294 - 303

Chapter 294: Chapter 294


Rumble, boom, boom!

The sky rang with the sound of thunder as if it was angry.

The thin drops of rain grew thick again.

Once the barracks were made, Min Sung watched Ho Sung Lee from inside the spacious barracks.

Ho Sung Lee was making ramen for lunch inside the barracks.

The smell of ramen made him feel like they went camping.

The smell was unbelievable.

Min Sung's appetite surged, but he patiently waited.

Luckily, it didn't take long to make ramen, so he was able to eat soon enough.

"It's ready, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee placed the pot of ramen on the table and set Min Sung up with a side plate and wooden chopsticks.

"Shall I bring you silver chopsticks instead?" Ho Sung Lee asked.


Min Sung immediately split his wooden chopsticks apart.

After moving some of the noodles and added ingredients onto his plate, he scooped up the broth with a ladle.

Drip, drip, drip, drip!

While listening to the rain dropping onto the barracks, eating ramen inside the cold tent felt quite quaint.

The white steam was radiating from the ramen while the seafood inside the ramen gave off outstanding visuals.

It was no ordinary ramen.

Ramen depended on the atmosphere.

Rainy day.

On top of that, when eating it outside, it was a dish that was more than perfect for a meal.

Min Sung lifted the noodles with his wooden chopsticks.

The hot steam was radiating in all four directions.

Min Sung opened his mouth wide and inhaled the noodles completely.


The noodles slurped into his mouth.


He breathed out hot steam from his mouth.

The scent of seafood and MSG flooded over him.

It was delicious.

The taste of the ramen in the cold outdoor air was explosive.

On top of that, he quickly drank the broth on his plate before it got cold.


The spicy broth filled with hot peppers flowed through his lips and down his throat.


Min Sung exclaimed as he picked up a piece of crab with his wooden chopsticks.

It was sliced up into quarters so that it was easier to eat.

Min Sung put the crab to his mouth and chewed on it.

The soft meat of the crab slipped into his mouth.

At the same time, the ramen broth exploded in his mouth while he chewed on the soft meat of the crab.

It was a phenomenal taste.

It almost made Min Sung forget about the gate.

Min Sung ate a shrimp as he transferred more noodles to his side plate and focused all of his attention on the ramen.

The noodles slopped around as if it was alive.



A dark sedan drove through the storm and arrived on site.

The driver quickly got out of his car and opened the back door.

Ji Yoo Kim got out of the car with a raincoat on.

And when the driver attempted to hold an umbrella over her head, Ji Yoo Kim lifted her hand to signal that she was okay.

The driver bowed and returned to his car.

Ji Yoo Kim took a deep breath as she walked toward the gate where Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee were situated.

A moment later, Ji Yoo Kim arrived at the barracks.

Ho Sung Lee, who was smoking a cigarette, spotted Ji Yoo Kim and immediately put out his smoke.

"Commander Kim, you're here," greeted Ho Sung Lee.

Ji Yoo Kim nodded and approached him.

"Where's Min Sung?"

"He said he wanted to patrol around. Please come inside."

Ho Sung Lee pointed to the tent.

Ji Yoo Kim followed him inside.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Thank you."

Ji Yoo Kim flashed a smile.

"Don't mention it."

Ji Yoo Kim sat on the sofa. She rubbed her hands together and browsed inside the tent.

Meanwhile, Ho Sung Lee handed her a mug of coffee and sat across from her.

"Thank you."

Ho Sung Lee smiled in response.

She drank coffee while listening to the rain.

A moment of silence… And then Ji Yoo Kim stared into space and opened her mouth.

"Once one thing's over, another starts. There's really no end, is there?"

Ji Yoo Kim showed a sad smile.

"Let's hope this is the last."

At that moment…


They heard someone approaching.

When Ji Yoo Kim and Ho Sung Lee looked toward the entrance, Min Sung entered.

Ji Yoo Kim and Ho Sung Lee immediately sprang up.

"You're here," Ji Yoo Kim greeted.

Min Sung nodded in response. He took out a bottle of water to drink and then sat down in the empty seat.

"Where were you?" Ho Sung Lee asked.

"I went to check for


any traces."


"Traces of devils."

In response to Min Sung's response, Ji Yoo Kim's face stiffened up.

"So did you find anything?"


JI Yoo Kim closed her eyes and sighed.

"What a relief."

Min Sung stared into the distance with a stiffened face.

And that face made Ji Yoo Kim feel anxious.

"Is there a problem?" Ji Yoo Kim asked.

"Yes. A big one."

"I did hear that a demon creature appeared and that it was much more powerful than last time."

"And even more devils will start pouring out soon."

Min Sung showed a look on his face that he had never made before.

He didn't look as confident as he always looked.

There was a slight anxiousness in his face.

The entire world felt relieved regarding the monsters because of Min Sung.

So if Min Sung himself felt anxious, that meant that what was to come would be more horrifying than ever before.

Ji Yoo Kim didn't want to believe what was actually happening.

"I heard you don't approve of setting up defense lines like last time. Why is that?"

"Because there's no use," replied Min Sung.

It appeared that there was no use in setting up countermeasures against the invasion of devils.

"We don't have countermeasures either," stressed Min Sung.

Ji Yoo Kim lost feeling in her legs and plopped down in her seat.

She then covered her face with both hands.

A strange feeling was making her feel tingly all over her body.

"Do we know of any gates that appeared in other countries?"

Ji Yoo Kim shook her head.

"No, not yet."

Min Sung thought for a moment before explaining.

"If this is actually a passageway and not a dungeon… it's possible no more gates will appear."

In response, Ji Yoo Kim's eyes twinkled.


Min Sung nodded and looked at Ji Yoo Kim.

"It's highly likely that this is the only gate that's open."

Ji Yoo Kim gulped.

"Even if that's the case, if devils start flooding out, it'll be hard for you to stop them on your own."

"Since we can't expect the best-case scenario, we'll have to prepare for the worst."

"What can we do? We'll follow your orders, and the World Hunter Association will also help."

Min Sung sighed.

"First, we must evacuate our country."

"We'll ask for the help of the association. We'll ask them for temporary immigration. When should I proceed?"


After Min Sung answered, he asked Ho Sung Lee to bring him a hot cup of tea.

While Ho Sung Lee prepared the tea, Ji Yoo Kim stared at Min Sung with anxiousness.

"It'll take some time, but we'll do it as soon as possible, and the Central Institute as well as the World Hunter Association will find a way…"

"No. No need for anything else. Just prepare a magic stone."

"Magic stone…?"

"That's right. Secure as many magic stones as possible."

"Where are you going to use them?" Ji Yoo asked Min Sung with confusion.

Min Sung tapped his pocket.

In response, Bowl crawled out.

Bowl then plopped back down on Min Sung's thigh and fell back asleep.

But then…

"Ssol, Repone."

In response to Min Sung's calling…

Flap! Flap!

The sound of wings flapping could be heard.

When Ji Yoo Kim looked in the direction of the tent's entrance, the red dragon, Repone, flew in with Ssol on his back.

Ji Yoo Kim's pupils dilated, and her face was full of surprise.

Repone landed on the ground with Ssol still on his back, and Ssol flashed a smile before running over to Min Sung and rubbing his head on his leg.

As for Repone, he drank the water in a bowl nearby.


Ji Yoo Kim was unable to take her eyes off of the red dragon, Repone.

"Is that a dragon?" Ji Yoo Kim asked in a shaking voice


Min Sung answered in a calm voice, but Ji Yoo Kim was unable to accept it so easily.

It was a legendary dragon.

Ji Yoo Kim slowly got up with a shocked face and cautiously walked toward Repone, who was drinking water.

She then stopped and looked back at Min Sung.

"Can I see him from up close?"

"I'm not sure. Be careful. He looks like a baby, but he's a strong one."


Ji Yoo Kim stayed silent for a moment before courageously approaching him and going down on her knees.

Repone, who was drinking water, looked back at Ji Yoo Kim.

And then…


Repone made a small sound.

"S-so cute," mumbled Ji Yoo Kim with a flushed face.

She looked back at Min Sung.

"This cute dragon is that powerful?"

Min Sung nodded.

Repone then walked over to a comfy cushion and curled up to sleep.

Ji Yoo Kim returned to Min Sung.

"So you need the magic stones for Bowl and that small dragon."

Min Sung watched the dragon sleep after he drank some water and opened his mouth.

"His magical ability is phenomenal, but he can't understand my commands. Once I can control that guy…

Min Sung turned to Ji Yoo Kim with an intense gaze.

"Devils won't be able to get out of his area no matter how many floods out."

Ji Yoo Kim looked at Repone with an emotional face after hearing that he could be their only hope for saving humanity.

"It all depends on that guy," said Min Sung in a low voice with his eyes fixed on the sleeping Repone.

Chapter 295: Chapter 295

"It won't be easy," said Ji Yoo Kim while looking at Repone.


Min Sung remained silent while Ji Yoo Kim sighed.

"Still, in order to solve the issue, we have to do our best… which means we have to protect the world from this mysterious gate."

Ji Yoo Kim turned her gaze from her shoes to Min Sung.

"Don't worry about the magic stones. We'll prepare them as soon as possible."

As soon as Ji Yoo Kim said that, she took out her phone and left the tent.

Min Sung, who watched her leave, listened to the rain while looking at Repone.

He felt troubled about how he would educate Repone from now on.

"You look like you're deep in thought," Ho Sung Lee said with a worried look on his face.

Min Sung smiled bitterly while keeping his eyes fixed on Repone.

"I had no idea I'd need somebody's help like this."

Ho Sung knew that he was talking about Repone.

For that reason, Ho Sung Lee's eyes also fixed on Repone.

"Does Bowl know how to use the magic language?"

"No, his level isn't high enough."

"You're right."

Ho Sung Lee smiled in a dejected manner.

"Ho Sung."

"Yes, Sir."

"If this is resolved, and this is really the end…"


"What are you planning to do?"

"If this is really the end… I want to rest."

"You want to rest?"

"As long as I have your permission, that is."

"Who cares about that by then?"

"Oh? Are you letting me go?"

"I thought you were the one who wanted to be with me."

Ho Sung Lee laughed.

"I want to go on a vacation, take a rest, and then open a restaurant. Please visit often. I'll give you lots of things on the house."

"That doesn't sound so bad," replied Min Sung without any focus in his eyes.

Ho Sung Lee's face grew heavy as soon as he saw that, but he shook his head in an effort to shake it off.

"Sir, ever since I first met you, you were never swayed by anything."

Min Sung looked at Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee continued, "You're a perfect warrior without any flaws, so much that I couldn't believe it."


"As a person like that, you brought me around with you, but there's nothing that I've really done next to a legendary and superior hunter like yourself. To be honest, I thought I could at first. I thought I could do something."


Ho Sung Lee slowly got up and looked at Repone.

"So this time, I really want to do something for you."

"Are you saying you'll teach Repone our language?"

Ho Sung Lee sighed.

"We might not have much time, but I'll do my best."

Min Sung dropped his head and scoffed.

Ho Sung Lee knitted his brows and looked back at Min Sung.

"Trust me. I'll do it."

"I'm not laughing at you."

Min Sung lifted his head and continued while looking at Ho Sung Lee, "There hasn't been a single time that I didn't believe in you."

"Really? I'm touched."

Ho Sung Lee opened his eyes wide in shock.

Min Sung got up and put his hand on Ho Sung Lee's shoulder.

"Then I guess this world depends on you now."

Ho Sung Lee smirked.

"Just like always, you make the final move."

"I believe in you."

Ho Sung Lee looked at Repone and sighed.

And then…

"… Yes, Sir."

Ho Sung Lee finished off their conversation with a short answer and then smiled brightly at Repone.

But within his smile contained more nervousness and weight than ever before due to his sense of responsibility.

Ji Yoo Kim requested that all of the magic stones from around the world be sent over to Korea.

Information regarding the current situation was sent to the head hunters all over the world, and those who had faced off against devils before sent their magic stones to Korea without any hesitation.

While the magic stones were transferred through the warp gate, Ho Sung Lee focused all of his energy on teaching Repone their language.

Since Repone could only receive the support he needed once he understood the language, he had to put everything he had into teaching him the language.

Since the level of the


red dragon's magic was high, none of the magical tools that required the language ability could work in front of Repone.

For that reason, he had no choice but to teach him the basics as if he was teaching a baby.

Since he didn't have much time, Ho Sung Lee had to focus on explanations surrounding how to make barriers around the gate using magic.

But he didn't see any hope of things improving.

"Don't be discouraged. I can buy more time," said Min Sung, and that allowed Ho Sung Lee to gain more strength to make a continued effort.

Repone looked at Ho Sung Lee without any interest, but Ho Sung Lee refused to give up.

As for the devil king, Veld, he looked down onto the human world from the Demonic Realm and laughed.

Seeing Min Sung Kang struggling made him feel relieved as if his 100 years of indigestion suddenly went away.

Everything was going according to his plan.

As long as things continued this way, it was just a matter of time before he took over the human world.

Now that he had the power bestowed upon him by the Dionysus Gods, the human world was too weak to even be his competitor.

There was a slight variable named Min Sung Kang, but with his current power, Veld was certain that he could defeat him easily as well.

A cruel hell would soon descend upon the human world.

And Veld wanted to see the chaos with his own eyes, but he had to wait.

The thought of being able to soon get revenge against the Black Slaughterer made Veld burst into laughter.

At that moment…


The sound of the air ripping could be heard.

Veld scanned around him with surprised eyes.

And along with white light, the Dionysus Gods appeared.

Veld stared at the Dionysus Gods with unwelcoming eyes.

Veld felt bothered by the Dionysus Gods.

Not long ago, the Dionysus Gods were in charge, but that was not the case anymore.

Now, he was the one with the authority and power, so he no longer had a reason to feel discouraged around them.

"What is it?" Veld asked the Dionysus Gods.

In response, the Dionysus Gods scoffed at Veld's attitude.

"You're being cocky now that you're in charge of the human world," one Dionysus God said with despising eyes.

In response, Veld scoffed.

"I can't help it. The Dionysus Gods are all depending on me now."

It wasn't good to irritate them too much, but Veld believed that it was important to take care of his pride as well.

For that reason, Veld countered the Dionysus Gods' attacks with a smile.

At first, the Dionysus God that started the fight lashed out at Veld's attitude, but the other Dionysus Gods talked him out of it.

They didn't see the need to irritating Veld when he was in charge of the situation.

The Dionysus God that started the fight continued to glare at Veld, but Veld didn't care.

If the Dionysus Gods decided to face off against him, they would lose.

The Dionysus Gods were no longer able to bully the Demonic Realm.

Of course, once the deed was done, The Dionysus Gods would go in and try to annihilate him, but he was currently in the process of coming up with countermeasures for when that time comes.

The time and opportunity were on his side now.

"We came to ask how it's going," one Dionysus God remarked.

Veld looked down onto the human world with a smile.

"It's taking quite some time to make devils to make up for the ones we lost last time, but it won't take too long. In a month in the human world's time, the preparations will be complete."

"That's too long. Is there a way to make it faster?" The Dionysus God asked with a glare.

Veld smiled back.

"If you want it to be faster, you need to give me more power."

In response, some of the Dionysus Gods couldn't help but unleash their true personalities.

"Who does that Devil bastard think he is?"

"Do you want to die now?"

"Now that you're in charge of the human world, you've lost sight of reality."

"Did you lose your mind?"

The Dionysus Gods began to rip Veld apart.

Veld minded them slightly.

If they happened to get into a fight at this point, Veld would be at a disadvantage.

But he couldn't let something ridiculous sway him.

He had power, and he had one of their weaknesses.

"Then do it. If you want it to be faster but don't want to make it happen, there's nothing else I can do."

In response to Veld's response, the Dionysus Gods had no choice but to swallow their anger and keep their mouths shut.

"One month in the human world's time isn't too long. Let's wait it out."

In response to the calm Dionysus God's remark, the other gods swallowed their emotions, but they still continued to stare at Veld with contempt.

After hearing the explanation of how the preparation would end in a month, the Dionysus Gods returned to Heaven.

Once they left, Veld looked down on the human world and thought.

He was actually going to be done preparing in 2 weeks.

But since he had yet to come up with countermeasures for when they would try to kill him, he bought himself extra time.

Dominating the human world had already been set up and was ready to go, but the real problem for Veld was the Dionysus Gods.

Chapter 296: Chapter 296


"Wow… I can't believe it with my own eyes."

Ho Sung Lee dropped his jaw after seeing a large container of magic stones set up near the tent.

There was a mountain of magic stones accumulating.

Since the hunters from all around the world were sending over magic stones like crazy, a substantial amount of magic stones were accumulating.

Ho Sung Lee watched the magic stones gather before lowering his gaze.

Bowl was sitting on the ground and chewing on the magic stones without rest.

"Is it good?"

In response to Ho Sung Lee's question, Bowl flipped his head back and snickered with joy.

"Sir, is it okay that he keeps eating these?"

"It's fine. Eating magic stones will help Bowl grow. Maybe seeing Bowl eating magic stones will make that guy eat it, too."

In response, Ho Sung Lee's eyes went from Bowl to Repone.

Repone was taking turns looking at Bowl and the magic stones.

"Maybe the dragon will try to eat the magic stones after all."

"Since we have no other way, we're going to give this a try. And if Bowl and Repone happen o become friends, Bowl might be able to help Repone use his magic."

"It sounds like Bowl might have more potential than me."

"Even if he helps Repone use his magic, Bowl's abilities are on a whole different level from that of Repone's. It's almost possible. We're just hoping that he helps him open up his heart."

Ho Sung Lee sighed.

"Anyway, it's been quiet after that demon creature popped out of the gate."

"Declaration of war."

"Declaration of war?"

"The owner of the Demonic Realm, Veld, invested his experience points on me in Beatrice. The same goes for the Dionysus Gods."

"But you returned to earth."

"That's right, so it's possible that the Dionysus Gods ordered Veld to attack the human world in their stead."

"The Dionysus Gods?"

"Veld can't handle me on his own, and it's not possible for a demon creature to be this powerful. It's obvious they got the help of the Dionysus Gods."

"Those petty bastards… I thought they're supposed to be gods."

Ho Sung Lee clicked his tongue. He then looked over to Min Sung, and the way he stared at the pile of magic stones was not light.

It appeared that he was anxious that it might not be so easy.

Recently, he saw expressions that he had never seen before on Min Sung.

As a hunter, Ho Sung Lee made up his mind to do whatever it took to do his part in preventing a crisis to mankind.

But regardless, Ho Sung Lee still couldn't help but feel frustrated.

But Min Sung's face continued to stiffen up for a reason.

He tried everything he could to teach him the language, but there seemed to be no progress.

As a result, Ho Sung Lee scratched his head and tried to think of another way to get it done.

But when Ho Sung Lee saw the red dragon, Repone, approach Bowl, he jolted his head back up.

This was the first time he saw Repone approaching Bowl.

As for Bowl, he continued to eat his magic stones without putting his guard up.

And Repone, who was watching this happen, began to eat magic stones as well.


Once Repone took a bite, his eyes jolted wide open.

It must have been delicious.

Repone took a seat next to Bowl and began to chow down on the magic stones.

Ho Sung Lee was surprised that a red dragon was able to eat magic stones like Bowl, but Min Sung didn't seem surprised at all.

After all, it was Min Sung's order to bring the magic stones in the first place

"Sir, did you know Repone would eat magic stones?"


"Then why did you ask for so many? What if Repone wasn't able to use them at all?"

"Then Bowl would have ended up eating them, and we would have used that guy for something else."

He intended to use him however he could.

And since Bowl was able to eat more magic stones than ever as a result, he was ecstatic.

Ho Sung Lee watched Bowl and Repone enjoying their magic stones together and smirked.

For just a moment, he almost forgot about the situation with the devil gate.


But once he felt pressured again to teach him the language, Ho Sung Lee felt a


shiver up his spine.

The shiver spread all over his body.

Due to the sudden physical reaction, Ho Sung Lee glanced over at Min Sung, and Min Sung was already looking at the gate.

And naturally, Ho Sung Lee's eyes moved to the gate as well.

A devil was coming out of the gate.


"I don't know why only one's coming out at a time."

Min Sung took out his Gungnir S from the item window.

He wished to go to the Demonic Realm and wipe them out all at once, but the Demonic Realm was not a place he could go casually.

That was because the Demonic Realm didn't have an ideal geography for battle.

The Demonic Realm was unbelievably vast, and having to endlessly fight without recovery was more like torture than battle.

For that reason, he believed that it was much more advantageous to fight in the human world instead.

And Min Sung had no intention of allowing such devils to mess with earth.


The Gungnir S in Min Sung's hands rang with thunder.

And at the same time, a devil popped out of the gate.

The devil had his shoulders and back hunched over as it glared at Min Sung with its red eyes.

Before the devil charged at him, Min Sung charged toward him with ghostly eyes first.

The devil swung his black hands.

Three rays of dark energy charged toward him, but Min Sung calmly blocked it out with his Gungnir S and approached closer.

Every time Min Sung swung his sword and the devil swung his hand, light flashed as if there was lightning.

Min Sung grew annoyed during the battle.

That was because the fighting ability of the devil was much better than he expected.

There was no doubt that once more devils flooded out, the situation would become much more serious, and he hadn't felt that way in quite a while.

But as always… he would find a way to solve it.

It was best to keep his thoughts short and act first, and that was what he had to do now.


The Gungnir S exploded with unbelievable power and charged toward the devil's head.

But the devil swiftly dodged the attack and swung his hand at Min Sung's body.

Min Sung blocked the devil's hand with his left elbow. He grabbed his Gungnir S with both hands and lowered it upon his shoulder.


The devil screamed in pain, and his body trembled.

But when Min Sung took his sword back out, the devil didn't collapse and attacked even harder than before.

Min Sung dodged his attack and clenched down on his teeth.

It took way too long just to fight one devil.

Min Sung unleashed his Gungnir S at the devil, and the sword, which flew over on its own, slashed through the devil's chest.

But the devil still didn't collapse as if it was a zombie and charged toward Min Sung at a high speed.

He approached with his mouth open in order to bite him, but Min Sung swung his fist with substantial magic energy.


The devil smashed into countless pieces and exploded in all directions.

Thud, thud, thud!

Min Sung looked down at the devil's pieces on the ground and clicked his tongue.

It required way too much magic energy just to defeat one devil.

At this rate, once more devils began to pour out, things were not going to go the way he wanted.

He had to think of another way.


Upon timing how long it took the Black Slaughterer to defeat one devil, Veld was certain that he would soon take over the human world.

The only one in the human world who could defeat his devils was the Black Slaughterer.

But soon, an army of devils would show up, and he wouldn't be able to handle them all.


'I can't wait to see that Black Slaughterer struggle.'

Veld looked down upon the human world with excited eyes before thinking about the Dionysus Gods again.

There was no doubt that the Dionysus Gods would try to take away his power once he took over the human world.

'What would be the wisest way to handle this?'

He continuously thought about this issue, but he still hadn't found a solution.

It was just a matter of time before he dominated the human world, and he would find a solution before then.

Veld's eyes flashed.


Bowl, who was watching Min Sung fighting off the devil, only looked back at the red dragon, Repone, once he checked that Min Sung defeated the devil once and for all.

Repone was eating his magic stones when they met eyes.

Bowl had already eaten a lot of magic stones, and he was ordered by his master, Min Sung, to attempt communicating with Repone.

Since Bowl felt like he became friends with Repone, he tried to talk to him.

He used his dark magic to do so.

Bowl's eyes flashed with black flames, and his dark magic began to absorb into the red dragon, Repone.

Repone had already accepted Bowl as a member of his family, so he didn't reject the power of his magic.

Repone's will to exchange as well as Bowl's dark magic began to mix together.

And once they made a connection, Bowls' dark magic integrated with Repone.

As a result, Bowl's language abilities began to transfer over to Repone.

Repone's red scales flashed with a black light to signal the beginning of the magical transformation.

Ho Sung Lee stared at Repone and Bowl with his jaw to the ground.

The magic stone had the ability to advance one's magical abilities.

And as a result, they were able to make an exchange.

Upon realizing his language ability through Bowl's dark magic, Repone flashed his eyes toward the sky and breathed out.

A huge flame shot into the rainy sky and pierced through the dark clouds in the sky.

Chapter 297: Chapter 297


Min Sung, who defeated the devil, looked back at the pillar of flames that Repone shot up.

He could instinctively feel that something changed about Repone.

Min Sung threw his Gungnir S into his item window and walked toward Repone.

He then stared at Repone.

Ho Sung Lee was also staring at Repone.

After shooting up the pillar of flames, Repone stood still and looked up at the sky.

Nothing had particularly changed other than that.


In response to Ho Sung Lee's calling, Repone turned around.

"Shall we go into the tent?"

Ho Sung Lee asked while pointing at the tent.

Repone walked in front of Ho Sung Lee and looked up at him.

As soon as Ho Sung Lee walked toward the tent, Repone followed after him.

After nodding to Min Sung, Ho Sung Lee gestured for Bowl to follow him and Repone into the tent.

Ho Sung Lee began another session in hopes that Repone would learn a human language.


The next morning, no changes could be seen in the gate, and no new devil appeared, but Min Sung's eyes were dark as he watched the gate while sitting on a wooden chair.

His eyes were filled with chaos and darkness.

Min Sung slowly got up and looked toward where the tent was located.

He could hear Ho Sung Lee making an effort to teach Repone their language.

Min Sung then turned his gaze toward the fiery gate.

Two different suppositions lingered in Min Sung's head.

One was in the case that Repone wouldn't be able to make a barrier with his magic.

The thought of powerful devils pouring out of the gate was enough to make Min Sung feel uncomfortable.

He didn't think that the devils would solely target him once they got out.

The possibility of that was nearly zero.

Once he faced off against the devils, there was bound to be some that would leak out.

It was a relief that there was only one gate, but even so, if the devils had a higher fighting ability, it was impossible for him to cover all of them himself.

If the leaked devils happened to spread throughout the city as well as the world, the earth would soon face extinction.

Not even the highest-ranked hunters could stop the devils.

They couldn't even handle them before they became more powerful.

So now that they were much more powerful, it would only take the devils a few days to take over mankind.

For that reason, he desperately needed Repone's magic ability.

If he could put up a barrier with Repone's great magic, the country would still face harm, but they would be able to fight within that territory.

Min Sung stroked his chin with a restless look on his face before getting up and entering the tent.

Ho Sung Lee, who was watching Repone with his hands on his waist, looked back at Min Sung.

"How's it going?"

Ho Sung Lee smiled.

"We're getting somewhere."

Min Sung showed a twinkle in his eye and walked toward Repone.

Repone was asleep.

"How far have you gone?"

"We can only exchange a few words here and there, but since he's a dragon, I'm guessing he'll learn quickly."

Min Sung nodded.

"Oh, shall I prepare your meal?"

Min Sung shook his head.

"Let's just have lunch later."

Ho Sung Lee's eyes looked surprised, but it lasted for just a moment.

"Yes, Sir."

Min Sung looked at Repone for a moment before gesturing at Bowl and walking off.

Bowl quickly followed behind him.

The sky was still filled with dark clouds, but the rain was light.

Min Sung sat on the chair outside the tent, and Bowl climbed up Min Sung's pants. He sat on Min Sung's thigh and looked up at his master.

Min Sung checked Bowl's status.

Bowl had undergone substantial growth after eating the magic stones.

Bowl's role in the war against the devils was important.

Since no one could help defeat the devils beside Min sung and Repone, Bowl's abilities were very crucial in the current situation.

He used the system to check Bowl's stats, and it made Min Sung feel even more burdened.

That was because Bowl had grown, but it was still not enough to stop the devils from attacking.

That was how prepared the Demonic Realm was this time around.

It was as if the Demonic Realm was pouring


all that they had to destroy the human world.

It was an important time.

They had to be prepared before the Demonic Realm attacked.

But all that they could do to prepare was help Repone learn the language so that he could put up a barrier.

Min Sung looked back at the gate with a stiffened face


No devils appeared for a few days straight, and those few days felt like a long time to Min Sung.

But then, he finally heard a word.


Min Sung, who was eating skewers outside the tent, looked back at Ho Sung Lee.

"We've succeeded. We can communicate!"

Ho Sung Lee exclaimed with a bright smile.

Min Sung put down his skewer and quickly walked into the tent.

Bowl and Repone were looking at each other.

"It's hard to have a direct conversation, but Bowl is speaking with him in the magic language. Repone has accepted Bowl."

"What about the magic barrier?"

Bowl sprung up. He ran over to Min Sung and made a circle with his boney finger.

Min Sung smiled at Bowl.

"Good job."

The rare praise he received from Min Sung made Bowl so happy that he rolled on the ground.

Repone flew over and looked at Bowl strangely.

"Let's talk for a second," said Min Sung before stepping out of the tent.

Min Sung sat back down in front of the fire, and Ho Sung Lee took a seat next to him.

The fire continued to blaze thanks to Bowl's dark magic.

Min Sung stared at the sparks with lowered eyes.

Ho Sung Lee waited for Min Sung to speak with anxiousness.

"It won't be long before the devils come," said Min Sung.

"I'm aware," Ho Sung Lee replied with a nod.

"I want you out of this one," Min Sung said while looking into the distance.

It didn't sound like he was worried.

He just wanted to convey that he was unneeded, and that hurt Ho Sung Lee deeply.

Ho Sung Lee dropped his shoulders.

There was no doubt that he completed the important task of teaching Repone the language, but that was more due to Bowl's ability.

That meant that he did nearly nothing.

Furthermore, he couldn't think of anything he did to contribute while accompanying Min Sung.

"Don't get any weird thoughts," said Min Sung, and Ho Sung Lee lifted his head.

Min Sung continued, "You've done everything in your power. You obeyed my commands with preparation to die, and that's not something anyone can do."

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly.

"That doesn't comfort me very much."

"I'm the only one on earth who can stop the devils, so don't beat yourself up."

Min Sung continued, "I came from the Demonic Realm, so I'm here to put an end to this."

"But this means a lot to me, too. To end this once and for all…"

Ho Sung Lee looked at the gate and continued, "I've come to the finish line with you when I was weak, scared, and always lacking. That devil gate is that finish line."


"Of course, we don't really know if this is the end. But putting an end to this is my goal, too. We've been together through all of this, so I should be here for the end."

"If you die, I can't revive you immediately. It's likely you'll die again, and even with my reincarnation power, there could be a flaw in it. It's possible that you might not come back."

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung with knitted brows.

"Sir, more than this situation where we'll have to fight the devils with your reincarnation power, we've been through much more dangerous situations. And back then, you didn't even have the reincarnation power," said Ho Sung Lee, and Min Sung smiled bitterly at his joke.

"So this isn't even that dangerous. Ho Sung Lee has 9 lives. Haha."

Ho Sung Lee attempted to laugh, but Min Sung's face remained stiff.

"But this time, you should…"

"I can't. I want to finish this. You're not the only one who puts your life on the line. The same goes for Bowl, Ssol, and Repone. We're all in this together. I'm saying you're not alone. Doesn't that give you strength?"


Ho Sung Lee laughed.

"I can't leave this place just to cowardly survive."

"There's no such thing as cowardice in surviving," said Min Sung with a heavy tone.

"But I can't just ignore how far we've come together. I was scared, and it was hard, but it was like a dream for me. Thanks to you, I experienced the peak of mankind."

"If we die, it all ends there."

"All humans die. What's important is how you live until you die."

Min Sung scoffed.

"All death is the same in the end."

"But I've avoided it until now, so don't worry about me. And who else will feed you during the war? And please stop moping around. I can't get used to this."

Min Sung laughed while staring into the distance.

Min Sung cooked a skewer over the fire and answered, "Just don't come crying asking me to save you."

Min Sung then chewed on his chicken skewer.

Ho Sung Lee took out a cigarette. He put it into his mouth and laughed.

"When this is all over, try dating. It's sad to see you alone."

Min Sung glared at Ho Sung Lee with his veins popping out.

Ho Sung Lee snickered and proceeded to smoke his cigarette.

Despite being the afternoon, Ho Sung Lee's cigarette smoke floated up toward the dark sky.

It was the calm before the storm.

Chapter 298: Chapter 298


The owner of the Demonic Realm, Veld, stared at the ball of fire floating in the middle of the air as if he had fallen in love.

What Veld was looking at was a masterpiece he made out of the magic energy he currently possessed.

The sphere was so powerful that he considered it superior to all the rest.

"Wake up, my children."

Veld smiled at the glowing sphere with a smile.

And at that moment…

The sphere began to transform.

The burning red sphere began to wriggle and turn into a sticky substance.

Soon after, demon creatures crawled out of the burning hot liquid one by one.

Veld watched the sight with a big smile on his face.

Demon creatures continued to crawl out of the sphere as if there was no limit.

The sphere popped out countless demon creatures like endless breeding.

Since the demon creatures had just been born, they crawled on the ground while making strange noises.

Veld jumped into the air, causing for his body to levitate.

He stared down at the demons from above.

The sight of countless demon creatures crawling away from the red sphere was quite the spectacle.


Veld flipped his head back and laughed loudly for all to hear.

The world that he had always dreamed of began to unfold before Veld's eyes.


The droplets of rain became thick again.

While it rained heavily…


The gate made a loud noise as it began to transform.

Min Sung looked out the tent, and after that, Ho Sung Lee, bowl, Ssol, and Repone followed him out.

Min Sung stared at the fiery gate.

The gate, which was previously the height of two stories, suddenly grew to be 5 stories tall.

And that wasn't the end.

The gate continued to grow.

In the end, it grew so large that they had to flip their heads back to see the whole gate.

"… That's crazy," Ho Sung Lee mumbled while looking up at the gate.

He looked discouraged by the presence of the gate.

"The devils will pour out of there," said Min Sung.

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

"Is it about to begin?"

"Who knows?"

There was no doubt that a catastrophe was near, and that fact caused great fear.

And Ho Sung Lee couldn't help but feel discouraged by that fear.

He pretended to be confident and told Min Sung that he would take it to the end, but as soon as he saw the gate, he was overcome with great fear.

For a moment, he even thought about giving up.

That was how grand and vicious the gate was.

The fiery and round gate as well as the dark hole, which was the passageway, looked like a door connecting them to hell.

But then again, since the passageway connected to the Demonic Realm, it really was no different from a door to hell.

Therefore, Min Sung's party was currently looking at the entrance to hell, and that entrance to hell was slowly beginning to show its true character.

"It's time to test it," said Min Sung, and Ho Sung Lee nodded.

Ho Sung Lee called Bowl and asked for Repone to put up a barrier.

Since he knew it was Min Sung's command, Bowl immediately ran over to Repone, who was staring up at the gate.

He then began to communicate in the magic language.

A moment later, Repone understood the order to put up a magical barrier and began to use his magic energy as a result.

An Aura formed around Repone, and shortly after, a light flashed from below his feet which turned out to be a magic square.


Ho Sung Lee stared at Repone in awe, and Bowl and Ssol were just as surprised.


The thick raindrops falling around them began to swirl around Repone like a tornado.

As a red dragon, Repone's body was small, but the amount of magic energy he had was no joke.

He then began to use circle magic that no human could even dream of.


Repone's power activated the formation of a magic barrier.

Even the ground around him flashed with bright light.

But that only lasted for a little while before the light disappeared.

It appeared as if nothing had changed, but according to Bowl's explanation, a barrier had formed 5


kilometers around them.

Min Sung immediately acted to check the barrier.

Once Min Sung leaped off of the ground, he became a ray of light that dashed across the land.

He transported 5 kilometers in the blink of an eye, and as Bowl explained, Min Sung was able to confirm that a barrier had been formed.

The wall was semi-transparent with a blue light as if it was a hologram.

When he put his hand up against it, he felt a hard wall.

But if it wasn't powerful, there was no point to the wall.

So Min Sung gathered his magic energy in order to check just how powerful it was.

The light of magic energy flickered from Min Sung's right fist.

It contained a substantial amount of magic energy, and it was enough to destroy a fully grown devil with one blow.

That was enough to test the wall.

Min Sung slowly turned his waist and launched his fist.


The sound was deafening, but not only the sound was powerful.

Min Sung's fist bounced off of the wall that Repone had made.

Min Sung felt his fist throb as he stared at the semi-transparent wall that Repone had made with surprised eyes.

It was much more powerful than he expected.

He predicted that it was good enough to stop the devils from flooding out.

It was surprisingly strong.

It was enough.

Min Sung nodded and turned away.


The growth speed of the demon creatures that crawled out of the red fiery sphere was very fast.

That was because of the owner of the Demonic Realm's, Veld, power.

The demon creatures grew at a rapid pace to become tall and large.

Furthermore, Veld summoned the souls of the devils that hadn't gone extinct.

Each of those souls transferred to the demon creatures, and despite having just been born, the demon creatures with the transferred souls immediately acquired combat experience.

Upon acquiring combat ability, the demon creatures screamed loudly as a result of their instinct to fight.

The devils, who began to multiply at an incredible speed, started to cover all the land of the Demonic Realm.

Now that things had been settled, it was time for Veld to make his decision.

Once he opened the gate, the devils would make a second attack on the human world.

They failed their first attack, but they were much more powerful this time.

As a result of Veld's next decision, the Black Slaughterer would soon become a myth.

Veld couldn't stop laughing.

The Black Slaughterer was someone who constantly irritated him ever since he was in the Demonic Realm.

After just managing to get rid of him, he had to meet him again in the human world.

But this was really the end.

Veld hoped that he would be able to end him once and for all.

He had also finished his preparations regarding what to do when the Dionysus Gods would try to kill him.

Heaven and the Demonic Realm were clearly separated.

Since he was the owner of the Demonic Realm, he also had the authority to close the door to Heaven.

As a result of how long he had lived sucking up to Heaven, he had forgotten that the Demonic Realm also had its own rules and authority.

He would not be abandoned, but he would abandon Heaven.

Since he had power, he had no reason to surrender to Heaven any longer.

Of course, Heaven could possibly knock down the door that he would close, but that would be a declaration of war.

If the Dionysus Gods happened to cross over to the Demonic Realm, they would be unable to use even half of the power that they possessed.

That was because the darkness of the Demonic Realm would shade their light, so if they happened to go to war, they would suffer great harm.

There was no reason why the Dionysus Gods would mess with the Demonic Realm and take on such risks.

Since they were thoughtful about their decisions, all they could do was trash talk him from Heaven.


Veld laughed so loudly that all of the Demonic Realm could hear.

His own generation would soon unfold.


"Sir, it's time to eat," said Ho Sung Lee as he held a cup of coffee and looked at Min Sung, who was watching the rain from the entrance.

Min Sung smiled bitterly.

"You're right. What should we eat?"

"I'll make something delicious. Just you wait."

Ho Sung Lee began to cook.

Min Sung put down his coffee. He sat down in the chair and closed his eyes to rest.


A sound resembling his Gungnir S rang from the sky.

He listened to the sound of the rain while smelling Ho Sung Lee's cooking, and he dwelled on the thoughts regarding the gate.

He organized his complicated thoughts.

Now that Repone made a barrier, all that was left was the war, and his job was to make the devils go extinct.

But if a door to the Demonic Realm happened to open, would he be able to cross over?

He told Ho Sung Lee that he had to put an end to this, but he wasn't all too certain.

The Demonic Realm left Min Sung with the worst trauma.

He had such a hard time in the Demonic Realm that he even abandoned himself, so would he be able to return to the Demonic Realm?

Min Sung slowly opened his eyes.

He then smirked.

He returned to earth and ate as much food as he wanted.

That was enough.

He wanted more, but he decided to be thankful for what he got.

He had to end this ill-fated relationship once and for all.

Chapter 299: Chapter 299


The people of Seoul as well as Korea had gone over to other countries.

The media attempted to approach the situation, but due to the barrier made by the red dragon, Repone, they had no choice but to film it via helicopter or drone.

In any case, the entire world was watching by while Min Sung waited for his next meal.

"Today's dish is clam stew," explained Ho Sung Lee as he pointed at the pot of boiling and steaming main dish.

It was phenomenal.

The silver pot was huge, and it continued to boil without the heat of the gas burner, and the visuals that was inside was crazy.

There were various kinds of clams, shrimp, fish cakes, squid, and even living octopus.

And the foggy white color of the clam stew was enough to make his belly and mind go dizzy.

He didn't have much of an appetite due to the nervousness caused by the devil gate, but as soon as he saw the food, Min Sung felt his appetite surging.

'Let's try this thing.'

He started with the scallops.

It was well-cooked, so he was able to separate the meat from the shell easily

He dipped it in soy sauce with wasabi and put it to his mouth.

Om nom-

It was the taste that he predicted, but as soon as he actually put it into his mouth, it was even better than he imagined.

It was fresh.

"I made it with living shellfish, so it'll taste great."

In response to Ho Sung Lee, Min Sung nodded.

Since the materials were fresh, the flavor was a work of art.

Most importantly, with the scent derived from the broth, it was truly the best clam stew he had ever had.

After tasting a few scallops, he spooned some broth.

Min Sung knitted his brows.

He couldn't help but look mad when something was too good to be true.

That was the expression of someone who knew how to enjoy food properly!

The broth of the clam stew was the best.

When he drank the pale milky broth, the spiciness tickled his nose, and the broth had the power to be refreshing.

And the spiciness caused by the peppers in the broth heated up his body.

It was the right amount of spicy, and the broth's shellfish scent gave it a deeper flavor.

"Why don't you try dipping it in the spicy sauce?"

As Ho Sung Lee advised, Min Sung dipped a piece of clam in the spicy sauce, and the chewy shellfish as well as the flavor of the spicy sauce made his mouth feel refreshed.

Min Sung continued to eat the shellfish when he flinched with surprise.

That was because he forgot about the cooked octopus inside.

Octopus no longer tasted good if cooked too much, so it had to be eaten as soon as possible.

Min Sung erased the shellfish from his memories and focused on eating the octopus next.

As soon as he dipped the octopus in soy sauce with wasabi, the chewy texture and the sweet flavor of the octopus caused for his entire body to fill up with stamina.

Upon finishing the octopus, Min Sung quickly cleared the scallops, clams, abalones, and more.

He thought the portion was large, but after eating with much focus, he ran out of shellfish to eat.

Ho Sung Lee added the perfect amount of shellfish, and while Min Sung felt disappointment in finishing, Ho Sung Lee proved that he wasn't to be underestimated.

"Here are the chopped noodles."

Min Sung stared at the noodles that entered the broth of his finished clam stew.

The noodles plopped into the broth and began boiling.

The way the noodles cooked inside the broth almost looked like a work of art.

The sound of rain falling.

Min Sung, who finished his clam stew in the cold temperature created by the wind, waited for the chopped noodles to finish cooking.

This time of waiting was the definition of happiness.

"It's all cooked. Go ahead, Sir."

In response to Ho Sung Lee, Min Sung moved some of the chopped noodles to his side plate and transferred some broth with a ladle.

He then picked up the side plate


and inhaled the noodles.


The hot noodles quickly entered his mouth.

The soft texture of the noodles as well as the scent of the clam stew swept over him like a wave.

While watching Min Sung munch on the steaming noodles and drinking the broth straight from the bowl, Ssol and Repone were unable to move their eyes away.

That was how much Min Sung enjoyed the clam stew.


The day passed, and it reached nighttime.

Min Sung was sleeping, and the same went for Bowl, Ssol, and Repone.

Only Ho Sung Lee was still awake.

It was midnight.

Ho Sung Lee, who was the only one awake, smoked a cigarette in front of the clear tent window while looking outside.

"It looks so scary."

Ho Sung Lee clicked his tongue at the gigantic gate outside the tent.

Upgraded devils would soon pour out of it.

Just the thought of it made him shiver.

After staring at the fiery gate for a moment, Ho Sung Lee knitted his brows and stuck out his head toward the gate before putting on a raincoat. He stepped out of the tent and threw out his cigarette.

The gate was transforming in a new way.

Ho Sung Lee, who watched it with a serious face, gulped loudly.

It appeared that the catastrophe they had been dreading would soon begin, and bad feelings were always correct.

He could see the fire around the gate spreading out further, but that didn't mean it was any hotter.

There was no change in temperature, but he couldn't say there was no change at all.

After all, this was the first outer transformation that took place since the gate appeared.

And there was no telling what that change hinted at the start of a war, but he knew it wasn't something he could ignore either.

"Sir… Sir!"

Ho Sung Lee shouted while looking at the gate.

In response, Min Sung slowly opened his eyes, followed by Bowl, Ssol, and Repone.

Min Sung got up from his bed and stood next to Ho Sung Lee.

He then watched the gate transform.

"I think something's starting. Don't you think?"

Ho Sung Lee asked while staring at the gate with a nervous face.

"Go out and smoke a cigarette. It may be your last. And while you're out there, check that there's no one else around."

"Don't say such scary things."

Ho Sung Lee glared at Min Sung before taking out his cigarette and stepping outside.

Min Sung checked that Ho Sung Lee stepped out before gesturing to Bowl with his hand.

Bowl ran over to Min Sung and looked up at his master with his large head.

Min Sung looked down at Bowl and opened his mouth.


"Yes, Master."

"Ho Sung Lee will die."


Bowl stared up at Min Sung without a word.

Min Sung continued, "When he does, collect his body. Don't make him into an Undead, and just collect his body. Got it?"

"Of course, Master. Don't worry. I'll take care of son of a b*tch for you!"

"Stay behind me and turn the dead devils into the Undead. Don't do anything else. That's an order!"

Bowl nodded.

"Yes, Master."

Min Sung took a deep breath before looking at the gate again.

The fire of the gate shot up to the sky before sweeping over the dark clouds of the sky.

In response, the drones and helicopters that were above quickly flew away in surprise.

Even if there was a change happening, that didn't mean the devils would pop out immediately.

Min Sung hoped that the devils would appear soon, but he tried to have mind control in order to get that thought out of his head.

Greed and restlessness could easily lead to mistakes, and mistakes could cause death.

That was one of the things he learned in the Demonic Realm, so he couldn't go against that one rule.

It was possible he was simply avoiding the Demonic Realm until now, but that ended here.

He didn't want to get involved with such dirty things any longer.

Even if he had to put his life on the line, Min Sung was determined to put an end to the Demonic Realm once and for all.

All the preparations were complete.

'Come at me.'

Min Sung glared his eyes toward the gate that lit the sky on fire.


Ho Sung Lee made a call to Ji Yoo Kim to check that no more soldiers of Central Institute remained in the surrounding areas, and he was notified that all coast was clear.

Since they had already undergone a search before leaving the site, she confirmed that no one was around except for Min Sung's party.

Ever since the soldiers of Central Institute left, Repone's barrier had kept his place completely sealed.

Ho Sung Lee put out his cigarette with his foot and returned to the tent where Min Sung was.

"There's no problem."

In response, Min Sung nodded.

At that moment…


The gate made a loud noise.

And then…


The gate made an explosive sound as if the gate exploded.

But aside from the explosion and the hot air, no other changes could be seen.

"I think it's starting," said Ho Sung Lee while looking up at the gate.

Just like he said, countless devils began to crawl out of the entrance of the gigantic gate.

Plop, plop, plop, plop! Plop, plop, plop!

Devils began to drop to the ground.

The devils, which had horns, dark skin, and wings, opened their eyes wide and glanced around to see if there was anything to eat.

Meanwhile, the gate continued to pour out devils.

The sight of devils piling on top of the ground was horrific.

Chapter 300: Chapter 300



The Gungnir S that Min Sung took out of his item window rang with a thundering noise, and the devils reacted immediately to the noise.

The devils checked where Min Sung's party was located before walking toward them.

The mob swarmed over without stopping.

They were full of leisure.

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

He felt like his mind went blank like a white sheet of paper.

That was how powerful their army looked, and there seemed to be no way to defeat them.

But the only one who was frozen in place due to the devils was Ho Sung Lee.

"Pay attention. It won't be easy for you to stay alive for long," said Min Sung while glaring at the devils.

Ho Sung Lee clenched back on his teeth.

Min Sung's remark got rid of Ho Sung Lee's horror and fear.

He was next to a human being named Min Sung Kang, who was the most powerful on earth.

He had no reason to be afraid.

Their opponents were ready for battle, and they had unbelievable numbers, but they were going against Min Sung Kang.

And he would support that Min Sung Kang himself.

There was going to be a turnaround.

Ho Sung Lee believed it.


Min Sung smirked at the devils that were walking toward him.

Their numbers would probably be an advantage to them, but it could also become a weakness.

Since there were many of them, they had little room to run away, making splash damage possible.

Min Sung's eyes flashed with white light while his Gungnir S launched sparks.

When the devils saw that, they began to slow down.

Upon feeling Min Sung's power, they instinctively put their guards up.

And their instincts were correct.

As soon as Min Sung pulled back his sword, his muscles flexed at the same time.

Powerful magic energy was gathering within Min Sung's Gungnir S.

His magic energy was more decisive than ever before.

The preparation was complete, and he finished waiting as well.

All that was left was for him to slaughter them.

Min Sung stepped forward with his left foot.


The vibration was weak, but the way he twisted his waist and swung his Gungnir S was powerful.


The magic energy launched from his Gungnir S charged toward the swarm of devils along with a light.


A blinding light flashed for just a moment.

And just after the light, death ensued.


Hundreds of devils squirted all over the ground like ketchup.

Upon seeing Min Sung killing a crazy number of devils in one go, the remaining devils glared at Min Sung with caution and desire to attack.

And a moment later, a flare went off.

The devils screamed in a chilling manner as they charged at Min Sung at an incredibly fast speed.


Upon seeing the devils running toward him from the gate, Min Sung calmly caught his breath.

This was just the beginning.

There was a long way to go.

One by one, in order.

He had to stay calm.

He used half of his magic energy to wipe out many devils at once…

But the gate continued to pop out devils, and many devils still remained.

He had to control his magic energy.

He had to recharge his magic energy while eliminating them at the same time.


Dozens of devils attempted to attack Min Sung with their fingernails.

Dark magic energy charged toward Min Sung, but all they did was skid past Min Sung's afterimage.

Min Sung moved swiftly like water while swinging his sword.

His Gungnir S rang with thundering noises as it slashed through the devil's bodies.

Some of the nails and weapons of the devils skid past Min Sung's body, but it was nothing more than that.

Since Min Sung was in his optimal state, no devil was able to get a hold of him so easily.

Min Sung flashed his eyes and began to wipe out the devils.



The owner of the Demonic Realm, Veld, looked down onto the human world through his demonic ball, but upon seeing the fight between Min Sung Kang and the devils, he couldn't help but groan.

He believed that he now had enough power to kill him with the devils alone, but he realized that he was stronger than he had anticipated.

He thought he could wipe him out with numbers, but that was nothing but false hope.



the demonic ball, he saw that the human used a large force at first before using less to recover his magic energy and repeating that sequence to wipe out the devils.

The time when he recovered his magic energy was the devils' chance to attack, but with the devils' level of force, it was hard to bring down his stamina.

"… That annoying bastard!"

Veld thought for a moment before deciding that he had to bring it into his own hands.

At this rate, he could actually fight off all of the devils he had created.

And that would be unacceptable.

Veld clenched his fists and used his authority to make an order to the devils below.



Min Sung's Gungnir S gathered the power of magic energy.

And as a result, something surprising happened.

A dark black hole formed on Min Sung's Gungnir S, and through that black hole, the devils' bodies twisted out of shape and got sucked into it.

"B-Black slaughterer," Ho Sung Lee, who was watching this unfold, mumbled to himself.

The black hole then disappeared.


Min Sung exhaled what looked like smoke before unleashing his power through his Gungnir S.



Along with the explosion, a part of the mountain separated into two, and more than 180 degrees of where Min Sung was disintegrated and blew away.

But the number of devils still didn't go down.

While keeping an eye on them, Min Sung controlled his breathing in order to recharge his magic energy.

The devils jumped over the ground, which was now in ruins, and charged toward Min Sung.

As soon as Min Sung clenched onto his Gungnir and got ready to react, the devils changed their direction.

When Min Sung saw that, his pupils dilated.

Min Sung wasn't their only target, so 30 percent of the devils charged toward Min Sung while the other 70 percent ran in the other direction.

It appeared that they tried to break through the barrier and escape.

When Min Sung clenched down on his teeth…


Repone, who made a small noise and flapped his wings, began to levitate into the air.

Repone then flew over to Min Sung and hovered above him.

A large magic square formed underneath Repone, and it unleashed a crazy amount of power.



The pillar of fire that Repone created with his breath wrapped around the devils.

Repone's body was small, but his force was no different from that of a grown dragon, and as a result, he burned a great number of devils.


The devils screamed in pain and rolled on the ground.

Meanwhile, Bowl lit his dark eyes and turned the devils into the Undead.

The Undead devils that Bowl created were slowly starting to form an army.

Meanwhile, Bowl's dark magic abilities were advanced due to the magic stones he ate, which was enough to be able to make all the devils into the Undead.

The Undead devils that Bowl created faced off against the devils that popped out of the gate.

Undead devils and Repone's magic.

And Min Sung's abilities on top of that were enough to face off against the devils.

In contrast to expectations, Min Sung's party began to defeat the devils.

Meanwhile, Ho Sung Lee calmly looked for what he could do to help.

He used his supporter abilities to check the devils' direction and movements and reported them to Min Sung.

Min Sung's party was soon on the advantageous side of the battle.


"… That damned human!"

Veld's body trembled due to his rage.

Due to the dragon's barrier, the devils were trapped, and the human was fighting off the force along with a dragon and the Undead.

The thought of his plan failing made Veld feel restless.

It was likely that at this rate, all of the devils he had prepared would die.

There was still a large number of devils that had yet to pour out of the gate, but it didn't look good.

They were on a roll.

Once they got the hang of things, they were bound to keep fighting no matter how many devils poured out.

"There's only a few of them…!"

Veld glared down onto the human world and swallowed his rage.

He then closed his eyes shut to suppress his emotions and calmed down to find another way.

"… I have no other choice."

Veld made an important decision in a short amount of time.

"I'll just have to get involved myself."

If he physically got involved with the human world, the passageway to the Demonic Realm would open.

In that case, if he happened to fail this mission, he could potentially get chased down by that human.

But he didn't want to think about the worst-case scenario.

Since he had made his decision, he had to fight with all his might.

Only the one who won and survived could get what they want.

As long as he caught that one bastard, dominating the human world would be a piece of cake.

"I'm different from last time."

Veld stared at Min Sung through his Demonic Ball with the desire to kill.

"Experience the power of the owner of the Demonic Realm."

Veld used both his hands to use his magic energy through his Demonic Ball.

The power of his magic energy began to flow through the Demonic Ball.

The round sphere was covered in dark smoke before washing over with a dark color.

Smoke radiated from the dark sphere.


And the land of the Demonic Realm began to vibrate.

The powerful force of Veld began to cross over to the human world through the Demonic Ball.

Chapter 301: Chapter 301


The devils clashed onto the barrier wall that Repone created.

At first, they looked taken aback, but soon after, they clawed and rammed into it in efforts to break it down, and in order to get through it, the dark devils swarmed over like dark clouds.

Meanwhile, the sky showed a suspicious change.

The sky thundered followed by thick drops of rain, and ironically, balls of fire began to fall.

And that was due to Veld's power.

His target was Min Sung's party.


It was similar to magic called 'Meteor', but since it was triggered by the magic energy of Veld of the Demonic Realm, it was on a whole different level.

No matter how hard Min Sung's party tried to dodge it, it was powerful enough to flip the ground upside down.

The red dragon, Repone, flashed his eyes as soon as he saw the balls of fire fall.

At the same time, the magic square flashed in all directions, and the magic became activated.

It was the protective magic called Barrier.

A blue and half-transparent curtain spread out wide in order to block the fireballs from falling.

Since it was on a different level from the barriers activated by the high-ranking players in Beatrice.


Repone's protective magic, Barrier, completely blocked out Veld's Meteor magic.

Veld's magic exploded as if it was fireworks.

Despite Repone having blocked out the Meteor, Veld didn't stop and continued to unleash his Meteor.

"Bowl, tell Repone to change the course of those balls of fire so that they land on the devils," instructed Min Sung.

Bowl, who was on standby, ran over to Repone.

And as soon as he delivered the message, Repone did as he was told.

The movements of the balls of fire began to change.

The balls of fire caused by Veld's magic, Meteor, fell onto the dark devils instead of Min Sung's party.


Countless devils died as a result.

Meanwhile, Min Sung clenched onto his Gungnir S and charged forward to end them once and for all.

Min Sung swung his Gungnir S.

Magic energy containing great power launched in the shape of a half-circle and slashed through the bodies of dozens of devils.

But there were too many of them.

Prior to this, all opponents who were touched by his magic energy would have died, but there were some who managed to block out the force.

He could clearly feel that the devils had advanced.

For that reason, their numbers didn't decrease but rather increased as a result of the gate, and despite the fact that his magic energy and stamina were depleting, Min Sung didn't lose his focus.

The most important part of fighting devils was mentality.

Without a strong mentality, he was bound to land himself in a disadvantageous fight.

And he learned just how important that was in the Demonic Realm.

With that experience in mind, Min Sung had already made up his mind that he would put an end to the Demonic Realm once and for all.


Min Sung breathed out deeply and controlled his breathing in order to charge his magic energy and analyze the situation.

He definitely brought down their vigor.

It was clear that the devils were taken aback and anxious after realizing that they were falling behind.

Since they had what was known as emotion, they knew how to feel fear.

There was nothing more effective than fear when fighting off a group of opponents.

He had to go in the direction of irritating their mentality in order for things to work out in his favor.


Magic energy that looked like fog spread out from Min Sung's Gungnir S.

He decided to push the devils toward the wall and dominate the central area first.

Min Sung jumped off of the ground in a swift manner.

Dark clouds were above Min Sung's head as he shot up to the sky while discharging lightning.



With that in the background, Min Sung's Gungnir S made a thundering noise.

The devils, who looked panicked due to the situation, stared up blankly at Min Sung.

His Gungnir S shined with a bright light.

It launched a powerful force.

The devils began to get wiped out by Min Sung's magic energy like a Tsunami.


"… Damn it!"

Veld's entire body trembled.

Despite having unleashed advanced devils using the power that the Dionysus Gods gave him, the human managed to fight off the incredible number of devils with his own abilities.

On top of that, the dragon and skeleton that accompanied him were just as annoying.

The magic ability of the red dragon was much better than he had expected, and as a result of the devils that were revived by the skeleton, the devils began to die off.

At this rate, it was just a matter of time before the number of devils decreased significantly.

He had to jump in.

Veld realized that he was the only one who could put a stop to this.

It was foolish to trust the devils.

Veld stared into space with a calm face.


The space in front of him ripped, forming a gate-like hole.

Veld entered that space with a serious look on his face.


As soon as the space shut closed, Veld disappeared from the Demonic Realm.


Upon unleashing all of Min Sung's magic energy, the devils stumbled and backed off as a result of his force.

This was the strong point of the atmosphere.

At times like these, they had to attack the devils in order to take advantage of their upper hand, but there was always a psychological aspect in fights.

And Min Sung knew very well that he was able to utilize the upper hand he had in terms of the atmosphere.

Min Sung grabbed his Gungnir S with both hands and stabbed it into the ground.

The devils, who were surrounding Min Sung in anxiousness, flinched and began to glance around.

Min Sung smirked at the devils.

And at the same time, he unleashed his power.

He didn't have much magic energy left, but there was still a way to resolve the problem.

But of course, timing was very important for this method.

The most effective time was when the opponent was no longer able to attack, or they slowed down due to the effects on the brain.

And as long as he acted upon that right timing, he would be able to destroy them.

That was how he could use his remaining magic energy the most effectively.

Absorption Method.

There was no formal name for it.

He just referred to it with something easy when he was in the Demonic Realm.

This absorption method was something that could turn everything around in a situation like this.


Around the Gungnir S in the ground, dark magic fluttered, causing small sparks of thunderbolts to come out.

That area then began to expand further before the dark thunderbolts sparkled in all four directions.

The devils stared at it with surprised eyes, and soon afterward, the absorption method began to pull the devils.


The first dark power that Min Sung used in the human world pulled the devils in.

The devils began to fly over toward Min Sung one by one, and the Gungnir S sucked the life out of them.

As for the life energy of the devils, he immediately converted them to magic energy and absorbed it into his body.

The bones and meat of hundreds of devils broke, and once their living and breathing energy absorbed into Min Sung's body as if their souls were being taken, the bodies of the devils began to pile up in front of Min Sung's Gungnir S, and without stop, the devils began to get sucked up in the form of a semi-circle.

In order to survive, the devils tried to stay back so that they could keep their life energy, but regardless of the distance between them, they had no choice but to give up everything they had to Min Sung.

That was when things began to go the way Min Sung intended.

The ranks turned around in his favor.

The red dragon, Repone, was attacking the devils with his magic while Bowl's Undead devils faced off against their own.

The only problem was that the gate continued to pour out with devils without stop, but Min Sung didn't care about that.

'I'll get rid of every one of you.'

Min Sung's eyes flashed with white light as he pulled out his Gungnir S from the ground.


Min Sung, who recovered his magic energy thanks to the devils' life energy, launched his desire to kill in all directions, and the devils screamed like beasts out of excitement.

But in Min Sung's eyes, they looked like nothing more than dogs who were barking out of fear.

That was when it started.

Min Sung began to kill the devils for real.


The devils screamed, and there was proof that the Demonic Realm made the wrong judgment.

They were mistaken to think that his level of force was still the same as that of before.

Min Sung was the peak of mankind who jumped over countless hurdles over a long period of time, and what was happening now was Min Sung using his force in his most optimal condition.

As a result, the devils began to defy their own instincts.

The devils, who seemed to have nothing but the instinct to attack, began to run away from Min Sung despite having the numbers.

But the Gungnir S stabbed the devils who were running away in the back, and they died off in the hands of Min Sung's sword.

This was hell, and Min Sung was the owner of it.



As soon as the dark magic swept past them, only the blood of the devils remained.

Just like that, the bodies of devils began to pile up on the land of the human world and flooded with blood.

Due to Min Sung's unbeatable force, the mountain, where the gate was located, was dyed red with blood.

And as it expanded, the surroundings slowly began to turn red as well.

The sight seemed as though a volcano erupted, and it burned down everything around it.


Chapter 302: Chapter 302


Ho Sung Lee shook.

While watching the devils being ripped to shreds by Min Sung, he couldn't help but tremble.

But it was a different feeling from fear.

When he watched Min Sung Kang, there was a tendency to feel something greater than awe.

It was a feeling that was hard to describe with words.

It was as if he became overwhelmed by the territory of the gods.

Before the devils began to pour out of the gate, he worried that Min Sung's concern might become reality.

No matter how powerful he was, it made him anxious to think that the numbers of the devils could corner him.

But that was nothing but a prediction.

Min Sung Kang was so powerful that it was hard to understand he had that anxiousness in the first place.

How was it possible for a human being to give off that much force?

Even Ho Sung Lee believed that he was strong enough to threaten the gods.

Why was it that he was worried about the devils?

From what he was seeing now, he didn't have to worry at all.

Of course, the magical ability of the red dragon, Repone, and Bowl's Undead devils were supporting him, but it appeared that Min Sung's force wouldn't have been a problem without Repone's magic barrier.

At this rate, the invasion of the Demonic Realm was going to be prevented a lot easier than the last time.

But it didn't take long before Ho Sung Lee changed his mind.


An explosion could be heard.

It sounded like the sky was tumbling down.

The dark clouds shot down lightning as it wriggled, and then the dark clouds began to split in half.

The clouds were splitting while shooting down dark lightning.

It was hard to believe even while seeing it with his own eyes, and something appeared from the splitting clouds.

It was Veld, who appeared in the human world.

Veld was descending from the sky on the ground, and although his body was 1.5 times bigger than that of a human, he gave off a scary vibe.

He had thicker horns than the devils, and his entire body was covered in glazed scales.

The way his split tongue wriggled made him look like a lizard, but his dark wings and dark tail was enough to make anyone's legs shake.

Ho Sung Lee was certain that he was the scariest opponent he had ever faced off against in his life.

That was how strong his presence was.

Ho Sung Lee stared at Veld with a blank look on his face.

As soon as Veld landed on earth, he gave off the desire to kill.

While the other devils watched, Veld stared at Min Sung and gave him a grin.

Min Sung stared back at Veld without much interest.

Min Sung's attitude slowly wiped the smile off from Veld's face, but Min Sung continued to keep his eyes on Veld in a calm manner.

That was Min Sung Kang.

That was what Ho Sung Lee believed.

He trusted him because he wasn't shaken even when seeing such a scary devil.

Since he had always solved problems, Ho Sung Lee was certain that he would solve this one as well.


… The timing was horrible.

He had used up most of his magic energy.

He did absorb some life energy with his Absorption Method, but that life energy could never replace his actual magic energy.

It simply sped up the recharge of his magic energy, and it only improved his stamina just by a little.

So the owner of the Demonic Realm appeared when he was unable to use very much magic.

It was bad timing.

It would have been nice if he could buy more time.

Min Sung scanned around him quickly.

There were still too many devils to count, and more devils were pouring out of the gate.

He wanted to put an end to this… But the Demonic Realm wouldn't back down.

"You've grown weaker," said Veld in a low voice with a smile.

He caught on.

That Min Sung fought hard since the beginning and that he was the one who caused it.

He smiled as if he just realized that Min Sung was in quite the crisis.

Min Sung wanted


to rip his smiling face apart, so he clenched onto his Gungnir S. However, he sensed anxiousness flowing through his hands.

He didn't have enough magic energy.

His magic energy was too depleted.

He believed that he was very unlucky that Veld appeared at such a time, and Veld enjoyed that fact.

Min Sung also smiled back at Veld, and that caused for Veld's face to change. It was as if he was asking how he could smile at a time like this.

Veld's appearance was both a crisis as well as an opportunity for Min Sung.

Despite having struggled to fight off all of the devils without enough nutrients, he was still looking for the owner of the Demonic Realm.

He believed that he had to get rid of the owner in order to end the fight once and for all, but he didn't think he would show himself until the Demonic Realm abandoned him.

That was why the fact that he appeared by his own will was an opportunity that he couldn't miss.

No matter how disadvantageous, it didn't compare to the Demonic Realm, which lost its vigor.

Min Sung glared his eyes and stared at Veld.

And upon seeing that, Veld scoffed.

"You think seeing me is an opportunity, right? But you've already used too much magic energy. That means you didn't think I would appear."

Veld spoke as if he knew everything and laughed.

"If you know that, then die," said Min Sung coldly.

"You can't be like that just because it's been smooth for you until now."

Veld flicked his finger.

And when he did, a dark pillar of light shot up from below Min Sung's feet.

Min Sung's face stiffened up immediately.

But at that moment…


A white light wrapped around Min Sung.

Veld looked back at the red dragon, Repone, with angry eyes.

Repone flapped his wings and watched Min Sung.

If it wasn't for Repone's protective magic, Min Sung would have suffered great harm.

"I'd better stop going easy on you."

Veld's eyes were filled with the desire to kill.

The air around him froze, and dark smoke and dark lightning gathered below Veld's feet.


Min Sung clenched his teeth while looking at Veld and clenched onto his Gungnir S.

It was true that he lost his composure.

On top of being depleted of magic energy, Veld's appearance made him feel psychologically weak.

He had to get it together.

In order to make a decision, in order to end this, he had to focus more than ever before.


Min Sung's Gungnir S made a thundering noise, and lightning gathered beneath Min Sung's feet as well.

Veld grinned at Min Sung and laughed with ridicule.

"Look at you trying hard without the energy to back it up."

He made the first move.

Min Sung jumped off of the ground and charged toward Veld.

As soon as Veld lifted both hands, dark lightning spun around Veld's hands, forming a large scythe in his hands.

As soon as Veld got his hands on it, he swung his scythe at Min Sung.

The Gungnir S clashed against Veld's scythe.

The white flash that launched from Min Sung's Gungnir S tangled with the dark lightning that was coming out of Veld's scythe.



The sound of the explosion was deafening, and Min Sung and Veld entered a real battle.

The wave of the struggle was enough to melt the devils around them, and the ground split beneath them.

"Hahahahaha! How long do you think your magic energy will last?!"

Veld shouted with a confident voice, and that sound rang through the entire sky.

Repone breathed onto Veld in efforts to help Min Sung, but as soon as the sparks reached Veld's body, it scattered into nothing.

"That tickled."

Veld's eyes turned back to Min Sung.

He continued, "I don't know what makes you think you stand a chance, but you're going to be out of magic energy soon. You'll have to pay the price for messing with the god's territory as a petty human."

Veld gathered more of his dark magic energy.


Min Sung's two feet began to penetrate the ground below him.

That was proof that Veld was in a more advantageous position in the fight.

Min Sung glared at Veld as if he wanted to kill him, but Veld smiled because that was how much he liked the look.


Dark lightning shot up from Veld's dark scythe.

As a result, the force ripped the devils around them into shreds.

As for Min Sung, the force of Veld's dark scythe was making his arms weak.

Veld turned his scythe around to face Min Sung's face, and the more he got pushed back, the closer the magic energy of the scythe got to his face

Veld was completely playing Min Sung.

His force was slowly suffocating him.

The more magic energy he lost, the paler Min Sung's face got.

Bowl dispatched his Undead devils, but they exploded before they got anywhere near.

The same went for Repone's attacks.

"It was surprising how long you lasted as a human. How does it feel to finally be faced with death?"

Veld asked with both of his eyes staring into that of Min Sung.

Min Sung received Veld's gaze and laughed.

"That's for you to answer."

Veld's face grimaced, but it quickly refound its cool.

"You sure talk a lot for someone who's about to…"

"I've been waiting for this day," Min Sung muttered.

Veld sensed there was something else as soon as he saw Min Sung's face.

Chapter 303: Chapter 303


There was a feeling of fear passing through his spine, but Veld couldn't accept it.

He couldn't' think of how that person could be so confident given the current situation.


'It's nothing.'

That human was completely depleted of his magic energy.

He could feel that he was completely low.

The energy, which was called magic energy, was what determined one's force.

But the confidence that he saw on the human was nothing but a bluff in his eyes.

Veld believed that that was nothing but Min Sung's last struggle before his death.

But his instincts were still warning him.

That it was dangerous.

At that moment, Min Sung's eyes sparkled, and white lightning whirled below his feet like a tornado.

The white lightning slowly turned black, and a curtain formed around the lightning.

The curtain was in the shape of a circle, and it almost looked like a snowball. The powerful and round curtain began to pull in the devils around them.

The devils got sucked up, and their bodies got shredded as it got absorbed into the circle.

Veld, who was watching with blank eyes, moved in order to get rid of Min Sung.

His scythe, which was charged with magic energy, swung at Min Sung's head.

Min Sung's eyes turned black.

Magic energy gathered within Min Sung's body, and that force exploded out of his body.

Veld's scythe suddenly froze in place.

That was because his body turned stiff.

Min Sung used his remaining magic energy to use a divination that he had hidden until now.

Intensification of his absorption method.

Rather than absorbing the life energy from the devils themselves, he could create a space that could absorb the energy and turn it against the opponents.

But that method was only possible when there were many devils to absorb from, and this was the perfect time to use that skill.

This skill was one that could create an opportunity.

The devils continued to suck into the large and dark curtain.

And the powder that resulted from their bodies formed an energy that began to threaten Veld.

Veld's eyes widened and his face grimaced.

"T-there's no way. No way…!"

While his body froze still due to the horror, Min Sung stared back at him with black eyes and complete leisure.

Veld, who later realized that Min Sung was threatening him with the ingredients made from his devils, soon knew that he was in a serious situation.

He tried to use as much magic energy as possible to fight back, but Min Sung's sword was much faster than that of Veld.


The Gungnir S slashed through Veld's stomach.


Veld dropped his jaw and let out a short breath, and Min Sung pulled out his sword with a straight face.

Veld lost balance in his legs as blood poured out of his body.

Meanwhile, the devils continued to turn into powder, and the life energy that resulted continued to attack Veld.

Although devils continued to pour out of the gate, the numbers no longer mattered.

The devils were nothing but shackles to Veld.

'… Damn it! Why do I have to suffer like this?'

Veld felt as though his insides were rotting away.

He thought he was finished.

He thought he would soon dominate the human world, but it was nothing but a trap.

Veld clenched his teeth and glared at Min Sung with the desire to kill him, but that was all he could do at the moment.

Min Sung was in complete control over Veld, and the devils continued to disappear as if they were getting ground by a mincer.

It was a nightmare.

"… You coward. You acted like you're all that, but you resorted to this?"

Min Sung smiled at Veld with his dark eyes.

"You're the one hiding behind those devils."

"If it wasn't for the devils, I'd kill you in an instant…"

"Wake up. They're not my underlings; they're yours."


Min Sung's Gungnir S slashed through Veld's right arm.

Upon losing his right arm, Veld used his force to fight back, but his body froze up preventing him to do anything.

He felt helpless, and he knew that this was all because of the power derived from the dying devils.

For that reason, he had no choice but to send the devils back to the Demonic Realm


in order to stop him from using the skill.


"Don't get any useless hope."

Min Sung's Gungnir S charged toward his head before he could do anything.


Veld turned into smoke in an instant.

Upon his disappearance, Min Sung knitted his brows and looked around him.

He couldn't locate Veld with his eyes.

'… He disappeared?'

Min Sung's eyes turned toward a certain direction.

… Toward the gate.

The gate was slowly closing.

[The passageway to the Demonic Realm has opened.]

The system notified him that he was able to enter the Demonic Realm.

[The passageway to the Demonic Realm will soon close.]

Min Sung clenched down on his teeth and halted his absorption method.

His dark and round magic energy disappeared, and the devils stared at Min Sung from a distance with their guards up.

Min Sung looked at the devils, Ho Sung Lee, Bowl, and Ssol, before looking back at the gate.

There was no doubt that Veld returned to the Demonic Realm in order to avoid the crisis.

For that reason, Min Sung had to choose between two paths.

He had to either enter the Demonic Realm and kill Veld, or stay in the human world and take care of the remaining devils.

Since the gate was closing, he didn't have time to contemplate between the two.

Countless thoughts crossed his mind.

If he didn't enter the Demonic Realm now, he could lose his opportunity to catch Veld.

And if Veld happened to return another time, there was no guarantee that he could protect the human world.

But entering the Demonic Realm also came with great risks.

If the gate closed once he entered the Demonic Realm, he could possibly lose his chance to return to the human world, and even if he managed to enter the Demonic Realm, it was possible he would never find Veld.

But what if he lost Veld this time around?

Veld had already become too powerful.

If that wasn't the case, it was hard to understand why he didn't mess with him in Beatrice.

The god of the Demonic Realm named Veld was going to become even stronger.

If he hadn't used the devils against him this time around, he would have been killed.

His best chance to kill Veld was right now that he was missing an arm and was suffering great damage.

For that reason, he couldn't get the thought of killing Veld despite the risks out of his head.

He wanted to put an end to it this time.

He knew he had to make a decision, but he couldn't help but hesitate anyway.

Time passed and the gate was closing.

Meanwhile, devils continued to pour out.

If he went back to the Demonic Realm, could Repone survive?

And if he returned, could he find Veld?

His uncertainty pained his heart.


In response to Ho Sung Lee's voice, Min Sung looked beside him.

Ho Sung Lee was looking at the gate with a smile.

"Should I follow you? I'll look for that devil with my supporter ability."

Min Sung stared into space with a laugh.

"Bowl and Repone," called Min Sung.

"Yes, Master!"

Bowl answered, and Repone flapped his wings and flew over to Min Sung.

"Take care of this."

Bowl saluted to assure him not to worry.

As for Repone, he let out a small cry.

Min Sung clenched back on his teeth and glared at the gate.

"We're going in. Stay close."

"Yes, Sir."

Min Sung gestured for Ssol to follow.

Ssol stood next to Min Sung, and after holding Ssol under his arm, he began running while keeping Ho Sung Lee's speed in mind.

Ho Sung Lee immediately followed Min Sung.

Min Sung swung his Gungnir S at the gate.


His dark magic energy cut through the devils, and the devils that were pouring out of the gate fell to the ground as dead bodies.

Meanwhile, Min Sung leaped off from the ground, and so did Ho Sung Lee.

Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee both got sucked in through the gate.


'… That damned human.'

'That good for nothing human!'

Veld breathed roughly while glaring down at his missing right arm while his whole body trembled.

As a result of his rage, the desire to kill radiated from his body, causing the ground around him to rot.

He intended to kill him effortlessly with his devil's numbers, so he didn't expect the human to use such a skill on him.

Veld decided to recover and then go back to the human world when there were no more devils before killing him and taking over the human world.

His recovery speed was delayed due to the damage, but his arm would regenerate eventually.

"That damned human. As soon as I recover and bring the devils back, I'll kill you as painfully as possible…"

Veld, who was mumbling with rage, suddenly jolted his eyes wide open and looked north with a blank look on his face.

"N-n-no way…"

Veld mumbled in a shaking voice.

The Demonic Realm was like his living room.

So if anyone happened to trespass, Veld was able to immediately recognize it.

And the person who trespassed into the Demonic Realm didn't make an effort to hide their power.

He could clearly feel that he was being hunted at a quick speed.

"That crazy son of a bitch…!"

Veld sprung up and looked around him in panic.

He didn't know what would happen if they faced off against each other now.

He could kill him easily if it wasn't for his injury, but that was not the case.