
Chapter 36: The Spring of the 4th Year

Translator: Nyoi_Bo_Studio Editor: Nyoi_Bo_Studio

This was the first time that the blind Wu Zhu laughed, or more accurately, it was the first time Fan Xian had seen Wu Zhu laugh. It happened when Fan Xian brought up his mother.

Although Wu Zhu didn't look old when he removed the piece of black cloth, he was still as cold as ever. It was rare to see any hint of emotion on his face, and naturally harder to see anything such as fear, sadness or grief.

Never mind a smile.

As he remembered back to the year he came to Jingdu with The Lady, the ends of his lips curled into a strange and awkward smile. The occasional display of gentleness for someone who never smiled was like finding the most beautiful snow lotus flower in an ice mountain that had been frozen for millennia.

Its gentleness and beauty knew no parallel.



Wu Zhu snapped out of his absent-minded state and returned to his normal self, responding coldly, "There weren't many who knew that The Lady was called Ye Qingmei. The random people around her only knew her as The Lady. Thinking about it now, the name Ye Qingmei was well known in the capital...even now." he replied softly.

"Really?" Fan Xian's eyes widened. He thought that Wu Zhu's words contradicted themselves. If not many people knew that his mother's name was Ye Qingmei then how was the name Ye Qingmei well known in the capital? The reason that Fan Xian thought this was because he was unaware of the golden words and inscriptions written on the stone plate hanging above the front door of the Ministry of Supervision.

"Tell me about my father." Fan Xian's eyes sparkled.

"I only promised to talk about The Lady."

"Hmph. You're real clever, Wu Zhu."

"I fell sick before you were born and forgot many things."

Fan Xian laughed, "You're even more shameless than I am…Hmm...never mind; let's talk about something else...What did my mother look like?"

Wu Zhu thought for a bit before replying, "Very beautiful."

Wu Zhu's voice was never too expressive, yet Fan Xian noticed that he said those words with unusual sincerity. He rubbed his hands together, sighing as he said, "She was indeed extraordinarily beautiful."



Although Wu Zhu's storytelling skills were poor, Fan Xian could tell from his simple words how interesting the story of the girl from the capital must have been. He felt a strong impulse to go to the capital- In fact, he had to.

Wu Zhu motioned with his hands for Fan Xian to get up and follow him.

Curious, Fan Xian followed him to the back of the room. Soft sounds could be heard from inside the walls as Wu Zhu pressed on it lightly. All of a sudden, the walls separated to reveal a secret chamber.

Surprised, Fan Xian followed Wu Zhu into the chamber. The room was covered in a layer of dust, and a box sat in the corner.

The box stood out, as there was nothing else in the chamber. It was a black leather box that was about as long as an adult arm, and not being wide, it looked long and slender.

"Nobody knew that The Lady and I stayed in Danzhou awhile before going to the capital. This box was something The Lady had left. I've looked after it for you. It's yours to keep now. "

Heart fluttering, Fan Xian stepped towards the box and brushed off the dust at the top. He found that the lid was made of bronze and that there was a lock.

He was curious to see what his mother had left him, so he spent some time trying to open the box before he realized that the lid had not moved a millimeter and that the box was impossible to open.

"There's no key." Wu Zhu reminded him seeing his distress.

Dejected, Fan Xian hung his head low, "Why didn't you say so earlier? What's the use of giving me a box that I can't open?"

"I left the keys in order to convince some people that you were dead before I brought you to Danzhou."

Fan Xian thought about how it sounded like that was the oldest trick in the book and raised his eyebrow. He retrieved a thin dagger he kept in the scabbard on his legs at all times and held it above the box as he looked for the easiest place to start with.

"There's no need to try. This box is much sturdier than you think."

Hearing Wu Zhu's disapproval at his violent method, Fan Xian smiled and put back his dagger. He patted the box and sighed while he shook his head, "It's a shame. Who knows if there might have been millions in money in there."

He then lifted the box and his curiosity increased after finding out how heavy it was.

"Where's the key?"

"In the capital."

Another extremely vague answer.

Wu Zhu turned to walk out of the chamber. Seeing that there was no more attention on him, Fan Xian decided to try again. Rolling his eyes, he lifted his right arm and slammed his palm directly on the top of the box. His palm carried all of his power.

"BANG." The sound reverberated around the chamber and dust rose into the air, causing the light in the room to drastically dim.

Wu Zhu turned around coldly and looked at Fan Xian.

At this moment, Fan Xian was staring at his palm, shocked. The box remained unmarked, save for some dust

It looked like the only way to get the box open was to go to the capital.

He began silently thinking of when he'd be able to leave Danzhou. Surely his father wouldn't leave him to grow old next to the seaside. Little did he know that Count Sinan had already sent people to get him and that they were already on their way.

In the spring of the fourth year, Tengzi Jing sat in the only bar in Danzhou and stared at the wall while wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Framed beautifully on the wall was a piece of high-quality paper. It was densely covered in words, and judging from the handwriting, it was written by a master calligrapher who possessed a sense of elegance and purity.

If this was in the capital, Sir Panlin would have sold a piece of artwork of this size for at least 300 silver pieces, so it was no surprise that in faraway Danzhou Harbour it was framed so beautifully on the wall and treated like it was sacred.

However, its context was truly unsuitable to be hung up as decoration.

This was because it was full of useless and sloppy information.

That's right.

This was the rumored newspaper. There were only two copies in Danzhou Harbour, one belonging to the local government kept in the local courtroom, and this meant that the bar owner must have bought it secretly from the servants of Count Sinan's estate.

Naturally, the general public had never had the chance to see fresh stuff like this, so to them, it was something extraordinary that was also handwritten by Sir Panlin. The bar owner hung it on his wall and treated it like treasure.

Only, he had no idea that the newspaper was actually sold by Master Fan, who had in fact already made a sum of money from selling twenty copies of the newspaper to businessmen.

And Tengzi Jing was about to meet Master Fan.

Chapter 37: To the Capital?

Translator: Nyoi_Bo_Studio Editor: Nyoi_Bo_Studio

The servants that had come to Danzhou Harbor with Teng Zijing were currently shopping for the specialty tea of Danzhou Harbor. As Count Sinan lived in the capital, he missed the taste of his hometown tea. In the previous years, the Countess of the mansion would order people to buy the tea and send it to the capital, but since Count Sinan was sending people over this year, they could simply pick it up themselves.

In total, three carriages and seven people arrived from Count Sinan's mansion, with Teng Zijing leading the entire thing.

Although he hadn't wandered around the street with the servants, he was still sweating like a pig and had to constantly wipe away his sweat. The weather in Danzhou Harbor was indeed hotter than in the capital. He had originally planned to greet the Countess as soon as he arrived in Danzhou Harbor, but upon remembering his mission he immediately felt guilty. Instead, he sent the servants to buy tea while he sat in a bar and tried to get a hold of his emotions.

They had not heard from the second housekeeper they had sent to Danzhou some years ago, and they weren't even sure if he was dead or alive. All the people of Count Sinan's house were clear on the fact there was conflict between house of Danzhou and the capital, and they figured that even though Fan Xian was on his own, something had happened to the second housekeeper.

If this was true, then the people of Count Sinan's house had to reevaluate their views on the illegitimate son; after all, Fan Xian was only twelve when the second housekeeper went missing. The only way that the second housekeeper could have disappeared so quietly was if it was by order of the Countess, which proved that the Countess was on Fan Xian's side and that it was likely second wife was in store for hard times.

Zeng Zijing noticed that the newspaper on the wall was dated last month, which meant that he had already read it before in Count Sinan's study. There were no intriguing articles, as the lives of the officials in the capital were peaceful for now. There were no updates on the battle between the eldest prince and Xihu, and news of the chancellor's illegitimate daughter had died down, as the young people of the censorate had not pursued anything further even though they had the cover of the mighty emperor.

There were side articles about the Director of the Overwatch Council and his first love. Even though the paper was backed by the emperor, the editors would never have dared to post these articles if the absolutely horrifying and blood-chilling director had been in the capital.

It was obvious from this that Director Chen had taken his first vacation in twenty years and had gone to visit his hometown. As the emperor was especially reliant on him, there would be no major activities during his absence.

Teng Zijing thought of Count Sinan's orders and could not understand exactly why it was an absolute priority that he ensured the young master with no identity was rushed to the capital before the Director returned, nor would he delay things, even if it meant going against an angry Countess. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, gathered the servants, and headed for the corner of Danzhou where Count Sinan's estate was located.

The liveliness in Count Sinan's estate was a rare sight. All of the servant stood outside the hall and took in the people standing in the middle of the hall. Everyone knew that these people were from the estate in the capital, so to them, it was no wonder that they looked energetic even in pale green clothing. Since Danzhou and the capital were far from each other, the two estates didn't interact that much. As it was unusual for such a large number of people to be sent from the capital's estate, the maids were trying to guess their motives.

Leading the servants, Ten Zijing knelt down conscientiously in front of the Countess and performed several deep bows in respect and as a greeting. Afterwards, he passed on the message Count Sinan sent and stepped quietly aside to wait for her response.

Teng Zijing was aware of her place in the Fan Family, so he breathed as quietly as possible to show his deepest respects. He glanced at the young boy who was currently massaging the Countess's shoulders.

The young boy was pretty. He had long eyelashes, full red lips, and eyes that sparkled softly. In general, he looked like a girl. The wide smile on his face made him seem amiable and friendly.

This was, of course, Fan Xian.

Teng Zijing sighed to himself. He thought it was unfair that this beautiful child was an illegitimate son with no identity. Perhaps it was because he was infected by the warm smile, Teng Zijing began to question whether this young master was easier to serve than the one in the capital.

After hearing what this person in front of her needed to say, The Countess cast her eyes down in thought before she spoke in a low voice, "I understand. Zijing, you may rest now, since you have worked so hard and have travelled over 1,000 miles...Sisi, please ask Lao Huangtou to prepare some hot water and food."

The servants collectively acknowledged her request ,and the servants from the capital thanked her before exiting the hall. Although Teng Zijing was on a tight schedule from Count Sinan, he didn't dare to bring it up. He glanced at the foreign young master one last time instead and left.

The hall became quiet.

"Well, you heard. Your father wants you to go to the capital." The old lady gently patted Fan Xian's hands, which sat on her shoulder. "What do you think?"

Although Fan Xian was smiling widely, his mind was calculating. He was suspicious as to why his father had called him to the capital all of a sudden without warning. Perhaps he was preparing a career for his illegitimate son, but the spring imperial examinations had already begun, and he would never be able to make it in time, as it took at least a month to travel to the capital.

Upon hearing The Countess's words, Fan Xian smiled wryly and answered, "I've never been to the capital. I'm quite curious, and scared at the same time."

His answer was only half true- the truth being that he really was curious about the people who lived there and of the city where his mother and lived and fought battles. However, he was not scared at all, more frustrated at his own lack of knowledge.

"Would you like to go?" The Countess smiled; it was as if she could see through his thoughts.

"Yes." Fan Xian answered honestly, "I've always lived in Danzhou and have always wanted to get out and see the world."

"Oh, you no longer wish to keep your old grandma company?" the Countess joked.

Fan Xian giggled, "Oh, yeah! And you can go ahead and punish me for that." He continued, "Anyways, the man said so himself; father has prepared for us all to move to the capital, so I have nothing to worry about really, as I would be at my grandma's side at all times."

The Countess shook her head gently, and holding his hands, she pulled him in front of her and spoke softly. "My old bag of bones would not be able to tolerate the journey. If you wish to go, then go ahead. I will look after the house in Danzhou."

Fan Xian was thrown off guard. He had not expected his grandmother to reject the journey to the capital and he was at a loss for words.

Chapter 38: Last Night

Translator: Nyoi_Bo_Studio Editor: Nyoi_Bo_Studio

Grandmother and grandson sat in silence in the quiet hall. In the courtyard, the scented tea purchased by the people from the capital was piled in the corner. Slowly, the aroma of the tea began to seep out, eventually overpowering the smell of the flowers growing in the garden. A few yellow butterflies danced between the blossoming trees; above them, among the branches, the crisp chirping of hatchling birds could be heard.

"Go. The young phoenix becomes an adult when it utters its first cry. You should go and see the world." The Countess smiled. "It's just that, since you're still a child, I fear you may experience lots of unjust treatment in the capital. Can you endure that?"

Fan Xian knew what his grandmother meant. He smiled sweetly. "The second aunt was kind to me for the past few years, often sending gifts. Grandma, you don't need to worry."

The Countess shook her head. She was aware that, despite his quiet demeanor, Fan Xian was actually a strange boy with many unusual ideas. She gently caressed his head. After a brief moment of silence, she suddenly expressed her concern. "If… something comes up, bear with it, for your father and me."

"Okay." Fan Xian nodded.

"To be honest, I do not want you to go to the capital," the Countess said very carefully, "but… you have to go eventually, so I might as well ask you to do something."

"I'll do whatever you need."

"Do you still remember that housekeeper Zhou from four years ago?" The Countess smiled at Fan Xian.

Fan Xian's heart skipped a beat. He dared not make eye contact with his grandmother. After a long while, he forced a smile. "Of course I do."

After Fan Xian's answer, the pair finally got to the bottom of everything. The Countess was serious. "There was originally nothing to worry about, since you're a calm and smart child. But judging from that incident, I could see that you are still too innocent."

Fan Xian sighed inwardly. "Isn't innocent supposed to be a compliment?"

As if guessing his thoughts, the Countess squinted. With a cold gaze, she said, "If you really do go to the capital, you have to do something for me."

"What?" Fan Xian had a faint idea.

"Be merciless." As if feeling a bit tired, the Countess reclined back and rested on her chair. "While this world may appear peaceful, if you don't steel yourself, you will always be at a disadvantage."

Fan Xian did not say anything. In truth, he wasn't a gentleman; he only appeared to be one because he never got the chance to show his darker side in Danzhou. And so, he listened to the Countess's warning. He knew that her advice was priceless.

The Countess half-closed her eyes and said, "Your mother was so smart. But because she was also so kind, she ended up…" She suddenly opened her eyes and emphasized each of the following words: "Even if you have to kill others, you mustn't let others harm you."

Fan Xian nodded vigorously.



"Go pack. You father is under lots of pressure. He is afraid there really is something happening in the capital." The Countess looked at the child, who had just turned sixteen, with an expression full of warmth. "I'm not going. I'm staying here in Danzhou. If… your life in the capital isn't going well, or if there are people trying to take advantage of you, you can always come back whenever you want to."

"Right," Fan Xian answered. He stood up and went straight to his bedroom without saying much else.

After he entered his room, he quietly sat on his bed and wiped his face using his blanket. After making a mess out of his hair, he quietly said to himself, "Drat. I almost cried. Grandma really knows how to stir up feelings."


Shortly after nightfall, a lamp was dimly lit. Fan Xian, expressionless, was writing a letter to his younger sister in the capital, informing her of his arrival. It wasn't until after he had finished that he realized the letter might very well be pointless. The mail coach might not be any faster than the Count's carriage, meaning he might have already arrived by the time she received the letter.

Fan Xian tended to save his energy. Since he already wrote the letter, he might as well send it. He was just about to beckon Sisi to remind her to send the mail tomorrow when he turned around and saw her looking at him blankly, deep in thought.

"Sisi, what's on your mind?" He waved the letter in his hand to get her attention.

Sisi came back to her senses abruptly. She was quite embarrassed. "Oh, it's nothing. Is that for your sister? I'll take it for you."

Fan Xian retracted his hand and looked at her with curiosity. "What is it?"

Sisi thought for a bit. Finally, she gathered up her courage. "Young Master, you're about to leave for the capital. Aren't you happy?"

Fan Xian sat up straight and smiled at her. "Why this all of a sudden?"

"Young Master, I hear the capital is full of bad people." Sisi bit at her lip, unsure if she should continue. "Besides… you don't have much status. Once you're there, in front of the Count's second wife, I'm afraid your life will be difficult."

Fan Xian laughed. "So you're worried about me. Well, I can simply avoid the second wife. Even if I don't make a name for myself in the capital, I can still make a living running a clinic. As long as I don't stay at the Count's place… and quite frankly, I only want to go there to take a look."

Sisi said, "You won't be stuck doing menial tasks your whole life. After all, you've read so many books. You will certainly pass next year's examinations and become a high-ranking official. You will bring honor to your family."

Seeing how she said it so seriously, Fan Xian smiled slightly and didn't respond. He never thought of honoring his family, and deep inside he didn't even hold much feeling for his cheap father in the capital. Life over there was much different from how it was here with his grandmother.

"Why don't you take me with you to the capital?" This was what Sisi was actually worried about. She looked at Fan Xian with a pitiful expression. "The servants in the capital will certainly follow the second wife's orders, so you don't have anyone to rely on. What are you going to do?"

Fan Xian sighed. Sisi was two years older than him. If she were a maidservant of some other household, she would have been chased out a long time ago. The only reason she thought of herself as being dependable was because Fan Xian was secretly very mature as a result of having lived a previous life.

Fan Xian then told Sisi in a matter-of-fact manner, "I don't have any idea what the capital is like, so I can't possibly take you with me."

Sisi knew this was true. She was afraid she might never see her young master again after he left. She felt her heart sour a little and quickly turned around to organize the bookcase.

Fan Xian too felt gloomy as he watched her work, but there was nothing he could say.

Perhaps in the capital there would be some pleasant scenery, or interesting people, or curious things. But there would surely also be brandished blades and hidden darts. Fan Xian was willing to take such risks; he wanted to experience them. Because he had been gifted a second life, there was no sense in growing old and lonely without ever leaving the tiny city of Danzhou. However, he couldn't say the same for those he cared about. He wasn't confident he could protect them, so it wouldn't be possible for him to take Sisi along.

At night, he took a secret trip to the shop.

Chapter 39: Leaving Danzhou Harbor

Translator: Nyoi_Bo_Studio Editor: Nyoi_Bo_Studio

Teng Zijing never would have imagined that the Count's assignment would be completed so smoothly this time — he had originally thought that, since young master Fan Xian didn't have a reputation worthy of respect, he would be extremely reluctant to come to the capital and contend with the Count's second wife, and therefore must be trying his best to stay in Danzhou Harbor — the fact that this young master had agreed to the Count's request without complaint was beyond expectations.

That morning, he found out that the Countess had decided to stay in Danzhou Harbor. He didn't mind, however, because all he needed was for that lowly young master to go back to the capital. Since the Countess liked to be by the sea, she could stay there and live out her remaining years. In any event, the Count had not requested that everybody in the Danzhou estate move back to the capital.

At the front gate of the estate, a black carriage was waiting. It was pulled by three horses and there was a blue cushion at the driver's seat. The contrast between the blue and the black was rather striking. Surrounding the carriage was a huge crowd of Danzhou residents, drawn by the spectacle. After some gossiping, they found out the young master of the Fan household was moving back to the capital that day.

As with all humans, the residents of Danzhou Harbor had their shortcomings - being envious or sharp-tongued. Even so, all of them had developed some sentiments towards the little Fan child. After all, for over ten years, they watched this young master — who certainly did not act like one — stroll down the streets or shout from the rooftops. Now, hearing the news that he was leaving for the flourishing capital, they figured it was unlikely he would return. This caused some sobbing in the crowd.

The crowd waited outside the Count's estate, waiting for Fan Xian to step out for the last time.

They waited for a long time, but the charming face with its perpetual gentle smile never appeared.



The backyard was a mess. Fan Xian leaned against a column, smiling as he watched the maidservants rushing about. One of them shouted, "Toothbrush, forgot the toothbrush." They ended up spending even more time looking for it.

After coming to this world, Fan Xian hadn't come up with any major inventions. One of the minor things he came up with was a more comfortable toothbrush which used boar bristles instead of the conventional horsetail ones. He also made a softer pillow, replacing the hard pillows with cotton ones. And finally, he made a showerhead which he hung up behind the bedroom.

There were many others, but from the way things were going, he could only bring a few of them back to the capital.

After quite some time, when the carriage was completely stuffed by the last few bags, Fan Xian finally walked out slowly. He was smiling brightly and supporting the Countess as they walked.

Fan Xian greeted the people around him and wasn't surprised to see Sisi in the crowd. Her eyes were a little swollen; Fan Xian recalled her crying last night.

Today, as an exception, he wore a changshan. Lifting the front lapel, he knelt and kowtowed to the Countess.

After standing up, Fan Xian, going completely against the customs of this world, hugged the old woman tightly and firmly kissed her wrinkled forehead. He then said lightly, "Grandma, please find a good family for Sisi to marry into; at least a family like Dong'er's."

All of the estate's servants acted like they didn't see the young master causing trouble.

The Countess was surprised too. She never thought her typically well-behaved grandson would make such a scene. She knocked him on the head and said, "Why are you trying to stir things up? Of course I'll handle it."

Scanning the familiar faces before him, Fan Xian made a gesture of respect by saluting everyone. Smiling, he said, "Thanks for putting up with me all these years."

The servants dared not accept Fan Xian's courtesy and hurriedly found something to do.

Suddenly, the Countess smiled. "Go. Don't make your father wait. As for Sisi… if you eventually feel comfortable living in the capital, I'll send her over to you."

Fan Xian was startled for a moment. Before he could say something, he was already in the carriage in a confused state. With the sound of the wheels turning, the carriage slowly made its way out of Danzhou Harbor.

It was a bright and clear day. The silky white clouds floated across the blue sky. It was an exceptionally beautiful scene.

The carriage passed by the closed general store and passed far beyond the tofu stand. Lifting the curtain, Fan Xian looked towards the young woman running the tofu stand and her little daughter, who was now old enough to run around. Smiling slightly, he sat back down.

Under his seat was an ancient, black leather box.


In Danzhou Harbor, that struggling general store finally closed down for good. The city residents casually mentioned it, fearing the blind shop owner would end up old and poor, and offered their sympathy. Shortly afterwards, the topic switched back to young master Fan, who had just left the city. They were guessing that the Count had called his illegitimate son to the capital to assign him a position.

Presently, Fan Xian was lying in the spacious carriage. His carriage was in the middle of the traveling caravan. Inside, Fan Xian had laid his blanket down so that its softness could absorb some impact from the bumpy road. Of course, he also wanted to learn the real reason why his father wanted him in the capital, so he invited Teng Zijing, who was leading the guards, inside for a chat.

Teng Zijing sat on the other side of the carriage with a dark expression; he didn't know where to put his feet, as he feared he would dirty the snow-white blanket. He felt uncomfortable — in his eyes, this young master was just another prodigal son, no better than the other young master in the capital.

Fan Xian comfortably stretched. He squinted at the middle-aged man, who obviously possessed significant strength, and asked, "Mr. Teng, since we've already traveled so far from Danzhou Harbor, can you tell me why my father is summoning me to the capital?"

Teng Zijing was somewhat hesitant, as if there were some things he should not say.

Smiling, Fan Xian's eyes were sparkling clear. He said in a gentle voice, "You know my background. It's no wonder you're being cautious."

Teng Zijing squeezed out a smile in return, and respectfully answered, "Try not to look too much into it. The Count wants you to come to the capital in order to prepare you for your future."

Fan Xian waved his hand and shook his head. "There are only the two of us here; no need to beat around the bush." He suddenly laughed. "If you don't tell me, perhaps I'll jump out of the carriage and run away."

Teng Zijing laughed. "You're quite the comedian, my lord."

Before Teng Zijing could finish, Fan Xian stated coldly, "There are times when I don't like telling jokes."

Teng Zijing's heart skipped a beat as he wondered if Fan Xian was serious. "If you really didn't want to go to the capital, everyone would understand. So why didn't you speak out against it back in Danzhou Harbor, in front of the Countess?" Looking at the handsome youth, Teng Zijing started to realize Fan Xian wasn't as simple as he had thought.

Of course, Fan Xian wouldn't actually run away. Even though he figured that nothing good could be waiting for him in the capital, having lived a wealthy and leisurely life these past years, he lost his adventurous spirit a long time ago. A difficult, destitute life would not suit him.

He had come to this world to indulge himself.

At the same time, he wanted to see what the capital was like, which was why he had no intention of refusing when Count Sinan sent people to take him there. But that didn't mean he wasn't curious about what was being hidden from him.

After a long period of quiet, Teng Zijing could no longer endure the cold silence within the carriage. "My lord," he began, "in truth, the Count has arranged a marriage for you in the capital."

Fan Xian looked at him for a long while before finally asking, "Marriage?"

Chapter 40: Approaching the Capital

Translator: Nyoi_Bo_Studio Editor: Nyoi_Bo_Studio

"Correct," Teng Zijing replied respectfully. He did not wish for the same miserable ending as the housekeeper from a few years before, so he remained respectful toward this half-prince. .

Fan Xian frowned, and a calmness unusual for someone his age appeared on his face. His expression was nothing like that of any normal teenager who had just been told who they were going to be married to. "I'm curious about who my bride will be," he said softly.

He was 16 years old, and he knew that among influential officials and powerful families, marriage was discussed as a part of the agenda. Even after all these years, his father hadn't forgotten about his illegitimate son, and so this day was inevitable. However it seemed rather rushed, and he couldn't understand why.

"I am…not sure either," replied Teng Zijing. "But I have heard that the young lady of that family is good and virtuous, and that people say many good things about her in the capital."

His cautious explanation only made Fan Xian more suspicious. He was unsure why high-ranking officials would wish to marry off their daughters to an illegitimate son with no status, even if his parents were, secretly, extremely well-renowned people.

Seeing his facial expression, Teng Zijing eventually spoke. "The only thing is that the young lady's health is not good. She recently became ill, so it is rather urgent..."

Fan Xian had a sudden realization: he was a gift for the family of the sick girl. He couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

Teng Zijing studied the expression on his face and found that the young master was neither furious nor sorrowful. If anything he seemed calmer. He was to be married off to a dying girl - surely he should be at least somewhat angry?

Fan Xian had nothing to be angry about; he had seen this plot too many times before in his previous life, and getting angry wouldn't help matters. He felt a touch of sympathy for this girl, who was in her sickbed in the capital, forced into a marriage to some man she had never met just because of her failing health.

And what about him? Fan Xian was not easily depressed; he had always been somewhat chauvinistic, feeling that when it came to matters between men and women, it was always women who got the worst of it, and men who took advantage. He had always wanted to get married and have children in this world. If he happened to find a good woman, wouldn't that be all the better? Anyway, he had yet to arrive in the capital, so there was no need to flee straight away - he though it a good idea to investigate the matter first.

He just had to wait and see.

Would she be pretty? Cute? Is she like a lolita?



"Young master," asked Teng Zijing carefully, "why..."

"Why am I not angry?" Fan Xian smiled at him. "First, my going to the capital doesn't mean I agreed to getting married. Second, if I accept this marriage, it means that I like this girl. Third, even if she is confined to her sickbed, I don't think that it's anything to be embarrassed about. Fourth... perhaps you didn't know this, but I am quite a good doctor."

Teng Zijing was taken aback. This four-point explanation had confused him, particularly the last part - was the young master really a medical expert? But he still did not think that the young master's wedding could turn so easily from tragedy to happiness. The young lady's family situation was by no means a simple one. Even the imperial physicians could not treat her illness; how could the young master do so?

Before their carriage had stopped, Teng Zijing stepped out and climbed onto the first carriage, leaving Fan Xian by himself. The journey was a lonely one. He pulled back the curtain of the carriage and allowed the wind to caress his face. Squinting slightly, he looked at the scenery as it hurtled past and the flagstones set upon the road. It felt like a series of endless pictures being displayed over and over again.

It looked just like it had when he had come to this world 16 years ago.


It was a late April day. The grass that surrounded the capital had been trimmed, and the orioles had been startled by people out on nature walks. There were only two rows of green willows along the side of the moat, swaying gracefully, proudly observing the people who had come to the city from all over the world.

A convoy of three carriages approached from afar and joined the line along the road that was waiting to enter the city.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and out came a clean face with a brilliant smile. He looked at the city walls and the peaceful happy faces of the people around him. He breathed in deeply. "So this is what the capital is like."

The face, of course, belonged to Fan Xian. After weeks of difficult travel, they had all finally arrived in the capital. On the road, he had observed the unfamiliar sights of the Kingdom of Qing with great interest, finally fulfilling his own wanderlust, and having gotten to know Teng Zijing and his bodyguards, he had become closer to them.

Fan Xian was a loveable teenager who always had a smile on his face. A person like that finds it easy to make people happy.

Teng Zijing took hold of his arm and helped him step down from the carriage.

When his feet touched the road, Fan Xian rotated his ankles slightly, letting the soles of his cloth shoes touch as much of the ground as possible. It was if he was trying to feel whether the ground in the capital was different.

A great many people were trying to enter the capital, and security was tight, so the line was long. The waiting left Fan Xian rather bored. He pointed at the city before him, and chatted idly with Teng Zijing. He figured that the Count had not sent a large team of people to collect him because his status was not particularly great.

As they chatted, there was a sudden disturbance in the crowd behind them, and the people parted to create a wide path through. A squadron of cavalry rode silently and quickly through toward the city gate without stopping.

On the horse in the front was a young woman wearing a light-colored jacket and skirt. She had on a white deerskin hat that looked very attractive on her in the bright spring air.

Her eyebrows were indigo, like the color of distant mountains, and her eyes were clear and bright. She was quite beautiful, though she seemed worried as she sat on the horse. It seemed that she was in a hurry to return to the city; something must have happened.

Fan Xian stood by the side of the road, smiling as he observed the riders rushing past. "It seems there are many beautiful women in the capital," he said in admiration. He couldn't help but wonder what his 'wife' looked like.

Standing on the side of the road, Teng Zijing coughed lightly.

Fan Xian was only giving a compliment, he hadn't forgotten his manners - what was there to be nervous about? "It seems the capital is not as uptight as I thought," he said with a smile. "That girl was wearing a skirt while she was riding a horse, and nobody said a thing about it."

Teng Zijing laughed bitterly. "The woman who went passed us was the daughter of the master of the garrison," he explained. "Nobody would dare say anything to her."

"Oh," said Fan Xian, standing on top of the carriage to get a better look at the city gate. When the riders reached the gate, they did not wait in line at all. Presenting a token, they entered the city.

When it came time for Fan Xian to enter the city, he studied the guard's expression. It remained neutral, which was a part of his job.. When he looked back at the carriage, he realized why.

There were none of the markings of the Fan family on any of the carriages. It seemed that the capital would not be welcoming him with any great fanfare.

Chapter 41: Entering Fan Manor

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Manor stood on the east side of the city, some distance away from Tianhe Avenue, and out of sight of the imperial palace. This was a place where many high-ranking officials and nobles lived; commoners were rarely seen, and so the streets appeared much quieter. On the cold and cheerless street, a mansion stood every thirty meters. Outside the entrance to each mansion, a stone lion lay peacefully. The dozen or so lions stood guard, staring with what almost looked like a bored expression at the carriage that rolled down the street.

The black carriage passed slowly by, drawing little attention from either side of the road. Reaching Fan Manor, it turned with a little difficulty into a side alley, coming to a halt underneath the shade of a tree by the corner gate.

Fan Xian pulled the curtain on the carriage aside. Taking Teng Zijing's hand, he stepped down from the carriage. There was no expression on his face, and as he surveyed his surroundings he gave an almost imperceptible nod.

The wooden gate creaked open, and the servants came out to meet them, looking upon Fan Xian with curious glances, seemingly unsure how to greet him.

Fan Xian smiled and said nothing as he walked through the gate with Teng Zijing. The servants let out a sigh and began to unload the luggage that filled the carriage.

Within the gate, a young manservant waited, bowing as he ushered them in. As they entered, there was a rock garden in the courtyard, with neatly-groomed grass and a bubbling water feature. It was a most elegant sight, and as the old women saw them arrive, they moved quietly to the side, not uttering a word, remaining neatly in formation.

As they carried on, still yet to reach the inner courtyard, Fan Xian couldn't help but let out a sigh of awe at the sight of all the splendor of this old mansion. It was much, much grander than the estate in Danzhou. With such a grand mansion in one of the most expensive areas of the capital, it seemed that his father was certainly a man of great influence.

Entering such a grand residence as this would make any average ordinary person feel flustered and anxious, not daring to say a word for fear of putting a foot wrong.

But Fan Xian was not any person. He had lived two in two worlds; he had died and been reborn. And so he felt rather more at ease. He was accustomed to his status as a baseborn son, and in keeping with the social attitudes of his previous life, he didn't see anything wrong with it. If anything, he thought his father was the one who ought to be ashamed, so the grandeur of Fan Manor did not perturb him too much.

As he walked along, looking around the manor, he smiled, completely at ease. Although there was perhaps a hint of shyness in his smile, it was a cover and nothing more. As he surveyed the scene, he let out a low whistle of astonishment. As he passed by a weeping willow, he stroked its branches with his hand. As he strolled over an arch bridge, he peered at the goldfish that swam in the shallow waters beneath. It appeared that he did as he pleased.

The servants of the manor could not help but look upon his manner with curiosity. So this was the "young master" they had heard so much about. Some of the things they heard were good, some not so much. Either way, it was suggested that this young man had a forceful personality, though it was hard to describe in words.

As they approached the inner courtyard, Teng Zijing spoke in a low voice. "Young master, I am not permitted to go any further. You must enter alone..." He paused for a moment in thought. "Young master, when you speak..." Teng Zijing secretly harbored some admiration how young Fan Xian seemed unaffected by all the trappings of status. He felt he had to say something to the young lad about the power struggles that went on inside Fan Manor, but the words could not leave his lips. It felt impetuous to do so, and he had no idea how to word it.

Fan Xian could tell that he was deep in thought. Moved, he clasped his hands respectfully and bowed slightly. "Don't worry, Mister Teng," he said, asking him to make sure his luggage was taken care of, and suggesting that he might call upon him later that evening.

To calmly arrange the day's later affairs at such a moment at this suggested to Teng Zijing that this handsome young man possessed a great maturity. On hearing it, he relaxed slightly and smiled, going off with the young manservant to rest in the courtyard to the side.

A young servant-girl took the place of the young manservant. She was a rather pretty young woman. Fan Xian followed her into the rear courtyard.

A middle aged woman, carrying a brass basin, walked up to them and curtsied. She washed his face with pleasantly warm water.

Fan Xian remained silent as he washed his hands. He returned the towel and thanked her.

The woman was rather taken aback to hear him thank her. She walked away, somewhat confused.

Fan Xian smiled. "The capital's nothing like Danzhou", he thought. The politeness he'd shown to servant girls was seen as excessive and inappropriate here.

He entered the inner courtyard, but instead of standing in a foyer, he was led into a side door by the servant-girl. The walls around the side door were all painted white, and black eaves protruded slightly from above the passageway.

He stood there for a while, but no one came to meet him. He was unsure whether this was intended to put him in his place in the mansion as the Count's baseborn son. He sighed, beginning to feel uneasy. He looked up at the carefully-constructed black eaves. The old manor was a indeed a rather tasteful building.

He was incorrect in his assumptions, however. The young servant-girl and the old made stood to one side not because they wished to treat him coldly, but because they were aware of his status. They did not dare to approach him. This was partly because they were unsure how to address him, as he was not the son of the Count's legal wife. But it was also because the Count had not yet arrived, and as servants they did not dare to act rashly. Someone had already gone to inform the master of the house.

Fan Xian waited. With a self-deprecating smile, he called over the young servant-girl.

She was quite young, her face delicate and fair. "Young... young ... what is your wish?" She had, at first, wanted to address him as 'young master', but she was unsure if it was appropriate. She stammered, her face turning crimson.

"Bring me a chair," said Fan Xian, giggling at her discomfort.

She followed his orders, carrying in a heavy wooden chair from the hall, which left her slightly out of breath.

Fan Xian drew closer and took hold of the chair, placing it on the ground and smiling slightly. He sat down on it with noble bearing, and lifted his head to look at the eaves, ignoring the rest of his surroundings.

When she saw him sit on the chair, the servant-girl was shocked. If one's elders are yet to arrive, one should stand with one's hands folded - how could he act so boldly?



The sound of footsteps echoed from the hall, and a light fragrance was carried on the wind. It could make one's heart flutter. Fan Xian turned his head to the side, and saw a noblewoman approaching, a slight smile on her face. She was good-looking, and her eyes were neatly decorated with eyeshadow. She wore a skirt that fluttered around her, and her beauty was sure to turn heads wherever she went. Hers was an air of reserved nobility that suggested that she was not to be trifled with.

Fan Xian let out a sigh and stood up from the chair.

She raised her umber-painted eyebrows and smiled, lighting up the room. "Xian," she said, regarding him from afar. "The journey must have been difficult. Take a seat."

"Good day, stepmother," said Fan Xian, smiling sweetly.

Chapter 42: Lady Liu

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This was the second wife of Count Sinan, Lady Liu Ruyu, who was taken into the Count's household over a decade ago. Her family's roots ran deep: within three generations, they had become high nobility. So when she had become a concubine of Count Sinan, it was a source of great discussion within the capital. Everyone wondered what the Liu clan could be thinking, to give away a daughter to Fan Jian. Even if he had just been made Count Sinan, he was only a distant relative of the influential Fan clan. It was only in the past decade that he had gained the Emperor's favor and amassed great prestige, climbing up the ranks; now the great family served her ruthless vision.

But strangely, the Count had never intervened in her scheming. Whether this decision was made rationally, or out of deference to the Liu clan, it made little sense either way.

Fan Xian smiled sweetly. "It is good to finally meet my father's concubine."

Lady Liu also smiled, but an indescribable expression flashed in her eyes. Hearing this child call her 'concubine' rankled; most people would have called her his second wife.

There was a world of difference between 'concubine' and 'second wife'.

"Come along," she said, smiling, "you've come a long way. What have you been doing dawdling under these eaves? If anyone saw you, they'd think that Fan Manor was inhospitable."

Inhospitable? There were certainly some people they didn't want to be hospitable to, thought Fan Xian. He knew that she was reminding him of his own status as an illegitimate child, but at the same time, he admired the beauty of her words. He wasn't prepared for a war of words with the woman; he knew full well that she had been in the manor for a long time, and it wouldn't have been worth it to spar with her verbally. But, considering that they were at cross-purposes with each other, why did he have to back down?

It seemed that she wasn't some fool with sinister intentions, as he had imagined her before. So now he felt somewhat confused - why had she tried to kill him four years ago?

As he followed her into the hall, he made sure not to stay too far away. Her unique scent reached his nostrils, and he inhaled. It was quite a pleasant aroma.

In times like these, one may have trivial thoughts. Fan Xian felt rather pleased with himself, and he smiled as he made small talk with Ms Liu.

The noblewoman and the young man both played their part, putting on a facade of a mother and son.



The tea arrived. It was genuine Wufeng tea - a fine variety. The refreshments had also arrived - fine flaky pastries from the south. After talking about the journey, how the lady of the house was faring back in Danzhou, the seaside scenery of the town he had just left behind, and what was worth seeing in the capital, the two found that they had nothing else to say to each other - at the very least, nothing polite.

So, going by what seemed to be a quiet mutual understanding, Lady Liu and Fan Xian sat in silence. Both were aware that the other person was not easy to deal with. There was no sense in sounding out each other with clever words; it was best that they both stayed silent.

The awkward atmosphere of the room had convinced the servant-girls to keep quiet out of fear, even making sure that they stepped lightly as they came by to refill the tea.

But neither Fan Xian Nor Lady Liu felt awkward; once in a while they would grasp their teacups and look at each other, their gazes soft and gentle but hiding daggers underneath.

Lady Liu was perturbed. She had discovered that this was no ordinary young man before her. To her surprise, the situation had not stopped him from responding freely, without the least bit of nervous restraint. He seemed mature and earnest, perhaps even more prudent than his father.

It seemed to her that she should not have listened to advice she had received four years before, which had made her hasty to see him as an enemy without good cause. Now it appeared something of a mistake. It would be difficult to resolve this situation.

As they sat in silence, Lady Liu suddenly got the feeling that it was weakening her position. After all, she was his elder. She cleared her throat. "Your father is now an official at the Treasury," she said. "Have you come to the capital to prepare for next year's imperial examinations, or will you be going straight to the Treasury for work?"

Fan Xian smiled. "I shall do as Father says." He paused for a moment. "But I'm not sure when he'll be back."

He was telling the truth. There were a few people he wanted to meet with in the capital. Lady Liu was one of them, as was Fei Jie and his little sister Ruoruo. But the person he was most interested in meeting was definitely his father.

He was very curious as to how Count Sinan had caught the eye of his mother, the head of the illustrious Ye family. In his mind, he thought of the dead woman as his mother, but never much considered Count Sinan to be his father. This was perhaps a quirk of the male mentality.

"Your father will return shortly."

As she said this, there was a slight clattering outside the door to the inner courtyard. The servant girls hurried to greet whoever it was, but the noise came too quickly, and the servant girls were unable to bar the way. A young woman walked in.

She wasn't particularly pretty, but she was exceptionally neatly-dressed, with what seemed to be a somewhat delicate and faintly indifferent disposition. The indifference was not that of an ice maiden - a loathing for the impure things surrounding her - but rather of someone who had yet to discover their own self-confidence, and so created an apathetic demeanor, feeling at odds with the world around them.

Fan Xian's heart skipped a beat. It wasn't becoming of a young noblewoman to have such a cold exterior.

The young woman looked Fan Xian in the face. Her cold expression softened until it finally melted away entirely, and a slight blush began to spread on her cheeks. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped. She took a step back and slightly rearranged her garments. Curtsying, she spoke in a gentle, clear voice that seemed both polite and boastful. "Good day, brother."

Fan Xian smiled, and held out his hand to support her. "Ruoruo, there's no need to be so polite."

The two exchanged glances and faint, earnest smiles. They had exchanged letters for many years. In this world, each was the person the other one knew most deeply.

But the sound of a clumsy child immediately broke their tender reunion.

"Hey, are you Fan Xian?"

Fan Xian turned to face the youngster who had entered. He was rather chubby, and the left side of his face was covered in unsightly moles. His face seemed full of resentment, and he stared at Fan Xian with a slight disgust.

Chapter 43: Ruoruo's Lessons

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian sat down, ignoring the boy, and offered his little sister a seat. "Who's the boy?" he asked, smiling. He had already guessed who the plump young lad was, but he wasn't going to say anything.

"I'm Fan Sizhe," the boy said, "the young master of the Fan family." He looked Fan Xian in the eyes. "Hmph. So you're the bastard."

He heard a faint sound, and tried to catch sight Lady Liu in the corner of his eye. To his surprise, she had already left, and he wasn't sure where she'd gone. It seemed she had intentionally allowed her son to come in and annoy him, overturning his efforts to remain calm. In any case, if he acted inappropriately, there was the excuse that Sizhe was still young and unaware of how he should behave.

A strange smile crept across Fan Xian's face. He was already aware when he left Danzhou that the Count's heir was a bad-tempered, rude, and unreasonable young boy. For his father's sake, Fan Xian decided that he would commit himself to educating his 'little brother'... to prevent him from committing some grave offence and bringing the house of Fan into disrepute.

But taking on this task was more than he had bargained for.

"Give me your hand," said Ruoruo, coldly. As she said this, she pulled out a ruler.

"Why?" mumbled Fan Sizhe. His face was filled with fear, and yet he still obediently extended his hand.

Two solid whacks later, Fan Sizhe's hand was left with two red marks. Tears began to well up in his eyes, but he gritted his teeth and tried to keep them back. "But sis, he is a bast..."

Before the word could leave his mouth, Ruoruo had already brought the ruler down on his hand again, her expression completely unchanged.

Fan Xian realized that the coldness of his sister's manner, in the eyes of most people, would seem rather repressed.

"First of all, you are to call him 'older brother'. Second of all, you understand our family's status, so you shall not make such awful remarks. Third of all, if you will not respect your elder brother, then you will be punished."

Fan Ruoruo spoke coldly. The way she gripped the ruler in her hand reminded Fan Xian of a kindergarten teacher - gentle on the outside, but ferociously strict on the inside.

Fan Sizhe looked Fan Xian resolutely in the eyes, pressed his lips together tight, and ran away towards the rear courtyard.

"Every time, he runs crying to mama," sighed Fan Ruoruo.

"I was wondering what he was about to say."

"He'll think twice before saying it again."

"It's quite funny to watch you be so strict with him."

"I don't think there's anything funny about discipline, brother."

"Why do you carry a ruler to hit him with?"

"Father gave me the authority to discipline him."

"It seems I was mistaken in my analysis of how the world works."

"You mean, in terms of male authority?"

"Uh-huh. There's still the question of distribution of power in the household."

"It seems that I now hold a little power."

"But don't forget, that kind of power is completely dependent on that man's whims."

"Brother, you should not forget that 'that man', as you call him, is our father."



Their quick-fire question-and-answer session at an end, Fan Xian and Fan Ruoruo smiled at each other. They were truly happy to be in each other's company, with no one else around. Fan Ruoruo let her guard down and allowed herself to laugh; it seemed her happiness was difficult to restrain.

Fan Xian was the same. Perhaps because they had exchanged so many letters, they were able to have a conversation on each other's intellectual level. When they had started to write to each other, Fan Ruoruo was still young. To an extent, her view of people and of the world had been deeply yet imperceptibly shaped by Fan Xian's influence.

They had not seen each other in ten years, so it would have been natural to feel like strangers to each other. But as they sensed the bond that had developed between them, it soon brought them closer together. It was as if the two siblings had never been apart but had seen each other every day; as if they were long-standing intellectual confidants and close friends.

In their relationship, Fan Ruoruo saw Fan Xian as a kind of tutor, and Fan Xian saw her as his student and his junior. They had a subtle mutual understanding.

Fan Xian smiled. "It seems like you have a good life here," he said to her in a low voice. "I suppose I don't need to worry."

Fan Ruoruo lowered her head. "I have missed your counsel, brother," she said quietly.

"Oh?" Fan Xian smiled shyly. Had the last chapter he wrote and sent to her had an effect? It wouldn't be right to ask so directly.

"Lady Liu has been happy with herself recently," she said coldly, calling her by her name. Even though she and Fan Xian were the only two people in the hall, the atmosphere had clearly gotten colder.

Fan Xian paused for a moment in thought. "Even though I was far away in Danzhou, I knew about the Liu family's position in the capital. You shouldn't disrespect her."

"I won't." Fan Ruoruo's eyelids drooped, and her eyelashes hung beautifully on her pale skin.

Fan Xian gazed at her with a slight smile. It was his good fortune to find someone who understood him in this world, even if it was someone that he had taught himself.

"Did you receive my letter?" he asked softly.

"Mm." Fan Ruoruo smiled, and the coldness left her face. "I saw it in my room the other night. It scared me, I thought some awful person had left it there. But then I saw the handwriting and I realized it was you."

Fan Xian shrugged. Relying on Wu Zhu's abilities to deliver a letter was truly a waste of his talent.

No one had entered the room to interrupt their conversation. Fan Xian was happy for that. He took a sip of his tea. "You probably don't know why I'm in the capital," he said firmly.

Fan Ruoruo lifted her head and looked at her brother with a smile that didn't seem quite like a smile should.

Fan Xian felt somewhat embarrassed by her gaze. "What is it?" he mumbled.

Fan Xian gave a sigh that seemed almost mocking, then smiled. "I think most people know why you're here. I believe the children of the capital's noble houses are quite curious. Count Sinan must have big plans for his illegitimate son, if he's going to summon him to the capital."

"Eh?" Fan Xian was taken aback. "I thought father brought me here in secret. How come everybody knows? There can't be that many people in the capital who know who I am. Why is everyone so curious about me?"

"Because you're here to be married." Fan Ruoruo laughed. "The bride father has arranged for you is quite well-known."

Fan Xian frowned. Although he didn't necessarily want to marry her, he was still rather concerned over what his bride might be like. "Do you know her?"

"My future sister-in-law is a daughter of the Lin family." Fan Ruoruo's eyes shone. "Not only do I know her, I believe the whole capital knows her."

"What Lin family? Why is this girl so famous?" Fan Xian raised his eyebrows.

"Brother, although you were far away in Danzhou, I know that the imperial household sent you a letter about it. Grandmother should have a copy of it." Fan Ruoruo laughed.

Fan Xian thought back and slapped his palm to his forehead in realization. "You mean the Lin family, as in the family of the Prime Minister, Lin Ruofu? She's the illegitimate daughter from that great scandal he was caught up in?"

Chapter 44: Father and Son

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Qing Kingdom had entered an age of prosperity. The past ten years had seen fine weather for crops, and peace and stability for the people. The nation had the wisest ruler in its history, who received a great many accolades for his management of state affairs. But strangely, it also had the most corrupt bureaucracy in its history, and its most wicked Prime Minister.

This was Prime Minister Lin Ruofu. Lin Ruofu was born in poverty - he was by no means the son of a noble family. He entered the bureaucracy after passing the imperial exams, starting as an evaluator in Suzhou before being transferred to the capital to work as an administrator for palace affairs. He later moved on to being responsible for the imperial army, before returning to lead the Overwatch Council in the capital. He also held a degree from the elite Hanlin Academy, and during the last government reforms, he was responsible for specific affairs of the six departments, rising from an assistant minister to minister in the Ministry of Appointments, before rising to head of the bureaucracy. He was subordinate to only the Emperor, with thousands of people underneath him in his role as Prime Minister.

People who paid cautious attention to the posts he had held discovered that he had he had experience with civilian affairs, military affairs, literature, and the Auditors. Although his career had had ups and downs, he had experience in every area of the bureaucracy, and had made slow but steady progress climbing the ranks throughout his life.

There were rumors that Lin Ruofu was not trusted within the palace. His ability to move throughout the complex bureaucracy despite his lack of deep connections left many feeling astonished.

The Prime Minister seemed a principled man on the outside, but his exterior hid a treacherous spirit, and he accepted countless bribes. His plotting and scheming within the bureaucracy and the nobility had caught the ire of many people, and so he was loved neither by officials or by the common people.

But his efforts over the past decade had granted him a control over the bureaucracy that could not be toppled. Occasionally an official would accuse him of misconduct, but lacking any concrete evidence they would have no choice but to drop the subject. The upstanding officials of the capital hated him to the bone, but did not dare to cross him.

Only the Emperor could strip him of his power or his life - every official knew this. Only the Director of the Overwatch Council could spit in his face. No one else among the nation's most powerful people had the courage.

And when the Director had spat at him in the street, he was fined three years' salary; the punishment was personally ordered by the Emperor.



People found that the Emperor's trust in his Prime Minister would never waver. Officials who considered themselves uncorrupt began to despair. No one could have foreseen that, at that moment, a scandal would emerge in the newspaper, accusing the Prime Minister of having fathered an illegitimate daughter.

In noble houses, it was normal for the master of the house to have a number of concubines; to only have one woman was seen as rather embarrassing. But parentage and etiquette were seen as extremely important in society. Everyone knew that the Prime Minister was cunning and ruthless, but he had always appeared uncorrupted. To have an illegitimate daughter outside one's household showed a great lack of morals. And that daughter was now a teenager. She was not permitted to live within his manor; she lived outside, alone. It was proof that, when he came to fatherhood, he lacked even the slightest compassion.

Because the news had come from the imperial palace, it caused a great stir within the capital. People debated whether the Prime Minister had angered His Majesty, and whether the Emperor was preparing to replace him with someone else. The imperial censor Master Tai later gathered a petition on the matter.

To everyone's surprise, the Emperor personally intervened to put an end to the matter. The affair gradually settled down, but the Prime Minister's illegitimate daughter became the center of attention.


Fan Xian laughed bitterly. He never would have thought that he and his bride-to-be would have so much in common. At that moment, the silence outside was broken. They both knew who had returned home. They looked at each other, unsure what to say. Fan Xian gave her a look that suggested they go outside. Fan Ruoruo nodded slightly.

Candles were lit, but the sky was yet to darken, which made their flames seem much weaker.

In the hall was a table laid with a sumptuous variety of dishes. Five people sat around it, with a number of servant girls attending to their needs. Fan Xian realized that Lady Liu was no ordinary concubine. She did not wait for the master of the house to eat first, but sat by the side of the middle-aged man, her face calm and composed.

Is that middle-aged man really my father? Fan Xian couldn't help but furrow his brow, and pleasant-looking wrinkles spread across his forehead.

Count Sinan had a stern, average-looking face, with a four-inch beard on his chin in keeping with the current style. He seemed quite a serious man, not given to humor.

Calmly finishing his meal, Count Sinan walked away, and Fan Xian followed him to the library.

This was the first time he had ever been alone with his "father". He smiled. He wasn't particularly emotional about it - deep in his heart, he had never seen the man as his own flesh and blood.

Count Sinan looked at the young man before him, noting his delicate complexion. He looked thoughtful, and after a long while, he finally spoke. "You look just like your mother."

Fan Xian had no response - he had never seen his mother. He had many questions for the man who stood in front of him, but he knew it was not his place to ask first.

"How has it been in Danzhou?" Count Sinan looked at him, his face betraying a hint of exhaustion, and yet still carrying traces of the beauty he possessed in his prime.

"It's been alright."

"I believe you already got Teng Zijing to tell you why I have summoned you to the capital when you were on your way here."


"Do you feel wronged?"

"No," Fan Xian smiled. "I just took a ride to the capital. I never said I agreed to marry Miss Lin."

There was a deathly silence in the library as soon as he said it. "Do you know what marriage means?" asked Count Sinan coolly, eventually breaking the silence.

"Other than continuing the family line, it means the Fan family has a chance at currying favor at the palace?"

Fan Xian's response was in jest, but he had no love for his father. Logically, he knew he should have remaiined dispassionate. But his father treated his own son's marriage as merely a political allegiance. Although he understood and accepted it, that did not mean that he wasn't angry - just that over the past few days, he had managed to hide his anger well.

Chapter 45: Palace Intrigues

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Very well. You're showing your anger at last." The corners of Count Sinan's mouth curled into a slow smile. "From what I heard of you in Danzhou, I assumed that you were not prone to anger. My child, you are only sixteen. If you suppress your emotions, it will cause you no end of pain."

"So what?" Fan Xian fixed his father with an odd look, and made up his mind. "There's something I need to tell you first, father."

"And what would that be?"

"I... I'm not going to let you control me." Fan Xian's speech was blunt.

"I have no desire to control you... even though... you are my son." Count Sinan looked into Fan Xian's eyes coldly, as if he were searching for the slight panic behind his calm demeanor. "But we must forge this alliance to the Prime Minister's family through marriage. I am not going to debate this with you."

Fan Xian lowered his head in a moment of thought, then raised it again with a smile brimming with self-confidence and perserverance. "You can try."

Count Sinan seemed somewhat angered. He gripped the armrest of his chair tightly, the exertion making prominent his blue veins. After some time, he composed himself. "What is it about this that do you not understand?" he said coolly. "The Lin family's daughter is a gentle, considerate girl, educated and well-mannered. It would be a good match... and our family does not need to cement its status through marriage. Does someone as insignificant as Lin Ruofu really matter to us?"

Fan Xian was felt somewhat surprised. His father seemed genuine... but if he really saw the Prime Minister as insignificant, then why did he want his son to marry into the Lin family? Was it simply because the young Miss Lin really was that wonderful? Fan Xian couldn't believe it, no matter what.

Fan Xian frowned. "Why does it have to be her?"

Count Sinan gave a slight smile. "Because Miss Lin's mother is the Eldest Princess, the younger sister of His Majesty. The Eldest Princess has never married, but she has managed business for the imperial household in secret, providing no end of money for the nation and the royal family."

Fan Xian was shocked. To think that his yet-unseen bride-to be was the daughter of the Eldest Princess! And that the Prime Minister and the Eldest Princess had had an affair... even multiple affairs? No wonder the Prime Minister had climbed his way up the ladder so easily... he was quite the lothario after all.

There were surely only a few people in the entire nation who knew of this secret... were it not for his father's close and lifelong friendship with the Emperor, he would not have known either. Fan Xian suddenly realized that this secret was not something that his father should have divulged to him.

Count Sinan smiled. "Make no mistake, this should never leave these walls. If you speak of it, you'll be put to death. So if it ever reaches your ears, you are to act as if you never heard it. I am telling you the the royal family's secrets because I want you to be prepared. I don't want you to ruin your relationship with Miss Lin when you meet her."



Fan Xian suddenly recalled something that Wu Zhu had told him. His face fell, and he sighed. "The royal business that the Eldest Princess has been managing... was it once the Ye family's business?"

"Correct." There was a trace of tenderness in Count Sinan's eyes - admiration for this young man before him, able to see through things and get to the truth so easily.

"Miss Lin is the Eldest Princess's only child, and the Emperor has long allowed the Eldest Princess to manage the royal household's business. So whoever marries her, becoming the Eldest Princess's son-in-law, is likely to become the master of the royal family's business."

The long explanation had left Count Sinan somewhat tired, but he deep down, he felt a twinge of excitement. He pushed himself up from the chair and gazed at Fan Xian, emphasizing every word. "That business belonged to your mother, so you're only taking back what belonged to you!"



There was a deathly silence.

"Father, I'm in awe of your plans." Fan Xian bowed to his father. "Even though Miss Lin is not a princess, she is of royal standing - do you really think we can take back mother's business this way? It feels somewhat arrogant to me."

"Of course, I have tricks up my sleeve. Do not forget that I am an official in the Treasury. I also manage financial affairs." Count Sinan smiled, finding himself more and more appreciative of his son's ability to keep a cool head. "There's something else I must tell you. That old thief Lin Ruofu has little control over the matter, but he has some doubts about this marriage. I hope that you will soon make yourself well-regarded within the capital."

"Why?" Fan Xian had some doubts. Although Lin Ruofu was Prime Minister and head of the bureaucracy, he was fully aware that the Fan family was held in high regard in the capital. Surely he should be pleased about his daughter making such a powerful allegiance - why would he oppose it? In terms of status, the young lady was roughly on a level with Fan Xian - they were born in the same circumstances.

"Everyone has their own positions," explained the Count, coldly. "Different people will see things differently. The Fan clan is one of the capital's great houses. Lin Ruofu is head of the bureaucracy. It is of great significance for the two families to be secretly connected by marriage. Lin Ruofu has misgivings because he fears that His Majesty will doubt his intentions. He also fears that his young subordinates in the bureaucracy will be disloyal as a result."

Fan Xian sighed, and smiled self-effacingly. "I gave it a lot of thought on my way here, but it sounds like it's your way or the highway."

"That's right. So you had best find a way to get Miss Lin to approve of you." The Count laughed. "But what does 'my way or the highway' mean?"

"I misspoke." Fan Xian pursed his lips and smiled, changing the subject. "Father, there's something I have always wanted to know, but I don't know if can ask you."

"Go ahead."

"Never mind. It's getting late. I'd best go to bed." He didn't know why, but he couldn't find the words. He decided to ask something else instead. "I'm still new to the capital, would you mind if Teng Zijing could accompany me?"

"Teng Zijing would make a good guide, but he is not the greatest of fighters..." Count Sinan frowned. "I shall assign you a bodyguard. The capital can be a treachorous place."

Fan Xian smiled. "No need, we've been through a lot together. I'm used to him. No need to change him for someone else."

After some more light conversation, Fan Xian saw that it was late and bade his father good night. The servant girls had been waiting for him the whole time, and when he left the room, they escorted him through the twisting corridors to his bedchamber.

Chapter 46: Old Friends in a Distant City

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian lay on the freshly made bed and ran his hands over the wonderfully smooth silk cover while he thought about what his father had told him. Although he had expected to run into some problems in the capital, he had never expected them to be so serious.

Before he left, Fan Xian had originally planned to ask his father about the attempt to assassinate Fan Xian ordered by the Liu clan four years ago, but after some thought he decided against it. There was no use in forcefully uncovering the dirty secrets of high status clans. What's more, Fan Xian could tell from the first conversation with his father that he really did care for him.

It seemed like he was sent to Danzhou because the people who had killed his mother were still in the capital.

Thinking of this, his lips formed a dry smile. Was he really going to marry that sickly girl? At this point, it felt like he was the one scheming against the young Miss Lin.

She really did seem like a pathetic girl.

With this in mind, Fan Xian decided to visit Miss Lin when he had the chance. His attention moved to the slender box placed carelessly in the corner of the room. He wondered where its key was.

Due to the journey, Fan Xian had to stop training for ten days. Without a word, he began to practice and the zhenqi began slowly flowing. Just before he entered a meditative state, he thought of his father and his head filled with countless questions.

While Fan Xian tossed and turned during his first night in the capital's estate, Count Sinan was in a daze in his study. Seeing Fan Xian's charming and dainty face for the first time in 16 years brought back old memories. "Xiao Yezi," he mumbled to himself, "Your child has grown up to be so smart at such a young age, just like you were... Chen Pingping was against him coming to the capital, so when he went on vacation I brought Fan Xian over. I have been guaranteed by someone that the Ye family business will be rightfully returned to him…"

A light shone on the face of the serious middle-aged man as he whispered softly. "Don't worry. No one in this country would dare harm him."


Sunlight peaked through the gaps in the clouds, causing the land below to flicker between light and dark. The new branches of the old trees by the roadside danced gently in the breeze. It was the end of spring and young lotus flowers covered the lake by the foot of the mountain.

The Fan estate's carriage rolled forward slowly, surrounded by guards. It was quite an impressive scene.

The carriage was silent inside. Fan Xian had his eyes half-closed while Ruoruo was carefully peeling the thin skin of some loquats before feeding the sweet and sour fruit to her brother.

Fan Xian opened his mouth and swallowed the fruit in one bite. It was so sour that he had to swallow repeatedly.

A look of disbelief was plastered on Fan Si's face as he observed this scene in horror. His 15-year-old sister was an expert in the arts. She was famous amongst the aristocracy of the capital for her ice-cold attitude which caused countless noblemen to sigh in grief. And yet….. Here she was peeling loquats and feeding them to some fellow named Fan Xian!

Fan Rourou had no idea she was looking at her older brother with a face full of admiration, or that her younger brother had witnessed everything. She had only wanted to make her older brother more at home. She thought he must have had a hard time in Danzhou, and now that he had finally moved to the capital, he had been assigned to marry Miss Lin. In Ruoruo's eyes, no one was fit to be with her brother, let alone a girl who was in such a sickly state.

Though the young Miss Fan was well known throughout the capital, she always saw herself as a little girl listening to ghost stories in the Danzhou estate. She was the only one who knew that her brother was full of poems and stories. Fan Ruoruo remembered the pen names he had used in his letters – Su Weng and Cao Gong – and smiled gently. She looked at her older brother and wondered why he hid his talent from others.

Fan Xian enjoyed the warm feeling he got from his sister. Half-closing his eyes, he knew that his sister had guessed long ago that "The Story of the Stone" and those other articles had been "written" by him. But he was thinking about something else.

The situation at the Fan estate differed from what he expected, but at least the Liu Clan seems to have learned their lesson four years ago and have not stepped out of line since. Meanwhile, the rumored rude and wild little brother was obedient to Ruoruo. There was nothing that Fan Xian found particularly intolerable.

They were quite the happy family.



Fan Sizhe looked at Fan Xian's face curiously. He had to admit that his older step brother was much more handsome than he was. Despite this, he was certain that the only heir fit to inherit the Fan family fortune was himself, the rightful young master and not this outsider before him.

Fan Si thought of his sister, who was normally simple and straightforward, and of how much he admired her. He then thought of how much his sister seemed to admire Fan Xian. This puzzled him. Could it be that there was something impressive about Fan Xian?

"No one on this street dares mess with me," Fan Si proudly told the boy who was four years older than him. He continued arrogantly, "Since you have just arrived in the capital, I'll show you around."

Fan Xian leaned lazily on the soft cushion and burst out laughing. He had planned to let his sister take him around the capital to sightsee. He never imagined that his "brother" Fan Sizhe would join – without having been invited – and tag along in the carriage.

"Why must you follow us around, little guy?" he asked Fan Sizhe.

Fan Sizhe shouted back, "Don't call me 'little guy', I am the rightful young master of the Fan family."

"Don't you think shouting makes you look low class?" Fan Xian questioned him curiously. "And if you were worried about me taking the family fortune, you should be more scheming…" He patted his brother's head and laughed. "You should take some lessons from your mother."

Fan Sizhe looked at the shy smile on Fan Xian's pretty face and all of a sudden felt scared. He retreated behind Fan Ruoruo and wondered why this strange boy could speak without the slightest restraint.

As they were speaking, the carriage arrived in a busy part of the capital. It was noon, and there were many people out on the streets. Restaurants on both sides of the carriage were welcoming customers and the sound of merriment together with the delicious smell of food floated into the carriage. It was so enticing that Fan Si noisily announced it was time to eat.

While Teng Zijing entered the restaurant to claim a table, Fan Sizhe and Fan Rourou, under the protection of some guards, went to a noodle bar by the side of the street. Fan Xian, on the other hand, was half-kneeling as he admired the engravings on the pillars beneath the restaurant. These engravings were elegant and decorated with gold paint. They were so uniquely vibrant and unlike anything he had ever seen in the books of his previous life.

Two guards stood in the distance, their observant eyes scouring the surroundings.

Just then, a middle-aged women dressed simply and carrying a baby hurried towards Fan Xian as though she were a thief and whispered, "Would you like some books? Ones that haven't been censored by the Eighth Bureau."

Fan Xian was touched by this warm, familiar scene. It reminded him of home. He lifted his head and asked her ever so gently, "Are they Japanese or Western?"

Chapter 47: The Treasured Red Book

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Eighth Bureau of the Overwatch Council, also known as the Department of Court Articles, was similar to the news examination board of the Republic of China in the previous world. They were responsible for the review of all legitimate books. Only a book approved by the Eighth Bureau would be published. In recent years, many of the duties of the Department of Court Articles were reassigned to the Ministry of Education, though they had still held onto their right to review books printed privately by civilians.

The Eighth Bureau would not accept anything that involved creative descriptions of the human body, the art of violence, or suggestions of revolution that were not permitted by the emperor. However, it didn't matter what world you lived in; the subjects of sex, violence and politics were bound to be hot topics, so it was inevitable that underground booksellers would surface.

Normally, the booksellers wouldn't dare sell books about politics, but romance novels like '"Of Joy and Passion" were mass-produced and passed through the hands of many before finding an owner.

There was no doubt that a middle-aged woman with a child in her arms w was the last in the chain of recipients of the book.

Nobody in the capital batted an eye at this familiar scene, and even government officials let it slide under their watch, say less of the civilians who benefited from it.

"What did you say sir?" The women selling prohibited books stared blankly, oblivious to the beautiful existence of AV.

Fan Xian laughed and asked, "What books do you have?"

The woman put the child in her other arm and retrieved a book from the layers of clothes. The book was roughly eight inches, square, and completely red. It looked to be of good quality. Fan Xian was quite impressed by how the woman managed to keep the edges pristine despite storing it in her clothes whilst carrying a child in her arms.

"These are the most popular short stories in the capital." The women spoke with an air of secrecy.

Unaffected by her facade, Fan Xian took the book. He smiled as he opened the first page… He could not contain the look of surprise on his face.

Although there was no author name printed on the front cover, the four words 'Feng Yue Bao Jian' was written in large font on the title page.

On the following page were the words, "Who knew that this daughter-in-law possessed a natural charm. Her entire body becomes limp and soft whenever a man bumps into her, and the man would experience the sensation of lying on a bed as soft as clouds."

Fan Xian was speechless and his mouth opened wide. He recognized the book right away. It was called 'Dream of the Red Chamber' and he had sent a written copy to his sister before. The section he had just read was from chapter twenty one, when Qiao Ping saved Jia Lian by using softly spoken words, and it was a told about Miss Duo.

The middle-aged woman mistakenly thought that the pretty boy in front of her was enticed by it all, and continuing in a low voice, she said, "That's just a small taste; there's more exciting parts to come."

In his previous life, Fan Xian was stuck in his bed for years, incapable of doing a lot of things. He couldn't bring himself to ask his nurse to help him turn the pages of lewd books, so he reread Dream of the Red Chamber countless times instead. He was able to relieve his fatigue all thanks to Miss Duo's 'lady-like manners' in the book.

Now that this familiar scene was played out right in front of his eyes on the busy streets of the capital, he couldn't help but be surprised. He was grateful, but confused at the same time as he couldn't understand how this story known by only him and his sister was being published and sold on the streets.

Without asking for the price Fan Xian paid her handsomely for the book. He had earned quite a sum of money from selling newspapers in Danzhou, money he would spend without hesitation.

After the overjoyed middle-aged woman had left, Fan Ruoruo led Fan Sizhe to the restaurant, his hands occupied by a sugar figurine he was holding.

"What were you up to?" Fan Ruoruo questioned her older brother with a smile.

Before Fan Xian could answer, Fan Sizhe cut in with a cold chuckle, "I saw everything. He bought a book from that woman and he wasn't even discreet when going about his dirty business."

Fan Ruoruo felt slightly panicked, as she had no idea what was going on. Fan Xian couldn't be bothered replying to his brother and instead wanted to speak to his sister in private. Just then, Teng Zijing conveniently announced that their tables were ready, Fan Xian gently tugged at Ruoruo's cold hands as they walked up the stairs.

Fazed, Fan Sizhe licked his sugar figurine once more before following them up the stairs in a hurry.

Although there were many people in the restaurant, the third floor remained quiet. Even though the private rooms were all booked, Teng Zijing proved to be skillful, as he still managed to find a compartment. Fan Xian felt that his decision to ask his father to let Teng Zijing come was the right one.

As Fan Xian sat down, he noticed how Fan Size's eyes were busy studying move. He smiled and openly handed his sister the red book..

Fan Ruoruo frowned as the book was given to her. Her eyes grew large in astonishment when she saw the title page, and she grew even more bewildered as she scanned through the pages. She explained to her brother hurriedly, "Brother, this is the first I've seen of this."

Fan Xian laughed and comforted her, "I'm not blaming you." He had already guessed that his sister would take her copy of Dream of the Red Chamber and make it into a book, and also knew that she could not resist sharing the story with her good friends.

The only question on his mind was how the story had managed to spread beyond her circle of noble friends.

It was when he saw the book 'Dream of the Red Chamber' being sold on the streets that he realized he had completely underestimated how tough the underground bookseller of this world was.


Fan Ruoruo thought back to an incident that happened the previous year when she had just bound the first 68 chapters of Dream of the Red Chamber and left them to sit under the pressure of some wood. Rou Jia princess from Lord Jing's family had come to visit and she saw the book. Once she had read it she refused to let it go, as she was convinced she would be able to take it back home.

But to Fan Ruoruo, her brother put his blood and sweat into this book, and she would not risk losing it under her watch, so no matter how much Ruo Jia begged or threw tantrums, she stood her ground. In the end, it was Princess Jing who suggested that their made rewrite a copy.

Fan Ruoruo couldn't find a reason to object, so she let her be. Who knew that the book had spread like wildfire and soon became a secret that everyone shared? It passed through the houses of the lords.

And then to the public market.

"Nobody knows I wrote it?" Fan Xian took the book, turning it in hands. He noticed that the author was named, Cao Zueqin and he felt instantly relieved.

Fan Ruoruo spoke with guilt, "I know that you don't care about fame. Letting your story spread into the public was bad enough; there's no way I would have revealed your identity as the author."

I don't care about fame? Fan Xian laughed awkwardly and rubbed his sister's head, apologizing quickly when he realized he was messing it up. "When I wrote it, I had already knew it was going to be read by the public." He thought of the deposit he had paid and felt a jab of pain in his heart. "I just didn't expect the underground sellers to get the biggest benefits. It's just a shame I spent my silver on nothing."

The siblings continued to talk until the waiter came with their food.

It was at this moment that they noticed Fan Sizhe looking at Fan Xian with shock, and he broke the silence, mumbling enviously, "You wrote...that book?"