669 - 678 END

Chapter 669 An Opportunity

"Welcome back, brother Wang Tong!" Li Shiming extended a welcoming hand. Wang Tong held his hand and pumped it rigorously. "Nice to see you again, Brother Li."

The two of them both had poised bearings, and the situation filled Li Shiming's heart with wistful emotions. Like Lie Jian, he could have risen to power without much consideration for humans' unity, but he had chosen the right but the more difficult path of helping Wang Tong.

"Why are you two so formal? Men are strange creatures." Li Ruoer's remark amused the two.

"Someone needs to teach my brassy sister a lesson." Li Shiming put in. Over the years, Li Ruoer's affection for Wang Tong was no longer a secret. No matter how Porten tried to win Li Ruoer's heart, his efforts had all but failed. After getting fed up of Porten's unwanted attention, Li Ruoer told him straight out that she would marry him if he could defeat her in a one on one battle. Porten never showed up at her doorstep again after that.

And now, whatever little chance he might have had in winning Li Ruoer over was gone with the return of Wang Tong.

It was the first time in six years that Li Ruoer, Ma Xiaoru, Zhang Jin, Zhou Sisi, and Wang Tong had sat in the same room. Their friendship went way back, particularly that among Ma Xiaoru, Zhou Sisi, and Li Ruoer. As they caught up with each other about what they had been up to in the six years, memories of their academy life flooded back and bonded them tightly together. The topic of discussions was mainly about Zhou Sisi's escape; however, the focus of the discussion quickly shifted to Wang Tong.

"Xiaoru, believe me, you have to be careful with those Martian women. Wang Tong is a nice guy, but all men are the same. It's true!" Li Ruoer said hotly. She didn't just resent the martian girls around Wang Tong, but also Zhou Sisi. However, Ma Xiaoru's acquiescence about Wang Tong and Zhou Sisi's affair seemed to legitimized her own outward affection for him.

Zhou Sisi knew what had happened between Li Ruoer and Wang Tong, and only she knew that he liked Li Ruoer deep down. Otherwise, Li Ruoer would have long since given up her pursuit. She lacked the courage of dissing Li Ruoer for doing what she was had done. At any rate, Li Ruoer would have to gain Ma Xiaoru's approval first; without her permission, Wang Tong would scarcely dare to get near Li Ruoer.

"Good point! He had been reveling on Mars, surrounded by field medics and even princesses. We need to keep a close eye on him." Zhou Sisi chimed in.

Ma Xiaoru cracked a smile. Six years ago, she would not have to take the two girls' advancements on her man so kindly. But after having experienced so many things while living on the edge, she had changed her perspective. She knew that, with her permission, Wang Tong would gladly take Zhou Sisi as his mistress. But, she was less sure about what he would do with Li Ruoer.

Li Ruoer had been her best friend ever since college, and Ma Xiaoru knew that she never lacked male admirers. However, as fate would have it, Li Ruoer had her mind set on only one person.

The war was coming; Ma Xiaoru realized that it was an inappropriate time for gossips and frivolous sentiments.

"This is a great plan!" Li Shiming nodded as he agreed to Wang Tong's proposal. Although Li Shiming prided himself as an astute strategist, he marveled at Wang Tong's plan for its simplicity and comprehensiveness. If he had doubts about Wang Tong's leadership skills before this meeting, they were gone by then.

"Haha, you would do the same planning if you were me."

"I bet Lie Jian is feeling kind of down for being out-matched by you." Li Shiming remarked. He conceded that Wang Tong was the only person who was able to lead the human world, since neither Li Shiming nor Lie Jian would be able to force either one into submission.

The power struggle between House Li and Lie had not disappeared even during such a crisis. Deep down, Wang Tong was with House Li since he was the heir of the Blade Warrior, Li Feng. Although not directly, Wang Tong was connected to House Li.

"Haha, you know me. I don't care about politics or money. I just want to help others and just be myself. " Wang Tong smiled broadly. He lived in a completely different, and happier world than Li Shiming, without any politics or intrigues to slow him down.

Li Shiming paused and then smiled wryly. "I envy you, I truly do." He felt he finally could open up to Wang Tong and come to terms with the fact that Wang Tong, and not he himself, was the heir of the Blade Warrior.

Li Shiming was an ambitious man, and he never had the public's interest in his heart. He knew he couldn't change himself into a saint, but he admired Wang Tong for being able to do what he couldn't.

"What is it so great about being me?"

"Shut up, you a*shole! You are living in many people's dream." Zhang Jin refuted. She was pleasantly surprised by how well the meeting had been going. She had been expecting much worse exchanges between Li Shiming and Wang Tong.

If the world were at peace, someone as complex and multidimensional as Wang Tong might have never appeared in the world. During the time of peace, the persons was most likely to succeed were the likes of Li Shiming and Lie Jian. Michaux would be out of the picture because of his individual pursuit, and so would Patroclus despite his perfect personal prowess.

However weird it might sound, it was the rise of the Zergs that had given Wang Tong and Patroclus a chance to rise with them. Wang Tong was a very simple man with simple needs; therefore, without the enormous external pressure to push him forward, he would never have achieved a fraction of what he had so far.

In other words, Wang Tong and Patroclus were two sides of the same coin; they were both a product of the extreme circumstances, a self-defense mechanism of the human world.

When the group talked about the hiding spot of the queen, Li Shiming agreed with the notion that the queen was on the Ark. "Let me know if you ever need any help. We never stopped looking for the Ark, but so far, we have had nothing. We had suspected that it was hiding in a detached segment of the hyperspace. If that is the case, Patroclus must keep the key to the portal very close to him." Li Shiming said. If he were right, then Wang Tong wouldn't get the key unless he confronted Patroclus, which would defeat the purpose of the operation.

"The ark is huge, so there must be some traces. I have tracked Patroclus activity over the years, and there is a clear pattern to it. I believe that is where the portal is."

"You mean you can get through the portal without using a key?" Li Shiming asked incredulously.

"If we can do that, we can separate the Zergs from the Immortals' force. It would be devastating for Patroclus."

"We would then wage a full-on counterattack on Patroclus. However, we are running out of time. We need to act quickly before he becomes fully committed to the war!" Wang Tong announced.

Chapter 670: No Pain No Gain

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Without the queen, the Immortals were deemed to lose control over the Zergs, significantly reducing the threat toward humanity. Wang Tong should be able to face Patroclus with abandon by then; otherwise, he would be constantly worried about the fate of humans should he die during the fight.

Without being able to commit himself fully to the fight, Wang Tong was deemed to be defeated.

The key to winning the inevitable fight against Patroclus was to find Ark and kill the queen. For the longest time, the immortals had had the upper hand, and leveraging his advantage, Patroclus had forced Wang Tong to reveal a significant degree of his power. He kept a close eye on Wang Tong's every move and every fight, hoping to find his flaws.

Once Wang Tong located the queen, he would be able to avert the situation and gain the initiative. Otherwise, the terms of the battle, such as when, where, and how the battle would be carried out, were at Patroclus' discretion.

Despite the uncertainty in the future, this was the closest the humans had ever gotten to see any signs of hope during the six years.

Wang Tong's challenge was much greater than his illustrious predecessor—Li Feng's. Five hundred years ago, humanity's biggest enemies were the Zergs, but now, Wang Tong had to deal with someone much more powerful than the Zergs: Patroclus.

Although Patroclus' ancestor, Rilangalos had also risen against Li Feng, Patroclus' skills and abilities had surpassed his by a great measure. Therefore, he was a much greater threat to the heir of the Blade Warrior than his ancestor had ever been.

Dimalis had soon received a message from the Divine Lord, ordering the Immortal fleet to press forward. Divine Lord had deduced the weakened state of Mars' defenders and thought that it would be a great opportunity to strike.

None of the mastery casters who had helped Michaux in the last spell were conscious, and it would take them at least six months to recover. Without the protection from Wang Tong's soul essence, many casters' sea of consciousness was assailed by the raw and unforgiving energy.

Nevertheless, the Immortal armada's hesitation had given the Martians time to prepare for a full-on war. They reopened many shelters and bunkers under the large buildings and evacuated people into the well-defended cities from the countryside. It would still take Dimalis a while to reach Mars, and by the time he was here, the Martians should be ready for war.

The biggest threat the Immortal fleets could impose was bombardment from space, which wasn't really much of a threat if one asked a battle-hardened martian. With the population staying safely in the shelters, the immortals would be able to destroy the buildings on the surface at most.

It had occurred to Dimalis that he was faced with a dilemma: if he used a planetary destruction weapon, Patroclus would have nothing but dust to lord over; however, his current weapon loadout could do nothing more than demolish a few buildings.

Meanwhile, the harassment from the human fleet started to gain more strength and frequency. They still kept their distance from the Immortals' armada, and only struck from the rear and flanks.

Having lost five fleets, Dimalis hesitated to split his forces further as he would lose the advantage in numbers. Therefore, his information about his surroundings and enemy ships were very limited. He knew that the manufacturing plants down on the Mars were cranking out more battlecruisers each day, but he no longer had enough men to send down there while maintaining dominance in space. As Dimalis approached Mars, his fear grew even greater. Although the Divine Lord had deduced that the casters were exhausted from the last spell and would take a while to recover, he didn't mention how long the recovery would take. The Armada could not afford to be struck by another one of the world-devouring spells.

After much deliberation, Dimalis concluded that he shouldn't rush to Mars at a current weakened state. He would take his time and wait for the reinforcement of Zergs. Suddenly, he felt grateful for his human heritage; it gave him insights into the Martians' strength and his weaknesses. Without it, he would have plunged straight into the Martians' trap like the dark ones did.

Meanwhile, inside the Immortals' Divine Hall, Patroclus sat on his throne with an eerily placid face. The change in the Divine Lord was palpable to the immortals ever since Zhou Sisi was kidnapped. As a matter of fact, if Patroclus had acted on that day, Wang Tong might not have been able to take her away so easily. However, no one dared question Patroclus' inactivity.

"My lord, the situation on Mars has deteriorated significantly. We are cranking out enough spaceships, but most of the crews are humans. I suggest increasing the rank of Immortals." Harmon said. Ever since he had completed his Mars mission, Harmon had risen in ranks quickly and become one of Patroclus' most trusted advisers. All leaders present in the Divine Hall knew that the real goal of Harmon's mission was to eliminate unwanted members of the Immortals in addition to gaining more information on Wang Tong's power. Harmon had reached both of these goals successfully.

The information on Wang Tong that Harmon had brought home with him was a shocker to most Immortals, as his power had greatly exceeded their expectations. Nonetheless, it was better to know the full extent of a powerful opponent than pretending they were fighting a weak one.

"My Lord, I agree with Harmon, and that was in line with what I heard from General Dimalis. Although we had gained the initiative in the space, the Zergs alone won't be able to take the Mars when we start to fight on the ground. Wang Tong's recent…presence on the moon had fanned anti-Immortal sentiments among the humans. If we let their sentiment fester, there will be grave consequences." The lord of the lunar city Teluosu chimed in.

Despite Patroclus' shrewd statecraft skills, his reign remained an alien entity in the eyes of most humans. The Ivantians might bow to Patroclus when they had no other options, but the moment they saw a sliver of hope—as they did in Wang Tong—they would rise up and rebel.

The immoral leaders offered their suggestions and advised while Patroclus listened quietly. He agreed with his advisers and conceded that it would take generations to make the humans accept the immortals. He had been on the right track until Wang Tong showed up. His very name was able to evoke hope and restlessness in the humans living under Immortal rule.

The so-called peace and prosperity on the moon was only a pretty facade, and Patroclus had never truly lorded over his human subjects.

Patroclus agreed that expanding the number of Immortals was an effective way of winning the war; however, transforming humans into immortals against their will would defeat his original plan for the two races to coexist.

He never sought to destroy the human race, as all he wanted was to improve it by making it more competitive.

Was he wrong from the very beginning?

The question became even harder to answer when he was a leader of tens of thousands of Immortals. He couldn't give up his course even if he wanted to; he had created the immortals, and it had become his responsibility to lead them to a safe shore.

The birth of Immortals was not a mistake; it was the humans' reluctance to change. Without the immortals, the humans would have never defeated the Zergs.

"Lan Jia, what are the humans up to lately?" Patroclus asked.

"The underground resistance force is definitely up to something. They had been communicating with each other very frequently of late. This is rather unusual… I wager they are looking for something…perhaps, the queen."

Patroclus's lips curved into a hard smile. "They have finally figured it out. It will be a huge blow to us if they succeed."

"Should we double the guards to make sure her safety?"

"Lan Jia, that is no different than telling them where the queen is." Harmon put in.

"Doesn't matter! We remain dominant in the space. They have zero chance of even getting near her. Bah, it is difficult for even us to get close to her, much less the humans." Lan Jian said.

The supreme mother was jailed inside the hyperspace to confine her telepathic power. Once an immortal and the queen were in the same space, she would have unbridled control over the immortals' actions.

"There is no need to do anything right now. Let me think about it." Patroclus said.

Chapter 671: Humility is a Virtue

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Deviating from his original plan might not be a great deal to the immortals, but it was to Patroclus. At the chief architect of the future society, he knew if he didn't lay the foundation straight, the world he built would collapse as it grew.

The immortals were aware of Patroclus's ultimate goal, but doubtful that it was realistic.

Outright destruction would be much easier than slow integration and assimilation. When the Immortals had quashed all resistance force, it would be much easier to convert the human population; even then, it would take up to decades to complete the task.

And now, Wang Tong's appearance had given the human population hope and rekindled their desire to fight back.

Although Harmon understood Patroclus' intentions, he knew what he was trying to achieve was extremely difficult, if not impossible. Harmon knew that Patroclus didn't plan to convert every single human into Immortals. Instead, he wanted the humans and the immortals to coexist in peace. As for his strong-handed rule, it was a necessary evil to ensure the Immortals' place on earth.

If the humans embraced the immortals into their life, they would be rewarded handsomely with the gift of immortality and invincibility.

It was senseless to debate the right or wrong of an issue since it was the results that truly mattered. Between Wang Tong and Patroclus, whoever could achieve a better outcome for humanity would be the eventual winner.

Somehow, Harmon felt that Wang Tong would be able to locate the queen, but even if he could, he wouldn't be able to change the inevitable.

Even since Wang Tong returned to earth, Patroclus had been avoiding him, and the human fleet; the quietness had lightened the warriors' mood significantly. Meanwhile, the earthlings received a group of important guests.

With the arrival of Heidi, the Kaedeian princess, all significant leaders of the human resistance force had gathered at the same place.

Many officials had finally witnessed Heidi's beauty; Porten had to hold back his urge of getting too close to her exquisite frame from the moment he laid his eyes on her. He had completely lost his interest in Li Ruoer, since it was clear by then that Li Ruoer cared only for Wang Tong. Considering the political clout Wang Tong currently held, Porten knew that it was unwise to harass one of his girls. Therefore, he had quickly shifted his attention from Li Ruoer to Heidi.

When Heidi reached the headquarters of the human resistance force, Li Shiming welcomed her ardently on behalf of the earth resistance force. Li Shiming had adapted to his new role very quickly ever since Wang Tong had arrived. He knew his responsibility well and fulfilled his duty satisfactorily.

He knew that it was the best option for him and for his family. Although he was no longer competitive compared to Wang Tong, he could still find his own stage to re-establish his family's influence.

Helping Wang Tong wasn't entirely nonconstructive for House Li. Not only was Li Ruoer widely regarded as Wang Tong's mistress, but the connection between Wang Tong and the Blade Warrior would further tie him and House Li closer together. In other words, helping Wang Tong was helping his family.

"Welcome, WELCOME! Princess Heidi!"

"Thank you. I am here to bring Deep Blue to Earth." Heidi answered.

Porten stepped forward and stood abreast with Li Shiming. He was not only one head shorter than Li Shiming, but also had a slightly hunched back.

"My dear princess, I would love to take you on tour around the Earth to show you our culture and food and …" Porten stopped abruptly when Deep Blue snorted loudly at him. Never once had Porten seen a creature so terrifying; his eyes were blue as ice and teeth sharp like filed knives. Porten winced under his breath and took a step back.

"I apologize Mr. Porten, and thank you for your thought. My schedule here is very tight. I am afraid that we will have to wait until next time. "

"Princess, we have already prepared transportation for you outside the meeting hall. "

"There is no need. Deep Blue will lead me to him." Heidi hopped onto Deep Blue's back, and then the giant monster rose from sitting position. With one single leap, it covered a few hundred meters, and after half a heartbeat, Heidi and Deep Blue banished into the distance.

"Balls, why do all the girls act like that Wang Tong is the only man in the world?" Porten complained.

Li Shiming patted his shoulder. "There are plenty of fishes out there. We have other things to worry about other than relationships."

"Haha, that's right. I wish Wang Tong and Patroclus will both die in their fight!" Porten said begrudgingly. It would be an ideal situation for most opportunists if both Wang Tong and Patroclus perished. Lie Jian and Li Shiming would be the greatest beneficiaries should that happen.

Li Shiming was not impressed by Porten's selfishness. To Porten, the world was a zero-sum game, and Li Shiming worried that he would lose himself in his arrogance without proper guidance. If Porten got under Wang Tong's skin, even Li Shiming would not be able to save him. Wang Tong never tolerated actions that were destructive to unity, and that, Li Shiming wagered, Porten should have known as well.

Porten was not an idiot, but his lack of grasp on reality could sometime turn him into a babbling fool. Even on his way back to his residence, his mind was filled with images of Heidi's face. Compared to five-six years ago when he had seen her for the first time, she had shed that innocent look and replaced it with an irresistible charm of a woman, like the juicy peaches in August, waiting to be taken.

Wang Tong was told to wait for Heidi in the living room while the girls would first greet the guest in the lobby. Wang Tong knew better to not protest against the will of the higher power.

Ma Xiaoru, Zhou Sisi and Li Ruoer had put on their best makeup and dresses right after they have heard that Heidi was heading this way.

Zhou Sisi and Ma Xiaoru didn't want to interfere with Wang Tong's meeting, but Li Ruoer insisted that they should 'greet' Heidi before she met him.

Ma Xiaoru and Zhou Sisi would be lying if they said that they weren't threatened by Heidi at all. After all, she had spent more time with Wang Tong in the six years than they did.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sisi asked.

"We need to be confident! We OWN Wang Tong, remember? We have to get that message across." Li Ruoer said hotly.

"She is a guest. We can't be terrorizing her like this."

"Urghh! You two are so useless! Fine, fine, let's just bask under her glory presence and let her take Wang Tong." Li Ruoer half jested and half complained.

Suddenly, a blue shadow flashed across the front yard, and there she was, arrived in front of the three girls with the grace of a goddess. A measured smile broke over her exquisite face. "Greetings, sisters."

Li Ruoer was immediately enthralled with Heidi's poised and humble manner. A sense of shame rose inside her as she remembered why she was here. Ma Xiaoru replied with an equal measure of grace and humility. "Nice to meet you. What a lovely sight you are! No wonder Wang Tong kept on talking about you."

Heidi blushed. Although she and Wang Tong barely knew each other, her affections—hidden perfectly under the pretense of her responsibility— for him burned like wildfire. Before she came, her queen mother had reminded her of her responsibility: to secure marriage with Wang Tong. Heidi knew that in order to achieve that, she would have first to gain Ma Xiaoru's approval.

Chapter 672: Might Of The Super Einherjar

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

"You look gorgeous, Sister Ma! He had never looked at me in my eyes once." Heidi murmured under her breath. As a princess, it was rare to carry out a conversation such as this.

"I don't believe that! He must have looked at you, maybe when you were not paying attention. " Li Ruoer blurted out.

"Don't mind her, sister. We will let you return to your business. Wang Tong is waiting for you in the living room. " Zhou Sisi said. Deep Blue moved slowly toward Ma Xiaoru and sniffed her. He tilted his head in confusion as he registered a strong scent of Wang Tong on Ma Xiaoru's body.

Heidi and Deep Blue were then led to Wang Tong by the three girls, who was pleasantly surprised to see Heidi in one piece.

Deep Blue threw himself at Wang Tong, nuzzling his cheeks. Wang Tong patted the beast gently and willed it to sit on his haunches.

"Heidi, how was the situation out here? Did Deep Blue figure out the whereabouts of the queen?"

"I have done a round of all the suspicious locations, and after gathering all the data, I am confident that the queen is hiding in the Shengwei Space City."

"Shengwei?" Wang Tong furrowed his brows. "If my memory serves me right, that was a human's settlement, wasn't it?"

"Yes and no. There are no immortals living there, but all the humans have pledged their loyalty to Patroclus. Deep Blue made quite a noise when we approached the space city." Heidi explained. "The queen very likely is in there. All Zergs could sense the queen's presence. There must be something other than the humans inside that space city. Otherwise, Deep Blue wouldn't be so agitated. It's a perfect hiding spot, considering it is a human city." Zhou Sisi said.

"Let's ask Zhang Jin. I can't wait to see some action already." Wang Tong said.

Zhang Jin rushed to Wang Tong's residence after he hung up the phone. She was troubled by the lack of progress when she received his message. Despite the industrious work of the covert agents, they had gathered no useful information that could help her decipher the queen's whereabouts.

After Zhang Jin heard Heidi's briefing, her face lit up with glee. "I can't believe that I missed that city! That sneaky b*stard! Shengwei city has a synchronized orbit with the moon, so it is the perfect location of storing the hyperspace! The space ship must have been hauled into the city when the immortals first built the city."

"If that is the case, there must be a portal or some sort that can lead us to the hyperspace. We still need to get the key from Patroclus." Li Ruoer said, and her words suddenly took the wind out of everyone's sail. The recent surge of covert agent's activity must have caught Patroclus' attention, and therefore, he must be prepared. To get the key meant that Wang Tong would have to challenge him right now; they had returned to where they started.

Even the most optimistic one of them could not encourage Wang Tong to rise to the challenge when he was not yet ready.

However resourceful Zhang Jin was, she also had to concede defeat. There were covert agents inside Shengwei City, but that was not enough to control the city. In order to open the portal by force, she would need the combined energy of at least four Zeus class battlecruisers. A fleet of four battlecruisers was bound to catch the Immortals' attention long before they had closed in on the city.

Plus, no one knew what the key looked like. It could be in any form, and therefore, stealing it from Patroclus was impossible.

Feeling defeated, the five girls looked to Wang Tong at the same time. Why was he so quiet?

Wang Tong was carefully sipping on a cup of tea when he felt the searing glance on him. He lifted his brows and scanned the five girls' gaze and slowly put down the teacup. His mind froze, and his heart skipped a beat as he was mesmerized by the five girls' beauty.

"What…Why did you stop? Go on?" Wang Tong said.

"Do you already have a solution? What a jerk!" Li Ruoer saw through his ruse right away. She walked to him and punched him with a peach-sized soft fist.

"I surrender! " Wang Tong raised both of his hands." I have already told you not to worry about it. I will handle it."

"Bullsh*t! Can you erase an entire city by yourself?"

"I can't, but someone else can." Wang Tong said confidently.

The Shengwei City was one of the 'model cities' one would often see on the immortals' propaganda material. All the humans were candidates for joining the immortals, and the city was lauded as the exemplar of peaceful coexistence of humans and Immortals. All humans in the space city were Ivantians.

It was a normal Saturday morning, and the city was hosting its annual drafting of future immortals. The humans who had been drafted today would be sent to the moon to become an immortal.

Thousands of people gathered at the central plaza where the drafting was taking place. But suddenly, the ground started to shake like an earthquake.

Everyone knew that there was no earthquake in a space city.

Was it a solar storm? No, it shouldn't be. The forecast said nothing about it.

The alarms went off, and the entire city was under the security laser scan that worked industriously to screen out the threats. The moving laser scans were everywhere, and made lots of people feel dizzy.

The scan results suggested that the entire city was being propelled forward by an unknown force—What!

On the big screen at the center of the plaza, an image stabilized that showed a man pushing the city in space. The man turned to look at the camera and gave everyone a large grin.

There would only be one person who could do something as ostentatious and conspicuous as this: Wang Tong!

Wang Tong was wearing a shiny set of METAL suit, and beside him stood an old service robot. However, upon closer inspection, people noticed that Wang Tong was not pushing the city at all; instead, the city seemed to be moving on its own. How was that possible? The space city came with an enormous power plant which produced enough energy that could cancel out any external forces.

Could it be the god who was moving the city?

The CCTV scanned the nooks and crannies of the city, and finally found what they were looking for.

It appeared to be a human and not a god who was moving the city. Everyone was shocked by the development as they waited for the image of the man to stabilize. When it did, Dimalis' jaw dropped in surprise.

Wasn't it the War God?

He had suspected that the War God was Wang Tong in disguise, but it appeared that he was wrong.

In a blink, the image of Einherjar Wannabe moving the space city went viral across all planets. The Martians recognized him right away; no one would have forgotten his signature METAL suit.

"It's the War God!"

"Long live the War God!"

Mars was awash with cheers and joys. No one cared what he was doing and why he would be moving a city; his appearance was enough to set everyone's hearts on fire.

Meanwhile, in the Shengwei city, chaos ensued.

"Crank up the engine! Max output! Crank the output to the max!"

"My lord, we are already at max output, but the city is still moving."

"Bullsh*t! Try it again. Not even a level thirty Einherjar is able to move a space city."


Energy spilled out of Zachery's mouth as he shouted with a lion's roar. The power propagated as it rippled outward, increasing its energy with each inch it covered.

If an Einherjar was not powerful enough to lift a city, what about a super Einherjar?

On the moon, as the immortals watched the development unfold, they were rendered speechless. Not even Harmon knew anyone who possessed that much might.

"Is he the Blade Warrior?" Harmon asked nervously.

Patroclus shook his head. "No, but close. He is…was the pirate king Zachery. He was the only person who was as powerful as Rilangalos and Li Feng."

Meanwhile on Earth, Wang Tong's girls watched the news with surprise and trepidation. Li Ruoer bit down her lips to hold back her admiration for Wang Tong.

Could it be that he was actually a god? While the other girls were filled with excitement, Zhang Jin felt sad; not for herself, but for Patroclus.

The fight between Wang Tong and Patroclus was inevitable.

Porten looked at the screen and swallowed down his fear. He realized that his decision of leaving Li Ruoer alone might have saved his life.

In space, the Immortal reinforcement to the Shengwei City halted their advancement. What would be the use of a fleet when their enemy could move a whole city?

Chapter 673: Point Of No Return

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Zachery had held back his power ever since he had entered the state of super Einherjar. The power of super Einherjars was too dangerous for this world, and the more he used the otherworldly power, the more detached he would be from the current one; and Zachery didn't want to leave yet.

However cold blooded he had been, ever since he met Wang Tong, he had a taste of what really mattered in this world. He couldn't let go of the memories of the time he had spent with Wang Tong and with Charcoal.

Despite his reluctance in unleashing the power of a super Einherjar, he knew that no one other than him was able to move the city.

Zachery could have confronted Patroclus for Wang Tong and win decisively, but he didn't because he knew that the outcome mattered far less than the process. Wang Tong had to do it himself`, and the latter wouldn't agree to let Zachery fight in his stead anyway. He had been looking forward to the fight for a long time. Even for the task at hand, he hesitated to ask another favor from Mr. Wannabe since he felt he was already in deep debt after Zachery had saved him so many times. However, the lives of millions of humans were at stake, and only with Zachery's help could Wang Tong minimize their casualties.

"My Lord, It's time to fight back." Harmon pleaded. It was evident that Wang Tong already knew about the queen's hiding spot. The brazen attack on the space city meant that Wang Tong and his gang had already devised a detailed plan to kill the queen; he had to be stopped sooner rather than later.

Patroclus shook his head and said with finality, "It's already too late. If we act now, they will simply destroy the entire city." Both Patroclus and Harmon knew that Zachery was capable of wiping out an entire city with relative ease by himself.

Meanwhile in the city, feeling that the situation has spiraled out of control, the citizens panicked. Soon, the engine of the City's propelling system sputtered, and the city was finally pushed out of its orbit. Zachery's power was able to bend the very fabric of space and time as it came from a much higher dimension.

It was the first time that people had witnessed the might and power of a Super Einherjar. Everyone knew that as a super Einherjar, Zachery's power was beyond the confinement of the laws of physics of this world.

Knowing that their help was useless, the Immoral fleet stayed far away from the action and recorded the development. Zachery sensed that he was being watched, so he turned around toward the camera and cast his audiences a cold stare. That one look said it all; anyone watching the live stream could feel the chill down their spines as they locked eyes with Zachery.

As a super Einherjar, he was the ultimate form of human existence; he was a god living in a human's form.

Suddenly, Zachery disappeared and the camera cut to Wang Tong, who looked at Charcoal and announced, "It's your turn now."

Charcoal reached out his skinny arms that were meant for mining activities as a ray of light shot out of his body into the abyss of the space. Under the intense light, the dark space turned into liquid; slowly, a slit appeared in the space as if a sharp knife had opened up space at its seams. The slit grew bigger by the second and revealed an amazing sight: a giant spaceship was parked in the middle of a hyperspace.

Meanwhile, the Zergs all around the moon and the Earth started to become agitated as they felt the presence of the Queen. She was the supreme leader of the Zergs, and her order would trump that of Patroclus. However, Patroclus had cast a spell around the Ark and that disabled the Queen's telepathic abilities. Nonetheless, her presence could be felt by Zergs hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Wang Tong was able to pass through the energy barrier with ease since his soul essence was able to absorb any energy that came to contact with him. After a few moments of searching, he finally located the queen. She was a giant hunk of meat surrounded by a hundred or so lesser queens.

As soon as the queen saw Wang Tong, she attacked him with an ultrasonic attack. The attack would have killed any live creature, but it was not able to harm him.

Standing face to face with the queen, Wang Tong was elated. Once he killed it, he would have ended the century-long war between the humans and her kind.

Sensing the grave danger she was in, the queen doubled down on her telepathic ability and was able to transmit a segment of her order to the Zergs nearby.

But by the time the Zergs got the order and started to rush toward the Ark, it was already too late. Two giant fireballs lit up in Wang Tong's hands, and he threw it at the giant queen, setting her aflame. The Queen let out a few agonizing howls and then she was dead. Feeding on the queen's thick blubber, the fire spread throughout the ship, cleansing it of all the abomination that had plagued it over the six years.

The death of the queen sent a strong pulse of telepathic energy that scrambled the minds of all Zergs, rendering them uncontrollable by the immortals. On the contrary, the Immortals were practically unaffected by the death of the queen due to their weak affinity with it. Nonetheless, a lot of them felt defeated by the development and were at a loss.

"Patroclus, it is time to settle our scores!" Wang Tong turned toward the immortals' surveillance drones that were watching his actions and said loud and clear.

Without the ability to control the Zergs, the Immortals would never be able to exert dominance over the humans regardless of how powerful they were. The death of the queen had turned the tide of battle and significantly raised the spirits of the human soldiers.

Out of control and unhinged, the primitive Zergs started to attack anyone on sight. The immortals quickly found themselves fighting on two fronts; not only did they need to prepare the final showdown with the humans, but they also need to quash the reckless and relentless attacks of the Zergs from the inside.

The Divine Hall had fallen pin-drop silent, as the leaders of the immortals had never expected this day to come. They were on course to claim the entire world just a few weeks ago, but now, the whole world intended to claim their lives.

Not only did the humans want to burn them on stakes as freaks, but the Zergs also wanted to tear them apart in their mindless rampage; life suddenly became a struggle, and immortality a curse.

Their only hope was in Patroclus' victory over Wang Tong. Patroclus watched as Wang Tong challenged him to a duel on the screen. He knew this day would come, so he was not as astonished by the challenge as the other Immortals. He looked up at the night sky through the panoramic skylight window and wondered what the world would become after their fight.

"Meet me at the Sky Arena in a month," Patroclus spoke through an intercom. After three hundred and six years, the humans were back where they started: the sky arena.

Neither Patroclus nor Wang Tong had any other choice but to fight each other to death; the division between humans and the Immortals was too deep to mend.

The immortals quickly spread the news through all media channels. This would be the third fight between the two warriors.

Wang Tong defeated Patroclus with a narrow margin in their first match, and Patroclus defeated him in the second. What would happen in the third round? It would be hard to say.

Neither Patroclus nor Wang Tong was the same person from six years ago. Patroclus had gained an invincible body and perfected his cultivation with the help of the immense influence that he had garnered over the years. Meanwhile, Wang Tong had demonstrated near god-level powers by evoking an asteroid storm that changed the appearance of the planet Saturn.

The fight between Wang Tong and Patroclus would determine the dominant force of the galaxy, and the Zergs had become irreverent in this match. They were swept under the rug and forgotten the moment their queen was burned to death, and their endeavor in the Galaxy had come to an end.

The fight would be monumental in human history, but both sides prepared for the battle in silence. Once Wang Tong returned to earth, the military blocked the public's access to their hero. During this one month time, he not only needed to prepare for the fight, but also needed to bring closures to many personal matters.

The Immortal armada had pulled out of Mars' territory since their mission would be meaningless after the fight between Wang Tong and Patroclus. On their way back to the moon, they were attacked by many Zerg hives that had gone nuts over the death of the queen.

While Patroclus prepared for the fight, he also spent a lot of time to come up with a contingency plan for the Immortals. Everyone knew that Patroclus was not fighting for himself, but for the survival of the race, he had created.

Chapter 674: Farewell Party

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Even when Wang Tong had displayed tremendous strength, the immortals were still convinced that Patroclus would achieve victory.

The rise of any nation or race would require a hero and violent struggles. Despite the difficulties ahead, the Immortals didn't waver; they believed that Patroclus would be able to defeat Wang Tong and restore their influence.

Dimalis had returned to the moon to help Patroclus with his orders. Based on the arrangements that Patroclus had made, it was evident that Patroclus was not too optimistic about the current situation. The queen was dead, and the Zergs no longer under the immortals' control. This meant that the Immortals' expansion had practically halted. It was not only the Zergs that the Immortals were losing control over, they were soon going to lose much more.

The humans would not tolerate the Immortals' existence, and the only hope for them to survive was in Patroclus' victory against Wang Tong.

Thanks to the large number of forces that the immortals still controlled, they were somehow able to contain the situation. However, Harmon reckoned that many difficulties still lay ahead. Without the Zergs, the source of new Immortals had been cut off. Although Harmon wagered that Patroclus must have ways of cloning Parasite Zergs, it went against the grain of Patroclus' philosophy, so Harmon doubted that he would do so.

"Thank you for your support over the years," Patroclus said calmly. He had finished all that he needed to do, and now, he just simply had to wait for the battle to start. He turned around and started off as his divine generals watched wistfully.

After a few moments, he arrived at a cemetery and stopped at his father's tombstone. Although everyone knew that Andrews was dead after the battle, no one knew how he had died.

Patroclus gazed at the gravestone thoughtfully. "Father, I have done it. I have eliminated the Zergs from our world as you told me to. Next, I am going to fight for myself. I have created the Immortals, and I won't let them die out. House Dower will never fail again."

Many things had changed ever since that fight, and what happened then was no longer important. Time would be the judge of everything he had done.

Looking at his father's tomb, Patroclus' lips thinned to a smile. A gust of wind came up; Patroclus felt as cold as the stone under his feet.

According to other people, Patroclus had murdered the once prosperous and powerful House Dower, but in the eyes of Patroclus, House Dower had never died; it was reborn in the form of the Immortals.

House Dower was the pioneer in improving human genes. Some of their early experiments were met with strong opposition; the birth of the Ivantians was considered highly controversial as well. However, fast forward a few centuries, the human world not only had accepted the gene editing technology, but House Dower had also become a synonym with the word "technology." It took the human world two hundred years to embrace the Ivantians, and Patroclus knew that it would take the humans much longer time to accept the Immortals.

Were all members of House Dower crazy geniuses? Perhaps. If Patroclus were a bold and daring leader, his father was an exemplar of recklessness.

During the fight with his father, Patroclus didn't actually deliver one strike at his father. Knowing that his son was on the right track and he would not give up so easily, Einherjar Andrews had killed himself in front of his son.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Wang Tong was having a party with his friends from all three major planets. Some had recommended him to respond to the party until after the fight, but Wang Tong refused. It was what it was, and he doubted that he would be able to improve his cultivation in just a few short days.

Wang Tong had done all he could do, so he decided to spend the rest of the days until the fight with his friends, celebrating the good times they had.

Ever since Wang Tong was a kid, he had a dream of inviting all of his friends to a kick-a*s party where they could eat and drink until the end of time.

Right now, he felt like he was living his childhood dream.

Old Fart patted Wang Tong's shoulder wistfully. "Is this all you can dream of? What about world peace?"

"Haha! You are asking too much. I am quite content with all the food and drinks." A master of the court put in.

"Haha, maybe. Haha…Bah! I think I am getting drunk!" Wang Buting laughed as he watched Wang Tong's joyful face. Suddenly, he was gripped by guilt for not giving him a proper upbringing.

If Wang Tong were confident in his victory, he would not have partied like there was no tomorrow. Everyone knew what his crazy party meant that it was a farewell.

"Sh*t, is that really you, Wang Ben? You are fat!" Karl laughed.

"Buzz off! I gained muscles, unlike you." Wang Ben said as he scanned Karl from head to toe.

"How dare you criticize your supervisor? Haha! " Karl laughed out loud. Since Karl was promoted to the rank of General, he technically was one rank higher than Wang Ben.

"Cool! Do I sense a competition going on here? Haha…" Wang Tong laughed.

"How about let's see who has more notches in his belt, Wang Ben? I bet you are still a virgin! Haha!" Karl threw another banter at Wang Ben.

"Karl, shut up! " Wang Ben heard a musical voice come up from a corner of the room. He rubbed his eyes to see who that was.

"Lumi?" Wang Ben murmured in disbelieve. The shy girl had grown up to be a confident and attractive young woman.

"Haha! Wang Ben is blushing!" Karl shouted, and everyone laughed with him.

Wang Tong watched his friends as his heart was filled with joy.

"Sisters and Brothers, I want you to know why you are here today. We are celebrating Wang Tong's victory in his upcoming battle. Patroclus will have his a*s handed over to him on a platter! Haha! " Karl shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Although Wang Tong is not as powerful as me, I do trust him alright," Apache said with a smirk. His sarcastic comment had garnered more laughter than Karl's foolish banter.

"Wang Tong, I believe that you already have a plan. I hope you are successful!" Zhang Jin said.

"Thank you, sister Zhang Jin. Thank you for saving me out of Norton. Without you, I would still be trapped in that damn place, eating Zerg meat every day."

"Well, I sometimes wish I hadn't saved you. " Zhang Jin shook her head.


"Hehe… I should have stayed with you on Norton, and we could have lived happily ever after." Zhang Jin said without giving showing a hint that she was joking.

"Haha! I am honored!" Wang Tong laughed and then upped his glass to drain the last of its content.

Li Shiming and Porten were also invited to the party. After they had shared a few cups of drinks together, they were already talking and joking with each other like old friends.

"Kill that SOB! I can't wait to go to the moon and hug an Ivantian girl. They are the best!" Porten said candidly.

"Let me know if you need any help! I want you to win, for the sake of my sister. Haha!" Li Shiming laughed and then patted Wang Tong's shoulder friendly.

"Haha, sounds like I don't have the permission to die yet."

The party lasted for hours, and Old Fart was the first one to leave. Although he wished to stay longer, sleepiness was gradually claiming him.

Ma Xiaoru didn't interrupt Wang Tong even once when he was talking to his friends. She knew that tonight might very likely be the last time they would ever see Wang Tong again.

"Mr. Wannabe, how is the drink?" Charcoal asked curiously.

"Not bad…pretty good actually!"

Zachery was lying. As a super Einherjar, he could no longer exist in the world in a solid form, much less taste anything of this world. In order to witness Wang Tong's victory, he had spent the last of his soul essence to appear in the world as a shadowing image.

"I'm kind of getting bored. Let's play chess."

"Sure! Mr. Wannabe, aren't you worried about Master at all? My data shows that the two of them are equally powerful."

"The outcome doesn't matter to them." Mr. Wannabe answered abruptly.

"Fine, fine. But I don't want to play chess with you. You suck at it."

"Bullsh*t! I am a super Einherjar. That means I will beat anyone at anything." Mr. Wannabe rebutted.

That night, Wang Tong passed out after midnight, and he was carried to his room by his equally drunken friends.

Chapter 675: The Last Night Of Love

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Even after Wang Tong's friends were gone, he didn't stop prattling, "Haha! Wang Ben likes Lumi! I didn't see that coming. "

"Maybe you are blind." Zhou Sisi jested.

Wang Tong buried his head into the soft pillows, and for the first time in a long time, he let go of all his responsibility and stresses, which felt quite good indeed.

He heard the faucet turned on in the bathroom and the rushing water sounding inviting. Wang Tong turned toward the bathroom, and through the half-open door, he saw a naked body inside with perfect curves. After a few minutes, the water stopped making noises, and someone turned the lights off.

"You are not drunk yet?" Zhou Sisi climbed onto the bed and asked.

"I can't pass up this most important moment of the night." Wang Tong said while his eyes didn't leave Zhou Sisi's face. She loosened her bathrobe as Wang Tong's breath started to become heavy.

As Zhou Sisi was about to remove her bathrobe, Wang Tong stopped her. He wanted to do it himself.

Zhou Sisi nodded and then lay on the bed as Wang Tong peeled off her bathrobe, revealing her alluring curves. He gazed at her body lovingly and thought of the first time he had met her at Ayrlarng; still strong-minded and independent, she didn't change at all.

Wang Tong gently pressed his nose into her cleavage and sniffed the fragrance that came off her body; the smell was relaxing. Zhou Sisi held Wang Tong's head with both hands as a strange mixture of poignancy and joy rose inside her.

As memories flooded her mind, she felt as if they had first met each just yesterday.

Having spent years beside Patroclus, Zhou Sisi knew that the fight was going to be an uphill battle for Wang Tong.

"Wang Tong, give me a child, please."

In the darkness, Zhou Sisi murmured under her breath. The words awakened the inner beast of Wang Tong as he started to ravage Zhou Sisi's fertile and virgin body.

The air was filled with Wang Tong's beastly grunts and Zhou Sisi's sweet moaning. They labored in bed for a long time, and finally, with a final hot wince from Zhou Sisi, the noise died down.

"Was it good?"

"It was alright." Zhou Sisi was out of breath.

"What do you mean it's "alright"? "

"Well…" Zhou Sisi paused to catch a breath.

"I vowed to satisfy every girl! Come on, let's do it again. I promise it will feel good this time!" Wang Tong urged.

"No. no…"

Wang Tong was determined to subdue Zhou Sisi tonight. He pressed her under his body and thrust his member until she started to moan satisfyingly again.

In the morning, Zhou Sisi pulled her hair up into a bun and looked more energetic than she ever was. Wang Tong sat in the bed and enjoyed the sight of his beautiful mistress blooming in the sunlight.

"Get your lazy bum up!"

"No. I want to sleep in!" Wang Tong protested. However, as soon as he heard the knock on the door, he jumped out of bed, opened the door, and carried his beautiful wife into his room.

When Zhou Sisi met Ma Xiaoru's gaze, she blushed.

"It's late in the morning. You have lots to do."

"Do what? Am I going to save the world remember? I need to relax with both of you." Wang Tong said shamelessly.

"You are such a pervert!"

"A pervert you say? We were simply cultivating! Come join us and show me your tactics of the Enchantress." Wang Tong lifted Ma Xiaoru up and threw her onto the bed.

"Sisi, quickly, come help me! Save me from this pervert."

"I am afraid that you are on your own. I am too scared of him."

Ma Xiaoru could tell that Wang Tong was very horny, so she didn't resist him too hard. However, she still felt uncomfortable since Zhou Sisi was right next to her.

Wang Tong felt Ma Xiaoru's nervousness refreshing and whetted his appetite even further. He finished on Ma Xiaoru many times before he convinced Zhou Sisi to join them in bed.

The three of them kept at it for three days, and rumors about their hot nights spread quickly among their friends. In their exhaustion, both Zhou Sisi and Ma Xiaoru had a nagging feeling that Wang Tong did this to make sure that even if he were killed on the battlefield, his would have left a legacy in the human world.

The month of preparation time flew by, and the day of the final showdown was fast approaching. Everyone started to become more agitated as the fated day got closer.

This was not a usual match, and there would be no public broadcasting of the fight. The two of them both possessed an unthinkable power, such that getting close to them while they fought would be an act of suicide.

But despite the danger, more and more people gathered at the sky arena, hoping to witness the historical fight with their own eyes.

On the Earth, Zhou Sisi and Ma Xiaoru prayed to the gods calmly. They had never stopped believing that Wang Tong would emerge victoriously. Once he came back, they could finally live a normal life and form a normal family.

Karl walked back and forth uneasily. "Balls! Why didn't they allow me to see the fight?"

"Can you stop walking back and forth? It's making me dizzy!" Apache complained.

"I want to see the match!"

"Shut up! We all do, but the principal has said no. So why don't you sit down and wait like everyone else?" Zheng Zhong pressed Karl back to his seat.

"You need to believe in Wang Tong. He never walks into a fight without being fully prepared." Wang Ben said loudly, and Li Shiming nodded in agreement. He wished that he could be the one to save the world, but reality decreed otherwise. This was no longer the era of House Li, and neither was he the heir of the Blade Warrior, despite him sharing the same blood with General Li Feng.

"I always felt fortunate to live to see this epic fight unfold. " Li Shiming said emotionally, and his words resonated with Cao Yi and Apache. The political significance of it aside, this fight would be monumental from a technical perspective as well. The clash of the two great power was bound to surpass life and death; it was something out of this world.

In the spaceship, Samantha and the other generals waited anxiously for the battle to start. Li Hong and Xiao Se sat side by side, and they found it difficult to relax since the outcome of the fight would determine the fate of the human race.

"Who do you think will win?"

"How the hell would I know? We can't even see what's going on."

"Wang Tong will win."

"You bet! If he could summon the asteroid storm, he should be able to win any fight."

"No kidding! He is a god, not a human."

"Patroclus is no match for him. He is just a freak!"

Samantha didn't let the captains' over-confidence affect her. She had sent out scouts to keep a close eye on the Immortals' ships, making sure they would not surprise her with an attack.

As an admiral, she watched the developments with a unique insight that could bring all the details together to form a bigger picture. She knew that the Immortals were up to something, and she needed to be careful.

Meanwhile, on Mars, people kept refreshing the skynet for the latest update on the fight. In the streets, cheers for Wang Tong could be heard around every corner. Martians had suffered enough due to the brutal war; they prayed that the gods would finally bestow peace to Mars once the match was over.

Who would emerge as the winner in this epic fight? Both the humans and Immortals waited anxiously to find out the answer.

Chapter 676: The Final Showdown

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Patroclus stood at the center of the large empty arena. There he was, back to where he had started. Were Patroclus and Wang Tong bound by destiny to meet here again, or was it by Patroclus' design? This arena had witnessed the rise and fall of House Dower, and had seen Patroclus at his best and lowest.

This was where everything began, and also where everything ended; for every end, there was a new beginning.

Patroclus threw back his head and stared into the starlit sky. He felt that his body had finally become one with nature. After the visit to the cemetery, Patroclus had gained a keen insight into the meaning of power. When he got back to the practice room, he was surprised to find out that the newfound insight had improved his strength by leaps and bounds. This fight with Wang Tong would be a perfect opportunity to put his new skills to the test.

After some time, a shiny dot appeared in the night sky, and Patroclus heard the citizens of the Lunar City cheer Wang Tong's name: he was here.

Patroclus gathered himself and gave Wang Tong a welcoming smile. "Long time no see."

"Yeah, it's been six years."

"How is Sisi?"

"She is…doing great, thanks to you." Wang Tong said without any rancor.

Patroclus nodded; Zhou Sisi was the only girl who he had felt attracted to. Although he could not be with her in the end, it gave him comfort hearing that she was happy.

"Where is your Einherjar's lance?"

"This is a fight between you and me…I don't help from anyone else." Wang Tong said. Patroclus knew that Wang Tong was alluding to Charcoal and Blade Warrior's power inside it.

"You haven't changed at all." Patroclus smiled broadly and said. This fight was as personal to Wang Tong as it was to him, and therefore, he understood why Wang Tong refused the Blade Warrior's help. But, when so many things were at stake, refusing help seemed very reckless.

"There is no audience. Let's start now." Wang Tong closed his fists and said eagerly.

"Well, what are we waiting for them!" Patroclus pulled his jacket off, revealing his tenacious body in a tight gym suit.



Storm clouds suddenly gathered above the arena and an immense power spilled over the high walls of the arena. Their power was beyond the grasp of both the humans and immortals, as the source of the power came from the deepest layer of the universe where only gods could reach.

Two flows of energies —one gold and one silver—appeared in the arena; either one of them would start attacking any moment now.

Wang Tong attacked first with the layered fist of Tong, a technique he had learned from Zachery. Its deadly power threatened to devour the world.

"This is nothing new." Patroclus' voice sounded almost disappointed. A silver light flashed in his hands as he cranked up his soul energy. Both warriors had contained their soul energy and GN force even during combat in order to concentrate their damage output; it was a testament to their unrivaled control over their power.


Patroclus' palm strike collided with Wang Tong's fist. The impact staggered Patroclus slightly as a hint of surprise flashed across his face. Before he could gather himself, Wang Tong's second wave of attack was already on its way. The second wave was still the Layered Fist of Tong, but it was improved by Wang Tong so that he could superimpose as many layers of energy as he wanted to.

Waves after waves of energies followed each punch from Wang Tong. This meant that he was able to connect his attacks and keep the pressure on his opponent. His GN force was under the complete control of his Soul Essence, so he could manipulate the power output at his will.

Despite the unpredictability in Wang Tong's attacks, they were met with cold denial from Patroclus' defensive measures. Neither blunt force nor trick shots were able to penetrate his all-encompassing defense.

Wang Tong kept at it, each punch of his packed with an unrelenting force; on the other hand, Patroclus held his ground firmly and countered Wang Tong's attack with an equal measure of aplomb and alertness.

"Excellent defense! Try to defend this!" Wang Tong launched himself into the air and then bore down on his opponent from above with an iron fist repeatedly like a jackhammer.

Kom! Kom! Kom! Kom!

As Wang Tong's attack gained frequency and vigor, the clank of the impact started to form a shockwave that shook the ground like an earthquake. However, Patroclus was rooted to the ground, unwavering like a mountain.

Suddenly, Patroclus took half a step back and evaded one attack. While doing that, he channeled energy into his left palm, making it as deadly as a sharp knife before he hacked at Wang Tong while the latter moved in after having missed his target.

Wang Tong reacted quickly as he twisted his body around abruptly and whiplashed a kick at the incoming attack.


Both of their attacks had struck home, the pain lighting up the fire in their eyes.

Patroclus flashed in and out view as he charged at Wang Tong; it was the Ivantian's Butterfly Dash. Patroclus had used this technique so perfectly that no one could tell the illusion apart from his actual movements.

The effectiveness of the butterfly dash was supposed to be restricted by the movement speed; however, Patroclus was able to maximize its effect even at an incredible speed. Patroclus's attack came at Wang Tong even when he seemed to be still quite a distance away. Wang Tong's defense seemed almost lazy in response. Unlike Patroclus, Wang Tong never received formal training, and therefore, he had never learned proper forms or techniques. He simply used whatever worked.

Surprisingly, a lack of formal training had unleashed Wang Tong's creativity so that he was able to attack and defend more efficiently than using set conventional moves. However unpredictable the butterfly dash was, Wang Tong's keen observation was able to tell the reality from illusions.

Kom, KOM!

So skillful were both warriors that even the most advanced combat techniques would fall short of testifying for their powers. Rather than the use of any particular technique, it was the combination of timing and control of power that was a true reflection of their skills.

Kaboom, boom!Boom!

In this intense exchange of fire, one small misstep would give the opponent a huge advantage and allow him to unload hundreds of connected attacks. As the battle carried on, the arena was filled with blaring explosions that shook the ground like earthquakes.

The military had set up blockades around the perimeter of the arena to prevent any delusional fool from breaking into the dangerous battle zone. Meanwhile, the immortals were busy analyzing the battle as well. So far, no one knew who would emerge victorious with the very limited data they had. Unable to watch the fight, they listened and recorded every clank and boom that came out from the arena, deciphering its meaning fruitlessly.

The two charged toward each other, and both of them were dealt a heavy blow on impact, blowing both warriors back a dozen feet and increasing the distance between them.

Wang Tong drew a large gulp of air and dug in with another attack. At the same time, Patroclus reacted quickly and raised a blade aura infused arm to intercept it.



As Wang Tong's punch closed in, Patroclus hewed his deadly arm at the attacker.



The impact of the two attacks caused a burst of energy that made the arena's ground tremble. The two warriors had disappeared from where they were standing and reappeared close to each other at the center of the arena field, immediately engaging in a fierce exchange of blows. They had both relented their defense and focused solely on attacks. Each impact caused a powerful explosion that uprooted the floor tiles from under their feet. In a blink, the floor underneath their feet was in tatters


Wang Tong attacked with abandon. An intense beam of light shot out from the center of his fist, launching at Patroclus. Meanwhile, Patroclus closed his fingers into a fist that was quickly suffused with a silvery brightness.


Both warriors were able to pour their forces into their opponent's system. An explosion erupted at the impact of the two attacks, the resultant shockwave sending both warriors flying into the air until they collided with the seats in the audience sections.

Before the dust settled, the two warriors slowly dragged themselves to their feet. They were both winded, yet unharmed. Patroclus reached out his arms as he levitated in mid-air. He warped the space behind him into an unknown dimension; the force exerted on the very fabric of space turned the air behind Patroclus into liquid. From the warped space, a thousand otherworldly spearheads slowly poked through the liquefied air.

"Art of thousand Lances!"

At the behest of Patroclus, the spearheads shot at Wang Tong like missiles with an incredible speed. Patroclus was able to intercept one of the lances by grabbing it by the handle as it passed by. The Divine Lord then pointed the lance at Wang Tong and looked through its length as he adjusted his aim. After half a heartbeat, he hurled the lance out at Wang Tong forcefully.

Wang Tong shouted out a battle cry as a shimmering, golden GN shield appeared around him. The golden shield was effective in blocking the shower of silver lances until it was struck by the lance hurled by Patroclus. The golden shield shattered, letting in the downpour of silvery lances.

The people standing outside of the arena heard a loud din and then saw one piece of the arena wall being blasted through. A person was thrown out of the arena through the hole, and it was Wang Tong. The Immortals cheered loudly, taking it as a sign of something positive happening inside the arena.

It took Wang Tong half a second to regain his balance, and he flew through the hole into the arena right away. While flying toward the field, he gritted his teeth and channeled out his GN force to form a spinning ball packed with compressed energies. As the ball was pressed into a disc, it was already spinning at lightning speed. Suddenly, more spinning golden discs appeared behind him out of nowhere.

Spinning Whirlwind Attack!

The golden discs whizzed across the air and attacked Patroclus from all directions. However, he was unfazed by the overwhelming number of attacks. Beams of silver lights shot out of his palms and destroyed all discs in their paths. In a blink, all golden discs that got near Patroclus had fallen to the ground.

Wang Tong waved an arm, and the remaining golden discs suddenly changed their course to evade the beams of lights. Patroclus adjusted his soul energy and redirected the light beams, but it was too late, as a golden disc was able to cut a deep wound in his arm. As blood spilled out of the wound, so did white lights that seemed to burn anything that it came in contact with them. Patroclus let out a painful cry, and the white light became so bright that it burned away all the remaining discs.

"What do you say Mr. Wannabe, do we have a winner yet?" Charcoal asked. Both Mr. Wannabe and Charcoal were afloat in space as they watched the fight from above.

"The outcome does not matter." Mr. Wannabe grunted, and the pair continued to observe the fight in silence. They watched as Patroclus finally took out something shiny: the Lance of Rilangalos!

Patroclus suddenly flashed out of view, reappearing in front of Wang Tong and attacking him with overbearing force. The effect of the powerful lance was palpable; Wang Tong's layered fist of Tong already seemed less effective in stopping the attacks.

On Patroclus's third move, Wang Tong was dealt a solid strike and sent flying away. He then picked himself up and folded his fingers; suddenly, the temperature around him dropped dramatically as he tapped into the natural force.

Two dragons, one made out of the fire and one out of ice, charged at Patroclus with snarling mouths.

Chapter 677: The Battle Of Gods

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

If Michaux and Guang Dongyang could see Wang Tong's mastery, they would feel that the world was unfair. Wang Tong was able to mix all different kinds of elements in nature together with such ease.

On the other side, Patroclus was unfazed by Wang Tong's mastery spell. He straightened his back and lashed out his lance at the two giant dragons. Before the ice and fire dragons were able to unload their death breath onto him, he was able to knock them to the side and evade the attack. Having missed their target, the two dragons collided with each other and perished amidst a huge explosion.

Patroclus stood proudly and announced: "Show me your forbidden power!"

At his level, he knew that the essence of all forms of attacks was the same. Even in arts that were as different as Mastery and METAL combat, Patroclus could see the common foundation upon which they laid. It would be a mistake to think that he knew nothing about mastery. If that were the case, he would not have been able to counter Wang Tong's hybrid element spell.

"Mr. Wannabe, do you know why master didn't use any weapon? Patroclus' weapon seemed to have helped him a lot. He has gained a significant momentum in his attacks."

"Hehe, the key is in control of the flow of the battle, and not the damage output. They are both trying to dominate the battlefield, but in a very different way. Without being confined to using any specific weapon, Wang Tong's attempt is more all-encompassing. On the other hand, Patroclus has used what he is best with, and therefore, can be more effective than Wang Tong's bare hands. It is very difficult to say who can gain the upper hand in the next few moments."

"Then, why would he ask Master to use the forbidden power?"

"Hehe…It's a ruse. If he were able to counter Wang Tong's ultimate mastery, it would be a huge blow to the latter's confidence, and will force Wang Tong to use weapons. Bah, these two guys overthink every single move." Zachery sat down while still floating in the air and started observing the match with a great measure of fascination. Even as a Super Einherjar, he could learn many things from these two warriors.

As Zachery marveled at the talents among the humans, he suddenly felt relieved and convinced that the human race would never go extinct under the protection of its heroes.

Wang Tong cracked a smile at Patroclus' demand. Suddenly, he swept his palm flat across space in front of him as fire sprouted out on his hand. The fire quickly spread around him and then the entire arena. However, Patroclus was unflinching; these fires were harmless to him.

Wang Tong raised himself slowly to mid-air, and with another sweep of the arm, summoned a whirlwind that wrapped the fire around. Above the tornado, dark inky clouds gathered and sent flashes of lightning into the inferno at the eye of the whirlwind cyclone. As more lightening plunged into the fiery storm, the air flow near the surface of the cyclone started to glow; in half a heartbeat, the cyclone was suffused with a milky white gleam.

Wang Tong had mixed four different elements into one attack; not only it was an area of effect attack, but was also deadly effective on a single target.

Suddenly, Patroclus felt that he could no longer effectively command his power. The dark element summoned by Wang Tong acted like a catalyst in the chemical reactions as it brought out the full power of the fire elements. When the boosted fire and wind elements were compressed and concentrated together into a small space, the combined power of the two elements increased exponentially. Meanwhile, overlapping the constant and violent exchange of energy pluses was a layer of the extremely stable and calm light element.

This spell called for the user's explicit control over each and every element. The smallest imbalance in the system would cause the spell to fail. Such a spell was a perfect example of the power of the soul essence. With the touch of the soul essence, the caster could become one with the elements, and therefore, would control the elements with relative ease. Like a bartender, Wang Tong mixed the different elements together in order to come up with the perfect concoction of death.

Patroclus felt lethargy claiming his strength. He attempted to counter the spell with whatever energy he could muster, but all the outgoing energies were swallowed whole by the deadly cyclone.

Inferno Hell!

Surprise was written all over Patroclus' face. He had thought that he knew everything about the energy in nature. But, little did he know that one could master these natural powers with such a degree of freedom. Although Patroclus was not a mastery caster, he knew that combining and merging four different elements was beyond the scope of any mastery techniques.

The Inferno Hell was invented by another Mastery caster: Guan Dongyang. However, this appeared to be much deadlier than Guan's version. On the other hand, Guan Dongyang had never needed to deal with an opponent as powerful as Patroclus either.

The Inferno didn't stop robbing the world of its essence; it drew the fire elements all around it and drastically decreased the temperature. Inside the deadly inferno, Patroclus started to struggle.

It wasn't long before the parasitic Zerg started to protest against the extreme environment it was in. Patroclus doubled down on the protective GN shield; without it, the Zerg would have already turned into ashes.

"Attaboy! His imagination is as wild as mine! Haha!" Zachery said with discernible pride. He reckoned that Wang Tong had gained the true insight about power. It was not a measurement of force, but an ability to control and manipulate the situation during a battle.

He marveled at Wang Tong's brilliant strategy, and the power that came out of it. The underlying principle of the spell struck a chord with what gave birth to planets: constant assimilation of new energy that fueled the deadly and violent core under a calm, if not smooth, appearance.

Patroclus gathered himself after he knew he was trapped. The massive drop in temperature and created a world of ice around the cyclone. However, the epicenter of the cyclone, where Patroclus was trapped, was hotter than hell itself.

Patroclus remained calm and stood unflinching despite the agitated writhing and truing of the parasite inside his chest.

More brutal power weighted in onto Patroclus's GN shield, threatening to tear it apart. Suddenly, a silvery light lanced out from the spinning cyclone.


With an ear-deafening explosion, many rays of fire shot out of the cyclone and shredded its calm facade into pieces. Not unbridled by the light element, the concoction of deadly energies spilled forward to fill up the combat field, destroying everything in their path. The walls and roofs of the giant building crumbled in front of everyone standing outside.

When the dust finally settled, the public saw their champions standing face to face on top of a pile of rubles

"Seems like we have to choose another place to continue our fight." Wang Tong said. In the last exchange, he had gained the upper hand by using the mastery. He had trapped Patroclus and only let him get away at the very last moment due to an obvious flaw in the spell. If Wang Tong had more time before the fight to patch up those flaws in the spell, he would have delivered a devastating blow to his opponent.

"Let's go!" Before Patroclus' voice faded, he took off while tracing a silver line across the sky, trailed by a golden thread behind. In less than half a heartbeat, the two arrived in space near the moon. They could fight to their heart's content out there without worrying about harming any innocent bystanders. In some way, this was the real "Sky" arena.

Even though Patroclus was tortured inside the inferno for a good half a minute, he looked completely unharmed thanks to the perks of being an immortal. The fire had polished the surface of his METAL, making it shiny as ever. There he was, standing gloriously while holding the legendary lance, befitting of the title of Divine Lord.

Patroclus was the epitome of indifference and aloofness; the silver light that came off his body was colder than that of the moon. Meanwhile, Wang Tong was basking under the warm golden light that—like his personality—had the ability to encourage anyone and lift their spirits.

However different they were, they were very similar in many ways, so much so that one could not have existed without the other. After all, what was warmth without coldness and what was shadow without light?

Patroclus spun the shaft of the silver lance with a twist of the wrist while he thrust it forward, covering a dozen meters in one strike. The attack hit home, and it shattered Wang Tong's GN shield. Wang Tong closed his fists, and with only the slightest hesitation, threw them at the lance and stopped it. Before Wang Tong had time to deliver another punch, he caught a glimpse of Patroclus from the corner of his eyes as the other attacked with abandon.

The blow landed squarely on Wang Tong's side and knocked him back for a few dozen feet. Patroclus didn't stop there, advancing quickly and delivering a lance attack. However, the lance was stopped by Wang Tong with a single fist. Suddenly, a wave of energy shot through the lance and hit Patroclus' hands. He pulled the lance away from Wang Tong's fist, and the energy disappeared instantly. Without any hesitation, Patroclus channeled more energy into the lance and attacked again.


The second attack was able to deliver a solid blow at Wang Tong and wind him. Seizing the opportunity, Patroclus showered him with more lance attacks.

Wang Tong didn't evade any of the attacks as he allowed the downpour of strikes to land on his body.

Phantom strike!

Finally registering danger, Wang Tong shifted his body to evade Patroclus' killing blow, but he was too late. Pain shot through his body, but he was unharmed. The blow gave him a significant clue about Patroclus' power, and he reminded himself to be more alert for the remainder of the fight.

After the two warriors had moved their battlefield to space, their battle was recorded by cameras and broadcasted live. When Ma Xiaoru saw Wang Tong being dealt a heavy blow, she nearly fainted. Despite being an Einherjar, Ma Xiaoru would forever have a soft spot for Wang Tong. But after seeing that he was unharmed, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"Come on, Wang Tong! Use your weapon and finish the fight already!" Karl jumped out of his seat and shouted at the screen. Even when the fate of the human race was hanging by a thread, Karl still managed to remain confident. However, despite the valor of his ignorance, he was an invaluable asset to the human race during a space battle.

Wang Tong flexed his neck muscles to relieve some of the tension. Patroclus was surprised to see that he was unharmed after being dealt a deadly blow.

"Not bad! Seems like your lance technique has improved significantly. Well, warm-up is over, Let's dive right into the real action." Wang Tong stretched his arms and legs as if he were about to do some intense gym exercises. The comical scene made many immortals laugh out loud. Unlike the members of the Great Houses, Wang Tong didn't have a reputation to keep, and neither he had to keep up the appearances.

After five seconds of stretching, Wang Tong was back in action. His body gave a golden glow that illuminated his surroundings. At the same time, a golden lance appeared in Wang Tong's hand as if out of nowhere. Waves of energies rippled out of him and were gaining intensity by the second.

Patroclus' lips thinned into a smile; this was the Wang Tong he had expected to fight. The thought of an intense battle heightened Patroclus' spirit. As silvery energy spilled out of him and clashed with the golden glows, both warriors took off like two rockets, trailed by a pair of gold and silver lines in space.

The real battle was about to begin.

The two of them held each other's gaze while both flew abreast. Sparks erupted in between them when they got a little bit closer to each other. Both warriors raised their lances; each of a legendary quality. But at the end of the battle, only one was going to survive.


Wang Tong attacked his opponent with the Einherjar Lance, while Patroclus countered the attack with a thrust of the scintillating Lance of the Deva King.

When the two legendary weapons collided, the space in between the two steel was folded, crushed, and compressed, releasing an unimaginable amount of heat and light. Each and every impact sent a quickly expanding ring of thermal and kinetic energy into space. The ring was so bright that it easily penetrated the darkness of the space for miles. Suddenly, the humans watched as storm clouds gathered above them, and it wasn't long before the clouds started to pour rain onto the moon. Beyond the dark clouds, people could still make out flashes produced by the impact of the two lances.

Both immortals and humans watched the flashes come and go expectantly. Stunned by the incredible display of power, some of the onlookers had already forgotten why the two warriors were fighting in the first place. In their stupor, they imagined that they were watching the battle between two gods.

When both warriors had started using their lances, the audiences knew that there was no turning back from this point. Lance was considered the overlord of all weapons because of its practicality and effectiveness. Every clash of the two lances let out energy that threatened to devour an entire planet.

Wang Tong had forsaken the usage of mastery and focused solely on the direct exchange of physical blows.


A massive explosion blew both warriors away from each other. So far, neither of them seemed to have gained the upper hand. With the help of soul essence, Wang Tong was able to manipulate the natural forces to aid his defense and offense. Meanwhile, Patroclus' immortal body meant that he was practically immune to physical damage. Patroclus believed that his healing ability was going to set him apart from Wang Tong in the end as the latter accumulated more wounds. Therefore, Patroclus doubled down on his attack and kept the pressure on Wang Tong.

The tip of the silvery lance gleamed and let out a faint but noticeable pulse of energy. The pulse started weakly, but as it rippled in the space, it started to grow and expand until it threatened to swallow Wang Tong.


The tip of the silver lance thrust at Wang Tong, who acted out of instinct and blocked the attack with his lance. It didn't take long for him to realize that something was amiss. The Lance of the Deva King was rapidly freezing his soul energy.

Wang Tong reckoned that freezing up the soul energy was much more effective than absorbing it, since at their level, absorbing each other's soul energy would not only take a while, but also give the opponent a chance to lash out.

Wang Tong's knee-jerk reaction was to move away from the lance of the Deva King; however, he realized that he could no longer move his lance. His golden lance was suffused with Patroclus's silvery energy, and no longer responded to his command.

Seizing the opportunity, Patroclus attacked Wang Tong with quick pokes and jabs of with the lance, trying to land as many blows as possible. Unable to use any of his lance techniques, Wang Tong seemed to have lost control of the battle. Zhou Sisi covered her mouth, trying to suppress a gasp but failed. Zhou Sisi had seen Patroclus' power first hand. She had learned that not only was he able to control objects with his soul energy, but could also create objects from his soul energy, as he had created all the plants and flowers using it.

No one could tell those flowers he created from the real ones. Not only did they look like the real stuff, but smelled like them too.

However, Zhou Sisi had never thought that Patroclus could convert his gardening skill into deadly combat moves. Otherwise, she would have warned Wang Tong about Patroclus' ability.

Patroclus didn't stop perfecting himself after he had attained the invincible body. After he became an immortal, he started to dive into the deepest abysses of knowledge to search for the meaning of the universe, and was able to find a part of that answer.

Guided by his new insight, he had found the path toward godhood, and the token ability of a god, he reasoned, was the ability to create life.

Chapter 678: Because I Am Wang Tong

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Harmon and Dimalis were completely in awe of Patroclus' great power. He had once again proved that he was the only one who would lead the immortals to glory and create new bastions of immortals across the universe.

The immortals truly believed that the main reason for them to stay within the solar system was to enlighten the humans, so that when they were ready to embark on the endless space faring journey, they could take the humans along with them.

The Lance of the Deva King's attacks were so overwhelmingly fast that Wang Tong could only evade but not have any opportunity to fight back. However, even with his nearly flawless movements, he could not be sure that he could evade each and every blow.

The attack of the lance was highly unpredictable, and it even broke the laws of physics from time to time. All the hacks and slashes were connected into an unstoppable train of attacks. However powerful Wang Tong was, he was forced to back down under so much pressure. The bigger question was: how long could he keep evading the attacks without getting hit?

Zachery smacked his lips as he felt Wang Tong's difficulty. He was also surprised by the power he had seen so far. Even with his knowledge as a super Einherjar, he failed to estimate both warriors' power correctly. Meanwhile, he also lamented over their recklessness for using the Super Einherjar level powers without reaching the appropriate level of soul energy.

At the same time, he felt that despite the two young men's inferior soul energy compared to his, they both possessed huge advantages that he lacked. Wang Tong had the guidance of the soul essence while Patroclus had the gift of immortality. In addition, Mr. Wannabe conceded that both young fighters had gained more insight into the meaning of the universe than he did.

Patroclus had taken the initiative and released his full power, so Mr. Wannabe knew that it was Wang Tong's turn once the former's power had reached the peak.

Even someone as knowledgeable as Zachery was curious as to what truth Patroclus had discovered about the reality they lived in.

All human audience's hearts were caught in their throats when they saw that Wang Tong was forced to evade attacks due to the power of Patroclus' strikes.

Patroclus' attacks were still gaining frequency and vigor. His techniques were so perfect that they were practically flawless. But despite the advantage, Patroclus didn't rush to the final strike; he took his time to prepare and gathered strength as he waited patiently for the best opportunity to deliver the killing blow.

Finally, the opportunity had arrived; Patroclus poured out his GN force as the lance started to gleam. At the end of the lights was where he would bury Wang Tong's soul.


Samantha scarcely had the courage to bear witness to the tragedy, so she shut her eyes close. Most girls followed her and covered their eyes. However, those who were brave enough to watch the tragedy unfold were rendered speechless by what they saw.

It wasn't Wang Tong who got hit by the lance, it was Patroclus, and the attack had landed squarely at Patroclus's chest where the parasitic Zerg was.

At the last moment, Wang Tong had pulled off the unthinkable and released the Space warping attack. It was evident then that Wang Tong had been preparing for the final attack while he seemed to be busy defending himself. The attack bent the law of physics by blending the two powers—soul essence and soul energy together.

Blood and life drained away from Patroclus's face. Although he had an invincible body, the Parasitic Zerg remained his only weak spot; it was his Achilles' heel.

A strike delivered at the Zerg would almost certainly cause instant death to any immortal. After much preparation, Wang Tong had gathered enough strength to blow a hole through Patroclus's chest.

Patroclus' pale lips managed a smile, and then he said, "So that's it, the space warping attack…What a brilliant illusion!" Patroclus was the first person to have realized that the attack did not warp space as everyone had believed. The energy of the attack was previously unleashed and stored somewhere until the last minute.

Wang Tong had been channeling his energy into the attack long before he unleashed it. What made this attack seemingly undependable was Wang Tong's ability to trigger it at will and land the blow anywhere he desired.

Wang Tong cracked a smile. Even if Patroclus had seen through his trick, it was already too late for him. The human audiences cheered Wang Tong's name in elation; the victory was almost at their fingertips.

Despite the grave injury, Patroclus reached into his chest, and under everyone's eyes, he pulled the Zerg out of his hole. The Zerg was still alive and struggled to get back to its tattered lair.

"I had realized that the only way for me to get rid of it was with your help. Thank you very much!" Patroclus said and closed his fist to squeeze the Zerg into a pile of green mush. A silver glow started to emit from his body as the hole on his chest started to close; he was healing himself without the parasite Zerg.

Although the Zerg had helped Patroclus a great deal during the early days of his transformation, as his power grew, the Zerg became more of a hindrance than a help. Ever since then, he had been seeking to detach it from his body. Their symbiosis relationship meant that it was impossible for him to do it himself. So deep were their bonds that even the power of Einherjars, such as Li Zhedao, was unable to separate them. Therefore, Patroclus remained stuck with the parasite until Wang Tong delivered the killing blow.

In less than a heartbeat, Patroclus' wound was healed completely; even the hole on his gym overall was magically patched. Without the Zerg, Patroclus could finally realize his full potential and achieve godhood. He had ascended beyond both humans and the Zergs. The other immortals found comfort in knowing that he would eventually free them from their parasite Zergs.

Despite the death of the Parasite Zerg, the fight between Wang Tong and Patroclus had to continue. There could only be one leader in the human world.

Patroclus raised his lance and pointed at Wang Tong "Rest in peace, Wang Tong!" Having seen through the latter's space warping trick, he would not be fooled once again.

Patroclus zeroed in onto Wang Tong with leisure and a great measure of levity. Meanwhile, the latter attacked again with the exact same move as his last one; however, Patroclus was able to evade the attack with ease. Wang Tong conceded that Patroclus had not only seen through his trick, but had also found a way to counterattack.

Wang Tong's attack had missed its target and the momentum carried him forward. At the corner of his eyes, he saw Patroclus' attack coming at him. The lance of Deva King had struck home and appeared to have pierced into Wang Tong's body.

The human audiences were shocked by the sudden turn of events. However, Wang Tong gave Patroclus a smirk as his body turned into a blurry shadow. In a blink, he flashed out of view and reappeared right next to Patroclus.

"You have seen through my ruse, I have to give you that. But, it doesn't mean that I can't bend space!" Suddenly, Wang Tong attacked and landed his lance squarely on Patroclus's belly. Silvery blood welled in the wound even while it healed at an incredible rate.

Zachery was speechless at the sight of Patroclus' power, and he wondered how powerful the latter would be when he eventually reached the level of super Einherjar!

Wang Tong locked his eyes with Patroclus, and the two exchanged a few moments of intense gaze. They both finally saw the full power of their opponent, and neither of them was disappointed.

Patroclus' lance was glowing brighter by the second while Wang Tong's lance flickered in and out of view as it bent the fabric of space around it.

The dark clouds over the moon finally disappeared as the sunshine poured on the faces of the human onlookers. Despite the blinding sunlight, they searched the sky for any sign of the warriors.

Who had won?

Finally, they spotted a glinting lance half concealed behind a puff of cloud, shining even brighter than the sun: it was Wang Tong and his lance of Einherjar.

Wang Tong had won, and the humans were finally free!

Cheers erupted from the darkest corner of the city and from the deep valley in the wilderness. Wang Tong had won; humans had won!

In the spaceship command center, Samantha was the first one who let out a loud cry of joy. When the news reached Mars, the entire planet boiled over in immense joy and pride.

As the humans on the earth and the moon celebrated, they noticed that all immortals were gone. Unknown to them, all remaining immortals had gathered inside the super cruiser: Ark, as Patroclus had ordered them to before he left for the battle.

Harmon and Dimalis stood still in front of Patroclus; they didn't seem to be troubled by their defeat at all. They were about to carry out their plan B.

As soon as the immortals disappeared from the human world, Wang Tong had started to restore order and prosperity. In order to manage the massive human world, he created a council to help him. The council was chair by five chief councilors: Wang Tong, Lie Jian, Li Shiming, Zhang Jin, and Samantha. Although Wang Tong was voted as one of the chief councilors, he took no joy in doing the paperwork. He would rather hang out with his beautiful wives on a warm beach than stay in his cold office pushing papers around.

Meanwhile on the beach, three gorgeous Mrs. Tongs were suntanning together.

"Heidi is coming to 'visit' Wang Tong in a few days. We need to work together and prevent the two from meeting each other in private." Li Ruoer said hotly.

"You bet! He has been taking too many vacations, and I wonder who he is hanging out with all this while. Do you think he is cheating on us?" Zhou Sisi asked.

"Whatever, Sisi! He cheated on us with you too." Li Ruoer jested with a smirk.

Zhou Sisi laughed off the joke as she wondered where Wang Tong was.

Just as she expected, Wang Tong wasn't alone; he was with someone else.

"Are you going to leave?"

"Yes, I have done all I need to. The immortals will need to press on."

"Why in such a hurry? Take your time and enjoy your life!"

"Haha, I wish I could enjoy my life as much as you do." Patroclus smiled broadly.

"Then take care! Remember, you are one of us!" Wang Tong said as he embraced Patroclus like an old friend. The latter cracked a smile and asked, "Why did you choose to let me go?"

Wang Tong smiled and then said, "Because I am Wang Tong!."


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