177 - 186

Chapter 178: Chapter 178

Bowl stared at the disappeared Undead Devils with a blank look on his face as if he couldn't believe that they had actually disappeared.

And once he realized that his master got rid of his devils, he grabbed his big head and plopped down on his knees.

While HO Sung Lee watched Bowl in complete despair, he minded Min Sung.

At that moment, Min Sung walked over and stood in front of Bowl's head.

"If you can only keep 10 devils, you need to keep 7 special devils and 3 average devils. Fill the 6 empty spots I just created with special devils instead. From now on, abandon all average devils that didn't die. Remember that proportion."

In response, Bowl finally understood Min Sung's intentions, and a gold exclamation mark popped up on top of his head.

Bowl then clung on to Min Sung's waist in embarrassment for being so disappointed.

Ho Sung Lee also followed from behind when the bell rang.

They were used to the bell ringing, so Min Sung ignored it, but Ho Sung Lee was startled.

"S-Sir," HO Sung Lee called.

In response, Min Sung stopped walking and looked back at Ho Sung Lee.

In response to his confused look, Ho Sung Lee showed his stiffened face and gulped loudly.

"What's wrong?"

Min Sung pressed him to answer.

"Did you hear that bell?"

Ho Sung Lee asked seriously.

"We've heard it before…"

Min Sung stopped before he could finish his sentence.

"It's weird," Ho Sung Lee said in a nervous voice.

He was right.

It was supposed to ring 6 times this time, but it only rang 3 times.

"IT could be one of two things. The rules changed for some reason, or the bells had a different meaning from what we assumed."

Min Sung knitted his brows.

"Whatever the reason, we still have to clear the tower. Don't waste any time."

"Yes, Sir."


Outside of Black Tower.

The Central Institute soldiers were laid back as time passed.

But as soon as 3 bells rang instead of 6, the hunters also trembled in fear.

The fact that the bell changed meant that the situation had changed.

Ji Yoo Kim ordered the hunters to keep their guard up and make it so that they would be ready for any battle.


When the Devil God, Gaia saw the Black Slaughterer coming up the tower through his glass ball, he grimaced.

"That annoying human son of a bitch…!"

The Devil God watched the Black Slaughterer slaying devils as his nickname suggested as he trembled in fear.

If it wasn't for him, destroying the human world would have been a piece of cake.

They didn't think an obstacle like the Black Slaughterer would get in the way.

The Devil God, Gaia grabbed his head with his dark and long fingers and groaned.

'Why did a Black Tower have to appear in the Black Slaughterer's country of all places?'

He felt as though he had lost before it even began.


The Devil God Gaia's red eyes glistened.

"…at least we can buy some time."

In the Demonic Realm he was ranked at 46 out of all Devil Gods.

HE wasn't so weak that the Black Slaughterer could kill him with one slash.

As long as he dragged on enough time, the Devil Gods and devils would be able to take over the human world.

As long as they formed an army after that, he would be able to push the Black Slaughterer off a cliff.

No matter how powerful the Black Slaughterer was, he couldn't defeat an army.

And that had already been proven in the Demonic Realm.

He just had to buy time.

What would be the most effective?

While he thought about that, the Devil God, Gaia thought of one way.

And that way was the most effective until now.

The Devil God, Maia showed eyes that glistened as if he was the scale of a snake.


"…look at these bastards."

Min Sung laughed at the devils' behavior.

Unlike the other floors where they all pounced together, the devils started running away as soon as they saw Min Sung.

It wasn't out of fear.

They were trying to buy as much time as they could so that they could form an army.

If they did that, time would be wasted, and


a problem was going to arise in Bowl's ability to obtain devils.

After all, if they kept playing hide and seek it would become harder for him to pass devils over to Bowl and clear the floors.

"Bowl, only attempt to turn the last devil on this floor into the Undead."

Bowl was sad about this, but he understood why, so he didn't protest.


Min Sung broke through the tower as if it was made of Styrofoam.

Whenever he swung his Durandal, the walls tumbled down, and the devils, which were running away, died as soon as they came across Min Sung.

'That crazy human son of a bitch…'

The Devil God, Maia, who was watching this through his glass ball, clenched his fist out of rage.

He was so powerful that he couldn't believe he was human.

He thought he could buy time, but he was wrong.

At this rate, he was going to reach his room in no time.

'This won't do.'

The Devil God, Maia gave up on buying time.

He thought it was better to call all the devils to his room and fight to their deaths.

IN that case, the entrances to all the staircases in the tower were going to be open.

The other Devil Gods hated this decision, but they would have chosen to do the same thing in this situation.

Once the Devil God, Maia made his decision, he sent his power through his mystical glass ball.

The message that the Devil God, Maia sent out began spreading to all of the devils inside the tower.


Min Sung's eyebrow flinched.

He caught on that the devils around him began to behave differently.

Min Sung looked to the golden goblin, Ssol, who was the only one fast enough to keep up, to bring HO Sung Lee and Bowl over.

Once Ssol disappeared, Min Sung looked around him and smiled bitterly.

'This is easier than I thought.'


All of the devils began swarming upstairs to the highest floor and leaving the entrances to all of the staircases open.

The dark devils even crawled and rolled in order to get there as soon as possible, which was quite the sight to see.

The Devil God, Maia was certain he made the right decision.

After all, he was the Devil God, Maia, rank 46.

…despite that fact, he was still nervous about fighting one-on-one, but if he could use his devils as bait, he believed that there was a high chance of victory.

No matter how powerful he was, he was bound to have a weakness.

He came with a party.

Humans often put their own lives on the line in order to protect their party.

That fact was proven through history.

So if he went after the party and used the devils to draw him near, he could use his powers to defeat the all-mighty Black Slaughterer.

And if he defeated the Black Slaughterer, he was going to be a legend.

Not just in the name, but he would be recognized by the Great Devil God.

It was possible that that Great Devil God would grant him well-deserved honor.

And with the power of that honor, he would be able to climb and claim the 1st rank.

This would certainly improve his performance.

The Devil God, Gaia began warming up for the fight with that dream in mind.

'Let's try this.'

'Black Slaughterer!'


"W-what's going on?"

Ho Sung Lee dropped his jaw at the open doors to the staircase.

Ho Sung Lee then pointed to the door, which was welcoming them in.

"WE haven't been on this floor for a while. Did you slay all of the devils already?"

Ho Sung Lee asked.

"I didn't open it," Min Sung said as he climbed the stairs.

"…what do you mean? If you didn't, who did?"

HO SUgn Lee asked as he followed Min Sung.

"Probably the Devil God," Min Sung replied.

"By that… do you mean the top boss of devils? Why?"

"He probably wants to fight together."


Ho Sung Lee finally understood and hit his own palm with his fist.

"Maybe this is for the best. Since you're strong, you can wipe them all out at once. Haha, then should we wait outside the Boss' room? If we go in together, they might hold us as a hostage. WE don't have much time."

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung with great anticipation and a pounding heart.

"Do what you want," Min Sung answered.

He gave his permission.

He wasn't expecting much, so when he allowed it, HO Sung Lee threw his arms in the air and cheered.

When Bowl looked up in pity, Ho Sung Lee coughed.

"Hey, Bowl. Don't mess around when we get to the Boss Room. You might put him in a tough situation."

"That doesn't mean I should hide like a coward like you, you son of a bitch."

Ho Sung Lee was unable to refute Bowl and looked far into the distance instead.


The floor was quiet.

It was so empty that they didn't even see a single insect.

It looked like a world where not a single living organism existed.

But since the doors to the staircases were open, their way up the tower was so easy that it was boring.

Their trip was easy, but since they didn't have enough time, they sped up. For that reason, they arrived at the Boss Room in no time.

As soon as they arrived.

[Would you like to enter?]


A system message popped up.

Min Sung pressed 'yes' and Ho Sung Lee pressed 'no'.

Another system message popped up.

[If you don't enter with your party, you cannot enter the Devil's room at all.]

Chapter 179: Chapter 179



Ho Sung Lee blinked his eyes.

'What kind of shitty rule is that?'

'Why does the whole party have to enter all at once?'

He hadn't done anything until now, and it was Min Sung who defeated all of the devils.


Ho Sung Lee sighed and slumped his shoulders.

But then again, it was in Ho Sung Lee's fate to constantly be on the brink of death.

Ho Sung Lee shook his head and touched the Boss Room.

Then a system message appeared.

[Would you like to enter the Devil's Room?]


'Okay, fine. I'll go in, okay?'

Ho Sung Lee pressed 'yes' with a face resembling a squid.

Min Sung also pressed 'yes', causing the door of the Devil's Room to open.


The large door began to open with a rattling sound.

Ho Sung Lee took out his Death Knight Sword from his item window with great nervousness.

He had seen the Devil God in the test version of the Black Tower last time.

Back then, it was hard to even look at them.

And it was going to be no different this time.

'I'm going to panic… Will I survive?'

Ho Sung Lee was overcome with anxiety.

On top of that, this Devil God wasn't trying to buy time, but he was going to fight with all his might.

This was completely different from what he had experienced before, so Ho Sung Lee began trembling before he even got into the Devil's Room.

He was well-aware that he could die at any moment.

Although he had gone through near-death experiences multiple times, it wasn't something he could get used to.

In the end, all he could do was fight with the determination to survive.


The door slammed open.

The Devil's Room was large.

And within that large space were countless devils beyond what they had seen before.

There were hundreds of them.

And behind them was the Devil God, Gaia, who was sitting in a throne made of human bones.

When Ho Sung Lee saw that, he felt as though there was a timed explosive attached to his heart.

His heart began pounding harder and harder until it was painful.

Ho Sung Lee's hands, which was holding his Death Knight Sword, was trembling to the point of being visible.

And Min Sung, who was standing in front of Ho Sung Lee, just stood there without showing any fear.

When Min Sung saw that, he was annoyed.

With those numbers, he felt as though he would die even if he became Berserker.

And if he became the Berserker, he was going to pounce without any fear.

That also meant he could die even faster.

'… There are way too many of them.'

Ho Sung Lee looked at the countless devils and the Devil God, Gaia, with a face of despair.

At that moment-

"Both of you, stand at the entrance," Min Sung ordered.

Ho Sung Lee looked around him.

The entrance was big, but if Min Sung blocked them all ahead of time, Min Sung might have been able to cover them all.

Min Sung Kang was such an impenetrable wall that the devils couldn't possibly pass them and attack Ho Sung Lee and Bowl.

His heart began to stabilize again.

'That's the Min Sung I know.'

'That's our hunter!'

"Hey, Bowl. Come here," Ho Sung Lee urged.

In response, Bowl stood next to Ho Sung Lee.


The Devil God, Gaia, walked through his devils and stood in front of Min Sung.

He then let out a chuckle directed at Min Sung.

"You're going to fight at the entrance?"

The Devil God, Gaia, smiled and shook his head.

"That's foolish. You're not using the space to your advantage. This limits your space. You must know the power of a focused attack force. I guess you're human after all. Just to protect those things…"

Min Sung lifted his Durandal and that caused the Devil God, Gaia, to stop talking.

Gaia's face immediately stiffened up.

"Die," Min Sung said in a low voice as he pulled back his Durandal.

When the Devil God, Gaia, and the devils' eyes jolted side.

Min Sung swung his Durandal.


A violent thunderous noise rang through the room.

And then a white light charged toward the devils.

In response, the Devil God, Gaia, used his demonic force.

He put up a magical wall in order to


protect his devils.

Min Sung's force collided against Gaia's magic wall.


A large impact caused a crack to form on the magic wall.

The Devil God, Gaia, had to put up a fairly large wall for the many devils he had, so it required a lot of energy.

On the other hand, Min Sung didn't break a sweat.

After seeing Min Sung's abilities, the Devil God, Gaia, couldn't help but show his discomfort.

"… Begin," the Devil God, Gaia, commanded in a low voice.

The devils were cowards, but a systematic tie was built in between each of them.

And since the order was clear, they were programmed to run in and die if their leader ordered them to.

That was why Min Sung had horrible memories of the Demonic Realm.

A war that never ended decade after decade.

He grew tired of the endless wars.

But this place was different.

The hundreds of devils felt like an oasis to Min Sung that gave him emotional comfort.

He was a little annoyed by the Devil God, but this was like Heaven compared to the Demonic Realm.

He looked at the devils charging toward him and smiled.

The fights that went on between him and the devils in the Korean Black Tower were nothing more than child's play.

Min Sung rolled his left foot against the ground.


His footprint slammed into the floor, causing it to rumble.

Along with the resonant sound, magic power spread in all four directions.

As a result, the devils began floating in the air.

The devils felt as though time had slowed down, and the magic force from the Durandal burst out like thorns on a rose.


The thunder sound sounded almost like cries, but the speed of that magic force was faster than his last.

The magic force from Min Sung's sword stabbed through the devils.

The Shaman Devils cast their spells on Min Sung, but they were all useless.

The devils that dodged Min Sung's last attack charged toward him in order to swipe him with their sharp fingernails.

Min Sung watched the devils with a cold gaze and swung his sword so quickly that the devils couldn't even see it.

A sword swung by Min Sung, when he was in the most optimal state, was unmatched.

It was so fast and powerful that the devils couldn't handle it.

Min Sung ripped the devils' bodies into shreds, which scattered everywhere.

Gaia, who saw all of this, showed a restless look on his face as he charged toward Min Sung.

As soon as he swung his sword…

Smoke began to appear from Min Sung's eyes.

At that moment, Min Sung let go of his Durandal.

And then…


He used his magic to make the Durandal penetrate the devils and fly toward the Devil God, Gaia.

Before Gaia could react, Min Sung's Durandal struck him in the pit of his stomach.

As Gaia spat out blood, his running speed slowed down significantly.

Meanwhile, Min Sung slammed his Durandal into the ground.


As the Durandal cracked the ground, its magic force flowed through the ground and stabbed into the devils' bodies.

There was a mountain of devils bleeding to their deaths.

Meanwhile, Bowl cast his dark magic toward a special devil—Shaman—in order to make him into the Undead.

Bowl's dark magic began to flow into the nearly dying devil.

At that moment, the special devil, Champion's fingernails came down upon Bowl's head.

Ho Sung Lee ran in and blocked the Champion with his Death Knight Sword.

Bowl flinched and looked to his side, and Ho Sung Lee was unable to block Champion's 2nd attack.

His side and chest were torn, and his body flew toward the wall beside the entrance before falling to the ground.

"Son of a bitch…!"

Bowl screamed out of worry and apology while Champion opened his mouth wide in efforts to swallow Bowl whole.

At that moment…


Min Sung's Durandal stabbed through the Champion's head before it could swallow Bowl.

The Champion was annihilated.

"Drink this potion," said Min Sung before he swung his Durandal again.

He slew the devils coming toward him one-by-one, causing them to roll away.

Gaia recovered from the injuries caused by Min Sung and prepared to fight again.

As a result of Min Sung's Durandal, the devils were dying left, right, and center.

Despite that fact, the devils had no fear as they continued to charge in response to Gaia's orders.

But since half of the devils were gone already, they were exhausted, and Gaia's plan was slowly going down the drain.

His stamina and injury recovered, but Gaia realized the situation wasn't in his favor, which caused him to sigh as he watched Min Sung.

He then watched the devils being slain by Min Sung's sword and knitted his brows.

"What a bunch of idiots…"

He felt this way in the Demonic Realm as well. He thought that the human named Black Slaughterer was ridiculous.

He was way too powerful.

Gaia confirmed the remaining number of devils and took a step back.

He decided that since his original plan went down, it was best to buy as much time as possible.

While Min Sung killed the devils, Gaia clicked his tongue and ripped the space in front of him with his fingernails and leaped into the crack.

Or at least he tried…

If it wasn't for the crazy thing that Min Sung dragged along that had red hair and a red face…

Chapter 180: Chapter 180


Ho Sung Lee, who was in his Berserker state, stabbed his sword through the Devil God Gaia's back as he tried to escape into the crack.

[Hell Fire Activated]


A large spark exploded.

He attacked, but there was no damage.

Ho Sung Lee continued to attack over and over.

He stabbed over and over with sparks flying everywhere but compared to Min Sung Kang's, his attacks didn't even tickle him.

When Gaia saw Ho Sung Lee swinging his sword at him, he became stressed.

He was pissed that this weak cockroach was attempting to attack him instead of Min Sung Kang.

This little rodent!

Gaia swung his hand toward Ho Sung Lee.

If he activated his ability, he was going to disappear into thin air.

Before he activated his demonic ability.

Min Sung showed up right beside Gaia soon after killing all of the other devils.

In response to Min Sung's sudden appearance, Gaia felt as though his heart sank to the ground.

Min Sung stabbed Gaia in his side with his Durandal.


Gaia gasped and attempted to fight back, but Min Sung had already pulled out his sword by then and then slashed him once more, causing excruciating pain.

As he wobbled and lost balance, Min Sung swung his Durandal once more.


Along with Min Sung's signature thunderous sound, fatal damage was applied to the Devil God, Gaia.


Gaia let out a groan as his arm plopped down on the ground.

As Gaia began walking backward while splurting out blood, his form began to change.

His body expanded in the blink of an eye, a large magic circle formed on the ground, and his attack magic was activated.

And from the ground, a pillar of fire shot up.

Since that fire was capable of swallowing up Ho Sung Lee and Bowl, Min Sung swung his Durandal and controlled the blaze with his magic.


The Devil God, Gaia, let out a loud roar after his transformation, while still missing an arm.

Min Sung continued to look at the very large Devil God with an unchanged facial expression.

But his sentiments were clearly delivered.

"Thanks. I wasted less time thanks to you."

Min Sung's biggest worry was that the devils from other Black Towers could come flooding out while he was clearing this one.

It was possible that the devils were already running loose in the cities.

He had to clear the tower as fast as possible and proceed to the next one.

But since Gaia assisted him with that, he was very thankful.

Min Sung charged quickly toward him, reducing the distance between them.

Gaia used his remaining arm to swing a large ax.

Min Sung easily dodged it, causing the ax to land in the ground.

It was so big that it almost shattered the ground.

Min Sung ran on Gaia's arm, which was holding the ax.

He then expressed his gratitude once more by swinging his Durandal at him.

The Durandal contained a maximum capacity of magic power.

Before the Devil God, Gaia, could use his defense attack.


Min Sung's Durandal put the Devil God, Gaia, on the brink of death.

As Gaia's large body was ripped into two, he plopped on the ground with a large thud sound.

Min Sung walked toward Gaia in order to finish him off.

When he looked down at him, he was so injured that he was going to die anyway.

Considering how he had lost all of his limbs, it was surprising that he was still breathing.

But when it came to Devil Gods, they could recover very quickly, so they had to be ended for good.

Right before Min Sung swung his Durandal…


Ho Sung Lee, who had lost his mind as Berserker, lowered his Death Knight Sword upon the Devil God's head.


Hell Fire was activated.

Since Gaia was almost dead already, Ho Sung Lee was able to apply damage this time.

Along with an explosion, the last damage caused a message to pop up in the system.

[You've hunted a Devil God.]

[Ho Sung Lee's level will disappear.]

[Berserker's level upgraded by two levels.]

[Great achievement]

[You've acquired a new skill!]

Ho Sung Lee stood in front of Gaia's body and let out a loud roar.


When Bowl saw this, he grabbed his head with his hands, and he plopped down on his knees. The gold goblin, Ssol, just simply smiled


and applauded.


As soon as Min Sung cleared the tower, the Black Tower began to disintegrate.

The reporters, who had been waiting for this, flashed their cameras while the Central Institute hunters smiled and cheered for Min Sung, who had cleared the Black Tower.

Unlike the fear that ensued when the Black Tower first appeared, it was disappearing in a way that made for a beautiful sight.

"I can't believe he cleared it so fast. At this rate, he might be able to get rid of all of them!"

One of the Central Institute hunters exclaimed with clenched fists.

Ji Yoo Kim also flashed a smile and felt relieved, but that feeling didn't last for long.

"General Kim!"

A subordinate ran over with his tablet and showed her the screen.

And as soon as Ji Yoo Kim saw the video, her face grew dark.

She had expected it, but the screen was showing something that she didn't want to see with her own eyes.

It was a scene showing devils having destroyed almost half of the 1st defense line.

And when the subordinate touched the screen, multiple screens popped up which showed the moment right before the 1st defense line was completely destroyed.

At this rate, the magic wall was going to be destroyed in no time, causing many casualties.

Ji Yoo Kim bit down on her lower lip with a dark look on her face.


As soon as the Black Tower disappeared, Min Sung, Ho Sung Lee, Bowl, and Ssol landed below Mapo Bridge.

Since Ho Sung Lee had yet to wake up from his Berserker state, he fell while still unconscious.

Since he fell from a very high place, falling from it was going to cause a serious impact.

The first to land was Min Sung, followed by Ho Sung Lee.

Right before Ho Sung Lee landed on the ground, Min Sung caught Ho Sung Lee by his clothes and then threw him aside.

Ho Sung Lee, who was still unconscious, rolled on the ground before he woke up just in time.

After that, Bowl and Ssol fell from the sky.

Min Sung caught both of them with his hands and threw them aside as well.

Bowl and Ssol expressed their excitement as they got back up from the ground.

And then Ssol noticed Ho Sung Lee attempting to get up and assisted him with it.


Ho Sung Lee watched the aftermath of the Black Tower as he called Min Sung in a low voice, "Did you clear it?"

Ho Sung Lee asked with a blank stare in his eyes.

"Yeah. You did."

"Pardon? Me?"

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung with a surprised look on his face.

"Let's get moving. We have to get to the Warp Gate," Min Sung said as he began walking.

"Yes, Sir!"

Ho Sung Lee shook his head out of dizziness and ran after Min Sung.

But when Ho Sung Lee saw Min Sung stopping, so did he.

Min Sung closed his eyes and caught his breath.

"Are you all right?"

Ho Sung Lee waited quietly for his response.

But Min Sung opened his eyes again and began walking again.

The way Ho Sung Lee saw it, Min Sung was tired from using too much of his Aura in order to clear the Black Tower so quickly.

Come to think of it, he cleared the Black Tower a lot faster than last time.

After noticing how tired Min Sung Kang was, Ho Sung Lee finally realized he was still human.

"I'm hungry."

Ho Sung Lee doubted what he heard.


"I'm hungry."

'… So that's what it was.'

Ho Sung Lee shook his head and took out a chocolate from Ssol's golden pouch.

"Eat this for the time being. It'll help."


Min Sung accepted the chocolate bar Ho Sung Lee handed over.

He peeled off the wrapper and took a bite.

He chewed down on the strong chocolate flavor along with the almonds inside.

The strong flavor of the chocolate filled the inside of his mouth.

After using so much of his magic force, his head felt stuffy, and his body felt exhausted, but as soon as he ate the chocolate bar, he felt himself feeling better.

Min Sung looked down at the chocolate bar in surprise.


'It feels like my energy is being recharged.'

Min Sung smirked at the chocolate bar and continued to eat it.

Once he finished, he brushed off his hands, and that was when Ji Yoo Kim came running over with a tablet in her hands.

"Min Sung, we're in trouble. The 1st defense line abroad will be torn down soon."

Ji Yoo Kim quickly showed him the screen of the tablet.

Min Sung watched the video on the tablet and then nodded.

"We expected this. We'll have to clear it."

Min Sung looked away from the tablet and then proceed to walk.

Ji Yoo Kim caught up to him and walked beside him.

"Where are you going to go?"

Ji Yoo Kim asked with curiosity in her eyes.

"I don't' know. Wherever my feet takes me."

Min Sung walked toward the car that he parked near Mapo Bridge without a destination in mind.

Ho Sung Lee got into the driver's seat while Min Sung sat in the back.

Ji Yoo Kim watched as they left with a sigh.

The Central Institute hunters weren't going to be of any help even if they followed.

What they had to do was make sure all the devils from other countries were prevented from entering Korea.

It was time for Min Sung to do his job while Ji Yoo Kim did hers.

Ji Yoo Kim continued to watch Min Sung's car leave before she turned around to build a new defense line.

Chapter 181: Chapter 181


"I want spicy seafood stew," Min Sung said in a low voice.

"Spicy seafood stew?"

Ho Sung Lee asked while looking at him through the back mirror.


Bowl and Ssol glanced over at Min Sung.

But Min Sung knitted his brows as he looked out the window.

"… There's no time to eat."

He was stressed that he couldn't eat.

As a result, Min Sung was giving off a great deal of sensitivity and frustration.

As a result, Bowl and Ssol looked away from Min Sung in anxiousness.

They then sent Ho Sung Lee a message telling him to resolve this right away.

Bowl and Ssol continued to poke Ho Sung Lee on his shoulder and side.


They arrived at the Warp Gate building.

While Ho Sung Lee was driving, he had already sent a text message.

In response to his request for a spicy seafood stew, there was a spicy seafood stew waiting for the VVIP member, Min Sung, once they arrived.

Min Sung's face stiffened after seeing the delicious seafood stew.

"I made a call ahead of time. Please have some," Ho Sung Lee said as he pointed at the spicy seafood stew.

Inside the boiling stew was a large crab.

And beside it was an octopus.

And other than that, there were also abalones, shrimp, and clams that smelled like the ocean.

Aside from all of the glorious contents, he saw a deep broth keeping it all warm.

Min Sung gulped at the spicy seafood stew.

It looked delicious.

Just the thought of having some of that broth with white rice and then chewing the seafood between his teeth made him salivate.

As a result, his stomach made a loud grumbling sound.

But he didn't want to eat his meal in a half-assed manner.

If he was going to eat it anyway, he wanted to make it a proper meal.

Min Sung sighed at the spicy seafood stew. He grabbed a skewer that was in the heating cabinet and began chewing on it.

He was going to put off the spicy seafood stew until later.

After eating the hot skewer, he threw the stick in the trash and proceeded to walk toward the gates.

Ho Sung Lee was surprised that Min Sung didn't eat his stew and ran after him.


On his car ride to the Warp Gate, Min Sung thought deeply about where to head next after clearing the Black Tower in Korea.

He also asked Ho Sung Lee for his opinion on the matter.

"We can live without hamburgers. We can live without pizza. We can live without pasta, but for a Korean, we can't live without rice. It's miserable without it, so it's best that a Korean looks out for himself. For that reason, I think we should go to the areas surrounding Korea, which can become the biggest threat."

Ho Sung Lee's opinion was sound.

He couldn't refute.

No place was more important than Korea.

Korean food had to be protected.

For that reason, his next destinations were Mongolia, Japan, Taiwan, and China.

And after eliminating Japan and China, who had a great hunter force, all that was left were Mongolia and Taiwan.

When asked about which one to go to first, Ho Sung Lee shared his opinion.

"How about we go to Mongolia since their country is bigger? It'll be easier to deal with Taiwan later since there's water separating Taiwan from Korea."

"I guess we can clear Mongolia and then head down to China."


Ho Sung Lee agreed with Min Sung and set their next destination to Mongolia.


Min Sung took the Warp Gate to Mongolia.

Mongolia was a large country.

So if the devils were to break through the 1st defense line and swarm out into the real world, it was going to be difficult knowing where to start.

But it was their plan to start in Mongolia and then head toward China which had a boundary line with Korea.

And since Min Sung's speed was now faster than ever, there was nothing physical getting in their way.

The reason why he took the car, plane, and helicopter was simply because he was too lazy to use his feet.

But if Min Sung wanted to walk,


he could walk faster than anything.

He took the Warp Gate and when he arrived in Mongolia, there was someone waiting who had heard of his arrival.

"Hello, Sir."

The Mongolian hunter leader showed Min Sung his respect.

"Brief me," Min Sung urged.

In response, the Mongolian hunter leader called an expert to brief Min Sung.

Once Min Sung was briefed, he headed out.


He could see the difference between where the 1st defense line was broken and where it wasn't.

The Demonic Realm's war had already begun.

And when Min Sung arrived in Mongolia, this place was one of the places where the 1st defense line was destroyed.

Min Sung headed over to the A region on a helicopter in order to catch the devils that crossed through the 1st defense line.

A region was where the expert predicted most of the devils would be.

For that reason, Min Sung headed there first.

But on his way, he didn't spot a single devil.

Min Sung was running on foot at a very high speed.

On the other hand, Ho Sung Lee, Bowl, and Ssol, who couldn't keep up with him, rode the Mongolian hunter leader's private jet to meet him there.

They saw many dead devils where Min Sung had already passed, but they couldn't collect the items that were left behind.

It was safer to just meet Min Sung at the agreed destination.


"Son of a bitch."

In response to Bowls' calling, Ho Sung Lee glanced over and then looked down.

Bowl was looking at him.


Ho Sung Lee asked.


"For what?"

"You don't have a level anymore."

"What do you mean?"

Ho Sung Lee smirked at Bowl thinking he was talking nonsense.

"You ate the Devil God's death in the Boss Room."

In response, Ho Sung Lee looked into space and then glanced at Bowl.

"I did?"

Bowl nodded his big head up and down.

Ho Sung Lee showed a blank look on his face before he ran to the washroom in the private jet and checked the mirror.

And when he saw that there was no name above his head, he ran back to Bowl and looked like he was about to faint.

"What happened? Why don't I have a level? What happened? Did I really eat the final kill? How…?!"

Ho Sung Lee shook Bowl's shoulders with jolted eyes as he asked.

"Ugh… I'm dizzy," Bowl responded.

"Oh, sorry!"

Ho Sung Lee put Bowl down on the ground.

"Why don't I have a level anymore?"

Ho Sung Lee asked Bowl in a serious voice.

"Because you got the final kill of the Devil God in your Berserker state," Bowl responded, still dizzy.

"Oh…! That's why I don't remember. Is Min Sung mad that I got the final kill?"

"No, this is for the best. I couldn't make the Devil God into the Undead anyway, so it was best for you to eat his kill, but it was dangerous. If Master hadn't taken care of him…"

Bowl trailed off.

Ho Sung Lee knew very well why Bowl couldn't finish his sentence.

Because he wasn't Min Sung Kang…

He could easily die…

… At a very high likelihood.

Ho Sung Lee looked out the window in silence.

It didn't mean much for him to be a miscellaneous type.

What was important was how well he could fight a devil.

He had to fight a devil in order to be acknowledged by Min Sung Kang himself.

In order to get his approval, he couldn't be satisfied just by the fact that he was now a miscellaneous type.

At this point, that wasn't even important.

After all, Min Sung Kang was the one who made him that way.

He had to protect his world.

The peaceful world that he was trying to keep safe.

Ho Sung Lee looked at the white clouds with many thoughts inside his head.

Bowl snickered at Ho Sung Lee in the meantime.


Min Sung caused a lot of noise by ripping through space with his incredible speed.

When Min Sung saw devils that got through the 1st defense line, he didn't hesitate to take care of them right away.

Min Sung's Durandal made thunderous noises as it slew the devils, causing for the devils' bodies to fly off into the air.

Min Sung took care of the devils as he ran across the land at an unbelievable speed.

Just 1/10th of his way there, Min Sung noticed that there was no point in checking the lines that would be of threat to Korea.

He didn't have any time to lose.

He had to change directions.

He had failed to realize that the devils moved in irrational ways.

He had to go toward where the devils were gathered and slay them all at once.

He didn't have time to go after the small fries.

The defense line wasn't going to hold up for long.

Even if some small fries were left over, it was right for him to go after the herds first.

Luckily, he didn't waste too much of his time.

Even if he changed his direction now, it wasn't going to make much of a difference.

Min Sung stopped in his tracks.

As soon as he did, he felt a gust of wind that Min Sung created with his own speed.

In the midst of the sandstorm, Min Sung took out his phone from his item window and told Ho Sung Lee that there was a change in destination. He then checked the map and began running once more.

As soon as he took off, the impact of his movements against the air caused a very explosive sound

Chapter 182: Chapter 182


Devils were capable of teleporting without using the Warp Gate.

That meant that once they got through the 1st defense line, as long as they knew the location of the 2nd defense line, they could get there right away.

Devils had a way of sending each other signals.

No matter how far they were from each other, they were able to exchange signals of their own.

As a result, as soon as one of them discovered a target, all the devils gathered in a short amount of time.

Currently, the devils were all looking for the 2nd defense line, where another magic wall was situated.

But the magic walls were built so that the devils couldn't pass them with teleportation alone.

On top of that, the magic walls were immune to magic force, so the devils had to use physical force in order to break it down.

For that reason, the devils moved quickly, and when Min Sung spotted any on his way, he took them down immediately.

Min Sung's Durandal ripped the devils to shreds.

The devils, which thought of humans as cockroaches, were ripped to shreds by Min Sung as if they were pieces of paper.

Since the devils weren't targeting Min Sung, Min Sung had an advantage when bringing them down.

But that caused Min Sung stress.

He would have rather had them go after him instead.

But the devils' objective was to kill humans, obtain territory, and then increase the quantity of the devils.

He felt tired just thinking of trying to clear all of those devils alone.

"… Damn it."

As he slashed devil after devil, he couldn't contain his annoyance.

The more devils he killed, the more he realized of their true numbers.

One devil was capable of taking down countless humans in a matter of seconds.

In that sense, it was clear just how quickly average humans were going to die as a result.

So he had to kill the devils spreading all over the world as quickly as possible.

That meant he had to go back to his basic mission.

There weren't many devils out in the fields.

They were programmed to gather in one place, so it was not effective to do field checks when the devils had already spread.

Min Sung's eyes flashed with a white light as he began running at an even faster speed.


The devils found the 2nd defense line in Mongolia.

They used their signaling system in order to notify the others.

As a result, the devils began gathering in the area around the 2nd magic wall.

The expected number had already arrived, but the devils waited until more showed up.

Their plan was to wait for as many to arrive before they could attack the wall and destroy it altogether.

The hunter in charge, who was watching this unfold from inside the magic wall, bit down on his lip with uneasiness.

If they happened to break down the 2nd defense line, the hunters who were protecting it were all going to die.

The hunter in charge as well as all of the other hunters on site prepared for their deaths.

Although Min Sung came to the country to help, they had only been notified of it recently.

They predicted that the 2nd defense line would go down before Min Sung Kang even arrived.

The hunters, who were in charge of the 2nd defense line, looked at the increasing number of devils while preparing for the afterlife.

They weren't afraid of death.

But they were afraid of the defense line going down, and the devils dominating the future of their world.

After all, they had families.

And the hunters were protecting the defense line in order to protect them.

Clouds gathered in the sky followed by rain.

The hunters were watching the devils through the rain with much despair.

The devils decided that they had enough numbers and began to act on their mission.

The vibe changed completely.

The devils began attempting to bring down the defense line.

After seeing that, the hunters couldn't hide their nervousness.

They took out


their weapons. They prepared their items and scrolls and the magicians prepared to cast their spells.

They had to buy time.

That was their duty as hunters in charge of this place.

No matter how meaningless the efforts were going to be…

The hunters' eyes were filled with combative spirit and fear.

Once the devils got through the magic wall, they were going to be annihilated.

The hunters all knew this, but they didn't run.

They were going to die anyway.

It was best to die with honor by fighting until the end.

The hunters clenched down on their teeth with determined faces as they watched the devils charging toward the magic wall.

The devils all slammed against the magic wall.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The sound of the impact between the devils and the magic wall spread loudly.

In response to the loud noises, the hunters couldn't help but flinch.

They were prepared to die, but they instinctively trembled anyway.

The devils with dark skin and long nails began swinging their claws in order to break through the magic wall.

Just watching that sight made their hearts ache due to their worries and fear for their family.

They knew very well what would happen once the wall came down.

They would die.

All the people would die.

As well as their families…

All they could think of as they saw the devils charge toward the magic wall was the death of humans and the safety of their families.

Since they knew they couldn't win, fighting them was only going to buy them a little bit of time.

But they knew that would still be meaningful.

The devils were in their world, but they also had Min Sung Kang.

Just knowing that gave them strength.


The magic wall began to shake.

The magic wall was on the brink of destruction.

The speed of this magic wall coming down was much faster than when the devils first flooded out of the Black Tower.

This was the result of all of the devils gathering at the wall and attacking all at once.

At this rate, the 2nd defense line was going to be destroyed in no time.

Cracks began to form in the magic wall, and right before a hole formed in a part of the magic wall.

The sound of a fighter plane could be heard from a distance.

But it was actually the sound of air being ripped through.

The hunters inside the magic wall glanced around with puzzled looks on their faces.

A combat plane wasn't going to make a dent in the devils.

They had confirmed this fact ever since the dungeons appeared, and they tested it out on the monsters.

Then who was the one causing this sound?

It didn't make sense for the air force to make such an attempt in vain against the devils.

The hunter in charge as well as the other hunters glanced around looking for the source of the sound.

And a moment later…

They were able to confirm where it was coming from.

It was Min Sung Kang!

Min Sung Kang was slowing down his speed as he swung his Durandal.


Along with the sound of thunder, his sword activated a great magic force toward the devils against the wall.

A strong blinding light exploded in all four directions, causing the devils to disappear into thin air.

Just one attack caused more than half of the devils to disappear.

When the hunters inside the magic wall saw this, they couldn't believe their eyes.

The hunters inside the wall stared at Min Sung and the remaining devils had blank looks on their faces.

It was the famous hunter that they had only heard of.

The fake God was here.


He consumed quite a bit of his magic power.

Until now, he had never experienced fatigue as a result of using his magic power, but as soon as the devils flooded into the world, his body started to take a toll.

It had been a long time since he felt tired as a result of battle.

Rather than remembering the good old days, he was annoyed at the thought of the horrendous Demonic Realm.

His transparent Aura would have normally blocked the rain from hitting him, but since he had to save his Aura as much as possible, he let them fall upon him.

The rain felt refreshing.

It drenched his entire body.

Min Sung looked at the devils staring back at him as he said, "Sigh. I want some spicy seafood stew."

Now that it was raining, he felt like having a nice glass of soju.

Min Sung sighed and began walking with the Durandal in his hand.

He sensed the devils tensing up at his every step.

Devils were surely annoying and bothersome, but just like in the Demonic Realm, they were so dumb that they often let go of their true nature.

Just like in the Demonic Realm, they had to dedicate their entire force to try to kill him first.

So that meant they were too dumb.


He used his sword skill.

The Durandal left Min Sung's hand.

"Just die already so I can eat."

At the same time, the Durandal flew toward the hoard of devils and caused an explosion.


The Durandal applied so much damage that the devils were annihilated.

As Min Sung charged toward the devils at high speed, he summoned his Durandal as he got closer and closer.

The Durandal quickly returned to Min Sung's hands, and Min Sung displayed another blinding sight.

As a result of the fake God, the devils, who were trying to get past the magic wall, were dying away.

Chapter 183: Chapter 183


He had to save his magic power.

He decided that he had to preserve his condition if he wanted to proceed to the next region right away.

For that reason, Min Sung controlled the use of his magic power and used his saved Aura as instructed in the books obtained from the leader of Samchunkyo.

By utilizing that Aura as well, he was able to apply great attack force.

It was much easier this way.

Since he had only used his own Aura until now, using the Aura in standby felt new to him.

By doing this, he was able to recover his magic power while continuing to fight.

If it hadn't been for that man in his dream, he wouldn't have changed his mindest.

But if that world that he mentioned was true, he had to think about how to utilize his Aura in a more effective manner.

The books provided by the Samchunkyo leader talked about how to use the Aura saved in standby, but it wasn't perfect.

If it was perfect, the Samchunkyo leader wouldn't have died so easily.

That meant that using the Aura saved in standby came with limitations, but Min Sung wanted to get past that.

If possible, he wanted to use the Aura saved in standby along with his own magic power to attack at a much higher magnitude.

But that was just his hope.

But then again, the fact that he survived the Demonic Realm before coming back to the human world and killing devils was also made possible by starting out with just hope alone.



Min Sung's magic power slashed off a devil's leg causing him to let out a shriek.

Min Sung continued to slay devils in the midst of many other bodies of the devils he had already killed.

The devils used all of their power to attack Min Sung, but Min Sung's Durandal prevented them from being able to approach him.

Although his line of vision was distorted due to the rain, the devils' claws were unable to cut through Min Sung's clothes, let alone his body.

'Now that I've taken care of them…'

Min Sung's eyes flashed.

The power that he held back exploded through the seal.

Min Sung's inner magic power began to wriggle out.

His great force entered his Durandal, and the magic force exploded in order to make his identity known.


The light and explosion caused by the last magic force caused the remaining devils to disappear into thin air.


Around Min Sung's feet was a puddle of devils' blood and rain.

It was still raining heavily.

Min Sung swiped his hair back with his left hand. He put his Durandal in his item window with his right and then walked through the bloody water as he looked up at the sky.

This was region A, where Ho Sung Lee, Bowl, and Ssol was set to arrive by private jet.

And just in time, he began to see the private jet in the sky.


As soon as they confirmed that the devils were gone, the Mongolian hunters opened a portion of the magic wall.

Min Sung passed through the crack.

The head hunter in charge approached him and paid his respects.

Min Sung was escorted to the inside of the 2nd defense line where the Warp Gate building was located.

"We are forever grateful that you came here after Korea. Thank you so much!"

The hunter in charge expressed his gratitude with sincerity and respect.

Min Sung waved his hand in response.

As soon as they arrived at the warp Gate building, Ho Sung Lee, Bowl, and Ssol were seen waiting for him at the entrance.

"Hunter Leader."

In response to Min Sung's calling, the hunter leader immediately stood up straight and saluted.

"Yes, Sir."

"As soon as I leave, make sure you build additional magic walls here. Do you have enough men?"

"Of course, Sir."

The car stopped in front of the Warp Gate building.

As soon as Min Sung got out of the car, Ho Sung Lee approached.

"Sir, my judgment was wrong. I apologize," Ho Sung Lee said as he approached Min Sung with a stiffened face.

"I know," Min Sung replied as he passed Ho Sung Lee and entered the Warp Gate



Bowl skipped toward Min Sung and jumped into his pocket.

As for Ssol, he picked up all of the items that Min Sung tossed at him.

After that, Ho Sung Lee stood right next to Min Sung.

"Sir, here are the documents pertaining to the current situation in nearby areas sent to us by General Kim of Central Institute."

Min Sung checked the documents Ho Sung Lee handed over.

As soon as he saw it, Min Sung knitted his brows.

The material that Ji Yoo Kim sent him contained the cruel reality.

After breaking through the 1st defense line, those who couldn't escape to the 2nd defense line died as a result of the devils.

A part of the world was destroyed because of the devils.

Min Sung wanted to break the tablet in his hands, but he wasn't in a situation where he could use up his energy just for his feelings.


The fact that only Min Sung Kang could kill the devils brought upon two responses.

One was the hope that Min Sung Kang could protect the world.

But the other one was the anxiousness that their world would come to an end since Min Sung Kang was the only one who stood a chance.

But an unexpected situation occurred.

A dark force that was hiding behind Samchunkyo in China appeared.

They showed off great power against the devils.

Rather than using a 2nd defense line as support, the hunters of China were fighting the devils head-on.

A declaration of war that the hunters didn't expect was made, and as Min Sung proceeded to his next destination through the Warp Gate, he heard this news.

But his face still looked dark.


Ho Sung Lee asked.

But Min Sung didn't react as he continued to clench down on his teeth with a stiff look on his face

It wasn't because he didn't see it coming, but he didn't know the magic walls would be torn down so quickly.

They were faster than he expected.

There was a total of 72 towers all around the world, and the devils were flooding out from there.

Even if he were to take care of the devils in each country, it was likely that half of the world would be in ruins in the meantime.

At this rate, the world was going to suffer an irreversible damage.

He didn't think it through because he was so used to fighting alone.

Min Sung closed his eyes and thought for a while.

He had to think of a way to protect this world in the quickest and most effective way possible.

A moment later, Min Sung opened his eyes. He took out his phone from the item window and called Ji Yoo Kim of Central Institute.

The phone rang followed by a response.

Yes, Sir!

"Did you secure any information about the Devil Gods?"

Devil Gods…?

"They look different from devils. Their bodies are covered in snake scales. Have you seen them before?"

Not yet, but I'll call you as soon as I know something. We're continuing to keep watch, so we'll let you know as soon as we see something.


Min Sung hung up and thought once more.

He then opened his mouth.

"I have to find the Devil God."

In response to Min Sung's sudden remark, everyone showed confused looks on their faces.

"I need to bring down the head. If the Devil God dies, the other devils will lose their power. It's a waste of time to keep going after the small fires. We'll lose too much."

In response to Min Sung's explanation, Ho Sung Lee, Bowl, and Ssol nodded in understanding.

"Did the Devil God appear in the fields as well?"

Ho Sung Lee asked.

"We don't know yet."

Ho Sung Lee showed a sad look on his face.

"But what if we don't find the Devil God, or we kill him but that doesn't do anything to the devils…?"

Ho Sung Lee grimaced as he trailed off.

"You're right. That's possible, but even if we were to keep going…"

Min Sung's face grew dark.

"It's all meaningless."

Ever since the 1st defense line was destroyed, an unimaginable number of casualties took place, and the number was only growing.

At this rate, even if China declared war on the devils, Min Sung was unable to catch up to how quickly the devils were killing humans.

Ho Sung Lee nodded.

"Okay. Then have you decided on our next destination?"

"I'm going to go without you."

"… Pardon?"

Ho Sung Lee tilted his head in confusion.

"I'm only taking the golden goblin. Ho Sung, you help the Chinese hunters with Bowl."

Ho Sung Lee gulped with a pale face.

"You want me to join the Chinese hunters…?"


"It's true that I'm a miscellaneous type, but I'm still not that capable. I won't be of much help, and I'll probably get killed by a devil in no time."


Ho Sung Lee looked hurt.

He showed his hurt feelings on his face, but Min Sung didn't care.

"How long are you going to hide behind me for?"

Min Sung asked.

Ho Sung Lee avoided Min Sung's gaze and dropped his head.


"Ho Sung. Lift your head and straighten out your shoulders. You have to survive."

Ho Sung Lee sighed in response.

"I've always thought of everything as a crisis, but compared to the past crises, this one is much worse. Haha, I'm sorry. I wanted to fight alongside you, but in reality…"

Ho Sung Lee laughed.

His face showed that he was already preparing for his end.

"It's not that there's no way."

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung with curiosity.

"Eat devils," Min Sung said with a calm look in his eyes.

Chapter 184: Chapter 184


It grew silent.

Bowl also looked at Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee with a shocked face, and Ssol, who didn't understand the seriousness of the situation, dozed off against the wall.

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung as if he heard him wrong.

"Y-you want me to eat devils?"

He couldn't believe it.

But Min Sung continued without any expression on his face.

"If you eat devils, you'll gain magic power, and that power will help you grow faster, and if you eat devils, you can also avoid being their target. It has the effect of eliminating your human scent, so you'll have a better chance at survival."

"Can't I just pass on that and follow you?"

"Then you're useless to me."

In response to Min Sung's cold words, Ho Sung Lee dropped his head.

"No need to force yourself. It's your choice. Also, Bowl."

In response to Min Sung's calling, Bowl saluted.

"Yes, Master!"

"Once you fall to a set HP, you're programmed to come back to me so have confidence and level up as much as possible."

"Yes, Master!"

Bowl answered cheerfully.

Min Sung left to the gate room, and Ssol followed behind him.

Ho Sung Lee, who was left alone with Bowl, breathed with a bluish face.

"It'll be fine."

Bowl tapped Ho Sung Lee on his leg in order to comfort him.

Ho Sung Lee looked down at Bowl, ready to vomit.

"Are you sure about that? Huh? You'll just return to Min Sung as soon as your HP drops, but what about me? Huh? If I die, it's over. I haven't even gotten married yet!"



Bowl looked at Ho Sung Lee, who was glaring at him, and just shrugged.

"So what?"

Ho Sung Lee covered his eyes with his hands and laughed.

"Yeah, what can I do? I'll just have to make the best of this situation!"

Bowl shook his big head at Ho Sung Lee.

"What is he saying…?"


A 50-story Black Tower in America.

There were 10 Devil Gods there.

Those 10 Devil Gods were the highest ranks out of the 72 Devil Gods, meaning they ranked from 1st to 10th place.

They were inside the Black Tower sitting around in silence with puzzled looks on their faces.

The one and only reason why they were silent was because of the 'Black Slaughterer'.

The sound of groaning could be heard on the 50th floor of the dark Black Tower.

"Someone is looking for us."

The one who broke the silence was the Devil God of rank 7.

In response, all of the other Devil Gods grew silent.

"Hmph! Who is this Black Slaughterer anyway? Isn't he just a human?!"

The Devil God of rank 5 scoffed, but not a single Devil God agreed with him.

To the Devil Gods, Black Slaughterer was worthy of fear, and he was known as their natural enemy.

The fact that Min Sung was actually human was completely eliminated from the Devil Gods' minds.

And the Devil God of rank 5, who made that remark, just said that in order to express his frustration regarding the situation.

"We've killed him before in the Demonic Realm. No need to be scared…"

In response to rank 9, rank 4 laughed.

"We dispatched our entire forces just to catch that one bastard. What are you talking about? That bastard…"

The Devil God of rank 4 grimaced and closed his mouth.

At that moment…

A rip formed in space, which looked very much like the Black Hole.

The Devil Gods were surprised by the large presence and took a few steps back.

A moment later, smoke came out of the black hole, and that smoke began to come together to form a figure.

It was the king of the Devils, who was above all of the 10 Devil Gods.

He was the Demon King, 'Veld'.

The Devil Gods charged toward Veld and got on their knees.

"Black Slaughterer is our limitation to acquiring new territories? Yeah right!"

Veld scoffed.

"If he's trying to get rid of us, we have to use that to our advantage."



response, the Devil Gods all lowered their heads.

Veld spoke in a low voice, "Our objective is to kill humans, take over their land, and obtain new territory. We don't have to fight the Black Slaughterer. All we have to do is keep our numbers. Just by chasing us, that human is wasting his time and energy."

In response, the Devil Gods showed faces of relief.

Veld laughed as he continued, "While he chases after us and kills the devils, this world will become our land. The human world will become our sanctuary. Black Slaughterer is human. He'll continue to resist and then die. Just like he did in the Demonic Realm."

The sound of the Demon King, Veld, rang all the way down to the 1st floor of the Black Tower.


He eliminated devils out on the field.

Since there was no report of any sightings of the devils, it was a waste of time to look through the fields.

And since there were 72 Black Towers at the moment, eliminating the devils within the towers was going to take a significant amount of time.

He had to find a way to prevent them from entering the human world, but finding that way was no easy task.

For that reason, he had to use his own body to find that method.

But there was no way those Devil Gods would advertise exactly where they were.

Their objective was clear.

While he killed the devils and Devil Gods, they were planning to use their numbers to take over the world.

That meant they were willing to trade their flesh to eat bones.

As a result, he thought there had to be a way to get rid of the devils all at once, but that was just speculation at this point.

But one part of his heart still had hope that there was a way to catch all of the devils, which were currently spreading around the world at a very high speed.

But no matter how much he thought about it, there was nothing concrete.

Min Sung clicked his tongue and continued to walk.


He went over to Russia through the Warp Gate.

As soon as he exited the building, the air was cold since it was November.

When he walked further out of the building, he saw a hoard of people past a barricade.

As soon as Min Sung arrived, the Russians kneeled and bowed beneath Min Sung.

Min Sung watched the people bow as if he was a god and knitted his brows.

Min Sung calmed down the Russian hunters, who were desperately trying to serve him, and asked for the location of the Black Tower.

It wasn't very far.

Min Sung scanned the Russian people, who were trembling in fear and then headed over to the Black Tower.

And of course, the Russian people and hunters continued to pay their respects to Min Sung as he left.


He arrived in front of the first Black Tower.

Since Russia was a big country. There were 3 Black Towers there.

He somewhat understood the feelings of the people who were waiting for him in front of the Warp Gate.

On his way to the closest Black Tower, he hadn't seen a single devil.

From what he heard, there was a magic wall set up around the Black Tower.

But the 1st defense line was already knocked down.

'Since there was a lot of land, have they yet to find the 2nd defense line?'

'That's weird.'

Min Sung looked around him.

The land was harsh.

The first Black Tower in Russia was located in a severely mountainous area, and he couldn't sense any devils around the Black Tower area.

After checking the area, Min Sung looked up at the Black Tower and took out his Durandal.

The Durandal appeared with thunder and lightning and arrived in Min Sung's hands.

Min Sung looked up at the Black Tower as he got moving.

If the Devil Gods weren't out in the field, that meant the other Devil Gods were out in the human world.

And he thought of that to mean that the Devil Gods were hiding away inside the Black Tower.

Min Sung was ready to attack the Devil Gods with fear after how much they tried to intimidate him with their numbers.

After putting his worries behind him, Min Sung looked at the tower with cold eyes.

He then began to focus his magic energy into his Durandal.

The magic power from within Min Sung's body began to gather around the Durandal.

It was time for the scared mice to come out from their holes.

Because the hunt had officially begun.


Min Sung sighed and looked down at his belly.

The thought of how many meals he missed because of those devils made his body grow heavy from the stress.

After completing a few stretches, Min Sung grabbed onto his Durandal.

'Hide if you can, suckers.'

Min Sung gritted his teeth as he swung his Durandal toward The Black Tower.


Some of Min Sung's power, which he had been holding back, finally unleashed itself.


The ground shook as his Durandal exploded with a magical light.

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

Min Sung's magic power shook the ground and then directly hit the Black Tower.

At that moment.

The sound faded out.

Along with a flash and a thunderbolt, Min Sung's magic power swallowed up the Black Tower with a blinding light.

Chapter 185: Chapter 185

A heavy sound roared.

And as soon as the sound stopped, the Black Tower on top of a mountain in Russia disappeared as if it was never there in the first place.

The destroyed land surrounding the area was the only proof that the Black Tower disappeared because of Min Sung's magic power.

The golden goblin, Ssol, just stared on with his jaw dropped.


Meanwhile, Min Sung put down his Durandal while looking exhausted.

Since he used a substantial amount of magic power, just holding the Durandal made his entire body feel heavy.

Min Sung spat on the ground and wiped off his sweat while getting hit by the cold wind.


"That crazy bastard…!"

When the Devil God of rank 3 saw what happened through his glass ball, his body trembled.

He was on the 50th floor of the Black Tower.

All of the other Devil Gods gathered on the top floor felt the same way.

They never even imagined it.

They had no idea he would get rid of the Black Tower like that.

The 10 Devil Gods felt scared after confirming Min Sung's power through the glass ball.

They knew the Black Slaughterer was powerful, but they didn't know he was capable of getting rid of a Black Tower entirely.

At this rate, time was not on their side as the Demon King, Veld, suggested.

It was them who were being pursued in this chase.

But unlike the Devil Gods, the Demon King, Veld, looked just as calm as he did before.

The Devil Gods looked at Veld with nervous looks on their faces.

Veld looked down at the Devil Gods from his throne and clicked his tongue.

"How do you call yourselves Devil Gods if you get scared so easily?"

The Demon King, Veld, continued to stare at the Devil Gods with disappointment.

"Even if he was able to make that tower disappear, he's probably tired after how much magic power he had to use. That means we have a chance."

The Devil Gods opened their eyes wide and looked up at Veld.

Veld scoffed as he continued, "Even if he's the Black Slaughterer, he's someone who died in the Demonic Realm, which means he's only human. He might be able to make a few Black Towers disappear, but by then, he'll have no more power left."

In response, the Devils began to smile.

What the Demon King, Veld, just said made perfect sense.

He might have been the Black Slaughterer, but his magic power wouldn't last long, which meant he would start to slow down.

Even if they didn't step up, the other average devils would take care of him.

"Once that annoying Black Slaughterer dies in the human world, he'll never be born again."

"That means we'll never have to see him again."

"That dumb bastard. If he chose to abandon the human world, he would've lasted longer. Tsk!"

When the Demon King, Veld, glared at the Devil Gods for being too loud, they all grew silent.

"Just wait. Then you'll be able to get that bastard to surrender without moving a finger."

The Devil Gods bowed their heads to the Demon King.


As Min Sung ordered, Ho Sung Lee headed to the 2nd defense line with Bowl, and by the time he arrived, he had no time to chat with the Chinese hunters.

They continued to work in order to prevent the magic wall from collapsing.

And they used the devils that entered through the crack in the space as a part of the Chinese hunter force, allowing them to exert power in killing devils.

Ho Sung Lee was surprised to see the Chinese hunters fight the devils.

The Chinese hunters were much more powerful than Ho Sung Lee thought as they were facing off against the devils that were breaking through the magic wall with their great fighting ability.

Ho Sung Lee perceived them to be even more powerful than Samchunkyo.

'Why don't we know their names yet?'

'Why haven't they showed themselves yet?'

But those thoughts didn't last long.

After all, no matter how skilled and powerful they were as hunters, it was clear they were running low on stamina.

Ho Sung Lee grabbed his Death Knight Sword. He exchanged glances with Bowl and then ran over to the magic wall in order to assist the Chinese hunters.


'How am I supposed to eat those?'

Ho Sung Lee saw the devils, which resembled humans, trying


to get through the magic wall, and he gagged.


Min Sung looked out at the ruins as he took out a water bottle from his item window and gulped it down.

When he finished the water and closed the lid.

He heard the sound of crying and groaning from somewhere.

Ssol tapped on Min Sung's shoulder and pointed in various directions.

So Min Sung took out his Durandal from his item window and got up.

As soon as he looked in the direction of the noise, he saw devils that were still alive.

The devils were crawling on the ground despite missing a few body parts.

As soon as Min Sung walked toward the devils, Ssol covered his eyes with his hands.

Min Sung looked down at the devil crawling below him.

"I didn't want to do this, but here I go again."

Min Sung's face stiffened as he looked at the devil crawling with tears.

Since he took down an entire Black Tower, there was nothing better than eating devils in recovering his magic power.

Min Sung grabbed the devil by the neck and held it up in the air.

The dying devil chocked and wriggled as if it still had the greed to live.

"Don't think I'm going to tire out so quickly. Also…"

Min Sung stared at the devil in his hands straight in the eyes as he continued, "It won't be long before you meet me."

He was talking to the Devil Gods who were watching through the devil's eyes.

Min Sung stopped speaking.


The sound of the Devil's body cracking could be heard.

After that.


White smoke began to form from the devil's body.

When he first went to the Demonic Realm, he ate monsters as if it was his food, but once he acquired a number of abilities, Min Sung also acquired the absorption ability.

That ability allowed him to swallow living organisms by force.

As a result, Min Sung's absorption ability caused the devil's dark body to dry up in the blink of an eye.

All of the moisture left the devil's body, and once the devil died completely, he dried up like beeswax.

As soon as Min Sung let go of it, the dried-up devil plopped down onto the dirt and disappeared into thin air.

Once he absorbed its vitality, his tired body somewhat recovered.

But there were devils around him that were still alive.

Min Sung charged toward a devil that was running away and stared at him with heartless eyes.

The devil, which was crawling away in order to survive, made a choking sound to Min Sung's hand and flew across the air.


The Demon God, Veld, chewed on a piece of skull with anxiousness.

Black Slaughterer was different from what he expected.

He thought that the amount of magic power he used to get rid of the Black Tower as a whole would have been detrimental.

So the fact that he was able to recharge just by sucking up the vitality of a few devils scared Veld.

The Black Slaughterer, who was in his optimal state in the human world unlike how he was in the Demonic Realm, had a much higher fighting ability than before.

It was possible that going against someone with memories from the Demonic Realm could take a devastating turn for the devils.

When a Devil God died, its devils panicked due to the loss of their leader.

That also meant that they could lose the direction of their objective.

Veld disposed of the bone in his hand. He crushed his skull throne with his fist and got up.

The Devil Gods, who were watching the situation through the glass ball, immediately sat up as soon as Veld got up from his throne.

"We can't wait any longer. We'll do a stakeout outside, and once he gets rid of the Black Tower, we'll attack him before he can absorb vitality from the devils that are still alive."

In response to Veld's orders, the Devil Gods' jolted their eyes wide open.

Although he was the Black Slaughterer, he was bound to be low on magic power right after obliterating a Black Tower.

That meant that that was the best time frame to attack.

If they got that opportunity, that meant they didn't even need the help of their master, Demon King, Veld.

The Devil Gods' eyes sparkled with excitement.


The situation became worse and worse over time.

Around the time Min Sung went over to Russia through the Warp Gate, most of the countries began to see their 2nd defense line tumble down.

So the people began to hoard behind the 3rd defense line.

With the 2nd defense line down, if the 3rd defense line was destroyed as well, that meant mankind would go extinct.

Mankind began to panic in the midst of the horror.

Every country was desperately adding to the magic wall in efforts to protect their 3rd defense line.

Despite their efforts, the magic wall felt unstable and at risk as if it was made of paper.

Since it was the final defense line that could save mankind, all of mankind felt frightened.


He arrived in Spokane, which was 400 kilometers away from Seattle in America.

The Black Tower that appeared in Spokane could be called the center point of all Black Towers that appeared around the world.

Min Sung looked up at the Black Tower situated above countless buildings as he thought.

Since he was bringing down the towers at a very fast pace while the 3rd defense lines were holding up, they were probably in an anxious state.

When it came to the devils and Devil Gods, they tended to be more proactive than passive.

He thought that he could use the fact that he consumed a great deal of magic energy as bait to reel them in.

For that reason, Min Sung maximized his power output and made it so that they could sense it from further away.

And in order to catch them with it, he used the golden goblin, Ssol, to explore their surroundings at high speed.


He felt the air around them becoming distorted as a result of Ssol's exploration.

Min Sung smiled.

They were here.

Chapter 186: Chapter 186


The Devil Gods were taken aback.

They thought that they were fully prepared to stake out and pounce once the perfect opportunity came.

But the Black Slaughterer, Min Sung Kang, already caught on to their strategy.

When the golden goblin, Ssol, appeared out of nowhere, they were so shocked that they made their presence known.

That mistake was fatal, and Min Sung didn't let the Devil Gods get away with that mistake.

Since Min Sung already had his senses maximized, Min Sung immediately secured the Devil Gods' location.


Min Sung quickly appeared in front of the Devil Gods and stabbed it with his Durandal with a white light coming out of his eyes.


Min Sung's Durandal stabbed through the Devil God's chest along with a loud thunderous noise.

Min Sung then grabbed onto the Devil God's neck and took out his Durandal.

As a result, the Devil God breathed out its last breath of air and hung in his hands.

Min Sung pulled back his Durandal and swung it once more.



The Devil God's neck got sliced off and his head flew into the air.

At the same time, Min Sung threw his Durandal into the air.

Before the sword came back down from the sky and almost hit the ground, Min Sung reached out his hand.

And as soon as he clenched his fist, an enormous noise spread as if the earth and sky were being created as magic power radiated in all four directions.

This was one of the techniques he had read about in Samchunkyo's book, and it was very effective.

As a result, the Devil Gods began to appear from the transparent barrier they used to hide themselves.

Min Sung smiled. He pulled back his Durandal. He grabbed the weapons that came at him and swung his Durandal.

As soon as Min Sung's attack spread, the Devil Gods felt their bodies distort as a result of the magic power, causing them to grimace in pain.

This was his chance to catch the Devil Gods.

And if they started to run, things would get more difficult.

But Min Sung didn't rush just because he was in a rush.

He was a warrior from the Demonic Realm.

A warrior had to be cold-hearted, rational, and have no hesitation.

No one had to teach him that since Min Sung learned it himself in the Demonic Realm.

No matter how hungry he was.

No matter how traumatized he was from memories of starvation.

He had to follow the proper order of battle.

A life flickered between life and death depending on the amount of focus alone.

And in that crossroads, Min Sung was always the wind, ice, and water that shut down the life of his opponents.

Min Sung had so much dignity that he almost looked like a myth from the middle ages.

But the Devil Gods used their demonic magic as resistance against him.

Dark words in the demonic language appeared in the air as it gathered the power of the Demonic Realm.

Min Sung recognized that they were the Devil Gods of the highest ranks.

Min Sung thought of this as the perfect opportunity.

He had to kill these Devil Gods in order to control the devils that were spread out all over the world.

But since he was going against 9 Devil gods, not just one, he had to be careful about how he controlled his stamina.

Since there were many of them, even one mistake could be fatal.

Min Sung focused and put more strength in his eyes.

He checked the movements of the Devil Gods and unleashed his power.

Min Sung brought upon thunder and lighting as if he was a god.

The Devil Gods' magic flooded in from the side, but Min Sung shut them down and stabbed the Devil Gods with his Durandal.

Despite all of the high ranking Devil Gods being present, Min Sung showed off great firepower.

The Devil Gods had ordered for all of the Devil Gods in the human world to gather here as soon as possible.

In just a few minutes, 72 Devil Gods were set to arrive, but these Devil Gods had a hard time standing a chance against Min Sung Kang.

Although the Devil Gods were attacking Min Sung at full force, Min Sung got past all of them and stabbed the Devil Gods with


his Durandal.

The Devil Gods were slashed and stabbed, leading to great bloodshed.

The sound of thunder and lightning went off.




Ho Sung Lee's face was dark and stiff.

The hunters were dying.

The stamina of the surprisingly powerful Chinese hunters started to deteriorate, preventing them from being able to withstand the attacks of the devils that passed through the magic wall.

Meanwhile, Ho Sung Lee watched the dying devils and grimaced.

'Fuck, how am I supposed to eat those?'

Devils resembled humans from head to toe.

On top of that, they had black skin and red eyes.

He couldn't even eat the most delicious delicacy if he had to stare at such a monstrous face at the same time.

But in order to become stronger, he had no other way.

Ho Sung Lee grabbed onto a devil's arm. He opened his mouth wide and chewed on it.

But no matter how hard he bit down, Ho Sung Lee didn't have particularly sharp teeth while the devil's skin was really robust, so he couldn't even leave a teeth mark.

On top of that, it was just gross.

Ho Sung Lee took his mouth off while his entire body trembled.

"Ugh… I can't do this. Damn it!"

'Do I have to drink its blood or something?'

Ho Sung Lee sighed as he looked down at the devil and took out his Death Knight Sword to stab it.

At that moment…

"Son of a bitch…!"

He heard Bowl calling.

When he looked behind him, he saw a devil flapping its wings and charging toward him at high speed.

"… Huh?"

Before he could even react.


The devil's hand stabbed through Ho Sung Lee's chest.


After seeing Ho Sung Lee coughing out blood, Bowl sent an Undead Devil to stop the devil from eating his head.

As a result, after throwing Ho Sung Lee, which he was attacking, he faced off against Bowl's Undead Devil next.

Meanwhile, Ho Sung Lee dripped in blood as he looked around him and knitted his brows.

Just because he became the Berserker and he regained his stamina didn't mean he was invincible.

If he died in the Berserker state, he couldn't come back alive again.

He would just become a dead body and rest in peace forever.

The number of Chinese hunters significantly decreased, and it felt like they were annihilated by the devils.

Unlike the hopeful situation in the beginning, the Chinese hunters were unable to beat the devil's numbers, and they either shed blood or got eaten alive.

'… Damn it.'

'Is this really the end?'

'I at least wanted to say goodbye to Bowl…'

He couldn't speak.

Ho Sung Lee then lost consciousness and began transforming into a Berserker.


The Devil Gods were taken aback.

They clearly had a plan, and their strategy was predicted to have such a high success rate that they thought the plan was solid, but the Devil Gods had no idea.

They didn't know just how long the Black Slaughterer, Min Sung Kang was in the Demonic Realm for, or just how well he knew about their habits.

For that reason, the Devil Gods had no idea.

That Min Sung would use the Black Tower as bait to lure them in.

'Damn it…!'

The Devil God of rank 1 named Zeke was certain that if they continued at this rate, they wouldn't be able to catch Min Sung Kang even if all of the Devil Gods gathered.

And if he thought about it, it took them tens of years just to kill him in the Demonic Realm.

So it was foolish to think that they could defeat a guy like that so easily.

He had to make a decision.

Zeke looked at the other Demon Gods dripping in blood as a result of the Black Slaughterer's attacks and clenched down on his teeth.

Demon King.

Veld was nowhere to be seen.

He also considered the possibility that this was just a political move made to change the structure of the Demonic Realm.

'We shouldn't have underestimated the Black Slaughterer.'

When Min Sung slashed through the Demon God of the 6th rank.


Zeke shouted in a loud voice.

His surroundings were in ruins as a result of Min Sung and the Devil Gods.

And in the middle of it was Min Sung who was lightly panting while holding his bloody Durandal, and he was looking directly at Zeke.

Rank 1 Zeke.

Although he was the most powerful being after the Demon King in the Demonic Realm, he shook in fear as soon as he met eyes with the Black Slaughterer.

He wasn't human.

When the Black Slaughterer was in his optimal state, he appeared to be the most powerful of them all.

"If you're thinking of buying time…"

Zeke cut him off.

"I'll order the devils to stop attacking and return to the tower right away."

In response, the Devil Gods, who were shedding blood around him, looked at Zeke with shocked eyes.

Zeke looked at his fellow Devil Gods and shook his head.

"We can't win this. We lost."

The Devil Gods showed faces of humiliation, shame, and defeat, but it was understandable that they felt that way.

The land of a new world, which they tried to dominate after leaving the Demonic Realm.

The only reason why they couldn't take over the human world was because of one human who defeated them.

"Agrak, pik tu hod!"

Zeke shouted in a loud voice.

The sound of his voice rang as if they were in a cave as it spread out in all four directions.


The Devil God, Zeke's message was a command, which was directed to all of the devils that escaped the Black Tower.

As soon as the Devil God, Zeke's command was delivered, all of the devils stopped their movements.

When the devils suddenly froze right in front of the hunters' eyes as they were fighting, they looked at them strangely, but they kept their guards up.

They experienced the first moment of silence since the storm rolled over.