167 - 176

Chapter 167: Chapter 167

"You're egomaniac, selfish, cold, and scary. Above all, you don't consider anyone but yourself, and I think that's your biggest problem."

"For example?"

"Hm… From what I've heard, the interview will be broadcasted all over the world. So speaking in an informal manner could cause an issue. You always use informal speech no matter who you're talking to. But when you do that to strangers, they feel insulted. No matter what their age is."


When Min Sung didn't react, Ho Sung Lee glanced over at him.

He felt anxious that he might have crossed the line.

"Haha… But that's just in Korea. It's not like foreign countries care about that. And you're powerful enough to not care for such a thing. I'm just telling you because you asked. Hahaha…"

Ho Sung Lee spoke while minding Min Sung.

"Tell me more."

Ho Sung Lee wiped the sweat off his hands and glanced over at Min Sung again.

"Pardon? More?"


"There's no more."

"Tell me."

"You're just… kind of like a robot."

"A robot?"

"Yes. You don't smile, and you don't even show much emotion when you're angry. Haha, so you don't seem human at times. But that also means you look perfect. Haha… Most perfectionists give off that kind of vibe.

"Anything else?"

Ho Sung Lee sighed with a tired look on his face in response.

"Sir, I'll be honest since it doesn't seem like you're understanding me. But I'll only say it if you promise you won't hit me or throw me off the building."

"I promise."

"You're just a jerk. People like that don't really change. So don't make a lot of effort, and just be yourself…"

Min Sung began walking.

Step, step-

Ho Sung Lee saw Min Sung approach, so he flinched and trembled.

'Oh, no…!'

He was so tired that he ended up speaking his mind.

Ho Sung Lee's heart began pounding in worry that he might get hit or thrown over.

Ho Sung Lee closed his eyes shut and cowered with his arms covering his head.

He braced himself for horrifying pain, but thankfully, Min Sung simply tapped Ho Sung Lee on the shoulder and then left the roof.


Once Ho Sung Lee confirmed that Min Sung was gone, he felt relieved both inside and out.

"Phew… My heart almost stopped back there."

Ho Sung Lee broke out in cold sweat and let out a sigh.

He then tilted his head.

"Why didn't he hit me?"

Ho Sung Lee felt like something was wrong because Min Sung didn't act as he usually did.


The setting for the interview was set up on top of the stage.

On top of the stage were two red sofas.

A Korean woman was going to carry out the interview, and the questions were composed of what the media from all over the world were curious about.

A crazy number of reporters were gathered in front of the stage to the point that none of them could move.

They all had cameras in their hands, and they waited for Min Sung with the same kind of anticipation.

The Central Insitute hunters set up the barricade and checked that the reporters weren't fighting.

A moment later, the host click-clacked her high heels across the stage.

The host smiled and greeted the camera.

She then sat in her seat and checked her cue cards.

While people were getting ready for the interview, the screen behind the stage zoomed in on the host's face.

Min Sung's interview was going to be broadcasted all over the world.

Standby came to an end and the cameras began rolling.

The host introduced Min Sung with some music in the background.

When Min Sung appeared on stage, the reporters began to snap photos.

Since they were indoors, they kept the flashes on the down-low.

The invited celebrities, who were watching from behind, clapped and cheered.

The host smiled brightly and offered a handshake.

Min Sung accepted the handshake and sat down on the sofa.

As soon as Min Sung took a seat, the sounds of clapping and


cheering quieted down.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm So Yeon Choi, and I'm here to conduct your interview today. First, please introduce yourself."

The host asked with a smile.

"I'm Min Sung Kang."


Min Sung's very short introduction made the hall grow silent.

The host was taken aback, but in order to change the mood around, she smiled and began her interview.

"Haha, what a short introduction. But then again, who doesn't know Min Sung Kang nowadays? You've done something unbelievable for this world, so everybody knows your name now."


Min Sung didn't answer.

The host quickly understood Min Sung's personality.

"So everyone in the world including myself is very thankful to you."

She kept her cool and quickly proceeded into her first question.

"Let's begin the interview. Hm… Min Sung, although you're the best hunter, not many people knew about you until recently. Why haven't you been revealed to the media when you were such a skilled hunter? Did you purposely hide yourself?"

"It's too bothersome to explain. Let's pass through all the unimportant questions," Min Sung replied.

It wasn't unimportant, but Min Sung didn't see the point in saying anything that could be used for controversy.

The host was taken aback by this and was at a loss for words.

"The hunter organization will give you all the details you need."

The host gulped and let out a cough.

"Yes, I see."

The host shuffled through her cue cards with trembling hands and looked for her next question.

"The world hunters made a formal announcement just an hour ago. They said the construction for a defense line will begin tomorrow. Does that mean a dungeon or a tower could appear again?"

"I'm not sure, but that is likely."

In response, the reporters, as well as the celebrities, began mumbling amongst each other.

The host gasped and gulped.

Despite So Yeon Choi being an experienced host, she was shaken up by the shocking news.

But she quickly got a hold of herself.

"If you set up a defense line, the citizens will be safe, right?"

"The defense line will go down," Min Sung replied.

In response, the host widened her eyes and dropped her jaw.

The reporters stopped typing and stared at each other.

"… H-how are you so sure? The dungeons are gone now, and so is the tower. Nothing has begun yet."

"When I cleared the tower, I learned that that tower was just a test, so the real thing will appear sooner or later."


Everyone inside the hall was shocked and speechless as they stared at Min Sung.

"Do you know what will happen… if that defense line goes down?"

The host asked.

"Many people will die," Min Sung said as he looked into space

Chaos ensued.

The hall immediately got noisy.

The host opened her mouth with a stiffened face

"Why did you decide to reveal such a shocking fact during a formal interview?"

The host asked with the last bit of hope she had left.

"There will be some damage…"

Min Sung continued with a cold look in his eyes.

"… But I'll do my best to reduce it as much as possible."

Min Sung gave off an unmatched pose.

The hall, which was shaken up with chaos, quickly grew silent as if someone poured cold water on them.

The reporters stopped their movements, and the celebrities stared at Min Sung.

A mysterious sensation was taking over their bodies.


Min Sung continued,

"The reason why I decided to have this formal interview."

The host stared at Min Sung while gulping and putting strength into her entire body.

The same went for everybody else in the hall and the viewers who were watching the interview.

"… Is because I thought you should know. I was concerned that someone would find telling the public as bothersome and inconvenient. So I thought it'd be easier to tell you myself."

Min Sung was honest.

He told the truth without hiding anything.

"Why did you think we had to know? People all over the world are probably scared," the host asked.

Min Sung stared back at the host as if she asked an obvious question.

But the host didn't back down and kept her gaze on his.

"I'm sure everybody wants to hear it. Some probably don't understand why the truth is so important."

"Just… eat what you like and do what you want because some of you might not have much time left," Min Sung calmly answered.

The party hall grew so silent that it looked like a funeral hall.

But the fear didn't last long.

When it came to humans, the most extreme situations gave them a surprising amount of strength.

Realizing the truth was more important than fear.

Min Sung Kang was a man who cleared the tower on his own and dealt with Samchunkyo.

And a man like that announced that he would get rid of anything that threatened the planet.

So the truth that he just revealed caused a ripple inside the hearts of everybody who were watching.

To those who were watching Min Sung, he was like a living 'myth'. The only hero they could rely on, and the only one they could trust.

That truth took root in the hearts of the people who were keeping an eye on Min Sung.

Chapter 168: Chapter 168


Min Sung slowly got up and scanned the reporters, celebrities, and the cameras in the hall.

He remembered the expressions on every single one of their faces.

Many of them were crying.

Some were trembling in fear while others were focused on doing their job as reporters.

And some others were abandoning their computers so that they could go and see their precious loved ones.

Min Sung watched them for a long time.

They watched him with gazes that contained many emotions.

Min Sung then turned around and slowly walked off the stage.

The only thing that could be heard in the silence were the sounds of Min Sung's footsteps.

But at that moment.

Clap, clap… Clap, clap.

Another noise could be heard.

Min Sung stopped in his tracks and looked behind him.

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!

The loud sound of clapping could be heard.


Min Sung scanned the audience with confused eyes.

The reporters and the invited celebrities inside the hall were all clapping with tears in their eyes.

When he turned around, he also noticed the host clapping with mascara smeared all over her wet eyes.

He felt weird.

He felt his heart feel the slightest bit of emotion, which was unusual for him.

And at that moment.

Remember to eat.

For some reason, he was reminded of the words that were written on the note that he saw when he first returned to the current world.

During his 100 years in the Demonic Realm, emotions were nothing but a hindrance.

But he felt a kind of pain in his heart.

Min Sung clenched down on his teeth and knitted his brows.

This felt unfamiliar.

Min Sung looked down at his chest for a moment.

He felt his heart pounding.

Min Sung smiled bitterly and looked back up.

He saw people clapping to the point where their hands were getting sore.

Min Sung watched them before turning to walk off the stage.


Although Min Sung was already off the stage, the clapping continued past the 10-minute mark.

Woong Jang and Sia Jang, who were late because of Sia Jang's studies, stood next to Ho Sung Lee.

Sia Jang was sniffling while wiping her tears away, while Woong Jang watched Min Sung walk off the stage with wet eyes.

On the other hand, Ho Sung Lee glared toward the stage with his arms crossed.

"Chef, doesn't it seem like he changed? He seems a little weird. But people don't change, right? What's happening? He's a cold-blooded person."

Woong Jang smiled with his eyes still on the stage.

"I think his cold heart is starting to open up."

Woong Jang looked back at Ho Sung Lee with a smile.

"And it's not changed," Woong Jang said.


"He didn't change…"

Woong Jang continued,

"That's just who he really is."

Ho Sung Lee stared in the same direction and then laughed at the thought of Min Sung.

"Come on, no way."

In response, Woong Jang laughed along with him and calmed down Sia Jang, who was still crying.

Ho Sung Lee glanced over at Sia Jang.

"Hey, Sia," he called with a strong voice.

Sia Jang sniffled as she glared at Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee beamed a smile and stood in front of Sia Jang.

"Don't worry."


"I'll protect you," Ho Sung Lee said as she patted her head.

Sia Jang's big eyes shook a little.

Her face flushed as she scoffed and kneed Ho Sung Lee in the pressure point.


"Shut up! You perverted middle-aged man."

Sia Jang then ran off.


Ho Sung Lee grabbed his private area and plopped down on his knees and trembled.

Woong Jang looked in the direction her granddaughter ran and sighed as he patted Ho Sung Lee.

"A-are you okay?"

Ho Sung Lee was still trembling on the floor.

"… I think it broke."

Woong Jang's face turned blue.


"F-find me a healer. If not, call 911…"

"I'm sorry. My granddaughter has a lot to lea…"

"Healer! 911!"

Ho Sung Lee screamed as he trembled even harder.


Min Sung's interview moved the entire world.

People talked about the extinction of mankind on the streets causing religious groups to gather.

Posts fearing devils took over the internet while people all over the world struggled to escape the shock and fear.

However, their mindsets changed as time went on.

People started working less and focused more on people and their hobbies.

And those who had already given up on their dreams began pursuing them again.



of all ages dropped everything and headed out on their dream vacation.

The travel agencies were reeling it in.


"Huff… Huff…! Huff!"

Ho Sung Lee panted while looking at Min Sung.

Unlike Ho Sung Lee, Min Sung's breathing was as stable as always.

It had been a week since Ho Sung Lee began training with Min Sung at the training center in the Central Institute.

And for that week, it was living hell.

They had to increase their levels without the use of dungeons and towers.

And for Ho Sung Lee, who had the passive skill of being able to grow whenever he got beat up, Min Sung beat him up over and over for that entire week.

His head bled and his entire body was covered in bruises.

Although Min Sung was using a wooden sword, it didn't look like one in Ho Sung Lee's eyes.

Whenever Min Sung beat him, it hurt so much that it felt like he was being hit with a club.

That human being could pick up a handful of weed and still make it seem like a rock.

'… Damn it.'

He was leveling up, but it was very painful.

He was in so much pain that he would have much rather turned into his Berserker state instead.

It was almost as if he was a little kid fighting against a strong concrete wall.

Min Sung swung his wooden sword gesturing him to come closer.

Ho Sung Lee sighed. He clenched his teeth and ran in.

The Aura around his Death Knight Sword gave off a strong light.

"You have no will to fight."

Min Sung's eyes grew cold.

Ho Sung Lee felt his heart sink.

He was no longer able to adjust.

'This is too scary.'



Min Sung's wooden sword struck Ho Sung Lee on the side.

A loud thump could be heard, and Ho Sung Lee flew into the air and rolled onto the ground.


Ho Sung Lee coughed out blood as soon as he landed.

[Damage acquired. Level up.]

That human just hit me hard enough to make me experience the most excruciating pain.

'That devil…'

"Don't give up. It's all over if you do. Get up. Do you want to get killed by a devil?"

"Damn it…"

Ho Sung Lee spat out the last of his bloody saliva and got up using his sword to prop him up.

"If I keep doing this and level up, does that mean I can defeat devils?"

"How would I know? That's all up to you," Min Sung said with his wooden sword over his shoulder.

Ho Sung Lee closed his eyes shut and sighed deeply.

What he just said also implied that he had gotten stronger than before.

Like Min Sung said, Ho Sung lee had pretty much given up.

Since he had been tortured for a week straight, it was no wonder he was tired.

But Min Sung continued to stress that they had to train hard every day in order to surpass their limits.

If they didn't train hard, they were going to be easily killed by devils.

It meant something when someone as strong as Min Sung warned him of how dangerous devils were.

But whenever he got tired, he thought of one thing.

'What if I work this hard but still get killed by a devil?'

Devils were strong beyond anyone's imagination.

If the Black Tower was just a test, it didn't seem possible that they could handle the real thing.

That thought constantly crossed his mind.

But when that kind of feeling lingered in his heart, Min Sung's sword flew his way.

Just like right now…

Pow! Pow! Pow…!


Min Sung's wooden sword struck Ho Sung Lee's body 3 times in a row.

Ho Sung Lee was unable to endure the pain and plopped down on his knees.

[Damage acquired. Leveling up.]

At this rate, it felt like he was only leveling up by getting beat up.

"I can't focus. My passive cool time is back."

In response, Min Sung nodded.

Ho Sung Lee clenched down on his teeth.

'A war with the devils? Do I look like I'm going to get killed? Well, I won't. I'm going to survive, so I can get married!'

'I'm going to have babies and live until I'm old.'

'I have to get stronger.'

Ho Sung Lee held his sword with both hands.

And then…

Ho Sung Lee stabbed himself with it.



He lost consciousness, and his pupils lost focus.

He began his transformation into Berserker.

Min Sung leisurely watched as Ho Sung Lee transformed.

And when it was complete, he tapped his pocket.

"Bowl, come out."

In response, Bowl wriggled out and landed on the ground.


After yawning while covering his mouth, Bowl saw Berserker and lit up his eyes with flames.

At that moment, the undead devils were summoned.

Special devil, Shaman.

The countless words in the Demonic language lit up all over his body.

Bowl looked at his summon proudly and began controlling him.

The Shaman's mind was partially connected to Bowl's mind.

For that reason, he never acted out on his own, meaning he could never put Ho Sung Lee in danger.

That was also a sign that Bowl had leveled up past a certain standard.

Unlike Ho Sung Lee, who leveled up by getting beat up, Bowl was continuing to grow just with the passing of time.

Chapter 169: Chapter 169


Ho Sung Lee let out a monstrous sound and stared down at Min Sung, Bowl, and his special devil, Shaman, while dripping in drool.

Ho Sung Lee, who was now Berserker, secured the special devil, Shaman, as his main target.

The Death Knight Sword in Ho Sung Lee's hands gave off a red Aura.

This had never happened before.

That meant that Ho Sung Lee's Berserker ability surpassed a whole new level.

Ho Sung Lee acquired experience points for the damage he would acquire as Berserker as well, and as a result, it helped him grew stronger.

In just one week at that.

Since that growth was even faster in the Berserker state, Ho Sung Lee was able to reach a high-level thanks to Min Sung.

That was also how he was able to utilize Samchunkyo's martial arts skills that he learned in his normal state and in his Berserker state as well.


Ho Sung Lee glared at the special devil, Shaman, and lowered his posture.

And then…

Ho Sung Lee charged at him at an incredibly high speed.

Since it was his first secured target, Ho Sung Lee targeted the Shaman devil, which Bowl had summoned.

Ho Sung Lee's large Death Knight Sword was swung at a very fast speed toward the Shaman devil.

Bowl used his dark magic to slow down Ho Sung Lee's speed.

As a result, Ho Sung Lee slowed down, and in the meantime, the Shaman devil's ability targeted Ho Sung Lee.

Five dark ghosts latched onto Ho Sung Lee's Berserker body.

The dark ghosts' sticky powers prevented Ho Sung Lee from being able to take another step, causing him to wriggle about like an ant stuck on a gum.

"Grrrr… Roarrrr!"

Ho Sung Lee screamed and unleashed an Aura from his entire body.

The dark ghosts exploded in all four directions.

Bowl stared at Ho Sung Lee in shock.

Just a day earlier, Ho Sung Lee was unable to use his attacks because of the dark ghosts.

So the fact that he was able to combust the dark ghosts' Aura meant that he had grown significantly.

Once Ho Sung Lee got rid of the dark ghosts with his ability, he charged at the devil once more.

But at a much faster speed this time.

As soon as he was near, Ho Sung Lee swung his Death Knight Sword.

The Death Knight Sword collided against the devil's arm.

The Death Knight Sword activated its special ability, 'Hell Fire'.


The Shaman devil's arm was sliced in half, while his skin was burnt from the explosion.

While the Shaman devil flinched and wobbled backward, Ho Sung Lee continued his series of attacks.

The Hell Fire explosion went off in all four directions as Berserker's attacks continued.

The Shaman Devil used both his arms to block Ho Sung Lee's attacks as he was forced to take steps backward.

Meanwhile, Bowl was worried that his Shaman devil would be annihilated, so he took out his cane. He rode his shadow board and charged toward Ho Sung Lee.

Bowl used his dark magic to equip a shield that would block magic damage and stepped in between the Hell Fire exploding from Ho Sung Lee's sword.

Bowl flickered his black eyes and hit Ho Sung Lee's leg with his enchanted cane.

Ho Sung Lee didn't see Bowl's involvement coming and wobbled in response to the sudden damage.

During the short break, the Shaman's sharp and strong nails scratched Ho Sung Lee in the chest.

Ho Sung Lee had left his guard down, giving him a chance to attack.

He bled as he rolled on the ground.


Ho Sung Lee let out a scream that sounded painful or enraged, and his entire body trembled.

He then got back up like a zombie and swung his Death Knight Sword.

The thick sword launched its Hell Fire in all four directions, causing it to fly toward the devil and Bowl.

Ho Sung Lee's sword broke through Bowl's shield and the devil's body.

Although the hunter training center was protected with magical equipment, the ground still shook.

As a result of the explosion, a blaze overtook the area.

In the midst of the fire and explosions, Ho Sung Lee cut through the air above the fire and made a sudden appearance.

Right before Ho Sung Lee lowered his Death Knight Sword


upon the Shaman devil from above.

The Shaman devil pointed his nails while Bowl got ready to cast his spell.

As soon as the cross counter began…

"Stop," Min Sung ordered.

Bowl hurriedly cleared the Shaman devil's summon, and Bowl also halted his spell.

As soon as the Shaman devil disappeared, Ho Sung Lee dropped his Death Knight Sword.


A Hell Fire explosion.

As the sparks and fire blew out, Ho Sung Lee's state as the Berserker timed out.

Ho Sung Lee lost consciousness and dropped to the ground in the midst of the sparks.

As for Min Sung, he used one of his most basic skills to pull a chair toward him.

The chair got pulled across the ground and arrived in front of Min Sung.

Min Sung put out all of the sparks in the air with the flick of his wrist and then sat down on the chair.

Bowl put his wand back on his back and stood next to Min Sung's feet and looked up at his master.

He was waiting for a command.

But Min Sung ignored him and took out his Samchunkyo Book from his item window.

He read over it, but he didn't see anything more to check off.

Ho Sung Lee trained according to all of the contents listed in the Samchunkyo Book.

Despite that fact, Ho Sung Lee wasn't developing at a speed that Min Sung was satisfied with.

It wasn't slow, but it wasn't fast either.

He sensed that this could be dangerous.

Min Sung looked at Ho Sung Lee on the ground and knitted his brows.


"Yes, Master."

"Stay here and help Ho Sung Lee finish his training."

"Yes, Master!"

Bowl shouted.


"Pardon? For what?"

"For a lot of things."

Bowl snickered and rubbed his smooth head on Min Sung's leg.


Min Sung's shocking remarks spread all across the globe, but the world still didn't realize that the end was coming.

Those who lived according to their routines didn't particularly change their lifestyles.

For that reason, there were many people running near the Han River in Korea.

They were living their lives as if nothing was wrong.

That might have been their way of avoiding the truth, but it also had to do with the fact that crises never had much influence on the living patterns of mankind.

The people who were running in their exercise gear thought strangely of the fog, but they continued to exercise anyway.

But when the fog became even more intense, the people stopped in their tracks in shock.

Those who were taking a walk slowed down to look around, and people who were exercising on the Han River park machines thought strangely of the intense fog.

The fog became more and more dense.

The fog almost looked like dry ice.

As soon as the people were unable to see each other, they sensed fear.

And this phenomenon could be seen from all over the world.

Some of the people saw through the fog.

They saw a vague outline of the Black Tower.


Sia Jang pointed at the TV with a shocked look on her face.

And once Woong Jang saw what was on the TV behind her, his face stiffened up.

Woong Jang immediately went to the yard and called Min Sung, who was looking at the trees.

"Sir," Woong Jang quietly called.

Min Sung slowly turned around.

"I think you need to see this," Woong Jang said in a nervous voice.

Min Sung went into the living room and watched TV with Woong Jang and Sia Jang.

The TV was showing a drone footage of the Black Tower.

Min Sung tilted his head and continued to watch TV.

The Black Tower was situated above Mapo Bridge in Seoul.

An order to quickly avoid the area was given, which explained why all of the cars that were lined up were getting out.

The news was reporting the update of the area now being a secret military zone, and that all of the people would be escorted to safety immediately.

But the screen suddenly changed to multiple screens being showed at once.

It showed that a total of 72 towers had shown up all over the world.

The defense line is only 20% complete, but the tower that Min Sung Kang talked about had shown up all over the world.

It's a lot earlier than predicted by experts.

Regarding the issue, the country is…

Woong Jang gulped and looked back at Min Sung.

"Sir, shall I call Ho Sung Lee?"

Woong Jang asked.

Min Sung shook his head with his eyes still on the TV.

"Leave it."

"… Yes, Sir."

"I'm going out for a bit. Don't go anywhere, and just stay here."

Min Sung headed toward the front door.

"Please stay safe."

Woong Jang bowed at a 90-degree angle at Min Sung.

Min Sung walked out of the front doors.

It was raining.

But Min Sung let the rain hit him on his way out of his yard.

The rain began to fall more and more.

He looked up at the sky to see dense clouds.

The thickening raindrops began dropping at a very high speed.

As soon as Min Sung stepped on a paper.


The ground shook, and Min Sung jumped so quickly that it looked like he had disappeared.

Once Min Sung left, Woong Jang stepped out of the house with Sia Jang under an umbrella.

Woong Jang and Sia Jang saw the ground that Min Sung had stepped on.

There was a crack around it.

The area where Min Sung stepped on to take a leap caused a dent in the ground.

Sia Jang looked at the ground with shocked eyes while Woong Jang stared in the direction in which Min Sung left.

Despite the fact that Min Sung had warned them of this, they felt afraid as intense as the raindrops were during the heavy shower.

Chapter 170: Chapter 170


Min Sung arrived at the new Black Tower situated in Korea.

The Black Tower was located on top of Mapo Bridge.

Min Sung knitted his brows while he looked up at the Black Tower with both hands in his pocket.

Ever since the region was taped off as a military zone, the reporters were no longer able to enter.

So the only ones around the tower were Central Institute hunters.

Drones were flying around the tower to capture good footage, and the hunters were busy checking various things.

While Min Sung was looking at the tower, Ji Yoo Kim, who was completely geared up, stood next to him.

"It's impossible to enter the tower," Ji Yoo Kim remarked.

Min Sung continued to stare at the tower with a stiff face.

This tower was a different kind from the one in Manhattan.

All 50 floors were lit up brightly.

"Any other information?"

Min Sung asked as he kept his eyes fixed on the tower.

"Look over there," Ji Yoo Kim said as she pointed toward the tower.

As soon as he looked in that direction, something that hadn't happened at the Manhattan Black Tower was taking place.

A dark light was shining from the Black Tower in all directions.

"What's that?"

Min Sung asked with a raized brow.

"This isn't just our Black Tower, but the ones in other regions as well. A dark light is getting longer and longer. Here's a satellite footage. Take a look."

Ji Yoo Kim passed him a printed photo.

Min Sung took a good look at the map that Ji Yoo Kim handed him.

"This is…"

Min Sung knitted his brows.

"Do you know the technology called Blockchain?"

"Explain it to me."

"Blockchain is a combination of the words 'block' and 'chain.' It's a method that came about when cryptocurrency started being exchanged."

"I get the idea. So are you saying this is in the form of a Blockchain?"

"Something like that. Experts are saying that that dark light is what's connecting all of the Black Towers all over the world."

"So if those are connected…"

Min Sung tailed off and Ji Yoo Kim nodded at Min Sung Kim.

"They might be able to enter the tower, or…"

Min Sung smiled as he looked up at the new Black Tower on Mapo Bridge.

"They'll come pouring out."

In response to Min Sung's prediction, Ji Yoo Kim looked up at the tower and said,

"That's highly likely."

Min Sung folded the map in half and handed it back to Ji Yoo Kim.

"Luckily, we have a bit of time," Min Sung said as he turned around.

Ji Yoo Kim walked alongside Min Sung and smiled bitterly.

"Are we really lucky?"

"At least we have some time. How's the defense line coming along?"

"Korea is faster than the other countries. After all, you picked Korea as the top priority region. But the problem is."

Ji Yoo Kim sighed and continued,

"No matter how fast we go, seeing from the speed of the dark light, the devils might come out of the tower before the defense line is complete…"

Ji Yoo Kim's face stiffened.

"Then something unimaginable will happen."

"Exactly," Min Sung said as he stopped in his tracks.


Ji Yoo Kim stopped as well and looked at Min Sung.

"We'll have to find out."

"Find out what?"

"How to slow down the connection of the Black Towers or speed up the completion of the defense line. We'll have to do one or the other."

"We'll try our best, but…"

"That's not enough."

Min Sung looked back at the Black Tower with a cold gaze.

"We have to make it happen no matter what."

Ji Yoo Kim sighed and smiled.

"Yes, you're right."

Ji Yoo Kim also looked up at the Black Tower.

Time was running out.



Ho Sung Lee cursed as he hit the wall with his Death Knight Sword.

Ho Sung Lee's Death Knight Sword cut through the protective magic and stabbed it into the wall with a loud noise.

Ho Sung Lee grabbed onto the wall on his knees and trembled.

He had pent up anger inside him, and there was no way of making it go away.

Bowl was unable to reach Ho Sung Lee, so he patted him on his butt instead.

"Move, you little shit!"

Ho Sung Lee hit


Bowl with his hand.

But Bowl swiftly dodged his hand and crossed his arms as he stared at Ho Sung Lee in frustration.

"What's wrong with you?"

Bowl asked.

Ho Sung Lee showed a look of stress and sadness on his face as he plopped down on his butt against the wall.

"I'm screwed."

Ho Sung Lee stared into space.

Bowl ran over to him and kicked Ho Sung Lee in the leg.



Ho Sung Lee grabbed his leg in pain and rolled on the ground.

"That hurts! You damned skeleton!"

Ho Sung Lee screamed with all his might.

"Ugh! You loser! It hasn't even been that long since Master told you to train! Don't try to get out of it!"

Bowl spoke with black flames blazing within his eyes.

Ho Sung Lee rubbed his injured area and grimaced.

"Hey, I still don't stand a chance against those devils. My Berserker duration only increased by 2 minutes to a total of 10 minutes, and even as the Berserker, I can't catch a single devil. If the Black Tower opens and the game begins, I'm done for," Ho Sung Lee said with sad eyes.

"So you're giving up?"

Bowl looked up at Ho Sung and asked.

"I don't know. Fuck."

Ho Sung Lee took out a cigarette from his item window and put it into his mouth.

"Just die, you son of a bitch."

Bowl stabbed Ho Sung Lee in the stomach in anger.


Ho Sung Lee spat out his cigarette and fell over while grabbing onto his stomach.

[Leveling up.]

[Leveling up.]

Ho Sung Lee began snickering while still laying on the cold ground.

"Haha… Here I am, still leveling up for getting hit…"

Ho Sung Lee took out a cigarette from his item window and put it into his mouth.


Ho Sung Lee was smoking lying down when he suddenly thought of Min Sung.

"Hey, Bowl."

Ho Sung Lee called Bowl while thinking of Min Sung, but he didn't get a response, so he looked beside him.

Bowl was sitting down facing away from him.

"Are you mad?"

Ho Sung Lee asked while nibbling on his cigarette.

Bowl didn't answer as if he was really mad.

Ho Sung Lee stared at Bowl and then looked up at the ceiling with a tilted head.

"About Min Sung."

Ho Sung Lee threw his cigarette away and knitted his brows.

"How do you think he survived that horrible Demonic Realm? He might be super powerful now, but he couldn't have been that strong since the beginning. He must have been weak at first. Don't you think?"

"I don't' know," Bowl said with his back still turned toward him.

"How did he survive all of those powerful devils and become so strong?"

Ho Sung Lee fell into deep thought.

Bowl then turned around and walked toward Ho Sung Lee before stopping in front of his face.

"I know why," Bowl answered.

Ho Sung Lee opened his eyes wide and sprung up from the ground.

"You do? Really?"

Bowl nodded back at Ho Sung Lee.

"What is it? How did he get so strong?"

Ho Sung Lee asked with widened eyes.

"He ate devils."

"… What?"

Ho Sung Lee asked as if he couldn't believe it.

"Master ate devils in the Demonic Realm."

Ho Sung Lee stared at Bowl with a blank look on his face."

"Does that make you stronger?"

"Probably. You end up consuming a lot of magic energy."

"Why didn't you tell me this? Both you and Min Sung kept it from me."

"Do you want to eat them?"

"If I can get stronger… Ugh!"

Ho Sung Lee was unable to finish what he was saying.

He almost vomited at the thought of eating devils, which look very much like humans.

Ho Sung Lee's face grew pale at just the thought of eating devils.

"You can't handle it. Your mentality isn't as strong as Master's. And if something goes wrong, you could really get sick."

"M-maybe I can do it. Give me that Shaman devil's arm."

"Are you crazy?"

Bowl screamed.

Ho Sung Lee blocked both his ears and closed his eyes.


While Ho Sung Lee and Bowl were training hard at the hunter training center, the gold goblin, Ssol, was watching the rain in the yard.

Seeing rain coming down from the sky was something that made Ssol happy.

Ssol was watching the rain in the garden when he suddenly tilted his head.

He had watched the garden a lot, so he knew exactly which trees were there and what kind of flowers were there.

But Ssol saw a sprout that he had never seen before.

He definitely didn't see it yesterday.

After seeing that, Ssol opened the window and ran out into the wet yard.

Ssol crouched down to get a closer look at the new sprout.

It was greener than an average sprout, and it was as big as his fist, making him even more fascinated.

It was growing so fast that he could see it growing.

Ssol had never seen a plant grow so quickly before.

While getting hit by the rain, Ssol couldn't take his eyes off of the mysterious sprout.

Boom, boom!

The sky was filled with thunder and lightning, but Ssol was so entranced by the new sprout that he wasn't even scared.

Chapter 171: Chapter 171


As soon as the Black Tower appeared, the formation of the defense line sped up significantly.

Despite the heavy rain, everyone was working hard in making the defense line.

And due to how much they lacked, the site of the defense line was more sensitive than ever.

It wasn't easy using magical equipment to create a protective wall.

They might have had enough resources, but that didn't mean they had enough manpower to do the job.

On top of that, they were pressed for time, so no matter how much they hurried, they just felt like they weren't moving fast enough.

The first defense line was to make a dome-shaped wall around the Black Tower.

And the second defense line was to form a magical wall that would extend from Incheon to Ulleungdo.

And as a last resort, a dome-shaped magical wall was going to be set up in Daegu as well.

But according to the experts' analysis, it was impossible to form those three defense lines before the Black Towers connected to each other in a Blockchain form.

But if they could buy at least a few days with the first defense line, it could be possible to form the third one in time.

For that reason, the site was busy and sensitive.

"We were worried that the dark light coming from the Black Tower was causing friction with the magical wall, but luckily, there was no problem. The light from the tower is just a process before the connection is complete. So all we're worried about now is how long the first defense line will hold," Ji Yoo Kim said to Min Sung at the site.

"What about an underground escape?"

Min Sung asked.

"We've already completed that in all districts. We got a head start on that one. The problem is…"

Ji Yoo Kim showed Min Sung her tablet.

"The citizens are anxious."

Min Sung looked at the screen with a calm look on his face.

The screen showed citizens in Daegu causing problems in the safe zones.

Too many people had gathered in Daegu.

And as soon as Daegu announced that they would no longer take in any more people, the citizens grew even more anxious.

The vibe was completely different from before the Black Tower appeared.

Min Sung looked away from the tablet screen and scanned the construction site.

"When do you think the Black Towers will all be connected?"

Min Sung asked.

"It's getting faster and faster. At this rate, it could be complete this Sunday," Ji Yoo Kim said with a stiffened face.

A week was not a long time.

If all of the Black Towers connected and devils flooded out from them, it was hard to predict how many humans would end up dying all over the world.

He used Bowl to try to possess as many devils as possible, but there was a limit to how many Bowl could keep.

And it was difficult for Bowl to turn all of the devils into the Undead.

Min Sung stared at the Black Tower on Mapo Bridge with a displeased face.

There was nothing Min Sung could do before the Black Towers all over the world finished connecting to one another.


A civilian group for the construction of the defense lines came about.

As soon as the routes to Daegu and Jejudo got blocked, the citizens tried to calm their anxiety by volunteering to help at the construction site.

They felt that in order to protect themselves or their family, the best thing they could do was speed up the process of building the defense lines.

As soon as the civilians arrived in groups, it grew chaotic due to the lack of regulations, but it quickly calmed down.

Many of them were experts in the field of installing magical walls, so the process certainly sped up.

And the hunters, who specialized in healing, used their powers to make sure the experts never go tired.

The buff hunters also used their abilities to keep them strong.

As a result


of the additional help, it seemed like they could get it done sooner than expected.

That sight was captured on the drone camera, and civilians in Jejudo and Daegu also volunteered to head up to Seoul for the cause.

The numbers were surprising.

The civilians who were scared of not being able to enter the safe zones gathered up their courage and volunteered to help with the defense lines.

The area around Mapo Bridge soon became bustling with people.

Those who wanted to protect the country and mankind all gathered.


Min Sung arrived at his second home, the penthouse at the Grand World Tower.

He took out a carbonated beverage from the fridge; he chugged it and then took the penthouse elevator up to the roof.

Min Sung got into his helicopter and called Ho Sung Lee.

After a short ring, Ho Sung Lee answered.

Yes, Sir.

"Restaurant in Daegu," Min Sung remarked.

"Daegu? Oh, one moment. I just need 1 minute."

After exactly 46 seconds.

"If you're going to go to Daegu, you should try Chinese Bibimbap."

Min Sung hung up and started his helicopter.

Du, du, du, du, du, du, du!

The propellers began to spin and sped up very quickly.

The helicopter rose into the air.

Min Sung put on his sunglasses and piloted the helicopter.

The helicopter flew through the skies.


Min Sung found piloting a helicopter quite enjoyable.

When it came to getting to a destination, just running there was the fastest for him, but he felt bothered by that method.

Driving a machine suited his interests, so Min Sung leisurely rode in the helicopter and enjoyed the view as if he was on vacation.

Min Sung enjoyed the scenery while thinking about the Chinese Bibimbap that Ho Sung Lee recommended.

When he went to the spot last time, there was no such thing as a Chinese Bibimbap.

'What kind of food is it?'

Min Sung sped up the helicopter with great anticipation.


As soon as he landed the helicopter and came down from the building, an employee spotted Min Sung and quickly hurried over.

He told him that the car was ready and handed him the keys.

Ho Sung Lee must have arranged this ahead of time.

Min Sung accepted the keys and walked out of the building.

There was a car parked in the parking lot.

It was a yellow Porsche.

Min Sung greeted the employee. He got in the car and drove out into the road.

As soon as he did, Min Sung already saw many people bustling around the safety zone near the third defense line.

They had blocked off the roads so that no cars could pass.

They were controlling the cars so that many people wouldn't get hurt.

As a result, a hunter spotted Min Sung's car and ran over to the window and tapped on it.

Min Sung lowered the window to see a sensitive-looking hunter who was staring at him, who was wearing sunglasses.

"You son of a bitch. Don't you know these roads are closed? And why are you wearing sunglasses?"

The hunter was unable to finish.

That was because a superior hunter ran over to the subordinate hunter who was glaring at Min Sung and kicked him hard.

The hunter rolled on the ground.

Meanwhile, the superior hunter bowed his head to Min Sung.

"I apologize, Sir! We'll move the barricades for you. I've sent your license plate number to all of the men, so they won't bother you anymore."

"Ugh, Sir?"

The subordinate hunter grabbed his shoulder and wobbled up only to jot his eyes open.

"This is Min Sung Kang. Apologize right now."


The subordinate hunter looked like he was about to faint, but he immediately ran over and bowed at a 90-degree angle.

"I'm so sorry, Sir! I didn't see you!"

The subordinate hunter apologized while trembling.

"Forget it," Min Sung replied before rolling up his window.

The barricades were soon removed, and Min Sung's Porche let out a loud roar as it raced down the road toward the Chinese Bibimbap.

The subordinate hunter stared at Min Sung's supercar with a blank look on his face.

And the superior hunter just clicked his tongue and looked over at him.

"You could've died without me, you bastard. How could you not recognize Min Sung Kang of all people?"

The superior hunter talked as if he was boasting.

"You're right, Sir. I almost got into big trouble," the subordinate hunter said as he continued to look in the direction that Min Sung left.

The superior hunter smirked.

"Why do you look so out of it?"

"That was Min Sung Kang. My heart almost exploded."

"Yeah, that was pretty surprising. Haha!"

The superior hunter said in understanding.

"But why do you think a man like that came here?"

The subordinate hunter asked.

"Who knows? But… one thing's for sure."

The superior hunter looked in the same direction and smiled as he continued,

"It's probably for a very important matter."

"Probably. Sigh… I still can't believe it. I just met such a great man. And to think I was rude to him."

"Yeah, I get it. I didn't think I'd ever meet him either."

"So he really exists. I thought he was just a myth."

The superior hit the subordinate hunter over the head.

"Get a hold of yourself. Let's get back to work. We're busy. We need to stay loyal to our work," the superior hunter said as he turned.

"Oh, I apologize!"

The subordinate hunter followed him, but he still couldn't take his eyes off of the direction that Min Sung drove to.

Chapter 172: Chapter 172

The Chinese restaurant that Ho Sung Lee introduced was inside an alley of a small town.

As soon as he entered the narrow alley with his yellow Porche, he saw the sign for the Chinese restaurant.

He didn't see where he could park, but luckily, Min Sung saw a shop that was closed, so he decided to park in front of there.

Although the Chinese restaurant was nothing more than a small-town shop, there was a line waiting to get in with their numbers.

Min Sung put on his sunglasses and took a number from inside the shop.

People looked at him from all sides, but they didn't recognize Min Sung and soon minded their own business.

His number was 101.

The line was so long that he wondered if he could eat today.

If he took off his sunglasses, he could have gone in earlier, but he didn't want to eat in a place that looked like a zoo while he was the monkey.

He thought it would be quite a while by the time it was his turn, so Min Sung told the owner that he would take a break inside his car.

The owner was easygoing about it.

This Chinese restaurant always had a long line, but after Daegu became the 3rd defense line, they got even more customers coming in.

Min Sung took his number and returned to his yellow car.

He sat in the driver's seat and turned on the radio to forget about his hunger.

… There is a commotion regarding the 3rd defense line, which will be built in Daegu. The owners of major corporations as well as those with influence used bribery to secure their spots in Daegu, causing an uproar for their exploitation of power.

Min Sung listened to the radio and laughed.

It was fascinating that black money was common these days.

"Nobless oblige, my ass."

Min Sung knitted his brow and picked up his phone.

The line rang before Ho Sung Lee picked up the phone.

Huff, huff! Yes, Sir! This is Ho Sung.

"There's something you have to do. Finish what you were doing and close up."

Yes, Sir. What is it?

"Find someone and send him my way."


Min Sung smiled.



A man with a healthy physique squinted his arms.

"What? Who came to Daegu?"

In response, his subordinate showed a pained look on his face.

"Min Sung Kang."

In response, the man knitted his brows.

"What for?"

The man asked the subordinate.

"What is he doing here?"

"We don't know yet."

"Where is he now?"

"Shinhwa Spot."

"Shinhwa Spot?"

"Yes, Sir. He got a number and is waiting as we speak."

In response, the man scoffed.

"Are you sure he's really Min Sung Kang?"

"Yes, Sir. We're almost certain."

When the man showed a questionable look on his face.

His phone rang.

It was a call from Central Institute.

The man gestured for his subordinate to leave and answered his phone with a sigh.

"Who's this?"

The man asked.

Is this Commander Jong Pil Kim of the Central Institute?

The man looked down at his phone and then put it back to his ear with a grimace.

"Who are you? You're not from Central Institute, are you?"

No, Sir.

The Central Institute Commander, 'Tae Hyuk Kim', smiled with his teeth showing.

"Who are you? How did you call from Central Institute? What's your deal?"

Don't speak so rudely to someone you don't know. Why do all Central Institute hunters talk like this?

"Tell me who you are, you bastard," Commander Tae Hyuk Kim said in a lower voice.

Have you heard of Ho Sung Lee?

Tae Hyuk Kim knitted his brows.

Ho Sung Lee was the hunter who accompanied Min Sung Kang.

If that was the same Ho Sung Lee…?

Tae Hyuk Kim broke out into a sweat.

He gulped and put the phone back onto his ear.

"Are you Ho Sung Lee, the leader of the Diamond Clan?"

Tae Hyuk Kim asked in a more mannerly voice than before.

Haha, don't sound so tense. No need to be nervous.

"I-I apologize."

Come on. No Need to be sorry for something like that, Commander. You need


to go somewhere.


Shinhwa Spot.

Tae Hyuk Kim blinked his eyes with a blank look on his face.

Shinhwa Spot was where his subordinate said Min Sung Kang was eating.


Min Sung Kang would like to see you. He said he has something to ask and a request to make. Please hurry over.

"O-okay. I'll head over right now."

Great. Then please contact me when you're almost there. If you're late, that'll put me in a difficult spot.

"I won't be late."

Commander Tae Hyuk Kim grabbed his coat and rushed out of his room.


It was finally Min Sung's turn to go in.

Min Sung put on his black sunglasses and entered the shop with a pounding heart.

The shop was very small.

It was fascinating that so many people would line up for such a small shop in a small town.

Inside the shop were two tables where customers could sit together.

The remainder of the tables were very small and there were only 3 of them.

People once again looked at Min Sung wearing his sunglasses as if he was weird.

But that only lasted for a moment.

Everyone focused on their meals.

Tap! Tap!

A bowl containing pickled radish and onion was placed on the table along with a bowl containing Chunjang.

Min Sung looked down at it.

The onions looked fresh while the pickled radish looked clean.

As soon as he poured some vinegar on the pickled radish, they sparkled as if it had recently rained.

Min Sung took out a spoon and chopsticks from a box and dipped a piece of onion into the Chunjang.

The scent of the onion ticked the tip of his nose.

The combination fo the onion and Chunjang was perfect.

The salty Chunjang made the sweet onion taste clean inside his mouth.

Min Sung looked around him through his sunglasses.

Some were eating black bean noodles where others were eating spicy seafood noodles.

'They add a fried egg to their spicy seafood noodles.'

He had never seen any Chinese restaurant put a fried egg in spicy seafood noodles before.

'Is this their specialty?'

Meanwhile, what looked like Chinese Bibimbap caught Min Sung's eye.

'Is that the Chinese Bibimbap?'

It was red.

It almost looked like they added hot pepper pate.

A bowl of Chinese bibimbap landed on Min Sung's table.

The unfamiliar dish called Chinese Bibimbap.

It looked like Bibimbap with a Chinese twist on it.

Min Sung looked closer to see which ingredients were included.

What he saw first was a cute fried egg.

Underneath it seemed like pork, zucchini, carrots, onions, and spicy red peppers.

Since it was Bibimbap, the ingredients were quite simple.

What made this a Chinese Bibimbap was most likely the seasoning than the ingredients.

A Bibimbap made with a 'special sauce' invented by this shop.

It probably wasn't going to be a normal BIbimbap.

There had to be a reason why Ho Sung Lee strongly recommended this dish.

Min Sung cut into the egg with his silver spoon and mixed the contents so that the seasoning was well-distributed.

As he stirred the rice, it became shinier and shinier.

It looked delicious.

After mixing the rice, Min Sung took a spoonful of the Chinese Bibimbap.

On top of the spoon were shiny grains of rice, pork, zucchini, carrots, and more.

Min Sung put the spoon into his mouth with great anticipation.

Om nom-

Min Sung closed his eyes as he chewed on the Bibimbap.

It was delicious.

The Bibimbap was rather sweet, but it didn't taste uncomfortable to him whatsoever.

It wasn't too greasy and not at all burdensome.

That was the best part about the dish.

The pork was soft but savory, and the zucchini, carrots, and onions complemented the sweet flavor.

With all of these ingredients mixed in, the Chinese Bibimbap passed through his throat and entered his stomach.

It was fantastic.

This was the Chinese Bibimbap of Daegu!

Min Sung tilted his head in awe and spooned another bite.

Min Sung attacked the Chinese Bibimbap like there was no tomorrow.


Commander Tae Hyuk Kim of Central Institute got into his SUV with a grimace and entered the small alley.

The alley was very small, and there were so many cars illegally parked on the side that he couldn't speed up.

Tae Hyuk Kim quickly found a parking spot and headed over to Shinhwa Spot while holding an umbrella.

He thought the rain had stopped, but because of the Black Tower's influence, it began showering again.

Tae Hyuk Kim felt especially cold today due to the rain and wind.

Before he entered the shop, Tae Hyuk Kim checked the time.

He wasn't late.

He was probably eating by now.

Tae Hyuk Kim smoked and nibbled on his cigarette.

'Why did he call me?'

After smoking his cigarette, Tae Hyuk Kim entered the shop in order to meet Min Sung.

'Huh? Where is he?'

Tae Hyuk Kim looked around, and he spotted a man in sunglasses, who just finished his bowl and was drinking water.

He didn't know because he was wearing sunglasses, but he soon realized that that was Min Sung Kang, whom he saw at the Black Tower.

Chapter 173: Chapter 173

When he hurried over and began to greet him.

He heard a trill.

Wait outside.

The sound penetrated his skin and rang through his heart.

It was a strange ability.

That was when he truly felt that this was really Min Sung Kang.

Commander Tae Hyuk Kim jolted his eyes wide and stared at Min Sung before bowing and exiting the shop.

He then waited for him in a small waiting area where all the people were gathered.

The people in the line felt uncomfortable due to Tae Hyuk Kim's very large physique and tried to move aside.

They were scared of the threat that Tae Hyuk Kim gave off as a hunter.


Min Sung washed down his meal with a cold glass of water.

He wasn't disappointed since it was Ho Sung Lee's recommendation, but this dish tasted even more delicious than usual.

Min Sung wiped his mouth with a tissue and got up.

As soon as he did, the owner approached him and took his card.

After paying for his meal, he greeted the owner, and the owner proceeded to take her next customer.

Meanwhile, Min Sung walked out of the shop and looked up at the rain that suddenly poured.

It was intense.

And then Commander Tae Hyuk Kim walked up to him and held his umbrella above his head.

"No need," Min Sung said as he continued to walk.

Tae Hyuk Kim saw that the rain wasn't hitting Min Sung at all and followed him with his jaw dropped.

After pulling out his yellow Porsche from his parking spot, he rolled down the window and said to Tae Hyuk Kim.

"Get in."

In response, Tae Hyuk Kim put away his umbrella and quickly got into the passenger seat.

As soon as Tae Hyuk Kim got in, Min Sung stepped on the pedal.

Min Sung's yellow Porsche exited the alley.

They drove through Shinchundong Road and arrived at a café without many people.

Min Sung parked and entered the coffee shop with Tae Hyuk Kim.

He wanted an Iced Americano after that Chinese Bibimbap.

He felt like a refreshing iced Americano would wash away what was left of the greasiness, and he felt as though he would enjoy the caffeine since he could absorb it quickly.

Min Sung took his vibrating bell and sat next to the window.

Tae Hyuk Kim walked over with his shoulders hunched and sat across from him.

Min Sung looked at the rain without a word, and Tae Hyuk Kim endured the heavy atmosphere while minding Min Sung.

A moment later, Min Sung's bell vibrated.

"I'll bring it, Sir."

Commander Tae Hyuk Kim sprung up and ran over.

He put down the cup of coffee in front of Min Sung and waited for him to speak.

But Min Sung didn't say a word.

He just focused on drinking his iced Americano.


He absorbed the caffeine as if his body was a sponge.

The Americano was delicious after his meal.

The iced Americano was so impressive that he wondered if there was any beverage that could replace coffee.

The refreshing flavor of the coffee.

The scent of the coffee.

Min Sung sensed the caffeine spread throughout his body as he slowly took off his sunglasses.

He then looked straight at Central Institute's Commander Tae Hyuk Kim

In response, Tae Hyuk Kim sat up straight and stared into space.

"You're in charge of keeping Daegu under control?"

Min Sung asked.

"Yes, Sir! I'm Commander Jae Hyuk Kim of Central Institute, in charge of maintaining the Daegu region," Tae Hyuk Kim answered in a tense manner.

Min Sung looked at Tae Hyuk Kim and drank his iced Americano.

Tae Hyuk Kim felt his body sweat under his gaze.

He sensed it.

That he wasn't here because of a good reason.

"You accepted money, didn't you?"

Min Sung asked.

He wasn't wrong.

Tae Hyuk Kim thought for a moment.

He wondered what excuse he could use.

But he realized who this man was and realized that he was better off just telling the truth.

Since he was Min Sung Kang, using an excuse was a dangerous gamble with slim chances.

He was


better off revealing everything and getting punished for it.

"Yes, Sir," Tae Hyuk Kim honestly answered.

"What were you paid to do?"

He wasn't sure if he was just asking when he knew everything, but Tae Hyuk Kim explained everything in detail.

"The population is out of control in Daegu, so we've begun to control who can come in. As soon as that began, I was paid to let just a few people in."

"Just a few?"

Tae Hyuk Kim gulped.

"12 people."

Min Sung sighed and touched his iced Americano glass.

Min Sung didn't do anything.

He just looked out the window, but Tae Hyuk Kim felt so much pressure that his entire body felt tense.


Tae Hyuk Kim coughed and stroked his chest.

He had a hard time breathing.

When Min Sung looked back at him, Tae Hyuk Kim felt as though death was near.

Min Sung Kang was the definition of a false god.


Tae Hyuk Kim flew out of his chair and plopped onto the ground.

"P-please don't kill me."

His body was overcome with the fear of being ripped to pieces.

"Get up," Min Sung ordered.

Tae Hyuk Kim wriggled back up. He held his two trembling hands together and stood in front of Min Sung.

"Let me ask you again. How many?"

Min Sung asked one last question regarding the issue.

"14, Sir."

"Why did you hide the other 2?"

"They're my cousins."

"Send them all to the 1st defense line."

"… Yes, Sir."

"Find all 14 of them and go up to Mapo where the 1st defense line is being built. Use them as laborers there."

"Yes, Sir," Tae Hyuk Kim answered with a pale face.

"For those 14, the 3rd defense line is their last resort."

"I'll take care of it, Sir. But what about me…?"

Tae Hyuk Kim asked carefully with respect.

"Report this to your general and pay your price there. And from now on, if I hear anything like this again, they'll all become shields in the 1st defense line."

"Yes, Sir."


Min Sung's eyes grew cold.

"Those who abandon the country and ran away can't return to the country."

Tae Hyuk Kim gulped.

"… Yes, Sir. Anything else?"

"Oh, deliver this message to General Kim and proceed with it right away."

"What message…?"

"To limit the number of people who can come into the 3rd defense line."


"Put all the adults outside of Daegu. LIttles kids are the priority in the 3rd defense line. And make sure only the mothers with newborn children can come in. That's the message."

"Oh! General Kim has already thought of that, so we just need you to give your permission."

Min Sung laughed at Tae Hyuk Kim.

"If you knew that, you were just going to kick them out after getting paid."

"… I apologize."

"Daegu will be regulated differently from now on. Fight with your lives in the 1st defense line. Or else I'll kill you."

"I'll fight with honor, Sir. Please trust me," Tae Hyuk Kim said while sweating.


Central Institute's commander bowed and left.

When he left, Min Sung continued to watch the rain fall.

The thought of a peaceful world getting flipped upside down made him feel annoyed.

Min Sung watched the changing weather caused by the appearance of the Black Tower.


Central Institue's Commander Tae Hyuk Kim followed the orders and began to send the illegally admitted people to Seoul.

The people who entered Daegu illegally were arrested and transported.

After getting caught by hunters, they went up to Mapo where the 1st defense line was being built.

As Min Sung instructed, Tae Hyuk Kim reported it to the general and delivered Min Sung Kang's message regarding the 3rd defense line's priority.

Only the kids would be admitted to the 3rd defense line, and the rest would be sent to the 2nd defense line.

And it was officially announced that those who entered Daegu illegally would be sent to the 1st defense line.

As a result, the adults who were obsessing over entering Daegu calmed down.


A week passed.

The construction of the 2nd defense line finished while the 3rd defense line began to be built.

It was estimated that there were only 2 hours left before all of the 72 Black Towers would be connected with the black light that was like a Blockchain.

While the citizens held their breath, they trembled at the fear of the soon-to-start war, and the Central Insitute hunters stood by near the Mapo Black Tower.

While the entire world remained alert.

Min Sung picked up the cheese sandwich that Woong Jang prepared for him.

After telling Ho Sung Lee to go grocery shopping via text, he took a bite of his sandwich.

It just looked like a sandwich with lettuce, bacon, and cheese, but the sauce that Woong Jang made himself made the sandwich especially delicious.

Min Sung enjoyed his savory sandwich as he checked his phone.

He then played out a simulation inside his head.

If the Black Tower happened to open, the monsters were going to start pouring out.

He thought of clearing the Korean towers first before dealing with the other countries in a specific order.

After finishing his delicious sandwich, Min Sung brushed off his hands and got up.

'Now that I've eaten…'

It was time to deal with the Black Tower.

Chapter 174: Chapter 174


Min Sung, who exited the living room to head over to the Black Tower where the 1st defense line was built, stepped on the terrace and looked out into the garden.

Ssol was crouched over like a kid looking at something closely.

Min Sung called Ssol.

"What are you doing?"

In response, Ssol sprung up. He put both of his hands in the air and smiled.

Min Sung looked at Ssol strangely and then looked in the direction that Ssol was looking.

There was a plant there.

Min Sung stared at the plant.

In the yard was a tree the size of two palms.

Ssol looked at the small tree and expressed his joy.

Min Sung smiled at Ssol.

"Let's go. It's time."

In response, Ssol looked at the tree in sadness and then followed Min Sung.


Min Sung got in the back seat of the Bentley that Ho Sung Lee came with and headed over to Mapo Road.

Inside the big car were Ho Sung Lee, Ssol, Min Sung, and Bowl.

Since it was a large sedan, the seats were very comfortable.

"Anything to drink?"

Min Sung asked.

"If you look at the backside of the middle seat, there's a fridge behind it. How about some champagne? It's a very expensive one."

He opened up the fridge to find the champagne.

Min Sung had never tried champagne before, so he decided to give it a try.

"How do you open this?"

Min Sung asked while taking out the champagne.

H Sung Lee immediately explained.

Min Sung held the champagne in his hand and looked at it.

It was fancy.

This one was a limited edition , and only 1 existed in the whole world. The bottle sparkled in gold.

'I wonder how it tastes.'

Min Sung peeled off the foil. He took out the pin and then opened the champagne by twisting the cap.

After pouring the champagne in a flute glass, he gave it a taste.

The carbonated and sweet flavor spread throughout his mouth.

Min Sung enjoyed the scenery outside the window while drinking his champagne.

He began to see the Black Tower on top of Mapo Bridge.


Min Sung arrived in front of Mapo Bridge.

Once he arrived at Mapo Bridge, the rain was weaker than before.

In the midst of the rain, most of the people who worked on the 1st defense line were already gone to work on the 3rd defense line.

The businessmen and politicians who bribed the Central Insitute men to get in were confined behind outdoor bars.

As soon as Min Sung arrived, the businessmen and politicians shouted at Min Sung from within their cage.

"Min Sung Kang!"



"Why did you lock us up? We did nothing wrong!"

Min Sung put his hands inside his pocket and stood in front of the cage.

As soon as Min Sung got close, they took a step back out of fear.

Min Sung scanned them with his eyes.

Despite being trapped in an outdoor cage, they had pale skin as if they were proving their richness.

Min Sung looked around him and spotted Central Institute's Commander Tae Hyuk Kim. He sent him a trill.

Tae Hyuk Kim, who was checking the equipment, flinched. He looked around and then ran over to Min Sung and stood in front of him.

Tae Hyuk Kim stood up straight and bowed his head.

"Did you call, Sir?"

Tae Hyuk Kim answered in nervousness.


Min Sung called him with cold eyes.

"Commander Tae Hyuk Kim of Central Institute!"

Tae Hyuk Kim reported to him with a straight posture.

Min Sung kicked Tae Hyuk Kim in the shin.

Tae Hyuk Kim wriggled.

But he swallowed his scream that almost popped out and did his best to stand straight without showing a grimace.

Although he only kicked him lightly, Tae Hyuk Kim's face was red and his body trembled.

Min Sung swung his hand


Tae Hyuk Kim's lips ripped and his face hit the cage.

The people inside the cage were surprised by this, but after seeing Tae Hyuk Kim's gaze, they gasped and stepped back.

The 14 people inside rushed to the other side of the cage and stood there.

And the other Central Institute hunters nearby watched with nervousness in their eyes.

Min Sung pointed


at the ground with his index finger.

And in response, Commander Tae Hyuk Kim immediately returned to his previous position and stood up straight.

"Why are such higher-ups screaming inside the cage? What happened?"

In response, Tae Hyuk Kim showed a shocked look on his face, and the people inside the cage beamed.

The 14 people all rushed over toward Min Sung.

"So it wasn't you, our hero, who made the decision."

"Do you know how horribly those Central Institute bastards treated us?"

"Sir, once this dungeon gets shut down, I'll prepare a meal for you. Let's eat a delicious meal and chat. We'll treat you with the utmost respect."

Min Sung knitted his brows and kicked the cage.


As a result, the people inside all rolled away as if they were dice.






A series of screams and shrieks came from the cage.


In response, Tae Hyuk Kim's pupils shook.

"I apologize."

"For what?"

Min Sung asked.


"They're upper-classmen. Didn't you get proper education? Why are those dogs barking louder than actual dogs?"

"I apologize."

Tae Hyuk Kim bowed deeply.

Min Sung glared at the cage.

"Take them out," Min Sung commanded.

As soon as Tae Hyuk Kim made a move, his subordinates ran over.

He made his subordinates step aside and opened the cage himself to let them out one by one.

But they complained of the pain and rolled in the mud.

Min Sung saw a hunter nearby with a blank look on his face, so he gestured for him to come closer.

He flinched and ran over to Min Sung.

As soon as the hunter stood in front of Min Sung, Min Sung took out the sword on his belt and threw it at the people on the ground.



The long sword flew through the air and stabbed through the ground in between the people laying on the ground.

The long and big sword stabbed into the ground and the handle trembled as a result.

The people on the ground screamed and shed tears as they crawled away.

Min Sung saw them crawling and laughed.

"What a sight."

Min Sung put his hands on his waist and looked at them with his head tilted.

They were crawling like newborn babies.

The Central Institue general, Ji Yoo Kim, approached with a stiffened face.

"Min Sung…"

When Ji Yoo Kim appeared, Min Sung clicked his tongue.

"I don't care. Just deal with them."

In response, Ji Yoo Kim nodded.

"But make sure those scumbags don't go to the 3rd defense line. I don't like it."

"Yes, Sir," Ji Yoo Kim answered with a relieved look on her face.

Min Sung walked toward Mapo Bridge.

Ho Sung Lee and Ssol were right behind Min Sung, and Ji Yoo Kim also followed as if she had something to say.

When Min Sung got to the center of Mapo Bridge, he looked up at the Black Tower with his hands inside his pockets.

Ho Sung Lee, Bowl, Ssol, and Ji Yoo Kim also followed Min Sung's gaze and looked up at the Black Tower.

"How much time is left?"

Min Sung asked as he looked at the Black Tower.

"30 minutes," Ji Yoo Kim answered.

"We're using the same method as before, and if it's possible to go in, we'll block the devils from getting outside."

"Yes, Sir."


In response, Bowl took out his head from his pocket and looked up at Min Sung.


"If you see a devil, eat them alive."

Bowl's eyes blazed up with flames.

"Yes, Master!"

"And Ho Sung."

"Yes, Sir!"

Ho Sung Lee waited for Min Sung's instructions with a serious look on his face.

"Octopus Soup."

"… Pardon?"

"We should eat before we go."

Ho Sung Lee nodded with a discouraged face.

"Yes, of course. You have no expectations for me, do you?"

Min Sung looked at Ho Sung Lee with an indifferent face.

"Should I?"

Min Sung then took out a chair from his item window.

In response, Ho Sung Lee sighed and approached Ji Yoo Kim.

"First, we must put up a large tent to make the food. It's raining, so it's hard to cook. Can you do that for us?"

"Of course."

Ji Yoo Kim used her walkie-talkie to call over the Central Institute hunters and ordered them to set up a tent.

The hunters ran over and set it up in the blink of an eye.

"We're going to have our last strategy meeting. Please enjoy your meal."

Ji Yoo Kim walked off of Mapo Bridge with the other hunters.

Meanwhile, Ho Sung Lee prepared the food from inside the large military tent.

Since they even set up a table inside the tent, it was easy to prepare the meal.

After putting water to a boil, he called the gold goblin, Ssol, inside.


Ssol smiled and ran inside the tent without a care in the world.

After turning on the gas burner, he knitted his brows at Ssol.

"Is the octopus still alive?"

In response, Ssol asked, "Octopus?"

Ho Sung Lee searched a photo of an octopus on his phone and showed him.

That was when an exclamation mark showed up above Ssol's head.

Ssol went through his golden pouch and showed him a living octopus that was wriggling in his hands.

Chapter 175: Chapter 175

Ho Sung Lee saw the octopus wriggling in Ssol's hands and nodded.

"It's still alive even though you put it in your pocket."

Ho Sung Lee smirked with fascination.

"Give it to me."

Ssol nodded and handed the octopus over.

Once Ho Sung Lee got his hands on it, he filled a bowl with water and salt and washed the octopus inside it. After that, he began to prepare the materials.

Ho Sung Lee took out a bigger tablet from his item window in order to make the octopus soup, and he used his program app to organize all of the recipes.

Since he even made diagrams, it was all made to be easily interpreted.

"Okay, great."

Ho Sung Lee placed the tablet on the table and prepared to cook.

In just a while, all of the Black Towers were going to connect, causing the entire world to tremble in fear.

But for Ho Sung Lee, it felt natural for him to make food to the best of his ability in the midst of such a serious situation.

There wasn't that much time, so he wondered if he could make the food and eat it in time.

Ho Sung Lee decided to hurry up and called Bowl over, "Hey, Bowl. Make me a fire."

In response, Bowl jumped onto the table.

Meanwhile, Ho Sung Lee took out the butane gas from inside the burner. He poured water into the pot and then sliced the radish.

When Ho Sung Lee gave him the go-ahead, Bowl started the fire.


The strong fire began to boil the water inside the pot.

"Great. Now lower the heat!"

In response, Bowl turned it down a notch.

Once Ho Sung Lee checked that the radish was half-cooked, he also brought the anchovies and kelp to a boil and also added some clams.

He then added the wriggling octopus.

"Sorry," Ho Sung Lee said as he plopped the living octopus into the boiling water.

He proceeded to follow Woong Jang's recipe by adding minced garlic, ginger, and cooking alcohol, as well as some salt, pepper, green onions, and parsley before putting on the lid.

All he had to do was boil everything.

Ho Sung Lee looked at Bowl with sharp eyes and gave him a thumbs up.

"Give me a strong fire, Bowl."

In response, Bowl's eyes lit up with black flames.

As a result, the pot heated up in no time, and not long afterward, Ho Sung Lee signaled for Bowl to turn it off.

Since octopus turned chewy when cooked for too long, they had to eat it when it immediately turned pink.

Ho Sung Lee took off the lid. He took out the rice cooker from Ssol's pouch and then ordered Bowl to start the fire again.

After all that, a hot pot of rice and octopus soup was complete.

Ho Sung Lee saw the completed octopus soup and let out an impressed exclamation.

"Look at the visuals."

Once Ho Sung Lee set up the rice and octopus soup, he looked back at Min Sung and smiled.

"Sir! It's ready!"


Min Sung sat in front of the set table.

Ho Sung Lee took out a spoon and chopsticks from the item window and washed them before handing them to Min Sung.

When Min Sung accepted the spoon, Ho Sung Lee took out tongs and scissors. He washed them and then cut up the octopus so that they were easy to eat.

"It was a living octopus, so it'll be quite delicious."

Min Sung nodded and was about to eat when he turned his head.

Du, du, du, du!

The rain grew coarser and began to fall heavily.

Min Sung looked at Ho Sung Lee.

"Do we have soju?"

"Of course."

Ho Sung Lee took out a glass for Min Sung. He took out a green bottle from Ssol's golden pouch and poured it into the glass.

"You should eat some too before everything begins," Min Sung said as he picked up the soju glass.

Ho Sung Lee smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Sir."

Min Sung put the glass to his lips and drank his soju.

After swallowing his soju, he looked at the rain outside and then used his spoon to taste some of the octopus soup.

He wasn't sure if it was because it was Woong Jang's recipe or because Ho Sung Lee's cooking skills improved, but the soup had depth, and it


was very enjoyable to drink.


An exclamation and long breath came out of his mouth.

While it rained heavily, the taste of the soup inside the military tent was absolutely delicious.

Food heavily depended on the environment.

The taste changed depending on where it was eaten.

Min Sung considered it a surprising magic as he ate some rice with his soup.

It was delicious.

It was so delicious he thought there was honey in it.

The rice was smooth but had density.

The instant rice was made with good ingredients, but as it evolved over time, it produced the best flavors.

Min Sung chewed every grain of the rice and ate a piece of octopus as well.

He sensed the taste of the octopus wrapping around his tongue.

It was soft, warm, and elastic.

Since it was a live octopus, it was freshly pink, making it taste that much more delicious.

He then picked up a clam with his hand and took out the meat with his chopsticks.

The salty and chewy taste of the clam was a work of art.

After pouring three ladles of the soup into his bowl, Min Sung drank the hot soup.

The taste of the octopus soup under the heavy rain made him feel as though he could fight forever afterward with neverending stamina.

He felt warmth passing through his body.

The filling sensation of food was more precious than anything else in the world.

Min Sung focused his entire energy on the food so that he didn't miss a single sensation.


"That was good," Min Sung said as he finished his meal.

In response, Ho Sung Lee felt something that all chefs felt.

He felt as though hearing Min Sung said he enjoyed his food was more meaningful than when anyone else said it.

His heart felt warm and full.

Ho Sung Lee figured this was why chefs were crazy about cooking.

While Ho Sung Lee and Bowl cleaned up, Min Sung left the tent and looked up at the Black Tower.

He then checked the time.

The countdown was going to begin soon.

He heard the sound of footsteps.

When he turned around, he saw Central Institute soldiers approaching Mapo Bridge with serious looks on their faces.

The Central Institute soldiers including General Ji Yoo Kim stood in front of Min Sung.

"There's 1 minute left."

As soon as Ji Yoo Kim said that…

A bell began to ring from the Black Tower.

It rang 12 times.

Min Sung calmly kept his eyes on the Black Tower while Ji Yoo Kim and the Central Institute hunters stared at the Black Tower in great anxiousness.

However, in contrast to what they were worried about, no devil or monster flooded out from it.

"The bell rang 12 times. That could mean that it'll begin in 12 hours," Ji Yoo Kim expressed.

However, that wasn't for Min Sung to worry about.

He had to move before the time came and kill as many devils as he could.

"I'm going in."

Min Sung began to walk.

Ho Sung Lee, Bowl, and Ssol followed Min Sung from behind.

As soon as General Ji Yoo Kim bowed her head to Min Sung, the Central Institute soldiers also did the same.

As soon as they arrived at the bottom of the Black Tower, a message appeared.

Min Sung pressed the 'accept' button and entered the Black Tower with his party.


[1st floor.]

The system alerted them that they were on the 1st floor of the Black Tower.

The place was different from the one they had been in before.

The inside of the Black Tower located on top of Korea's Mapo Bridge almost looked like a typical dungeon.

All of the walls and floors were made of bricks, and the ceilings were very high.

And unlike the big grand hall that they were in before, their starting point looked like a relatively narrow hallway.

It was dark inside.


In response, Bowl took out his wand from his back and shook it as he ran next to Min Sung.

"We're going to speed up. If you fail at the Undead Spell, give up and stick closer to me. Don't feel discouraged and make sure you secure as many devils as possible. Since you have some experience, don't disappoint me."

"Yes, Master!"

Bowl shouted and lit up his eyes with black flames.

"Ho Sung."

"Yes, Sir."

"Assist Bowl as he casts the Undead Spell on the devils."

"Yes, Sir."

Since Ho Sung Lee knew just how difficult the situation was, he wasn't sad about having to support Bowl.

From this point onward, they had to fight for the country and mankind, not just himself.

Since time was life, it was more important to clear the tower than level up.

Since Ho Sung Lee knew this, he didn't say anything and prepared himself.

He wanted to do the best he could so that he could be of help to Min Sung as he caught the devils.

Ho Sung Lee felt as though all the nervousness he had inside him hit him all at once.



The Orichalcum Sword flew out of the item window on its own and stayed in the air for Min Sung to grab comfortably.

Min Sung grabbed his weapon and turned off his item window.

He couldn't allow any mistakes to happen from this point on.

He had to clear the Korean Black Tower as quickly as possible.

After that, he had to deal with the Black Towers in the rest of the world.

It was stressful to know that he was the only person who could clear the Black Towers, but he had no time to dwell over that fact.

If the world went down, the restaurants were going to go down with it.

The chefs were going to die as well.

If everyone died except for him in this vast world, it was going to be no different from the Demonic Realm.

He had no intention of facing such a world.

Min Sung clenched onto his Orichalcum Sword and walked forward.


Chapter 176: Chapter 176

Due to the dim gold light, anywhere far within the Black Tower looked dark.

And from within that darkness, a red light flashed resembling the eyes of a monster.

Red eyes.

It was likely that those eyes belonged to a devil.

But as Min Sung approached it, that red light disappeared as if it ran away.

As Min Sung steps grew faster, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl made sure to speed up so that they wouldn't lose him.

Ho Sung Lee and Bowl controlled their speed in order to stay close.

On the other hand, since the gold goblin, Ssol, was always fast, he was able to keep up with Min Sung easily.

Ho Sung Lee was impressed by this while Min Sung spotted a devil.

And just like a predator, Min Sung tracked down the devil and sliced its neck with his Orichalcum Sword.

The devil's neck wobbled off of its body as he died away.

Meanwhile, Bowl was right beside him casting his Undead Spell.

In the meantime, Min Sung continued to move in order to find more devils.

Ho Sung Lee didn't stay by Bowl's side and followed Min Sung.

In the end, Bowl was unable to cast his Undead Spell, so there was no need to watch over him.

It was more important for Min Sung to kill one more devil instead.

But unexpectedly, the Black Tower was quiet.

It didn't seem that different from the test Black Tower that they were at in Manhattan.

However, the problem was that there were Black Towers all over the world.

If the devils inside other Black Towers poured out while he was taking care of the one in Korea.

It was going to be hell.

That was what he was the most worried about.

Min Sung Kang was able to keep Korea safe, but he didn't even want to imagine what could happen in the meantime in other countries.

He just had to pray that the other Black Towers stayed closed.


They saw devils here and there, and Min Sung eliminated them with minimal effort.

He quickly cleared floor after floor and ended up on the 10th floor.

He was much speedier than when he cleared the test Black Tower.

This also proved just how efficient Min Sung could be if he didn't slack off and fought with all his might.

As Min Sung shook off the blood on his Orichalcum Sword a lock broke at the same time.

He saw stairs leading up to the next floor.

"How long have we been in here?"

Min Sung asked.

"About 59 minutes."

Ho Sung Lee trembled as if that was already too long for him.

But how was it possible for him to clear 10 floors of the Black Tower in just 59 minutes?

That was an unbelievable speed.

But unlike Ho Sung Lee's thoughts, Min Sung looked very dissatisfied.

"We're too slow," Min Sung remarked.

In response, he almost blurted out, 'Aren't we too fast?'

There was no time to waste with such useless discussion.

"Bowl, how many devils did you turn into the Undead?"

Min Sung asked.

"5. Including the special devil I already have, we have 6," Bowl said as he ran around Min Sung in circles.

Bowl was the only excited one there.

Min Sung wasn't satisfied even for a bit.

"Let's go up."

As soon as Min Sung took a step on the stairs…


Min Sung's body wobbled.

Ho Sung Lee watched with startled eyes.

Luckily, Min Sung immediately regained his balance before he fell over.

Bowl and Ssol ran over in surprise and looked over Min Sung with worry.


Min Sung sat down on the stairs with a stiffened face.

Ho Sung Lee glanced at Min Sung.

"Are you all right?"

Min Sung breathed heavily, and his face looked stiff.

He covered his eyes with his hand and let out a long sigh.

"I have to rest for a while. Cover me," Min Sung said with his head down.

"Yes, Sir."

Min Sung slowly laid down on the stairs.

He felt his body growing heavier.

Min Sung closed his eyes. He caught his breath and let his mind drift away.

Ssol cried without a sound while Bowl looked around him with fiery eyes in order to protect his master.

As for Ho Sung Lee, he looked at Min Sung with confused eyes and failed to conceal his shock.


… That damned dream again?

He had experienced it before.

A white space where he struggled through what looked like fog.

Since he had experienced his before, Min Sung waited for him to appear.

A moment later, he heard footsteps.

When he looked behind him, he saw a familiar man.

It was the young face that he had met before.

He was smiling and approached Min Sung before, standing in front of him.

Looking at his smiling face made him feel something hot inside him.

But the man dressed in white watched Min Sung's attitude as if he knew everything that was going on.

"I don't even care who you are anymore. Just get to the point," Min Sung said.

A world that wasn't even real.

There was no point in fighting with this man.

He was just bothered.

The man walked around Min Sung.

Although it was just a dream, his vision was shockingly clear, and his senses felt real as well.

While Min Sung watched him, he stopped in his tracks. He looked up at the ceiling and then smiled.

"I have something to tell you."

The man's voice sounded soft yet strong, and it sounded clear in Min Sung's ears.

He stared at Min Sung with his mysterious eyes and continued, "A tree needs nutrients in order to grow."

Min Sung knitted his brows out of confusion.

He walked even closer toward Min Sung and continued, "The Demonic Realm plays the role of manure full of nutrients, and the human world is the root, and above all that is a new world."

Min Sung wasn't sure why he was telling him this and signaled him for an answer.

"Manure is dirty, and it takes a long time to work, and once the work is done, you have to start all over again, which means you need time to prepare."

The man smiled and continued, "You'll face a vicious winter soon. You need to prepare for it."

"Stop your nonsense…"

Min Sung didn't know what else to say.

When the young man swung his arm, a clear video showed up like a hologram.

It was a video showing a new world that exists above the human world.

The video was short, but it was so impactful that it left a strong impression in Min Sung's memory.

Min Sung looked at the man with an interested gaze that he had never shown him before.

"Does that place… really exist?"

Min Sung asked.

The man nodded.

"So… We must spend our time wisely from now on."

After that, the man disappeared into thin air.

And then a dot appeared in the white space.

The dot began to grow, and once it was big enough, the darkness swallowed Min Sung whole.


Min Sung opened his eyes.

"Sir, are you awake?"

Min Sung got up as if nothing happened.

When Ho Sung Lee saw this, he grabbed his chest and sighed out of relief.

"You startled me. I thought you were going to sleep for a long time here."

"Let's go," Min Sung said as he climbed the stairs.

Ssol stopped crying and followed Min Sung, and Bowl shook his head from side to side with excitement as he followed as well.

Ho Sung Lee let out a long sigh and shook his head.

On the other hand, Min Sung had many thoughts going through his head.

That man clearly caused him to fall asleep in order to meet him in his dreams.

The dream was so vivid that he couldn't simply call it a silly dream.

A world on top of the human world…

Min Sung clicked his tongue and jolted his eyes open.


He had to clear the tower as quickly possible and head over to the foreign countries.

And by that time, it was possible that the devils already broke through the barriers and popped out into the real world.

This was a time-limited game.

And in that game,


there was a quest added onto it.

The man in his dream told him to get ready for a new world.

But there was a limit to how much he could physically level up.

When that man told him to get ready, it had to mean that he had to collect as many items as possible in order to fight in the new world.

Until now, he only used his Orichalcum Sword.

That was because he had no trouble defeating all of the devils with that weapon alone.

Another item inside his item window was a +7 Devil's Durandal.

Would using a good item have an effect on him as well?

If that world really existed, there was a need to experiment with new items.

That place… was a place that transcended the limits of mankind.

As soon as Min Sung stopped walking, Ho Sung Lee, Bowl, and Ssol all looked at Min Sung in confusion.

At that moment, Min Sung abandoned the Orichalcum Sword in his hand.

As it fell on the ground, the sound of gold ringing against the ground rang through the entire floor.

Bowl looked at the sword on the ground and looked up at Min Sung.

Min Sung opened his item window and waved his hand in front of it.


The +7 Devil's Durandal moved toward Min Sung's hand while giving off substantial power.

And as soon as Min Sung's hand touched the Durandal-


A loud sound of hunter rang through the entire floor.

Chapter 177: Chapter 177

Min Sung looked down at the +7 Devil's Durandal in his hand.

It was a weapon that was entirely the color of blood.

Since it was a devil's weapon, it felt unfamiliar in his hand, but he sensed a great amount of power within it, making the entire weapon wriggle around.

But if the item was good, it was possible that he had to use less force of his own.

He didn't like to rely on weapons, but in order to fight against the guys in the man's video, he needed more weapons.

'This never ends.'

Min Sung showed a displeased face and looked for the devils with the Durandal in his hand.

Bowl and Ssol followed Min Sung, but Ho Sung lee stared at the Orichalcum Sword on the ground.

Once he checked its stats, Ho Sung Lee grimaced as if he discovered something horrible.

'He's been fighting with this piece of crap all this time?'

He never realized this.

Because Min Sung Kang was so strong, he had completely forgotten about his weapons.

How could he show so much force with such a crappy weapon…?

Ho Sung Lee looked back up.

"What are you doing?"

Min Sung glared at Ho Sung Lee.

"Oh…! I'm sorry, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee hurried behind him.

He then glanced over at Min Sung's +7 Devil's Durandal.

'If a man like that holds that weapon… How powerful will he be?'

Ho Sung Lee couldn't even imagine the extent of his power.



A devil was annihilated as it let out a chilling scream full of resentment.

When Bowl ran over to cast his Undead Spell but noticed it was dead, he showed a sad look on his face, but he waited for his next opportunity.

Min Sung was already swinging his Durandal at the next devil.


An arm flew off and plopped onto the ground.

The armless devil glared at Min Sung with bloody arms and wobbled backward.

Min Sung Lee charged toward the devil and stabbed the devil in the chest with his Durandal.

Once the sword went through, the blood covering the sword glistened under a golden light.

As soon as Min Sung pulled out the sword.


The devil poured out blood and went down on his knees.

The devil that made all of mankind tremble in fear.

But those devils were weak compared to Min Sung.

On the other hand, Min Sung was also a difficult opponent for the world as well.

But for Min Sung, the devils were opponents that bothered him the most.

No matter how powerful one human was, it was difficult to annihilate them all in a limited amount of time.

It was going to be difficult, but he tried to reduce the time even by 1 minute or 1 second so that he could protect one more restaurant or chef from dying.

Min Sung walked off as Bowl cast his Undead Spell in order to find the next devil to kill.

As he moved, Min Sung glanced down at his Durandal.

He felt as though fighting was a lot easier after picking up a better weapon.

Weapons definitely made a difference.

He finally understood why average hunters relied so much on weapons.

The Orichalcum Sword was enough to slay devils in the current world but not in the upper world.

In order to prepare for the future, he had to adjust to other items.

Even if he was a God, not human.

If anyone tried to bring down his territory, Min Sung was ready to fight them.


A devil spilled blood and rolled backward.

Min Sung stepped on the devil's chest and sliced its neck with his Durandal.

The Durandal went through his neck as well as through the ground made of bricks.

After wriggling for a while, the devil collapsed on the ground.

The devil then melted like liquid and disappeared into thin air as it dropped its weapons.

As soon as this happened, the gold goblin, Ssol, ran over and picked up all of the items and put them in his golden pouch.

He did it all in the blink of an eye.

Min Sung patted Ssol as he stared back at him after collecting all of the items.

After that, he picked up his bloody Durandal and looked at the door toward the next floor.


The magic lock was destroyed, opening the doors to the next floor.

"Ssol. Bring Ho Sung Lee and Bowl this way."

In response, Ssol disappeared at a very high speed.

When Ssol went to look for Ho Sung Lee and Bowl, they heard the bell sound that rang before they first entered the Black Tower.

It rang 11 times.

Ji Yoo Kim's prediction must have been correct.

He didn't know the exact calculation of the duration between bells, but the bell was clearly notifying them of the beginning.

And that was what made him realize that they didn't have much time.

'How kind of them.'

Min Sung laughed bitterly and walked up the stairs to the next floor.


Ji Yoo Kim and the Central Institute soldiers looked at the Black Tower as if it was extraordinary.

The speed of the floors lighting up was beyond belief.

They couldn't believe it with their own eyes.

The floors lit up so quickly that it almost looked like an elevator was going up.

"I've said this already, but he's very impressive…"

One of the Central Institute soldiers said with sincerity.

In response, Ji Yoo Kim and the other Central Institute soldiers nodded in agreement.

"I feel like we'll be able to protect Korea thanks to Min Sung Kang," one hunter commented with a smile.

The other Central Institute hunters looked at peace as well.

But not Ji Yoo Kim.

"We can't let our guard down until the end."

In response, the Central Institute soldiers fixed their expressions.

She continued as she looked up at the Black Tower.

"Maybe Korea will be fine, but once the devils start coming out of other countries and the defense barriers go down, it'll be hard for any of the cities to handle it."

In response, the hunters realized just how serious the situation was.

"How far along is the 3rd defense line?" Ji Yoo Kim asked.

"One moment."

An executive hunter beside her used his phone to check on the situation.

"It's about 70% complete," The executive hunter answered.

"If we happen to have some time left over, the construction of the 3rd defense line isn't the end. We have to make sure to buy as much time as possible before those from foreign countries cross over to Korea."

In response, the executive hunter showed a troubled look on his face.

"But… The laborers are very tired, and going out there means they have to put their lives on the line. The laborers won't get out of the 3rd defense line so easily. Their schedules have been so hectic that they've been complaining."

Ji Yoo Kim stared at the executive hunter with a sharp gaze.

"This is no time to negotiate. We must send someone who can convince them to put their lives on the line."

"… Yes, Ma'am."

The executive hunter took out his phone and excused himself.

Meanwhile, Ji Yoo Kim looked at the Black Tower and bit down on her lower lip.

Min Sung was clearing the floors of the Black Tower in a quick manner, but she still felt anxious as if something was wrong.

She felt as though she was forgetting something very crucial.

She wanted to deny the feeling, but as time passed, it became more and more evident.

She felt unpleasant and scared without knowing the reason.


As soon as they arrived on a higher floor, they were faced with more devils.

But just because there were more devils didn't mean things were any different.

There were only 2 special devils.

And as soon as Bowl acquired 10 Undead Devils, Bowl made them cover Ho Sung Lee and focus more on the battles.

As a result, they were able to clear the floors at a much higher speed.

Min Sung left behind a pool of 50 bloody bodies of devils and charged toward the last devil with his Durandal.


The Durandal made a thunderous noise and made the devil's body explode.

Min Sung then turned around with a calm face and stepped through the pool of blood.

"Bowl, why do you still only have 10 devils?" Min Sung asked.

Bowl dropped his head in discouragement.

"I think that might be my limit…"

Min Sung looked back at the pool of blood and then nodded.

"I guess at your current level, you can only control 10 devils."

Bowl grabbed his head in embarrassment.


In response, Bowl lifted his head in shame and looked up at Min Sung.

"Summon 6 Undead Devils."

"Yes, Master!"

In response, Bowl cast his dark magic.

Shortly after, 6 devils appeared out of thin air at the same time.

The 6 devils stood while staring into space as if they were AI robots.

Since the Undead only acted upon Bowl's command, this was natural.

"Step back," Min Sung ordered.

Ho Sung Lee and Bowl made room with puzzled looks on their faces.

Min Sung then flashed his eyes, his Durandal made a thunderous noise, and a strong force cut through the 6 Undead Devils that Bowl summoned.

The Undead Devils didn't respond because no order was given.

And Min Sung's power was so powerful that the bodies were immediately annihilated.

When Bowl saw this, a gold question mark popped up on top of his head.