284 - 293

Chapter 284: Chapter 284

"What do we do about this? We've invested most of our points on him…"

One Dionysus God sobbed, and the noises that followed from the other gods were not much different.

Some gods were mature about it, but since they were all gathered here, their faces were stiff.

And one of the Dionysus Gods, who showed a stiff face, looked at the crying gods as if they were pathetic.

"Doing that won't make Min Sung Kang return to Beatrice, so stop crying and figure out how to…"

"What are you talking about? You're the one with a face as red as an angry human!"

"Are you finished?"


The two Dionysus gods broke out into a fight.

While the gods blamed each other, Veld watched from the corner like an outsider.

Since he was staying so quiet, the arrow was soon pointed at Veld as well.

"This is all that Demonic Realm bastard's fault."

"Yeah. That crazy demon invested so many experience points that I thought he knew something we didn't."

The Dionysus Gods began to glare at Veld.

In response to the Dionysus gods' attack, Veld frowned and trembled with his back hunched over.

The Demonic Realm had always been treated as a lesser place that was not good enough to interact with the Dionysus Gods.

So even if he was the Devil God, he was only hated by them, and compared to the Dionysus Gods of Heaven, Veld didn't have much power.

On top of being weak, he was now their target, so he was in big trouble.

If the Dionysus Gods decided on it, it was only a matter of time before he went extinct.

So Veld had no choice but to hold his breath and take the insults.

It was best for him to keep his mouth shut and not irritate them.

"It's not like going after him will solve this. Nothing will resolve this, but since we can't just move on from this, we have to make that human pay!" One Dionysus God shouted.

And most of the other gods agreed.

The reason they had gathered was to get revenge.

They wanted to get revenge against Min Sung Kang who had taken most of their investment funds.

That was how the revenge meeting began.

They began to discuss which player to send over to the human world.

They shared different opinions, but they gradually came to an agreement.

They couldn't just use the most powerful ranking player in Beatrice.

It was hard to convince them, and since it could lead to a fight, they had to pick an appropriate player.

And that was how they decided on their Beatrice player.

The Dionysus Gods decided to trust that player with this mission.


Ho Sung Lee thought seriously in Min Sung's backyard.

Upon the cutting down of the Iris Tree, the dungeon disappeared, and the world was soon to be peaceful again.

So he couldn't help but consider opening a restaurant so that he could make a living.

Of course, he could just continue to serve Min Sung or open a small restaurant, but he was still a hunter.

Even if the world was no longer threatened by monsters, he was still a hunter.

A hunter who opens a restaurant…?

Ho Sung Lee smoked his cigarette and looked up at the sky.

He then imagined it.

How he would look as a man operating a restaurant.

It made him laugh, but he didn't think it was such a bad idea.

He then made his decision.

To become a chef.

To start a restaurant.

Once he made the decision, he felt relieved, and he even thought it would be fun.

'… It's not like I have a choice.'

Since there were no more monsters, what was the point in hunting?

Ho Sung Lee smirked and put out his cigarette. He returned to the house and sat on the sofa with black tea.

It was quiet and peaceful.

He could see the sun upon the backyard, and he heard birds chirping.

It finally hit him that he had returned to his regular life in the human world.

He was in Beatrice not long ago.

He had no idea he would be back so soon.

Ho Sung Lee drank his black tea with a smile.

'Is this the end?'

"Why are you smiling like a pervert?" Bowl asked as he crawled up the sofa.

Ho Sung Lee sipped his black tea and glared down at Bowl.

"Hmph. Bowl, since you weren't as active as me and didn't play a


big role in Beatrice, you wouldn't understand."

"You're just a burden. If you weren't there, maybe we would've returned to earth earlier."

Ho Sung Lee was about to refute, but the thought that he could be right shut his mouth.

As soon as Bowl saw Ho Sung Lee's face, he flipped over onto his back and laughed.

"Hey, Bowl."


Bowl answered with his head buried in the sofa.

"Monsters probably won't show up anymore, will they? There will only be small crimes now, right?"

"I don't know."

"Since the dungeons are gone and the monsters disappeared, it's not dangerous anymore. Does that mean hunters aren't hunters anymore?"

Ho Sung Lee thought about his fellow members of the Diamond Clan as he asked.

"Son of a b*tch, stop worrying about others and take care of Master."

Ho Sung Lee laughed.

"Yeah. That was a stupid question."

"Stop trying to act cool. It disgusts me. Why are you acting like this anyway? I'm losing my appetite."

Ho Sung Lee stuck out his lip and glared at Bowl.

"Seriously. You can't even eat food."

Ho Sung Lee tickled Bowl's side and Bowl rolled around snickering.

At that moment…


Along with a heavy sound, the ground shook as if there was an earthquake, and as a result, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl's behavior froze as if time stopped.

The aftershock didn't last long.

It disappeared quickly, but the noise was not a small one.

It was different from just a regular earthquake.

Ho Sung Lee and Bowl exchanged glances.



"What was that?"

Ho Sung Lee asked Bowl.


And Bowl agreed.

Ho Sung Lee blankly stared at the yard and then looked back at Bowl.

"Let's go and check it out."


Ho Sung Lee sprung up and ran out, and Bowl also hopped down from the sofa and rode his shadow board to follow Ho Sung Lee.

As soon as Ho Sung Lee opened the front door, Bowl hung onto Ho Sung Lee's waist, and at that moment, Ho Sung Lee stomped on the ground and took off.


The ground was dented as Ho Sung Lee sprung up into the sky.


Beatrice's 10th ranked player, Repone, was on the skinny side with long hair and a beautiful appearance.

And the Dionysus Gods stood around him.

"So… are you saying the restriction against the ranking challenge will be lifted if I just go to a star called Earth and kill Min Sung Kang?"

In response to Repone's question, the Dionysus God in the front nodded.

"That's correct."

"That's a great offer, but why are you asking me to do this?"

"Because we're unable to enter the human world."

"Hm. I see."

Repone thought for a moment, and the Dionysus Gods watched him in anxiousness.

"I'm interested, but the conditions are a little lacking. If you add in one more favor, I'll accept."

"Tell us."

"2000 experience points."

"That's no problem…"

"No, 2000 points from each god."

The Dionysus Gods' faces turned stiff.

"I guess we've asked the wrong person. You're not the only one who is being considered."

As soon as the Dionysus God tried to leave, Repone's relaxed face showed restlessness.

"I'll do it! But you have to give me a total of 50,000 experience points…"

Repone spoke cautiously, and upon exchanging glances, the Dionysus Gods nodded with dissatisfied faces.

Following the agreement, the Dionysus Gods handed him information about Min Sung Kang. They opened the gate to Earth and left.

Once the Dionysus Gods left, Repone, who was left alone in front of the gate, sighed.

"Why am I so bad at making deals? Everyone else does a good job. Sigh."

Repone shook his head and as a result, his silky hair flowed with it.

Repone closed his eyes and calmed himself down.

His target was Min Sung Kang, and his mission was to kill him.

Since it was a simple mission, Repone decided to get it done as soon as possible as he threw himself through the blue gate.


Repone's body got sucked into the gate in an instant.


A large green fragment was halfway through the ground.

It was around the entrance in the mountains, and around the ground were cracks in the shape of spider webs, but even those cracks gave off a green light.

A weak light began to turn into a darker green light before it gathered into one.


He created another portal gate.

Through that portal gate, Beatrice's 10th ranking player, Repone, jumped out.

Upon stepping on the land of Earth, Repone glanced around him and took a look around.

He saw mountains that weren't very high as well as a city full of buildings.

"So this must be Earth."

When Repone muttered to himself, he sensed something coming toward him.

There were two of them.


Just as he thought that, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl appeared in front of Repone.

As soon as Ho Sung Lee and Bowl ran into Repone, they immediately stopped.

Repone looked at Ho Sung Lee and Bowl with his blue eyes and smiled.

"A human and a small skeleton. Seeing how you came here due to the impact, you must be players. Am I right?"

Upon seeing Repone, who was speaking in the language of Beatrice, Ho Sung Lee and Bowl froze up in place.

Repone took out the scroll that he received from the Dionysus Gods from his item window.

In that scroll were information about Min Sung Kang, and upon checking the information, Repone smiled.

According to the information, the human and the small skeleton in front of him were on the same side of his target, Min Sung Kang.

Repone put the scroll back into his item window. He walked toward Ho Sung Lee and Bowl and twinkled his blue eyes.

"Where's the player named Min Sung Kang?"

Chapter 285: Chapter 285

In response to Repone's question, Ho Sung Lee looked up at the sky with a shocked face

"Are you… from Beatrice?"

In response, Repone glared his eyes at Ho Sung Lee.

After Ho Sung Lee and Bowl exchanged glances, they looked back at Repone with great tension.

This was earth, not Beatrice.

The fact that a player from Beatrice came here to look for Min Sung hinted at a serious situation that couldn't be looked upon favorably.

Ho Sung Lee increased his focus and smiled awkwardly at Repone.

"Shall I lead you to him?"

Repone smiled at Ho Sung Lee.

The meaning behind the smile was unknown, and Ho Sung Lee instinctively felt fear because of Repone.

It wasn't like he challenged him to fight, but he still felt pressured by his presence alone.

He had a presence that he had never experienced before aside from that of Min Sung.

Step, step.

Repone began to walk, and Ho Sung Lee gulped as he watched Repone approach him.

Repone stood right in front of Ho Sung Lee, who appeared nervous.

He then smiled and gestured with his chin.

It meant he should lead the way.

Ho Sung Lee's back was sweaty, but he tried his best not to show it and turned with a straight face.

As he led the way, Ho Sung Lee was certain—that bringing him to Min Sung was the surest way to resolve this once and for all.

He would lead him to Min Sung without irritating him.

As long as he led Repone to him, Min Sung Kang would solve everything.

So why was it that his body felt so stiff?

It wasn't like he was giving off any offensive or cold attitude, but he still felt so pressured that it was hard to breathe.

Was it because he was a high-ranking player? Or because he was in Earth right now, not Beatrice?

Whatever the reason, he knew for certain that this player was suspicious.

Ho Sung Lee continued to walk as he glanced over at Repone.

He was enjoying the scenery and sunlight as he walked in a leisurely manner.


Those who had evacuated in order to dodge the Iris Tree returned to their homes, and businesses were back up and running.

Min Sung, who was aware of this, immediately left his house to get something to eat.

Since he had Woong Jang, he could just eat at home, but upon returning to earth, there was something that came to mind.

It was the most popular food out of the carbohydrates.


Min Sung wanted to eat some bread, so he was on his way to a bakery that he had searched online.

It was a bakery of the major P brand, and since it was closeby, he walked slowly.

He was wearing a black mask, so no one recognized him, and thanks to that, Min Sung walked the streets comfortably without gaining any attention.

As soon as he walked down the alley and stood in front of the crosswalk, he could see the bakery across the street.

As soon as he saw the blue sign, his appetite shot up.

It was the type of appetite that was different from simply wanting a meal.

Min Sung waited for the traffic light to change with great anticipation.

And at the end of his wait, the light turned green.

After quickly walking across the street, Min Sung opened the door to the bakery and walked in.


A young woman wearing a blue hat greeted him.

Min Sung stopped in front of the entrance and scanned the inside of the bakery with blank eyes.

The reason why he froze up at the entrance was because the bread inside the shop looked so vibrant.

All he remembered about bread was bread with cream or red bean inside.

But now that he took another look, the variety and designs of the bread were artistic.

They had fancy sandwiches as well as hamburger bread, pizza bread, sausage bread, and more.

Even the cream and red bean bread that Min Sung remembered didn't look average.

The outside shined due to the oil, and he had to taste it to see how moist it was inside.


The employee called Min Sung, who appeared blank.

When Min Sung glanced over, the employee smiled and handed him a tray and tongs.

Min Sung accepted


them with a gulp and began his bread shopping for real.

First, he grabbed everything he wanted to eat.

He figured he could eat some later if he couldn't finish and just took everything that caught his eye.

He added pizza bread, sausage bread, mini hamburger, croissant, cream bread, and more, and only when his tray was completely full, did Min Sung walk over to the cash register.

When the employee looked at the heap of bread with surprised eyes, Min Sung's gaze was already fixed elsewhere.

The refrigerated desserts.

It was cake.

Min Sung stared at the cake with big eyes and walked closer to take a better look.

The cake was unbelievably beautiful.

In Min Sung's eyes, the cake looked like such a work of art that he wondered how they made such a thing.

Just looking at the strawberry cake, chocolate cake, fruit cake, and cheesecake made time pass by without him knowing.

Min Sung was completely entranced.

He wondered, 'Should I take all of these cakes?', but those thoughts soon disappeared.

It was too much.

Min Sung came back to his senses. He only took the bread that he could eat and returned the rest.

The employee looked at Min Sung strangely, but Min Sung didn't care.

He couldn't waste all the enjoyment in just one moment.

It was important that he enjoyed his bread today and returned on another day.

Greed could easily ruin happiness.

Min Sung only bought enough so that he could finish.

"Thank you. Have a nice day."

Min Sung listened to the employee's cheerful greeting as he left the bakery.

The bread and cake inside his hands brought him great joy.

Min Sung smiled down at the bag of bread and the box of cake in his hands and walked back home.

The red light at the crosswalk lasted quite a while, but Min Sung remained patient.

On the contrary, he enjoyed the wait.

It was the process until his next meal.

Min Sung wanted to enjoy that process.


The light turned green, and Min Sung walked at a steady pace without any rush.


"… Oh, he's not home," mumbled Ho Sung Lee as he looked around the house with a shocked face.

"Earth is a cool place. I'm still in the middle of experiencing just how advanced civilization has become," said Repone as he plopped down on the couch and looked around his house.

"He must have left for a moment. I'll try calling him."

"Take your time."

Repone waved his hand as if he was the owner of the house.

Ho Sung Lee went to the yard and called Min Sung.

As soon as the line rang, the call went through.


"Hello? Sir?"

What is it?

"Where are you?"


"I know. I'm at your house right now."


"Where are you exactly?"

Nearby. I'm coming home with bread.

"… Bread?"


Ho Sung Lee looked back at Repone.

Repone was looking at him.

Ho Sung Lee flinched, but he smiled at Repone to hide it, and he looked back toward the yard and gulped.

"Then you must be close."

What is it?

Min Sung asked in an annoyed tone.

"A player from Beatrice is here."

"So I brought him to your house. He was looking for you and didn't show any signs of aggression.

I'm on my way. Keep him there.

"Yes, Sir."

After hanging up, Ho Sung Lee sat down on a sofa near where Repone was seated.

"You'll be able to see the man you're looking for soon."

Repone showed a light smile and nodded as he continued to look around the house.

"But… What brings you all the way here?" Ho Sung Lee asked with a nervous face

Repone looked back at Ho Sung Lee, and their eyes met.

The smile faded from Repone's face

Ho Sung Lee felt like sparks were flying from within his eyes.

"What do you think? I came to kill them."

The air turned cold.

He felt even his skin getting cold.

Ho Sung Lee tried not to show it, but his face couldn't help but twitch, so he immediately put an exaggerated smile on his face

"I see."

Repone, who was staring at Ho Sung Lee with a low gaze, smiled.

"Seeing how you brought me here, Min Sung Kang must be very strong. What do you think? Do you think he'll kill me today?" Repone asked.

"It's very likely," Ho Sung Lee answered honestly.

Repone breathed in and then breathed out.

"I see."

While he stared into space with much thought…

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

Someone was pressing the passcode on the front door.

Ho Sung Lee sprung up, and along with a clunk sound, the door opened.

Bowl and Ssol ran toward the front door.

With Bowl and Ssol on his shoulders, Min Sung walked into the living room.

Repone looked at Min Sung with a grin, and Min Sung met eyes with Repone without much emotion in his face

Silence fell.

Min Sung then showed the bag of bread and the box of cake in his hands to Ho Sung Lee.

"Put these in the kitchen."

Ho Sung Lee quickly took the bag of bread and the box of cake from Min Sung's hands.

Once his hands felt lighter, Min Sung stared at Repone and tilted his head.

"I heard you came from Beatrice. Why are you here?" Min Sung asked with a low glare.

Repone pointed at Ho Sung Lee in the kitchen with his chin.

"I already answered that."

Min Sung looked at Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee sighed with a troubled look on his face.

"… He said he came to kill you."

Chapter 286: Chapter 286

"You came to kill me?" Min Sung asked with a face of disbelief.

Ho Sung Lee continued to look troubled as he nodded.

Meanwhile, Repone slowly got up from the sofa and stretched.

He then smiled at Min Sung.

"Shall we begin?" Repone asked Min Sung.

It appeared that he could pull out his weapon and attack at any moment, but Min Sung's face didn't show a hint of nervousness.

"If we're not in a rush, I'd rather take this elsewhere. As you can see, this is my house."

Repone accepted with a bright face.

Min Sung looked at Ho Sung Lee and ordered, "Ask Commander Kim if I can borrow a sparring facility."

"Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee immediately took out his phone and called Ji Yoo Kim.

And then…

"We can go right now. The car is ready."

Min Sung nodded.

Ho Sung Lee left first, and Repone browsed around the house under the watch of Min Sung.

Meanwhile, he received a message from Ho Sung Lee.

He said the car was waiting for him out front.

"Let's go," said Min Sung.

Repone, who was looking around the house, smiled and followed Min Sung out.


"How fascinating that there's an object that can run like a horse," Repone said while looking at the car with childish curiosity.

"How does one make something move like this?" Repone stuck his head out toward Ho Sung Lee in the driver's seat and asked.

"I'm not sure. I don't know much about science," Ho Sung Lee answered with discomfort.

"If I win, I'd better get to know this world better. There are so many fascinating things here," Repone said while looking at Min Sung.

Min Sung didn't react as he looked out the window.

Repone scoffed. He leaned back in his seat and looked out the window with boredom.

Min Sung and Repone, who had come to earth from Beatrice to kill Min Sung, both looked out the window and waited to arrive at their destination.


The car that Min Sung, Ho Sung Lee, and Repone were in arrived at their destination.

Ho Sung Lee got out first, followed by Min Sung and Repone.

As soon as Repone saw the large building, he pointed at it with his index finger.

"Seeing how I can sense magic energy, it must be over there that we're going to fight," Repone said with interest.

And he was right.

Due to strong magic energy, it was the only place where they could fight without destroying the building.


"But there's no point," said Repone as he looked up at the building, and Ho Sung Lee looked at Repone with surprised eyes.

The building was a famous sparring facility.

It was a hunter gym that was so well-built that it wouldn't suffer a single scratch even if the highest ranked players fought in it.

But the fact that Repone thought it was pointless meant that the expensive building made of protective magic would go down once they fought in it.

"Let's go in," said Min Sung.

Repone raised his elbow and laughed.

Min Sung led the way, and Repone and Ho Sung Lee, who carried Bowl and Ssol, followed from behind.

As soon as they entered the gym, there was a woman.

It was Ji Yoo Kim.

"Oh! Commander Kim, you're here," Ho Sung Lee greeted, and Ji Yoo Kim shook his hand with a smile.

Ji Yoo Kim was about to greet Min Sung when she tilted her head at Repone who stood beside him.

A peculiar outfit.

And his unusual presence made her instinctively freeze up.

"Is he why you wanted to borrow the gym…?"

Min Sung nodded in response.

"I'd better greet you later then. Ho Sung, can we chat for a moment?"

Ji Yoo Kim and Ho Sung Lee left the building.

Once they left, Min Sung and Repone stood silent within the gym.

And it was Repone's footsteps that broke the silence.

He walked toward the center of the gym while whistling.

"It's nice and clean in here."

He stood in the center of the gym that was made using magic stones.

He then glanced in the direction of Min Sung and winked.

Min Sung recognized as soon as he met him that he had a good reason why he was full of such leisure.

Min Sung slowly walked toward Repone and opened his mouth.

"What's your rank in Beatrice?" Min Sung asked.

"10th," he answered honestly.

Min Sung had never seen someone who would agree to come


to the sparring facility so easily and answer his question without any hesitation.

"Did you come for me because of the Dionysus Gods?"

"Yeah. The Dionysus Gods made a request and I accepted. The conditions were decent."


Min Sung nodded.

"If you're acting upon conditions, how about these conditions?"

"What conditions?"

"If you lose, you must come under me."


Repone cupped his chin and gave it a serious thought.

Min Sung was standing a fair distance away from Repone.

At that moment…

Repone nodded.

"That's better than dying. The pride of a warrior. I don't have such a thing."

Repone smirked and continued, "But just because I don't have pride doesn't mean I'm lacking in skill. You probably know that ranking isn't an accurate measurement of skill in Beatrice."

"Of course."

"So in terms of skill, I'm probably…"

Repone stuck out three fingers.

"One of the top three. I've just been too nice to go up in rank."

Repone laughed lightly.

"So I suggest you don't get too confident. I might look a little weak, but I'm strong."

"Hm, we'll see about that."

Min Sung opened his item window and his Gungnir S made a zapping noise as it swung into the air.

Min Sung grabbed onto his Gungnir S, and the sound of thunder rang through the gym.



Repone showed interest in the thunder as he pulled out his weapon.

It was a thin sword that resembled Ji Yoo Kim's rapier.

Repone's sword looked quite ordinary, but when looking at it closely, one could tell that it was very unique.

Repone's sword looked like it was covered in gold scales.

When Min Sung tried to get a closer look, Repone raised his sword with a smile.

"It's a decent sword, but it's not enough to make a big difference in battle. But as you can see, it's decorated nicely because of my skill."

Repone's eyes grew sharp.

"It'll be quite tricky to face off against."

Min Sung rested his Gungnir S against his shoulder.

"Let's begin," said Min Sung in a flat voice

At the same time, Repone changed attitudes.

He showed off a color that was contrasting with what he had shown thus far.

He had stuck out his nails, and he was ready to launch the attacking nature of a savage animal.

On top of that, he was a 10th ranked player in Beatrice, and the man was confident that he was actually one of the top 3.

Since he was no ordinary man, Min Sung focused on his every movement.

Repone showed a spark in his eye as he attacked.


Repone's sword split up into 7, and it bent in all sorts of ways as it gave off its Aura and charged toward Min Sung.

Min Sung calmly dodged the 7 blades and took a step back.

There was great power in every single blade that came at him.

The magic energy was so intense that it was ready to explode just by the slightest touch.

And considering Themeus' battle power, Repone wasn't that much weaker.

Min Sung got the idea that once he launched his skills, it would show off even stronger destructive power than that of Themeus.

And Min Sung's prediction was right.

Repone began to use his skills.

The 7 blades moved more intensely like it was dancing.

Min Sung swiped them away with his Gungnir S and dodged them at the same time as he looked for a way in, but Repone's attack speed was surprisingly fast.

In the end, he had no choice but to make his way in himself.

Min Sung stomped on the ground.



Min Sung's magic energy shot out from the ground and shined in all directions.

And when the wave pushed Repone's body back, his attack speed began to slow down.

Min Sung used that opportunity to make his way in toward Repone.


Along with the thundering noise of Min Sung's Gungnir S, the magic energy charged toward the center of Repone's body.

But Repone's 7 blades moved around as if it was alive and wrapped around the Gungnir S, ready to swallow it whole.

And then the magic energy of Min Sung and Repone collided and caused an explosion.


The wave of the impact spread out in all directions, causing the ground, which was protected with magic, to crack and flip over.

Min Sung tried to take his Gungnir S away from Repone's sword, but it was wrapped up within Repone's blades so tightly that there was no way out.

Min Sung clenched on his teeth. He stomped and attempted to hit his face with his left elbow.

Repone ducked to dodge the attack, and he used his magic energy to use his skill.


Dozens of swords that looked just like Repone's first sword shot up from the ground and charged toward Min Sung like snakes.

It was a volatile situation.

Min Sung's eyes filled with a foggy light as the magic energy, which was dormant, opened up in the form of an explosion.

The Gungnir S in Min Sung's hands.

Through the cracks of Repone's curved blades, a white light flashed.


Min Sung's magic energy swallowed Repone's Aura like a savage beast.


As a result of the sudden and strong power, Repone's face grimaced due to his surprise.

Before Repone could use his magic energy to counterattack, Min Sung's magic energy cracked Repone's sword and swallowed it whole.

Min Sung's magic energy caused Repone's body to fly into the air and against the wall.

And then…


A large crack in the shape of a spiderweb formed in the wall of the sparring facility, which was protected by magic.

Chapter 287: Chapter 287

Repone, who plopped down against the wall with the crack in it, looked up with a pale face and looked at Min Sung.

He then stabbed his sword into the ground and got back up.

"… I'm impressed.

Repone smirked and continued, "To be honest, when you tried to make one of the highest-ranked players in Beatrice into one of your subordinates, I didn't think much of it. But at this rate, I should be nervous."

Repone's smile spread across his face.

"I should brace myself. I might lose."

Min Sung looked at him as if he didn't want to talk and stared right at Repone, waiting for him to attack.

Repone's lip tweaked as his eyes were filled with the desire to kill, and then something completely unexpected happened.


Repone's body began to change.

Scales began to form on his body, and his skin turned red.

Min Sung watched Repone transform with knitted brows.

Repone, who now had red scales all over his body, began to attack.

Repone opened his mouth to unleash a goblet of fire containing an unbelievable amount of magic energy.

Min Sung grimaced and swung his Gungnir S toward the goblet of fire that launched from Repone's mouth.

Min Sung's magic energy and the goblet of fire collided.

As the flames spread, the fire shot out in all directions.

Since there was great magic energy within the fire, it was on a whole different level from regular fire.

The protective magic melted down as a result of the fire, and as a result, the inside of the gym began to melt as well.

Meanwhile, Min Sung charged through the fire toward Repone.

While red flames filled Repone's eyes, a magic square formed beneath Min Sung's feet.


A thin and high-pitched sound rang.

And at the same time, a pillar of fire shot up from the magic square.

Since the pillar of fire contained very powerful mana, if he hit the mark, much more than just minor damage would result.

Min Sung's body shook.

While Min Sung disappeared, the pillar of fire shot up and pierced through the ceiling, of which the protective magic was already destroyed.

Repone's magical attack failed, and it was now Min Sung's turn to make a move, but Repone had already prepared for his next attack.

The 7 powerful blades charged toward Min Sung as if they were itching to attack.

He must have upped his force because it was much faster and more powerful than before.

There were limits to how much the Gungnir S could fight off. Repone's sword began to cause damage to Min Sung's body.

The 7 blades ripped into Min Sung's skin.

It must have been painful, but Min Sung's face didn't change.

Repone attacked continuously as he grinned to one side.

Min Sung's body began to be covered in blood.


"He's a player that came from Beatrice?"

Ji Yoo Kim asked with a surprised face, and Ho Sung Lee smoked his cigarette as he nodded.


Ji Yoo Kim gulped and looked at the gym.

Since he had an unfamiliar face, she wondered who he was, but she didn't imagine he was a player from Beatrice.

Ji Yoo Kim sighed with a shocked look on her face.

"Will he be okay?" She asked Ho Sung Lee.

"Well, you know him. He always solves everything easily. I'm sure it'll be the same this…"

In the middle of Ho Sung Lee's sentence, a pillar of fire pierced through the ceiling, making a very loud noise.

Upon seeing that, Ho Sung Lee and Ji Yoo Kim's eyes jolted wide open.

The gym was protected by magic, so it was hard to believe that they pierced through the ceiling.

But Ji Yoo Kim was surprised once more when she saw Ho Sung Lee… because Ho Sung Lee looked relaxed as if he wasn't surprised at all.

Despite having seen what kind of fight the two men were having in the gym with her own eyes, Ji Yoo Kim still couldn't believe it.

"I'd better evacuate the citizens nearby just in case," said Ji Yoo Kim.

"Then I'll…"

"Please stay here and call me if things get worse."


Ji Yoo Kim hurriedly took off on her bike.

Once she became distant, Ho Sung Lee looked back at the gym building. He put out his cigarette and clicked his tongue.

Seeing how it was taking longer than usual, the player from Beatrice must have been quite powerful.

But Min Sung Kang had defeated a low-ranking god.

Ho Sung Lee felt at


ease with the thought that there was no way he was going to lose.


He should have ended it once and for all as soon as he was hurt, but his opponent acted as if he had all the time and energy in the world.

And as a result, he had to pay a severe price.

He would regret it in his afterlife that he didn't give it his all against one of the most skillful players in Beatrice.

He had already known that he obtained items from the low-ranking god and cut down the Beatrice tree.

He already knew he was that capable before coming down to look for him.

Repone jolted his eyes wide open and used one of his skills in order to hit him with a hard one.

The 7 blades wriggled as if it was dancing, and along with the noises that resulted, an Aura in the form of dozens of sparks charged toward Min Sung.

The Aura fell upon Min Sung without giving him a chance to dodge them.

It would be a fatal blow.

Repone stared at Min Sung with much anticipation.

At that moment…

Min Sung's eyes jolted wide open, and he clenched his teeth as he stabbed his Gungnir S into the ground.



As soon as Min Sung's Gungnir S stabbed into the ground, his magic energy shot up like a water explosion.

As for the sparks of Aura that Repone launched through his skill, Min Sung's magic energy swallowed it whole like a whale.

And after that, his magic energy spread in all directions like a wave.

And Repone was unable to free himself from being hit by the wave.

The scope of the magic energy was much beyond that of Repone's Aura, and as a result of the incredible speed, he was unable to find a place to hide.

Repone was engulfed by the magic energy, and the gym exploded like smashed crackers.

While the building itself exploded in all directions, Repone laid on the ground while spitting up blood.

Min Sung walked toward Repone, and Ho Sung Lee, who stood outside the building, took turns looking at Min Sung and Repone on the ground.

Min Sung looked down at Repone and waited for him to get up.

Upon Min Sung's gaze, Repone ground his teeth.

He thought the game was over, but he was mistaken.

He thought he let his guard down, but that was because he was that capable.

He was a monster, and he had no idea what his limits were.

That was his opponent.

Repone wriggled and breathed heavily while looking at Min Sung.

He was bleeding here and there, but none of the wounds were deep.

The scratches were so small that he couldn't even consider it a hit.

Repone scanned around him.

Aside from the destroyed gym, not much harm was done.

'No way…'

Did he control his power so that he wouldn't harm any of the surrounding areas?

That ability made his body feel dejected, but that didn't mean he was ready to give up.

If he was going to give up that easily, he never would've picked up his sword, to begin with.

He would give it all that he got.

Dragging on time was nothing more than signs of defeat.

Repone gathered his Aura and charged toward him with the intent to pour it upon him.

"You're slow."

'… What?'

He thought he heard wrong.

'I'm slow?'


But he abandoned his contemplation and focused in order to attack using all of his magic energy.

His sword split into 7 blades and attacked, but Min Sung swiftly dodged it and stared right at him.

He then felt it.

That he was simply measuring his abilities.

'How does that make sense?'

He was a high-ranking player of Beatrice!

"Reveal your true self."

Min Sung gathered his magic energy in his left hand that wasn't holding the sword and after building up the tension, he swung his Gungnir S.

Repone quickly bent his waist, but the gold sword slashed through Repone's side.

If he was just a little bit slower, it would have passed through his abdomen.

Repone grabbed onto his side and stepped back while glaring at Min Sung.

He didn't seem like he had the will to attack.

There was a huge difference between attacking to kill and attacking just for the hell of it.

This current situation was also proof that there was a huge difference between him and his opponent.


"How did you know I've been hiding my true self?" Repone asked Min Sung.

"Since I first saw you."


Repone laughed as he looked at Min Sung.

"You're incredible."

Repone laughed tiredly and threw his sword onto the ground.

The sword made a large clanging sound.

Repone, who was staring down at his own sword, looked up at Min Sung and opened his mouth.

"If I unleash my true self, you won't be able to handle it. Why aren't you trying to kill me? Do you really want me as your subordinate? You should know that that comes with huge risks."

"Stop your blabber and show yourself. I shall make you surrender."


Min Sung's Gungnir S made a thundering noise.

Repone laughed bitterly and slowly looked up.

He looked at the dark sky and sighed.

"Who would've thought I'd reveal my true self here? But then again… the Dionysus Gods didn't send me here for no reason."

Repone looked back at Min Sung with flaming eyes.

Repone's body then began to grow larger.

His hair disappeared, the scales on his skin became bigger and thicker, and wings began to form on his back.

He grew without stop.

His body was continuing to become gigantic.

And that process soon sped up and was completed in an instant.

Once he established his full form, Ho Sung Lee, who was watching not too far from Min Sung, looked up at Repone as if he was about to faint.

Chapter 288: Chapter 288

His body was covered in red scales that looked even sturdier than an armor.

His wings flapped as if it could cover the world, and the tail at the end of his body was wagging.

The complete form of his dragon-like appearance gave off a blinding and impactful presence.

An organism that looked like it was from ancient times was right in front of them.

It was known as the most powerful organism in the magic world.

It was a dragon.

"Oh my god."

Ho Sung Lee froze up and looked up at the dragon while Min Sung simply looked up at Repone with a straight face.

"Now we're talking," Min Sung said while clenching onto his Gungnir S.

Repone, who transformed into a dragon, stared at Min Sung with his vertical eyes and flapped his wings.

A strong wind blew, and the large dragon, which was floating in the air, slowly descended onto the earth.

"If I use my force with the 12 circle magic, I can wipe out this city entirely."

In response to Repone, Ho Sung Lee gasped and shut his mouth.

That was because it didn't sound like he was bluffing, but Ho Sung Lee was the only one who felt pressured.

Min Sung looked up at the gigantic Repone and smiled.

"I won't let that happen," replied Min Sung.

Repone stared down at Min Sung for a long time.

His gaze was peculiar, and after noticing the emotion in his eyes, Min Sung tilted his head.

A moment later, Repone began to slowly lower his head to the ground.

And then something surprising happened.


His body touched the ground.

The red dragon, Repone, laid down in front of Min Sung.

That was a sign of surrendering.

The fact that he surrendered despite having the ability to launch powerful magic meant that he acknowledged Min Sung's abilities.

He had accepted that his magical abilities were useless in front of Min Sung, and that was a big deal.

It was as if Min Sung made a dragon surrender with his presence alone without the need to fight.

And Min Sung knew… that Repone wasn't surrendering because of fear alone.


Min Sung stabbed his Gungnir S into the ground with a thundering noise.

At that moment…

A system message appeared.

[Red Dragon has requested a 1000-year servant to master contract.]

[Do you accept?]


Min Sung immediately pressed accept.

As soon as he did, blue lights floated around Repone, and Min Sung felt as though a strong Aura was integrating with Repone in the center.

And then…


A powerful and blinding light exploded.

Once the light disappeared, an unexpected sight unfolded in front of Min Sung's eyes.

Ho Sung Lee walked toward Min Sung and stood in front of him.

"What happened?" Ho Sung Lee asked as he looked in the direction Min Sung was looking at.

Min Sung tilted his head.

"I'm not sure."

Ho Sung Lee watched as if he had seen a ghost.

In the direction where Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee were looking was a very small baby dragon curled up to sleep.

"Why is it so small?" Ho Sung Lee blinked and mumbled.

At that moment, another system message appeared in front of Min Sung's eyes.

[Through your new servant to master relationship with the Red Dragon, the system will initialize, but the stats will remain, and he will enter a new rank…]

The explanation grew long.

In short, it meant that through the special contract with Min Sung, the Red Dragon, Repone would start ranking up all over again from a baby dragon, and with his stats maintained, he could continue to level up.

As soon as he heard the explanation, Min Sung finally understood why he allowed the servant to master relationship so easily.

The dragon had a much longer lifespan than that of a human.

To them, a thousand years wasn't a long time, and just by signing a contract with Min Sung, Repone had a better ability to grow.

From Repone's stance, he had nothing to lose.


In response to Ho Sung Lee's calling, Min Sung gave him a short summary of what just happened.

And Ho Sung Lee nodded in understanding.

"That's impressive. He can keep his stats and rank up… Anyway, he was so scary just a minute ago. But he's super cute now," said Ho Sung Lee while laughing.

"Call Ji Yoo Kim and tell her it's over."

"Oh! Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee hurriedly took out his phone and called Ji Yoo Kim.

While he was on the phone, Min Sung stared down at


the dragon, Repone.

Repone seemed to be asleep.

He took out his Gungnir S from the ground and tried to tap Repone awake, but the baby dragon was so fast asleep that he didn't budge.

A moment later, Ho Sung Lee approached and briefed Min Sung.

"Sir, I notified Commander Kim that it's been settled."

Min Sung looked back at the destroyed gym.

The building was completely destroyed and the surroundings were a mess.

"Did you tell her about the compensation?"

In response, Ho Sung Lee laughed.

"I told her, but she said it's okay. She said she'll claim it from you one way or another."

Min Sung nodded.

"Let's go. Carry him," Min Sung commanded while pointing at Repone with his chin.

"… I'm sorry?"

Ho Sung Lee dripped in a cold sweat as he looked at the sleeping Repone.


"Then should I?"

"… Will it be okay? What if something happens because I'm not his master…?"

"Then I'll save you."

Ho Sung Lee smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"That's true. You can just do that, but do you still have that power on earth…?"

When Min Sung's eyes started to look annoyed, Ho Sung Lee stopped talking and immediately picked up Repone.

"Wow! I thought he'd be really heavy, but he's pretty light. Haha."

"What's wrong with your face?"

Ho Sung Lee's face looked like he ate something rotten.

"It's a dragon. I've never carried a dragon before. Haha."

Ho Sung Lee's face was dripping in sweat.

He just looked like a baby dragon, but because he was actually a dragon with 12 circle magic, Ho Sung Lee couldn't help but feel pressured inside.

But Min Sung didn't care and began walking.

Ho Sung Lee followed Min Sung from behind with the dragon in his arms.


"Wow! I can't believe it! He's so cute!"


Sia Jang looked at the red dragon, Repone's big head, small wings, and chubby body with twinkling eyes while Woong Jang watched with a serious look on his face

"Chef Jang, are you okay?"

In response to Ho Sung Lee's worry, Woong Jang shook his hands.

"Yeah. It's just such a rare sight. A dragon? I can't believe it with my own eyes. Haha."

While Woong Jang laughed, Sia Jang stuck out her head toward Ho Sung Lee.

"Can I touch him?" Sia Jang asked with sparkling eyes.

"It might be dangerous. Just look at him for now."

In response to Ho Sung Lee's rejection, Sia Jang looked sad, but as soon as she looked at Repone, her face brightened up again like that of a little kid.


The sound of a camera could be heard.

Ho Sung Lee and Sia Jang turned around to see Woong Jang filming Repone.

"This is such a special day. We have a new family member."

Woong Jang laughed.


Min Sung gulped at the sight of the bread spread across the table.

There were all sorts of different bread.

He hadn't forgotten for a single second during his fight against Repone.

The desire to eat the bread continued since they began fighting on their way home afterward.

Since it was more of a snack than a meal, he was able to hold in his hunger.

If he was really hungry, he could have killed Repone because he would've been really sensitive.

In any case, he was able to endure it until a moment ago, but as soon as he saw the bread on the table after not eating for a while, he couldn't control himself any longer.

As a result, Min Sung's focus was solely on the bread.

'Should I try the one that's the closest to me?'

He took out the bread from the transparent wrapper.

The first one he took out was a chocolate croissant.

It was a cute bread that resembled a conch, and inside the bread was chocolate just as the name implied.

Min Sung took a big bite of the chocolate croissant.

While it chewed softly, the chocolate inside exploded inside his mouth.

Min Sung's eyes grew wide.

It was incredible.

The feeling of the chocolate explosion was like no other.

He hadn't eaten many sweet things up until this point.

He focused on main meals, and aside from ice cream, he hadn't tried any kind of snack.

So the king of carbohydrates known as bread was shocking to him, especially because it was a croissant with chocolate inside.

Along with the soft texture, the sweet flavor was enough to make his brain explode.

Upon finishing the chocolate croissant, Min Sung quickly grabbed the pizza bread.

Why was it that the pizza bread made his heart pound so hard?

It looked absolutely delicious.

It was possible that it looked more delicious because he was hungry, but the pizza bread had outstanding visuals that were capable of increasing one's appetite.

Min Sung took off the wrapper.

The oily pizza bread was within Min Sung's hands.

As soon as he took a bite of the bread covered in sausages, vegetables, and red pizza sauce…



He heard a strange sound.

He put down his pizza bread and looked to his left.

The red dragon, Repone, had woken up near the entrance of the kitchen and was looking up at Min Sung.

Red sparks were coming out of Repone, who was wagging his tail.

"He's awake! That's so cool!!"

Sia Jang appeared in the kitchen and freaked out over how cute Repone was while Ho Sung Lee and Woong Jang also appeared to look down with fascination.

When Min Sung decided to ignore him and bit into his pizza bread, he heard wings flapping.

Repone flew into the air and stood on top of the table were Min Sung's pieces of bread were spread out.

Repone blinked his big eyes and scanned the pieces of bread.

At that moment, Min Sung's heart was filled with tension.

Chapter 289: Chapter 289

'He's not… trying to eat my bread, is he?'

'He's a dragon.'

While Min Sung watched him with caution, Repone opened his mouth.

His head, which was much bigger than his body, then charged toward the bread.

Min Sung jolted his eyes wide open and grabbed Repone's mouth with his hand.

In response, Repone wriggled in shock, and meanwhile, Min Sung slowly got up from the table and looked back at Ho Sung Lee.

"Ho Sung, make something he can eat, so he won't go after my bread," commanded Min Sung in a bleak voice.

"Y-yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee immediately went to open the fridge.

While Ho Sung Lee panicked and wondered what to feed Repone.

"He seems to eat anything, so don't make anything and bring whatever you can find," Min Sung instructed.

"Yes, Sir!"

Ho Sung Lee hurriedly looked for something to feed Repone.

Meanwhile, Repone stared at the bread with flaming eyes and flapped its wings as if it wasn't going to give up.

Min Sung knitted his brows at Repone.

'Did he lose his intelligence when he became a baby?'

'What kind of dragon likes bread?'

While Min Sung questioned such things, the system notified him of the situation.

[Repone will be in the adjustment period for 1 year after initialization.]

[Caution: His intelligence is low while his tendency to attack is high.]

"Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

Fire breathed out of Repone's mouth.

And Repone's strength was so impressive that his arm, which was holding onto his mouth, was throbbing as a result.

Min Sung stared at Ho Sung Lee.

Right as he was about to say something.


Ho Sung Lee put the bread aside and placed a salad on the table.

But that only made Repone angrier.

Repone flapped his wings more vigorously. It seemed like lasers were about to shot out of his eyes, and intense energy radiated from his sturdy body.

Ho Sung Lee, who immediately sensed danger from his behavior, immediately took out a steak from the fridge and threw it in front of Repone.

The steak plopped down right in front of Repone.

And when Min Sung saw Repone flapping his wings in an offensive manner at the steak, he immediately let go.

Repone flapped his wings in the same place before landing on the table and putting the steak in his mouth.

And then…

Munch! Om nom!


Repone finished the steak in one bite and licked his lips.

Surprisingly, Repone was no longer violent once he had his meal.

Upon calming down again, Repone settled down on the table and fell asleep.

It was only for a short moment, but Ho Sung Lee was so tense from the situation that he huffed and puffed and dripped in sweat as he watched Repone sleep.


"If I was a little late, that could have been really dangerous."

Min Sung nodded in response.

"He's going to lack intelligence for 1 year because of his adjustment period. Make sure to feed him well."

"Oh my god… I have to feed a dragon now, too?"

Ho Sung Lee grabbed his hair and dropped his shoulders out of defeat.

Min Sung ignored him and ate his pizza bread.

The taste of the sweet ketchup and the crispy vegetables. Also, the bread and sausages that were being chewed in between his teeth tasted delicious.

It was different from a regular pan of pizza.

Min Sung, who escaped the danger of Repone, enjoyed his pizza bread in peace.

Meanwhile, Sia Jang still thought Repone was cute while Woong Jang stared at Repone with caution now that he was afraid.

"Sia, don't get too close…"

Woong Jang tried to talk her out of it, but there was no use.

"It's scary but so cute!"

Sia Jang twisted her hands together and wriggled while looking at Repone.

She was in love with Repone, but it was Ho Sung Lee who had to make sure to feed him his meals.

As for Chef Jang, he was afraid of Repone.

And While Min Sung focused on his bread, Bowl came out of his pocket and watched Repone with Ssol.

At a table filled with


family, Min Sung quietly moved on to his next bread.

It was a relatively peaceful life for them after a slight disturbance.

"Milk," said Min Sung.

In response, Ho Sung Lee immediately fetched him a glass of milk.

Min Sung finished all of the bread that he had bought and gulped down his refreshing milk.

As much as Min Sung waited for his bread, it tasted spectacular.


"Damn it!"

"Why aren't they fighting?"

"… I didn't know he was so weak-willed."

"That dragon surrendered to a mere human…!"

The Dionysus Gods trembled with rage after realizing that Repone, who was actually a red dragon and a ranker of Beatrice, agreed to become Min Sung's subordinate.

And it wasn't any old rage.

The Dionysus Gods were about to lose their minds.

They had sent Repone over to the human world in order to catch player Min Sung Kang.

But the red dragon became Min Sung Kang's subordinate, meaning rather than killing him, he was going to help him.

As a result of the unexpected turn of events, the gods had to come up with another plan.

"We can't just back down. We have to decide who to send next!"

One Dionysus God shouted while the other gods also agreed.

Of course, the owner of the Demonic Realm, Veld, was still unable to say anything.

While the Dionysus Gods raised their voices, the atmosphere became rougher.

"But the rankers that are left are not interested in our proposal, and they're not even the type to be convinced."

"Then do we just give up?"

The Dionysus Gods continued their discussion.

And then few of the gods stepped up to mediate the discussion, followed by a still silence.

The uncomfortable moment lasted quite a while.

Time passed, but they hadn't come up with a plan.

Since they felt angry yet couldn't find a way to solve the problem, the Dionysus Gods were on the verge of going crazy.

Repone was a dragon and one of the highest-ranking players in Beatrice.

So they believed that they could get revenge against Min Sung Kang through Repone, but that was nothing but false hope.

And the bigger problem was that they didn't have any other plan.

The Dionysus Gods groaned.

If they could, they all wanted to go down together and take care of Min Sung Kang once and for all.

But according to the law, it was illegal to get involved with the human world themselves, so they were in a sticky situation.

"I thought we caught a big one…"

The Dionysus God with blonde hair closed his eyes and mumbled to himself, and the other gods sympathized.

The human named Min Sung Kang was an unprecedented player.

When his rank increased like crazy after appearing out of nowhere like a comet, the Dionysus Gods believed that their investment in him was wise.

That was how much potential Min Sung Kang showed.

If Min Sung Kang had stayed in Beatrice and participated in the ranking war, no one was able to doubt that he would have taken 1st place.

Seeing how he managed to take Repone under his wing before fighting for real, he was a human that was in a turf of his own.

Min Sung Kang was human, but they couldn't see him that way.

While the Dionysus Gods grumbled, the blonde god glanced at Veld and opened his eyes wide.

His face reminded him of something.

The blonde god slowly lifted his arm and pointed at Veld.

"The king of the Demonic Realm, Veld," called the blonde god, and the other Dionysus Gods all glanced his way.


As soon as Veld noticed the Dionysus Gods looking his way, he stood in a respectful stance.

Since he possessed the weakest territory, he naturally had to show such an attitude.

In reality, Veld felt just as wronged as everybody else, but Veld thought differently inside.

When Min Sung Kang first cut down the Iris Tree, Veld lost all hope and felt like the world came to an end.

But once he came back to his senses, there was a small beam of hope.

And that had to do with a characteristic of the Demonic Realm.

The Demonic Realm was separate from Heaven, but that didn't mean no exchanges could be made.

In addition, the Demonic Realm had the ability to have physical influence over the human world.

The Demonic Realm fed off of chaos.

Furthermore, since the owner of the Demonic Realm, Veld, wasn't considered one of the major gods, he was able to participate in the human world.

That was a tempting trait for the Dionysus Gods. He could be used to their advantage.

"Our best alternative is to use Veld," the blonde god said.

Veld was waiting for that topic to be raised.

For the Dionysus Gods to use him to bring Min Sung Kang down.

That was what he was waiting for.

Since there was a difference between the Demonic Realm and Heaven, there was no reason for Veld to be on this occasion.

He could have just hidden away, and the reason why he attended the uncomfortable gathering wasn't because of his sense of responsibility, but it was to get revenge against Min Sung Kang.

This was his opportunity, and Veld's plan was successful.

The Dionysus Gods of Heaven took his bait.

In order for the Dionysus Gods to use him, they had to give him power, and that was a once-in-a-life opportunity for Veld.

Chapter 290: Chapter 290

"Use Veld? How can we trust that vermin from the Demonic Realm…?"

"Veld is the only one who can actively participate in the human world, isn't that right?"

"That's true… But in order to use him, not only do we have to give him our power, but we have to continue to supply him with additional magic energy."

"Then are you just going to let that human be after he betrayed us?"

"We can't give up."

"That's right."


They weighed the pros and cons.

They had to use Veld, but it was dangerous.

And it was possibly unnecessary.

Their opinions were divided, but it eventually unified into one as Veld expected.

The Dionysus Gods of Heaven valued neutrality, but when it came to judgment, they were thorough.

As a result, Veld was certain that they would trust him with the case, and his prediction was correct.

"I don't like this, but…"

"Since we have no other choice…"

"Tsk, what else can we do?"

The Dionysus Gods grumbled and began to agree with the blonde god.

From their stance, they had no other option than to use Veld to use the freedom of the Demonic Realm to their advantage.

In order to stay in their favor, Veld continued to slouch and stayed quiet while they came to their decision.

Veld put on a serious face, but on the inside, he was laughing.

When Min Sung Kang betrayed them after taking all of their experience points, he thought he no longer had hope in the Demonic Realm, but the Dionysus Gods' greed saved him.

Veld enjoyed his ambition with his head down.


Min Sung sat on the bench in his yard and enjoyed his Americano.

The refreshing flavor of caffeine always felt great.

While sipping on his coffee, he wondered what to have for dinner.

Picking what to eat was also a chore.

Since his level of satisfaction with certain foods depended on that day's mood, he had to be thoughtful when deciding what to eat.

And for some reason, he felt uneasy about letting Ho Sung Lee decide on the menu today.

He didn't want to eat seafood today, and he didn't really feel like Chinese food or Korean food either.

As a result, he couldn't really picture what it was that he wanted to eat.

'What would taste good today?'

'What's good?'

While Min Sung thought while looking at the sky, Ho Sung Lee appeared.

"May I sit?" Ho Sung Lee asked.

Min Sung glanced at Ho Sung Lee before nodding.

Since the bench was wide, there was plenty of room.

Ho Sung Lee paid his respects and sat down next to Min Sung.



"About Repone, that red dragon."

"What about him?"

"Did you know he was a dragon when you first met him?" Ho Sung Lee asked as he turned his head toward Min Sung.

"No," answered Min Sung as he took another sip of his iced Americano.

"Then what gave you the idea to pick him as a subordinate?"

Min Sung raised his brow.

"Because it's bothersome. I knew he was one of the highest-ranking players in Beatrice, and I figured a guy like that would be useful."

Ho Sung Lee nodded while staring into the distance.

"I see. Phew, a dragon… Haha. I still can't believe it. I didn't even know they existed."

"Anyway, about today's dinner."

"Yes, Sir. Is there anything you'd prefer?"

"Soybean stew with lots of clams."

"Yes, Sir."

It was a sunny afternoon.

Min Sung listened to the sound of nature while enjoying his Americano.

He enjoyed the first peaceful day he had after returning from Beatrice.


"Snicker… Hahahaha!"

Upon returning to the Demonic Realm, Veld burst out into laughter.

He couldn't stop laughing.

"I can't hold back this power."

Veld scanned his own body with twinkling eyes.

His entire body was shining with a black light.

He had received power from the Dionysus Gods who invested experience points in Min Sung Kang.

The process of injecting power was a painful one, but he was still able to enjoy it.

As long as he could become stronger, he was able to endure any kind of pain, and as a result, he obtained great power.

He had to use that power to attack the human world, but the amount of power he possessed was more than that of a typical Dionysus God.



as long as he was in the Demonic Realm, he was unable to use it.

And even if he was more powerful than a Dionysus God, in order to mess with them, he had to go against all the gods of Heaven, so it was useless.

On top of that, once he began to attack the human world, his power would naturally decline.

But if he managed to dominate the human world, Veld would become the owner of both the Demonic Realm and the human world.

In that case, he would become more powerful than the influence he had over Heaven.

That would give him authority in terms of politics, and if he obtained that power, the Dionysus Gods wouldn't be able to treat him carelessly.

He would have the power to pressure the Dionysus Gods.

"Those dumb gods… Snicker…! They gave me such a big opportunity just because of their greed for revenge!"

Veld intended on getting revenge for all the mistreatment he suffered over time from Heaven.

"Just you wait. I'll swallow all of you myself. Hahahahahaha!"

Veld burst into laughter and unleashed his magic energy.

He had no reason to wait.

He liked to enjoy the enormous power he obtained, but going after his objective was more important.

As soon as Veld began to launch his magic energy, dark power began to flow out of his hands.

That dark power created a dark circle in the middle of the air, and it became bigger as time passed.

As that dark circle grew bigger and bigger, the magic energy that swarmed around it grew rougher and swirled in a more violent manner.

Upon seeing that, Veld's eyes glowed with explosive lunacy.

He would swallow all of it.


The dark circle levitated upward and once it transformed into a black hole, it grew bigger as if it was going to swallow the Demonic Realm's sky whole.

As soon as the sky filled up with the power that he possessed.

He used his remaining power to spread it toward the human world as well.


The dark sky of the Demonic Realm turned red, and a noise rang as if the world was being created again.



Rumble, boom!

In the middle of preparing dinner, Ho Sung Lee looked out the window.

The thunder was so loud that he wondered if Min Sung had taken out his Gungnir S in his room, but it was coming from the sky.

The sky was filled with lightning, and it poured as if there was a hole in the sky.

"Why is it raining so hard?"

Ho Sung Lee then went back to focusing on his cooking.

Just a moment of distraction could ruin a dish, and this dish was very detail-oriented.

Even the slightest error in the spices would change the entire dish completely.

Ho Sung Lee tasted the soybean stew and felt a sense of relief.

It wasn't too late.

The flavor was just right.

He turned off the stove and put the side dishes on the table.

Once he moved the side dishes to the table and placed the soybean stew on top of the table, Ho Sung Lee ran over to Min Sung, who was watching TV on the sofa.

"Sir, it's ready."

Min Sung nodded and got up.

While Min Sung moved to the table in the kitchen, Ho Sung Lee immediately began to prepare Repone's food in case he would come running over.

And just as he expected…


He heard Repone coming from not very far away.

He had already prepared Repone's food while he prepared Min Sung's.

He got a head start just in case Repone would cause a scene again.

Ho Sung Lee lifted the pot containing Repone's food and waited at the entrance of the kitchen.

A moment later, he saw Repone flying over.

Ho Sung Lee placed the pot right at his feet.

Repone immediately slowed down and landed right in front of the pot.


Repone put his mouth into the pot and began eating.

He had prepared pork for Repone.

It was raw meat that wasn't marinated, but Repone ate the piece of pork in an instant as if it was delicious.

He then walked away from the kitchen with a full belly.


Ho Sung Lee wiped the sweat off his forehead.

He was worried he wouldn't like pork, so it was a relief.

He had to conduct a thorough analysis of Repone's food preferences.

He liked the pork now, but what if he got sick of it, and he had to deal with Repone when Min Sung wasn't home?


Just the thought of it made him afraid.

Ho Sung Lee sighed at the sight of Repone falling asleep in the middle of the living room.

And as soon as he turned around, he saw Min Sung picking up his spoon.


The clams were fragrant.

The savory clams, soybean stew tofu, and the green onions and peppers along with the rice tasted sweeter than anything else.

After eating some rice and broth, he took another bite of the rice and then tasted one of the side dishes only to be shocked by the charm.

It was unbelievably delicious.

He was certain that the charm of Korean food was everyday food like this one.

'This is really good.'

Min Sung then bit into the sausage wrapped in egg.


That was when a thundering noise rang outside.

Min Sung chewed on his sausage and looked out the window.

Min Sung sensed something very familiar.

Chapter 291: Chapter 291

A broadcast reported on the sudden and unexpected change in weather.

And Min Sung watched the report on TV while eating his croissant bread on the sofa.

Ho Sung Lee, who stood with his arms crossed behind the sofa, tilted his head.

"I don't have a good feeling about this," said Ho Sung Lee.

Min Sung finished his bread. He brushed off his hands and sighed.

"I need you to go out."

"… I'm sorry?" Ho Sung Lee asked in surprise.

"Go and take a look around."

"Ugh, I hope it's not someone else who came from Beatrice. Oh, yeah. I totally forgot."

Min Sung looked back at Ho Sung Lee.

He wondered what he was talking about.

"When we first found Repone, I saw something. I'm wondering if that's how he came down here."

"Call Commander Kim and confirm."

"Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee got ready to go out.


Ho Sung Lee smoked his cigarette in front of Min Sung's house while waiting for Commander Kim of Central Institute to arrive.

A moment later, by the time Ho Sung Lee finished his cigarette, a large sedan was driving his way.

Ho Sung Lee disposed of his cigarette, and Ji Yoo Kim got out of the stopped car.

"I'm sorry to call you so late. Min Sung asked me to go out," Ho Sung Lee explained with a handshake.

Ji Yoo Kim shook her head.

"Don't worry about it. I don't sleep much anyway."

Ji Yoo Kim flashed a bright smile.

Following their friendly greeting, Ji Yoo Kim and Ho Sung Lee got in the car and headed to their destination.

"… Really?! A player came down from Beatrice, and he's a red dragon?"

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly.


"Wow, unbelievable."

Ji Yoo Kim showed her curiosity, unable to hide her surprise.

Ho Sung Lee told her about how the red dragon, Repone, became a baby through initialization, and how he was afraid of his appetite and desire for Min Sung's bread.

Ji Yoo Kim laughed in response.

"But you must feel safe with him. A dragon is on your side now."

"That's true."

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly along with his response.

He didn't go as far as to tell her that he had to take care of the dragon's meals now.

That was because he was worried that would make his life sound pitiful.

"Are we almost there? We seem to be near where you said we were headed."

Ho Sung Lee knitted his brows while looking out the window.

"I'd better get out of the car and check. It's too dark."

Ji Yoo Kim nodded.

"Can you please pull over up there?"

She asked the driver, and the driver stopped not far from where they were.

"I'll wait for you here," the driver said.

After nodding, Ji Yoo Kim got out of the car with Ho Sung Lee.

It was pouring.

As a result, Ji Yoo Kim and Ho Sung Lee were soaking wet in no time.

In that state, Ji Yoo Kim looked around, and once she saw Ho Sung Lee, she was surprised.

That was because a black light was flowing through Ho Sung Lee's hands, and his skill was activated.

Whatever came out of his hands dropped onto the ground and disappeared through the ground.

While Ji Yoo Kim stared with curiosity, Ho Sung Lee smiled.

"It's my searching skill. I don't remember the exact location, but I'll be able to find it in no time with this skill."

"Wow, I'm impressed. Did you acquire this skill in Beatrice?"

"You could say that, but the structure of my skills is still a supporter."

"I see. Since you accompany Min Sung, that might be more effective…"

Ji Yoo Kim trailed off.


A bright spark flew into the air with the sound of fireworks and exploded into smoke.

"I found it. It must be that way," said Ho Sung Lee as he led the way.

Ji Yoo Kim followed Ho Sung Lee with surprised eyes.


At the place where Ji Yoo Kim and Ho Sung Lee arrived was a mysterious thing.

It was a large green chip.

It almost looked like an ancient artifact or even an organism from another planet.

Around the green chip were cracks in the shape of spider webs, and from within the cracks shined green light.

"… What's this?" Ji Yoo Kim asked while looking at the sight with shocked eyes.

"I think it might be something similar to the Iris Tree."

Ji Yoo Kim turned back at Ho Sung Lee with surprised eyes.

"The Iris Tree? That means…"

"But it's a little different. The Iris Tree absorbed energy from Earth, but I


don't think this one does."

Ho Sung Lee and Ji Yoo Kim watched the large chip that gave off a green light.

At that moment…

It sounded like the sky was going to tumble down.

The sky was filled with clouds. Thunder and lightning took place without stopping.

It was a grand sight, and the weather changed so quickly that it was scary.

"Aside from the weird weather, I don't see any changes," said Ho Sung Lee.

Ji Yoo Kim shook her head while looking at the chip with a mysterious green light.

"I think we should call a team to keep an eye on it. Only the weather is different now, but it doesn't seem like any ordinary sign."

Ji Yoo Kim made sense.

Now that even a dragon came down from Beatrice, something big was bound to happen.

"But we shouldn't touch this chip for the time being. We'll have to proceed safely."

"Of course."

Ji Yoo Kim immediately took out her phone and made a call.

It sounded like she was calling a team to investigate and monitor it.

Meanwhile, Ho Sung Lee took out an umbrella from his inventory and took out a cigarette to smoke.

The sky was filled with rain and lightning.

And the giant chip glowed with a green light.

On top of that, the red dragon, Repone, came down from Beatrice.

Did all of those things have something in common?

Ho Sung Lee looked into the distance with a stiff face and blew out his smoke.


Ho Sung Lee returned to Min Sung's house.

Min Sung was still watching TV.

A nature documentary was playing on the screen.

The topic was 'Origin of Food.'

"I'm back."

Ho Sung Lee bowed, and Min Sung glanced back at him.

"What happened?"

"Nothing was different except for the weather. Commander Kim called a team to monitor it, and she said she would call as soon as they found something."

Min Sung nodded.


"Um, Sir. Why do you think that ranker player and red dragon, Repone, came down to Earth?"

"Because of the Dionysus Gods."

"The Dionysus Gods?"

"We were just horses on the gambling board of the Dionysus Gods. Since those horses escaped their board, they probably want the money they bet back in their hands."

"… I see."

"It'll be bothersome for the time being."

"That's why you accepted Repone as your underling."


"I'm going to go get washed up. Is there anything you'd like to eat?"

"No. Go get some rest."


Ho Sung Lee bowed once more and walked away in order to take a shower.


The lightning from the sky sliced a tree in half and lit it on fire.

It was late at night.

While most people were asleep, changes began to arise in the place where the chip was discovered.

The trees around the green chip began to radiate with red-colored magic energy that slowly formed in the middle of the air.

That formation began to gather on top of the giant chip, and it was in the process of being bigger.

The investigation and monitoring teams stared at the phenomenon with blank faces.


The next morning.

Min Sung woke up to the sound of knocking.

"Come in," Min Sung said, and the door opened.

Ho Sung Lee entered with an urgent look on his face.

"Sir, it happened."

"What happened?" Min Sung got up from his bed and asked.

Ho Sung Lee handed Min Sung a tablet computer.

Min Sung checked the urgent situation through the screen on the tablet.

It was a video of what the Central Institute discovered.

"Repone first appeared in front of this giant chip with a green light. That means this chip is the connector between Beatrice and Earth."

Ho Sung Lee pointed at the fiery gate that appeared on top of the giant green chip.

The gate almost looked like the eyes of a dragon.

And inside the round gate surrounded by fire was what looked like a black hole.

"They found this last night. This dungeon gate is getting bigger and bigger."

Min Sung grimaced at the screen.

"What a bother."

Min Sung clicked his tongue and knitted his brows.

"I'd better go there myself," said Min Sung while getting up.

"Then I'll go and prepare…"

"No. We need to have breakfast first."

After seeing Min Sung's serious face, Ho Sung Lee stared blankly before bursting into laughter.

"What are you laughing at?"

In response to Min Sung's glare, Ho Sung Lee shook his head.

"Nothing. I'm just impressed by how calm you are."

"I'm just eating. Start cooking."

"Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee headed to the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"Oh! If you don't have a preference, should I come up with something on my own?"


"Okay. It'll just be a moment."

When Ho Sung Lee got to the kitchen.


The red dragon, Repone, woke up from his nap and rubbed his head on Min Sung's leg, and Bowl, who became close with Repone over time, got on Repone's back and snickered.

Min Sung looked down at Repone and Bowl and then glanced at Ssol, who was brushing off the leaves from the yard and walking inside.

Looking at them made him realize how much time had passed.

At first, he couldn't get used to the modern world after returning from the Demonic Realm, but he was now adjusted, and he wanted to protect the world.

Min Sung glanced back at the yard with a stiff face.

He didn't know who was trying to attack the human world, but Min Sung had no intention to back down even if it was the Dionysus Gods.

He intended to fight until the end.

"Sir, it's ready," said Ho Sung Lee while poking his head out of the kitchen.

Min Sung smirked.


Chapter 292: Chapter 292

The morning when the mysterious gate appeared.

Min Sung sat in front of the table for a meal before heading out.

The meal that Ho Sung Lee prepared for Min Sung's breakfast was tuna salad.

Ho Sung Lee finished cooking so quickly that he wondered how it was possible, but it was because it was a salad.

"Protein is good for you in the morning, so I prepared a tuna salad for your breakfast. It won't feel heavy."

Min Sung lifted his fork as he listened.

"Is Woong and Sia asleep?"

"Chef Jang left to go grocery shopping, and SIa is still sleeping."

Min Sung nodded and then put the salad and tuna into his mouth.

The crunchy salad was fragrant while the tuna was chewy and delicious.

It was a delicious flavor that he could eat without feeling burdened.

"Sir, if the Dionysus Gods are behind this, was this their doing? Or did this happen because of a Beatrice ranker's abilities?"

Ho Sung Lee asked as if he was mumbling to himself.

Min Sung thought for a moment while chewing on the tuna before answering, "Who cares? We just have to get rid of it. It's just like a swarm of locusts."

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung in shock.

He was in awe that he could compare it in such a way.

"Swarm of locusts? I guess that's how it is for you."

"How does it feel for you?"

"Hm… I'm not sure. A crisis to mankind?"

Min Sung scoffed.

"No matter how powerful you are, isn't it a disaster if they decide to sneak around behind your back and destroy Earth?"

"That's why I'm heading out after breakfast."

Ho Sung Lee nodded.

"That's true. But if it's a ranker, they're probably really fast, and if they just run away and commit terrorism…"

Ho Sung Lee trembled at the thought of it.

"Just thinking about it makes me shiver. That would lead to great casualties."

Min Sung let out a long sigh.

"I can't be responsible for everything."

"I'm sorry if I've burdened you."

Min Sung knitted his brows while stabbing his fork into his tuna and salad.

"Since I'm the only one who can do it, I'm just doing everything I can."

Ho Sung Lee looked into space with heavy eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm not helpful."

"You're doing a good job."

Min Sung got up after putting his fork down on his empty plate.

"Things will be okay like they've always been, both for you and me."

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung with touched eyes.

"Now do the dishes and get ready to go."

"Yes, Sir!" Ho Sung Lee answered with a bright smile.


Ho Sung Lee was driving toward their destination, but his sight wasn't so good.

Although it was still morning, it was dark as if it was nighttime.

That was because the sky was filled with clouds, and it was raining hard.

Since that was how it was on the road, it was even worse on their way up the mountain.

While they slowly made their way up, a light shined ahead of them.

Ho Sung Lee slowly pulled over and lowered the window.

"This is the Central Institute. This region is currently off lim… Oh! I apologize!"

As soon as the soldier from Central Institute checked Ho Sung Lee and Min Sung's faces, he immediately saluted and paid his respects.

He then immediately commanded for them to make way.

The barricade was moved as a result, and Ho Sung Lee's car was able to pass through the restricted area.

The car passed through the rough roads and stopped in front of their destination.

Following the second identification check, the investigation team made a way for them to enter.

Ho Sung Lee got out of the car first and ran over to open the door for Min Sung.

Min Sung got out of the car.

And as soon as he got out, the investigation team brought them raincoats.

While Ho Sung Lee accepted his, Min Sung lifted his hand in rejection.

The Central Institute soldier stared at Min Sung, who wasn't getting wet in the rain, with his jaw dropped.

On the other hand, Ho Sung Lee, who put on his raincoat, stood next to Min Sung with his brows knitted because of the rain.

Despite having grown a lot, Ho Sung Lee was still unable to catch up to Min Sung, who didn't even get wet in the rain.

"Let me lead the way," said Ho Sung Lee, and Min Sung nodded.

Ho Sung Lee began to walk through the mud.

Min Sung followed from behind, and they eventually arrived at the mysterious and fiery



The monitoring team of Central Insitute was gathered around it.

As soon as Min Sung appeared, they paid their respects and stepped back.

Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee stood in front of the gate.

They were standing in front of the gate, but nothing changed.

No system messages appeared, but the gate looked as though it was alive.

The fire around the gate was in the shape of a circle, and it was growing bigger while what looked like a black hole hovered in the center.

The gate resembled the eye of a dragon.

Just the sight of the gate gave off an unpleasant feeling.

Min Sung reached out his hand toward the gate.

He wondered if anything would change if he approached it.

Upon seeing that, the Central Institute's monitoring team and Ho Sung Lee flinched with surprise.

But no one could stop Min Sung.

While everyone was surprised, Min Sung put his hand on the gate.


But nothing changed.

The gate was simply the temperature of burning fire. Nothing more and nothing less.

Min Sung withdrew his hand. He crossed his arms and stiffened his face.

Aside from the fact that the gate was growing, no other changes could be noted, so all they could do was watch the gate grow.

"Let's go back," said Min Sung.

Ho Sung Lee showed a troubled look on his face.

Since there was no change in the gate, it was meaningless to keep watching.

The rain from the sky began to slow down.

Just as Min Sung turned away from the gate and Ho Sung Lee looked up at the lighter rain.


They heard a strange sound.

Min Sung, Ho Sung Lee, and the soldiers of Central Institute all turned toward the gate.

And that was when everybody's faces except for that of Min Sung were washed over with shock.

Something was coming out of the gate.

What came out first was long fingernails and after that was a head.

It was a small monster with dark skin, which resembled a human.

Whatever it was, it crawled out of the gate and landed on the ground.


Ho Sung Lee stared at the monster with a grimace.

Red eyes and a naked body covered in black skin.

"Demon creature?"

Just as Ho Sung Lee mumbled, what popped out of the gate was a demon creature.

It was a creature of the Demonic Realm and the Devil King Veld's creation.


The demon creature opened his mouth and screamed.

Countess sharp teeth stuck out while his long tongue squirmed outside his mouth.

The soldiers of Central Institute had a clear memory of demon creatures.

Countless hunters had died because of the devils.

And the hunters who still remembered it panicked and stepped back.

"I thought something big would come out, but it's just a demon creature."

Ho Sung Lee stared at the gate resembling a dragon eye and continued, "Wait, is this just the beginning?"

While Min Sung mumbled to himself…


The demon creature ran toward Min Sung.

There was no need for him to use a weapon on the demon creature.

As soon as Min Sung reacted to take care of him, the demon creature disappeared before his eyes.


Min Sung immediately tensed up and stayed focus.

The demon creature, which situated behind Min Sung's back, swung his long fingernails.

Min Sung quickly turned around. He blocked his hand and swung his fist.

But the demon creature dodged his fist. He opened his mouth wide and clenched down on his teeth in an effort to bite Min Sung's neck off.

Min Sung quickly dodged it, so the demon creature bit onto nothing but the air.

Min Sung then stared at the demon creature with a different gaze and stepped back to organize his thoughts.

That demon creature, which popped out of the red gate resembling demon eyes, was not the same demon creature Min Sung had known.

This one was at a completely different level.

He was very impressive.

'But how?'

While Min Sung had such thoughts…

The demon creature changed his target.

His target was now Ho Sung Lee, who happened to be closer.

Ho Sung Lee immediately put his guard up as soon as the demon creature looked his way.

Ho Sung Lee, who was already emotionally prepared, gripped onto his sword and glared at the demon creature.


'I don't stand a chance.'

Before Min Sung could make a move.


The demon creature's hand slashed through Ho Sung Lee's heart.

And then…


The demon creature pulled Ho Sung Lee's heart out of his chest.

Before Ho Sung Lee could even become the Berserker, he instantly died.

The demon creature stared at Min Sung as he chewed on Ho Sung Lee's heart.

Min Sung clicked his tongue. He opened his item window and pulled out his Gungnir S.


Under the light rain, thunder and lightning flashed from Min Sung's sword across from the demon creature, who was eating Ho Sung Lee's heart.

The devils that he had to deal with in the Demonic Realm had become stronger.

If the demon creatures were at this level, there was no telling how powerful the devils were.

Countless devils would begin to pour out of that gate.

Min Sung's eyes were filled with emotion as he glared at the demon creature.

"Is it good?" Min Sung asked.

The demon creature finished the heart. He licked his lips and smiled.

And Min Sung smiled in response.

"Keep on coming. This is bothersome, but I'll still get rid of all of you."

A ghost-like light flashed from Min Sung's eyes.

Meanwhile, the demon creature prepared to attack once more.

A ferocious light flashed in the demon creature's eyes, but Min Sung simply laughed at him.

Just because the demon creature had become stronger didn't mean anything had changed.

'… This isn't the Demonic Realm.'


Min Sung's Gungnir flashed with thunder and lightning as it charged toward the demon creature.

Chapter 293: Chapter 293

The Gungnir S charged toward the demon creature with great magic energy.

The demon creature opened his red eyes wide. He ducked and charged toward Min Sung.

Despite the Gungnir S flying his way, rather than dodging it, he chose to run toward him face-on.

Min Sung stared at the demon creature with a slight surprise, and at that moment, the demon creature twisted his body to dodge the Gungnir S.

The sword that Min Sung threw was cast with his special skill.

The magic energy surrounding the Gungnir S was so powerful that it spun like a tornado, and it was also capable of changing direction.

The demon creature managed to dodge its first course, but it was unable to overcome the change that would follow.

As soon as the sword failed to hit the demon creature, it immediately turned around, and then…


The demon creature shed blood in an explosive manner.

Min Sung stared down at the remains of the bloody demon creature and looked away.

The soldiers of the Central Institute were frozen in place around Ho Sung Lee's dead body.

Despite the situation having come to an end, they were frozen in place, they didn't blink, and their pupils were dilated.

They were completely horrified, and it was understandable.

They were already afraid of devils, so after seeing a devil with advanced abilities, it was no wonder they were much more scared.

How was it possible that a demon creature became more powerful than a regular demon?

And at this rate, if such devils began pouring out of the gate, the situation would be much different from last time.

This was a problem that Min Sung had to contemplate seriously.

After thinking about devils, Min Sung walked over to Ho Sung Lee's body and looked down at it.

Min Sung experienced mixed feelings.

He had the power to revive him, but that was in Beatrice.

What if that power was gone now that he was back on earth?

And what if that power was only possible within Beatrice?

Such thoughts were enough to make Min Sung's heart feel heavy.

He didn't fight the demon creature because he trusted his power of reincarnation.

That was because the demon creature's abilities were much better than he expected.

It was completely his mistake.

Min Sung stared down at Ho Sung Lee's body with a stiff face.

He then looked at the soldiers of Central Institute.

They were staring at Ho Sung Lee with devastated eyes.

"Give us some room," said Min Sung.

The soldiers of Central Institute paid their respects and disappeared.

Min Sung, who was left with Ho Sung Lee's body alone, took a few deep breaths.

If his power didn't work, it was possible that Ho Sung Lee would never wake up.

Min Sung slowly lifted his hand and used his reincarnation power.

In contrast to his worries, he was able to use his reincarnation power on earth just as he did in Beatrice.

Ho Sung Lee had his heart ripped up and eaten by a demon creature, but his body began to find life again, and the soul that was hovering around him re-entered his body.


The sound of his body reviving could be heard.

And a moment later…


Ho Sung Lee jolted his eyes wide open and gasped.

Badum, badum, badum!

Ho Sung Lee's heart began to beat again.

Upon seeing Ho Sung Lee breathe again, Min Sung nodded.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!"

Ho Sung Lee huffed and puffed like crazy. He got up and looked around him.

"W-what happened?" Ho Sung Lee asked.

"The situation's been handled."

"Oh, you got him."

Ho Sung Lee grabbed his throbbing head and wobbled back up.

He knitted his brows and touched his own chest.

"Did I just die and come back to life?"

"Yeah," replied Min Sung while looking at the gate.

Ho Sung Lee looked back at the fiery gate.

"Demon creature," Ho Sung Lee mumbled.

He then looked back at Min Sung.

"Sir. That was a demon creature, right? But it seemed different from last time. It's so much more powerful now."

Min Sung nodded while glaring at the gate.

It was as Ho Sung Lee said.

The demon creatures were much more powerful.

And Min Sung had no idea what caused that change in ability.

He didn't see a single clue as to how the demon creatures were able to become so powerful.

There had to be a reason… because everything had a reason in life.

But in this situation,


it was hard to figure it out.

What continued to grow and resembled the eye of a dragon was predicted to be a gate, but he couldn't find out more because he was unable to check the system that was connected.

"This might not be a dungeon gate but a passageway like the Iris Tree…"

Ho Sung Lee mumbled before jolting his eyes open and lifting his head.


In response, Min Sung turned around.

"A demon creature came out of this gate."


"If this isn't a dungeon gate, then it's probably a different passageway like you said. And since a demon creature came out of it, this gate is…!"

Ho Sung Lee gulped while looking at the gate.

"Connected to the Demonic Realm."

It was highly likely that Ho Sung Lee's guess was correct.

"Since a demon creature came out, it has something to do with the Demonic Realm and the fact that they became stronger… is probably due to the Dionysus Gods' influence on the Demonic Realm," replied Min Sung.

"Dionysus Gods? But they're not on good terms with the Demonic Realm…"

"But if they had a reason to get involved with the human world, they could use the Demonic realm to their advantage."

Ho Sung Lee shivered.

"You're right. Does that mean… the Dionysus Gods began to use their experience points on the Demonic Realm?"

"That's possible."

"Then a second devil war could be near."

"Since many of the devils died already, it'll take some time before they can form an army again."

"This is going to be annoying," Ho Sung Lee remarked with an annoyed face

"This is the last time."

"I'm sorry?" Ho Sung Lee asked.

Min Sung glared at the gate with cold eyes and opened his mouth.

"I won't let them have their way anymore. Now that they're in my world trying to trespass, I'll end them once and for all."

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

"If we win against the Demonic Realm, will the Dionysus Gods act themselves?"

"Who knows? We need to focus on the Demonic Realm first. We have to bring down their world completely."

Ho Sung Lee's face turned stiff.

"If it takes time for the devils to gather forces, we'll have to prepare on our end. Why don't we use our old method…"

"No, we're abandoning our old method."

Ho Sung Lee stared at Min Sung with surprised eyes.


"The devils, as well as the one ruling over them, are intelligent. They'll advance."

"So you're saying our old method won't be good enough, but I can't think of any other way besides putting up a magic wall like last time."

"From what we've seen in that demon creature, our first line of defense won't even last a few minutes."

In Ho Sung Lee's ears, what Min Sung just said meant that a catastrophe was near.

If that was how Ho Sung Lee felt about it, how would it feel for the other people in the world?

It seemed as though that ever since the gate appeared, mankind was in for a huge crisis.

"Is there another way?" Ho Sung Lee asked Min Sung with anticipation.

"We'll have to think about it."

The fact that there was no immediate answer felt disappointing, but he also believed that Min Sung would be able to solve it.

Ho Sung Lee sighed and stared at the gate that was burning like the eyes of a devil.

"Ho Sung."

"Yes, Sir."

In response to Min Sung's calling, Ho Sung Lee immediately turned his head and answered.

"Call Commander Kim and tell her to make a barracks here."

"In front of the gate?"

Min Sung nodded.

"Since one demon creature came, it won't be surprising if more devils come flooding in. Since what I just said was just a prediction, I need to be here to monitor it. I have to make sure the devils don't leave this territory."

"You're right."

Ho Sung Lee knitted his brows and looked up at the sky.

The rain was weak, but it continued to rain, and the ground was wet and muddy.

It wasn't a good environment.

"It won't be comfortable. The weather's horrible."

"We have no other choice."

"I'll make the call."

Min Sung nodded while Ho Sung Lee immediately made a call to Commander Kim.

He delivered the news and asked for her to set up the barracks.

After the short call, Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung and opened his mouth.

"She'll send someone right away. Commander Kim is on her way here as well."

Min Sung bit down on his lip with his eyes fixed on the gate.

It wasn't difficult to kill one devil.

But once the devils began to come in groups, it would become more difficult.

And if their combat abilities were advanced as well, it was going to be different from before.

His reputation as the Black Slaughterer could come to an end.

Since he felt a strong responsibility to save Earth, this was not an easy situation to be in.

The only one who could stop them was Min Sung Kang.

Dark clouds from the Demonic Realm began to cover the skies above them.


The workers arrived first.

They stared at the gate with their jaws dropped and felt scared, but as soon as Ho Sung Lee instructed them to install the barracks, they proceeded with their work.

Even while working, they continued to glance at the gate.

The gate that showed off a form that they had never seen before, on top of being surrounded by fire and in the shape of a dragon eye, was bound to make them scared.

But they didn't know.

That even a bigger disaster than the fear that the gate gave off was near.