671 - 681

Chapter 671 - Strangely Familiar

As Kiba arrived, the pressure spreading from him turned the atmosphere suffocating.

Simultaneously, the prostrating servants and kneeling young masters grabbed their throats; as if to break some invisible shackles. They weren't able to breathe any longer.

In the mansion, Xalion's eyes erupted with angry flames.

"To suffocate pure blood aristocracy! He sure has guts!"

Xalion jumped to his feet and instantly appeared in the outskirts.

The entire region might be referred to as the House of Hestia. Still, its area was large enough to be qualified as a city. In fact, what was called a "mansion" actually occupied some twenty sq.km, and the outskirts were located a few hundred kilometers away from the mansion.

Covering such distance was nothing for Xalion as he came face-to-face with Kiba.

He didn't beat around the bush by asking questions or commanding Kiba to seal his aura. He believed in taking action.

He unleashed his aura, and it blasted out like a curtain of spiraling flames.


The flames smashed into the blazing golden glow in a deafening crash. Flames and golden light whizzed in and out, turning into a cl.u.s.ter of storms.

The resulting energy winds made Kiba's hair dance in the air, and he looked at Xalion with a confused expression. This startled Xalion as he either expected cautiousness or seriousness from Kiba, not confusion.

As he wondered why, the clashing flames and golden glow violently erupted with shockwaves.




One after another, tragic screams followed.

Xalion's expression dramatically changed, and he looked in the distance.

The screams were from the young masters and servants! They had been brutally hit by the shockwaves his clash created!

Thanks to their innate strength, they could survive without breathing for a few minutes. But shockwaves from the clash of Alphas was a different matter.

"Excuse me, but you seem to belong to Hestia Family," Kiba started with the same confused expression. "So why would you hurt your family members?"

"...!!" Xalion's face turned ugly.

This man!

He even has the guts to pass the blame to him!

"Is this due to some property feud?"

Kiba asked as he looked at the bleeding young masters.

They were barely clinging to their miserable lives, and he muttered prayers for them.

"You!" Xalion was furious.


Just then, a warm layer of fire covered the young masters, and their injuries disappeared. Their complexion regained the healthy color.


Kiba lifted his head and looked in the sky. Lord Harley was floating there, his powers negating the effects of his and Xalion's aura collision.

"You must be Kiba," Lord Harley said as he flew down.

"Yes," Kiba replied.

"I'm Harley Hestia," Lord Harley introduced himself as he landed before Kiba. "As the family head, I apologize for my brother's rudeness."

Xalion was alarmed.

Why was Lord Harley apologizing instead of punishing Kiba for daring to make such a scene?

"Most Flame Wielders are prone to rash decisions. I hope you can forgive my brother for that," Lord Harley requested.

"Please, there's no need," Kiba replied with a smile. "It is I who should apologize for not containing my aura."

Lord Harley looked at Kiba.

"Though in my defense, I was under the impression that aristocrats are immune to some light pressure," Kiba politely explained.

Lord Harley smiled with amus.e.m.e.nt and said, "I'm afraid your impression was created by useless aristocrats who are only good at boasting."

"Ah!" Kiba nodded in understanding.

Xalion was dumbstruck.

It was apparent Lord Harley and Kiba were meeting for the first time! So why were they speaking like acquaintances, and that too in such a friendly manner?

"You guys have a lovely property."

Kiba moved his attention to the beautiful mansion and the equally beautiful surroundings.

"It would be such a pity if it was razed to the ground."

Xalion's expression turned unsightly, while Lord Harley's remained unchanged.

"Indeed, it would be a pity," Lord Harley agreed. "Thankfully, we have no enemies, so such a thing wouldn't happen."

"That's good to hear," Kiba focused back on Lord Harley. "Though you would be surprised that even people with no enmity do such things, or at least try to."

Lord Harley's expression remained the same, but in his eyes, there was a ripple.

He was now sure Kiba knew who was responsible for Dracon Moonfall's recent actions.

"How surprising!" Lord Harley exclaimed in his heart. "The mechanism that I left in Dracon's brain should make exposing any secret impossible!"

He didn't know that Dracon didn't reveal any of his secrets – neither about the recent attack on the tower nor the destruction of Dream Rise House

But Kiba knew who was responsible.

Years ago, in Delta City, he had fought Goten Whiteskins. But Gotens died by a poison hidden in his brain when he tried to answer a question regarding Zed's birth.1

The poison was made of alien nanoparticles that couldn't be detected even by an Alpha's senses. Not even Kiba, as otherwise, he would have been ready when it activated within Goten's brains.

While he failed to prevent Goten from dying, he learned of the mind poison technology. Based on what he knew, he deduced Lord Harley was responsible.

Yesterday, when Claudia captured Dracon, she obviously wanted to know why he attacked the tower and tried to capture Hope. But when she examined him, she noticed the hidden poison mechanism, something Kiba has taught her about.

This was enough for her to conclude Lord Harley was connected to Dracon.

"In that case, I can only hope no one does such a thing," Lord Harley replied. "Enmity which serves no purpose should die before it envelops everyone with flames of destruction."

"A wise philosophy," Kiba was impressed.

Lord Harley was sure Kiba would see reason.

He had sent Dracon only to test Kiba's background and strength. And since there was no damage done, there was no reason for there to be enmity.

Alas, he was unaware that enmity was already set due to his actions against Zed...

"What are you doing here?" Xalion asked. He had enough of the nonsense conversation between Kiba and Lord Harley.

"Actually, I was invited here," Kiba replied with a smile. "A brother of yours requested, and I couldn't say no."

"??" Xalion and even Lord Harley were surprised. Lord Harley was under the impression Kiba arrived due to Dracon.

Suddenly, a pillar of flame whizzed into existence, and through it, Flame King stepped out.

"Ah! Here is he!" Kiba pointed at Flame King.

"Craig?" Xalion was startled.

"Xalion," Flame King, aka Craig, nodded and stepped before Kiba. "Dr. NTR is here on my invitation."

Flame King was just a title, and his real name was Craig. But most people didn't know that, so they always addressed him by his title.

"Why?" Xalion asked.

"He has a request for me," Kiba answered before Flame King could. "You could say he took advantage of my oath as a doctor and made a great deal for himself."

Flame King's complexion turned pale.

How is allowing you to f.u.c.k my wife a great deal for me?!

Flame King was weeping inside.

If not for the people present here, he would have broken down.

He had made no request and definitely didn't took advantage of Dr. NTR!

But he couldn't say that!

"Request?" Even Lord Harley was amazed.

He guessed Kiba and Flame King met yesterday in the Infinity Maze. So they both would have been unaware of his actions. This meant the request and their connection was unrelated to him.

"What request?" Lord Harley asked to satisfy his curiosity.

Flame King's body froze. He couldn't answer that, but then he saw Kiba opening his lips to speak!


Quickly, Flame King opened his own lips and shouted, "It is personal!"

This only stirred Lord Harley's curiosity. He glanced at Kiba, and the latter replied, "As he said, it is a personal request... in fact, very personal!"

Flame King flinched.


Meanwhile, in Kirstie's room.

"Mom!" From the bed, Kirstie glanced at her mother and said. "I want to see what caused those rumbling sounds!"

Rebecca let out a soft sigh and nodded.

With her powers, she could have easily perceived what happened outside, but she didn't. When she was with her daughter, she never allowed her attention to be diverted, no matter the situation.

She took Kirstie in her arms and gently placed her in the wheelchair. The wheelchair moved on its own and stopped after arriving before the window.

Rebbeca placed a finger on the back of Kirstie's head and channeled her powers out.


Kirstie felt her eyes enhance, and her vision zoomed in to hundreds of kilometers ahead.

She saw the young masters forcing themselves to rise. She shifted her gaze from them and brought it to the place where she saw Lord Harley and others.

"Who is that golden-haired man?" Kirstie asked her mom. "He seems to the cause of those dark clouds."

Rebecca looked at Kiba.

Her eyes narrowed, and a frown appeared on her face.

This was not caused by his facial features, but by a sensation that left her baffled.

"I don't know who he is," Rebecca replied honestly. "But he emits a sensation that strangely seems familiar."

"Familiar?" Kirstie observed Kiba in detail.

"Yes," Rebecca answered. "Like I know him, but also don't know him."

"Oh!" Kirstie's eyes sparkled.

She moved her gaze from Kiba and brought it to Leyla.1

Leyla was her personal maid, who was now changing the bedsheets.

"Leyla! Come here!" Kirstie said excitedly. "There's a man out there!"

Leyla squirmed.

She has a feeling that whatever the young miss was going to say, it would shatter her image.

"He's far more handsome than the men in magazines you stare at!" Kirstie animatedly added.

Leyla recoiled and stumbled on the floor.

"Well, he does seem to the type you say can make women fall!"

Kirstie remarked with a confused look.

"But you didn't even see him! So why are you already on the floor?"

Leyla pulled the sheets and hid behind them.

Young miss!

Please stop sharing such details in front of your mother!

You are going to get me killed! In Chapter 508, Goten died when he said the assassination attempt was done on behalf of the head of the Hestia family.Chapter 502 - Leyla is the same maid who taught Kirstie that very "physically-active" people become parents at a young age. A detail Kirstie used to conclude Zed was very good at "sports" when she learned he has a child

Chapter 672 - Reputation!

"Oh, a very personal request?"

Lord Harley glanced at Flame King, and the latter flinched in nervousness. Thankfully for him, Lord Harley didn't make further inquiries.

"Kiba, you are a guest," Lord Harley turned towards Kiba. "Allow us to welcome you before you entertain Craig's very personal request."

Kiba nodded and gave his approval.


Lord Harley took a step forward, and the distance of hundreds of kilometers distorted like it was being heated. In the same instant, he appeared in the room he was in a few minutes ago.

The room occupied some 50,000 square feet, and it could only be described as ostentatious.

Instead of walls, statues held the gold-leaf ceiling, while the floor was made of jewels that would put diamonds to shame.

Kiba and others also appeared in the room, underneath crystal chandeliers.

"Have a seat."

Lord Harley pointed to a chair while sitting across it. Kiba took the seat and made himself comfortable.

The others sat nearby, with Flame King nervously glancing at Lord Harley and Kiba. All his powers couldn't stop his palms from sweating as he thought of what would follow after this "welcome." That was terrifying enough, but then there was also the fear of others discovering about it, especially Lord Harley.

Lord Harley didn't seem to notice Flame King's nervousness. He flicked his wrist, and two cups of tea appeared in the air.

An impossibly delicious aroma spread from the tea, something that jolted the senses of Alphas. Their senses - that were already powerful enough - seemed to awaken from a deep slumber, just like how a mortal feels after a night's sleep. But that was just an aftereffect of the aroma.

The actual effect was on the consciousness, something that humans also termed as souls. It seemed to undergo metempsychosis, as if experiencing reincarnations and discovering knowledge that was impossible to contain.

"Transanimation Tea!" Xalion muttered in disbelief. "The family barely has a jar of it...and now!!"

For those known as Alphas, there were very few things they wanted to have but couldn't. And one of them was this tea! Because it grew in an extremely dangerous World Fragment - the meteorite the humans called The Sea of Reincarnation!

"Please, have it," Lord Harley requested as one of the cups flew to Kiba.

Kiba nodded and accepted the cup. The tea was dazzlingly bright as if made from Milky Way, and the sensation it emitted drifted into his nose. Even without drinking it, he felt refreshed like never before.

"I hope the tea helps you stay focused," Lord Harley stated as he urged Kiba to drink.

"Focused?" Kiba's eyebrows raised up.

"Obviously in fulfilling Craig's very personal request," Lord Harley explained with a faint smile. "Whatever it is, it sure must require a lot of dedication and efforts."

Flame King flinched.

Lord Harley was offering this precious tea to Kiba because of him?!

If anyone else saw such kindness from the family leader, they would have broken down in gratitude.

But Flame King wasn't like others.

He wanted to cry!

And it wasn't from gratitude but despair!!

Firstly, he didn't really want Kiba to fulfill his request!

Even if he did, it wasn't a task where Kiba was required to consume divine tea to stay focused!

After all, from when did f.u.c.k.i.n.g required focus or dedication?!

All he has to do was penetrate his wife's cunt!

Besides, if he was distracted, it would be for good! He wouldn't get to f.u.c.k her!

"You are right."

Flame King's thoughts were broken by Kiba's reply.

"My task does require extreme focus," Kiba agreed with a smile. "A slight moment of distraction and the goalpost might shift to something uncomfortable."


The realization hit Flame King, and his face turned white.

If Kiba wasn't focused, instead of penetrating his wife's p.u.s.s.y, he would f.u.c.k her tight, v.i.r.g.i.n asshole!

Flame King could visualize just how much "discomfort" she would feel at such a mistake!

It shrank his testicles.

He didn't want Kiba to be distracted!

"Seems like Craig also agrees," Lord Harley noted.

Flame King: "...."

Kiba closed his eyes and took a small sip of tea. It seemed to evaporate on touch, resulting in a flood of delightful sensation.

On the side, Flame King was internally weeping.

"Oh, Velma, my loving wife!"

Flame King whispered to himself.

"My family is sacrificing so much wealth to save you from discomfort! You better be grateful!"


Minutes passed as Kiba and Lord Harley savored tea.

Xalion and Flame King could only look at them, the former in anger while the latter in despair.

"Hmm?" Xalion turned his gaze to the entrance.

A few seconds later, the door slid open, and three people stepped in.

The one at the front was a man who seemed to be in his early forties. He appeared to be good-looking with a healthy physique.


Xalion muttered in a barely audible tone, but it was loud and clear for Kiba.

He continued to drink tea without looking at the newcomers, but there was a surge of excitement in his closed eyes.

Lord Harley placed his cup on the table and looked at Kurtis and two other persons.

Kurtis sat on a free chair while the other two stood some distance away. Based on how those two stood, it seemed they were a young couple madly in love.

"Lord Harley, Xalion, and Craig."

The couple offered their respects.


Lord Harley nodded in approval before bringing his eyes on the young woman whose hand he was holding. She was dressed in a beautiful strapless gown, its creamy texture blending with her creamy complexion.

Her arms showed off a row of wonderful runes inked on her.

"Constance Eleanor."

Lord Harley accepted her greetings and nodded at her. Just like her name denoted, she was from the House of Eleanor.

"Let me introduce you to our guest," Lord Harley shifted his gaze back to Kiba. "Though I'm sure you already know him."

Steve and Constance nodded.

In a day, Kiba has become a legend on Earth! As for those who knew of his exploits in Infinity Maze, he was the most extraordinary man in existence.

"We have heard a lot of you, doctor," Constance started with a sweet smile. "It is our honor to finally meet you."

Kiba lowered the cup and turned in her direction. His eyes snapped open, and he "looked" at her.

An unexplainable rush of excitement surged in Constance as she saw his eyes.

Every vein in her body tingled as if a current was racing through them.


She felt her body on fire as heat and warmth she never felt erupted between her thighs. This followed with the urge to plant her hand between there and frantically rub.

Terrified by her body's urge, she forcefully clamped her thighs.


Steve held her as she started trembling.

He moved a hand on her forehead and said, "You are hot! Are you alright?"

"Y-yes," Constance answered, her face flushed with warm blood. "It is just that my training's side-effects are suddenly showing up."

Steve naturally understood her troubles.

There could be a backlash when one tries to learn or create a new technique related to their abilities. This backlash could come abruptly, like a panic attack.

"I apologize, but I need to leave."

Constance said as her body blurred from extreme speed, and she disappeared. Steve rushed behind her, wanting to help his lady love.

Kurtis' eyebrows knitted.

His son and his girlfriend have disappointed him.

Still, there was nothing he could do. Such backlash can happen to anyone.

"She would be fine," Xalion said with a reassuring look. "There is nothing to worry about."

In the room, perhaps except for one person, none knew that it wasn't backlash that hit her... it was something else.


Like a blurred beam of light, Constance appeared in the washroom.

"Give me few minutes!"

Constance said and closed the door on Steve's face.

With every second, her breathing was turning slow while the excitement was surging up.

She hasn't experienced anything like it, and this terrified her.

"I'm alone here!"

Constance reminded herself of the privacy features.

Fear left her, and she sensuously started rubbing herself.

Her hands drifted here and there, trying to extinguish the invisible fire his eyes has lit on her.

"Ooooooo god! Just what was in those eyes for this to happen?!"

She cried and sank fingers deep into her sopping entrance. She started thrusting them back and forth, but the fire inside her only turned stronger. She realized her body needed something else...


"Let's forget the young couple," In the room, Lord Harley told Kiba while pointing to Kurtis. "And let me introduce you to---"

"I know him," Kiba interjected with a smile.

"Oh?" Both Lord Harley and Kurtis were startled.

"In the maze, Flame King was singing praises of a special friend of his," Kiba explained while turning to Kurtis. "And based on that, I'm pretty sure you are that friend."

Flame King was startled.

He has never spoken about Kurtis!

In fact, he has never spoken about any family member to Kiba!

So why was Kiba attributing this to him?!

Kurtis, on the other hand, was pleasantly surprised.

While he was also an Alpha, being highly regarded by a fellow Alpha was a great feeling. It puffed his chest with pride.

This sense of pride felt even better since it was caused by Kiba - an Alpha that has stunned the world.

And the credit for all this went to Flame King!

Kurtis glanced at Flame King and thought he was a true friend.

He has been one of the few who has been sympathetic to him. Now he was even praising him behind his back!

There could be no better proof of his friendship!

Kurtis was internally thrilled.

He forgot all the humiliation he has suffered due to his bitch wife and her bastard.

"Craig has always been kind to me," Kurtis tried his best to be humble. "So I don't think I'm worthy of the introduction he gave to you."

"Naa, I'm sure you do," Kiba claimed politely. "Your reputation as The Cuckold precedes you."

"Ppff!" Lord Harley has taken the last sip of tea, but it sprayed out of his mouth.

Kurtis' eyes bulged, and he froze.

Xalion took a bite of a cookie, but he forgot about the bite, and it crumbled.

Flame King was taken aback. He has a feeling something terrible was going to happen, and he would be held responsible!

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Kurtis jumped out of his shocked state and stared at Kiba.

"Your reputation as The Cuckold precedes you?" Kiba replied with a confused expression.

"Son of a bitch! How dare you!!"

Veins popped up on Kurtis' face, and his aura began to rise. Bright blue flames wrapped around his body, and they stretched out like tentacles.

"I don't understand," Kiba was further bewildered by Kurtis' reaction. "Are you not The Cuckold Flame King told me about?"

Chapter 673 - Apologizing to Kurtis?!

As the flames surrounded Kiba, he sat still with a confused look instead of acting with haste.

"I don't understand. Are you not The Cuckold Flame King told me about?" Kiba genuinely asked.

Kurtis was about to turn the flames into a volcanic blaze, but hearing the question, he was taken aback.

Could Kiba be speaking the truth?

He sounded honest for sure!

With him being the Flame King guest, there was no way he would lie in front of Flame King!

And then there was the fact that he has no reason to offend him!

"Craig! You backstabbing sc.u.m!"

Intense murderous intent radiated out of Kurtis, causing the flames to ammas together and rush at Flame King.

Flame King was both shocked and angry.

Shocked obviously because despite being framed, he couldn't reveal the truth. After all, if he did, it might lead to a situation where Kiba wouldn't get to cuckold him today!

That would break the terms of the Blood Contract, and he would die!

What's more, Kiba would still get to f.u.c.k his widow in the guise of consoling!

His life was terrible as it is. Yet in such testing times, instead of having moral support, he was being attacked by an experienced cuckold!?

"You are The Cuckold, so why does truth offends you!?"

Flame King blasted out a circle of fire that exploded into the incoming flames.

Streams of blaze erupted from the explosion, but before they could do any damage, a word cut through them.


Lord Harley only said one word. But the word seemed to carry a power that extinguished all traces of fire.


Kurtis and Flame King were more than shocked.

They hadn't gone all out now, but their attacks still carried the strength of Alphas. How could that be suppressed with a word alone?!

"We are here to welcome our guest," Lord Harley said calmly. "So stop acting like spoiled kids and show some respect."

Kurtis's eyes flashed with evil fire, but Lord Harley ignored that and turned to Kiba.

"I apologize yet again."

"It is fine," Kiba replied. "Had I known my words can cause such a situation, I would have been careful."

"Of course," Lord Harley smiled.

On the side, Xalion - who has been silently observing the developments - understood what was happening.

"They sure know how to pretend without sounding pretentious!" Xalion thought with a rugged look.

Kiba turned his head towards Flame King and said, "How could you lie to me about a brother of yours?"

Flame King's cheeks twitched, but he didn't reply.

"Flame King, you are my friend," Kiba continued. "But that doesn't mean you get to deceive me."

Flame King wanted to cry.

I am your friend?! Then why are you here to cuckold me, that too on Valentine's Day?!

"Haah! I expected better from you!" Kiba let out a sigh to express his disappointment.

Then rising to his feet, he stepped towards Kurtis and said, "I apologize for believing I knew who you were."

Kurtis didn't respond, though internally, he was fuming.

Kiba arrived before him and stretched his hand.


Kurtis's face softened.

Kiba was apologizing and even taking the initiative to shake hands!

With all these developments, there was no reason he should ignore Kiba any longer.

Kurtis started shaking hands with Kiba.

"Because of Flame King, I was under the impression that you have bestowed that title upon you," Kiba explained while shaking his hand. "So, could you please tell me your name?"

Kurtis froze even as Kiba continued to shake his hand.

What the hell is he saying?!

Did he really believe I would bestow the title of The Cuckold upon me!?

Just what type of man he thinks I am?!

I'm an aristocrat!

Not some wimp!!

His heart pumped with volcanic blood while his thoughts ran wild.

But he did his best to appear calm as he replied, "Kurtis."

"Nice name."

Kiba took his hand back.

Behind, Lord Harley relaxed.

He knew just how sensitive Kurtis was with anything that reminded him of his greatest shame.

Decades ago, when Rebecca fell in love with Zerenski Valeriy, she didn't just break Kurtis' heart.

She also crushed his self-esteem and landed a massive blow to his ego.

Years passed, but neither his self-esteem nor his ego ever recovered.

All because he – an aristocrat man of the highest order- was cuckolded, and the proof of his cuckolding was alive somewhere!

So, for Kurtis to remain calm in front of Kiba, it was praise-worthy.

"He's finally growing up!" Lord Harley thought.

At the same time, Kiba smiled and flicked his hand on the side.

The air erupted with a golden glow, and through it, a small diamond container flew out.


Kurtis's eyes squinted.

"Such pure energy!"

Xalion took a deep breath while Flame King almost jumped. They all stared at the container with shock, for it was radiating healing energy of the highest proportions!

"A Rank VIII pill!"

Even Lord Harley was stunned as he observed what was inside the container.

Despite owning priceless treasures, pills of such rank were rare for even him. After all, they couldn't be purchased or manufactured with resources or strength alone.

It required brains and vast knowledge of the medicinal field!

Something that this Kiba certainly has!

After all, he was a world-renowned doctor!

"Please accept it as an apology," Kiba requested to Kurtis.

"Huh?" Kurtis was dumbstruck.

Kiba was giving him such a pill for apologizing?!

"Is he stupid?!" Xalion asked aloud.

Tears streamed down Flame King's face.

He was going to be cuckolded soon! So wasn't he more worthy of that pill than Kurtis!?

Kurtis only stared at the container. Everything happening here was more than shocking.

Seeing Kurtis not acting, Kiba handed him the container and then leaned to whisper in his ear.

"The pill is special," Kiba whispered in a barely audible voice. "I made it on the request of a certain patient, but between you and me, it suits you."

"??" Kurtis and even others were curious.

While Kiba might be whispering, the hearing abilities of everyone here were powerful. If they wanted, they could even detect the sound of a pin falling from thousands of kilometers away.

So Kiba's attempt of secretly whispering failed.

"What do you mean?"

Kurtis forgot that others could hear them as he asked Kiba.

"Flame King told me that ever since the situation that gave you that title…. you couldn't get 'it' up."


Kurtis felt the world rotating and the ground splitting.

Lord Kurtis' eyes widened.

Xalion's heart skipped a beat.

Flame King swallowed saliva and glanced at his pants, where his own 'it' has shrunk to such an extent that it has almost disappeared.

Kiba seemed clueless about all of these.

All he felt was no vocal response from Kurtis.

Naturally, he realized this meant Kurtis needed a detailed explanation.

So, he whispered, "I now know that situation wasn't something you enjoyed and cherished, despite Flame King's claims to the contrary.

"So, If I'm not wrong, not able to get "it" up isn't because of extreme pleasure, but rather because of mental trauma and anger.

"The pill would help you fight that. It should undo the emotional imbalance and restore your manhood, at least partially."

Kiba leaned back and looked at Kurtis. He was surprised by Kurtis's complexion. It was flame-red like he was on the verge of exploding!

"Ah! You don't have to be embarrassed!"

Kiba naturally mistook the red complexion as blushing.

"Nor you have to thank me!"

Chapter 674 - Cure?

As Kiba finished whispering confidential details, the jaws of everyone in the room dropped. They silently eyed Kurtis and saw smoke escaping his ears.

"This is bad."

Lord Harley's eyes narrowed.

Meanwhile, Kiba 'misunderstood' the bright red complexion of Kurtis. To assure Kurtis there was no need to be embarrassed or thankful, Kiba said, "As a doctor, it is my duty to help. So please, don't feel that you owe me a favor."

"Owe you?!"

Kurtis couldn't believe the words he was hearing. They were beyond his capacity to handle, and his body started shaking in anger.

His anger, in turn, stirred the natural laws, causing the air to transform into a blazing firestorm. The firestorm consumed the container in his hand, which also destroyed the priceless Rank VIII pill inside.

But he didn't care. He wasn't some impotent bastard that needs the help of this pill, no matter how precious!

He was a pure-blood aristocrat! And those who slander him, only death by fire awaited them.

The firestorm whipped at Kiba, but it failed to touch him as if there was an invisible wall blocking it.

"Why would you destroy the cure?" Kiba asked with a confused expression. "Didn't I say that there's no need to be embarrassed just because you suffer from erectile dysfunction?"

Kurtis' breath paused while the room turned pin-drop silence.

But it was only for a moment.


Like the proverbial dragon whose reverse scale was touched, Kurtis pounced on Kiba. His fingers turned into blazing claws, and they reached to strangle Kiba.

"I will kill you!"

Kurtis' claws tightened around Kiba's neck.

He was acting at the speed of light and felt there was no escape for Kiba. But then Kiba shocked him.

Kiba's body blurred, and he moved to the side, leaving behind streaks of lightning. The claws passed through the fading lightning.

While Kurtis was shocked, he was an Alpha with plenty of battle experience. Rage and rashness couldn't overpower his abilities.

So when Kiba moved to the side, Kurtis turned to face him at almost the same instant.

Sadly, it was a move he would come to regret till the end of his life.

Because at the same exact moment, he was greeted with a face kick!


The back of Kiba's boot kissed him on the lips and pretty much the rest of the face.


Kiba lowered his leg.

"I was aiming for your head, but you turned around, so…"

Kurtis was pushed back at high speed, with a dark footprint on his face.

He wasn't injured thanks to his divine strength, but with the footprint on his face, he might as well have been injured seriously.

He had lived a proud life. No one has ever slapped him!

But now he got kicked in the face!

That too with a boot!

It was the second biggest humiliation he ever got. The first was naturally that bastard of Rebecca's.

"I will kill you!" Kurtis shouted and charged at Kiba.

"You said that before as well," Kiba remarked as the cosmic hammer appeared in his hand. "It seems the dysfunction problem isn't restricted to your little head alone!"

Kurtis' eyes erupted with blood threads.

Every sentence from Kiba's mouth was more venomous than the last. It was turning him insane.

He gnashed his teeth and stretched his hand out. Droplets of blood burst out and caught fire, instantly turning into a bloody arc of fire.

A terrifying amount of heat emerged, scorching the statues holding the ceiling and melting the space.

In the distance, Xalion inhaled a deep breath.

"Blood Fire! Is he insane?!"

Fire created by sacrificing blood vitality was often the last resort, a trump card. It wasn't something one used from the start!

But Kurtis had lost all rationality. Appearing before Kiba, he grabbed the arc and hurled it out.

As it moved, it split the melted space, causing rifts to emerge. The arc was about to hit Kiba's face, but his reflexes were strong, and he ducked by squatting down.

A few strands of his hair were scorched by the passing arc. This was not even close to the impact Kurtis desired.


Kurtis' expression was ugly, but then it went unsightly as he saw what the squatting down Kiba was doing.

Kiba was smashing the hammer at him!

But that wasn't what made Kurtis' expression unsightly.

It was the realization of where the hammer would hit due to Kiba squatting down.

His crotch!

He might not have erectile dysfunction, but if the hammer full of sharp thorns hit him, his fate would be far worse than that.

Even without the hammer hitting him, his body turned numb, and he felt balls-wracking pain.

"That's enough."

As the hammer was about to strike, Lord Harley appeared. He placed his hand on the head of the hammer.

Kiba's eyebrows creased. The hammer was stopped, and it started turning red from heat.

Kurtis' face brightened from relief. He was saved!

"Enough?" Kiba straightened up and looked at Lord Harley. "Not even close."

Lord Harley's wrinkled face broke into a smile. He didn't remove his hand from the hammer and continued to infuse heat into it.

"My friend, you already know flame wielders are prone to rashness," Lord Harley said politely. "So please don't hold a grudge against Kurtis."

"Of course," Kiba's lips curved up. "In fact, I was about to inject him with a cure for rashness, but then you intervened."

"Inject cure?"

Xalion and Flame King eyed the thorns protruding from the hammer and then their crotches.

It was the crotch where testosterone – the hormone responsible for men's impudent behavior - was created.

A chill ran down their spines as they imagined the effect it would have if they were "injected" with the cure.

"Ah! As expected from a great doctor, you have unique methods to cure problems," Lord Harley's smile blossomed.

"Thank you," Kiba lowered his gaze and brought it on his hammer. "And since you understand, can you free my cure?"

"I'm afraid not," Lord Harley replied. "The cure might be worse than the disease."

"But I'm the doctor," Kiba stressed. "And I know the best for my patients."

Chapter 675 - Poor, Little Cuckold

"But I'm the doctor!" Kiba stated as a matter of factly. "And I know the best for my patient!"

"In this case, I'm afraid you don't," Lord Harley smiled further and tightened his grip on the hammer. "So please, let's drop this cure for Kurtis."

Kurtis - who was behind him - was stunned.

Why, even now, was Lord Harley talking with Kiba instead of teaching him a lesson?!

He has insulted aristocracy and even attempted to destroy his potency! Anyone in his place would have been long killed. So why wasn't he?

In the meantime, the hammer turned bright red from heat flowing into it. A fissure sprang out from the middle of the hammerhead, causing a golden glow to splash out.

Kurtis was pleasantly surprised.

Lord Harley was finally acting like true aristocracy! He was destroying the hammer!

What Kurtis didn't know was Lord Harley's eyes flashed with surprise.

He wasn't trying to destroy the hammer!

He was only turning the hammer hot so that Kiba would be forced to drop it.

And that was because destroying it would be invoking a disaster! After all, it was made from raw Cosmic power!

"Please stop infusing heat into it," Kiba requested with a smile. "I don't want it to explode from too much power."

Lord Harley's expression changed.

"Back away!"

He said while quickly bringing his other hand on the cracking hammer.

Kurtis was baffled, and so were others. But by the time they realized what was happening, it was too late.

Even as Lord Harley attempted to stop the hammer from cracking further, it exploded.


An energy of epic proportions erupted like the detonation of a star.

Lord Harley was swift. He contained the explosion energy between his hands.

But a tiny portion of it escaped his hands and rushed at Kurtis.

Kurtis gasped and shot back.

Like an arrow, the remnant energy continued to move in his direction, and his face went pale as he realized its destination.

"Oh no!"

Quickly, like his life depended on it, he put his hands on his crotch.


The energy exploded, blasting holes into his hands and turning them bloody.

"Bloody hell!" Xalion's forehead broke into a sweat as he looked at Kurtis' pants.

They were bloody as well!

He didn't know if it was due to the blood from the hands or for another reason. Whatever it was, it made him sweat.


Kurtis let out a maddening roar. Rays of flames erupted from him like a sun rising in the deep night skies. They cut through everything.

"Yes?" Kiba waved his hand, and a needle materialized in his hand. He flicked his other wrist, and a thread appeared. "Do you want to stitch that defective device of yours?"

Kurtis flinched. He was about to explode, but seeing the needle and thread and hearing the question, he paused in disbelief.

"This man!"

Kurtis turned berserk, and he charged at Kiba like a blazing meteorite.

"Stupidity has no limits."

Lord Harley has already nullified the powerful energy of the explosion. And now, seeing Kurtis still acting rashly, he sighed in disappointment and grabbed Kurtis in mid-air.

All the raging flame rays from his body disappeared, and Kurtis was once again shocked. Lord Harley ignored his reaction and looked at Kiba.

"Why don't you fulfill the very personal request of Craig?" Lord Harley said as a teleportation channel appeared underneath him. "We can discuss a cure for Kurtis later."

Before Kiba could reply, Lord Harley shot into the teleportation channel along with Kurtis.

Flame King winced. By the tone Lord Harley used, it almost seemed as if he knew what the request was.

"Surely that's not possible!" Flame King tried to pacify his heart.


At the same time, Lord Harley and Kurtis appeared in what seemed to be a land literally on fire.

"This… Valley of Fire?" Kurtis muttered.

He didn't get time to act surprised, though, as Lord Harley dropped him to the ground.

"You are a disgrace to Soverigness Hestia," Lord Harley said as he landed on the burning ground.

Kurtis recoiled like he has been slapped.

He wanted to retort, but the fire in the valley drained him of all strength. It was like he couldn't even speak unless the valley, or whoever was controlling it, wanted.

"What? You want to argue?"

Lord Harley's expression was no longer of amus.e.m.e.nt. It was of contempt.

"You are an Alpha, but you acted like a stupid bloke when that remnant energy rushed at you. Had you used your powers properly, or even that little brain of yours, you wouldn't have got a single scratch. But you only proved what our ancestor feared."

Kurtis' face went white.

When Soverigness Hestia established the family, she feared her family would be ruined by her descendants.

After all, by receiving everything on the platter, they would neither be street-smart nor hardworking, unlike someone like her who has achieved everything independently.

"But the fault is mine," Lord Harley looked in the distance. "Due to the rules, I allowed you all to act as you please."

He turned back to Kurtis and said, "Till now, you were lucky that Rebecca never learned of your attempts on her son's life. But now your luck has ended with Kiba considering you as his mortal enemy."

"Mortal enemy?!"

Kurtis felt like a mountain has fallen on his chest. He felt suffocated.

"It is not possible! I have no enmity with him!"

"Really? Because ever since he appeared, he was trying to create an opportunity to crush you."

Lord Harley replied with a sly smile.

Kurtis' body turned numb, and a chill raced through his heart.

Now that he recalled Kiba's actions, he realized Kiba was trying to incite him from the start. It was like he wanted a justification to attack him in the House of Hestia.

"You must have done something for him to want to crush you so desperately!"

Lord Harley observed with an amused smile.

"To his credit, he didn't let the desperation show with his façade, but I know what his smiling look was hiding."

"H-how?" Kurtis asked. He noticed no such thing.

"Isn't it obvious? We are like! Hahaha!"

Lord Harley started laughing.

"If I didn't know it better, I would have thought he was a long-lost relative of mine!"

Kurtis didn't dare laugh. He was terrified.

Because in his guts, he knew Kiba had the power to kill him!

"Save me!" Kurtis shouted with desperation. "Kill Kiba!"

He has an idea of Lord Kurtis' true strength and was sure he could kill Kiba. And if he didn't want to face Kiba personally, he could use the family's hidden powers.

"Why should I?" Lord Harley asked.

Before Kurtis could respond, Lord Harley added, "And don't tell me it is because YOU are asking. It might seem surprising to you, but you really don't matter in the grand schemes of the family."

"!!!" Kurtis' face fell, and his heart sank.

"Aww, don't be sad."

Lord Harley placed his hand on Kurti's head like he was a puppy. Kurtis' face twisted, but he found no strength to refute or push Lord Harley away.

"You were useful, but it was only until Kirstie was born."

Lord Harley rubbed Kurtis' head.

"Now you are just another poor, little cuckold trying to save face."

Kurtis wanted to shout, scream, and cry.

He wasn't a little cuckold!

Yes, his wife gave birth to a bastard, but he was going to kill him and erase that disgrace.

"My my, you continue to be stupid even now," Lord Harley felt the urge to facepalm. "But that's what I like about you."

"What?!" Kurtis stared at Lord Harley.

"You are stupid, which means you are predictable," Lord Harley explained with a smile. "That means you can be controlled."


"And if you want your predictable life to last longer, I have an offer for you."

Chapter 676 - Who Will Surprise Whom?

"Offer?!" Kurtis's eyes widened as he heard Lord Harley. The latter grinned, and the fire in the valley flared, taking a nasty turn.

"Yes, an offer," Lord Harley patted Kurtis like a dog. "Enter a Blood Contract with me, and I would save you from Kiba."

Kurtis's face twisted.

Blood Contract?!

He was a pure-blood aristocrat! He would be no slave, even if the refusal cost him his life.

"Hehe, pride comes before fall."

Lord Harley chuckled.

"But relax, I know your limit, so I have no interest in taking you as a slave. The Blood Contract will deal with a few things you would have to do for me. In return, I will promise you help and resources to protect yourself and even defeat your enemy."

Kurtis trembled from anger. He couldn't believe just how disgusting the head of the family could be with him.

But he knew he needed Lord Harley because he has to live!

If he died, who would kill that bastard of Rebecca's and avenge the humiliation he has suffered for the past two decades?!

"Kiba! We have no enmity, but you have forced this lion in the corner!"

Kurtis muttered with volcanic rage.

"I will deal with you after killing Rebecca's bastard!"

Lord Harley lifted his head and started laughing loudly. He has succeeded. He might not be able to fully control Kurtis, but the influence he has gained now would be enough to make his plan of many years a success.

"Fufu, you have my gratitude Kiba."


Meanwhile, in the hall, Xalion looked at Kiba for a few seconds and then sighed. Flames enveloped him, and he vanished.

"Ah!" Flame King flinched. He was alone with Kiba now.

What to do?

He wanted to delay the inevitable if avoiding it was impossible! He just wasn't ready, but then again, no man in his position could ever be ready!

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he said, "Dr. NTR, it is your first visit to the House of Hestia. Why don't I give you a tour?"

"Sure," Kiba nodded and told Flame King to proceed.

Flame King smiled and took the lead while giving a pat to himself.

The mansion was obviously vast as it was built on an area more expansive than multiple mountain ranges combined. It was divided into many zones, occupied by different branches of the family.

There were also forbidden zones where entry was restricted to outsiders and even to the majority of the family.

Half an hour later, Flame King brought Kiba to the entrance of one such forbidden zone. The architecture here was gothic, with gargoyle-like statues standing on guard.

Kiba's eyes narrowed. There was a familiar sensation, something he was sure he has felt before but couldn't pinpoint where or when.

"Only the purest of bloodline could enter this area."

Flame King explained while pointing at the transparent force-field barrier that existed beyond the statues. The force-field was transparent, but it was impossible to see beyond even for Kiba.

"Purest of bloodline?" Kiba eyed Flame King.

"Yes, only the direct descendants of Soverigness Hestia could move past the barrier," Flame King replied. "But even for them, unless their bloodline source is exceptionally pure and strong, entry is impossible."

Kiba nodded. Such criteria meant the parent(s) of those wanting to enter must have divine purity. This pretty much disqualified 99.9% of the family.

Kiba observed the barrier for a long time. The more he looked, the stronger the familiar sensation grew, and he felt an urge to move into the barrier.

But he was Kiba. No urge could take over his senses unless he wanted.

He turned to Flame King and said, "You don't qualify to enter there, do you?"

"N-no," Flame King answered. "But how do you know?"

"Well, if you did, you would have shown off," Kiba replied. "Given the hollow sense of pride people like you have, you would have tried to move your hand through the barrier or something to impress me."

Flame King felt heat rising in his face.

This c.o.c.ky son of a bitch!

How dare he insult him like this?!

But rationality soon followed as he recalled Kiba wielding the golden hammer and thrashing him.

"He has insulted me in far worse ways!" Flame King reminded himself. "From his standards, he is actually respecting me now!"

Kiba placed a hand on Flame King's shoulder, and in a friendly tone, said, "Relax, you don't have to feel pressure to impress me. You might not know, but you have impressed me far more than any man has!"

Flame King was startled.

He felt sincerity from Kiba!

Has Kiba finally realized his greatness?!

But then he stumbled when Kiba explained why.

"Not every king has the guts to transform into Cuckold King! But you have!" Kiba concluded with a smile. "It just shows how great you are!"


Flame King fell to the ground.

Kiba waved a hand, and telekinetic force brought Flame King back to his feet.

"Let's not delay anymore!" Kiba patted Flame King. "It is time you are officially crowned as the Cuckold King!"



Far away, in another room in the mansion, Velma couldn't stop smiling as she checked her reflection in the mirror.

She was in her late thirties, but with dancer legs, tight butt and small, but perky b.r.e.a.s.ts, her appearance was no different than a slim, gorgeous woman in her early twenties.

Now after donning the black, sleeveless top and very short skirt, she has turned into sizzling hot.

"Craig wouldn't be able to control himself!"

Velma's smile turned into a grin.

She had been married to Flame King for over a decade. In all that time, he has treated her like a queen.

And unlike most Alphas, he never humiliated her by taking mistresses or doing anything that would slight her.

"He's the perfect husband! And he deserves a perfect Valentine's Day!"

Ever since Flame King returned from Infinity Maze, she noticed he was downcast, like something was bugging him. When she asked him about it, he would flinch but wouldn't answer.

"Today, he will forget all his worries and realize just how lucky he is to have me!"

Velma giggled and took the blindfold from the bed. It was given to her husband. He had requested her to put it on before he left.

"Hehe, maybe he knows what I have in mind!"

She put on the blindfold and was surprised. Her supernatural perception was suppressed to the level that of an ordinary human.

This made her giggle further.

"He wants to surprise me! Only time would tell who would surprise whom!"

She sat on the edge of the bed and curled a strand of her blonde hair. She couldn't wait for her husband to arrive.


Her face brightened, and she turned towards the door. There was the sound of the door opening followed by the sound of steps!

"You are finally here!"

She lifted her legs and stretched them apart, teasing him with the incredible view of her panties that seemed to be made of ribbons.

They were waiting to open the most fantastic gift a man could ever receive!


Velma pretended this sneak-peak to be accidental and quickly placed her legs down. She then jumped and moved in the direction of the door.

She might be blindfolded, but she knew every nitch of the room. She appeared before him and was surprised as his strong scent greeted her nose.

The scent seemed to be a natural part of him, and she was surprised by how good he smelled. How come her man smell so good suddenly, just like a mouth-watering dessert?

She quickly got rid of her thoughts and leaned closer to him, bringing her lips to his shirt.


She was surprised yet again.

As her lips traced his chest through the fabric of his shirt, he seemed more masculine and emitted a sensation that sent a quiver between her thighs.

"Has he taken those Gen X pills?"

She thought of the wonders of science to spice up s.e.x life. Those rare and costly pills offered a novelty factor, making sure the s.e.x never gets too familiar and boring.

"Seems like you have a nice surprise for me!"

She said while slipping her hand down his pants. Her eyes widened, and she almost stumbled from shock.

Her hands were tracing a magnificent piece of flesh! Despite it being confined in his pants, she could feel the unbelievable length and grith, not at all like her husband.

Now she was sure! Her husband must have taken lots of Gen X pills!

She prayed they were equally effective when he got in real action with her!

"Oh, lord!" She gasped while rubbing his pants. "We are going to have an incredible Valentine's Day!"

Behind Kiba, Flame King winced.

"No! We are not…at least not me!"

He wanted to shout but couldn't.

Chapter 677 - Incredible Velma (R-18)

Velma didn't know the pants she was so excitedly rubbing belonged to someone other than her husband. Blindfolded and believing her husband has benefitted from Gen X pills, she continued to trace her lips on Kiba's chest. At the same time, her hands moved to unhook his pants.

She quickly pulled the zip down and felt something very long and throbbing sprang upon her wrist. It was heavy, and she was all praises for the wonders of science.

"Oh, love!" She gasped as she took hold of his c.o.c.k. "This is unreal!"

He was steel-hard, and if not for the throbbing warmth that made her weak in the knees, she would have refused to believe such an amazing c.o.c.k could exist.

Frantically, she started moving her hands back on his shaft, feeling his bulging veins that seemed to be overflowing with vitality. Then there were his balls. They were bigger and powerful than she has known, and as she caressed them, she realized they were filled to the brink with loads of c.u.m.

"Love, I overestimated myself!" She whispered as her hands moved up on the c.o.c.k. "It is you who have surprised me!"

She lowered her face and focused on this wonderful specimen. Alas, the blindfold made it impossible to confirm what her hands were stroking with so much love.

This increased her desire to pull off the blindfold and sight the divine brush that would soon paint her unexplored depths with white.

But she resisted.

Her husband has wanted her to be blindfolded, and she couldn't bring herself to break his heart on Valentine's Day.

"But I also have a nice surprise for you!"

Velma turned around and s.e.xily rubbed her skirt-covered ass on Kiba's c.o.c.k. She felt him twitch and knew her efforts were showing the result.

"And you are going to love it!"

Like an expert strip dancer, she moved her ass back and forth, up and down, teasing his c.o.c.k.

She then bent down as if to get a stretch while thrusting her ass up, causing the skirt to move back and her smooth, buttery ass to touch his hard c.o.c.k.

"You like that ass, don't you?" She asked while further pressing his c.o.c.k with it.

Kiba grunted in agreement.

This ass was really wonderful.

He was a b.r.e.a.s.t-man, and when he saw her first, he was disappointed her b.r.e.a.s.ts were much smaller than his favorite MILFs.

But now, he didn't mind acknowledging a good ass could more than make up for it.

He placed a hand on her ass while thrusting his c.o.c.k between the crack of her ass. It was covered with the thin ribbon that made her panties. But as he touched her ass and tried to thrust, she lowered herself.

"Not now!"

She stressed while somersaulting from that impossible position to stand before him. She wrapped her hand around his mushroom-head and gave it a gentle squeeze while leaning her lips close to his face.

"But don't worry, you will get to thrust in more than just my ass crack!" She declared with a s.e.xy smile. "It is where you have always wanted!"

Some distance away, Flame King placed a heart on his chest. He felt like he was going to get a stroke.

"She's going to give him anal cherry!"

Flame King stared at Kiba's c.o.c.k in horror.

"But she wouldn't survive with that monster inside her little hole! It will rip her apart!"

Flame King's husbandly instincts jumped.

His wife didn't know she was invoking destruction! But he did!

And like a good husband, he was going to save his wife's little ass!

But then he saw Kiba opening his right hand. Without emitting any fluctuations, a golden hammer full of sharp thorns appeared.

Flame King stopped.

"My wife is a fighter! She can handle anything!"

Flame King was suddenly sure of his wife's capabilities.

So he silently backed away.

The hammer disappeared, and Kiba lowered his hand. Velma continued to stroke his c.o.c.k, running her fingertips on his sensitive bare skin. She pressed her covered titties on his chest and then started rubbing herself against him.

While doing so, she slipped her tongue out and dragged it down his throat. A tantalizing current surged into Kiba, and he realized why Flame King never took any mistresses.

She was great.

As expected from the wife of the Cuckold King.

Kiba always believed in rewarding the worthy. So he decided to reward Flame King further by turning him into a forever Cuckold King.

He would take the service of his wife till the end of her life.

And since Kiba was kind, he would ensure the Cuckold King always get to observe her in action.

Velma opened the top of his shirt button with her mouth. She kissed him there, planting a wet kiss on the middle of his muscular chest, and then took a deep breath to inhale his seductive scent.

"Ooo, god! I love how you taste and smell!"

She felt the wetness between her thighs increase multifold, and she couldn't help but wonder what effect tasting his c.o.c.k would have.

Excited, she started stroking him at extreme speed, making her hands blur. She pursed her lips with his sternum and then slipped down, forcing the buttons in her path to break open.

Kiba lifted his head and closed his eyes.

She knew how to tease. Truly a Good Wife!

Velma stopped as she reached the end of his stomach. The warmth from his c.o.c.k flushed her cheeks, and as she inhaled his scent, she wantonly licked her lips, causing a drop of her saliva to land on his shaft.

It throbbed excitedly, and his prec.u.m oozed out, staining her rapidly moving hands. She stopped stroking and lowered her lips, bringing them dangerously close to his shaft.

Time seemed to come to a standstill as her lips lingered there, not moving further.

It was torture, not only for Kiba but also for the sweating Flame King observing her every move. He wanted her to stop, to move her lips up, and not touch that monstrous c.o.c.k.

"Dear wife! If you love, surprise me by stopping!" Fame King begged in his heart.

His eyes then brightened as he saw his prayers taking fruition. His wife moved up, sliding her lips back on Kiba's torso.

"Yesss! That's my wife! She knows what I want!"

Flame King was surging with excitement. But his rapidly beating heart stopped as Velma surprised him by quickly bringing her lips on Kiba's c.o.c.k.

She started kissing it like her life depended on it.

She was shockingly fast, kissing every corner of his shaft, making sure her lips felt all his veins.

Kiba gave a thumbs-up to Flame King.

Enjoying the soft, wet lips, he telepathically said, "Your wife is the best! She truly knows what I want!"

Flame King: ".........…"

Velma didn't stop making out with the c.o.c.k she has fallen in love with within seconds. One taste, and she was hooked. Her n.i.p.p.l.es were already hard and protruding, and her p.u.s.s.y lips were trembling. She wanted him in!

But it wasn't the time!

She has so much planned, and she wouldn't break the flow.

With great efforts, she stopped kissing his c.o.c.k, and rose to her feet. Grabbing him by his c.o.c.k, she stepped towards the bed.

Kiba and his c.o.c.k were more than happy to follow the lead.

Velma stopped before the bed and pushed Kiba on it.

Chapter 678 - Happy Valentine's Day (R-18)

As Kiba fell on the bed, Velma smiled. She was blindfolded, and yet she was the one in charge so far. But she was sure her husband wouldn't be complaining.

"Let me taste your surprise package for real!"

She crawled on the bed while shaking her cute little ass. Her hands felt Kiba's legs, and she spread them to make space for herself.

Stopping between his thighs, she grinned and took hold of his c.o.c.k. She gave it a nice jerk and then leaned down, closing her lips with the tip of his c.o.c.k.

The prec.u.m coated her lips, and she opened them, licking them slowly while stroking his c.o.c.k.

"Ooo! Can't believe how good you taste!"

She opened her mouth and pursed it on his thick mushroom head. While doing so, her tongue traced his bare skin, sending a shiver into him.

"Ah!" Kiba gasped as his c.o.c.k throbbed. She has barely started, and yet he felt close to heaven. She was definitely one of the best women he had. He was going to give her an award in the c.o.c.ksucking category. It will make her husband very proud.

Velma bobbed her head further down, slowly taking more of him inside her, making it sloppy.

She was forced to stop when she couldn't take him further, and suddenly she became worried for her ass. In excitement, she announced she would give him her anal cherry, but if even her mouth couldn't contain him, how would her little ass?

She quickly shook her head with her mouth full. She didn't have time to think with such a superb specimen waiting to be served.


Like a woman possessed, she started blowing him in earnest, sliding her mouth up and down as much of his c.o.c.k as she humanely could. She sucked him while not forgetting to run her soft tongue against his hard flesh.

Her fingertips caressed his ballsack, tantalizing him further. Her saliva slid down his shaft and settled on his balls, and she used it to moisturize his balls, getting them ready for her slippery tongue.

She pulled his c.o.c.k out of her mouth with a popping sound and started jerking it while bringing her tongue to his balls. She gave them a hard lick, starting from the underside, making them quiver from pleasure.


Slowly, she pulled her tongue back and took a good portion of his ballsack into her mouth. She sucked them with love and l.u.s.t, turning them sloppy while stroking his c.o.c.k.

In minutes, his balls clenched, and she felt pressure bubbling inside.

Quickly, she let go of his balls and shut her mouth around his mushroom head. Just in time, a jet of white, glowing liquid erupted and hit the back of her throat.


Her blindfolded eyes widened in amazement, and her wet p.u.s.s.y trembled violently. She has hit climax just from his c.u.m alone, and the eruption of c.u.m showed no sign of stopping.

"Holy lord! So much and so delicious! Is this really my husband?!"

Velma exclaimed inside while doing her best to swallow every drop. His c.o.c.k remained hard, and to her surprise, as he shot c.u.m into her, he started thrusting into her, as if it was her p.u.s.s.y.

His h.i.p.s moved back and forth from the bed, and c.u.m chains started dropping from her overstuffed mouth, landing on his balls and the sheets.


She m.o.a.ned as his balls hit her chin. There was nothing like face-f.u.c.k.i.n.g from the comfort of the bed.

She realized she was losing control, and it wasn't something she could allow. It was s.e.x.u.a.l control that allowed her to influence her Alpha husband, and it couldn't stop now.

Doing her best to overcome the pleasure surging into her veins, she grabbed Kiba's thighs and stopped him from thrusting. Simultaneously, she pulled his raging c.o.c.k out of her mouth and teased it with the tip of her tongue.

Holding the mushroom head straight, she slid her tongue on the underside of his shaft, barely licking it.

She slipped one hand down her belly, thrusting it into her skirt to frantically rub her wet panties. Her p.u.s.s.y wanted him in, and she tried to quench that thirst with rubbing.

This barely stopped another orgasm hitting her. But she has to; otherwise, she would lose control!

Kiba knew she needed help and was too shy to ask for it. And as a gentleman, it was his responsibility to help a woman in need.

His knees moved up and bumped into her butt cheeks, pushing her forward.

"Ahh!" She exclaimed as she fell onto him. Her mouth opened in amazement as she felt his c.o.c.k rubbing her skirt. Feeling it so close, her p.u.s.s.y twitched, and her v.a.g.i.n.a.l foldings opened on their own, leaking with her juices.

"Ohhh f.u.c.kkk! Screw the surprise!"

She begged as she pulled the skirt up. Kiba couldn't say no.

He slid a hand on her back, pinning her chest onto his, while his other hand pulled the ribbons that formed her panties. Like a beautiful gift wrap, they opened, bringing the surprise in the open.

He couldn't see it from his position, but his c.o.c.k knew it was terrific as it rubbed against him. His c.o.c.k wanted to thrust inside her and experience the wet yet warm nourishment of her slippery cave.

Kiba didn't wait another moment. His mushroom-head barged into her entrance, and she let out a m.o.a.n that felt like a roar to her shocked husband.

"What should I do?!" Flame King was turning desperate as he saw more of Kiba sliding into his dear wife. She was jerking from either pain or pleasure, or perhaps both, and this broke Flame King's heart.

"Am I so small that she's reacting like this?!" Flame King wondered while observing the action.

He couldn't bring his eyes to not see the e.r.o.t.i.c sight of his wife getting f.u.c.k.i.e.d by another man. He saw the tension leaving his wife's body as she slowly grew accustomed to Kiba, and this made him realize, perhaps she would be able to contain it in her ass as well.

Flame King looked down at his own pants. He was being humiliated, and yet his body couldn't help but be stimulated by the e.r.o.t.i.c display.

"Noo! I'm an Alpha!" Flame King roared inside while staring at his wife as she started riding Kiba. She was bouncing on his c.o.c.k, taking it as deep as she could.

Soon, her p.u.s.s.y walls began to vibrate and clench his c.o.c.k. Her head jerked back, and an orgasm hit her like an avalanche.

"Loveeeeee! I want every day to be like thisssss!"

Velma cried as her blindfolded vision exploded with firecrackers.

"Please make every day into Valentine's Day!"

Her body started shaking, and her fine hairs stood up. She was experiencing the best climax of her life, and she wanted it to never stop.

"How surprising! That's exactly what your husband wants as well!"

Velma's sensitive body shivered.

This voice…. It wasn't her husband's?!

Even as this thought ran into her mind, she felt a hand pulling her blindfold. Her eyes came in sight with the man who was inside her.

"What's going onnnn?"

She managed to ask as her p.u.s.s.y grabbed his c.o.c.k desperately, not wanting it to leave her.

"Don't you know?" Kiba asked as his eyes moved to the side.

Velma couldn't think properly due to the climax. But she managed to follow his line of sight. Her husband was standing there, looking at her and Kiba with a dumbstruck expression.

"Love?! What's the meaning of thisss!" She asked as her p.u.s.s.y urged her to resume riding the c.o.c.k while she still had the chance.

Flame King was more than dumbstruck. He was stupified as he didn't expect this to happen. Before coming here, he had begged Kiba to f.u.c.k his wife with a blindfold, and he took Kiba's silence as a yes.

But now he knew he was mistaken! And his mistake had resulted in his wife learning the c.o.c.k she so loved didn't belong to him!

What to do?! How to answer her?!

At the same time, his eyes widened further as he noticed his wife's h.i.p.s moving, perhaps subconsciously. She was slowly resuming bouncing on Kiba's c.o.c.k again, despite the shock she has received.

How could his wife do such a thing?! Didn't she knew he was here?!

"Craigggg!" Velma screamed as this unexplainable situation invoked a type of pleasure she couldn't describe. It pushed her to the apex, making her experience one orgasm after another.

Her hands moved on her blouse, and she pulled the straps down her shoulders. Her small b.r.e.a.s.ts and her hard n.i.p.p.l.es were quivering as they came in open.

"Answer me, you mean bastard!" Velma shouted, hoping for an answer that could explain this.

"Isn't it obvious?!"

Flame King replied.

"It is my surprise for you!"


"Happy Valentine's Day, wife!"

Chapter 679 - A Confident Wife (R-18)

"Happy Valentine's Day, wife!"

Velma was dumbstruck, and she moved her eyes from her husband to the man underneath her. Not stopping her h.i.p.s from gyrating on his c.o.c.k, she wondered could he be her Valentine's gift?!

If so, her husband has truly surprised her by leaps!

"What's your name?" Velma asked as she put her hands on the muscular chest underneath her. It was so hard, yet there was a softness in it, and it gave a sense of reliability, just like the c.o.c.k filling her cunt.

"Kiba," Kiba replied with a smile. "But you can call me Dr. NTR."

She looked into his eyes, and something exploded inside her, making her see stars. Her head snapped back, and she m.o.a.ned.

God, how could he be so handsome and have such a wonderful c.o.c.k?!

She wanted to ask but couldn't as the pleasure turned her incapable of framing sentences.

"Now is the time to enjoy your gift for real, lady."

Kiba threw her blindfold far away and slipped a hand around her back.

"Ah!" Velma gasped, and before she knew it, he spun her around, positioning her in the missionary.

Stretching her legs apart, he started hammering into her like a drill machine, making her scream and cry.

Flame King was shocked. He has always made love with his wife! But the action happening before him didn't contain love!

It was hardcore f.u.c.k.i.n.g of biblical proportions!

Velma shuddered and closed her eyes. She was experiencing one orgasm after another, and her body erupted with goosebumps.

"Oohh!" Her eyes snapped open as she felt Kiba's middle finger caressing her hole underneath her jammed cunt.

My ass!

She managed to think just before the finger slipped into her tight, little asshole. Using the juices flowing from her cunt, Kiba's lubricated finger stretched her hole but stopped when his finger couldn't slip further.

"Seems like we need something bigger than my finger to really explore there," Kiba said as he threw her feet over his shoulder and pulled his c.o.c.k out of her p.u.s.s.y.

Velma knew what was about to come.

A part of her wanted to resist.

This v.i.r.g.i.n hole was supposed to be her gift to her husband!

But then she rationalized.

Her husband wasn't stopping her!

So it meant that her husband agreed with her!

Only this monstrous c.o.c.k deserved her anal v.i.r.g.i.nity!

Knowing the burning pain that would follow, she grabbed the sheets and stuffed them into her mouth. Kiba was gentle with her. His mushroom head slowly invaded her puckered hole, making her back arch and her legs tremble.

This was tougher than Velma expected. Her eyes erupted with tears, and she pulled the sheets out of her mouth.

"S-stop!" Velma shouted as his mushroom head fully jammed into her. "I don't think I can take you there!"

Kiba gently smiled while not pulling out.

"Please, don't think so little of you."

Kiba encouraged her while slowly moving inch by inch inside her.

"Not only me, but even your husband has confidence in your capabilities."

Velma was startled, and she looked at Flame King for an answer. Did he really think she could take this c.o.c.k?!

Flame King shook his head.

Her poor ass would break with that c.o.c.k!

But then he saw the golden hammer appearing over the bed.

"Yes, dear! You are stronger than you give yourself credit for!"

Flame King assured her.

"I'm sure you can take Dr. NTR in both your holes at the same time, much less one at a time!"

Velma was surprised by her husband's confidence. But she then thought of both holes at the same time?! That was impossible as there was only one Kiba.

The thoughts disappeared as the pain erupted from her asshole. Kiba has reached the end of her asshole, and she started thrashing around, gasping for breath.

A few seconds later, a soothing sensation followed, and she reached pleasure of unimaginable heights. Her already tight ass squeezed his c.o.c.k, tightening around it to milk his c.u.m.

"Your husband was right!"

Kiba exclaimed as he started moving back and forth, resisting the urge to c.u.m.

"Not only you are a great c.o.c.ksucker, but you also have the potential to be the anal queen!"

Kiba praised her, but it wasn't his words that she focused. All her attention was on the throbbing c.o.c.k sending ripples into her.

Soon, she forgot everything and lost in the flow.

She responded to his thrusts by pushing her h.i.p.s back and forth and started spinning them, making it seem her ass was vibrating.

This was too much for Kiba.

As the vibrations rippled into him, his c.o.c.k erupted with a heavy load, emptying it deep inside her.

"Too hot!"

By now, Flame King was looking at Kiba and Velma f.u.c.k.i.n.g like it was an e.r.o.t.i.c movie. He was enjoying it more than he could admit.

And had it been not for his pride as aristocracy, he would have started masturbating…

"Love, could you bring us some fresheners?" Flame King's pleasure was interrupted by his wife's words.

"Huh?" Flame King broke out of his trance and looked at his wife in disbelief. She wasn't looking at him, though.

After saying her request, she got on her knees and took Kiba's c.o.c.k in her mouth. She started blowing him, bringing him back to life.

Flame King staggered back.

This was more than he expected.

"Hey, stop being selfish," Kiba said as his wife's mouth made his c.o.c.k sing. "We aren't stopping, so you won't miss much. So relax and bring the fresheners. Make sure you prepare them freshly."


Dejected, Flame King left the room.

"I can't believe I ordered him like that!" Velma thought as she continued to suck Kiba. "But that must be what he wanted!"

Justifying it to herself, she slipped the c.o.c.k out of her mouth and kissed it.

Letting it go, she looked at Kiba and then jumped on him, planting her legs around his waist and her shoulders around his neck.

"If I didn't know it better, I would think you were waiting to cuck your husband."

Kiba said as he grabbed her butt cheeks and spread them. She gasped and lowered her asshole to his c.o.c.k.

"I already know who you were before I asked you!" Velma explained as he entered her ass. "And based on what has happened so far, I'm confident you love what I have to offer! So I'm safe!"

Kiba grinned.

She has surprised him with her sudden change in attitude and confidence.

And there was nothing more wonderful than a confident woman, especially in the bed!

"You are right," Kiba replied as he gave her another f.u.c.k of the lifetime. "You are more than safe."


Dazzling streams of power burst out of him, startling her.

"W-what?!" She wasn't able to enquire as he didn't stop thrusting into her.

The dazzling streams enveloped the room, turning it into a virtual cage. The moment it appeared, time seemed to come to a standstill.

"Time Stretch!" Velma managed to mutter before letting out a cry from a blinding orgasm.

"I want to experience all you have to offer," Kiba explained as he pinned her to the wall. "And make sure you are as worthy as I believe you to be."

Pressing her face against the wall, he hammered into her from behind.

"Ohhhhhh goddddddd!" Velma screamed and put her hands on her ass cheeks. "I would prove it to you!"


A few minutes later, Flame King returned with a tray of fruits, and he was frightened. With his powers, he could sense what has happened.

"See? I told you wouldn't miss much!" Kiba said when he noticed him. "You can experience a year of pleasure in minutes!"

"A year?!" Flame King collapsed.

Thankfully for him, the tray didn't fall. The fruits flew to Kiba and Velma as they got back on the bed.

Stuffing the gr.a.p.es into her mouth, Kiba jammed straight into her ass and hit her clit with his fingers. She felt as if a current was surging into her, and she arched up, taking him further in.

"Mmm....!!!" Velma's mouth opened further and she swallowed the gr.a.p.es.

Her cunt erupted with a stream of liquid, and Kiba pulled out at right time to ensure the stream greeted her husband's face.

"Happy Valentine's Day, hubby!"

Velma managed to exclaim with a big smile.

Flame King: "........"

Chapter 680 - Meeting Kirstie

True to his words, Kiba f.u.c.k.i.e.d Velma for what seemed to be a year, even though, in reality, only an hour passed.

He took her in all known positions. To make the experience worthwhile, he even created new positions to enjoy her body in all possible ways.

Standing, on the bed and floor, underneath the shower, on the ceiling, above the table….

Flame King witnessed everything. His eyes were filled with blood threads as he saw c.u.m dripping from every hole of his wife and then dripped on him.

Because Kiba was f.u.c.k.i.n.g Velma in THE standing position. He put Velma over Flame King so that the latter could see everything in full HD without missing any detail, while his c.o.c.k slammed into her ass.

This, in turn, coated Flame King's face with his wife's juices and Kiba's c.u.m. Flame King was bubbling with rage, but he couldn't do anything. The Blood Contract made it impossible. So, all he could do was accept the humiliation.

Though, he also knew a part of him enjoyed this humiliation. His wet pants were the proof…


"That was the best Valentine's Day ever!" Velma exclaimed as Kiba threw her on the bed. He lay beside her, caressing her small but firm b.r.e.a.s.ts.

"Well, as your husband wanted, I would make sure you have many Valentine's Day every year," Kiba said while stopping Time Stretch.

Flame King: "....."

Velma suppressed a giggle. She has earned a place in Flame King's life with many efforts, doing everything to please him.

For too long, she has loved him, but she also knew he didn't really love her. Just because he didn't have any mistress didn't mean it was due to love. So she was frustrated inside but didn't have the guts to express it without losing her life.

Now with Kiba in the picture, there was no such fear. Not only did she not have to perform wifely duties any longer, but she would also still get to enjoy the perks of an Alpha's wife!

She has the best of both worlds!

"You are crafty," Kiba said telepathically. "Not what I expected when your husband said you were going to be blindfolded."

Velma smiled and took hold of his c.o.c.k. She wanted to have another ride before ending it for the day. Slowly she took him in her stretched asshole and started riding as if her life depended on it.


Sometime later, Kiba jumped out of bed. Bright dots of light appeared around him and started spinning, turning into clothes.

"Cuckold King, you have an amazing wife," Kiba said while taking a glass of juice from the table. "Take care of her for me."

"Y-yes, sir," Flame King tried to smile as the nightmare was finally ending, even if it was only for today.

"How could my luck turn so shitty?!"

Flame King wondered and recalled his time in Infinity Maze. Everything seemed to start when he met Kiba, but now that he thought of it, his bad luck began when he met Zed and abused him.

"Maybe that bastard is blessed by Fate!"

Flame King felt a chill down his spine.

He knew of many blessed by Fate. Every crisis for them would turn into an opportunity. As for those who created the crisis, their luck would come to an end, and they would face one disaster after another.

"He survived Solitary Snow Island, the slums, Desolate Blood Forest, and even escaped from Extermination's onslaught in Delta City!"

Flame King's face turned ugly.

"It has to be him! Damnit!"

Flame King wished he could strangle Kurtis. Had it not for Kurtis, he wouldn't have abused Zed and turn his life into a tragedy.

Meanwhile, Kiba started walking towards the door. Just as he was about to open the door, Flame King shouted.

"Rebecca! You have to take Rebecca!"

Kiba was startled, and he turned back in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Kiba asked.

"She's beautiful and hot!"

Flame King replied in a frenzy.

"Maybe the most wonderful woman in existence! F.u.c.k her so Kurtis that can regain his status as The Cuckold!"


Kiba's expression twisted into that of a demon. A hammer appeared in his hand, and he disappeared.


Flame King slammed into the wall. He was dazed, and before he could wonder what happened, the hammer crashed into his chest, making him spit blood.

Kiba appeared before him. Grabbing the hammer, he smashed it onto Flame King's head, splitting it.

"AHHHHHHH!" Flame King screamed.

His regenerative powers quickly jumped into action, stitching his head back.

Flame King was both frightened and confused.

What has he done for Kiba to be so pissed all of a sudden?!

"Bastard, how dare you say that?!"

Kiba asked as he beat the hell of Flame King. The latter could only reply in painful grunts. This only angered Kiba further.

"What do you think I am?" Kiba asked while brutally pounding Flame King. "A motherf.u.c.k-----?!"

Kiba paused without completing the word.

His expression changed as he recalled Suzane – Olly's mother, Katherine – Sophia's mother, and countless other beautiful mothers.

He had f.u.c.k.i.e.d all of them, and in essence, became the biggest motherf.u.c.ker out there.

So asking Flame King if he was a motherf.u.c.ker was wrong.

Flame King was relieved the beating has stopped. He looked at Kiba and saw an unreadable expression.

On the bed, Velma was just as shocked as her husband. She couldn't help but ask, "Why did you beat my loving husband?"

Kiba tossed the hammer away, and with an angry expression, he explained.

"He has a hot woman like you as the wife. And yet, he is blind enough to label some other woman as the most beautiful woman out there! How could I not beat him?!"

Flame King's jaw dropped.

Velma's eyes widened, and she blushed.

Kiba was doing this to defend her pride?!

Oh god! He's the best not only in bed but in other areas as well!

She threw herself in his arms and soon brought him back to the bed. She spread her buttery ass cheeks, and invited him back to the hole he has grown fond of.

Flame King: "...…......."


An hour later, Kiba stretched his hands and stepped out of the room. He was exhausted and a bit tired.

"Sighs~ My job is taking a heavy toll on my physical health."

Kiba wished he had the freedom to retire. But he was the greatest doctor out there. If he retired, the world would turn into hell for all husbands and wives. Something that couldn't be allowed!

So, for the greater good, his health has to be sacrificed.

Kiba could only sigh again…

He continued to tread through the giant corridor and looked around, examining the paintings and the scenery.


After walking for a kilometer or two, he suddenly stopped as he felt a pair of eyes on him. He was in the House of Hestia, but no one has dared spy on him until now.

At least, he didn't feel it despite his powers.

It was surprising for someone to do it now, especially since that person was clumsy enough to not hide their presence.

He looked in the distance, on the other side of the mansion with a pool of trees in between.

Some twenty kilometers away, there was an open window leading to a vast room with lots of medical tools.

A barely eighteen-year-old teenager was sitting on a wheelchair, using a high-tech binocular to look at him.

Her facial features seemed familiar, even though it was the first time he was seeing her.


Kiba whispered her name with a complicated expression.

In the room, Kirstie was startled.

"He noticed me!" Kirstie exclaimed.

"Oh, no!" Leyla, her loyal maid, was terrified. "I warned you, young miss!"

"Relax," Kirstie assured her with a cute smile. "The room is protected by a grade VIII barrier! Invading it is impossible!"

"Really?" A voice asked her.

Kirstie was shocked, and so was Leyla. Kiba was sitting on the window!

Leyla staggered back, but Kirstie's eyes brightened, and she said, "Wow! You are amazing!"

Kiba didn't expect her to react like this. She ignored him and turned towards her maid.

"He's here! You can ogle at him at all you want, and none would know!"

This time, it was Kiba's turn to be shocked.

"Ogle?" Kiba asked.

"Yes! I don't know if it is the hobby of older women, but Leyla is always staring at pictures of handsome men!"

Kirstie explained.

"Now she can finally stare at a real man and fulfill her desire!"

Leyla closed her face with her hands. She was flushing red with heat.

Young miss, please stop embarrassing me!

And being thirty is not old!

Kiba was amused. With a smile, he asked, "Is that so?"

"Yes," Kirstie replied while glancing at the transparent barrier surrounding the room. "The barrier is still intact! How did you appear here without breaking it?"

"Teleportation," Kiba answered.

"Oh!" Kirstie nodded. Though to her knowledge, the barrier was known to restrict every mode of spatial travel. So how was teleportation possible?

Regardless, she wasn't worried. He didn't seem dangerous, at least not to her. Besides, it was nice to meet new people!

"So, do you have a job?" Kirstie asked, trying to sound mature.

"Ah…well, yes," Kiba was taken aback by her question.

"Really? What do you do?" Kirstie asked with interest.

Kiba didn't answer or maybe couldn't answer.

"Is it something confidential?" Kirstie asked.

"Yes, very confidential," Kiba nodded with a serious expression.

"Wow! A secret job!" Kirstie clapped her hands. "It must be thrilling!"

"You can say so," Kiba replied while wishing she would stop here.

"I envy you!" Kirstie said with a sincere smile, "I'm stuck in the room while you have a thrilling job out there!"

Kiba's eyes lowered to the wheelchair. He knew a bit about her condition.

"Anyways, my name is Kirstie."

Kirstie extended her pale hand for a handshake.

"I am Kiba."

Chapter 681 - My Brother Is Talented!

As Kiba shook Kirstie's hand, Leyla was nervous. Unlike what Kirstie expected, she didn't have the luxury to admire Kiba's drooling features.

Her young miss was naïve to not understand the danger this handsome man represented, but she did.

Suppressing her nervousness, she glanced at the door far away, praying the guards would break it and rush in. But no such thing happened.

"How's this possible?!"

Leyla started trembling.

This vast room and the surrounding area were one of the most secured zones in the mansion.

No one was allowed here without permission. Suffice to say, intruding was impossible, and in case the impossible happened, the hidden sensors would warn Rebecca and others.

Yet no such thing happened.

It was like no one except for her and Kirstie noticed Kiba's presence.

"Could he have jammed the sensors?!" Leyla thought of the possibility, and she broke into a cold sweat.

Taking care of Kirstie was her prime responsibility. If something happened to her, she would be held responsible, and the punishment would be far worse than death.

"Leyla?" Kirstie looked at her with confusion. "Why are you sweating?"

Leyla opened her mouth to answer, but she then noticed Kiba also looking at her. His eyes were glittering, and there was a smile on his face.

Frightened, she closed her mouth and didn't dare reply.

Getting no response, Kirstie moved towards her in the wheelchair.

"Could she be sick?" Kirstie wondered.

"Let me check," Kiba's body flickered, and he appeared before Leyla. "I have worked as a biological professional, so I would be the best to judge."

"Oh!" Kirstie stopped. "Does that mean your top-secret job requires biological knowledge?"

"…You can say so," Kiba replied and slipped a hand on Leyla's forehead. "She's indeed sick."

"Ah!" Kirstie was startled. "Is it anything serious?"

"Nothing I can't handle."

Kiba reassured her while sliding his hand down Leyla's face, bringing it to her throat.

This made Leyla's trembling and sweating worse.

"Oh god! I'm going to die!"

Leyla concluded her worst fears were indeed valid! This handsome man was going to kill her and then kidnap the young miss!

Kiba smiled further and then suddenly snapped his head in the direction of the window to look outside.

"What's there?" Kiba wondered with his eyes narrowed.

"There?" Kirstie followed his line of sight, wondering what he saw. She squinted her eyes, and when she didn't notice anything surprising, she picked the binoculars to look ahead.

"Young miss! He's distracting you!"

Leyla wanted to shout because Kiba has turned back to her in the same instant. Before she could, his hand slipped to the back of her neck, pulling her face close to his, making his warm breath graze her lips.

Her eyes widened because the next she knew… he was kissing her!

There was burning passion in his lips, something that melted through all her worries. The tension left her, and the kiss intensified.

She felt as light as a feather, as if she floating in heaven with all the pleasures she desired.

She yelped in delight she couldn't describe and found herself responding to the kiss.

She was clumsy and seemed to lack experience. Still, nevertheless, as her lips mashed with his, she felt a surge of electricity in her. It raced through her heart, and she felt goosebumps all over her.

This was the best moment of her entire life, and she wanted it to last forever.

Alas, Kiba broke the kiss and leaned back.

She was disappointed and a bit angry. She thought of closing her lips to his to resume from where they ended, but just then, Kirstie turned towards them.

"There's nothing there!" Kirstie told Kiba.

"There was," Kiba replied. "But it was nothing that concerned us, so don't worry."

"I see!" Kirstie nodded and was surprised when she saw Leyla. The latter was no longer sweating. In fact, she seemed to be full of life!

"Wow! It seems you weren't boasting when you claimed you could handle her sickness!"

Kirstie exclaimed with admiration.

"Well, it is nothing I hadn't dealt with before, so it wasn't difficult," Kiba replied honestly.

Leyla's face turned crimson.

"Oh! So what was the sickness?" Kirstie was curious.

"Let's say it is a sickness associated with barely a.d.u.l.t women," Kiba answered. "But I have cured many older women with it."

Kirstie was bewildered.

What was this sickness?

Leyla's heart thumped, and she squirmed while glancing at Kiba. She understood the double meaning that was aimed at her.

How could he know I'm a v.i.r.g.i.n just with a kiss?!

She was embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I would heal you fully," Kiba beamed at her. "You only need one shot to become forever free of that terrible sickness."

Leyla's cheeks seethed.

How could he be using innuendo so openly to tease her?!

Still, she was relieved that he has no nefarious intention like she initially believed

Kirstie was curious about Leyla's condition, but she didn't enquire further.

"Kiba, can I ask you something?" Kirstie started.

"Sure," Kiba looked at her.

"How's the world outside the mansion?" Kirstie asked. "Be honest, though. Those I ask, they only brush it with negativity, but I have a feeling they are lying to me."

Kiba sighed inside.

He realized people lied to her to suppress her desire to step outside. Perhaps, they have good reason to do so.

"It is both good and bad, just like how life is," Kiba replied honestly. "There are many amazing places full of life and wonder, something that would make you praise nature and men. But there are also bleak places, full of poverty and sufferings that would crush your spirit."

Kirstie nodded. She opened her lips to request him to elaborate, but before she could, her hands started shaking.

"Young miss!" Leyla's body blurred, and she appeared before Kirstie.

"I'm fine," Kirstie smiled as the wheelchair infused energy into her. "But in need of some rest."

Leyla nodded and placed Kirstie on the bed.

Tubes and wires automatically emerged from the medical appliances nearby and connected with her body.

Kiba looked at her with a complicated expression. She was different from what he expected, yet he felt she would be like this.

"It doesn't matter. She has nothing to do with me."

Kiba reminded himself.

Just then, his eyes caught the items on a nearby shelf.

There were two small frames; in one, Kirstie was with her family - Rebecca, Kurtis, and Steve. It was the other frame that caught his attention which had only one person – Zed.

Looking at the picture, it seemed to be taken without Zed's notice.

By now, Kirstie has stabilized enough. She wanted to resume her conversation with Kiba, but she noticed him looking at the frames.

"They are my family!" She introduced everyone in the first frame.

"And the one in the second frame?" Kiba asked nonchalantly.

"He's my brother," Kirstie replied with a big smile. "Technically, half-brother, but a brother nevertheless!"

Kiba: "...."

"I wanted to have a picture with him, but since he never visited me, I couldn't," Kirstie added with a trace of sadness in her voice. "So, he's all alone in that frame!"

"I see," Kiba replied.

"Well, just so you know, he's an expert in the medicinal field as well!" Kirstie added with pride. "Far better than you!"

"Really?" Kiba was amused.

"Yes! My condition used to be really bad before, but he sent a gift that improved my condition!"

Kirstie was beaming with pride. She knew how terrific her brother must be to achieve such a feat.

She could still recall how everyone here was dumbstruck when her condition improved and her blood source surged with vitality.

"He must be talented then."

Kiba replied while examining the serum injected into her.

It was made of multiple streams of colors, seemingly forming a rainbow, just like the serum Zed gave Rebecca to return her favor.

Rebecca had accepted the serum, but not as a return of her so-called favor. She took it as a gift from a brother to his sister.

Back then, he didn't really care what she wanted to believe as long as he didn't owe her.

"Yes! He is very talented!" Kirstie nodded excitedly.

But then her face sank as she recalled something. Tears started building up in her eyes, and she lost all her cheerfulness.

"What's wrong?" Kiba was startled.

"It is my fault!"

Tears started trickling down her face.

"If I wasn't created, he wouldn't have suffered nor hated mom!"

"Young miss, stop blaming yourself!" Leyla quickly pacified Kirstie.

Kiba's eyes narrowed, and a frown appeared on his face.


Why would she use that word instead of born!?