682 - 692

Chapter 682 - Name of The Scent

As Leyla did her best to calm Kirstie, Kiba was bewildered.

"Why would she say created instead of born?"

He wondered while looking at crying Kirstie, hoping for an answer. Alas, she was still blaming herself for spoiling Zed's and Rebecca's relationship. She wasn't in the state to think about anything else.

"Young miss, please stop," Leyla ran her fingers through Kirstie's hair. "This isn't good for your health."

But Kirstie didn't stop.

Kiba shook his head in pity.

Since her world was restricted to the room and occasional visits to the garden, her mentality wasn't strong enough to cope with her fears and guilt, even if they were unfounded.

"Rebecca might have kept her here to protect her, but what good is it when it can't protect her from her own thoughts?"

Kiba sighed. He knew he couldn't fault Rebecca either. She must be obviously aware of her daughter's fears, but she could do nothing given the conditions.

Sighing again, Kiba drew a chair near the bed and glanced at his half-sister.

He didn't know why she blamed herself for whatever happened to him, as she didn't even exist until he turned four or five. But whatever her reason, he has no interest in being the source for her grief.

After all, he has arrived here to spread happiness. Flame King and his wife could attest to it.

Even Kirstie's father – Kurtis – would agree. At least he hoped so…

"Kirstie," Kiba called her out. "You misunderstood something here."

Startled, Kirstie turned to him, her eyes filled with tears.

He stared into those teary eyes, the gold in his eyes cutting through them like rays of sunlight.

"I don't know about your family, much less your family issues," Kiba pointed to the two frames on the shelf. "But from what little you said, I'm pretty sure you don't know that opposite of love is not hatred."

"It isn't?" She asked with child-like innocence.

"Yes," Kiba replied. "The opposite of love is indifference."


Kirstie's breath paused, and her tears evaporated, replaced with a spark of enlightenment.

"Furthermore, we all have one life… one life alone," Kiba continued. "Why waste it on crying for someone else, no matter how much that person means to you?"

"I…" Kirstie didn't know how to answer.

Kiba made a grasping motion, and telekinetic force surged out, grabbing the frame of Zed. He placed it before Kirstie.

"Looking at his picture, I'm pretty sure this half-brother of yours isn't wasting his life by thinking about how bad his past was.

"He has moved on, and most likely enjoying his life to the fullest, doing everything he has always wanted."

Kirstie was startled, both by the realization of how wrong she was and the tone of Kiba. He seemed sure, almost like he knew it, just like he knew his own life.

"So let me ask you this," Kiba's voice turned stern. "Are you going to spend your life crying while your brother lives his to the fullest?"

"N-no!" Kirstie answered though somewhat hesitantly.

"That's good to hear," Kiba smiled and took her pale hand between his. "Because only losers waste their time in self-pity and guilt. And I'm sure you aren't a loser. Or are you?"

Kirstie vehemently shook her head.

She wasn't a loser!

And from now on, she wouldn't waste a minute of her life by grieving for what was!

She leaned up and rested her back on the headboard to look outside the window.

Birds were chirping on the trees, petals were floating in the air, and the arrival of spring was evident.

She broke into a smile. The world seemed more wonderful now.

On the side, Leyla was dumbstruck.

It wasn't like Lady Rebecca, or others hadn't tried to ease her guilt, but they never succeeded in cutting the roots. So from time to time, the young miss would lose her cheerfulness when the roots grew up back into tentacles of guilt.

But now, they were cut off from the roots… She was free now, at least mentally.

Physically it was a different matter.


Kirstie continued to stare outside the window. Kiba didn't want to disturb her, so he let her hand rest between his.

This close contact increased his cosmic perception, making it possible to see through her origin source. Usually, he wouldn't check the origin source of anyone. Still, seeing her condition, he became curious enough to examine her body.


His eyes constricted, and his expression changed.

Deep in her genes, cells that seemed to have jaws were clamping on her protein fibers.

"Genetic Degradation Cells!"

Kiba muttered in disbelief.

Years ago, just before Goten Whiteskins' death, he learned his genetic inheritance was incomplete. That meant he couldn't use the abilities he inherited from his father, at least not entirely.

So he researched how genetic inheritance could be tampered with. After all, destruction can be only be undone after understanding how it occurred in the first place.

And this lead him to a method used by beings of the Celestial Elsyian Plane.

Genetic Degradation Cells.

Refined from the blood of those called Great Titans, they could be used to cut off genetic sequences and even harm the inheritance. In a way, their functioning was a bit similar to the nanites used by the revolutionaries.

"Bloody vultures!" Kiba struggled to control his rising anger. "It must be done by someone in the family!"

He wasn't able to get his hands on Genetic Degradation Cells, so he couldn't undo the damage inside him. And now, when he least expected it, he found it within Kirstie.

This irked him.

While he has no love for her, there was no hatred either.

So he didn't enjoy her misery, certainly not when it contributed to the pitiful state she was in.

"What's wrong?" Kirstie turned to him, confused.

"Nothing," Kiba's expression returned to normal. "Just that I have to take my leave, and I wish I didn't have to."

"Ah!" Kirstie exclaimed. She then thought of something and turned to Leyla.

"Quick! Ask him for his phone number!"

"W-why?" Leyla stammered.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kirstie was disappointed by her maid's stupidity. "It is to save you money!

"If you have his number, you won't need to buy those men's magazines ever again! You can call him and ogle him all you want!

"Maybe even get him shirtless like in those magazines!"

Leyla: "......."

Kiba: "......…."

"Well, don't you worry," Kiba said as he rose. "I will make sure she saves all her money."

Leyla: "......….."

"Thanks!" Kirstie beamed at him. "You are a gentleman!"

"Of course," Kiba nodded and disappeared in a puff of golden smoke.

"I got you a good deal, didn't I?" Kirstie enquired.

Leyla: "........"


Not so far away, Kirstie's brother, Steve, and his fiancée, Constance Eleanor, walked through the long corridor.

Steve eyed his fiancée with concern.

A few hours ago, they learned legendary Dr. NTR, who rocked the world, was here. So they went to meet him along with Kurtis. But before the introduction could complete, Constance suffered a "backlash" that forced her to shut herself in the washroom.

"Are you really fine now?" Steve asked.

"Y-yes," Constance answered, her eyes darting here and there nervously. Lying was beneath her as a pureblood aristocrat, but she was doing it now, which made her embarrassed.

But there was nothing she could do. After all, she couldn't tell her fiancé it wasn't backlash hit her… Not without revealing the embarrassing act she performed in the washroom.

"It was all his fault!"

Constance thought of those hypnotic half-golden eyes belonging to the legendary doctor.


Just as she thought of the eyes, they appeared before her, startling her. She stumbled back, but Kiba, ever the gentleman, quickly stepped forward to help her.

"I apologize for startling you, my lady."

Kiba slipped a hand behind her back to hold her.

"But I was passing by and thought we should complete what we started."

"S-started?" Constance felt a chill racing down her spine.

"The introduction," Kiba said as if it was apparent.

"Ah…yes," Constance replied and stood straight. "I'm fine now, thank you."

Kiba pulled his hand back and turned to Steve.

The latter was both shocked and offended by Kiba's sudden arrival and his actions of offering his fiancée support.

Still, he did his best to be calm.

After all, Kiba has done nothing wrong, even though he hated the brief physical contact he made with his fiancée.

"You must be Steve," Kiba started with a smile. "It is nice to meet you."

"Same," Steve extended his arm and shook Kiba's hand. "We have heard a lot about you."

"Good stuff, I hope," Kiba said.

"Yes," Steve replied.

He was now relieved. The doctor seemed to be a nice fellow.

Kiba then turned to Constance.

"Constance, I assume," Kiba smiled gently. "From the House of Eleanor."

Constance nodded.

Steve looked at her, and she gasped as she realized what he was conveying to her.

She has forgotten basic etiquette!

She held her hand out with the palm facing downward. Kiba grasped it and bowed down to kiss her knuckles.

"Forgive me if it sounds inappropriate," Kiba said as he straightened up. "But your hand smells really nice, like the purest of lilies and roses combined with the best of spices."

"!!!" Constance flinched.

Her hand, specifically her fingers, has been bathed by the most sacred scent of her body.

She didn't realize the scent still lingered and that it would be kissed by Kiba!

"I have taken a liking to this wonderful scent and wish to smell it from the source," Kiba continued politely. "So, if you don't mind, can you tell me the name of the scent?"

Chapter 683 - Cockblocker! (I)

"I have taken a liking to this wonderful scent and wish to smell it from the source."

Kiba requested her as he let go of her hand.

"And I will be forever grateful if you allow me to."

"....." Constance turned red from embarrassment.

On the other hand, Steve wondered if her scent was really that wonderful for an Alpha of Dr. NTR's caliber to compliment her like this.

Kiba stood patiently for a response but received none. Steve found this awkward.

Why does his fiancée have to act like a nervous teenager?

Couldn't she reply positively to such a simple request?

"I'm sure she would be happy to fulfill your request," Steve replied on her behalf. "I'm right, ain't I, dear?"

Constance froze, unable to believe what Steve just said. Her mind flashed with the only way to fulfill Kiba's request, and it made heat rise within her.

No! She was an aristocrat! She has embarrassed herself once by doing shameful things in the washroom! But never again!

"Sorry, but I feel I'm about to hit by a backlash again," Constance said as she regained her composure. "So I will take my leave."

She felt this was the only way to get out of this situation.

"Another backlash?" Steve was startled. "Let me help."

"No need," Constance stopped him. "I only need some rest."

After saying this, her body turned into a series of afterimages, and she disappeared from the corridor.


Steve didn't know what to do. She has left him with Kiba, and he couldn't just leave without offending Kiba.

"Please don't feel bad for me."

Kiba said as he realized Steve was caught in a dilemma.

"Situations like this are normal, and I'm glad she has a strong support system in you. As for my request, we can postpone it for some other time."

Steve's face brightened.

As an aristocrat, he didn't fear any Alpha, certainly not here. But even then, he didn't want to offend an Alpha and make an enemy.

Now seeing Kiba so understanding, he sighed in relief.

"You are a nice man," Kiba said with a kind smile. "And soon, I'm sure you will be a very Good Husband."

"Ah! Thank you!" Steve was pleasantly surprised by the compliment. "I will do my best."

Kiba patted him and teleported away.


Constance appeared on the floor above and raced through the corridor filled with giant statues.

As she was about to pass a statue of Soverigness Hestia, a hand pulled her, taking her with surprise.

She gasped, and before she knew it, she was pinned to the statute, once again face to face with Kiba.

"It isn't good manners to leave without replying."

Kiba whispered, his lips just a hairbreadth away from hers.

"Especially when one is patiently waiting for a request."

Constance was both embarrassed and angry.

She lifted her hands to push him and felt he would resist, but to her surprise, she easily succeeded. She was free!

"I'm not here to force you."

Kiba said as she didn't move away from her position. He placed his hands on either side of the statue, holding her there without touching her.

"Then why are you here?!" She demanded while feeling no need to push him again.

"To confirm what we really started many hours before," Kiba replied, his mouth closing to hers. "You felt it, and so did I."

"…!!" Constance shivered as she recalled that feeling. It has put her body on fire, making her yearn for his rain of love.

"I can't!" She forced herself to say as his mouth lingered before hers. "I'm engaged!"

"Don't worry."

Kiba took her face between his hands and looked into her eyes.

"I don't mind."


A part of her mind screamed, telling her he obviously wouldn't!

She was the one who engaged!

Not him!

This thought didn't linger for long, as subconsciously she leaned up, moving her lips to his. But she then stopped at the last moment!

Rationality was reviving in her mind, warning her of the consequences of giving in to her wanton desires.

She was an aristocrat and not some commoner! She has a way of life, guided by a high sense of morality, unlike those low lives from the other strata of the society!

Alas, her stopping so close to Kiba's lips resulted in him taking the lead. He kissed her soft, delicious lips, setting them on fire with his fiery pit of passion.


Her heart skipped a beat, and the pulse welled up from there, surging through her lips. She started kissing him back, charging his lips with her current of desire.

Kiba tingled from head to toe, and he reached for her raven hair.

They were softer than silk, held by a clip, and as he pulled the clip, they fell on her back like a waterfall.

His fingers slid through them to arrive on her back, lingering sensuously on her exposed, creamy back. A chill ran through her as his fingertips rubbed there, causing goosebumps to spring up.

This made her yelp amidst the kiss, and he slipped his tongue between her lips, tasting her sweet mouth.

Never has she been kissed so e.r.o.t.i.cally, and the sensual overload made her forgot to breathe. She started breathing through her nose, gasping for air as he explored her mouth.

Minutes later, she didn't even realize when the kiss ended, and he pulled his tongue back.

Seconds passed, and she finally realized the kiss was over. She looked at him and saw him looking at her.

No, he was actually peeling off her clothes with his eyes, wondering what she was hiding underneath that strapless gown.

There was an absolute desire on his face, like she was a luscious fruit he has been waiting to devour from eons.

This caused her adrenaline to surge like never before, turning her on by leaps and bounds. She jumped on him and wrapped her legs around him, her tongue directly invading his mouth for relief.

His hands slid up her thighs, slowly approaching the source of her wonderful scent. As he touched her covered ass, current surged through her, tantalizing her nerves.

As pure pleasure jostled into her, the dying rationality in her mind erupted with fury.

"N-no!" Constance's face went pale, and she jumped up. "I can't lose my purity!"

She landed on the hand of the statute of Soverigness Hestia, looking at Kiba like he was a taboo.

"Purity? You mean v.i.r.g.i.nity?"

He lifted his head back and started laughing.

"This is funny! Men and their stupid fascination with v.i.r.g.i.nity!"

Constance was shocked, more by his words than his laughter.

"Aristocracy is associated with power – the power to do one as please!" Kiba remarked amidst his laughter. "Yet, you are so weak that you can't even do what your body wants!"

"!!!" Constance's eyes widened.

"I feel pity for you. Your body autonomy is far less than the women from the lower strata," Kiba said with a smirk. "Ironic, isn't it?"

Constance's face turned rigid.

He was implying what she considered character was actually weakness!

"This is not about weakness or irony! It is about honor!" Constance defended herself. "Giving into l.u.s.t is a sign of weakness and disgrace, not at all suiting an aristocrat!"


Kiba smiled and appeared on the statue's hand. Startled, she backed away, but behind her, there was only the wall.

"Then tell me, who decided giving into desires is weakness and keeping yourself 'pure' is honor?"

Kiba asked as he slowly approached her.

She didn't reply, nor she tried to move to the side. Instead, she moved to him as something inside her snapped.

It was the shackles of her mentality!

As his question lingered, she knew what she has to do.

Stopping before him, she pulled the zip of her gown down… and looked at him as it fell down.

Kiba whistled…

Chapter 684 - Cockblocker! (II)

If the statue of Sovereigness Hestia had life, even she would have whistled at the development taking place on her hand.

The gown dropped, and Kiba's eyes landed on the beautifully sculpted breast of Constance. Their creamy texture was contrasted with the puckered, ruby nipples.

"No bra! How wonderful!"

Kiba exclaimed as his eyes moved down her slim, flat belly. His eyes widened, and his nostrils flared as they stopped at where her thighs joined.

She had no panties either! And even though he couldn't see the treasure hidden between her thighs, what he saw was enough to make him conclude he has struck gold!

He instantly became grateful to his half-brother. If not for Steve, she wouldn't have been here, and he wouldn't get the chance to get his hands on this wonderful treasure.

But now was not the time to be grateful. It was time to do things none had done for her.

"I love your way of dressing!"

Kiba said as he admired her little bush of pubic hair just above her closed slit.

"In the future, I would make sure you become an inspiration to women around the globe!"

Constance blushed and lowered her head.

She had worn bra and panties, but when she hid in the bathroom to suppress the intangible excitement, she had torn them. That's why she had nothing underneath her gown, and she reasoned it shouldn't matter as none would see her without it…

"We haven't even started, and you are blushing," Kiba lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. "Remember, just like v.i.r.g.i.nity, embarrassment is a sign of weakness and not character."

She was startled, and before she could think of a response, he pushed her.

With a gasp, she fell on the statue's palm, and to her surprise, it was soft and comfortable, like she was on a bed instead of a statute. His reality-warping powers were in motion…

Kiba's body slithered on top of her, his lips closing to hers for a tight kiss. She kissed him back and drifted her hands on his neck, holding him tight.

He responded by shoving his tongue into her mouth, lashing onto her tongue. She yelped, her pulse racing from his passion and desire. Clumsily, she retaliated and coiled her tongue with his.

She felt her tongue melt, engulfed by his sweet, fresh taste…

Slowly, Kiba's mouth separated from hers and slipped onto her throat. Her back arched as the kiss sent a shiver into her spine, causing goosebumps to spring up throughout.

"You taste great!"

Kiba said as he slid down, kissing her deliciously warm cleavage. He ran his tongue here and there, licking the upper slopes of her breast.

She was hot for him, and it couldn't be more evident as he moved towards her nipples. They were hard and beginning to swell.

He took them between his fingers and then pinched them hard, making her cry from pain and pleasure.

"Ssshh!" Kiba placed a finger on her lips. "You don't want others to hear you, do you?"

"Ahh!" Constance squirmed, unexpectedly from an unknown thrill.

In all the excitement, she had forgotten she was in the corridor! She tried to calm herself, reminding her the mansion was as vast as a town and none would discover them. But there was always a possibility!

If that happened-----

Her thoughts stopped abruptly as a tantalizing sensation shook her. Kiba took her left n.i.p.p.l.e between his lips and started sucking it.

"Oooh, doctorrrrrr!"

She crossed her arms around his head and pinned him onto her n.i.p.p.l.e. Not like she had to, for he has no intention of moving away. He kissed and licked and then bit her n.i.p.p.l.e, raising her excitement from shuddering pleasure.

He felt heat surging between her thighs and knew she was ready and ripe. He broke through her arms and moved down her stomach, planting lingering kisses.

Finally, he stopped just above her thighs. She took support on her arms to arch up and look at him, nervously waiting for his next move.

He looked back at her and slipped his hands down her butt cheeks to cup them.


She knew what he wanted her to do, and she wanted to please him. So, eagerly, she spread her legs, exposing her treasure chest.

Kiba took a deep breath and inhaled her scent. She smelled like fresh roses with a tinge of citrus, and he couldn't wait for this taste to blossom on his lips.

Licking his lips, he urged her to open her treasure chest. Constance nodded and reached down, her finger opening her fleshly foldings.


Kiba went euphoric as his eyes finally feasted on her pink slit and the fleshly membrane.

The oil of her desires has lubricated them, giving them a crystalline glint that was no different than a treasure vault.

"Oh! Creator!"

Long ago, he was enlightened and concluded pussies were the ultimate marvelous creation. And hers was even more!

It was a divine blessing one has to feast on!

"Every time I start losing my path, pussies bring me back to my true destination!"

Kiba praised The Creator as her scent overloaded his senses with l.u.s.t.

"Thank you!"

Completing his words of gratitude, Kiba zoomed his face between her thighs.

"Oh no!"

Just then, Constance's eyes widened to an impossible length. She felt hot, extremely hot, and so did the statue palm underneath her.

And she realized it wasn't due to pleasure or excitement.

It was due to someone standing some distance away!

They have been discovered!!


Kiba stopped before he could taste Constance as he, too, felt a raging aura.

The aura gave the feeling of a prelude to a volcanic eruption, carrying destructive power one couldn't imagine. This startled him.

"Lady R…"

Constance stammered, surprising Kiba.


Kiba lifted his head from between her thighs.

"Well, lady, I know your are jealous, but there's no reason to be. You, too, can join me in feasting on this delicious pussy and experience the amazing deed that would follow---"

Kiba stopped. He finally saw the appearance of the lady Constance couldn't fully name.

She has fiery-red hair, an hourglass figure radiating elegance, and l.u.s.trous white skin that could put diamonds to shame.

It was none other than Rebecca.

She stood coldly on the branch of a tree with eyes narrowed and looked at Kiba and Constance.

Kiba: "...."

He was a bit embarrassed by what he just told her. They might not have a proper mother-son relationship, but she was still his mom. She has given him life.

And now she has caught him before he could taste this fresh pussy.

"L-lady Rebecca… this isn't what it looks like!"

Constance spoke while moving her hands around to seek her gown.

She could have easily found it if she used her eyes, but she didn't dare move her eyes from Rebecca and risk death.

Until a few seconds ago, the risk of discovery was a significant turn-on for her. Perhaps, unknowingly, she even wished to be discovered to experience the ultimate thrill.

But now, the thrill was replaced with dread.

Rebecca didn't reply to Constance's claims.

She only looked at Constance and the man between her thighs. When he first arrived in the mansion, she has seen him from Kirstie's room.

She expected that she might meet him in the future. But that certainly didn't involve the present situation.

"Ah, well, you must be Constance's future mother-in-law?"

Kiba asked to break the ice. Alas, she was fire, and she couldn't be melted, much less broken.

She remained silent, her aura surging through the air, turning it fiery-red.

Kiba's eyebrows knotted, and a frown appeared on his face.

He might seem shameless, but he wasn't entirely.

He has his bottom line and his own set of morals.

Now with his mother here and a pussy behind him, he obviously knew what he has to do.

The etiquette he religiously followed dictated that… a pussy couldn't be made to wait!

So, he spun around and planted his face right between Constance's thighs. Like lightning, his tongue slipped out and sn.a.k.e.d through her fleshly foldings.

"Oohhh goddddd!!!!"

Constance shuddered under his unexpected touch. Her pussy violently spasmed, and she felt herself touching the apex of pleasure.

In the distance, Rebecca's eyes constricted in disbelief.

In her life so far, she has experienced many situations and witnessed countless shocking events.

But none managed to astonish her like the scene taking place before her eyes!

It was beyond unexpected to her…. Perhaps to anyone in her position!!

Chapter 685 - Cockblocker! (III)

Kiba's high sense of morality was so strong that he couldn't let go of a pussy, even when caught by his own mother.

So with solid determination running through his cock, he buried his face back in Constance's pussy.

Slipping his tongue through her fleshy foldings, he plunged into her wet slit and started swirling around.

"Ahhh!" Constance writhed, and her eyes rolled up. She climaxed instantly, rewarding Kiba with her sweet oil of essence.


Kiba licked her essence, her sweet yet spicy taste blossoming up inside him.

"Such a delicious cunt!" Kiba managed to whisper between licks. "Apt for feasting!"

While swirling his tongue inside her, he reached for his pants and started pulling the zipper down to free his cock.

Just then, his eyes flickered, and he moved his hand from his zipper to the side.


At the same instant, a blazing beam of fire was speeding at him. He slapped it away, and it slammed into a nearby statute, exploding it. The resulting debris and smoke spread out in all directions, ruining the romantic environment.

"Oh god!" Constance's expression changed from intense pleasure to terror. "This is bad!"

"What's bad?" Kiba asked as he rose to his feet and helped her in rising. She didn't reply and hid her nude body behind him.

He let out a soft sigh and turned towards Rebecca, who was covered in flames.

She looked at him without any emotion on her face, but it was apparent she was anything but emotionless.

Usually, she was nonchalant to the world's happenings and wouldn't care what people said or did. But this wasn't a normal situation.

After all, her son's fiancée and Kiba were having oral sexso brazenly!

And even after being caught, they didn't stop. She couldn't accept such a cocky response.

She extended her hand and waved it.


A globe of blue flames appeared, its heat distorting the very time and space. The time seemed to dilate while space appeared to melt. The natural laws went berserk!


With a shrill keening sound, the globe rushed forward, expanding as it shot at Kiba. Constance's body trembled, and she shut her eyes.

Kiba raised his hand and blasted out a column of glowing golden energy. It was piercing to the eye, and from a distance, it looked like a golden dragon as it crashed into the globe of fire.


From the impact, destructive force ensued, causing flames and golden energy to splash outward.

Wherever the flames landed, the area melted into oblivion, while the area stained by golden energy turned into nothingness.

"You are a wielder of Power Cosmic?"

Rebecca asked, but rather rhetorically and without surprise.

"You have a good reason to be so bold and brazen."

She said as she released her aura.


Like a volcano exploding, the air erupted with convulsions, and blue flames spread from beneath her feet. The space seemed to substantialize into heatwaves like she was literally the sun and flames spreading from her divine essence.

Her fiery-red hair danced in the air, and she pointed her index finger at Kiba.


Kiba's expression dramatically changed. His face turned deathly pale, and he felt extremely weak from inside like he has been starved for ages.

The energy in every body was stored in cells, and in its nascent form, it was nothing but heat. It was the heat that helped sustain most of the body functions, and in the absence of it, the body loses its ability to work.

The instant Rebecca pointed her finger, the heat inside Kiba disappeared and concentrated into her fingertip. It was no different than direct teleportation of energy!

A lethal attack!

Crystals of ice began to form on Kiba's body, and Constance backed away in utter horror. She forgot she was nude as she stared at Kiba.

"What the hell….?!"

She was frightened. Right before her eyes, the Alpha who shocked the world has turned into a statue of ice!

How was such a thing possible?! Rebecca didn't even use flashy attacks like before, so just how?!

"Power doesn't make one strong."

Rebecca explained to Constance.

"It makes one arrogant and reckless, but not powerful, not unless----"

She stopped as she saw something surprising.

A crack has emerged in Kiba's statue!

From his back, ice began to fall, and blinding streams of light spread out. They turned into three pairs of wings!


Shards of ice blasted out, and Kiba emerged in his Holy Form.

Constance's eyes widened, and she forgot all her fears. Her despair turned into surging excitement, and she started rubbing herself as she looked at him.

His muscular body was bare, save for his torso, and even though she was looking at his back, she knew he was the epitome of grace, strength, and reverence!

"So perfect! Why was I wasting my life until now?!"

She questioned herself loudly while rubbing her sexfrantically. She didn't know the answer nor care. He was here, and only that mattered.

This made her juices leak and her fleshly quiver. Her hunger couldn't be quenched with her fingers alone, and she knew only his touch could give her relief.

Without any hesitation, she threw herself on his back. His wings were soft like a pillow, yet there was impenetrable hardness, and as she pressed against them, she felt safe and secured.

But the excitement inside her only increased further. It showed no sign of decreasing.

And she knew why.

She yearned for the wings to wrap her while he buried his holy rod deep inside her.

Unable to stop herself, she reached for the white tunic that caged his rod.

In the distance, Rebecca's expression flickered with shock. She could feel the overpowering emotions from Constance and knew their root cause.

Charm! That, too, in its purest form! Something that could only be gained!

"Such powerful charm," Rebecca muttered with a melancholic sigh. "Not even HE had such charm during his peak days."

Kiba didn't hear her as he turned to Constance and took her in his embrace. He sealed his charm and said, "You really want to resume in front of your future mother-in-law?"

Constance's face flushed with warm blood. For few seconds, her sanity was overpowered by l.u.s.t and wanton desires. Now she was stable and thinking of her actions, she squirmed and wearily glanced at Rebecca.

"Well, if you do, I don't mind."

Kiba startled her by lifting her up and planting his face between her lovely breast.

"Oooh!" She cooed, once again both frightened and excited. Perhaps nothing could be more exciting than a thrilling situation like this.

"You sure have got guts!"

Rebecca's figure swayed, and she vanished from sight. When she appeared, she was next to Kiba, her hand stretching out to grab his neck.

Kiba further lifted Constance up while slightly shifting her. This lined her pussy to his face.


Constance moaned, not from Kiba's actions but from something else.

"!!" Rebecca's eyes narrowed, and for the first time, she was shaken to the core.

Because instead of grabbing Kiba's neck, she has grabbed Constance's smooth butt!

"Groping your son's fiancée!" Kiba exclaimed. "You sure don't have any shame!"

Rebecca: "...…"

Chapter 686 - For Her Child

As Rebecca grabbed Constance's butt instead of Kiba's throat, Kiba couldn't help but accuse her of sexual harassment.

"Constance, are you sure you want to marry in a family of perverts?"

Kiba asked as his left wings coiled around her, taking her in their protective embrace.

"Because if you do, I can't imagine what more your mother-in-law might do!"

While saying this, his body blurred, and he shot back, flying above the fallen statutes.

Rebecca's eyes glinted with coldness.

She obviously knew Kiba staged what just happened; otherwise, it was impossible to make such a mistake with her powers.

With her anger rising, her figure flashed forward, leaving behind a series of blazing phantoms. Instantly, she was in front of him, her speed defying logic. She slashed out with her hand, causing the space to rip open with a blazing line as it targeted Kiba.


Kiba blocked it with his scepter, causing an unceasingly loud boom to erupt and spread out. Miles of ground tilted over while intangible cracks emerged in the sky, astonishing everyone near and far.

"What's going on here?!" The servants retreated in horror, their ears bleeding.

"A battle of Alphas!"

A young master exclaimed as he wet his pants.

"This is so unfair!"

He cried while blaming his luck. Earlier today, he was hit by shockwaves from Kiba's arrival in the mansion, and now hours later, this boom.

"Why only me?!" He asked, unaware that many young masters were similarly suffering, some even worse as they were turned into mincemeat.

Only those in the mansion were safe. Because the instant Rebecca used her powers and caused destruction, series of force fields automatically emerged and protected the unimaginably vast estate.

"Even if they are Alphas, who has the guts to fight here?"

In the hall, Xalion was disturbed while drinking his tea. His eyebrows knotted, and he scanned the clashing auras.

"Rebecca and Dr. NTR!"

Startled, he let go of the cup, and it fell. While he was neutral towards Rebecca, he disliked Kiba, and seeing them fighting, his spirit soared. He didn't know their reason, but regardless, it was for good as far as he was concerned.

This doctor was going to receive some good beating! He was sure of it!

In another room, Kirstie was chatting with her brother when she heard the clashing boom. Surprised, she requested Steve to take her to the window.

"Sure," Steve nodded and took her there. Leyla followed, and they all looked out of the window.

"That's mom!" Steve exclaimed in disbelief. "Why is she attacking Dr. NTR… wait, there's someone wrapped by his wings!"

His heart thumped loudly as he noticed just who it was.

"N-no! It can't be!" He told himself. "She went for rest! So there's no way she could be there!"

"Isn't she your fiancee, brother?"

Kirstie asked as she used binoculars to zoom on Constance. The wings were ethereal and semi-transparent, so she could see her.

"Ahh! She seems to have lost clothes!"

Steve flinched.

"Kiba is so nice!" Kirstie noted with a sincere smile. "She didn't have clothes, so he is covering her with parts of his body!"

Steve and Leyla: "...….."

"But why is mom fighting him instead of thanking him?"



Like lightning, Kiba's body flickered, and he vanished as Rebecca's first attack ended. He appeared behind her with a thunderclap and smashed down with his scepter.


His scepter passed through her like she was a curtain of fire, and Kiba instantly ducked to the side. Because at the exact moment, the real her has appeared on the other side, her hand piercing out like a sharp knife.

Just as he appeared to avoid her hand again, she lashed out with a firestorm kick. As her leg moved, the space in her path literally caved in like it was brutally pounded by a meteorite.

Kiba's right wings moved in front of him like a shield, and her feet hit them.


Burning feathers flew all over with sputtering sparks.

At the same time, Kiba's left wings unwrapped from Constance, leaving her n.a.k.e.d. Before she could notice this, his hand slipped behind the small of her back, while his free wings curved out and slashed at Rebecca's retreating leg.


With a sharp slashing sound, the layer of fire covering her feet split open, and her heel broke.

"So Ksitgarbha was right about your strength."

Kiba said as he noticed he failed to land real damage on her.

Rebecca stood in the air without replying to him. She looked at Constance, who was now hugging Kiba, while feeling countless pairs of eyes on them.

Her son's heart was shattered. The very scenario she wished to prevent has occurred.

This made her release a bitter sigh.

"You shouldn't have done it," Rebecca eyed Kiba, and flames spread from her.

"Done what exactly?" Kiba asked nonchalantly. "If you mean the things before you acted as a cockblocker, we only did what our bodies desired."

"….." Rebecca couldn't refute that.

"Or you mean the rules I supposedly made her break just because she's engaged?" Kiba's voice turned angry. "You are an Alpha. That would mean you do as you wish and aren't affected by the norms created by society to condition and control. So why should she be?"

Rebecca nodded, and with a slightly amused smile, replied:

"You are obviously right. The rules are to control, and so are the cultural norms. But this concerns my child. And all I want for him is to be happy."

"Wow! A mother showing genuine concern for her grown-up child! How touching!" Kiba's lips curved into a smirk. "I'm jealous!"

Rebecca motioned her hand. The flames spreading from her flared up and turned the area of a few miles into a prison. Those unrelated to the battle were pushed out, save for Constance as she was held by Kiba.

"Apolocalpytic Hell."

Rebecca commanded, and the environment inside the prison literally turned into hell.

"Well, seems like your mother-in-law is turning serious," Kiba told Constance while lifting her chin. "But so am I!"

"About what?" Constance asked, barely audible. Her heart was on the brink of exploding from one dangerous situation to another.

"Turning this hell into heaven of pleasure for us!"

She gasped, as after saying this, he shoved two fingers into her cunt and pulled her for a tight kiss.

Rebecca - who was about to unleash her attack - froze in disbelief.

He was still in the mood to fool around?! Just how can such a man exist?!

Chapter 687 - I Hate Cockblockers!

As the world around him ignited into hellish flames, Kiba pulled Constance for a passionate kiss and thrust fingers into her tight cunt. He started finger-fucking her, enjoying the feel of her slippery flesh contracting around him.

Rebecca stared at him in disbelief.

She has fought many battles, some even where she risked her life. Yet none of her opponents did such a thing. It wasn't like she was conservative or close-minded. In fact, she didn't care about the choices of others unless it affected her or her loved ones.

That was why she was angry at Kiba for only breaking the heart of her son. And not because she believed in the rules or sacredness of relationsh.i.p.s.

But the scene before her eyes shook her. She froze and forgot to act, giving Kiba plenty of time to swirl his tongue in Constance's mouth.


In the distance, the jaws of everyone from House of Hestia dropped.

When they saw flames bursting up to form a prison of hell, they expected to watch an epic battle where Kiba and Rebecca would fight with everything they got.

Kiba making out with Constance wasn't even in their minds!

"To do such immoral things before everyone! How shameless!"

Xalion crushed his chair and angrily jumped to his feet.

"He must be from a family of degenerates!"

At the same time, Lord Harley and Kurtis left Valley of Fire after forming a Blood Contract.

"Haha, Kurtis, you have made a great decision!"

Lord Harley was naturally in a joyous mood. As he laughed from excitement, he noticed the hellish flames many miles away.

"A Domain?"

As the head of the family, he had methods to observe everything that has taken place in the estate. He used one of those methods and instantly realized what lead to the current development.

"This is bad!"

His usually happy face turned stiff, and he disappeared from the spot, only to appear in a room.

It was none other than the bedroom of Velma and Flame King.

"Ahh!" Velma flinched.

In sexual bliss, she was resting on the bed while covered with globes of c.u.m. Now seeing the family head suddenly appearing, she pulled the sheets to cover herself.

Lord Harley didn't even look at her. His eyes were only on Flame King, who was sulking on a chair.

Flame King was startled. The thought of criticizing Lord Harley for invading his privacy formed in his mind, but before the thought could turn into words, a slap hit him, and he was sent flying.

"You stupid idiot!"

Lord Harley lost his usual composure and grabbed Flame King before he could crash.

"I didn't say anything when you wanted to live your cuckold fantasy, but now because of your stupid fantasy, my plans for family are going to suffer!"

He slapped Flame King again, this time sending him on the bed soiled by the c.u.m of the man who has taken his wife like he couldn't even dream of.

Lord Harley was disgusted.

Thinking Flame King would be only happy to lay on the bed where he was cuckolded, he got furious and kicked him.

Velma trembled uncontrollably.

She couldn't believe her husband, who was an Alpha, was so weak that he couldn't even retaliate against Lord Harley.

What she didn't know was that in front of Lord Harley, none with the blood of Hestia could use their powers. This was the authority he wielded as the head of the family.

"I-I'm sorry," Flame King was broken from today's events, and he apologized without putting any struggle. "But I don't even know what I'm responsible for!"

Lord Harley was planning to vent further, but hearing this, he stopped.

"Sigh~ Never mind, I can't fault you."

As a smart man, he knew there was a limit to which he could suppress Flame King. If he crossed the limit, Flame King would turn useless, at least for his future plans.

Meanwhile, Kurtis - whose spirit was already crushed - got the shock of his life when he saw what Kiba was doing.

"Oh no! My son is going to be C…!"

Kurtis fell to his knees, his eyes filled with threads of blood. He was utterly broken.

For over two decades, he has been fighting nightmares of the C-word.

Now his only son was too cursed by C!

"Is this the fate of my bloodline?!"

Kurtis punched the ground, causing it to erupt with blazing fissures. He didn't stop and continue to pound it until there was nothing left.

Suddenly, a spark of rationality flashed in his mind.

"My son is safe! He is only engaged! Not married!"

Just a sinking man grasping for straws, Kurtis, too, found a straw to hold on to.

"Hahahaha! Yes! He is safe from C!"

His spirit grew, and he laughed, perhaps from both happiness and madness.


Until now, only a few seconds had passed since Kiba started making out with Constance. Rebecca finally got a hold herself, and she turned back to her usual cold yet elegant personality.

Flames erupted before her, and from them, a sword made of blue flames appeared. Grabbing it, she rushed forward while her sword released a compressed beam of fire.

Kiba's eyes flew open, and he let out a roar. Dazzling ripples swept off him, carrying pure power Cosmic.

The ripples superimposed over each other, and illusory stars appeared. They fused together to form a series of celestial rings with Kiba and Constance in between.

This was the most powerful barrier he was capable of creating!


The beam hit the barrier, and sparks flew. Rebecca appeared at the exact moment and bombarded on the barrier with slashes.

Dents and fissures appeared, leaking out power Cosmic, proving just how strong Rebecca was. But before the barrier could break, Kiba provided it with more power, making her attacks useless.

"I have no enmity with you."

Kiba looked at Rebecca through the barrier… while pulling his fingers from Constance's cunt and bringing them to her lips.

Constance opened her lips and took them in her mouth, sucking on them.

"Yet you are acting like the type of person I hate the most - a cockblocker."

His wings spread open, and the barrier expanded, pushing Rebecca back. She was startled, as, with his words, his power dramatically rose. It wasn't the rise in power that startled her. Instead it was the type of power that startled her.

It was power Cosmic, but in a form that was rarely heard of… something even rarer than the almost non-existent Power Cosmic!

Kiba turned to Constance, and her breathing turned heavy with desire. She kissed him on the chest and slipped to her knees, pulling his cock out of the white tunic.

It was the first time she saw a cock, that too of the size she couldn't believe, but she instinctively knew what she has to do. Her being an aristocrat didn't make her hesitate in spreading her lips open for him.

She eagerly took him into her mouth and closed her lips around his hard flesh.

Slowly, like she was born to, she started bobbing back and forth on his cock. She was strangely unbothered by the stares of everyone in the estate who couldn't believe she was the Constance they knew.

Kiba threw a sideway glance at Rebecca. She was powering up the sword to tear open the barrier, because she has a bad feeling.

Kiba's lips curved up into a smirk. It was hard to say if it was due to the wonders of Constance's mouth or for another reason.

"And that despite her not being married."

Kiba continued speaking to Rebecca while pointing at Constance.

"Don't you think it's wrong for you to be so offended?"


Rebecca's face stiffened, and for the first time in years, she shouted.


Alas, it was too late. Even as her sword sliced open the barrier, the power rising from Kiba blasted out.

A glowing white light enveloped everything.

"This power…!"

Far away, Lord Harley's expression changed. Everything around him started moving back, including Flame King and Velma, who moved in positions before his arrival. It was like time was being rolled back.

But he knew it wasn't time!

It was reality!

"What a monster to have such an ability!"

Lord Harley remarked with a cold glint in his eyes.

"He could be more useful than I thought!"

He gave up the thought of stopping Kiba, at least for the next few moments. He also stopped the mechanisms that were about to automatically activate to stop the dreadful changes.


Rebecca moved back on her own, experiencing the temporal flow around her bending with powers of reality-warping. She noticed herself in positions where she caught Kiba and Constance in the act, and then further back, the time where she was taking a bath in the lava pool.

The temporal flow stopped there.

"This is bad!"

She jumped out of the pool, splashing lava around...

Chapter 688 - Spreading Happiness (I/II)

As Kiba unleashed his reality-warping powers, Rebecca and pretty much everyone moved back in time.

In response, the invisible net enveloping Earth – that suppressed the strength of powerful beings – burst out with repressive force1. This force hit the surging reality-warping powers and started crushing it, startling Kiba.

Everything started distorting, and with Kiba in the center, two different scenes began to superimpose over each other, fighting for supremacy.

In the first, Rebecca cut through his barrier, her sword of fire closing onto his throat while she slapped Constance away.

In the second, Rebecca appeared in a pool of lava and moved further back, arriving at the pool entrance.

It was evident the first scene was gaining supremacy; something that denoted the original reality was winning.

"What the hell?"

Nothing like this has happened before.

Then again, he has never used his reality-warping powers to the extent he was using now on Earth.

"Cocks.u.c.k.i.n.g bastard!"

Kiba was furious.

He hasn't even started writing his version of reality! Yet the net was acting like a crazy bitch who hasn't got nailed in eons.

"I wouldn't let even my birth mother stop me from spreading happiness, and you think I would let you?!"

Kiba demanded as he spread his arms and concentrated on the Cosmic Spark. The stream of lightning flowing out of it raced through his body, giving him his powers.

As he concentrated, the lightning flickered, and it turned darker, from the plain gold to dark, metallic gold.

The weather around him turned increasingly dark and stormy. Simultaneously, stripes of dark lightning appeared on his wings, and the energy surging out of him drastically increased.


A vast and boundless power spread out of Kiba like he was the Creator itself.


This power brutally exploded into the repressive force, causing violent radiance to erupt and engulf the surroundings.

"Just what is he?!" Lord Harley wondered, as his body shifted between two places, first in the mansion and the other in the Valley of Fire.

While his physical body was affected by the reality-warping powers, his consciousness wasn't. So he was able to witness the struggle between Kiba and the net.

And it left him startled.

"Rebecca, I, and the few among us can resist the net if we wish to, but that's because we have heritage of Soverigness Hestia!" Lord Harley thought. "But this man… he has no special background to speak of!!"

He realized he had underestimated Kiba far beyond the permissible level. Thankfully, he realized it before it was too late.

"Fufufu, maybe he would be able to handle Rebecca after this is over."

Lord Harley closed his eyes and allowed the reality-warping powers to engulf him fully.


The repressive force was knocked back, and at the same time, the first scene started erupting with cracks.

Golden blood started spraying out of Kiba's mouth, and his face lost color.

This was a state of power he has never used until now, not even in his brief confrontation with Ice Queen.

But he used it now without a second thought. Because he has an idea of just powerful the net could be.

So unless he gave it his best, there was no way he could resist the net for the next few minutes.

"All I need is some time to spread eternal happiness!"

Kiba snapped his teeth as the force returned with a bang.

"And I would have it!"

Pushing the force back, he began writing his version of reality. His figure disappeared, and the second scene turned life-like.

"So it is starting!"

Lord Harley said as his figure entirely shifted to Valley of Fire.

"I hope I'm in for a surprise!"


A portion of the mansion was built on the insides of a volcano. This served as a pool for those with the blood of Soverigness Hestia.

Given their affinity with fire, the lava naturally could do them no harm. In fact, it only boosted their strength and allowed them to relax, become one with their element.

Heather1 – the loyal servant of Rebecca- stepped into the pool entrance, following her master.

Rebecca was her usual self, cold and elegant, and she said not a word throughout the journey. Heather was used to it, though she also knew her master was capable of extraordinary warmth before her children.

She knew because she had witnessed it, especially when they met Zed.

"If only he was here, she would have been so happy!"

Heather thought with longing.

"And all I want is her to be happy!"


Rebecca stopped before the steps leading into the molten lava. This awakened Heather from her thoughts.

"Lady Rebecca, please allow me."

Heather requested as she stopped behind her.

Rebecca nodded.

Heather put her hands on the strings of the black and red dress of her master. Slowly and gently, she pulled strings back.

As she did, her eyes got the opportunity to feast on the luscious back of her master, and she blushed.

She has witnessed this sight countless times, and yet she couldn't stop her heart from thumping.

But how could she?

Her master has a body to die for!

Trying to suppress her forbidden desire, she closed her eyes and put her hands on either side of her master's shoulders.

She resumed peeling off the dress and felt the soft sides of the boobs under her fingertips.

Oh god! They are so soft and yet so firm!

She yearned to move her hands on them and squeeze them tightly. She was sure that would feel wonderful!

But she didn't dare act upon her desires!

All she dared was to pull the dress down as she was allowed to. The dress hit the floor, and Rebecca stepped out of it.

Ignoring Heather, she stepped into the pool, her every step submerging her further into the lava.

Heather finally opened her eyes.

Her blush intensified as she saw the small but nice and round ass. It seemed so delicious, and if she had guts, she would have pressed her teeth into the soft cheeks.

But she knew, if she even thought of acting upon her thoughts, she would die!

So, all she could do was satisfy her thirst with the scene before her eyes.

Rebecca submerged in the lava till her neck, but all of a sudden, her body tensed.

She was a powerful Alpha, and even though Kiba was the same, he couldn't fully affect her with his reality-warping powers like others.


Rebecca jumped out of the pool, the lava splashing around. Some of it splashed on mesmerized Heather's face, shocking her.

Before she could react, her master was nowhere to be seen!

The dress she has pulled down with so many efforts has also disappeared…


Like a beam of fire, Rebecca flew out of the mansion and stood in mid-air. The estate might be vast, but it didn't even take her a second to find where Kiba was with her divine perception.

He was in the exact location where she caught him in the actual reality!

But unlike before, he was now under the statute of the Soverigness Hestia.

And he wasn't engaging in any forbidden act with Constance!

This brought relief to her face…

But this relief was very short-lived!

Because she finally noticed what he was doing.

And it made her jaw drop from pure shock! The suppression net is created by the only known immortal in the series - Asmodeus Freyr Burislav, on the behest of Lord Xeced. Heather was present when Rebecca met Zed and she helped him when Dracon Moonfall attacked Dream Rise House.

Chapter 689 - Spreading Happiness (II/II)

Rebecca's jaw slacked, and her eyes widened.

"This… what is he doing!?"

She was more than shocked. She was stupefied.

One has to remember her personality was such that she rarely felt emotions, much less express them. Yet, she showed such an extreme reaction.

And it wasn't like this was the first time she saw Kiba do something shocking. She has already seen him acting shamelessly in the original reality, just a few minutes ago.

So, given everything so far, she shouldn't be startled by anything, much less shocked. Yet it was happening.

All thanks to Kiba!

When he started re-writing the reality, she reasoned he would use the time he gained from distracting her for making out with Constance, or even have sexwith her.

If not, he might f.u.c.k some other woman in the estate.

Or perhaps even engage in even more brazen sexual acts.

But this wasn't happening. He wasn't fucking, making out, or even touching any woman inappropriately.

In fact, he was standing with a poised attitude, his face radiating wisdom and holiness.

And that's because… he was donning the robe of a pastor!

A wedding pastor!

He was presiding over a wedding!!

And the wedding was none other than that of her son and Constance's!!!

"Do you take Constance to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

In a tone suiting his role, Kiba asked the groom.

Steve gazed at Constance with love and excitement. She looked spectacular in her wedding gown.

And now, with just an answer, he could have her for the rest of his life!

He couldn't believe this was happening so suddenly! And that too so fast!

He pinched himself to ensure he wasn't in some dream.

And how could he not when he recalled the actions that lead to this situation?


A few minutes ago, in the corridor, they had met Kiba.

Steve felt they should use the opportunity to complete the introduction that was interrupted before.

But all of a sudden, Constance turned to him and said, "Let's get married now!"

"Huh?" Steve was naturally taken aback. He wondered if he heard right.

"Let's get married!"

Constance repeated herself.

"And if we don't marry in the next few minutes, I'm ending the engagement! I don't care if it affects the relationship between House of Eleanor and Hestia!"


Steve couldn't believe what he was hearing. He stared at her and saw her firm expression.

She was serious!

What the hell….?!

One moment she was looking at Kiba, and the next moment giving me an ultimatum for the marriage!

Can someone tell me what's happening?! Why does she want to marry now?!

I know women are hard to understand and predict, but this is too much!

He was lost in thoughts when Kiba spoke.

"Ah! A wish of the lady has to be obviously fulfilled," Kiba said with a smile. "Right, Steve?"

Steve paused but nodded.

There were politics involved, and he didn't want to ruin the relationship between the two families just because he was hesitant.

They were going to get married in a year anyways…so why not now? Especially when she was so beautiful!

And besides, the fact that she was so eager proved one thing:

She was hot for him and couldn't control herself any longer!

"Wonderful!" Kiba exclaimed. "And since there's an ultimatum, let me handle all the preparations!"

Steve barely lifted his hod to nod, and by then, the surrounding changed. They were all before the statute of Soverigness Hestia, with wedding decorations filling the corridor.

Even a row of dumbstruck people magically appeared. They were naturally from the House of Hestia, mostly young masters and servants, besides a few young ladies and women.

"No wonder they say Alphas are Gods!" Steve remarked to himself. "In just a second, he did all of this!"

"Wait… our parents aren't here!" Steve reminded Constance.

"Parents are boring!" Kiba said on behalf of Constance. "They lack the will to understand the desires of Generation X! So let's not spoil the mood with formalities!"

While saying so, his clothes morphed into that of the pastor. Their clothes too transformed into that of bride and groom.

Kiba then waved his hand, and two wedding rings appeared in thin air.

"Let's not waste time," Kiba said as the rings flew to the bride and groom. "Clock is ticking."

Steve was overwhelmed with emotions and confused by everything.

But he nodded and did as the pastor commanded, completing everything quickly.

After the ring ceremony, Kiba asked the important question to the bride.

Constance looked at him, her eyes glinting with a sparkle, and she replied, "Yes!"

For a moment, Steve flinched. He felt as though she was saying yes to Kiba instead of him!

"This must be my imagination! I'm the groom!" Steve reminded himself. "Besides, for what can she say yes to him?"


Kiba turned to Steve with a pleasant smile and asked, "Do you take Constance to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Steve observed his bride. She was so beautiful, young, and innocent.

She was a perfect bride, and he was sure she would be an ideal wife as well.

His eyes fell on the slippery slopes of her breast, and he couldn't help but imagine the treat he was going to get today and the rest of his life.

So with great excitement, he answered, "YESSS!"

"Great…" Kiba's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he looked in the distance.

Rebecca has appeared!

He paused for only a moment and then resumed, "I pronounce you husband and wife."

Steve jumped while Constance squealed in joy.

They were finally married!

Meanwhile, Rebecca finally got over her shock. She has a dreadful feeling that if she didn't act now, her son's best day would turn into his worst.


Flames wrapped her, and she shot in the direction of the wedding ceremony.


Before she could cross even half a kilometer, she stopped. Because out of the blue, an incorporeal, intangible cage has locked her!

It was Gravity Cage!


Crushing gravitational force pulled her, and the fire surrounding her flickered. She felt as if thousands of hands were violently pulling her from all directions.

Her eyes flashed with coldness, and dazzling heat erupted from her.

Gravity - which has no form or materialistic existence - began to "melt," and the heat then hit the walls of the cage.


The cage shattered like a piece of frail glass, and Rebecca flew out through the fragments.

But just as she escaped Gravity Cage, Purgatory: Eclipse welcomed her.

The world turned kaleidoscopic, and wails of grieving ghosts echoed…

Meanwhile, Steve expectantly looked at Kiba, silently urging him to complete the final step.

Kiba nodded. He could naturally understand how important the next step was for Steve.

And he couldn't bring himself to make Steve or the guests waiting.

So, with a cheerful smile, he opened his lips to speak.

Steve rejoiced in his heart, waiting for something along the lines of – "You may now kiss the bride."

But when he heard the sentence from Kiba's mouth, his heart sank.

"Now, the bride may kiss the pastor's cock."

Like it was only natural, Kiba said this to conclude the ceremony.

"What?!" Steve turned towards Kiba in anger. "What did you say?!"

The guests jumped to their feet in disbelief. Surely they heard it wrong?!

Only the bride didn't forget her manners. She knew she has to follow the proper etiquette.

She kneeled down with reverence and rubbed the pants of the pastor as she opened them.

Steve froze, his face turning pale.

Surely this couldn't be happening!

Thankfully, it did.

As the etiquette demanded, Constance pulled Kiba's cock and kissed it all over.

It hardened and lengthened, proving the ancient saying that the lips of the bride were indeed magical.

"Rejoice, Steve, for you are a Good Husband from the very start of your marriage!" Kiba exclaimed with delight on his face.

Steve: "......….."

"And you have a Good Wife who knows how to spread happiness!"

At the same time, Kurtis emerged from the Valley of Fire after forming the contract with Lord Harley.

The instant he appeared, he noticed the strange development, especially Constance taking Kiba's cock in her mouth.

She was giving it a mouth kiss with all the love she could muster!

"Nooo!" Kurtis shouted. That was the cock of his mortal enemy!

"Interesting," Lord Harley observed. "So he did everything just to marry them? But why?"

He put a hand over his chin to contemplate.

"Argh!" Suddenly, Kurtis grunted. His head throbbed violently, and his eyes squinted. He was an Alpha, and as such, his memories of the original reality were returning, albeit a little late.

He recalled everything that has happened, and veins brutally protruded out of his face.


Kurtis screamed and shouted, his eyes filled with blood. His only solace in the original reality was that his son couldn't be cuckolded even if Constance was fuckedby Kiba!

Because they weren't married!

But now…!

"My son shares my fate!" Kurtis cried as he crashed onto his knees. "He's going to be cuckolded!"

"Stop wailing!"

Far away, Rebecca shouted angrily as she destroyed Purgatory. Like a meteorite, she then shot at the corridor, her speed faster than lightning.

She wouldn't allow her son to be cuckolded!

Kiba's figure flashed at a speed faster than hers, causing hundreds of speed-phantoms to emerge. He moved in half-circle, with Constance kissing the cock of his phantom as he appeared behind her.

He grabbed her hips and lined her ass to his cock, tearing her fabric in the process.


Rebecca was rapidly approaching, almost at teleporting speed. Realizing what he planned to do, she shot beams of fire at him.

Boom! Boom!

The beams exploded through the speed-phantoms, engulfing them in glowing blasts.

The real Kiba grabbed the base of his shaft and slipped it down to seek Constance's waiting cunt.

"I had so many plans for this reality, but it seems like Fate isn't in any mood to cooperate!"

Kiba thought as his cock approached her pussy lips. He wanted to rub it along the length of his cock, but there was no time to waste.

He thrust his mushroom head into her, popping her cherry.

"AAAHHHHH!" Constance moaned in pain and pleasure while Rebecca shouted in a fury.


Kiba turned to Rebecca as he entered, inch by inch inside Constance.

"You are now a Good Mother-in-Law!"

"You….!" Rebecca appeared before him and Constance. She stretched her hand out, flames on her palm turning berserk.

Kiba smirked, and he instantly returned to his Holy Form.


His wings flapped up, and he shot into the sky with Constance. He spun her up, bringing her face-to-face with him without pulling his cock out.

"Oh god! This is so dangerous!"

She exclaimed as she tightened her hands around his neck and pinned her legs on his waist.

Her pussy was betraying her sense of her danger. It tightened around his cock hard, not letting it go, and her hipsstarted bouncing, riding him.

"Any regrets?" Kiba asked as they both felt volcanic flames approaching from below.

Rebecca has released a lotus of fire, and as it closed onto them, it started opening up.

"This is so wrong!" Constance said among her yelps of pleasure. "But I don't regret it!"

This was the only decision she made for herself, without bothering about the conditioning of right and wrong.

So even if she died, she wouldn't be regretful with so much pleasure!


Kiba ripped the fabric covering her breast and pressed them against his bare chest. Her hardened nipples felt great, and it further surged his racing adrenaline.

"W-we wouldn't be caught, right?" Constance still asked while hugging him tightly. She felt something surging through her veins, making her see stars.

"Well, I have been doing this for years."

Kiba replied as he speeded up.

"So you can say, not getting caught is my forte."


Just as he said, the lotus beneath them detonated. A terrifying explosion swept throughout, engulfing everything. The world began to quake, and powerful heatwaves spread far out.

Kiba felt the heat grazing past him.

"Well, the only heat I like is the one inside you!"

Kiba told Constance as her ass bobbed up and down his cock.

"So, can you tell your mother-in-law to not waste her energy?"

Constance couldn't reply.

She was approaching a climax of epic proportions, and her entire body started vibrating.

No one other than her has experienced a climax so intense.

And how could they?

They weren't having sexwhile being chased by an Alpha's flames! The thrill, the excitement… everything was unmatchable!


She jolted from climax, her head snapping back and her eyes rolling up.


Even as this happened, a deafening rumble sounded from above.

A fire mushroom bloomed, and her father-in-law stepped out of it!

Kiba was surprised, and so was Rebecca, who was barely a kilometer away.

How could Kurtis be so fast?!

"Die!" Kurtis shouted, his body bursting out with crimson flames.

"Die? You said this before as well!"

Kiba's lips curved up.

"Why, though? I'm like not like that bastard of your wife whom you can attempt to kill again and again!"

Rebecca stopped, and Kurtis froze in mid-attack.

On the ground, Lord Harley's breathing stalled. He has a premonition that his well-laid-out plans were going for a toss!

Chapter 690 - Awww... Aren't you cute?

As crimson flames came spiraling at him from above, Kiba's lips rose.

"Die? You already told me that multiple times!" Kiba said with contempt. "Why, though? I'm like not like that bastard of your wife whom you can attempt to kill again and again!"

Kurtis froze from pure shock.

The crimson flames didn't stop, though. They were about to engulf Kiba and Constance. The latter was overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure racing through her veins and unaware of the deadly developments.


At the last moment, Kiba's wings curved up to form a shield. The flames slammed onto them, and sputtering sparks erupted. The feathers glowed with golden energy, and the flames bounced back.

They rushed at Kurtis like a missile!

"!" Kurtis quickly moved to the side and avoided them. He then swiftly looked down just as Kiba resumed flying upwards.

"What the…"

What he saw Kiba doing amidst the flight both angered and amazed him. In fact, it turned into a scene that was forever imprinted in his mind:

With one hand, Kiba clutched at Constance's butt cheeks, while with the other, he tugged her hair and pulled her head up.

As she came face to face with him, he frantically slammed upwards, thrusting into her deepest depths.

Her pussy accommodated him even as she trembled uncontrollably from another climax.

Her butt cheeks rippled, and she released the most intense cry a woman can ever produce in the throes of pleasure.

Kiba responded by pouring a thick load inside her. While doing so, he reached the same altitude as Kurtis.

The latter's eyes widened as they reflected the creamy butt of Constance rippling.

"Dirty pervert!"

Kiba roared.

"How dare you spy on your daughter-in-law's most intimate moments?! You sure have no shame!"


Kurtis was stunned.

He stupidly stared at Kiba and the back of Constance, not able to form a response to such an unfair accusation.

"And even now, you are staring at her butt!"

Kiba was angered by such shameless behavior.

So instead of flying up, he stopped for a moment to knee Kurtis in the face.


Kurtis felt like a mountain has slammed into him. His nose caved in, and his eyes erupted with tears.

Blood sprayed out.

Since Kiba had kicked Kurtis while still fucking Constance, their juices of pleasure splashed on Kurtis' bloody face, and he was knocked back.

The humiliation he felt could only be imagined.

Kiba lowered his leg and said, "Constance, don't you worry. The pervert father-in-law is gone!"

Constance finally opened her eyes, and she looked at him in confusion. She was oblivious to everything that happened so far.

Kiba didn't explain, and he pulled out of her vibrating cunt. He spun her and bend her over her waist to enter inside her while flapping his wings.


But before he could enter her cunt or resume flying, a curtain of blue fire eclipsed the sky.

This curtain was so bright with heat that even he was forced to close his eyes.

Surprised by the intensity, he looked far down to observe the source of this curtain.


She was still floating in the same position, her face filled with coldness. Her eyes met his, and she said, "What did you say to Kurtis?"

"Dirty pervert who has no shame?"

Kiba replied as a matter of fact.

"Or something like that."

Rebecca's eyes narrowed, and she said, "Before that… about my son."

"Ahh… about your bastard," Kiba nodded in understanding.

Rebecca didn't react. If she was offended by the word bastard, she didn't show. She only looked at him.

"Well, I said I'm not like your bastard whom your husband can attempt to kill again and again," Kiba replied.

Rebecca clenched her fists. Her graceful aura flared up violently, twisting and morphing into killing intent.

Bright streams of fire surged out of this aura and spread out, enveloping the entire estate and then joined the curtain of fire, forming a prison.

Everyone began sweating. They felt as if they were under the assault of the scorching sun. This was despite their natural affinity with fire!

Lord Harley's eyebrows knotted in tension. Until now, Rebecca hasn't used such strength, nor was she so furious or even so serious.

"This is bad!" Lord Harley frowned. "I can't act now; otherwise, she would think I'm involved."

"And what exactly do you mean by that?" Rebecca asked.

"Aww… aren't you cute?"

Kiba responded even as he began to sweat from the heat.

"You act like you don't know!"

Rebecca didn't reply.

"Wow! You really didn't!"

Kiba exclaimed with a smile.

"Well, then it would mean your cuck husband is capable of sneaking behind you! Isn't that surprising?"

Kurtis has stabilized in the air a few kilometers away. Now hearing the word cuck, his bloody face twisted, and he pounced forward.

But he stopped as a chilling sensation filled him.

A feeling that originated not from Kiba but from Rebecca!

She was pissed!

And that made his heart swell with dread.

"Seeing you really don't know, I don't mind telling you," Kiba continued with a smile. "Your cuck hired Akshobhya, the head monk of Mahayana Dhyana Monastery, to fry your son's brains."

Rebecca's breathing stalled.


She knew him.

He was a reputed Psychic Hunter with the ability to target any mind.

Though last she heard, he was bedridden with a sickness that decayed his body and consciousness, living a life worse than death.

Kurtis' pupils dilated in horror.

How could Dr. NTR know about Akshobhya?!

While many in Dharma Chakra knew he hired Akskhobhya for some task, none knew the details! None except him!

So how did this doctor knew?!

"H-He's lying!" Kurtis barked as the chilling sensation intensified. "While I hate Zed, I did no such thing!"


Kiba was amused.

"Even though cucks are known for their gutless behavior, you surprise me. No wonder you are The Cuckold!"

Kurtis' heart stiffened, and his nose flared with smoke.

This bloody doctor!

How could he have such a venomous tongue?!

Chapter 691 - He's Lying!

"Stop calling me The Cuckold!" Kurtis shouted, the veins on his forehead popping out.

Even the shame of being cuckolded wasn't as embarrassing and hurtful as Kiba's constant taunts.

"Oh well, if you say so, I won't."

Kiba agreed with Kurtis' request while rubbing the delicious butt of his daughter-in-law. It was smooth like silk and felt amazing against his palms.

He couldn't help but dig his fingers there, making her gasp.

Kurtis was angry but at least a bit relieved that he would no longer be embarrassed with The Cuckold jibe.

"So from now, I would only call you The Cuck!"

Kurtis felt like he was kicked in the guts. Blood sprayed out of his mouth, and he stumbled back in the air.

This fucking doctor!

"Enough with your nonsense."

Rebecca's words reverberated in the prison of fire, and the heat intensified. Those in the estate trembled violently as things began to melt around them. The vegetation outside turned to ashes, and the moisture in the air disappeared completely.

Dry winds spiraled out, dragging many unfortunate people away.

Only Steve and Kirstie remain unaffected, besides those in the sealed area of the estate.

In the sky, Constance's skin started drying as she if it was aging. Kiba's eyes crossed as even he was affected, albeit barely.

He channeled his powers into him and then Constance to fight the heat.

If anything happened to him, it was fine, but not her.

After all, if she aged and lost her beautiful body, wouldn't he fail in his duties as a brother-in-law?

That couldn't be allowed at any costs!

"Lady Rebecca, apologies," Kiba started with a smile. "But it was your cuck who interrupted us. Anyways, like I said, he hired Akshobhya with a Dharma Coin and some treasured materials. You already know why."

Rebecca's eyes locked with his, and she studied them.

"Don't believe him!" Kurtis shouted again as the sense of dread turned strong. "And if you do, ask him for proof!"

Kurtis' face brightened as he said this.

Because he knew there was no proof, except for him and Akshobhya. He obviously wouldn't reveal the truth, and the latter was in no state to answer!

So, he was safe!

Even if Rebecca suspected something, she couldn't act on suspicion alone. The rules of the family wouldn't allow her!

"First of all, I don't need to prove anything," Kiba responded with a grin. "After all, it is none of my business what you did to save your nonexistent pride as The Cuck."

"…!" Kurtis gritted his teeth and tightened his fists.

If not for the terrible experience he had so far, he would have released a blazing inferno on Kiba.

"But since you are trying to put doubts on my honest and pure character," Kiba continued. "Let me tell you how I know…."

Everyone focused on him, wondering if he was indeed speaking the truth.

Even the Alphas in the estate who were in meditation focused on him, wondering if Kurtis was really despicable enough to want to kill the proof of his living shame.

"Ksitigarbha," Kiba explained while looking at Rebecca. "Before killing him, I read his memories and learned many secrets."


The Alphas and everyone jumped in an uproar.

He killed Ksitigarbha?!

The mid-stage Level VIII Alpha of Dharma Chakra?!

Are you fucking kidding me!?

This is a lie!

An absolute lie!

Yes, Kiba has killed an Alpha in front of the world, but that was only an early-stage Level VII.

While shocking, it was still in the realm of possibility given the strength he has shown.

But Level VIII? No fucking way!

Even if one could defeat an Alpha of such strength, killing was impossible!!


People suddenly recalled the phenomenon when Ksitigarbha's corpse fell from Earth's orbit. There was the light of evolution followed by the blinding silhouette of an angel!


Xalion took a deep breath.

He eyed the pair of wings spreading from Kiba's back and the way they flapped.

It was just like that angel!

"But how is that an angel!? It is the devil!"

Xalion cursed under his breath, his body shaking.

He thanked his lucky stars that when Kiba toyed with Kurtis in the hall, he didn't attempt to stop him. Otherwise, he, too, would have received a good dose of medicine from Kiba's hammer full of thorns…

Just thinking of "the dose of medicine" caused goosebumps to spring upon his body. His thighs shivered, and he guarded his crotch with his hands.

"So I was right," Lord Harley thought without any change in expression. "It was indeed him who killed Ksitgarbha."

Ever since he saw Kiba using reality-warping powers, he felt his Holy Form was a bit familiar. Now he was sure why.

At the same time, as Kiba spoke of Ksitgarbha, Kurtis felt a chill racing down his spine. Fear, disbelief, and rage swelled up in his body.

He felt close to a catastrophe and knew that he would invoke the disaster if he didn't speak now.

"You are lying again!" Kurtis shouted to make his voice echo.

He wanted the world to know what Kiba said was false and slanderous.

"Really?" Kiba asked with a mocking look. "How are you so sure?"

"Because Kstigharbha wouldn't know!" Kurtis replied with a crazy expression. "In fact, no one would know as what happened between Akshobhya and me…."

Kurtis stopped in between. Because just as he spoke so far, he realized what he has said!

Kiba's lips spread into a smirk.

Lord Harley almost facepalmed.

This idiot! He is shooting himself in the foot!

Kurtis broke into a cold sweat, but the sweat droplets evaporated instantly.

He felt his throat turning dry, and with every ounce of courage he could muster, he turned towards his wife.

He hated her, and most often, he called her vile names as he was sure she couldn't retaliate with deadly force.

Now he trembled just by looking at her. He didn't dare say anything more.

Rebecca didn't move. She continued to float there.

Relief washed over his face as there was no change in her aura or expression. Her eyes were still on Kiba.

Perhaps she didn't connect the dots…


Kurtis sighed in relief.

Just then, a fountain of blood erupted, and the stench of flesh burning spread out.


Kurtis's eyes popped out of their sockets.

A burning hole, the size of a fist, has emerged in his stomach!

The missing flesh and bones flew into the distance, charred black.

"Wha…what happened?" Kurtis saw Rebecca still standing.

Chapter 692 - We're Even Now!

"Wha…what happened?" Kurtis was taken aback. Rebecca was still floating in her earlier position, so who punched him so hard that a burning hole got blasted into his stomach?

Alert rose in his heart, and all blood in his face faded to white.

Just who was it?

Kiba's eyes flickered with surprise.

From Kurtis, he moved his eyes down by fifty kilometers to the ground. There, Lord Harley stood with his fist raised, ripples of fire moving around.

His face was filled with righteous anger, suiting him given the revelations so far.

"This crafty old fox!" Kiba cursed in his heart. "No wonder he is the family head!"

Rebecca tilted her head and gazed at Lord Harley. Even as she looked at him, Lord Harley made a punching motion in the air, and a resounding boom echoed, pounding through the hearts of everyone in the vicinity.

Simultaneously, an arrow of blood sprayed out of Kurtis as a hole burst through his chest. Now, like a kite with a broken string, he came crashing down.

On the ground, everyone in walking distance of Lord Harley trembled. Their pupils had already shrunk into the size of a pinpoint, terrorized by the frightening might of Lord Harley.

He was so far away, and yet he literally crushed an Alpha! Not even Kiba had obliterated an Alpha with such ease!

So just how strong was he?!

Lord Harley didn't stop. He raised his fist to punch, but then his eyes moved to the side as he noticed a blue glow closing onto him.

A whirlpool of fire was approaching him at rapid speed!

He used his raised fist to punch the whirlpool, splitting it apart from inside. The split fire crashed all around him, causing the ground to melt and disintegrate.


"No need to act smart, Harley," Rebecca replied coldly. "Your tricks won't help you in protecting him."

As she said, her figure blurred with a blue hue, and she appeared over Kurtis, who was shooting towards the ground.

Kurtis' eyes squinted. His regeneration ability had already activated, and new flesh mass was bubbling up inside his holes.

But seeing Rebecca, his new flesh twisted from fear.

And he realized what happened so far.

Lord Harley was trying to save him by punishing him for his crimes! It would be painful, but he would have lived!

Now though…

His eyes curved up, and his expression turned maddening.

F.u.c.k fear!

I can't fear anything!

"Bitch! I'm not afraid of you!"

Kurtis howled as all the resentment and rage inside him turned into power. He burned his blood, turning it into crimson flames that seeped out of his pores.

"You turned my life into hell!"

Kurtis shouted and swung his arm out.

"And you still have the nerves to target me just because I tried to erase your sin!?"

Like a crescent blade, flames flooded out of his swinging arm as it approached Rebecca. She lifted her beautiful palm and pushed it forward, blocking the arm.

"Argh!" Kurtis grunted in pain. He felt as if a giant boulder has smashed his arm, causing the flames to tear apart and his bones to snap.

He was left trembling.

She was stronger than he ever expected.

And for the first time, he wondered if the rumors of her approaching close to Level IX were true.

At the same time, as his arm fell, Rebecca lifted her other hand and wrapped it with blue flames. She narrowed her hand into the form of a claw and thrust it at his head.


Kurtis' pupils dilated in terror. He felt death close, and it turned into a raging fuel that channeled through his veins.


The phantom of a flaming tiger burst out of him and came viciously down on the approaching hand.

"You have the phantom of a Tiger!? How!?"

In the distance, Kiba exclaimed in surprise.

Kurtis shook from anger. Simultaneously, his phantom was affected, as its strength fluctuated by his mood.


A deafening bang echoed, and the hand was pushed down, and it stopped—Albeit, only for a brief moment. The blue flames engulfed the tiger, and it disintegrated.

Her hand moved, now approaching his chest.

On the ground, Lord Harley finally facepalmed.

Kurtis was furious and channeling his potential, but he wasn't using his brains at all.

Instead of using his divine abilities, he was using petty moves that were neither flashy nor powerful!

What's worse, he was even affected by the taunts of a foreign party in the middle of a fight!

Just how someone so dumb can be an Alpha?

It was just like the Soverigness Hestia warned. The decline of the family would happen due to the golden spoons she was leaving behind.

Not like Rebecca would have been affected even if Kurtis didn't have a golden spoon. Her hand slammed onto his chest, and the sound of bones cracking echoed out. Her fingers dug there, and she pulled his flesh out.

Blood sprayed out, and Kurtis was knocked back like a broken star.


He slammed into the fountain below, crashing inside the water. The water instantly turned into mist, and the entire structure broke down from shockwaves.

The ground around rocked over, as if toppled by a giant.

"Damnit!" Kurtis swore as he began to rise from the debris.


Before he could, a heel smacked his forehead, and he crashed back.

Rebecca straightened her leg, standing above the debris.

"Whether my child is a sign of sin or virtue, you aren't the one who gets to decide it," Rebecca said coldly. "And as for your life, you made it hell and not me."

Kurtis grounded his teeth and jumped out, lashing straight on her. Rebecca snorted coldly and kicked out.

Far away, Lord Harley let out a sigh.

"No other way to save him then use her."

He turned in the direction of Kirstie's room. She was sitting near the window, her face crestfallen as she tried to observe the battle. But she wasn't able to notice everything due to the super speed of her mom and dad.

High in the sky, as Lord Harley brought his eyes on Kirstie, Kiba smirked. Getting his hands on Constance's t.i.t.s, he couldn't help but remark, "How unsurprising!"

With Constance, he rushed down like a bolt of lightning and landed before Lord Harley.

"Dr. NTR."

Lord Harley greeted him with a smile. While his presence was a bit unexpected, it wasn't enough to startle him.

"Lord Harley." Kiba nodded while fondling Constance's cute breast.

"I'm aware you have the means to kill me, but you didn't. Furthermore, given your clan's powers, you must have the means to stop me, but again, you didn't. Naturally, that means I should thank you for giving me Constance."

"What?" Lord Harley was surprised.

In the distance, even Steve and others were surprised. While they were far away, with their extraordinary senses, hearing at such range was no problem even with the sound of battle.

"But of course, I know I don't have to thank you," Kiba said while tweaking Constance's hard nipples. "After all, this is your way of making sure we are even."

"Ahh!" Constance moaned, taken aback by the feeling jostling in her. She was terrified yet also turned on by moaning before the most powerful person she has known.

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean."

Lord Harley replied while ignoring Constance's moans and her delicious body.

"I'm obviously referring to the attack on my tower."

Kiba responded with a warm smile.

"Dracon Moonfall tried to destroy my tower and those I care about."

Lord Harley's face fell, but he quickly regained his composure, making sure none noticed it.

Just after Kiba arrived in the mansion, he learned Kiba knew he sent Dracon Moonfall.

So that wasn't what changed his mood and made him lose composure.

It was the fact that Kiba said it aloud… and someone he didn't wish to hear the name of Dracon Moonfall.


Over two years ago, when she went to Delta City, she was forced to return abruptly due to Kirstie's condition. And someone used that to his advantage to target Dream Rise House.

Naturally, it was Dracon Moonfall — Someone whom Rebecca wanted to find and kill.

Now hearing the name, her head snapped back.

Kiba seemed to be oblivious of everything.

Pulling Constance to him, he continued, "In return for what you did, I'm taking your clan's daughter-in-law. We're even now!"

Saying this, a column of power Cosmic enveloped him and Constance. The column shot up into the sky, leaving behind a streak of twinkling stars.

Rebecca's eyes narrowed, and she stared at Lord Harley.

"Dracon Moonfall works for you?!"

Lord Harley didn't respond. But internally, he did something he hasn't done in ages.

"That damn son-of-a-bitch!"

He cursed Kiba, his mother, and all his family.