661 - 670

Chapter 661 - My Luck Is Changing!

Seeing no response, Kiba paraphrased the question and asked, "Do I get the chance to f.u.c.k Anthea and turn her husband into the happiest man in the world?"

Cosmic Emperor didn't reply.

His memory was so strong that he remembered every detail from his life that lasted for millions of years, spanning multiple realities.

Yet, he seemed to have forgotten what type of person he was.

Even in a life and death crisis, he would seek an opportunity to make out with a beautiful woman.

Now hearing the question from his past-self, he remembered this detail and realized why everyone felt he might be shameless.

Kiba misunderstood the silence, and his face paled.

"Don't tell me Anthea is dead?!"

Cosmic Emperor shook his head and said, "She's fine."

"Ah!" Kiba's face instantly brightened. There was something to look forward to!

"As for what happens in your future, we both know you don't want a spoiler."

Kiba nodded.

Knowing how life plays out would ruin the fun. There would be no element of surprise left.

Still, since the matter involved his greatest dream, he couldn't help but seek a spoiler.


Cosmic Emperor sighed and said, "The Legacy Orb contains my memories along with my legacy, but they are sealed. You can unseal them whenever you want, but remember knowing the future would not only spoil the fun, it would also lead to changes you wouldn't want in the long run."

Kiba's expression turned serious, and he nodded in understanding.

Knowing the future also meant he would try to change things he wouldn't like. That would mean the timeline would further diverge from its original version, which would strengthen the time loop.

This would be no less than willingly providing more ammunition to Time against him.

"Obviously, there is a reason why I'm allowing you to unseal the memories whenever you want," Cosmic Emperor continued. "You would realize the reason in due time."

He pressed a finger into his chest, and the Legacy Orb emerged. It shot at Kiba, radiating a blinding glow.

Soon, it entered the space between his eyebrows. It merged with his consciousness and vanished.

"The orb also contains false memories," Cosmic Emperor further explained. "They would help you in learning the abilities you would need before the destined time."

Cosmic Emperor's body started fading.

He was just a projection and not his real self. With the orb becoming a part of his past-self, his projection no longer had a source of power.

"Don't forget, even though Time is your foe, the main antagonist is still Fate."

Cosmic Emperor's voice echoed as his body almost disappeared.

"The only way to win is to transcend its control. And you know what that requires."


Kiba whispered as his future-self completely disappeared.

"Something that could be only gained by achieving true immortality!"

With the projection gone, the world of darkness crumbled, and cracks emerged. A foreign force gripped Kiba, and he was pulled through the cracks.

"I would need to become a Transcendental Immortal!"

With a loud bang, Kiba landed in the mausoleum.

"He's back?!"

The Alphas struggling against the corpses were amazed.

They were curious about what happened to him, but they didn't have the time to concentrate on him. The corpses were turning stronger, and it was just a matter of time before they were overpowered.

"We have to escape!" Alan shouted. "Winning against them is impossible!"

The others obviously knew that. But so did the corpses, and they wouldn't allow them to rush into the space tunnel.

Then there were the lingering traces of energy from Ice Queen's destruction. Not only has that energy turned the environment bone-numbing cold, but it has also drastically impacted everyone's speed.

The situation couldn't turn any worse.

"No matter the situation, this mausoleum won't be my graveyard!"

In the distance, Flame King declared.

For the last half an hour, he has been fighting a disfigured corpse whose legacy he has accepted.

The corpse's abilities were similar to his, related to flames, but more powerful. Had he not known its origin, he would have thought the corpse belonged to House of Hestia. That's how strong the corpse was with the usage of fire.

The disfigured corpse snorted at Flame King's declaration.

It motioned its hand, and a wave of black flame rolled out, annihilating everything in its path.

By the time it reached Flame King, the wave has expanded to shroud the entire world.

Flame King jumped back while spreading his hands.

"Blazing Hell!"

He shouted and blue flames expanded out of him, turning the surroundings literally into hell.

This hell was capable of vanquishing all evil. No one was capable of surviving it.

At least, that's what he would have liked to boast as a mighty Level VIII Alpha.

Alas, the reality disappointed him.

As the wave of black flames crashed into the blazing hell, the latter lost its radiance and started shaking. The black flames cut through it and charged at Flame King.

"Dammit! This attack is far more powerful!"

Flame King turned into a fireball and retreated, shooting back like a blazing star. His speed wasn't impacted by the lingering ice energy, but he was still no match for the expanding black flames.

They caught up with him and aggressively slammed into him, eating their way through the flames coating him.


The impact sent him to the ground, and he slammed there like a meteorite, pulverizing the surrounding.


Flame King coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"Luck is definitely not on my side today!"

He jumped back to his feet and eyed the disfigured corpse. The corpse was rushing at him, its mouth salivating from hunger.

"First, that bastard child of Rebecca humiliated me in front of everyone," Flame King muttered. "And now you. But at least you are older than all my ancestors combined."

Being killed by the corpse wouldn't be humiliating. This was undoubtedly a bright spark in this gloomy day.

That might be, but it didn't mean he would accept death.

As the corpse arrived before him, Flame King opened his mouth, and flames violently blasted out.


At such close range, it was impossible to dodge or survive the impact.

"No!" Flame King's eyes constricted.

The corpse stood amidst the flames, without any injuries. It was like the blast served no role at all.

Flame King knew the corpse was turning strong with every second, but this was just too much! It was cheating!

The disfigured corpse reached for his throat and clawed it with its hand. Black flames erupted and wrapped the hand, soon moving onto the throat.

Flame King knew he was done for! Death was imminent!

He would die before he could even torture that bastard kid!

"Life is unfair!"

Flame King whined as the flame started corroding his throat.


Just then, a cosmic hammer banged into the side of the corpse's face. Its face caved in, and it was sent rolling into the distance.


Flame King rubbed his throat and looked to his right as the hammer flew there.

"Dr. NTR?!"

Flame King uttered in disbelief.

Far away, the hammer flew into the open hand of Kiba. He grabbed it and looked at Flame King.

"T-thank you!" Flame King said excitedly.

With Dr. Kiba stepping in, he was saved!

"My luck is finally changing for good!"

Chapter 662 - I Was Right, Wasn't I?

In the distance, the disfigured corpse growled. The unexpected hammer strike has hit it hard, but not enough to land a severe blow.

Growling, the corpse first eyed its food - Flame King - the one who would free it from this cursed state. Then it moved its gaze to Kiba, the only obstacle between it and its freedom.

"Get…lost…" The corpse commanded, almost like a whisper but with a voice that was like sharp nail scratching glass.

"No, I don't want to," Kiba replied with a smile. "But I would appreciate it if you can leave."

The corpse responded by flicking its fingers out. Threads of black flames appeared and crisscrossed with each other. The corpse further motioned its hand, and the net sped forward, causing space to literally melt like it was made of wax.

Kiba pumped his strength into the hammer. Golden thorns protruded out of the hammerhead, and as the net reached him, he stuck out.

The net shook, but it didn't lose its momentum. It stretched to envelop and tighten around Kiba even as most of its threads were cut by the hammer thorns.

Far away, Flame King's eyes constricted, and he shouted in horror.

"Watch out!"

Because the very moment the hammer bashed into the net, the corpse appeared behind Kiba, as if by instant teleportation.

The corpse opened its grotesque mouth and lowered it at Kiba's neck, its sharp teeth ready to stab in and tear the insides.

Only now, the flame net faded, but Flame King knew it was too late. The corpse's speed was too fast, thanks to its flame abilities.

Kiba was done for!

At least, that's what Flame King expected to see, but then his eyes popped out.


The corpse was smashed into the ground!

"W-what the hell happened?!" Flame King looked dumbstruck.

Just when Kiba's neck was about to be torn, wings emerged from his back, and his powers reached cosmic level.

He has transformed to his Holy Form!

He raised his hammer above his head without turning around and struck it behind him, hitting the corpse's head.

"An angel! He's really an angel!" Flame King said with awe.

His confidence soared, and he concluded he would survive. There was no reason to fear!

At the same time, the corpse threw out gravel from its mouth. It has planned to sneakily end Kiba to avoid wasting time in a needless confrontation.

But never expected it would be once again hit by the hammer. This time it even felt a sharp pain.

Lifting its head, it gazed at Kiba's back, its eyes bursting with black flames. The human hasn't even turned around after smashing it to the ground!

Sure power Cosmic swept off him, making it seem he was the center of the universe, but he was still a human. No amount of strength justified this attitude in front of a being from the Celestial Elysian Plane.

"You aren't even…a half-blood… and so… c.o.c.ky," The corpse said in its unique sharp voice. "You are…going to… pay."

With every second, the corpse's strength was rising. While every corpse here has an impressive background, its was even more special. Otherwise, its legacy wouldn't have been suitable only for someone powerful from the House of Hestia.

So there was no way this c.o.c.ky human would be able to face it, not with its rising strength.

It stretched its hand, and flames erupted out in the form of an exploding circle as if a star was detonating.

The heat emanating was so scorching that everything in the vicinity turned into nothingness. The other corpses and Alphas in the distance were forced to retreat.

Everything was happening at speed impossible to describe, with the exploding circle reaching Kiba instantaneously. Despite this, he smiled and said, "If you were truly alive, I might have, but not now."

Turning around in a flash, he fiercely smashed the hammer into the exploding circle.


A world-ending blast occurred, turning into a gigantic mushroom cloud. Simultaneously, black flames swirling with golden lightning rippled outwards as shockwaves.

The corpse staggered back, its eyes reflecting the incredible sight of Kiba.

Kiba was rushing through the mushroom cloud, splitting the mushroom cloud!

"To be honest, if I want to overpower you, it would be difficult even for me," Kiba acknowledged with a pleasant smile. "As for obliterating you, that would be next to impossible given your origin."


The corpse didn't know why, but Kiba's acknowledgment made it feel as if this was some ominous premonition.

While trying to make sense of this, it swiftly raised its hands to protect its chest as Kiba's hammer reached there.

But then Kiba surprised the corpse by stopping the hammer just a hairsbreadth away.

His lips curved up, and he said, "But luckily for me, I neither have to overpower you nor obliterate you. I only have to push you into…"

As these words entered the corpse's ears, it felt an intense sense of crisis. This crisis reached the peak when it heard the concluding phrase.



Suddenly, the mausoleum turned pin-drop silent and turned blinding dark. Every source of light lost its function.

A sense of helplessness gripped everyone. It was a helplessness every blind man would know in a strange environment, but it was new to those in the mausoleum.


In such an environment, just a mile behind the disfigured corpse, a slit violently ripped open.

The slit was not even as thick as a hair. Still, it was too bright, radiating glow of countless colors swirling as if it was the insides of a kaleidoscope tube.

The disfigured corpse hurriedly jerked its head at the slit. Memories that were suppressed in its brain awakened, and it realized where the slit lead.

"Purgatory…But this has the vibe… of the… Eternal Hell in Genesis!"

The corpse's unstable consciousness thought.


Ghost-like and demon-like figures appeared in the swirling colors, their expressions filled with hunger.

The corpse looked at them and realized it was right. But there was something even more strange, something it couldn't pinpoint.

"Do you really think now is the time to be distracted?"

Kiba's voice rang in the corpse's ears, bringing it back to reality.

It quickly turned its head.

But it was too late.


By then, the hammer has brutally pounded onto its chest.

Its chest caved in, and its back arched out while its body slammed into the slit. The ghost-like figures smiled and grabbed the corpse.

Their ethereal hands turned into chains and tightened around the corpse, and they dragged the corpse in.

The corpse didn't even get the time to resist—all due to a moment of carelessness.

"Relax, this isn't the end for you," Kiba said with a friendly smile. "In fact, it is a start…the start of your eternal servitude."


The corpse growled angrily, and flames exploded out of it. A few ghost-like figures were burned by them, but Kiba was calm.

He snapped his fingers, and the slit disappeared. Now the corpse has no choice of escaping even if it broke its confinement.

It has joined the likes of White Angel.

"It would provide some real use…" Kiba smiled as he thought of its possible origin.


In the mausoleum, the abrupt darkness disappeared, and the sense of helplessness faded. The other corpses and the Alphas once again resumed the fights, like nothing has happened.

"My legacy owner… is it destroyed?"

Flame King wondered. He wasn't able to see what happened just now.

Still, seeing Kiba alone with his hammer, he realized that the enemy corpse was at least overpowered.

Far away, Crimson Wolf, Mountain Lord, and Miria rose to their feet. They were overpowered by Ice Queen some time ago, and only now they regained consciousness.

"Let's leave," Mountain Lord said while glancing at the fighting Alphas. "We need to damage control on Earth. Their struggle is none of our business."

"True," Crimson Wolf agreed. "If Fate is on our side, a few of them would be able to escape and help Earth."

Miria nodded. She turned and looked in the distance, eyeing Kiba.

She then retrieved his contact card and sighed, "Maybe we will need his help."

"…." The other two didn't reply. Soon, they all transformed into beams of light and rushed into the spatial tunnel.


Flame King looked at the spatial tunnel.

He was an Alpha of a higher rank. And naturally, his ego was no less than that of a king. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been offended by that bastard kid's questions.

But now, with everything that has happened, he knew he couldn't just leave without thanking his savior first.

So, with a thankful expression, he appeared before Kiba. Kiba didn't say anything and looked at Flame King.

"Thank you for everything."

Flame King said while stretching his hand out for a handshake.

To his surprise, instead of shaking his hand, Kiba asked him a question.

It was a question that baffled him to no bounds, given the situation in the maze.

"Did you bring your wife here?"

Flame King looked at Kiba with a dumbstruck look.

He just stood there with his hand stretched, not knowing what to say.

Kiba's eyebrows creased, and Flame King quickly opened his lips to reply. He didn't want to offend his savior, who could also come in handy in the future.

"N-no," Flame King replied. "She's at home."

He has a feeling his savior wouldn't like the answer.

And soon, he realized he could always trust his feeling as an Alpha.

Because Kiba responded by smashing the hammer into his stomach.


Flame King was knocked flying into the distance, blood continuously spraying out of his mouth.

Kiba appeared before him just as he was about to crash.

"Bastard, what good your wife would be at home?"

Kiba swung out the hammer.


Flame King wasn't able to answer as he was further knocked away. This time, not only blood but his mouth also sprayed out a few teeth.

"Ice Queen had literally turned the mausoleum into an abyss of ice before she left."

Kiba vented by assaulting Flame King's head with multiple blows.

"And now, when my c.o.c.k needs the delicious warmth of a beautiful woman, you left your wife at home!"

Kiba was pissed.

How could this Flame King be so tone-deaf at the need of others?

"Did the House of Hestia not taught you any manners?!"

Kiba asked as his last strike sent Flame King hundreds of miles away.


Flame King smashed into the ground, creating an enormous crater, feeling faint and head spinning.

He didn't know if this was due to the hammer blows or due to what Kiba said.

"What sort of logic is he using?! Just because it is cold here, my wife needs to provide him warmth?!"

Flame King muttered between gasps for breath.

"And what sort of warmth he needs…."

He stopped as he obviously knew the answer.

His head didn't stop spinning, and he saw the answer floating around him in the form of images.

In some of them, his wife was coating Kiba's c.o.c.k with her warm saliva. In the others, his wife's warm p.u.s.s.y was nursing Kiba's c.o.c.k deep inside her.


Blood spurt out of his mouth like a fountain. He didn't like his wife's way of providing warmth to Kiba even though he was his savior.

As he turned delusional, barely a mile away, Alan overpowered the corpse whose legacy he had taken.

"Katherine was damn lucky. She didn't enter the mausoleum!" Alan thought. "After being f.u.c.k.i.e.d, she must be back on Earth."

Thinking of his unfaithful wife, his exhausted body sank in depression. He shook his head to clear these depressing thoughts, and by chance, noticed Flame King lying in the crater.

"No! Don't cuckold me!"

Flame King screamed.

"Dr. NTR! Get away from my wife!"


"Don't f.u.c.k her!"

"Please stop!!"

Alan's eyes brightened.

All his exhaustion disappeared, and he rushed to Flame King with a big smile on his face.

Alan waved his hand, and a cloud of water materialized above Flame King. On his command, the water splashed on the latter's face. Thankfully, Flame King was not in his flame form, and the splash of water brought him back to reality.


He let out a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was Alan, sitting before him with an expression that practically shouted – see, didn't I tell you?

"Tell me what…"

Flame King trailed off as he recalled Alan's words when Kiba and Ice Queen were fighting.

Alan had asked him to join Cuckold Union! But he obviously refused as he wasn't a cuckold.

But Alan wasn't dejected. With a look of enlightenment, he had said, "Not for long!"

"I was right, wasn't I?" Alan now asked with a confident look.

Flame King: ".............."

Chapter 663 - Ultimate Humiliation!

Flame King was speechless.

He wasn't cuckolded, so Alan wasn't right.

But with what happened just now, he has a terrible feeling his 'not-cuckolded' status wouldn't last for long.

And if he has learned anything from the thrashing he took, it was that he could trust his gut feelings!

"No! I'm an Alpha!" Flame King declared.

Alphas were considered Gods on Earth, and he was one. No one could think of humiliating a god and survive.

That bastard child of Rebecca was lucky when he insulted him, but luck wouldn't always be on that kid's side.

As his thoughts arrived on this, blue flames burst upon his body, and his aura erupted like a dazzling sun.

"And no one could ever turn me into a cuckold! None!"

His aura expanded, and Alan was forced to retreat while blocking the flames.


The dazzling aura spread further, carrying the indomitable prestige that could never be crushed.

"Worthless bastard!" Kiba's voice echoed from a distance.


Flame King's bravado disappeared, and he spun around just as the hammer brutally crushed his aura.

"Is your prestige more important than the needs of my c.o.c.k?!"

Kiba demanded while raining down one blow after another.


Flame King's body's flames disappeared in a puff of smoke, and he was almost turned into human mincemeat.

Raging pain wracked through every part of his body, and he begged for mercy.


Kiba was getting angry.

"Bitch, Valentine's Day is on the corner, and I'm without a new wife to f.u.c.k!"

The maze would be closing in an hour or so. And on Earth, a new day would arrive, something that people celebrated as Valentine's Day long before evolution started.

It was a day which involved lots of love - the type Kiba liked!

"Instead of offering your wife to fill my Valentine's Day with love, you are actually asking me for mercy?! Don't you have any shame?!"

Kiba raised the hammer and then pounded it down. Winds wildly surged out while Flame King was smashed further into the crater.

Flame King grunted, more in mental trauma than from physical pain.

How am I shameless for asking for mercy?


I'm thinking it wrong.

It is he who is shameless!

Valentine's Day is associated with romantic love!

And not with a.d.u.l.tery!

How could he expect me to give my wife to him on that day?! What sort of Valentine then would it be for my wife and me?!

Flame King muttered between groans.

In the distance, Alan's eyes sparkled, and he loudly said, "For you, Valentine's Day is the Cuckold Day!"

Flame King: "...….."

"You can officially join Cuckold United tomorrow, and we can celebrate!" Alan added. "Congratulations in advance!"

Flame King: "...."

Kiba was about to land another blow, but he stopped and turned towards Alan.

Even he was amazed by Alan's words and the excitement with which he spoke.

"What's Cuckold United?" Kiba asked.

"I'm not going to tell you," Alan said with a confident smile.

He had already experienced the greatest misery a man could ever experience. Now there was nothing he feared.

"….." Kiba was surprised by Alan's confident attitude.

It didn't suit the typical cuckold whose wife was not only f.u.c.k.i.e.d in front of him, but he also failed to stop the said f.u.c.k!

Usually, such an experience would either mentally break the cuckold or turn him into a vengeful psycho.

Confidence and excitement were the last things that Kiba would ever associate with a cuckold like this!

But now, he saw what he least expected. This startled him greatly.

"Just from where he gets this confidence?" Kiba asked himself.

Flame King was pleased.

Naturally, not by Alan's words, but the fact that Alan's words stopped Kiba.

"Give me a call tomorrow," Alan told Flame King.

Without waiting for a response, Alan then turned around and shot at the spatial tunnel. Soon, he disappeared from the mausoleum and entered Earth.

Kiba and Flame King looked at each other with blank expressions. This was a strange development for both of them.


"Right, tomorrow is Valentine's Day!"

Kiba didn't forget the only important topic.

Pumping his strength into the hammer, he ruthlessly smashed it into Flame King's belly.

The latter's divine regeneration abilities weren't able to handle the toll of the ruthless blows. His belly split apart and his insides ruptured.

Kiba didn't stop though.

"I will get your wife tomorrow, in one way or another. You decide if it should be in the form of a grieving widow being consoled or not."

Flame King trembled violently as blood gushed out of him like a volcano.

Grieving widow?

Surely he wouldn't kill me now and "console" my wife tomorrow…

The word "console" brought many terrifying scenes in his spinning head.

He saw his wife crying and Kiba wiping her tears with a sad expression. Kiba then took her in his embrace, and somehow that turned into "consoling," which resulted in their clothes disappearing and their bodies joining.

"Oh no!" Flame King finally realized he really had no choice.

If he refused to bring his wife for Valentine's Day f.u.c.k, he would be killed, and his wife would still be f.u.c.k.i.e.d!

Both scenarios involved unspeakable humiliation, and only he would bear the price. But he at least wanted to live as a consolation!

"Dr. NTR!"

Flame King forgot all his prestige and kneeled before Kiba.

This was the most humiliating situation he had ever been in. What that Rebecca's bastard said was not at all humiliating in front of this.

Still, despite the humiliation, he tried to smile. But his forced smile only made his bloody face unsightly.

"It would be mine and my wife's honor if she spends Valentine's Day in your bed!" Flame King begged.

Saying this killed his spirit and crushed his heart to pieces. But he didn't let it show and begged Kiba.

"My bed?!"

Kiba thrashed the hammer into kneeling Flame King's back.

"You beg for a favor and yet want to spoil my bed with your wife's juices?! Do you really have no manners at all?!"


Flame King's head smacked into the ground while his back erupted with unbearable pain. But he didn't waste what little strength he had in groaning or crying.

Instead, he slightly lifted his head to look at Kiba and said with everything he had.

"Forgive me…in my excitement, I forgot what a great honor it would be if you took my wife in her marital bed."

Chapter 664 - Agreement to F#ck!

"Since you are insisting so much, I can't bring myself to say with a no," Kiba said with a soft sigh. "Rest assured, I would allow your wife to please me in your marital bed tomorrow."

Kiba sounded benevolent and indulgent, almost like he was accepting something he didn't want.

If not for the challenging situation Flame King was in, he would have coughed blood in anger at this benevolent attitude. Now he had little blood to spare and couldn't afford to be angry.

"Thank you, sir," Flame King said. "My wife would be happy."

"Indeed," Kiba agreed. "And I'm sure the same applies to you."

"O-of course…I would be delighted!"

Flame King was seething inside, but he didn't let it show. He would let the enemy feel he won.

But in reality, the f.u.c.k would never happen!

In Infinity Maze, he had no choice but to agree to Kiba's whims. But on Earth, he would have no such obligation nor fear.

Sure, Kiba was stronger than him and could easily crush him. But on Earth, he has the support of the House of Hestia!

One has to remember that when Extermination showed the Cosmic Spark to the world, the House of Hestia and other great families weren't frightened but drooling with greed.

Sure, they never got the chance to act against Extermination. Still, the confidence they showed hinted they were confident in acquiring the Cosmic Spark!

And that was to be expected.

Even if not for the Alphas' individual strength in the Great Families, their heritage alone originated from the Celestial Elysian Plane. Then there were the otherworldly resources and the Ancient Weapons!

If not, the families couldn't have been controlling the entire world.

And House of Hestia was the dominant force in the nine families. It was supreme with many powerful beings, some even in slumber!

So, Flame King didn't mind bearing this ultimate humiliation because he would have his revenge on Earth.

Kiba wouldn't get his wife's warm p.u.s.s.y tomorrow.

All he would get was death for humiliating a pureblood descendant of Hestia!

As Flame King thought of this, his heart pumped adrenaline into his blood. His broken face glowed with happiness.

"You seem very excited," Kiba observed with a smile. "I guess you couldn't wait for tomorrow."

"Yes…" Flame King replied with an ugly smile. "Tomorrow is going to be very exciting!"

"Well, most often, when the time comes, the reality crushes the excitement and turns it into disappointment."

Kiba placed the hammer down and raised his right hand. With his left hand, he made a cut on his right thumb. Since he was in the Holy Form, the cut erupted with golden blood.

"We wouldn't want that, right?"

Kiba asked as the droplets of golden blood surrounded both him and Flame King and then started spinning.


A chill passed through Flame King's spine, and his mind trembled.

He was terrified.

All his excitement has instantly turned into despair.


The spinning blood turned into a rotating wall, and through it, two bloody quills emerged.

"Blood Contract!"

Flame King wet his pants.

Every mutant that could use a Domain was capable of an ability called bestowal. Through it, a mutant could bestow his powers to another mutant, usually weaker than him.

It wasn't that complex as all the bestowing mutant has to do was create a mini-domain in the other consenting mutant's body. This would naturally make the consenting mutant capable of using the powers similar to the bestowing mutant.

Of course, there was no free lunch in the world.

Bestowal drained the power of the bestowing mutant. One wouldn't do it unless they received something in return. Usually, it was the servitude of the beneficiary.

This bestowal and the price the beneficiary would pay was done through a ceremony called Blood Contract.

It was binding to both parties, and breaking the terms could even lead to death!

Kiba made a grasping motion, and one of the quills flew to him. He took it and started writing on the wall.

[To ensure the great Flame King's excitement doesn't turn into disappointment, I – Dr. NTR – swears that I would f.u.c.k his wife.]

[I promise, when the time comes, my c.o.c.k will show no hesitation in bestowing my c.u.m to his wife's needy cunt.]

Kiba broke the quill, and it disappeared. The words on the wall solidified, and a copy of them entered Kiba's heart, chaining him into an agreement.

Satisfied, Kiba turned towards Flame King and said, "See? Now you don't need to worry at all."

Flame King broke in a cold sweat.

Blood Contracts were always used for sharing powers!

From when did they start serving the role of guarantee to f.u.c.k someone's wife?!

Was it even legal?!

"[email protected]#%"

Flame King shouted expletives.

"Huh?" Kiba seemed confused. "Are you swearing at me?"

"N-no!" Flame King quickly clarified. "I wouldn't dare! I was swearing at the agreement!"

"Oh!" Kiba has a look of understanding. "You were cursing in excitement for being the beneficiary of a one-sided agreement!"

"Yes…" Flame King nodded bitterly. "I just couldn't control my excitement."

Flame King was crushed.

Telling the truth would kill him, so he was forced to suffocate his self-respect and swallow this humiliation.

Maybe if he wasn't this powerful and born in a supreme family, he wouldn't mind dying to such an extent.

But with power and family background, the thing he came to treasure the most was his life.

He wanted to live long, and if possible, forever. That was the reason why he worked so hard in the maze.

"Well, grab the quill and complete the contract," Kiba said with a reassuring smile. "Turn your excitement official!"

Flame King broke into tears and took the quill. With sadness no one could understand, he started writing.

[For Valentine's Day celebration, I would gift my wife the honor to serve Dr. NTR in our marital bed.]

Flame King lowered the quill and began to apply pressure to crush it. But just then, the hammer slammed into his back, and his head hit the bloody wall.

Shocked and frightened, he glanced behind.

"Did your parents teach you nothing at all?" Kiba asked with fury in his eyes.

"S-sir?" Flame King couldn't understand what he did wrong this time.

Kiba was pissed. This Flame King was an idiot. He has to be spoon-fed everything, including the basics of love.

"A husband must turn every day into Valentine's Day," Kiba pointed at the contract wall. "But it seems you don't even know your duties!"


Blood spilled out of Flame King's mouth like a volcano. It wasn't from any injury but from the realization that his horror wasn't restricted to one day!

It was for the entire year…or as long as his wife lives!!

"Seems like I was mistaken," Kiba transferred his strength into the hammer. "I thought you had the potential to be a Good Husband, but I guess I was wrong."

"N-no… you couldn't be wrong, sir!" Flame King quickly brought the quill back to the wall. "Let me prove it."

With his heart sinking into his stomach, he resumed writing.

[As a Good Husband, naturally, for me, every day is Valentine's Day.]

He glanced back, but Kiba's expression was the same. Realizing the latter wasn't satisfied, he knew Kiba was aware of the loophole. So, once again, he resumed writing.

[I will do my best to ensure my wife remains healthy, fit, and beautiful so that she could please Dr. NTR forever.]

Flame King once again looked back, feeling he would see Kiba's expression of satisfaction. But the only thing he saw was the head of the hammer rapidly expanding as it violently banged into his face.

"Bastard, do you think I have nothing better to do than f.u.c.k your wife 365 days?!"

Kiba's fury soared to the heavens, and he has good reasons to be this furious.

Out of the kindness of his heart, he agreed to f.u.c.k Flame King's wife for Valentine's Day.

But what did Flame King do?

He tried to be greedy and wanted the f.u.c.k fest to continue forever!

How shameless and despicable!

"Besides, if I spend all my time on your wife, what would happen to millions of other wives I'm yet to f.u.c.k?!"

Flame King: "...….........."

Flame King forgot all his pain and stared at Kiba with plain shock.

If he wanted his wife to be f.u.c.k.i.e.d only for a day…he was abdicating from his duties as a good husband! And if he asked for 365 days f.u.c.k for his wife…he was greedy?!

How come all the faults were his no matter what he did?

"You just think of yourself, don't you?" Kiba asked as the hammer flew back to him. "No wonder people like you take advantage of kind people like me and turn the world into a bad place to live."

Flame King: "...….........."

Chapter 665 - Returning To Home (I/II)

"Forgive me for being greedy."

Flame King hurriedly apologized.

"Ok," Kiba accepted the apology. "But stop taking advantage of my kindness from now."

"O-of course, sir."

Flame King used the last ounce of his strength to resume writing in Blood Contract.

[The discretion on what day and how many days should be Valentine's Day solely belongs to Dr. NTR.]

Writing this was like issuing a blank cheque to Kiba to f.u.c.k his wife as he, please.

Furthermore, with this, he lost the option to use the House of Hestia to settle scores.

Flame King hoped this would satisfy Kiba.

With great hesitation, he glanced back and almost danced in joy when Kiba didn't strike him with the cosmic hammer.

Relieved, Flame King broke the quill. The words on the wall solidified, and an ethereal copy of them chained his heart, binding him in an agreement with Kiba.

If either of them broke the agreement, the contract chains would crush the heart of the offending party.

"But Dr. NTR has no reasons to break the agreement!" Flame king wryly thought. "Besides, he just has to f.u.c.k my wife once, and he would be free from the contract chains! But for me, as long as my wife or Kiba lives, I would be chained by the agreement!"

"This is goodbye, for now."

Kiba shot into the sky and disappeared from Flame King's vision, but his words echoed.

"See ya tomorrow, Cuckold King."

The words pierced through Flame King's heart like an arrow, and he dropped to the ground.

"He is right. The only title I deserve from now is Cuckold King."


A few minutes later, Kiba arrived at his destination – the tomb of Mother Trinity.

"Finally… I just need to complete this, and I can return!"

While the journey so far was fun, and it has only been a little over eight hours since he arrived in the maze, he really wanted to return soon.

All because he missed the person he loved the most.


He wanted to spend more time with her and bond with her.

"Blasting a few things would be her way of bonding!"

Kiba thought with a gentle smile.

"Oh well... time to focus!"

Clearing his thoughts, he pressed the tomb slab, and a dazzling glow erupted from it and wrapped him. The glow then sucked him into the tomb, bringing him to a space that was no less than an independent world.

As far as he could observe, there were flora, fauna, palaces, and temples on the ground. On the sky above, there were sparkling gems, the color of blood.

Everything was enchanting like he was inside a beautiful painting that has come to life.

Kiba looked at the gems. Each one of them emitted a vitality that seemed to hold millions of years.

"Mother Trinity…"

Kiba sighed as he thought about her.

"All lifeforms in the Celestial Elysian Plane originate from her… Whatever Lord Xeced did, she must be the main reason, if not the sole inspiration. "

Thinking of her legends, he wasn't shocked by the unbelievable contents inside the tomb.


A motherly voice whispered like the dance of the wind.

Kiba wasn't surprised by the voice's sudden appearance. While he couldn't pinpoint the source, he obviously knew it belonged to Mother Trinity.

Perhaps it was her subconsciousness speaking, most likely integrated with every molecule of this world.

Who knows, given her origin, her body might be this world.


Kiba's expression slightly changed, but he didn't lose composure.

It was apparent to him she was talking about the Cosmic Spark. But given her background, it was hardly surprising.

"Aww…I'm from a different world, but you still consider me your child and even love me!"

Kiba exclaimed with a smile.

"And your love seems to be unconditional as well! How sweet! It melts my heart!"

The subconsciousness of Mother Trinity was surprised. She felt his expression and tone not matching his words.

"But you see, while I have a soft spot for mothers, I have no interest in being anyone's child or having a mother."

Kiba released his aura, and it erupted like a volcano. His wings fluttered loudly, and his holy glow exploded out.

Mother Trinity's subconsciousness was surprised.

Not only was he refusing her kindness with such audacity, he even dared to release his powers here!

How bold and reckless!

It didn't matter, though.

Despite his overbearing powers, she could easily crush him like a worthless bug.

Her will jumped in action, and her strength turned into a wave and swept at him.

"Wait… I was wrong… I do love mothers!"

Kiba said as her strength was about to hit him.

Mother Trinity's subconsciousness stopped her strength.

This child has finally learned how reckless he was and course-corrected himself.

And it was to be only expected!

After all, not even her firstborns – the titans – dared to act in front of her!

"In fact, I love mothers so much that I built an organization for them!"

Kiba's lips curved up into a grin.

"Of course it is so that I could f.u.c.k them!"


Mother Trinity's subconsciousness was stunned.

"Sadly, you are dead," Kiba continued. "And I have no interest in f.u.c.k.i.n.g a corpse! So sorry, but I don't love you!"


The world started trembling violently. The wave that has earlier stopped expanded and smashed forward.

But the instant Kiba said those words, he shot up like lightning, reaching for the sparkling gems that dangled in the sky.

While surprised by his actions and terrifying speed, Mother Trinity's powers also raced at him. He was about to be overtaken!

Kiba didn't panic at all.

"I forgot to mention, but I don't think you can love me."

Kiba's eyes flashed with his sadistic nature.

"Unless you don't mind the fact that I murdered your son – Hyperion!"


Mother Trinity stopped in absolute shock. This was a catastrophic revelation for her.

In the meantime, Kiba caught a gem and grabbed it.

A power that was purer than power Cosmic started running into him.

He tried his best to block it, as it wasn't for him but rather for Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose.

He owed her many favors, and this would help in at least paying one of them.

Mother Trinity's subconsciousness noticed his actions.

She realized this human was trying to stall time. But she also knew he wasn't lying.

Angered, her powers exploded and blasted at him.

"Wait! Hyperion isn't really dead!"

Mother Trinity stopped again. She sensed he was honest now as well.

This baffled her.

"Actually, by murdering him, I gave him something you never could - immortality!"


"Though it is a different matter, that the immortality I gave him requires him to be trapped in Genesis till the end of times!"

Chapter 666 - Returning to Home (II/II)


The subconscious mind of Mother Trinity shook. Her body was dead, but her memories were intact, and she knew what being trapped in Genesis signified.

Hyperion was living the life of an eternal prisoner in the everlasting prison of resentment.

There could be no escape for him.

Mother Trinity knew this very well. Because long ago, when she was alive, she has tried to free one of her sons, who was engulfed by Genesis, Atlas.

Now her other son, too, has been trapped by the same cursed existence.

"Well, I gifted your son immortality. And I'm sure you are crying from gratitude and dying to give me everything you have."

Kiba said as he tightened his grip on the blood gem. The intense energy erupting from it raced into his heart and fused with the power surging from the Cosmic Spark.

Golden glow splashed from of his facial orifices, and the radiance from his wings turned blinding.

A power he couldn't describe ran through him, bringing him to a state where all he desired was destruction.


A terrifying amount of lightning flashed out of him, making it seem he was wreathed in lightning.

The power he released was close to Level IX's peak, just a hairsbreadth away from the legendary Omega.

This was despite his attempts to block the energy from the gem.

"But I'm not the type to take advantage of a mother's gratefulness," Kiba continued as he took control of the power, "So all I would accept is this cheap gem."


Mother Trinity's subconsciousness roared. The temples cracked apart, and through the cracks, tentacles burst out like vicious snakes.

The other places similarly cracked, and monstrous attacks erupted, making the world change colors.


Just like Kiba had guessed, this world was a part of her body. The gems floating in the sky were the essence of her source blood – the very foundation of her existence.

Now seeing Kiba not only revealing himself as the killer of her son but also stealing her precious gem with such boldness, her fury soared.

"Aww… what happened to the unconditional love, mother?>>

Kiba aimed his free hand at the incoming attacks. A ring of seven colors light flickered in existence and shot down, carrying a stifling power of suppression.

The tentacles shook as the ring applied massive pressure on them, making them erupt with cracks. They lost their strength and collapsed, and the ring flashed into the other attacks, destroying them.

"Or maybe your love was deceiving in nature, just like everything in the maze?"

Kiba asked as he smashed the void with the cosmic hammer. Given this world's nature, it was impossible to break the void, but now the impossible happened.

A path to the mausoleum emerged, and Kiba flapped his wings and rushed there.


Mother Trinity's subconsciousness screamed.

The power from the Cosmic Spark and the gem momentarily overpowered her, but it was only for a moment. She erupted with frightening energy that took the shape of a spatial cyclone and blasted it at Kiba.

Glancing back, Kiba threw his hammer at the cyclone.


A deafening crash followed, causing the light in the sky to become exceptionally dim and an energy storm to violently explode.

"Sorry, but I can't."

Kiba's voice echoed through the explosion as he left through the path.

"You see, there are living mothers waiting to be f.u.c.k.i.e.d, so I can't stay here."

"But don't worry Mother Trinity, I'm not heartless."

"Once you revive – and provided you qualify my beauty standard - I wouldn't leave till I have f.u.c.k.i.e.d you enough for you to beg me to leave! So revive quickly!"


Mother Trinity's subconsciousness raged with murderous intent.

No one in the Celestial Elysian Plane has even dared think half of what this kid actually said to her!

Yet, this kid from a lowly planet not only dared but also said with confidence that he would live up to his words!


Even as she wondered, the cyclone sent the cosmic hammer to the ground.


The hammer disintegrated into glowing dots of cosmic light, and they fused together to turn into a crystal card.

"Does no one appreciate your role as a mother?"

A holographic projection of a blonde woman emerged from the card and asked.

"Are you tired of your duties and want a little break to recharge?"


Mother Trinity's subconsciousness was bewildered. What was this projection, and why was it asking these questions?

"If the answer is yes to any of the above, you are at the right place."

The blonde spread her arms, and a skyscr.a.p.er appeared behind her.

"MILF International would make you forget all your woes and sadness by giving you the f.u.c.k of the lifetime!"

"Satisfaction guaranteed!"

"Don't believe us? See the proof with your own eyes!"

The thousands of glass panels on the skyscr.a.p.er lightened up with images of women in orgasms. Their eyes were glazed, and their tongues lolled out.

It was clear they were in heaven and had forgotten the troubles of mundane life.

The glass panels then flickered, and the images were replaced with a single picture.

"The source of this wonderful phenomenon is Our Honourable President –"

The blonde excitedly pointed at the larger-than-life picture of Kiba.

"Mr. Motherf.u.c.ker!"

Mother Trinity: <>

Kiba arrived in the mausoleum.

The battles between the Alphas and the corpses were at the climax. It was a matter of minutes before the winners were decided.

If Kiba was a man with a high sense of morality, he would have helped the Alphas as they belonged to Earth.

After all, this would benefit humanity and other races of Earth and ensure the balance of power remained.

Sadly for the human race, he was disillusioned with them.

"Whether it is the humans or the aliens who rule the world, those at the bottom of society would still be exploited!"

Kiba recalled his past as Zed. It wasn't aliens who used him and other slum dwellers as guinea pigs, but humans.

"The worst crimes on humans have been committed by humans themselves! And yet they dare to preach about so-called humanity!"

Kiba smiled and rushed into the spatial tunnel leading to Earth.

He has no reason to interfere with the conflict that was storming into Earth, at least not for now.


It has been almost nine hours since the Infinity Maze opened, and Earth was brewing with discussions.

Most of them were focused on one person.

Dr. NTR!

People were awestruck and frightened by his act of obliterating another Alpha in a matter of seconds.

Whether it was the Nine Great Families or the Revolutionaries, they unearthed every piece of information on him, including the false information spread by Claudia.

This resulted in a baffling profile of him.

While they weren't sure of what to believe and what not to, they could confirm at least where he lived.

In the largest tower in the City of Arcadia!

Media persons and representatives from many great powers stood below the tower, waiting for permission to step in,

None of them even dared think of intruding. And it wasn't because of Dr. NTR.

While they were obviously wary of him, but a few of them might still have dared to intrude since he was in the maze. But now they didn't.

All because of the event that occurred a few hours ago here.

Dracon Moonfall – an Alpha known for crimes against humanity – has attacked the tower.

But he failed to create even a scratch on the tower!

All because of a loli dressed in gothic clothing!

"Just who was she?"

A media person asked a representative from a great power for the hundredth time.

"No idea," The representative answered for the hundredth time. "But she sure knows how to bitchslap an Alpha!"

"That's true!" The media person nodded. "Poor Dracon Moonfall! He was slapped in front of so many!"

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to be in his position-----"


The conversation was broken by a painful scream from inside the tower.

The media persons and the representatives didn't seem surprised, though.

"Another scream. This time it has been after half an hour," The media person from before jolted down the information on his phone. "Total 9 screams since he has been captured!"

"What do you think is done to Dracon Moonfall for him to scream like this?" The representative from a great power asked.

"No idea," The media person replied. "But he sounds like someone who's been electrocuted!"

"Haa~ Like hell he is!" The representative snorted in disdain. "An Alpha and electrocution!"

The media person agreed.

An Alpha wasn't some ordinary being who could be electrocuted!


Inside the tower, Dracon Moonfall stopped screaming while being pinned to the wall.

The metallic cuffs that pinned him restricted most of his powers but didn't affect his regeneration powers by much. That helped him healing his wound and suppressing the pain in a matter of seconds.

The mental agony was a different matter.


Taking a deep breath of air, he brought his eyes on the little girl sitting on a chair, about some twenty meters away from him.

"If you do this again, I would kill you!"

Dracon threatened.

The little girl's eyes sparkled at the threat, and she once again flickered her fingers at him.

Swish! Swish!

One after another, strands of lightning raced out of her fingers and hit Dracon.

Dracon clamped his mouth tight and tried to ignore the lightning flowing into him. He did his best to not think of how his skin was charred and his flesh cut.

Sadly, his attempts failed yet again. The lightning discharging from the girl's fingers didn't stop, and in a matter of minutes, he started screaming.


Outside, the media person from before noted, "Hmm… this time he screamed in ten minutes! His resistance is falling!"

"He sure is a blot on the title of an Alpha!" The representative remarked. "Can't even handle some pain!"

If Dracon Moonfall heard this, he would cough up blood.

Only he knew how strange and powerful lightning used by this little girl was.

"No wonder she's Dr. NTR's daughter!"

Dracon grudgingly thought while looking at the little girl.

Naturally, she was Hope.

After Claudia captured Dracon Moonfall, Hope stopped playing with the Red Tiger's cubs. While the cubs were her best friends, they were not the types with whom she could have real fun.

For real fun, she relied either on her father or the crazy twins!

With their daddy gone, the twins made sure their daddy's daughter didn't miss any fun. So they brought Dracon Moonfall to Hope as target practice and said she could do anything with him!

Even exploding him was allowed!

The twins promised her mother wouldn't know!

So Hope did her best to have fun.

She would make her father proud by exploding Dracon Moonfall!

Chapter 667 - I Love You!

Just as Dracon acknowledged Hope, she waved her hand, and streaks of lightning appeared and circled him, from head to toe.

Sputtering sparks erupted as the lightning touched his body, but unlike before, they didn't electrocute him.

Dracon was pleasantly surprised.

This little girl was turning nice!

Alas, his impression didn't last for long as he realized what her powers were doing.

Instead of giving him a shock, the lightning was infused into his cells, like his body was a battery.

But he was a human and not a battery!

And even a battery would explode when it was charged far beyond its capacity!

"She is trying to explode me!!"

Dracon stared at Hope from the gap between lightning covering his face. She looked back at him with a twinkling gaze.

"Such a wicked girl!"

He had examined her before with what little perception he could use. From what he could tell, she was a little shy from being two-years-old! And except for the powers she possessed, she was no different from the children of her age!

At least this was his impression until a minute ago. Now he realized there was another exception.

"She's a sadist!"

Dracon muttered.

"For her to be a sadist at such young age, it could only mean sadism was a trait she inherited from one of her parents!

"A parent so sadistic that even the DNA of the child was rich with sadism!"

Dracon was frightened.

If Hope was doing this to him, what would the extreme sadist parent do?

"Surely, Dr. NTR couldn't be the sadist parent!"

Dracon's heart raced as fear gripped his body.

If Dr. NTR was a sadist, Dracon has a feeling he would regret being born.

"This girl inherited his powers and awakened at such young age! And given how genetic works, she must have inherited the other strong trait from the second parent!

"So Dr. NTR shouldn't be the sadist!"

Dracon's heart calmed down.

"So it must be that Agatha!"

Dracon thought of Agatha's reaction when he tried to kidnap Hope. Sure, Claudia has stepped in at the right moment, but Agatha was calm even before her arrival!

"A calm attitude suits an extreme sadist! So that bitch is indeed a sadist!"

Dracon concluded this positively.

As long as the sadist parent wasn't Dr. NTR, there was hope for him! All he now needed was an opportunity to break the anti-power cuffs and escape.


Dracon's daydreams were broken by the lightning pulsing through his cells. His cells couldn't stand the pressure any longer, and they started exploding.

But he was an Alpha, and his healing powers kicked in the moment of the explosion.

So despite him literally exploding, he remained completely intact!

Even the blood stains disappeared thanks to the regeneration powers.

Hope's little face sank.

Why was this tattoo uncle not exploding in the fashion she wanted?

As a child, her first instinct was to cry as he was not doing what she wanted. But then she thought of her father.

He has defeated her in the first few rounds of the explosion competition. Still, she was able to win all the rounds after that and came out as the competition champion!


First defeat at exploding meant nothing!

All she need to do was to try until this uncle exploded!

She was the champion in the past and would remain the champion in the future!

Her face brightened, and her eyes surged with a golden radiance.


All over her body, currents of lightning erupted and wrapped her. The chair she was sitting on turned into nothingness, but she didn't fall and continued to sit in the air.

A supreme power emerged from her and blasted through the entire room, destroying everything in its path.

"W-what?!" Dracon's eyes widened. "She's evolving because she failed to explode me?!"

What sort of logic was this?!

Shouldn't a defeat crush her confidence instead of giving her a power boost!?

Hope looked at her hands coiled with lightning and then at Dracon. A smile that was unique to her father appeared on her lips, and she aimed at Dracon.


Boundless lightning burst into Dracon, and he screamed instantly. But his regeneration powers managed to save him again.

Hope wasn't dejected. She aimed at him again, and as the lightning got ready to surge out, she suddenly stopped and turned around.

She has sensed the presence of the one she loved the most!


A teleportation portal emerged, and through it, Kiba stepped out.


Kiba was surprised by seeing her levitating in the air.


She didn't give him time to think and rushed at him.

"It hasn't even been a day!"

Kiba smiled and opened his arms.

"And yet you missed me this much?"

Kiba asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

She looked at him and nodded.

"I missed you as well," Kiba said as his eyes glistened. "More than you would ever know."

She didn't fully know the language he used, nor the words he used, but she completely understood him.

In fact, through the telepathic bond she shared with him, she always understood more than he intended.

She understood the warmth, love, and fear he has for her.

Her eyes teared up, and she brought her hands on his face.


She said as she gently caressed his face.

"I love you!"

Kiba dug his teeth into his lower lip as he struggled to control his tears. His attempts proved futile, and a tear escaped his eye.

"I love you too, my child!"

He now knew what his future-self must have felt when he saved Hope from the onslaught of Fate.

On the path of loneliness and madness, the journey of million years was completed when he held her in his arms.

Perhaps she had felt what he experienced when she was in his arms. And even though she never said anything to him, her actions of running her fingers on his face told him everything he wanted to know.

She loved him with everything she had.

This one moment of realization gave his future-self more satisfaction than his entire life.

Perhaps he always knew the love she has for him, but the moment of realization was what he wanted to experience.

Maybe that was why he did everything.

"Before you arrived, I was incapable of love, but you changed everything!" Kiba said with a warm smile. "Now I love you with every fiber of my existence!"

Hope wiped the tear sliding down his cheek and stared into his eyes. He saw his sentiments flashing in her eyes and knew she loved him just as much.


Hope aimed a finger at the end of the room.


Kiba finally noticed the condition of the room. While surprised, he didn't really care for the damage and looked at what his daughter was pointing at.

"Dracon Moonfall?!" Kiba was stunned.

If not for Hope in his arms, his powers would have exploded, and he would have charged at Dracon like a wild beast.

The anger he carried for the person who destroyed his first dream – his home – couldn't be described with words alone.

But now, this boundless anger didn't even show a trace. That's how much Hope's presence affected him.

Dracon Moonfall scrutinized Kiba.

Thanks to Claudia, he knew Kiba was none other than Rebecca's bastard, whom he targeted long ago on Lord Harley's instructions. While he didn't understand how such a thing was possible, he knew Kiba greatly loved Dream Rise House.

Otherwise, that loli – Claudia – wouldn't be so furious.

And yet, he sensed no anger or resentment from Kiba!

The only thing he felt was the love Kiba has for his daughter.

"This makes my guess more than correct!" Dracon thought with a sly glint. "He's not even capable of sadism!"

As Dracon concluded, Hope pointed at him and then turned to her father.

"I want to explode him!" Hope exclaimed telepathically. "Could I?"


Kiba was taken aback, but how could he ever say no to his sweet daughter?

Besides, he wasn't the type to control the life of his child. He believed in freedom.

So, with a gentle smile, he replied, "You are free to do anything you please! And remember, you don't need mine or your mother's permission to do what you want!"

Hope's eyes erupted with happiness.

Papa was the best!

Chapter 668 - How MuChapter You Mean To Me

Under Kiba's loving gaze, Hope started blasting streams of lightning into Dracon.

"A little girl couldn't kill me!"

Dracon grunted under the paralyzing effect of lightning. His cells were brimming with energy, and they started exploding, but he didn't die. He was an Alpha, and as long as even a droplet of blood remained, he could recover.


Hope channeled all her strength into her right hand. With complete concentration, she then released a thick bolt of lightning that hit Dracon on the chest.

She looked at him with anticipation. Surely he would explode now!


Just then, the door opened, and the sound of familiar heels stepping on the floor emerged.


Hope's expression changed to that of wariness. Like lightning, she disappeared from her position and hid behind Kiba.

Floating behind his back, she sneakily looked over his shoulder and saw the one she both feared and loved.


"Hope!" Agatha obviously noticed her daughter despite the latter's best attempts. "What were you doing?"

Hope didn't dare answer. She knew her mother didn't appreciate the art of exploding.

"Nothing much," Kiba answered on her behalf. "We were bonding."


Agatha glanced at the destroyed room and then at Dracon, who was glowing with lightning.

"This is your idea of bonding?" Agatha asked with disbelief.

"Naturally!" Kiba replied as if it was obvious. "Bonding is done on common interests!"

Hope nodded in agreement and eyed her mother.


Agatha felt her forehead throbbing. She could stand the idea of bonding when it was limited to exploding non-living things.

Now even living beings? That too a human!

"You are spoiling her!"

Agatha brought her gaze back on Kiba and thundered.

"First, it was exploding rooms, then buildings, now a mutant! What would you do when she's bored of mutants as well?! Start exploding planets?!"

"Planets?" Hope's eyes sparkled.

Kiba has taken her to outer-space, and she has seen the planets from a distance. They were so large, enchanting, and full of wonder.

How would they look while exploding?

Surely that would be a sight to behold!

Agatha was taken aback by the rising excitement she sensed from her daughter. Surely she couldn't be looking forward to exploding planets!

Agatha wanted to cry.

Her question was rhetorical! She didn't mean to give ideas to Hope!

"Well, it seems you have made a decision for our daughter."

Kiba observed with a smile.

"And since Hope believes in filial piety, she would have no choice but to explode planets."

Agatha: "........"

Meanwhile, Dracon recovered from the bolt of lightning. He heard Agatha's outbursts and thought he was right.

But now was the time to think about the crazy woman and her equally crazy daughter. The time was to escape!

Till now, whenever he would be hit by lightning, he would transfer a bit of it into the cuffs. It was difficult to achieve, but he succeeded.

The cuffs seemed indestructible at first, but now they were showing signs of internal fissures. That was to be expected given the nature of lightning Hope inherited.

And the last full-power attack almost destroyed the mechanism insides the cuffs that restricted Dracon's strength.


Dracon lifted his head, and veins popped up on his forehead.


Endless winds flew into the room and started spiraling, turning into a storm. Agatha and Hope were sent flying into the different corners of the room.

Agatha's complexion changed, and her head jerked towards Dracon.

Dracon has broken the cuffs!

Even as she turned towards him, he smiled wickedly and flew back while pointing the finger at Hope.


A wave of baleful wind burst out of the storm and smashed at Hope.

"I promised I would kill you!" Dracon exclaimed as he broke out of the tower. "And I don't break my promises!"

"Really? We are similar then."

Kiba noted from behind.

"Because I promised to protect my daughter and haven't failed."


Dracon's blood turned icy cold.

He didn't think of Hope surviving his attack but thought of how Kiba appeared behind him without making any fluctuation!

The ability he was most confident in was speed! After all, wind was the element of speed! And yet Kiba was faster than him!

"I won't be able to defeat him!"

Dracon knew his limitations.

Responding at light speed from the moment Kiba appeared behind him, he shot back at the tower while rapidly turning around.

He expected to see Kiba, but all he saw was a bare fist zooming into his face.


The fist broke his nose and sent a brute force into his skull.

The pain made his eyes erupt with tears and shut down while he crashed into the room adjacent to the one he has just escaped from.

"Thoo!" Dracon spit blood and teeth as he landed on the floor.

His face has been crushed like a train has run over it. But this was the least of his worries.

The instant he opened his eyes, he saw the underside of a shoe closing into his bloody face.

Dracon didn't want to be trampled upon by Kiba.

The winds wrapped him and pulled him back. He barely evaded the foot, and it smashed on the floor, blasting it.

"Selfish prick!"

Kiba was offended.

"I was kind enough to trample your face before my daughter exploded you, but instead of being thankful, you are resisting?!"

Dracon has barely got on his feet, and hearing the question, he was dumbstruck. What sort of logic was this guy using?

But he didn't waste much time trying to find logic. He coiled streams of wind around him and retreated with everything he got.

Sadly, all he managed was ten meters before an attraction force grabbed him.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Kiba asked as he made a pulling motion.

Dracon couldn't respond. He blurred from extreme speed as his body violently flew in Kiba's direction.


Just as he expected to crash into Kiba, the atmosphere turned stifling, and an invisible field enveloped the room.


The field brutally smashed Dracon on the floor, just a step away from Kiba.

He couldn't even lift his head as the field released a pressure that seemed far more oppressive than hundreds of mountains combined.

"What sort of field is this?!"

The field squeezed his body into the floor, causing numerous crevices to split out.

Kiba lifted the foot Dracon had evaded. He was feeling magnanimous, so he said, "Do you want to be trampled by my foot or crushed by the gravity field?"


If Dracon was capable of vomiting blood, he would have.

What sort of choices was he given?

But he has a feeling this was Kiba's way of holding out an olive branch, and if he didn't take it, he would regret it.


He barely managed to say underneath the oppressive gravitational force.

"If that's what you want, sure," Kiba replied with his unique smile. "Just turn around and bring your face underneath my foot."


Dracon felt humiliated, but he used every ounce of his strength to turn his body under the gravity field. It took him minutes, but he succeeded in bringing his face up.

He saw the familiar underside of the shoe and also noticed the smile on Kiba's face.

"This smile….it is just like that little girl's!"

A chill raced into his spine as he realized Kiba was the sadist parent.


Just then, the foot stamped into his face, and everything turned dark.

Clap! Clap!

In the distance, Hope excitedly clapped her hands.

She has witnessed everything, including how Dracon volunteered to bring his face to get trampled upon.

"Papa is so cool!"

Hope exclaimed to her mother.

"I want to be like him!"

Agatha almost collapsed.

"You are already like him! Any more and this world would be done for!"

She wanted to tell her daughter.

Kiba chained the unconscious Dracon with his powers.

"Madison, you need to bring new cuffs for him."

Kiba said while pinning Dracon to the floor.

When he arrived in the tower, he has sensed the presence of Madison in a nearby room. It was evident that she was ready to help in case Dracon escaped or tried to harm Hope.

Naturally, she didn't need to intervene after Kiba arrived here.

"I knew daddy would sense his Lil' girl's love!"

Space before Kiba erupted with a bloody glow, and Madison appeared from it. She quickly threw herself into his embrace.

Kiba did his best to ignore the effect her b.r.e.a.s.ts were creating as they pressed into his chest.

She went a notch higher and tightly kissed him on the lips.

"Cough! Cough!"

From behind, Agatha made the sound of coughing, reminding them that Hope was here.

Madison broke the kiss and disappeared, only to reappear before Agatha. She took Hope and then disappeared while her powers transferred Dracon to the next room.

"….." Agatha was caught off-guard.

Surely Madison hasn't taken Hope for another round of exploding Dracon?

She looked at Kiba for an answer, but he seemed lost like he was in some thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" Agatha asked.

Kiba didn't reply. He closed his eyes and made a connection with the Legacy Orb integrated into his consciousness.

The orb has memories of his future-self, both real and false, and he could unseal them whenever he wanted.

Kiba unsealed the memories that were related to Agatha.

When they thought they had lost Hope, he had seen the soul-crushing effect on Agatha. Of course, the effect was short-lived as Hope emerged unscathed.

But this was in his timeline.

What about the timeline of his future-self?

The orb released the memories of that timeline.


After killing Hyperion, Kiba has returned to Agatha. Alas, she has turned into a living corpse without any will to live.

She wouldn't eat in the starting few weeks, and if not for the energy he regularly infused into her, she would have starved to death. That was the easy part he could manage.

What he couldn't stand was the fear that she might do something lethal to herself.

So he did what he could: try to be with her, say words that could put a bandage on her wounds, and provide her therapy.

But she showed no signs of recovery.

A year passed, and by then, his regret for her loss was turning into resentment. He was annoyed by her refusal to move on.

She wasn't the first mother to lose a child.

And wasn't he also equally hurt by the loss of Hope?

But he didn't sink in despair! He had moved on and tried his best to live the life!

So why couldn't she do the same?

A part of him knew he was unfair. Not everyone could be like him and move on.

So he did his best to hide his annoyance and gave her the space she needed.

Maybe she noticed this and the effect her presence was doing on him.

So one day, long after they have left Delta City, she requested him to put her in suspended animation.

Her request shattered him, but he accepted it as he knew why she was doing it.

For him… it was always for him.

He finally realized after the death of Hope, she was doing everything she could for his sake.

First, she has refused to die, even though death was all she wanted to escape from the boundless grief.

And now she was giving him a way to evade the pain and guilt her death would cause.

It was always her who was sacrificing for him. And not the other way as he has selfishly believed.


In the present, Kiba broke his connection with the Legacy Orb and opened his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Agatha was surprised. She noticed endless sadness in his eyes.


Kiba tightly hugged her.

"Except for the fact that only now I realized how much you mean to me."

"I thought you realized that long ago!"

Agatha smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

Chapter 669 - Promise Me

As the hug seemed to end, Kiba's hands slowly slid towards her face, his fingertips tracing her along the way.

A tingling fire erupted within her, and he took her face between his hands.

"Did you miss me?"

Agatha asked, knowing full well what his answer would be.

"No, I didn't miss you," Kiba's answer startled her. "I yearned for you."

Pleasantly surprised, she put her hand on his neck and pulled his face down. She kissed him softly.

"I also yearned for you!" Agatha said as the kiss ended. "The day felt like an eternity to me!"

Kiba didn't reply with words but with a kiss that contained endless cravings for her rosy citrus lips. She eagerly responded back, mashing her lips with his.

"Promise me, no matter what happens, you would never leave me!"

Kiba whispered in her soul while hungrily kissing her.

A current raced into her soul as she felt his words contain an indescribable fear. For the first time since she has known him, he was afraid, and that fear was built on losing her!

This exploded something in her, making her passion reach the peak.

"You would never lose me!"

Her hands reached down and phased through his pants.

"And that's a promise I will never break!"

She stared into his eyes while her hands freed his c.o.c.k.

"I would hold you to it!"

Kiba grabbed her h.i.p.s and pulled her body up. In sync, she wrapped her legs around his torso and took hold of his face.

"I'm counting on it!" She said and lowered her ass.

Her dress and panties seemed to lose all their functions as the instant she lowered her ass, his c.o.c.k slipped into her, thoroughly filling her cunt.

She gasped and closed her lips with his as they became one. Eagerly, she started bouncing her ass up and down, feeling his love pushing her to the apex of pleasure.

Kiba pulled her left dress strap off her shoulder and freed his lips from hers. He brought them to her chin, kissing her soft-delicate skin, and slipped further down, kissing her throat.

"Ahhh!" Agatha put her hands behind his head while increasing her speed. His lips seemed to be on fire, and they set her on fire, making her yearn his rain of love.

Kiba's lips arrived on the swells of her left b.r.e.a.s.t. He kissed her there before tucking the bra down with his teeth, freeing her b.r.e.a.s.t from the cup.

"Oh, Kibaaaa!" She m.o.a.ned as his lips found her n.i.p.p.l.e. The squishy sounds from her cunt increased multifold as this erupted her with wetness.

She knew her climax was approaching and sensed the same from him. Craving more of his taste, she pulled his face up, bringing his lips back to hers for a tight kiss.

Her powers also jumped in action, and the space around them shifted to the bedroom.

Kiba slipped to the bed, holding her as she continued to ride him like a woman posessed.

She pushed her tongue into his mouth just as climax hit them with tinging sensation. Her body shook, and her cunt tightened with tremors.

Kiba's balls clenched, and he poured c.u.m into her.

"I love you!"

She whispered before shutting her eyes from eternal bliss.

Kiba kissed her to express the same.

This time they had made love only for a few minutes, but they were more satisfied than hours of s.e.x.

"Perhaps that's the difference between making love and having s.e.x…"

Kiba thought as he too closed his eyes and entered the land of dreams along with her.

Life was great and he wasn't complaining.


In the Holy City, the projections of World Councilpersons appeared in the meeting hall. The new president of the World Government rose to offer his respects, but he was ignored like a dog on the street.

"Ice Queen!"

"What is the meaning of your recent actions?!"

"We have at least ten Alphas who are possessed!"

"And almost all on risk!"

One councilperson after another roared. They were known for their calm, composed attitude, something that suited their status and background. But now, they didn't even wait for the meeting to properly start as they launched verbal assaults on Ice Queen.

"Three cities have already experienced carnage!"

"Over 20 million innocents are dead! And that's in hours after Infinity Maze closed!"

"Not even Extermination killed so many as you did indirectly!"

"Your actions have shocked us!"

"We never expected such a thing from you!"

Ice Queen listened to her fellow councilmen with a look of detachment. Resting her head on her hand, she said, "It amazes me that my actions shock you, but not your hypocrisy."

"What?!" Lord Elliot jumped out of his seat and stared at her. "After doing all this, you even dare accuse us of hypocrisy?"

The other councilpersons similarly stared at her, daring her to answer in the affirmative.

"Everyone here has the blood of countless others on their hands."

Ice Queen ignored the cold gazes and said.

"And yet you pretend to care for the lives of innocents. If this isn't hypocrisy, what is?"

Lord Elliot tightened his fists.

This bitch...!

Had she not been a projection, he would have assaulted her right here.

"Let us all calm down," Lord Kakusandha - who was one of the few rare councilmen not to speak so far - intervened. "Anger would only drag us into destruction, and that's not what we want."

The councilpersons didn't respond, but it was evident his words worked as they calmed down. Even Lord Elliot relaxed and sat back.

Satisfied, Lord Kakusandha turned to Ice Queen. He said, "This poor monk apologizes for the rude behavior of our brothers and sisters."

Ice Queen looked at him without any change in expression.

"You are naturally right so far," Lord Kakusandha continued. "And that's why instead of condemning you, we seek an explanation for your actions."

Other councilpersons nodded in agreement. She has to provide an explanation that justified her actions.

"We all are equals here," Ice Queen responded without displaying any emotions. "So I fail to understand what gives you the authority to seek an explanation from me."

"!!!" Her response shocked everyone.

"And as a councilperson, I have immunity for all my actions."

Ice Queen's eyes flashed with a cold glint.

"But if you still want an explanation or wish to condemn me, feel free to visit Eden."

Chapter 670 - Arrival!

None of the councilpersons expected such a response from Ice Queen. They were dumbstruck, to say the least.

"So domineering!" The President of the World Government was awestruck.

He expected Ice Queen to be eccentric, but never to such an extent that she would give zero respect to the council that ruled the world.

"But then again, if she wasn't like this, she wouldn't have done what she did in Infinity Maze!"

The president rationalized.

The councilpersons might seem united, but they had personal aspirations, and in secret, were working towards those aspirations.

Now with one stroke, Ice Queen spoiled all those aspirations and ruined years of efforts.

In front of that, this disrespect was not even worthy of mentioning.

The councilpersons looked at Ice Queen. None of them rebuked her or even say anything.

"I'm leaving."

Ice Queen said, and her projection disappeared with a whishing sound.

The atmosphere in the hall turned eerie.

"Seems like this poor monk was destined to be humiliated," Lord Kakusandha broke the silence with a smile. "And since everything is a part of destiny, let's not stress about Ice Queen anymore."

Lord Elliot clenched his teeth but managed to nod. He could only forget Ice Queen's behavior for now.

"Then let's focus on the next important matter."

Lord Elliot flicked his hand, and a holographic image popped up.

"The Alpha called Dr. NTR – Kiba."

Lord Harley's eyes narrowed. The expressions of the leaders representing other Nine Great Families turned of deep thinking.

"He's a powerful entity with the strength of a mid-stage Level VIII!"

Lord Elliot - who was also a part of the Nine Families - continued, his voice turning serious.

"And that's according to the eyewitnesses who witnessed his confrontation with Ice Queen! The fact he survived obviously tells us he's stronger than that!"

With Ice Queen gone, only six independent councilpersons remained in the meeting.

Unlike the leaders of the Nine Families, they had remained silent when Ice Queen was confronted. They neither supported her nor chided her. They remained neutral.

Now hearing about Kiba, their expressions were of either disinterest or curiosity. And unlike the leaders of Nine Families, they weren't alarmed by his supposed strength.

That was to be expected, as a powerful Alpha was more of a challenge to the Nine Families. While the families' strength was far more than any Alpha, the control over their resources would be drastically impacted by the rise of every strong Alpha.

"Isn't he a thing of beauty?"

A disfigured woman licked her lips in excitement.

Her name was Anastasia, and she was an independent who gained her position with her strength alone.

"Anastasia, he does seem your type!"

Zara – another independent smiled.

"But I doubt he would be willing to turn into your toy!"

"Hehe! You never know!" Anastasia responded with a starry glint. "He might be in kinky stuff!"

"You can only dream!" Zara pointed to the virtual report on Kiba and said. "Because according to this, he likes to be kinky only with married women!"

"Really?" Anastasia was surprised.

Lord Elliot couldn't believe this.

He had started a discussion on someone who can impact the workings of the world. Yet, it was sidetracked in such a manner.

"These damn independents might no longer be commoners, but they are still uncivilized!"

Lord Elliot clawed his fingers into his chair.

He hated the fact that the council of nobility accepted such barbarians.

They only deserved to be ruled and guided. Yet now, they acted like they were in the same ranks of the noble aristocracy.

How disgusting!

If only the Nine Sovereigns hadn't made it possible to accept qualified outsiders, this wouldn't have happened. The council wouldn't have been sullied.

"This report is bound to contain a few false details," Lord Kakusandha intervened in the discussion. "So we can't say if his kinks are true or not, but we know one thing for sure – he is from Delta City."

The faces of councilpersons turned rigid.

Delta City!

Castor Damon's disappearance, the sudden appearance and disappearance of Extermination, and that mysterious lady with violet aura… everything was related to Delta City!

And now even this doctor!

"Just what is so special about that city?"

The councilpersons turned to the source of the question - a chair in the corner. It belonged to an independent, but it was someone whom everyone acknowledged as the strongest man on Earth.

Naturally, it was none other than the King of Atlantis.

"Except for the possible connection with the Cosmic Spark, we don't know," Lord Kakusandha replied. "All our investigations have turned out to be useless."

Poseidon was aware of this and more. In fact, he knew details that none in the hall were even remotely aware of.

Without displaying any emotions on his rugged face, he looked at the holographic image of Kiba

"Is he also related to that kid named Zed?"

Poseidon asked himself.

"The conditions of Holy Seer and my daughter are all thanks to that kid… So Extermination is definitely related to Zed!"

"But this Kiba… Holy Seer said nothing about him after she peered into the future."

"Or maybe she hinted, and I never realized?"

Poseidon's head was hurting with questions. Given his powers, he didn't fear Kiba or any Alpha.

But he feared Zed.

He was in an unenviable situation.


A few minutes later, in the House of Hestia.

Before the fireplace, Lord Harley sat across Xalion, his expression a mix of amus.e.m.e.nt and deep contemplation. His eyes suddenly opened and his connection with his projection ended.

The meeting has ended without any fruitful conclusion.

"Anything worth mentioning happened there?" Xalion asked.

Lord Harley shook his head.

"That's a pity," Xalion said with a sigh.

"Well, we already know the world is going to change again," Lord Harley remarked. "Much before we expected."

Xalion nodded, his gaze moving to the fire dancing in the fireplace. The fire had morphed into the corpses that have emerged from Infinity Maze.

"We are ready for them, aren't we?" Xalion asked.

"Only time would answer that," Lord Harley replied with a sly smile. "But I can assure you if Lord Xeced is alive, he is going to be surprised."

Xalion smirked and said, "That's for sure. We humans aren't the guinea pigs."

"Fufu, obviously," Lord Harley agreed. "Evolution is on our side."


Suddenly, in the House of Hestia's outskirts, dark clouds began to amass in the morning sky. An imperceptible aura of superciliousness followed.

A strange golden glow emerged everywhere, radiating sharpness that cut through the spine like a sword.


Countless servants collapsed, and the knees of young masters caved in.

Lord Harley and Xalion's expression changed to shock.

An invisible dome protected the region of a few miles, including the outskirts. For the servants and young masters there to become so submissive, it could only mean one thing.

"Someone very powerful is arriving!"

Xalion muttered.

Lord Harley didn't say anything. He only looked at the sky.


Thunder rolled in the clouds, and through them, a thick bolt of lightning blasted out.


The lightning smashed into the ground, causing large fissures to snake out and violent tremors to spread.

Smoke and dust particles filled the air, but Lord Harley was able to see the silhouette of a golden-haired man.
