48 - 59

Chapter 48: Street Literature

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hearing those words, Fan Ruoruo was reminded of the fact that her little brother had just heard their entire conversation. Her cold emotionless face was slightly tinged with worry, as she wondered if he would cause Fan Xian trouble by telling Lady Liu. She glanced at Fan Xian.

Fan Sizhe's expression changed from a look of shock to one of admiration.

"What is it?" Fan Xian looked at him with a strange smile.

Fan Sizhe could no longer tolerate his gaze, a gaze that seemed extremely gentle but that was in reality limitlessly cold. He trembled as he spoke,

"I'm just surprised you wrote that book."

Fan Xian was baffled.

"You've read this book?"

In his memories of his previous world, anyone who read Dream of the Red Chamber before the age of 12 and loved it was likely to become a hipster or a rogue who cheated female hipsters.

"No." Fan Sizhe shook his head in a hurry, "I read a little of it and thought it boring." He felt he regained confidence with these words, and held his head higher.

"My teacher read it, and he said…"

He deliberated before deciding to tell the truth, "He was full of compliments. He said that the author wrote colorfully and was brimming with talent."

The high praises failed to make Fan Xian blush. Instead he smile and asked, "So you admire me?"

"I admire my teacher." Fan Sizhe thought about it. "And my teacher really likes the book you wrote."

All of a sudden, his eyes sparkled with greed as he said enviously, "Although I've not read it, I know that it is sold by chapters on the market. Each chapter could be sold for a price as high as eight taels of silver."

He nodded his head and regarded Fan Xian like an idol, "Making so much money just for some words is quite impressive… I think I understand why my sister admires you so much now."

"I haven't made money off of it," Fan Xian corrected him. He was confused as to why Fan Sizhe viewed him so highly all of a sudden because of the money he could make rather than his apparent talent in writing stories. After some thought he understood: his innate passionate love for money was inherited from his father, who was the emperor's personal accountant.

Fan Sizhe rubbed his hands together and spoke in a frenzy, saying, "If you ever wish to make money off your talent in writing in the future, then I will happily buy shares."

Fan Xian sighed as he realized that his brother was quite innocent; merely, it was a shame that they were so conflicted in how they saw the benefits.. Although Fan Xian did not really plan on taking over the Fan business, the idea was deeply ingrained in the minds of the Liu Clan.

In the spur of the moment, Fan Xian decided to attempt something, as after all, he was related to his brother by blood, and it was in his interest to avoid a tragic conclusion..

"You haven't told me why you've been following me; don't you have school today?" Fan Xian had made up his mind and decided to chat with his stepbrother.

Although Fan Sizhe was young, he was not stupid. He knew that what he said earlier may have pleased Fan Xian, so he smiled sweetly and replied, "Because… mum says… you're competent, and that I should hang around with you more…that you would be a good influence."

Fan Xian sighed on the inside. No one could hold a candle to him when it came to being cute, and so Fan Sizhe's cute act put him to shame.

Fan Xian was clear it was Lady Liu's idea to have Fan Sizhe follow him, but there was no reason for Fan Sizhe to flatter him; even if he realized Fan Xian was treated more importantly than a useful tool by their father, there was still no sense in doing so.

Dinner was served. Fan Xian's chopsticks flew as fast as lightning around the table as he picked up his food with precision and put it in his mouth. He was oblivious to the dumbfounded expressions of his siblings.

He licked his lips as he tasted the food daintily and he nodded, "The cuisine of the Capital is quite delicious."

Fan Ruoruo was delicate and ate only a little, her body turned to the side as she concentrated on the book Dream of the Red Chamber. Meanwhile, Fan Xian and Fan Sizhe were munching away, with Fan Sizhe growing more depressed at as he ate, not understanding why he was chubbier than Fan Xian, who ate faster and more than him.

Fan Ruoruo's frown grew deeper as she realized that this copy of Dream of the Red Chamber was practically identical to the one that was in her room, the only difference being the that the excerpt concerning Miss Duo that was intentionally extracted from the first page and that might lead the capital people to see Dream of the Red Chamber as a dirty book.

Seeing her expression, Fan Xian knew what was on her mind. He smiled and placed his chopsticks down on the plate of fish, saying, "This is merely a marketing method; what's there to be upset about?" Their voices slowly increased in volume.

Fan Ruoruo guessed what marketing method meant but Fan Sizhe was completely confused.

"Before someone buys a book, they will flick through it for an idea of what it's about. Things like the foreword, preface, postscript or prologue must be written clearly- not necessarily to explain the novel in full, but to catch their interest."

Fan Xian took a sip of tea and continued to talk, "Sister, you are angry because you feel that the bookseller has no morals, as they placed Miss Duo's excerpt at the front which could easily cause the misunderstanding that the story was a romantic affair novel, right?"

Fan Ruoruo blinked her eyes and nodded. Treating such a lofty novel as something so unrespectable- wasn't this something to be mad at?

"But the booksellers must do this." Fan Xian Looked at his sister's serious face and burst out laughing. "If it were me, I would have been even more excessive. This is a copy of chapter ten, so on the title page I would have wrote the most intriguing excerpts designed to intrigue the customer so much that they must buy the book to find out more."

"Like what?"

"Ones like Miss Duo's excerpt."

"How about this chapter?" Fan Ruoruo understood what her brother meant, and with a slight smile, she pointed to a section of the book, chapter twenty-three: Lines from 'Romance of the West Chamber quoted for fun, a vibrant song from 'The Peony Pavilion' singing the distresses of the heart.' This chapter talked about things which happened before the flower burial, and there were no sentences which would have made someone blush.

Fan Xian chuckled as he spoke, "The words' vibrant song makes it easy. If it was me, I would use the excerpt… where more than half of the people in the garden were girls, and it was a chaotic and innocent place. People lay around lazily, laughing to themselves. At the time, Baoyu had something on her mind and wasn't herself. She hung out in the garden and only messed around outside, yet once again she stupidly… witnessed the red array of flowers."

"And then I would outline the words lay around lazily, laughing to themselves and playing around, stupidly and red array in the color red."

Fan Ruoruo looked down in thought and realized that this really seemed to work. The words meant nothing special on their own, but once combined, and in addition the words 'vibrant song' in the title, a vast room for imagination was created.

She blushed, and spoke in a low voice, "It would seem that brother has much experience in this sort of business."

Fan Sizhe, however, was stunned; he gave his brother thumbs up and said, "Big brother, you really are full of talent."

Fan Xian snorted and spat out all the tea in his mouth.

At the moment, a highly arrogant voice could be heard from outside of their compartment, "Just where did those ignorant people come from? How do they dare call a mind full of dirty thoughts talented?"

Chapter 49: In the Restaurant

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Fan siblings had chosen a restaurant named "Yi Shijiu", a well-known wealthy establishment in the capital. Every day at noon, the place would always receive some rich government officials, gifted scholars, or beautiful ladies. No one knew where the scholars got their money from, or how famous those ladies were—regardless, the third floor was vacant; without a great reputation, one cannot get there.

It was pretty common knowledge that only those with reputation could be seated on the third floor, and so there was rarely ever an issue over it. After all, the capital wasn't as small as they said, though, its governmental circles were intertwined with many hidden connections and shady deals, so no one could really be sure what their exact relationship with someone was.

The one who refuted the "Fan Xian trash publication" was a proper scholar, named He Zongwei. He was well-known in the capital and praised by his peers, so his arrogance was understandable. A few days ago, he read the "Dream of the Red Chamber" at his friend's place. Although he was very displeased with the contents of the book and unimpressed by its literary style, he was still impressed by the fact its author had put down several hundred thousand words.

Today, in this restaurant, gulping down three cups of yellow wine had made him a bit inebriated. Hearing a few youngsters making unrestrained outbursts about "Dream of the Red Chamber" from the next room made him angry. So he let loose that remark.

At that precise moment, the three Fans had finished eating and were chatting over some tea. Hearing what He Zongwei just said, Fan Sizhe thought about his boast, and then realized that the scholar was addressing Fan Xian. Because it made him lose face also, he was enraged. Born to the great Fan family, Fan Sizhe was too privileged to endure embarrassment from a mere scholar. He raised the curtain and went to the main hall on the third floor.

Fan Xian though that since it was his first time in the capital, it would be best if he kept a low profile, and he hinted this to this sister. Fan Ruoruo knew what he was thinking and smiled while shaking her head, signaling that Fan Sizhe shouldn't go overboard.

In the past year or two, Fan Sizhe had grown up a bit. Thanks to Fan Ruoruo's intense upbringing, he matured slightly, just enough that he no longer played rowdy games in the streets. Because of that, Fan Ruoruo wasn't worried.

Fan Sizhe barged into the hall, picking out He Zongwei from the crowd. With great swagger, he walked up to the scholar and said: "Was it you who said that?"

"And what if it was?" He Zongwei's skin was a tad tan and his face had a pronounced shape to it. Overall, he was on the ugly side. Seeing someone barge out of a private room, he knew his words had caused offense. However, the sight of an arrogant rich kid had made him very hot-blooded. So he tried to brush Fan Sizhe off: "watch it, child. Where are your manners? Who were you raised by?"

While this scholar was well-connected in the capital, he had never met the twelve-year-old Fan Sizhe and wasn't afraid of the youth.

Fan Sizhe was only planning on scolding the guy, but now that he heard "where are your manners", he was reminded of his mother's constant berating. He retorted angrily with a shout: "And you?! Which family's scoundrel are you?"

At this moment, Fan Sizhe had already forgotten his sister's discipline. He leapt forward trying to slap the scholar.

He Zhongwei wasn't expecting to have to deal with uncivil behavior in a place as high-class as Yi Shijiu. He took half a step back, avoiding a slap to the face, though the green cloth on his head was ripped away, leaving him embarrassed.

Other scholars and an honored guest were sitting at He Zhongwei's table, and were infuriated by what they saw: "How dare you behave with such insolence?! Have you no sense of the law?"

"Law?" Fan Sizhe snorted: "I am the law." As soon as he said this, he swung his fists at He Zhongwei.

Suddenly, a hand came from the side and firmly grasped Fan Sizhe's skinny wrist!

Fan Sizhe felt as if his wrist was caught in red-hot shackles. The pain pierced through to the bone, forcing him to shout out: "Can someone come help me, please?!"

His bodyguard went forward, but there was a flash of shadow as he received two palm strikes to his chest and abdomen, forcing him to back down.

The man holding Fan Sizhe's wrist was none other than the bodyguard of the valued guest. While appearing ordinary, the bodyguard's eyes hinted at how skilled he was.

"Toss the child aside; don't ruin Mr. Zhongwei's mood."

The skilled bodyguard swung his arm. Fan Sizhe was thrown out like a hatchling chicken!

Fan Xian had thought there would simply be some bantering. He had no idea things would get this ugly so quick. He expected Fan Sizhe to throw temper tantrums in spite Ruoruo saying otherwise, and seeing his expectations play out; he wanted his little brother to learn a lesson.

However, he was not expecting the other party to have someone so skilled, not to mention someone with such merciless methods. That toss had hidden intents. If things went badly, Fan Sizhe would end up with broken bones—for all his insolence, Fan Sizhe was only a twelve-year-old child, and using such a move on him went way over the line.

Somehow, Fan Xian was already outside the private room. With a single flick of the wrist, he caught the collar of Fan Sizhe's shirt. Following the body's rotation, he twisted his right hand clockwise, making Fan Sizhe spin.

Once, twice, thrice… Fan Sizhe stopped spinning. Nauseous, he could only stare blankly, not knowing what had happened.

Fan Xian let go of his brother's shirt and left him in Ruoruo's care with an uneasy smile. Stepping forward, he looked at the refined bodyguard, and in a meek voice, said "While my brother may have offended you due to his youth, what you did went a bit too far.."

The people at the table could only "give a haughty snort in response. They couldn't retort because they agreed with Fan Xian. The young man who had bodyguard only drank his wine in silence; he didn't even look at Fan Xian.

He Zhongwei felt embarrassed after adjusting the cloth on his head. Seeing the beautiful looks of the youth in front of him, a sudden, unforeseen wave of anger overtook Zhongwei. To him, Fan Xian's smile appeared malevolent and despicable. He spat out: "You have such an unruly brother; what's wrong with giving him some punishment?"

Fan Xian ignored He Zhongwei. His smile was directed to the bodyguard. He took two steps forward. In response, the bodyguard who had just witnessed this young master cancel out the force of the toss felt a sense of unease. He couldn't measure up this youth. The bodyguard frowned slightly and took two cautious steps back.

Fan Ruoruo's figure came into view as their steps shifted.

Fan Ruoruo was known throughout the capital, and everyone in the restaurant had heard of her name. Some of them had even seen her from far away in government meetings. The crowd gasped and paid their respects from a distance.

It was only now those guests at the table realized which family that brat came from. Naturally, they became nervous. And when He Zhongwei saw Fan Ruoruo, his expression changed just so slightly, as if he was about to say something.

Chapter 50: What is Strength?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Teng Zijing rushed up the stairs. As he looked upon the scene, he frowned, and whispered something into Fan Xian's ear. Fan Xian finally realized that this was the somewhat-renowned palace scholar Guo Baokun - the only son of Guo You, Director of the Board of Rites.

After the gloomy-looking young man caught sight of Fan Ruoruo, the expression on his face filled Fan Xian with loathing. "I wondered which family could have such powerful children. So you are the offspring of Count Sinan."

Count Sinan was a favorite of the Emperor, but he was only an assistant minister - a fourth-rank title. And the average son of an official would be unaware of the power that the Fan family held in secret.

Fan Xian had no desire to inflame matters further. After all, Fan Sizhe had started it, and no matter what anyone said, it seemed that he was a fan of Dream of the Red Chamber - but he could not help but frown upon hearing this clear attempt at provocation.

Guo Baokun was a high-ranking official and a scholar within the palace. He was on good terms with the Crown Prince, and so he had grown up to be an arrogant, condescending type. As soon as he laid eyes upon the allegedly cold-hearted Fan Ruoruo, he was filled with wicked urges. "How amusing. All the insignificant inhabitants of Fan Manor see fit to throw their weight around. Truly a disgrace to the educated classes."

In keeping with his self-proclaimed scholarly air, he flipped open the folding fan in his hand with a confident and nimble energy.

The group of scholars sat beside him, worried that they had offended Count Sinan and were unsure what to do. When they heard Guo Baokun's words, they immediately agreed, and rushed to label them as bullies, not even considering for a moment that they might have been in the wrong.

Only He Zongwei, who had kicked off the incident, was silent.

"Educated?" Seeing that his opponent had no desire to let matters lie, Fan Xian could not help but adopt a tone of mockery. "If a scholar does not study, he will not gain knowledge; if he has no ambition, he cannot become a scholar. You call yourselves geniuses, but you don't even bother to attend school. You run to the first tavern you find to get drunk instead. What sort of ambition is that? You call yourselves 'educated'?"

Other than Guo Baokun, the others at the table were also all gifted scholars; when they heard Fan Xian's words they were bewildered.

One scholar chided him. "Don't think you can get away with such impudent language just because you're the Fan family!"

Fan Xian frowned slightly. He didn't think that he and his siblings were completely in the right, but when he looked at the faces of these scholars, he couldn't help but feel disgust. "You say we use our power to take advantage of people," he said, "I can't comment on that. You all sit at that table, drinking with the sons of high officials, not afraid of power and boasting of your own virtue. I'm truly in awe."

As they realized the meaning behind his calm words, some of the people in the building began to stop talking. The people who sat with Guo Baokun were angered, and were ready to get into a full-blown dispute. Guo Baokun waved his fan, preparing to teach these youngsters a lesson.

But Fan Xian was an odd type. On the surface, he was gentle, but if he was unhappy, he liked to make others unhappy. He did not like to give his opponent the chance to retort; he preferred to end things with one blow.

So he did not wait for the official's son to open his mouth, but pointed at the fan that Guo Baokun held in his hand and smiled. "When I first came to the capital," he said, "I saw how young people would amuse themselves all day, all skin and bones, fanning themselves. Is that really strength of character? If that's what you call strength, then I'd rather not study at all."

Guo Baokun came in and out of the imperial palace as he pleased. He was a friend of the Crown Prince. Who would dare to speak to him this way? He slammed his fan down on the table, speechless and shaking with rage.

The current ruling Kingdom of Qing prized affairs of culture as well as political and military achievements. Young scholars could be found throughout the capital, and in this tavern, a great many of the guests were scholars. Among those scholars... who didn't wield a fan?

Hearing Fan Xian speak so mockingly of strength of character, not only were the table of people sitting with He Zongwei suddenly angered - even the other people on the third floor stood up.

Fan Xian had never had much tolerance for these so-called gifted scholars. As he had lived in two worlds, he was generally unconstrained in his behavior, and so he let slip a remark. But seeing the unusual atmosphere in the restaurant, he finally realized that he had angered a number of people. But he wasn't afraid. He smiled, and bowed to them all, cupping his fist in his hand as a sign of respect.

They weren't sure why, but when they saw the brilliant smile on the young man's face, the angry scholars felt their anger recede.

But Guo Baokun remained enraged, and threw his fan upon the table with gritted teeth, signalling that he wished to fight.


Scholars tend to disparage each other with words, and they were surrounded by the sons of high officials and great families, so a dangerous atmosphere began to rise.

Teng Zijing fixed the Guo family's bodyguard with a cold stare, and prepared to defend his master.

With the sound of two blows, the two men collided with each other. Their fists flew, and the enfeebled scholars in the restaurant cried out in surprise.

Heroic struggles within the capital were always fought to the death by servants. Masters stood to the side as if watching some sort of game, rarely affected by the fight themselves.

But Fan Xian was completely different to the sons of the nobility. When Teng Zijing and the Guo family bodyguard came to blows, he quietly slipped behind them. Finding an opportune space and moment, he extended a clenched fist.

With an echoing smack, what the onlookers expected to be a bitter and drawn-out fight was brought to an abrupt end.

Fan Xian retracted his right hand, and stood in his original space, beaming, as if he had never moved.

The Guo family bodyguard was crouched on the floor. The bridge of his nose was broken by the blow, and blood gushed out along with tears.

Fan Xian was very satisfied with the results of the blow. Master Fei had taught him well. Breaking the bone in that place caused such pain that even a ninth-level master would be unable to bear it.

Guo Baokun looked at his strong family bodyguard, brought to the floor like a dog by a single punch. He turned pale with fear, and pointed at Fan Xian, his voice trembling. "You... you bullies!"

Fan Xian looked at him and shook his head. He felt somewhat confused. Fighting was something you should do by yourself, he thought. He wasn't some sort of hooligan. He took Ruoruo's hand and walked downstairs, confident that he was in the right. He never imagined that what he had done could be such a violation of the customs of this world.

Chapter 51: Crown Prince Jing

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

For a long time, the people in the restaurant stared blankly, unable to say a word. They had seen fights before, but they had never seen the son of a noble house get involved himself. Even if they were lucky enough to have seen such a rare scene, they had never seen such an open two-on-one scenario.

Even Teng Zijing was somewhat gloomy. Even though he was substantially weaker than the Guo family bodyguard, the blow the young master had struck had caused him to lose face rather badly.

Suddenly, he had a fleeting thought of the comical scene that had transpired earlier - the young master could see such a complicated situation so clearly, and... though that blow had seemed chaotic, the angle of it, the accuracy, and the power behind it had led to such a frightful result. He looked at Fan Xian with reverence and admiration in his gaze.

Watched by everyone in the vicinity, the Fan clan attempted to leave the restaurant. The door to a private room opened, and a number of people came out, who had come to see what the noise was, seemingly having heard all the commotion outside. Among them was someone with a high and noble air, wearing beautiful clothing. When he saw Fan Ruoruo, his eyes shone. He approached them and bowed. "Ruoruo," he said, "it is so rare to see you out and about."

He was handsome, with thick eyebrows and bright eyes, a straight nose and thin lips - an attractive man indeed.

Fan Ruoruo bowed in response, slightly surprised. "I did not expect to see you here either, Crown Prince." She hurriedly introduced him to Fan Xian, who had not realized that this was Crown Prince Jing, heir of the royal house that his own family was closely acquainted with. The two exchanged pleasantries.

The House of Jing and the House of Fan had a friendly relationship, and so when Fan Ruoruo introduced Fan Xian, the Crown Prince guessed immediately who he was, and he couldn't help but feel somewhat surprised.

He saw that Fan Xian was neither servile nor overbearing in his words, and sensed an unspeakable self-confidence in him beneath the surface. And yet he found that the youth's gentle smile put him at ease.

At that moment, Guo Baokun came over to greet the Crown Prince, and a member of the restaurant staff came to whisper an explanation of the clash between the Guo and Fan families into the Crown Prince's ear. On hearing this, the Crown Prince seemed quite intrigued. "It seems you have objections with the scholars," he said to Fan Xian.

"Anyone who can read can be a scholar," replied Fan Xian, bowing to the Crown Prince. He did not care for the hierarchy of this society, nor did he believe that reading a few essays made you superior to the common people. "I have read many books myself. It is not that I have a problem with academia... it's just..."

He smiled. "It's just these so-called geniuses I have a problem with."

As he said this, the people in the restaurant fixed him with curious expressions, wondering what this skilled fighter and son of the noble house would say next. Even the Crown Prince looked at him with great interest. "And why do you despise these scholars?"

The Crown Prince remained polite, but due to Fan Xian's illegitimate parentage, he did not make reference to the name of his clan.

Fan Xian understood the rules of this society, and was not angry in the slightest. "The reason I have a problem with them is that I feel that deception is a common practice nowadays," he explained, smiling. "It seems one only has to spend all their time in a tavern to become a genius. They spend more time painting their faces than they do reading books. It is not beneficial to the nation to let them squabble among one another."

Though his words were harsh, they were not cruel, and were almost light-hearted.

The Crown Prince laughed, and so did the people in the restaurant. It seemed to have eased matters somewhat. As everyone else saw it, the young master of the Fan family had come out of nowhere, and seemed to be quite friendly with the Crown Prince. Guo Baokun was Fan Xian's rival neither in fighting nor in words, and so he had to drop the subject.

Crown Prince Jing invited Fan Xian to drink with him. Making the excuse that he had to return home, Fan Xian tactfully declined, but agreed that they would do so at a later date, and all of the Fan family left the restaurant.

Just they were about to climb onto the carriage, He Zongwei caught up with them. He looked Fan Xian in the eyes, and thanked him sincerely.

"What are you thinking me for?" asked Fan Xian, smiling.

"I've always considered myself one of them," he replied, laughing, "and today you showed their boasting for what it was. Now I know that I just liked the idea of being one of them. Deep down, I still can't get away from those clichés."

Fan Xian frowned. This person seemed rather quick to change his mind.

Even though he didn't care for this seemingly-honest scholar, the fight had after all been a result of him defending the "author" of Dream of the Red Chamber. "Everyone has their weaknesses," he explained with a smile. "It's just that sometimes you have to press on regardless. Sometimes scholars can be small men underneath those fur-lined gowns. I was talking nonsense back there myself, I hope you don't mind."

"Small men under fur-lined gowns?" He Zongwei thought on this, and he seemed to have realized something. He bowed deeply to Fan Ruoruo, who stood next to Fan Xian, and returned to the restaurant without looking back.

Fan Xian saw that the dark-skinned scholar's face was slightly reddened, and he realized what had happened. He looked at his sister with a mocking smile. She remained expressionless, as the scholar had never approached them at all.

He knew that He Zongwei's love for her was unrequited, and he had little sympathy. As he saw it, the husband that his little sister would find did not necessarily have to be well-renowned, but he definitely had to be someone she liked.


After Fan Xian left, Guo Baokun, He Zongwei and the rest of the table were left ashen-faced, and they also slinked out of the restaurant. Quiet returned to the third floor of the restaurant, save for the patrons discussing the business that had just transpired with that young man from Fan Manor. They had never heard of such a person being part of the family of Count Sinan, and they all guessed that he must have been a cousin of Miss Fan Ruoruo.

Crown Prince Jing knew of Fan Xian's identity, but he could not tell the people outside his private room. He slowly emptied a glass of wine, and sighed. "They all say that the Crown Prince is fond of literature, and deals only with the great and the good. Today it seems clear that the none of those people have any kind of decency."

An advisor by his side thought for a while before responding. "He Zongwei is a student of Zeng Wenxiang. He will be among those who take the imperial examinations next year. I do not know what he is like."

Crown Prince Jing shook his head. "He Zongwei has talent, but his disposition..." He had overheard some of the talk from outside, and had remembered their discussions on strength of character. He laughed. "He lacks strength of character."

The advisor laughed too. "Count Sinan has hidden his illegitimate son away for so many years. It is interesting indeed."

Crown Prince Jing waved the fan in his hand, and prepared to mutter some words of praise, when he suddenly recalled Fan Xian's words of mockery. He placed the fan on the table and smiled. "Guo Baokun wields his father's power. He is also on good terms with the Crown Prince. So do not attach much importance to Fan Manor. It must have been difficult for those slow-witted types to survive for so long."

Chapter 52: In the Carriage

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Crown Prince Jing was a member of the royal family. Naturally, he knew the Emperor's feelings for the Fan family. He was somewhat lost in thought. He heard an advisor speaking. "Fan Xian entered the capital in a hurry, and today he is in this restaurant... he shows little talent, and he seems somewhat impetuous."

Crown Prince Jing waved a hand at him dismissively. "It's always good to see a bit of dynamism in a young man..." His tone of voice seemed completely incongruous, considering he was only 20 years old.

Recalling the young Fan boy's amiable smile, a slight smile of admiration appeared on the Crown Prince's own face. "What's more, the Fan family is currently preparing for a wedding. If Fan Xian is too subdued, it would not be particularly appropriate. I would presume that after today, the people of the capital will know that the Fan family has produced a handsome son."

He had a sudden realization, clapped his hand to his forehead, and laughed. "When he first asked you to be an advisor, and it was agreed that you would advise me on matters of the heart, my father was an idle prince who did not understand affairs of state. As his son, I am much like him."

"Come, come." He called on the others at his table to drink. They hurriedly complied. If you are truly resigned to being an idle prince, they thought, why are you getting so close to the Fan family, and why are you so close to the second-in-line?


As they got into the carriage, the roads were quiet. After a while, Fan Ruoruo began to giggle. "What's so funny?" asked Fan Xian.

Fan Ruoruo tried to stifle her laughter, eventually calming down. "I just thought about what you said earlier. It was really mean."

"What did I say?" Fan Xian had said a lot at the restaurant, going completely against his usual principle of keeping a low profile. It felt improper.

"That bit about - you know, how they play around all day, all skin and bones, holding those fans, and was that really strength?" Fan Ruoruo imitated his tone of voice, and couldn't prevent a smile from creeping across her face.

Fan Sizhe laughed foolishly, but once he realized that neither of his siblings were paying him any attention, he was puzzled.

Fan Xian laughed bitterly. "Strength of character is a good thing, but it's not something exclusive to scholars. When I saw the snooty looks on their faces, it didn't sit well with me. They spend the whole day slacking off and getting into pointless debates. They don't take the imperial exams, or sit and keep records with Guo. Those bigwigs like to keep a foot in both camps. They just like the image of being a scholar. They have no real prospects."

Hearing this, Fan Ruoruo couldn't stop herself from laughing. No one spoke like her brother did, and maybe there was nobody else who could understand what he meant.

"When you were talking to Crown Prince Jing earlier, you certainly had some misgivings." Fan Ruoruo wanted to know what her brother's true opinion was on the scholars.

"No misgivings. It's just that I spoke too gently." Fan Xian smiled. "I'm not against that sort of establishment, and I don't think that scholars shouldn't go there. But I've always felt that brothel patrons are brothel patrons. If you want to go to a place like that and still act like you're a scholar, then it's like being a whore and building a monument to your virginity."

"Don't be so rude," said Fan Ruoruo bashfully. In her view, her brother could be counted as a gifted scholar - how was he not scolding himself with this sort of talk?

Fan Xian laughed out loud. "There's nobody else here anyway." He looked at his sister with a sudden seriousness. "Remember, whoever you marry, make sure it's not a scholar."

Ruoruo could not keep her calm expression any longer. "What sort of nonsense is that?"

"That He Zongwei, what is he doing now?"

Fan Sizhe chimed in. "He's a student at the Imperial College, he was born poor, but they say he is a student of Zeng Wenxiang, the grand academician of the archives. He's always had some recognition for his talent, he's written a few verses... everybody reckons that he'll be at least third rank at the imperial examinations next year."

Fan Xian frowned. "He seems honest and considerate," he said to Ruoruo, "but I think he's hiding something. I don't like people like that. Be careful, don't get involved with him."

Fan Ruoruo nodded without the slightest hesitation. As she saw it, Fan Xian was her brother and her tutor, the person she relied on most.

Fan Xian thought about He Zongwei some more. Since he was already a well-renowned scholar in the capital, if he wanted to ingratiate himself with the influential families, he had plenty to choose from. If it weren't because of his relationship with his sister, he wouldn't have appeared - did he want to leave a good impression? He smiled. Being able to discover his identity in so short a time, and discover his place in Ruoruo's heart - this so-called scholar really was remarkable.

He turned his head and glanced at Fan Sizhe, who was leaning on the window of the carriage, looking out. He felt a slight chill in his blood. "You and Sizhe should go home first," he said to Ruoruo. "I want to take a stroll around the capital."

Fan Sizhe lifted his head from the window, his face somewhat vacant.

Fan Xian looked at him, and thought back to when he was 12 years old and faced with his own assassination. Then he thought about how his rival was merely a 12-year-old child, dragged into these dangerous affairs, and he couldn't help but sigh. "You're so young... I don't know what to say."

Fan Sizhe hid behind his sister, somewhat scared. He had always been daring, but for some reason, every time he saw Fan Xian's gentle smile, he felt afraid. "What are you saying?"

Fan Xian had originally thought that the fight in the restaurant was deliberately caused by the young boy to make him look bad in the eyes of Crown Prince Jing. If he wanted to know what the opinion of the prince's office was when it came to him inheriting the Fan family's property, it had worked - because the restaurant was one he had chosen, and the incident was something he had provoked. But when he looked at Fan Sizhe's blank expression, he doubted his own judgement. Could it be that everything that had happened at the restaurant really was an accident?

The carriage moved slowly on. Fan Xian knew that of the six bodyguards who followed him and his siblings, and least two of them were men from the Liu clan. He said nothing.

Fan Ruoruo remained quiet, her head lowered, saying nothing. As she thought on these family matters, she felt gloomy.

The carriage reached the street where Fan Manor stood, and Ruoruo led her little brother into the manor. Fan Xian continued on with his tour of the capital. At first Fan Ruoruo had wanted to go with him, but there was something he wanted to do later, and he had to refuse her with a smile. He looked into Fan Sizhe's eyes, and told him that he was not to speak of anything to do with Dream of the Red Chamber; he was unsure whether he would heed his words.

Teng Zijing sat in the carriage, looking at his young master. He wasn't sure when he had decided to follow this 16-year-old boy. He was certainly a promising lad. Perhaps the spring weather in Danzhou had lifted his mood; perhaps he had been influenced by the youngster on their travels to the capital; perhaps the two had reached some sort of agreement.

Fan Xian thought a while, propping up his chin on his hand. "I asked father to send you. I didn't think you'd have to get us out of trouble so soon. Don't blame me."

Teng Zijing laughed. "Young master, you are out of the ordinary," he replied respectfully. "It is naturally of great benefit to me to follow you."

Fan Xian smiled. "How am I out of the ordinary? Back in the restaurant, I was mouthing off like any clueless youth."

Teng Zijing tried to figure out what he meant. "Young master," he replied carefully, "I understand what you are thinking. I believe this matter has nothing to do with you."

The carriage had stopped, and the cool breeze entered silently, refreshing their minds. Fan Xian looked Teng Zijing in the eye. "I also hope it has nothing to do with him," he said gently.

Chapter 53: Alone

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian had arranged for Teng Zijing to share his carriage for their whole journey, so these words had not escaped him. He frowned. "It does seem too much of a coincedence. I have only just entered the capital. Why would I get into fights with people? Sizhe follows me one day, and during a fight at the restaurant, Crown Prince Jing just happens to be there. It is hard to explain such a coincedence."

Teng Zijing smiled. "Your brother may be rude and unreasonable, but there is no evil in him. Lady Liu would not give him such a task.

"Her son is not fit to be a scholar or a fighter," he continued. "It seems he is only good for eating, drinking, and bragging. Lady Liu holds him in contempt."

A bitter smile crept across Fan Xian's face. "Because she does knows her son cannot support her, she is plotting against me... she's a tough one. Lady Liu... she wants everyone to think that the Count's baseborn son is just a useless, spoiled braggart and nothing more."

"Perhaps you were unaware," said Teng Zijing, "but something always happens whenever your brother leaves the house. So when Lady Liu had him follow you, she didn't need to plan anything. He would get you in to trouble all by himself."

"You mean, just by having him causing trouble around me, I would appear to the outside world to be the spoiled son of rich parents."

"Correct." Teng Zijing smiled. "Lady Liu's plan is simple, but it seems very effective."

Fan Xian laughed. "Lady Liu is very interesting... she knew that everyone would tarnish Sizhe and me with the same brush. Very interesting indeed. I just didn't think that Crown Prince Jing would be at the same restaurant."

"You acted correctly, young master," replied Teng Zijing. "Though you might have offended some of the scholars with your words, but scholars are always quick to take offense. The people of the capital may think you are arrogant, but it's better than thinking that you are some good-for-nothing."

"Is public opinion that important?" Fan Xian laughed. "Is the Fan family really in such high demand? Is Lady Liu a pure and simple-hearted woman after all?" He looked at Teng Zijing. "These are all problems, but really, they're not my probems."

Teng Zijing was curious. "Young master, what do you consider to be your problems?"

Anxiety crept across Fan Xian's handsome face. "My problems are that I still don't know what my bride-to-be looks like, and whether she's really on death's door."


The carriage stopped in an alley by the side of Tianhe Avenue. All along the road, the government departments were still open for business, the eaves of the buildings swooping like phoenixes, heading towards the horizon. At the far end was an unremarkable square building. It seemed terribly somber.

Fan Xian had not let Teng Zijing follow him. Although it seemed that he had already made the firm decision to stay by his young master's side, Fan Xian did not fancy himself as some kind of leader of men. After all, he was his father's servant - there were some things he could not allow him to know.

Next to a vendor's stall selling candied berries, he scoped out the Overwatch Council. He bought a stick of the candied fruits, and gnawed at it as he walked towards it, his toothache subsiding.

He walked into a bookseller's shop along the way, taking a look around. The books were various classics and histories that he'd read countless times. He approached the shopkeeper. "Do you have Story of the Stone?" he asked in a low voice.

A strange smile appeared on the bookseller's face, and he replied in the same whisper. "Follow me, sir."

With no particular attempt at stealth, they walked into a side room, and the bookseller retrieved a set of books, handing them to Fan Xian. Fan Xian took them and looked at them. They looked a lot like the version he had bought from the old woman earlier. Satisfied, he nodded, and handed over the money.

"Keep them here for now. Someone from Fan Manor will be along to collect them later." His sister already had a copy at home. The books felt unpleasantly heavy, so he intended to let servants from the house pick them up a while later.

"Fan Manor?" asked the shopkeeper, somewhat embarrassed.

"Count Sinan's estate, yes." Were there any other Fan Manors? He still didn't know how large the Fan clan was in the capital, if Count Sinan was simply head of a minor branch, or whether it was only over the past decade that, thanks to his grandmother, their prosperity had led them to become the most prominent branch of the Fan clan.

The shopkeeper respectfully complied, wrapping up the book and placing it under the counter.

Fan Xian asked a few questions about the bookseller, and the answers the bookseller gave him made him feel uneasy. The bookseller saw that the customer had not immediately left after buying a book, and the chance to chat to a customer made him smile.

As they chatted, a faint sound made Fan Xian's ears prick up.

As he smiled and chatted with the shopkeeper, he shifted his zhenqi around, and his ears immediately became more sensitive, until he finally recognized the sound he was scouting out in the quiet environment of the bookshop.

The sound of breathing, different to any normal person's breathing.

The breathing was weak, long, and distant. It was clearly someone who knew how to control their zhenqi. Fan Xian knew that it was someone his father had sent to protect or observe him. He frowned.

The bookseller saw his customer suddenly frown. Although he thought it was a handsome frown, he assumed he had said something wrong, and couldn't help but feel anxious.


Coming out of the rear door of the bookshop, Fan Xian made sure that he had escaped the two footmen behind him. He was quite pleased with himself. He recalled the things he had learned from Fei Jie when he was young. Other than the art of poison, he had learnt how to lose someone who was on his tail - it seemed it had finally come in handy.

Following the crowds as they walked along the flagstones on Tianhe Avenue, he looked at the buildings on both sides of the street. They were an interesting sight, particularly the space in front of the buildings, where there stood a channel for gently-running water. If you wanted to enter the government offices, you had to walk over a small wooden bridge above the water.

The gentle waters were like a mirror, reflecting the shadow of the bridge and the branches from the trees that hung over the street. It was quiet and beautiful, and peach blossoms would occasionally float past on the wind, landing on the surface of the winter and being carried slowly along.

He walked along the side, looking at the flowing water beneath his feet, and a satisfied smile crept across his face. In the few days since he had come to the capital, he had found that all sorts of things were greatly different from what he had originally imagined, and he was tired out. Feeling refreshed by spring in the capital, his spirit had been lifted.

As he came to the door of the Overwatch Council, he looked at the limestone building and scowled. It wasn't a pretty building, he thought, and it didn't fit in with the interesting-looking buildings with their swooping eaves and strong walls. He couldn't help but admit that the building matched Fei Jie's not-too-pleasant-looking face.

When he walked in, he noticed that the officials and the "pedestrians" who walked by were all staring at him strangely.

He looked at himself carefully, making sure that there was nothing about him that might have drawn anyone's attention, and lifted his head high - but the strange looks from people around him had still not subsided.

Chapter 54: Inside the Overwatch Council

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Stopping a passing scribe and looking at his lifeless face, Fan Xian felt inexplicably nervous. But he was amiable; the man seemed like he could have been a colleague of Fei Jie's. Fan Xian smiled sweetly and called out, "Hello!"

The lifeless-looking fellow peered at Fan Xian with a strange expression, just like everyone else in the building. After a long while, he spoke. "Hello."

He sounded rather stiff.

Fan Xian gulped. "If I may be so bold as to ask... Why is everyone watching me?" he asked, smiling.

The scribe smiled, showing his deathly pale teeth. He found this youth's bashful smile interesting. "If a stranger were discovered in a place that strangers never enter," he responded, "wouldn't you stare too?"

Fan Xian suddenly realized something, and then felt utterly perplexed. "Is this not the Overwatch Council?" he asked. "It's a royal institution... Has no stranger really ever come inside to conduct business?"

The man pointed outside and explained kindly. "Look over there."

Fan Xian saw that there was nobody by the entrance to the Council, and the pedestrians had all made a detour to the opposite side of the road.

The man smiled frightfully and knitted his wrinkled brow. "The people of the capital always avoid our office. As for official business, we never deal with the public; only matters of state. And His Majesty does not involve the other departments of the government in these matters. So we have nothing to do with the other offices."

Fan Xian laughed bitterly. "So it looks like I'm trespassing."

"Do you not know what the Overwatch Council does?" asked the man, curious.

"I have some idea," replied Fan Xian. After all, he was a student of Master Fei Jie of the Third Bureau of the Overwatch Council, so he had some familiarity with their work.

"And yet you still presume to charge in here." The man shrugged. "Any ordinary person would avoid this place as if it were the palace of the King of Hell."

Fan Xan couldn't help but smile. "Perhaps I saw the King of Hell myself when I was younger?"

The man smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Very well."

The skin on his right shoulder broke out in goose pimples. His tone of voice reminded Fan Xian of Sun Erniang, the character from Water Margin who would lure travellers into her tavern before knocking them out, chopping them up and stuffing them into steamed buns.

The man smiled. "Is there something I can help you with?"

Fan Xian felt as if the man had suddenly turned into a hotel concierge from his previous life. He shook his head, trying to clear his wandering mind. He fiddled with a coin between his fingers. "Is Fei Jie here?" he asked politely.

The man was taken aback. He opened his mouth, but said nothing. His expression immediately changed from the seemingly unconcerned one he had before; it was now one of reverence with a touch of fear. "You are looking for Master Fei?"

As they spoke, the man flicked his finger, rebounding the coin up Fan Xian's sleeve. Fan Xian raised an eyebrow. He knew that the man's skill seemed simple, but it was beautiful. He must have practiced sleight of hand for many years. Such precision told him that this seemingly ordinary functionary of the Overwatch Council was a secret master.

Fan Xian nodded, confirming that he had come to find Fei Jie. He noticed that the man was wiping clean the hand that had patted his shoulder.

"Master Fei is not here," he replied politely, carefully moving back a few paces and creating distance between himself and Fan Xian. "Master Fei is supervising matters near the border."

It suddenly hit Fan Xian that this was what Teng Zijing was talking about. The Director of the Overwatch Council was visiting his hometown, a journey that would take at least three months. Assuming that Fei would do nothing, the only superior who could control him was not present. Of course Fei would slip away.

He thanked the man and turned to leave. "Pardon me, what is your name?" he asked the man with a sudden smile.

"My name is Wang Qinian, sir." Wang Qinian, official at the Overwatch Council, had seen this youngster with his bashful smile come barging in to the Council demanding to see Master Fei, asking for him by name. He decided that he was no ordinary commoner, and it was best to be deferent and call him "sir".

Fan Xian knew that after this man heard him ask after Fei Jie, he would have subconsciously connected him with the danger of poison, and so he wiped his hands and moved back. He looked at Wang Qinian and smiled. "If Master Fei returns, please let me know. Tell him... his student has come to the capital."

Fei Jie's student? Wang Qinian had a sudden urge to chop off his right hand; to punish himself for his impudence. He cleared his throat.


As he left the Overwatch Council, the sun shone down on the trees on either side of the street, and the shadows of countless leaves fell across Fan Xian's body. He walked westward along the road, and then sat on a railing by the side of the running waters. His hands were propping him up on both sides and he watched the crowd walk by. For a while, he was unsure where to go next.

He didn't want to go back to Fan Manor, even though his beloved sister was there. When he thought about Lady Liu and his father – and his plump little brother, forced to compete with him instead of spending his days reading happily – he felt uneasy.

He was willing to fight for what was his, and he wasn't going to give up.

But Fan Xian was still unsure what exactly belonged to him in this world. After all, he had once lived a different life, and he felt a degree of separation from this world.

He had not told his father that he would be going to the Overwatch Council to find Fei Jie. Although his father knew that Fei Jie was his teacher, he always felt that Fei Jie seemed more trustworthy. Perhaps it was because, not long after coming to this world, he had grown close to Fei Jie, as he had taught Fan Xian about the human body.

Now, Fei Jie was no longer in the capital. This raised some questions for Fan Xian over the arrangements for him to come to the city. And so he wondered what to do next.

As he pondered, he leapt off the railing and began to walk back absent-mindedly. When he passed the Council building for the second time, he noticed that the pedestrians were all sticking to the right side of the street, avoiding the entrance as if they feared that some sort of foul odor was seeping from the building.

He narrowed his eyes and headed toward the building. The thin clouds overhead scattered and exquisite sunshine radiated out, leaving him dazzled by a ray of golden light.

Rubbing his eyes, he headed toward where the light was reflecting from and discovered a tablet by the entrance to the Council, squatting like a vanquished tiger on the floor. The tablet was made of stone and had a few words written upon it.

Fan Xian furrowed his brow. The words felt somewhat familiar, as if he'd seen them somewhere before. But when he racked his brains, he couldn't think of where they might have come from. He looked beneath and saw the inscription.

It was a strange yet familiar name.

Chapter 55: Candied Berries and the Temple of Qing

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Ye Qingmei?"

Fan Xian was shocked as he quietly and unthinkingly read the name aloud. He never would have thought that his mother's name would appear on a stone tablet outside the Overwatch Council.

He remained calm on the surface, but his mind was racing - why was his mother's name on this tablet outside the Overwatch Council? Although the lady of the Ye family had been the richest woman in the country, it seemed she was treated even better than the Emperor. Furthermore, his mother's strange death undoubtedly had something to do with the nobility of the Kingdom of Qing. Although Wu Zhu had said that during the incident ten years ago the enemies of the Ye family had been completely annihilated, who could guarantee for certain that the relatives of those enemies did not remain in the royal court?

Now, Ye Qingmei's name was clearly not to be spoken, and the Ye family's assets had been completely appropriated, their business becoming property of the royal family.

The Overwatch Council clearly displayed Ye Qingmei's name by their door. Wu Zhu had said that very few people knew that Ye Qingmei was his mother, but the royal family of the Kingdom of Qing knew; was Director Chen so brazen that he didn't care about the reputation of the royal family?

But as he read the small stone tablet, Fan Xian understood the meaning of what Wu Zhu had said in Danzhou.

"Not many people knew that her name was Ye Qingmei. The servants simply called her 'Miss'. But the name Ye Qingmei... is well known in the capital."

Fan Xian rubbed his hands, lowered his head and walked on. If such a tablet stood outside the entrance to the Overwatch Council, so feared by the people of the capital, the name of Ye Qingmei was surely well-known indeed.

These thoughts all came to him within a short matter of time. He tried not to let it show, rolling up his sleeves and continuing to walk eastward with no expression on his face, as if he had never read the name.

And because he had read the tablet, Fan Xian couldn't help but think of the Prime Minister's daughter, the girl he was about to marry. He had heard his father say that her mother was the Eldest Princess, now in control of the Ye family's former business. If there was anything in this world that he felt was his by right, it was this business - it was an odd feeling.

He had heard from Teng Zijing where the mansion of the young lady of the Lin family was located, but he knew her background and her identity well, and the capital was filled with hidden dangers, so he didn't dare try to sneak in. He had come to the Overwatch Council to find Fei Jie, and wanted to use the exceptional methods of the Council to find a way to see her on her sickbed. At the same time, he had wanted to ask Fei Jie to help him find out more about her illness.

But, to his surprise, Fei Jie was no longer in the capital. Fan Xian was somewhat annoyed. Did he really have to wait until he was married to even know what his bride looked like? That was out of the question, he admonished himself. He had to find a way to spy on her, just in case there was something wrong with her, so that he would have time to prepare to flee this arranged marriage.

The more he walked, the angrier he felt. When he first came to the capital, he had sadly discovered that he was not familiar with these roads at all. He came back up Tianhe Avenue and found that he couldn't see his family's carriage anywhere.

Just then, he caught sight of a young boy holding candied hawthorne berries on a stick, munching away as he walked along. Smelling their sweet and familiar aroma, Fan Xian caught up with the boy, snatched away the stick, and gnawed at them, confirming that they had come from the same vendor that he had visited before, and asked where the vendor was.

The young boy was rather frightened, thinking that he had run into some kind of candy thief. After Fan Xian finally pacified him by throwing him a handful of copper coins, he pointed him in the right direction.

Fan Xian headed off that way, walking for a long time before finally coming to the sad realization that the place that the boy had said was not where he should have been at all. He had already reached the edges of the city, a place he did not know at all. Though he was quite proud of his stamina for walking so far, he was not so proud of his intellect.

A single temple stood in this desolate place.

To find such desolate area in a bustling city was no easy feat. It was, perhaps, not so much desolate as it was unusually clean. On the eaves, beams and pillars of the temple, there was not a speck of dust to be seen

As he craned his neck up to look at the black wooden building, he couldn't help but be reminded of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing in his former life, though the temple in front of him was much smaller, and it seemed less connected to the mysteries of heaven and more concerned with secular beauty.

The main entrance was covered in thick black lacquer and looked extremely solemn. On a flat horizontal tablet above the gate stood the words: "Temple of Qing".

Fan Xian used his tongue to extract the last remnants of candied berries from between his teeth. He looked at the golden-painted words above him that designated this sacred ground, and he was filled with a feeling that was hard to describe.

This was the Temple of Qing. It was said that this was the only place in the Kingdom of Qing connected to the Temple of the Void; this was where the royal family came to make sacrifices to Heaven.

When he was in Danzhou, Fei Jie had said that the Heavenly Altar was three miles away from the imperial palace, which Fan Xian took to mean a place that was three miles away, never guessing that "three miles away" was a part of its name. .

Fan Xian's jaw hung open. Before he came to the capital, he thought that since no one knew where the temple was, he had to come and see the Heavenly Altar at the Temple of Qing, because there was a question that had bothered him for 16 years, a question to which he had never found an answer:

Why had he come to this world?

In the novels he had read in his previous life, Xiang Shaolong[1] had his reasons, there was a reason for the adventures that followed, and ultimately, no reason was needed.

But Fan Xian was filled with deep doubts. He needed a reason, something that explain to him how he could have clearly died and been reborn in this world.

He never would have thought that that the child would have pointed him in the direction of the Temple of Qing. This realization made him feel somewhat dizzy. Perhaps there was some faint and mysterious connection between him and the temple. Perhaps this was fate.

He was firmly convinced that the candied hawthorne berries had brought him to his destiny.

As he stepped forward, all was quiet around him. He softly opened the heavy wooden gate, which seemed not to have been opened in many years.




An angry shout came through the air.

[1]: Xiang Shaolong is a character from a series concerning a man who was sent back through time.

Chapter 56: The Nobleman

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian was alarmed. A yell had suddenly had erupted in what he thought was a silent and sacred place. He looked and found that there were people inside the temple. Blocking his path was a middle-aged man with deep-set eyes and a nose like a hawk, who stared at him with a vicious glare.

Fan Xian could see that the man was not pleased. He thought back to the historical classics he had read; in the customs of the Imperial City, for someone to hide behind the door of the Temple of Qing to scare people, swooping like a hawk hunting a rabbit, was certainly not right.

Who the hell wanted to be that rabbit?

Fan Xian frowned. "Sir, you almost made me deaf with how loud you were."

The man's expression was thoroughly stern, and he pushed Fan Xian away, admonishing him in a low voice. "Get out of here, quick! There are people praying inside the temple and they are not to be disturbed." It was clear by the man's clothes that he was the attendant for some rich family, though his tone of voice sounded like some sort of government official.

But Fan Xian did not realize this. Ever since Fei Jie had taken him to dig up graves in his childhood, he had become something of a clean-freak. He saw the hand that was coming toward him, frowned, intertwined his hands and grabbed the man by the wrists.

There was a small cracking sound.

The two stared at each other in astonishment, having discovered that they seemed matched in skill; they were intertwined around each other like two snakes, neither able to break free.

The middle-aged man made a noise of approval, his eyes shimmering. With a hidden power that flowed like a river, he forced his wrists back toward Fan Xian.

Fan Xian groaned. He hadn't expected to come across such an expert fighter. His back began to feel hot, and the powerful zhenqi he had kept pacified for many years immediately reacted, pouring out form the dantian point in his pubic region, striking the man with a rigid blow in response.

With a low humming sound, the dust that sat on the stone steps began to rise up into the air, forming itself into some sort of strange sphere before dissipating.

The pair walked back a few steps, shaken. The middle-aged man covered his lips and coughed. Fan Xian remained expressionless, as if nothing had happened.

The middle-aged man eyed him coolly. "So young, but with such powerful zhenqi. Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. I just want to get into the temple to pray. Why are you stopping me?" Fan Xian replied, matching his gaze.

"There are nobles within the temple. You'll have to wait, boy." The man thought that this boy's power seemed similar to his own. He wondered just which of the capital's families he may have come from, and whether it was senior to his own, and so he suppressed his own urge for violence.

Slight amusement flashed in Fan Xian's eyes. "In the laws of the Temple of Qing, there is no regulation that states I have to wait outside before I can pray."

The middle-aged man frowned. He did not like this boy. He brushed down his sleeves and went into the temple, leaving Fan Xian outside.

Fan Xian opened his mouth to speak, but he was overcome with a sense of gloom. He tasted blood, and retrieved a handkerchief from his sleeve to wipe his mouth. Luckily, as his secret power had flowed, at the crucial moment, his right forefinger had quietly flicked the man's pulse point. He had a much greater understanding of the workings of the human body than most skilled fighters; otherwise it was likely that he would suffer great wounds.

He looked at the heavy wooden door again, and his heart skipped a beat. He didn't dare try to push the seemingly-unopenable door open again.



Fan Xian coughed. A determined look crept across his handsome face. Since he couldn't beat the man in combat, it seemed best to retreat and come back to beat him some time later. As he turned to leave, the door behind him opened again. The middle-aged man who had injured him stood at the entrance. "The master says that you may enter the side chamber to pray. Don't go into the main hall."

After he'd finished, he spoke again. "I said don't go into the main hall; do you hear me?"

Fan Xian turned around and looked at the man, and looked again at the seemingly unfathomable and eerie Temple of Qing. He frowned, dusted down his sleeves, and stepped over the tall threshold, walking toward the side chamber without looking back.

As he watched this young man face such an obstacle without getting anxious, angry, timid, or retreating, and continue on with his goal, the middle-aged man felt a twinge of admiration.

He closed the temple door and looked around, furrowing his brow. Those brats had let the kid get all the way to the door of the temple. They were getting extra drills that evening.


The Temple of Qing was a quiet place. The people of the Kingdom of Qing were realists - if they wanted to make offerings, they preferred to go to Dongshan Temple on the western side of the city to pray to the Maiden Who Brings Children and other immortals who would bring them wealth.

But the people of the Kingdom of Qing respected and feared Heaven, and the Emperor was the so-called Son of Heaven, so the Temple of Qing became a place where the royal family would offer sacrifices to Heaven. Although the Temple of Qing was open to commoners most days, the common people did not like its heavy and eerie atmosphere.

The main hall of the Temple of Qing looked a lot like the Temple of Heaven: It was circular, with two floors and eaves that jutted outwards; looked absolutely beautiful.

The middle-aged man stood respectfully outside the main hall, looking at the nobles inside who admired its colorful walls with their hands clasped behind their back. "I am allowing this young man to enter the side chamber in accordance with the master's wishes," he said in a low voice.

The nobles looked around 40 years of age, and though they did not look anything like soldiers, their eyes seemed world-weary, touched by an indecipherable tiredness.

"What family is he from that he would allow him to match blows with you?" asked one of the nobles, smiling.

Though he was a highly-skilled fighter, he was an attendant to the man who stood before him. "I do not know," he replied sincerely. "But I wanted to let you know, sir. His methods... were very similar to those of the family bodyguards."

The nobleman was astonished. "Oh? Could he be the son of Li Zhi?"

The middle-aged man laughed bitterly. "Sir, although I have never liked having dealings with him, Crown Prince Jing knows him."

"Oh." The nobleman turned around to continue looking at the murals on the walls. He had so many matters to consider each day that it was rare that he could find a moment's peace, so he decided not to trouble himself further with this small matter and let that youngster enter the side chamber to pray. It was good to know that the nation could produce such talented young people.

The middle-aged man stood guard quietly outside the main hall, occasionally glancing into the side chamber.



Some time later, a clamor arose from outside the hall. The nobleman suddenly frowned. "The girl isn't resting in the back. Is she doing something in the side chamber?"

The middle-aged man was alarmed. He turned his ears to the direction of the sound. He raised his head. "The princess has gone to the side chamber."

The nobleman furrowed his brow. "That noise..." He suddenly thought of something, and his face changed. "Go and look, and... bring that young man to me."

"Yes sir." The middle aged man was about to take his leave when suddenly, a squawk came from outside the temple. The temple doors were opened, and a rushed-looking man ran in, handing him a letter with a wax seal upon it.

Chapter 57: The Fluttering Heart

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian kept his head low as he walked towards the side temple, but out of the corners of his eyes, he couldn't stop looking at the Heavenly Altar in the main hall. He was very curious as to who was blessed enough over there to drive away such a skilled opponent. He knew his opponent must indeed have an immeasurably in-depth background, but he was here only to look around, and didn't feel like butting in, despite "minding other people's business" being in his name.

His right hand was still at his lips, and from time to time, he would cough once or twice. After scanning his upper body with zhenqi, he was able to make sure there weren't any substantial injuries. His lungs and airways weren't hurt, but his vocal cords were torn when he was retaliating.

Fan Xian kept coughing as he walked, dotting his white handkerchief with blood. He thought of Lin Daiyu, Su Mengzhen, Zhou Yu, Lin Qinnan, and many of his seniors—cough, well, not Lin Qinnan, who was not as tear-jerking as the other three.

By the time he arrived at the side hall, his zhenqi had already healed his throat. Fan Xian put his handkerchief away somewhat sadly. He turned and took one more look at the Sky Altar before walking into the side temple.

The side temple was slightly smaller and surrounded by a blue stone wall. There was no one inside. Fan Xian was disappointed not to have seen any ascetics. As he walked in further, he was even more disappointed after discovering there were no statues of deities, unlike the temples he had known in his previous life.

He eventually changed his tune, however. This should be normal, since the people were worshipping the sky. Naturally, they couldn't grasp its form.

In the center of the temple was an extremely wide incense table. Pale yellow satin hung down from the table, reaching the ground and covering the stone pavement underneath.

On the table was an elegant porcelain incense burner with three sticks in incense that had already been burned through more than halfway. The entire room was filled with a calming aroma.

Fan Xian wandered aimlessly, and his gaze scanned across the murals. He discovered that those murals resembled the more contemporary oil paintings from his previous life. However, the deities depicted standing at mountaintops, floating on the sea, or sitting by volcanoes all had blurred out faces. It was almost as if the artist intended them to be this way.

Fan Xian noticed that the murals told of ancient folktales commonly found in books, including stories such as Gun Yu controlling the great flood, among other things Fan Xian couldn't match up the murals with their books.

He shook his head, relinquishing the thought he would find answers here. He found a thin cushion, threw it before the incense table, and got down. His clasped his hands together and closed his eyes. His lips moved slightly to the rising of the smoke from the incense as he kept praying.

Fan Xian was an atheist in his previous life, but the Fan Xian now was truly religious. Such a change was to be expected. Anyone going through what he experienced would surely do the same.

Which was why he was worshipping so sincerely. He prayed that the heavens and the temple would tell him why he was in this world. Not to mention, though, that he prayed for a trouble-free life with lots of money.



Suddenly, there was a disturbance in the incense smoke. Fan Xian's ears perked up, as if they had heard something. Feeling doubtful, he opened his eyes and saw the little incense burner trembling slightly. He was absolutely astonished. Had his seemingly devote, absent-minded prayer finally reached the heavens?

His gaze stopped at the wide incense table. Fan Xian finally discovered where the problem was. His eyes flashed. With his left hand on the hilt of his concealed dagger, he reached out slowly but firmly with his right hand and lifted up the satin which draped over the table.


Lifting up the satin, Fan Xian could not believe his eyes.

Half-kneeling under the table was a girl wearing a hanfu wrapped youren style. She too was shocked as she stared at Fan Xian.

The girl had big eyes with a gentle gaze, resembling the surface of a tranquil lake. Her face was exquisitely beautiful; she had pale, tender skin and long eyelashes, like a character from a painting.

Stunned, Fan Xian couldn't move his eyes away. He gradually noticed that the girl's forehead was slightly big and her nose was slightly pointy. Her skin was just a bit whiter than normal, and her lips were somewhat thicker than conventional beauty standards. Despite those imperfections, her overall appearance, plus her faintly frightened expression and innate shyness, still made Fan Xian's heart skip a bit.

His heart was moved.

The girl looked at this sky-worshipping youth with curiosity. She wasn't expecting the youth to look so beautiful with his long eyelashes. She couldn't help but sneak a few more looks at him.

Afterwards, the girl felt she was being rather inappropriate. A hint of red began to spread across her cheeks before quickly disappearing. The redness had at one point spread to her ears.

And yet she still reluctantly refused to look away. She was that curious, wondering where this good-looking youth came from.



It was all quiet in the center of the temple, Fan Xian's hand still held onto the satin, his eyes were still fixated on the girl's face. The girl had now gathered up the courage to look back at him. They mutually looked at each other. A long time passed, everything was still silent.

Fan Xian scanned his eyes across the girl's face, and she couldn't help but lower her head in embarrassment. An unusual glisten on the girl's lips got Fan Xian's attention.

He took a couple more looks before realizing the reason. What was about to happen would remain in his memory for a long time—the girl was holding a chicken leg, and the grease had gotten on her lips while she ate.

This beautiful girl in white; to think she hid under the incense table to eat chicken! Fan Xian's jaws hung open at this contrast. He was speechless for a while.

Finally, the uncomfortably quietness was finally broken.

"Who… You… Who are you?"

The beautiful duo spoke at the same time, their gently shaking voice matching each other.

Fan Xian heard the girl for the first time. Her voice felt soft and without strength. It was a comfortable sound, but it also left him without any sense of direction. There was a feeling of excitement around his chest. Fan Xian then threw up a mouthful of blood.

"Ah!" the girl yelped in surprise. She wasn't afraid, however, as her eyes showed intense sympathy as if she felt all of Fan Xian's suffering.

Seeing the girl worrying on his behalf, Fan Xian's heart warmed. He reassured her with a smile on his face: "this is nothing. I'll get used to it."

Chapter 58: It Was Her

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

With wind from the South, the bitter fleabane comes into my arms.

The flower bud blossoms in my arms, it blossoms for a gentleman like you.

They are a rare pairing, time and tide wait for no man.

If you send me a papaya, I will return you a fine jade.


Hearing the novel witty remark, a smile flashed across the worried eyes of the girl.

Fan Xian looked at her with a smile and said softly, "Still hidden inside?"

The girl shook her head shyly.

Meanwhile, there came a voice from outside, "Madam, where are you?" The girl in white immediately turned pale, knowing that she had to leave.

Fan Xian also knew that someone outside must be looking for her. Looking at her expression, a sense of loss arose in his heart, fearing that he would not be able to find her after her departure today. So he asked anxiously, "Will you come tomorrow?"

She shook her head with a dim expression.

"Are you a member of the noble family in the main hall?" Fan Xian asked tentatively.

The girl thought and smiled without answering him. She came out from a long altar and ran out like the wind. Before stepping out of the gate of the temple, she looked back at Fanxian and cast her eyes on the chicken leg in her hand. She stuck out her tongue playfully. She thought of how her uncle would scold her if he saw her doing that.

Her eyes rolled around. She ran back and gave Fan Xian the chicken leg. Then she ran out of the gate of the temple smiling and waving her hand.

She never came back.



Fan Xian was half-kneeling on the prayer mat, confirming that what he saw previously was not a fairy sent by god. Looking down at the chicken leg in his hand and giggled. He decided that he must find the girl in the capital city no matter how deeply he had to dig up the streets. "If the girl is not betrothed…" he thought to himself. "No– even if she is engaged to some other fool, I'll get her back!"

When he walked out of the temple gate with the oily chicken leg in his hand, he saw a line of carriages approaching from the east. He knew that the girl in white must be in one of the carriages.

The setting sun was shining in the green trees on both sides of the road, making the leaves seem like they were on fire.

Fan Xian raised the chicken leg and nibbled at it absent-mindedly. Suddenly, he remembered that the girl's sweet lips had also bitten the chicken leg and his heart swelled.

"Chicken leg, chicken leg, bitten by the maiden; you are the happiest chicken leg in the world."

He went to the center of the capital city with a smile. With great appreciation toward the little child eating a string of candied hawthorn, he took his time, even though he couldn't find his way back to Fan Manor. The person who he really should have thanked was the blind man who was not far behind him, holding a bamboo walking stick and disappearing into the twilight.


Gong Qu was not as upbeat as Fan Xian. He had come out with the master for relaxation. Unexpectedly, there were many troubling issues on the way. Firstly, an unknown teenager ran through the secret blockade of his own bodyguards and ran into the Qing temple. Secondly, the little girl was seen by everyone slipping to the side hall. "What use are those old nuns?" he was thinking.

However, he had no way to vent his resentment, because the master looked gloomy and seemed very angry. It seemed that the encrypted letter made him unhappy.

"Gong Dian," the nobleman in the carriage cried coldly. For 20 years now, he had hated sitting in a sedan chair. "If Chen Pingping still does not want to come back, send your men to get her."

"Yes, my lord." Gong Dian complied, but inwardly complained, thinking about who might be able to do that job well.

Noticing that the carriage was quiet, Gong Dian secretly sighed with relief and relaxed a bit. Turning around to see the dejected guards behind, he burst into anger. The guards hidden secretly outside the Qing temple had been knocked unconscious by someone. And he didn't even know who did it!

Because of this, that teenager had entered the heavily guarded Qing Temple very easily.

Gong Dian frowned, wondering who had the ability to silently knock the eight guards unconscious at the same time. This was like something that only the Four Great Grandmasters were capable of! If… it was an assassin…? His heart was seized with fear and he dared not to continue that line of thought. Yet he knew that a secret investigation would be carried out after he came back.

The carriage with florally decorated windows at the end of the procession was different from the other ones. The girl in white who gazed at Fan Xian with embarrassment in Qing Temple was now half-leaning on the seat. With a faint smile, she seemed to be recalling something.

The maid beside her was relaxed after seeing her ladyship was so happy. The maid asked, "My lady, why are you so happy today?"

The girl smiled and said, "Every time I go out with my uncle, I feel so happy. At least it's better than staying in that dismal room."

The maid tooted and said, "But the imperial physician said you cannot be exposed to the wind because of the disease."

On hearing the word "disease", the girl became dismal and upset. But when she thought of the handsome young man she met, she felt better. She thought to herself, "I am ill-fated and cannot live much longer. Should I be happy or unhappy that I met that man?"

Then she thought of the rumor that she had been involved in and that aristocrat of Fan Manor. Even though the mother opposed, and the strange father seemed to oppose it, too, but…Who can bend uncle's will? This made her depressed. With a kind of sweetness in her chest, she pulled a white handkerchief to cover her mouth.

After coughing several times, the handkerchief was dotted with a little bit of blood.

The maid panicked after seeing the blood, and said with a crying voice, "You're spitting up blood again. This can't be good."

With a faint smile, the girl recalled what the teenager said, and chuckled. "So what? I'm used to it by now. "

The maid sighed in astonishment. She had no idea what the girl meant. She thought the disease had made her delirious.


Fan Xian came back to Fan Manor at night in a fluster. He made a decision that he had to tie the official belt onto his waist when he went out next time.

It was supper time, and four people were waiting for him at the table. He felt sorry, but Count Sinan was expressionless and Mrs. Liu smiled gently with no trace of disdain.

He explained what had happened with a few words. Fan Ruoruo burst into laughter, thinking her older brother was foolish. Even if he could not find his own carriage, it would have been better to hire one from a carriage rental agency. Fan Xian never thought of the carriage, so he had to endure the ridicule of Fan Sizhe.

After the meal, the family of four began to happily play the card game Madiao. Fan Sizhe was just like an accountant, holding an abacus off to the side and helping everybody calculate.

A trace of sadness flashed through the eyes of Mrs. Liu. Bearing resentment at her son's failure to become successful, she chatted with Fan Xian with a smile.

Chapter 59: The Young Accountant

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian abandoned his spot after he lost several unlucky rounds. He had grown frustrated and couldn't deal with aunt Liu's cheery face. He patted Fan Sizhe. Fan Sizhe glanced meekly at his father, who nodded his head in response. Wild with joy, he squealed and jumped onto the stool.

Fan Sizhe was a timid child in front of his father. Usually, he would have been sent to his study room after dinner and would never have been allowed to gamble with money. He could tell that today was an exception, as his father was in a good mood and wanted to let Fan Xian to save face, and so Fan Sizhe's impression of this brother from Danzhou changed significantly.

Fan Xian wandered around the garden, and when he returned to the parlor, he was shocked at the scene before him. In front of Fan Sizhe was a mountainous pile of coins, and in comparison, it looked like the other three gamblers were more or less broke.

Fan Xian remembered Fan Sizhe's passionate show of love for money earlier that day in the carriage, and he realized that his less-than-angelic brother wasn't talentless after all, that, at least where money was concerned, his brother showed talent.

Curious, Fan Xian stood behind the 12-year-old and observed his technique. After a while, Fan Xian grew a newfound respect for Fan Sizhe as he saw the nimble movements of his hands. Fan Sizhe handled all of his tiles in one hand while his other hand hovered above an abacus and his five chubby fingers worked rapidly.

Fan Sizhe won every round, and as the accounting method was complicated, he ended up calculating everything himself. As Fan Xian watched from the side, he noticed that Fan Sizhe could easily put more money under his own name. It was no wonder that he had a growing pile of coins stacked in front of him.

Lady Liu's face remained unchanged as she found Fan Xian staring at Fan Sizhe. She sighed to herself, afraid that Fan Xian had caught onto her own son's ugly greed for money and hence grow even more confident.

She had no idea that Fan Xian was in a state of shock as of this moment. This was because Fan Sizhe's face showed no hint of play or nonsense. In fact, it radiated the sense and perseverance of an idealist.

Fan Xian was sure that the boy in front of him would grow to be an impressive figure if he was given room to nurture his potential. However, he was also aware that the only way of gaining recognition in this country was through imperial examinations, even if Fan Sizhe received a noble rank due to his family relations. Judging from Fan Sizhe's current standard of school work it would be impossible for him to get a legitimate job. This was why Teng Zijing said Lady Liu felt pain and hate toward her son.

In this era, merchants were not respected. The ministry of revenue was a different matter, as was the royal market. The public merchants however, were a whole different matter still.

The last round of gambling was over and Count Sinan left the table expressionless. Happy family gatherings didn't suit his personality, but today felt different. He glanced at Fan Xian before he left.

Fan Xian caught a vague message from the glance. It would seem that he father was not pleased that he had thrown off the guards sent to protect him. Fan Xian laughed and did not respond. He disliked being followed and so decided to use action to emphasize this fact early on.

Lady Liu gazed at her son, her eyes revealing hints of love and helplessness. These emotions vanished in an instant. She stood up and politely bid farewell to Fan Xian and Fan Ruoruo before leaving with her husband. The servants of Count Sinan's mansion knew that their master liked to drink a cup of fruit pulp handmade by Lady Liu to help him get to sleep, as he had been working all day in the busy Ministry of Revenue.

Fan Xian frowned; he had wanted to speak to his father about something, but it looked like he had to put that on hold. Fan Xian turned round and saw Fan Sizhe still at the table, recording his winnings. He asked curiously, "You still haven't put the money away? What are you writing down?"

Ruoruo was tired from playing. She circled her wrists and laughed, "Father only allows him to play when guests visit on New Year's Day, but he won't allow him to keep the coins he wins. He says that a real man should not be greedy over such little money. Of Course, Fan Sizhe wouldn't dare go against his father, so he records his winnings instead and says that he'll gradually come to us to deal with it in the future."

Fan Xian felt a sudden emotion as he thought about the hidden meaning behind the word "deal." He calmed himself and asked with a smile, "Sizhe, I see that you are good at calculations. What do you plan to do when you grow up?"

Fan Sizhe was young, but could not be disturbed when he was counting his earnings. Completely focused on his task, he ignored the question. Fan Ruoruo grew worried that her older brother would be angry at her little brother and was prepared to offer an explanation, but instead, her eyes met with the cheery-faced Fan Xian who was admiring this young accountant at the table.

Fan Sizhe seemed to have registered the question only when the counting was done.

He rubbed his head and frowned in thought before answering, "Of course, I'll study and become a government official and bring glory to my family."

Fan Xian laughed at him and asked, "Really?"

Fan Sizhe's vigor quickly drained away, and he answered in a defeated tone, "If mother hears me say otherwise, I'll get beaten again for sure."

"There's only the three of us here; why be afraid to say what you really think?" Fan Xian said jokingly.

Hearing these words caused unknown emotions to well up in Fan Sizhe. He had grown up respected by the servants. It was said that the noble boys had strict fathers and kind mothers, but he had a strict father and mother. When his father gave his sister the power to discipline him, it turned out that his sister was even stricter, so he was used to respecting his elders but love and care was something he had never experienced.

In the moment he heard the words 'what you really think', Fan Sizhe was somewhat confused. His big brother, who was four years older, was not as scary as mother had described; instead he was kind.

"I...like making money."

"What's so good about the profits of merchants?" Fan Ruoruo furrowed her brows as she disciplined her brother.

Fan Xian shot her a look of disapproval. He felt disappointed that after all the letters they had exchanged, she still held on to such silly logic. After being glared at, Ruoruo knew she had said the wrong thing and instantly became silent

Fan Xian smiled at his brother, "No matter what you do, you just have to do your best. Even if it is with making money, I will support you."

"And what good is your support?" Fan Sizhe sighed in despair. "I need father's personal permission."

"Do it secretly." Fan Xian was like the devil on Fan Sizhe shoulder.

Fan Sizhe lit up as something occurred to him. He spoke passionately, "Brother, give me your draft for the book. I have a way of making big money from it." The word 'brother' rolled off his tongue naturally.

Confused, Fan Xian questioned, "Won't it be a slow way to make money?"

"Oh, so you're in such desperate need of money?" Fan Sizhe sneered at him, "I'm just testing this out."

Realizing that the little rascal had just sneered at him, Fan Xian replied in annoyance:

"You want the goods? Show me your proposal first!"