110 - 119

Episode 110

Min Sung placed the meat on top of the flaming grill.


Since it was Korean beef, it cooked very quickly.

When it came to beef, it was all about salt.

Min Sung dipped a piece of meat in salt and put it in his mouth.

The strong flavor of the meat and salt took over his mouth. And the meat's juices combined with the saltiness perfectly and made Min Sung's heart pound.


It was so delicious, he was speechless.

Of course.

Since it was the most expensive Korean beef, it was bound to be delicious.

Min Sung chewed on his meat and looked to his right.

He saw seasoned vegetables.

They were vegetables that came from the deep forests of Ohdae Mountain or Jiri Mountain.

And these were vegetables that were truly from Ulleungdo, not from China.

Min Sung wrapped a piece of meat in the vegetables and tasted it.

Chomp, chomp-


It was slightly bitter but sweet in an all-round perfect flavor.

'This is unbelievable.'

He was at a loss for words.

He didn't know seasoned vegetables could taste so luxurious.

It was sweet beyond words.

While he was in awe over the vegetables, the meat in his mouth disappeared.

Min Sung quickly took another piece of meat from the grill.

Since the meat was soft, it melted in his mouth without the need for much chewing.

And then followed the best part.

He went over to the rib eye.

He put a piece of the beautifully marbled rib eye that was as thick as a steak on top of the grill.

Despite it being thick, it surprisingly cooked quickly.

The scent was at a whole different level from pork belly.

He took the scissors and cut it into little pieces.

And without hesitation, he dipped it in salt and ate it right away.

The way the juices exploded in his mouth felt like fireworks.

He was in awe.

The rib eye was savory with a strong scent that satisfied his senses.

'It tastes so luxurious.'

All other thoughts disappeared from his mind.

Min Sung continued to put more pieces of meat into his mouth.

"Slurp! Slurp!"

The refreshing and tingling flavor of the Korean beef made for the best fusion synergy.

Min Sung closed his eyes as he chewed the meat.

The flavor entranced him so much that he couldn't even smile.

It felt as though his body was melting on the frypan.

The meat was worth the money.

It was a meal that was well worth its expensive price.


While he thoroughly enjoyed his meal, Bowl crawled out of his pocket and plopped onto the ground.


Min Sung stared at Bowl, who was in pain.


In response, Bowl got up without much energy.

"Yes, Master."

"Eat a holystone."

Min Sung took out a high-quality holystone from his item window and tossed it to him.

Bowl caught it with his mouth and chewed on it.

He then showed a satisfied look on his face and rolled around on the ground.

Min Sung just stared at Bowl.

A very big skull head compared to his small body.

His body and limps were nothing but bone.

If the Lich received too much sunlight, he was going to suffer substantial damage.

He looked perfectly fine until now, so he had no idea.

'Just wait a little longer.'

'The clothing is being made as we speak.'

'I'll dress you up with a good suit soon.'


As soon as Min Sung entered the shop, the clerk greeted him with a smile.

This was a store for shields and accessories that hunters needed.

On the outside, they just looked like clothes, but everything they sold contained magic.

For that reason, the design was also top-notch and so was the quality.

"Hm… How unique. I like it," the store owner stuttered while looking at Bowl.

Min Sung didn't reveal that he was a magical doll and gestured at Bowl.

"Where's the outfit?"

"I made it the way you asked while you were eating, but we made it in a rush, which means the cost will be much higher…"

"I don't care."

"Thank you. Before I show it to you, I made the size a little bigger. But I can adjust it to your liking, and it won't take long."


In response to Min Sung's calling, Bowl hurried over and stood next to him.

The owner held a tape measure and began measuring Bowl's body.

The owner quickly adjusted the clothing and brought it out.

"Try it on. It'll protect you from the sun."

In response,


Bowl excitedly tried on the outfit.

Once he put it on, Ho Sung Lee's jaw dropped.

"Wow, Bowl. That looks good on you."

Bowl stood in front of the mirror and stroked his outfit just like his master, Min Sung, did.

Min Sung saw that and smiled.

The black robe made Bowl look more like a Lich.

The dignity of a dark magician was fully represented.

But the truth was, he was cute more than anything.

"I want to order 50 more. How long would that take?"

Min Sung asked.

The owner smiled. The owner checked his schedule and answered,

"Hm… It might take a weak. Is that okay?"

"That's fine."

The owner bowed down respectfully.

"Yes, Sir."

After telling him to contact Ho Sung Lee once it was complete, they left the store.

"I'll prepare them nicely for you. See you next time!"

The owner bowed at 90 degrees.

As soon as they got out, the roads were empty.

There were many stores used by hunters, but after the dungeon got shut down, there were fewer hunters wandering the streets.

He only saw a few ordinary civilians on the streets.

Min Sung took Bowl and got in the car, and Ho Sung Lee smoked a cigarette before getting into the driver's seat.


The American hunter master, Ethan, sat in a tinted car and looked at the item that he got from the robed man.

His heart pounded with nervousness.

'Is it okay for me to eat this?'

He had no idea what it was.

However, he was already cornered.

Just as the robed man said, if the effect of the item was good enough, that was his only opportunity to get America's reputation back.

'There's no other way.'

Ethan put the shiny item into his mouth and chewed it.

Its scent was pungent.


After swallowing all of it, Ethan waited for it to take effect.

And then he suddenly felt his body swelling up.


Ethan's body straightened up as his neck flipped backward.


Ethan threw up blood and wriggled his body.


He felt as though someone was squeezing his body dry. His stomach was in so much pain as if it was going to explode.

The pain continued for 10 minutes.

And as the pain subsided, Ethan's breathing became normal again.

"Haa… Ha! Haa! Huu, hu!"

Ethan caught his breath while wriggling around in the car.

He felt a magical power that he had never felt before.

"Samchukyo's item was real…"

Ethan smiled brightly.

He then began walking toward the ocean away from the assembly.

He then opened up his magic and clenched his fist.



Once Ethan pushed out his fist, the force made the water split, and it made a very loud noise.

As a result of the power, the ocean water sloshed, and it spread to a far distance.

Ethan looked at the moving water and smiled.

What the robed man said was true.

As soon as he ingested the item, his magical power upgraded, and his body's senses strengthened by multiple times.

On top of that, he felt as light as a feather, and his body was overflowing with energy.

Ethan returned to his car and called the number on the card.

However, the phone was turned off.

At the same time, he received a message.

Ethan opened it up.

[If you go to this address, you can find enough items to give to your hunters.]

[Only 1 ingestion per person.]

Ethan started his car and headed over to the address.

'Too bad.'

He wanted to eat a few more.

In any case, the hunters of China were certainly strong beyond imagination.

How could they advance their magical power just by taking medicine?

Ethan widened his eyes and stiffened his face.

No matter how strong China was, there must be a weakness.

But first, he wanted to focus on clearing the tower and making America stronger than ever before.

The address was a Catholic church not too far out.

As soon as he entered, he saw a big box.

Ethan opened the box.

Inside was hundreds of the items that he ate himself.

He looked at the items in greed and then laughed with excitement.

If he gave these to his subordinate hunters, they would become stronger, and that meant that they would become stronger than China.

Ethan grabbed the box and immediately returned to the car.


They dropped by at a convenience store to get groceries.

They were shopping for food to eat at the Black Tower.

Once Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee returned to Manhattan with groceries, they headed to the assembly.

"Sir, it's time to go up to the 9th floor. But you said specialized devils will appear. They'll be stronger than the other ones, right? Do they have special powers? I just thought I should know these things ahead of time."

"You'll probably die."

"… Pardon?"

Ho Sung looked back at Min Sung and asked with a pale face.

"You'll die," Min Sung continued while looking out the window.

"The level will be completely different."

At that moment, Ho Sung Lee began sweating profusely.

"Then can I just stay back at the assembly…"

"Come to think of it, you've lived way too long," Min Sung remarked with a small smile.

"Then what do I do…? You said I'll die. I need to live, so I can take care of you and introduce you to delicious food."

"Make your decision. Will you overcome death or will you just die?"

Episode 111


Ethan went into deep thought.

There was a limit of only one item per person for the item that advanced their fighting power.

If they happened to ingest more than that, there could be a serious problem.

However, Ethan felt greedy.

'Can I eat one more?'

'What if there are no side effects?'

'What if I can get even stronger?'

Such thoughts rang through Ethan's mind and roamed within like ghosts.

Ethan looked back at the box of items that were put into the trunk of the car.

His heart pounded like crazy.

He felt like he was gambling.

A gamble that put his life on the line.

And when the temptations of gambling entered the brain, it was hard to get rid of it.

Ethan licked his dry lips. He got out of the car and opened the trunk.

He looked down at the items in the box.


It was probably okay to eat one more.

He rationalized and convinced himself of it.

Ethan made up his mind and grabbed one item with his hand.

After making up his mind, he put an item into his mouth.


The item was quite hard.

It sounded almost as if Ethan was eating a rock.

And then, he began to experience the same pain that came with the first one.

"Ugh! Ugh!"

Ethan's body began to swell up and turn red.

The pain was much worse than when he ate his first item.

Ethan endured the pain with all his might in order to stay sane.

And then a moment later.

Once Ethan endured the horrible pain, he smiled and slowly got up.

It was very clear that he was stronger now.

'I knew it…!'

The gamble worked.

He suddenly wanted to eat one more, but he talked himself out of it.

Two more could be really dangerous.

The reason for that was because when he ingested his second, he almost felt like his body was going to explode.

"Phew, those bastards. How did they invent this thing?"

After mumbling while looking down upon the item, he put one item in his bag so that he could bring it to a research institute if he happened to get addicted to it.

As long as he sent it over to the research institute, they could find a way to detoxify his body if he overdosed.

Ethan put the bag with the item in the corner of the trunk and got ready to call the other American hunters with much excitement.


The American hunters all grabbed their phones at the same time.

After checking their message, they looked at each other.

They then quietly began to head out of the assembly.

Their destination was a storage container.

Ethan was waiting for them there, and around him were many boxes.

In response to Ethan's orders, each of the hunters received a box of the item.

"This will increase your fighting power. Ingest it right now."

In response, the curious hunters widened their eyes.

There were nothing hunters wanted more than more power.

The hunters ingested the item without any hesitation.


The sound of teeth biting into the hard item rang through the room.


Ho Sung Lee drove as if he was fighting with all his might to live on.

With his trademark squinty eyes and hazy sight, he began to see the assembly.

As soon as the car entered, the hunters focused on them, unlike the last time.

"Are you going to go right away?"

Ho Sung Lee looked back at Min Sung and asked.

"No, I'm going to rest soon," Min Sung answered while his eyes were closed.

He smoked a cigarette while looking at the Black Tower.

The sky was still filled with dark clouds, and around the tower was thunder and lightning.

The Black Tower almost looked like the end of the world.

While looking at such a tower, Ho Sung Lee sighed after a puff of smoke.

"You'll probably die."

"Make your decision."

"Are you going to overcome your death, or are you going to die?"

Min Sung Kang's voice rang through his head.

His heart pounded with nervousness.

While he felt all sorts of emotions while looking at the Black Tower.

He heard someone approaching.

Ho Sung Lee threw away his cigarette and looked toward the footsteps.

It was the American hunter master, Ethan.

"I'd like to speak with the hunter, Min Sung Kang."

"What for?"

"I have a request related


to the tower. Please ask him to make some time for me."

Ho Sung Lee went to the back seat of the car Min Sung was in and knocked on the window.

The window opened slightly to only show Min Sung's eyes.

"Sir, the American hunter master, Ethan, would like to speak with you about the tower. What do you think?"

"Tell him to get in."

"Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung gestured for Ethan to get inside the car.


The American hunter master, Ethan, sat beside Min Sung inside the car.

Min Sung waited for Ethan to say something, and Ethan did just that.

"We would like to go to the tower with you."

That was the first thing Ethan said.

"With me? What do you mean by that?"

Min Sung asked.

"We'll stand at the front, so you'll just be there for emergencies. Then that'll take off the burden off of you, and we'll be able to get through the tower much easier."

Min Sung scoffed.

"I can get through the tower easily without your help."


Ethan's eyes shook.

He made an effort to calm himself down.

"The tower is a disaster for all of humanity. Even if you can clear it on your own, this is not something that you should do on your…"

"That's your problem, not mine."

Ethan was at a loss for words.

Min Sung wasn't someone who could be convinced of things such as justice or the future of mankind.

It didn't take long before he realized what Min Sung wanted.

Ethan frowned and looked down.

"… I'm begging you. Please help us," Ethan said with his head down.

"Okay," Min Sung accepted.

When Ethan lifted his head in surprise to the quick acceptance.

Min Sung continued,

"But under one condition."

"… What is it?"

"There are three conditions."

Ethan gulped.

On the other hand, Min Sung's face remained unchanged.

"First, I need a cook who can make delicious food."

"Someone, to make your food?"


Ethan nodded.

He was able to accept that condition.

"What about your second condition?"

"My assistant, Ho Sung Lee, and my Lich Doll, Bowl. They will obtain as much experience points as possible."

Min Sung continued on to his third condition.

"And I will obtain all of the items."


Ethan clenched his teeth.

"That's unreasonable."

"If you don't like it, just go on your own."

Ethan went deep into thought with a stressed look on his face.

"… Are those your only conditions?"

"I'm not sure."

Ethan looked at Min Sung in annoyance.

He realized that Min Sung had the upper hand in this situation.

"We'll have a meeting with the other commanders and let you know."

"20 minutes," Min Sung advised.

"That's too short…!"

Min Sung slowly turned to Ethan.

"Shut up and come back to me with your decision in 20 minutes."

Ethan closed his eyes tightly and got out of the car.


"That son of a bitch…!"

Ethan gritted his teeth as he went inside the tent.

He breathed in and out in order to calm himself down from the stress.

The other commanders stared at Ethan in surprise.

Ethan looked up and spoke to his fellow commanders.

"I decided that it'd be a good idea to go to the tower with the Korean hunter, Min Sung Kang."

In response, the commanders looked as if they approved.

"So I talked to him about going together, but he gave me three conditions."

"Three conditions? What are they?"

The European commander asked.

Ethan told them the three conditions as Min Sung listed.

The commanders mumbled to themselves in response.

"Since we have no other choice, we'll have to get his help," the African commander responded.

Everyone agreed, but Ethan thought differently.

"Then I'll tell him we accept."


"They accept your conditions. What were they anyway? They looked displeased," Ho Sung Lee asked as he got into the car.

"They'll bring me a cook, you and Bowl will get the experience points, and I'll get all the items. That's it. So don't' forget to obtain all the points."

"… That's a lot."

While Ho Sung Lee mumbled in shock, someone knocked on the window.

Min Sung opened the window.

"It'll take some time before the cook arrives," the hunter said.

"How long?"

"Around 4 hours…"

The hunter trailed off unconfidently.

"But we called the best cook, so you'll definitely like the food."

"Tell them I'm only leaving after I eat," Min Sung replied as he closed the window.


Gary Gold was one of the few Michelin Star chefs in New York.

He put his materials in his trunk and was on his way to the assembly.

On his way there, he cursed with words that started with "F".

He was in the middle of a relaxing vacation when he got called by the hunters.

They ordered him to arrive at the assembly and prepare a delicious meal.

He said he was on vacation, but the hunters didn't give him a choice.

They threatened him that if he didn't come right away, his career as a chef would be over.

No matter how famous he was, he had no choice but to succumb to the hunters' threats.

'Who am I cooking for?'

'The American hunter master?'

Gary Gold laughed as he stepped on his accelerator.

Episode 112


Once Gary Gold arrived at the assembly, he looked around with both awe and shock.

It was a spectacle.

It was the way the hunters were gathered at the assembly as well as the view of the Black Tower.

An ocean that was a little far off from the Statue of Liberty.

Rough thunder and lightning surrounded the tower along with a darkness that made anyone scared just by looking at it.

While Gary Gold stared on at the tower, one hunter approached him.

"Gary Gold?"

A hunter with curly hair checked his identity.

"Oh, yes. I'm Gary Gold."

"You have to start cooking right away. Is that okay?"

"That's fine."

"Right this way."

Gary Gold looked back at the sight once more and then followed the hunter.

A table and cooking appliances were set up outside.

It was minimal, but it was enough to prepare one meal.

"But who am I cooking for?"

Gary Gold asked the hunter.

"A Korean hunter," he replied.

Gary Gold knitted his brows.

'A Korean hunter?'

He couldn't help but frown.

He couldn't believe that the reason why he was forced to be at the dangerous assembly was because of an Asian hunter.

He felt that it was strange.

'Since when were Korean hunters famous?'

Gary Gold was unaware of this information.

'Why do I have to prepare food for a Korean hunter of all people?'

"What kind of hunters does Korea have that I have to do all this for one of them?"

In response, the hunter showed a cold gaze.

It was so cold that his throat went dry.

Gary Gold shut his mouth and proceeded to prepare the meal.

Gary Gold was known for his bad temper, but when he was around hunters, he was nothing but herbivore among carnivores.

If he made one mistake, it was possible to lose all of the honor and reputation he worked for.

After all, in the hunters' world, death was just an ordinary occurrence.


Even if that was the case, he had to endure having his pride hurt.

So Gary Gold put his thoughts aside and decided to solely focus on his cooking.


"Sir, the cook is working on your food. He said to come when you're ready."

Min Sung opened his eyes.

He was asleep for a moment.

He wondered where the time went and got out of his car.

He followed Ho Sung Lee into the tent and sat at a long table.

'I'm still tired.'

Now that he was relieved of his tension, his body's natural rhythm began to return.

He stretched his neck and closed his eyes.

He grew tired again.


The Michelin Star chef, Gary Gold, was guided by an American hunter to the tent for the delivery of his first dish.

When he entered the tent with the cart, he saw a man dozing off by himself.

'… Is he sleeping?'

Gary Gold looked behind him.

No hunters followed him in.

He pushed his cart and approached the man.

And as he placed the dish on the table, he glanced at his face.

'He's good-looking.'

He was handsome enough to claim that he was a famous celebrity.

At that moment, the man opened his eyes.

Gary Gold and Min Sung met eyes.

That was when he felt a strange sensation.

He couldn't say it was fear, but it wasn't awe either.

If he had to describe it with one word…

'… Yeah.'


It was more like fascination.

He sensed what he felt when he saw the tower when he looked at Min Sung.

When he froze still in response to his presence, Min Sung's gaze woke Gary Gold back up.

Gary Gold then came to his senses.

"I-I'm sorry."

He apologized without meaning to.

He felt guilty that he made a person feel unpleasant before serving him a meal.

Min Sung ignored it and quietly grabbed his fork and knife.

Gary Gold


remembered to act like the professional chef he was.

"I brought you a beverage, a dish, as well as a salad. I prepared it as a course meal, but I made it so that you can experience the flavors as best as possible. While you enjoy the dish, I'll immediately prepare the next one."

Min Sung nodded.


"This is an important meal. Don't make any mistakes."

That's what he heard over and over again during preparation.

'The way I see it, that Korean hunter inside the tent might be a legendary one with great power.'

He couldn't think of another reason why all of the world hunters were scared of his one man.

However, Korea was too small a country.

On top of that, he sensed a posture that he never saw before.

Even though he didn't do anything in particular, his presence overpowered him.

'The hunter world is a mysterious one.'

'I should just focus on cooking.'

Gary Gold went back to focusing on his cooking.


The salad was fresh and delicious.

The balsamic vinegar wasn't excessive, and the ratio was to perfection.

That salad put his meal off to a great start.

The first appetizer was scallops.

A dish that represented the Michelin Three-Star chef's career perfectly.

The plating was almost a piece of art.

The scallop dish contained bacon and eggs.

'I wonder how it tastes.'

Min Sung carefully gave it a taste.

The soft butter scent kept the hot temperature of the oil in his mouth.

The bacon was smooth, and the eggs were soft.

His senses were pleased in an instant, and it made him realize just how talented the chef really was.

Seeing from the plating, flavor, and scent, it was no wonder the cook was a Michelin Three-Star chef.

The scallops tasted simply luxurious.

It was a brilliant dish that made him overwhelmed with awe.

Once he finished his amazing meal, Gary Gold appeared with the main course.

The previous plate was removed and replaced with the fancy main course.

"This is Beef Wellington. I used top-quality beef for it, and since it doesn't contain much muscle, you'll be able to enjoy its softness. The main sauce ingredient is the mushrooms."

Min Sung nodded and lifted up his fork and knife.

As soon as he cut into the meat, steam came out, and the ham covered in pastry surrounded by mushrooms all revealed themselves.

It was a masterpiece that managed to keep its blood from dripping while still maintaining its juiciness.

His heart was shaken up by the fact that the meat inside was colored perfect pink.

This was definitely a Beef Wellington made by a top chef.

After Min Sung sliced it up with a knife, he began to put the pieces in his mouth.

Om nom, om nom!

The soft bread and the luxurious mushroom base.

It was weak, but the scent of mustard tickled his nose.

Thanks to the ham, the moisture was maintained.

And it went perfectly with the sweet yet salty mushroom filling!

Min Sung gasped with a pale face in response.

He was surprised that a beef and mushroom combination could be so mindblowing.

It was not only high-quality, but it was phenomenal.

"I'm impressed."

Min Sung praised the dish without realizing it.

Gary Gold smiled and nodded at Min Sung's compliment.

Min Sung continued his meal of the entrancing flavors and scents.


Ji Yoo Kim was sitting at a café terrace near the assembly.

She was staring into space without any focus.

She was like this for a few hours already.


She received a message.

When she checked her phone, it was the news of them leaving for the Black Tower.

And in the frontlines would be the world hunters.

Min Sung Kang stepped up for any emergencies, and it was also agreed upon that Min Sung Kang would take all the experience points and items.

'I can't believe the world hunters will be at the front, not Min Sung Kang…'

This was dangerous.

Why did they make such a decision?

Did Min Sung Kang decide on this?


Min Sung Kang wasn't the type.

She was certain that the world hunters must have proposed the raid first.

There was the condition of Min Sung Kang being there for emergencies, but it was still likely that people would get hurt and killed.

'Why did they decide to do this?'

'It'd be safer for them to support him from the back.'

Ji Yoo Kim sighed and then laughed.

She wanted to go back to the assembly and do something as well, but her legs wouldn't cooperate.

Min Sung Kang's cold evaluation of her was still pushing her down hard.

Episode 113

It was just as he said.

She was incapable.

She did her best to fulfill her role as the general of Central Institute, but nothing changed.

The more time passed, the darker Korea's future got.

Kim Ji Yoo, who was slumped over with her hand on her forehead, slowly opened her eyes.

Although she was miserable and in pain, she still had responsibilities as the hunter general.

She wasn't in a position where she could just give up.

'I can't just give up because things are hard.'

It was true that she was in the wrong.

'I'm lacking in a lot of ways.'

'But that doesn't mean I can give up.'

Ji Yoo Kim got up with widened eyes and walked in order to head back to the assembly.


He finished his meal.

"That was amazing," Min Sung said as he put his spoon down.

Gary Gold smiled and bowed.

"Thank you."

At that moment, the American hunter master, Ethan, entered the tent.

In response to Ethan's signal, Gary Gold whispered to him that Min Sung was satisfied.

Ethan nodded and ordered him to clean up the table.

Gary Gold cleaned up and left the tent.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the meal," Ethan said with a smile.

Min Sung wiped his mouth with a tissue and threw it on the ground.

"Clean it up."

In response to Min Sung pointing at the tissue, Ethan was astonished.

He did his best to hide his emotions with a forced smile and nodded.

He then picked up the tissue and put it in the garbage.

"Go to the first floor and wait for me there."

In response to Min Sung's order, Ethan waited before opening his lips.

"Can you tell me what you know about the tower?"

"That'd be too tiring."

Min Sung left the tent.

Ethan watched Min Sung leave as his face flushed with anger.

He almost slammed down on the table with his fist but held it in.

He had never been treated like that in his life.

Ethan stared in Min Sung's direction with bloodshot eyes.


Just as Min Sung commanded, Ethan and the other world hunters waited on the 1st floor of the Black Tower.

While the hunters waited for Min Sung, the American hunters whispered to each other.

"I feel much stronger after eating that item."

"I really want to check how strong we've gotten."

"I'm surprised. How could one item make such a change?'

"It gives me shivers that they even made such a thing."

"What kind of people were living over there?"

The hunters of other countries looked over at the American hunters.

As soon as the American hunters noticed, they checked their equipment as if nothing happened.

The topic of conversation then changed to "Min Sung Kang".

"Korea's Min Sung Kang is only helping us in case of an emergency. That Korean hunter. How strong is he?"

"Do you think he's as strong as a Chinese hunter?"

"Maybe if he cleared the tower on his own."

"I'm starting to realize how strong China must be."

"Damn it… I feel like they're getting stronger and stronger."

"Those lowly bastards…"

The topic changed from Min Sung Kang to China.

The hunters felt anxious about how powerful China was.

At that moment, Ji Yoo Kim's Central Institute joined them on the 1st floor.

Since the hunters were going to raid the tower with Min Sung Kang's help, they could no longer look down on Ji Yoo Kim.

However, they were still outcasting her.

It was evident how the hunters entered the tower without telling Korea about it.

On top of that, Min Sung Kang didn't seem to be covering for Central Institute.

After all, Ji Yoo Kim or the Central Institute didn't receive special treatment in the tower raid.

But Ji Yoo Kim and the Central Institue hunters simply focused on checking their equipment as if they didn't care.


Min Sung arrived on the 1st floor of Black Tower.

All of those who had been waiting for Min Sung looked over at him.

"That man must be Korea's Min Sung Kang."

"Next to him is a Korean… and is that an entity?"

"I heard he eats kills."

"That's crazy. Shit."

"What a unique entity. A skeleton? I've never seen one before."

"I didn't know such an entity existed."

There were noises of mumbling among the commanders, but it soon quieted



After that, Ethan gave orders on what to do next.

The memories of the devils were fresh in all of the hunters' memories.

For that reason, once they began walking in, only the sounds of footsteps rang through the tower.

Despite Min Sung being there, Ji Yoo Kim didn't approach him and maintained her position.

All she did was briefly glance back at Min Sung.


The robed man looked at the Black Tower from the empty assembly.

At that moment, his phone rang.

The robed man answered it while still looking at the tower.

How's the situation?

The voice of a man in a wheelchair could be heard through the phone.

"It's going as planned."

Call me when it's finished. There are lots of things to take care of including entering China.


Hang in there for a little longer. We're almost there.


The robed man hung up the phone.

His eyes were still on the tower.

"… Min Sung Kang," the robed man muttered to himself.

The robed man's eyes, which hadn't shaken even once, showed a slight tremor like candlelight.


"Why do you think they're fighting all of a sudden? Even if you're with us, something could still happen out of the blue."

Behind the world hunters, Ho Sung Lee and Min Sung walked together.

Min Sung expressed his lack of interest while Ho Sung Lee continued talking.

"Don't you think there might be some kind of secret? Those with vested rights are always out to protect what's theirs."

"How strong is China?"

Min Sung suddenly asked.


Ho Sung Lee gave it a thought and opened his mouth.

"There isn't much that's known about them. Most of them are rumors, but what's for certain is that those world hunters can't even show their business cards in front of the Chinese…"

Min Sung nodded.

That was all.

Then there was silence, and then noises could be heard ahead.

A monster appeared on the 1st floor.


The hunters were shocked.

They didn't expect to see any monsters until the 8th floor since the lights were on up until then, but a monster appeared against their expectations.

Luckily, no one was hurt.

The hunters, who saw the monster, approached the monster with their weapons.

The snake with 9 heads was quite the spectacle.

Despite that fact, the monster in front of the hunters named Hydra was at a level of an average monster from the labyrinth.

But of course, the hunters were nervous.

"I also met a monster on my way back to you with your lunch, but this is weird. We cleared this area. Why is there still a monster here? And this is just the 1st floor."

Ho Sung Lee asked Min Sung with a confused look on his face

"I don't know."

Min Sung looked at the hunters without much interest.

At that moment.

Bowl poked Ho Sung Lee on the leg.

"Kills! Kills!"

Bowl stressed that he needed to eat kills and pointed toward the hunters.

Ho Sung Lee remembered and ran toward the hunters with Bowl.

Min Sung watched by with his arms crossed.

It'll take some time to go up the tower again but raising these rascals was necessary.

So he had no choice but to endure the boredom.

Min Sung watched his surroundings with a bored look in his eyes.


'Wow… this is crazy.'

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

He was already surprised that he was watching the hunters right in front of his eyes, but what he was more surprised about was that he and Bowl would reap all the rewards of the monster kills.

What would you call that?

He wasn't sure if this was too good to be true.

"We're making enough damage! Keep going!"

"Healers, focus on damaging the monsters with poison!"

The hunters around them continued to give orders.

The hunters attacked the Hydra with magic and arrows.

While the vibrant effects and attacks took place, the American hunters especially shined with their performance.

Since the Hydra's skin was too strong, there was a lot of damage that didn't go through, but the American hunters were making significant damage on the Hydra's skin, making it bleed more and more.

There was a huge difference.

What was more surprising was that the American master, Ethan, had a particularly outstanding performance.


Ethan managed to cut off one of the 9 heads of the Hydra.

While the other hunters watched with gazes of surprise and amazement, he hit the Hydra even harder.

As soon as a fatal hit was made, the Hydra's attacking ability decreased dramatically.

In the meantime, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl widened their eyes and calculated when to reap the kills.

Only one of the two could get it.

For that reason, there was a lot of tension between Ho Sung Lee and Bowl.

"Hey, Bowl. Let me have it this time."

"No," Bowl refused while looking at the Hydra.

"Your level is high enough as it is. Why are you so greedy?"

"We're two different beings."

Ho Sung Lee looked at Bowl with absurdity.

"Hey, I'm a person. You should talk to me like that. You're just a Lich doll."

"Okay, son of a bitch. I'll have this one"

Bowl cast his dark magic.

The strong Hydra was nearing its death due to the attacks by the hunters.

Episode 114

Both Ho Sung Lee and Bowl began to unleash all of their magic power in order to eat the kill.

The world hunters, who were nearly finished knocking down the Hydra's stamina, remembered their place.

The experience points and items were all reserved for monopolization.

And in front of that reality, they couldn't help but feel empty.

Now that they were almost done killing the monster, the rewards were to be reaped by someone else.

Since the law of the jungle dominated the hunter world, they had no choice but to step back.


The American hunter master, Ethan, showed a shocked look on his face.

'What is that skeleton entity anyway…?'

It wasn't just Ethan but the other world hunters wondered as well.

Meanwhile, Bowl was busy pouring out all his magic damage on the Hydra.

No matter how damaged the Hydra was, the way his scales ripped apart, and how his blood sprayed everywhere was still surprising.

It was a magical attack that not even the world hunters were capable of.

Since the skeleton entity was small in size, they thought he was for the use of a minor role, but Bowl's attack power was chillingly strong.

Everyone looked at Bowl with eyes of shock and admiration.

On the other hand, Ho Sung Lee was getting close to no attention.

"Damn it! Why isn't my sword working?"

Ho Sung Lee swung his Death Knight Sword around, but it wouldn't even make a dent on the Hydra.

He thought the Death Knight Sword could activate a Hell Fire that would make significant damage and reap the kill, but the Hell Fire wasn't being activated.

And in the end…

"This is the dragon that was asleep under the power of black zinc. Wake up and unleash your range."

Following the casting, dark smoke arose through Bowl's fingers.

And the large magic force of dark magic drifted toward the Hydra.

The world hunters nearby all stared at the sight with dropped jaws.

The smoke showed off movements that resembled a hurricane and flew toward the Hydra.

The heavy magical power of Bowl's dark magic killed the Hydra.

Pow, pow, pow, pow!

Bowl then snickered, and Ho Sung Lee plopped onto his knees while dripping in sweat.


"They say the bear does all the tricks and someone else makes the money."

"This is so unfair."

"Damn it. They took all the experience points and items."

"They're going to keep doing this on the other floors as well."

Although they knew this would happen, seeing them steal the experience points and items right in front of them made the hunters stare at Ho Sung Lee and Bowl with rage.

They wouldn't have been as jealous if Min Sung Kang took the kill.

However, seeing the who-knows-whats leaching off of Min Sung Kang made their blood boil.

While the hunters glared at them, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl continued to fight.

"Hey, the next kill is mine. Please."

"No. Why should I give it to you?"

"You're so petty. Then I'll never eat a kill. You do so much damage."

"You have Berserker. Stab yourself in the stomach."

Ho Sung Lee looked at Bowl with fiery eyes.

"Are you serious?"


"You're like a little kid."

"But you're the one begging me for kills."

"Ugh, seriously. What do I do with this tiny thing?"

Bowl snickered and ran over to his master, Min Sung.

Ho Sung Lee glared at Bowl and then later realized that the hunters had been staring at him.


Ho Sung Lee coughed.

'Damn it…'

He picked up the items of the killed Hydra with an uncomfortable feeling.


"But aren't those American hunters weird?"

"Yeah, I know. It feels like they're suddenly stronger."

"They seem to give off more Aura."

"It feels like they suddenly got so much stronger."

The other hunters' eyes turned from Ho Sung Lee and Bowl to the American hunters.

"Maybe the American hunters had been hiding their strength this whole time."

"But they were so weak when we first came to the tower."

"Hm, they said we


came to the tower trusting that Korean hunter, Min Sung Kang, but the American hunters are being suspicious."

The hunters' thoughts spread to the commanders of the other countries as well.

However, without any proof, it was difficult for them to ask them if they were hiding anything.

Not long afterward.

On their way through to the 3rd floor, they ran into another monster.

The legend, Kentauros.

He had the upper body of a human but the four legs of a horse.

Half human, half horse.

The monster was holding a shiny shield, and his posture just radiated with strength.

But since the world hunters had already fought a monster on the 1st floor, they weren't scared of the Kentauros.

It was a monster that wasn't a devil.

There was no reason to be afraid.

So even though the hunters couldn't eat the kill, they did their best to hurt the monster in order to get any damage experience points they could get.


Just like the Hydra, they were able to defeat the Kentauros without any casualties.

Bowl ate the kill just like last time, and Ho Sung Lee pulled his hair out while looking forward to the next opportunity.

And that opportunity came up before they could even get up to the 3rd floor.

And monsters continued to pop up after that.

Since the monsters didn't appear all at once, the world hunters were able to cover them without Min Sung needing to step up.

After the monsters were caught, the items all went to Min Sung Kang.

As a result, once they got to the 8th floor, Ho Sung Lee and Min Sung's item windows were about to get full.

Ho Sung Lee, who did his beat to activate the Hell Fire of his Death Knight Sword but got barely 1 out of 5 damage, approached Min Sung with a tired face.

"I can't pick up any more items because my window is full. What do I do?"

Min Sung looked over at the hunters as if the solution was easy.

"Just sell them."

In response, Ho Sung Lee's eyes shook with shock.

"To those world hunters?"

"Yeah. Just auction them off."

"Oh… I guess I could do that. But…"

Ho Sung Lee looked around him.

They were already angry about monopolizing the items, so how angry would they be if he tried to sell them?

Ho Sung Lee clicked his tongue.

"How much should I sell them for?"

"Decide that on your own," Min Sung carelessly remarked.


While Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee talked about selling the items, the world hunters looked at Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee who weren't walking toward the 9th floor.

Min Sung sat on the floor against the wall and took out a plastic bag from his item window.

Inside the bag was a sandwich and milk from a convenience store.


The world hunters were even more confused than before.

Despite the stares they were getting, Min Sung took out his sandwich without minding them.

Since it was from a convenience store, it was a small one.

The bread was thin, and what was in between was a small amount.

'How can they even call this a sandwich?'

Inside the bread were a tomato, one cheese, and one ham along with a little bit of lettuce.

That was all.

So he didn't have high hopes for it.

'Let's give it a try.'

Without much expectation, Min Sung took a bite of the sandwich.

But as soon as he took a bite, his eyes jolted wide open, wondering if all sandwiches in Korean convenience stores were this delicious.

Min Sung was in awe.

The first flavor he experienced was saltiness.

It wasn't salty in a bad way, but in a way that stimulated his brain.

The sweetness of the cheese and sauce, the refreshing crispness of the lettuce, and the saltiness of the ham added on top.

Although there wasn't much inside the sandwich, the combination of flavors was phenomenal.

But of course, it was evident that it was instant food.

However, it couldn't be ignored that it was delicious.

'They did a good job.'

He took another bite.

The bread was a little hard, and the second time around, the sweet flavor of instant food spread throughout his mouth.

The sweet and soft contents of the sandwich entranced him.

Min Sung drank his milk.

Gulp, gulp!

The milk helped to cleanse his dry mouth.

Without the milk, the sandwich wouldn't have been as good.

As soon as he drank the milk, Min Sung made up his mind.

There was no better combination than a sandwich and milk.

While Min Sung ate his sandwich in awe, the American hunter master, Ethan, approached.


Ho Sung Lee stood in front of Ethan.

In response, Ethan looked at Ho Sung Lee with annoyed eyes.

But Ho Sung Lee didn't let this get to him and stared right back.

"If you want to talk, talk to me."

Just as Min Sung ordered, he faced him as his stand-in.

At that moment, his chest puffed up.

He couldn't believe that he was standing in front of the American hunter master.

Ho Sung Lee maintained his stance and waited for Ethan's response.

Episode 115

Ethan stared at Ho Sung Lee with one brow raised.

"Why are you stopping here? Because of the sandwich?"

In response to Ethan's question, Ho Sung Lee smiled.

"He wants me to deal with the items before we go to the 9th floor. Our item windows are full."

Ethan's face stiffened.

"So… you're going to sell the items that you got until now to us?"

"That's right. Let's make it an auction."


Ethan laughed as if he couldn't believe it.

Ho Sung Lee just nodded as if he understood.

Ethan just watched Min Sung as he finished his sandwich with an absurd look on his face.

Min Sung then met eyes with Ethan.

In response, Ethan looked away.

After all, under the law of the jungle, those who had power could control those who didn't.

He just had to accept it.

"… I'll relay the message. Wait here."

Ethan held back his emotions and gathered the other hunters.

He then delivered the current situation.

The commanders' faces turned sour all at once.

As if taking all of the experience points and items weren't enough, they were trying to sell them to the other hunters inside the tower, and this made the commanders absolutely speechless.

However, unlike the other commanders, Ethan maintained his cold stance.

"If we don't accept the auction, we can't go up to the upper floors. So we should take the items."

It would cost them, but for the time being, doing as Ethan said was the wisest thing to do.

Since they couldn't go up the tower without Min Sung Kang, they had to empty his item window with money.

"But if they try to sell them for too much…"

"So you think that's possible."

"Yeah. We'll have to come up with a Plan B…"

In response to the commanders' worries, Ethan clenched his teeth.

"We just have to accept any conditions they give us. If you can think of another way, say it now."

In response, the commanders kept their mouths shut.

"Since the dungeons started appearing, American's national defense experiences have been over 2 quadrillion dollars. Now that a tower capable of making mankind extinct is here, it'd be stupid to be stingy. Americans will take care of 50% of the items being auctioned."

In response, the commanders' faces brightened up.

50% was a substantial amount.

They were happy that they were going to take that much.

But Ethan added a condition.

"But in return…"

Ethan stressed the word "return" and continued,

"Once we get to the 9th floor, the purchase rights to all of the high-level items will belong to America."

In response, the commanders gasped.

They calculated the proposal in their heads.

The answer didn't come about easily.

After seeing their response, Ethan smiled.

"If we go with the auction method, you can't beat America in terms of money anyway. There's no need for all of us to give up money to Korea's hyena."

Ethan's explanation made sense.

The commanders were sad, but they had no choice but to agree.

The decision Ethan made was the closest to an answer as they could get.

"Then for the first auction, let's make it so that each commander participates in each one. The right to bid is free for all."

The conversation ended according to Ethan's rules, and he proceeded to walk toward Ho Sung Lee.

"What kind of currency?"

"The limited Black Mithril."

Paper currencies were dangerous.

The most certain currency was Mithril.

After all, it was a substance with the most worth in the current generation.

So Ho Sung Lee went with the Black Mithril as the currency.

"Okay. Hm… Shall we begin right away?"


Ho Sung Lee notified Min Sung that they were ready.

After that, Ho Sung Lee sighed and walked toward the world hunters in order to begin.


"Can I go for a smoke first?"

In response to Ho Sung Lee's request, Ethan gave him the go signal.

Ho Sung Lee walked off a bit and lit a cigarette.

He took a big puff and exhaled it in a refreshing manner.

'I'm aging fast here.'

He wished Min Sung Kang would go after the world hunters himself, but here he was, getting death glares from everybody.

But he understood.

They took all the kills, monopolized the items, and now they were selling off the items.

They were all Min Sung Kang's


decisions, but it was Ho Sung Lee who had to take all the hate.

'I'm nothing but a punching bag. Damn it.'

He would have felt better if Bowl was by his side, but he was hiding away in Min Sung's pocket, and since he was a doll, he probably perceived this differently.

But on the other hand, if he didn't have Min Sung Kang, he was nothing but a powerless ant.

Anyone of those world hunters were capable of killing him if they really wanted.

It was hard to just live day by day.


Ho Sung Lee looked at his burnt-out cigarette and felt sad.

He wanted to smoke one more, but he didn't have much time.

The world hunters were staring at him as if they wanted to kill him.

'I'm coming, you bastards.'

'Anyway… I can't believe I'm actually having this auction.'


Ho Sung Lee shook his head.

While the world hunters watched him, he opened his item window in order to start the auction.

'Let's see. What do we have here?'


"What's this?'

'If I do a good job, this could become really comical.'

The items that the monsters spat out from the 1st floor to the 8th floor were impressive, but this item would change everything.

Inside the item window was an item that they obtained after Min Sung killed a devil when they came to the Black Tower last time.

And among them was an object that shined with an Aurora all by itself.

Since it was an item from a dead devil, it looked different from the rest.

[Devil's Sword]

Level: God

Attack Power: 30/31

One hand/both hands: One-hand

Option: Agility +30, Strength +18, Additional hits +38

Quality: Pure Holystone

Enchant: Chances of failure starting at +0

Damage Possibility: Possible

Level Restriction: None

Specialty: Stun with high probability

He forgot whether he was breathing or not and stared at the item inside his window.

There was a high probability of stunning the opponent, and the option made him wonder if he was seeing it right.

And there was no level restriction.

If they knew such an item existed, how would the world hunters' faces change?

They would probably jolt their eyes open, drool, and fight over the item.

From Ho Sung Lee's standpoint, Min Sung Kang ordered him to sell the items in an auction, but if he took out this item at the last minute…

… things would completely change.

'Snicker, this auction will be fun.'

Ho Sung Lee smiled as he opened his mouth.

"Let's begin the auction."

He said it in a low voice, but the world hunters' responses were lukewarm.

'Stop stalling and sell your crap, you thug,' said their eyes.

So Ho Sung Lee decided to proceed without overreacting.

He took out a decent item from the item window and raised it for all to see.

"The first auction item is the Icarus Feather."

He thought he picked a decent item, but the world hunters didn't care.

The American hunter master, Ethan raised his hand first.

"I'll buy it."

After seeing Ethan making a bid, Ho Sung Lee clicked his tongue.

"Anyone else?"

He looked around, but the response was cold.

They were staring as if they were asking if he really expected someone to bid higher for it.


'You all probably want to buy the items at the lowest price possible.'

'But I'm curious to see how your faces will change in the end.'

At the same time, he felt sad that he was unable to buy an item like the Devil's Sword.

'Am I being too greedy for someone in my place?'

Ho Sung Lee sniffled and continued the auction.

The auction continued in a boring manner.

The bids were carried out one by one.

The commanders of Africa, Middle East, Europe, Asia, Oceana, North America, and South America all bought an item.

The only commander left was the Korean commander, Ji Yoo Kim.

They all looked over at her.

They were staring while wondering if Koreans were excluded from the auction.

When he started to wonder if he had to ask her himself, Ji Yoo Kim raised her hand.

"I'll make a bid."

She raised her hand and participated in the auction.

Ho Sung Lee was relieved that she relieved him of a worry, but the way the world hunters looked at her wasn't pleasant.

They seemed displeased that even if he bought an item, it was going to her own country.

The auction continued.

He sold off everything in his item window, and proceed to sell the items in Min Sung's window as well.

After selling all the average items, the amount of money in his item window was nearly 2 quadrillion won.

Ho Sung Lee broke out in cold sweat and looked over at Min Sung who was sleeping on the ground.

He was an international thug.

Even if he were to make the auction prices fair to keep the criticisms minimal, there was no thug as crazy…

'Forget it.'

"Is it over now?'

Ethan asked as if he was over it.

"Just a moment."

After responding to Ethan in a friendly manner, he went to Min Sung.


Min Sung opened one of his eyes in response.

"I sold most of the items, and the total of what we made is around 2 quadrillion won."

He was speechless after saying the amount out loud.

Ho Sung Lee handed Min Sung Kang 2 quadrillion won worth of Black Mithril.

Episode 116

Despite having earned 200 billion without making any effort, Min Sung was emotionless.

"Is it over?"

In response to Min Sung's question, Ho Sung Lee got a little closer.

"There's one item left. It's the item that you got when you slew the devil that time. This item is at a whole different level. Until now, all of the countries cooperated with each other to pay the base price for all of the items. But if we put this item out at the base price…"

"Ho Sung."


"Sell it for 1 trillion."


Ho Sung Lee gulped loud enough for it to be heard.

He thought he heard him wrong, but he didn't.

He heard it correctly.

Min Sung Kang said it.

To sell it for 1 trillion.

That amount was so large that he thought he might have gone crazy.

'1 trillion for one item?'

Ho Sung Lee wondered if he could afford that even if he was reborn a hundred times.


After stuttering his answer, Ho Sung Lee got back up and returned to the group.

"… There's one item left. The starting price for this item is 1 trillion."

Ethan threw his sword.


Ho Sung Lee gasped and closed his eyes shut.

The sword that Ethan threw landed just a step away from Ho Sung Lee's feet.

Ho Sung Lee dripped in sweat as he opened his eyes.

"C-calm down. Just hear me out."

"You should know not to cross the line!"

"We willingly participated in this auction, but what now? You're selling an item for 1 trillion?"

"You son of a b*tch!"

"F*ck! Sh*t!"

"You mother f*cker!"

Curse words poured out from all directions.

'Ugh, these world hunters.'

"Calm down. The item I'm selling this time is at a whole different level from the ones I just sold. And please don't curse at me. I'm just doing as I'm told."

The mention of a 'different level' made the commanders calm down a little bit.

But they were still enraged.


Ho Sung Lee coughed before introducing the item.

"This item is…"

Ho Sung Lee took out the Devil's Sword from the item window.

As soon as he lifted up the weapon, a wave of blood surrounded Ho Sung Lee's body.

The 'Devil's Sword' appeared as if it could explode at any moment.

When the world hunters saw that, their eyes grew wide.

After seeing the abilities of the sword, Ho Sung Lee first felt startled, but he then let go of all greed and explained the specifications of the Devil's Sword.

And as soon as the hunters heard the specifications, they went nuts.

Their eyes were immediately filled with greed.

The Devil's Sword was more than qualified to be sold at such a high price.

The hunters, who just looked like they wanted to kill him, now were silent as if they had cold water poured upon them.

"Let me repeat. This item is not up for an auction. The price is 1 trillion, and if multiple people want it, it'll turn into an auction, but as of right now, it doesn't seem like that'll happen."

Ho Sung Lee smiled brightly.

"Who wants to buy it?"

No matter how much stronger America got by eating items, they still would have wanted the best sword possible.

"Me," Ethan said.

At that moment, the commander from South America also stepped up.

"Ethan, you only have the rights to the best weapons starting on the 9th floor. Please yield just this once."

Ethan remembered the agreement and clenched his teeth.

Just as he said, they had agreed that he would have priority for the top items starting on the 9th floor.

And at the moment, they were on the 8th floor.

It was right for the opportunity to go to someone else.

Since he didn't want to lose trust with excessive greed, Ethan sighed and backed off.

'Wow, look at that.'

Ho Sung Lee clapped inside his head.

'Then what happens now?'

"I doubt South America is the only one who wants to buy the Devil's Sword though."

Ho Sung Lee added oil to the fire.

As a result, the commanders of other countries began to step up.

"We're interested in it, too!"

"Us, too!"


Each commander spoke up.

Since the Devil's Sword was their only opportunity at a


top item, none of the commanders could back down.

Ho Sung Lee showed a slight grin.

The lukewarm responses were long gone.

Despite the price of 1 trillion being astronomical, they were all excited in front of the Devil's Sword.

Ho Sung Lee felt an urge to burst into laughter, but he held back.

Seeing them fight over it made him realize that they were just human.

Ho Sung Lee looked over at Min Sung.

Although the world hunters grew noisy, he was still leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

After seeing him, Ho Sung Lee smirked.

'He's an impressive guy.'

He saw the hunters as people, but he didn't see Min Sung Kang that way.

'He's definitely a monster.'

Ho Sung Lee then turned back to the arguing hunters.

In response to the excitement among the hunters, Ho Sung Lee couldn't help but let out a small laugh.



A white car arrived at the assembly, and the robed man got out from the driver's seat.

The assembly was empty.

Since everyone had gone to the tower, there wasn't a single ant in sight.

After taking a look around, the robed man opened the back door of his car.

That was when a pile of boxes was revealed.

He opened the boxes and checked the items within.

He then looked over at the Black Tower.

Inside the hood, the robed man's eyes sparkled like the thunder and lightning at the tower.


Following a noisy dispute, the hunters finally came to a decision.

They decided who would pay 1 trillion for the Devil's Sword.

It took a while, but Ho Sung Lee enjoyed watching them fight over it.

"I'm buying the Devil's Sword."

The commander who expressed his interest was an unexpected character.

He thought that the commander of South America, who had many strong hunters, would get the Devil's Sword, but in contrast to that prediction, the commander who got the opportunity was from Oceana.

And Ho Sung Lee soon realized the reason.

As for 1 trillion, any commander was capable of affording that much.

For that reason, they had to come to a fair decision, and from their standpoint, since this was their opportunity at a top item, they had to make it fair.

So they decided to solve things through a lottery.

Considering they were commanders of high rank, the thought of a lottery was quite comical.

What they were bickering about ultimately led to this.

Ho Sung Lee smiled and began to deal with the Oceana commander.

He received 1 trillion worth of Black Mithril, and the deal closed just like that.


They finished dealing with all of their items.

It was time to proceed to the 9th floor.

In response to Min Sung's hand gesture, the hunters began to climb up to the 9th floor.

While they climbed the stairs, Ho Sung Lee stared at Min Sung in an annoyed manner.



"You just earned 1.2 trillion won. I still can't believe it. 1.2 trillion. Haha… You're impressive, Sir. I can't believe you thought about doing that. You're at a whole different level."

Ho Sung Lee laughed as if he lost his mind.

"Shut up. This Black Mithril. Can it be traded in for cash?"

"You don't have to worry about that. The Black Mithril is worth a lot. It's a top substance that is used for construction, art, and even scientific research."

Min Sung nodded.

"Of course, it's been compressed, but it's not hard to exchange. And it also rises in price just like gold back in the day."

"Okay, I get the idea."

Min Sung tilted his head and stared at the world hunters ahead.

"It's a little bothersome and takes too much time to sell items like this when our windows get full."


In response, Ho Sung Lee thought about what answer to give while staring at Min Sung.

"There is a way…"

Ho Sung Lee trailed off with an anxious face and tilted his head.

"… But I'm scared to say it."


"Hm… I feel like something big might happen if I tell you."

"Just say it."

"Enchant," Ho Sung Lee finally replied.

"By Enchant, are you referring to making weapons and shields stronger?"

"That's right. We could succeed, but it could fail as well. We're inside a tower, so the enchant method could be the most guaranteed and quickest way to deal with items."

"But why is it dangerous to tell me that?"

Min Sung looked at Ho Sung Lee in confusion.

"I feel like you might enchant items that shouldn't be enchanted as well. Even with the Devil's Sword, it's only possible after +0."

Min Sung laughed.

"You'd probably go after items that are one of a kind."


Min Sung kicked Ho Sung Lee in the balls.

"… Ugh!"

The excruciating pain made Ho Sung Lee cover his mouth and wriggle his body.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Then let's enchant the weapons and shields from now on, and for the not so good items, let's just sell them off," Min Sung finished as he walked ahead.

Ho Sung Lee rubbed his balls as he mumbled "bastard" over and over again.


No monster appeared on their way to the 9th floor.

They finally got to the 9th floor, and as a result, the hunters looked more nervous than ever before.

Episode 117

From this point forward, devils appeared, not monsters.

Since the hunters had run into devils before, they kept their eyes wide open with great anxiousness.

The 9th floor seemed just like all the other floors, but the way the hunters felt about it was completely different.

They sensed a cold air, and they dripped in sweat.

But the thoughts between the American hunters and the other hunters were also different.

They had confirmed that they became more powerful after ingesting the item from Samchunkyo, and they became even more certain after slaying the monsters within the tower.

So they wanted to see just how strong they were by taking on a devil as well.

And not long afterward, a devil appeared.

It had a face and body similar to that of humans, but the devil's body was black while its eyes were red like blood.

Once the world hunters spotted the devil, they prepared to attack.

Meanwhile, an Aura light spread out, signifying their state.

They decided to attack first.

The American hunter master, Ethan, ran toward the devil first.

After seeing him step up, the other world hunters also gathered the courage to attack the devil.

The attacks of Ethan and the world hunters targeted the single devil before them.

Meanwhile, Min Sung knitted his brows.

'Why is there only one?'

When he cleared the 8th floor, there were tons of devils all at once.

So Min Sung felt suspicious that there was only one on the 9th floor.

But wondering that didn't mean he would get an answer to his suspicion.

Min Sung quietly watched the hunters fight against the devil.

The world hunters had previously been annihilated in a one-sided defeat, but this situation was different.

It could be seen that Ethan and the world hunters were dealing damage to the devil.

Min Sung was suspicious about the American hunters' sudden growth, but he stopped thinking about It and took out a triangle Kimbap from his item window.


The way of peeling a triangle Kimbap was unique.

First, you must pull a tab located in the middle of the triangle.

After peeling off that plastic, the cute triangle Kimbap would appear out of the wrapper.

Min Sung took a bite of his triangle Kimbap.


The seaweed crumbled with a crisp sound, and he soon tasted the contents of the Kimbap.

This triangle Kimbap tasted like tuna mayonnaise.


He didn't expect much from a simple Kimbap, but its special flavor made him happier than he expected.

The taste of mayonnaise was especially mindblowing.

And the tuna was soft and sweet.

The perfect combination of sweet and salty put him in awe.

When he took his second bite, he wanted to go back home right away, spray mayonnaise all over some rice and eat it with a can of tune.

However, considering his cooking skills, he was better off just eating out.

Once Min Sung finished his triangle Kimbap, he lifted his head and looked straight ahead.


It hadn't been long since he had triangle Kimbap, but there were already injured soldiers.

Although there were injured soldiers, the devil was getting pretty damaged as well.

The results were surprising.

Although it was just one devil, the situation was different from before, and the ones who produced the results were the American hunters.

Their attack speed and their defense ability improved.

Currently, the skill difference between American hunters and the other hunters were too big to be compared.

The only ones actually making any damage to the devil were the American hunters.

Meanwhile, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl simply waited to take the kill.

They knew that even if Min Sung didn't step up, they would get the opportunity to eat the kill.

At the thought of being able to handle the devil as an undead, Bowl's eyes lit up with fire.


Once the devil was damaged enough to be out of energy, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl looked at each other.

Ho Sung Lee swung his Death Knight Sword while Bowl cast a spell and poured out his dark magic upon the devil.

A dark fog wrapped around the devil and another sword appeared from within.

The wave


made the world hunters stop their attacks.

Ho Sung Lee tried to stab it with his sword, but it had no effect.

In order to stab him, he had to enter the dark magic that Bowl had cast earlier, but that was too dangerous.

While Ho Sung Lee stared at Bowl with envy, Bowl used all of his attack skills on the devil.

The curse of ruin.

The darkness entered the devil's skin.

As a result, a liquid substance oozed out of the devil's skin.


The devil screamed chillingly and died.

At that moment.

Before the devil died, a gold light shined from above Bowl's head.

If the devil died right there, he was unable to deal with the devil as an undead.

For that reason, Bowl prepared a reincarnation spell.


Bowl's reincarnation spell entered the devil.

The devil's exploded body scattered items that turned into a liquid substance, and then he began his reincarnation process.

The world hunters stared on in shock as the devil reincarnated.

Once the devil was 90% restored, a magic square appeared from below its feet.

The magic square shined a strong light and wrapped around the reincarnated devil.

The dark smoke completely surrounded the devil and exploded in all four directions.

While the world hunters covered their eyes in shock, Bowl stared at the devil and danced from side to side while laughing.

Bowl was able to deal with the devil as an undead.


Bowl flipped his head back and snickered.

"Jeez, are you happy?"

Ho Sung Lee asked while glaring at Bowl.

Bowl didn't answer and continued to laugh.

"Damn it. You're just taking everything."

He spat onto the ground in annoyance.

Ho Sung Lee was full of envy, but he gulped when he realized the world hunters looking at them.

They were even more jealous than he was.

Ho Sung Lee stroked his chin as if he didn't notice and looked away.


"They're taking all the kills and items for themselves…"

"We did all the work!"

"I think we can do it without them as long as we have the Americans…"

"This is so unfair."


"Those thugs. Ugh…"

They were all dissatisfied.

Since they made all the attacks but all the benefits went to them, they were understandably upset.

In particular, the American hunters felt like this was unfair.

Their rage rooted from their belief that they could get through the tower without Min Sung Kang's help.

The hunters were dissatisfied beyond words.


Ethan stood in front of Min Sung.

"I don't think this is fair."

In response, Min Sung laughed.

"What is this? Are you suddenly getting greedy after defeating one devil?"

Ethan was unable to deny it.

He simply stared at Min Sung with confidence in his eyes.

Min Sung looked back at Ethan and shook his head.

"Okay. Do this on your own then. Our deal ends here. Can we terminate the contract?"

"… With no complaints later?"

"Of course."

Min Sung smiled and walked out of the 9th floor.


Even while walking down the stairs with Min Sung, Ho Sung Lee was unable to understand his decision.

Why was he so easygoing when he was asked to terminate the contract?

'What's going on?'

Was he never interested in raiding the tower with the world hunters in the first place?

But then again, it was strange that a human more brutal than a tiger or wolf was willing to mingle with the world hunters, who were like sheep.

'Then why did he even came to the tower?'

'I doubt it was to sell the Devil's Sword for 1 trillion.'

Ho Sung Lee considered asking him but decided to put it off until later.

For the time being, exiting the tower came first.


Ho Sung Lee heard a strange sound from beside him and turned toward it.

Bowl was sticking out his head from Min Sung's pocket and stared at the world hunters behind them.

It looked as though he wanted to make more devils into the undead.

Ho Sung Lee clicked his tongue and shook his head.


"Is it okay to just let them go?"

"We might have caught one devil, but there will be more with higher levels…"

"The conditions are unfair, but I think we should convince them to come back."

"Ethan, if you can't do it, we'll go and get them for you."

"You shouldn't do this just because your feelings were hurt."

In response to the complaints from all sides, Ethan closed his eyes and made an effort to remain calm.

The American hunters were the only ones who were capable of clearing the Black Tower.

Ingesting the item made them strong enough to take on devils.

And the rest of the hunters were nothing but dead weight.

Since such useless men were criticizing his decision, Ethan started to feel angry.

The reason why he came with Min Sung Kang was because he wasn't confident to fight the devils without him.

But once it was confirmed that they could do it, he changed his mind.

Rather than getting pulled around by Min Sung Kang, he thought that it was best to defeat the devils and claim the items for themselves.

And if he continued to dance to Min Sung Kang's drum, it was possible that all of the world hunters would soon be out of a job.

The growth rate of greed within a human's heart was as fast as that of a monster.

He needed to get in the way of 'Min Sung Kang's greed' from blowing out of proportion.

Chapter 118

Ethan watched Min Sung leave and opened his mouth.

"If we keep dancing to that guy's drum, not only will the devils go over to him, but so will the whole world."

In response, the other commanders kept quiet.

"He seems to be greedy for money, so even if we have to convince him later or we have to make other sacrifices, it's more important for us to grow and do things ourselves. Now that we caught a devil, what do we have to be afraid of?"

Ethan's words were convincing.

The commanders didn't refute.

He decided to make the seriously injured soldiers leave the tower if necessary.

The reason for that was because using the American hunters was the most effective at clearing the tower, and if they weren't American hunters, they weren't going to be much help anyway.

As soon as some of the other hunters led the injured down the tower, the American hunters proceeded to raid the 9th floor.

However, as soon as Min Sung stepped out, the world hunters other than the American ones started to feel anxious.


Ji Yoo Kim took the injured soldiers and led them out of the tower.

Unlike the other countries' team leaders, Ji Yoo Kim was the commander of Korea.

However, she didn't feel like going up the tower any longer.

The reason was partly Min Sung Kang as well as the acknowledgment that she wouldn't be much help in the fights anyway.

On their way down, no monsters appeared, and in the meantime, Ji Yoo Kim walked as if she was completely out of it.

She decided to fulfill her duty as the general and produce good results, but that determination didn't last long.

Her frustration about herself made her heart feel heavy, and it wouldn't leave.

"General, are you all right?"

In response to the new head of the investigation, Ji Yoo Kim came to her senses.

"Oh, I'm fine."

Ji Yoo Kim pretended to be okay, but in the head of the investigation's eyes, she didn't look fine at all.

However, that didn't mean a subordinate could give her any words of comfort either.

Ji Yoo Kim shook her head.

She kept hearing Min Sung's voice in her head.

Ji Yoo Kim caught her breath and looked ahead.

'I should listen.'

'I should think, think again, and prove myself.'

Although she was the general, she had to accept things for the way they were and not step back.

She was in a position where she couldn't throw a fit just because things were hard, and she had no right to do so.

Saying she was tired was nothing but an excuse to put down her responsibilities.

Ji Yoo Kim applied determination on top of her current wounds. She opened her eyes wide and stretched out her shoulders.

They were approaching the 1st floor already.

Ji Yoo Kim and the other hunters quickly left the tower.


The robed man watched the hunters leave the tower and put on his hood.

He had hidden the car containing the items near the assembly.

A moment later, teams transporting the injured began to arrive on land.

There were fewer people than expected, but he thought they would be enough.

They would never be able to resist such a temptation.

The robed man was certain of this and got up from the rock.


The soldiers that arrived on land entered the tent for treatment.

While the injured were being treated, the team leaders were either smoking outside or drinking.

It was only Ji Yoo Kim who quietly rested.

At that moment, the robed man appeared where the team leaders were gathered.

Once they spotted the robed man, they stared with their guards up.

"Who are you?"

One team leader asked as he looked his way.

The robed man showed him a nameplate without a word.

The nameplate signified that he was a part of Samchunkyo.

The fact that someone from Samchunkyo came was a big deal.


All of the eyes suddenly focused on the robed man.

That was how powerful the Samchunkyo nameplate was.

The glares disappeared, and the hunters suddenly looked scared.

"I'd like to speak with you. Follow me."

The robed man gave them the order and proceeded to walk toward


the tent where the commanders held their meetings.

The team leaders looked at each other.

They then followed the robed man.

Even Ji Yoo Kim followed them into the tent with a nervous look on her face.


"The reason why I wanted to see you is because I wanted to hear your opinions."

The robed man put down his tea glass and started talking.

The hunters focused on the robed man with nervous faces.

They were uneasy about the fact that they were discussing such an important matter when they weren't even commanders.

However, they couldn't disobey an order coming from a man of Samchunkyo.

They simply waited for the robed man to explain why he wanted to see them.

"You probably noticed how powerful American hunters have become."

As soon as the robed man finished, the hunters began trembling.

Just like the others, Ji Yoo Kim thought, 'No way.'

The robed man took out an item and put it on the table.

"The American hunters ingested this item. That's how they became more powerful. Following our long research, this allows one's capabilities to improve multiple times."

In response, the hunters finally felt relieved of their curiosity.

Not long before, these world hunters struggled to catch even one devil on the 1st floor.

But since the American hunters just caught a devil with their upgraded power, they couldn't help but feel suspicious.

'So they were that strong because of Samchunkyo…'

The hunters couldn't contain their surprise.

"The reason I'm here is because I was wondering if any other commanders would like to ingest this item."

In response, one of the team leaders sprung up from his seat.

"I'll contact them and ask."

As soon as one left, the rest followed behind him.

The only ones remaining in the tent was the robed man and Ji Yoo Kim.

Ji Yoo Kim looked at the robed man with a stiffened face.

"I'm the commander of Korea. I have no reason to report to anyone."

The robed man nodded.

"I see. Then I guess I'll hear my first answer from Korea."



"Why did you give the item to America first? If you were going to give it to us anyway, you should've…"

The robed man cut off Ji Yoo Kim.

"I needed proof. It started with just the American hunter master. And once the effects were confirmed, I was able to hand it out to the rest of the American hunters. I did it to avoid any unneeded trouble."

Despite the robed man's explanation, Ji Yoo Kim was still suspicious.

"Why is China handing out such a precious item?"

"The tower is the most threatening dungeon to mankind. By giving out this item, we can resolve it for you without stepping up ourselves."

"So you don't expect anything in return?"

The robed man let out a sigh.

"Commander of Korea, make your decision. I won't take any more questions."

The man's cold energy swallowed up Ji Yoo Kim.

Ji Yoo Kim began to be drenched in sweat.

He simply elicited an Aura that would pressure her, but she found it hard to breathe.

As soon as Ji Yoo Kim began struggling, the robed man stopped.

Once it became easier to breathe, Ji Yoo Kim looked back at the robed man.

"… I'm not going to eat the item, and I won't allow any of my hunters to eat it either."

"Nothing bad will happen from not eating it. But if you don't, there will be a bigger difference between you and the other hunters. Are you really going to refuse?"

Ji Yoo Kim's eyes shook, but it stabilized again.

"I won't repeat myself. I don't want the item."

As soon as Ji Yoo Kim refused and got up, the robed man showed a smile.

Ji Yoo Kim left the tent with no regrets.


As soon as she got out of the tent, the other team leaders were all busy reporting the message to their superiors.

It was impossible to make calls to the Black Tower, but it was possible to text using an interface system.

Ji Yoo Kim looked at them and sighed.

It was possible that she made the wrong decision.

However, she still didn't want to ingest a mysterious item, even if it would make them stronger.

Ji Yoo Kim sat on a rock and looked at the tower.

The sky was filled with clouds, and around the Black Tower was treacherous weather.

Without Min Sung with them, would they be able to get through the tower on their own?

She looked away from the Black Tower.

The team leaders began to enter the tent again after receiving their answers.

She didn't know how many hunters would end up eating the item, but it appeared that most of the American hunters already had.

What if Samchunkyo handed out the item with some other intention?

Just the thought of that gave her chills.

Ji Yoo Kim hoped that her judgment was incorrect.


The American hunter master, Ethan, was taken aback.

He didn't know Samchunkyo would stab him in the back like that.

The commanders of each country all received a message.

The message explained that the American hunters were stronger because of an item from Samchunkyo and asked if they were interested in taking it as well.

The commanders agreed and they were already controlled by the temptation.

They monitored them with both eyes.

The American hunters in action.

Their attacks were too weak in order to make sufficient damage to the devils.

Since they only obtained experience points after making damage, this got in the way of them leveling up, and as a result, they were sensitive about the issue.

Chapter 119: Chapter 119

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Did you only give it to the Americans first for your own benefit?"

"I can't believe you only put America's growth first. I'm disappointed."

"They just wanted to use us!"

In the midst of criticisms, Ethan knitted his brows and began thinking.

He wondered how to handle this situation.

It wasn't good for the world hunters to fight inside the tower.

"I simply made a choice according to the orders from Samchunkyo. Also…"

He tried to explain it to the hunters, but they were already worked up.

They didn't want to hear any more excuses. They refused to keep talking and began going down the tower.

The reason was to ingest the item as well as to stop America from claiming their relationship with Samchunkyo for themselves.

Ethan saw the commanders and hunters growing distant and covered his eyes with his hand.

"Samchunkyo, those bastards…"

Ethan clenched down on his teeth in anger.

They made it sound like it was just for America, but in the end, they handed the item out to everyone.

Ethan lifted his head with a serious look on his face.

'Why did they make it complicated by not handing it out to everyone, to begin with?'

They might have used the world hunters to clear the Black Tower without laying a hand on it.

He thought that that was China's obvious scheme.

But if that was the case, they wouldn't have had to go so far.

If they had supported all of the world hunters from the beginning, things would have progressed much faster.

However, it was worth suspecting why they made the method more complicated than necessary.

The reason why Ethan accepted their item was because he thought China gave preference to those who were worthy of the item's power.

But… things were flowing differently.

The anxiousness made Ethan's heart sink.


Most of the hunters got down from the tower and returned to the assembly.

Ji Yoo Kim saw the world hunters lining up to eat the item and sighed.

The world hunters, who were taking the item, looked powerless.

'How is it that they're taking the item without any suspicion?'

'Why aren't they worried about any side effects?'

They almost looked like they were possessed by a ghost.

Even if America had already ingested the item and Samchunkyo had a reputation that couldn't be looked down upon, they still should have suspected it just a little bit.

It wasn't too late to take the item after a thorough investigation.

So after seeing the hunters taking the items without any suspicion, it made Ji Yoo Kim realize what a desperate situation the hunter world was in.

They knew it as well.

But the reason why they were taking it anyway was because they were desperate.

They were trying hard not to fall behind in the world of hunters.

That was right.

From Ji Yoo Kim's standpoint, they were trying with all their might.

The hunters had lost all hope.

However, Ji Yoo Kim thought differently.

She was certain.

That no matter how difficult the circumstances, no matter how tempting it was to take the easy way out, engaging in gambling behavior was unacceptable.

But then again, it was possible that the item was a well-researched product that didn't come with any side effects.

But that was only a possibility.

It appeared that the world hunters were infatuated by the item as if they were athletes tempted by drugs that made them more competitive in sports.

Ji Yoo Kim teared up out of despair and looked on at the unbelievable scenery.


"Sir, where would you like to go? Would you like to eat?"

They were on their way to the Warp Gate building.

Ho Sung Lee asked as he drove.

In response to the silence, Ho Sung Lee looked back at Min Sung through the mirror.

He was looking out the window without a response.


"You know."

Min Sung opened his mouth.

"Yes, Sir."

"Why can't I cook?"


It was a serious yet silly question.

He simply blurted it out while looking out the window, but some seriousness could still be sensed in Min Sung's words.

"Why are you thinking about that all of a sudden?"

"Devils aren't that simple. They're tenacious, evil, and strong."

"But what does that have to do with you eating…?"

"What would happen if a bunch of high-level devils appeared all at once?"

"Oh, the city would go down in ruin."

"It's not about the city. The stage is the entire world."

"Oh… Is it that serious?"

"If that happens and all restaurants close down, I need


to know how to cook for myself."

"Oh, is that why…"

"But I'm bad at cooking."

"That's true. That's… Ahem."

Ho Sung Lee stopped himself in the middle of his sentence and changed the subject.

"You're a skilled swordsman, and you're strong in every way when it comes to physical activities. So now that I think of it, it's interesting."

He looked back on when he went to a cooking class with Min Sung and trembled.

"Let's go home," Min Sung said.

"Shall I tell Woong Jang to prepare a meal for you?"


"Then will you eat out?"

Min Sung paused and opened his mouth.

"I'm going to cook again."

In response, Ho Sung Lee flinched.

'If Woong Jang happened to eat the food Min Sung made…'

Just the thought of it scared him.

"Hm… Sir. You're… going to try cooking again? If you do, eat it yourself. It's dangerous to feed it to Woong Jang. He's old, so if he tries your cooking, he could…"

Min Sung glared at Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee coughed and stepped on the pedal toward the Warp Gate building.


Min Sung entered the Warp Gate building.

Ho Sung Lee got back up from his 90-degree bow and watched as Min Sung disappeared.

'He just reeled in 1 trillion worth of Black Mithril, but what he's worried about is cooking…'

'Right now of all times?'

'Who knows what might have happened over there?'

Ho Sung Lee put a cigarette in his mouth and sighed.

"He's an impressive guy."

Ho Sung Lee clapped.


As soon as he got home, Min Sung's personal chef, Woong Jang greeted him with a smile.

Min Sung nodded. He put on his slippers and went to the living room.

"Long time no see. But where's Ho Sung…?"

Woong Jang looked behind him, but no one else was there.

"I took the Warp Gate while he's waiting for me over there."

"Oh, I see."

Woong Jang smiled as if he understood.

"You must be tired. Have you eaten? You didn't give me a call ahead of time, so the food might take a while."

Min Sung put his hands on his side and sighed deeply.

"I'm going to try cooking this time. I failed last time, and I still feel frustrated about it. It's comical that I can't even make my own food. I'm sure I can do it as long as I have the determination to learn."

Woong Jang looked at Min Sung and smiled.

"Let me help you then."

"Okay, let's begin."

Min Sung rolled up his sleeves and walked toward the kitchen.


After long contemplation, he decided on what to make.

It was his first time making it since he failed at cooking class.

Egg rolls were reasonably easy to make.

Woong Jang was a legendary chef, which meant that he used eggs quite often, so there were tons of eggs already in the fridge.

Even if he failed, he could make another one.

"Great. So what do I do first?"

Min Sung asked while looking at Woong Jang.

"First, slice green onions, carrots, and onions."

Min Sung stood in front of the prepared ingredients and picked up a knife.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Min Sung spun the cooking knife in his hands and began slicing the green onions, carrots, and onions.

Woong Jang dropped his jaw in surprise.

He was so fast that he could barely see his hands.

Woong Jang was truly in awe.

The best knife handing he had ever seen…

In the blink of an eye, Min Sung had already finished slicing the materials and waited for Woong Jang's instructions.

"Now you must beat the eggs."

As instructed, Min Sung cracked the eggs and began beating them.

There was a total of five eggs.

Min Sung mixed the eggs with a beater.

Despite the high speed, the way Min Sung used the beater was surprisingly professional.

Perfect skills.

"I'm impressed. You were born to cook. When it comes to being a chef, speed is very important."

Woong Jang praised him, but Min Sung still didn't feel at ease.

Just as he did in cooking class, it was proven that his skills in using his hands was superior to all the rest.

But the problem was that the final product didn't taste good at all.

"Now put the sliced up vegetables into the eggs and add pepper and salt."

Min Sung did as instructed and used the pepper and salt.

"Sir, that's too much."

In response, Min Sung lessened the mouth of salt and pepper, but Jang Woong continued to tell him it was too much.

In the end, he added so little salt and pepper that it didn't feel like he was holding it.

Min Sung added a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper.

After seeing that, Woong Jang nodded and smiled in approval.

Once he mixed everything with a blender, he heated up the frying pan.

He added the oil onto the pan.

Just as Woong Jang instructed, he put half of the mix onto the pan.


The egg began to cook instantly.

"Lift the pan once it's cooked on one side and start rolling it."

Woong Jang made it easy for Min Sung to understand.

As a result, Min Sung was able to cook with ease.

He then rolled the egg as instructed.

That was it.

The egg rolls were complete.

Once he put it on a plate, he saw that a little bit of the egg was burned, but compared to what he made in cooking class, this one was an improvement.

Min Sung tasted the egg roll.

He couldn't call it a masterpiece, but it wasn't that bad. At that moment, Woong Jang cleared the plate.

"This time, try making it without my instructions."