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Chapter 1: Unprecedented Crisis

Translator: Leyy


2030 A.D.

The great continent of Pangaea was never peaceful because of 'Ragnarok', the war for supremacy over the continent.

The war that started three years after the 'Great Summoning' didn't slow after seven years. Rather, it intensified as time passed. This was because of the balanced power structure in the continent.

Ragnarok had resulted in the creation of three large powers.

The first was the Ishtar Army, centered around the strong military might of their 3 Overlord leaders that included Kang Chul-in.

The second was the Gullveig Union, which based its foundation in strong economic power and ability to mass produce.

And finally, there was the Baldur Alliance, which was evaluated to be the weakest of the three alliances, albeit the fact that the Alliance had 5 Overlords.

These three power groups, depending on the situation, allied or battled with one another as if they were in China's 3 warring states period.

"Sigh… If things go on like this, it will never end." Mumbled a man, sitting on a throne made of the skull of a golden dragon, as he looked down at the current state of Ragnarok and the Xiangqi (Chinese chess) board with marked borderlines.

This man was the 'Lord Hunter' Kang Chul-in. He was said to possess the strongest military might of the Ten Overlords and also the vast and great territory of Valhalla.

"I want to crush them all at once… but we are disadvantaged in a war of attrition. How I wish we could just destroy all of them…"

Kang Chul-In's gaze lingered at the Gullveig Union that was marked with a white cross on the board.

That's right.

In Kang Chul-In's quest to take over the entire Pangaea continent, the Gullveig union was the largest obstacle.

The Gullveig Union compensated for its weaker military force with their great economic power and production abilities- placing itself in a favorable position in Ragnarok. At this rate, there was a high possibility that as Ragnarok progressed, the Gullveig Union would manage to take overall control. In order to tip the balance on the power struggle among the three Powers, it was important to disrupt Gullveig's economic power.

But if Ishtar participated in a war of attrition against the Gullveig Union, the one at loss would definitely be them.

"I would have set Gullveig to flames if not for these cockroaches!" exclaimed Kang Chul-In, looking at the area marked as the Baldur Alliance.

The Baldur Alliance was weak and something he could destroy at any time if he truly wished to.

Gullveig could also destroy the Baldur Alliance at any time.

The only reason the Baldur Alliance was able to survive this long was that they maintained a neutral stance between the two great powers and took whatever benefits they could while watching them warring. They were a detestable bunch of people.

In the eyes of Kang Chul-In, the behavior of the Baldur Alliance who meticulously stood between the two Great Powers and took the benefits without any contributions or losses, was truly shameful. However, he couldn't just push off the Baldur Alliance out of anger.

If Kang Chul-In was to hit the Baldurs, those detestable people would just side with the Gullveig Union and wage a war of two against one.

Of course, these progressions were not problematic to Kang Chul-in alone.

Both the Gullveig and Baldur camps had the same problems.

In these sorts of wars, the outcome would be the same. The only difference being which power would make the first move. Whichever choice and move was made, the one who moved first would be at a disadvantage.

"Urg! If only I had brought Lee Gong-Myung under me, no, even killed him, things would not have been this problematic," growled Kang Chul-in, sitting imposingly on his throne.

Lee Gong-Myung.

A Chinese immigrant from Busan, he was neither a


Lord nor an Overlord, but rather just an insignificant dimension traveler (will be explained later in series).

But his role in the Ragnarok created the current three-way battle. Lee Gong-myung was an excellent strategist who served faithfully under Alex Rothschild, leader of the Baldur Alliance. Lee Gong-myung was so intelligent that travelers of the Eastern part of Eurasia called him the rebirth of Zhuge Liang, a Chinese strategist well known for his achievements and success in battle strategy, and praised him greatly.

"I should have killed him or had him serve under me then."

Kang Chul-In, who regretted very little in his life, truly regretted losing Lee Gong-Myung.

If only he could return in time, if he had been wiser then, he could have recruited Lee Gong-Myung and unified Pangea, possibly becoming the Greatest of the Great Powers and becoming the Emperor of Pangaea.

No, not possibly. More like very likely.

Kang Chul-In, who was skilled in martial arts and was a great leader, would have been able to defeat the Gullveig and the Baldur easily with the help of Lee Gong-myung's strategies.

"If even Kwak-jung at least had been working under me, the situation would have been a lot different. What a pity. You died of illness because you served under such an incompetent leader."

Kwak Jung served under a different Overlord but died of lung cancer during the early years of the war in 2024. He had died early at 38 years of age. If Kwak Jung had been Kang Chul-In's subordinate, he would have cured the lung cancer, no matter what stage, and worked Kwak Jung until he died from overwork… But there was no use of regretting something that had already happened.

"Everything has already passed… What useless regrets I have." Kang Chul-in shook his head, swallowing his bitterness.

There was no point in wanting what he could not have.

Of the two strategists that he desired, one belonged to and served faithfully under his rival, Alex Rothschild, and the other had died before he could even attempt to recruit him.

Regretting now would not change anything.

It was at that moment.

As he was wallowing his regrets bitterly, Alfred, the NPC vampire butler under Kang Chul-in burst into the room and bowed down before him.


"What is it, Alfred?" Kang Chul-In asked with a slight scowl.

Alfred, who had always maintained a serious and calm disposition typical of vampires, suddenly burst in the room and stumbled before him.

"Something big has happened!"

"Something big?"

"T-this is information from the scout who just returned to report!"

"Speak calmly. I will not be surprised."

"T-the thing is…"

Alfred, as if he was afraid of the words that were about to be said, took a large breath in and put a hand on his chest. As if that was not enough, he clenched his two fists, closed his eyes softly, and opened his mouth.

'What is with him today?'

Kang Chul-In, seeing Alfred in such a state, was puzzled; wondering what could fluster him so. Had the sky fallen?

Or was there an impending danger in the great land of Valhalla?

"C-currently… around 50 km from the southwest… the allied troops of the Gullveig and Baldur are coming,"

Kang Chul-in had said he wouldn't be surprised, but the report that Alfred brought was surprising indeed.

The fact that Gullveig and Baldur had joined hands was something that he wouldn't have even dreamt of.

'Is that… even possible? Our Valhalla is in the innermost region of the Ishtar Army. Is it possible that… BETRAYAL? Who?'

Kang Chul-In, instead of being surprised, remained cool-headed and worked to find the solution to the situation. In Ishtar, there were no outstanding strategists, and he, Kang Chul-In was the smartest of them all.

Since the event had already occurred, it wouldn't be very hard to find out the source and reason for it.

'Southwest… If they are approaching from the Southwest… Aleister! It's that damned necromancer bastard!'

Aleister's territory was located exactly southwest of Valhalla. The only possibilities were that he had either opened up his territory or joined them entirely.

"Alfred." After thinking it through, Kang Chul called his butler.

"Yes, master."

"Their numbers?"

"Well… They have an entire territory moving along with them, and the number of their soldiers aren't small either.."

"Territory? It's that despicable Rothschild's 'Cyamodus', yes?"

"Yes, master. It's the flying fortress, Cyamodus."

"They got us."

Cyamodus, the territory of Alex Rothschild, was a mobile fortress built on the back of a giant monster that resembled a tortoise. This meant that his rival's entire headquarters had come right to Valhalla.

Mobile fortresses… how annoying. Ideal for running away like a rat as well.'

Valhalla, the home of Kang Chul-In, was a little peculiar due to its location underground, but it was not as unique as the mobile fortress of Alex Rothschild. It was a question of the ability to move headquarters or not. By nature, the mobile fortress would have varied and more numerous options in strategy compared to rooted ground.

"What about Hecate? Connect me to her."

Hecate was an Overlord skilled in magic and part of the Ishtar Army. For Kang Chul-In, who had numerous enemies, she was the only Overlord he could trust.

"T-the thing is…"

"Unable to communicate?"

"Yes, master. In my humble opinion, they should have been attacked first."

"Stop. There is no need to hear this further."

Kang Chul-In stopped Alfred mid-sentence.

And in his head, the scattered pieces of the puzzle fit together to explain this sudden catastrophe.

'The Gullveig Union and Baldur Alliance. They joined hands first. They turned Aleister against us and will fight divide and conquer Hecate and I. This would have been a large disadvantage to the Baldur… is this strategy created by Lee Gong-Myung too? As expected. What a damned smartass.'

'The betrayal of our own forces… Unable to communicate with Hecate… The alliance of the enemies. It's our loss. A defeat.'

Kang Chul-In bit his lower lip and accepted this dark and hopeless situation.

No, he had to.

Even with his strength, and even with the military capabilities of Valhalla, there was no way out of this current situation. He did not want to accept it, but the Overlord Kang Chul-In and the territory of Valhalla as of today looked as if it would be erased from Ragnarok.

However, Kang Chul-In did not despair.

Instead of raging and cowering, he took his time to instead think about what caused his defeat.

Even while things around him turned into absolute chaos.

Why? Because he still had a trump card remaining.

A final trump card…

Chapter 2: The end of the Absolute, But…

Translator: Leyy


'Fine. Since it has already become like this, maybe it is a good thing.'

But why though?

Kang Chul-In smiled faintly.

'I focused too heavily on military power. My neglect of economic strength was a critical mistake. And also my neglect of paperwork… I am an Overlord. I did not have time to focus on foreign and diplomatic policies, as well as military tactics and strategies. With the slow progress of the war, I neglected collecting intelligence and diplomacy. If I had maintained good relations with others, I would have at least had good, solid information and intelligence. Then, I would not have been caught off guard like this.'

In the face of destruction, the mind of Kang Chul-In was ruthlessly calm and quiet.

If his enemies had known the current state of Kang Chul-In, they would have thought he had given up, or that he had nothing left but regret. That was how calm he was.

"Master! We need your orders in order to fight the enemies!" Alfred pleaded with Kang Chul-In, as if worried by his current state.

It was understandable, considering the threat bearing down on them.


"Yes, Master."

"Do not be afraid. Maintain your dignity. We have not lost yet."

"Excuse me…?"

The vampire butler Alfred was taken aback by Kang Chul-In's calm composure, but worked to regather his nerves and composure soon after. As an NPC unit, Alfred could not know the internal workings of Kang Chul-In.

"Call the five Great Generals in right away, and send all troops out of Valhalla to meet the enemy as soon as they come."

"Master! That, that cannot happen! Do you not think encouraging a siege would be better? A frontal collision would put Valhalla at a great disadvantage!"

It was true.

They were numerically inferior. Even for a 1% chance of getting out of this situation, it would be better to defend against a siege.

"No. It would only drag on the battle longer, without changing the outcome. We will square off with our enemies instead of cowardly withholding from battle."


"Do not worry. We might have lost today, but not next time."

It really did not make any sense.

It was obvious that today's defeat would lead to death and destruction, but Kang Chul-In remained calm and composed.

"Lucy, Bella!"

When Kang Chul-In called their names, the two Dark Elf Guards Lucy and Bellatrix, who had been hiding in the darkness behind the throne, showed themselves.

"Yes, Master."

"Did you call us?"

Lucy and Bella, who, like Alfred, were NPC Units, were both guards who specialized in magic and martial arts. They were stronger than most mid-level Sovereigns.

"My sword and armor."

As soon as his words fell, Lucy and Bella brought forth the epic items, the sword Fragarch, and 'Vali's Burning Vengeance Armor Set', in front of him. These items were what allowed him to become the unstoppable Overlord he was now, otherwise known as the Lord Hunter.

'Alex Rothschild, and Lee Gong-Myung.'

He focused his thoughts by thinking of his enemies while he dressed for war with the help of Bella and Lucy.

He shuddered in anger as he thought of the two who had brought upon his destruction.

He had been the most viable candidate for the unification of Pangaea. And they took that from him.

He had stepped on them countless of times, and they had returned alive like cockroaches, repeatedly.

It would have been more accurate to describe them as zombies rather than Overlords. He regretted having left them alone instead of killing them or subjugating them, but since things had come to this point, he would let them feel the full wrath of Overlord Kang Chul-In and Valhalla in this war.

* * *

Boom! Boom!

Cyamodus, the giant tortoise, breathed fire and lava while moving towards Kang Chul-In's headquarters.

There were almost 15,000 troops total when one combined the allied troops of Baldur and Gullveig, as well as two thousand troops tailing the headquarters.


Lee Gong-Myung, the mastermind behind all of this, turned towards his leader, Alex Rothschild.

"Are you really going to fight head-to-head with Kang Chul-In?"

Alex Rothschild had already put on a full set of plate armor, scattered with white and gold.As expected of an Overlord, all his items were also Epic Items.

"He will not just stand and watch, that's for sure."

"But my Lord, Kang Chul-In is very strong. One-on-one, no, even with many, you know it is difficult to win against him. Kang Chul-In is Pangea's strongest warrior. If you fight him, your life may even be in danger."

"That's why I am going against him with others. With a combined attack with other Overlords, there is plenty of prospect for victory. We also have overwhelming numbers of troops."



Lee Gong-Myung spoke no further as soon as Alex Rothschild uttered that word.

It was understandable.

Since the start of Ragnarok seven years ago, Alex Rothschild had always been entrapped by Kang Chul-in's attacks, struggling to survive.

He lost two subordinates he had treasured as if they were his brothers, and his headquarters, Cyamodus, was stomped to nothing, not once, but four times.

If Cyamodus had not been a mobile fortress, Alex Rothschild would have been crushed at the hands of Kang Chul-In long ago.

"I need to avenge their deaths, and I need to repay him for the humiliation that he gave me in the past. If not today, I will never be


able to pay off this debt. Maybe if it was another day, I would have avoided this, but not today."

He stated this so firmly, that it was obvious his mind was made up.

No matter what Lee Gong-Myung said, he would not be able to convince him otherwise. Therefore, Lee Gong-Myung did not question his lord further.

"It would have been nice if we could break him with Cyamodus alone. It's too bad that it had to be this way." Alex Rothschild stated regretfully.

"It's an overused phrase, but 'the last one standing was the victor'. Kang Chul-In was too strong. He would not bend against the wind, even if it meant his death. His fatal flaw is that he was not flexible enough."

"True, if he had been more cautious, this day would have not come."

"Yes. And that is one of the reasons why I chose you, milord, and not Kang Chul-in."

As the two conversed, Valhalla's troops slowly showed itself from afar.

"It cannot be!"

Lee Gong-Myung exclaimed, seeing what lay ahead of him.

"My liege! Look over there! It is a giant army! He has given up siege warfare and he has chosen a face to face confrontation!"

Kang Chul-in's choice was a stupid one, but it did succeed in bringing surprise.

"It cannot be!"

Alex Rothschild also could not hide his surprise.

"Gong-Myung, is this maybe a trap? Even if Kang Chul-In is reckless, to think he would engage us in a confrontation!"

He had suffered immensely due to Kang Chul-In until now.

It was natural for him to be taken aback by Kang Chul-In's choice of confrontation in face of complete obliteration.

"No, it is not."

Lee Gong-Myung had different ideas.

"It is his pride."


"I am sure of it."

Lee Gong-Myung was sure.

"According to the intel that just arrived, Hecate's headquarters has already been destroyed by the Gullveig Union. Aleister, who is part of the Ishtar Army, is over there."

Lee Gong-Myung's finger pointed at the Grand Sovereign Aleister, who was sitting atop the giant undead monster, Bone Dragon.

"He has already judged that there is no hope and he will go out with a bang. It is not Kang Chul-In's style to drag on a fight that will lead to nothing."


"To go out with a bang, instead of holding out. Isn't that just the embodiment of Kang Chul-In's personality? He means that he will not plead for his life, nor would he seek to save himself. This is who he is."

It was as expected of the genius tactician, Lee Gong-Myung.

He had seen through Kang Chul-In's intentions and he had assured his Overlord while sitting. It was obvious as to why Kang Chul-In had regretted not having Lee Gong-Myung himself.

"My liege, order for attack in full force. As long as Kang Chul-In has chosen a frontal collision, it is impossible to absorb Valhalla's military force. There is no other way than to completely destroy it."

"Is that right?"

"Yes, milord."

"I will do so."

Alex Rothschild nodded at Lee Gong-Myung's counseling.

* * *

The great collision that was thought to end easily lasted for three long days and nights.

Valhalla had that great of a military power, and Kang Chul-In also displayed great skill in withstanding the combined efforts of the Overlords.

But his limit was three days.

He was outnumbered. In the face of overwhelming numbers, there was no victory.

Ultimately, the five proud Grand Generals of Valhalla fell one by one, and Kang Chul-In was pushed all the way to his throne inside Valhalla headquarters. As predicted by both sides, Kang Chul-In had lost.

"Hey, you came?"

Kang Chul-In, who sat alone on his throne, greeted the Overlords on the allied side.

Taken aback, the allied Overlords were at a loss for words.

In that moment, the roles had reversed, and it looked as if the defeated Kang Chul-In was the victor, and the victorious Overlords had lost.

Like this, Kang Chul-In remained proud and held his head high.

The face of Kang Chul-In, sitting on his throne alone, was not that of a loser. Rather, the wry smirk spread across his face looked as if he was looking down at the allied Grand Sovereigns.

"You cannot believe your defeat?"

Alex Rothschild, the rival of Kang Chul-In, finally spoke.

"Because, I stepped on you, after being stepped on countless of times?"

It seemed as if Alex Rothchild was overcome with resentment.

Indeed, who knew he would deliver his enemy Kang Chul-In to the clutches of death. It was a new feeling.

Kang Chul-In sneered.

"Why, were you disappointed by my reaction? I guess you would have been satisfied if I had cried and cowered like yourselves, you losers."

In that moment, Alex Rothschild almost lunged at Kang Chul-In.

How could he taunt him like this?

His cheeky mocking of the victors was enough to drive anyone crazy.

"You have really lost your mind."

The Overlord necromancer Aleister, who had remained quiet, spoke. He had raised the visor of his skull armor, exposing his crude, vulgar face.

"You would have never guessed, huh? But what can you do? You lost. That is what you get, for being a cocky and arrogant fool."

Aleister smirked at Kang Chul-In.

And in response

"Shut your mouth."

It was a menacing statement, enough to send chills down the spine of even the icy Overlord Aleister.

"Shut up before I break that skull of yours. I do not wish to speak to a traitor like you."

Disgusted, Kang Chul-In turned his head away from the necromancer Overlord, towards Alex Rothschild.

"Hey, Rothschild." He pointed at Alex Rothschild with the end of his chin.

"You work hard to act like you work for a just and great cause, to act nice and good."

"What are you saying?"

Alex Rothschild answered.

"What am I saying? Well, if you are going to play dumb, I'll kindly tell you. You want Pangaea all for yourself, but to pretend you don't, doesn't that just keep you up at night?"

"No way. I am different from you."

"Ha. Different. I can recognize my own kind. You are the same as me. Except you pretend to be on the side of the angels, instead of being honest like me. You took everything you could and benefited all you could, and now you are pretending you did not?"

"Evil only recognizes evil. Kang Chul-In, you, are just that."

"Is that so? It seems like you are going to kill that traitor first as soon as I'm gone."

And in that statement, the traitor Aleister shivered.

"Coward." Kang Chul-In sneered at Aleister, and continued.

"Well, whatever happens, that will be after I die anyways so it is business among yourselves. Now, end it."

And Kang Chul-In put down his Fragarach and opened his arms wide.

"What are you scheming, Kang Chul-In?"

Rothschild asked, his guard up.

"What scheme, you idiot. End it. You don't understand?"

"Are you just going to die?"

"Well then? I don't want to cry and run away like someone after a little attack on their headquarters, nor do I want to come back to life like a cockroach. Neither are my style."

It was a direct insult at Rothschild, and the veins in his temples bulged.

The angry Rothschild's sword gave off a glint as it penetrated Kang Chul-In's heart in an instant.

"It is my victory! Kang Chul-In!"

"Yes, enjoy it. Enjoy it all you want." Kang Chul-In laughed.

"Today will be the first and last day that you will be victorious against me."

"Shut up!"

Rothschild's sword gave off another glimmer.

And Kang Chul-In's head fell and rolled on the ground.


The great Kang Chul-In had died.

"It is my victory! My victory, Kang Chul-In!"

Alex Rothschild announced his victory with red, bloodshot eyes.

And that face, was to be feared.

The face of the man, who had defeated the enemy he had despised and feared, was like the devil. However, the menacing face of the man soon disappeared, and was replaced with joy and accomplishment.

"You all worked hard."

Rothschild spoke, looking around at the faces of the Grand Sovereigns as well as Aleister.

"And now, this head will be…"

As Rothschild was about to suggest hanging the head for all to see and celebrate their victory, he suddenly stopped.


The ground began to shake.

It did not seem like a good thing.

The vibrations that they felt beneath their feet grew stronger, and felt ominous and strange. It was as if a big explosion was going to occur.

"No way!"

Rothschild yelled.

"Self destruction?!"

"We need to get out of here right now!"

"Kang Chul-In, you despicable bastard!"

And just when everyone had processed the situation, a fiery storm came over them with a loud bang.

It truly was a despicable tactic.

"Stupid, foolish, idiots."

Kang Chul-In smirked and mumbled.

Chapter 3. Return (1)

Translator: Leyy


Kim Min-Chul, the CEO of an Entertainment company, was acting like he did any other day by taking out his stress on a subordinate.

He was a 'half-gangster' boss, not a full gangster, but not just a normal citizen either.

He often liked to call his coworkers and banter with them. He would attack the young interns in their 20s by insulting and harassing them. He even secretly sexually harassed female employees.

People would question why there was still sexual harassment going on today since sexual harassment had been heavily criminalized. However, in the year 2020, South Korea suffered from record high levels of unemployment due to a long-term recession.

In the perspective of the workers, they had to endure harassment if they did not want to lose their job.

And Kim Min-Chul was cunning and sly with his harassments, making it a bit too foggy for a formal accusation. It was fair to say that at this point, he had reached a professional level with his harassments.

And Kim Min-Chul's target for the day was an intern who had been employed for ten months.

The poor intern, who's position in the company was still not guaranteed, had to endure Kim Min-Chul's quest to find fault in all that he did. It was as if he gave up all hope and was just waiting for Kim Min-Chul's mood to improve.

His choice was understandable since he had spent a year of his golden years being an intern in this company and could not let it all go to waste.

It was a common thing in these times. For young people to spend all their 30s moving from internship to internship.

This was a needed sacrifice for a paycheck in times where many companies paid little to none and worked young people to the bones.

"How can you be a permanent employee, working like that? What do you have, like one or two months left of your internship? You don't want to get the full-time offer?"

Kim Min-Chul's specialty was to manipulate subordinates with their weak points.

Those who were candidates for promotion were threatened with losing their promotions, those who were retiring were threatened with no unemployment benefits, and those who were interns were threatened with loss of full-time offers.

"You are making it difficult if you are going to act like this! There are so many people who can work~ If I put up an internship spot right now, at least 50 applications will be submitted. You know that, right?"

Kim Min-Chul flashed a nasty smile and threatened the poor intern while the other employees pretended to be immersed in their work in fear that Kim Min-Chul might come for them next.

One wrong move, and their day might just be hell.

"I chose you despite your poor test scores and mediocre education because I felt sorry for you."

and before he could finish his sentence, Kim Min-Chul stopped, because an unimaginable thing came out of the intern's mouth.

"Stupid, foolish, idiots…"

Intern of 10 months, Kang Chul-in smirked and mumbled.

A deafening silence filled the room.

"What did he just say?"

"I misheard, right?"

A couple of female employees whispered amongst themselves.

"What, what? Hey, Kang Chul-in. What did you just say? Stupid and foolish? Do you want to lose your job?"

Kim Min-Chul roared, blood rushing to his face and neck. Even a worm squirms when stepped on, and Kim Min-Chul, who had been told off by a worm was overcome in anger.


Kang Chul-in seemed surprised to see Kim Min-Chul, as if he just noticed the angry man standing there.

"Oh, oh? You idiot, what did you just…"

"Shut up and be quiet."

"Argh, my head is killing me."

And Kang Chul-in with those words clenched his head in pain and left the office, not giving a second glance at Kim Min-Chul who was roaring in anger.

"W-hat the. What is that idiot doing!!!!!!"

Kim Min-Chul's voice rang in the office that Kang Chul-in had left. The poor employees who had been left behind, worriedly looked to each other.

Kang Chul-in who had left the office headed straight for the bathroom.


His head hurt



It was as if someone was hitting his head with an axe, and he felt as if he was going to vomit. He rushed to the sink and turned the tap on.

He tried to splash his face with cold water to ease his headache. Water, cold as ice, poured from the tap. Kang Chul-in shoved his face into the sink as soon as the water began to flow.


He groaned. His face felt as if it would explode from the cold, but he did not care. He would do anything for the headache to go away.

His pain subsided after almost ten minutes in the cold water. But that was not the end.

Vomit from deep within threatened to explode out, overcoming him with nausea. Kang Chul-in ran to the toilet, grabbed the sides, and everything exploded out.

He vomited again and again.

And when there was nothing to come up, he vomited stomach acid, and anything left after that.

He struggled in the bathroom for about an hour, and was finally able to stand.


And when Kang Chul-in let out a long sigh and looked in the mirror, there stood a pale-faced, 28-year-old man.

It was the same face from 10 years ago.

Kang Chul-in flashed a wry smile and the poor intern who, until an hour ago, had received all sorts of harassment, was no more.

All that remained was the 'Lord Slayer' Overlord, Kang Chul-in, who had reigned over Pangaea and made his enemies cower in fear.

"The time is right, too."

Kang Chul-in's face flashed with satisfaction as he checked the date on his smartphone.

It was the year 2020, November 6th, two months before the great summoning. He had returned to the past.

Well, technically, it wasn't that he had returned to the past.

Soul backup.

Soul backup was a skill that upon death, transferred his current memories to the past and was only exclusive to him as a Overlord.

And in this 'resurrection' through soul backup, he avoided the 'time paradox' while given a chance to change the future.

'I must be cautious from this point on. I have no more chances now, if I die, it's over.'

Kang Chul-in repeated this warning to himself over and over again.

Quite obviously, soul backup was a skill available only once. If it was available more than once, it would have been called a loop instead. Anyways, as long as he chose to use soul backup once, everything would be over if he died again. This unprecedented power would never be once more, and would disappear forever.

However, Kang Chul-in's face flashed with confidence.

I mean, of course it would.

He had already experienced the future, and Kang Chul-in would be reborn as a stronger Overlord with his past experiences and mistakes behind him. All the trials and errors as well as threats of death would be no more. And a few of his fatal mistakes, such as his rashness and disregard for key individuals, as well as negligence of information and intellect, he would never make the same mistakes again.

'I will be an unstoppable Overlord, complete and without error.'

As Kang Chul-in clenched his fists and assured himself, a fiery pain stabbed him in the middle of the heart. He grabbed his chest and clenched his jaw.

"Rothschild you cockroach…"

The origin of the pain was a painful memory.

His body was that of a young 28-year-old man, but his mind still remembered the pains of the past the humiliation of being defeated by an enemy he had stomped on over and over again!

His neck burned where his head had been severed and the memory had sent chills down his spine.

"I will crush you. Even more than before, until you beg for death."

Kang Chul-in's eyes burned with vengeance.

It was said that the one who hit forgot, but the one who got hit could never forget.

Kang Chul-in was like that.

He was not a man who would forget his enemies, and he would only be satisfied by avenging ten-fold, no, a hundred times worse than what was done to him. In his fiery thoughts of vengeance towards Rothschild, another face emerged in his thoughts: the strategist Lee Gong-Myung.

'Lee Gong-Myung. Would he choose Rothschild once again?"

If he could not have him?

He would break him to pieces, until one could not even recognize what he once was. That was Kang Chul-in's way.

It was then, as he was overcome with the thoughts of his enemies that a thin, low voice called him.

"Um… Mr. Chul-in?"

He turned his head and a female coworker, Lee Chae-rin was poking her head in the door and looking at him.

"Are you okay? You look sick."

Lee Chae-rin's face looked worried. It was obvious that she was sincerely worried about him. There was no other reason as to why she would come looking for him in the bathroom after he had been in there for an hour. No one had come out of fear of Kim Min-Chul, the CEO.

"I am completely fine."

Kang Chul-in answered, with a leisurely smile.

"First, I look crazy though. Sorry, give me a minute."

He excused himself and took off his suit jacket that had some water and vomit residue, throwing it in the trash can. He took some water in his hands, washing his mouth and slicking back his hair. He undid his tie, and threw it away as well. And he looked more presentable.

"Mr. Chul-in."


"The CEO is very angry. He is threatening to fire you immediately"

"Let him do what he wants."

"But you persevered well for the last ten months! If you beg the CEO to forgive you…"


Kang Chul-in stopped Lee Chae-rin mid-sentence.

"A man should never beg."


"A man should never beg to anyone aside from his parents. I also don't have any intention to cower under that scum"

"Mr. Chul-in!"

"I should pack my things and leave, actually."

His eyes lingered at his smartphone.

"It's perfect timing since we are almost done for the day." Kang Chul-in flashed his signature smirk and passed Lee Chae-rin out the bathroom.

"No! If you go in now"


"The CEO is waiting for you with a golf club, threatening to kill you if you come back!"

Kim Min-Chul, who ran with gangsters for a bit a while back, had the habit of creating a fearful atmosphere with golf clubs when he was angry.

"Oh, is he really?"

Kang Chul-in snickered.

The fat pig with a beer belly that sexually harassed for a living was coming for him with a golf club. It was funny to even imagine.

"Well, at least I won't be bored."

"What? Mr. Chul-in, what are you saying? You will really get hurt! You know how he is!"


"I will take care of it. So, stop."

Kang Chul-in assured Lee Chae-rin with a gentle voice. And he calmly passed her and walked towards the office.

Chapter 4. Return (2)

Translator: Leyy


Kang Chul-In's first task after returning to the past was to organize his life before the great summoning. And the first step was to quit working at this dirty, corrupt company.

'I was nothing back then, wasting away in a company like this.'

Before the great summoning, Kang Chul-In was a normal young man no different from anyone else. A young man struggling to feed himself, living day to day.

He flashed a smile thinking of his past, and walked into the office.

And as soon as he showed himself, all eyes fell onto him. It was obvious that they were nervous, like a group of peasants in the face of the noblemen.

"Hey, you punk!"

Kim Min-Chul, who had been prowling the office with his golf club, roared as he laid eyes on him.

"What the hell do you want, you punk."

Kang Chul-In answered.


The office went silent.

'Kang Chul-In, he has finally lost it from all the stress. He has lost it.' thought some of the male employees.

'Uh oh, what's he planning?'

'That CEO, he is a gangster is Chul-In going to be alright?' was what the female employees were thinking.

"Wait, what? 'What the hell do you want you punk?'"

"Yeah, you punk."

Kim Min-Chul felt like his blood was flowing backwards. Who would have guessed, the CEO being cursed by a newbie not even a year into 'the real world'?


"What do you mean who? It's a just an oily fat bastard who was a bit of money. Or what, a gangster? Thug?"

That did it.

Many who used to or currently use their fists for any gain, tended to react sensitively to the word 'thug', calling themselves gangsters, or a man with a chivalrous spirit.

Of course, it was bullsh*t.

In the eyes of Kang Chul-In, anyone seeking to gain by using violence was the same thing; garbage.

Especially, gangs had evolved after the 90s to use the law to their advantage and hid behind enforcement and authority. Kim Min-Chul was a perfect example of this.

"Well, I say it like it is. What else would I call a thug? Human garbage?"

Kang Chul-In sneered at the evil CEO, unfazed by Kim Min-Chul's obvious anger.

And in that, Kim Min-Chul exploded.

"Hey, you f*cking son of a b*tch!"

The golf club with a loud whoosh, fell on Kang Chul-in. It had happened in the blink of an eye. But the club didn't make contact.


Kim Min-Chul looked around.

"You missed."

Kang Chul-In laughed at Kim Min-Chul. He had avoided the club swung at full speed just by leaning slightly away.

"This son of a b*tch!"

Kim Min-Chul, red-faced and overcome with anger, ran towards Kang Chul-In. However, he could not even touch the corner of Kang Chul-in's clothes.

But was it surprising?

Kang Chul-in was recognized even by others of his physical strength and power. Even in such form, he was still Kang Chul-In. One needed to be at least a professional boxer to be a threat, and even that would have nothing against him in two months.

"Huff… Huff.. You little rat!"

Kim Min-Chul huffed and puffed, gritting his teeth.

"Aren't you the incompetent one, not being able to hit me?"

Kang Chul-In smirked.

"More importantly…"

And his expression changed. His burning eyes seemed to pierce the heart.

"You play with the golf club one more time, and it won't be fun anymore."

It was a clear warning.

However, Kim Min-Chul, already overcome with anger and unable make proper judgments, ignored the warning and lunged forward. I mean, if he swung around golf clubs in his office because he was a little angry, it was obvious the man didn't have common sense nor courtesy.

"Die, you dog!"



Kim Min-Chul fell, with one lone scream.

The man on the ground could not even breathe normally. The fist had struck right


in the gut.


The blow was so strong that Kim Min-Chul vomited all the fish stew that he had had for lunch that day.

"You don't take punches well. I thought you would hold out because you are fat." Kang Chul-In looked to Kim Min-Chul and delivered the final insult.

"Boss! Are you alright?"

An employee rushed to Kim Min-Chul's side and assisted him.

"Boss! Kang Chul-In, you bastard! Get on your knees and apologize to the boss now!"

His calculating move made Kang Chul-In hopeful of his success in the workplace in the future. Even if he was just going to be here, rotting away.

Kang Chul-In did not respond to the male employee. He was not worth even acknowledging.

'Human groups.'

They were all the same, the pig that swung golf clubs out of anger and the calculating scum that sought favor from the pig. Of course, he had no intention of purely criticizing the male employee for being calculating. It was not bad to try and survive, one needed to do what one needed to do to live. But, to throw one's pride and everything else away for it didn't seem too appetizing. And to reminisce at Kim Min-Chul's previous actions he could only flash a bitter smile.

"Youyou jerk I I will kill you you bug"

Kim Min-Chul, being escorted by the male employee, spitefully glared at Kang Chul-In.

"Call Manager ParkTell him to crush him!"

Manager Park was a thug who worked for Kim Min-Chul and oversaw a small gang.

"Oh, I'm so scared."

Kang Chul-In scoffed.

Times have changed and he was still trying to use violence over a petty argument and announcing it in front of people. Kang Chul-In wondered if Kim Min-Chul was just stupid or unable to see logic, overcome with anger.

"You jerk if Manager Park arrives"

Kim Min-Chul brought up Manager Park repeatedly, threatening Kang Chul-In. It seemed like he had no doubt Manager Park would be able to take down Kang Chul-In.

"Ah ah.M, manager Park!"

Looking behind Kang Chul-in, the person he had sought for this whole time could be seen. Coincidentally, Manager Park had come into the office.

"CEO Kim?"

Manger Park seemed a little taken aback at the unexpected satiation, but he ordered his subordinates to assist Kim Min-Chul.

"OhManager Park! That jerk hit me! He hit me!"

Kim Min-Chul whined to Manager Park hanging on to him, leaving out the part where he had swung the club first.

"That jerk, because I lectured him a little because I told him to do his job right! He cursed at me and hit me!"

"Boss. The whole story"

"Never mind the whole story! He hit me! Beat him right now!"

Kim Min-Chul was stubborn. He caused a ruckus, waving his arms and legs like a whining toddler.

'You stupid idiot. What are you doing in front of all the employees?'

In that moment, Manager Park felt a headache coming, but also could not ignore the complaints of his boss. Kim Min-Chul was the fatal source of income for him and his family, which was nothing but a small gang.

'I'll need to clean it up briefly.'

Manager Park made up his mind and decided to clean up the office first.

"What are you all looking at!" When Manager Park roared, all eyes fell back to their respective desks.

"Everyone, quiet, work quietly. Instead of needlessly gossiping. And Team Manager Oh."

Manager Park pointed at the calculating male employee who had helped Kim Min-Chul.

"Bring the CEO back to his office."

"Oh, yes! Let us let us go, boss."

Team Manager Oh struggled to help Kim Min-Chul who was fat and overweight.

"Haha you are dead now, you jerk."

Kim Min-Chul, on his way to his office snickered at Kang Chul-In. It was as if the image of Kang Chul-In, beat to death by Manager Park, was already engrained in his head.

"Oh, really?"

Kang Chul-In, who had been silently watching the situation unfold, had nothing else to say. He really did put on every kind of show. He wondered how he could have worked at such a company for nine months.

"Hey, intern."

As Kang Chul-In was wondering, Manager Park called him.

"You should have known when to lower your pride. Just because he gave you an earful, you shouldn't come at him like that. You should have just agreed with him and left it at that."

Manager Park, although he scolded Kang Chul-In, didn't seem too convinced. He also knew well of CEO Kim Min-Chul's wrongdoings, and he had received immense stress from him until that point. Although he worked for Kim Min-Chul, he did understand this young intern's anger.

'I will scold him a little and let it go.'

Manager Park made up his mind. These were new times, and using fists to solve problems were no more. A wise thing for a gangster living in these times would be to roughly create a situation where Kim Min-Chul would be satisfied. However, all of Manager Park's good intentions disappeared with the intern's smug tone.

"What adult?"

Kang Chul-In asked.

"In your eyes, that pig looks like an adult? Well I guess for a gangster; the financer is the adult."

The veins bulged in the slicked back forehead of Manager Park.


Manager Park glared at Kang Chul-In.

"Watch your mouth. Think of the situation, think of the person. That's how you live for a long time. Yeah?"

"That rule only applies to thugs like you."

The word 'thug' triggered Manager Park, as it did Kim Min-Chul, and he clenched his fists.

"You crazy dog!"

"You want to die?"

It seemed as if Manager Park's two subordinates were more infuriated than the Manager himself.

"You little dog, did you just call my boss a thug?"

"Oh, you smile? You want me to ruin your face?"

And a threatening atmosphere formed, as if punches were going to be thrown at any minute.

"Sigh I was just going to let it go, but I need to fix your attitude today." Manager Park did not lose his cool and calmly let his anger simmer despite being insulted.

"You, follow me up to the roof."

Manager Park pointed to the office door.

"No, not like that." Kang Chul-In answered.

"You follow."

And he exited the office door first.

"What is that kid?"

Manager Park scoffed at this absurd situation.

Chapter 5. You, work for me.

Translator: Leyy


Kang Chul-In, Manager Park, along with an extra two gangsters faced off on the windy rooftop.

'Hmm… I still have a little headache. I should rest for a couple days.'

Kang Chul-in was busy thinking of other things, even in front of three well-built gangsters.

It was understandable.

A lion would not be afraid or restless because of some flies on him, just bothered, and like so, Kang Chul-in didn't have any interest.

'First, I'll rest for a couple days. Then what should I do first? I should first work out again… Oh! Kwak Jung! Kwak Jung first!'

And right then, he decided that he would need to find a strategist who would match up to Lee Gong-myung. From all of Kang Chul-In's tasks, finding Kwak Jung was top priority. It seemed logical because around this time, Lee Gong-Myung would have been attending Harvard University in the United States with Alex Rothschild, building their friendship, making it difficult for him to approach anyway. In contrast, Kwak Jung might be easy to find. According to the word on the street, Kwak Jung was from Seoul, and although it was not solid information, it was enough to go on.

'I must find him.'

It is not too hard to find someone in South Korea. If you have a name, one could search for them on Facebook or Twitter, and if not those two, then Google. If these ways didn't work, one could hire a detective.

Although it would cost some money, but to locate someone in a short amount of time, this would be the best way.

'I'll make some inquiries.'

It would be better to spend some money than to be stuck in a room with a computer, searching for Kwak-jung's whereabouts.

I mean, he did have a reputation to maintain as an Overlord.

'Hmm… if it is a private detective office or inquiry office, it's usually run by gangsters and thugs.'

The thought flashed through his mind, and that thought brought Kang Chul-In's eyes to the gangsters standing in front of him.

"Here are just the perfect ones at the perfect time."

Kang Chul-In's mouth flashed a large smile.

"What is this dog?"

Manager Park who met the eyes of Kang Chul-In shivered, as chills spread all over his body. He felt uneasy as if he became prey, and he also bruised his ego. And a thought that he would be the one injured popped into his brain, like a disease.

"Hey, gangster boss."

Kang Chul-In called Manager Park.

"Gang Boss?"

"Well, of course you are a gang boss, what else would you be, a civilian boss?"

"You little!"

"I'm not scared of you, so cut the bluffing. I want to make an offer."

The three gangsters, including Manager Park was speechless for a moment, and Kang Chul-In continued.


Kang Chul-In poked Manager Park's chest.

"Work for me."

Manager Park was speechless and stared at Kang Chul-In, baffled at this unimaginable situation. He could think nothing else than to beat some sense into this rude little bastard. The problem was the one who said this meant every word.

"You crazy bastard!"

Manager Park's subordinate could not hold his anger any longer roared, and took a swing at Kang Chul-In.

"What is this?"

Kang Chul-In easily dodged the swing, and threw


a knee kick. With a large ripping noise, the Manager's subordinate fell on the floor, like a rag doll.

The gangster clutched his stomach, groaning.

He got knee-kicked as a counter after he stupidly used his fists, and the damage was not something that would be overcome that easily.


The youngest of the three gangsters called Manager Park. And he lunged at Kang Chul-In.

"Hey, you bastard!"

The gangster tried to pin down Kang Chul-in by using his body weight, which seemed to easily weigh more than 100kg. However, Kang Chul-In had once been the strongest man on Pangaea. Even without his skills, his power would be unmatched by a common human.

Bam, bam!

A One-Two punch landed on his face.


And another hook landed on the gangster's chin.


The large gangster fell on the ground, making a sound so loud that it seemed as if a stone had split in half. And he was silent. He had knocked out.

"This bastard… is he a professional fighter?"

Manager Park who had seen his two subordinates fall in a flash then realized that he had messed with the wrong man.

"What fighter." Kang Chul-In answered, smirking.

"Anyways, why don't you give me an answer to my appealing offer? Work under me?"


"Hm, you will anyways!"

"Shut your mouth!"

And with that, Manager Park lunged at Kang Chul-In.

And Kang Chul-In noticed that Manager Park had used a ground fighting technique as he lurched at him like a bear. It seemed like he did have an athletic background.

"You have met your match today, you bastard!"

Manager Park roared.

You could feel the determination in his voice to pin Kang Chul-In to the ground.


Unfortunately, Manager Park's determination was nothing but a delusion.

Kang Chul-In had been gifted in his strength and leadership at birth, but he was also an extremely hard-working man.

In his past life, he had mastered and studied almost all contemporary martial arts on his own.

And Manager Park, who was amateur at best, was no match.

Whish whish!

Kang Chul-In turned his body and bore into the Manager's sides.


And the surprised shout was brief as Kang Chul-In grabbed Manager Kang's waist, and lifted him backwards, flipping him on his back. It was a modified Suplex.


Manager Park landed on his back on the roof.


Manager Park gripped his back and moaned.

"Stand up. It doesn't even hurt that bad."

Kang Chul-In said, heartlessly.

To be honest, a suplex is not a skill that inflicts too much damage, but that is in the instance that the skill is performed on top of a mat. If it is performed on bare ground, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the damage could be fatal.

"Y-you bastard! I'll kill you!"

And Manager Park's initial thoughts to just scold Kang Chul-In lightly and let it go, disappeared.


Manager Park stood up and lunged at Kang Chul-In again. It seemed like he had quite a bit of pain tolerance and endurance, being a gang boss and all.

'Not bad, but he needs to know his place.'

Kang Chul-In recognized Manager Park's endurance, but decided that he will teach him a lesson. If you wanted to have someone work under you, you would need control.


Kang Chul-In spun a low-kick, hitting Manager Park's calf.


Manager Park screamed.

However, he wasn't fazed and Manager Park came at Kang Chul-In again, closing the distance between them. It was Manager Park's pride that would not allow him to lose.

'Oh? How long are you going to hold out?'

Kang Chul in thought, as he hit the Manager's left calf again with a low kick. He hit the same spot!


A tenacious, clear sound filled the rooftop.


It would not have been a surprise if Manager Park had broken his shin.


Manager Park fell to his knees. His legs had gone limp.

"Hmm… it probably didn't break?"

Kang Chul-In looked at Manager Park as if he was a piece of art that he had painted and mumbled to himself. And for Manager Park listening in, Kang Chul-In was adding fuel to fire.

"You evil bastard!"

Manager Park exclaimed, as if he was complaining of an unfair situation.

"Just beat me up! You hit the same place over and over again you dirty mongrel!"

As he was screaming, tears were streaming down his face, and snot was running from his nose. On the rooftop of a building in Seochodong. A grown adult whose job was a gang boss, was crying, with snot running down his face.

"Hmm… he still hasn't learned."

And looking at this, Kang Chul-In's face seemed unsatisfied.

"Hasn't learned yet?"

Manager Park flinched. Was this not over yet?

"I'll massage you for a little while longer."

Kang Chul-In flashed an evil smile and stepped towards Manager Park.


Manager Park recognized that his endurance and pride as a gangster was breaking down as he called for his mother, who he had left behind in his hometown.

And soon after, the sound of pig slaughter and blows landing filled the rooftop and rose to the sky.

Chapter 6. I will give you a hundred thousand dollars.

Translator: Leyy


In a certain rooftop of a building in Seocho-dong.

On the windy rooftop, three gangsters including Manager Park was kneeling in front of a man, sniffling.

"Sob…sob… it, it hurts so much…"


The gangsters who had received Kang Chul-in's brutal "mental training" had thrown away all manly pride and dignity. To that extent, Kang Chul-in's blows were scary, and merciless.

"Stop crying."

Kang Chul-in, said, sitting on the edge of the building dangerously.

"I-it just hurts so bad…"

"I think… we need to go to the hospital…"

The gangsters moaned and defended themselves.

"Do you guys need some more mental training?"

Kang Chul-in asked with a disapproving look.

"No, no! It doesn't hurt!"

The gangsters all exclaimed together.

"Mmm. Good."

And Kang Chul-in smiled and nodded approvingly.

"Hey, you gang boss."

"Yes, yes!"

Manager Park answered the call of Kang Chul-in.

"You, you need to run an errand for me."

"An… errand?"

"Find a person for me."

"An inquiry office or things like that, isn't that gangsters' specialty?"


And like Kang Chul-in said, Manager Park was running a personal inquiry office. It was a sort of side job.

"Write it down."


"Write it down."


Manager Park quickly shuffled inside the pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out a cheap monami pen along with a small notebook.

"The name is Kwak Jung, age 28, area is Seoul. They say he is a heavy smoker and will go through a pack in a sitting, so keep note of that."

"Yes… Kwak Jung… 28… Seoul… heavy smoker…"

Manager Park carefully wrote down all that Kang Chul-in had said.

"How long would it take?"

"Excuse me?""

"How long does it take."

"That… um… well… is this it?"

"What is?"

"So… just a name, age, area, and him being a chain-smoker… this can't be all the information you…"

"That's it."

Manager Park's mouth hung open at Kang Chul-in's careless response.

"Um… I'm sorry to ask this… but don't you think there is too little information?"


In that moment, Kang Chul-in was taken aback.

Thinking about it more, there was some truth in what Manager Park said. There was very little information. It would have been easier to at least know his alma mater, but all Kang Chul-in knew about Kwak Jung was what he said to Manager Park above. He too, had never meet Kwak Jung.

'Did I ask too much… no, no. Why would I make an inquiry if he was easy to find?'

And Kang Chul-in who had developed a bit of a soft heart soon regained the cruel and wicked mind of an employer.

"Hey, gang boss."

"Yes, sir."

"If you are running an errand office, act like one."

"…excuse me?"

"If I had a lot of information, there will be no point in me asking you, would there?"




And Manager Park had to accept Kang Chul-in's inquiry with not much choice.


"Well… because we don't have much information… if it was fast, maybe 2 or 3 months, and if it was long, maybe a year? And if it takes years, then you would just have to say it would be impossible to find him."

"You get six months."

"…Yes, sir."


Manager Park's eyes widened in surprise.

"You… you will pay money?"

"If I made an inquiry, I should pay."

"I thought you told me to work under you…"

"So, a subordinate does not get paid?"

"It's not that…"

"Speak clearly."

"It's just that… I lost to you, and you told me to work under you… so I thought you were going to take our gang…"

And in hearing that, Kang Chul-in's face crumpled.

"Did you say you were called Manager Park?"

"Park Doo-sik. You can just call me Doo-sik, sir."

"Park Doo-sik… yes. Park Doo-sik."

"Yes, sir."

"In your eyes, does it look like I would just go and be a gang boss?"

"No… no sir!"

And Manager Park, no, Park Doo-Sik who felt danger immediately answered with a loud voice.


Kang Chul-in began to speak with a low, authoritative voice.

"I hate gangsters. Using your fists and violence to con others—your kind is the one I hate the most. Strong against the weak, and weak against the strong, the worst of the worst."

And in the criticisms of Kang Chul-in, all three gangsters including Park Doo-sik could not say anything. First, what he said was true and in 30 minutes of "mental training", they realized blows will land the minute they raised any opposition anyway.

"Well, I'm in no position to say these things to you as well but…


you've heard of hating your own race."

Honestly, Kang Chul-in was in no place to lecture the gangsters. He too had used force and power to make countless Lords of Pangea bow down to him. He was the gangster of Pangea. However, there were a couple things different between Kang Chul-in and the gangsters. One was that he would not bow down to anyone.

"If you want to act tough, be tough even when someone holds a knife to your neck," Kang Chul-in said.

"Isn't it embarrassing to act all tough depending on who you are talking to? What is this about loyal gangsters and chivalry. You gangsters are nothing but hyenas following the smell of money. You are nothing but items that are thrown away after being used. And less than 0.1% of gangsters become CEOs or bosses of anything when they get older—most just get stabbed and die early or go in and out of prison. I won't be like that, I will be successful—throw those groundless hopes in the trash."

Kang Chul-in's words accurately pointed out the limitations of being a gangster—limitations and qualities that were characteristic of gang members from thousands of years ago.

"And after the 5th act, being a gangster will not be too fun. Even if this country has gone to hell, the public still has a lot of power. You've never heard of the war against crime?"

As Kang Chul-in spoke, the three gangsters just blinked and listened, as if they were all mute. For them who were uneducated and stupid, it was difficult to understand all of what Kang Chul-in was saying. Park Doo-sik, who was the mob boss seemed to understand a little.


Kang Chul-in tilted his head sideways, as if too annoyed and bothered to speak further and clarified him and Park Doo-sik's relationship.

"You work for me, but I have no intention of being a mob boss. When I need an errand done, you need to get that done for me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, boss."

Park Doo-sik nodded.

"The fee for the inquiry would be 20,000 upfront, and 80,000 after you find Kwak Jung. It will be 100,000 total." And the three gangsters' eyes opened wide.

"100 thousand?"

"Why? Too little?"

"Its… too much."

"No, it needs to be at least that much."

To find the one person who could go against Lee Gong-Myung, or even beat him—100 thousand was basically nothing.

"No, but this is too much. For this kind of inquiry, it would start at 8000 to max of 30,000…"

"If I say I will pay, I will pay. Oh, you by chance…"

Kang Chul-in's eyes narrowed and glared at Park Doo-sik, as if he realized something.

"You must think, how I can pay that much money being an intern."

"No, no!"

Park Doo-sik shook his head and waved his hands. It was the image of a man whose intentions had been found out.

"What do you mean no?"

Kang Chul-in smirked.

"I will write you a contract. In three days, I will bring 20,000 in cash and be at your office. It would not be a bad deal even with just the 20,000 anyways."

Park Doo-sik, who had been found out was speechless and could only blink in response.

"Well, then I will be leaving, so you clean up after yourselves. We will talk more in detail at the office then."

Kang Chul-in with those words left the rooftop.

It was silent between the three gangsters who had been left on the rooftop.


The first one who spoke was the muscle who had been hit on the chin by Kang Chul-in.

"What, punk."

Park Doo-sik answered.

"What should we do? Should I gather all the boys?"


"You aren't going to get revenge? Even if he is good, he is alone. There is strength in numbers."


"Yes, boss."

The gangster called Gwang-Pil answered to Park Du-Sik's low voice.

"You, can you land even one punch?"

"Punk, even if I haven't been in a while, I was once the gold medalist of the National Sports Meet."

"I know, boss."

"That guy, no, that boss, isn't just anyone. Even with tens of us, we probably won't be able to bring him down. From the start, if you aren't a professional boxer, you won't even be his match. You call the guys, and you are just prepping for mourning."

Park Du-Sik remembered Kang Chul-in's fighting skills, and shook his head.

"Boss, but we have a face to maintain…"

"Why, because your pride is hurt so you will go at him again?"

"It's… it's not that… but…"

"Leave it. Why dance with knives just to clean up after the CEO?"

Although his pride was hurt, Park Du-Sik was not stupid enough to retaliate because of an incident like this.

"For some reason, I don't have a bad feeling about this one."

Park Du-Sik looked thoughtful for once.

"I don't know if we can believe him, but if he pays a 100 thousand for an errand, it is better than cleaning up after a couple of newly rich kids."

"Boss! You believe him? He looks like a young little thing!"

"Hey, you stupid idiot!"

Park Du-Sik roared.

"You, did you ever meet someone who used his fists that well and had that much guts? He isn't just anyone, even with just a glance. Even if you waved a branding iron in front of his face, he would not have blinked an eye."

"That's true."

"You will survive as a gangster with an eye for people. Fists? Don't be stupid. Like that boss said, gangsters these days have no fun. You throw around punches and fool around in these times, and you will go in and out of school collecting more and more stars."

"We won't lose anything anyway, so let's just wait. Let's wait and see, it won't be too late for a decision then. First, we should see if he brings the 20 thousand in three days."

And the eyes of Park Du-Sik shined sharply.

At the same time.

Kang Chul-in who had gone in a taxi had been quietly heading to his studio apartment.

'Finding Kwak Jung has been done for now… and now I need to focus on exercise with the remaining time.'

It was crucial to train the body with the Great Summoning ahead. Pangaea was a different world than earth. There were all sorts of dangerous monsters all over, and there were no laws governing the lands. To prepare for any situation, it was necessary to build strength and power.

'I also should get a gym membership. Wait… how much is in my bank account?"

To build muscle in a short amount of time, one-on-one personal training was needed from a good trainer. And to get a trainer, one needed quite a bit of money, so Kang Chul-In checked his bank account with his smartphone app.


There was no money.

'I can't even give those kids the money upfront.'

Forget the $20,000, there was barely enough for $2,000. It wouldn't even be enough to maintain dignity as an Overlord.

'I'll need to borrow some.'

Kang Chul-In, even as he saw his empty bank account, was calm.

It was nothing, to get a private loan. He would be filthy rich in 3-4 months.

Chapter 7: The Great Summoning, once again!

Translator: Leyy


Kang Chul-in got the hundred thousand dollars by using all means. Aside from the 20,000$ he had borrowed from the bank, the interest for all the rest was 34.9% annually (or even more), but Kang Chul-In was not afraid of the interest. It was recklessness stemming from confidence.

"Here is the upfront payment of 20,000. I put in 5,000 more so that you could eat a meal with your subordinates."

And as promised, Kang Chul-In who had come to Park Doo-Sik's office, placed 20,000 in cash on top of a desk, and signed the contract.

"You didn't have to do this much, haha!"

Park Doo-Sik who was on the fence about trusting Kang Chul-in for the last three days rubbed his hands together, smiling when he saw Kang Chul-in and his spendthrift attitude.

"Report to me if you have anything."

"Yes, boss."

"Oh, and…"


"Can you get me a car?"

"A car, sir?"

"From what I know, you guys do some used car dealings as well?"

"Ah, that. I don't exactly have enough reputation to deal used cars because as you know, we are small, but I can ask around for you."

After hearing what Park Doo-sik had to say, Kang Chul-in thought for a while, and spoke.

"Can you find a car that I can have starting tonight? Rent, lease, used, it doesn't matter. I'll need it 3 months at most anyways."

He did need a car.

He was a Overlord, after all, and it was unfitting of someone of his status to ride something 'lowly' like a bus or a train.

"What kind of car?"

"A coupe."

Kang Chul-in answered.

"I would like a Chevrolet Corvette or Ford Mustang. The gas price doesn't matter either. Again, I won't be using it for long."

Because his budget was limited right now, he had to make do with cars like Corvettes and Mustangs.

"I will look for it right away."

Park Du-Sik took his smartphone out right away, and spoke on the phone for about 10 minutes.

"They will bring a Mustang right away. It is a rental, but they need a down payment of about 10% because it is a foreign car."

"Hey, you."

Kang Chul-In called Oh Gwang-Pil upon hearing about the down payment.

"Yes, yes?"

Oh Gwang-Pil, who almost had his chin broken by Kang Chul-in, hesitated and headed towards him with a slightly frightened expression.

"Don't be scared. I don't bite."

"Yes, yes. Thankyou!"

"Go get my money. The password is 4581."

Kang Chul-In handed Oh Gwang-Pil his card.

"H-how much do I withdraw?"

Oh Gwang-Pil asked, relieved that Kang Chul-In would not hit him.


"Two dollars?"

Oh Kwang-Pil made a stupid expression.

"Doo-Sik, right?"

Kang Chul-In looked to Park Doo-Sik.

"Are all your guys like this?"

"I-I''m sorry."

Park Doo-Sik's face was red as he bowed his head in embarrassment.

"Hey, you stupid idiot!"

Park Du-Sik roared as he kicked Oh gwang-Pil's large bottom.


"Why are you still here! Go bring the money!"

"I-it's the amount…"

"You think the big boss would ask you to withdraw 2 dollars? Huh? You stupid idiot!"

Park Doo-Sik had began to call Kang Chul-In big boss.

"I I will go right away!"

Oh Gwang-Pil went out of the office like a boar who had been burnt, after being slapped multiple times. Both, in a social setting and in a gang, it was tiring to deal with those who don't have any sense.

"10%. If


it is a Mustang, the down payment would probably be about 8-9000, and the monthly rate would be right under 1000?"

"Yes, boss. It probably will be around that much."

"You take care of the insurance and stuff as well, and then with the rest, split it in half with the one bringing the car and yourself."


Park Doo-Sik's eyes widened. Who would have thought that Kang Chul-In would be this generous?

"Don't make me say it twice."

"Yes, boss!"

Kang Chul-In with that, ended his deal with Park Doo-Sik.

'Kwak Jung…this is the end, I will have to find you. If we have fate together, I guess we'll meet."

Of course, even if it wasn't meant to be, he did not have any intentions of giving up on Kwak Jung either.

If it wasn't meant to be?

You can make it meant to be.

He was going to use any means necessary to have Kwak Jung work under him. That was the style and way of the Overlord Kang Chul-In.

"Then, report to me once every two weeks. I will see you after three months."

"Yes, boss. Drive carefully!"

Kang Chul-In left Park Doo-Sik's office in his Mustang.

The Mustang, a symbol of the American muscle car with a V8 engine, seemed to flaunt its power as the engine revved.

'Not bad.'

Although it could not give him the satisfaction of the Bugatti Veyron that he rode in his past life, the American muscle car had its charms.

Kang Chul-In who had inquired about the whereabouts of Kwak Jung to Park Doo-Sik and his gang, focused only on exercise and working out as he waited for the Great Summoning.

Pangaea was a land where dangerous monsters roamed all around, and to survive in such a place, it was necessary to build his body.

And like that, two months passed and it was December 24th, 2020, one day before the great summoning. Kang Chul-In went to bed that night calm, and composed. 'Calling', the dream that will lead everyone to Pangaea, would come to him when he fell asleep.


Just before he fell asleep, Kang Chul-In thought of his father who had passed away.

Usually, the person that he trusted most would appear in the 'calling'; whether it was a god or human. In Kang Chul-in's case, his late father had appeared and led him to the land mark. Perhaps, his late father would appear in his dream again after he fell asleep. As he was thinking so, his eyes slowly closed.

I don't have to say anything, right?

Surprisingly, it was not his father who had appeared in the 'calling'.

I'll just be tired if I say it, do it well.

It was himself, the Overlord Kang Chul-In, fully equipped with the epic item 'Vali's Burning Vengeance Armor Set' and the sword Fragarach.

"I really do all sorts of things."

The present Kang Chul-In snorted.

The one he trusted and believed in the most, was himself. It was funny.

"You will not fail this time?"

The past Kang Chul-In asked.

"Of course."

The present Kang Chul-In answered with a faint smile.

There is no such thing as two failures.

If he fails again after returning, he would be nothing more but the most powerless Lord throughout history.

The next morning.

30 thousand people from around the world, and future travelers to a different dimension, began to search for their landmarks.

This would be a silent change.

The superpower nations that surveilled the entire world through satellites, as well as the Echelon (A surveillance system that wiretaps the entire world under the control of England and the United States) Network, would also not recognize the signs of the impending great summoning.

Only Kang Chul-In would see what was to come.

Kang Chul-In, after waking up, got in his Mustang and headed towards the 63 building, one of Seoul's landmarks. He could have looked for other landmarks, but he went to the 63 building in case of any random variables. Like the butterfly effect, a small insignificant thing could twist the determined future. And, he did not want the misfortune of not getting his Lord class because he had gone to a different landmark than in his previous life.

(The 63 building is called so, because it has 63 floors)

Kang Chul-In paced around in front of the 63 Building solemnly, and waited for the great summoning.

5 minutes… 4 minutes…1 minute.

As it grew closer to 10 in the morning, the clear skies began to fill with storm clouds.


There was a flash of light as lightning fell from the sky.


And there followed thunder that seemed to rip one's ears and shook the earth.

And then….

From the sky, a golden beam of light fell and shone on Kang Chul-In and a few others.

'It's coming!'

Compared to others who were screaming or falling to the ground, Kang Chul-In received the light calmly.

There was no reason to be surprised.

He had already experienced the Great Summoning before, and had already risen to the status of Overlord once, so it didn't make sense for him to crumble without dignity.


Those who got hit by the golden light disintegrated into particles and disappeared like smoke. Kang Chul-In was no exception. He also disintegrated into particles and disappeared. It was the entering in to Pangaea, the Great Summoning.

Shortly after, in Kang Chul-In's line of vision, a message popped up.

[Welcome to Pangaea.]

And the next message

[Congratulations! You have been appointed as the class: Lord.]

It was as expected.

Chapter 8: Akan, the representative of God.

While the 30,000 dimension travelers, were scattered all over the world, spread out throughout Pangaea, 300 'special' dimension travelers of the Lord class opened their eyes in a different location. It was a large hall bigger than most gyms. And on the ceiling was a grand chandelier, along with shining floors. The wall was covered with life murals and crowned portraits of people all with dark, black hair.

"What, what is this?"

"Where is this!"

"I was… at the Madison Square Garden!"

Those who had been appointed Lord unexpectedly were flustered, all talking in their respective languages.

"Where is this! Was the dream true…! Alahu akbar!"

"Oh my God!"

There were also those who called out for their Gods (that probably appeared in their 'calling'). As everyone called out in confusion, one man with crossed arms was slowly scanning his surroundings amidst the chaos.

'It is the same. Nothing is different.'

It was he, Kang Chul-In, the former Overlord.

'I see a few familiar faces.'

Kang Chul-In did not know all 300 Lords that had gathered in the hall, but he could recognize a few familiar faces. And amongst them were a couple who he had killed himself. But… someone called his name.

"Mr. Chul-in?"

When he turned his head, a pure looking Asian woman was looking at him with wide eyes. It was Lee Chae-rin, the employee at M Entertainment.

'God, I can't believe that this woman was a Lord…"

Kang Chul-In who had recognized her was astounded that this woman had also become a Lord. It was something he had not known in the past.

"You are Mr. Chul-In, right?"

"Yes, I am."

"I was worried! What happened? No, more importantly, where is this? Do you know?"

Lee Chae-rin didn't seem like she was in her right mind.

That was understandable, because aside from Kang Chul-In who knew everything, this was a different world that was beyond one's imagination.

"Just wait and see."

Kang Chul-In did not pretend to not know.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"There he is. If you listen well to what he is saying, you'll get the gist of it. Of course, it won't seem real anyways."

Kang Chul-In pointed at the platform that was at the middle of the hall.


There were sparks from some current, and shortly a purple portal emerged.

[Welcome, Lords.]

The being who had come through the portal was not human, but had a human-like figure and was wrapped in golden light.

[I am Akan, the Representative of God, who oversees this world and will oversee you.]

Akan's voice vibrated and filled the room, as if it was echoing.


"Representative of God?"

"What are you saying!"

A few Lords scoffed at Akan's words.



Akan's voice roared as if thunder had hit.

Silence filled the hall immediately.

Only Kang Chul-In remained composed with his arms still crossed.

'There is no point complaining at him.'

Kang Chul-In knew well of Akan, the representative of God, as well as his role. Akan was to put in gaming terms, an admin or a Game Master of sorts, and could not be touched by any means. He was an opponent that could not be touched.

[I know that you are all confused and puzzled. However!]

Akan spoke with power.

[Your role right now is to listen, and nothing more. Please listen carefully to what I am about to say.]

It meant that he was going to have a one-sided communication, but there was no one who opposed him. There was an unimaginable sense of dominance in Akan's words.

[You have been called by God as Lords, the most prestigious level that a dimension traveler can have.]

Akan began his explanation.

[As a Lord, it means that you will be managing your respective territories. From this moment onward, you will expand your lands to control


Pangaea and reign supreme.]

Everyone began to listen carefully at this.

However, Kang Chul-In was different.

'Rothschild, where is that damned bastard?'

Kang Chul-In was half-heartedly listening to Akan's words as his eyes moved from face to face, searching for a familiar one. Akan's words were not new to Kang Chul-In, and was rather boring.

'It's hard to find him.'

He had looked carefully at the 300 faces, but he could not see Alex Rothschild. It seemed as if he was farther away.

[From this moment on, all your actions and decisions will be recorded onto a system and will be analysed for the rise and fall of Lord points. Please proceed with wisdom and caution.]

Akan's explanations continued for a while longer while Kang Chul-In focused on other things.

To summarize Akan's explanations,

All Sovereigns will manage territory respectively. The Sovereigns' actions will be recorded in points. There will be a yearly gathering of the Lord's; and the 10 with the most points will be appointed to the position of 'Overlord'' and will have additional benefits and power. To gain more points… One way is to win and conquer in war against other Lords.


[There will be some who have still not fully grasped what is going on. I understand. Earth is not a place where supernatural events occur. However…]

Akan spoke clearly so all 300 of them could understand.

[Pangaea is not a false reality. It is reality. Therefore, death in Pangaea…]


The sound of someone swallowing was heard in the hall.

[Has the same meaning as dying on Earth. Whether you die in Pangaea or in Earth, the fact that you died does not change. Please be mindful of this fact, and do not waste your life in vain.]

Horror overcame the faces of the Lords in hearing Akan's words.

However, Akan quickly continued, as if he could care less about their responses.

[More information will be given in detail later, so please learn slowly. Now… it is time to choose your lands.]

And hundreds of models appeared when Akan waved his hands in the air.

[The models that have appeared are smaller versions of territories that you will get to rule. Currently, there is ten thousand gold in your inventory. With that gold, you will need to choose and purchase the land that you wish. When you purchase your land, you will be automatically transported to Pangaea. Well, then, best of luck to all of you.]

Akan, with those words, left in the portal in which he came. And the portal disappeared along with him, leaving the Lords in the large hall.

"What…what is this?"

"Darn! What a strange dream."

"What kind of irresponsible bastard is that!"

As soon as Akan left, the hall filled with complaints and protests from Lords who could not believe what was happening to them. It was like a flea market.

'Every single thing is the same.'

Kang Chul-In was reminded again that he had been rebirthed.

"Mr. Chul-In…"

And in that moment, Lee Chae-Lin spoke to him.

"I don't know what is happening. What am I supposed to do?"

Kang Chul-In thought for a moment and spoke.

"Like Akan said, you need to choose your land."

"I really don't understand…"

"Even if you asked me, you will not get an answer."

"Excuse me?"

"There is a saying 'Seeing is believing.' It will be faster for you to experience it for yourself." Kang Chul-In treated Lee Chae-Lin coldly.

'I could help her… but then I will be adding more unexpected variables. I will need to be careful with my words.'

If he were to help Lee Chae-rin in choosing her land, it was more likely for her to choose a different land than what she would have chosen before. Then, it might change the determined future, so he decided to not say anything else. Of course, the future had begun to shift already, but if a big frame shifted, it would be bad. It would be right to not do anything different than before.

"First, let's move separately. We can talk in detail when we return to earth."

With those words, Kang Chul-In moved towards the models to choose his land.

"Mr. Chul-In…"

Lee Chae-Rin looked as if she was going to cry as she stared at the back of Kang Chul-In.

Kang Chul-In immediately went to select his territory.

'I need a mobile fortress. It would be nice if it is an airborne city.'

For Kang Chul-In who had to suffer because of Alex Rothschild's mobile fortress, his preference for a mobile land was understandable. Therefore, he would not choose Valhalla, his past headquarters. In the war between Sovereigns, the 'mobility of land' was not just a strategy but a tactical card and advantage. His teeth still clenched when he remembered how the entire Cyamodus invaded Valhalla where he met his end.

And that was not the end.

He had tried multiple times to take out Rothschild, but he had lost him multiple times because the mobile headquarters had escaped with great speed. If Kang Chul-In had a mobile fortress, he would have been able to kill Rothschild earlier, and he would not have fallen from the alliance of Baldur and Gullveig.

His pride would have been damaged, but at least he would have escaped.

If Rothschild had a tactical advantage only because of his mobility, he would teach Rothschild a lesson by choosing an airborne fortress.

'Wait… this looks different.'

Kang Chul-In, who was looking carefully at over 900 models stopped at a land that was atop a whale's back. And information about the land appeared after a few sparks appeared in the air.


Type: Airborne city

Tendency: Conquest

Location: Southern Part, Alpheon province

Description: Land atop the back of a flying whale, Uranus.

Ability: Tactical weapon, Hydro Beam

Price: 8,000 Gold

'Hydro Beam.. Is that the energy cannon that completes quickly?'

The lands that the Sovereigns could buy had one or two special abilities and were limited to these, so he needed to decide carefully.

It was then.

Someone spoke to him as he was looking at the lands.

"Can you by any chance… tell me how you got the information to pop up?"

Kang Chul-In turned his head and looked to the person who had spoke to him. And that person was…

Chapter 9: Reunion with the enemy

Translator: Leyy


Alex, Alex Rothschild. It was the bastard who had pierced Kang Chul-In's heart and cut off his head.

'His face is still sickening, even for the second time.'

Kang Chul-In re-evaluated his enemy's face the moment he faced him.

Alex Rothschild.

His full name was Alexander Mayer von Rothschild.

He was the descendant of the Rothschild family, well known in the finance world as an absolute colossus. Rothschild himself was the top 0.01% of society, as a Hollywood celebrity and as part of an extremely wealthy family. It was ironic that he had fought battles upon battles and was on the brink of death countless of times because of Kang Chul-In, a commoner from South Korea.

'If it were up to me, I would kill him right here… but Akan will not just watch.'

Kang Chul-In, with all he had, held in the burning desire to twist Alex Rothschild's neck on the spot. Akan had disappeared from sight, but Kang Chul-In knew that he would be watching from somewhere. And there were also a lot of eyes on them. He could not murder in front of 298 people, excluding himself and Rothschild. Although Kang Chul-In was not one to worry about others' opinions of him, there was a right time for everything.

'Revenge is a dish best served cold. '

Kang Chul-In remembered the saying regarding revenge, and sharpened his heart quietly in his heart. It was not wise to act rashly right now. It wasn't the right time. Revenge worked best when one could plan every detail meticulously and was able to detach all humane emotion. It would be more fun to impose the maximum and humiliation as well.

"Excuse me… can you speak English?"

Rothschild, who was unaware of Kang Chul-In's thoughts smiled kindly at him and carefully asked.

'I feel like throwing up.'

As Kang Chul-In looked at the face of Rothschild that was filled with pretentious sincerity, he felt himself wanting to vomit. Although Rothschild acted like a gentleman that worked for the benefit of the majority, he was ruthless, cruel, and vile. Although it seemed like he was conversing with Kang Chul-In with no motive, he would have previously calculated this very moment. Rothschild, in the mind of Kang Chul-In was like himself, if not crueler. Kang Chul-In had actually found out about a couple of evil deeds that Rothschild had committed in secret. It was a sort of hatred of one's kind. Kang Chul-In had thought of Rothschild like himself and knew about his true self— therefore he despised him. If Rothschild had admitted his wrongdoings maybe the outcome would have been different, but it was not so, and therefore Kang Chul-In hated this rich bastard.

"You can't speak English? Chinese? Japanese?" Rothschild asked, speaking in a multitude of languages.


Kang Chul-In answered.


Rothschild exclaimed, as if he realized something amazing.

He was able to understand.

In Pangaea, language barriers did not exist. In whatever language one spoke, it was understood 100%.

"I can hear it. Your words, and that person's words over there."

Rothschild pointed at the person talking loudly in Arabic. The Arabian was worshipping Allah, and was preaching out loud about his religion.

"This… is amazing! Assuming that it isn't a dream, of course!"

Rothschild was amazed.

"It would be difficult if it was a dream."

"Excuse me?"

"No, nothing."

Kang Chul-In changed the subject that from the answer that had come out unconsciously.

'Yes, if it was a dream, that would be difficult. Yes, it would. I need to kill you.'

As Kang Chul-In thought, Rothschild spoke again.

"If it isn't too much to ask, can you tell me how you got the information to pop up like that?"

"It is not hard. Just look at it for 2, 3 seconds and it will open on its own."

"Ah, I see!"

"If you got it, get lost. It makes me nauseous looking at your face."

In Kang Chul-In's unexpected violent language, Rothschild's face hardened and his eyes seethed with rage. Kang Chul-In did not fail to take note of that brief moment. However, the face quickly disappeared and the polite person's face returned.

"Don't you think that is a little bit over the top?"

Rothschild's face as he said these words were calm and collected. He was acting like a gentleman and not a rich heir of a powerful family.

"What is over the top is your social managing. It would be right to


frown a little as a human being if someone said something bad to you. Isn't that so, Alex Rothschild?"

Rothschild was taken aback hearing his name from an unfamiliar Asian man.

"Do you know me?"

"Any civilized person would have seen your face at least once. Entertainment reporters are busy writing every little thing you do."

It was true.

Alex Rothschild appeared very often on the media outlets for someone with the Rothschild family name. Dating a rich heiress, friendship with an actor from a pro-wrestling background, charity benefits gathering hundreds of thousands of dollars… The 24-year-old Rothschild was known not only in the U.S but the whole world.

"Ah, that might be so. Unintentionally…"

"What do you mean unintentionally? It's probably is a foundation for you to get your feet into the movie industry. Aren't you going to buy out 20th Century Fox?"

Rothschild was definitely taken aback this time.

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, as mentioned by Kang Chul-In, was a major film production company and the buyout deal was kept strictly confidential to the public or media. And this young Asian man had known.

"There is no such thing as a perfect secret."

Kang Chul-In did not give Rothschild a chance to protest.

"Whether it is business secrets, or personality, I believe that all will be exposed at some point. What do you think?"

Rothschild, still could not come to his senses, and kept quiet as if mute.

Who in the world was this man?

'Knowing me, sure… but how did he know about the buyout deal with 20th Fox… that aside, his words bare teeth. As if he knows me well… who is he? Who are you?'

Rothschild ransacked his smart brain, the brain smart enough to major in business at Harvard, to find a point of contact with this unfamiliar Asian man.


There was no way he could get an answer.

Kang Chul-In had come from the past, and naturally, Rothschild could not find a connecting strand between the two of them.

'Spinning your brain again.'

Kang Chul-In, looking at Rothschild, had the devil's smile on his face.

"Well then, keep on thinking. I will be choosing my land like Akan told us to do."

Kang Chul-In, grinning widely to mock Rothschild, moved towards the models.

"Wait! Who are you!"

Rothschild called for him, but Kang Chul-In did not even look back.

'Your smart little brain, think all you want. You won't even be able to step on my shadow.'

A smile formed on the face of Kang Chul-In as his back faced Rothschild.

This was enough for today.

If he was to attack Rothschild who knew nothing, it would bring him no satisfaction. The revenge would not materialize.

'Just you wait. I will crush you slowly.'

Kang Chul-In pledged his revenge.

Kang Chul-In with Rothschild behind him, went through the trouble of looking at all 900 models carefully. It was a wise and clever choice. The territory that they were to choose in the hall was land that they would spend the rest of their life in Pangaea. It was key to be cautious and sure since it could not be changed.

There were many territories that was a potential candidate.


Type: Airborne city

Tendency: Conquest

Location: Southeast, Hyperion Province

Description: land atop the back of the flying stingray

Ability: Tactical weapon, Venom Gale

Price: 8,700 gold

The Stingray land was able to release a poison called Venom Gale from its long tail and seemed very powerful. Biochemical attacks, both on Earth and Pangaea, had great destructive power. However, Kang Chul-In did not make the mistake of choosing his land rashly.

'It is tempting… but both Uranus and Stingray, I can't.'

Whale's back and Stingray's back. It got to him that both were lands that were on a living organism. Land atop a living thing was difficult. Even if it is a magical creature, it was living. It could get sick, or die during battle. Also, he would need to feed it and worry about defecation as well.

It was a big responsibility and work to raise a cat or a dog, but to raise a giant animal carrying land would require immense food and work. Therefore, he eliminated lands dependent on living organisms from his list. For these reasons, Simurgh, Ziz, and other lands atop animals were dropped from Kang Chul-In's selection. It was not an easy thing to do to look at 900 lands while weaving through 300 Sovereigns, but Kang Chul-In slowly looked at the lands with patience. Meanwhile, Sovereigns who had already chosen their lands were disappearing one by one. They had purchased their lands and were transported to Pangaea. Alex Rothschild also was nowhere to be seen, and Kang Chul-In guessed he had chosen his mobile fortress, Cyamodus.

'It would be better to be left alone.'

Kang Chul-In decided to just take his time in purchasing his land. To decrease chances of unforeseen variables, it was better to not choose other Lord's lands anyways. The future changed the moment he had made up his mind to choose an Airborne city instead of Valhalla, so for Kang Chul-In, he wanted to decrease the changes as much as possible. In order to make up for the variables, he would need to run all over Pangaea. While Kang Chul-In was taking his time, a few familiar faces passed him. From Albrecht Wilhelm, the Overlord who was the leader of the Gullveig Union to the traitor Aleister (Kang Chul-In who spotted him slyly pushed him to the ground after he bumped shoulders), and the Overlord Dorian Explorer who was more focused on exploring for ruins and monuments than war—there were many. It was a new experience.

While he was taking his time looking at the other Lord's land selections, most had already been transported to Pangaea and in the great hall, only two remained: himself and a woman with auburn hair.


Kang Chul-In recognized the woman right away.

From Eastern Europe.

The woman who preferred the nickname Hecate over her given name. She was the Overlord who had not betrayed Kang Chul-In to the end. Hecate was contemplating between her future land Temeraire and Helios, a land that was more of a chariot pulled by four Pegasus.

'Temeraire is perfect for Hecate.'

Kang Chul-In smiled, remembering Hecate who reigned over Temeraire.


Type: Airborne City

Tendency: Conquest

Location: Western part of Pangea, Countach province

Description: Land made in the form of a boat using Magic Spell-tech

Skill: Tactical weapon, Fire

Price: 9,500 gold

Temeraire was expensive but it was in the formation of a ship with 74 canons, and it had unimaginable fire-power.

'I need to intervene.'

Kang Chul-In could not leave his future ally to choose a worthless land like Helios. If she were to choose Helios, it would come at a great loss for him.

"A ship seems to suit you."

Kang Chul-In said.


Hecate was cool and unfazed, and she answered without hesitation even when a stranger talked to her.

"I like it."

Hecate nodded and chose Temeraire without hesitation, disappearing out of Kang Chul-In's sight.

'Now, it's my turn to choose.'

It was Kang Chul-In's turn.

About 600 lands remained, excluding the 299 lands and Valhalla that he had chosen previously.

'Let's choose slowly.'

Kang Chul-In looked at the lands slowly. It was repetitive, but Kang Chul-In was not impatient or bothered. It was said that 'Perseverance is sour, fruit is sweet.' Who knew? He could buy a land that other Lord would cry about if they found out.