
Chapter 120: Chapter 120

In response to Woong Jang's suggestion, Min Sung scoffed.

'I can do this.'

'I've already done it once, so I can do it again.'

Min Sung began to cook more egg rolls with much confidence.

Just as he did before, he prepared the ingredients and added salt and pepper to the egg rolls.

Despite having done it the same way, the result was much worse.

Min Sung stared down at the egg rolls with glaring eyes.

He didn't want to believe that he made them.

Min Sung felt frustrated at the thought that there was a problem with his cooking abilities.

The egg rolls showed patches of burnt spots and even the areas that looked all right irritated his tongue with saltiness.

Within Min Sung's eyes was a look of hatred.

"What's wrong with me?"

In response to Min Sung's utterance toward the egg rolls, Woong Jang smiled and opened his mouth.

"Sir. I'm afraid I might be crossing the line if I talk to you about cooking."

"That's okay. Say it."

Woong Jang thought for a moment before he continued,

"The way I see it, you're not ordinary. I'm not saying this because you're a hunter. From the very first moment I met you, I sensed that you're not an ordinary person."

Woong Jang smiled at Min Sung and continued,

"And I think there must be a reason for that."

"And that has something to do with my cooking?"


Min Sung smiled.

"That's interesting."

"It's possible… that your heart is stiff. It's cracked like a dry land, and your heart has become a sterile land."


Min Sung stared into space with no response.

"You could say these two factors are the most important things when cooking. The first is to pour love into making food for someone else, and the second is to have detailed interest in what you're cooking."

Min Sung knitted his brows.

Woong Jang continued,

"But you don't have to worry too much. You have yet to lose your appreciation for food. And seeing from your attitude toward life, I think you can become a good chef."

Min Sung smiled bitterly.

Woong Jang looked back at him with a soft smile.

"I think time will solve the issue."

Min Sung clenched on his teeth with a stiffened face.

"So… you're saying this cooking represents my heart," Min Sung uttered while looking down at his burnt egg rolls.

Woong Jang laughed.

"Don't take it to heart. You're a hero who's saving the world, and that's a huge responsibility."

"Who are you calling a hero? I don't feel burdened by it at all."

Min Sung left the kitchen.

Woong Jang looked at Min Sung with warm eyes as he proceeded to the living room.


While the world hunters took their items and experienced pain, the American hunters also returned to the assembly.

As soon as they returned, the atmosphere became awkward.

Amongst allies that originally got along well, there was now a wall between them.

However, Ethan firmly believed that the wall could be knocked down, so he didn't feel uneasy.

He was just annoyed about Samchunkyo.

Ethan took a look around him.

The hunters except for Ji Yoo Kim were excited at the thought of the item while the Korean hunters just stood still.

'Are they not going to take the item?'

Ethan was suspicious of them but then let out a laugh.

There was no way that the weakest country wouldn't eat the item… But why were the Korean hunters watching in jealousy?

Ethan walked to Ji Yoo Kim to confirm.

"Everyone else looks like they're partying. Why don't you seem excited?"

Ethan asked.

"We can't take something that we can't trust. We're the only hunters who can fight the monsters."

"Are you really not taking it? Wow. I thought you'd be the first."

Ji Yoo Kim turned away to ignore Ethan.

Ethan took a look at the Korean hunters.

They looked like they desperately wanted to take the item as well.

"I feel like your underlings feel differently," Ethan criticized.

However, Ji Yoo Kim didn't respond.

"It looks like things will get


harder for the weakest country thanks to their foolish general."

"I'm in a position where I only have one Korean hunter to rely on, but doesn't that go for all the other world hunters?"


Hearing her rely on Min Sung Kang left him with no response.

He had forgotten for a while.

That Min Sung Kang was a Korean hunter.


"I hope you don't change your mind."

Ethan turned around and laughed.

Min Sung Kang.

It didn't seem like he had particular feelings toward Korea.

He was clearly not being treated as he should by Korea compared to his capabilities.

In other words, there were a lot of opportunities left open.


'That dumb bitch.'

Everything could be solved with money.

From what he had seen from Min Sung Kang, there was plenty of room for conciliation.

Seeing how he took trillions from them, he was definitely greedy for money.

'It might be possible to use that strong hunter as a weapon.'

If he couldn't be enemies with him, all he had to do was turn him into an ally.

'I'm going to steal Min Sung Kang from Ji Yoo Kim once and for all.'

Ethan opened his eyes wide.


Ho Sung Lee was resting inside the car when the thought of the Black Tower made him smile.

He was scared he would die after meeting a devil, but thanks to the world hunters, he earned some more time.

'In any case, what will Min Sung Kang do with 1 trillion won?'

Ho Sung Lee imagined what he would do with that much money.


Just the thought of it made him laugh, but 1 trillion won didn't seem realistic to him.

"That lucky bastard. I can't believe he sold a sword to the hunters for 1 trillion won. That's legendary. But how is he going to spend all that?"

While he marveled at Min Sung Kang's level, the phone rang.

It was his master, Min Sung Kang.

"This bastard. Ahem."

Ho Sung Lee cleared his throat and answered the phone respectfully.

"Yes, Sir. This is Ho Sung Lee."

I'm going to rest abroad for the time being. Don't bother me with any useless calls.

"Oh… I see. Sure. Then shall I wait for you in Korea?"

Pick up Bowl's clothes when they're ready, and look for a house with a helicopter pad. Hire a helicopter pilot, and make it so that we can use the helicopter at the Warp Gate whenever we want.


"Gasp… A helicopter and a landing pad? Wow, that's crazy… Okay."

Ho Sung Lee came back to his senses and looked at his phone.

"But why did he hang up without listening to my response? Am I his servant? Am I his slave?"

Ho Sung Lee grumbled but then realized that he sort of was. He then put a cigarette in his mouth and got out of the car.

Since he was a little far from the assembly, the sky was clear.

The thought of getting a break from Min Sung Kang's shadow made him a lot happier.

"Anyway… a helicopter. His scale is at a whole another level. But how many requests was that? And what? Don't call him with anything useless. I wouldn't call him anyway."

Ho Sung Lee let out a sigh before tilting his head.

"Does that mean he'll take care of his own meals?"

He thought for a while and decided he would research restaurants anyway just in case Min Sung Kang gave him sh*t.

"I don't know where he's going, and I can't even ask him… How am I supposed to do any research? He's so much work. I'm getting sick and tired of him."

Ho Sung Lee threw out his cigarette and got into the car to head to the airport.

"I want to take the Warp Gate, too. The plane takes too long… With the Warp Gate, it will only take a minute."

Ho Sung Lee stepped on the pedal in jealousy.


Ethan recovered his relationship with the other world hunters.

Since the Black Tower was a shared objective, no good came out of them having a bad relationship.

A new meeting took place within the tent.

They would attempt to raid the 9th floor without Min Sung Kang.

The meeting was shorter than expected.

Since all of the hunters grew stronger thanks to the item, they were all eager to check their new capabilities.

From what they saw with the American hunters, they could now beat at least one devil.

They all thought that it was possible for them to clear the 9th floor.

That was why the meeting ended early.

"Then let's go to the tower tomorrow morning."

In response to Ethan's confirmation, everyone nodded.


The next morning.

The squad finished their preparations for the mission.

The members took a boat toward the Black Tower.

As a result of their experience, they got off the boat at the correct point and began to swim.

They then got sucked up by the tower and arrived on the 1st floor.

The world hunters, who were squeezing out water from their clothes, showed looks of greed in their eyes.

They eagerly anticipated the appearance of a monster.

Chapter 121: Chapter 121

A top resort located in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Min Sung laid on the beach with sunglasses on and enjoyed his leisure.

The women who passed by either smiled or blushed at Min Sung.

Min Sung was good-looking, and his masculine body made for a charming view on the beach.

Even the countless scars on his body made the women's hearts flutter.

However, Min Sung had no interest in those women.

His attention was focused elsewhere.


Bowl glided over on his magic board while holding a coconut.

Min Sung slowly got up.

As soon as he did, his eight-pack could clearly be seen.

One woman saw that and tripped.

Min Sung stared at the woman as if he thought she was weird and accepted Bowl's coconut.

"Hehe. I stood in line forever."

Bowl looked as if he wanted a compliment.

"Good work," Min Sung remarked as he looked down at the coconut beverage.

It was basically a coconut with a straw put into it.

'I wonder how coconuts taste.'

Min Sung gave it a try.

As soon as he tasted it, Min Sung knitted his brows.

"What's wrong?"

Bowl looked up at Min Sung and asked,

"It's gross."

Min Sung threw the coconut away and laid back down.

"Buy an orange juice."

"Yes, Master!"

Bowl got back on his magic board and took off to buy the beverage.

While he sunbathed and enjoyed the view of the ocean, Bowl came back with an orange juice.

The orange juice that was in a big glass sparkled under the sunlight.

Min Sung drank the orange juice as he looked onto the scenery.

As he enjoyed both his orange juice and his relaxation time, a thought suddenly came to mind.

And in order to put his thought into action, he needed his 'rascal'.

Min Sung took out his phone and called Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee answered not long afterward.

Yes, Sir.

"Did you do what I asked?"

Yes, I'm wrapping it up now.

"Then hurry up and meet me here."

Where are you?

"The beach in front of X Hotel in Honolulu."


"I'll let you take the Warp Gate. So hurry up."

Oh! Okay. Then I'll wrap it up soon and go over right away.

Ho Sung Lee sounded ecstatic that he could take the Warp Gate.

Min Sung hung up the phone.

When he got back to enjoying the relaxing views, he remembered the world hunters.

He began reading internet articles on his phone.

Most of the main news had to do with world hunters.

An article reported that the world hunters returned to the assembly after heading out to the Black Tower.

Over 40 hunters died at the Black Tower.

Min Sung didn't realize this earlier, but the entire world was focused on the horrifying deaths of the world hunters.

Even the fact that so many people were at tourist spots implied just how afraid they were, and how hard they were trying to enjoy life while they were still alive.

However, since Min Sung was at a whole different level from normal people, he just laughed at the world hunters and then threw his phone down.

The phone fell upon the sandcastle that Bowl was building.

As a result, the sandcastle came tumbling down.

Bowl looked up at Min Sung in tears, but Min Sung simply enjoyed it.


The atmosphere at the assembly was clear.

Runaway troops.

There was nothing more and nothing less.

They attempted to clear the 9th floor, but the result was devastating.

It wasn't difficult to go against one devil, but when 3 appeared all at once, they hit a wall.

There was a huge difference between 1 devil and 3 devils.

Unless China or Min Sung Kang stepped up, there was no way they could get through this difficulty.

The consumption of the item was nothing more than a meaningless surprise party, and even the Oceania commander, who bought the Devil's Sword with 1 trillion won, was unable to do much to help.

The hunters simply looked afar with looks of despair and hopelessness on their faces.

And within the tent, the commanders were also tense.

There was no progress in their meeting.

And most importantly, all of the commanders thought the same way, but none of them said anything.

They all knew that they had to stop America from monopolizing Min Sung Kang.

A quiet war broke out.


The Warp Gate was just as he expected.

But when Min Sung Kang used the Warp Gate,


he seemed just fine.

"Ugh… I feel sick."

Ho Sung Lee got out of the Warp Gate and almost threw up.

'Pick up Bowl's clothes, get a helicopter, buy a building with a landing pad.'

He was too busy to properly eat, which was a relief at this point.

"Damn it, I thought this would be convenient. But it doesn't feel so great."

Ho Sung Lee rented a car and headed toward where Min Sung was.

After spending so much time at the assembly near the Black Tower, he felt happy just seeing the nice weather.

"Come to think of it, the Black Tower was horrible in many ways."

Ho Sung Lee thought of the Black Tower and then shook his head to stop.

"But why did he call me to Honolulu?"

He had a bad feeling about it.

There was no particular reason for him to call him to Honolulu.

If it was urgent, he could have just said it over the phone, so the fact that he called him over to Honolulu meant that there was something he needed to do here.


Ho Sung Lee sighed out of nervousness.

He wished that it was a simple order such as looking for a restaurant to eat at.


"… Pardon?"

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung on the sunbed with a look of surprise.

"Bring me some shellfish."

Ho Sung Lee hoped that he heard him wrong.

'Bring him shellfish from the ocean?'

'Is he in his right mind?'

He wanted to tell him to buy it, but he couldn't bring himself to say that.

If he had said that, he 100% would have been beaten alive in front of all the tourists that were watching.

Ho Sung Lee looked behind him toward the ocean.

The ocean was laid out beneath the hot sun.

'I have to go in there and find a shellfish…? Is this why he called me here…?'


All he could do was sigh.

If he was alone, he would have cussed him out, but he had no choice but to say it in his mind this time.


"Are you going or not?"

"Of course, I am. But I need goggles… It's not like I'm a professional diver…"

"You can go look for one if you want to live in the ocean forever."

Ho Sung Lee dragged his feet toward the ocean with a hopeless look on his face.


The tower raid was put to a halt.

They confirmed that they were unable to clear the Black Tower with their current force.

Ji Yoo Kim decided to look for Min Sung Kang.

She also made up her mind.

As to how she would behave.

Once she acknowledged the truth, the reality became clear.

It was Min Sung Kang who had to stand at the center of the world for the good of mankind's future.

Since she made a decision, she had to act.

She had to act before the other commanders did.

At the moment, it was a battle of wits.

No other commander had yet to leave the assembly.

But they were for sure thinking of how they could get Min Sung Kang to help.

It was only her who didn't participate in the meeting.

While the others had their meeting, Ji Yoo Kim called the headquarters and ordered them to find Min Sung Kang's whereabouts.

A moment later, she found out that he was in Honolulu, Hawaii.


"Huff! Huff…! Should I get more?"

Ho Sung Lee asked with a pale look on his face.

"This is good enough," Min Sung remarked while looking down at the shellfish Ho Sung Lee brought.

It took a while, but he gathered quite a bit.

"How are you going to eat these anyway?"

"Like this."

"A short light could be seen within Min Sung's eyes.

And then a weird phenomenon took place.

He had seen this once before, but he never imagined he would use it in such a way.


More than 20 shellfish flew into the air.

They then started smoking as they cooked in the air.

'…I can't believe he's using his powers to cook the shellfish.'

'What would you call it?'

'Shellfish cooking magic?'

'I don't know.'

He was just downright confused.

Ho Sung Lee blankly stared at the cooking shellfish in the air as if he was seeing something that shouldn't have been seen.

The shellfish began to open while floating in the air.


Min Sung took a cooked shellfish and gave it a taste.

'Isn't it hot?'

'Ugh… Why am I angry?'

'That skill wasn't given to him so that he could use it for something like this.'

'What a waste of magic.'

"Sir, is it okay that you're using that kind of skill just to cook shellfish?"

Ho Sung Lee built up the courage to ask.

"Who cares?"

Min Sung threw the shell on the ground and began eating his second shellfish.

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

"May I try one as well?"

"Yeah, go ahead," Min Sung cynically replied.

Ho Sung Lee reached to grab a shellfish when he flinched.

"Are my fingers going to get sliced off? An Aura is surrounding it."

"Oh, really?"

Min Sung asked as if he didn't know.

Ho Sung Lee got goosebumps all over his body.

"… I won't eat it then."

He was curious to taste shellfish cooked with magic, but he almost lost his fingers because of it.

Ho Sung Lee watched Min Sung enjoy his shellfish and then began asking him questions that he wondered ever since they were at the tower.

Chapter 122

"Um, Sir. May I ask you something? I forgot to ask last time."


"Why did you think to go into the tower with the other world hunters?"

Ho Sung Lee tilted his head and continued.

"It's not like you're that interested in money, so I don't understand why you went up there with them. You didn't have to, and you don't have the personality to do such a thing."

"No reason."


Ho Sung Lee wondered what Min Sung was thinking.

He waited for Min Sung to explain.

And then.

The answer came.

"I told you. I'm going to kill all the devils with my own bare hands."

"Yes… you did. That's why it's weird. Why did you go there with the world hunters?"

"The world hunters are bothersome, but in order to protect all the restaurants in this world, I still need them. So I decided to train them a little."

Ho Sung Lee stared at Min Sung in shock.

Min Sung then brushed his hands off.

"There are some delicious shellfish but some are not so good. I'm done. Also, take care of those things."

"… pardon?"

Min Sung pointed around him with his chin.

Ho Sung Lee looked around in response.

There was a crowd of people around them.

They must have gathered when they saw Min Sung cooking shellfish in the air.

They clapped and cheered thinking it was some kind of magic show.

Ho Sung Lee sprung up. He announced that the magic show was over and ushered everyone to leave.

Meanwhile, Min Sung laid on his sunbed and closed his eyes.


Inside the room of a top hotel.

Min Sung washed off his sweat and sand from the beach.

The water dripped from his tanned skin.

As he let the shower water pour on him, he looked at himself in the mirror.

There were small and large scars all over his body.

They got them all in the Demonic Realm.

But why were the scars still there?

When the wound from when he fell from a cliff disappeared?

Why did he return to the human world, and who was that in his dream?

Thoughts such as these filled Min Sung's mind.

Min Sung laughed.

At first, he was only interested in food, but now that he got used to living as a human, he became curious about many more things.

But that curiosity would only be resolved once he killed the devils.

There was no need to rush.

Min Sung finished his shower and came out of the tub.

While he put on a white shirt and dark pants, he heard the doorbell.

Once he dried his hair, he opened the door to find Ji Yoo Kim.

"What brings you here?"

Min Sung dryly asked.

"I have something to tell you."

"Come in."

Min Sung opened the door and sat on the edge of his bed.

"But make it quick."

"China's Samchunkyo began handing out items. They came to the assembly with a medicine that made America stronger. They offered them items."

Min Sung knitted his brows.

"If you eat that item, you become more powerful?"

"Yes. That's why America was much stronger than the other countries."

"That's why America wanted to go back to the tower."

"Yes. And once you left and the rest of the soldiers got back to the assembly, Samchunkyo offered the rest of the countries the item. And that information got to the commanders in the tower, and in order to consume it, they returned to the assembly."

"What about you?"

Min Sung asked while pointing at Ji Yoo Kim.

She shook her head.

"I don't trust it. I don't trust Samchunkyo or that item."

"Why are they eating the item?"

"They must have been desperate after the tower and Samchunkyo appeared. And I feel like America already having ingested it might have to do with it as well."

"So did that item help in clearing the floors of the Black Tower?"

"No. They failed the raid on the 9th floor. At this point, the commanders realized that they can't clear the tower without your help."

"That item was bait."

Min Sung got up from his bed and sprayed some cologne on his wrist.

The royal suite room was quite luxurious.

He liked that the scent wasn't strong.

"I'm going to kill the devils anyway, and in order to do that, I thought I needed


to control those world hunters a little."

Ji Yoo Kim gulped.

"What do you mean control the world hunters?"

"It's true that I want to kill the devils, but I have another goal in mind."

Min Sung continued,

"Hunters need to exist. They need to be alive. Both you and the world hunters."

Ji Yoo Kim looked at Min Sung with shocked eyes.

"Just like the peace and justice you want, I don't want the world to get dirty. Devils are just as evil and persistent as cockroaches. The devils you see now are nothing. The ones that are still hiding are powerful. If they decide to appear, then…"

Min Sung looked straight at Ji Yoo Kim.

"I won't be strong enough alone. I can't catch all the devils around the world all by myself. That's why I need them. Both you and the hunters. I can't take care of all the restaurants by myself."

"What a simple reason…"

"That's why I need to train them. That's why I have to control them."

Min Sung continued with a cold look in his eyes.

"What did you want to ask?"

"The world hunters probably realized that they're powerless at the tower."


"They're going to want to take you back."

"Same with the Central Institute?"

Ji Yoo Kim smiled and shook her head.


"That's surprising."

"I didn't know before the tower appeared. Just how powerful you are."


"Our Central Institute doesn't have so many resources that we can make a deal with you."

"So what did you want to ask then?"

"I'd like to know your choice."

Silence followed.

To Ji Yoo Kim, it felt like a very long time.

Min Sung smiled and stood right in front of Ji Yoo Kim.

When she looked down out of surprise.

"Wait for the results. You'll find out soon enough," Min Sung said as he left the room.


"I'm worried that the Korean general might be sucking up to Min Sung Kang."

"Don't worry about her. She doesn't have the money or the ability to do so."

"America will probably offer a lot of money… We can't win with money. At this rate, America will end up getting Min Sung Kang as a weapon…"

The commanders of each country were all thinking differently about the same subject.

Hunter, Min Sung Kang.

They were all focused on that one name.

And that man at the center was currently…

"This looks delicious."

He returned to Korea and looked at a crab inside a tank.

As summer turned into fall, it was hard to say that it was the season of crabs, but it was approaching.

It was the most delicious when in season, but Min Sung couldn't wait until then.

While riding in Ho Sung Lee's car, he spotted a crab restaurant, and once he said he felt like eating some crab, Ho Sung Lee brought him to a famous place.

And as of right now.

It was time to pick which crab he was going to eat.

"I'll go with this one."

Min Sung pointed at one, and the store owner immediately fished it out.

"What would you like to order?"

"The full course."

"Sure. I'll prepare it right away. Please sit inside."

They went inside in response to the owner's instruction.

The hall was quite large.

The interior wasn't magnificent, but it was clean and bright; it suited the crabs.

"Sir, I'll be…"

"You sit down."

In response, Ho Sung Lee showed a straight face and took off his shoes.

As soon as they sat down, Ho Sung Lee lifted up his index finger.

"Since we're eating crab, we can't forget soju."

"Of course."

Ho Sung Lee raised his hand.

"One bottle of soju, please!"

In response, the owner cheerfully brought over a bottle.

Ho Sung Lee rubbed his hands together in excitement.

Min Sung was excited as well.

Youngdeok Crab.

He had heard about it when he was little.

There was probably a reason why it was so famous.

Ho Sung Lee was about to open the soju bottle, but after seeing Min Sung, he put it back down.

Min Sung had his arms crossed as he waited for his food.

Unlike regular people, Min Sung was sensitive about food.

Rather than drinking first, it was all about the food.

For that reason, Ho Sung Lee had to respect Min Sung's preference.

Ho Sung Lee also crossed his arms and waited for the food to come out.


The time passed as they waited.


The commanders of other countries were ready for a war against America, but they changed their minds.

At the moment, they couldn't beat America.

So they had to change their direction.

Rather than recruiting Min Sung Kang, they had to get on his good side.

Whether America bribed Min Sung Kang or not, the other commanders decided to show Min Sung the good sides of himself and make a good impression.

If they couldn't win against America, they were better off lining up behind Min Sung Kang and fighting for him instead.

And aside from America, every single country thought the same way.

As a result, the other countries besides America were preparing to create a union under Min Sung Kang.



The crab arrived.

The crab's body and legs were separated so that it would be easy to eat.

Raw crab legs, fried crab legs, cheese, and butter crab.

It was a feast of crabs.

Chapter 123

Since it was a course meal, there were many other vibrant dishes besides the crab.

Mackerel, oysters, shrimp, vegetables, eggs, etc.

"Sir, would you like a drink?"

Ho Sung Lee picked up the bottle as if he had been waiting. Ho Sung Lee must have really enjoyed soju.

Min Sung picked up his glass.

Glug, glug-

The sound of the soju pouring into their glasses was pleasant to hear.

People said that the emotions of many people were contained in soju.

Alcohol was just as important as the food.

It gave people the power to withstand hard times, and it was the best celebratory drink on good occasions.

Also, it was capable of comforting Min Sung during his complicated thought process.

That was the power of Korean soju.

They clinked glasses and chugged.


The soju went down their throats smoothly.


Lee Ho Sung approved.

"Shut up."

"… Yes, Sir."

He didn't like to be bothered when he was focusing on food.

It was all about the food.

Min Sung tasted the soju and then picked up a piece of the raw crab.

Once the raw fish popped out of the shell, it plopped down due to gravity.

The white meat looked delicious.

Min Sung sucked the meat through the shell.

The fresh flavor of the ocean was spreading within his mouth.

Following the cold food, Min Sung immediately dipped the fried crab in soy sauce and chewed it well.


Following the sound of the fried crab breaking, the juices of the crab meat and the fried shell spread throughout his mouth.

This made him realize that fried foods were indeed the truth.

His mouth continued to crave crab.

His stomach made sounds demanding that he eat more food.


Min Sung looked through the main course.

First, he picked up a crab leg.

There was already a cut through the middle to make it easier.

The meat came out just from a slight tug.


Om nom-

'This is what the main course should taste like!'

It was so delicious he couldn't believe it.

The abundant meat provided a rich flavor, and the savory scent of the crab graced the inside of his nose.

Although he just took a bite of the crab, he salivated for more.

His instincts made the meal progress naturally.

'This crab is dangerous.'

Min Sung sped up in eating the crabs.

One, two, three, four!

He ended up clearing the crab at a very fast pace.

Ho Sung Lee was also focused on eating the crab meat, but he was actually looking at something else.

"Sir, shall we try the rice now?"

His eyes were pointed toward the crab shell.

It was delicious to just eat the insides on its own, but what made the flavors maximized in the best way possible was the crab shell rice.

The word that supposedly made even the 20-year-olds excited.

Crab shell rice.

Min Sung nodded.


Ho Sung Lee immediately pressed the bell.


"An order of the crab shell rice and a spicy fish stew, please."


The server took the shells and proceeded into the kitchen.

While the rice was being prepared, Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee finished off the crab.

'There's actually a lot.'

When he first saw it, he wanted to order more later, but the portion was actually very large.

As a result, they felt full after finishing the crab they ordered.

"Whenever I eat with you, I become very focused on the meal."

"Alcohol is good and all, but it sometimes gets in the way. That's why it's good to focus on the meal first."

"You sound like a true appreciator of food."

After waiting for the crab shell rice and spicy fish stew.

The traditional crab shell rice and spicy fish stew came out.

An Aura could be sensed from the crab shell rice, which was steaming from the heat.

Min Sung picked up his spoon and gave it a taste.

As soon as it entered his mouth, the temperature of the rice, as well as the scent of the crab meat, could be felt.

Min Sung enjoyed the heat of the delicious fried rice and inhaled the whole thing.

Just like that, they spent the day enjoying the flavors of the crab.


As soon as Min Sung returned home, he checked on Bowl's clothes.

He had ordered a total of 50 outfits.

They were all top-quality suits that would protect him from the sun, including a magical outfit with an additional option.

"What's this?"

Min Sung pointed at a large outfit included in the bundle.

"Oh, I


got this one from the house. Apparently, this is a matching couple outfit for you."

Min Sung tried on the outfit.

It was a jacket along with a necktie that looked like they were from the middle ages.

He looked in the mirror to admire the high-quality suit.

In no time, Bowl put on his matching suit and stood next to Min Sung in the mirror.

Seeing Bowl snicker at it, Min Sung also laughed along.

"It suits you."

Min Sung's personal chef, Woong Jang, and his granddaughter, Sia Jang, appeared.

Woong Jang saw Min Sung and Bowl's matching outfits and smiled.

And although Sia Jang was scared of Min Sung, she bowed to him in greeting.

However, the way she looked at Ho Sung Lee was just like a glare.

"I'm going to go for a walk."

As soon as Min Sung walked toward the garden, Bowl followed behind him.

Sia Jang finally let out a sigh.

She then glared at Ho Sung Lee again.

"Mister, why did you just leave like that?"

Sia Jang asked in anger.

"Because I'm a hunter. I went to protect the world from monsters."

Sia Jang's eyes softened up.

"You said there's a tower now. I heard it's really dangerous."

She looked slightly scared.

Ho Sung Lee looked at her and laughed softly.

"It's a crazy place. Scarier than ghosts. The place is crawling with monsters and devils. You'd probably faint if you went in there."

In response, Sia Jang's face grew pale.

"I-It's that dangerous?"

"Of course. I'm not kidding. Even grown men pee their pants in there."

After seeing Sia Jang's serious face, Ho Sung Lee laughed again.

"What do you think? Aren't I impressive?"

In response, Sia Jang scoffed.

"I heard you're a famous hunter. So how powerful is the owner of this house that both you and my grandfather are scared of him?"

Jang Sia asked with her head tilted.

In response, Ho Sung Lee plopped down on the sofa and crossed his legs.

"He's like a God."

Jang Sia opened her eyes wide out of curiosity.


Ho Sung Lee nodded.

"That's how strong he is. Without him, this world would come to an end. Not even the world hunters can look him in the eye."

Sia Jang gulped.

"… I didn't know."

She glanced over toward where Min Sung went and dropped her jaw.

The charm of his power made Sia Jang's heart flutter.

A handsome face.

Tall height.

A muscular body of great proportions.

He was scary and cold-hearted.

Ho Sung Lee grimaced at Sia Jang's face of admiration.

He then smirked.

"But he's just strong. His personality is whack. He doesn't have emotions either. He's a total psychopath. I bet he'd kill women if he was in a bad mood."

Sia Jang looked at Ho Sung Lee in shock.

"I'm only with him because I'm a hunter too. Not many people would be able to handle him."

Woong Jang coughed.

"Ho Sung, that's enough…"

"Grandpa Woong, you've got to admit. That bastard talks back at you as if he's older than you. What a total jerk."

"H-Ho Sung."

"Hey, Sia. You don't know, do you? That hunter is sterile. He doesn't even look at women. Maybe he's gay. That's why I'm a little anxious these days…"

Ho Sung Lee continued before seeing the expressions on Sia Jang and Woong Jang's faces.

He turned around and saw Min Sung staring at him with cold eyes.

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

"S-Sir. When did you get here? Uh… let me explain… Um… So…"

Min Sung grabbed Ho Sung Lee by the hair and dragged him out to the garden.

Woong Jang and Sia Jang watched with pale faces as Ho Sung Lee got dragged out.


If he didn't understand his excuse that he only said that because he liked Sia Jang, he would have ended up dead.

But since what he said was a known truth, all he did was beat him to a pulp.

Min Sung Kang beat him up while also treating him with an expensive potion.

This was the first time he got beat by Min Sung Kang in a while, so he felt more scared than usual.

It was so painful that he wanted to die.

'That psychopathic bastard.'

'I should keep these things to myself from now on.'

Ho Sung Lee got into the driver's seat with a swollen face while Min Sung sat in the back seat.

Just as Min Sung ordered, they signed with a building that had a helicopter pad.

Grand World Tower.

It was the fifth-highest building in the world.

The luxury building had a roof that could be used as a helicopter pad, which only Min Sung could use.

"We're here, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee stopped the car in front of the Grand World Tower and continued,

"I'll park and meet you up there. Please wait for me in the lobby."

Min Sung got out of the car and entered the building.

Ho Sung Lee headed to the underground parking while putting an icepack to his face.


It was a modern yet refined interior that spread out in front of Min Sung's eyes.

It was spacious and the view was nice, and it was a good place to spend his daily life.

After checking the penthouse, he took the elevator to the roof.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Min Sung saw the roof in front of him.

And in the middle of the roof was a helicopter.

Chapter 124

"Thanks to Ji Yoo Kim of Central Institute's help, we were able to get the helicopter easily. Even rich people take at least 2 years to get a helicopter, but we were able to get one right away. This is all thanks to the general of Central Institute."

Ho Sung Lee explained the helicopter like a businessman.

"As for the model, this is the latest helicopter…"

Ho Sung Lee listed all of the specifications of the helicopter that most people didn't understand.

Min Sung listened as he looked it over.

The outside was all white.

And the inside was all beige with five seats and luxurious equipment.

"Do you like it?"

In response, Min Sung nodded.

"Make it so that I can get my helicopter and car licenses as soon as possible."

"Yes, Sir. For a car as well?"

In response to Min Sung's gaze, Ho Sung Lee quickly looked down.

"I'll get that done, Sir."

"Put a sports car near the Warp Gates all over the world. The cars were pretty slow."

"Oh, sure."

In response to the large-scale demand, Ho Sung Lee stuttered.

After checking the helicopter, Min Sung went back to this penthouse.

Min Sung sat down and asked for a coffee, and Ho Sung Lee immediately went to the coffee machine and brewed him a hot cup.

As he watched Min Sung drinking his coffee, he got himself to ask the question.

"Sir, before you become a hunter, were you a good fighter?"

"I've imagined it."

Min Sung replied with eyes that appeared to be reminiscing.

"Imagined what?"

"When I was a freshman in high school, I watched a Mike Tyson match and imagined myself losing against him."

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung as if he hated a rotten jelly.


In response to Min Sung's question, Ho Sung Lee simply shook his head.

While Min Sung continued drinking his coffee, Ho Sung Lee got a phone call.

Ho Sung Lee excused himself in order to take it.

During his call, Ho Sung Lee explained the contents of the conversation to Min Sung.

"Sir, the American hunter master, Ethan, would like to see you. He said he's in Korea and asked when you're available."

"Tell him to come right now."

"Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee delivered the message.


Ethan arrived at Min Sung's penthouse.

"It's only been a few days, but I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."

He smiled and sat on the sofa.

"Get to the point."

In response to Min Sung's stern eyes, Ethan shrugged and looked back at him with a serious look on his face.

"I'm here to tell you that we'd like to recruit you."

"Under what condition?"

"We'll give you 100 trillion as a contract fee."

"What is it that you want?"

"We're going to support you, and you must sell your items to only us, Americans."

"That's not bad. But I can't say it's good either."

"What do you mean?"

Min Sung looked at Ethan.

Ethan stared at Min Sung's dark eyes waiting for his response.

"There's something else I want."

"Tell me."

Ethan acted like he was flexible, but he gulped loudly.

"I don't need 100 trillion. And I'll go inside the tower on my own. You just sit back and don't do anything. That's my condition."

"Are you saying you won't let America monopolize on your items?"

"No. I'll decide how much I'll sell them for."

Ethan sighed deeply.

"My conditions will never change."

Min Sung drew a clear line.

"I understand why you don't want to only give the items to America, but why do you want to go to the tower on your own? For the good of our future…"

"You just get in the way without being any help to me."

In response to Min Sung's fact attack, Ethan looked down and clenched his teeth.

"What if we refuse?"

"Hey, American master."


An item window popped up on the left side of Min Sung.

And within the item window was a white spark.


He didn't even touch it, but the Orichalcum Sword made a torpedo attack in the air. It approached Ethan and floated near his temple.

"I have no intention of making a deal with you. I'm just telling you what I want."


Ethan's face dripped in sweat.

In response to the fascinating sight, Ethan was unable to come to his senses.

He knew he was strong, but


he didn't know he was this strong.

'What kind of magic was that?'

Ethan felt as though a cold sword had gone through his chest.

His head continued to drip in sweat.

"Is this a good enough answer?"

"…I understand. So please get this sword away."

Ethan asked for the Orichalcum Sword to be put away from his temple.



The Orichalcum Sword flew over to Min Sung's hand in an instant.

Ethan stared at the sword in Min Sung's hand in shock.

"Deliver my message to all of the world hunters. Can you do that?"

"… Sure."

Ethan responded as if he was swallowing a pill.

"Then get going."

Ethan got up with trembling legs.



Ethan cursed on his way out of the Grand Tower.

He had always been treated with the utmost respect except from the Chinese, but in front of the Korean hunter named Min Sung Kang, he was absolutely powerless.

"Let's just see how long you can keep this up for."

Ethan looked back at the penthouse and then got into his limousine.

He was so angry that he took out a bottle of whiskey.

Right before he took a drink.


Ethan coughed.

But it was no ordinary cough.

He felt a hot fire within his chest.


Ethan looked down with shocked eyes.

He saw blood dripping out of his mouth.

"What's this…?"

It became harder and harder to breathe.

And at that moment.


Blood sprayed out of his mouth like a fountain.

The driver pulled over the limousine in shock.

"Are you okay, Master? I'll call 911…"

As soon as the driver took out his phone, one door ripped open.

Ethan looked toward the broken door with blood pouring out.

Someone was standing there.

It was the robed man.

He leisurely sat next to him.

"Is this… a side effect of the item…?"

Ethan sat still and asked the robed man.


He then coughed up more blood.

This time, it was even more painful and some blood vessels came out with it.

The robed man stared at Ethan with cold eyes and then took out a bottle from his jacket.

Inside the bottle was a white pill.

The robed man shook the bottle.


It made the sound of a rolling pill.

"You catch on quick. This is just a sedative. If you take this in less than 5 minutes, you'll survive," he explained.

When Ethan reached for it, the robed man pulled it back.

"Give… me… the pill."

Ethan talked while panting and grabbed the robed man by the shoulder.

"You took two items. Because of that, you got the side effect a lot earlier than the rest of the world hunters."

"Was this… a part of… your plan? You were watching all along…"

"Of course. We confiscated all the items that you secretly stole."

"Cough! What… are you trying… to do…?"

Ethan asked with a red face and an expression that resembled that of a devil.

"It's simple," the robed man replied.


Ethan grimaced and closed his eyes shut.

"The American hunters are all taking sedatives as we speak. The hunters of other countries will soon suffer it as well."

"You… sons… of bitches! Ugh!"

"Once the poisonous effect is activated, it disturbs your Aura's energy. You'll die within 3 minutes. And this poisonous effect will reoccur every week."

Ethan grasped onto the robed man's shoulder tightly, but his strength didn't strain the robed man one bit.

The robed man watched Ethan die away as he handed him the bottle.

Ethan took the bottle with trembling hands and shook it into his mouth.

The white pill entered Ethan's mouth.


As soon as he swallowed the pill, the color in Ethan's face started to return.

Even his troubled breathing stabilized.

Although he was recovered, his body was still harmed.

Ethan caught his breath and stared at the robed man.

Within Ethan's eyes were complicated emotions.

"You must have been desperate seeing how you ate the items right away."

The robed man's voice sounded annoyed.

"You'll get a notice from Samchunkyo soon. You'll have to follow their orders. If you don't, we will no longer provide you with the sedatives."

The robed man disappeared as soon as he was done talking.

Ethan tried to move when he coughed and curled over like a shrimp.

Despite having ingested the pill, it was still hard to breathe due to the aftereffects.

Ethan heard the sound of sirens ringing from afar.


Except for America, the hunters of other countries scheduled to meet with Min Sung Kang.

However, they suddenly received news.

That the American hunters were poisoned by the item.

And that the only thing to resolve it was a pill that Samchunkyo possessed and that if they didn't take it, they would die.

They hoped that the message was wrong, but as soon as Ethan confirmed it, the world hunters fell apart.

The appearance of Min Sung Kang and the tower skewed the hunters' judgment, and as a result, they ingested the items out of desperation.

The world hunters, who planned on standing behind Min Sung Kang, were suddenly being controlled by Samchunkyo.

They weren't able to do anything as they waited for Samchunkyo's announcement.

For this reason, the world hunters gathered at the Manhattan assembly for a meeting.

Chapter 125

"What are we supposed to do about this?"

"At this rate, China will take over the world."

"Damn it. I can't believe we fell for the item trap with such horrible side effects."

"It's our fault for falling for it."

"Since we already fell for Samchunkyo's trap, we have no other choice."

The vibe inside the meeting room was so heavy it was suffocating.

At that moment, a shadow appeared with the sound of the tent flapping.

All eyes moved toward the person who entered through the door.

At that entrance was one woman.

It was Ji Yoo Kim of Korea's Central Institute.

As soon as the world hunters saw her, they felt complicated emotions.

Ji Yoo Kim allowed the world hunters to stare as she walked inside.

She then sat at the end seat of the meeting room.

"As long as Samchunkyo is trying to take over the world, we mustn't get dragged along with it. From now on, we have to find a way to avoid this problem."

In response to Ji Yoo Kim, the South American commander sighed.

"It's impossible to find a way…"

Ji Yoo Kim stared at the South American commander with piercing eyes.

"Even if it is, we have to try."

The South American commander covered his eyes with clenched teeth before looking back at Ji Yoo Kim.

"Do you have an idea?"

Ji Yoo Kim scanned the world hunters with stable eyes.

She then began the meeting with the topic that she prepared.

"Most of the world hunters are poisoned by the item and have no choice but to receive the sedative from Samchunkyo. It's Samchunkyo's plan to use this as a way for them to take control over the world."

Ji Yoo Kim continued with a strong gaze fixed on the world hunters.

"We'll have to analyze Samchunkyo's sedative and make it ourselves."

"We only took the sedative while the person from Samchunkyo was watching. I'm sure that'll be the case for all of them. So how are we supposed to get our hands on it?"

Following a short silence, Ji Yoo Kim continued,

"Samchunkyo will provide the world hunters with the sedatives. Just like how he handed it out to Ethan and the American hunters. When he hands them out to the world hunters, the Central Institute will secure the sedative."

In response to Ji Yoo Kim's bold decision, the commanders gulped.

"If Samchunkyo finds out, we're done for…"

"We need to put our lives at risk. We must secure the pill and analyze it before Samchunkyo finds out."

"Isn't that too dangerous? There's no way Samchunkyo will fall for it…"

"The choice is up to all of you."

In response, the hunters showed troubled looks on their faces.

After a long meeting, the hunters agreed to do as Ji Yoo Kim suggested.

"But there's one problem," Ji Yoo Kim added.

"Samchunkyo will prepare just enough pills for the number of hunters we have. If we do secure a pill, that means one hunter won't get one…"

"Oh, don't worry about that. Some hunters didn't ingest the item."

Ji Yoo Kim's face brightened up.

"That's good. Then let's proceed."


Min Sung, who was focused on the scenery of Seoul from his helicopter, jolted awake because of a sound.


This is Ho Sung!

Min Sung picked up the walkie talkie.

"What is it?"

A moment later, Ho Sung Lee responded.

This is urgent. It's information regarding China's Samchunkyo. Should I just tell you right now?

Min Sung knitted his brows and responded,

"I'm going back. Wait for me."

Yes, Sir!

The pilot turned back even before Min Sung said so.

Min Sung's helicopter turned around and went back toward the World Tower.


Du, du, du, du, du, du, du!

The propellers spun at a very high speed as the helicopter landed on the landing pad.

The wind blown by the propellers made Ho Sung Lee cover his face as he waited for Min Sung.

A moment later, the propellers stopped and Min Sung got off.

Ho Sung Lee fixed his hair while pressing the elevator button for Min Sung.

"I'll tell you now."

As soon as Min Sung got on the elevator, Ho Sung Lee continued,

"You know how Samchunkyo handed out items? Well, the side effect started to kick in. If Samchunkyo doesn't give them a sedative pill, they'll die."

"Who told you that? Ji Yoo Kim?"

"Yes, Sir."

Min Sung got off the elevator. He walked into the living room and then tilted his head.

"If Samchunkyo is giving them sedatives…"

"That's right. They're trying to control the world hunters, Sir. You said you wanted to control them. It


looks like Samchunkyo beat you to it. What are you going to do?"

"It's not even worth my energy."

Ho Sung Lee dropped his head with a surprised face.

"Oh…I see. Then what about us…?"

At that moment, the doorbell rang.

Ho Sung Lee checked the interphone.

"General, Ji Yoo Kim is here."

"Let her in," Min Sung replied while enjoying the view.

A moment later, Ji Yoo Kim came up to the penthouse floor via elevator.

She stood behind Min Sung, who was still enjoying the view.

She then explained her plan to secure a pill, which she previously shared with the world hunters.

"… And Ethan has already given his permission. That means that from now on, you're in charge of what happens with the world hunters."

Min Sung nodded.


Ji Yoo Kim smiled. She bowed and then excused herself from the penthouse.

As soon as Ji Yoo Kim left, Min Sung looked around him.

"Where's Bowl?"

In response, Ho Sung Lee shrugged.

"I'll look for him."

Ho Sung Lee looked around the penthouse before ending up in the washroom.


Ho Sung Lee opened the door and stared into the bathtub in surprise.

Bowl was swimming inside the big tub.

"Sir, Bowl is in here."

In response, Min Sung looked into the tub.

"Huff! Huff!"

Min Sung knitted his brows at Bowl, who was swimming hard inside the tub.

"What are you doing in there?"

In response to Min Sung's question, Bowl lifted his head from the pool.

"Oh! Master! I'm practicing swimming."

"But why?"

"What if I'm low on mana and fall into the water?"

Min Sung stared at Bowl before letting out a sigh.

"Keep at it."

Once Min Sung disappeared, Ho Sung Lee laughed at Bowl.

"You're trying hard for a beer bottle."

At that moment, a clear flame could be seen within Bowl's eyes.

Bowl casted a spell, causing for a dark smoke to wrap around Ho Sung Lee's body.

The dark smoke lifted his body into the air and brought him in front of Bowl.

Bowl crawled out of his pool and stared at Ho Sung Lee with his darkened eyes.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong with you?"

Ho Sung Lee asked in fear.

"Son of a bitch. Let's play together."

"What are you talking about? Let me down!"

Bowl snickered.

Ho Sung Lee felt horrified.

"Huh? Huh? Hey! Ugh!"


The dark smoke threw Ho Sung Lee into the pool.

Bowl put both of his hands to his waist in a dance. He smickered and then dove into the pool.

"S-save me…! Argh!"


The sound of Bowl's laughter rang through the washroom.


While Ho Sung Lee suffered a life-and-death situation, Min Sung opened the fridge and looked through the ingredients.

The fridge was full of ingredients that could make just about anything.

'I'm sure practice will make me better.'

'It's worth a shot.'

'What should I make as a simple snack?'

'It needs to be relatively easy.'

Min Sung contemplated it before making a decision.

He decided to start off with something easy and gain more experience.

Min Sung closed the fridge.

His snack was decided.

It had been a long time since he had eaten it, and he wondered why it took him so long.

That dish was ramen.

Min Sung already knew that if he used too much water, it would turn bland and not delicious whatsoever.

For that reason, he filled the pot with only 500 milliliters of water and put it to a boil.

A moment later, the water started boiling.

Min Sung added the soup base, and once the water turned red, he added the noodles.

The boiling water cooked the noodles.

It felt good.

He didn't particularly like ramen as a kid, but he did remember that it tasted good.

Min Sung smiled and watched the noodles cook.

The spicy scent of the soup base ticked the inside of his nose.

As soon as it was fully cooked, he turned off the stove and placed the noodles inside a luxury bowl.

He sat in front of the steaming ramen and picked up his chopsticks.

'This has to be good.'

Just before he tasted the ramen.

"Maybe I should've added an egg."

Min Sung shook his head.

It was best that he enjoyed the ramen without an egg since it had been such a long time.

Min Sung reassured himself of his decision and tasted the ramen.


The curly ramen noodles got sucked into his mouth.

Just as he thought, the ramen had to be good.

No matter how bad he was at cooking, he could still make ramen.

That was the advantage of ramen.

He liked the feeling of the ramen's steam on his face, as well as the feeling of the hot noodles against his lips and the scent that spread throughout his mouth.


He suddenly got the idea to enjoy ramen in a cold country such as Russia.

Next time, he would certainly try it with an egg.

With that thought, Min Sung drank the broth.


The sound of the soup entering his mouth sounded just like an orchestra.

The deep and rich flavor heated up his throat.


He was in awe as his body heated up.

His first ramen after a long time.

The taste of ramen in the morning was so satisfying that he couldn't begin to explain it.

'I bet Woong Jang's ramen would be much more delicious.'

'I wonder how it tastes.'

'With his talent, wouldn't it be absolutely mindblowing?'

'I should try it one day.'

Min Sung smiled. He finished his ramen and chewed on the crispy pieces of Kimchi.

The flavor of the ripened Kimchi went perfectly with the ramen.

Ramen was definitely the definition of 'magical flavor'.

Chapter 126

The next morning.

The world hunters including those of America received a message telling everyone to gather at the assembly.

The sender was Samchunkyo.

Since they had no choice but to obey if they wanted sedatives, the hunters gathered at the specified time.

As soon as hundreds of world hunters arrived at the assembly, the sound of a sports car could be heard.

The world hunters showed nervousness, rage, and fear in their eyes as they waited for Samchunkyo's hunter to arrive.

A moment later, a red sports car parked in front of the assembly.

And from the driver's seat, the robed man got out holding a bag of documents.

When the robed man looked around, the hunters avoided his gaze.

The robed man slammed his door shut and walked toward the meeting tent.

The commanders followed behind him.

As soon as the robed man sat down, so did the commanders.

While the hunters watched on, the robed man took off his hood.

The commanders flinched at the robed man's face.

He was missing an eye.

And the other eye showed a large scar.

On top of that, the only eye he had was fierce and cold.

The robed man then put down a sword on the table.


The sound of the slam made all the commanders' hearts sink to the ground.

"Did you come to an agreement?"

The robed man asked in a low voice.

The commanders all nodded to the robed man.

The robed man glared coldly.

"Don't just nod like retards and respond to me with words."

The robed man's voice was still low, but it was loud enough for all the commanders to be scared.


The commanders all changed at the same time out of nervousness.

As they all minded each other, the robed man got up and grabbed the handle of the sword.

The hunters' eyes followed the sword in the robed man's hand.


The sword's blade rammed into the table.

After feeling the vibration of the table, the commanders gulped.

"You probably thought that if you dragged enough time, you could pick a scapegoat and analyze the sedative to make it yourself."

The commanders grew even tenser.

"You probably want the sedative as soon as possible so that you can figure it out quickly."

The commanders dripped in sweat after realizing they were found out.

"Do you really think I wouldn't have found out such a childish scheme?"

The robed man took the sword and slowly cut through the table.


Despite the sword only cutting through wood, the sound made the commanders shiver.

"We'd only take the sedative in front of you, so how could we take one to analyze? Please don't suspect us for such a thing."

In response to the commander, the robed man scanned each and one of their faces.


While Samchunkyo's man and the world hunters were gathered in the meeting room, Ji Yoo Kim acted secretly.

The world hunters were all over the assembly. There was no way the sedatives were in the car he came in.

It had to be nearby.

Somewhere not too far from the assembly.

The world hunters had to take the sedative within today in order to avoid death.

And Samchunkyo needed these hunters in order to carry out their plans.

So there was no way they would let the hunters die so easily.

Ji Yoo Kim dispatched her people in order to find the sedative.


The world hunters felt as if their insides were burning up.

It was agreed that once Ji Yoo Kim secured the sedative, she would give the hunters a sign.

However, there was no sign to be seen.

The world hunters were minding the robed man, who looked as if he was going to kill them, while they also waited for Ji Yoo Kim to secure the sedative.

"There's something off about your faces."

The robed man scanned all of the commanders' faces with the sword against his shoulder.

The commanders were desperately waiting for the news while the robed man was catching on that something was up.


'Where is it…?'

There wasn't much time.

She continued to search, but the item in question was nowhere to be seen.

Ji Yoo Kim


grabbed her aching head.

But that moment, she got an idea.

Since there's no way he hid it anywhere far…

'Is it in the ground?'

The thought made her heart flutter.

If she didn't find the sedative, Samchunkyo was going to own the lives of the world hunters forever.

This was her last chance!

However, if they did hide it in the ground, it was impossible to dig it up without getting caught.

Ji Yoo Kim grimaced and looked toward the assembly.


The world hunters resigned.

It was time for them to eat the sedative, but they hadn't received word that it was found.

If that was the case, that meant it was all over.

After checking his watch, the robed man took out documents from his bag.

It was a contract.

A contract agreeing for the Samchunkyo hunters to replace the positions of the commanders.

The magical contract, which took effect as soon as they stamped it, made the commanders feel burdened with responsibility.

A document was placed in front of every commander.

There was no more time to waste.

The only way they could avoid a poison-induced death was to receive the sedative.

Even if Ji Yoo Kim found the sedative, they had no choice but to sign the contract.

The problem was that Ji Yoo Kim had to secure the item before the robed man took out the pills.

The unfortunate circumstance made the commanders feel devasted.

The commanders held the contract with shaking hands.


Ji Yoo Kim was frustrated.

She used all of her men at Central Institute to find it, but it was nowhere to be found.

If they really did bury it as predicted, it was almost impossible to retrieve.

After all, it didn't make sense to steal sedatives from a Samchunkyo hunter, who was more powerful than anyone.

Ji Yoo Kim plopped down with no energy.

The Central Institute hunters watched Ji Yoo Kim with sad eyes.

At that moment.

Footsteps could be heard.

The footsteps were so perfectly rhythmic that it couldn't have been human.



"You startled me!"

"What was that?"

Her surroundings felt disturbed.

So she looked around to see where the sound was coming from.

Someone was walking toward where the Central Institue hunters were gathered.

The magical Lich doll.


Ji Yoo Kim stared at Bowl blankly.

Bowl wobbled over in a cute suit and looked up at Ji Yoo Kim.

"… You," Ji Yoo Kim muttered looking down at Bowl.

"I was told to find this and give it to you."

Bowl took out a sedative pill from his jacket and handed it over.

Ji Yoo Kim flinched.

"H-how did you find this?"

"It was in the ground. I dug it up and brought only one for you."

She looked at the pill in Bowl's hand in shock.

She then teared up.

"Is it okay if I take this?"

"Of course. My master said you could."

Ji Yoo Kim looked around.

"He's not here."

She laughed and smiled.

"You came alone?"

"No. I came with the son of a bitch."

Ji Yoo Kim was taken aback.

"Who are you calling a son of a bitch? You little skeleton?"

Ho Sung Lee showed up smiling.

Ji Yoo Kim nodded at Ho Sung Lee and turned toward Bowl.

"Tell him I said thank you. And thank you to you as well," Ji Yoo Kim expressed her gratitude as she accepted the item.

In response, Bowl snickered with his head tilted back.


The world hunters signed the contract.

Once the robed man collected the contracts and put them in his bag, he picked up his sword and got up.

"Someone from Samchunkyo will come soon. Prepare to welcome them."

He then walked toward the center where the world hunters were standing and paused.

The robed man looked around him coldly which made the world hunters take a step back.

The robed man lifted his sword above his head.

The sword began to gather a strong force all around it.

The robed man then struck the ground with his sword.


The ground of the assembly cracked, making dirt and rocks fly out in all directions.

A big hole formed.

Inside the big hole was a clean box.

The robed man went down into the hole and threw the box out of it.


The heavy box landed on the ground.

The robed man climbed back out and opened the lid.


As soon as the lid opened, a bunch of pills could be seen.

The sedatives that would calm down their poison symptoms.

When the robed man gestured with his chin, the commanders lined up in order to take the sedative.

At that moment, the expression on the commanders' faces changed.

The reason was because Ji Yoo Kim signaled that she found the pill.

The commanders minded the robed man and tried to hide their faces.

She found the pill.

It was just a matter of time before the contents were analyzed.

It wasn't going to take long.

However, the problem was that they had already passed over the commander positions to Samchunkyo.

But it was already done and over with.

This meant that Min Sung had to face off against Samchunkyo in order to keep the world hunters alive and reclaim their positions.

Chapter 127


Min Sung opened his eyes.

After getting used to the modern world, he began sleeping a lot more.

He did open his eyes at the slightest things, but since that didn't happen, he was able to get a deep sleep.

Thanks to the good sleep, he was in the best condition.

Min Sung went to the living room and called Ho Sung Lee.

Yes, Sir.

"How did it go?"

We succeeded. Bowl delivered the message to Ji Yoo Kim. Wow, Bowl is impressive. He's capable of a lot.

In response to Min Sung's command, Bowl controlled an undead devil and successfully retrieved the pill.

Bowl's ability to control devils was outstanding, and it was confirmed that his abilities were good enough to use in the future as well.

"I'll go to the assembly soon. Get ready to go to the tower."

Yes, Sir. I'll see you…!

Min Sung hung up the phone. He made a cup of coffee and headed out to the garden.

The fall afternoon was clear with not a single cloud in sight.

Min Sung enjoyed the cool breeze as he had his cup of coffee before going to the assembly.


'The number's not right.'

The robed man looked down at the empty box with a stiff face.

He had prepared just enough for the number of hunters.

There was no way Samchunkyo made a mistake.

He watched the world hunters taking the sedatives.

Unless someone managed to steal a pill from the box, he didn't understand how this could be.

"W-why isn't there any left?"

The last hunter who had yet to take a pill stuttered in fear.

The robed man scanned the commanders with his eyes.

In response, the commanders avoided his gaze.


Time went by.

And then at the determined time, the last hunter who didn't get a pill began bleeding out of his mouth.

"Ugh… G-give me the medicine. Please… Ugh!"

The hunters watched the dying hunter with shocked faces.

"I don't know how they did it, but someone took a pill…"

The robed man scanned the room around him with a horrifying vibe.

"What you came down with after eating the item isn't a simple poison. At this point, a poisonous bug has been born inside you. If you don't take a sedative, that bug will begin eating you from the inside."

The robed man laughed as he continued,

"Don't be reassured just because you took a pill. The poisonous bug will continue to grow, and at that point, this medicine won't cure you."

The world hunters' faces turned pale.

"I'm saying there's no point in stealing this pill."

The fear intimidated the hundreds of world hunters.


The hunter, who didn't get a pill, fell on the ground and stopped breathing.

The world hunters quietly watched his still body.

"Why are you doing such a thing when you should all be working together to clear the Black Tower?"

At that moment, one world hunter screamed at the robed man.

The robed man looked at the screaming hunter and tilted his head.

"That's how weak bastards like you think."

In response, the world hunters clenched down on their teeth and groaned.


The robed man's one eye sparkled.

At the same time, a blue Aura radiated from his sword.

"I never gave you permission to complain."

The robed man then moved at high speed and struck the world hunter who screamed with his sword.


The world hunter's body divided into two and poured out blood.

Some blood sprayed onto the robed man's face, but he didn't wipe it off and stared at the other world hunters as if he was waiting for more complaints.

The world hunters were unable to breathe as they avoided his gaze.

The robed man used his knife.

That was a signal that control was about to begin.


Min Sung pressed 0 on the phone while dressed in a black training suit.

"Tell the pilot to come up."

Yes, Sir. I'll do that right away.

The lobby receptionist replied and the call ended.

Min Sung looked in the mirror to smooth out his outfit, and then he went up to the roof via elevator.

As soon as he arrived on the roof, he looked out on the spectacular view.


The wind made Min Sung's training suit flutter.

Min Sung yawned loudly.

"I slept so much, but I'm still tired."

While Min Sung rubbed his eyes, the pilot arrived.


The pilot greeted Min Sung with a shaking voice.

Min Sung looked back at the pilot.

"Start the helicopter."

"Y-yes, Sir."

The pilot quickly moved to the helicopter.

The propellers began spinning, causing strong winds to blow.

Min Sung put on his noise-canceling headphones.

"You don't have to put on your hel… Oh,


I guess I worried for nothing."

The helicopter pilot smiled awkwardly and continued,

"Where's your destination?"

"The Warp Gate."

"The Warp Gate doesn't have a landing pad yet…"

"I'll just jump off."

"Oh… Okay."

The pilot was shocked, but he gulped and came to his senses.

"Then we'll take off now."

Min Sung nodded and the helicopter took off.

Du, du, du, du, du, du, du!

The helicopter headed over to the Warp Gate with a loud noise.

Not long afterward, the helicopter reached the Warp Gate area.

The helicopter was much faster than traveling using a car.

Once they were above the Warp Gate building, Min Sung took off his headphones and opened the door.


Strong winds blew into the helicopter, but the pilot did everything he could to keep the helicopter stable.

"Good work," Min Sung remarked as he threw his body out of the door.


Along with the sound of the door closing, Min Sung fell below.


Although he was falling at a high speed, Min Sung's posture was stable.

The helicopter pilot watched with a dropped jaw as Min Sung landed safely on the ground.


Min Sung went to New York through the Warp Gate.

As soon as he got out of the gate room, an employee greeted the VVIP, Min Sung.

Min Sung greeted him back and came out into the lobby.

As he passed the center of the lobby, someone came in through the revolving doors.

The robed man.

His robe had blood all over it.

When the robed man lifted his head and walked over, Min Sung knitted his brows.

The robed man's gaze was fixed upon him.

Also, Min Sung sensed his gaze as unpleasant.


He continued to stare at him.

Min Sung laughed and took off the hood that he was wearing.

With the flip of the hood, the robed man's face revealed itself.

One eye was closed due to a battle scar.

And the other eye continued to stare at Min Sung.

"What are you staring at, Left Eye?"

Min Sung dryly asked.

The robed man looked Min Sung in the eye and then bowed his head.

"I apologize."

Min Sung watched the robed man walked by with his head down.


Min Sung chewed a piece of gum as he left the building.

He saw Ho Sung Lee and Bowl obsessing over the cars.

"Let's go."

In response, Ho Sung Lee threw out his cigarette and turned around toward Min Sung.

"Did you have a comfortable trip, Sir?"

Ho Sung Lee bowed at 90 degrees.


Bowl ran over to Min Sung and danced with his hips swaying from side to side.

At that moment, Ho Sung Lee pointed at a black sports car.

"That's the Leferrari Mostro. It hits its top speed in 2 seconds. Only VVIPs can ride this car. Thanks to you, I get to drive a car like this!"

Ho Sung Lee looked at the car with an excited face and expressed his awe.

"Stop making a fuss and get ready to go."

As soon as Min Sung got in the back, Ho Sung Lee got into the driver's seat and started the engine.


The ringing sound spread far.

"Oh, I also made it so that you can get your car and helicopter licenses as soon as possible. I found a private section so that you can do it in peace."

"What about the helicopter at the Warp Gate?"

"It'll take some time to make the landing pad."

Min Sung nodded and Ho Sung Lee stepped on the gas pedal.

The tires spun in the same spot and the supercar took off.


It was faster than any car that Ho Sung Lee drove before.

Since there was no traffic, they would probably arrive at the assembly in a very short time.

"Sir, I heard something. But it's not good news."

Ho Sung Lee drove as he continued,

"We secured a pill thanks to Bowl's abilities, but the hunter who couldn't take that pill died."

"I thought there was a hunter who didn't take a pill."

"That was a lie. They just made one hunter into a scapegoat as if it was no big deal. Those sons of bitches…!"

Min Sung laughed out of absurdity.

"That's not all. Developing our own sedative won't solve the issue. Apparently, a poisonous bug is born when you eat the item. So unless it's another pill that Samchunkyo developed, the old one won't be effective.

Ho Sung Lee continued with a frustrated look on his face,

"Anyway, Samchunkyo got them good. Those idiots. No matter how desperate they were, how could they take a mysterious drug? On top of that, they even sacrificed a hunter so that the rest of them could live. It's also a problem that there's now an issue with your plan."

Ho Sung Lee minded Min Sung since he was worried that he might get a little too emotional.

"That man who came from Samchunkyo."


"What does he look like?"

"Apparently, he always wears a robe and has one injured eye."

"It's that bastard."

"Pardon? Who?"

"I saw him in the lobby of the Warp Gate."

"You did? The Samchunkyo hunter?!"

"That's right. Left Eye."

Min Sung looked annoyed, which made Ho Sung Lee gulp.

"Samchunkyo… What are you going to do with them?"

"They're bothersome, but both the world hunters and Samchunkyo are the same. It's not like they're getting in the way."

However, Ho Sung Lee was certain.

That with Min Sung Kang's personality, there was going to be a clash with Samchunkyo.

And if that happened…

He shivered at the thought of it.

His body shook with fear at the thought of what might happen at a very large scale.

Chapter 128

They arrived at the assembly.

The world hunters were deep in sorrow as if they were mourning.

But then again, since their death was inevitable, it made sense.

Min Sung didn't care for the world hunters' feelings and drank water while looking at the tower.

"Ho Sung. Where's my lunch?"

Ho Sung Lee showed a confident smile.

"I've already set up your lunch with the best food I could find."

Min Sung nodded and started walking.

"Let's go."


The Warp Gate located in New York.

7 Chinese people appeared there.

They were all dressed naturally in refined clothing, and on their left chest was a badge.

The badge signified that they were Samchunkyo hunters, meaning they would take over the positions of the world hunters.

Once they got out of the gate room, they sat down in the waiting room. Since the cars were on their way, they had to wait for a little while.

Despite there being many of them, all 7 of them were silent.

All they did was look through their documents or go on their tablets or phone.

In the midst of the silence, one of the hunters opened his mouth.

"I heard Min Sung Kang went up the tower by himself. Do you think he's strong?"

"Don't have interest in him if it doesn't have to do with the duty you've been given."

"We have to deal with him anyway. Why do we have to drag it on for so long?"

"Anyway, why don't we see the commanders anyway?"

"They're probably waiting at the assembly."

"Snicker! Those bastards. I'm going to teach them a lesson when I get there. I can't believe they're only sending one limousine."

After a comment or two, an employee notified them of the car's arrival.

The 7 Samchunkyo hunters leisurely left the Warp Gate building.



Min Sung breathed out deeply.

Underneath Min Sung's feet were countless devils.

But the devils were still alive.

He put enough damage on them so that Ho Sung Lee and Bowl could finish them off.

"Eat it up."

In response to Min Sung's command, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl pounced on the devils.

"… Agh! I failed."

"Don't touch mine, you skeleton!"

Ho Sung Lee and Bowl bickered back and forth about who would claim the devils.

At that moment.

A devil that regained its stamina spotted Ho Sung Lee and Bowl, and Min Sung who saw that knitted his brows.

He began walking.

And then.


Min Sung's Orichalcum Sword clashed against the devil's fingernail.

Gold light shined as the devil's hand flew off before Ho Sung Lee and Bowl's eyes.

"Pay attention!"

Min Sung sounded angry.

"I'm sorry, Sir."

At that moment, another devil began wriggling back up.

Ho Sung Lee and Bowl simultaneously attacked the devil.

Despite the devil almost being dead, they were so powerful that they were coming back to life.

"What are you, doctors? Are you here to save devils?"

Ho Sung Lee and Bowl did everything they could to kill the devils, but there were so many of them that they were starting to lose their energy.

Min Sung, who was watching by, clicked his tongue.

"Stop and step back."

In response, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl did as they were told.

At that same time, Min Sung clicked his tongue as he waved his Orichalcum Sword into the air.

The powerful Aura shot at the devils on the ground.


The devils were annihilated.


The 7 Samchunkyo hunters arrived at the assembly.

The world hunters watched as the Samchunkyo hunters got out of the car.

They were watching with eyes of ridicule.

The world hunters snickered as they glanced over at the 7 hunters because that was all they could do.

The same went for the commanders.

"You're here."

The American hunter master, Ethan, led the commanders and greeted the 7 Samchunkyo hunters.

One of the Samchunkyo hunters kicked Ethan in the leg.


Ethan's knee cracked as he plopped down onto the ground.

The hunters looked at Ethan and the Samchunkyo hunters with shocked eyes.

"How dare you only send one car? You should've come and picked us up yourself."

"… Ugh."

"Ha… Look at this guy. Answer me."

The Samchunkyo hunters had violent tempers.

"… I-I'm sorry, Sir."

Ethan bowed his head down low and mumbled his apology.

As soon as the Samchunkyo hunters' eyes moved elsewhere, the healer


ran over and treated Ethan's broken leg.

The world hunters watched on before looking away with sad eyes.

After the Black Tower appeared and China took over the world, the world hunters fell apart.

When you fall from a high place, the damage was much greater.

Just the fact that they were from China meant that no one stood a chance, and that fact made the world hunters die away.

"Prepare to brief us on the Black Tower and Min Sung Kang."


Min Sung threw the towel that he used to clean his Orichalcum Sword. He threw it on the ground then stopped.

When Min Sung stopped, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl watched on nervously.

"This is good enough."

In response, Ho Sung Lee caught on to what Min Sung wanted and took something out of the item window.

What Ho Sung Lee took out of the item window was a Bulgogi lunch box.

"Sir, are you ready for lunch?"


Ho Sung Lee laid out a picnic blanket on which Min Sung sat down.

Ho Sung Lee opened the lunch box and handed him chopsticks.

"I can't believe you defeated so many devils that not even the world hunters can handle. You'll clear the tower at this rate. But then again, there are many floors."

Ho Sung Lee spoke with a gaze of respect.

Min Sung was about to taste his lunch when he suddenly stopped.

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung strangely.

"… What's wrong?"

"Ho Sung."

Min Sung called Ho Sung Lee's name.

"Yes, Sir."

"I just remembered something."

"What is it?"

Bowl, who was inside his pocket, must have been curious because he poked his head out to watch.

"I have a good idea."

"What is it?"

Ho Sung Lee asked Min Sung with anxious eyes, and Min Sung explained.

"There was no reason to eat lunches like this. I can eat warm food while I clear the floors."

"What do you mean…?"

"Let's cook."

"… Pardon?"

"Let's make our own lunch."

"Like what?"


"So… you want to buy the ingredients and cook inside this tower?"


"Who's going to cook?"


"I don't know how though."

"The teacher at cooking class said you have talent. Call Woong and get his recipes. Get something that you can make."


Ho Sung Lee was about to say something, but he gave up.

Min Sung had already decided that he would make food inside the tower, and he knew that it was impossible to change his mind.

"Okay. I'll go to the market to get some ingredients and get the recipe and burner as well."

"We don't need a burner. Bowl can cook the food with his magic."

Ho Sung Lee nodded.

"Oh yeah. Okay. Then I'll be right back. Should I bring Bowl with me? It's dangerous alone."

Min Sung nodded.

"Hey, Bowl. Let's go."

Bowl showed an annoyed face, but he accepted his fate and crawled out of his pocket.


"What an impressive human. Now he's even going to make food in the Black Tower."

Ho Sung Lee was shaking his head when—

"Stop it!"

—he screamed with vessels popping out of his forehead.

Bowl was riding round and round around him on his shadow board.

He then summoned devils.

Three undead devils.

Although they were low-level devils, the fact that he could control three devils was a huge accomplishment.

The three devils followed Bowl as he rode on his shadow board.

Ho Sung Lee watched Bowl and the devils he summoned with a frown.

"Seriously. Hey, send them back. Why are you wasting your magic when there aren't any monsters? Besides, they're scary."

In response to Ho Sung Lee's annoyance, Bowl snickered and ignored him.

Ho Sung Lee watched on in jealousy as Bowl went around with his pet devils before he tilted his head.

"Anyway, why aren't we seeing any monsters?"

They were already on the 4th floor, but there were no monsters in sight.

"Maybe it's because he just killed them."

At that moment, a monster popped up.

"Hey, Bowl! A monster!"

Ho Sung Lee screamed.

Bowl got off his shadow board as if he had already known.

The monster was the King Blood Bear.

It was a monster that resembled an obese human.

All over the monster's body were veins that made him look absolutely disgusting.

And just as he looked, he predicted that he would be powerful as well.

Ho Sung Lee took out his Death Knight Sword from his item window with a nervous look on his face.

"Hey, Bowl. Go up to him first and use your magic like last time…"


Bowl's eyes flashed with a bright light.

At that moment.


One of the devils ran toward the monster.


The devil's long fingernails cut through the King Blood Bear's body.

As a result, its blood and bones flew everywhere, and the devils instinctively opened its skill and got ready to eat it up.

However, they were unable to easily consume the skin or bones.

The reason was that when the monster became a corpse it dropped its items everywhere.

The devils dumbly wondered why they couldn't eat it and looked around.