I think her last appearance was in Chapter 212 (the same chapter where she senses the arrival of The Cosmic Emperor in Dream Rise House).

Chapter 626 Gathering of Alphas!

The border of the State of Avalon continuously flashed with teleportation portals and shuttles as powerful entities arrived.

All of them were from around the globe, and they reached here in a matter of minutes by using methods that cost them a lot of precious resources.

But none complained, not after lifting their heads to look at what they called Infinity Maze. Their eyes flashed with desires, and how could it not?

According to history books and the secret records, Infinity Maze carried the greatest secrets of Celestial Elysian World. Desolate Blood Forest and other World Fragments didn't even deserve mention in front of it.

That was clear from Nine Great Sovereigns' rise, who publicly credited Infinity Maze for their powers.

Those belonging to Nine Great Families and top organizations even knew the exact reason.

Legacy Orbs!

An opening to the Hall of Legacies was in the maze, causing Legacy Orbs to spread out.

Legacy Orbs was just one of the many wondrous attractions for those who have been in the maze.

As for its main attraction... it was something that can be availed in the mausoleum!

Supposedly, anyone who could succeed through the maze could obtain this main attraction. At least, that's what the countless rumors and legends claimed.

None knew the truth, but one thing was for sure... Infinity Maze was a treasure mine!

As countless people stared at Infinity Maze and waited for it to open, they felt violent fluctuations. Shocked, they looked at thin air where the tip of a katana suddenly appeared. The tip slashed downward, ripping apart the fabric of space, and from it emerged a woman.

"The Mad Blade! Miria!"

Everyone exclaimed at the arrival of an Alpha. Not every Alpha was famous or known, but everyone knew her.

Because she was one of the three Alphas, who risked their lives to save this planet from Extermination!

Even as they exclaimed, colorful and terrifying phenomenons covered the sky and earth, signifying the arrival of multiple Alphas.

A tempest of energy rose up from their arrivals, turning into a berserk storm and sending everyone flying. Thankfully Alphas retracted their presence the instant they arrived, thereby preventing a tragedy and allowing others to breathe in relief and look at them.

Miria, Maldonado, and Crimson Wolf were easily identified due to their role in protecting the world.

Ozir was known as well. He has protected multiple cities from the shockwaves of the battle between Extermination and Hyperion traversed through the spacetime barrier.

The other Alphas were not so well known.. as many of them were either in seclusion or seldom interacted with the world.

"I'm not going in the maze!" A high-ranking Beta told his companions.

His companions nodded in understanding. With the participation of Alphas, the rest didn't even deserve to be called cannon fodder.

But still, not everyone thought of leaving. After all, the maze would have many opportunities. Alphas won't fight the Betas and Gammas for low-level opportunities.

As people discussed within themselves, a column of cyan light shot through clouds. It landed next to the gathering of Alphas.

The light faded, revealing the ones inside.


And her husband, Alan.

Many of the Alphas nodded at them, and they too nodded in response. The arrival of more Alphas followed until there were around fifty Alphas.

Many of them belonged to Nine Great Families or were at least affiliated to them. The others were either independent or part of other top organizations.

Their arrival naturally meant that other mutants have to fall back. None dared to be in the area of Alphas.

An Alpha called Qingyi glanced at the retreating mutants.

This was the gathering of the gods, and yet, these mortals aspired to participate here. They didn't know their place in life!

Snorting coldly, he lifted his hand, resulting in the crash of an intangible barrier on the ground.

A few of the retreating mutants were slow, and as the barrier crashed, shock ripples spread out, hitting them in the chest. They instantly exploded into a bloody fog.

The Gammas and Betas trembled in fright while the Alphas didn't react at all.

Not every Alpha agreed with Qingyi's actions. Still, since the deed was already done, there was no use in reacting.

"The maze should be open in 10 minutes," Alan told his wife. "We have to return by the time 9 hours pass in the maze!"

Katherine nodded.


Suddenly, a whirlwind of ice crystals appeared.

It was high in the sky, yet a thick layer of ice wrapped the ground, causing everyone to shiver.

Even Alphas felt a bone-numbing chill, and they couldn't help but look at the sky.

The whirlwind had resulted in a blizzard, and except for Alphas, none could see through it.

All they saw was a woman's silhouette, her head donned by a crown.

Before the Alphas could even focus on her appearance, she phased into the maze along with the whirlwind.


Many Alphas muttered at the same time.

There were over seven minutes for the maze to open, and yet, she entered it, bypassing all deadly restrictions.

How was that even possible?!

"Why are they so shocked?" Crimson Wolf asked Miria.

"Who knows?" Miria replied. "The Queen of Eden doesn't have to wait for anything. So, maybe they are ignorant?"

Queen of Eden?!

The expressions of everyone changed.

Then... the one who went inside must be Ice Queen!

The most beautiful woman on Earth!

None outside Eden has seen her appearance, not even a picture, save for the World Councilmen.

But the world knew her beauty would put even fairies to shame.

Forget the low-rank mutants; even Alphas salivated as they thought of the legendary poems describing her beauty.

Not only men but even women yearned to see her appearance.

For a moment, Katherine was tranced as she has seen the silhouette and knew her identity.

She shook her head and cleared her thoughts.

"Why was I hypnotized by the silhouette of Ice Queen!? I'm a straight woman!"

Katherine thought.

"Beauty doesn't make a difference to me!"

While not as beautiful as Ice Queen, she was absolutely gorgeous and stunning.

She knew it.

Almost two years ago, that shameless villain also made it clear when he invited her to inaugurate M.I.L.F. International.

As her thoughts suddenly arrived on that villain, she clenched her pure white teeth.

She has researched about him in detail and learned many interesting things.

For tens of thousands, he was Dr. NTR, but he was the ultimate villain for her.

Her impression of him being the villain was even stronger than her daughter's.

Because she knew just what he was doing in the name of treating patients!

For the rest of the world, his past was a mystique. He has suppressed all info about him by spreading hundreds of fake stories, making it impossible for one to know the exact truth.

Nevertheless, she knew of his past and role as the Chairman of Wife Pleasuring Service, Maiden Love Circle, among other organizations.

"Sophia doesn't know calling him a villain is an understatement!"

Katherine whispered to herself.

"Villain?" Her husband asked as he heard her whisper. "What are you murmuring about?

Katherine turned towards him. She thought of replying when a golden-haired man appeared amid Alphas.

His sudden appearance stunned everyone.

Chapter 627 Singularity

Everyone was watching the gathering of Alphas and other mutants through live-streams, courtesy of news drones.

Never in history has so many Alphas gathered together, and their appearance left them awestruck.

People looked at the visuals with reverence, and many kneeled in veneration. This was despite Alphas not leaking their presence that would make one kneel and prostrate. The need to worship awakened in their hearts on their own, just like breathing. It was an innate need, and none could stop it.

When Qingyi killed a few dozen Gammas and Betas by summoning the barrier, the spectators felt he was merciful. After all, no lesser beings should spoil the poised atmosphere of Gods. Killing blasphemers was mercy, for they deserved far worse.

Now only three minutes remained for Infinity Maze to open. People were glued to their screens, eagerly awaiting what was to come.

Just then, within the area surrounding the barrier, space where Alphas gathered fluctuated.

A misty haze spread, and from it stepped out a golden-haired man.

His sudden appearance surprised many.

Most Alphas didn't show any reaction, and they didn't even bother to look at him.

But there were Alphas who scanned him and were astonished when they realized his presence wasn't of an Alpha.

Qingyi's eyebrows knotted.

He has created the barrier, and yet, one who wasn't an Alpha dared pass through it by some unknown means!

Wasn't he trying to belittle him by doing such a thing?

In the distance, the crowd of Betas and Gammas broke out in a loud discussion.

"That man is familiar!"

"Obviously! He is Kiba!"

"Kiba?! You mean Dr. NTR!?"

"Yes! He's Dr. NTR!"

"Are you telling me… he is the legendary doctor who could cure all ailments?!"

"Yeap! But he only cures female patients!"

Almost half the crowd was filled with women, and some of them have been his patients in the past. Seeing him here, they blushed, and a tingling sensation spread between their thighs.

Such reactions were common throughout the world, as countless patients knew who he was.

Though many males started shouting and screaming, as if seeing him has stirred some painful memories. Their extreme reactions bewildered others.

Why was the appearance of a doctor leading to such a polarizing effect?

Qingyi was startled by the chatter.

"So, you are a doctor with a little bit of fame," Qingyi remarked with disdain. "And you think that gives you the right to barge here?"

The spectators and the crowd trembled.

Dr. NTR's former patients sucked a deep breath, terrified that their doctor would suffer a miserable fate.

Kiba ignored Qingyi and walked past him. He had noticed Katherine and waved towards her.

"You know that doctor?" Alan asked his wife.

He has heard the rumors of this legendary doctor who could treat anything.

Katherine didn't know how to respond.

After all, she couldn't tell him that this so-called legendary doctor has handed her the invitation card to inaugurate M.I.L.F. International.

Alan noticed his wife's complicated look.

"Don't tell me you were sick, and that doctor healed you?!"

Alan exclaimed, much to the shock of Katherine.

Healed me!?

That made her visualize the only way this doctor healed his patients.

Her face twisted, and her veins bulged in anger.

Seeing this, Alan felt he was close to the truth.

Only truth could make one so angry.

And it could only mean one thing… she was suffering from something embarrassing and something she couldn't tell him – her husband!

Could it be...!?

Alan established a telepathic bond with her and asked, "Did he cured a problem in your vagina?"


Katherine was stupefied.

This idiot!

Just what sort of things was he thinking!?

She was now fuming with rage. Smoke literally pumped out of her ears.

Alan suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He thought if he didn't retreat, he would suffer!

Acting on his instinct, he jumped back by thousands of meters.

Katherine gritted her beautiful teeth and turned towards Kiba, who was slowly approaching her.

He smiled at her and said, "Honorable (future) customer, how have you been?"

Alan blinked at him and then at his wife. So he was right! She has indeed been sick!

Katherine noticed the change in her husband's expression. She knew he misunderstood and that further incensed her.


The air around her body twisted with currents of cyan energy. She was about to unleash her power, but just then, Qingyi's figure flashed, and he appeared before Kiba.

"You dare ignore me!?" Qingyi thundered.

His presence as an Alpha surged out, bursting through the air and ground. Dust and stones blew up before disintegrating while heavy wind currents whipped in all directions.

Everyone was astonished by the sudden eruption of an Alpha's might. The world changed colors, and the feeling of an impending doom gripped everyone.

This only lasted for a moment as Kiba spoke.

"Get lost."

He only said two words and did nothing else. But for Qingyi, these words were like the decree of an emperor that has to be followed.

He naturally tried to resist the urge to follow, but then, the air blasted into him.


Like a cannonball, he was knocked flying into a mountain peak with his limbs spread. The mountain couldn't handle the impact, and it exploded into a rain of rocks.

Qingyi emerged out of these rocks and stared in the distance, his eyes filled with shock.


Everyone was dumbstruck, especially the ones present here. All they saw was a figure move past them like a bolt of lightning and crash into a mountain.

It happened instantly... not even taking a second!

And the conclusion of what it resulted in left them trembling.

They swallowed and glanced at Kiba with looks of pure horror.

How could he knock away an almighty Alpha by words alone!?

Until now, they never felt any outburst of power from him.

So what the hell happened?

Even a few Alphas turned towards Kiba in surprise.

Unlike others, they knew what knocked Qingyi. It wasn't a supreme aura or a strong ability, but rather the natural laws.

Kiba's words had turned the natural laws into his enforcers.

That would mean he was obviously an Alpha!

So why didn't they felt his aura as an Alpha!?

Katherine's eyes flickered.

She hadn't scanned him before, and now that she did, she realized others had made a mistake.

They only checked to see if he was emitting the presence of an Alpha.

But if they looked deeper, they would realize he wasn't emitting any presence at all! Not even that of a mutant!

"He has sealed his aura completely!" Katherine concluded. "And that's something tough, if not impossible, for an Alpha!"

Qingyi floated in the place where the mountain was.

He saw the look of terror and veneration on the spectators' faces, and his eyes turned bloodshot, for he knew he wasn't the reason. And when he heard the chatter claiming him to be weak, his veins stretched outward like worms.

Everything due to that bastard doctor!

"So, you were hiding your powers!" Qingyi said as a massive amount of blood fog oozed out of him. "But don't think that gives you the right to be so impudent!"

The fog condensed into a gigantic bloody bat that turned one with his body. The power of a peak mid-stage Level VII mutant coursed through the resulting transformation.


Air began to vibrate while the world shook violently. The feeling of doom returned, this time making everyone feel the apocalypse was about to unleash on them.

Qingyi's figure flashed forward with his claws stretching out as he approached Kiba. His bat mouth opened, and from it, bloody rays emerged, ready to burst out.

Everything was happening at light speed, and except for Alphas, none could follow this shocking sight.

The powerful attacks were ready to ram into Kiba when he slowly raised a finger. Time seemed to pause, or at least Qingyi did as the finger rose.


Kiba spoke again, this time only a word.

From the tip of his finger, a pitch-black point flew out and settled on the forehead of Qingyi's enormous body.

The point wasn't even the size of a pin, yet as it appeared, it was glaring, like it was the only thing in existence.


The Alphas who had shown no interest so far snapped their heads and stared at Qingyi. Seeing the black point, their bodies froze as they sensed a power that could crush them into oblivion.

Qingyi naturally felt that. But he was incapable of doing anything, not even utter a single word.

The point started swirling, and along with it, his body followed suit.

A crushing gravitational force raged out of the point like it was a black hole. Space distorted, and time dilated.


The sky and ground flew into the point, and the swirling Qingyi helplessly moved with them to be devoured.

An Alpha was wiped out of existence... in time one would blink an eye!

The only trace of his existence that remained was the black point. It now floated with a lingering scent of blood.

"Impossible! This couldn't be true!" Alan, Crimson Wolf, and many other Alphas muttered at the same time.

The others who weren't Alphas either passed out or slapped themselves at the impossible development.

While Alphas weren't really gods, they were at least considered on Earth. And yet an Alpha was crushed to oblivion like he was some unworthy bug.

Calling it impossible was an understatement... but everyone had witnessed it and knew it was as real as it could get.