153 - 160

Chapter 153: The Fight

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

"Wang Tong, since higher-ranked Zergs are lurking around, I think we really should head to the beach as soon as possible while those creatures are still focusing on attacking the base, we would be safer once we reached the beach," Wang Ben said.

"Yeah I agree, those are just a bunch of creepy crawlies. We are here to train to become stronger, not to become sissies!" Apache agreed on Wang Ben's idea, he wasn't afraid at all since he had been through a lot during his training days at the Spatial Anti-smuggling Bureau.

"Let's treat this like a simulation!"

Wang Tong knew that both of them were eager to get physical, and it would only ruin their moods if he insisted on staying put. Although it was risky, they still had a point; hence Wang Tong had no chance but to agree as well, after all, it would be safer if the three of them to stick together.

"Alright, but make sure you don't fall into an entanglement, or else we will be toasted," Wang Tong said. He totally understood Wang Ben and Apache's heroic impulse, but he chose to remain calm; based on his experiences on Norton, the Zergs were not as simple-minded as they expected.

"I've seen a lot of talented ones, but you're definitely the first one who's strong yet way too cautious." Apache laughed and shook his head, he might have said "cautious", but he actually meant "chicken".

Wang Tong faked a smile, then he began to plan out their fighting strategy.

Although the three of them managed to travel in stealth mode, yet it wasn't very useful as the Zergs were everywhere on Paradise Island, they were discovered by the creatures within minutes and were forced into a fight.

Wang Ben was the first to strike as if he had been holding back his anger since his arrival on Paradise Island, he immediately unleashed his Fist of the Racing Tiger and punctured a hole in the body of a Scythe Zerg. Apache sneered and unsheathed his Horseslayer as he leaped across, slashing every Zerg on his path like a hurricane.

However, Wang Tong sighed as he saw them fight, knowing that this was not how they should engage!

Unlike the other two who were enjoying themselves and creating epic violence scenes by blasting the creatures into pieces or slashing them into halves, Wang Tong's attacks were simpler, yet always hitting them at their sweet spots.

Wang Tong managed to advance in a jiffy. Wang Ben and Apache were able to keep up with him at the beginning, but their formation quickly began to fall apart. Apache was still okay as he was good with speed, but Wang Ben could barely keep up because he had been using too much strength fighting every single Zerg; his punches might be ferocious, but the effectiveness was just like Wang Tong's simpler attacks. Nevertheless, not everyone was able to control their own strength, or perhaps this was how the Fist of the Racing Tiger should be.

Wang Tong had no choice but to slow down, but they were completely surrounded by Zergs again in no time. Obviously, they had underestimated the battle intelligence of the Zergs, and since the base built by the FFC was completely locked down and the creatures were unable to break through easily, the Zergs would automatically swarm around when they discovered the traces of humans, and of course, their leaders were keen to capture the three of them.

Having no fear of death, the lower-ranked Zergs began to charge toward the three of them. Even though the trio managed to kill tens of these creatures, their numbers kept increasing. If the three of them were stuck in a lower terrain, they would be "flooded" to death.

"This is getting worse!" Apache said as he licked his lips, his Horseslayer was covered with the disgusting body fluid of Zergs, and it was getting heavier due to the weight of the gooey substance.

However, the real higher-ranked Zerg was still staying hidden, waiting for the right moment for an ambush.

"Stay alerted guys, they're trying to catch us alive. I'm pretty sure their boss is hidden on this island as well!"

"Damn, don't tell me there is some kind of brain-juice sucking monster," Apache joked.

"Nope, it does exist. I'm not sure if it is an Encephalon Zerg, but I've seen a lot of other higher-ranked species on Norton. My advice is to look out for those with a stinger on the lower part of their abdomens!" Wang Tong wasn't joking around, he had seen higher-ranked Zergs before which were capable of doing so; not only were they able to suck out the brain fluid of humans, but they would even kill their own kind. However, Wang Tong wasn't sure why they would do that since he was neither a biologist nor a Zerg, and the only thing that he knew was to kill them before they killed him.

"This is endless, you two cover me, I'll blast us a way out!" Wang Ben said as he killed two Zergs with three punches; meanwhile, Apache managed to slaughter a Skulk Zerg.

This never-ending process was tiring, but luckily, their stamina has improved a lot after being trained by Massa, at least they were now able to make a calm and sober judgment. Somehow, Wang Tong sensed that something was fishy as he noticed they had only been fighting lower-ranked Zergs, and it would be bad if they wasted too much strength on them. Furthermore, he noticed that Wang Ben seemed to be not as calm and cool as he usually was, but he decided not to undermine the confidence of his comrades.

Apache, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying the thrill of the fight as he unleashed his warcry, he was excited to witness the true power of the Fist of the Racing Tiger!

Apparently, Wang Ben needed quite some time to prepare, leaving only two attackers in their party, which instantly increased Apache and Wang Tong's stress because the swarm of Zergs kept multiplying. As the two of them were busy warding off Zergs, Apache realized that Wang Tong was surprisingly much stronger than he thought he was, given by the fact that he was able to cover Wang Ben almost by himself.

Meanwhile, Wang Ben's Soul Energy was pumping up, and he began to let out a heavy growl. Wang Ben was infuriated, sometimes there were things that he was unwilling to do but couldn't reject, yet he would still do them even though he didn't understand why he had to do so.


Wang Ben roared aloud, instantly boosting his Soul Energy. The impact of the sound wave was so powerful that it even managed to knock off a few Zergs.

"Roar of the Tiger!"

"Dash of the Tiger!"

Wang Ben unleashed the real Fist of the Racing Tiger, and every of his attack was packed with GN Force; it was so powerful that nothing could stand in its way. Wang Tong and Apache covered Wang Ben's sides and rear as he charged with all his might, emitting an incredible strength as well as a menacing aura!

He had turned like a mini armored tank, he was unstoppable.

Apache and Wang Tong gasped as they saw his dominating aura, no wonder that the Fist of the Racing Tiger was known as the mightiest punch of the Earth Confederation, without even mentioning that Wang Ben was surprisingly full of hype today.

"Soar of the Tiger!"

Wang Ben launched himself forward like a missile and eliminated a handful of Zergs in front of him, and soon, he managed to create an opening. Finally, together with the advantage of the terrain, the three of them were able to break out from the entrapment.

They ran as fast as they could while the creatures were in pursuit; however, within minutes, Wang Tong forcefully stopped both Apache and Wang Ben.


Countless of spikes suddenly launched up from under the ground like pistons; meanwhile, dark matters started to fall from the top of the trees.

More Zergs seemed to be waiting for them, and the breakthrough a while ago was actually a set-up from the Zergs' leader when it learned that the lower-ranked Zergs were unable to stop the three of them anymore.

Finally realizing their adventure and training had all turned into a matter of life and death, the trio leaped onto the tree branches and dashed upward. Apache was slashing his way up while Wang Ben and Wang Tong kept dodging the Zergs' attacks; due to the protection from their GN Force, they wouldn't be killed instantly if they got hit by the Zergs; however, they would be doomed if the creatures managed to block them off.

The three of them unleashed every inch of strength in their bodies and made it to the tree tops, but Wang Tong's sense of danger was tingling, and almost immediately, he realized that they were tricked by the creatures again!

There were two species of Zergs that didn't exist on Paradise Island. One of them being the Flying Zergs, and the other one was a creature larger in size; however, there was a type of uncommon Zerg living on this island: the Web Zergs, or commonly known as Corrosive Webs, was one of the species that belonged to the middle-ranked Zergs. They looked like tough, spherical cocoons most of the time, and normal attacks had no effect on them. However, they would turn into giant webs when they attacked, and the webs would transform into a corrosive matter as they trapped their preys inside, killing both the prey and itself then melted everything into a gory liquid. This type of Zerg was even able to destroy Heavy Armed Units aside from killing the METAL fighters, with its capability of melting almost everything, this species of Zerg was like the upgraded version of the Kamikaze Zerg, only stronger and deadlier.

Tens of Web Zergs launched themselves toward the three of them; meanwhile, the ground was filled with Skulk Zergs, ready to stab them to death if they chose to descend.

Wang Tong's party would have more choices if they were wearing METAL Suits, but now their only chance was to charge!

The Web Zergs in sphere mode were tough as steel, but as they turned into web mode, their tenacity would increase, and they would become super sticky, which was why the three of them were being very careful not to let those creatures stick to their bodies.

Wang Ben and Apache were fearless as they were left with only one option: CHARGE!

Without further hesitation, Wang Tong threw out a shadowy item toward the Zergs like firing a bullet, then he turned toward the other two and said, "Leave them to me!"

The Web Zergs shrank and turned into greenish smog immediately when got hit by Wang Tong's throwing attack, Apache and Wang Ben then descended down to eliminate the bunch of Skulk Zergs. Although the two of them had never fought side by side before, they knew exactly how to work with each other. Apache was in charge of drawing the attention of the creatures since he was more nimble, while Wang Ben was in charge of attacking every Skulk Zerg that gave away its position.

Right above Wang Ben and Apache, Wang Tong seemed to be having a dangerous waltz with the Web Zergs; however, none of the webs were able to stick to Wang Tong's body as he attacked; somehow, the three of them managed to stabilize the situation around them.

Wang Ben and Apache also seemed to be dancing with the devil, and the huge amount of Skulk Zergs and their combination attacks had begun to exhaust both of them. All of a sudden, a loud roar thundered across the woods.

Those who hissed were mostly lower-ranked Zergs, but those who roared were definitely higher-ranked Zergs. Soon after the roar, four monstrous figures came charging toward Wang Tong's party. The huge figures appeared to be approximately three meters tall, their heads looked like giant wolves while their bodies were like ginormous gorillas, and they all had dark and shiny exoskeletons that looked like steel.

Chapter 154: The Bloody Brawl

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn


These monsters were not an original species of Zergs, yet somehow the Zergs had managed to create these hybrids during the war with mankind. Their blood was red like most of the animals on Earth instead of the common greenish blood of Zergs, and they were born with incredible strength. Even though they were about three meters tall, they were not the largest in terms of size; however, they were capable of smashing a hole through armored tanks with a single punch.

Dr. Gimmers would definitely be shocked if he saw what was going on because they were not among the list of experimental species. Unlike living beings on Earth that could only reproduce with their own kinds, the higher-ranked Zergs were able to give birth to numerous species, including hybrids.

The Skulk Zergs seemed to become excited as they released their spikes one after another. The four Were-kongs then roared and began to charge; two running toward Wang Ben, and the other two running toward Apache.

Apparently, those ginormous creatures were surprisingly fast and nimble as they were specifically designed to fight in terrains like planet Earth. In the beginning, Apache thought that he would be able to dodge their attacks like a piece of cake, but he was shocked to find himself being attacked from both sides in a flash.


Apache had no choice but to defend their attacks with all his might in order to dodge the spikes of the Skulk Zergs; however, the impact felt like he was being hit directly by a train, instantly breaking apart and canceling every bit of GN Force in his body; he was caught off-guard completely.

In fact, the attacks of the Were-kongs were categorized as ignition attacks, so instead of using a passive physical defense, the best way was to actually initialize the right amount of GN Force into the parry.

Wang Ben's eyes turned blood-red, ready to unleash his Fist of the Racing Tiger again after another loud warcry. He stomped heavily on the ground, then charged toward the incoming claws of the Were-kongs as he roared.


The force of the recoil sent Wang Ben's body backward, while the attacking Were-kong staggered after the impact and had its mouth and fangs bloodied by the forceful punch; however, the other Were-kong was storming toward him like a hurricane.


Wang Ben threw out another punch, only this time it was too rushed, and the force was smaller than the previous punch.


An enormous impact landed right onto Wang Ben's body, causing him to cough out blood and even knocked him off horizontally, breaking about seven or eight trees before the impact stopped.

In the meantime, Wang Tong had eliminated most of the Web Zergs above. During his time on Norton, Wang Tong managed to learn that the weakness of the Web Zerg was its core sack, and once the core sack was broken, the corrosive matter would kill the Web Zerg instantly. Apparently, Wang Tong's instinct was telling him that they might be ambushed by these creatures, so he picked up a few stones just in case and hid them in his pocket when they were busy escaping a while ago, and it turned out that it really happened.

However, Wang Tong knew the situation had become worse as he heard the thunderous roars of those Were-kongs, he hadn't expected that those monsters were right here on Paradise Island as well, and their existence confirmed to Wang Tong that the leader of Zergs was nearby!

Wang Tong descended quickly and tried to grab Apache, but as he was about to do so, the two Were-kongs, who were chasing after Apache, flung a punch toward his back and sent him flying and rolling toward the other side of the woods. Apache's defense was weaker compared to Wang Ben, not to mention that he hadn't seen that coming at all; hence he was knocked out by the monstrous punch, and he would die — or at least be crippled — if the Were-kongs were to throw another punch at him.

Wang Ben was struggling to get up, but when he noticed the two Were-kongs that were after him were charging toward him again, he ground his teeth and got up with all his might; he was ready for battle again, and if he were to die, he would choose to die like a fighter.

Wang Tong managed to rush toward Wang Ben, then he grabbed his fists and began to channel his energy, but immediately, he felt a painful stinging sensation as he was trying to recover his balance, the hidden Skulk Zerg had punctured his tight with its spike.

"You little!" Wang Tong was totally pissed off when he saw that. He snapped off its spike with his fist, then forcefully pulled the Skulk Zerg out from the ground and smashed it dead with his punch. All of a sudden, Wang Ben felt an intense pain on his back, and within a second, he fainted and collapsed on the ground.

The Were-kong then grabbed the unconscious Wang Ben by his neck and threw him toward Apache, both of them were guarded by a Were-kong, while the other three turned toward Wang Tong.

As Wang Tong suspected, the hidden boss wanted them alive, as it was probably trying to look for an escape route from their brains.

Wang Tong pulled out the remaining spike on his tight, then he spat out his bloody saliva and said, "That hurts, sonuvab*tch, I'm sick of this sh*t!"

All of a sudden, Wang Tong's demeanor changed completely.

Yet the three Were-kongs didn't care much and charged toward Wang Tong at once like three torpedos.

Bam… Bam… Bam…

Wang Tong's Soul Energy didn't increase much; however, by channeling the energy from his Cinnabar Field, he was granted superhuman strength which enabled him to repel those three monsters with three strikes at once.


Wang Tong aimed his fists toward the ground and went berserk, wrecking a Skulk Zerg that was hidden under that area.

The other Were-kong, who was guarding the unconscious Wang Ben and Apache, joined the other three immediately, knowing that they were now facing a super strong opponent.


Four ginormous figures charged ferociously at the same time; however, Wang Tong remained still, and as they approached, Wang Tong flung out a forceful punch!


Blood oozed out from one of the creatures as the force from Wang Tong's fist drilled a hole through its chest!

Immediately the remaining three Were-kongs moved into a defensive formation, but Wang Tong disappeared in a flash. All of a sudden, Wang Tong reappeared on the head of one of the remaining Were-kongs, puncturing its elbow with his left fist and shattered the rock-solid exoskeleton into fragments, then he brutally decapitated the creature with a single tear.

"Hasta la vista, you ugly-a*s looking chimpanzees!"

The remaining Were-kongs were pissed off as they witnessed two of their own got killed in a jiffy, and suddenly, the other Zergs around the area also seemed to have gone crazy and began to charge toward Wang Tong.

"Stop making me mad!"

Wang Tong threw out a punch and knocked off a fang of one of the Were-kongs, then he lifted it up by its chin and threw it out like a baseball aiming toward the other Zergs that were charging at him.

"Stop making me mad!"

"Stop bugging me!"

Wang Tong kept repeating these words to himself as he finished the enemies off one by one. Apparently, he had developed this habit when he had been trapped alone on Norton, and even though he had managed to rectify this habit after returning to Earth, for some reason, the environment seemed to have triggered this old habit again.

He grabbed both remaining Were-kongs with his hands and waved them around like a pair of giant sticks, sweeping off the enemies around him. More and more Zergs were getting killed by Wang Tong's ferocious attack, especially the inferior Zergs that were exceptionally weak against his menacing power. The Skulk Zergs around him seized the opportunity for an ambush, but as their long vertebrae were approaching a three-meter radius around him, their attacks stopped as Wang Tong dispersed his Soul Energy through their spikes and caused them to explode one after another, turning the Skulk Zergs into puddles of green, bloody mess.

Wang Tong, who was still holding the two monstrous creatures in his hands, stretched his neck and yelled, "You want a piece of me?!"

Another batch of Zergs swarmed toward him again, Kamikaze Zergs flew in from all directions and exploded like a continuous chain of grenades; however, Wang Tong was unhurt as he used the bodies of the two Were-kongs as his "meat-shield".

While Wang Tong was busy with his bloody brawl, the troops outside were still busy hacking the system. Zhao Yongzhuo was getting impatient, he had been waiting for almost an hour, yet the bunch of so-called "experts" still couldn't get the doors to open.

Nevertheless, he wouldn't dare to charge in by force because he knew that he would be the one to be blamed if his impulsive action caused any Zerg to escape. On the other hand, Ma Xiaoru's team was still struggling with the system as well. Carl was getting nervous like his butt was on fire, yet he was no help to the situation at all. Rumi and the Zhang Brothers were giving all of their efforts to solve the "puzzle"; however, the randomizing program was way tougher than they had expected, not to mention that most of the tech experts on Paradise Island were killed in this accident.

The other students kept quiet and tried not to disturb the three of them, everyone wanted to help, but there was really nothing they could do. Zhou Sisi sat on the other side quietly, knowing that being nervous would only make things even worse.

Suddenly, Zhang Yan shouted, "Done! I've calculated all of its variations, the decoding process will be complete in three minutes, counting down as we speak! The doors will be opening soon, so tell your troops to get ready, and be careful not to let any Zerg escapes!"

Paradise Island had become a mess. Some of the creatures were still trying to get into the base, and the forest on the east coast was completely ruined. Wang Tong was sitting on the head of a Were-kong corpse, his body was covered with greenish goo, most people might find it disgusting, but Wang Tong was practically "immune" to the smell since he had eaten them for a year.

Wang Tong took his time to clean up his body while mumbling to himself, he didn't seem to be afraid of another ambush. All of a sudden, he noticed some movements among the bushes, and he grabbed the thing by his hand in a flash. It appears to be a plump and "meaty" creature that somehow looked like a magnified tapeworm.

"C'mon, stop struggling, you little piece of sh*t!"

The worm-like Zerg kept moving its mouth as it struggled, then it launched a tentacle-like siphon toward Wang Tong; however, Wang Tong's reflexes were quicker and managed to tie a knot to its siphon.

"You want a piece of me huh?" Wang Tong grabbed the worm-like creature by its head and slapped it continuously.

It screamed after being slapped and tried to attack Wang Tong with its siphon again; however, it failed since Wang Tong had tied a knot to its siphon. Apparently, this type of Zerg was not good in attacking, given by the fact that it used to be fed by inferior Zergs.

Wang Tong seemed to be having fun with it, then he gave it another slap, making its body turn like an empty beer bottle.

"Stop bugging me!"

As it stopped, the creature screamed crazily again, Wang Tong sighed and said, "What an ugly looking a*s!"

Slap… Slap… Slap… Slap… Slap...

Wang Tong carried on slapping the weird creature that looked like a human brain, soon its plump body was swollen up by the continuous hits.

"Stop messing with me!" Wang Tong yelled as he slapped, moments later the worm-like creature stopped moving, it had seemed to be weakened by his "attacks", surprisingly its defense was even weaker than the inferior Zergs.

Grunt… Grunt… Grunt…

The creature was grunting non-stop, either it had decided to surrender, or it was traumatized by the slaps; nevertheless, Wang Tong felt good about it. After finishing his "torture", Wang Tong decided to leave no traces behind, so he dug a hole and buried the creature head side down, then he stood aside and waited for the "magical" moment.

Moments later, a tiny explosion occurred, and the ground was shaken like a little earthquake. Soon greenish liquid gradually oozed out from the burial spot; Wang Tong then made a victory sign happily with his hands as he saw that. Somehow he came up with this killing technique after encountering this type of Zerg a couple of times. The creature might look like the mysterious Encephalon Zerg; however, Wang Tong knew that it was only one of the higher-ranked leaders among the legion of Zergs. It could have been the commander of the Zergs, but it was definitely not the one that was controlling everything... or maybe, it could be a new species of highly intelligent Zerg that was created to fight against mankind, yet somehow it might be a little too weak for an intelligent creature.

Chapter 155: Taken into Custody

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

The idea of keeping the worm-like creature as a specimen did cross Wang Tong's mind; however, he decided not to do so because this creature was generally the root of all evil. Keeping it as an experimental specimen was totally suicidal since it was able to lure out more Zergs towards the person who was carrying it. Wang Tong had come across these creatures a couple of times, and he had learned that when the creature knew it was about to die, it would shrink and dry out like a dead jellyfish, not without letting out a dying squeak which Wang Tong hated. Furthermore, he found the blob-like structure on its head that enabled it to blend into the environment extremely disgusting; hence he came out with the technique of killing these creatures by burying them head side down, just like how he used to plant vegetables when he was a kid.

Wang Tong immediately fell in love with the burial-annihilation method the first time he heard that little explosion, it was like a victorious blast even though it sounded quite weird.

All of a sudden, Wang Tong heard a loud whiz that came from the other side of the woods. Knowing that it wasn't a sound made by the Zergs, Wang Tong collapsed in fatigue, wondering why the troops would always arrive when he had finished all the killing.

The Confederation Army managed to get into Paradise Island a short while after the FFC's private mercenaries moved in. Their METAL fighters were immediately engaged with the remaining Zergs, yet somehow it looked more like a mess-cleaning battle since there was only a handful of Zergs roaming the area. Furthermore, since the Zergs' commander had been tortured to death by Wang Tong, it was only a matter of time for the troops to completely extinguish the Zergs on this island.

Instead of only focusing on killing Zergs, Zhao Yongzhuo also immediately sent a few of his men to conduct a search and rescue operation after learning that Wang Ben was among the trapped trio; mostly because Wang Ben was quite popular and he was afraid to offend General Hu Ben. Furthermore, Zhao Yongzhuo also seemed to notice that this wasn't entirely an accident, yet he asked no questions as his job was only to follow and execute the orders from his superior.

Even though the chances of them surviving was very little since the three of them could have already been eaten by the enormous legion of Zergs on this island, he still prayed for their safety.

As for most of the FFC's private mercenaries, their main objective was to secure the base, and as long as the base wasn't completely destroyed, the corporation would be able to minimize their loss. On the other hand, Ma Xiaoru and the others began to search for Wang Tong's party under the protection of their own troops, everyone was extremely worried.

Suddenly, one of the Confederation's squadron discovered a huge open area filled with piles of corpses of Zergs and three unconscious young men that were lying on the ground.

"Sir, we've found them!"

"How many of 'em?"

"Three, sir. All unconscious, badly wounded."

"Very well. Bring them back at once, and remember not to let anyone from the FFC found out about this."

"Copy that, sir!"

The Confederation soldiers then signaled the others to bring in three sets of clothes, and after changing their clothes, Wang Tong and the other boys were quickly carried back toward their fleet.

Zhao Yongzhuo, who was giving orders in the commanding fleet, sighed in relief when he was told that Wang Ben survived. Obviously, the objective of this mission was to sabotage the public image of the FFC; however, it would become an entirely different story if Wang Ben died or was critically injured. Fortunately, Wang Ben was safe and sound so the next step would be collecting evidence to prove that the experiments on Paradise Island had violated the law. The FFC would definitely have a tough road ahead since they would soon be questioned for the exceeding numbers of Zergs and the chaotic incident on the island itself.

As a member of the younger generation in the military who was loyal to the Confederation, the first thing that Zhao Yongzhuo did was of course to report the status of Wang Ben and also the current situation to his superior. To his surprise, he was immediately given a new order after delivering that news, one that sounded weird, but he decided to do as he was told.

Approximately ten minutes later, Ma Xiaoru's team received the information about Wang Tong's party being taken into Zhao Yongzhuo's fleet, and Martyrus and Samantha were both infuriated at the military for detaining their students!

"Colonel Zhao, why are you taking our students!?" Principal Martyrus of Bernabeu questioned in a serious tone.

Despite Samantha being the successor of DREAM Corporation, it was only a business company that had nothing to do with the military. Not to mention that she was still very young, her family might be related to the House of Ma and the Blade Warrior, but that didn't mean the military would listen to her. However, Martyrus was different since most of the elites graduated from his academy; hence Zhao Yongzhuo wouldn't dare to offend the old principal.

"Principal Martyrus, I'm sorry, but we have to detain Wang Ben, Apache, and Wang Tong because they are witnesses and also suspects of this incident!"

"Are you kidding me, Colonel? The three of them being involved is obviously a coincidence! These students are also the victims, so please release them at once!" Samantha got angry, the military seemed to have gone crazy for dragging students into the pond of muddy water.

"Please calm down, Principal Samantha. I'm just carrying out my duty as ordered. The number of Zergs on Paradise Island was about five thousand, which has already exceeded the regulated limit from the government; however, more than one thousand Zergs were already dead when we arrived, and we suspect that something must have happened, which is why we have taken them into custody for further questioning. However, please note that they are in safe hands, and the military will provide the best medical treatment for the three of them. I promise that we will not do anything to them before getting the permission from your side!" Zhao Yongzhuo replied formally.

After Zhao Yongzhuo delivered the news about Wang Ben to his superior, he was immediately ordered to send the boy back, which then led to all the dramas. Zhao Yongzhuo was no idiot as he also had sensed that something was definitely going on, yet he had no idea why he was ordered to bring all three of them back to the military. Probably this was only about Wang Ben, and the other two were just "unlucky bystanders".

Nevertheless, Zhao Yongzhuo decided not to worry about that; however, he was startled when his subordinates showed him the images of the battlefield. Within the radius of a few hundred square meters, every inch of the ground was filled with piles of Zerg corpses. It was definitely done by some ace fighter since it was technically impossible to be accomplished by the three boys, but the question was: who on earth did that?

Judging from their anxiousness, clearly it wasn't someone from the FFC's side, but if that was the case, why would an ace from another party appear on this island?

According to the legend, the eldest successors of the Five Great Houses were born with a "protector". Of course, that was only a legend, and since legends couldn't be served as scientific explanations, Zhao Yongzhuo would have to look into the facts and search for a better explanation.

"Do remember, Colonel, you will be held responsible if anything happens to them!" Ma Xiaoru said with a solemn expression; obviously, she was completely pissed off.

"I'm only following the orders from my superior. Feel free to contact the chief commander if there's any question." As a member of the Golden Hawk Union, Zhao Yongzhuo wouldn't care too much about Ma Xiaoru's threats.

For Ma Xiaoru, due to her involvement in this incident, she knew that she had to think of a better solution to this as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would become a bigger matter once it was made public by the media, not to mention that the prestige of the House of Ma was put at stake.

Both Samantha and Martyrus didn't expect that the military would be so harsh this time; nevertheless, they were relieved upon knowing that Zhao Yongzhuo didn't intend to harm the three of them. However, both principals had no idea why the military wanted to detain the boys. Both principals turned to each other, and immediately, they knew that the two of them were having the same doubts.

Most people were well aware of the power struggle between the Golden Hawk Union and the old forces, which explained why no one was too astonished about the intensity and also the set-up against the FFC; however, everyone seemed to be confused about the detention of the three boys. Eventually, people from both sides began to gossip about the incident discretely.

The three boys managed to regain consciousness after getting some simple medical treatments. Apache and Wang Tong were puzzled as they came to realize that they were surrounded by armed METAL fighters; somehow the rescue had turned into imprisonment.

Zhao Yongzhuo went down to check on them as soon as he was told that the boys had regained consciousness; however, he only released Wang Ben from the detention.

"I'd like to meet my father."

"The general is waiting for you." The face of a serious looking middle aged man then appeared on the screen as Zhao Yongzhuo connected the video call. The man only had one single facial expression and showed no signs of any other emotion as he saw his son. Wang Ben was the one who spoke first: "I'd like to go home."

"You heard the boy, Colonel Zhao."

"Yes, General!" Zhao Yongzhuo acknowledged the order, yet he couldn't help wondering about the awkwardness between the boy and his father. Even though he wasn't serving under General Hu Ben, Zhao Yongzhuo chose to follow the orders due to the general's well-respected reputation.

"You don't want to bid farewell to your friends back there?"

Wang Ben shook his head gently and said nothing. After that, Zhao Yongzhuo ordered his men to escort the boy out.

Although the three boys were injured, they only suffered minor internal injuries, and no bones were broken. The medical team managed to heal most of their wounds by using a cell regeneration treatment; however, they would be sent for further detailed treatments when they got back.

In the beginning, Zhao Yongzhuo thought this time that he had scored the jackpot, but as he was about to visit Paradise Island by himself, the man received a new order. It was a strange order indeed, he was told to send both Wang Tong and Apache back to the headquarter immediately.

As a member of the military, his only duty was to follow orders; however, he was well aware that the two kids were innocent, yet someone else was trying to use the boys as a scapegoat.

Most of the Zergs on Paradise Island had been annihilated by well-trained METAL fighters, and both parties were sending more troops to the island for a thorough extermination. However, it seemed like the commanders of both parties were arguing with each other in front of the base; apparently, the troops from the Confederation Army were demanding an "inspection" in the base, but the FFC's troops refused to let them enter.

The outbreak of the Zergs was under control; however, a clash between the FFC and the military had occurred, and the tension was escalating.

Samantha and Martyrus both understood that instead of caring about the tension, right now they should be focusing on finding a way to rescue the trio because the students still had to attend training for their upcoming challenge; however, the military was not giving them any answers. Hence the only thing Martyrus could do was to ask around using his connections to the military; nevertheless, he was sort of disappointed at the military for involving kids into this mess.

As for the rest of the students, they couldn't do anything aside from staying put in the watercraft. Apparently, there was still a lot of training remaining to do. Everyone would have their second round of training respectively according to their assigned classes in the academy. For example: Battle techniques for the students of METAL combat classes; Battlecraft combat strategies, operation and control maneuvers, and also some basic awareness for the students of Command Force; while the students of Heavy Arm Force would be learning about the controlling maneuvers for the Heavy Armed Chariots and also the distribution of physical strength. Even though Zhang Yan, Zhang Kui, and Rumi did a good job a while ago, they would still have to learn more about defensive techniques in Intel Programming Battle aside from offensive techniques only; the three of them still had a long way to go.

Carl and the rest had no choice but to focus on their training and leave the rest to both principals; however, everyone was relieved that the three of them were safe even though they were held in custody; after all, they were wrong for trespassing. Anyhow, everyone expected that the military would only ask them a couple of questions since they were only students, especially since the principals were still around.

Both parties had been spending the whole day confronting each other, and no one was backing down. However, Martyrus received the news at night that Wang Ben went back to Europe, while Apache and Wang Tong were taken back to the military's headquarter for further interrogation. Things were getting weirder and weirder, they began to wonder why the military would only release Wang Ben, and why did Wang Ben choose to go back to Europe instead of returning to the team. Furthermore, what on earth was the military trying to get from Wang Tong and Apache?

Chapter 156: Fair

Translator: Double_L Editor: Hitesh_, Tehrn

Wang Tong and Apache were confused. Both of them were taken away after a brief medical treatment, and they could somehow feel that they were taken into custody judging from the serious looks of the METAL Fighters. However, they couldn't understand why.

Wang Tong kept asking for an explanation, but no one answered them; the boys felt like they were talking to a bunch of dummies.

They had no idea where this place was. The boys were locked up in a cell, and no one was telling them what was going on.

On the other hand, Wang Ben's plane had landed, and he was immediately taken to the command center by a military truck. Apparently, General Hu Ben was waiting for him.

Wang Ben was grabbing his fists throughout the journey and was a bit shaken when he saw his father, but he wasn't excited.

"You're back," General Hu Ben said coldly, as if he had expected what Wang Ben would say next.

"Father, what's going on? Why were there so many Zergs on the island? Is the military trying to frame the FFC?" Wang Ben seemed agitated.

Actually, Wang Ben purposely invited Wang Tong for tonight's "adventure". His admission to Ayrlarng was not a coincidence, and of course, it had nothing to do with that letter. Everything was only a part of a plan.

General Hu Ben was one of the members and also an important figure of the Golden Hawk Union. Their mission was to weaken the power of both the House of Li and the House of Ma in the Earth Confederation, and in order to succeed, they had first to deal with the House of Ma. Without them, the House of Li would become a toothless tiger. However, the FFC was not an easy target, which was why General Hu Ben had sent Wang Ben to befriend Ma Xiaoru, and no one had suspected anything fishy about it.

After knowing that there would be a special training, Wang Ben's mission was to infiltrate Paradise Island and look for FFC's secret laboratory. Wang Ben accepted it because he wanted to prove himself to his father, but all of a sudden, everything seemed to look like a filthy trap judging from the overwhelming number of Zergs and the perfect timing of the Confederation Army. Everyone knew that experimental Zergs needed to be sterilized at the beginning, yet, the Zergs on Paradise Island had obviously multiplied. Hence, the military had clearly been plotting this since a long time ago, and his infiltration was the trigger of this event.

"You're here just to say this?" General Hu Ben kept his straight face and glared at Wang Ben.

"Father, what you did was despicable, and I'm disappointed with your decision. I need a better explanation!" Wang Ben ground his teeth. He was ashamed of himself as he remembered the moment when Wang Tong saved him, and it hurt his feelings. In the beginning, he had agreed to help because he wanted to be recognized by his father. But as time went by, Wang Ben hated himself because of the betrayal and the fact that he was a spy, and what had happened today had totally pissed him off.

"Despicable… haha." General Hu Ben chuckled as the word caught him by surprise. Nevertheless, no one would have the balls to say this in front of him other than his son, perhaps because he was still a teenager. However, he had never planned on giving Wang Ben an explanation. He stood up and said, "I'll lay out two options on the table again: either you continue to stay in Ayrlarng as a spy, or you get your *ss to Capth."

"But father, that's not fair!"

"You want me to be fair huh? This is the biggest explanation you will get!" General Hu Ben said firmly. Not everything needed an explanation, and he would understand when the right time would come. What had happened today proved that Wang Ben was not suitable to play a part in politics. Aside from knowing how to fight, one would also require other knowledge in order to become a general or a famous warrior. In conclusion, his son was too naive!

Wang Ben's body was shaking because of his anger and frustration, but eventually, he calmed down and replied with all his strength, "Capth!"

It hurt when he said that word, the pain was unbearable… this was an absolute betrayal. His friends were doing their best to get ready for their challenge against Capth, yet he was abandoning them and switching sides to Capth. However, he'd rather do that than continue to stay in Ayrlarng as a spy. He couldn't forgive himself for hurting his friends.

General Hu Ben waved his hand and decided to let him be… one had to pay the price in order to grow, and the best way to learn was to learn from one's mistakes!

Meanwhile, Wang Tong and Apache were taken somewhere else. Apparently, they were arranged for a series of body check-ups.

"Anything suspicious?"

"Everything seems fine. Their Soul Energy is quite active for their age, but it would still be impossible to handle one thousand Zergs."

"How about their injuries?"

"No broken bones. They should be alright."

"Alright then, I'll take over."

In the military, every sort of injury was known as minor injury, except for bone fractures. Although Wang Tong's leg was severely injured, somehow the attack had missed his bone, and the wound had healed after giving cellular treatment. However, he was weakened by the attack, and he would need time to recover.

Unfortunately for the boys, no one cared about them and treated them like students from military academies.

Even those who detained them had no idea what was going on. The only order they were given was to take the boys into custody and lock them up in the prison cell of the headquarter. Things were not going according to standard procedure, yet, they had no choice but to follow every single order from their superiors.

"Alright lads, be careful inside," The sergeant who escorted them somewhat felt bad for them and gave them a friendly reminder.

Wang Tong and Apache were shocked as they arrived at the place they were taken to. The place looked like hell, and everyone inside was glaring at them.

This place was where the military held their suspects. Everyone knew that places like this were a mess when a bunch of "energetic" fellas were placed in the same space, and it would really be a miracle if no one started a fight.

The inmates seemed surprised to see Wang Tong and Apache, as they didn't expect the arrival of two young boys.

Apache had never been to a place like this, but he had heard a lot during his internship at the Anti-Smuggle Special Unit. "Well, looks like we've offended someone. We were sent here obviously on purpose."

"Offended someone?" Wang Tong seemed startled. He had always been cautious not to offend anyone, let alone someone in a higher rank.

"I guess it's me, I've probably stepped on somebody's tail when I was with the Unit, and the person is now looking for payback," Apache thought for a while and said. There was no way that Wang Tong could've offended anyone, and the possibility of it being his fault was higher since he did participate in a few events in the Unit. But Apache had no idea whose tail he had stepped on. Nevertheless, this "prank" seemed to have gone too far as they were only a couple of nobodies.

Wang Tong smiled and said, "So, meaning we will have to fight again?"

"Most probably." Apache seemed to have noticed a bunch of unfriendly glares. Not only was this place filled with violent people, but there were also the "abnormal" ones who had gone crazy after getting locked up for too long and couldn't control their sexual desires. Apache used to hear about it when he was with the Unit. However, he had never imagined being treated like this someday.

"Here they come." About ten inmates walked toward the boys. The leader then checked on Apache and Wang Tong, and the way he looked at them felt horrible.

As the boys grabbed their fists and prepared to fight, a warden came knocking on the cell and asked, "Which one of you is Apache? Step forward." Then, the warden turned towards another person and said, "You, get in and enjoy yourself."

Both boys looked at each other, then Apache stood up and got escorted away by two METAL Fighters. The warden didn't even look at Wang Tong as he closed the cell gate and isolated the rest from the outside world. The person who got pushed into the cell a minute ago was about the same age as Wang Tong, mumbling and shaking in fear.

The new inmate looked even more delicate. Wang Tong and Apache had been working out so their skin tone was darker and their bodies were more muscular. However, they could tell that the new inmate was fairer, even though the place was dark and dirty. Eventually, the gang of thugs turned their attention to the new inmate. Somehow a guy that looked like a girl would be "satisfying" as well.

"You wanna join us, lil' kid? I can offer you protection if you want to." The thugs got the new inmate surrounded near the corner of the wall. They were almost drooling as they approached.

"What are you doing? I… I'm a guy!"

"Hahaha, we're guys too, so don't be scared, a'ight?"

"Don't come near me, or I'll scream for help!"

"Scream for help? Haha, you heard that? Well, go ahead. I like it when you spice things up. I can't believe they'll send in a lil' lass, hell yea! It's been years since I last laid my hands on a woman!"

All of the thugs went crazy and turned into a pack of "craving" wolves when they heard the word "woman". Even the other inmates got interested as they heard that.

"I… I'm not a woman!" The new inmate was extremely scared — like a deer surrounded by a group of lions — and had never expected that this would happen in a military facility.

Wang Tong didn't want to get involved at the beginning, but his guilty conscience and busy-body were telling him to save the poor fella. So he tapped the leader's shoulder and said, "Hey man, why don't you leave the new fella alone."

The leader of the thugs didn't expect that this lad would be bold enough to act as the middleman.

"F#ck off, you'll get your turn after I have had enough fun..."

Wang Tong decided to fight, and instantly, the prison was filled with screams and shrieks. However, it wasn't the leader who was screaming... Wang Tong had stuffed the leader's head into the *ss of his "sidekick" who was standing next to him.

Within a second, the whole prison cell had turned into a slaughterhouse. Two of the guys, who were laughing happily a moment ago, could be seen crying like pigs who were about to be killed.

Wang Tong wasn't planning to stop as he was having a lot of fun. The rest of the thugs then charged towards Wang Tong. Apparently, they were not very good at fighting, and none of their GN Force was more than two hundred. The strongest amongst them was the leader, but no one had expected that Wang Tong would have been so good at fighting.

Within minutes, their head and b*ttholes were "joined" by Wang Tong like Lego parts, except for one of the thugs who got lucky because the number of members of the gang was an odd number. However, Wang Tong patted his hands and smiled as he turned towards him, planning on what to do with him next.

"D… don't come an… any closer... HELP! HELP! SOMEONE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" The last thug cried for help as he banged on the cell gate like a mad man, hoping to get the warden's attention.

Meanwhile, the warden was smoking outside the premises. He was ordered to send the new kid into the cell and let the other inmates have some fun with this kid. Apparently, this wasn't the first time he had received orders like this, and since all of them were a bunch of rascals, things would clearly get messy immediately.

Nevertheless, the warden wasn't planning on caring, so he turned on the soundproofing mode and turned off every CCTV, leaving no evidence behind.

Chapter 157: He's a She

Translator: Double_L Editor: Hitesh_, Tehrn

The other two hundred inmates in prison kept quiet as the fight went on. The leader of the gang of thugs (gang of homos to be exact) was Season, who had an incredible Soul Energy counting to about one hundred and fifty Sols. Yet everyone was stunned when they saw that a strong person like him got owned by a boy in a single strike.

Wang Tong didn't stop even though a few of the gang members were struggling with all their might. Wang Tong grabbed the last thug by the head and banged it continuously on the cell gate while mimicking his cry, "Help, help, help!" Then he slammed his whole body into the wall, and the guy fainted immediately.

"Anyone else up for some body massage?" Wang Tong said with a smile. However, the others stayed silent since they were all Vicars of Bray. Even a few of the "bosses" among them decided to stay out of this when they witnessed Wang Tong's speed and accuracy; he wasn't clearly some weakling to be messed with.

The new inmate who got rescued grabbed onto Wang Tong's shirt immediately, recognizing him as the protector from any harm.

Wang Tong didn't want any more trouble. "Let go."

She shook her head. Of course, one would never give up on the last hope of salvation.

"I don't care if you're a guy, a woman, or a shemale, let go at once and sit your *ss down over there." Wang Tong had no time to care about the others. He couldn't even understand what was happening to him.

Finally, she let go when he realized that Wang Tong wasn't planning on abandoning her. However, she was still staying close to Wang Tong and followed him wherever he went.

No one dared to mess with Wang Tong ever since he showed off his ruthlessness. Some of the inmates went over to help those got their heads stuck in their friends' *sses, and those who were not involved could only imagine the unbearable pain of getting their *sses shoved. Injuries and traumas like this would require a long time to heal, and it seemed like they would never be interested in shoving *sses or getting shoved again.

However, Wang Tong didn't expect that this would be over like this, as the people in this place were all criminals, and they might seek revenge through ambushes or set-ups. Yet he decided not to worry too much, he wasn't worried at all.

Despite all of the screaming and shouting a while ago, no actions were taken by the authority. Obviously, the warden had decided to stay out of this.

Wang Tong then sat in one of the corners of the prison cell, with the new tag-along staying close to him. The person seemed afraid of Wang Tong — probably because he was fierce and brutal — yet her instincts told him that he would never hurt her. But even if he did, it would still be better than getting "eaten" by the other wild boars in the cell.

Wang Tong closed his eyes and thought about Apache's words. He doubted that all of this was because of Apache. However, Wang Tong really couldn't remember who he had offended, even though he sensed that the one who was targeted might actually be himself. Whether it was past or present, he was always cautious, not to mention that the incident on Norton had died down, and he had nothing to do with it anymore. Wang Tong really couldn't recall anything. Although he was on Paradise Island today, he had nothing to do with the rampage of the Zergs on the island.

Perhaps he got targeted because of his Tactics of the Blade?

If that were the case, he would have been taken to a lab instead of a prison cell.

In the end, Wang Tong gave up thinking. He had no reason to fear anything since he had no family, and if anything really happened to him, all of his belongings would be inherited by Old Fart as his pension.

Wang Tong was tired by the little exercise a while ago. Hence, he decided to quietly initialize his Tactics of the Blade and get prepared in case something happened again. Since his Tactics of the Blade had led him to victory since day one, he was sure that the other inmates would not be able to mess with him easily.

Wang Tong chose to keep his distance from the girl because he didn't want to get him involved in his own mess. Soon, his frustration began to calm down, and his thoughts became clearer as he initialized the Tactics of the Blade. Wang Tong realized that the whole incident was probably connected to the FFC, and had nothing to do with him, because it would be too much for screwing a small potato like him with all of these big actions. If he were right, he would be released in no time.

Nevertheless, Wang Tong felt more relaxed as he noticed that the probability of his thoughts was getting higher.

Except for those inmates who got injured, everything in prison seemed to have returned to normal, and no one was willing to mess with Wang Tong. However, the rest of the inmates were still unwilling to give up on the tag-along. They would do everything to get their hands on her, and some of them even began to make a move. After all, men were perverted animals, not to mention the men in a prison. These sexually driven animals would never give up simply because of Wang Tong's existence, and their desire would become stronger instead. They kept staring at the girl like they were trying to "eat" him alive.

The poor girl was frightened by all of those menacing glares, but she had nowhere else to hide, so she moved herself closer to Wang Tong. The bunch of perverted pigs was extremely turned on by her shy and timid reaction, and if Wang Tong were not around, she would definitely be r*ped to death. Without a doubt, that delicate body would never be able to withstand the terrifying sex drive of more than two hundred men.

Wang Tong gradually dispersed his Soul Energy and began to scan the prison cell to get a better "look" at what was going on. He could clearly feel the anxiety of the sexually aroused inmates, and he also could tell that someone was getting ready as well. Something was about to happen soon.

All of a sudden, Wang Tong seemed to have noticed something, and he began to realize that Old Fart's past advice was not nonsense at all.

After an hour of peace, those thugs who were beaten up by Wang Tong were finally feeling better, but they didn't dare to look at Wang Tong anymore. They also didn't ask to speak with the warden. Obviously, they knew that the warden would never even bother anyway.

Finally, the other three leaders stood up, and were immediately followed by their gang members. Noticing that something wasn't right, the girl turned toward Wang Tong and tried to ask for help with teary eyes, as the huge crowd of people approached. She was unaware that the button of her shirt was loosened, the fairy white skin was clear to be seen. The dirt on her face was washed away by her own tears, revealing the true fairness of the complexion, and she happened to be a very pretty lady. To be honest, it would be more than enough to turn everyone into a beast if she was just an ordinary girl, let alone a beauty like her. It seemed like nothing would be able to stop those inmates from going berserk anymore.

"Hey man, why don't we make a deal? You give us the girl, and I promise that no one will ever mess with you again," said one of the leaders who was a black dude.

"Listen, dude, we know you're strong, but it wouldn't do you any good if you decide to make us your enemies. How about this? All of us can take turns, and you will be the first to have some fun."

"I bet your Soul Energy level is at Rank four, and so is ours. So it'll be a mess if you decide to fight us. So waddaya think? Make friends with us, and we'll punish the f*g for your sake, sounds good?"

Apparently, there were four leaders amongst all prisoners, and they all had their own gangs. However, the other three hated the guts of the gay leader, but they had never thought of mingling with him. Since he was screwed by Wang Tong, the other three saw it as the perfect chance to get rid of him for good.

Obviously, those three leaders were still afraid of Wang Tong. The boy might have the Soul Energy of a Rank four fighter, but his actual strength was more than that. There was no point of messing with someone who wasn't going to stay here for very long or avenging the defeat of the f*g. However, they would do whatever it took to get their hands on the girl, because no one knew if she would be released soon.

"No, no, please don't, don't hand me to them, I'll give you whatever you want." The girl said as she tried to grab onto Wang Tong, but Wang Tong dodged and shrugged his shoulders. "Do whatever you want, it's none of my business. Just pretend that I'm not here."

The other inmates were surprised by his "kindness". However, something didn't seem right... unless he was trying to ambush them while they were busy having fun.

"Are you sure?"

"Do I look like I'm joking? Or are you trying to ask me to lay the bed for you guys?" Wang Tong then returned to his corner and closed his eyes. He didn't wish to see any of what was going on next, and was planning to stay out of this matter.

"Geez, thanks, dude. Hey, fellas! Let's dig in!"

"D… don't come any closer, there are so many of you. I… I'll only give my body to the strongest person, or I'd rather kill myself than letting all of you r*pe me," The girl backed down in fear.

"Hey, Kanro, let me have her!"

"Stop bullshitting, Simon, f#ck off!"

"Yo, who says you two are the bosses, huh?"

The three of them began fighting each other, and clearly, this wasn't the first time they had fought. The three of them were just forming a temporary "alliance" in order to get the girl.

Wang Tong sat there and did nothing. He really wasn't planning to care about what was going to happen. Meanwhile, the girl was completely frightened by the arguing men, and all of a sudden, the black dude named Kanro grabbed the girl by her neck.

"Are you trying to make us fight each other? Not a chance, li'l b*tch!"

"Haha, all three of us can do her at once, and we'll leave her to the rest once we're done!" Simon yelled, followed by the cheer from his underlings. However, it seemed like the girl's delicate body would never be able to survive after a few rounds.

Wang Tong stayed put like a statue. He wasn't showing any guilty conscious this time.

"Help me, Wang Tong. I can't believe the student from a military academy is actually a chicken..." The girl cried in fear. Although her scream might be able to evoke the sense of justice in most men, it would also cause the beasts to become even more sexually aroused.

Wang Tong stretched himself and yawned, then he said, "Hey lady, you're more than capable of becoming an actress. I'm trying to get some sleep here, so keep it down okay?"

Somehow, the pretty lady had managed to release herself from Kanro's grip before Wang Tong could finish his words.

The three leaders were stunned by the unexpected event. After all, men were always blinded by their impulses. However, before Kanro could react and unleash his Soul Energy, the girl had already landed a lightning-fast kick to his balls. Kanro couldn't even scream as he began tossing and turning in pain on the ground.

The girl turned toward Wang Tong and smiled. "How did you know?"

Wang Tong chuckled, "Why should I tell you?"

"Aww c'mon, you're a man, so don't be so stingy. How did you know besides me calling out your name a while ago?" The pretty girl threw Wang Tong a wink. Judging from the way she spoke, she was definitely older than him, and he could tell that she was experienced.

After all, seduction required skills.

"First, a warden would never throw a pretty girl into a cage full of men unless he was blind, and second, you were good at pretending to be scared, but a scared person would never have the mood to toy with her fingernails," Wang Tong replied with a smile.

Chapter 158: A Surprising News

Translator: Double_L Editor: Hitesh_, Tehrn

The girl smiled back. "Smart kid, how could you tell that I wasn't afraid? I was caught up in the middle of these sickos for real."

"Ma'am, the act of fear is not as simple as you think, and please don't tell me that you were sent here to kill me. I'm only a poor student who has nothing in his possession, or are you here because you're interested in me?" Wang Tong joked.

The girl replied with a bright smile, "Wow, students nowadays are better than I'd expected. But first, I have to correct one thing, please don't call me ma'am, I'm too young for that title as you can see. Second, I am really here because of you. As for the reason..." She continued with a cunning grin, "that's a secret."

Finally, the rest of the inmates realized that they got screwed, so everyone charged towards her instantly. Within minutes, everyone stayed put as they witnessed their leaders getting owned in a flash. Her Soul Energy count was four hundred Sols, meaning that she was able to knock out everyone in the cell in a blink of an eye... and without sweating at all!

Wang Tong squinted. He had never met anyone that strong before.

The girl then wiped her hands with a piece of tissue and threw it on the ground as she finished. Then, she walked towards the gate and knocked on it a few times. Immediately, the gate started to rise gradually. She turned back and looked at Wang Tong. "I believe we'll meet again soon, Mr. Wang Tong. Take care."

She was then escorted out by two wardens. It was clearly a set-up since the beginning, and those perverted pigs happened to become the bunch of supporting characters in this mini "sitcom".

Knowing that Wang Tong was another "dangerous" person, the rest of the inmates retreated and stayed put quietly. Wang Tong started to make his own analysis after hearing that he was targeted. He doubted that it was a probe, because he had never met her before, and he was not related to anyone in the military.

Things were getting more and more confusing, and eventually, Wang Tong gave up trying to put back together the pieces of the puzzle one by one. 'Whatever will be, will be.'

Obviously, the incident on Paradise Island would take time to settle. Both the FFC and the military had sent their own men to do the negotiation, and things might get even messier in the future. Hence their special training would have to shift to another location. Fortunately, the first phase of the whole training was complete, so Martyrus and Samantha decided to shift the whole team to Bernabeu for their upcoming training.

Although both Bernabeu and Ayrlarng had similar hardware, Bernabeu had a better environment, training systems, and trainers than Ayrlarng, especially in Battlecraft Combat and Intel Programming Battle.

However, Martyrus and Samantha were frustrated about two things. The first one was Wang Tong and Apache's detention; both principals had contacted the military regarding this, and finally, the military had agreed to release the two boys after a series of investigations and finding out that the boys had nothing to do with the incident. Both principals were very mad about this, but they could do nothing about it. Nevertheless, Martyrus and Samantha had prepared to file a complaint against the military and ask for a proper explanation because this was not a small matter. But clearly, the military was only going to punish a few officers as their "sincere" apologies, retaining the dignity of both sides.

Yet, both principals were equally puzzled by the second problem. Apparently, Wang Ben had requested to be transferred to another academy, and not just to any other academies: he wanted to be transferred to Capth, which was giving Samantha a severe headache. Without Wang Ben, their odds of winning would be severely affected. Wang Ben didn't give any reason when he left, causing Samantha to be very confused. But still, she would have to face the reality.

Wang Ben's strength made him in the top three amongst his fellow trainees, and he was improving quickly. Both he and Wang Tong had been learning a lot within these few days. He was a tough fighter with lots of potential. Samantha valued Wang Ben very much, and even saw him as one of her important element in restoring Ayrlarng. But everything had vanished the moment he stepped out of Ayrlarng's gate.

Samantha decided to break the news to everyone when Wang Tong and Apache returned safely. She didn't want to hide anything from her students. However, this shocking news might deeply impact the spirit of the alliance which was badly weakened already.

Wang Ben's enrollment to Capth had just made their colossal opponent even stronger, turning the bad situation into worse. Nevertheless, Samantha remained positive, as she knew that it was important to retain the fighting spirit regardless they won or lost; furthermore, she had never thought of crushing Capth in one shot.

After spending a night waiting on the watercraft, Wang Tong and Apache were finally brought back by a military vessel early the next morning. Samantha seemed calmer when she saw that the boys were okay. Then, she gathered everyone around and broke the news about Wang Ben's transfer to Capth.

"Transfer to Capth? What the f*ck? Are you kidding me?" Karl was the first one to react. "Is he insane? How could he join the side of our enemies?"

The others were shocked to hear that too.

Wang Tong and Apache looked at each other. They had been worried at the beginning, but they hadn't expected that it would be more serious than they could even imagine.

"Ma'am. Are you sure? Wang Ben would never..."

"There's no mistake, and he didn't say why. But the academy has approved his transfer due to his special case, and the agreement between him and the academy. Moreover, Ayrlarng has no place for fence sitters. Perhaps all of you will be meeting him in Capth, and by then, he will not be your ally, but your enemy. So be prepared," Samantha said.

"That ba*tard! Sonuvabi*tch! Traitor!" Karl banged on the table angrily as the others shook their heads. Everyone was disappointed and infuriated because they had been fighting together, training together, and going through hardships together as a team. Yet, Wang Ben chose to leave and join the other side at this critical moment.

Wang Tong remained calm even though he was stunned by the news. However, based on his understanding of Wang Ben, Wang Tong believed that he had to have a good reason for doing so. Nevertheless, he wasn't frustrated by his decision, as long as he knew that he was doing the right thing.

Samantha then glimpsed at Wang Tong and noticed that the kid was quite good at keeping his cool. "As we all know, Wang Ben is very strong, so without a doubt, he will receive a series of intensive training when he arrives in Capth. Furthermore, I'm certain that he will be participating in this competition. Even if we don't take into account the fact that that he is very familiar with our strengths and weaknesses, our odds of winning have become even smaller."

Martyrus stood aside and observed everyone's expression. Even the candidates from Bernabeu were saddened by the news. To be honest, the students of Bernabeu had been really depressed for failing all of their previous attempts. But this year, however, the students had regained their confidence as they were given another chance by collaborating with Ayrlarng. But Wang Ben's sudden change of side had caused them to become crestfallen again.

Wang Tong looked at everyone's expression, then he smiled and said, "Ma'am, our odds of winning against Capth weren't very high anyways. Now, I believe that we already have a better reason to train harder." Wang Tong turned toward the team and continued, "We will prove to Wang Ben that he has made the wrong choice... by vanquishing Capth!

"Karl, anger is a sign of weakness. If you wanna say anything to Wang Ben, say it after we defeat Capth!

"There's practically nothing to fear, since we're all only a bunch of nobodies!

"Let's fight with all of our might!

"Yeah, time to defeat them and destroy their reputation!"

Everyone seemed to believe that Capth was the one behind the incident. But no one would have the time to figure out what was going on, as the hardship they were about to face was tougher than before, and they were all required to be extremely focused in their upcoming training.

Anyhow, Samantha noticed that they were still not quite confident about themselves, even though they had regained their fighting spirits. However, it was normal, since they were aware that their enemies were extremely strong.

"We will be heading to Bernabeu for our upcoming training. Principal Martyrus has prepared your training programs, so listen up folks. If you really want to prove to Wang Ben that he was wrong, all of you will have to muster two hundred percent of efforts during your training!" Samantha said. Wang Ben's decision to leave would more or less affect Ayrlarng's reputation, and the media might even be reporting it as Ayrlarng's fault due to the poor level of strength, which was not enough for Wang Ben's growth.

Nevertheless, they would still have to take on Capth, and the students would have to maintain their spirit and confidence, or else this would be the end for Ayrlarng.

"I'm not going to discuss every detail. All you need to know is that all of you will be facing a bunch of geniuses, hard-working geniuses to be exact, and you'll have to work even harder in order to defeat them. Suck it up as there's no room for regrets anymore!" Martyrus said. This was a challenge that they had to overcome, but once they succeeded, they would become unstoppable.

Everyone got ready and flew back to Bernabeu in their private charter flight. No one said a word in the plane throughout the journey, and even the talkative Karl kept quiet. Honestly, the gap between their strength was not the reason for their sadness. Everyone was sad because of Wang Ben's betrayal.

After all, they were a group of teenagers who valued friendship more than anything else.

On the other side of the planet, Wang Ben was all alone, feeling even more hurt, and staying silent ever since. The only thing he did was training non-stop to tire his body and tire his mind. In that way, he wouldn't have to think about anything else.

However, some things were not meant to be forgotten, like his happy life in Ayrlarng, all of the fun he had, and the hardships they had been through together. He was confused, and couldn't understand why his father didn't value the emotion that he held dear, and used it as a tool of betrayal.



Wang Ben flung punches after punches towards the wall. His hands were bleeding, yet he was still depressed. He couldn't forget the life and death moment when Wang Tong saved him and took a hit for him! Wang Ben sat down helplessly, grinding his teeth in anger. The immense pressure had caused him to fell into a great dilemma.

Meanwhile, General Hu Ben quietly observed his miserable son through the window. He might be a famous warrior of the Earth Confederation and a legendary general who worked his *ss up from a foot soldier all the way to his current position, yet he was aware that he wasn't a good father, and wasn't good at expressing himself.

The clock was ticking.

Everyone remained silent as they reached Bernabeu, and they were immediately given the schedule of their upcoming training. This time, all of them would be training according to their own subject, and Martyrus had hired a team of professional trainers to shape them up thoroughly. This was the best way of getting them trained. As for their performances, it would be all up to them.

After all, trainers would only provide guidance, and the students had to rely on themselves to master what they had learned.

The team kickstarted the next morning by doing the weighted jog; somehow this had become their daily routine. However, Wang Tong was not as solemn as everyone else. Taking on Capth might mean a lot to most of the team, but Wang Tong remained optimistic, not because he was confident to win against Capth, but because he had been through a lot when he was young. Without mentioning all of the life and death moments on Norton, which explained why he wasn't caring too much about it, all that mattered to him was that he would have to give every inch of effort into it. Instead of feeling pressured, he was more interested in going head to head with the elites from Capth.

Chapter 159: Peerless Palm Strike

Translator: Double_L Editor: Hitesh_, Tehrn

Wang Tong would be taking part in two events, one of them being METAL Combat and the other Battlecraft Combat. These two were the most important subjects of the Command Force. To be honest, Wang Tong was not very good with his overall perspective and operating maneuvers, yet he was chosen in Battlecraft Combat due to his superb Cloning Technique, which amazed everyone.

Their schedule on the first day was jam-packed with tons of lessons that were meant to strengthen their willpower. The teacher was "feeding" them a huge amount of information, and the lessons on the next day were all based on the information they learned on the day before. In short, they needed to understand everything as fast as possible in order to keep up with the class.

It seemed like Principal Martyrus had suggested Karl to join the Battlecraft Combat training, but judging from his performances on day one, he was even worse than Wang Tong. Nevertheless, Carl remained positive and didn't show any sign of backing down.

Generally, everyone seemed depressed over Wang Ben's absence. But from another perspective, it caused them to become more focused on their training, which was definitely a good sign. Martyrus decided to keep an eye on them instead of altering their mentality right away, because they had to overcome this hardship by themselves in order to improve. Nevertheless, Martyrus would create a plan to boost their confidence little by little.

After so many years, Martyrus had finally seen a hope of vanquishing Capth, and he wished it would work this time. He was already an old man, but he really wanted to see Bernabeu defeating Capth while he was still the principal. He wouldn't mind getting help from Ayrlarng, as long as his dream was achieved.

Wang Tong tossed himself onto his bed after one whole day of training, tired as a dog. Today's training of their technique in METAL Combat was easy, and he managed to finish the task given by the trainer without a sweat. However, Battlecraft Combat was definitely killing him. His brain had almost exploded after memorizing every single battle strategy. But, in order to become a fleet captain, his knowledge in Battlecraft Combat was more important than METAL Combat, not to mention Wang Tong's dream was to become a Baron in space. However, Ayrlarng was very weak in this category, and even though Wang Tong was able to learn some techniques like the Cloning Technique by himself, he would not be able to master battle strategies, tactics, overall perspective, and operating maneuvers on his own. Nevertheless, the difficulty was beyond Wang Tong's expectation.

Best was no doubt the one with the greatest performance amongst the trainees, proving that he was really the world's third strongest Battlecraft Combat player. Aside from Apache, he was definitely the one with the highest chance of winning. But unfortunately, he had always lost because both the No.1 and the No.2 of the Earth Confederation were in Capth. However, this time, he wasn't planning on losing! After being defeated by Wang Tong's superb controlling maneuver, Best had learned his lesson and began to train harder upon realizing the importance of controlling maneuver. As long as he was able to improve, their chances of winning would increase as well, even if they were only able to win one round!

It didn't feel good to always become a runner-up, let alone the second runner-up.

Wang Tong tried to revise what he had learned today, but in the end, he jumped up and gave up. "Dammit! My bladder is gonna explode!"

"Go take a p*ss, you idiot. No one's stopping you!" Einherjar Wannabe appeared and replied.

"Oh! What brings you out this time?" Wang Tong said in a happy tone. Seeing Einherjar Wannabe during this stressful period of time was definitely helping him release some of his stress.

"What do you mean by that? I can obviously come out whenever I feel like it!"

"So how's it? Are you gonna become a super Einherjar soon?" Wang Tong teased.

"Super your *ss, I'm bored as hell! Hey kid, let's go for a fight. I seriously need some excitement!"

"Damn, can't you see I'm in the middle of a special training program? Do you know what I'm saying?"

"Aw... shut up and stop pretending to be a good boy! Hurry up! Aren't you bored? C'mon let's go!" Einherjar Wannabe egged on Wang Tong.

Wang Tong was bored too, to be honest, and he was kind of frustrated over Wang Ben's incident. Although he thought that Wang Ben was wrong in leaving the team at this critical moment, he still believed that there had to be a reason behind his unexpected action.

"Alright, let's go. Time to show you my improvement!" Wang Tong boasted.

"Hmph, I've only been away for a few days, and someone's getting cockier," Einherjar Wannabe jeered.

Einherjar Wannabe might always be quarreling with Wang Tong, but actually, he was the only person with whom Wang Tong would share his secrets. Wang Tong was more than happy to have Einherjar Wannabe as his companion. However, the rebellious teenager was not very good with expressing himself.

Anyhow, a battle was the best method to forget about all the troubles!

Einherjar Wannabe logged in.

He chose to log in on a Wednesday instead of the weekend, and after two weeks of absence, Einherjar Wannabe was finally back.

Wang Tong and Einherjar Wannabe read through the list of challengers sorted out by the administration. "Wow, Kid, way to go!"

"Of course, don't you know that I'm quite the celebrity here?" Wang Tong said in a proud manner.

"Yea yea… Well then, let me pick one for you..."

As Einherjar Wannabe began to go through the list with great interest, Wang Tong looked at him and wondered what the feeling of being inside the Space Crystal was. Was it a space of nihility? If that were the case, the emptiness would really drive a human crazy. Anyhow, Wang Tong decided not to ask since Einherjar Wannabe didn't mention anything before.

"Hey, Kid, stop spacing out, say something! Tell me what's going on recently."

"Nah, nothing much."

"There's gotta be something, tell me anything! Hey, what the f#ck's that shitty song? Turn it off, it's irritating."

"You're out-of-date mister, this is the latest trend." Wang Tong laughed as he turned off the background music. To be honest, he'd rather listen to Einherjar Wannabe's loud voice than the latest songs, and in the end, Wang Tong briefly told Einherjar Wannabe what happened recently.

"Hmm, interesting, stay alert Kid," Einherjar Wannabe didn't give a lot of advice because Wang Tong would know what to do, and Einherjar Wannabe knew that he was not as patient and cool-headed as Wang Tong.

All of a sudden, something caught Einherjar Wannabe's eyes. "What the f#ck, how dare this dude call himself Peerless Palm Strike? Not on my watch! Hey kid, finish this dude off!"

Einherjar Wannabe picked the player with the ID that said "Peerless Palm Strike".

Wang Tong did remember Einherjar Wannabe mentioning before that he had practiced palm strikes before, or perhaps it was one of his expertise.

"Relax, anyone can call themselves anything in the virtual world. Take it easy."

"Hmph, he should change his name if he isn't strong, and if he insists on not changing, we'll beat the crap outta him!" Einherjar Wannabe was pissed off and felt like punching the dude right on his face.

Wang Tong suddenly had an idea as he was staring at Einherjar Wannabe. He sighed and said, "Normally, players recommended by the administration are aces. Perhaps he really has what it takes to be the Peerless Palm Strike. Why don't we pick someone else?"

"Nonsense, I'll pick no one else but him! It's time to teach this dude who the top dog is!" Einherjar Wannabe turned even angrier when he noticed that Wang Tong was trying to chicken out. A fighter like him would never back down from challenges, especially since Wang Tong was using his "name" as his ID.

"Sigh... Of course, I want to help you teach the dude a lesson since we're buddies. But my body still hasn't fully recovered from the fight on Paradise Island, and I only wish to utilize my sixteen nodes Tactics of the Blade… there's a huge chance I might get bullied, and I don't want to dirty your name." Wang Tong waved helplessly, unwilling to accept the challenge.

"Cut the crap. I'll teach you a few moves, and I guarantee you'll not be bullied… Wait, why are you so enthusiastic all of a sudden? Oh, so you were trying to fool me, huh!?"

"I'm doing this for your own good, just in case one day you vanish, and all of your tactics and techniques get wasted. Trust me. Teach me, and I'll make you proud." Wang Tong was well aware that Einherjar Wannabe was strong, but he was a gritty miser who didn't like sharing.

"Yawn, I'm tired. Let's go back and get some sleep," Wang Tong then pretended he was trying to leave.

"Alright, you win. I'll only do it once, so you better pay attention!"

"Bring it on!" Wang Tong laughed. Since he already possessed the almighty Tactics of the Blade, the only thing he needed to do was to master it step by step. However, he still didn't have any killing moves. In Wang Ben's case for example, although General Hu Ben's tactics were not the strongest of all, his Fist of the Racing Tiger was an amazing martial art that was able to strengthen one's GN Force. Furthermore, it seemed like every ace and elite had their own killing moves; apparently, most of them were family heirlooms.

Wang Tong had seen the Fist of the Racing Tiger a few times and even managed to mimic it, but he still felt that it was missing something. He was certain that there was something unique about this tactic. However, Wang Ben was still unable to discover this hidden part... otherwise, General Hu Ben would never have been able to become one of the Ten Greatest Warriors of the Earth Confederation.

Although secrets like these were always passed down to the male descendants only, Wang Tong was still unable to obtain any information from Wang Ben regarding this.

Nevertheless, he already had an ace by his side. Whether he was the real Einherjar or not, he had to have some tricks up his sleeves.

In the end, Wang Tong picked Peerless Palm Strike as his opponent.

The news immediately spread across the whole PA at the speed of light.

Einherjar Wannabe had arrived!

All of his supporters showed up. Everyone felt like they had been waiting for ages for this moment, even though Einherjar Wannabe was only gone for less than two weeks. Most of them were expecting an epic match during the weekends as a stress releasing entertainment. In fact, no one was thinking this way when he showed up the previous weekends. But after his disappearance, everyone felt like their weekends were missing something, and they were quite depressed about it.

Without much hesitation, Einherjar Wannabe had selected Peerless Palm Strike as his next opponent. Normally, players would go by all sorts of names in PA. There were some crazy names like "Emperor of Chaos", who sounded strong but were actually noobs and rookies. Nevertheless, this Peerless Palm Strike dude was recommended by the administration, so he should be really strong.

Meanwhile, Cameron was finally relieved; after all, Einherjar Wannabe was his golden goose, and his sudden disappearance almost scared the crap out of him.

Cameron was excited when he saw that Einherjar Wannabe logged in, and so were his staff members. Everyone got into position and made sure everything was alright for the sake of Einherjar Wannabe, and even finished preparing the personal data of the recommended fighters. Whoever Einherjar Wannabe chose, they would provide him with the respective information.

Peerless Palm Strike was definitely the strongest one in the list.

ID: Peerless Palm Strike, TPA player, real name: Jiang Long, Ivantian, No.1 student amongst third graders of the S-Ranked Lustre Academy on Moon, and successor of the House of Jiang's Firmament Palm Strike.

The Firmament Palm Strike was known as one of the Ten Greatest tactics of the Ivantians, and was also known as the world's mightiest palm strike. It was as popular as Earth Confederation's Fist of the Racing Tiger.

Chapter 160: Zhang Jin's Doubt

Translator: Double_L Editor: Hitesh_, Tehrn

Jiang Long, nineteen-year-old, a genius boy who caught everyone's attention and was directly accepted by Lustre Academy at a young age. Similar to the Earth's Academy of Capth and the Academy of Yalden, intense rivalries were also commonly found in Moon's Lustre Academy, and Jiang Long was definitely the top-dog of the younger generation.

He was unrivaled, along with his spectacular Firmament Palm Strike. He had never lost a single match, and managed to remain as the No.1 student amongst third graders. Apparently, the other S-Ranked academies had become interested in Einherjar Wannabe after Cisco's defeat.

"Boss, Einherjar Wannabe picked you as his opponent."

Jiang Long had just finished his warm-up. Then, he wiped off his sweat and sneered, "Good, he has a good taste after all!"

Within minutes, Peerless Palm Strike responded to the challenge. Cameron wished that he could postpone the fight due to the principles of business interests, but Einherjar Wannabe would never approve. So, all he could do was to spread the news as hard as he could.

The fight would take place in half an hour.

Later, Peerless Palm Strike's personal data was uploaded to the official website, and many strong fighters were surprised by what they saw.

More and more students from Lustre Academy logged in, and they were also somehow surprised by the pairing. Aside from them, there were also quite a lot of students from Estrella Academy. This was the perfect opportunity to observe and learn.

Half an hour was more than enough for Jiang Long to prepare himself. Actually, he wasn't very interested in Einherjar Wannabe; in fact, he didn't even mind if his opponent was Einherjar Wannabe or Rookie Wannabe. He only wanted to challenge him because of his fame. Moreover, Jiang Long wasn't even interested in Cisco, mostly because he had inherited the sense of pride of his fellow Ivantians. Even though he was also a student from an S-Ranked academy, Jiang Long disdained students from both Capth and Yalden. The only thing that caught his attention was Einherjar Wannabe's capability of defeating the Fist of the Racing Tiger, and apparently, he was also able to mimic it. Furthermore, Jiang Long wanted to challenge him because Einherjar Wannabe was able to vanquish a fighter with level five Soul Energy even though he was only a fighter with level four Soul Energy. Obviously, one had to have an extraordinary method of utilizing their GN Force in order to achieve that level of strength.

Different methods of utilizing the same amount of GN Force would have a different output of power and effects. The Fist of the Racing Tiger and the Firmament Palm Strike were known for being amongst the greatest tactics because both had unique utilization of GN Force.

This was why Jiang Long was now very interested in defeating this mysterious opponent that he was about to face.

Meanwhile, at the Estrella Academy, someone was also paying attention to this upcoming match. Without a doubt, Patroclus was the biggest celebrity in this academy. But instead of looking like a warrior, he looked more like an artist. He barely participated in any fights. He was not even a student of the Command Force or METAL Combat, but he majored in music instead, which explained why some girls would find him attractive. Nevertheless, strange events like this would only happen to the House of Dower. Usually, the eldest son of a family would have to become the successor, but it seemed like Patroclus, who had mastered the Tactics of the Deva King, wasn't interested in fights and battles at all. Some even suspected that he behaved like this because he actually didn't master the tactics of his family at all.

Patroclus was indeed keeping a low profile; however, wherever there was a descendant of the House of Dower, there would also be a descendant of another family, one known as "the House of Intelligence." — the House of Zhang.

The House of Zhang served as the most prominent supporting pillar of the Ivantians, and their people were in every corner of the Moon. Their descendant in Estrella Academy was Zhang Jin, a second-grade student of the Command Force.

Zhang Jin was a warm person and was well-received by most of the students. She was also the first freshman who got elected as the President of the Student Council; the way she handled things was peerless indeed.

Zhang Jin's dorm was luxurious, Wang Tong would never be able to afford any of her furniture, even if he were to work his *ss off.

Zhang Jin was looking at the series of info about Einherjar Wannabe since he was becoming more popular recently. Somehow, she found some similarities between him and the Blade Warrior, even though there was no proof of the connection between them. Being the successor of one of the ancient Houses, Zhang Jin was quite interested and wondered if they were really related to each other. Nevertheless, she knew that it was practically impossible, because what happened hundreds of years ago was not a miracle, only a legend.

If miracles only happened once a century, then legends would only be born once every millennium.

Jiang Long's fight against Einherjar Wannabe had caught Zhang Jin's attention. The House of Zhang was known to possess the world's greatest intelligence sources, and Jiang Long had been on their radar. In fact, the House of Zhang always paid attention to every elite of the Ivantians, especially the talented ones who would become the hopes for the future generations, and the House of Zhang would provide any help to support these elites.

Apparently, each family of the Five Great Houses had their own uniqueness in their operations. As for the House of Zhang, the way they operated was to provide only strategies instead of getting directly involved, and they would provide assistance to any other parties if necessary. They didn't care much about personal benefits as long as it could help the development of the Ivantian community, and this ancient tradition had created a unique bond between the Ivantians and the House of Zhang. It took them hundreds of years to recognize each other, which gradually strengthened the House of Zhang's existence amongst the other Houses. In fact, the House of Zhang was the only one that was not envied by the other parties.

Zhang Jin was surprised after going through the summarized data of Einherjar Wannabe; however, it wasn't because of his strength. She had seen a lot of strong fighters, and she was even one amongst the only few who knew Patroclus' actual strength. To her, only House of Li's Li Shimin would have what it took to pull out a fight against him amongst the younger generation.

What caught Zhang Jin's eyes was actually Einherjar Wannabe's speed of growth, and his most terrifying ability to absorb the tactics and techniques of the other fighters. However, the most important question was, of course, what kind of tactics did he practice?

Zhang Jin was familiar with the tens of thousands of tactics created by the Earthlings, the Ivantians, and even the Kaedeians. Yet, she had never heard of any tactics that were able to mimic the others.

What sort of tactics would possess such an amazing compatibility?

Zhang Jin then began to go through the information in her mind as she watched the footages of his battles. The descendants of the House of Zhang loved to think; their Tactics of the Conscious Heart might be weak in terms of battle might, but they possessed other extraordinary abilities. To her, solving problems was an entertaining business, and any difficult tasks that fell into her hands would be simplified in no time, not to mention that she was a living archive of various information.

"Omniscience" was the best word to describe the descendants of the House of Zhang.

They were the experts of reasoning and troubleshooting.

Soon, Zhang Jin was able to find the answer that she had been looking for, and it was a surprising answer indeed.

The Tactics of the Blade!

Only the Tactics of the Blade would possess such compatibility, but what sort of Tactics of the Blade would show such an amazing strength?

Could he really be the descendant of the Blade Warrior himself?

Zhang Jin's heart began to race.

Every youngster wished that they were born during that legendary era, because everyone was curious about the appearance of the mysterious warrior.

Zhang Jin was willing to trade her life for the answer. In fact, every descendant of their family was willing to exchange their lives to obtain that answer.

Nevertheless, it took her a while to calm down, knowing that thoughts would be twisted if a person was taken over by desires.

The word "Jin" in her name meant calm and patience, and she would have to truly understand the meaning of her name in order to master the Tactics of the Conscious Heart.

In their family history, there was an ancestor who belonged to the same era as the Blade Warrior. Her name was Zhang Linjing — also the creator of the Tactics of the Conscious Heart — and she was the only one who was able to achieve the highest state of the tactics known as "The State of Anatta".

The family history also stated that Zhang Linjing somehow shared a unique connection with the Blade Warrior; in fact, she was able to achieve the State of Anatta after getting the help from the Blade Warrior. However, Zhang Linjing had disappeared after defeating the Zergs, and no one had ever heard from her since.

Since then, no one in the House of Zhang was able to reach the highest state.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong was holding his breath as he concentrated while observing Einherjar Wannabe's movements. It only took nine seconds to unleash the palm strike, but it took Wang Tong twenty minutes while remaining still to understand what was going on.

Instead of spending his precious "freedom" accompanying Wang Tong, Einherjar Wannabe took the time to stroll around the PA, but he immediately returned as the match was about to begin.

"Hey, yo, figured it out yet? Hurry up, the match is about to start!" Einherjar Wannabe seemed happy because Wang Tong had been spending his time figuring out what was going on, which also proved that Einherjar Wannabe was stronger than Wang Tong had expected!

Wang Tong lifted his head and said, "This is not just some regular palm strike, huh? Hehe, I think you're trying to hide something from me, but… hehe."

"Hey, Kid, I'm an Einherjar for god's sake! I'm not hiding anything from you. So cut the crap, go out there and fight like a man! I'd like to see how much you have mastered. I don't care what kind of techniques you'll be using, just make sure you kick his *ss with all your might!"

"Haha, got it, boss!" Wang Tong had been thinking a lot, and it seemed like he would need to get Einherjar Wannabe to teach him more in the future.

"Hold on, when you defeat him with a palm strike, make sure to mention my name and the name of my tactics… It's called..." Einherjar Wannabe scratched his head and got frustrated, "Dammit, how could I forget such an important thing, sh*t… Awww… just call it the Supreme Palm Strike!"

"Nope, I'm not gonna embarrass myself. Since your palm strike looks evil, let's call it the Sucker Palm instead!"

"Sucker your *ss, this wasn't evil at all! It should be called the Fair and Square Palm Strike instead!" Einherjar Wannabe scolded.

"Heh, I was just joking. Enough talking, I'm going in!" Wang Tong accessed PA without saying thanks to Einherjar Wannabe. He couldn't wait to demonstrate what he had learned a while ago.

Wang Tong rarely used his palm to attack, so it still felt kind of awkward. Nevertheless, he was planning on "comparing" with his opponent's Firmament Palm Strike, and he needed to think of another way to learn, since Mr. Einherjar Wannabe had only taught him half of his technique. However, Wang Tong didn't feel bad about it because he wanted to make this his own technique through understanding by himself.

"Boss, the number of people logging in has multiplied by 20 within half an hour..."

Cameron's staff members were startled by what was happening. They didn't expect that many people would show up due to the short notice; however, the number of spectators went beyond their imaginations. It appeared that everyone was interested in the fight between Einherjar Wannabe and Jiang Long, especially the Ivantians.

Cameron touched his chin and tried to remain calm. His career had been "saved" by Einherjar Wannabe, and the PA business was getting better. He saw an opportunity even though it was not enough to cover his previous losses. Nevertheless, he was able to buy some time from the board of directors.

Cameron prayed for Einherjar Wannabe's victory, and although his chances of winning were low, he still believed in miracles... or to be exact, his only option was to hope for a miracle.