336 - 343

Chapter 336: The Path of Blood and Iron

Boom...! There was a large explosion and the water in the Hartum River shot up like a tsunami and swallowed everything up. The battle of Styx ended with no winner.


Meanwhile, at around the same time, the young Lord Lily received an urgent report from her new secretary. She was lining up her army on the training grounds according to advice from Kang Chul-In.

"What's wrong?"

"Something big's happened!"

"S-Something big?"

"The e-enemies...! Huk... huk...!" The secretary couldn't even speak properly from running all the way to where Lily was.

"P-Please calm down and tell me slowly. What happened exactly?"

"T-The enemies...!"


"Overlord Lee Ji-Tae's army... huk... huk huk...!"

"Overlord Lee Ji-Tae... the one who took over Atal Ramanujan...?"

"Yes! T-That's correct!"

"No way..."

"Yes, Your Highness." The secretary gasped to continue. "Overlord Lee Ji-Tae's army is heading towards Itaracia!"

"O-Oh, dear...!" Lily was shocked. "But it's alright!"

However, she wasn't scared.

"The military power of our Zolushka territory is incredible! If we can use the geography of Itaracia to our benefit..."

"Y-Your Highness..."


"T-The number of our enemies..."


"The military power of the Shatyameba territory is a-approximately... 500,000 people!"


It was an exorbitant amount. 500,000 people. It was a number of soldiers that would appear in the battle going on in the north with the Valhalla Kingdom and the Gullveig Alliance.

"Y-Yes... no matter how well our soldiers are trained it's impossible to withstand 500,000 enemy soldiers..."

That was an irrefutable fact. How could Lily withstand a grand army of 500,000 soldiers? With her current ability, it would be difficult to even fight against 100,000 soldiers.

"W-What should we do?" Lily was taken aback. "There's too many... I can't stop that many soldiers."

"Your Highness, quickly request for support from the Valhalla Kingdom!"

"The Valhalla Kingdom? B-But oppa's kingdom is in the middle of a war with the Gullveig Alliance... I can't ask him for help again... he's already helped me a lot."

The oppa that Lily was talking about was obviously Kang Chul-In.

"I can't do that... Oppa won't have any soldiers to spare..."

"No, Your Highness!"


"His wife, Overlord Lee Chae-Rin!"

"Ah...! That unnie with a lot of money?"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Lily's secretary was a pretty smart person.


"Your Highness, this won't be a nuisance!"

"I-Is that so?"

"Yes, Your Highness. Here, look!"

The secretary pulled out a map.

"Currently, there is a war happening in the north for control of the territory, but that's only if this place-"

"The Baldur region?"

"-Yes, only if the Baldur region is calm is that the case. Look here. Overlord Lee Chae-Rin's forces and the Gullveig Alliance split the Baldur region into two. We can interpret that this is to prevent a third-party from appearing for a three-way war."


"If Overlord Lee Ji-Tae's 500,000 soldiers conquer our territory and above the Baldur region, what will happen?"

"...Another large power will appear?"


"So that means..."

"The Supreme King of the West Kang Chul-In won't want Overlord Lee Ji-Tae to step on our territory either. He's already in the middle of a war with the Gullveig Alliance, so if another army starts coming from behind him he'll have to make a new game plan."

Everything the secretary was saying was correct.

"Your Highness, please contact Overlord Lee Chae-Rin. Overlord Lee Chae-Rin is the Supreme King of the West Kang Chul-In's wife. She'll help us willingly. This way, we can protect our territory and help the Supreme King of the West."

"Will we really?"

"If we ask them too late, it'll be detrimental for both sides, so why hesitate?"

"A-Alright!" Lily made her decision. "I'll ask Overlord Lee Chae-Rin unnie for help!"

"You've made a wise choice, Your Highness. Overlord Lee Chae-Rin is an affluent Lord who holds most of the wealth on the continent. She'll be able to stop Overlord Lee Ji-Tae with money. And even if she can't, we'll be able to stall for time until the Supreme King of the West comes."

"Please send a message to Lee Chae-Rin unnie immediately!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Also..." Lily's eyes flashed. "I must go to Itaracia myself."

"Y-Your Highness! That's too danger..."

"I have to go." The young Lord was firm. "If I don't step up to encourage our soldiers myself, we won't be able to stop Lee Ji-Tae's military! Lords are supposed to step up to the plate themselves too!"

"Your Highness..."

"Quickly send a message to Lee Chae-Rin unnie! I'll get ready to go to Itaracia!"

"Y-Yes, ma'am."

The secretary felt inwardly amazed by Lily while heading towards the messaging room.


Lily thought of Kang Chul-In.

I won't avoid it! I can do it too! I'm also a Lord!

Lily had grown after meeting Kang Chul-In. The weak young girl was now a respectable Lord!


After the explosion settled, in the Gullveig Alliance's territory, a wall of the commanding center came crumbling down.



Everyone was shocked.


It was none other than Saturnus who broke through the wall. Surprisingly, the demon had survived the incredible attack.

"Who?" The bloodied demon looked for the culprit with a smiling face. "Which one of you bastards that don't amount to anything allowed that dull trick?"

Saturnus was extremely angry due to the great explosion. Saturnus was angry beyond imagination from being distracted from his amusement.

"Was it you?"

"N-No, sir..."

The head of the general exploded like a watermelon.

"Or was it... you?"

"I-It was not me! P-Please! Please believe me..."

The head of the messenger soldier also broke into pieces.

"Then..." Saturnus's gaze was fixed on a frozen Milenius. "It must have been you?"

"N-No, sir!" Milenius denied the charges. "M-Master! How could I..."

There was nothing else he could do. He might've been an Agnaga, but in front of an ancient emperor, he was just a mouse in front of a cat.

"F-First, please listen to me... it wasn't intentional..."

It was when he was starting to excuse himself...

"He gave the orders!"

Kwak Jun quickly pointed at Milenius.


Milenius face paled. Right now, he had to excuse himself somehow. That was the only way he could survive. And even then, his life could still be in danger. The demon from hell was a monster who was moved by sadism and rage.


That crazy bastard!

Kwak Jun was pointing to him as the cause of the situation.

You dare to...!

That mere marionette called him out!

"The explosion just now was a strategy called Project King Slayer, and its purpose was to destroy the Supreme King of the West Kang Chul-In and the White Knight Brynhildr at the same time!"


Saturnus grinned at Kwak Jung's tattling. It was a shiver-inducing smile from Milenius's perspective.

"So that's what happened...?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Kwak Jung bowed towards Saturnus.

"Majesty? Why are you calling me that, you lowly being?"

"Your Majesty is the strongest."

"The strongest?"

"I know because I got a report in real-time. Kang Chul-In, the strongest in the continent, couldn't stand against you. So wouldn't the true owner of this continent be you? Your Majesty, you are the owner of this continent!"

Emperor. That was the only word and nickname that Saturnus liked.

"Ke... you know how to roll your tongue."

"No, Your Majesty. I just wish to become your faithful dog to survive."

"I like it."

"I-It's nothing!"

"Anyways." Saturnus turned to Milenius. "You..."


"You bothered me while I was spending some time with my son, hm?"

"Master! That's a misunderstanding..."

At that moment,

Crunch! Saturnus gripped Milenius's face.

"Kuk, kuk...!"

"Kek... you insect... you dare to mock me?"

"M-Master... kuk! T-That's..."


As soon as Saturnus spoke those words, the "punishment" began. Milenius's chin began to split, and it was soon "separated." Saturnus had pulled out his chin!

"I'll rip you to shreds."


A gruesome scene began. Arms, legs, hair, skin... Saturnus used his brute strength to take Milenius apart one by one. A few seconds later, Milenius's corpse was rolling on the commanding center of the Alliance.

"Kek... that loser dared to stab me in the back... hehe... I suppose the human world is a fun place to play games?"

A horrifying smile... the charisma of the Emperor of Carnage was beyond imagination.

"Find him." Saturnus ordered. "My son isn't dead."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Kwak Jun quickly replied to his orders.


"Please give me your commands!"

"I'll continue to fight against the kingdom my son established. I want my son's people's pain, my son's women, and my grandchildren. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Ke... good... we'll start the war games now... the festival of blood!"

Madness shined in Saturnus's bloodshot eyes.


Son, wake up!

His mother's voice rang in his head.

Dadddd! Wake up!

He could hear Arshelly's voice too.



Your Majesty!

His wives too.


Oppa, oppa!

Han Ye-Sun's voice as well.


Kang Chul-In opened his eyes with much difficulty.

"Oppa! Can you hear me?!"

"Where.. is... kuk!"

"Don't overdo it! Stay still!"

Han Ye-Sun forced him down.

"Ack!" Another shout escaped his mouth.

"Don't move! Never! Not now!"


"Oppa, you're hurt a lot right now... you almost died." Han Ye-Sun spoke in a teary voice. "You almost died.. so don't get up... you're a mess right now!"

He really was. All his bones were broken, his lungs were crushed under his ribcage, and his muscles, which had been as strong as steel wire rope, were all ripped. There wasn't a single internal organ that was fine. A severe injury. No, a critical one. They were injuries that normal people would've died from already.

"Ke..." Kang Chul-In groaned. "It hurts..."


"It hurts... a lot..."

That was it. Kang Chul-In just groaned and didn't say much. Although he was experiencing unimaginable pain, he didn't say anything more.

"Huk...!" Tears brimmed in Han Ye-Sun's eyes. "S-Sorry..."

"What... are you sorry for?"

"I-I didn't know anything... I-I just thought you were going crazy... s-so..." She was finally telling the truth. "I just... I... couldn't understand you. So I tried to stop you... if I didn't stop you... you wouldn't be like this... I-I was bait."

"It's fine."


"Those things happen... so don't... blame yourself."

Unexpectedly, Kang Chul-In's old way of speaking came out of his mouth. It was how he spoke to Han Ye-Sun back during their puppy love days, the school days.


"You didn't do it on purpose... so let's just move on."




His tone quickly changed.

"Where am I?" Kang Chul-In asked. "And how much time passed?"

"A-A week?"

"The war?"

"I'm not sure... I just know we're in the south of the continent."

"The south?"

"Your belt brought us here."

"Ah..." Kang Chul-In realized how he was able to survive.

This special function will save your life when in danger. Because your defense equipment was so bad...

What the legendary blacksmith Vulkan said flashed through his mind. The Invincible-rank item, the "Iron Curtain" belt... that was what saved Kang Chul-In and Han Ye-Sun?

"And Lucia...?" However, rather than being relieved about his survival, Kang Chul-In asked about Lucia first.

"She's alive."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Han Ye-Sun nodded. "She went to see if there were any gates nearby. That belt saved all three of us."

"That's a relief..."

"Yeah... it is."

"First... kuk!"

Kang Chul-In quickly raised himself.


"There's no time to be like this."


"We don't have time..." Kang Chul-In was feeling rushed. "Every second is precious... we don't have... time... soon... he will resurrect..."


"I have to... prepare..."

However, there were limits to his capabilities. Kang Chul-In fell over.

"Oppaaaa!" Han Ye-Sun quickly supported him. "Why are you going so far...!?"



"Even Earth... will be in danger... before that... have to stop..."

Then, Kang Chul-In fainted.

Chapter 337: The Path of Blood and Iron (2)

Kang Chul-In woke up one week later.


"Son, did you wake up?"

He could hear his mother, Park Sun-Ja's, voice.

"This is...?"

"It's a hospital, son."


"Whew... son, I understand you're busy, but what were you doing to end up like this..."


"I'm upset."


"If I lose even you..."

Kang Chul-In shut his mouth. He didn't have anything to say. Showing this injured side of him to his mother... he wanted to find a hole and hide in it.

"Don't ever..."


"Don't even come hurt like this. Alright?"


"I can't believe you..."

Park Sun-Ja couldn't look at Kang Chul-In properly.

"I'll call for a doctor, so rest up. I'll be back."

Park Sun-Ja didn't try to stay in the hospital room for too long even though her son had woken up. She didn't want him to see her tears.

"...I've been a bad son again."Kang Chul-In muttered to himself and bit his lower lip. "Dammit."

What was he doing? He promised not to be a bad son again, but he had shown this side of himself.

"Oppa!" Just then, Han Ye-Sun frantically ran into the hospital room. "Did you wake up? What a relief! Such a relief! I thought you were really gonna die..."


"You went to death's door... if we were a bit late, you would have died..." Tears brimmed in Han Ye-Sun's eyes again. "But still, it's a relief... that you're living... really a relief..."

Kang Chul-In could feel how sincere Han Ye-Sun was. Han Ye-Sun was acting like his survival was everything to her...

"But." Kang Chul-In opened his mouth. "Where is this? Earth?"


"Why did you bring me here..."

"There wasn't any other way, we had to save you. There wasn't a way to go back to the Valhalla Kingdom, and we were in the south because the Belt moved us there. We were surrounded by mountains and we couldn't go anywhere. You were in such a critical condition that we had to use modern medicine. Of course, as soon as we arrived on Earth, I called for Alfred."

"Alfred?" Kang Chul-In narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah." Han Ye-Sun nodded. "That was the only way to help you. Modern medicine's surgery, and Alfred's Blood Heal. If it wasn't for the two of those, no one would've been able to save you."

"I see... what about Alfred?"

"He returned to Pangaea as soon as you were treated. Along with Lucia."


"That's..." Han Ye-Sun couldn't speak easily. "The situation... it's... not... good... really not good..."

"That bad?"

"There's a three-way fight."


"The Valhalla Kingdom... is fighting two forces right now... although... it's more like they're being beaten up one-sidedly..."

Kang Chul-In felt like he had been punched.

I didn't hear wrong, right?

He didn't know what kind of bullshit this was. How much effort had he put into stopping a three-way war? But it was happening anyway?

"A third party?"


"Is it..." Kang Chul-In spoke as if he realized who it was. "The Shatyameba territory? Overlord Lee Ji-Tae?"

"Y-You know?"

"So that's what happened."

He had thought it was strange. He should've realized it when some guy he'd never heard about became an Overlord after taking over Atal Ramanujan's position.

"And the other one is the Gullveig Alliance, right?"



"It's the Ancient Empire."

He didn't know what in the world she was talking about.

"You're not saying... Saturnus, that damned guy, called himself an emperor and took over the Gullveig Alliance, are you?"

"You're right."


"The Gullveig Alliance doesn't exist anymore."

"How ridiculous."

It had only been 2 weeks but he couldn't grasp how many things had gone down during that time. Saturnus, who was calling himself an emperor, and the Overlord Lee Ji-Tae. These damned bastards were beating up his kingdom after creating their forces. It seemed a lot had happened in that short amount of time.

"I see."

However, there didn't seem to be any concern on Kang Chul-In's face.

"O-Oppa, are you okay?"

"Of course." Kang Chul-In nodded. "What's important is time, not those small fish."

"I don't understand what you're saying. What were you saying right before you fainted? That Earth was in danger..."

"I meant what I said."


"Overlord Lee Ji-Tae... that bastard isn't human."

"He's not...?"

"Do you want to know?" Kang Chul-In turned to Han Ye-Sun. "It'll be hard to take."

"It doesn't matter." Han Ye-Sun's eyes flashed. "I need to know what you're doing."

"Fine, whatever you want."

Kang Chul-In didn't plan on hiding anything from her.

"Everything goes back to a thousand years ago, during the rule of the Emperor of Blood and Iron, Julius Berlineta Pon Aurangzeb."

Kang Chul-In began to explain the secret he knew, about Pangaea's past and the system, Erinyes.


Meanwhile, at the same time, in the Esmeralda territory.

"Kuk!" Kwak Jung vomited blood.

"Kuk, kuk, kuk!"

Not just once. He continued to vomit blood. Vibrant red blood stained


the map in front of him.

"Tactician Kwak!" Podolski quickly supported Kwak Jung. "Are you alright?"

"Do I look alright?" Kwak Jung asked back, sharply.

"O-Of course..."

"Of course not... I feel... like I'm gonna die... almost to the point that I want to kill myself..."

Kwak Jung's face was extremely pale. He looked poor. The black circles under his eyes, purple lips, dried skin, and bony cheeks would remind anyone of a sick person. No, like a patient who was going to collapse any second.

"Please take it easy..."

"Do you think I'm doing this because I want to?" Kwak Jung spoke as he wiped the blood from his mouth in an irritated manner. "The moment I make a mistake this kingdom will be destroyed in the blink of an eye. I can't take it easy right now."

"Tactician Kwak..."

"Please send General Drakan to the north and General Amur to the south. The enemies will come. Their scales are large. It'll be hard to block them, so please send the Full Metal Dragon and Zeppelin as well."

"Yes, sir..."

"When the battle begins, Saturnus will appear two hours later."


"Then, we will drop His Highness Dorian off to stall for time and Lucia will hold our backs. If we do this... we'll be safe for today."


"Do you think I'd use my Foresight because I want to die? Don't say anything useless and go quickly. I want to rest today."

"Yes, sir... I hope you rest well..."

Podolski carefully left Kwak Jung's tent.

"Kuk!" Kwak Jung began to vomit blood again. "Dammit... am I really gonna die?"

He was using his Foresight to make up for Kang Chul-In's absence so they could continue with the war. He really felt like he was going to die. Every time he used his Foresight, the feeling of his lifespan decreasing was like hell every day. However, there was nothing else he could do.

In front of them were the Ancient Empire soldiers, and in the south, Overlord Lee Ji-Tae's army was beating them up. In this disadvantageous situation, if they made a mistake, it would be the end of the Valhalla Kingdom.Even though he didn't want to, he had to use Foresight to stay ahead of their enemies.

"Shit... please come... please..." Kwak Jung prayed for Kang Chul-In to come again and again. "What do you want me to do when we need you the most... ugh...!"

But Kang Chul-In was recuperating back on Earth because he was critically injured. According to what Alfred said, Kang Chul-In's recovery wouldn't take that long, but it was unclear when he would return.


"That damned bastard is playing with us!"

Saturnus only appeared when the soldiers of the empire were in danger and messed up the battlefield. Although he could sweep away the soldiers of the Valhalla Kingdom with his power, he just stepped back and observed the war, like he was playing war games.

No, Saturnus was definitely enjoying watching the Valhalla Kingdom suffer. Like a pervert.

"So please..."



Kwak Jung narrowed his eyes at the sudden dizziness.

"I-I can't see well... dammit..."

His vision spun in front of his eyes. He couldn't move his arms and legs properly.

Plop! Kwak Jung fell to the floor.

"Eh... n-not now... no... hehe..."

He lost consciousness. After using too much of his Foresight, he was drained.


"S-So..." Han Ye-Sun wasn't able to hide her shock at Kang Chul-In's words. "So from the Great Summoning till now... everything is the will from a thousand years ago to stop the Agnaga?"

"As you heard."

"I-I can't believe it...!"

"Neither could I."

It was true. It had taken a while for Kang Chul-In to accept the "truth."

"But it was true."


"Anyway, the most important thing is to prevent the resurrection of Rindermergel."

"What happens if he... resurrects completely?"

"The end of Pangaea."



The reason why Kang Chul-In had to take over the Emperor of Blood and Iron's mission escaped his mouth.

"The dead Agnaga will resurrect. To be exact, they won't be resurrected, but new Agnaga will be born."

"New Agnaga?"

"Rindermergel himself is Agnaga. He has the DNA of the dead Agnaga, and if he absorbs some energy, he can create new Agnaga. If that happens..."

"The Agnaga will come to Earth after taking over Pangaea?"

"There's a 100% chance that will happen."

It was true. That was the reason why Kang Chul-In had taken over the Emperor of Blood and Iron's unfinished work. It was important to save Pangaea, but he couldn't let the Agnaga invade Earth, could he?

"From the beginning, Earth and Pangaea were the same parallel worlds. They are connected because they're not from different dimensions. That's the reason why Dragon Lord Emilia was able to call us into Pangaea."

"I-I see..."

"Anyways, as I said, Saturnus and Lee Ji-Tae are only small fish."

"You have a way to defeat Saturnus and Lee Ji-Tae?"

"Now... I will defeat Saturnus."


"5 minutes is enough."

Kang Chul-In was sure of victory.


[Ectoplasm Oversuit, synchronization complete!]

His strongest artifact, this armor, had perfectly synchronized with his body.

[Physical strength, 400% increase!]

[Stamina, 300% increase!]

[Reaction speed, 180% increase!]

[Defensive power, 60% increase!]

[Resistance, 60% increase!]

Yes, the present Kang Chul-In was strong enough to be able to guarantee his victory in a fight against Saturnus.

Right now... I'm stronger than the Emperor of Blood and Iron.

After getting up from almost having died, he wasn't afraid of anything. Furthermore, the Outrage Drive he was only able to use for one minute could now be used for five.

This was the reason why Kang Chul-In was scary. Every time he came back from death's door, he would grow stronger.

"Lee Ji-Tae?" He had a sour smile. "He's probably Cereb, the mind of Agnaga... that disgusting squid... kek!"

The Emperor of Blood and Iron's memory was filled with information about Cereb. Kang Chul-In knew too well how he could bring the great mind of Agnaga down.

Saturnus? He would be finished after beating him up. Kang Chul-In wouldn't be defeated anymore. It was showtime.

"I'll return right away." Kang Chul-In raised himself.

"W-Will you be okay?"

"Of course."

He still had some pain left, but it would dissipate with some potions. There was no more time to waste. He had to leave now.

"You should rest for just one more day..."

Han Ye-Sun looked at Kang Chul-In with a regretful face.

"It's not time to rest."

"Still... it'll be so tiring... you'll have to do everything yourself... this isn't fair... with Pangaea and Earth. You have to protect both worlds by yourself... that's a heavy burden... I don't know why you have to do it all alone... why..."

"Because I'm a Lord."


"That's all."

That was Kang Chul-In's identity. The reason why he was living.

"I am the king of a land and the father of many citizens. I must take on the responsibilities if I want to rule."


Han Ye-Sun painstakingly felt that Kang Chul-In was a Lord to the bones.

"Let's go." Kang Chul-In began to walk.

"To beat up Saturnus, that damned bastard, first."

It had begun.

The salvation of two worlds, the path of Kang Chul-In, and the path of Blood and Iron.

Chapter 338: The Valhalla Kingdom in an Extremely Dangerous Situation


"After saying goodbye my mom first."

Kang Chul-In tossed his hospital clothing aside and looked for Park Sun-Ja. Yes, he had to see his mother before leaving for battle. He was about to rescue Pangaea and Earth at the same time. He would be a bad son if he didn't say farewell to his mother before progressing with such important business.

Kang Chul-In was able to find Park Sun-Ja on the rooftop of the hospital.



Park Sun-Ja quickly wiped her tears.

As I expected.

Kang Chul-In knew that she was going to be on the rooftop. She had done this back then, too. When his father had suffered from the traffic accident, Park Sun-Ja came up to the rooftop to cry alone.

"W-Why are you here... you're not exactly in the best condition to..."

"I'm fine."

Kang Chul-In spread his arms wide apart as if to prove it.


"As you already know... I'm not an ordinary human. This kind of injury means nothing..."

"Is that something you should be saying to your mom?"



Park Sun-Ja trembled with frustration. This was the mind of a mother. No matter how strong one's child was, if they were injured to the point that they had to be bedridden, parents would feel like their own bone and flesh were being taken apart.

"I can't believe you!"

"I-I apologize..."

"You're the same!"


"You're the same as your father."


Kang Chul-In realized what Park Sun-Ja was saying. A forgotten memory popped up.

"Ah! It hurts!"


"Don't worry too much. I'm not even that hurt, so what's with the fuss?"

"I-Is that something you should be saying right now? You could die at any moment! It's a miracle you're awake right now!"

"Hahahaha~! Do you think this Kang Han will die from this? Don't worry. I'll be up and about soon. I can get through this with some food..."


That was Kang Chul-In's father, Kang Han's, end. He had acted tough until the end and hadn't been able to leave any sincere last words behind.

"Kek...!" Kang Chul-In laughed. "S-Sorry... mother..."

He shouldn't have laughed. Thinking of his father's end and laughing?

He was so fiery... thinking about it now... gosh... he was so foolish.

How could a person act so tough before they died?


Park Sun-Ja must've remembered it too because it seemed like she was trying to hold in her laughter.


"Yes, mother."

"Dad seems foolish, huh?"


"Come on~!"


"Don't lie."


Park Sun-Ja smiled. "Your father was like that."


"One day, his right shoulder was ripped to shreds after falling into the ocean, back during his younger days."

"I see."

"Do you know what your father said back then?"


"He said some medicine would do the trick."

Shock filled Kang Chul-In's face.

What kind of ridiculous...!

It didn't make sense no matter how much he thought about it. If a person was bit by a shark, they should immediately go to the hospital, but his father wanted to put some medicine on it and call it a day?

Was it that scar?

Kang Chul-In had seen a scar when he was young.


"Son! Look!"

"What's this? Did you get hurt?"

"This is..."


"A scar that I got when I was younger from fighting a shark!"


"Of course!"

"T-Then, who won?"

"Of course I won!"


"That shark swam away so fast his fin almost fell off!"

"You're so amazing, dad...!"

"Right? I'm strong, huh?"



His father had put him on his knee and bragged about the "fight" with the shark.


Kang Chul-In was speechless for a moment.


Looking back at it now, it wasn't something a good son should say, but...

He was an extreme fool.

There was no denying the fact that Kang Han was a fool beyond anyone's imagination.

"Do you know what your father said back then? He said that kind of injury was nothing for a man. He was so stubborn that we took care of it with some medicine...


two days later, he fainted from excessive bleeding. I can't believe him. Goodness!"


"He always went on about what a "man" was. He said it was okay to get hurt because he was a man. My son isn't that foolish, but... it seems you're a bit similar, no?"


Kang Chul-In coughed and looked away.

"Please." Park Sun-Ja pleaded Kang Chul-In. "Everything is fine. I won't ask you what you do outside. You're an adult, and the king of a land."

"Yes, ma'am..."

"But I can't forgive you for getting hurt. Don't be foolish like your father. Understood?"


"This hole in my heart is enough with just the one your father left behind."

Kang Chul-In couldn't say anything at the words that kept on pricking his conscience. He knew how much his mother had suffered after his father passed away. South Korea was a horrible place for a woman to raise a child alone.

"Understood, son?"

"Yes, mother." Kang Chul-In nodded. "That won't happen."

"Can you promise?"

"Of course."

Actually, it wasn't a promise he could keep 100%. What he was about to do was dangerous.


I'll return alive.

Kang Chul-In hardened his resolve. His ambition, and the unfinished work of the Emperor of Blood and Iron... after he accomplished the two, he would return, basking in gold.

"Alright, go." Park Sun-Ja waved her hand at Kang Chul-In. "You're busy."

"After this, I'll be free."

"I can believe those words, right?"


"Alright, since my son is a man that keeps his word."

That was the end. Kang Chul-In didn't extend their conversation with useless words, and Park Sun-Ja didn't ask what her son was going to do.

She just...

Be careful, son.

There's no problem.

Spoke with her eyes.

"Then, I'll be back."

Kang Chul-In bowed at Park Sun-Ja and began to walk away.

"Whew..." Park Sun-Ja sighed looking at his back.


Ninetails summoned all the officials of the Valhalla Kingdom who hadn't gone off to war.

"I, the Second Queen of Valhalla Kingdom, Ninetails..."

Then, she began to speak.

"Will now announce that our kingdom is in an emergency situation. Any healthy man who is 16 and over will be going into war."

It was an unavoidable decision. The Valhalla Kingdom was facing its greatest crisis after being established. From the north came Saturnus's Ancient Empire, and from the south, Lee Ji-Tae's army. The two large forces were attacking the Valhalla Kingdom as if they had agreed upon it beforehand.

Kwak Jung had also fainted from overworking himself. If she didn't make this decision, the kingdom would be destroyed.


"Yes, your second Majesty."

"Release all the stored equipment and food supplies."


"We are in a national crisis. It's not time to worry about finances. Until my husband returns, we must go this route to stall for time. Do it immediately. If not obeyed, you will be punished according to kingdom law."

"Yes, your second Majesty!"

Timothy bowed low and accepted Ninetails's command.

"Also!" Ninetails didn't stop there. "From this moment on, anyone foolish who tries to split the kingdom apart will be executed on the spot, understood?"

"Yes, your second Majesty!"

How could he not heed her orders? Ninetails were a sexy and cute wife in front of Kang Chul-In, but not in public. She was also a ruler.

Husband...! But her inner thoughts were different. Please return... quick...!

Ninetails didn't know what to do. Everything was disadvantageous to them.

"Y-Your second Majesty!"

It was then.

"Bad news!"

"What happened?"

"Her Majesty Lee Chae-Rin in the south... lost...!"


"They lost half of their forces and are currently retreating!"

"Your second Majesty!"

That wasn't the end of the bad news.

"In the north, our forces have lost, and Esmeralda territory is about to be invaded by enemies!"

A dead silence descended on the Lord's Hall. Ninetails bit her lower lip.

No way...!

She didn't understand. The Valhalla Kingdom soldiers were the strongest in the continent. Even though two forces were attacking them simultaneously, they shouldn't have been losing like this.

Something's strange.

She could understand that the north had lost because of Saturnus.


My little sister lost? No, never.

She couldn't believe Lee Chae-Rin's loss.

"Your second Majesty!"

Just then, the messenger added more information.

"W-We just received news..."

"What is it?"


The messenger couldn't speak immediately. He couldn't believe the news he had received.

"Quickly report. Now!"

"I-It's... the soldiers of Overlord Lee Ji-Tae... all 500,000 of them..."

"What is it?"

"They're all monsters...!"

Ninetails suspected something was wrong with her ears. Monsters?

All 500,000 of them?


"Where are you going, your Majesty?"

Kwak Jun asked Saturnus.

"I want to meet my daughters-in-law. Kek...!"


"I heard my son has a pretty daughter?"


"I must have that girl in my possession."


"When my son returns, I'll ravish my granddaughter in front of him. Hehe...! What do you think, isn't it fun just thinking about it? Hahahahaha!"

The demon let out an evil laugh.

What a crazy bastard...!

Kwak Jun held in his curse from spilling out.

"Hehe... how fun... really amusing..."


"Having my son's daughter take my seed will do it... hehe... yes, that might be even better... kek, kekekek...!"

Just how crazy did you have to be to think those thoughts? Kwak Jung couldn't tell how mad Saturnus was.


Gosh... that bastard... is evil itself...

It was clear Saturnus wasn't human.

"Then I'll be back, so continue bothering my son's army."

"Yes, your Majesty."

Saturnus began to move. His destination was the southwest, where the Valhalla Kingdom's capital, Laputa, was.

Chapter 339: The Valhalla Kingdom in an Extremely Dangerous Situation (2)

"Your second Majesty, her third Majesty Lee Chae-Rin has suffered losses consecutively..."

"Her third Majesty was able to summon the Spirit King but lost..."

"Esmeralda is about to fall to the enemies!"

"The soldiers are discouraged... at this rate..."

"His Majesty Dorian Explorer has been injured..."

The situation was getting worse.

Husband...! Ninetails bit her red lips. When are you coming... the kingdom needs you...

The absence of Kang Chul-In had a great effect. Of course, it was true that Kang Chul-In was 50% of the Valhalla Kingdom's manpower, but this was too much. What kind of army was the Valhalla Kingdom? Soldiers in the Valhalla Kingdom were trained intensely like every fight was to the death. Moreover, they were a military that had only experienced victories. A hundred percent winning rate. The Valhalla Kingdom's soldiers were the strongest in Pangaea, but such an army was falling apart.

It wasn't because Kang Chul-In was absent. The enemies were just too strong.

A mysterious legion of 500,000 monsters and the Ancient Empire, with the demon Saturnus. It was because they were being attacked by these two great forces.

"Husband... please come back soon."

It was a desperate self-muttering.

"Y-Your second Majesty...!"

It was then.

"Something bad has happened... sad news...!"

A messenger quickly ran into the hall and bowed in front of Ninetails.

"What... is it."

Ninetails asked with an exhausted face. She was tired. Every piece of bad news that came was horrible. Things were so bad that she thought they couldn't get worse.

"The commander of the White Lion Knights..."


"Sir Mikael..."

"No way..."

"In the battle against Ancient Empire soldiers..."

Ninetails felt her heart dropping to the ground. What kind of knight was Mikael? He was the master of internal affairs who had made Balnibarbi of rural Pandemonium into the second capital, along with Captain James. The man who Kang Chul-In had left Balnibarb to had died in battle.

It was something she didn't want to believe.

"I... see."

Ninetails tried to hide her feelings of despair.

"His body."

So she asked in the steadiest voice possible.

"Were they able to bring the body back?"


"Answer me."


"I asked if they retrieved the body."

"They weren't... able to... retrieve Sir Mikael's body..."

"Are you being serious right now!?"

Ninetails roared. She exploded.

"Your second Majesty...!"

"He was given stars by the kingdom but you weren't able to retrieve his body!?"

"B-But... the situation on the battlefield was too disadvantageous to us..."

"Shut up!"

"I-I apologize..."

The messenger didn't know what to do.

Nine tails were waving in a threatening manner behind Ninetails.

"Please... step back..."

"Yes, your second Majesty..."


Ninetails couldn't hold in her blazing fury. She knew that it was funny to be angry at the fact that the body wasn't retrieved properly, but there was nothing else she could do. One of the kingdom's pillars had fallen at the continued losses. It was hard for her to reign in her anger...

If only Tactician Kwak was here...!

Kwak Jung was half-disabled from the overuse of his ability, so he couldn't strategize and plan for any battle tactics. No, strategizing and planning aside, he was barely living day by day with Alfred's Blood Heal.

"Husband has to come back..."

There was no solution. The only one, if there was one, was Kang Chul-In. He had to come back for the soldiers to feel encouraged again and fight back against the enemies.

"If Husband comes back..."

It was then.

Boom! With a loud explosion, the Lord's Hall began to shake.


While everyone was shocked at the sudden commotion,


Someone's scream rang out in the Lord's Hall. That wasn't the end, however.


"Stop them. We have to protect the Lord's Hall!"

"Stay calm! Endure!"

"Emergency, emergency!"

"It's an enemy."

Shouts of the guards outside of the Lord's Hall could be heard.


The shouts didn't last long, however.

Silence. The frantic commotion stopped instantly. Then, footsteps approached them.


Ninetails shivered after hearing the sound.

This is...! She didn't have a good feeling about it. Demon.

That was the only word that she could think of. The being outside was scary, although they were only standing outside of the Lord's Hall.

Boom! With an explosive sound, the door to the Lord's Hall burst open.



A demon with a cruel smile showed itself.

"Y-You are!" Ninetails


recognized the demon at once. "T-The Emperor of Lunacy and Night..."

Why wouldn't she? If one knew the Emperor of Blood and Iron, they would know the Emperor of Lunacy and Night as well. The story of how he killed his father a thousand years ago to become emperor was still a famous one.

"Oho." Saturnus laughed at Ninetails. "Ninetails... I heard you're one of my son's women. Kek... a whore with nine tails... my son's preference is quite interesting..."

"Shut up." Ninetails exuded a cold aura. "How dare you come in here?"

"Kek... I guess you have a temper?"

"I don't know how you came back to life... but I'll split your stomach apart and chew up your liver... you bastard."

Ninetails was scary. There wasn't any cuteness in her words, at all. Her seductive eyes were filled with violence and enmity.

"Hehe...!" But Saturnus didn't even blink at Ninetails's threat. "My daughter-in-law."

"You crazy...! Who are you calling your daughter-in-law?"

"Do you think that mouth will still be running while under my stomach?"


"Even while taking my seed? Kek, kek, kek...! How amusing... very. I'm already excited. He... hehe!"

Saturnus wasn't in his right mind. He never was, but it was worse now. He was mad at the thought of being able to ravish Kang Chul-In's wives and his daughter.

"Come here." Saturnus began to move towards Ninetails. "I'll wake your lustful instinct... hehehe."

It was then.

"Stop!" With a clear beautiful voice, a girl of about seventeen years old stepped into the Lord's Hall.

"A-Arshelly!" Ninetails shouted frantically.

Yes. The girl was Arshelly, transformed into an Arknight. Kang Chul-In's daughter had appeared to protect the Lord's Hall from Saturnus.

"Run away, quick! Escape now!"

"No, mom!"

"Listen to mom! Go now!"

"I won't run away!" Arshelly didn't listen to Ninetails's orders to leave. "I'll be punished for this later... Mom."

"It's dangerous! That demon is..."

"I know, Mom!"

Why wouldn't she know? Arshelly was a princess born between the Emperor of Blood and Iron and Brynhildr. The blood of Aurangzeb, the imperial family, was flowing inside of her. Furthermore, Arshelly was a true jack of all trades who was skilled in everything. There was no way she wouldn't know that Saturnus was dangerous.

"But, I can't stop." Arshelly's resolve was like Kang Chul-In's. "We cannot give this Lord's Hall in any situation!"


"Mom, I'm also a part of the royal family of Valhalla. With dad not here, I have to step up! It's the responsibility of the royal family! Dad taught me that! From father to daughter, from king of Valhalla Kingdom to princess!"

She was right. Yes, it was something that the royal family had to do. Kang Chul-In didn't raise Arshelly like a flower in a greenhouse. He taught her about the responsibilities of being in the royal family. He taught her properly instead of spoiling her.


Ninetails was proud of Arshelly. What a beautiful heart she had. She wasn't her biological daughter, but Arshelly was so lovable.

"Kek..." Saturnus had a huge grin on his face. "Black hair... those red eyes... you... have the blood of our family. Kek... you're a child with my blood. Then... you are my true granddaughter... Julius' daughter."

"I don't know a grandfather like you." Arshelly firmly denied any ties she had to Saturnus. "So shut that disgusting mouth."

She got ready to fight. It was fitting of Kang Chul-In's daughter.

"Kek... fine... go ahead." Saturnus had a mad smile as he began to approach Arshelly. "Let's see what tricks my granddaughter can do... kek kek kek...!"


Seoul, South Korea, in front of the 63 Building in Yeouido...

Brrr...! The flagship model of the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG screeched to a stop. As the gull-wing door, the symbol of the SLS AMG, opened, Kang Chul-In came out.


"K-Kang Chul-In?"

"Is it really Kang Chul-In?"


The people in front of the 63 Building all whispered to each other. After the dungeon gate incident, Kang Chul-In was a hero and a hot celebrity. He was also one of the richest men on Earth. He earned millions every year with Galaxy Corporation.

Moreover, after the dungeon gate incident, Kang Chul-In and his family (although there weren't many) were exempted from taxes from the South Korean government as a sign of gratitude.

Kang Chul-In's influence had also reached far beyond South Korea. The United States, China, and Japan all wanted to work with him.

Not to mention, he was a hero who saved South Korea from the monster wave. His name would be recorded in textbooks. Kang Chul-In had everything a man could ever dream of.

"Excuse me... are you Kang Chul-In?"

"Mr. Kang Chul-In, can we take a picture together?"

"Heuk... Mr. Kang Chul-In... my child survived because of you! Thank you!"

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kang Chul-In!"

People rushed around him.

In the end, it's here...

However, he didn't have the mind to worry about them. Kang Chul-In was reminiscing about the past. This 63 Building was where everything began.

And Kang Chul-In...

Everything will be finished soon.

The 63 Building was a special place to him.

"Let's go." Kang Chul-In began to move.

"Okay, Oppa." Han Ye-Sun followed him.


The Warp Gate inside the Lord's Hall flashed and Kang Chul-In and Han Ye-Sun appeared.


Kang Chul-In became speechless after seeing his surroundings. It was a mess. His brilliant throne was broken into pieces. The corpses of multiple people were lying on the floor.

"H-Husband... you've come..." Ninetails greeted him tiredly.


"D-Dad...!" Arshelly was with her.

Kang Chul-In ground his teeth after seeing Arshelly. His lovable daughter was in a horrible state. Her clothes were all ripped, her hair was messed up, and there were clumps of blood on her skin.

As a father, he felt horrible.

"Hehe...!" Just then, a burst of evil laughter rang in his ear. "Long time so see, son."

The Emperor of Lunacy and Night, Saturnus, the demon from hell, was smiling at him.

"I was just about to play a fun game with my granddaughter, but you came at just the right time...! Ke...!"


"After I take you apart, I'll ravish my cute grand..."

Before he could finish, Saturnus's head was whipped around.

"Kuk...!" He gasped for breath. His black hair was in Kang Chul-In's hand. Kang Chul-In then slammed Saturnus' head onto the ground.

"Kyak!" Saturnus screamed. "You..."

Saturnus growled in a low voice.

"You touched something you shouldn't have, you son of a bitch."

At the same time, Kang Chul-In began to grind Saturnus' face onto the floor of the Lord's Hall.

Chapter 340: Demon Back to Hell

T-Thwak! Kang Chul-In's smack was loud.

"Kuk... kwek... kuh... keuk...!"

Saturnus was helpless.

"You dare?"

Kang Chul-In gripped Saturnus's head and lifted him. His eyes were blazing like rubies. They were rare eyes that were the symbol of the Aurangzeb imperial family, ones you could only see on an albino person. It meant that his DNA had awakened. The Emperor of Blood and Iron's memories and the Ectoplasm Oversuit had replaced Kang Chul-In's DNA with the Aurangzeb family's.

"You touched..."

At the same time, Kang Chul-In slammed Saturnus's face down onto the floor.

Crunch. "My daughter? You bastard!"

Kang Chul-In repeatedly slammed Saturnus' face on the floor.

"O-Oppa..." Han Ye-Sun was shocked. "H-How can... you..."

She couldn't react in any way. Saturnus was a strong enemy. In the fight at the Hartum River some time ago, he showed that he was more powerful than Kang Chul-In.


"I can't... believe it."

Saturnus was being beat-up by Kang Chul-In one-sidedly. She didn't understand how someone who had been so critically injured could become so strong in that short amount of time.

This strength...

Kang Chul-In was also surprised while he beat up Saturnus. There were two reasons behind his power-up.

The first was the synchronization of the Ectoplasm Oversuit. Not only did it raise Kang Chul-In's stats, it amplified all his energy. It was like the Amplifier Talisman 2.0.

The second was the Emperor of Blood and Iron's memories. The twisted flow of time went naturally, and Kang Chul-In was able to recall all of his memories as a result of that. The Emperor of Blood and Iron was a master of battles. Kang Chul-In was able to gain his experience and tactics for free. Most of all, he knew how the Emperor of Blood and Iron used mana. The "Perfect Circulation" of the Emperor of Blood and Iron was the perfect way to use mana. There was zero mana lost in the process, and its effects increased by 150%. Perfect Circulation was a way to use a small amount of mana destructively.

That was how Kang Chul-In was able to become two times stronger just by having the Emperor of Blood and Iron's memories.

"Keack!" Just then, Saturnus managed to escape Kang Chul-In's hand. "Ke...!" He growled at Kang Chul-In. "You...!"

"What, do you feel like shit cause you got beat up?" Kang Chul-In mocked. "So why would you do something to get beat up, you son of a..."

Just then,

"Oh right." Kang Chul-In turned to Arshelly, stopping himself from cursing at Saturnus. "Daughter."


"Would you... leave for a moment? It won't be good for your mind to see this."


"And... change your clothes."


Arshelly quickly covered her body. Her clothes were torn up because of Saturnus. Also, Arshelly was transformed into an Arknight, so she had the body of a fully-grown woman. From her dad's point of view, it was awkward.

"Can I leave it to you?" Kang Chul-In asked Han Ye-Sun. "Of course."

Han Ye-Sun nodded.

"Let's go, Arshelly."

"M-Ms. Han...!"

"Unnie, come too."

Han Ye-Sun left the Lord's Hall with Arshelly and Ninetails.

They must have a lot to talk about.

Kang Chul-In had a bitter smile as he watched the three leave.

M-Ms. Han, you were an adventurer too?

Are you... my new sister?

Arshelly and Ninetails would both have many questions.


And Kang Chul-In would have to take care of the awkwardness that came after.

"Hehe... you bastard..." Meanwhile, Saturnus ground his teeth. "You dare to look down on me...?"

"I don't know what kind of bullshit you're talking about." Kang Chul-In refuted. "Although my father was a fool, he was a real man who loved his child. He wasn't a psycho like you."


"You shouldn't have crossed the line even after going crazy. You've lost it way too much... I understand the Emperor of Blood and Iron for being a bad son. You don't even amount to the grime on my foolish father's toenail. Understood, Emperor of Lunacy and Night?"

"Ke... just because you're stronger..."

"No." Kang Chul-In cut Saturnus off. "I made a mistake, calling you the Emperor of Lunacy and Night. You don't deserve to be called an emperor. Maybe son of a bitch describes you better."

"Are you... denying me right now? My identity as an emperor?"

"Of course. You're not an emperor. Just because you're strong, it doesn't


mean you're an emperor."

"Kek... son, you're speaking nonsense again. If I'm not an emperor, who is? I am a great being among these pigs and dogs in this world..."

"You're the emperor of pigs and dogs." Kang Chul-In cut off Saturnus again.

"Like you said..."


"In your rotten eyes, everyone seems like pigs and dogs to you, hm? Then you're only the emperor of pigs and dogs."

An emperor...

Kang Chul-In thought of what he had learned from being an Overlord.

They exist to rule over those that trust and follow them.

It took him some time to realize that. Before his regression, Kang Chul-In had gone crazy as well, although he wasn't as bad as Saturnus.

What had been the result? Failure, and destruction. Because he had only trusted his brute strength, Kang Chul-In was humiliated by Rothschild.

But not anymore. What Kang Chul-In learned through his regression was what a "true emperor" was. Not only had he grown physically, but he had grown mentally. He had the right to sit on the throne of the emperor!

I'll become the emperor. Kang Chul-In hardened his resolve. Not the emperor of dogs and pigs, but people.

His ambition turned into the foundation of a benevolent emperor. Kang Chul-In was confident that he could defeat Saturnus with his conviction... a conviction as strong as blood and iron!

"Come." Kang Chul-In wiggled his finger at Saturnus. "I don't plan on talking about what an emperor is with trash like you."

"You bastard...!"

"You're not coming? Then..."

Just then, Kang Chul-In shot forward like a bullet and perfectly dug into Saturnus. His punch landed in Saturnus's solar plexus.

"Kuk...!"Saturnus gasped.

"I'll go, like this."

That was only the beginning.

Thwak, puk, pak!

"Aaaack!" Saturnus screamed, exuding a violent aura around him, but...

He's too slow.

Kang Chul-In landed a punch on Saturnus' chin.


Saturnus' neck was whipped backwards.

"I'll show you what it means to be beaten up like a dog."

Kang Chul-In smiled evilly.


In Metalia in the Valhalla Kingdom, in the VVIP hospital room of Laputa...

"... Has the time come?

Next to a bedridden Kwak Jung, a cookie-eating Desdemona judged that it was time to fulfill her duty.

"Yeah, I should..."

The time had definitely come. It was time to rebuild the broken continent of Pangaea.

Mom. She thought of her mom, Dragon Lord Emilia. I want to be a confident dragon now, not the shame of our species.

Desdemona had gone through all kinds of humiliation back when she was a hatchling after being captured by a human emperor. She suffered from depression from the trauma, and she became a timid and fearful dragon after the incident. Her species, the dragons, had mocked her saying she wasn't dragon-like and weak. She was looked down on by all dragons.


"Desdemona." Not by her mother, Emilia. "I trust you. You'll become a great dragon."


"Of course!"


"Mom trusts that our daughter will become a confident dragon after overcoming the bad memories."


"Our daughter is so nice. Anyone can tell from the fact that you don't hate humans."

"That's... because not all humans are bad..."

"Sure. You're so kind, Desdemona."


After some time had passed and Desdemona became an ancient dragon.


"Yes, mom."

"Someday, you'll become the greatest dragon in history."

"What...? What do you mean?"

"You'll protect this world and rebuild it."

A thousand years later, now, what Emilia said is becoming true.

"The present is now." Desdemona clenched his fists. "Soon."

She looked at the Lord's Hall while she murmured to herself.


10 minutes later.

Plop! Saturnus kneeled.

"Haa... haa... haaaa..."

He was panting for breath.

"Yeah, that fits you." Kang Chul-In smiled cruelly at Saturnus, looking him up and down, like how the strong saw the weak.


Saturnus didn't believe what happened. Kang Chul-In was strong. Too strong. The person in front of him was stronger than the Emperor of Blood and Iron. No, those words couldn't do him justice. Was there ever someone as strong as the current Kang Chul-In? There wasn't. He could guarantee that no one had ever been as strong as Kang Chul-In.

For Saturnus, the cause of fear in Pangea a thousand years ago, to think that...

"You take it well." Kang Chul-In didn't care about whether Saturnus was surprised or not. "Even beating you up is disgusting. Then you should die."

He was about to punish Saturnus mercilessly.

Kang Chul-In grabbed his arms.


Saturnus' eyes filled with shock.

"A-Are you...!"

"Why wouldn't I?"



"S-Save me!"


"Save... me! S-Son...!"

Kang Chul-In suspected his ears for a moment. Save him? He couldn't believe that Saturnus had said those words. Saturnus wasn't someone to say those words over his dead body. That was how crazy he was.

"P-Please... save me." But the current Saturnus was different. "I don't care about anything else you do... just don't kill me!"



Thinking that something was strange,


Kang Chul-In read horror in Saturnus's eyes. He was scared of death. Not death itself, but where he would go after dying.

Hell. He was scared about a "true hell" that couldn't be explained with words.

Kang Chul-In grinned.

"You... you were worse than I thought."


"You're scared of hell? Where you have to go when you're dead?"


"Seems like you were acting tough after coming into the human world after crawling the bottoms of hell..."

It was true. Hell wasn't something to look down on. It was where the demon Saturnus had been pained. This meant Saturnus wasn't a lunatic person of charisma, but a scared villain!

The reason why this guy was so obsessed... might be because he was scared of death.

The Emperor of Blood and Iron's convictions flashed in Kang Chul-In's head. Yes, what Saturnus was most afraid of was death. Not everything ended the moment you died. A death that would send you to hell was a one-way ticket to pain.

"Sorry." Kang Chul-In grinned. "Demons belong in hell."



At the same time, Kang Chul-In's fist landed on Saturnus's head. His firm head cracked like a watermelon. The scream whirled inside of the Lord's Hall.

"Tsk." Kang Chul-In clicked his tongue. "How pathetic."

The ending of the one to back Kang Chul-In into a corner for the first time was so lowly and simple.

As Kang Chul-in finished saying that, someone clapped for him.

"Good work, Kang Chul-In."


"Now there's only one left, huh?"

Kang Chul-In turned around. The Black Dragon Desdemona was smiling at him mysteriously.

Chapter 341: Virus

"One?" Kang Chul-In asked.

"Look." Desdemona suddenly drew up a status window in front of Kang Chul-In.

The information on it was the following:

[Total ranking]

Rank 1- The Supreme King of the West, Kang Chul-In (most likely to become emperor!)

▶Required Lord Points to become emperor: 10,000 P

Rank 2- Overlord Lee Ji-Tae

Rank 3- Overlord Lee Chae-Rin

Rank 4- Overlord Hecate

Rank 5- Overlord Dorian Explorer

※The remaining Overlords have passed away!

"Mm..." Kang Chul-In murmured to himself. "Just one left... Lee Ji-Tae? That guy that came out of nowhere?"

"Yeah." Desdemona nodded. "He's..."

"Part of the Agnaga military."


"He's probably Cereb. It's obvious."

The new Overlord who suddenly appeared, Lee Ji-Tae. Kang Chul-In already knew that the small fish was an Agnaga.

That meant...

"Y-You...!" Desdemona pointed at Kang Chul-In with surprise. "No way... the past...? You know what happened a long time ago?"

"Of course."


"Maybe even more than you."


"I have all the memories of the Emperor of Blood and Iron. Isn't that more than what you know?"

"Uh... yeah... I-I guess so..."

While the Emperor of Blood and Iron and Emilia were drawing the big picture a thousand years ago, Desdemona had been in hibernation, so there was no way she would know.

"T-Then..." Desdemona spoke up with shyness.


"Y-You and I..."


"My mom said to get... married to..."

"Enough." Kang Chul-In quickly cut Desdemona off.

Dammit! He grinded his teeth. This was all because the Emperor of Blood and Iron had the "I don't care as long as it's not me" mindset.

"That's not important right now."

"Y-Yeah... t-that's true..."

"My running mate is a dragon like you... what did Emilia see in you..."


"N-Never mind."

He avoided Desdemona's gaze.


It wasn't fair.

The Emperor of Blood and Iron's running mate was the greatest dragon at the time, the Dragon Lord Emilia. Desdemona couldn't be compared to her. Her ability as an ancient dragon couldn't be looked down on, but she definitely wasn't as strong as Emilia. It was understandable that Kang Chul-In was complaining.

Well, it's better than nothing.

He decided not to grumble anymore. The head of the Agnaga, Rindermergel, wasn't complete yet. He and Desdemona had it easier than the Emperor of Blood and Iron and Emilia, who had to face Rindermergel at his strongest. Because they hadn't been able to take care of it a thousand years ago and it had to be repeated now. No, it was even worse. Back then, they had Emilia to create the system Erinyes, but not anymore.

There wouldn't be a second chance.

"Anyways." Kang Chul-In spoke up. "What you said about there only being one left... Were you talking about getting rid of Cereb?"


"The reason?"

"We have to get rid of the impurity that invaded Erinyes."

"What are you talking about?"

This was a subject Kang Chul-In wasn't aware of.

"Cereb is like a virus."

"A virus?"

"Erinyes is a system for the people summoned from Earth. The fact that Cereb is inside of it means... Erinyes isn't completed."

"Explain more clearly."

"Long story short, if Cereb is in the ranking system, you can't become an emperor."


Kang Chul-In was surprised. The completion of Erinyes was one card that he had been sure about.

"The plan between the Emperor of Blood and Iron and Mom was..."

"The one who becomes emperor reigns over all artifacts, supplies, and 'selected people' from the complete Erinyes."

"Yeah." Desdemona nodded. "That's the final reward that's given to the one who becomes emperor. It's a hidden quest in the system."

Yes. The ranking system of choosing the strongest Lord was to create an emperor. The Emperor of Blood and Iron hoped that the one who became emperor would receive everything that was captured inside Erinyes and crush Rindermergel and the Agnaga soldiers. It was


the goal of the big picture that the Emperor of Blood and Iron and Emilia drew. But Desdemona was saying that Erinyes wasn't perfect because of Cereb's existence.

Then did that mean that the strongest card to block Rindermergel would disappear?

"Says who?" Kang Chul-In gritted his teeth. "That's not gonna happen."

"Yup." Desdemona agreed with Kang Chul-In. "So getting rid of Cereb is first on the list. Next... the Gullveig? Or the Ancient Empire? Whatever their name was, you were planning on crushing the forces in the north to stack up your remaining 10,000 Lord Points, huh?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"And you were planning on obtaining the power of Erinyes after becoming an emperor to destroy Rindermergel, since you probably thought Cereb could be taken care of whenever."

"That's also right." Kang Chul-In nodded. Desdemona was right. That was Kang Chul-In's plan.

"But I can't. Guess I have to take care of that bug Cereb first."

"Right. That's at the top of the list."

"How ridiculous." Kang Chul-In frowned. "There's not much time left. Rindermergel's will be resurrected soon. From what I can feel... there's about a week left. Three days is enough to take care of Cereb and gathering 10,000 P in the remaining four days is..."


"What are you..."

"Cereb is a virus that invaded Erinyes. Do you think your Lord Points will go up because you take care of it?"


"You won't get a single point. I can guarantee it. I can't create Erinyes, but I understand its algorithm."


Desdemona might've been lacking, but the ancient dragon was still Emilia's daughter.


Kang Chul-In's face hardened. There wasn't time to be amazed by her. A week was left until Rindermergel's resurrection. In that time, he had to take care of Cereb and stack up his remaining 10,000 points to become an emperor.

There wasn't enough time. It was too tight.

"Do they want us all to die together?"

"Time Lord Milenius-that sly bastard used his head well. From what I know, although his body is weak, he's pretty smart."

"I don't think you should be complimenting him right now?"

"You should compliment people if they do something amazing."


"He's cute!"


"Isn't it cute that he was struggling to do such a useless act? Kek!"


"I'm the key."

Desdemona said something random.

"Key? What are you talking about?"

"The key!"


"What you're thinking is probably right. Hehe...!" Desdemona smiled. "I'm the only key that can complete Erinyes forcefully. Even if you don't stack up 10,000 points, you can become the emperor."


"The moment you take care of the virus, I mean Cereb, the ranking system will completely pause. It'll be over. What do you think will happen then?"


"You'll naturally..."

"I..." Kang Chul-In continued where she left off. "I'll become the emperor."

"Yeah, that's it!" She shouted with excitement. "So leave the completion of Erinyes to me, and you eliminate Cereb."


Everything fell into place.

They would get rid of the virus (Cereb).

Desdemona would forcefully stop the ranking system.

After the ranking system was paused, Kang Chul-In would become emperor because he is ranked first (there wouldn't be a need for him to gain the 10,000 points anymore).

Erinyes would be completed from the birth of an emperor.

Kang Chul-In would use the supplies from Erinyes to crush the newly resurrected Rindermergel.

Yeah, this is it!

Kang Chul-In could feel it. This was the perfect plan to complete the unfinished work that was left behind.

"Let's do that then." Kang Chul-In grinned. "Amazing. As expected of my running mate."

"You were just saying I'm not as powerful as my mom."

"It is the truth, though."

"Hey!" Desdemona shouted at his fact-filled attack. "T-That's not fair..."

"There's not enough time."

"You bastard!"

Desdemona expressed her rage at Kang Chul-In but he was already far away.

Cereb. His head was only filled with thoughts about eliminating Cereb. Because... I'll become the emperor soon.

Eliminating Cereb meant that his long-time ambition would finally be a reality!


Kang Chul-In planned to start right away. The method to get rid of the Agnaga army was too simple, eliminating Cereb. The only reason the Agnaga army was fearsome was because they were led by Cereb.

That meant...

"If I kill that one bug everything will become clean."

The entire Agnaga army would disintegrate with Cereb's death. This was also information that he gained from the Emperor of Blood and Iron's memories. The emperor had suffered through many trials to learn the secret to how the Agnaga army was moved.

However, Kang Chul-In was different. He already knew it, and there was an easy way to solve it.

"I feel like it's too easy..."

Kang Chul-In couldn't help but feel that way because he was just putting the cherry on top of what the Emperor of Blood and Iron set up.


"Who would do it if not me?"

He quickly shook those thoughts away. Who else would be able to continue with the Emperor of Blood and Iron's work? Not just anyone could put the cherry on top. It was a cherry that only those who were toughened by hurdles and mountains could lift. If Kang Chul-In wasn't strong, he wouldn't even dare to attempt it.


He looked around. A vein popped out of his forehead.

"Saturnus, that damned bastard."

The Lord's Hall was nightmarish. There were cracks everywhere, corpses of officials were lying on the ground, and there were also the bodies of knights and soldiers.

A bloodstained Lord's Hall... His backyard was ruined, so of course Kang Chul-In would be furious.

"Get rid of this."

Kang Chul-In kicked Saturnus's body. Eliminating Cereb was important, but taking care of his messed-up backyard was first.

Chapter 342: Nilus, Power Up!

Meanwhile, in the Esmeralda territory...

"S-Stop them!"

"Those sons of bitches... we won't hand this place over!"

"You guys can only pass over my dead body... got it? You assholes!"

"Come at us, come!"

The Valhalla Kingdom soldiers taunted the Ancient Empire soldiers.

"You sons of bitches...!"

"Try to kill us if you can!"

"Die, die, dieeeee...!"

The current soldiers of the Valhalla Kingdom acted as if they were possessed by ghosts crazed for war, the reason being that the undefeated army that had never once lost after being established were continuing to lose. They were frustrated. Their pride couldn't accept the fact that they were losing. It was what kept them going.





The odds were against them. There were just too many enemies. It was 20 to 1, and even in that situation, the enemies continued to come.

"Hmm... is this the end of the Valhalla Kingdom?"

Kwak Jun watched the scene high above the base of the Gullveig Alliance. His face was relaxed because the current authority of the Ancient Empire was in his hands.

The reason was simple. After Saturnus killed Mei Ling, he took over the military, and because it was annoying, he left it to Kwak Jun. He had unintentionally given away his authority.

"Well, it's not bad." From Kwak Jun's perspective, it was actually better. "Kang Chul-In has that bastard... no matter how much I contribute I'll only be known as the other one, so it might be better to rule the empire under Saturnus..."

It was true. Kang Chul-In had Kwak Jung and Lucia. No matter how much Kwak Jun worked, he wouldn't be treated better than them. But what about under Saturnus? Saturnus was a complete psycho, but Kwak Jun could accomplish many things under him. With his wit and brains, he is able to appease Saturnus, so his chances of being killed by him is lower than other people's. Saturnus might've been the best Lord for Kwak Jun to serve.

"Although, I'll have to kill him in the end..."

Of course, he didn't plan on following Saturnus until the end. He was already thinking of a coup, because that was the shortcut to living a long life. Saturnus was like a bomb that would explode at any moment; Kwak Jun would rather not spend the rest of his life waiting for it to go off.

"That's not bad either... if Saturnus can topple the Valhalla Kingdom for me, and the coup is successful..." Kwak Jun daydreamed. "Me... a mere adventurer...!"

His ambition began to squirm.

"Becoming the emperor of this continent... isn't just a dream..."

It was definitely possible. If Saturnus was successful in defeating Kang Chul-In and Kwak Jun succeeded in the coup, he would become the ruler of this world.

Sadly, that dream was already gone for good because Kang Chul-In had beaten Saturnus to death. However, Kwak Jun didn't know this. Saturnus wasn't registered in the running system, so it was impossible to check if he was alive or not.

And to begin with, Kwak Jun was only an adventurer, so there was no way he could confirm it anyway.

"I see that you're day-dreaming?" Just then, a cold voice pierced his ears.

"Who are you!?" He whipped his head back.

"You don't know me?"

"Y-You're...!" Kwak Jun was shocked out of his wits. "Assassin commander Niu...!"

"Yeah, it's me." Niu was looking at Kwak Jun with a cold face.

"How did you get here? We got rid of all the moles..."

"Yeah, I saw you working hard on that."


"But you know..." She looked straight at Kwak Jun in the eyes. "Look."


"Who do I look like?"

Kwak Jun was shocked once more. Niu's face transformed into one of an old man's.

"I was always next to you."


"Sometimes as the operator of the Gullveig Alliance,


sometimes as a maid, other times as a guard, and even as a messenger who frequented your office."

"B-But how... I was so careful...!"

"Because it was a mess? Blood was always spilled whenever things were quiet, so it wasn't that hard for me to hide."

She was right. After Mei Ling was killed by Saturnus, Kwak Jun loosened his aim of catching the spy that Kang Chul-In planted. Who would be able to focus on that when incidents were happening every day? Even if Kwak Jun was smart, he couldn't take care of everything at once.

"So... were you watching me?"

"Always." Niu answered.

"What are you gonna do?"

"Why do you ask something so obvious?"

"I see..."

"But it must be nice."


"You can continue to dream..."

Kashing...! She brandished her shining blade.

"When you're dead."


Kwak Jun laughed.

"Do you think I'll go that easily..."

"No? You're already dead."

"What kind of...!"

It was then. Someone approached Kwak Jun from behind.

"Overlord Vito Clemenza's tactician, Kwak Jun."


"You have to die." Podolski whispered in Kwak Jun's ear with a keen flash in his eyes.



As soon as he finished speaking, Kwak Jun's head rolled on the floor.

Puak! Blood spurted up from his neck.

"Good work, director Podolski."

"It's nothing."

Niu and Podolski smiled at each other.

"Tactician Kwak's strategy is amazing as expected. To think killing Kwak Jun alone will shake up the Ancient Empire..."

"It'll be reality. The reason why that Saturnus demon was able to gain the Gullveig Alliance so easily is because he had Kwak Jun's help. But not anymore. With Kwak Jun dead, the Ancient Empire will crumble. When the commander falls, everyone falls with him."

"Is that so?"

"I don't know about the situation in the long-run, but for right now, yes. If the current Ancient Empire isn't taken care of internally, they'll collapse."

Podolski was correct. The Ancient Empire wasn't an empire; they were merely an alliance, so there were many internal problems. It was because all of their leaders had passed away. There was no way the Ancient Empire would be able to function properly.

"Then now..." Niu spoke up. "We just have to wait? Until the Ancient Empire is unsteady?"

"I suppose so." Podolski nodded. "But it won't be easy. We have to wait at least 24 hours..."

"That's true..."

"We just have to focus on our duties. Infiltrating and assassinating the enemy command. That's what we at the Bureau should do."

"You're right, director Podolski."

"Then, let's get a move on."

"Yes, sir."

Podolski and Niu quickly dashed away from the location of the assassination.

It was an effective attack on their enemies because they were struggling internally at the moment. This was all from Kwak Jung's head. He had thought of a solution to the best of his abilities, even fainting to do so.


Meanwhile, at the same time.




The Valhalla Kingdom soldiers were falling. They were at their limits. No matter how strong they were, they had constraints like any other human. Obviously, they would be exhausted.

"Secretary Lucia!" Drakan frantically shouted at Lucia. "We can't go on anymore! We should throw the territory away and..."

"No!" Lucia was firm. "This is the land that his Majesty has promised. He announced that he wouldn't let his place be taken by enemies again. We have to keep that promise in his stead!"

"But the entire kingdom will fall into danger at this race!"

"Retreating right now will produce the same results!"


"The moment this place is taken over, there is no future to this war. We have to endure until his Majesty gets here!"

The situation would've been better if news of Kang Chul-In's return and Saturnus's death was relayed to them, but it was a shame it wasn't.

"This oldie..." Just then, the old child magician Nilus stepped up. "It must be time for this oldie to play his part. Everyone, please move."

Nilus began to head for the center of the castle walls.

"S-Sir Nilus!"

"Hey, kiddo!"

"Do you want to die? Huh?"

The generals of the Valhalla Kingdom tried to stop Nilus, but,

"Kuku!" He laughed in a way that didn't fit him and proceeded forward.

Your Majesty. Nilus thought of Kang Chul-In. I am your cane. I will protect this land. Please watch!

There were many loyal people in the Valhalla Kingdom, but he was the most loyal of all. He was probably the person who believed in Kang Chul-In the most because Nilus was the subordinate of the Emperor of Blood and Iron from a thousand years ago.

"You fools..." Nilus looked at the empire soldiers that were hoarding over. "Why are you running into your destruction?"

A white light began to wrap around his body.

"...مجموعة العشرین · قانون جدید لتحسین تجتمع مع نظیره المصري على ھامش قمة الاخبار قراءة تفاصيل أكثر · الرئيسة بارك"

He began to recite a spell.

"...عة العشرین · قان"

Nilus slowly began to transform into an adult while he was wrapped around by the light.



"S-Sir Nilus...!"

Everyone who was looking on was surprised.

"H-He became older..?"

The child magician was a child no more. There was only an old magician of 190 centimetres with white eyebrows, white hair, and a white beard.


"...الصحف الیوم"

Nilus' aging didn't pause and he continued to recite the spell. It was a shame that his youth was disappearing, but that didn't matter. If they could win the battle and he could protect the Valhalla Kingdom, his youth was nothing. It was a sacrifice that could only come from true loyalty.

جنوبية في المركز السابع في العالم من حیث واطي لدى صندوق النقد الدولي ووحدة المالية والودائع بالعملات الأجنبية"

[1] "...بالإضافة دائع تكون احتياطي النقد الأجنبي من الأوراق ال

Meanwhile, the spell seemed to be reaching its end. He raised the Epic-rank staff that Kang Chul-In presented him high into the air.

"Meteor..." He gave the command word. "Summon."

Meteor Strike! The most powerful spell that magicians could use appeared for the first time in a thousand years.

[1] Cuppynote: As always, more gibberish from a newspaper. Truly, the most powerful of spells.

Chapter 343 fated Relationship (1)


Meanwhile, in Laputa of Metalia, the capital of the Valhalla Kingdom...

"I, king of the Valhalla Kingdom, Kang Chul-In, hereby announce..."

When the Lord's Hall was somewhat cleared up, Kang Chul-In gave his orders.

"From now on, I command that all forces in the north stop fighting and standby in each of their posts."

The officials who heard the strange command were surprised.

"Y-Your Majesty! The Dorado forces led by her third Majesty, Lee Chae-Rin, are currently fighting against the 500,000 army in Shatyameba! Why are you asking for the army to retreat!?"

One servant admonished.

"You can't! Ordering our forces in the north to retreat can lead to the end of our kingdom! Your Majesty, please think it through one more time...!"

"You can't do that, sir!"

"Please reconsider!"

The officials all bowed towards Kang Chul-In.


But Kang Chul-In wasn't going to listen to a single thing they said. There was no point in fighting needlessly. The Agnaga army would be destroyed as soon as Cereb was taken care of. Why would he take the long way around when there was a more efficient solution?

"Sending forces to the north for backup is a waste. I have an idea, so wait and listen to my command."

"Yes, your Majesty!"

"Understood, your Majesty!"

"Since his Majesty says that there is a way, shouldn't we follow?"

The officials of the Valhalla Kingdom obeyed Kang Chul-In without any complaint. How could they dare to suggest anything else?

"Also." He added on. "Announce my return to all soldiers, and let them know they've worked hard. Victory will be in the hands of the Valhalla Kingdom. I, the Supreme King of the West, Kang Chul-In, will make it so."

It was an expression as strong as blood and iron... a promise that only Kang Chul-In could make.

"Also, summon Dorian Explorer, Hecate, Lucia, and Nilus to the kingdom immediately."

He wanted to create a kind of unit, a special forces group designed to get rid of Cereb, who was deep in enemy territory. A squad of the strongest!


Boom! Rumble!

Explosive sounds rang out in the sky instantly, and... "stars" began to fall from the sky. It wasn't just one. Hundreds and thousands of small meteorites were falling in the front yard of Esmeralda, just like the soldiers of the Ancient Empire, whose deaths were imminent.


"Meteor... Strike... the spell that I only heard about in legends..."

"Goodness... Sir Nilus... Meteor Strike!"

"Ark... mage!"

The generals of the Valhalla Kingdom were shocked at the sight that Nilus created. Yes, it was a miracle. The descent of meteorites was a spell that only a few magicians could do as it was the hardest type of natural magic. Natural spells related to rain, wind, tornadoes, snow, wind storms, and heat waves all used the environment of Pangaea. However, Meteor Strike was different. Summoning a meteor that rotated around space was a different story. After all, if the summoned meteors were too big, the caster of the spell wouldn't be safe either. They would be committing suicide by blowing something up above their heads. It was a waste of mana and manpower. If you failed, you would be the fool of the century.

Such a miracle that only ark mages could do (there were only one to two ark mages per century) was happening right in front of them.

Shwoooo! Stars began to appear in the sky above Esmeralda from the atmosphere.

"...الوق النقد الدولي ووحدة الجنوبية في المركز"

Nilus didn't pause the spell.

"...الدولي ووحدة الجنوبیة "

Meteor Strike wasn't simply a descent of power. Dropping meteors meant that a part of the ground would be destroyed, and they didn't attack selectively. Meteors didn't have eyes. Because of this, Nilus was attempting to complete Meteor Strike after casting spells for barriers around their allies. Moreover, there had to be limits set on the meteors for when they fell.

Flash! A brilliant light scattered in front of everyone and a firm barrier wrapped around the Esmeralda territory.


The Ancient Empire's soldiers were taken aback at the sudden barrier.

"I-It's not going away?"

"What is...!"

"What kind of barrier...!"

They could only be surprised. The barrier that Nilus created was


a superior version of the "Untouchable Barrier" that Arshelly had shown in the past; it was a barrier-type magic that completely separated Esmeralda from Pangaea.

Meanwhile, meteors filled the sky above Esmeralda. The first meteorite landed in the front yard.

Boom! It was spectacularly loud.

The sky and earth roared and cried.

"I-Is this a bomb?"


A few Ancient Empire soldiers expressed their curiosity. But it wasn't just one meteor...

Shwooo, boom!

The meteors landed on the battlefield in an instant.


The soldiers of the Ancient Empire died with their eyes open, crushed by the meteorites, and not even being aware of how they died. It was a gruesome but marvelous sight.

A meteor show! It was a beautiful sight that people could only see once in their lifetimes. And it's destructiveness? Tens of Ancient Empire soldiers were killed in the blink of an eye. It was a refreshing sight from the perspective of the Valhalla Kingdom.


"Sir Nilus... Meteor Strike...!"

"We... will win... there's no way we'll lose when we have such an ark mage."

Their morale was boosted.

-Announcing to all soldiers!

Just then, a voice rang out from the magic-engineered speakers around the castle walls.

-His Majesty has returned! Once again, his Majesty has returned!

The announcement was decisive.

"H-His Majesty?"

"He's finally returned...!"

"The god of war has come back... the god of war!"

"Your Majesty...!"

The boosted morale from Nilus's contribution was even more uplifted.

-Also, His Majesty said to compliment the hard work of all soldiers. Victory is the kingdom's! His Majesty will make it so!

The victory of the war was guaranteed.

"His Majesty has returned!"

"Victory is ours!"

"Wait and see, you bastards! His Majesty will break all your necks! Hehehe...!"

"We already won, we won!"

Their morale shot high up into the sky.


"Hurrah for the Valhalla Kingdom!"

"Hurrah for Kang Chul-In!"

"For victory!"

Shouts of victory came from the mouths of the Valhallan soldiers. Yes, it was already a finished battle.


Two hours later,

"Your Majesty, they say the defense of Esmeralda has succeeded! Congratulations on your victory!"

"Victory...?" Kang Chul-In was surprised. "Does that make sense?"

The battle at Esmeralda was hopeless. He had summoned the strongest from the frontline for the unit and was about to head to Esmeralda to fight the Ancient Empire soldiers himself, but...

"What is the reason for victory?"

"S-Sir Nilus...!"


"Meteor Strike..."


"In merely 10 minutes, 200,000 Ancient Empire soldiers were erased from the front yard of Esmeralda..."


"Yes, sir!"


Kang Chul-In was taken aback by the incredible number. 200,000 soldiers were killed in 10 minutes? That kind of destructiveness was like a nuclear bomb back from Earth. He couldn't help but be surprised.

"So." Kang Chul-In asked. "What's the current situation?"

"Yes, your Majesty." The servant replied. "The army of our kingdom is currently chasing after the retreating Ancient Empire soldiers. With the elimination of the enemy commander Kwak Jun, the rule of the Ancient Empire is currently immobilized, so this seems to be the best judgment for now."

"Really?" It was some good news for the first time in a while. "Tell them to take it easy. It was a rough day."


"We'll be victorious even if it's not today. I'll make it so, so tell the soldiers to stop fighting and rest up."

"Yes, your Majesty!"

Kang Chul-In didn't plan on getting into a heated fight with the Ancient Empire soldiers. The elimination of Cereb and the upcoming battle with the soon-to-be-resurrected Rindermergel was the most important. If these two tasks were completed, taking over Pangaea would be a matter of time.

Flash! Just then, someone appeared from the Warp Gate placed in the center of the Lord's Hall.

"Kang Chul-In!" Dorian Explorer smiled, his entire body wrapped in bandages. "You've come back! You're all better?!"

"It was nothing."

"That's good!"

"What about you? You don't look too good."

"Ah, I was beaten up by that stupid demon bastard..."

Obviously, the "stupid demon bastard" that Dorian was speaking about was Saturnus, who was beaten to death by Kang Chul-In.

"Just be grateful that you're alive."

"Well, I was lucky."

Dorian grinned.

Flash! The Warp Gate shined again.

"You've come back?" Overlord Hecate, who dreamed of sleeping with Kang Chul-In 24/7, appeared.

They're slowly starting to gather. Kang Chul-In smiled. Just wait, you bug. I'll pull out your dirty antennas.

Cereb's elimination was up next.


Underground of the Shatyameba territory, in Cereb's nest...

Lee Ji-Tae worked faithfully in his position of Cereb. The twelve antennas swayed around his head, delivering brain waves to the 500,000 soldier army of Agnaga.

-Chase after them. Don't let them retreat.

-The first legion goes to the west and the second legion heads to the east. Attack them from both sides.

-The battle has to continue. Attack the enemy relentlessly and get rid of them all.

Cereb was controlling the Agnaga army and leading the battle with his antennas.

Kang Chul-In... Cereb thought. Where are you? My revenge isn't too far... Did you escape to Earth?

Cereb didn't know anything about Kang Chul-In's whereabouts. He didn't have a way to gain any information about it either. He could gather tons of information every day, but that was only possible in battle. After all, why would humans give any information to the strange-looking Agnaga?

No, that's not it... Cereb felt anxious, thinking that Kang Chul-In escaped to Earth.

You're not one to throw your kingdom away... just what are you doing, Kang Chul-In? Are you in the north? It was frustrating.

A month had passed since his communication with Milenius was cut off, so Cereb knew absolutely nothing about Kang Chul-In. He just hoped that Kang Chul-In was fighting in the army against the Gullveig Alliance...

It was then.

Boom! With an explosion, the ceiling of the underground residence began to collapse.


Cereb didn't know what was happening.

Boom! Once again, there was another explosion.

Boom! Eventually, the ceiling came tumbling down and a group of people descended.

"Are you doing well?"

The head of the group greeted Cereb.


Cereb was shocked.

-Y-You are...!

"Not the Emperor of Blood and Iron." Kang Chul-In finished his sentence. "Kang Chul-In. The Supreme King of the West, Kang Chul-In."


"You know what we're here for, yes?"


"If you're asking about how we knew, it was the backtracking of the brain waves."


"There's no way we wouldn't know where you were after following that grotesque energy." An evil smile appeared on Kang Chul-In's face.