344 - 351

Chapter 344 fated relationship (2)

Yes, it was true. It had been too easy to find Cereb's location. Cereb let off brain waves 24/7 with his twelve antennas to command the Agnaga army. Because the brain wave was at a very particular frequency, it was hard to find it, but that only applied to back during the Emperor of Blood and Iron's time. Upon realizing that the army of Agnaga moved on orders from a single being, the Emperor of Blood and Iron and Emilia had to find where Cereb was through strenuous trials and errors.

However, Kang Chul-In was different. There was no need for him to do that. He, or to be exact, Desdemona, had a way to find out where Cereb was emitting the brain waves from.

Thanks to her, it was easy. Desdemona informed Kang Chul-In of where Cereb was, so all he had to do was ride on Temeraire with his companions to fly into the Shatyameba territory.

"Seems like Milenius didn't tell you about the way to hide, hm?" He mocked the great bug. "I suppose so... that scrawny guy probably didn't even know how the Emperor of Blood and Iron and Emilia killed Cereb in the past. He wouldn't have been able to imagine that the brain waves led enemies into his allies' command."

Kang Chul-In's assumption was correct. The dead Milenius wasn't able to find out how Cereb was discovered. He just thought Cereb was found coincidentally... he couldn't imagine any other way Cereb was found so easily.

"Well, that's enough for the explanation." Kang Chul-In grinned and tightened his hold on Kaiforce and Mitra. "It's time to die, bug."

The Agnanga army was right in front of him. After he eliminated Cereb, Desdemona would stop the ranking system. Then, when that moment came...

My ambition will become reality.

Kang Chul-In would be the final victor of the competition between Lords and climb to the position of emperor.

-Kang Chul-In...

Cereb answered.

-You're making a huge mistake... I guarantee that you messed up the moment you stepped in here. Yes, I've been waiting for you to arrive.

"Waiting for me?" Kang Chul-In tilted his head. "Why would you?"

-Kek, kek kek kek...

Cereb laughed.

-Yes, you don't know a thing...

"What don't I know?"

-Do you know who I am?

"The head bug?" To Kang Chul-In, Cereb was just a bug. "Then what is he?"

He turned to his companions and asked.

"I think he is a bug." Dorian replied with an innocent face.

"He is." Hecate agreed.

"If he's not a bug, what is he, Oppa?"

"It is a bug, your Majesty."

Han Ye-Sun and Lucia judged it as a bug as well.

"They say you are a bug." Kang Chul-In looked at Cereb with a validated face. "You're not planning to go on about how you're a superior alien species or anything else like that, right?"

However, Cereb's reply wasn't about his identity as an Agnaga.

-Did you forget about Alex Rothschild?

"What?" Kang Chul-In asked. "Why are you suddenly asking about that loser?"

-Loser? Did you just... call Alex Rothschild...

"Yeah, a loser."


"He only knew how to use that gold spoon of his, there wasn't anything else he could do. What else would I call him then? What a..."

It was then.

-Shut up!

Cereb's brain waves shook the minds of Kang Chul-In and his companions.

-You dare... you dare!


-Who do you think you are to...


"-Who do you think you are to judge Alex... MY Alex, like that!?

Kang Chul-In was flabbergasted.

"My... Alex?"

He didn't know what in the world Cereb was talking about.

Why was the Agnaga army calling Kang Chul-In's rival (not actually a rival, but a giving tree) "his Alex?"

"Can I ask about what kind of fresh bullshit that is?"

-He... was my Alex.


-I wasn't able to confess my sincerity, but... he was my friend, my Lord, and my lover.



Resentment entered Cereb's brainwaves.

-He's not someone you can mock!

Just then, a thought flashed in Kang Chul-In's head.

No way.

Something felt off. Of course, it wasn't danger he felt. It was just that he suspected that the Cereb in front of him could be "someone" he knew.

"You." He spoke with an unpleasant face. "Are you Lee Gong-Myung?"

-Do you finally recognize me, Kang Chul-In? Finally?

It was


a shocking response.

"What? Lee Gong-Myung?"

"I think I just heard something strange. Kang Chul-In, sleep with me. Then everything will be back to normal."

"That bug was Korean?"

"The bug was Lee Gong-Myung, your Majesty?"

His party murmured amongst themselves. Lee Gong-Myung. It was someone they thought was dead. But that giant bug, the Agnaga Cereb, was calling himself Lee Gong-Myung.

"Are you really Lee Gong-Myung?" Kang Chul-In asked again.

-Indeed, Kang Chul-In.


-I am Lee Gong-Myung.

"What the..." Kang Chul-In looked flustered. "I should've killed you properly back then. So that's why the feel of the kill was off..."


"So, your new job was to become that creepy monster? No, aside from that, you guys were... a couple? You were gay?"

Yes, that was the core of this conversation. Cereb, Lee Gong-Myung, said that Alex Rothschild was his friend, Lord, and "lover." The nuance of his words suggested he was homosexual.

-That's... not it...

"It's not? But you were lovers?"

-That's just one-sided on my part... technically, we weren't lovers.

"One-sided love?"

-You can say that...


-Yes, I loved Alex Rothschild. I loved him so much that I couldn't spend a second away from him.

It was a completely unexpected nuclear bomb-like coming-out statement.


Everyone was speechless.

Wait. At that moment. So that's why? That was why?

Through his quick insight and mind, Kang Chul-In was able to realize why the genius of the century had stayed by Alex Rothschild's side faithfully.

"I see." Kang Chul-In nodded. "I see now."

-What do you see?

"Why a genius like you stayed by Alex Rothschild, that trash of the century."


"Yes." Not caring about whether Lee Gong-Myung was angry or not, Kang Chul-In continued with his hypothesis, no, the truth. "I guess... if it wasn't a one-sided love, there was no need to stay by Rothschild. There's... always a special reason why useful people go down with unskilled people..."

It was plain to see. Lee Gong-Myung was someone who would've been treated with care no matter where he went. The reason why he was so faithful to an unskilled Lord like Rothschild was because of a special reason called "love." Looking back, he wondered why he hadn't thought of that before. One of the great mysteries that Kang Chul-In was curious about was why Lee Gong-Myung was on Alex Rothschild's side.

"So." Kang Chul-In continued. "Sounds like you became Cereb for revenge?"

-Of course, Kang Chul-In.

"That's tough... becoming a gruesome monster like this for Alex Rothschild's revenge..." Kang Chul-In shook his head from side to side.

It was too much, becoming like this just for revenge.

"Wow." Dorian added on. "They say the power of love is great... it is indeed, Lee Gong-Myung."

On the other hand, Hecate spoke skeptically about Lee Gong-Myung's decision.

"What's up with that fool? I would've gobbled him up already. If it doesn't seem like they'll accept you, then can't you just force them? You never know, Rothschild might've been gay too."

It was a scary statement fitting of Hecate. Kang Chul-In trembled, and sweat beaded down his back.


I'll gobble you someday, Kang Chul-In.

Hecate was looking at him like a predator looked at prey.

I-I... He thought to himself. Am not Cheetos...

He wasn't the food that he wanted to eat someday.

"Anyways." He quickly looked away from Hecate. "I understand that you're gay, and how much you like Rothschild. I also understand that you became like this to take revenge.

-Understand? You understand me?

"Words are just words." Kang Chul-In shrugged. "Anyways, I understand, so prepare to die."

-Prepare to die... kek...!

Lee Gong-Myung snickered at Kang Chul-In.

-Kang Chul-In... you're making a big mistake... I admit that you found me here... but you didn't know that this is a land of death? Kek, kekekek... look, Kang Chul-In... this is the death zone... it's somewhere you won't be able to get out alive.

Dorian jumped into the conversation.

"Dang... look at what he's saying. Is this a gay bar? To enter freely but not being able to leave? Looks like he'll throw dildos at our butts if we say we want to leave."

It seemed like the European knew some stuff. A vein popped out in Kang Chul-In's forehead.

Puk! He punched Dorian in his solar plexus.

"Kuk! W-What..."

"Watch the time and location when you ramble on, you pushover."

"B-But, I'm right..."

"Do you want to be beaten up more?"

"N-No... sorry... I was wrong."

A murderous aura flashed in Lee Gong-Myung's eyes as he watched on.

-Fine, let's see how long it takes you to realize the situation you're in... hehehe... Kang Chul-In... thanks for coming here on your own two feet... I'll finally be able to take revenge for Alex... kek, kekek...!

Kang Chul-In didn't plan on giving him anything but Lee Gong-Myung was expecting a lot. Of course, Lee Gong-Myung wasn't calling his bluff. This was his nest, a core location for Agnaga.

-Come out, my guardians...!

He summoned those who protected his nest. Unidentifiable monsters appeared.


-Keek, keek keek!


-Chik, chiiik!


It's what I was expecting.

Kang Chul-In was relaxed. He knew that the twelve beings protecting the nest were powerful, but that didn't matter. Right now, Kang Chul-In and his party could destroy Cereb's guardians easily.


That bastard doesn't know what kind of strength I have.

His current power was stronger than the Emperor of Blood and Iron in his prime; there was no way Cereb and his guardians could stop him. Revenge? He could give that to the dogs! Lee Gong-Myung didn't know how strong Kang Chul-In was. The revenge he had dreamed of, becoming Cereb, was impossible...


Meanwhile, in the capital of the Valhalla Kingdom, Metalia, in the VVIP hospital room deep inside Laputa...

"Ugh... uhhhhhh...!"

Kwak Jung convulsed again. Alfred, who was in charge of him around the clock, frantically entered the room.

"Please wake up, Tactician Kwak!"

"Euuuh... uhhhh... euh...!

"Tactician Kwak!"

"Ack, aaaaaaack!"


He quickly used Blood Heal,

"Huk, huuuk! Aack, aaaaaaaack! Aack! Ack!"

The situation didn't get better.

"Huh...!" Alfred moaned.

Kwak Jung's convulsions got worse day by day, and that was understandable. It was a miracle that his brain hadn't melted yet.

"N-No one..." Just then, Kwak Jung began to speak in a strange voice.

"Tactician Kwak! Are you awake!"

"No one... expected... Emperor of Blood and Iron... nor Emilia... uck, uuuuck!"

"Tactician Kwak!"

"Q-Quickly... discover... stop... warn... his Majesty..."

With that, Kwak Jung's head dropped. He had fainted.

Chapter 345: Ascending to the Imperial Throne!

"Guys." Kang Chul-In spoke. "I'll leave those dregs to you."

Even he couldn't take care of all the "guardians of the nest" at once.

"Of course, oppa."

"Then will you give it to me once?"

"Leave it to me!"

"You can let us handle it, your Majesty!"

The nuance of each reaction was different, but the unit all complied with Kang Chul-In's orders without any complaints. Cereb's elimination would protect both Pangaea and the Earth. Each of their desires were different, but they could all only be possible when the world existed. They had to protect it. The world was the base of life. This fight was unavoidable for the sake of each of their dreams and desires!

-Kang Chul-In... you'll painstakingly regret coming here!

At the same time that Cereb exuded intense brain waves,




The guardians of the Agnaga began to run towards the unit.

Kang Chul-In smiled. "Now it's one to one. Should we have a nice little chat?"

-That's what I wanted, Kang Chul-In.

While the unit and the guardians of the Agnaga were fighting, the two who were connected by an ill fate stood opposite of one another. Kang Chul-In and Lee Gong-Myung. From the past that didn't exist anymore to now, the fate of the two were tied complicatedly.

I'll be able to take care of everything today.

Kang Chul-In was satisfied with the situation. He thought things had worked out for the better. His target and long-time enemy were the same beings, so he had no reason to be complaining. He could turn his ambition into reality by eliminating Cereb and letting go of his grudge. How could he not be happy about it?

-Kang Chul-In...

Cereb spoke up in a suppressed voice.

-I've been waiting for a long time... Alex's enemy... revenge... I gave up being human to take revenge... but to think you'd come on your own two feet...

"Do you think it'll be possible?"

-Of course.

Cereb was confident he would succeed.

-Today, you will be destroyed.


-I'll put your head on Alex's altar... Kang Chul-In.

"Go ahead." Kang Chul-In was relaxed. "Try however many times you want."

-Yes, there's no need for a long discussion between you and me.

Cereb didn't seem to plan on talking for too long either.

-I'll kill you, Kang Chul-In!

Hundreds of tentacles shot out from Lee Gong-Myung's body and began to squirm.

"How creepy." Kang Chul-In frowned. "I'm surprised you were brave enough to look like that."

-How long will you...

Just as he was finishing his thought, Kairforce and Mitra were swung at the speed of light.

Crunch, crunch! Tens of tentacles rolled on the floor and squirmed disgustingly on the floor.

"They're pretty mild."


"Octopus legs would be tougher than this. The butter-fried octopus rings they sell at theaters would be better than this."


Lee Gong-Myung was shocked.

-N-No way...!

It was understandable. Lee Gong-Myung's attacking tentacles were nearly invincible, more durable than cable wires. The tentacles were cut too easily. Lee Gong-Myung couldn't believe it.

"What, are you surprised?" Kang Chul-In spoke in a derisive tone. "You weren't planning on hurting me with those dirty tentacles, right?"


"I pray that you weren't. It would be extremely unpleasant." He was speaking the truth. Kang Chul-In didn't like tentacles. Moreover, Lee Gong-Myung was homosexual, or gay. Being wrapped around by tentacles from a gay person? He would rather die after being hit at a critical point than experience something that uncomfortable.


He wasn't going to create an embarrassing moment that would go down in history. Right now, a complete victory was crucial. He couldn't allow Cereb to touch him in the slightest. For his mental health at the very least...

"I'll make sushi out of you, you squid-like bug bastard."

As soon as he finished, he dashed at Lee Gong-Myung.


Meanwhile, at the same time.

"Y-Your Majesty...!" Kwak Jung quickly woke back up again after fainting.

"Tactician Kwak!"

"A-Alfred... sir..."

"Please speak!"

"I-I have to tell... his Majesty."

"His Majesty?"

"He's... coming..."


"He's coming soon... there's not much time left..."

"W-What are you talking about?"

Alfred didn't understand a single word. No one would've, in that position. There was no rhyme or reason to what Kwak Jung was saying. He was just listing short words, so it was impossible to interpret it.

"Please be more detailed, Tactician Kwak! Only then will be able to tell his Majesty!"

"Wrong... he..."


"Mistake... not fixed... if he resurrects..."


"No... time... react... his resurrection..."

Alfred looked at Kwak Jung with pity.

"Tactician Kwak... just what you do you want to say... what did you see..."

But he was sure of one thing. Kwak Jung was "warning" him.Something dangerous was coming, and Kang Chul-In had to be informed. That was what Kwak Jung was saying.

"You have to... Alfred..."

"Yes, Tactician Kwak."

"Tell... His... Majesty..."

"Please hang in there a bit, Tactician Kwak." Alfred encouraged Kwak Jung. "His Majesty will come soon. If you can wait until then..."



"The vampire... made... me..."

"W-What are you talking about?"

"Foresight... vampire... so I can...


speak ... foresight..."

Kwak Jung gripped Alfred's arm with a strength that wasn't imaginable for someone bedridden.

"Tactician Kwak?"

"Foresight... only human... I... vampire... tell... then..."

"Just what...!"

"Bi... me... vampire..."

Just then, Alfred came to a realization.

No way.

It sounded like Kwak Jung was telling Alfred to make him into a vampire. Foresight was a supernatural ability that only humans could use. To completely get rid of it, getting rid of one's humanity would do the trick. The moment that one became a vampire, the side effects that came with foresight would be taken care of as well.


"I can't do that, Tactician Kwak." Alfred shook his head. "This old man must save you, not make you something not human."


"I'm sorry, Tactician Kwak." Alfred shook his head firmly even with Kwak Jung's desperate request. "Tactician Kwak... you do not know... what a curse it is to live as a vampire..."

"T-Talking... uh... limit... n-no more... huk... huk... huk."

"I still cannot." Alfred was firm. "Please bear it, Tactician Kwak."

"Pl... ease... hak... euh... uhhhhh..."

"I promised his Majesty that I'd return your health. This old man cannot disobey his Majesty's orders and make you into a cursed being."


"I don't know what kind of warning you're trying to say, but please deliver it to his Majesty when he comes himself."

"A-Ack!" Kwak Jung struggled.

"Whew..." Alfred turned away from Kwak Jung. "Just what is it, huh...?"

He was frustrated because he couldn't tell what Kwak Jung was saying.

"Please deliver it to his Majesty yourself, Tactician Kwak." It was clear something big was going on, but Alfred wasn't going to make Kwak Jung a vampire. "No matter how urgent it is, there are things you should and shouldn't do... huhu."

He knew how pitiful the life of a vampire was better than anyone, so he couldn't heed Kwak Jung's request.

"Aack, aaaaaack!" Kwak Jung's screams filled the room.

"Please hold on just a bit, Tactician Kwak."

Alfred just hoped that Kwak Jung could endure it a little bit more. Until how long? Until Kang Chul-In eliminated Cereb and returned.


Plop, plop, plop, plop! The guardians of the nest fell to the floor one by one.

"Ugh... they're ridiculously strong." Dorian grumbled. He was a mess.

"Yeah, I know, right." Hecate didn't look normal either.

"They were strong."

"They're pretty good."

Lucia and Han Ye-Sun added on. The guardians of the nest were extremely powerful. If they had come here one year ago, they might've died...

"Kang Chul-In's almost done too." Dorian muttered as he looked at Kang Chul-In and Lee Gong-Myung's fight.

"That's Kang Chul-In for you."

Dorian, who was pretty strong too, could see how intense the battle was. Their fight wasn't just one between swords and tentacles. Each strike held energy that could destroy their bodies at once. It wasn't a fancy fight, but the dangers in it were beyond one's imagination.

But that fight was almost at its end.

Pewk! Kaiforce dug into the center of Lee Gong-Myung, Cereb's, large brain.

"It's the end, Lee Gong-Myung."


"Your will... oh, never mind." Kang Chul-In shook his head. "I don't have a reason to listen to your will. Don't worry about what I have to say and just die."

-K, Kang Chul-In...!

"You may feel wronged, but that's not my problem." He whipped out the whirlwind from the magic sword Kaifroce. Mana spun around fiercely.

-N-No! M-My revenge... Alex's revenge... Kang Chul-In... I can't be killed by you... never... I can't die...!

"Then don't."


"Don't die, and endure it." Kang Chul-In was cruel. "Try to endure it."

At the same time, a large storm swirled down Kaiforce and began to whirl around in Lee Gong-Myung's brain.


Lee Gong-Myung shouted in pain.

-Ka, kaaaaaaaack!

No one would've been able to endure it if a storm whirled around inside their brain.

P-Pop! The surface of his brain began to explode like pus.

-Kang Chul-Innnnnn! Kek, kuuuuuuk...!

"You can take revenge in your dreams."


"Alright, then I hope you have a nice time in hell with Alex Rothschild. Although, I don't know if Rothschild will accept you."

That was the end. Kang Chul-In put all the mana he had in Kaiforce, and the mega vortex in Lee Gong-Myung's head became so large that it was like a typhoon.


Lee Gong-Myung shouted his final scream.

"Let's go." Kang Chul-In quickly led his party away. "If we stay here any longer, we'll be drenched with his brain fluids."

The party rushed after Kang Chul-In to get out of the cave. No one looked back. They didn't want to be covered in the brain fluids of an alien bug.

-Where are you going? Where are you going, Kang Chul-Iiiiiiiin!

Lee Gong-Myung screamed.

-I, I must take my revenge...! You can't return alive...

But, Lee Gong-Myung couldn't endure.

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pooooop!

Hwiiiiiii! With the sound of wind spinning around, Lee Gong-Myung's brain that was thousands of kilograms exploded.

But that wasn't the end of it. The mega vortex didn't stop. The nest began to come crumbling down.

"Run!" Kang Chul-In shouted.

"Let's go together, Oppa!" Han Ye-Sun followed Kang Chul-In at a scary pace.

"Woohoo! Let's run, run! Hahaha~!" Dorian laughed maniacally. It seemed he was feeling the thrill of the moment.

"Hey, you crazy bastard. What are you laughing about?" Hecate grumbled at him.

"Your Majesty! We have to get out quickly!" Lucia just worried about Kang Chul-In, like always.



"Hmmm... not yet?" Desdemona started at the status window in front of her. "Right about now..."

It was then...

Rank 2 - Overlord Lee Ji-Tae, dead!

The notification she had been waiting for finally popped up.

[Total ranking]

Rank 1- Supreme King of the West Kang Chul-In (most likely to become emperor!)

▶Required Lord Points to become emperor: 10,000 P

Rank 2- Overlord Lee Chae-Rin

Rank 3- Overlord Hecate

Rank 4- Overlord Dorian Explorer

※The remaining Overlords have passed away!

"Good." Desdemona nodded. "That dirty virus is gone now. Alright, shall I get started?"

With Cereb eliminated, it was now possible to force the stop of the ranking system. It was time to make Kang Chul-In the final winner, the emperor!

"...النقد الدولي" She began to recite a spell.


Kang Chul-In's party put the toppling Shatyameba territory behind them.

"Whew... we almost died." Dorian sighed in relief. "Well, we wouldn't have died anyway..."


[Total ranking, 10 seconds until finished!]

A notification that Dorian could only consider strange popped up.

"T-Total ranking finished? What's this? Is this a system error?"

"No." Kang Chul-In shook his head. "It's not a system error."

"I-It's not?"

"It's a forced stop."

"Forced... stop? What's that?"



"It means that I'll become emperor."


"Wait for it."

Kang Chul-In grinned.

[9, 8, 7, 6...]

The countdown began.

[5, 4, 3, 2, 1... 0!]

[Total ranking, finished! With the forced stop of the total ranking, the final winner will be chosen based on the current ranking!]

Kang Chul-In closed his eyes. I am the final victor. It was a desire he had for a long time. The dream he had before regressing, becoming emperor! That great ambition was becoming reality.

[The final victor of the total ranking will be announced!]

[3, 2, 1!]

[The final victor is... the one ranked first currently, the Supreme King of the West Kang Chul-In!]

As soon as the notification popped up, flash! A golden ray of light fell from the sky and swallowed Kang Chul-In.

Chapter 346: The Reconstruction of Pangaea

[System Erinyes identifies Kang Chul-In, the Supreme King of the West, as the 'Emperor'!]

[Change in title!]

[Job advancement!]

[Kang Chul-In's title is changed from the 'Supreme King of the West' to 'Emperor'! (King -> Emperor)]

[Congratulations! You've ascended the imperial throne!]

Kang Chul-In became sentimental upon reading this message.


Pzzt! He could feel the electric current shooting up his entire body. His dream finally came true. Nothing in this world could stimulate this thrill and delight. Kang Chul-In went through 10 years of trial and error, had his heart pierced by his rival's sword, and also had his head sliced off. He then returned to the past. Seeking vengeance, he had never relaxed for the past 5 years after he had returned to the past. He worked day and night. Not only did he refine his combat abilities, but he also placed an emphasis on dealing with domestic affairs. Kang Chul-In never dismissed any paperwork and struggled to earn money to change the economic system, which previously relied on looting others.

That wasn't all. He suppressed his bad temper and tried his best to accommodate for all the territories he had conquered. At the same time, he never neglected his family. Kang Chul-In was a filial son to his mother, and he raised Arshelly strictly to guide her to the right path. Although he came to practice polygamy unintentionally, he still managed to pull it off.

I deserve it.

He was right. Objectively speaking, Kang Chul-In deserved to be crowned emperor. Didn't he achieve his ambition through agonizing hard work? He didn't have to be humble. He just had to accept the title of 'Emperor'!

[With the termination of the ranking system, the Soul Cores of all 48 Lords except the Emperor are to be reclaimed!]

This message signaled the start.



Dorian and Hecate were dumbfounded to see their Soul Cores vanish into thin air. Every Lord's Soul Core in Pangaea disintegrated. At the same time, all the energy in the Soul Cores began to integrate into Kang Chul-In's Soul Core. Countless notifications appeared in front of Kang Chul-In.

[You have obtained ownership of Temeraire!] [You have obtained ownership of Bifrost!] [You have obtained ownership of Nosferatu!] [You have obtained ownership of Zolushka!] [You have obtained ownership of Shatyameba!] [You have obtained ownership of Dorado!]

There was no end.

Excluding those that were destroyed, all the territories now belonged to Kang Chul-In.

In addition,

[You have obtained ownership of Stingray!] [You have obtained ownership of Gothika!] [You have obtained ownership of Simurgh!]

600 small and big ownerless territories now belonged to Kang Chul-In, When Desdemona tampered with Erinyes, the remaining territories in the system were transferred to Kang Chul-in, becoming his property. Yes, that was the main point. The Emperor had ownership of everything stored in Erinyes. In other words, Kang Chul-In was now the ruler of the whole continent!

Rumble, crack!

After that, the sky and ground began to split into half. The Pangaea continent, or to be precise, the 'planet,' rumbled, and everything stored in Erinyes was transferred to Pangaea.

This was known as the second coming, or 'Apovigna', and it meant that the world was about to restore itself!


Thick storm clouds were gathering above the whole of Pangaea. Thunder and lightning struck relentlessly. The land continued to tremble. Ocean waves grew as tall as skyscrapers, and gigantic tsunamis crashed down onto the shores. Moreover, several brilliant beams of light pierced through the clouds and illuminated various parts of the world. One by one, everything stored in Erinyes began to reveal itself.

It was a cataclysm. The reconstruction of Pangaea, planned by the Emperor of Blood and Iron and Emilia 1000 years ago, was finally coming true.

After three days. The cataclysm came to a conclusion. Kang Chul-In stepped out to address his first matter as the Emperor.

"His Imperial Majesty has arrived!" Timothy shouted as Kang Chul-In stepped onto the red carpet. He truly had the charisma of an Emperor. He had the Ectoplasm Oversuit, the black and shining armor, Kaiforce, the demon sword, and Mitra, the light sword. He also had a red cape made personally by Alfred with the best fabric and the Tiara of Reign – the Emperor's crown. Equipped with these items, Kang Chul-In gave off an air of magnanimity.

"Long live his Imperial Majesty!"


"Long live


the Valhalla Kingdom!"


All the subjects bowed to Kang Chul-In with respect and admiration. Kang Chul-In passed by the subjects without a word and sat on the throne. The throne was magnificent. It wasn't the destroyed throne made from the gold drake's skull. This new throne was made from a real gold dragon's skull. Used by the emperors of the Ancient Empire 1000 years ago, it was also known as the Throne of Reign.

"Not yet." Kang Chul-In spoke. "I haven't become a true emperor yet."

His sentence puzzled many subjects.

"Your Imperial Majesty, what do you mean?" Nilus the Arch Mage, who was now old, asked his master. "How could you not be a true Emperor? You are clearly the absolute authority on this continent! A conqueror! Your imperial Majesty, you are truly the Emperor!"

"That's not true." Kang Chul-In shook his head. "The threat is still here."

"T-Threat?" Nilus was shocked."Pardon me, but I fail to concur with your words. The Shatyameba monster troop in the south has already perished. Moreover, the Ancient Empire in the north is segmented and can no longer match up to us. You have already conquered the whole continent, why do you say as such?"

He was right. Nobody could challenge Kang Chul-In now. Only about 10 out of the 48 Lords remained in Pangaea. The rest escaped to Earth. There was no longer any competition. Kang Chul-In had already taken control of all the territories, including the 600 other territories stored in Erinyes. What kind of idiot would dare to challenge him?

Furthermore, the remaining Lords in Pangaea were either married to Kang Chul-In or had a favorable relationship with him.

"Your Imperial Majesty, the people of the Ancient Empire have been requesting to inhabit our nation every day. That's not all. Your Imperial Majesty now owns 500,000 soldiers that were dormant in the other dimension."

Currently, Kang Chul-In has 500,000 more soldiers in his arsenal. This was an addition to the 500,000 soldiers he already had.

A million-soldier army! The Valhalla Kingdom had the power to fight the rest of Pangaea and emerge victorious.

"No." Kang Chul-In disagreed with Nilus. "Not yet."

"Huh... your imperial Majesty..."

"We have another enemy to fight against."

"Another enemy? Please enlighten this dull servant of yours, your imperial Majesty!" Nilus bowed.

"Please enlighten us, your imperial Majesty!"

So did the other subjects. Although the world had undergone restructuring, they had no clue as to why it happened. It was because they lacked memories from 1000 years ago.

"A thousand years ago..." Hence, Kang Chul-In decided to reveal the truth. "When this world was ruled by the Emperor of Blood and Iron, Julius Berlineta Pon Aurangzeb, an alien race invaded."

It was a confidential matter by right. However, Kang Chul-In thought otherwise.

They have to know too.

There was still one last fight. Rindermergel, the Relentless Predator, was about to revive. To fend off Rindermergel and his Agnaga army, everyone had to fight together as one. The only way to make it possible was to instill an extremely strong motivating factor. Otherwise, they could resist the Agnaga army but never win.

In addition,

Now's the time to protect, not extort.

Protecting his empire was more important than anything else. All his efforts to build the empire could go to waste if Rindermergel revived and destroyed this world and Earth.

I will protect my achievements.

Therefore, Kang Chul-In decided to fend Rindermergel, not only because of the Emperor of Blood and Iron's will or a heroic intention, but also because of his wish to protect his personal achievements.

"The alien race is called Agnaga. Long ago, this race invaded and destroyed this land."

Kang Chul-In's words shocked everyone.

"Those bastards, those motherfuckers..." Kang Chul-In emphasized. "They are trying to revive and conquer Pangaea, and even invade Earth afterwards. I plan to stop them from doing so. I will annihilate all of those who dare to attack this world."

Kang Chul-In had dropped the bomb.


"Y-Your Imperial Majesty! What do you mean...!"

"P-Please elaborate! Your Imperial Majesty!"

"It's hard to believe, your imperial Majesty!"

"So our new enemy is this alien race called Agnaga?"

This was to be expected. Kang Chul-In's words sounded too abstract for the subjects who had no memories of the past.

"Let me elaborate." Kang Chul-In explained calmly. "Everything started 1000 years ago, when the Emperor of Blood and Iron ruled the continent."

Just like that, the story from 1000 years ago became widely known to everyone, elucidated by none other than Kang Chul-In himself.

The next day, Kang Chul-In's first imperial order was announced.

I, the Emperor of the Valhalla Empire, am planning to gather an army to stop the second coming of an alien race called Agnaga, which destroyed this world 1000 years ago. I'm aware that the Empire is still in its baby steps and things are disorderly and chaotic, but we are running out of time. The second coming of the Agnaga is imminent. Therefore, I shall declare a state of national emergency and issue a wartime mobilization order. Young men of the empire, the empire wants you! It needs your help to protect this world from the evil alien race! I wish for all of you to volunteer to fight for this world's survival and reconstruction!

P.S. I will attach the information about the rationale behind my orders. Do take note.

Kang Chul-In, the first Emperor of Valhalla

The whole Empire, no, the world, simmered with enthusiasm.

"Let's enlist right away!"

"Those motherfuckers...!"

"I will kill them all!"

"So that's what happened...!"

"Let's all enlist!"

The hot-blooded youths rushed to the recruiting office.

"I devote myself to this world!"

"I can fight too!"

"I'm still lively, you know!"

The middle-aged and elderly men also volunteered to enlist.

"Women can fight too!"

"If we can't join the battle, at least recruit us in the non-combat troops!"

Women were equally enthusiastic.

"Me too!"

"I want to enlist!"

"I will fight!"

Even the kids wished to participate in the war.

"Your Imperial Majesty, everyone wishes to join the army!"

Timothy, who was in charge of the conscription, reported to Kang Chul-In delightfully.

"As expected."

Kang Chul-In knew that he had made the right move.

Who am I? Where are we from? What's there in the other dimension?

The above questions were common questions that the people of Pangaea often wondered. Kang Chul-In took advantage of this. By revealing the tragedy that occurred 1000 years ago, he allowed the people of Pangaea to realize their identity and induced vengeance and animosity towards the Agnaga!

"The end is near."

After ordering his men to install a huge Warp Gate (to allow for a huge army to warp) leading to Nosferatu, Kang Chul-In clenched his fists.

"Huehue... try reviving now, you bastard. Only my million-soldier army awaits you..."

Kang Chul-In planned to surround and annihilate Rindermergel and his army the moment they revived. It would be perfect. Even that Rindermergel wouldn't have his full-strength right after his resurrection. Wouldn't he be helplessly torn into pieces by Kang Chul-In?

"Your Imperial Majesty!" It was at that moment. "Your Imperial Majesty, tactician Kwak is desperately looking for you!" Alfred reported anxiously.

"Kwak Jung?"

"Yes, your imperial Majesty!"

"How is he?"

"Extremely bad! You have to find him!"

"That idiot!" Kang Chul-In immediately left his seat.

Chapter 347: Kwak Jung's Despair

That idiot...!

On the way to the VVIP sickbay,

Didn't I tell him to never use his prophetic ability!?

Kang Chul-In felt uneasy. He certainly knew that Kwak Jung used his ability to fill in for his vacancy. That was why he was very apologetic. Kang Chul-In suffered from the guilt of overworking his favorite subordinate to such an extent.


He should have just waited!

Even if Kwak Jung didn't use his ability, Kang Chul-In would have returned after eliminating Saturnus and Cereb. He valued Kwak Jung's loyalty and sacrificial spirit highly, but they weren't absolutely necessary.

"Urgh... urghhhh..."

Kang Chul-In arrived at the VVIP sickbay to see Kwak Jung in his worst state.

"This bastard..."

He couldn't look at Kwak Jung properly. His eyes had turned white, he was foaming at the mouth, and his entire body was trembling. Kwak Jung was definitely not normal. He didn't even seem sane.

"..." Kang Chul-In was flabbergasted and bit his lower lip hard.

"Your imperial Majesty..." Alfred looked at Kang Chul-In with empathetic eyes. Having stood by Kang Chul-In's side for the longest time, Alfred was able to deduce his master's feelings better than anyone else could. He knew that Kang Chul-In valued his subordinates, especially Kwak Jung. He knew that Kang Chul-in would definitely be crestfallen to see his precious subordinate moan in agony.

"Is it possible to treat him?" Kang Chul-In asked.

"Forgive me, your imperial Majesty..." Alfred bowed apologetically.

"That serious?"

"Yes, your imperial Majesty..."

"Call Desdemona over."

Kang Chul-In decided to request for the ancient black dragon's help.


"Err... this one, even I..."

Even Desdemona didn't have a solution.

"Hmm... to cure this dude... it's difficult as of now, to be honest."

"Is it impossible? Even for you, an ancient black dragon?"

"Not really." Desdemona shook her head.

"So can you fix it or not?" Kang Chul-In frowned.

"I told you I can fix it. What I'm saying is that it's difficult 'as of now.'"

"Explain clearer."

"I'm tired."


"Ahh, getting a little dizzy here." Desdemona sneakily placed her head on Kang Chul-In's chest. "I'm tired... heeng..."

"Get away." Kang Chul-In was cold, despite Desdemona's massive amount of charm.

"Eeeng~!" However, Desdemona seemed oblivious of Kang Chul-In's mood. "Aaah! I'm tired!"


"A bit dizzy... ouch!"

Kang Chul-In gave her a clout with his knuckles.

"Hey!" Desdemona shouted. "Did you just hit me? Huh?"

"Who told you to act so stupidly?"

"You abusive husband!"

"What?" Veins popped up on Kang Chul-In's forehead. "Abusive... husband?"

"That's right, meanie!"

"When did I ever hit one of my wives? Do you have any evidence?"

"I do! I saw!"


"You just hit me!"

Kang Chul-In freaked out at Desdemona's nonsense.

This girl, she really...

Now was hardly the time to spout such nonsense.

"Enough." Kang Chul-In said sternly. "Now's not the time to joke around, is it?"


"Put your nonsense aside, and just get straight to the point. What do you mean by you 'cannot fix it as of now'?"

"Well, that..." Desdemona replied. "Didn't I tell you that I'm tired?"


"It wasn't easy unlocking Erinyes. I have my physical limits, too."

"Ah...!" Kang Chul-In could finally understand what Desdemona meant. "So that was what you meant?"

"Yes, you meanie!" Desdemona glared. "I can't fix him now even if I wanted to. As I said, it's not easy for even an ancient dragon to restructure a human's brain. Moreover, we are still left with the battle against Rindermergel. If I expend all my powers to fix this dude here, the battle's gonna be tough."

"I see... so there's no way? At this rate..."

"Just leave him alone."

"Leave him alone?"

"If you maintain him at status quo, then I can cure him when I regain my stamina. One or two months later, perhaps? I think that should be enough."

"In other words, we just have to pull through that duration?"

"Yup." Desdemona nodded. "It's not too difficult with this kid around, right?"

She then pointed at Alfred and called him 'kid'.


"Just make sure he keeps breathing. I will settle the rest."

"Is that all?"

"Yup." Desdemona pounded her chest. "You don't trust me? I'm an ancient dragon, remember?"


"What's with that expression?"


"You are skeptical, aren't you?"

"I'm not." Kang Chul-In shook his head anxiously.

It's true, she's not that trustworthy.

Desdemona's ability as an ancient dragon had already been recognized, but she was a bit of an idiot.

"Hey!" Desdemona screamed. "You... you are looking down on me, aren't you?"




"Huh? You are looking down on me, too? Huh?"

"I told you, I'm not."

"Whatever! I'm pissed!"


"I won't cure him anymore."

Desdemona began to throw a tantrum.

"Your imperial Majesty!" At that moment, Alfred intervened. "Actually."

"Hmm?" Kang Chul-In quickly paid attention to Alfred. "What is it?"

"Tactician Kwak wished to tell you something."

"Tell me?"

"I couldn't really decipher what he was saying, but he seemed to want to warn your imperial Majesty about an impending threat. He was so desperate that he even asked me to turn him into a vampire..."

"What? A vampire?"


"Yes, your imperial Majesty." Alfred told Kang Chul-In what had happened. "As you are aware, humans are the only ones who can have prophetic abilities."


"Tactician Kwak wanted to become a vampire to get rid of his ability and overcome the aftermath."

"In other words..."

"Yes, your imperial Majesty. It seems like he really wished to tell you something. Think about it, your imperial Majesty. For tactician Kwak to sacrifice himself to that extent..."

"A great danger must be approaching. For example... an apocalypse."

"That's right, your imperial Majesty!"

"What, it's nothing." Suddenly, Desdemona intervened.

"Nothing?" Kang Chul-In asked. "Yup. It's nothing, isn't it?"

"Why do you think so?"

"It's obvious!"


"This boy saw the revival of Rindermergel!"


"Don't you think so?"

She was right. For Kwak Jung to go to such extent, his premonition could only be about Rindermergel and his army's resurrection.

"Is it...?"

"Have you ever told this guy about the past?"


There wasn't any chance to tell him. Ever since they conquered Esmeralda, Kang Chul-In was too busy with external affairs to share a proper conversation with Kwak Jung. At the same time, he could focus on external affairs because Kwak Jung was around.

"That's why."


"Let's think from his perspective." Desdemona explained logically. "This boy probably thinks that you don't know anything."


"What would he do in that case? He would want to inform you no matter what. Right?"

"Well, I would have done the same." Kang Chul-In nodded.

"That's why he even risked relinquishing his human identity to warn you. Not bad, huh?"


"Anyway, there's no need to pay too much attention to what he was trying to say. Just make sure his condition doesn't deteriorate. Then I will cure him. Ok?" Desdemona's statement was clear and straightforward.


What is it?

Kang Chul-In felt somewhat uneasy.

Was Kwak Jung really trying to warn me about Rindermergel and his army's revival?

He had a weird feeling. Based on the given information, Desdemona's argument definitely had a point and Kang Chul-In's opinion didn't differ much from hers. No, they thought the same. Everyone would.

Tell me, Kwak Jung. What were you trying to warn me against?

Unfortunately, the unconscious Kwak Jung could not reply to Kang Chul-In. In the first place, Kang Chul-In didn't voice out the question.

"What are you pondering about? Are you telling me that my deduction is wrong?"

"That's not it."

"Then what's with that expression?"



"Your theory may be flawless, but it bothers me to not hear directly from the dude himself before stepping into the battlefield."


"I'm a little edgy because of the big matters that will happen soon. It's not like me."

He was right. Kang Chul-In was about to advance to Nosferatu with his entire army. In such a circumstance, of course he would feel worried about not knowing what Kwak Jung was about to tell him.

"Hmm... I understand... it would've been good to confirm that he was trying to warn us about the resurrection of Rindermergel."

"That's exactly my point." Kang Chul-In nodded.

"But what can we do? Turn him into a vampire just to hear that warning? Now?"


"Just think simply. Hmm? You are the Emperor. Don't tell me you are losing your composure because of this?"

"Of course not."

"Prophecies change anyway. Do you think there are only one or two prophets out there? To be honest, there were better prophets than this lad. Look at Agrippa!"


Thanks to Desdemona, Kang Chul-In could recall Agrippa the Arch Witch, who told the Emperor of Blood and Iron about the future.

"Scan through the Emperor of Blood and Iron's memories. Was Agrippa 100% accurate?"


"You see. Even the experienced prophets are not always accurate. I would say about 70% accurate? Quite high in terms of statistics, but... you can't completely rely on this number."

She was right. Kang Chul-In might've been deluded by a superstition like 'prophecy'.In fact, Kang Chul-In trusted his own abilities more than such uncertainties.

Destiny? Bullshit! Kang Chul-In was a man who 'paved his own future' using his own strength.

"Well, you have a point." Kang Chul-In tossed his worry aside. "I should prepare for the battle instead of wondering pointlessly."


They reached a consensus.

"Alfred." Kang Chul-In turned around to face Alfred.

"Yes, your imperial Majesty."

"Take care of Kwak Jung. Keep him alive no matter what. As Desdemona said, just make sure he keeps breathing. He must live."

Alfred could sense how immensely Kang Chul-In values Kwak Jung.

"Certainly, your imperial Majesty. Your humble servant will keep tactician Kwak alive! Therefore, fret not and achieve greatness!"

"Alright, I leave it to you."

Kang Chul-In gave Alfred a look of trust. It indicated the level of trust he had in Alfred.

"Urghh..." Suddenly. "Urgh... urgh... argh! Urgh! Huk, huk..."

Kwak Jung regained consciousness and waved at Kang Chul-In.

"Y-Your Ma... urgh... huk... majes... urgh..."

"Kwak Jung." Kang Chul-In tightly held Kwak Jung's hand. "Don't worry."

"Urgh... urgh..."

"I know what you are trying to warn me against."


"So don't worry and rest well. I will destroy Rindermergel and the Agnaga army. And then..." Kang Chul-In added. "I will cure you. Just hold on there for a while. I promise you the luxury life that you've always wanted."

He swore to protect Kwak Jung no matter what.

"Urgh..." Kwak Jung struggled as he held onto Kang Chul-In's hand. "Urghhhhh...!"

"Yes, Kwak Jung."


"Just hold on there... a little longer... the end is near." Kang Chul-In promised Kwak Jung.

Brrrr...! Kwak Jung's body trembled relentlessly as he stared at Kang Chul-In.

Kwak Jung was thinking...

D-Damn it! T-That's not it! Kwak Jung screamed inwardly. Your Majesty! You bastard! Oi, Kang Chul-In!

He even showed disrespect to his superior, but,

"Urgh...!" All he could produce was abnormal and unrecognizable babble. Kwak Jung was about to go insane from frustration.

I have something to tell you, damn it! That's not it! Please hear me out, please?


"Let's go."

Kang Chul-In couldn't understand Kwak Jung and turned around to leave the sickbay. He went to prepare for the final battle.

Eeeeekkk! Kwak Jung struggled. Please... argh... pleasseeeee! Hear me out, please! Stop, stop! That's not it!

Kwak Jung shouted with all his might, but...

"Urgh, argh! Urgh... argh!"

Unfortunately, all Kang Chul-In could hear was a mentally unsound patient's ramble.


The next day...

"Your imperial Majesty, all preparations are complete."

Kang Chul-In received a report that the installation of the 'gigantic Warp Gate' was successful. He had invested all of the Hearth Stone in the empire to construct this gigantic warp gate. It could instantly warp a million soldiers to Nosferatu.

It was his last resort. It would take some time for the army to march to Nosferatu, which was located in the northernmost corner of Pangaea. That was why Kang Chul-In thought of building a huge Warp Gate despite its cost.

It was definitely not easy. In fact, it was almost impossible to make one that could accommodate so many people. Kang Chul-In, however, managed to do it.

Dwarves, Ants, Nilus the Arch Mage, his junior magicians, and Desdemona the Ancient Black Dragon; these top talents were deployed for three days and three nights to construct the 'Great Warp Gate'.

"Your imperial Majesty, the Empire's army is ready for expedition. We are awaiting your call." Lucia reported.

"I see..." Kang Chul-In nodded. "Ok. Let's go."

Kang Chul-In stepped forward to face the final battle.

Chapter 348: Kwak Jung Becomes a Vampire!

Just before the army advanced to Nosferatu, Kang Chul-In got on Altaica, the God Beast of the Ancient Empire, and went towards the frontlines.

It had glimmering claws akin to a good sword, fur that bristled in the wind, and a new pair of wings. The fully mature Altaica was truly a magnificent beast.

As for Kang Chul-In, who was riding on Altaica...


Here comes... his imperial Majesty!

As expected from his imperial Majesty!

That person... is this world's only hope!

He emitted a charisma commensurate with his status as the Messiah.

Little chap. Kang Chul-In smiled warmly as he observed Altaica. Even though you are so cute...

He was right. Just a minute ago, Altaica was rolling in front of Kang Chul-In with his belly facing up, like a small cat. Kang Chul-In was amused to see the same beast prowling majestically in front of the others.

Whatever. Not like it behaves like this in front of anyone.

Kang Chul-In decided to overlook Altaica's double act. The godbeast couldn't act like a cute cat in front of all the soldiers, could it?

"My soldiers!" Kang Chul-In bellowed. "I believe you have read the imperial order."

The Valhalla soldiers replied. "Yes, your imprial Majesty!"

What a roar! It was akin to a roll of thunder.

"Who is our enemy?" Kang Chul-In inquired. "The Agnaga!"

An unanimous voice from a million soldiers! It was truly a sight to behold.


Kang Chul-In was very satisfied. He was once again proud of his decision to reveal the past. Look at them! From those who followed Kang Chul-In ever since the Great Summoning to those who just arrived from the other dimension, there was a strong cohesion due to the common goal of obliterating the Agnaga!

These people who were selected by the Emperor of Blood and Iron 1000 years ago to be placed in Erinyes always wondered, 'where are we from?' By providing them with the answer, Kang Chul-In made them realize their reason to fight. This was one of his best ideas thus far.

An army could never win without knowing the reason to fight. An army performed better with a clear sense of purpose. Kang Chul-In learnt these two principles through years of operating his army. They were crucial to achieve victory.

"Good." Kang Chul-In nodded. "Let me ask all of you."

"Yes, your imprial Majesty!" The soldiers replied.

"Are you going to lose?"


"Are you going to relinquish this world to the evil Agnagas again?"


"Then are you going to protect it?"


"Wrong." Kang Chul-In shook his head. "Protecting the world isn't good enough."

Truly, the word 'protect' wasn't entirely compatible with Kang Chul-In, who was more of an attacker than a defender.

"I – no, we!" Kang Chul-In emphasized. "We shall destroy them – those damned bastards who trampled on this world in the past and came back 1000 years later to rule over it again. In fact, we shall rip them apart and wipe out the entire Agnaga race! We are not just fighting against a foreign power here! It's revenge! Do you understand? We have to pay those bastards back for what they've done in the past!"

The million soldiers replied. "T-That's right!"

"We shall have our revenge!"

"Never... shall we forfeit this world again!"

"We will destroy every single one of them!"

"We will show the enemy our true strength!"

"We will show those fuckers how terrifying Pangaeans are when taking revenge!"

All of them expressed resentment and anger.

Couldn't be better.

At that moment, Kang Chul-In could sense the atmosphere. His army had reached the maximum will and animosity towards the enemy.

"Good." Kang Chul-In nodded. "I appreciate your will."

At this point, further explanations were not needed. Actions speak louder than words! It was time to fight.

"Let's go!" Kang Chul-In shouted.

"Yes, your imprial Majesty!" The soldiers' voices thundered.

Suddenly, a huge black silhouette soared into the sky from behind Kang Chul-In's back.

A gigantic black dragon over 200 metres tall let out a tremendous roar. It wasn't Infrasonic, which instilled fear in other living organisms, but rather a victory roar! It was a buff which increased its ally's abilities by 10% and boosted morale.


"A-Ancient... dragon...!"

"It's our empire's dragon!"

"We are fighting with the black dragon...!"

"We will win for sure...!"

As a result, the morale amongst the soldiers was higher than ever.

"Desdemona, the warp gate!" Kang Chul-In shouted at Desdemona, who had transformed into her original form. It was time to head out. All they needed was Desdemona to infuse some mana into this gigantic Warp Gate for Valhalla's one million soldiers to teleport to Nosferatu.


Desdemona's reply was truly shocking. Veins on Kang Chul-In's forehead popped up.

That idiot dragon!

What an opportunist!

It's provocation, for sure!

Ninetails, Lee Chae-Rin and Skadi's faces crumpled in anger.

But the best of them was...

F-Flirting with oppa like this?

Definitely Han Ye-Sun.

... Truly cunning. Kang Chul-In marveled.

Desdemona's choice of words was definitely calculated. They were about to head out to Nosferatu in front of all of the Empire's citizens and soldiers. In other words, it was an official and public platform. To call Kang Chul-In 'husband' in such a circumstance?

That led to the following response:


"His imperial Majesty is a


real man... to have the ancient black dragon as his wife!"

"Satisfying a dragon is not going to be easy... just how virile is he...?"


"To have a dragon as his concubine...!"

Desdemona had more or less officially declared that she was Kang Chul-In's wife.

At that moment, Desdemona's telepathy reached Kang Chul-In's mind.

Kang Chul-In couldn't say a word. He was frustrated to have to deal with women even in critical moments like this.

Emperor of Blood and Iron...!

He blamed the Emperor of Blood and Iron for it.

"Let's just... go." Kang Chul-In was mentally tired.

Desdemona replied playfully.

She then injected her mana into the 'Great Warp Gate'. Immediately, a beam of rainbow light began to envelope the whole Laputa castle. The castle and the million-soldier army vanished without a trace from the Valhalla Empire's capital city.


Meanwhile, Kwak Jung was utterly destroyed and trapped in his own body.

N-No matter what... I have to stop it... at this rate... it's game over...

Kwak Jung recalled his last prophecy. He could barely describe the devastating and horrifying scene in words. It was a world engulfed in flames. Civilization was reverted back to primitive ages, and all living organisms were enslaved to the Agnaga. He could not withstand the scene with a sane mind.

The expedition... I have to stop it by hook or by crook... only doom awaits!

The key was Kang Chul-In's expedition to Nosferatu. Kwak Jung had to stop it. Only then could he prevent the certain catastrophe. It was because the expedition to Nosferatu was the shortcut to the world's destruction.

I have to notify His Majesty...! However, he was out of options. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

He simply couldn't move. He couldn't talk either. Even his brain cells seemed to be deteriorating. He started to have hallucinations.

No matter what...

At that moment, he caught a glimpse of Alfred.


Alfred, who was instructed by Kang Chul-In to maintain Blood Heal 24/7, had fallen into a slumber from fatigue.

"Your imperial Majesty... you must... achieve victory..." Seeing from how he even talked in his sleep, Alfred must have prayed hard for Kang Chul-In's win,

There's only one way...

Kwak Jung had no choice. If he could escape his current situation, he could give up his humanity without any hesitation.

Why? It was because he was a 'human'. Kwak Jung was fundamentally different from Lee Gong-Myung, who died as the Agnaga's over mind. In contrast to Lee Gong-Myung, who joined the Agnaga to take revenge and destroy the world, Kwak Jung planned to relinquish his human identity to prevent the apocalypse.

Wasn't it ironic? Lee Gong-Myung was a graceful man who did not care about wealth and honor, whereas Kwak Jung was a man of greed. Strangely enough, the latter was trying to save the world.

His Majesty will take care of the mess...

Kwak Jung decided to leave the rest to Kang Chul-In and made preparations to charge towards Alfred.

There's only one chance...

He couldn't afford to fail. Alfred was a true vampire; any hesitation could ruin his whole plan.

"Your imperial Majesty... please..." Alfred was about to sleep talk again, when...


Kwak Jung flung out in a blink of an eye and bit Alfred's neck hard. With a chilling sound of teeth penetrating the skin,

"Hmm!?" Alfred woke up from his slumber, with eyes full of shock. "T-Tactician Kwak?"

Alfred was astonished. "W-What's going on..."

It wasn't painful. There was no way a true vampire like him could feel pain from a human's bite.


Flabbergasted, Alfred stared down at Kwak Jung. Kwak Jung was almost inhaling Alfred's blood in, so the end result was obvious. Since Kwak Jung drank so much of a true vampire's blood, he would become a vampire in 5 minutes.

In fact, he wouldn't even be a high-class vampire. In order to inherit 'royal blood' like Alfred, one had to undergo a special ritual. A simple consumption of blood could only turn one into a low-class vampire.

"Why are you doing this... tactician Kwak... huh...?"

Alfred decided to leave Kwak Jung alone. It must have been tough for him. Alfred believed that Kwak Jung had a message to relay that was critical enough to justify his desperate move.

Five minutes passed.

"Huk, huk..." Kwak Jung, who was now a low-class vampire, huffed and puffed.

"Tactician Kwak..." Alfred looked at him with sympathy. "Why..."

"Damn it, is that important?" Kwak Jung could finally talk like a normal human again. Not only was his prophet ability gone, but its side effects were also resolved without a trace.

"Argh!" Kwak Jung let out his frustration. "Damned geezer, you should have listened to me from the very start instead of rambling about a vampire's life! I almost died of frustration! The world will be doomed if I can't talk, so who cares if I'm not a human?"


"Anyways, it's your fault if the world is doomed. Ok?"

Alfred had nothing to say. To be precise, he couldn't find any suitable words. Why was Kwak Jung throwing a tantrum?

"Look here, tactician Kwak..."

"Will you just please shut up, alright!?"


"I'm busy. Let's talk later." Kwak Jung then hurriedly left the sickbay.

"..." Alfred was left all alone, dumbfounded.

"Argh!" Suddenly, Kwak Jung's scream could be heard from outside the sickbay. "H-Hot!"

Alfred didn't have to look to deduce that a beam of sunlight through the window gap was burning Kwak Jung's body.


Meanwhile, Kang Chul-In and his soldiers teleported to a point 5 kilometres away from Nosferatu to face the second coming of the Agnaga.

The air trembled and the lightning and thunder were relentless.

And, with a flash of light, they saw Nosferatum, covered with red pillars.

Desdemona spoke.

That was the problem. Rindermergel didn't resurrect from a corpse. In fact, he had been asleep in another dimension and was being summoned to Pangaea. In other words, there was no way to stop the resurrection from happening. Therefore, Kang Chul-In planned to launch a surprise attack the moment Rindermergel and his army arrived on Pangaea.

"Can we go now?" Kang Chul-In asked.

Desdemona relied.

"I see..." Kang Chul-In nodded. He then alighted from Altaica.

Desdemona inquired. Now was the right time. Valhalla had to attack Rindermergel and his army before they could restore their full strength.

However, Kang Chul-In, instead of commanding his soldiers to attack, was stroking the frozen ground.

"Give me a sec." Kang Chul-In told Desdemona.

Soil, huh...

Kang Chul-In held Nosferatu's soil in his hand. That was the Emperor of Blood and Iron's habit. He tended to feel a place's soil before any defensive mission. It was a subconscious act to reaffirm his resolution to protect the land... a habit befitting of an 'emperor'.

Nothing much.

Kang Chul-In found this habit of the Emperor of Blood and Iron utterly pointless.

At that instant, with a beam of light,

"Y-Your imperial Majesty!" A man covered in a black robe fell from the sky.

"Who are you..."

"It's me!"

"You are...!"

"Yes, it's me!" It was Kwak Jung, who was now a vampire.

"Why are you here...?" Kang Chul-In was puzzled.

"That's not the point!"


"Never ever command your army to attack!"


"This is a trap!"

Kang Chul-In could hardly comprehend Kwak Jung's words. "What are you saying..."

"God damn it!"


"Can't you understand? Huh!?" Kwak Jung was crazy enough to even reprimand his superior. "That thing is a trap! A trap!"

"A trap?"

"If we go in there, everyone will die!"


"Rindermergel? The ancient Agnaga army? Those bastards are not in there!"

What was he saying? Rindermergel and his army wasn't at Nosferatu?

"What do you mean, Kwak Jung." Kang Chul-In completely ignored the mutiny just now and asked Kwak Jung. Munity was the least of his concerns. All he had to do was issue mental training for Kwak Jung later on. He was more concerned with what Kwak Jung had to say at the moment.


"It's not Pangaea."

"Not Pangaea?"

"It's Earth!"


"The second coming of Rindermergel and his army will not occur at Nosferatu, but on Earth!"

That was the reason. That was why Kwak Jung was so desperate to notify Kang Chul-In, even at the cost of his humanity. Rindermergel and his soldiers were planning on attacking Earth!

Chapter 349: Agnaga Invade Earth

While Kang Chul-In was listening to Kwak Jung's story, on Earth...

A news anchor announced desperately.

Park Sun-Ja was puzzled to hear the news. "M-Monster army...?" She pondered what it could be. "Could it be similar to that incident in the past?"

Park Sun-Ja recalled the tragic 'Monster Gate' incident that took place two years ago in Seoul. Monsters appeared in the city, destroying buildings and killing people.

A nuclear bomb? Russia, which boasted the second greatest military power in the world, was considering dropping a nuclear bomb on itself. The situation clearly seemed worse than the Monster Gate incident.

That would be the third nuclear bomb to be used in history.

"What to do... oh no... so many people..." Park Sun-Ja grieved at the news. "Are they really going to drop a nuclear bomb? Where did those monsters come from..."

Suddenly, Park Sun-Ja recalled the face of her most beloved man in the world.


Those monsters were definitely associated with her son, Kang Chul-In's, world.

The news anchor announced anxiously.

What followed was even more shocking.

Even a nuclear bomb was ineffective. That meant that the human race was out of options.


"What do you mean?" Kang Chul-In couldn't believe Kwak Jung's words. "Earth? The second coming of Agnaga...?"

"All of that is fake." Kwak Jung rebutted Kang Chul-In.


"Yes." Kwak Jung nodded. "It's Sakura [2]."


"Right, so... your imperial Majesty, didn't you return to the past?"


"I knew it..."

Surprisingly, Kwak Jung was aware of Kang Chul-In's secret even before hearing it.

"Is it your foresight?"

"Yes, well... kinda... to be honest, I didn't see it. I deduced it."


"What I saw was..." Kwak Jung hesitated. "Right, so..."

"Go on."

Kang Chul-In urged Kwak Jung.

"Is that okay with you?"


"Your imperial Majesty, your neck was sliced off by Rothschild..."


"Haha... that was a dark chapter in your life... hahaha."


"No wonder you detested Rothschild so much..." Kwak Jung probably saw everything, even the past which no longer existed. "Keh... Your imperial Majesty... you were even more merciless last time, huh? Killing everyone you didn't like, wreaking havoc everywhere..."


"The whole continent detested you..." Kwak Jung began to list out Kang Chul-In's embarrassing past.

Kang Chul-In raised his fist without a word.

"S-Sorry..." Kwak Jung quickly apologized. He could be killed if he rambled on further.

"I will listen to your bullshit later. Tell me what you saw." Kang Chul-In coerced Kwak Jung. He didn't want Kwak Jung to mention his dark past anymore.

"A-As for that..."


"Even after you were killed by Rothschild in the past, the competition continued."

That was bizarre.

"Continued?" Kang Chul-In inquired. "Wait, that past should have been completely erased after I returned."

"That's true, but there was that damned bastard called Milenius."


"That bastard used his time-control ability to continue with that past, which was supposed to be deleted."


"Well, even though that past was supposed to be erased sooner or later, it served as a form of..."

"Don't tell me... he used it as a sort of simulator?"

"That's right!" Kwak Jung shouted. "In that simulation, Rothschild was the last one standing."

"Ahem...!" Kang Chul-In didn't want to hear it. "I guess that could be possible... so what?"

"You wouldn't want to believe this, but... Alex Rothschild and his strategist over there stopped the second coming of the Agnaga."


"To be honest, someone else can also do this job."

"That's true." Kang Chul-In agreed. The Emperor of Blood and Iron did not make arrangements to ensure that only Kang Chul-In could stop the second coming of the Agnaga.

Regardless of background, whoever emerged at the top of the ranking system would become the ruler of Pangaea and protect it from the Agnaga. It would make sense for Desdemona to cooperate with Alex Rothschild who would have become the final victor.

"That's when Milenius noticed." Kwak Jung spoke. "He observed how the arrangements made by the Emperor of Blood and Iron and Emilia could address the second coming of the Agnaga."


"Milenius then decided to put a spin on the incident."

"To change the setting from Pangaea to Earth?"


"In that case..." Everything made sense now. "If I entered that place..."

"It would've been game over." Kwak Jung answered. "Inside that red pillar lies something even more sinister than Rindermergel or his Agnaga army..."


"It's a huge explosion, akin to an atomic bomb."


"It's a trap to annihilate the final victor and his army, including the soldiers who were released from Erinyes."

It was a near miss. Had Kang Chul-In not followed the Emperor of Blood and Iron's habit, or if Kwak Jung had not become a vampire, a catastrophe could have occurred by now. Everything would have perished. If Kang Chul-In and his army


were engulfed in the explosion, nothing in either Pangaea or Earth could stop the Agnaga.

"Probably..." Kwak Jung was about to continue when an explosive sound could be heard. A chain of explosive sounds came from the red pillar in Nosferatu.

A chill ran down Kang Chul-In's spine.

"So close..." Kang Chul-In spoke. "That could have ruined everything."

He was right. If Kwak Jung had arrived even a bit later, both Pangaea and Earth would have perished.

"Aren't we fortunate?" Kwak Jung grinned. "We got through this obstacle well."

"You are right." Kang Chul-In nodded. "Well done, Kwak Jung."

He then placed his hands on his loyal subordinate's shoulders.

"You are the true hero."


"Your contribution is laudable in both Pangaea and Earth."

"Of course. I will make sure my name goes down in the history books. Hehehe~!"

"It certainly should." Kang Chul-In acknowledged, despite Kwak Jung's snobbish comment. Kwak Jung had seen through Milenius' wicked scheme and notified his superior. It was an admirable contribution that deserved merit.

"I will make sure that happens. Your name will be remembered even a thousand years later."

"Hehe... I leave it to you, then!" Kwak Jung rubbed his hands together. "And also, can you turn me back into a human, as well...?"

"Back into a human?"

"I am currently a vampire..."

"I will find a way."

"Thank you!"

"I can't let my beloved subordinate remain as a vampire."

"I trust you, your imperial Majesty!" Kwak Jung had faith in Kang Chul-In's promise. His master never gave empty promises. He was a man who always walked his talk.

"Well then." Kang Chul-In continued. "Now what? If the second coming of the Agnaga happens on Earth..."

Kang Chul-In was about to continue, when...

"Your Imperial Majesty!" A signaler hurriedly ran in front of him. "There's a significant message from Valhalla!"

"Significant message?"

"Yes, your imperial Majesty! Here it is!" The signaler respectfully placed a scroll on Kang Chul-In's hand.

The message written on the scroll read as follows:

[Breaking news!] A monster army has emerged on Earth, in Russia!

Kwak Jung was right.

"Those bastards..." Kang Chul-In hissed. "Wreaking havoc on Earth instead of here?"

He was extremely disgusted by the news. Not only did his enemy lure him into a trap, but it was also causing chaos on his home planet.

"You have to go." At that moment, Kwak Jung advised Kang Chul-In. "If Earth gets conquered, here no longer becomes safe as well."

Rindermergel was the leader of the Agnaga, who possessed all of his race's DNA. If they left him alone, warpers like Milenius were bound to be born again--- those who can teleport between dimensions. There would be no future for both Pangaea and Earth.

"Of course." Kang Chul-In nodded. "We can't let them do as they wish."

So what if it was the Earth? Regardless of where he fought, Kang Chul-In was confident of destroying the Agnaga.



Kang Chul-In had already used the 'Great Warp Gate,' so how could he open up another channel between Pangaea and Earth? Even if he wished to, there was no plausible method.

"It's possible." Desdemona stepped forward.

"You have a solution?" Kang Chul-In gave her a look of delight.

"We can use Erinyes."

"Erinyes? There's a Warp Gate in it?"

"Of course there is! How could the Great Summoning be possible otherwise?"

"Ah...!" However, there were still points to clarify. "In that case, was there even a need to make the Great Warp Gate?"

"That device was designed to be used within the same dimension. The purpose is different. Erinyes can allow teleportation between different dimensions, but not within the same dimension."

"In other words..."

"We can go."

It was delightful news.

"Let's go and destroy those Agnaga bastards."

"Alright." Kang Chul-In let out a cunning smile. He was a persistent man. Kang Chul-In would pursue those Agnagas to the ends of the earth to destroy them.

"Soldiers!" Kang Chul-In bellowed. "It seems that the Agnagas have escaped to another world!"

There was an uproar from the soldiers.

"What? Does that mean we don't have to fight?"

"Is that the end?"

"What's happening?"

Kang Chul-In answered their queries immediately.

"It's not over yet! If the Agnagas take control of the other world, wouldn't this world be their next target?"

The Agnagas would definitely attack Pangaea afterwards.

"They will come to this world not too long after and even I wouldn't be able to stop them! Only doom awaits if we neglect the other world for our own safety!"

The soldiers replied simultaneously.

"We will go!"

"We will help the other world!"

"If we have to fight sooner or later, we choose to fight now!"

"We will chase and hunt them down!"

There was an inundation of answers that satisfied Kang Chul-In. Only Kang Chul-In's soldiers were idiotic enough to risk their safety for the other world.

"Desdemona." Kang Chul-In looked back at the ancient black dragon, who would potentially become his wife. "I will leave it to you."

"Alright." Desdemona nodded and casted a spell, which summoned a Warp Gate from the system Erinyes.


Meanwhile, the situation on Earth was getting more dire by the second. The news reports were depressing.

Missiles, airstrike and even nuclear bombs. No weapons in humanity's arsenal could stop the advancement of the Agnaga army. It was simply impossible. The firepower of Earth's weapons was much greater than that of Pangaea's, but it was vulnerable to even the slightest bit of magic.

That was also the case here. The magic barrier created by the Agnaga army was rather an unsophisticated one, but it was impenetrable by the human weapons. There was one simple conclusion. Humans could not fend off the alien race without magic! Therefore, the ancient Agnaga army took control of Russia with much ease.


Korea was no exception.

North Korea fell in the hands of a small portion of the Agnaga army. It was now South Korea's turn.

In addition,

[Breaking News] Japan withdraws its Maritime Self-Defence Forces from the East Sea.

[Alliance News] The prime minister of Japan: "The situation in the Korean peninsula is unfortunate, but Japan has no choice but to withdraw its Maritime Self-Defence Forces due to its own safety."

[Breaking News] No other reinforcements to arrive except for the USA.

Japan decided that the monster army lacked the maritime forces to invade the island and withdrew its forces from the Korean peninsula. Similarly, the USA began to adopt a conservative approach, gradually focusing its attention on the USA-Japan alliance. Korea was left alone to fight the monster army.

"Never trust anyone!" This philosophy was coming into play.

Meanwhile, the Agnaga army trampled on Pyongyang and also conquered the Hwanghaebuk-do Province.

South Korea was in danger. Once the defence line at Kaesong fell, the next target would definitely be the Military Demarcation Line. The people of Korea despaired. The monster army, which had conquered Russia, the biggest nation in the world, was right before their doorstep.

It was past all hope. How could such a small nation without a nuclear bomb, which was also useless, fight the monster army? At that moment, all 50 million people in Korea were desperately calling for a man's name.

Kang Chul-In: the hero who saved Seoul during the Monster Gate incident. If he was here, they could possibly win this battle against the monster army.

With that, the battle between the North Korean army and the Agnagas commenced at the border of North Korea.

[1] CuppyNote: I wonder who this is. Hmm.

[2] It's a type of card in Hwatu (flower cards/Hanafuda). Read more here.

[3] CuppyNote: Hmmmmmmm.

Chapter 350: Agnaga Invade Earth (2)

The battle at Kaesong was broadcasted live on television for everyone in South Korea to watch. The defense line fell in a blink of an eye. Over 3000 North Korean tanks exploded into bits.

Even the more advanced 3rd and 4th generation Russian tanks had exploded hopelessly. Therefore, it was impossible for those inferior North Korean tanks to resist the advancement of the Agnaga army. In fact, they lacked the stability to even fire properly.

That wasn't all. MiG-17 fighter jets of the North Korean Airforce were shot down like paper planes by the Agnaga air units called 'Stingray.'

There was an incapacitation of the army and a lack of air superiority. These two factors led to a massacre of the North Korean soldiers.





They were helpless against the charging Agnaga soldiers. It was because the AK47 bullets made in North Korea couldn't penetrate the thin barrier surrounding the Agnaga soldiers, and even if the bullets could, they would have lost their kinetic energy and hence be unable to inflict damage on the Agnaga soldiers' tough skin and muscle.

The frontline of the Agnaga army became cannon fodder, allowing the main troop to charge into the North Korean army and create chaos. Ordinary humans with limited physique and hardware could not match up to the Agnaga soldiers. As a result, the entire North Korean army was exterminated.

So what if there were guns? There wasn't even time to fire them. All the North Korean soldiers could do was run for their lives or die a dog's death.

"Oh no... what to do... these poor people..." Park Sun-Ja gasped and despaired as she watched the scene through her television. Anyone would react similarly. It was disturbing to watch 'humans' – regardless of whether they were allies or enemies – getting ripped apart by aliens. Furthermore, South Korea was next on the Agnaga's list. Park Sun-Ja was right to be worried.

[Breaking news!] All soldiers in the Army, Navy and Airforce are to be positioned at the Military Demarcation Line...

South Korea was in total chaos right now.

[Breaking news] Lines of evacuees getting longer... all roads in Seoul are currently unusable...

[Breaking news] Chaebol family is leaving the country... ready to migrate to the USA... where is the noblesse oblige?

[Breaking news] Eschatology in the spotlight... is the world going to end?

[Breaking news] Lim Moo-Sung, the Minister of National Defense: "No point in evacuating... at the rate of the monster army's advancement, South Korea will fall in just two days."

[Breaking news] 24 hours since the placement of a mobilization order... Ministry of National Defense, mobilizing all soldiers on service and reservists...

These depressing reports were posted on the main page of various portal sites. The problem was that they were all true. In just three days, Russia fell even with its superior military power.

North Korea? How could a puppet state last a day with old Soviet scrap metal?

At that instant, the television screen flashed the president's determined face.

Finally, it boiled down to this. The nation's survival was at stake. The government planned to declare a state of emergency and fight against the monster army. It didn't have a choice. As described by the Minister of National Defense, all the Korean government could do was position the soldiers near the boundary and prepare for the imminent battle.

The president pleaded. However, it was completely useless. The main cities, including Seoul, were paralyzed by the migration of refugees.

Meanwhile, sirens blared from multiple speakers installed across the city. That signaled the declaration of emergency martial law.

"Son..." Park Sun-Ja recalled her most beloved person, Kang Chul-In's, face. "What's going on, son...? Not even a call... what's happening..."

Although Kang Chul-In was an invincible superhuman, his mother could not stop worrying. Moreover, any earthling could guess that those foreign monsters were associated with Pangaea and thus Kang Chul-In.

"Please give me a call..."

At that instant, her smartphone vibrated.

"...!" Park Sun-Ja turned around instinctively. The screen displayed the following:


My beloved son <3


Park Sun-Ja grabbed her smartphone in the blink of an eye.

"S-Son?" She then immediately received the call. It was a call from her son, whom she was so worried about.

She could hear his voice over the phone.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Are you perhaps in Seoul? It's dangerous here! If you are in Seoul by any chance, escape right now!"

Park Sun-Ja rattled out of concern for Kang Chul-In. It was a mother's heart. She herself was stuck in Seoul, which was definitely going to fall within 12 hours. However, Park Sun-Ja still prioritized her son's well being

Kang Chul-In replied.

"Y-Yeouido?" Park Sun-Ja was surprised. "Son, Seoul is currently..."


Kang Chul-In sounded extremely relaxed and composed.

Don't tell me...! Park Sun-Ja could sense something instinctively. My son...

Kang Chul-In only spoke a few words, but they carried much weight. He was telling her that he would stop the catastrophe.

"B-But, son... you are strong, but those monsters are forming an army! You can't fight alone..." Park Sun-Ja desperately tried to dissuade Kang Chul-In.

However, Kang Chul-In spoke first.

"Son!" Park Sun-Ja raised her voice. "It's too dangerous! I don't know what's going on, but it's too risky..."


"Ah...!" Park Sun-Ja was reminded that Kang Chul-In was the king of the 'other world.' "A-And? You are going to...?"

Kang Chul-In replied.

"T-That means...!"

Kang Chul-In's message was simple and concise.

Kang Chul-In emphasized.


She couldn't. How could one stop the monster army that devastated the whole northern hemisphere so perfectly that no one had to evacuate? Nobody could believe this unrealistic promise. Even if it came from the president of the United States of America, it would still lack credibility.


"Alright." Park Sun-Ja decided to believe her son. No, she had to. Kang Chul-In always lived up to his word. For the past thirty years, even his mother couldn't reason him out of his obstinacy.

"How could I not trust my son? I believe you."

Park Sun-Ja was no ordinary woman herself. Although she did not display a fearsome spirit like patriot Ahn Jung-Geun's mother, she harbored a strong faith in Kang Chul-In.

"I will be watching, son." Park Sun-Ja said rather playfully. "So do your best. I will be observing how cool my son is on the stage."

She sounded quite unnatural. It was impossible to mask a mother's worry when she was about to send her son to the battlefield.

Kang Chul-In was aware of this as well, but he did not try to reassure Park Sun-Ja. He was a man who valued actions over a thousand words.

"Alright, hurry and go." Park Sun-Ja spoke hesitantly. "Go save the world, son."

"I'm proud of you." She was genuine. Why wouldn't she be? Her only son was about to save the world from the monster army. Nobody else in history could accomplish such a feat.


Immediately afterwards, Kang Chul-In hung up.

"Right, that's more like my son." Park Sun-Ja smiled faintly. Her worries were long gone. Park Sun-Ja had faith. She believed that Kang Chul-In would defeat the monster army and return proudly as a hero!


Meanwhile in Yeouido, on the roof of the 63 Building.

"Phew." Kang Chul-In let out a long sigh and turned to face the north. "Very disturbing."

He let out a low growl. Kang Chul-In's frustration was currently at its peak. He and his soldiers almost died in an explosion in Nosferatu thanks to Milenius. Moreover, he could have been left completely ignorant of the second coming of the Agnaga that occurred on Earth. This was the first-time things were so messy since his return to the past.

"Those small fries." A small portion of the Agnaga army was now trying to attack Korea, where his mother was! "I will kill them all."

Kang Chul-In leaped off the 63 Building and a pair of wings made from light emerged from the Ectoplasm Oversuit. Kang Chul-In flew towards the north at an incredible speed, releasing a sonic boom that was as loud as a supercar engine.



"You fuckers!"


The soldiers of the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea fell helplessly to the Agnaga soldiers.

"Eek... eek...!" They despaired. "Am I going to die like this? Like this? I've never thought I will get killed by these monsters instead of those South Korean bastards!"

They did not have any solution. The DPRK soldiers were the clear victims in this genocide.

While the soldiers were despairing, an unknown object penetrated deep between the Agnaga air units.

"Get lost, small fries." Kang Chul-In muttered and swung Kaiforce and Mitra casually. The blades sliced straight through the Agnaga air units, almost like butter. Then, a 'miracle' happened. Just like how Moses split the Red Sea, Kang Chul-In opened up a path by destroying thousands of Agnaga air units in just two or three slices. It was the miracle of Kang Chul-In.

"Small fries need to burn." Kang Chul-In refused to stop. Mitra began to emit a holy fire.

You can handle this?

Mitra said heartwarmingly. In the past, she had refused to listen to Kang Chul-In on multiple occasions. However, she now seemed to enjoy obeying his commands.

"Die!" Kang Chul-In, who had become a little delighted from this, bellowed loudly and swung Mitra. Mitra's flame was notorious for its ability to eliminate evil existence without a trace. Truly enough, it engulfed the remaining Agnaga air units.

"W-What is that...!"

"I've never seen anything like that...!"

"H-How strange...!"

The North Korean soldiers were astonished. The flying monsters that had turned thousands of MiG-17 fighter jets into scrap metal were all burnt to crisp. The soldiers could not express their shock in words.

The North Korean soldiers were not the only audience.

Brave helicopters of various broadcasting stations were filming this battle from afar. Thanks to them, Kang Chul-In's appearance was broadcasted live to the whole of South Korea.

"About time to call them." However, Kang Chul-In did not care how the people responded to his appearance. The only thing on his mind now was to clean up this battlefield and head straight to Moscow, because the main force of the Agnaga army was there. So was Rindermergel, the Relentless Predator.

Kang Chul-In held his Soul Core high up in the air. In fact, it was no longer a Soul Core. Once the Soul Core of Laputa, the sword now contained ownership of over 900 territories. Also known as the 'Core of Pangaea,' Kang Chul-In's sword was the symbol of the imperial throne!

"Come forth." Kang Chul-In commanded. "My soldiers."

Immediately, the Core of Pangaea began to emit a brilliant rainbow aura.

And then... a dimensional rift formed within a 100 kilometre radius around Kang Chul-In. An enormous castle gradually emerged from the rift.

Chapter 351: The Descent of the Imperial Army!


The North Korean soldiers were flabbergasted. What was that gigantic building? The reddish-brown castle was about twenty times the size of a domed stadium. It had an overwhelming splendor that made everyone gasp in awe.

The building that Kang Chul-In had summoned was the largest and the most grandiose building in Pangaea. It was none other than Laputa, the Sky Fortress, also known as the landmark of Metallia, the Valhalla Empire's capital!

Flash! There was another flash of light. An airship as large as an aircraft carrier revealed itself. It was Overlord Hecate's Temeraire.

Flash, flash, flash, flash! The flash of lights were relentless. A huge stingray with a castle on its back, a ghost ship made of ectoplasm, a gigantic whale that could swim across the sky... various fantasy-like infrastructures appeared and floated in the sky. They were buildings that belonged to both the existing Lords and Erinyes.

Why were they summoned to Earth by Kang Chul-In? It was because Kang Chul-In was the true emperor of Pangaea – the one who ruled over all!

Flash! With a final flash, 'they' arrived on Earth-- over one million soldiers. Comprising 700,000 humans and 300,000 non-humans, the Valhalla imperial army made its appearance.

"Go." Kang Chul-In commanded. "Kill them all."


"Long live the Valhalla Empire!"


"Long live his imperial Majesty, Kang Chul-In!"


Over a million soldiers charged viciously at the ancient Agnaga army. The tables turned in a blink of an eye. The ancient Agnaga soldiers were nothing but livestock to the Valhalla imperial army.

Every soldier in Kang Chul-In's army was equipped with artifacts of at least the 'rare' rank. Furthermore, the Valhalla magicians were highly proficient as well.

Barrier? The barrier that could fend off all weapons on Earth was no better than a piece of paper from the magicians' perspective.

Overwhelming physical ability? Although the Agnaga soldiers were immensely strong, they could not dominate the Valhalla soldiers who managed mana to break through human limits.


Kang Chul-In gave a satisfied expression. The ancient Agnaga army? It was nothing against Kang Chul-In and his army.

A thousand years ago, the Emperor of Blood and Iron and Emilia had collected information about these alien monsters and developed various methods for subjugating them. Of course, the Agnagas of the past were totally foreign to both of them. The two of them had to bear through countless trial and error, as well as sacrifice.

This was hardly the case for Kang Chul-In. He already knew of the ways to fight the Agnagas, thanks for his predecessor. The result was apparent. Hundreds of Agnaga soldiers were dying every second. The ancient Agnagas might have indiscriminately massacred humans in the past, but it was the opposite now.

Kang Chul-In's army of Pangaeans were committing an even more violent and horrifying genocide than the Agnagas in the past. It was revenge. The Valhalla Empire's army was mercilessly taking revenge for the humiliation Pangaea had faced 1000 years ago!

"Rampage to your hearts' content. Those bastards invaded our land 1000 years ago. I will approve of any deed." Kang Chul-In added fuel to the fire.

"Kill them all. Don't let anyone escape."

Annihilation! It was a heavy price to pay for those who dared to attack South Korea, where Park Sun-Ja resided.


"Let's kill them all!"

"Die, die, dieeee!"

The imperial army became even more invigorated.


Meanwhile, this miraculous scene was being broadcasted live in South Korea, eliciting a huge response from the public.

[Breaking news] Mr. Kang Chul-In is destroying the monster army with his army from the other world!

[Breaking news] Is victory obtainable in Kaesong?

[Breaking news] An unexpected turn of events! Will Kang Chul-In become the savior of South Korea once again?

Mass media was inundated with news reports from the press.

-E-Everyone...! M-Mr. Kang Chul-In is commanding an army from the other world to fight the monster army in the north!

The news anchor of KBC[1] announced fervently, unable to mask his excitement.

- rhakdnjdy: Wing it, Kang Chul-In!

- ehrwkdufjqns: Kang Chul-In... South Korea can exist thanks to you... thank you.

- tkfkdgody: It's like a scene from a movie...

- ioerewc123: ★ Kang Chul-In to the rescue ★

- HID05: This is truly a miracle...

- dodobird: Saving the country not just once, but twice...

The netizens who had given up evacuating were also writing thousands of comments every second. Kang Chul-In's popularity was unprecedented in the history of the Korean peninsula, and this was to be expected. Could anyone else in the world successfully defeat the monster troop?

No. Nobody could, even with nuclear weapons. That was why Kang Chul-In was being hailed as the Messiah who could save the human race from this calamity!

"Son...!" Park Sun-Ja was also watching this scene. "That's my son! Win! Show them your worth!"

Drip! Tears rolled down Park Sun-Ja's


cheeks. Kang Chul-In was certainly doing a good job. She couldn't be any prouder.

A national hero! No, that would be insulting Kang Chul-In. This man was trying to save the entire planet, not just his nation. He was trying to accomplish a feat that even the USA could not! To be such a hero's mother was a tremendous blessing.

"Show them, son!" Park Sun-Ja clenched her fists subconsciously. The best she could do was cheer for her son.

"Kill them all! Show them your strength!" Park Sun-Ja had long forgotten her fear for the alien monster army.


The battle concluded in less than an hour. As expected, Kang Chul-In and his army emerged as the victors. The ancient Agnaga army perished. Not a single monster survived...


"Long live the Valhalla Empire!"


"Long live his imperial Majesty, Kang Chul-In!"


The imperial army roared. The victory cheer resonated across the whole battlefield.

"Congratulations on the win, your imperial Majesty!" Lucia kneeled in front of Kang Chul-In.

"Congratulations on the win, your imperial Majesty!" Immediately, a million soldiers kneeled simultaneously and hailed Kang Chul-In.


The losers – the North Korean soldiers – were lost for words. They all had the same thought.

That comrade is the most charismatic leader of all...!

They were right. Kang Chul-In was in a different league from that fat and avaricious pig they knew. Their leader was a tyrant who had 100 sex slaves, enjoyed all sorts of luxury and ate the highest-class food every meal, while his people starved to death. How was Kang Chul-In in comparison? This South Korean comrade was reigning over a million soldiers, receiving admiration and respect from every single one of them.

He was a true leader. That was Kang Chul-In's image in the North Korean soldiers' eyes!

"Well done everyone!"


"We shall rest for two hours starting from now. No cleanup of the battlefield is required. Maintain your formation and get as much rest as possible. We will advance again in two hours!"

Kang Chul-In didn't give a damn about the North Korean soldiers and focused solely on his own army. Why would he? From his perspective, the North Korean army comprised a bunch of cowards who didn't even have the courage to stage a coup d'état.

Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo! At that instant, a MI-26, a gigantic helicopter for transportation, approached him.

A voice could be heard from a loudspeaker attached to the helicopter.


Kang Chul-In, who was about to head to Moscow to reclaim the land from the Agnagas, turned to face the helicopter.

"Comrade Kang Chul-In!"

A young pig and his brawny escorts alighted from the helicopter and approached Kang Chul-In rapidly.


Kang Chul-In was puzzled. He had seen the pig's face before, but he had no idea who he was.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm the chairman of the Workers' Party of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea." The young pig replied.


"I'm Kim Jong-Oon[2]."


"Nice to meet you, comrade Kang Chul-In!" The young pig then embraced Kang Chul-In tightly. "Hahahahhaa~!"


"As expected from comrade Kang Chul-In! I've been watching you for some time! I knew you would help our country! Hahahaha~!"

At that moment, one of Kim Jong-Oon's escorts whispered to Kang Chul-In.

"Reply quick, comrade! The chairman is giving you an embrace, so how can you stand still so arrogantly?"

Kang Chul-In did not reply.

This fucker... simply ridiculous ... what a sly pig.

There was a reason why Kim Jong-Oon found him immediately after the battle. He was making a political gesture.

This cunning and greedy pig was trying to enhance his political image by embracing Kang Chul-In and shaking his hand! Moreover, he was planning to establish his grounds in the international stage via a favorable relationship with Kang Chul-In. It was because North Korea was already doomed.

Veins popped up from Kang Chul-In's forehead. Kim Jong-Oon was making a critical mistake here. Why would Kang Chul-In ever help him? Most healthy male in South Korea, except for the rich ones, served the army. For South Korean males who had to devote two years of their beautiful youth, Kim Jong-Oon was their prime enemy (although his grandfather was the main cause).

That villain was disrespectfully embracing Kang Chul-In and patting his back. Kang Chul-In, the emperor who ruled the huge Pangaea continent, was simply dumbfounded.

"Comrade Kang Chul-In!" Meanwhile, Kim Jong-Oon was blabbering on excitedly without a single concern. "I shall appoint you as the honorary commander-in-chief of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea!"

Kim Jong-Oon declared as he tapped Kang Chul-In's shoulder.

"Comrade Kang Chul-In, why aren't you saying anything?"


"Come, let's go to my palace and have a feast! I will prepare..."

At that moment, Kang Chul-In's fist struck Kim Jong-Oon's face.

"Eek!" Kim Jong-Oon squealed like a pig and collapsed onto the floor.


"Oi, you bastard!"

"Have you gone insane?"

Immediately, all his escorts charged at Kang Chul-In, but they were subjugated in less than a second.

"U-Urgh...!" Kim Jong-Oon moaned in agony.

"Oi, you pig." Kang Chul-In approached Kim Jong-Oon.

"C-Comrade Kang Chul-In...!"

"Who the hell is your comrade?" Kang Chul-In grinned.

"W-Why are you..."

"You are trash."


"Even less valuable than food waste." Kang Chul-In said coldly. "At least food waste can be given to livestock. You are simply useless."


"I know why you approached me, but did you think that I would happily accept your advances?"

"D-Don't do this..."

"I don't even want to talk to you. So..." With that, Kang Chul-In grabbed the fat Kim Jong-Oon by his collar. "Just die."

"C-Comrade Kang Chul-In..."

Instantly, crack! Kim Jong-Oon's head blew up like a watermelon. His lifeless corpse rolled onto the floor.

"Ew, almost got infected by this pig." Kang Chul-In muttered and brushed his hands off, as though he had touched something filthy. To be honest, he was right. One did not need to have bad hygiene to be termed filthy.


The North Korean soldiers were once again flabbergasted. What they had just witnessed was too unrealistic. However, one thing was clear. Nobody teared or expressed any sorrow. It was simply a pitiful end for the dictator.


Kim Jong-Oon's death was broadcasted in South Korea without any filtering or editing.

[Breaking news] North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Oon, is dead!

[Breaking news] Dictator dead in Mr. Kang Chul-In's hands... a pitiful end...

[Breaking news] Mr. Kang Chul-In murdered Kim Jong Oon (page 2).

South Korea was obviously enveloped in chaos. However, nobody criticized Kang Chul-In. Everyone knew that Kim Jong-Oon was a tyrant who deserved to die. Moreover, this could finally be an opportunity for the unification of the Korean peninsula after 70 years. This led to a favorable public sentiment that worshipped and praised Kang Chul-In. Of course, there were concerns that Kang Chul-In would take control of South Korea, but they were groundless. This was because Kang Chul-In was already the emperor of Pangaea...


"Husband, who was he?" Desdemona pointed at Kim Jong-Oon's corpse and asked.

"Trash." Kang Chul-In replied.


"A nation's king, but totally incompetent."

"Ah, is that so?"

Kang Chul-In was too lazy to explain the intricacies of the Earth's political and leadership system, so he just decided to term Kim Jong-Oon a 'king'. Well, everyone knew that North Korea was actually a kingdom disguised as a republic, anyway.

"Seems like he was a tyrant?"

"Well, kind of. He only knew how to agonize his people..."

Kang Chul-In was about to continue his sentence, when...

Flash! There was a flash of light from the west, followed by the appearance of a huge red pillar.


Simultaneously, Kang Chul-In and Desdemona looked at each other.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwangju_Broadcasting_Corporation

[2] CuppyNote: I don't really think this needs to be said, but WuxiaWorld takes no stance in regards to these politics. But, yeah, I think you guys can guess who the author is pointing at with this name.