161 - 167

Chapter 161: To be at Daggers Drawn

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

Jiang Long logged in earlier than Einherjar Wannabe. His avatar was exactly how he looked like in real life: tall, fit, and handsome like a standard Ivantian. His hands were undoubtedly solid and firm since the House of Jiang was pretty famous for their martial art techniques that focused on them. According to a legend, their ancestors were the ones who had figured out all of the tactics from ancient martial art manuscripts.

The Firmament Palm Strike emphasized on the balance between force and flexibility, and apparently, it was pretty well-known across the Moon. Moreover, one of the famous dojos there was owned by the House of Jiang. Based on its overwhelming power, the Firmament Palm Strike was indeed "The Greatest Palm Strike of All".

Furthermore, the actual strength of Jiang Long shouldn't be underestimated as well since he was crowned as the No.1 amongst third-year students of Lustre Academy.

The crowd was cheering in the arena. In the beginning, Jiang Long expected that most of the spectators were here to cheer for him since he was quite a celebrity himself and that Firmament Palm Strike of his was also something that most people had been talking about. However, to his surprise, almost eighty percent of the crowd was here to cheer on Einherjar Wannabe and believed that he would win in the end.

Apparently, everyone was longing for one thing: Witnessing whether or not Einherjar Wannabe would be able to mimic the Firmament Palm Strike just like how he did with the Fist of the Racing Tiger!

If he really pulled it out, that would be totally absurd!

Nevertheless, Jiang Long thought it was only bullsh*t. He believed it would be impossible for someone else to defeat him using his own tactics because the Firmament Palm Strike was not as straightforward as the Fist of the Racing Tiger. Moreover, Jiang Long felt that he was superior to Wang Ben since he hadn't needed a second attempt to be mind-opened. This match would be his chance to show everyone who was the boss.

It was pretty easy to identify the IPA players and the TPA players among the crowd. The excited ones were obviously the IPA players because to them this fight was nothing more than a circus show; in contrast, those who were sitting patiently were, of course, the TPA players.

This match had successfully drawn the attention of many Ivantians, especially the students from various academies, and most of them were mainly from academies across the Earth Confederation. Apparently, watching Einherjar Wannabe's matches had recently become an educational entertainment due to the fact that the number of strong opponents was growing, not to mention the challengers were mostly aces from different academies.

At last, Einherjar Wannabe logged in, this time he was pretty punctual.

Jiang Long sneered as he moved his wrists and got ready to fight.



Crowds roared in excitement as the match begun!

"Everyone said you're good at mimicking others, but today you shall witness something that's impossible to mimic!" Jiang Long spoke confidently and sprung into action as he said that. He wasn't wearing any METAL Suit since Einherjar Wannabe himself wasn't wearing any. His ego was telling him that wearing a METAL Suit would make him look like a chicken; after all, he was the successor of his family's Firmament Palm Strike, and only cowards would need one. He would make Einherjar Wannabe regret not wearing a METAL Suit for his protection.

Jiang Long unleashed a strike with his palm without giving Wang Tong any time to respond, the attack wasn't even his Firmament Palm Strike; however, the successor of the Firmament Palm Strike was able to turn ordinary moves into scary attacks.

Wang Tong immediately countered Jiang Long's palm strike with a punch. He might not be an expert in palm strikes, but he was definitely very familiar with punches.


Both fighters unleashed their GN Force as they began to brawl, but no one was backing down. The uniqueness of Jiang Long's tactics was its capability to randomly switch between fierce and softer strikes, which would create a huge physical and mental stress to his opponents, and this was especially effective against most of the ferocious tactics with straightforward fighting style. However, that was only an idle theory since this was the first time the two of them fought against each other. Many of the spectators were eager to see if Jiang Long's Firmament Palm Strike was really able to outshine Einherjar Wannabe's version of the Fist of the Racing Tiger.

Soon, Wang Tong learned the difference after exchanging blows for about ten times. He managed to discover that the Fist of the Racing Tiger was the best amongst all ferocious punching tactics because it was able to magnify the power of the GN Force; however, the punches would become weird, and the power would also plummet if any other aspects were added into it. Yet unlike punching tactics, palm strikes were totally different as it consisted of a lot of variations, and the user could alter the attributes of his attacks through different patterns. This was why the Firmament Palm Strike was known to be the mightiest palm-based tactics of all, and also why it was crowned as one of the Ten Greatest Martial Arts of the Ivantians; the Firmament Palm Strike was no doubt the real deal.

As their fight went on, Wang Tong was able to notice Jiang Long's superb proficiency in his tactics and also his vast experiences in hand-to-hand combats. Wang Tong was impressed by Jiang Long's perfect implementation. His movements were delicate, and the way he struck was flawless, not to mention that the pattern of his attacks was unpredictable, yet every single strike was smooth and clear. Perhaps all of these were due to Jiang Long's classic "perfectionist" personality of the Ivantians; nevertheless, it still made him very different from Wang Ben.

If Wang Tong wanted to further elaborate the differences between Jiang Long and Wang Ben, he would judge them based on their psychological differences. Obviously, Jiang Long was steadier and more mature than Wang Ben.


Every punch and palm strike was like a clash between GN Forces. Jiang Long was quite happy with his opponent, at least Einherjar Wannabe wasn't some weakling that wasn't worth his time. Einherjar Wannabe was even stronger than he had expected, and it was not surprising that so many other aces had failed to defeat him. However, Jiang Long still believed that it was a dumb move to mimic the others.

All of a sudden, Jiang Long began to change his posture. The spectators immediately held their breaths as he stretched his right arm as it seemed that Jiang Long was about to unleash his Firmament Palm Strike after a series of warm-ups.

Jiang Long began infusing his palms with GN Force as he gradually initialized his Soul Energy. Wang Tong, on the other hand, was paying attention to his movements. Suddenly, Jiang Long launched a palm strike that was totally different from his previous attacks; the output of the GN Force was basically the same, but the way he struck had changed, and noticing the difference, Wang Tong decided not to counter the attack with his fists but instead unleashed a chop attack!

Wang Tong then unleashed a ferocious chop with his right arm, but Jiang Long was able to foresee and dodge the attack through observing Wang Tong's posture. In fact, every single tactic required to surprise the opponent in order to bring the maximum outcome; however, some moves like the chop attack was too easy to be identified, which explained why Jiang Long was able to alter his pace and dodged Wang Tong's "karate chop" before it hit him. Generally, fighters who were good at punching attacks or palm strikes also needed to master their pacing, which basically was divided into steady paces or swaying paces, or else their lower torso would become an easy target for their opponents.

Jiang Long's pacing was just like the style of his Firmament Palm Strike, variable and unpredictable; the opponent would be stressed out by predicting his movements upon entering the strike zone of the Firmament Palm Strike.

It was Jiang Long's turn to strike back after dodging Wang Tong's chop attack, he then countered with a palm strike that was infused with an immense amount of GN Force, which somehow felt like the forceful Fist of the Racing Tiger. Wang Tong's first reaction was to dodge his attack; however, Jiang Long sneered as he saw Wang Tong's reaction, and, he wouldn't give his opponent a chance to escape!

The quintessence of the Firmament Palm Strike was, in fact, the inner-dispersal of the GN Force, and the immense force was disguised under a simple-looking attack; nevertheless, Jiang Long was impressed by Einherjar Wannabe for being able to sense the might of his palm strike.

To Jiang Long, his palm strike was second to none!

Wang Tong acknowledged that dodging would only confuse his own pace and rhythm, it was practically impossible to shake off the balance of a well-trained fighter like Jiang Long, not to mention that Wang Tong first had to do something about his Firmament Palm Strike.


Wang Tong had no choice but to take the hit. Immediately, the attack sipped through his skin, and the extreme force penetrated his bones like a drill; waves of impact even managed to clash onto his defense made of GN Force. It took Wang Tong seven steps back to cancel the impact of Jiang Long's attack; on the other hand, Jiang Long struck a confident posture after the attack, like he was trying to tell Wang Tong that this was only the beginning!

Wang Tong shook his arms as he realized the power of the Firmament Palm Strike, it was indeed flawless tactics. However, Wang Tong immediately came up with an idea to counter his palm strikes, but before that, he knew he had to give Jiang Long some pressure in order for him to unleash his ultimate strike!

Jiang Long struck again with the same pattern. Apparently, he had decided to use the same pattern because he was confident that Einherjar Wannabe would never be able to figure out a way to counter the Firmament Palm Strike. Only this time, he shall deliver the final blow and shatter everyone's expectation on this character; furthermore, he wanted to teach him a lesson for being a copycat.

But to his surprise, Wang Tong didn't dodge or counter with any chop attacks or punches. As the palm strike approached, Wang Tong was seen infusing his index finger with GN Force while pointing toward Jiang Long's palm!

Immediately, Jiang Long backed down, not because he was afraid of any fingerstyle attacks, but because of the overwhelming amount of GN Force on Einherjar Wannabe's fingertip that would cause him a lot of trouble if the attack manages to hit his palm. It was known by martial arts practitioners that palm strikes inhibit punches, punches inhibit fingerstyle attacks, and fingerstyle attacks inhibit palm strikes. The fingerstyle attacks were the most difficult tactics to learn and also the easiest to counter amongst those three major types of attacks, and even Cisco had only chosen to improve the nimbleness of his fingers but not to improve the cohesion of the GN Force.

It also explained why only a few chose to practice fingerstyle tactics. Wang Tong, himself, was not a practitioner as well, yet he had the advantages in this category because he was used to the cohesion of the GN Force in his Tactics of the Blade. In fact that was not even a fingerstyle attack, he was just infusing GN Force on his fingertip; nevertheless, it was able to startle Jiang Long.

As Einherjar Wannabe launched his "fingerstyle attack", Jiang Long was pissed off by the fact that Einherjar Wannabe had gained the upper hand, which triggered the quiet crowd to cheer out loud again; he was jealous.

"Jiang Long is about to suffer," Miao Xiu made a jolly comment.

"I don't think so. Although the theory of inhibition does exist, yet it totally depends on one's actual strength. Jiang Long is known to be one of the aces of Lustre Academy, I'm sure he'll be able to handle things like this." Luv Ma shook his head.

"But Einherjar Wannabe is not a nobody either, I'll give him two thumbs up if he is able to mimic the Firmament Palm Strike by the end of this match!" Miao Xiu replied while chewing his bubble gum. Luv Ma often joked that Miao Xiu would soon become toothless because he loved to chew on tens of gums at a single time.

"Thumbs up or not, I'm sure he's stronger than you." Luv Ma rolled his eyes at Miao Xiu.

Miao Xiu bit back, "My dear friend, I heard that your beloved has returned. Would you like me to deliver a love letter on your behalf?"

Luv Ma blushed. "You sonuvab*tch! I swear I'll sterilize you if you say another word!"

"Woah, relax bro, take it easy!" Miao Xiu replied, yet he didn't stop making fun at Luv Ma and even teased him like a sissy, instantly Luv Ma was pissed off and felt like hitting him with a chair.

"Woah, stop, something happened!" Miao Xiu surrendered, he was surprised to see the calm and steady Luv Ma would lose his cool when the name of House of Zhang's little missy was mentioned. Miao Xiu wasn't interested in the little missy of a rich family at all, not to mention that she was a flat-chested girl, and he preferred girls with big knockers; however, he began to wonder if Luv Ma was interested in flat-chested girls.

Something did happen back in the arena. Jiang Long finally realized that Einherjar Wannabe knew nothing about fingerstyle attacks, but the guy was only trying to shoot out concentrated GN Force toward his palm, somehow Jiang Long was angry at Einherjar Wannabe for underestimating his Firmament Palm Strike.

Jiang Long then began to increase the number of his attacks as they exchanged blows again; however, Wang Tong was not able to hit his palms. The center of his palms might be his weakness, yet Jiang Long had been practicing for years and of course knew how to overcome his weakness through altering the pattern of his palm strikes, which would be able to weaken fingerstyle attacks. In another word, the fingerstyle attacks would not be able to cause any harm to the Firmament Palm Strike since the attacks couldn't reach the center of his palms; however, he was still able to launch an extensive range of attacks since the Firmament Palm Strike was unaffected.

Jiang Long managed to turn the table after three strikes, and immediately, he unleashed a series of ferocious attacks with his Firmament Palm Strike, once he went full-force, the opponent would be trapped in a vortex of palm strikes. Finally, Jiang Long had gotten serious.

Basically, people who studied unique tactics hated those tactics that were specifically designed to counter them, like the daggers drawn the relationship between a snake and a heron. Nevertheless, Einherjar Wannabe's little tricks had upset and taunted Jiang Long for good.

Chapter 162: The Absolute Advantage

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

Now that Jiang Long had unleashed the real power of the Firmament Palm Strike, and Wang Tong knew he would lose if his "fingerstyle attack" was not able to land a direct hit on his opponent's palms. The immense power of the Firmament Palm Strike was gradually weakening Wang Tong's defense; each strike was getting tougher and tougher, while Jiang Long's momentum was getting stronger and stronger!

"Die!" Jiang Long seized the opportunity and boosted his Soul Energy, then he aimed his palms toward Einherjar Wannabe's head and unleashed a series of attacks infused with a huge amount of GN Force.

Wang Tong sensed that there was no way to dodge the attacks, and he knew that punches were ineffective because they would be easily countered by his opponent's GN Force, his only option was to counter with his "fingerstyle attack"; however, his fate would be sealed if that failed.

Wang Tong stretched out his arm and pointed toward Jiang Long again, yet Jiang Long disdained and sneered; he was not going to be fooled by the same trick twice! All he needed to do was to slightly alter the pattern of his palm, and he would be able to nullify his opponent's attack. Jiang Long then tilted his palm strikes in a flash, knowing that this wouldn't affect the power of his own attacks; however, it would cause his opponent to miss his target.

"So long, sucker!"

Suddenly, Wang Tong grinned and unleashed an energy force from his middle finger…


The recoil of the impact shifted Wang Tong's body backward as a sharp pain hit his fingers. Apparently, the continuous force of the Firmament Palm Strike almost caused his fingers to snap.

Jiang Long was startled, he hadn't expected that the attack from his index finger was a decoy. It was already difficult for most people to concentrate their energy force on the tip of one finger, and it would take years of hardcore practices for one to do it with two fingers simultaneously; however, Einherjar Wannabe had pulled it out! Jiang Long wondered who on earth was that guy.

Now that Jiang Long had realized that his opponent was a lunatic who would really spend time doing this kind of things with two fingers. He began to worry since it would be harder for him to identify the decoy and the real strike, and if he hesitated, he wouldn't be able to unleash the maximum power of his Firmament Palm Strike.

Einherjar Wannabe's technique was practically useless most of the time; however, it happened to be exceptionally good against the Firmament Palm Strike.

Jiang Long ground his teeth and suppressed the extensive pain on his palms by force. The initialization of the GN Force on his right arm was almost disabled by Einherjar Wannabe's finger, and Jiang Long's right palm would have been punctured if Einherjar Wannabe's GN Force was a bit stronger!

It seemed like Jiang Long had no reason to hide his actual strength anymore, he decided to go full force and crush Einherjar Wannabe with his own hands!

Jiang Long's Soul Energy kept increasing, showing no sign of stopping even though the counting had reached one hundred and eighty Sols. Both Einherjar Wannabe and Jiang Long started to train since a young age, they were earlier than their peers in terms of receiving Soul Energy training, yet Einherjar Wannabe's Soul Energy count had never exceeded one hundred and eighty. Jiang Long's high amount of Soul Energy was due to an unexpected event when, during his training, he had almost gone berserk. Luckily, he had been saved by the members of his family in the end, and ever since then, his Soul Energy improved drastically. He was only nineteen years old when he became a Rank 5 fighter, and his Soul Energy was more than two hundred Sols!

Ulysses was over thirty years old when he became a Rank 5 fighter, although it was indeed an honorable event, it wasn't outrageous since he was gifted and he had been working hard to earn the title. However, it was absolutely mind blowing when Jiang Long was given the title of a Rank 5 fighter!

"Damn, is he trying to go further than Rank 5?" Miao Xiu was startled, he used to think he was not a bad fighter himself, but with his Soul Energy, he was still far from becoming a Rank 5 fighter.

The difference in numbers might not be as huge as it looked like; however, it took a lot of hard work and effort for one to increase their Soul Energy count and advance to Rank 5. The earlier the advancement, the greater the hope of becoming a top-class fighter, and most of the Rank 6 METAL Fighters had done whatever it took to advance to Rank 5 before reaching twenty-five year old. After all, the best condition of mankind's bodies was during their earliest twenty years, and every second counted.

Somehow, Miao Xiu was kind of jealous when he saw Jiang Long's performance. In fact, the other students from various academies were watching the match — whether they were from Earth, Moon or Mars — everyone was jealous and envious of Jiang Long; nevertheless, they admired his success.

Would Jiang Long be able to go further than his current rank?


Jiang Long wasn't even paying attention to the crowd because he knew he would be able to do it, and no one would be able to exceed him! In the beginning, he wasn't planning to put in all of his efforts; however, many people were watching, so of course, he had to go full force to protect the honor of his family's Firmament Palm Strike and also the reputation of Lustre Academy!

For some reason, he felt like this was the perfect chance to show those idiots from Estrella Academy that the arrogant Patroclus was not the only genius in this world, and he wasn't some nobody to be messed with!

His Soul Energy had reached two hundred and eight Sols!

If he were still a Rank 4 fighter, eight Sols wouldn't make any big difference. However, these eight Sols were definitely more than enough to prove the gap between him and the other Rank 5 fighters!

Basically, a fighter's ranking was decided according to a person's Soul Energy and GN Force. When a person's Soul Energy exceeded two hundred Sols, not only their Soul Energy would become stronger, but changes would also occur in the intensity, quality, and speed of the channeling of the GN Force. Furthermore, a person would have the right amount of GN Force to unleash other special attacks once becoming a Rank 5 fighter!

Everyone was eager to know what would happen next.

People often wondered why no one was able to create a new legend in the PA system, and the best answer to this question was because of the Soul Energy! The practice of the Soul Energy required time, and ordinary people also required time to turn into a genius. Even though both Einherjar Wannabe and Jiang Long were equally gifted — perhaps Einherjar Wannabe might be stronger in terms of talent — yet Jiang Long had a three years head start in terms of training, and three years were all he needed to outrace Einherjar Wannabe!

After all, he was already a Rank 5 METAL fighter!

Jiang Long was able to feel the immense amount of GN Force in his body; it felt amazing to be in control. He remembered seeing his father's joyful tears during the day he was promoted as a Rank 5 fighter. Although the Firmament Palm Strike was a great tactic, yet none of its previous successors was ever able to compete for the legendary Einherjar position, and unfortunately, his father too was unable to advance further after reaching Rank 6. In order to compete for this legendary title, one's Soul Energy had to exceed two hundred Sols before reaching twenty years old, and every Einherjar throughout history had already become Rank 5 fighter before twenty years old, without any exception!

Even though that didn't mean that Jiang Long would be guaranteed to become an Einherjar since he became a Rank 5 fighter before reaching twenty years old; nevertheless, it was still a hope that kept him going, at least he had surpassed his forefathers.

No one was surprised when Ulysses was promoted to Rank 5; however, Jiang Long's promotion was definitely a big surprise to the Ivantian community, and they were sure that he would become a great character in the future.

This explained why he had the rights to be arrogant!

Being able to be promoted as a Rank 5 fighter at the age of nineteen, Jiang Long was no doubt a living legend, and his success marked the beginning of his tale.

Meanwhile, Einherjar Wannabe remained calm on the other corner, everyone was curious if he would be able to create miracles once again?

Apparently, Einherjar Wannabe couldn't find a plan to counter the Firmament Palm Strike, and with the huge gap between their GN Force, he knew that his previous gimmick wasn't going to work anymore. His "finger power" would no longer be able to withstand Jiang Long's massive palm force, he was practically inhibited by Jiang Long's tremendous Soul Energy!

"I wasn't planning to use this on you in the beginning, so you should be proud of yourself for coming this far." Jiang Long felt that his GN Force had eased up the stiffness on his wrists, the powerful feeling had boosted his confidence to the max.

Wang Tong wasn't offended and replied with a smile.

"My advice to you is that you don't expect that I'm same as that old-timer Ulysses. Since this is going to be your final stage, why don't you take the opportunity to show us what you got?" Jiang Long seemed to be in a good mood, perhaps it was because this was his first official debut-match and he didn't want to end it hastily. After all, his strong performance would require the support of a strong opponent!

Jiang Long then tried to taunt Einherjar Wannabe to attack. The action was somehow arrogant and sort of disrespectful; however, none of the spectators booed because the gap between their capabilities had proven that Jiang Long was rightful to be arrogant. After all, he was the wonder boy who managed to be promoted as a Rank 5 METAL fighter before twenty years old.

Wang Tong stayed put, he too was trying to provoke him to attack.

This time, however, Jiang Long was insulted, and he launched an attack!

The power of the Firmament Palm Strike was definitely stronger than before, and even though Wang Tong had seen the attacks of Ulysses, he was able to tell that Jiang Long's attacks were more flexible and more powerful.

The only word that would be able to describe the incoming strike would be "vigorous". Wang Tong had already felt its pressure before reaching strike zone; it was an overwhelming sensation indeed.

The Fist of the Racing Tiger was ferocious, and it definitely had the aura of a fierce tiger. The Firmament Palm Strike, however, felt more like a roaring lion; the intense pressure didn't require ferocious impacts at all, yet it was still very intimidating, and the secret lied within one's Soul Energy.

The GN Force played a crucial part in the utilization of the tactics, the same technique would have different outcomes as one's GN Force changed, not to mention that the Firmament Palm Strike was already an amazing tactic.

Now that the strike was infused with the GN Force of a Rank 5 fighter, Wang Tong finally felt the true power of the Firmament Palm Strike. It wasn't a huge dispersal of GN Force; however, it did felt like it contained countless waves of force, and overall it looked like a single strike, but it was actually made up of a series of continuous strikes, lingering and fatal at the same time.

Wang Tong wasn't planning to confront the attack and chose to dodge in a flash instead. Jiang Long sneered as he noticed that his opponent was about to play tricks again, and there was no way he would let Einherjar Wannabe push the match into a draw, not on his watch!

Instead of confronting Jiang Long on the battlefield, Einherjar Wannabe decided to dodge and negate his attacks; somehow the nimble movements felt like Skyscraper. The moves were suitable for extending the distance between each other; however, Einherjar Wannabe's supporters were unable to accept this decision.

They knew that someday Einherjar Wannabe would be defeated, but they didn't wish to see him like that, they were expecting that he would lose after pulling a good fight. Nevertheless, that was unacceptable!

"Well, he's doing it again!" Miao Xiu commented. Obviously, Einherjar Wannabe was observing the utilization of his opponent's Firmament Palm Strike. The stronger the GN Force, the greater the layer of the forces; however, Jiang Long wouldn't be able to hide all of the movements in his tactics since he was "only" a Rank 5 fighter.

Nevertheless, only Einherjar Wannabe was insane enough to pull off this crazy stunt because if he didn't pay enough attention, he would definitely be KOed once he got hit.

Zhang Jin wasn't surprised that Jiang Long was promoted as a Rank 5 fighter. She had been keeping an eye on the boy through the House of Zhang's widespread intelligence network and was well aware that Jiang Long was definitely a rising talent. Nevertheless, she was surprised by Einherjar Wannabe's bold act of observing his opponent's movements even though he only possessed the Soul Energy of a Rank 4 fighter; either the boy had underestimated Jiang Long, or he was being overconfident.

Einherjar Wannabe was clearly on the disadvantage side since the rank of his Soul Energy was lower than Jiang Long, yet he was still maintaining a carefree attitude as if he was not afraid of losing at all; how could he be bold enough to do that?

Nevertheless, Zhang Jin believed that a motive was hidden behind every action!

Finally, Einherjar Wannabe stopped dodging and unleashed a palm strike!

Jiang Long was amused by his half-*ss "palm strike". He couldn't help but think what a fool his opponent was to counter his real palm strike with his phony palm strike and started to wonder how that huge idiot could survive for such a long period of time.


Jiang Long launched a forceful palm strike and sent Einherjar Wannabe flying across the arena for more than ten meters. Without a doubt, with his powerful GN Force and tactics, Jiang Long had the upper hand!

Chapter 163: Burst of the Bubble

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

Wang Tong's body shifted backward by the immense recoil, but fortunately, his Tactics of the Blade had been initializing at an incredible speed and nullified the penetration of his opponent's GN Force; however, he was definitely startled by the continuous waves of attacks!

The variation of GN Force served as the key to this intimidating power, and although creating waves of attacks wasn't difficult even for his Tactics of the Blade, Wang Tong had no idea how to maintain continuous waves of attacks.

Jiang Long was shocked when he saw that Wang Tong recovered and charged toward him. Somehow his opponent had miraculously survived the attack, which was practically impossible because Jiang Long was certain that he had delivered a knockout strike a while ago. Jiang Long then launched another palm strike infused with traction and managed to cause Einherjar Wannabe to stagger because of the attack. This time, Jiang Long demonstrated his capability of controlling his strength by removing the torrential force in his attack. Even though it didn't send his opponent flying across the arena, the lethality was deadlier than before; that was the ultimate technique of the Firmament Palm Strike which was called "The Entanglement of Death"!

Jiang Long roared while unleashing his continuous palm strikes, instantly turning Einherjar Wannabe into a raft in the middle of a roaring sea that was going to be crushed into pieces anytime soon.

Wang Tong had been giving his best performance, he had altered his pacing and defended as hard as he could; however, he was extremely stressed out trying to hang on under such disadvantages. Nevertheless, it was still the perfect chance for him to understand the true power of the Firmament Palm Strike, even if he was only able to understand a part of it.

Jiang Long was completely dominating the match, yet his opponent was stronger than expected. He decided not to end this hastily as he wanted to see how long could Einherjar Wannabe sustain, and he would let everyone in the world know that there was no such thing as a miracle!

Miracles were basically a wild hope from weaklings!

Wang Tong had taken two hits, and the pain was unbearable, but suddenly he realized something as the force penetrated his skin. With his countless battle experiences, Wang Tong even managed to analyze the psychological state of Jiang Long.

All of a sudden, Wang Tong launched a strike with his palms while he was moving back.


Knowing that his opponent was no match for him, Jiang Long countered with another palm strike. However, Jiang Long was surprised as he soon felt that the force from Einherjar Wannabe was similar to his Firmament Palm Strike, and the tangling force looked exactly like the Firmament Palm Strike's ultimate technique!

That bastard was copying his attacks!

Jiang Long dodged by moving backward, then he glared at Einherjar Wannabe and said, "Time to show you something that you'll never be able to mimic!"

This was not a match anymore!

Even if Jiang Long were to win in the end, he would still feel that his precious tactics were stolen by Einherjar Wannabe, so finally, Jiang Long decided to end this misery.

Wang Tong was quite interested in the Firmament Palm Strike in the beginning; however, he seemed to have already lost interest in it after watching Einherjar Wannabe's demonstration before the match started; nevertheless, he wanted to take this fight between Jiang Long as an opportunity for him to study the theory of palm strikes.

Jiang Long pumped up his GN Force as he held his right wrist with his left hand, his face went solemn, and moments later, lightning seemed to gather within his claw-like right hand, creating a thunderous roar.


"Thunderbolt Strike!"

"So he's really going to use it." Zhang Jin smiled, she seemed to know what was Jiang Long thinking, and she understood that a perfectionist like Jiang Long wouldn't be happy even if he managed to win at the end, which was why he wanted to end this match as quickly as possible. However, she wondered if Jiang Long was upset for not defeating Einherjar Wannabe sooner.

That was the consequence of being frivolous, he was too confident and proud of himself which created an opening for his opponent; countless failures and defeats throughout history were caused by this attitude. Hopefully Jiang Long was able to learn a lesson, there was still a chance for him to get ahold of himself.

Perhaps she was too demanding; however, there were only a few among mankind that had the ability to see through human nature, and she might be the only one amongst the younger generation.

The Thunderbolt Strike was the trump card of the Firmament Palm Strike, and surprisingly Jiang Long had already mastered the technique even though he was just promoted to Rank 5. Every person who had fought against the Firmament Palm Strike knew about this technique very well, and no one had ever deciphered its secret; however, they knew that METAL Suits would only be able to block off a tiny part of the Thunderbolt Strike as the attack mostly dealt direct damage to the enemy's inner body instead. In short, the Thunderbolt Strike was powerful and destructive.

Attacks that could break through one's defense were lethal in real fights. Only a handful of people's GN Force could provide a strong enough defense for themselves to resist, so the Thunderbolt Strike was no doubt one of the best technique in this pro-offensive era.

Everyone was impressed to learn that Jiang Long had mastered this amazing technique at the young age of nineteen. Since almost no one could withstand the power of the Thunderbolt Strike, he might be already one of the top ten fighters amongst the younger generation. Only a person with a stronger GN Force would be able to defeat him.

Nevertheless, Jiang Long had had enough!

The IPA players were astonished by what they were witnessing. The Thunderbolt Strike was known to be one of the most imperious attacks of mankind and could hardly be seen in reality, yet they were lucky enough to witness this extraordinary technique in PA!

Being able to possess such level of strength at such a young age, Jiang Long was no doubt a "glitchy gladiator". Not to mention Einherjar Wannabe wasn't armed with any METAL Suit, which made him extremely vulnerable!

It seemed like Einherjar Wannabe was startled by his Thunderbolt Strike; somehow, he kept staring at Jiang Long's attack and did not move a muscle at all.

However, some of the spectators were hoping to see if Einherjar Wannabe would be able to mimic the Thunderbolt Strike!

Jiang Long sprung into action, aiming his lethal right hand toward Einherjar Wannabe, knowing that Einherjar Wannabe's fate was sealed as he launched his right palm. Meanwhile, Einherjar Wannabe's eyes were still focusing on Jiang Long's Thunderbolt Strike, he was so concentrated as if he had found his beloved.

Wang Tong knew he had discovered something new. He was mesmerized by the wonderful sound of the lightning, the thunder. Wang Tong thought that Einherjar Wannabe had already shown him the secrets of the palm strikes, but as he learned about the Thunderbolt Strike, only then was he able to understand the true, hidden secrets of palm strikes.

However, he had no idea how to mimic that!

Nevertheless, he decided to fight back, but he was only able to counter with an ordinary palm strike!

Jiang Long knew that Einherjar Wannabe's ordinary palm strike was no match to his Thunderbolt Strike, perhaps this was his opponent's final struggle.

Time for the final showdown.

Cameron fell back onto his chair, this was it, his career was over.

Usually, Zhang Jin wouldn't make any assertion before the match ended, this time, however, all she did was shook her head. Einherjar Wannabe was going to lose, and she hadn't expected that the first time she watched him fight would also be his last fight.

The final outcome was revealed.

Jiang Long was stunned, everyone else was shocked by what they had witnessed!

Zhang Jin paused as she was about to turn away.

It was a devastating strike. But instead of Einherjar Wannabe, it was actually Jiang Long who was defeated.

As both fighters clashed their palms onto each other, everyone expected that Einherjar Wannabe's right arm would be blown off, but his arm remained unhurt.

In a flash of a second, Jiang Long's right arm exploded like a balloon! After that, Jiang Long instantly collapsed, his eyes were wide opened; he couldn't believe what just happened.

In fact, no one believed what just happened in front of their eyes... "What on earth was that diabolic palm strike?!"

No one knew what was going on!

Even the ferocious Thunderbolt Strike would only be able to fracture its opponent's arm! However, Jiang Long's right arm wasn't broken, it exploded! It was as if Einherjar Wannabe had installed C4 on Jiang Long's arm as their palms clashed into each other. Everything was blown off and destroyed in a blink of an eye as if someone had crushed a raw egg, and an immense amount of energy force was dispersed throughout the arena as it exploded.

Wang Tong finally understood Einherjar Wannabe's palm strike… absolutely gory and brutal, even Wang Tong was stunned to see what he had done.

Again, people couldn't help wondering what on earth was the true identity of Einherjar Wannabe.

Wang Tong left the arena after the match, leaving the crowds with a bundle of questions.

On the other hand, Cameron said his prayers and took his medicine immediately; apparently, the excitement was a bit too much for his heart to handle... Then he turned toward his staff and tried to calm them down, "Relax people, it seems like we're not going anywhere after all."

Miao Xiu and Luv Ma turned toward each other, they were the earliest ones to follow Einherjar Wannabe in PA. While the others were expecting him to lose, somehow the two of them knew that Einherjar Wannabe had tricks hidden in his sleeves; however, they were totally stunned by his violent palm strike that was able to shatter the Firmament Palm Strike and the Thunderbolt Strike like porcelains.

"Any idea what the hell was that?"

"I might need to check my database... or perhaps look into the archive..." Luv Ma gulped as he answered, he still seemed to be in shock.

"Check on what? Your brain is already a living archive for every single information! What are you going to search for if you have no idea what that is?"

"So what should we do?"

"Time to pay your crush a visit, you idiot. This is the perfect chance to look for her since she knows more than both of us!"

"Erm… I think it's kind of a bad idea… not to mention it's already late..." Luv Ma hesitated and scratched his head.

"Don't be a sissy, it wouldn't do any harm since we're just going to ask her a few questions, plus aren't the two of you in the same circle? C'mon, man up you idiot!"

Luv Ma hated when Miao Xiu called him a sissy, so he summoned his courage and dialed Zhang Jin's number on Sky-Net. Luv Ma had been admiring Zhang Jin since the day he enrolled in Estrella Academy, and he even joined the same Reasoning Club as Zhang Jin; however, both of them had only met a few times.


The whole arena was filled with cheers, Firmament Palm Strike or not, nothing would be able to stand in his way!

Einherjar Wannabe KO-ed his opponent with his own fighting style as always, and this time, he had demonstrated an unknown palm strike loaded with an immense amount of ignition force that was able to outshine the one and only, Thunderbolt Strike!

The cheer lasted for more than ten minutes. For some reason, the people were unwilling to leave the arena even though the match had ended, and Einherjar Wannabe wasn't going to make another appearance anytime soon, yet they chose to stay and feel the excitement a little longer.

Everyone was excited, except for one.

Jiang Long had no idea how Cisco had felt before that, but now he knew, and he was way more devastated than Cisco. The outcome of this match had never crossed his mind because he was destined to win. However, he had lost in the end... badly.

He was always proud to be born in his family, he had given all his effort in the practice of the Firmament Palm Strike as he had sworn to foster and enhance their family's pride and almost went berserk because of that. In the end, his hard effort guided him to become a Rank 5 fighter at the age of nineteen years old... the celebration in his family, his father's smile, everything felt like yesterday…

Everyone said he was a super genius, he himself thought so as well, but even with his talent, he had also given his best effort. But unfortunately, he had still lost!

He was defeated by someone that only possessed the Soul energy of a Rank 4 fighter, he didn't expect that the Firmament Palm Strike that he used to brag about would be so fragile. Suddenly, he felt as if the whole world had turned gray, he was sweating in fear, and he did not even have the strength to get up on his feet.

Did he make any mistake? What could it be? Was there another palm strike tactics that was even deadlier than the Firmament Palm Strike?

He had been spending his time doing research on various palm strike tactics and even studied ancient martial art manuscripts. Nevertheless, the intimidating force from Einherjar Wannabe's attack still lingered around his body, haunting him like a ghost…

Jiang Long remained still while his mind was becoming number gradually...

Chapter 164: I'm Not Sleeping in the Streets Tonight

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

After the defeat of Cisco, Jiang Long, the No.1 among Lustre Academy's third graders, the successor of the Firmament Palm Strike, and also the boy wonder who was promoted as a Rank 5 fighter at nineteen years old, was defeated as well.

His defeat was more devastating than Cisco's; however, it was also more convincing than Ulysses' defeat. Everyone started to believe in the possibility that Einherjar Wannabe might be the next living legend.

Uproars emerged in the official forum and also in tons of other forums. As soon as Einherjar Wannabe became a hit, the number of threads kept increasing day by day. Apparently, people were not only excited about Einherjar Wannabe, but also his ability to draw the attention of those hidden elites and aces.

Was he truly invincible?

He was challenging everyone across the world, waiting for the next contender!

The legend was born! Who would be his next target?

A demonic palm strike that was able to terrorize the Firmament Palm Strike!

Who was he?

Was he really the reincarnation of an Einherjar himself?

A sixteen-year-old super genius, ready to challenge the almighty Five Great Houses!

The real mightiest palm strike of all!

Giving his opponents a taste of their own sauce — uncovering the secrets behind Einherjar Wannabe's mysterious tactics!

Even the people on the Moon and Mars were startled by this uproar. Only a handful of people had actually heard of the name Einherjar Wannabe; however, Jiang Long was definitely a famous celebrity on the Moon, and not a single person was able to believe that a strong fighter like him would be defeated by someone who was three years younger than him.

How was he able to defeat someone stronger than him? What sort of tactics and techniques was he using? What sort of powerful palm strike was able to outshine the Thunderbolt Strike?

No one had ever seen anything like this before. Obviously, the Firmament Palm Strike was not an invincible tactic, but nobody had ever heard of any other tactic that was able to subdue the Firmament Palm Strike with less amount of GN Force. Not only Einherjar Wannabe had defeated the Firmament Palm Strike, but he had also demonstrated an obvious yet ferocious power.

It was indeed a huge gap in terms of strength!

Another crazy night for everyone even though it wasn't during the weekend…

Luv Ma looked nervous as Zhang Jin answered his call, and surprisingly, Zhang Jin agreed to meet the two of them. Luv Ma was overjoyed, while Miao Xiu tried his best to hold onto his laughter.

Both of them had never been to Zhang Jin's place, she welcomed the two of them with a dazzling smile: "Please, come in gentlemen, make yourselves comfortable."

"Wow, what a beautiful place! Thanks for having us." Miao Xiu pushed Luv Ma aside and went in first, somehow he was born to be impolite.

"You're welcome, Miao Xiu. C'mon in Luv Ma, don't be shy. I was just thinking about asking you a few questions," Zhang Jin gave a warm welcome.

Miao Xiu didn't expect that Zhang Jin would be able to recognize him, no wonder the House of Zhang was also known as "the House of Intelligence"... and judging by the fact that she was able to mention his name, perhaps she was also well aware of his personal data.

What a terrifying woman, perhaps she would be even spying on her own boyfriend when he was taking a leak?

Luv Ma relaxed as Zhang Jin gave him a warm welcome, "Actually, both of us were watching the match between Einherjar Wannabe and Jiang Long a while ago, and we'd like to ask you if you have any idea what was that final palm strike used by Einherjar Wannabe."

"I see, but before we get to there, can I get you guys anything?"

"Water will be fine." Luv Ma seemed shy.

"I'd like a cup of Blue Mountain... make that two instead, c'mon bro, don't be shy!" Miao Xiu was really treating himself at home, and since they were invited to her place, of course, he would ask for something expensive.

Zhang Jin smiled and served them what they asked for.

"Luv Ma, I know you and Miao Xiu have been keeping an eye on this Einherjar Wannabe fella, you've been doing a lot of video analysis after all... so since you guys had been following all of his matches, who do you think he is?" Zhang Jin sat across them and asked.

Usually, people would speak their thoughts immediately when Zhang Jin asked a question like this; however, Luv Ma remained calm. He thought for a while as he knew that Zhang Jin wasn't looking for the conventional answers; she was asking for a real thought.

Miao Xiu noticed his good friend needed time to think, so he decided to buy him a little time: "That kid is very picky, I've been trying a few times to challenge him again, but unfortunately, I'm not lucky enough to be chosen."

"So you are saying that you've lost once?" Zhang Jin smiled gently.

"Ahem, you don't have to be so direct, that was only an accident... not to mention that I didn't give my best effort at that time!" Miao Xiu didn't like to be looked down by girls.

Zhang Jin nodded and turned toward Luv Ma who seemed to be hesitating as he said, "It might sound weird, but whenever I see him, he would remind me about the Blade Warrior."

Zhang Jin smiled as she understood what Luv Ma was trying to say: Einherjar Wannabe was a strange existence. Although it was technically possible for any of the Five Great Houses to bring up a strong fighter like him, but if he had really been trained by one of the Houses, there would have been some sort of traces in his tactics! However, what other tactics would pack such an incredible power aside from the Five Greatest Tactics?

Unfortunately, Zhang Jin was not able to find the answer.

"Zhang Jin, do you have any idea where did that last strike come from? According to what I know, there's no such attack in any tactics in the Court of the Templar."

Zhang Jin tried to recall her memories.

"I've been doing my research regarding all sorts of palm strike tactics, but nothing as terrifying as this was ever recorded in history, perhaps my database is incomplete?" Luv Ma said.

"I do have some classified information about a similar palm strike tactic that existed a few hundred years ago, but please keep this to yourselves."

The word "classified" immediately got Luv Man and Miao Xiu's attention.

"Around three hundred years ago, during the early years of the great war between mankind and the Zergs, there was an extremely powerful METAL fighter whose origins were unknown; however, he was able to terrorize the legion of Zergs with his dominating strength. According to the existing data, everything he touched would explode within a split second, and after analyzing the data, I'd say it is some kind of inner force tactics," Zhang Jin explained carefully.

The mysterious warrior shared the same era as the Blade Warrior, but he appeared slightly later than him. No one knew where he came from or how he possessed the strength of an Einherjar; however, they knew that he was seen slaying and charging toward the enemies during critical moments, slaughtering mountains and mountains of Zergs; he was practically invincible.

However, as soon as the epic war ended, the mysterious warrior was nowhere to be found.

However, Zhang Jin was not able to confirm if Einherjar Wannabe was using the same technique as the mysterious warrior since the data was from tens of decades ago, but judging from the overall appearance, it really looked like the technique of the mysterious warrior.

"For some reason, his existence was not made public, and some even said that the mysterious warrior was actually the Blade Warrior himself."

"Shut the front door, are you saying this kid is really the reincarnation of an Einherjar himself? By the way, what's the name of that palm strike?" Miao Xiu was extremely curious.

"Haha, I'll need to dig deeper for that. The palm strike used by Einherjar Wannabe might not be the same as our mysterious warrior's since there have been some cases of similarities between tactics, which were only coincidences. Furthermore, there are also differences in terms of GN Force, so there's no point of being suspicious. After watching that match, I believe that he is just an ordinary person who came across some extraordinary tactics by chance, then he decided to use the PA as a platform to improve his skills and increase his battle experiences."

"...Still, what on earth is that powerful tactics?" Luv Ma seemed puzzled; however, he was happy that Zhang Jin had solved a part of the puzzle. Anyhow, mysteries were born from mankind's imagination, for instance: men created their belief in God.

"It could be the Tactics of the Blade." Zhang Jin giggled.

Both of the boys laughed when they heard her joke; nevertheless, both of them knew that they would be able to solve the mystery someday... as long as Einherjar Wannabe stayed active in PA.

More and more people began to pay attention to the existence of Einherjar Wannabe, especially people like Zhang Jin.

Jiang Long's defeat marked the beginning of tougher challenges awaiting for Einherjar Wannabe...

"It's all your fault!"

"Don't blame your mistakes on me, punk-*ss kid!"

"So you're blaming me? You're the one who insisted on taking a look at the sea, old jerk! What the hell's wrong with you, acting sentimental all of a sudden?"

"Shut up punk! I'm still in the prime of my life, what's wrong with taking a look at the sea? Geez, why do I always feel like I'm about to remember something… Dammit!"

"Let it go, you don't have to force yourself to remember."

Wang Tong was standing in front of Bernabeu's front gate talking to himself while thinking of a way to sneak back in since it was already way past his curfew.

"Well, climb over, you idiot!"

"I'll get busted by the surveillance cameras, you fool! Not to mention that there might be high-voltage fences as well, I don't wanna die this young!"

"Well, I've given you my ideas, the rest is up to you. I'm sure you'll be able to take care of yourself, I'll head back to bed first then, adios!" Einherjar Wannabe went back into the Space Crystal as he said that.

"Curse you, filthy jackal!" Wang Tong was pissed off. He shouldn't have mentioned the sea after his match against Jiang Long because Einherjar Wannabe insisted on taking a look since it was just nearby. He even managed to persuade Wang Tong by "threatening" him. One of these threats was that if Wang Tong insisted on not going, Einherjar Wannabe would definitely nag him throughout the night.

In the end, Einherjar Wannabe had spent the whole night yelling at the sea like a madman, and Wang Tong's ears almost went deaf because of him. As Einherjar Wannabe finished his sentimental wailing, Wang Tong realized that they were already late.

God dammit!

It was way past his bedtime, and he was sleepy as hell, he needed to think of a way fast, or else he would have to wait until the morning for the gate to open.

Finally, Wang Tong decided to try out Einherjar Wannabe's idea, he found a safer spot and prepared to climb over.

"Wang Tong… what are you doing out there?"

Wang Tong was scared by the sudden voice and squatted down immediately; however, the voice sounded quite familiar.

It was Zhou Sisi.

"Oh, erm… nothing, I was just trying to get in..." Wang Tong replied nervously.

Zhou Sisi giggled, "Yea, I guess you're having too much fun."

"Haha, well, yea… what brings you here this late?"

Zhou Sisi blushed and replied, "I was feeling a bit under the weather, so I went to the nearby drugstore to buy some medicines."

"Oh, really? Are you feeling better?" Wang Tong seemed worried. Normally, everyone's health condition was good and wouldn't get sick easily because the practice and training of their GN Force were able to improve their immune system.

Zhou Sisi's face turned redder. "Well, it's not what you think… enough bullsh*t, you idiot! Look at the time, get in!"

Wang Tong scratched his head. He didn't even say anything! Girls sure had strange tempers...

"How do I get in? Don't tell me you're going to wake everyone up."

"Use your card!" Zhou Sisi said as she swiped her key-card at the door and got in.

Then, only at that moment did Wang Tong remember the key-card that Martyrus had given to the nine of them. It would grant them access to various facilities in Bernabeu, one of its function included opening doors...

Wang Tong glanced at the wall as he swiped his card and went in, blaming Einherjar Wannabe for causing him such troubles…

Chapter 165: It's Wrong For Being Too Strong

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

A group of special students was seen gathering in Bernabeu's training field early in the morning. Everyone was carrying heavy backpacks and began to jog lap after lap on their own, this had never happened before in Bernabeu.

The students might have finished the first phase of their physical training; however, that didn't mean that the whole training program had ended. They needed to keep on training on their own in order to stay focus, as there was no more time for them to slack off.

So far the students had learned one thing: they were not challenging Capth for the sake of their academies, but for their own glory.

Nevertheless, everyone had set their very own goals about what were they trying to achieve, and how much effort they were planning to put in.

Obviously, everyone had watched the epic match between Einherjar Wannabe and Jiang Long, including Wang Ben, the young man with a raging heart; however, he seemed to have calmed down a lot after watching that fight. He had noticed similarities between his ex-teammates and Einherjar Wannabe, and between Capth and Jiang Long. Jiang Long had all of the advantages while Einherjar Wannabe was a nobody commoner, yet he was able to defeat the colossal existence and created another "peasant's miracle". It made Wang Ben believe that his ex-teammates might also be able to overcome the enormous challenge ahead of them.

Without a doubt, their opponents were mightier, but not invincible. Nevertheless, the team shouldn't be afraid as all of them were only humans; they had two legs, two arms, and one brain, so they had weaknesses as well.

The whole team was actually very depressed since Wang Ben had left, and without him, everyone felt that their chances of winning had gotten narrower. However, all of them knew that instead of worrying too much, they should summon up their courage, confidence, and faith and show their best effort. The right thing to do was to keep challenging themselves and giving their best performances!

Amongst the group, Carl was the one with the best performance; in fact, he had been improving day after day even though his effort was still far away from increasing their chance of victory, but he did manage to inspire most of his teammates to be optimistic and confident. Carl also had a funny motto, which was "to create your own path by walking on the shoes of the others".

After a brief "counseling session" from the psychology maestro, Principal Samantha, everyone's fighting spirit was burning up again, and the whole team had bounced back, eagerly preparing themselves for the upcoming challenges.

Nevertheless, confidence originated from tough training, and everyone in the team enjoyed the satisfaction they got from their daily training. Although they had no idea how strong they had become, they believed that they had improved a lot, which also gradually increased their confidence.

They had to stay strong and give their best performances no matter who their opponent was and hopefully breaking their own limits to create miracles. But most importantly, they had to stay strong and not be overwhelmed by their opponents' aura; otherwise, their performances would be affected, and they would lose their chances to win.

In fact, Capth's dominating strength could also be its weakness. They would be underestimating Bernabeu and Ayrlarng since both academies were basically lower ranks academies filled with average students, which would also cause them to reveal their vulnerabilities, and that would be Ayrlarng's cue to seize their victory. If Bernabeu and Ayrlarng's alliance was able to bring them one or two victories, the pressure would be on Capth's side instead of theirs.

Wang Tong was the busiest trainee as he was competing in both METAL Combat and Battlecraft Combat, while the rest would only have to focus on one category. Ma Xiaoru was assigned for METAL Combat of course, and since Wang Ben had left, Hu Yangxuan had taken his place as one of the main fighters by default. Soon, he came to realize his immense responsibility and the seriousness of this issue: the idea of vanquishing Capth had never crossed his mind, and restoring Ayrlarng's former glory was not as easy as he thought it would be. Nevertheless, Hu Yangxuan was training very hard and even managed to restore his Soul Energy to the condition that he had when he was at the Court of the Templar. On the other hand, Zhou Sisi was focusing on Battlecraft Combat.

Everyone was told not to count on receiving blessings from the goddess of fortune in the upcoming competition against Capth; instead, they should be focusing on their own training to maximize their chances of winning.

Wang Tong might be their hidden weapon in METAL Combat; however, his basics in Battlecraft Combat were quite bad. Both of his operating maneuver and overall perspective were bad and wouldn't be able to support his ultimate knockout technique. In short, he was lucky that day to win against Bernabeu's Best.

This was why Wang Tong needed to train for Battlecraft Combat.

Double the work, double the excitement.

In order to enhance their performances in METAL Combat, Wang Tong, Apache, Hu Yangxuan, and Cao Yi were often given the toughest mission by their coach, almost turning them into a bunch of robots. Yet, Wang Tong was not afraid of tough, physical training as he enjoyed the amount of exercise. However, he was completely stressed out when it came to Battlecraft Combat training.

Somehow, he and Carl had become the examples not to follow for the other trainees, often getting scolded in the midst of every lesson.

"Are you an idiot, Carl? How many times do I have to tell you to pay attention to your operating maneuvers!? Do you hear me? Use your brain and figure out the best timing to attack!" the coach slammed on Carl's table and scolded him. Poor Carl had no choice but to bear with the embarrassment. He tried to figure out the right timing to strike, but he failed in the end as he was entrapped by the enemy's legion of fleets.

FlyWing was a living legend of Battlecraft Combat, and a four times champion in the Confederation League. Unfortunately, he made a terrible mistake once while serving in the military that caused him to resign out of guilt. However, Principal Martyrus had managed to find him a few years before and recruited him as Bernabeu's coach. He was a bad tempered person, and Best was his greatest disciple. Thanks to him, Bernabeu was able to excel rapidly in this subject.

Nevertheless, having good students was as crucial as having a good teacher.

"Wang Tong! If Carl is an idiot, what do you think you are?" FlyWing stood in front of Wang Tong.

Wang Tong was frustrated, he was having a hard time learning operating maneuver. Somehow, it required the right touch, kind of like learning martial arts. He might be talented in METAL Combat, yet he definitely sucked when it came to Battlecraft Combat.

"Another idiot… Sir?" Wang Tong replied cautiously.

The whole class went silent for a moment and burst into laughter immediately. All of the trainees seemed to be amused by his sense of humor!

Somehow, FlyWing also found him entertaining, yet he tried his best to hold back his laughter.

"Ahem, stop laughing, you sure are an idiot with a quick response. Come to think of it, it's time for me to force you to reduce your APM by half, it'll cause you to think with your brain instead of using your *ss!" FlyWing said.

FlyWing then mentioned to the class that Wang Tong was insanely strong in controlling maneuver, but being too strong in that would cause him to overlook his real problems during real fights. He might be able to defeat average opponents with his controlling maneuver, but that would be useless when he was facing off against an elite opponent, causing him to turn into a fighter with muscles but no brain.

Wang Tong was enlightened by FlyWing's lecture, he finally understood why he wasn't able to thoroughly execute what he had learned even though he was able to understand the teacher's lecture in class. Indeed, if the speed of his controlling maneuver was the same as his opponent's, without a doubt, there would be huge gaps of difference in terms of overall skills.

All of the students in Bernabeu were professionally trained, the first thing they focused on was the training of awareness, which was the basics of everything. However, no one had ever taught Wang Tong about that as he learned everything from scratch by himself, which was why it would take some time and special effort for him to correct his mistakes.

Nevertheless, Wang Tong was able to realize his problems in a jiffy, he was born to be smart after all.

Somehow, he even managed to find similarities between METAL Combat and Battlecraft Combat. "Operating maneuver" actually meant that one's had to have the control of the overall situation during battles. Wang Tong was able to improve rapidly in METAL Combat because he had been practicing Old Fart's Tactics of the Blade since he was young, which later strengthen his basics as well; however, he had never received any sort of training for Battlecraft Combat before and focused only on the speed of his hands, which explained his poor performance in operating maneuver.

Everything had its own advantages and disadvantages. Of course, having strong controlling maneuver was great, but at some point, it would affect Wang Tong's mastery of operating maneuver. This was exactly why he needed a good teacher, he needed the guidance from someone else for this challenge.

Wang Tong was grateful, even if the guidance was only a little.

Fortunately, FlyWing was fair to both Ayrlarng and Bernabeu's students, and apparently, he was quite confident about Zhou Sisi because of her splendid performances and also because of her cautiousness and steadiness. Moreover, she had a good potential in operating maneuver, and most importantly, she was different from most of the boys who would give up whenever troubles occurred.

A good commander would never give up, even when he was about to be defeated, he would stay and fight to the very end! It was important not to give up because countless of lives were at stake in real battles!

That was the reason why FlyWing wanted his students to treat every training as a real battle, and no one was allowed to rely on luck or make any mistake. Sorries and other excuses would not be accepted!

Everyone started to become dauntless ever since Wang Ben had left, which was common since they were all youngsters, yet somehow it wasn't a bad attitude judging from this critical times.


Someone roared all of a sudden.

The loud roar even managed to startle the students outside the building. Wang Tong expected he might have done something wrong that upset FlyWing.

Wang Tong's innocent expression caused everyone else to giggle. Obviously, Wang Tong and Carl were not only FlyWing's favorite sandbag, they were also everyone else's favorite amusement.

"How many times do I need to repeat myself? Don't use your speed, use your operating maneuver! Don't use your hands, use your brain!" FlyWing was furious.

Wang Tong might have won in the simulation against Stia; however, winning was not the point. FlyWing wanted him to think of a way to overcome the disadvantages and not forcefully winning against her by relying on controlling maneuver. Apparently, only Best was able to win against Wang Tong by using his overall perspective and obtaining as many advantages as he could, while, at the same time, he prevented Wang Tong from using his controlling maneuver. Best was able to do so as he was known to be the one with the best operating maneuver throughout the Earth Confederation, the other trainees had no chance to win against Wang Tong's insane controlling maneuver.

"Sir… calm down. You see, I'm not able to control myself during critical moments." Wang Tong scratched his head. Men were more impulsive compared to women, and Wang Tong was a man exceptionally impulsive, which was why he would forget whenever his adrenaline rose. Actually, his operating maneuver had improved a lot, but it was still far from FlyWing's expectation; his movements were still a bit stiff!

"Oh, really? In that case, I'm restricting you to use only one hand in our upcoming training. You can choose your left or right hand between matches. With that, I'm sure you'll be able to control yourself in no time!" FlyWing came up with that idea suddenly, and it was a good method to restrict Wang Tong from over-relying on controlling maneuver indeed!

When he found it difficult to use his controlling maneuver, he would have no choice but to switch to operating maneuver.

Chapter 166: The Inner Force

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

FlyWing turned around and glared at Carl with a straight face after scolding Wang Tong, the boy used to be bold, but this time he was completely intimidated.

"Mr. Carl!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Why do you like ambushing your enemies?" FlyWing asked calmly.

"I have no idea why, Sir. I think it's because it's fun to confuse the enemies?" Carl preferred to follow his guts when he did things.

"Fun, huh? What do you think will happen to most of your crew if you do that?"

"Die, I guess?" Carl scratched his head, he still needed a solution for that problem.

FlyWing didn't say a word later, knowing that it would take days to point out every weakness of Carl. Noticing that the coach was trying to be nice with his scoldings, the rest of the class tried to hold on to their laughter.

FlyWing then continued to mentor the rest of the class. He had noticed that Zhou Sisi was the fastest to improve, and although her speed was slower than Wang Tong, her hands were still the fastest amongst girls. Moreover, she possessed outstanding alertness and perspective, which made her a talent for this subject and a suitable candidate as a commander. On the other hand, being a girl, Zhou Sisi had more advantages than Best in certain categories as she was calmer and more humble; however, she needed more practices to overcome her weaknesses.

Everyone was exhausted after attending classes for the whole day, but their tiredness was nothing compared to the fatigues of the students in Heavy Armed Forces; their bodies were totally stressed out by the intense physical training.

Everyone's happiest moment was definitely during lunch and dinner breaks. Unlike the harshness they had been through on Paradise Island, Bernabeu's cafeteria served good food every day, and all of them were able to fill up their tummies happily, but somehow, the other students of Bernabeu were intimidated by them because the cafeteria would turn into a "war zone" as they arrived.

"Fellas, Cao Yi has made a video, and he's gonna show us tonight," Hu Yangxuan said.

In the beginning, the students of both Ayrlarng and Bernabeu were not that close; however, they managed to get along very well after spending so much time training together.

"It's nothing special... I've just finished editing the footage of Einherjar Wannabe's latest battle, but I wasn't able to upload it immediately due to our tight schedule. Anyway, have a look guys, I'm sure it'll help us in every aspect," Cao Yi seemed shy about it.

"Of course, we'll watch it, your version is way better than the official one!"

"Yea, I can't wait to watch it."

All of them seemed interested. Everyone else might have seen it a few times already, but the students of this special training program had been busy as bees. Even Cao Yi, who always managed to upload his analysis videos on time, had no choice but to postpone his upload schedule even though he had managed to finish the editing during some of his free time. Somehow this had become one of his favorite pastimes; moreover, he was able to find something new every time he did that and even managed to increase his knowledge and experiences.

"Haha, do share with us then," Ma Xiaoru said as she laughed in a gentle manner.

It seemed like Ma Xiaoru wasn't troubled by the incident on Paradise Island. In fact, a giant corporation like the FFC would definitely have its own team of experts to handle all sorts of troubles, which was why she didn't have to get involved for too much; instead, she would rather focus more on her own training.

Wang Tong wasn't very interested, but he didn't dare to spoil the mood since everyone was so excited, perhaps he would treat it as a "revision".

Everyone gathered around for the video session at night, and even though most of them had watched it live, a live telecast was way more different than an analysis video, especially Cao Yi's version which always managed to discover something new.

"Jiang Long was definitely his strongest opponent up until now."

"Indeed, with his ultimate Firmament Palm Strike, he was definitely a strong fighter to be feared of." Hu Yangxuan sighed. He always thought that he was better than the others upon graduating from the Court of the Templar, but in fact, the vast world was filled with all sorts of talents, and it seemed like the number of talented people had increased in recent years, emerging like geysers; however, no one could tell if it was a good or bad sign.

A strong competition was the key factor in creating powerful characters, but at the same time, it was also a sad situation for geniuses. During the era of Blade Warrior, for example, there were Rilangalos Dower, the Prince of Perfection; Zarta, the Fierce One; Georgio, the Great; Zachery, the King of Pirates, and so on. All of them were unrivaled geniuses that might have been able to create their own empire if they were born in a different era; however, being born in the same era as the Blade Warrior, their talents were bounded by his existence. From another perspective, their existence had highlighted the uniqueness of the Blade Warrior.

Undeniably, legends were always born in the midst of competitions between talented ones.

The numbers of elites and aces had skyrocketed in the recent two hundred years, and many talents and famous warriors had emerged from the various Houses, the Court of the Templar, the military academies, and dojos. Nevertheless, people began to wonder why would Einherjar Wannabe choose to make his debut in this period of time.

Clearly, Cisco and Jiang Long weren't the last elites he would choose to challenge, and everyone knew that he was just getting started.

Everyone still gasped in the middle of the video even though this was not the first time they had watched the fight. The palm strike Einherjar Wannabe had used at the end of the match was forceful and brutal indeed.

All of a sudden, Ma Xiaoru saw something weird. "Cao Yi, rewind a little bit, a bit more… okay, stop! Yes! That's the part, can you zoom in?"

A few of the students realized something as they looked at the enlarged image, they were puzzled by what they were witnessing, and even Cao Yi, who had made this video, was unable to notice that in the beginning.

"Inner force!"

"It has to be!"

Ma Xiaoru and Hu Yangxuan knew a lot because she was the disciple of the House of Li, while he was the disciple from the Court of the Templar.

"Inner force? What's that? What are you guys talking about?" Carl looked confused.

The others too looked confused and had no idea what was going on since surprisingly, the only ones who were able to notice it were Apache, Cao Yi, Hu Yangxuan, Ma Xiaoru, and Zhou Sisi.

In the final scene, it seemed like Einherjar Wannabe wasn't using any strength in his unknown palm strike when he was up against Jiang Long's Thunderbolt Strike, and Ma Xiaoru felt strange when she saw the wide distance between both fighters.

The distance was quite obvious, meaning that both player's palm didn't touch each other. Miscalculating the distance was, in fact, a fatal mistake for Jiang Long's Thunderbolt Strike, but on the other hand, Einherjar Wannabe's palm strike was able to deal damage without making contact.

Everyone still seemed puzzled after hearing Ma Xiaoru's explanation.

"That's outrageous! I thought that attacks should be 'the harder the better', an attack without using any strength, what's the point of that?" Kyaero asked.

"Basically, the utilization of the GN Force is separated into three different stages. What you were saying is the first stage which is also known as the Actual Force Stage, every movement from the attacker is real at this stage, and it emphasizes on the level of strength and impact. The second stage is called the Inner Force Stage, its effectiveness and lethality are much higher than the first stage, and it is hard to be detected. However, this is extremely difficult to master, and the fighter needs to possess a high amount of GN Force."

"In another word, the Inner Force is better in penetrating defenses. To make it simple, you might be able to shatter a rock with a single punch, but the impact would not be able to shred a piece of paper, let alone a piece of cloth. As a matter of fact, one would also be able to access the Inner Force if he or she is able to completely master the Firmament Palm Strike. The Inner Force is definitely the uniqueness of the Entanglement of Death, or to be exact, even more powerful than the Thunderbolt Strike; however, Jiang Long's GN Force is nowhere near that stage," Ma Xiaoru carried on with her explanation.

"How powerful is that defense penetration really?"

"For instance, you're fighting a Zerg with a tough exoskeleton, you'll be able to transmit the force directly into its body if you have mastered the Inner Force, and if you are fighting against another human being, conventional METAL Suits will be completely useless against it."

Everyone began to discuss among themselves after knowing such an intimidating technique. They finally knew why Jiang Long was knocked down in one hit, no one would be able to withstand such a demonic strength.

"Damn, so does it mean it is completely unrivaled?"

"Not really, but it's difficult to counter. So far I've never heard of anyone, who's below thirty years old, that is able to utilize the Inner Force without any problem," Ma Xiaoru said.

"Could it be that Einherjar Wannabe is actually someone possessed by the ghost of an ancient warrior?"

Meanwhile, Wang Tong was listening happily. After learning about the Inner Strength, he was basically able to confirm that Einherjar Wannabe's technique was some kind of Inner Force attack; however, the technique itself was quite suicidal. Luckily, Wang Tong's Tactics of the Blade was a dual core tactic or else he would also have been severely injured after making that move. Nevertheless, his body would not be able to handle the immense stress from this technique.

"The Inner Force is usually treated as an ultimate killing move, but attacks like this will also deal extensive damages to the fighter itself. However, I wonder how Einherjar Wannabe, who is only a fighter with a level four Soul Energy, was able to nullify the damage from the recoil." No one was able to answer Ma Xiaoru's question.

"So what's the third stage?" Cao Yi was curious, he was guessing that it was probably something even stronger than the Inner Force.

"It is called the Vanity Force Stage, but it is only accessible by Einherjars; however, I'm not sure about the details. Anyhow, regarding Einherjar Wannabe's attacks that are similar to the Inner Force, that's only my personal theory, and it might not be true as there are still many techniques that are waiting to be discovered. Nevertheless, I still doubt that it is really the Inner Force, after all, it takes someone with a higher Soul Energy to achieve this stage," Ma Xiaoru said. It might look like she wasn't consistent with her own point of view, but she would rather choose not to believe that a sixteen-year-old boy was able to utilize the Inner Force. Even Ma Xiaoru, herself, who practiced the Tactics of the Enchantress since a young age, was not able to make such achievement.

Everyone watched the video again, but this time no one was gossiping and tried their best to study every battle technique instead; every student had their own way of learning.

This was the first time that Wang Tong watched his own fight as a spectator, and to be honest, it felt really good! He used to be uninterested in watching his own fights, but now, as he watched carefully, he was able to discover things that needed to be improved… but still, it was kind of awkward.

Wang Tong dozed off in the middle of the video; his mind was filled with FlyWing's theories. He understood that he would only become a second-rate player if he only relied on his controlling maneuver and his so-called "proficiency". He needed to master the crucial factors of Battlecraft Combat as soon as possible if he really wanted to become a first-rate player.

He had to overcome everything on his own in order to become stronger, but first, he needed to understand everything that he didn't know. Wang Tong knew he had to make a breakthrough in this critical moment or else it was going to become a defect that would stick to him forever.

With his extraordinary sense of danger and imagination, Wang Tong soon began to simulate battle scenarios in his mind.

On the other hand, Zhang Jin seemed happier these past few days — excited and anticipating to be exact. She had finally obtained every information about Einherjar Wannabe, and she even managed to obtain a few intel from DREAM Corporation. Right at this moment, she was able to confirm that Einherjar Wannabe was not something created by DREAM, and in fact, even DREAM was trying to get familiar with Einherjar Wannabe, but he eventually rejected all of their offers.

In the end, there was no way to contact Einherjar Wannabe.

Zhang Jin was interested because she had finally discovered the real identity of that mysterious palm strike. For some reason, a mystical technique that had vanished for more than three hundred years had resurfaced all of a sudden, what could it mean?

Chapter 167: Cool Down

Translator: Double_L Editor: Tehrn

Zhang Jin was certain that she already had more than enough information to make a bold hypothesis; it seemed like eighty percent of her previous theory was right after all. In fact, every descendant of the House of Zhang would make bold hypothesis even if the possibility was only twenty to thirty percent; not to mention that this time, things were far more interesting.

She was certain that Einherjar Wannabe didn't come from nowhere, she inferred that he was actually a boy who had randomly come across this extraordinary power and decided to give it a go in PA. Knowing that his age of sixteen was more than enough to narrow down her reasoning, she even ruled out the possibility of him being an Ivantian after observing his behavior. It might be impossible for many to do so, but Zhang Jin had no problem with it since she was very familiar with the way an Ivantian walked and talked. Furthermore, she could tell apart the difference between Ivantians, Earthlings, and Martians, which left her with only two other options: Einherjar Wannabe was either an Earthling or a Martian.

Zhang Jin focused in her profiling and analyzed a few possibilities. She even managed to rule out that Einherjar Wannabe was from one of the Five Great Houses and concluded that he was only an ordinary boy who had been blessed with a fantastic encounter. However, the encounter itself was not enough as he would need someone to teach him the basics. Zhang Jin was also certain that his GN Force was not lower than one hundred and fifty nodes due to the vast compatibility of his tactics, and its difficulty had clearly exceeded something that could be learned from a random martial arts guidebook or Space Crystal found in the streets.

She realized that Einherjar Wannabe must have a good mentor that was able to help him with the powerful tactics, so Zhang Jin tried to recall if anything similar had happened and been reported in recent years.

Everything had been abnormally secretive, perhaps the tactics was actually stolen from another family?

However, nothing similar had happened to the Five Great Houses. In fact, it has been really peaceful in the recent twenty years, and incidents like this didn't even occur in famous dojos.

It seemed like Zhang Jin's reasoning had come to a dead end, so she put down her documents and calmed down by taking deep breaths. Since the data was not enough, she would have to dig deeper to understand the whole picture.

Her biggest dream was actually to complete the unfinished business of her forefathers, which was to figure out the real identity of the Blade Warrior. Zhang Jin had doubts about the fact that her ancestor, Zhang Linjing, actually knew the real identity of the Blade Warrior, but for some reason, there was no written evidence about it. Zhang Linjing had to know since she was the creator of the Tactics of the Conscious Heart and also the only person who had reached the highest level. Obviously, there should be more information if she had no idea who he was and was looking into him. However, there was not even a single piece of paper about it, which meant that Zhang Linjing might have known everything herself!

Zhang Jin had always been looking for an opportunity, a difficult task that would provide her enough challenges and could significantly boost up her Tactics of the Conscious Heart once she had found the solutions. It seemed like the topic about Einherjar Wannabe was quite interesting; however, Zhang Jin still doubted that it would be enough for the boost.

After putting down the files about Einherjar Wannabe, Zhang Jin then turned to the latest update regarding the three main political forces. These forces had been going head to head against each other in terms of military, politics, and lifestyle; they would even slit each other's throat in order to obtain the greatest benefit. The latest topic was the argument regarding the ownership of the Hyper-Conductive Magnetite that was recently discovered on Norton, and the struggle was getting more and more intense; however, Zhang Jin had no reason to be concerned about it.

On the other hand, the Academy of Ayrlarng, which General Li Feng graduated from, had finally begun to rise after falling into a deep slumber for a long period of time, all thanks to Samantha and Ma Xiaoru. The two ladies might have had what it took to lead Ayrlarng toward the victory against Bernabeu; however, the chances of defeating Capth were almost zero.

Judging from Capth's behavior, they would probably send out their freshmen to take on Ayrlarng and Bernabeu, but even so, Ayrlarng and Bernabeu would definitely have a hard time handling those freshmen...

The second phase of the special training program had been held in Bernabeu, while the third phase would be held in Ayrlarng since the new facilities had been installed and the new dormitories had been established. In other words, Wang Tong was finally able to return to his own room.

Samantha even created a new dorm sorting system for the sake of Ayrlarng. She had recently divided the dorms into three categories, and the students of the A-Class were given the dorms with the best condition. Regardless of the complaints she might receive, Samantha had decided to do what she thought was best for Ayrlarng since she was the principal of the academy. She knew that those who were against her would shut up if she was able to show them the improvement. Moreover, a better reputation of the academy would also be able to create positive effects to every student.

This would be the final dashing period for the team as they would be facing the Goliath, Capth, in a week's time. Samantha only wished for one thing: nothing else but Victory!

She needed a miracle for the sake of her ambitious plan that no one would ever dream of, and if they were able to defeat Capth, this would be the first step of her achievement.

However, things were not looking good, and maybe even worse than she had expected. Originally, she believed that her chances of winning would be higher since she had Ma Xiaoru as her ace, but it wasn't as perfect as she had expected. Ma Xiaoru's influence was not as huge as it seemed, and it couldn't be helped because that was Ma Xiaoru's personality, but Samantha knew that it wasn't right to be over-demanding.

The bad became worse after Wang Ben's sudden decision to change side, and Samantha had been having headaches about it. Not only Wang Ben was a strong fighter, but he was very familiar with both Ayrlarng and Bernabeu, especially regarding her secret weapon, Wang Tong, which was no longer a secret. Clearly, Capth would target him soon, unless they didn't see him as a threat... Nevertheless, she was only hoping that her enemies would underestimate them, instead of praying that luck would be on their side.

Samantha knew that Wang Tong was strong and had already witnessed his capability of making miracles during the competition against Bernabeu, but she wasn't sure if he would be able to do the same against Capth. Samantha patted her cheeks and told herself not to give up and to stay confident. Otherwise, she might have to retake her Ph.D. in psychology…

Knock knock knock…

"Enter, please."

Wang Tong entered her office. Samantha smiled and asked, "What's up?"

"Mis… Ma'am, why can't I have a new room?" Wang Tong almost called her by the nickname he gave her, but he knew he had to be more polite in the academy.

Samantha kept her cool even though she was smiling inside. She knew Ma Xiaoru fancied Wang Tong, and there was nothing between him and herself, but somehow it felt like they were having an affair... anyway, it was complicated.

Perhaps this was what human nature really looked like.

"Mr. Wang Tong." Wang Tong was mesmerized by Samantha's dazzling smile. "I did this for your own good. You see, obviously, as a member of the F-Class, you'll be given a new room even prettier than the latest ones, but not now."

"Erm, Ma'am, is it possible for me to have one right now? Since I've been going through all sorts of hardship for the sake of the academy..." Wang Tong didn't give up. He had just found out that there was a pastry chef on duty on every floor of the new block, but most importantly, it was FREE!

Wang Tong adored freebies!

"I'm guessing you want one because of the free food?"

"Ahem, of course not! I asked for one because I was hoping to have a better study environment... for the sake of the academy!" Wang Tong said.

"Really? But my guts are telling me that you ARE aiming for the free food." There was no way to hide anything from Samantha.

"Nah, perhaps it's just your illusion!" Wang Tong replied confidently.

"Hmm, I know you're doing this for the academy, but I'm afraid I can't help you with this. I believe you'll be able to advance to the A-Class after the next exam, so why don't you bear with it for a while? I believe you're not going to ruin everything because of this, am I right?" Samantha replied in a gentle manner.

Wang Tong knew that the gorgeous principal wouldn't compromise, but it was still worth a try for the freebies. Nevertheless, Samantha was strict when it came to her policies.

"Yea, I know, but dear pretty missy, I'm not happy with the unfairness though." Wang Tong advanced three steps toward Samantha.

Samantha frowned and wondered what the idiot was going to do this time. Ever since he had forcefully kissed her last time, Samantha had been trying her best not to be alone with this kid because she was afraid that he would cross the line. Men were impulsive animals after all.

"Mr. Wang Tong, please stand where you are!" Samantha commanded with a solemn expression. She had to control Wang Tong or else things would become ugly. She might be able to control herself, but Wang Tong was not very good at behaving himself.

Wang Tong adored Samantha from the bottom of his heart, and he was certain that Samantha also fancied him a little; however, he hadn't expected to be treated this coldly and became kind of depressed. Perhaps he had been too confident about himself, or he was being too optimistic. After all, Samantha owned DREAM Corporation, she was Ayrlarng's principal, and she was also a girl genius, so obviously, she wouldn't be attracted to a nobody like him.

Wang Tong cooled down and took two steps back. "I'll leave you to your work, Ma'am." Wang Tong turned around and left after saying that. He wasn't someone who liked to mingle around, so since she didn't like him, he would leave her alone!


Wang Tong's mood was reflected on the door of Samantha's office.

Samantha was frustrated too. Things seemed to have gone a little out of control, and she hadn't expected that it would turn out like this. In the end, she was able to control herself since she was fine living without love.

However, she was feeling bad after what had happened.

Wang Tong raised his head and looked at the sun. No wonder Old Fart always said that women were troublesome. It really felt bad, and he wondered if this was how breaking-up felt.

Right now, he really needed a drink, so Wang Tong dialed a number with his Sky-Net. "Come out now."

"Huh? I'm having a class later!" Hu Yangxuan faked a smile and replied.

"Are you gonna sit there and do nothing while your good friend is heartbroken?"

"What the hell? Hold on, I'm coming!"

Hu Yangxuan was good with women, and he was always able to give good excuses to his "girlfriends" for not showing up. Since his teacher was also a woman, he was able to think of a good excuse to sneak out.

The two boys went to a pub. "Are you sure that you wanna drink? I remember that you're not good with alcohol."

"All I want now is to get drunk. I'm counting on you to carry me home later."

"I knew it! Oh whatever, I'll be your drinking and chatting companion today." Hu Yangxuan shook his head helplessly, Wang Tong was his friend after all.

"Is it me or does everything gets messier recently? Dammit man, even Wang Ben has escaped without any reason... What the hell's wrong with the kid? Sigh..."

Both of them frowned in frustration, things were really not looking good.