
Chapter 204: Wuduhe

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The small and remote village of Wuduhe sat on the border between the Kingdom of Qing and Northern Qi. Because it was not an area of territory that armies cared to fight over, it had not seen any sort of serious battle for many years. But each side had their own guard encampments, and so small skirmishes were naturally inevitable. After the various vassal states had become the center for trade and war between the two nations, the village had found itself becoming quieter and gloomier.

Fan Xian knew that 20 years ago, this village had belonged to Northern Wei. Now it was part of the national territory of the Kingdom of Qing.

And so the villagers had no particular feelings of closeness regarding the diplomatic mission. It seemed that it would take a number of years for the people of one nation to get used to a change of ruler.

The village's glass tiles dully reflected the sunlight. Sat in his carriage on the road, Fan Xian narrowed his eyes, unceasingly trying to plan for what he would do once they crossed into Northern Qi territory.

Fan Xian wanted to get Xiao En's secret out of him. This was more important to him than the interests and orders of the whole Qing court! That was because the temple was connected to Wu Zhu, and the message that his mother had left him in the box showed that she had once sneaked into the temple and stolen things from inside it.

A slight smile floated across the corners of Fan Xian's lips. He had never laid eyes on his mother Ye Qingmei, and yet remarkably, he truly loved her. When he thought of how many years ago, that young woman had secretly infiltrated the Temple of the Void - located in a place no one knew of - he sighed in admiration of his mother's bravery, her audacity, her cunning.

Fan Xian knew he was not the same as his mother; it was a fact that did not make him feel discouraged in the slightest. Instead, it made him feel all the more positive in the face of this seemingly charmed and yet truly dangerous second life of his.

So he needed to know just where the temple was. Then he could go and experience the place where his mother had once tread, and the breath she had left behind.

There was a small brook that surrounded the village of Wuduhe. This was the stream that formed the border between Northern Qi and the Kingdom of Qing. There was a strip of temporarily-built platforms along the stream, enough to carry a single carriage across at a time.

The officials from Northern Qi and the Honglu Temple official from within the diplomatic mission were all awaiting their arrival on the other side of the bridge. On that side of the river, listless and malnourished-looking local garrison troops stood guard. But looking at the way they clutched their spears, it was unclear whether they were attempting to make a dignified display or had fallen asleep while clutching their spear shafts.

The first carriage made its way across the bridge. The wheels rumbled on the uneven surface. It looked as if it could give way at any moment, and those watching could not help but feel rather nervous.

Fan Xian had already dismounted the carriage, and walked along the bridge, calling out to the awaiting officials, then turning his head to look at the carriage making its slow and unsteady crossing. The bridge seemed increasingly unstable, and the creaking sound got louder.

Seemingly catching sight of the worry lines in Fan Xian's brow, a Northern Qi official surnamed Hou hurried to reassure him. "We've tested it," he explained. "There are no problems."

Fan Xian nodded. He knew that in dealings between the two countries, everything came down to power. There was no need for him to be too cordial toward this low-level official. His attention was focused mainly on the diplomatic convoy. If Haitang truly wanted to kill Xiao En to keep him silent, then right here and now on the bridge would be her final chance.

As the disciple of grandmaster Ku He, she was responsible for her master's reputation, and responsible for the safety of the citizens of Northern Qi, so she could not make her move within the borders of the nation.

Suddenly, Fan Xian's heart skipped a beat. He slowly turned around, but saw only a stretch of poplar trees on the side of the stream to the southeast. The trees were slim but pointed straight upward toward the sky, as rigid as the soldiers' pikes.

Wearing flower-patterned clothes and carrying a basket, a young woman watched the convoy cross the bridge. The wind breezed along the side of the bank, blowing at the cloth tied around her head, revealing her ordinary-looking face and her bright eyes.

Fan Xian smiled at Haitang and nodded his head ever so lightly, expressing his gratitude and perhaps a certain amount of goodwill. He knew that once they reached Shangjing in Northern Qi, he would undoubtedly see her again. And Chen Pingping had ordered him to think of a way to get closer to Ku He.

Haitang was nothing like Fan Xian had imagined her to be when he was in the capital. She was not as beautiful as Shi Feixuan [1]. But Shi Feixuan's beauty was external. Haitang possessed beauty of character.

Fan Xian never thought that fairies could exist, and if they did, they were no doubt she-devils in disguise.

Although Haitang had come to assassinate Xiao En and had wanted at one point to murder Fan Xian, he still quite admired her. One aspect of his admiration was her natural strength. Another aspect was the way she had planted her hands on her hips and wagged her finger at him like some kind of vixen while they were on the meadow. Her country-girl air had left Fan Xian quite enamored.

The carriage stopped next to Fan Xian, and he drew back the curtain and entered, no longer looking to the side of the stream. Passing the stream and going through a forest, the diplomatic convoy, under the protection of the standing army of Northern Qi, reached a main road. Fan Xian sniffed the air and looked at the blooming green trees along the side of the main road, and noticed a strange feeling: had they really left the country? Why didn't he feel any different?

The soldiers on the main road were much more inspiring. There were two cohorts, one on each side of the road. On one side was a line of women. There were delicate, young girls; agile, middle-aged servant women; and old, treacherous ladies. On the other side of the road was a line of men, gloomier-looking than the women, covered in brocaded clothing, with curved blades at their waists and a sinister air about them.

At least half of the people in the diplomatic mission were personnel of the Overwatch Council of the Kingdom of Qing. As the convoy joined the main road, as soon as they saw the guards with their curved blades, a powerful feeling of hostility began to brew between them. Each hand subconsciously rested on the blades in their scabbards.

The Overwatch Council of the Kingdom of Qing and the Brocade Guard of Northern Qi were the two most secretive and dangerous spy organizations in all the land. Over the past decades, the two sides had made secret contact with each other countless times. Their espionage and counter-espionage struggle was cruel and ruthless, and each side had hands covered with the blood of the other.

With their sudden meeting on the main road that day, each side began to rankle at the presence of the other.

A Northern Qi official hurried up to Fan Xian to explain things. Fan Xian, unconcerned, waved his hand dismissively, and allowed the subordinates to stand down somewhat. After all, this was a friendly meeting between two countries separated by a strip of water, not a clashing of swords on the battlefield. But the seven Tiger Gards behind him remained stone-faced.

In truth, feelings between these two countries separated by a river – in particular by the border village of Wuduhe – were clearer than ever.

Taking no time to rest, Fan Xian quickly ordered his subordinates to begin making arrangements for an official meeting ceremony with their counterparts. Wang Qinian was somewhat puzzled. "Why not continue with our escort of Xiao En? Perhaps on the road to Shangjing we can ask questions." He did not know what secret Xiao En was hiding, but as Commissioner Fan's trusted aide, he knew what Fan Xian wanted.

Fan Xian shook his head. "That won't do. There will be Northern Qi spies all along the road, so it won't be that easy. It would be better to just hand him over. We can worry a little less. If anything happens to Xiao En on the road, then it will be Northern Qi's responsibility. Do you think they wouldn't dare give us back Yan Bingyun?"

Though that was what he said, Fan Xian felt a certain amount of gloom. If they were to enter Shangjing, it wasn't clear if Xiao En would be safe from Ku He. Given that Xiao En's strength came from his connection to Shang Shanhu, he had no better way to pry the secret from the old man's withered lips.

The iron chains clanked along the ground. Fan Xian glared coldly at the old man as attendants helped him from the carriage. Xiao En's legs were broken, so getting off the carriage was particularly difficult. There was a sweet, faint smell of blood from the garments covering his knees.

Many of the Northern Qi Brocade Guard were young men who had no idea what Xiao En looked like, but from the stories told by the commoners and the chatter of the old men at the barracks, they knew that the current spy structures of Northern Qi had all been singlehandedly created by the work of this pitiful old man, unable to stand up by himself. In other words, this white-haired old man could be considered their forefather.

A strange atmosphere descended upon the scene. The Northern Qi Brocade Guard did not know how they were meant to treat Xiao En. Was he a hero of the nation? Or the dregs of the former regime? Was he their forebear, or a criminal to be strictly guarded?

After a moment of silence, the emotion that had been flowing in their blood finally took over. In their fine uniforms, the Brocade Guard dismounted their horses and stepped onto the main road, kneeling to the ground and making a show of subordinate salute to the old man. "Praise be to Master Xiao!" they echoed in unison.

At the sound of their salute, a powerful and familiar strength seemed to return to Xiao En's body. He looked at his disciples, kneeling in the road, and narrowed his eyes. His silvery-white, messy hair fluttered in the wind, and he opened his parched lips to speak. Ultimately, he could not say a word, and merely waved a hand.

It was the wave of his hand that made Fan Xian, standing and observing behind him, feel shocked.

Xiao En straightened his body, his shoulders like iron, seemingly strong enough once more to carry Heaven upon them.

Nearby, the servant girls from Shangjing had already entered Si Lili's carriage, carrying with them countless ornaments and utensils. Inside the carriage, they bathed Si Lili in fragrant perfumes. Some time later, the carriage door opened, and Si Lili left, stepping softly down onto a stepping stool.

Under everyone's gaze, she shone. After a moment of surprise, Fan Xian's gaze returned to normal.

A pair of lily-white hands extended from her wide, light-green sleeves. Her smooth curves were accentuated by her gorgeous clothing, and her black hair was lightly tied up with a simple ebony hairpin. Her lips were vermilion, and her eyes looked around gently, her brow neatly painted. She was a beautiful painting from every angle.

This was Si Lili: the belle of Liujing River, the beauty who had captured the heart of the Emperor.

[1] Shi Feixuan is a character in Huang Yi's wuxia novel Legend of the Two Dragons of Tang. She is both beautiful and extremely powerful.

Chapter 205: By the Roadside

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Wang Qinian looked at Fan Xian, seemingly wanting to see something different in his face. After all, Si Lili was entering the palace, and it was possible that the two would never have the chance to see each other again.

But to his surprise, Fan Xian's face remained unmoved, his eyes like two calm, clear pools. He smiled as he walked forward and cupped his hands in salute, separated from her by a gaggle of handmaids. He was about to say something, but to his surprise, he caught sight of a hateful glance fixed on him from the side.

Fan Xian felt somewhat uncomfortable, and turned his head to one side to see an old woman whose clothing clearly indicated that she occupied some status.

The old woman did not wait for him to say a word. "Lady Si has set foot on our territory," she hissed with cold disdain. "She need no longer listen to the rebuke of some official from Southern Qi."

Fan Xian frowned, wondering where such animosity had come from. The old woman muttered to herself, her voice filled with contempt. "This southern official still dares to gawk slack-jawed at the lady. What ill manners."

The old woman was from the palace, and had indeed once had some status. When Si Lili was young and lived in the Northern Qi royal palace in Shangjing, she had waited on her. The Emperor of Northern Qi, worried that Si Lili had suffered in Qing to the south, and that she would be wronged by the officials of Qing on their journey northward, had ordered the old woman to receive her at the border in the hopes that she could help Si Lili recuperate.

Fan Xian frowned once more, then suddenly made his way toward the carriage where Si Lili stood. The powerful zhenqi in his body dissipated outward slightly, causing the women around him to give a yelp and withdraw to the side, clearing a path for him to approach. At the end of that path, next to the carriage, was a somewhat uncomfortable Si Lili.

"How rude!" scolded the old woman. "What are you doing, you southern barbarian? Guards, remove him at once."

Hearing this, the Northern Qi Brocade Guards and officials hurried over. They were a handful of inexperienced young men getting ready to pull out their sabers. But the Northern Qi officials knew Fan Xian's background. Son-in-law of the noble Prime Minister, son of a minister, Prince Consort of the Qing royal family, the immortal poet who had caused the mighty Zhuang Mohan to spit blood... This was no ordinary official!

In the last year's war, Northern Qi had lost numerous battles. This diplomatic agreement was not coming from a position of strength. No one would dare not to show the proper consideration to such an important person. An official hurriedly dismissed the Brocade Guard.

The old woman became even angrier, and pointed a scolding finger at the official. "How can we let these southern barbarians impinge so wantonly on Qi territory!?" Her eyes bulged like a fish. Her years in the palace had left her completely ignorant of the outside world. She gritted her rotten teeth, puffed up her sallow cheeks and waved a wrinkled palm, aiming a slap directly at Fan Xian's face!

Smack! With a smile, Fan Xian had grabbed hold of the old woman's wrist. He turned his head to look her in the eye.

There was a hint of fear in the old woman's eyes, and yet she remained defiant. "Unhand me! Or I shall truly give you what for!"

Smack! This time, the old woman was the one who sustained the blow. Her legs buckled and she tumbled to the yellow earth. She held her aching face in her hands and looked at Fan Xian with shock. It had probably been many years since anyone had hit her, so the shock of the blow made her forget to even cry out in pain.

Fan Xian withdrew his hand, and with a hint of loathing, touched the bark of a tree with his palm. He dusted off his clothes and spoke gently. "Since you call me a southern barbarian, I shall act barbarously."

The slap had stunned everyone. No one expected the immortal poet, Commissioner Fan Xian, to raise a hand to an old woman. Wiping the sweat from his brow, an official hurried up to him to explain. "This old woman is an elder of the palace, and even officials must show her some respect."

Fan Xian looked at the old woman, who sat on the ground clutching her mouth, wailing. He shook his head. "I am not an official of Northern Qi," he replied calmly, "so I see no need to fawn over her, even if she is a palace elder. I think she brings shame onto the palace."

His words were arrogant indeed. He paid no mind to the honor of the royal palace of Northern Qi. The official gritted his teeth and lowered his head, knowing the situation was beyond his control. Even if Fan Xian had lifted a hand to hit someone, there wasn't much he could say about it.

Fan Xian strolled along the path that had opened up to the carriage. By that point, no one dared to obstruct him. He smiled at Si Lili. "Please take care of yourself in the palace."

Si Lili gave a faint smile, covering up her previously frenetic look. She pursed her lips. "I am afraid I cannot repay you for your considerateness during our journey. I am at a loss…"

Fan Xian smiled. "At a loss... of course. Don't worry." In a few simple words, they had agreed on the future of Si Lili's brothers left behind in the capital. Saying nothing more, Fan Xian withdrew. He stood at a distance in the middle of the diplomatic convoy, watching the old man and the woman who had accompanied them on their long journey get into Northern Qi carriages.

He narrowed his eyes. It was rather remarkable. Northern Qi did not seem to treat this as a secret agreement. By all rights, Xiao En was being secretly transferred to Shangjing. Today there were crowds and countless Brocade Guards. It wasn't discreet in the slightest. If Shang Shanhu was important to the Northern Qi royal family, then how was the young Emperor supposed to deal with him? And Haitang was yet another opposing force. It seemed that the Emperor of Northern Qi must have had something of a headache.

Fan Xian was still confused by Si Lili's treatment. It seemed that the Emperor truly liked her, otherwise she would not have been received so warmly. But even if Si Lili was the daughter of a Qing prince, it had been so many years that she had long since ceased to have any value... Could it be that the young Emperor truly did believe in such a thing as love? But if he was so serious about the matter, wouldn't the Empress Dowager be angry about it? How was Si Lili going to be able to enter the palace?

The old man, his legs broken, silently entered his carriage. Fan Xian couldn't help but sigh to himself. Xiao En had finally left his prisoner's carriage to enter another prisoner's carriage. How could a carriage carry his the pain of 20 years of separation and imprisonment?

After crossing over the border into Northern Qi, the Black Knights had quietly made their way back to a relay station near the capital. The safety of the diplomatic mission was entirely in the hands of the Brocade Guard and their army detachment. Fan Xian managed to get a hard-fought half-day's rest, feeling quite content. In any case, it appeared that his brazenness on foreign soil had not caused any trouble for the diplomatic mission.

The spring sunshine shone down on their route. Many of the people in the diplomatic mission had visited Northern Qi before; even Wang Qinian had once done business on behalf of someone else between the two countries. The only ones who seemed particularly excited about leaving the country were Fan Xian and the seven Tiger Guards.

Although Gao Da, as head of the Tiger Guards, kept stony-faced – as was befitting a man of his position – as he looked at the others as they gazed out of the window at the bustling scenery outside, he knew that they were quite excited by the landscape of this foreign land.

Fan Xian laughed. "I suppose this is a new experience for us. But the scenery here in Northern Qi isn't all that different from Qing. The trees look different, and even if the weather is colder, it's still warmer than the wastelands southwest of the great lake."

"Although Northern Qi is to the northeast," explained Wang Qinian, "it has quite a fine climate."

Gao Da suddenly muttered something in his low grumbling voice, and because he was a man of few words, Fan Xian was quite interested in what he had to say. "The scenery in the north is fine indeed. My greatest wish has always been to follow His Majesty in the Fourth Northern Expedition, capturing territory for the Kingdom of Qing and helping His Majesty unite the land."

The carriage shuddered as it travelled swiftly along the road. Green leaves hung from the deciduous trees outside. Swept up by the breeze from the moving carriage, they seemed to shake their heads and sigh.

Fan Xian sighed too. "In such beautiful spring scenery, perhaps we should speak less of battles."

That being said, he still proceeded to explain to everyone what they had to pay careful attention to in their trip to Shangjing. It was not necessary to conduct further negotiations. The implementation of last year's agreement was unlikely to be too difficult, but there were some areas that required concern. Save for Fan Xian, Wang Qinian, and Gao Da, the only other person in the carriage was vice-envoy Lin Jing of Honglu Temple, so no topic was off-limits for the four men; all that was necessary was ensuring that they were not heard by Northern Qi men.

There was still some distance from Wuduhe to Shangjing. As the carriage made its way eastward, the lines in Fan Xian's brow gradually grew deeper. He was no longer in the mood to look out at the endless dry, dull scenery outside the carriage. He sat and pondered. Where was Xiao En headed now? And Si Lili? Before she entered the palace, what identity would the young Emperor have arranged for her? Chen Pingping's Operation White Sleeve had been secretly aborted by Fan Xian. Was Fan Xian's Operation Red Sleeve going to be put into practice one day?

Seeing that Commissioner Fan seemed to be in low spirits, vice-envoy Lin Jing spoke respectfully. "Sir, though the diplomatic mission is safe, the road is yet far and arduous. I ask that you exercise patience a little while longer."

He knew full well of Fan Xian's status. When he had slapped that old woman in Wuduhe, Lin Jing had not thought it to be important. In the capital Fan Xian's temper was well known by the Guo family and by the only daughter of Commander Ye, to say nothing of this insignificant servant woman. He knew full well that the diplomatic mission operated entirely on the orders of Commissioner Fan and that he was merely a functionary sorting out odd jobs. Fearing Fan Xian's sour mood and the possibility he had overstepped his boundaries, he hurriedly tried to straighten things out with a smile. "Shangjing is one of the most flourishing places in the world. The girls there are different from the ones on Liujing River back in the capital. They have a different kind of graceful bearing. When we get there, you can see for yourself, sir."

Chapter 206: Arriving in Shangjing

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian shook his head with a smile, showing he hadn't suffered from loneliness during the trip. He knew that ever since he became a frequent visitor of Si Lili's carriage, he and the word "dissolute" probably became inseparable in the eyes of others. He thought for a moment before saying, "We've been traveling at a fast pace on the official route for several days. We should have passed the distance between the capital to the border… It seems like Northern Qi's territory is quite vast."

For a moment, a strange silence fell over the carriage.

A while later, Lin Jing smiled. "Indeed. Although last year we took a large piece of land from them, Northern Qi still remains the biggest nation in both territory and population. They weren't a strong opponent only because of many years of civil unrest, which caused the people to become fractured."

Fan Xian frowned as he thought about all the troubles Northern Qi would bring if it was able to pull itself together. As he processed his thoughts, Gao Da said in a low voice, "Looks like there's still a huge piece of land waiting for us to conquer."

Gao Da was a man of few words. Recently – not having to escort Xiao En anymore – he had started to spout out some simple remarks every once in a while. Absurd yet humorous, Fan Xian let out a chuckle, laughing at this terrifying self-confidence that Gao Da had cultivated from Qing's twenty years of victories.

Wang Qinian smiled bitterly, "Say, Sir Gao, please don't take my role as the fall-guy."

It had always been customary for envoys to stop by Northern Qi's various courier stations; only a few made stops at larger towns. While Qing's envoy wasn't exactly happy with the arrangement, they couldn't object much considering how well they were treated. Everyone knew that Northern Qi lost much dignity during the negotiations, so naturally Qi wouldn't want its people to see the envoy from the south pass through the cities with swagger.

However, meeting civilians along the way was unavoidable. One day, Fan Xian asked a question he had been holding in for a while. "How come the people of Northern Qi don't hate us? On the contrary, their gazes hold a hint of contempt and disdain, and even sympathy?"

"In their eyes, we're still barbarians from the undeveloped south," Lin Jing explained. "As for the war, that has been covered up by Qi's Imperial court. Even though the civilians realize Qing is tremendously powerful, deep down they still somewhat look down at us."

Fan Xian shook his head and sighed. "Pretending to be unafraid of the dark by blindfolding oneself…"

"Northern Qi is continuing Northern Wei's tradition. They believe themselves to have the Mandate of Heaven. It's little wonder they look down upon all surrounding nations."

That was the truth. Despite the extermination of Northern Wei two decades ago, it had casted its shadows onto the surrounding smaller nations as the most powerful of its time. Now, that influence still remained in the hearts of the people in the northern regions, which was why the people of Northern Qi believed themselves to belong to the most powerful nation in the land. To them, Northern Qi still held onto its former glory. When they encountered people from other nations, they would habitually raise their chin and gaze down upon them, wallowing in self-esteem, self-pity, and self-respect.

People always wanted to live in the past. Of course, Northern Qi's officials knew the world had changed. That fact could be seen in their manners toward Qing's envoy.

"And most importantly," Lin Jing continued to explain, "Northern Qi inherited most of Northern Wei's land and officials. For that reason, all the scholars basically treat Northern Qi as the standard in education; and they are correct. Northern Qi's spring examinations are way more exciting than ours. Not only do their scholars gather in the capital; even those from Dongyi City go, regardless of the distance."

Wang Qinian added, "That's right. Several years ago, even scholars from Qing would go to Northern Qi to take the exams."

"Nonsense," Fan Xian said mockingly. "A subject of Qing could hold a position in Northern Qi?"

Lin Jing smiled. "Of course not. It's just the people of the world all seemed to agree that if one could score into the top three in Northern Qi's examination, that person would be qualified to become an official in any nation. That includes our Qing. Sir, you are an Academician of the Imperial College, I believe you should know the scholar Shu Wu?"

Fan Xian nodded.

Lin Jing sighed. "This scholar Shu took Northern Qi's examination, during which Zhuang Mohan was the examiner. Because of that, Shu Wu could go around calling himself Zhuang Mohan's student… Just think, he could become an official by taking an examination in Northern Qi. That shows how esteemed Northern Qi's education system is."

Fan Xian smiled and shook his head. "No wonder His Majesty has been focusing so much on education in the past few years. I guess he couldn't stand being inferior in that regard."

"Correct. In martial prowess, no one can rival our nation," Lin Jing said. "But regarding civil virtues, there are not many notable Qing scholars."

"Education isn't the end of the road." Fan Xian said.

Lin Jing thought of something and laughed. "Of course, Sir Commissioner, you made such a splendid debut and made that Master Zhuang Mohan cough up blood. After that, I doubt anyone would dare to say anything against Qing."

Wang Qinian hurried to agree, and Gao Da nodded. It was true that Fan Xian's rise in the capital didn't necessarily make all sides happy, but in the bigger picture, having a talented young man who could beat down Northern Qi's pride was something everyone in Qing wanted to see.

It was such a dry and boring journey without any beautiful women; Fan Xian wanted it to be over soon. But this long path seemed to have no end. The four wheels of the carriages stirred up pale dust, giving the entire envoy the appearance of a yellow dragon, locked onto the path by the trees on either side. This dragon seemed to be writhing in vain to escape its constraints.

The trees on either side of the road had leaves of various sizes. But overall, compared to the trees in Qing, their leaves were much broader. Their trunks were thick, and they were planted a certain number of meters apart. Fan Xian poked his head out the window, squinting at the trees as he passed them. For some reason, he recalled the world of his previous life, which he hadn't thought of in a long time. He still remembered being on the train to Beijing many years ago. When the train passed Hebei, the same types of trees grew on either side of the tracks, and he passed them just like he did now.

There was no dust outside of his window. Because of his position, he sat in the first carriage. The ones suffering from the dust were the subordinates and the officials of Northern Qi.

Then, without warning, a black shadow appeared in the distance, towering directly above the tapering line of trees. It was an intimidating sight.

Fan Xian thought it was a dark cloud and grinned. While he wasn't going to ask everyone to take their clothes inside like he did back in Danzhou, he was ready to remind the carriage driver to put on a rain cloak.

As the carriage moved forward, the group eventually saw the shadow clearly. At that moment, the clouds in the sky dispersed, as if to welcome these guests from afar, letting the rays of the spring sun shine onto that shadow.

It turned out… the shadow was the extremely huge walls of a city.

This city's walls were much larger and more magnificent than those of Qing's capital. At almost ten meters tall and built using large blocks of stone, the walls slanted slightly, giving visitors from afar a feeling of pressure which was hard to describe. It was as if those walls would press down onto you at any moment. On top of the walls were watch towers and patrolling soldiers.

Overall, those tall walls gave off a sense of towering solemnness.

It was all clear in front of the city gate; there were no civilians lingering there. Northern Qi's foreign relations officials were waiting there for the arrival of the diplomatic mission from the south.

On the official path, the carriages gradually slowed. Squinting, Fan Xian pulled his head back inside. He didn't think this city would appear so stunning; he wasn't prepared at all.

They had reached Shangjing, the capital of Northern Qi.

Festive music sounded as the two sides greeted each other. The officials of Northern Qi were dressed in bright, fancy clothes. Qing's envoy, on the other hand, were obviously fatigued from their journey. The contrast in appearance was quite jarring.

Fan Xian calmly observed all the tedious procedures. When he was introduced, he gave a slight nod. In the eyes of Northern Qi, this handsome young official was an arrogant person of low standing. However, Fan Xian did not care about his impression in the slightest.

All his attention was on the buildings of Shangjing. These massive city walls – for how long had they been standing on these lands? How many storms had they endured? The huge stones showed signs of weathering on the edges, but they adamantly retained their sturdiness.

This sight gave Fan Xian a feeling that was different from everyone else's. He felt that eighteen years after coming to this world, he finally got a sense of this world's history, even if it was only remnants of it. While Qing's capital was also grand, to him everywhere seemed to have a "fresh" taste to it. Fan Xian knew that taste was left behind by his mother, which was why being able to see such ancient buildings today gave him an incredibly aged feeling.

hapter 207: Thick Night on Mottled City Walls

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"It is an honor to meet you, Commissioner Fan." Fan Xian's contemplative silence was broken by Lin Wen, the Qing diplomat to Northern Qi.

Fan Xian withdrew his gaze from the mottled city walls. "In this country, it's best to call me Envoy Fan."

Lin Wen was slightly surprised. He had been stationed for a long time in a faraway foreign country, so he wasn't sure of the particulars of what went on in the capital, but he knew that this Commissioner Fan was a favorite of the palace. He hadn't expected his first greeting to be rebuffed like that. Looking at the young man's face, he couldn't help but presume he was coasting on favors from his father and the Emperor. He felt some concern at his arrogance.

Lin Jing, the vice-envoy with the diplomatic mission, smiled. "Master Fan meant that as this is a peaceful visit, it is best not to mention his position in the Overwatch Council, so as not to upset our counterparts."

Finally understanding, Lin Wen smiled. "As Master Fan commands."

Fan Xian turned his head to look at the resident official. He looked an upright sort, but there was something familiar about him that made him feel vaguely distrustful. Lin Jing laughed. "Master Lin Wen is an older cousin on my father's side."

Fan Xian laughed at his realization. "Is that so? It appears officialdom is your family trade. With the two of you on our side, I'm sure things will go fine."

The three men managed to quiet down just in time as a Northern Qi official walked past them. They changed their conversation topic to the marks and ant trails along the city wall until the official had passed. Lin Wen seemed to have a sudden realization. "Has Brother Wei Hua come with you today?"

Fan Xian turned around, looking at the Northern Qi official whose name was Wei Hua. He smiled, finding it inconvenient to say anything.

Wei Hua cupped his hands in salute. He seemed to be quite familiar with Lin Wen, and scolded him jokingly. "If it weren't for having to receive your diplomatic mission, I'd probably be enjoying myself at the Lixiang Courtyard right now instead."

Fan Xian was amused. This fellow reminded him of Li Hongcheng. Both had the gift of gab.

Lin Wen hurriedly introduced him to Fan Xian. "This is Wei Hua, vice-minister of the Office of the Grand Herald of Northern Qi." Then he turned to Wei Hua to make the same introduction. "This is..."

Unexpectedly, Wei Hua gave a strange smile and waved his hand dismissively. "Master Fan is famous throughout the land, Brother Lin. There's no need to introduce him."

Fan Xian, somewhat taken aback, cupped his hands in salute. "You are too kind, sir."

"And you are too modest, Master Fan." Wei Hua had delicate features, but there was a hint of wildness in his eyes. He seemed more like a madman than a bureaucrat. "A magnificent immortal of poetry and a commissioner of the Overwatch Council to boot. Perhaps next year you will take over the palace treasury of Qing. Before you set out on your diplomatic mission, you uncovered a scandal in the imperial exams, and 17 officials lost their jobs. And now... you are here in Northern Qi."

He laughed. "I'm not sure as to what the Emperor of Qing was thinking. Someone as important as Master Fan should really be kept in the capital. Why put him through the torment of coming all the way to Qi? ...Suppose you were to catch a chill on your journey – then what would be done?"

Fan Xian could hear the faint hint of menace in his words, but paid no attention to it. He smiled. "You really think I'm that fragile?"

Wei Hua noticed that this famous young official seemed to have taken an interest in Shangjing's city walls, and he could not help but feel some pride. "This city was built 300 years ago, and it has never once been taken by invaders. Isn't that just incredible, Master Fan? I don't know if you have anything like them in the capital in Qing."

Fan Xian smiled. "Incredible indeed. But they seem rather old. I imagine they could use some repairs."

The two traded hidden barbs in their words while the others remained silent. After a while, Wei Hua spoke calmly. "Master Fan, you have come far. Allow me the honor of playing host once your official business has concluded."

Fan Xian looked at him. There was a faint hostility hidden behind this man's words, and yet it had not reached the stage of outright hatred. Why? He couldn't help but feel curious. He had never met this man before; what could he have done to offend him so?

At that moment, by their side, Lin Wen laughed. "I must tell you, Envoy Fan, Master Wei Hua is the son of Marquis Ning, who was part of the delegation who visited Qing last year. Envoy Fan was drinking with the Marquis at a banquet last year and the old man could not hold his liquor. After he came back, he told us all about the formidable young man who had appeared in the south. He said that not only were you a fine poet, you were also an accomplished drinker. Master Wei Hua has heard a lot about you, and naturally he wants to put you to the test."

"I see." Fan Xian forced a smile and looked at Master Wei once more. He could indeed see some resemblance between him and Marquis Ning. Last year, he had been vice-envoy receiving the Northern Qi diplomatic mission, and had had some dealings with Marquis Ning. Later on in the banquet hall, he had drunk quite a lot, and the Marquis had attempted to join him. He couldn't help but mumble and cup his hands in salute. "Brother Wei, should you wish to avenge your father, then I'm afraid you may have to wait a few days. Otherwise my drinking might affect matters between our two nations, and that would not be an easy thing to explain to His Majesty."

They all laughed, and the matter was postponed to a later date.

Shangjing was a bustling city, and though its streets were not wide, the roadsides were lined with taverns and eateries. The walls were lined with light-green tiles which set off with the tall trees. It was a beautiful scene, and the people strolling along the street wore gentle smiles on their faces, filled with confidence and pride. This did not seem like a defeated nation at all.

Accompanied by Wei Hua, the diplomatic mission made its way toward the west side of the city. Arrangements had been made for the party to stay in property owned by the royal family behind the Office of the Grand Herald. From these arrangements it was clear that the royal family of Northern Qi wished to honor the diplomatic mission appropriately.

As they travelled, Fan Xian chatted with Wei Hua, and found that he knew quite a fair amount about the Qing bureaucracy. Not only could he name a number of influential figures, but from his words, it seemed that he even knew Crown Prince Jing personally. This surprised Fan Xian somewhat. The capitals of both countries were so distant from each other; he didn't imagine they could get to know each other so well.

From their chat, Fan Xian also gained a vague knowledge of the current political situation in Northern Qi. Of course, before reaching the north, he had pored over countless documents in the Overwatch Council, and knew that things were not as warm and affable in the Northern Qi royal court as Wei Hua suggested.

The Empress Dowager of Northern Qi was only in her late thirties, and was still young. The young Emperor had not been long on the throne, and had no way of assuming complete control of the political situation. The Emperor's faction and the Empress Dowager's faction had their own power in court, and were pursuing a silent struggle against each other. Had it not been for Northern Qi's utter defeat the previous year, which had temporarily suppressed their conflict, perhaps Shangjing would have already erupted into all-out war.

Shang Shanhu was a general of the north, and for this reason, he had been transferred back to Shangjing.

"I've heard that Shang Shanhu is quite a hero," said Fan Xian, feigning ignorance. "When you have time, Brother Wei, you must take me to pay my respects to him."

Wei Hua was puzzled. "You have an interest in General Shang Shanhu, Master Fan?"

"Though I am not some weak and sickly scholar, I have always admired those heroes who resist the barbarians." Fan Xian smiled warmly.

There was an odd look on Wei Hua's face, as if he did not want to speak any more of Shang Shanhu. Seeing the look in his eyes, Fan Xian did not bring it up again, and simply smiled.

The diplomatic mission reached the courtyard where their lodgings were arranged for them. After a flurry of activity, everything was sorted. As a vice-minister of the Office of the Grand Herald, Wei Hua had naturally arranged their evening meals. At the banquet table, he tried to sound out Fan Xian's ability to handle his liquor, and found that the young official drank wine like it was water. He couldn't help but feel some apprehension, and immediately reconsidered his idea of avenging his father in drinking.

The dinner guests dispersed, and the only ones left in the courtyard were members of the diplomatic mission. The Northern Qi guards stood respectfully on guard outside the door, leaving the diplomatic mission to their own affairs.

There were five people in the room: Fan Xian, the cousins Lin Wen and Lin Jing, Gao Da, and Wang Qinian.

Fan Xian shut his eyes for a long time, ensuring that no one around them was listening, and then finally spoke, his voice quiet. "We are in the heart of an enemy state. Everything we do must be with the utmost care."

Lin Wen and Lin Jing kept quiet, nodding slightly. But Lin Wen, seeing that Wang Qinian and Gao Da seemed to be Commissioner Fan's trusted advisors, and that they perhaps did not understand recent developments in Northern Qi, after muttering to himself, finally spoke. He wanted to explain the latest situation in Shangjing to Fan Xian.

"Shang Shanhu's position has no real power or responsibilities?" Fan Xian frowned. This wasn't how he'd thought it to be before. The Overwatch Council had presumed that Northern Qi's most capable high-ranking military officer, since he had been transferred south from the frozen wastes, had to have been there to cope with Qing's overbearing military offensive. How could it be a sinecure?

"Supreme General of Huaiyuan sounds nice as a title, but he only commands about a hundred personal soldiers here in Shangjing. Here in Shangjing there is the Shangjing garrison, the three high commanders, the General of Fast Cavalry... Although the Supreme General of Huaiyuan is a venerated position, he hardly commands any troops. Even if Shang Shanhu is lauded as an exceptional hero, all he does is have meetings with the Emperor and embrace his concubines." There was a hint of mockery in Lin Wen's voice. "A tiger raised in a cage may be mighty, but all he can do is scare people and nothing more."

Fan Xian gently drummed on the table, shaking his head in bewilderment. "Just what is going on? Bringing someone like that back to the capital and not letting him out to fight? Just keeping him here instead? Does Northern Qi have money they felt needed spending?"

Lin Wen sighed. "The Emperor and the Empress Dowager are competing against each other. They both want Shang Shanhu's support, but they both fear that he'll go over to the other side, so for now they just keep him here. But Shang Shanhu is highly vaunted within the military. Even if he only has a hundred soldiers under his command here, no one would dare look down on him."

Fan Xian shook his head and sighed. "No wonder there were only a few soldiers at Wuduhe. It struck me as odd, considering how it was so important to help Xiao En escape, that Shang Shanhu would be so neglectful."

Lin Wen was stunned. He had no idea what had happened to the diplomatic mission on their journey. Lin Jing hurriedly took him to one side and quietly filled him in. He was taken aback, but seeing that Fan Xian seemingly had not come to harm, he relaxed slightly. "What is Shang Shanhu's connection to Xiao En?"

Fan Xian was quiet for a long while before he finally spoke. "If the Council's judgment is correct, Shang Shanhu is an orphan who was adopted by Xiao En."

Chapter 208: The Envoy Enters the Palace

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"An adopted orphan?" Everybody was shocked.

Fan Xian answered calmly. "It was a long time ago. After Xiao En's capture, Northern Wei fell and the world was plunged into chaos. Shang Shanhu appeared in the scene during that time." Of course, the Overwatch Council had other evidence, or else they wouldn't come to such a conclusion. However, among Fan Xian's missions during this trip, one of them was to confirm who Shang Shanhu's teacher was.

"No wonder Shang Shanhu was in a hurry to rescue Xiao En."

"This is a great problem for Northern Qi." Fan Xian stopped here and frowned slightly. Haitang wanted Xiao En dead, the Qi emperor wanted to imprison Xiao En and find out the location of the temple, and Shang Shanhu purely wanted the old man to live out his final years in peace. The three most powerful factions went to three different directions because of Xiao En. It would be quite exciting to see how this played out.

Fan Xian also wanted to find out the secret of the temple, so he couldn't afford to simply watch.

It was getting late and the group was tired from their journey, so they began to get ready to call it a day. The arrangements for tomorrow were naturally taken care of by the appropriate officials. Lin Wen picked out a few important events to report to Fan Xian. The most important things for tomorrow were going to the palace to meet the emperor, and also discussions at the Office of the Grand Herald regarding prisoners.

After some thought, Fan Xian said, "Going to the palace will be in the morning. As for the Office of the Grand Herald in the afternoon," he turned to Lin Jing, "I'm going to have to trouble you to attend to that, Sir Lin."

"Sir, what about you?" Lin Jing looked at Envoy Fan in confusion. For an event as important as the exchange of prisoners, how could the head diplomat not be present?

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes. "I have more important matters to take care off." The agreement of exchanging captives consisted of two papers; one white and one black. The black paper was more important to Fan Xian. He had already given back Xiao En and Si Lili. Next he had to immediately confirm where Yan Bingyun was.

Fan Xian sat on the carriage to Northern Qi's Imperial palace, unable to stop yawning. He wasn't so spoiled as to complain about beds, but he really didn't sleep well last night. Next to him, Wang Qinian and Gao Da also held fatigued expressions. Obviously, every member of the envoy had insomnia last night.

When they were about to go to sleep last night, that Vice-Minister Wei Hua from the Office of the Grand Herald came again. Although he didn't enter the backyard, many beautiful entertainers entered the rooms of the various Qing officials, shocking them greatly.

Fan Xian didn't know Northern Qi had such a custom, and he was startled. Even though the girl kneeling by his bed was very attractive, with big, alluring eyes, such absurdity on the first day in Shangjing was too much for him. Fan Xian could only ask the girl to leave.

It was little wonder not many people could sleep well after that. However, one entertainer entered Lin Jing's room and didn't come out.

When having breakfast, Fan Xian noticed Lin Jing's expression didn't look so good. Lin Jing, surprised, explained that Honglu Temple would make similar arrangements when Northern Qi sends envoys to Qing's capital.

Fan Xian rubbed his eyes. Looking at Wei Hua, who was leading the group in great spirits, he cursed silently. Northern Qi wanted to tire them out on purpose.

Fan Xian thought this diplomatic mission was… similar to the business trips in his previous life. The carriage progressed smoothly. He greedily lifted the curtain to look at the street scene outside the window. It was with great difficulty that he came to Northern Qi's capital. Going straight to the palace without catching a glimpse of the street scenes would really be a shame.

Getting out of the carriage, Fan Xian entered the palace complex. He put on a smile and gently clasped his hands together. Entering a long dark tunnel, he saw a patch of brightness. That brightness was coming from the roofs of many buildings, most of which were black. Among the overall solemnness there was a hint of aged refreshment.

Fan Xian was slightly dazed as he came to a stop and gazed upon the palace. Just like he did when he first saw Shangjing's city walls, Fan Xian was a bit out of it. As expected, the Imperial palace of Northern Qi was different than that of Qing. Instead of vastness, it emphasized layers instead, giving it a silent but intricate aesthetic. It was as if every single black pillar held a story of what once happened in the palace. Every single hallway told visitors of how great historical figures once walked through here.

The entire envoy became silent. Because the seven Tiger Guards were armed, they could not enter. Other than Lin Wen, Lin Jing, and Wang Qinian, only the necessary officials from the Board of Rites followed Fan Xian.

Onward they walked, going through long walkways, passing by flowing creeks, and finally arriving at the main Imperial hall.

Outside the hall stood stern guards with determined expressions. From a glance, one could tell that each one was at least a seventh-ranked fighter.

Just outside the massive wooden gates, a head eunuch was waiting.

As the group approached, the head eunuch opened his eyes and meekly took a look at this group of southern barbarians. With a brush of his hand, he belted out, "Southern Qing's envoy has arrived!"

The eunuch's voice wasn't too loud, but the wooden gates behind him slowly opened, showing the visitors the true face of the central power on the northern continent.

The main Imperial hall was extraordinarily vast. The double eaves above were made from highly precious glass, which enabled daylight to saturate the hall unobstructed, eradicating all sense of gloominess commonly associated with Imperial palaces.

On both sides of the hall were support pillars made of an unknown material. The pillars were painted black with gold decorations; each one of them was adorned with the image of a dragon ascending into the clouds. They were peerlessly beautiful.

Behind the pillars were layers of mesh drapes. Behind those, people's shadows could be seen. It was impossible to tell if those shadows belonged to palace girls or eunuchs.

The first sight that greeted Fan Xian's eyes – the sight which he remembered most profoundly – was that long straight path. On either side of the path was a pool of clear water!

The envoy, led by the eunuch, slowly walked along the path. The Qing officials who entered this place for the first time reacted very much like Fan Xian did; they couldn't help but be shaken—the floor they were walking on was made of jade! This jade floor was covered by a beautiful carpet which yielded a strange softness to all who stepped on it.

The two pools proved to be the most unexpected features of the hall. The water was exceptionally clear, and goldfish could be seen swimming in it. For those with good eyesight, like Fan Xian, they could see the deepest parts of the pools, where two great fish – one black and one white – rested on the white sand, gently undulating their graceful tails.

Seeing this sight made Vice-Diplomat Lin Jing sigh. "Such an extravagant palace shows just how much power and wealth Northern Qi owns after taking over Northern Wei's assets," he thought to himself." But at the same time, it was this extravagance which made Northern Qi soft, resulting in continuous defeats at the hands of Qing."

The officials of Northern Qi gathered behind the long path . A breeze picked up from nowhere, leaving ripples on the pools. Here, the ground was paved with sandalwood planks. Everything was solemn.

At the front, up high, was the Dragon Throne. On it sat Northern Qi's emperor, who was observing the foreign diplomats with interest.

The diplomats knelt and wished the emperor a long life.

"You may rise." The emperor of Northern Qi smiled, as if he was pleased at having made the citizens of Qing bow at his feet.

Fan Xian sighed inwardly and rose, only to find a pair of eyes fixated on his face. Slightly shocked, Fan Xian stared back and traced the ambiguous gaze back to the young emperor on the Dragon Throne.

This young emperor had ruled for less than two years. This year he would be seventeen; the same as Fan Xian. In academic learning, his tutor was the second son of Zhuang Mohan; in martial arts, his master was the Imperial Advisor Ku He's head disciple. He excelled in neither area. He shared a similarity with Qing's emperor in having no interest in women. He was also a bit overly playful. He treated the empress dowager with respect and fear and anger, and was mostly generous to his people.

Hmm, seems like this young emperor still believes in this thing called love.

That was Fan Xian's first reaction upon seeing the emperor's still-childish appearance. But he immediate realized he was being disrespectful. When a nation's ruler is looking at him, as an official, he had no right to stare back.

So Fan Xian hurried to lower his head and stood aside in silence. Inside, however, he was suspicious of that ambiguous gaze.

Next to him, Lin Jing's strong voice rang out. Since Envoy Fan was being extremely lazy, Lin Jing, as the vice-diplomat, reluctantly shouldered all the complicated formalities and other duties—he was now reading the letter of credence written by Qing's emperor himself.

Fan Xian casually listened, knowing they were just some empty words. Things like the friendship and brotherhood between the two nations couldn't even fool Dong'er, who sold tofu back in Danzhou. But now they were being read aloud with such seriousness.

As expected, the young emperor of Northern Qi kept nodding slightly, showing approval of his counterpart to the south.

Fan Xian jeered on the inside, but smiled respectfully on the outside, as if intoxicated by the friendly atmosphere between the two nations. Immediately, the officials from Northern Qi's Board of Rites stepped forwards and said some fanciful words. This diplomatic mission seemed to have made some initial progress.

But Fan Xian still felt uncomfortable, because he discovered that, other than that young emperor, there were now many more pairs of eyes on him. As calm as he was, Fan Xian couldn't help but wonder.

The ones who really wondered were the various officials of Northern Qi. Everyone knew the head diplomat of this envoy from the south was none other than the immortal poet Fan Xian, so they were all very interested as to what this young star—the one who sent Master Zhuang Mohan back to Northern Qi dispirited—was really like. But now, Fan Xian was keeping silent. Even something as important as reading the letter of credence was left to the vice-diplomat.

That made the officials even more interested in this handsome young star.

Chapter 209: Chatting with the Emperor

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Beginning to feel uncomfortable, Fan Xian took half a step back without anyone noticing. He lowered his face and scanned the hall out of the corners of his eyes.

There were no one extraordinary people among Northern Qi's officials. What got Fan Xian's attention was the gently swaying bead curtain besides the Dragon Throne. Light was reflected off the pools of the water and danced beautifully onto the beads.

Fan Xian knew that the empress dowager – the one who truly held real power in Northern Qi – was behind that curtain.

A while later, the emperor on the Dragon Throne yawned, showing his boredom.

"My diplomats, you've made a long and difficult journey. Please go get some rest." The young emperor dismissed the envoy with a wave of his hand. Fan Xian knelt with a face full of smiles. He and everyone else in the envoy saluted the Dragon Throne . He was planning to leave, find the officials of Northern Qi who were really in charge of things, and get poor Mister Yan out.

But things always develop unexpectedly.

"Mister… Fan?" The corner of the emperor's mouth curled up as if in a smile. He looked at Fan Xian and beckoned quietly, "Stay here. Let us have a chat."

The officials were all slightly surprised to hear His Majesty refer to Fan Xian as "Mister" rather than the official title. It was rather inappropriate. Fan Xian wasn't thinking about that, however. He was quite shocked. Could this young emperor know something?

Fan Xian hurried to salute the emperor. "As this is my first visit, I do not know how to respond. Forgive me if I offend Your Majesty."

"Don't worry about it." The young emperor seemed to be easy to talk to. He chuckled, "Your presence here pleases me. Mister Fan, I am excited to learn from you. I often read Banxianzhai Poetry Anthology, and even the Imperial tutor sings your praise. Now that the diplomatic matters have concluded for today, I must ask you to take a stroll with me. I have been looking forward to your arrival for a long time. And I can show you around the palace."

Since things had progressed to this point, there really wasn't anything Fan Xian could say as a foreign diplomat. He was slightly shaken. The Imperial tutor of Northern Qi was the son of Zhuang Mohan. After the miserable treatment by Fan Xian in Qing palace, how could there be praise to give?

The envoy left the great hall, Lin Jing gave Fan Xian a worried look. Fan Xian returned a slight nod, signaling that he would be careful.

After the officials of Northern Qi also left, the great hall appeared to be even vaster. The sound of fish tail splashing the surface of the water could faintly be heard, while the soft footsteps of palace girls came from behind the mesh curtains.

The young emperor relaxed on his Dragon Throne. Stretching, he looked at Fan Xian with a chuckle and hopped down from his throne. Taking a towel from a eunuch, he randomly wiped his face. Finally, he patted Fan Xian's shoulder, "Let's go, I want to show the immortal poet of the south our divine palace of the north."

Fan Xian grumbled to himself silently; he wasn't expecting His Majesty to be so childish. As he was about to follow the emperor, a cough came from behind the bead curtain.

The emperor of Northern Qi was slightly unnerved. With a bitter expression, he turned around and saluted toward the bead curtain, "Mother, I was very excited to see Fan Xian. Please forgive my rudeness."

A palace girl had already parted the bead curtain. As the beads bumped into each other, they made a delicate sound, and a royal lady walked out from behind them.

Fan Xian immediately lowered his head, daring not to take a close look. But he still stared at the woman's feet.

She was wearing a pair of golden shoes embroidered with silk flowers. They looked casual, but were incredibly luxurious.

What shocked Fan Xian even more was another pair of feet following those embroidered shoes from behind the bead curtain—in this world, who would dare to sit with the empress dowager of Northern Qi behind a bead curtain and listen in on a diplomatic mission?!

That other pair of feet wore a pair of simple cloth shoes, the bottoms of which were made from many layers of fabric using a method found typically in the villages. The top edges of the shoes were black and white, and near their wearer's delicate ankles exposed a cheerfully patterned cloth. This type of cloth shoes could often be seen around the countryside during New Year. But it was very strange for them to make an appearance in an Imperial palace.

Fan Xian guessed who those cloth shoes belonged to. No longer caring for formalities, he raised his head. With calm eyes, he cautiously stared at her, at the girl Haitang, who still wore that patterned cloth around her head.

Fan Xian never imagined that it would be Haitang who came out from behind the bead curtain with the empress dowager!

Fan Xian and Haitang's gazes clashed, and the atmosphere in the palace became uneasy. But in a flash, Fan Xian looked away and knelt to the empress dowager next to Haitang. "My Lady, I am Envoy Fan Xian. It is an honor to be in your presence."

The empress dowager looked at him and frowned slightly. "How can this Qing official Fan Xian be this handsome? One could even say he is cursedly good-looking. No wonder Duoduo had to come to the palace to have a peek. Could that girl…" She brushed her thoughts away and gave a slight nod. She then said to the emperor, "Haitang has returned. Since you want to take Sir Fan for a walk in the palace, take her along too."

The emperor appeared troubled, as if not wanting to take Haitang along. But he couldn't go against his mother's wishes. So, with a bitter smile, he asked Haitang, "When did you return to the capital?"

Haitang shifted her cold gaze away from Fan Xian's face and saluted the emperor. "Your Majesty, I returned yesterday. Master is worried that there have been too many evildoers in the capital lately, so he sent me to the palace."

Fan Xian smiled uneasily, evildoers in Shangjing? Of course, Haitang was referring to him.

Walking together in the palace made Fan Xian remember an already-unfamiliar Chinese idiom, a remnant of his previous life: the fortune of the man from Qi. Because this palace truly was worthy of being deemed "divine", the Qi nobles who lived in it truly were fortunate.

Tall trees extended over the black palace structure. They looked like aloof yet attentive women holding small fans. The green branches peeked out from the corners or rested weakly on the rooftiles. Flowers stretched out lazily on the ground, as if looking up at those delicate branches in contempt.

Trees could be seen intertwining everywhere. The mixture of black and green was a union of strength and gentleness too beautiful to be absorbed all at once.

The various palace halls were divided into many levels, all of which were built into the side of a mountain in a marvelous design. The trio proceeded onward while being served by a group of eunuchs. Together they walked around the long walkway next to the mountain creek and went up to the second level. Only now did Fan Xian start to calm down and carefully observe the scenery. He couldn't help but be awed. In terms of both military and daily life, building a palace into the side of a mountain wasn't exactly a wise decision. But seeing the clear water flowing past and the surrounding scenery, Fan Xian was able to understand exactly why people chose this location many years ago to build the palace.

It was simply too beautiful for words.

Unfortunately, Fan Xian was not a citizen of Qi, and therefore was without the fortune of the man from Qi. He didn't have two stunningly beautiful women accompanying him, as the man from Qi had. All he had were His Majesty the emperor of Qi and Miss Haitang, Qi's strongest martial artist in recent times, who had beaten Fan Xian into crawling on the ground like a dog.

The emperor wore a black outercoat. Around his waist was a belt made from golden silk. His sleeves were wide. The entire getup had an ancient look. With his hands behind his back, the emperor led the way, as if forgetting he was the one who forced Fan Xian to stay behind.

Fan Xian cautiously followed the emperor, occasionally throwing a sideways glance at Haitang. He and the girl had quite a bit of history. While Fan Xian believed she wouldn't do anything rash in the palace, he still felt nervous.

Haitang, however, did not look at Fan Xian at all. She was acting as if she had never met him, never been poisoned by him, and never heard his biting remarks.

Fan Xian understood something and smiled warmly without speaking. A moment later, the young emperor appeared to be tired from walking. He pointed ahead at a pavilion and gently tapped his finger.

In a flash, a mob of eunuchs rushed over, tidied up the pavilion, wiped the seats clean, lit some incense, and prepared a tea set.

Walking into the pavilion, the mountain breeze blew by, picking up the faint moisture from the stream. The emperor stood next to the handrail, his hands behind his back, and said quietly, "Patting the handrail, the forest flowers blow against my temples and the mountain breeze cools me. My grand song startles and disperses the floating cloud."

Fan Xian responded, "That was well composed."

The emperor turned around. With intense curiosity, his clear eyes gazed at Fan Xian. A moment later, he suddenly said, "Among all the people who have flattered me, you are the first one to do so in such a casual manner."

Embarrassed, Fan Xian could only clasp his hands together, "I did not mean to be so casual, Your Majesty."

"It's good that you show proper etiquette, as long you don't let it stifle you." The emperor sat down and took a sip of tea. Suddenly looking at Haitang, he grinned. "Why so formal today? Normally you don't come even when you're invited; you only want to plant vegetables in the garden. Well, I suppose it's good that you agreed to come to the palace today and enjoy the scenery." The emperor then sighed lightly. "I always think this palace is too beautiful, to the point where I don't want to venture outside of it."

That sentence sounded like it had another meaning, but Fan Xian pretended to not understand. Signaled by the emperor's gaze, Fan Xian sat down and slowly sipped his tea, wondering why exactly this young emperor asked him to remain in the palace.

Haitang was also holding a cup of tea. She sat on the handrail at the edge of the pavilion, gazing at the flowing water, lost in thought.

"Fan Xian, what do you think of the palace scenery?"

Fan Xian was mildly startled. How many times had the emperor repeated this topic today? After giving it some thought, he replied, "The palace is in the mountain, the mountain has trees, there are trees in the palace; a refreshingly beautiful arrangement. What I found most fascinating is the fact that the many buildings seem to blend into the mountain. On one hand, the mountain scene is not overpowering the majesty of the palace. On the other hand, the grandeur of the palace is not taking away from the beauty of the mountain. It creates a sense of unity between Heaven and humanity. I have nothing but the utmost admiration for the palace."


Without intending to, what Fan Xian said seemed to have shocked the emperor of Northern Qi.

Chapter 210: There Are a Lot of Talented People Named Fan

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Emperor and Haitang both in unison fixed Fan Xian with a strange look. The Emperor had asked an offhand question, not expecting Fan Xian to respond by discussing the oneness of Heaven and humanity. The two of them – some of the most important people in Qi – could not help but feel taken aback. Of the sects of the four grandmasters, Ku He's was the one who believed in unity of Heaven and humanity, and following the way and the laws of nature. But this doctrine was not shared with outsiders. And yet Fan Xian had brought it up so casually while speaking of the scenery. It was quite astonishing.

Haitang looked at Fan Xian's face with her calm, bright eyes. It seemed like she wanted to see whether this famous poet had come across it by chance, or had seen some logic in the palace scenery.

Fan Xian had not had any feeling of the sort. The idea of "unity of Heaven and humanity" was a phrase from the distant memories of his philosophy lessons, one that they'd repeated over and over again. He had simply made an offhand comment; he had not expected to cause such alarm. Looking at the Emperor and Haitang's pensive expressions, he could not help but feel somewhat doubtful. "Have I misspoken?"

The Emperor laughed. "Not at all. You are indeed an immortal of poetry, Fan Xian. Even in your casual speech, you hit upon truth. Remarkable." The Emperor smiled and looked at Haitang. "What say you of Master Fan's words, young lady?"

"Master Fan speaks well of the scenery. He is erudite indeed."

The three of them chatted freely, then, covering up the matter, the Emperor suddenly frowned. "I stayed in this mountain pavilion for much of the last month. With the trees in the pavilion, the moon in the sky, the running water below me, and a cool breeze around me, I felt most elated, and forgot the troubles of this world. So these past few days I have stopped by here often, and yet I have not been able to feel as I did then. I am not sure why."

There was a sudden seriousness in Haitang's face. "Your Majesty, as Lord of Qi, the people look to you. There are troubles in this world, and it is difficult to force oneself to forget them altogether, let alone when one is responsible for the safety of the realm as your Majesty is. When Your Majesty is concerned by the fortune of all the people, how can you seek even a moment of happiness in forgetting the troubles of this world? Your Majesty must remember that the people of the realm are in great hardship, and take their troubles upon you as your own. This is how a ruler must think."

The Emperor received the advice sternly, then stood up and saluted her. "Thank you for your guidance, my lady."

Fan Xian observed calmly, finding that the Emperor seemed to be genuinely taking the lesson to heart. He was quite surprised. It seemed that Haitang, who he had once butted heads with, occupied quite a high position within the Kingdom of Qi. He could not help but take some exception to her words, and although he did not show it on his face, there was the flash of a smile behind his eyes.

But how could such a change escape the gaze of an upper ninth-level master?

"Do you disagree, Master Fan?" Remarkably, there was no sense of hostility or sharpness to Haitang's words; instead, it seemed like a genuine question. In Northern Qi, the use of learning to benefit mankind was a frequent topic of discussion, and so they were much more willing to consider topics from other points of view than people in the Kingdom of Qing.

Fan Xian frowned, then laughed. "The first concern is affairs of state; pleasure comes later. [1] This is a concept that rulers and their servants must always keep in mind. But if, as Haitang says, you can never forget the pain and suffering of the earth and the common people, then although Your Majesty may be vigilant, untiring in government affairs, and seek good fortune for all people, as time passes you will inevitably grow tired. When you are in poor spirits – even with all the goodwill in the world – you will still perform poorly. So it is my belief that when you seek to forget your troubles, you must dispel them from your mind completely. The Emperor cannot concern himself with the so-called 'troubles of this world' all of the time."

His explanation was not persuasive in the least. But hearing the remarkable words he began with, Haitang's eyes shone. She did not listen to what he said after that; she simply slowly turned the words over in her mind.

The Emperor banged the table in amazement and cheered. "'The first concern is affairs of state; pleasure comes later.' What a wonderful phrase! Minister Fan, you are indeed a devoted official. I shall treasure your words!"

The palace eunuchs and serving girls around them did not understand the Emperor's meaning, but seeing that this envoy from the south had caused him to be so joyous, then could not stop themselves from smiling slightly and looking at Fan Xian with gratitude.

Fan Xian smiled, saying nothing. He imagined himself giving a thumbs-up to the gruel-eating sage in his previous life. [2]

The young Emperor had already begun to call Fan Xian "Minister Fan"; it was clear that he appreciated Fan Xian greatly. The Emperor kept this foreign official in his palace when, of course, he had other urgent matters to attend to. As for appreciating the scenery - because Haitang had been ordered by the Empress Dowager to accompany them, the Emperor did not find it easy to speak freely with Fan Xian, and so chose his words carefully. He did not expect Fan Xian's responses to be so meaningful.

The Emperor laughed and looked at Fan Xian. "Skilled in literature and in battle, Master Fan. You are a rare talent indeed."

Fan Xian did not dare say a word. Haitang suddenly spoke. "As you see it, Master Fan, how should man best follow the way of Heaven?" Fan Xian was somewhat surprised. He did not consider much of himself when it came to speaking of mysticism. The words he had said before were rather depressing, and he wasn't sure he wanted to continue. The Emperor smiled and waved a hand to silence Haitang's question. "Master Fan, why do you think I have not been able to find the peace I felt before?"

Fan Xian frowned. Looking around the mountain pavilion, he pointed at an incense stick. "If Your Majesty takes incense with you, and retreats away from others, perhaps you will find once more what you felt that night."

The Emperor was somewhat surprised. He ordered the palace eunuchs and maids to retreat somewhere they could not be seen, then took the calming incense. A moment later, a cool breeze blew, dispersing the fragrance, leaving a faint peaceful air in the mountain palace.

The Emperor slowly closed his eyes. A little while later, joy appeared on his face, and he opened his eyes with a smile. "I did indeed feel something."

Fan Xian smiled. "In the palace incense is used, and it is a fine product. But compared to the fragrance of the mountain forest, it is somewhat inelegant."

To the side, Haitang nodded slightly, seemingly in deep praise of Fan Xian's words.

Sat in the mountain pavilion, drinking tea, Fan Xian's doubts began to grow. This was his second day in Shangjing, and the young Emperor had kept him in his palace. This was very much against custom. No matter how you looked at it, he was a foreign official, and although relations between the countries were fine on the face of it, beneath the surface there were always secret maneuvers taking place.

The Emperor suddenly sighed. "Master Fan, do you know why I am keeping you here?"

Fan Xian shivered slightly. He wasn't sure whether the Emperor had seen through his doubts, or whether it was just chance. "Please, Your Majesty, enlighten me," he said respectfully.

The Emperor smiled. "Ostensibly, it is because I enjoyed the Banxianzhai Poetry Anthology." He laughed. "Of course, I enjoy your poetry very much. I used some money from the palace treasury to buy some of the treasures of the Danbo Bookstore and have your poetry published throughout Qi, sending it to academies throughout the land. Do you intend to repay me for my interest?"

The ruler of a country, using his own money to publish the works of a young poet and make him famous. How could Fan Xian not feel utterly moved?

He had not expected there to be a hint of bitterness in Fan Xian's face. Dawdling for a while, he finally stood up and saluted the Emperor – though in his head, he scolded him. There was no such thing as piracy in this world, but the royal household had caused a 30 percent drop in business in the north for Danbo Bookstore. Seventh Ye the Shopkeeper tore his hair out daily, and yet he had to thank him.

Haitang suddenly spoke. "Your Majesty, Danbo Bookstore is Master Fan's business. I'm afraid that not only might Master Fan not appreciate your actions, he may indeed be rather angry."

Fan Xian smiled. "Not at all," he explained quickly.

The Emperor looked at Fan Xian with some surprise. "Minister Fan, you are an immortal of poetry, how can you be a merchant?"

Fan Xian forced a smile. "It's always good to have a little pocket money."

Haitang laughed. "The largest bookstore in the land, all to give Master Fan a little pocket money."

The Emperor did not know what had happened between Haitang and Fan Xian just outside Wuduhe, so seeing that there seemed to be some hidden enmity between them, he could not help but find it amusing. "My lady, you and Minister Fan are perhaps the most lauded people in the south and the north. And yet you seem to enjoy squabbling like a child."

Haitang was somewhat shocked. Finding that her words seemed more pointed, and at odds with her quiet and contented temperament she had had in the past, Fan Xian smiled. "Perhaps Miss Haitang still believes the merchant's trade to be a lowly one." Although the Ye family had done much to show the importance of commerce throughout the land, and the royal families of the nations had paid attention to such things, apparently a great many people still looked down on merchants as a profession.

Unexpectedly, Haitang shook her head slightly. "Workers, farmers, merchants, and scholars; all people must work - there are no lowly professions."

Fan Xian quite liked what she had said.

It seemed that because the Empress Dowager had ordered Haitang to accompany them, the young Emperor was unable to say what he had wanted to say to Fan Xian, and his face grew increasingly vexed.

Fan Xian and Haitang looked at each other. He had presumed that she would tactfully give them some space. Instead she had stayed there, her calm face unchanged, paying no attention to the Emperor's looks.

The Emperor suddenly laughed self-effacingly and walked to the side of the mountain pavilion, looking out on the flowing mountain waters below him, and sighed. "Fan Xian, what did you think of the scenery of Qi on your journey northward?"

"Northern Qi has a landscape to be treasured," Fan Xian replied quietly. "Verdant hills and clear water, a vast territory with abundant resources. The common people live in peace and work happily. It was enough to make me gasp in admiration."

The Emperor suddenly turned around and looked at Fan Xian with a calm gaze that seemed completely unlike the 17-year-old that he was. "So, how would you compare my realm to the Kingdom of Qing?"

[1] "The first concern is affairs of state; pleasure comes later" is a quote from Song dynasty writer Fan Zhongyan.

[2] Fan Zhongyan is regarded to have grown up poor and hungry, and yet ignored his troubles for the sake of studiousness. He was said to subsist on one portion of rice gruel a day, which he would let go cold and divide into four portions, sprinkling only a few chopped vegetables on it, eating it, and going back to his studies.

Chapter 211: A Country Girl Indeed!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Comparing Northern Qi and Southern Qing?

The topic had to be treated with care, as he could not downplay his own country's strength, and as an envoy, he could not criticize Northern Qi too harshly. But Fan Xian answered freely, as if he had known the answer to this question since birth. He spoke with courage in his convictions, his words resounding and powerful, and delivered rapidly. He made Haitang's seemingly always-calm face change, and left the Emperor jaw-dropped, showing his well-kept white teeth.

Fan Xian smiled gently and cupped his hands in salute.

"But as a foreign official, I do not know for sure."

Such modesty. The Emperor was stunned, then burst into laughter. He couldn't punish this rascal: after all, he was a "foreign official", even if he did know plenty about the Kingdom of Qing, he knew little of Qi, so how he could he compare them?

The Emperor looked at Fan Xian, laughed, and shook his head. "Today I have discovered that the immortal poet I have thought about for so long has a glib tongue indeed. No wonder the Emperor of Qing sent you as his envoy." Fan Xian laughed. "I am merely an official. The reason His Majesty sent me here is mainly my interest in the culture of Northern Qi, and as I have some regard in that aspect, he sent me to learn more of it."

The Emperor laughed. "With the famed immortal poet here, I should have some of the students of the Imperial College come in and listen to Minister Fan's teachings."

Fan Xian felt some uneasiness at the fact that he was a fake professor at the Imperial College of Qing without having attended a single lecture - how could he come to the north and become a visiting lecturer?

"If I were to head south, Minister Fan, have preparations been made?"

The young Emperor looked placid, but the sense of prestige that came from having grown up in the palace suddenly began to appear on his face. It was a sensitive and arrogant question, there were only two people who could ask it and in the whole world. But the one he asked was the envoy of an enemy nation. The meaning behind it was rather fascinatng, like a spring thunderclap. Fan Xian's face did not change. "No preparations have been made."

"Why not?" The Emperor looked at him coldly, leaning on a railing.

"The people of Qi do not concern themselves with war, so it will be dangerous." Fan Xian smiled. "The people of Qing are a warlike people, and so there will be great peril. Luckily, Your Majesty is determined to better yourself, and His Majesty is an experienced ruler. There is a fortunate balance between these two ends."

"What kind of man is the Emperor of Qing?" asked the Emperor suddenly. "I have corresponded with him in two personal letters, but I cannot figure him out."

Fan Xian muttered curses under his breath. He was an official of the Kingdom of Qing, after all - what kind of game was the Emperor playing? So he said nothing. The Emperor of Northern Qi looked at him and laughed. "Your Emperor is ageing," he said gently, "and I am yet young. Should I ride south, I hope that you may speak on my behalf in the palace, Minister Fan."

Fan Xian raised his eyebrows. "Should Your Majesty be a guest in the south, I shall write a poem of praise," he said in a manner that was neither servile nor overbearing.

"Heading south" had two different meanings to the two men. For the Emperor, it meant leading his armies southward to capture territory from Qing. To Fan Xian, it meant going to the Kingdom of Qing to be held as prisoner after his defeat.

Choosing not to waste words, Fan Xian's face remained calm. He himself was not anxious. The young Emperor was indeed a man with high aspirations, but in speaking with him he seemed overly talkative. He could not be sure whether it was youthful indiscretion, or whether he really wanted this foreign official to report his intentions to the royal court of the south.

A slight look of concern suddenly appeared on the Emperor's brow. It was not clear what he was thinking. He waved his hand. "Shangjing has known only peace, but there have been many misunderstandings between our two nations. I fear that there are those who plan to do you harm, Minister Fan. Although they may not dare to make their move against you, I'm afraid that provocation may be inevitable. For my sake, Minister Fan, be forgiving."

Fan Xian was taken aback, not by the content of the young Emperor's words, but by their tone. Be forgiving for the Emperor's sake? Fan Xian wondered what entitlement he had to be considered so important by the ruler of a nation, and could not understand why the young Emperor was so concerned for him.

"I am rather tired, Minister Fan. Perhaps you had best leave." The Emperor lightly tapped the railing, and turned back to look silently at Haitang. "My lady, see Master Fan out of the palace. Make sure he doesn't get lost. If anyone behaves inappropriately toward the Qing diplomatic mission over the next few days, please have a word with them."

After having a word with Haitang, it was likely that any over-zealous patriots would exercise restraint.

Haitang smiled. "As you command, Your Majesty."

Fan Xian raised his eyebrows slightly. Was he to be seeing more of this upper ninth-level woman? He couldn't be sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.

The Emperor suddenly smiled. "I hear that you are no longer composing poetry, Master Fan. I must admit I am somewhat disappointed."

Fan Xian forced a smile. "Please forgive me, Your Majesty. Poetry is the language of the heart, and recently I have been in a perturbed state of mind. It is not possible."

The Emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at him with an odd smile. "Perhaps, since poetry comes from emotion, seeing such an ordinary person such as myself has left you with no desire to write."

Fan Xian felt himself break out in sweat.

The Emperor suddenly laughed. "Yesterday the Empress Dowager showed me some writing... 'does she not know? does she not know? The green leaves should be blooming, the red flowers withered away'. You are talented indeed, Fan Xian."

Fan Xian was embarrassed; Haitang even more so.

Escorted by Haitang, Fan Xian left the mountain pavilion, following the quiet and secluded path to the jet-black palace in front of the mountain. In the pavilion, the young Emperor of Northern Qi stood silent, having already shed his excited expression from the previous conversation. His lips curled into a faint smile, and he suddenly closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Once more, he felt a trace of what he had felt that night, as he had watched the moon alone.

From behind him came the sound of footsteps. He knew that it was a eunuch hurrying to attend to him, and, slightly annoyed, he waved a dismissive hand. He forbade anyone from entering the pavilion, and just as before, he stood alone at the railing of the pavilion, unsure of his thoughts.

Some time later, he suddenly sighed. "So that's what Fan Xian has become," he said to himself. "Lili should have arrived by now."

Meanwhile, Fan Xian hurried quietly along behind Haitang on the path toward the palace. He was in no mood to appreciate the mountain scenere or the cool breeze. He simply kept a false smile plastered on his face, haughtily keeping his distance from the strange girl.

He could clearly see the way she walked.

Haitang seemed to sway back and forth with each step, but it was not the bashful and affected swaying of a woman trying to seduce someone, but the swaying of someone with a country air. Her hands were stuck into the pockets of her rustic clothing, and the top half of her body didn't sway at all, but her feet seemed to pull her legs along the stone path. It looked careless, but not with the languid erotic air of some bathing beauty.

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes and gazed at her. He couldn't understand how she moved. Could it be that she was constantly practicing some kind of natural art as she walked? Fan Xian felt quite some admiration. He had always presumed that he was one of the most diligent practitioners of martial arts, practicing twice a day at morning and twilight. Ever since he had started in Danzhou, he had not once suspended his practice. But he had never imagined that one could practice while simply walking along a path!

No wonder this young woman was at the upper ninth level, while he had done his utmost and yet still was barely on the theshold of the ninth level! No wonder the people of Northern Qi praised her as a Tianmai, while he shamelessly relied on his reputation as a poet! No wonder the young woman could simply wave a hand and he would fall to the floor like a dog! No wonder that when he had injected her with aphrodisiac using his secret crossbow, she had bathed in the river like anyone else, and finally had confidently walked away, paying him no attention - her disdain of him meaning she did not even feel hatred.

Fan Xian was silent. Someone as diligent and talented as her could probably only match wits with someone like Wu Zhu. He had no chance.

As he looked at her for a long time, Haitang seemed to feel the heat of his gaze on her back, staring at her buttocks and her waist. Eventually she could stand it no longer, and she quietly turned around and stared calmly back at him, seemingly wanting to peel back Fan Xian's layers and reveal his true, wretched self.

Fan Xian's eyes were bright, without a hint of prevarication. Seeing her turn around, he was surprised, and knowing that she had gotten the wrong idea, he forced a smile. "I was just watching the unusual way you walk. I presumed you were practicing, and I am quite in awe."

If he was surprised, Haitang was even more surprised. She opened her mouth slightly, looking at the young man from Qing, her thoughts in disarray. She had spent much of her life staying in mountains and palaces, and she had always been steady as a rock. For some reason, looking at Fan Xian's damnable pretty face and hearing his useless words, she felt suddenly angry. She couldn't make sense of what he was saying, and after a long moment of silence she spoke curtly. "I was not practicing."

Having said this, she felt somewhat confused. Why did she have to explain anything to him?

Slightly angered, she continued. "I have always walked this way, ever since I was a child. The Empress Dowager chided me about it for many years, and I never changed. If it offends you so, Master Fan, then perhaps you should walk in front."

Fan Xian was stunned. What was the problem? Sullenly, he continued to follow behind Haitang.

But Haitang continued to drag her feet with her hands in her pockets, walking carelessly along.

Fan Xian tilted his head and frowned for a long while, then finally understood - this wasn't practice at all! This was just the way that country girls walked!

When he thought of how this upper ninth-level master Haitang, seen by all the world as some mystical being, was truly a country girl at heart who walked through palaces like she would walk through a field, he could not stop himself from laughing.