
Chapter 212: To and Fro

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Why are you laughing, Master Fan?"

This was what he had expected Haitang to ask. Fan Xian cleared his throat and beamed. "I like the way you walk, my lady."

Haitang was rather surprised, and anger flashed behind her eyes.

"If I am lying, may Heaven strike me down," said Fan Xian hurriedly.

Haitang could not help but doubt his oath, but she still did not understand it. She had been teased in the palace for the way she walked for many years; why did this young man like it? She thought back to his underhanded tactics by the edge of the northern sea, and felt even more confused.

The two of them were silent as they walked toward the palace under the dark canopy of trees that covered the mountain. Haitang was highly revered in Northern Qi, and the moment the palace eunuchs and maids heard the sound of her cloth shoes padding along, they immediately withdrew to the side under the trees, bowing reverently toward this indolent country bumpkin, not daring to look directly at her.

"His Majesty is quite fond of me. I must admit I am rather terrified." Fan Xian finally spoke, carefully choosing his words to gauge her response.

"There is no need to be modest, Master Fan," replied Haitang, her face unwavering. "His Majesty is a great fan of poetry, and when the Banxianzhai Poetry Anthology came out, all the scholars in the land had a copy. His Majesty was no exception. When Zhuang Mohan returned from Qing and told His Majesty of his experience, from that day on His Majesty took great interest in you, and speaks often of you. If Northern Qi had such a poetic talent as yourself, that would be wonderful indeed. We regret that we have yet to find such talent. Now that you have returned Xiao En to the capital and our two countries stand in confrontation to one another, His Majesty naturally fears for your safety."

Fan Xian said nothing. It seemed that the young Emperor had formed quite a connection to a person - himself - that he had never once met. And yet the Emperor's worried frown suggested that there were other things he wanted to tell him, but the walls of the palace had ears, and he did not want to talk of such things in front of Haitang - what these things were, he had no idea.

"Is that so? That is quite unexpected." Fan Xian frowned, seemingly not believing what Haitang was saying.

"Today you looked over the mountain forests of the palace and spoke of man as part of nature. I quite admired it. Once your official business is concluded, if you have time to spare, I hoped that you might give your advice. After my master read the Banxianzhai Poetry Anthology, he was silent for a long while, and then finally sighed in admiration of you, Master Fan. I was originally rather surprised, but speaking with you today, I have only now realized that your reputation is well-deserved."

"You are too kind." She spoke genuinely, and so Fan Xian replied with sincerity. "I hope that you will provide assistance regarding Yan Bingyun."

"I do not involve myself with politics," replied Haitang calmly.

Fan Xian frowned. "Then why did you travel alone to the northern sea in the hopes of killing Xiao En? Don't tell me you didn't know the great effect Xiao En's death would have on this agreement."

Haitang smiled. "Before I made my move, Master Fan, it seemed that you also wanted to kill Xiao En. Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Because I was interested in the secrets that he holds." Fan Xian rubbed his slightly wet hands, and turned his head to look at the wide expanse of palace scenery.

"I tried to kill Xiao En because that secret could cause a lot of trouble for a lot of people," replied Haitang calmly.

They stood in silence under a large tree. The green leaves above them blocked out the sun, leaving them cool. Fan Xian turned his gaze to Haitang's sturdy shoulders and suddenly spoke. "In this world, nothing can stay a secret forever."

"While Xiao En is still alive, it's possible that many people could die."

Fan Xian raised his eyebrows. He knew that her inexplicable melancholy seemed in many respects to be devoid of sense, but he could not change anything with mere words.

"His Majesty seemed to have something he wanted to ask of you," said Haitang.

Fan Xian was slightly taken aback. She had seen it too. He paused for a moment in thought. "Do you know what it was?" he asked earnestly.

"I don't know either," replied Haitang. "But if it is anything to do with Si Lili, I ask that you inform me, Master Fan."

Fan Xian did not reply straight away. The thought troubled him. What help could the ruler of a nation need from him? Could it really be about Si Lili? He was powerless in Northern Qi. What could he do about it?

"Poor Lili. She's a good person." Haitang's hands were still in her pockets. "Please help if you can, Master Fan."

Fan Xian had all kinds of thoughts of their carriage ride north. For a moment, he was despondent, unsure of how to respond. And so the two fell silent once more, walking slowly onward, allowing the leaves above their heads and the sunlight even further above to weave in and out of each other, falling upon their bodies, on his green robes and her simple, flower-patterned clothing.

Fan Xian suddenly rushed a few steps ahead, walking side by side with Haitang. She turned her head and looked at him casually, but said nothing.

Fan Xian slowly began to relax, copying the young woman's country walk. He lifted his chin slightly, a slight laziness in his eyes as he looked around. His green robes had no pockets, so he had nothing to stick his hands in, and could only hold them behind his back like some old scholar. He shifted his hips forward and relaxed all the muscles of this body, allowing his seemingly heavy feet to drag his seemingly exhausted body along the stone road, lazily strolling on.

Haitang turned her head to look at him again, seemingly unsure of why he had decided to copy the way she had walked ever since she was a child. She looked a little confused.

There was a warm smile on Fan Xian's face, as if he hadn't noticed her looking at him as he walked leisurely alongside her. Haitang didn't feel like paying any more attention to that rascal, and she rolled her neck slightly. She seemed very comfortable. Fan Xian also stretched and yawned.

By that point the sun had reached the midpoint of the sky, and its warm light shone down.

The sounds of their footsteps slowly merged into one, making them feel inexplicably sleepy. And so they dragged their feet back to the palace, looking like a pair of married farmers heading from the fields back home to sleep.

A bead of sweat dripped from Haitang's nose. Her ordinary-looking face had a strange charm.

"That antidote you gave me... the orange peel was too strong. It tasted rather bitter." Haitang seemed to be reveling in the sunshine.

Fan Xian laughed, knowing that she had already seen through the tricks he had used that day. "I am a commissioner of the Overwatch Council, not some sage seeking harmony with nature. It makes my methods somewhat coarse. I hope you don't mind. Of course, if you do mind, you could give me... that drug."

His words were somewhat frivolous, but Haitang did not blush like any ordinary girl. "If I had the chance, I would use it," she replied casually.

Fan Xian broke out in a sweat. "You are a commissioner of the Overwatch Council," she continued, "someone who walks in the shadows. Why did you draw so much attention to yourself after leaving Danzhou for the capital? It seems that now you walk in the light."

"The dark night has given me black eyes, but I use them to search for light." [1]

Fan Xian continued to use the wonderful words of a poet from that world, even though that bastard had died in such a stupid and cowardly way. Sure enough, Haitang was surprised. She turned her head and looked at him. Surely something had imperceptibly shifted in her view of him.

Fan Xian laughed and continued. "Of course, the dark night has given me black eyes, and I have more opportunities to use them... to roll my eyes at this world."

Haitang finally laughed. She really was "smiling sweetly between the bamboo fence". Haitang had been coarse all the way along the mountain. If the palace walls were a bamboo fence, then what did she have to fear of what people thought vulgar? [2]

Leaving through the palace, he said a few words to the worried-looking Wang Qinian and the Tiger Guards. Escorted by the Northern Qi Imperial Guard, Fan Xian the southern official sat in his carriage and rode back to his lodging. Exiting his carriage, he was greeted by a chaotic scene, and could not help but feel somewhat surprised.

Once he had taken a few steps toward the gate, and saw clearly what was going on, he was completely shocked.

In front of the gate were a number of Northern Qi officials and guards, crouched on the floor picking up things. Every man dragged a sack behind him, and they would pick up an object from time to time and place it inside. From the way they carried it, it seems that the objects were heavy. Fan Xian was very curious. "What's going on?" he asked Wang Qinian, who was standing next to him.

Wang Qinian was also puzzled.

As they walked further, they realized that on the floor in a large space in front of the courtyard gate were all sorts of swords. Some had scabbards decorated with beryl, some were plain and unadorned, some were modern, and of course, many of them were the curved sabers beloved by the people of Northern Qi.

Fan Xian sucked in a breath of cold air. "Go and grab those bags. Since they fell in front of their door, even if they're only good for scrap, some of their value should be ours." Having appreciated the palace scenery, chatted, and imitated that country girl's walk, he felt quite at ease, so he smiled as he spoke, seeming a little bit like Fan Sizhe.

Wang Qinian forced a smile. "You must be in high spirits, sir, to make such jokes."

Fan Xian couldn't help but laugh bitterly. "And if not, then what? Don't tell me we're picking up every single blade?" Ever since he had almost taken a blade to the face, courtesy of Ye Ling'er back in the capital, Fan Xian was clear on the customs of combat in this world - throw your blade at your opponent's feet, and if they accept the challenge, then pick up your sword.

"But they've had all day. What's causing all this trouble?" he asked with a frown.

[1] A quote from "A Generation" by the modern poet Gu Cheng (1956-1993). Gu killed himself after killing his wife with an axe.

[2] A reference to Song poet Su Shi's poem; "Lodging East of the Dinghui Courtyard, Many Flowers Cover The Mountain, And There Is A Flowering Apple Tree Whose Worth The Locals Do Not Know". One line in the poem is "smiling sweetly between a bamboo fence, the peach and plum trees coarsely cover the mountain".

Chapter 213: The Fighting Envoy

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Vice-Deputy Lin Jing and Lin Wen felt uneasy outside the door. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Fan Xian return. They snuck along the wall and made their way in front of everyone, explaining: "Someone, we don't know who, leaked out a part of the negotiation. Now the people of Shangjing all are upset because they found out Northern Qi is going to give up land. While the ordinary civilian dared not to do anything, those young nobles did come forward asking to challenge us southerners in martial arts."

Fan Xian was somewhat taken aback. The Imperial court of Northern Qi would definitely not tell the negotiations regarding captives and land to everyone. Then who did? It seemed like that young emperor wasn't exactly living a leisurely life. But now Fan Xian had no time to care about his number one fan. With a headache, he stared at the knives on the ground and said, "Take care of this on your own, I'm going to visit their Board of Rites in a bit."

Even though he let the right subordinates take care of various affairs, such as dealing with the captives, redrawing the borders, and exchanging letters of credence, Fan Xian insisted on handling the Yan Bingyun matter himself.

"Sir, you must not leave." The Lin brothers were stereotypical civil officials; seeing knives fly in the heart of a foreign nation scared them senseless. They were afraid of those young nobles stirring up trouble again if Fan Xian were to leave now. After all, the Tiger Guards, who were the strongest in the envoy, would naturally follow Fan Xian, and the strong ones in various disguises from the Overwatch Council only listened to Commissioner Fan.

Fan Xian frowned and looked at the two in slight annoyance. "As Qing officials, you should calm yourselves a bit unless you want to embarrass our nation. As for those troublemakers, Northern Qi arranged guards for us. Would those guards just let them in?"

"The point is…" Of the two brothers, Lin Jing was more familiar with Fan Xian and didn't mind speaking more directly. "…those people are here for you. If you avoid them, I'm afraid these northerners will think of us Qing as cowards."

That was somewhat biting to say. Laughing, Fan Xian scolded Lin Jing and then told him, "Even if they are here to bring me trouble, I'm sure they are just some bookworms. Sir Lin, you once scored third on the civil service exam, just say something to them and get over it."

Suddenly, Fan Xian discovered Northern Qi's assigned palace guards had strange expressions, while Gao Da already had his hand on the hilt of his blade.

Fan Xian turned around and discovered another group had arrived. Leading that group was a young aristocrat looking up at the sky. As Fan Xian had already acknowledged them, nobody went out to stop the group. So the young noble was able to walk right up to Fan Xian and deliver a punch.

The fist was fat and had no strength. It was very irritating.

Without hesitation, Fan Xian returned a slap. His overpowering zhenqi was unique in this world. Under Wu Zhu's teachings, Fan Xian's timing was world-class. This one slap raised knife-like winds, pierced through the air, and slammed down onto the young noble's fist viciously.

Fan Xian had acted reserved and obedient in front of Haitang because Haitang was too powerful. When it came to actual martial arts, Fan Xian ranked as one of the most talented practitioners among his generation. However, since his opponent this time was too young, Fan Xian wasn't planning on injuring the young aristocrat.

He was probably around ten years old. Fan Xian's slap forced him on his buttocks, causing him to cry out in pain. Since Fan Xian looked like a weak scholar, the young noble probably wasn't expecting to be knocked down by one blow. He stared at Fan Xian and cursed out, "Curse your mother! These southern barbarians are mad!"

Fan Xian, who was about to go back inside, stopped.

He grinned and returned to the young noble. He held up the boy's wrist. The boy's bodyguard, although nervous, paid the simple gesture no mind. Believing Fan Xian to be just an entourage of Southern Qing's envoy, the bodyguard spat out some harsh words.

Next came the sound of a torn joint, followed by a scream of pain and then enraged outbursts.

"Had my mother heard you, she'd probably rip you apart alive," Fan Xian thought. Letting go, he stared at the boy on the ground. Judging by the fact that Northern Qi's palace guards dared not do anything, there must be someone high-ranking in that boy's family.

The boy's bodyguards and servants gathered around. Looking at their young master crying and holding onto his limp wrist, they discovered that Fan Xian had broken it in a despicable move! Unable to hold back their anger, they stood up, ready to teach Fan Xian a lesson.

Seeing that things were getting out of hand, the palace guards hurried to separate the two sides, trying to mediate the matter. The Qi side would not stop spewing out curses about the southern barbarians.

Fan Xian pulled Lin Jing over. "Whose brat was that?"

"The young master of Chang Anhou's household." Lin Wen was very familiar with Shangjing's politics and rushed in to answer.

Fan Xian was slightly startled after hearing the name Chang Anhou. It reminded him of Chang Ninghou, whom he had had a drinking contest with. "Is he also a brother of the empress dowager? The one who got sent home after last year's defeat? Chang Ninghou's younger brother?"

Lin Wen nodded, "Chang Anhou was relieved of power due to last year's defeat. But this year, under the empress dowager's order, he resumed power and regained his former arrogance. I suspect this young lad here wanted to take advantage of the chaos and take revenge against Qing."

"Stupid brat." Fan Xian shook his head. Without even looking back at the mess, he was ready to go back inside.

"You think you can just leave after what you've done?" someone yelled out angrily. "How dare you hurt our Young Master Hou!"

The commander of the palace guards had gotten the situation under control and wasn't expecting Fan Xian to leave without saying a single word. Such an unjustifiable act even made that commander upset. "You Southern Qing are too arrogant," he thought to himself.

Fan Xian slowly turned around and said to the crowd of Northern Qi, "Everyone, look carefully. This young man here sneak-attacked me. I didn't know he was only a child, so I didn't hold back. I will send some of my people to Hou Manor to pay for medicine later. Is there any need to squabble about this any further?"

Beating someone up then offering to pay for medical costs was a classic rich-kid tactic. But the problem was that Fan Xian was the head diplomat of Qing, and the rich kid was the boy of Northern Qi. The crowd wasn't buying it

Fan Xian raised his eyebrows and said to the commander of the palace guards, "Commander Wei, do you wish to see this envoy go at it with Qi civilians? Do you want another battle between our two nations?"

Commander Wei felt a chill. He knew things wouldn't get that out of hand, but if Fan Xian really were to be attacked by an angry mob, it would be a diplomatic incident, and he, being in charge of guard duty, would be responsible. So the commander hurried to block the people from Hou Manor. Fan Xian went back inside and shut the front gate.

Now the mob realized Fan Xian was the head diplomat of the barbaric southern envoy. Seeing him duck inside immediately triggered a barrage of insults and curses which flew like arrows. Fan Xian's ancestors on his father's side became the targets.

A short moment later, the front gate suddenly creaked open. The mob quieted down. Seeing that the one who came out wasn't the handsome youth Fan Xian, they rushed forward demanding that he come out.

The official who came out was Wang Qinian. He smiled and saluted the crowd, which came to a halt and put down whatever makeshift weapons they had brought. They were all ready to hear what this southerner had to say. Wang Qinian waved his hand and said gently, "Get them."

A dozen people rushed out from behind Wang Qinian like tigers. Charging at the crowd, they were all wielding mops or other types of sticks. As soon as Wang Qinian gave out the order, Commander Wei realized things just became very bad and was about to say something. But Wang Qinian grabbed his arm with extreme friendliness, saying that if they had time afterwards, Commander Wei had to take them to the red-light district.

Hearing this, Commander Wei was speechless, while the rest of the guards were stunned. Their duty was to ensure the safety of the envoy, but they didn't expect this envoy to be so strange, charging out with sticks—which side did they actually have to protect?

At that moment, a bustling scene unfolded. Sticks were waving in the air and there were many screams, some of which sounded like pigs being slaughtered.

Commander Wei raged, "Sir Wang, are you trying to make things even worse?"

"Nonsense. Do you think I wanted this?" Wang Qinian also became angry. "He cursed Commissioner Fan's mother. Even though he's only a little brat, I want to ask you: on our envoy's first day in the capital, why are there so many people here asking for trouble? What are you Northern Qi planning?"

The screams continued. While the dozen people who rushed out had no blades, they were composed of four Tiger Guards and skilled members of the Overwatch Council. Beating some servants from a rich family was truly an unskilled thing to do.

"I don't care if you curse my paternal ancestors." Fan Xian walked out with Gao Da. Looking at the scene in front of him, he thought, "But I absolutely will not allow you to curse my mom and my grandmother."

Chapter 214: Tan Wu Is Not A Literary Man

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After all, no one wanted to make things worse. After a reprimand, Fan Xian waved a hand and ordered his men to withdraw. The Imperial Guard set once again to clearing things up outside the courtyard gate. Commander Wei spat on the ground and thought about how ridiculous Chang Anhou's men were. If they had only come for a duel, why did they allow this famous playboy to sneak attack Fan Xian? Things were no longer as they were in the days of Northern Wei's unification; why did these envoys from Qing see fit to provoke things further?

At that moment, a strapping young fellow suddenly walked past. Seeing the chaotic scene, he could not help but frown. His feet kicked up dust from the ground as he threw himself into the fray, extending a fist to strike a blow and a leg to deliver a kick. Moving cleanly and efficiently, not sloppy in the least, within the blink of an eye he had thrown out half a dozen blows, striking at each of the Overwatch Council officials who had yet to stay their hands.

The man's blows were simple, yet quick and powerful, catching the officials of the Overwatch Council on the back foot and forcing them to retreat. A number of those who had been ordered to step back by Commissioner Fan caught kicks to the leg and, in a flash, almost tumbled to the ground.

Fan Xian turned his head. Where had this fighting master come from? He could not tell his exact level of martial skill for the time being, but his natural strength and viciousness had forced his subordinates to step back.

After the man had helped Chang Anhou's men out of their predicament, he stood tall on the spot, his eyes narrowed. He seemed confused that all of his previous vicious blows had not managed to knock any of his enemies out. He then saw that Fan Xian, standing on the stone steps, was their leader. He frowned. "You Qing diplomats are an impressive group. I didn't think that I'd be met by sixth-level fighters!"

Fan Xian looked at him for a moment. "When one is sent to represent one's country abroad, it is of chief importance to ensure that one does not diminish the nation's prestige. Since you are clearly a military man, how can it be that you do not understand this principle?"

The man glanced at the people around him, who moaned in pain on the floor. He frowned. "But these are mere flunkies. As rude as you are, don't tell me that you rely on these weaklings for power?"

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes. "So as you see it, I should turn the other cheek?"

The man was alarmed. It wasn't clear what he was thinking. His face darkened. Commander Wei had realized who the young man was, and his face was reverent as he saluted him. "General Tan, what are you doing here?"

The army man, surnamed Tan, did not immediately recognize the commander of the Imperial Guard. "I am Wei Wuji, sir," said Commander Wei hurriedly.

At first, General Tan Wu had been a capable subordinate of the northern general Shang Shanhu. He had fought against the barbarians in the frozen north, and last year he had followed Shang Shanhu when he was recalled to the capital. Unexpectedly, he found himself with nothing to do and no duties, except for occasionally having to turn up for morning roll call at the Ministry of War. Although Shang Shanhu, his army colleague in the capital, had always been considered heroic and brave and had always been respected, he felt somewhat upset. Today, he had been out walking, and had not expected to bump into this chaotic scene involving the diplomatic mission from the south.

Tan Wu looked at Commander Wei and felt he had no choice but to say something. "How can you let these southerners run amuck in Shangjing?"

Wei Wuji forced a smile. "By order of the palace, we must ensure their safety. I dare not neglect matters of state."

Tan Wu thought of Qi's successive defeats over many years. He and Shang Shanhu had never had the chance to wage war in the south, and he could not help but feel gloomy. He looked again at the injured officials and felt contempt and anger. He suddenly raised his head and cupped his hands in salute to Fan Xian, who stood on the stone steps. "Sir, may I ask if you are Master Fan Xian, head diplomat of this mission?"

Fan Xian cupped his hands in return. "That is correct."

Tan Wu looked to be in awe. "I am Tan Wu of Northern Qi," he said in a stern voice, "and I humbly beg your guidance, Master Fan." Having said this, he gently placed the blade that he wore on his waist upon the floor.

Fan Xian shook his head. He knew that his opponent did not claim an official position, and this was about to be done according to folk dueling customs. "Master Tan," he said calmly, "before you came along, I have already received two sacks' worth of daggers. Even if I wanted to duel, you would likely have to wait for a number of days."

Tan Wu frowned. "There is no time like the present, as they say. Master Fan, I ask that you bestow me your guidance."

Fan Xian shook his head again.

"I know that you are not merely an exceptional poet, Master Fan," said Tan Wu angrily. "You are also highly skilled in martial arts. Last year you singlehandedly fought and killed Cheng Jushu, a fighting master of Northern Qi. Could it be that you hold me in contempt?"

Fan Xian looked at him, knowing that this soldier was unyielding. He laughed. "Although I am head of this diplomatic mission, and it appears that we are causing trouble, I have always respected men on the battlefield. I know that you have spent all year fighting back barbarians in the snowy north. Is it too late to offer you my respects? Why must we insist on declaring a winner with our fists?"

Tan Wu was a straightforward sort of fellow. Hearing Fan Xian's calm words, his face softened slightly, but his temper remained. He cupped his hands in mid-air.

Fan Xian sighed and shook his head. "Take care not to overdo it," he said to Gao Da, who stood behind him.

Gao Da slowly withdrew the blade from his back and lay it on the ground, stepping off the stone steps and steadily extending his right hand to this valiant young man in a gesture of invitation.

Tan Wu narrowed his eyes. He could sense a slight air of danger from this bodyguard. He knew that his opponent was an expert, and the southern diplomatic mission sending him out to compete with him was no dishonor upon him. He spat on the ground, placed his palms together, and advanced toward Gao Da to attack.

They set to each other, with loud groans, their strengths pitted against one another, kicking up dust from the ground. After the dust had settled, Gao Da had caught a blow to the right side of his chest, a trace of blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, and Gao Da's cold, heavy right hand was wrapped around Tan Wu's throat! The calluses on his hand, formed by years of daily sword practice, scraped against the skin on Tan Wu's neck. This Northern Qi military officer had never once known fear. Now, he trembled.

Gao Da slowly stepped back, releasing his right hand.

Tan Wu looked at this master, his name unknown to him, and felt a sense of shock. The diplomatic mission had casually sent out this fellow who had given him no chance to hit back! In the blink of an eye, as he had chopped at his opponent's chest, he had not seen the man's hand reach out toward him. He knew that if Gao Da had not shown lenience, his throat would have been crushed long ago!

Tan Wu also knew full well that if this were a fight to the death, this man, a clear master of the blade, would not allow him the opportunity to even get close to him with his sword. He bowed deeply toward Gao Da, and saluted Fan Xian once more. After admitting defeat, he departed, not looking back.

Although it had only been one move, it had shaken him to the core.

The carriage went along the streets of Shangjing toward the Ministry of Rites, protected on all sides by stern-faced Imperial Guardsmen who refused to give anyone a chance to get anywhere near the Qing diplomatic mission. Fan Xian sat in the carriage, his eyes lightly closed. "Why did you take that blow just now?"

Gao Da cleared his throat. "My opponent was a military man, so I wanted to be direct, and I did not want to reveal my own strength too much." He looked at Fan Xian and lowered his head. "And it seemed that you wanted to make friends with him, sir, so I thought I should go easy on him."

Although the Tiger Guards were the Qing Emperor's secret bodyguard force, they had after all been personally chosen by Count Sinan, so Fan Xian saw the seven Tiger Guards who had accompanied him on his journey north much like he had seen Teng Zijing. He fixed Gao Da with a look that was amiable yet strict. "I don't know a thing about Tan Wu. Why in the hell would I want to make friends with him? There are plenty of powerful fighters in this world. Tan Wu might be brave, but there's nothing else interesting about him. Even if he is a skilled fighter, why does that mean I have to make friends with him? Am I meant to work myself to death? Are you going to let me eat? Are you going to let me have any fun at all?"

Gao Da was stunned. Was making friends with capable people not the favored pastime of every son of a noble family? What had he done wrong? If there was a problem, what did it have to do with eating and amusement?

Fan Xian fished around inside his breast pocket and finally pulled out a pill which he handed to Gao Da and asked him to take.

Sitting next to them, Wang Qinian poked fun. "Is that orange peel too?"

"It's for your injuries," said Fan Xian grumpily.

Gao Da took it, but still didn't understand. "I thought you told me to go easy?"

"Which finger did you touch Tan Wu with?" he scolded him.

Gao Da was silent.

"I'm not sure whose idea it was to send Chang Anhou's son to cause trouble." Wang Qinian was still thinking about the previous events. "Logically, since the Emperor of Northern Qi wants to fulfill the obligations of the agreement and admires Commissioner Fan, ordering the Imperial Guard to ensure our safety, then that should be enough to show a clear signal to everyone in Shangjing. To still have people come and make trouble is rather odd."

"Do not forget that the agreement between the two countries seems to have been leaked." Fan Xian lightly tapped the window frame of the carriage. The Northern Qi soldiers were outside, so the three of them kept their voices low. "It appears that things in Northern Qi are even more tangled than they are for us in the south. The young Emperor, it would seem, does not have a firm enough grip on his power."

"As long as it doesn't affect our business, then it's fine."

He had been quite busy today, entering the palace early in the morning, then chatting with the young Emperor, walking along with Haitang, and getting caught up in the chaos outside the diplomatic mission's lodgings. His first day in Northern Qi had been awfully busy, and he hadn't had a chance to eat, his stomach filled only with the tea he had drunk with the Emperor.

His stomach began to rumble. Fan Xian laughed at himself. Life was tiring him out. The reason he had tired himself out today was because he had settled on a plan - he would quickly get Yan Bingyun out of Northern Qi's strict, ice-cold prison. Otherwise, if he were seen to be eating and drinking well, he feared that he would not be able to enjoy it.

Chapter 215: The Old Shop on Xiushui Street

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The arrangements of diplomatic affairs between the two nations were already arranged in advance. Going by the norm, for someone of Fan Xian's status to be able to move around in Shangjing would require the appropriate personnel as escort. But Fan Xian was worried about such arrangements. While there were already resident officials beginning the negotiations, Fan Xian still asked permission from Northern Qi's Imperial court, and came to the Board of Rites.

In the secret agreement, Yan Bingyun was to be exchanged for both Xiao En and Si Lili. This already put Qing at a deficit, which was why Fan Xian was in a hurry to find the person secretly in charge. But unexpectedly, Minister Shu of the Board of Rites, who was actually the vice-recruiter of the Brocade Guard, refused to see him!

It looked like Northern Qi wanted to drag things out a few more days. Enraged, Fan Xian ignored Northern Qi's officials and stormed out of the Board of Rites. At the front gates, Lin Jing had rushed over from the Office of the Grand Herald. He secretly shook his head at Fan Xian.

Once the four were back in the carriage, Lin Jing said, "Vice-Minister Wei Hua also disappeared after leaving the palace."

Fan Xian sighed. "I bet it's the same elsewhere. Qi wants to delay a few more days."

"What good does that do for them?" Wang Qinian frowned. "They're going to hand the person over in the end regardless. I doubt they could drag this on forever."

Fan Xian shook his head. "We must fish out Yang Bingyun as soon as possible."


"We go to Wei Hua's home."

"Chang Ninghou Manor?" Lin Jing said, troubled. "We're talking about the empress dowager's own brother. For us foreign diplomats, going there would be very taboo. I'm afraid doing so would only stir up more trouble."

Fan Xian laughed. "Hopefully those Imperial censors under Northern Qi's emperor will help. It would be amazing if we could report Chang Ninghou for conspiring with a foreign nation tomorrow morning."

With the plan made, the carriage left the Board of Rites, followed by the Imperial Guards. Some agents, looking like passersby, tailed the group from a distance. Wang Qinian, although sitting in the carriage, could smell the scent on those agents. He said quietly to Fan Xian, "Sir Commissioner, there seem to be be men from the Brocade Guard following us."

"We have the Imperial Guards with us; are they afraid of us getting lost?" Fan Xian said. "Ignore them. More importantly, in the coming few days, do not hurry to contact the Council members situated in Northern Qi. We don't want to bring our agents any unnecessary risks."

Those secret agents of Northern Qi were under Imperial orders to watch over the envoy. They were puzzled as to why those southern officials would be interested in touring the streets after leaving the Board of Rites. Furthermore, they were not touring just any street, but the most upscale, luxurious street in Shangjing—Xiushui Street. It sold luxury items made from glass and such; not something ordinary civilians could afford.

One of the agents frowned. "Why do those southern barbarians want to visit Xiushui Street?"

His subordinate answered, "Visiting a foreign country is a rare occasion. Of course they want to bring back something nice. Those southern barbarians are all madly rich now. How will they explain to their families if they don't bring back some glass goblets?"

"Idiot! All the glass is exported by Southern Qing. Why would they come all the way here for it?"

There weren't a lot of people on Xiushui Street, but the few that were seen walking around were all potbellied rich men or ladies adorned in jewelry. From a glance one could tell they didn't carry around much silver, but stashes of bills thicker than a book. The stores were spaced out along the street at just the right distance from each other.

The signs of those stores were even more conspicuous, erected vertically outside the storefronts. The signboards were painted black, with golden characters, though some were fading. The store owners didn't seem to be bothered to get new signs. However, upon closer examination, one would realize those signs had quite some history to them. The characters were probably written by some famous calligraphers a century, or perhaps even many centuries ago. Those business men wanted to use the faded paint to flaunt the history of their stores, and to add an air of antiquity.

The seven stores in the middle of the street were different from the others; their signs were horizontal and, while not brand new, looked obviously newer than the signs of the other stores. Some of them sold glass goods, some sold soaps and such, some sold perfume, some sold cotton cloths, and some sold liquor. One shop was most astonishing because it specialized in selling toys.

The carriages stopped just in front of the street entrance. Being accompanied by soldiers of the Imperial Guard, such style surpassed even that of the highest-ranked nobility. But the stores on Xiushui Street kept their self-esteem; no one came out to welcome the guests. They waited for the four people who exited the carriage to pass by one by one.

The four of them walked until they came before the store that sold cotton cloth. The extremely handsome young man scratched his head, seemingly unable to understand why cotton would count as a luxury item.

After going into the shop, the store owner explained to his guests: "Speaking of weaving cloth from cotton, according to legend, some genius named Wang did it many centuries ago, but his methods were lost over time, until twenty years ago when our founder rediscovered it. Everyone look, this cotton cloth is warmer than silk, inexpensive, and of excellent quality—even compared to the ones in Southern Qing's capital."

The handsome young man seemed to be very interested. "Let me try thirty centimeters."

The store owner's face darkened. Recognizing the youth's Southern Qing accent, the store owner rudely said, "Oh, a fellow countryman. My dear sir, where's the logic in us Southern Qing coming to Northern Qi to buy cotton cloth? Besides, others buy it by the bundle. And you want thirty centimeters?"

The young man chuckled and made his exit. Looking at the store's sign, he frowned. "Those characters are terribly ugly."

The store owner became enraged. "They were written by our old boss. You ignorant lad, leave now!"

The young man chuckled again and led his three subordinates to another store. That young man was, of course, Fan Xian. The characters which he called ugly were none other than traces left behind by his mother many years ago. They were just like the handwriting of that letter in that chest—and just as ugly!

After strolling for a while, Fan Xian knew these shops all belonged to people from Qing. Of course, many years ago, they belonged to the Ye household. Just by looking at the products, Fan Xian new his mom must have made a fortune from this world's rich people.

Walking down Xiushui Street, between signboards written by his mother, Fan Xian was in a slight daze. He didn't want to go any further.

"Sir, what are we doing here instead of going to Chang Ninghou manor?" Lin Jing asked worriedly.

Fan Xian came back to his senses and replied, "To buy gifts, of course. We shouldn't show up empty-handed."

Saying that, he stepped into the fanciest glass shop on the street. Inside were all sorts of things beautifully made of glass; mainly vessels for holding alcohol, but also many smaller trinkets, including cricket boxes, various board games, and even a small oil lamp.

The whole shop looked like it was covered by crystals. It was dazzling. A faint sense of pride rose in Fan Xian's heart. While he seemed to have been spending every day in this world just getting by, not doing anything to shake up the world, seeing all the things his mother had left behind made him think, "Seems like my mom already invented everything. What's left for me to do?"

The owner of the glass store heard his guests talking and knew they were fellow southerners. He said with a smile, "My guests, it's not that I'm unwilling to do business with you, it's just that buying glass in Shangjing is a bit of a rip-off."

Fan Xian smiled. "I know you guys sell stuff here at a higher price than back in Qing. But I noticed the Northern Qi palace uses so much glass; aren't they worried about the price?"

The store owner grinned. "Who's the dumbest customer in the world? The emperor, of course. I hear the deal with the Northern Qi palace was the biggest deal back then for our master. The sheer numbers stunned all other businesses senseless."

Fan Xian laughed and said, "You sure are a bold one. Being in Northern Qi, aren't you afraid of being arrested for saying that?"

"Not at all. As long as our great Qing remains the most powerful nation in the world, we businessmen can go anywhere without being harassed." Despite saying that, the store owner still lowered his voice before continuing. "As for the remark about the dumbest customer in the world… I didn't come up with it. My master told me it was said by the owner back then."

Fan Xian chuckled, suddenly asking, "Which one of the Yes is your master? Big Ye?"

This startled the store owner. He looked up at Fan Xian, having a hard time believing this handsome young man knew so much. For the moment he forgot to reply.

Lin Jing, who had been standing on the side, spoke up with a smile, "This is Sir Fan Xian, the head diplomat of the current diplomatic mission. While you may have spent your time far north, I believe you know Sir Fan's background."

Sir Fan? That's the great owner of all Imperial businesses in a few years! The glass store owner was in great shock and hurriedly bowed to Fan Xian.

Chapter 216: Developments in the Imperial Business

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian hurried over to help him up, but the proprietor of the store was insistent on kowtowing. Eventually, he stood up and sighed, deeply moved. "So you are the future master. I shall kowtow no matter what. And what is more, you are the head of the diplomatic mission. I have spent many days in this foreign country, hoping to pay my respects to the masters of my home country, with no chance to do so."

The proprietor suddenly realized something. It seemed that he had mentioned something taboo in front of this master from the south. "Master Fan, why have you come here?" he asked, unable to prevent himself from mumbling.

Northern Qi was, after all, a long way away from the Qing Emperor, so the merchants here were rather bolder, still keeping their old shop signs, saying that they were proud owners of property. Fan Xian looked at the man's face and realized that he was worried that his words would be taken back to the capital, offending the royal family who controlled businesses outside of Qing.

He laughed. In the future, he would have to greatly raise the quality of his wares, rather than selling these low-quality glass wine goblets.

The proprietor was curious. "How can I help you?" He had originally assumed that Fan Xian had used the opportunity of the diplomatic mission to make a preliminary investigation into the business he would one day control. He didn't know that he was about to buy glassware.

Lin Jing gave a brief explanation. The shopkeeper hurriedly called for the shop assistants, and a few nimble fellows rushed into the storeroom. It appeared that the real high-quality goods were not left on display. While they waited, Fan Xian chatted with the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper knew what he wanted to know, and did not dare hide anything from him, giving him a rough estimate of the quantity of glassware that had been transported northward from Qing over the past years.

Although it was only a rough estimate, Fan Xian was still rather surprised. There was only one Qing glassworks in Shangjing, and its yearly income was astonishing. It was no wonder that even with all the splendor of Qi's products, they could only just about match Qing in financial matters.

The shopkeeper suddenly sighed. "But in the past few years - I'm not sure why - the goods sent from the capital have not been as good as they were before. And we've had no new ideas, so business has suffered somewhat."

"How much worse has it been compared to the best times?" asked Fan Xian.

"About thirty percent."

Fan Xian muttered to himself hesitantly. He knew where the problem came from. After the Eldest Princess had taken control of the palace treasury from the Ye family, even if that madwoman had political intelligence and trickery up her sleeve, in the completely new area of glass and soap, it seemed likely that she still had no idea what to do. The quality of the glass was still poor; there were definitely problems with the mixture and the workmanship. Currently the Ye shopkeepers of Qingyu Hall could not do it themselves, and so there was no way to adjust the process.

But business had only gone down by thirty percent. It seemed that the Eldest Princess knew the importance of these shops to the Qing economy and had not interfered with them too much, simply following the convention of previous years.

There was too much keeping with the old ways, and not enough innovation.

As they had talked, a young shop assistant had brought out the most precious of the glass goblets. Fan Xian picked one up, narrowing his eyes in the sunlight inside the shop. There were no impurities in the glass. Indeed, it was better quality than most of the windows in the capital. He couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, these are the ones."

The shopkeeper quickly ordered the assistant to wrap it up, but Fan Xian waved him away. "Don't worry about it." Everyone was puzzled by his intentions, but heeded his instructions.

Suddenly, the shopkeeper gave an awkward look. Fan Xian spotted it immediately. "May I ask your surname?"

"My surname is Yu," responded the shopkeeper quickly.

"An apprentice of Qingyu Hall, surnamed Yu?" Fan Xian smiled to himself. "Shopkeeper Yu, why do you look uneasy?"

The shopkeeper forced a smile. "Master Fan, these glass goblets were being held for the birthday of the Empress Dowager at the end of this month."

Fan Xian was somewhat surprised. "So the nobles of Northern Qi order their palace gifts from you? In that case, I shall not take it. Change it for something else, Shopkeeper Yu."

Shopkeeper Yu was stunned. It seemed he hadn't expected such an important official to be so lenient. "The order has not actually been finalized, because the nobles of Northern Qi have always known that we keep some of the best products in our store. Returning to the topic at hand, this glass goblet is not our most expensive gift... but the palace treasury's customs are very strictly kept. This month is usually a good month. Master, if you were to take these, then when we report our accounts to the south at the end of the month, there would be a large gap in our finances, and I fear that the master of the palace treasury would..."

After he had said it, Fan Xian understood what it was that he feared. He smiled. "Do not worry. I will pay."

Standing to the side, Wang Qinian scolded him humorously. "You're afraid the royal treasury will check our accounts? Did you not know that this man before you is the future head of the royal treasury?"

Shopkeeper Yu, mumbling, wiped the sweat from his brow. Even if Fan Xian were to be the future head of the treasury, the problem was that currently... he was not.

Suddenly, Fan Xian patted his change purse and laughed bitterly. "It seems I forgot to bring something on our trip to Northern Qi." Everyone silently realized that Commissioner Fan, as head diplomat, had been spending public money on their journey to Northern Qi. Although he had some pocket money on him, he had not brought that much with him.

Shopkeeper Yu continued to wipe away his sweat. "Master, if this is official business, then I should report it in the accounts. If you will write a note, then I will send it back to the capital, and the debt can be repaid."

"An IOU? Good idea." As he took out his paper and an ink-stick, Fan Xian thought about this Shopkeeper Yu. He was probably a man of good judgment, and no doubt he had seen plenty of IOUs from officials in the past. He scribbled some characters down on the paper, and Shopkeeper Yu carefully wrote down a price, giving the paper back to Fan Xian to sign. He hesitated for a moment, then turned around to ask Wang Qinian a question. "Does the Council have any funds?"

Wang Qinian laughed bitterly. "One third of the Council's finances come from His Majesty, and two thirds from the Ministry of Revenue - that is, your father. Recently we have had to tighten our belts."

Fan Xian turned his head and looked at Gao Da. He knew that Gao Da knew his father, and that the Tiger Guards were well-funded. Gao Da saw that Fan Xian seemed to want to ask him something, and an awkward expression suddenly appeared on his face. "Master, the money that your father gives to the Tiger Guards is strictly managed."

Fan Xian sighed and looked at Lin Jing. "It appears that this will have to be done in the name of Honglu Temple."

Lin Jing stifled a bitter laugh. Fan Xian was openly fleecing Honglu Temple. What could he say? In any case, it was all public finances. Lin Jing was not particularly distressed about it. "Either way, it's the public purse."

He was quite correct. No matter whether it was the palace treasury under the command of the Eldest Princess, or the Ministry of Revenue under Count Sinan, in the end, it was all money that belonged to the Kingdom of Qing. Fan Xian and Lin Jing both confidently signed their names. They looked at the sum on the paper 2,000 taels of silver - then left the glassworks shop.

No one followed behind them, so Shopkeeper Yu ordered his assistants to take the precious glass goblets and follow them out. Because Fan Xian had not ordered them to send them back to the diplomatic mission, he presumed they still had other plans.

Passing a toy store that sold various puzzles on Xiarong Way, Fan Xian looked inside the store next to it, which was a wine shop. He went inside. The shopkeeper had already been informed by his assistants, and knew that some high-ranking officials had come from their home country. He stood by the door, welcoming them respectfully.

Fan Xian sat on a chair and looked around. The vessels that held the wine in this shop were also of a high quality, though they were nowhere near as good as the glass goblets that he had just "bought". He waved a hand, summoning the shopkeeper toward him. "Which is your finest wine?"

The shopkeeper's surname was Sheng. Like he was performing a magic trick, he produced a transparent, slender bottle. Inside the bottle was a liquid with an alluring, thick red color.

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes. "Grape wine?" he said, surprised.

"Master Fan, you are indeed as much a master of wine as you are of poetry." Shopkeeper Sheng asked some questions about the members of the diplomatic mission, then gave an enchanting smile. "This is indeed a fine grape wine."

Taking a goblet, Fan Xian closed his eyes, swirling it around and taking a sniff. Seeing him do so, Wang Qinian - once a thief who had known luxury - and even Lin Jing and Shopkeeper Sheng sighed to themselves with admiration. It looked as if Master Fan was from a prestigious family indeed.

Fan Xian was no master wine taster. He was simply putting on an act. He placed the goblet on the table. "I shall take this wine. Pick out some of the stronger ones."

Shopkeeper Sheng dared not dawdle, and hurriedly offered him a few more. Fan Xian took a sip of each. He frowned. It wasn't very different to the wine he usually drank. It was weaker, and nothing like the sorghum wine Wu Zhu had given him in Danzhou, or the wines of the capital.

Seeing his frown, Shopkeeper Sheng spoke quietly. "Forgive me, Master Fan, but strong drink is not allowed to be imported into the north."

Fan Xian knew that the man was not speaking the truth. There was nothing in the world that money couldn't buy, and the nobles of Northern Qi were lovers of leisure and of spending money. The shopkeeper still would not show them his finest goods. He said nothing, simply shaking his head and expressing his dissatisfaction.

Shopkeeper Sheng suddenly looked at him, then brought out two bottles. Fan Xian frowned. At first, he had seemed like an ordinary shopkeeper, but it appeared that he was anything but.

Holding a small porcelain cup, Fan Xian pursed his lips then frowned deeply, saying nothing for a long while.

The people around him did not think that the liquor smelled particularly pleasant. Wang Qinian eventually couldn't stop himself from asking. "Master, what is it?"

Fan Xian sucked in a breath of air, turning the burning feeling in his throat into a feeling of stimulating pleasure. In a loud voice, he called out in admiration. "Fine wine! Fine wine indeed! What is it called?"

Shopkeeper Sheng smiled. "Five Grain Liquor." [1]

Fan Xian's face remained unfazed. "A fine name," he said. "Ye Qingmei," he said to himself with a bitter laugh, "you really did know how to have fun."

After business was settled, the four officials stood up and left the shop. But as they were leaving, Fan Xian saw Shopkeeper Sheng give him a meaningful glance. Remembering something he had meant to take note of, Fan Xian stopped, letting the other three continue on. He turned around and followed Shopkeeper Sheng into a side room.

There was no one else in the side room. It was strangely quiet.

Once Shopkeeper Sheng had entered the room, he seemed to change entirely. He stood straight upright, and his face became solemn and respectful. He bowed to Fan Xian, who sat in a chair. "I am Sheng Huairen of the palace treasury. You are the son-in-law of my mistress. It is an honor to meet you, sir."

[1] Five Grain Liquor, or Wuliangye, is the name of a brand of high-class grain alcohol in China.

Chapter 217: Chang Ninghou's Mansion

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian maintained his stoic expression. He'd expected this to happen. The apparent purpose of today's trip to Xiushui Street was in fact secondary to its main purpose, which was seeing how the palace treasury's businesses were run in the north. So Fan Xian was not surprised to hear Shopkeeper Sheng address him so respectfully. The palace treasury was still under the Eldest Princess's control, after all. It was quite possible that some of the Eldest Princess's trusted aides were hidden in Northern Qi.

Fan Xian was convinced that the Eldest Princess would send people to find him while he acted as chief diplomat, though he wasn't sure why. This wasn't only intuition; it was also a conviction about the people of Qing. The people of Qing, no matter whether they were virtuous or deceptive, were all given to self-confidence and arrogance. The Eldest Princess was focused on freeing Xiao En and undoubtedly had an ulterior motive for it. If it wasn't to do with the secret he held about the temple, then it was definitely something to do with Shang Shanhu, who whiled away his days in Shangjing. Xiao En had now been sent into the interior of the country, and the Eldest Princess wanted to break him out. Naturally, she would try to make contact with him, as her daughter's husband and the chief diplomat.

But the term "son-in-law" had struck him as somewhat absurd. It seemed unlikely that his mother-in-law might have warmed up to her son-in-law.

As Sheng Huairen had dared to call him "son-in-law" directly, then he must have been a trusted aide of the Eldest Princess. Fan Xian looked at him and nodded. "What do you wish to tell me?"

Sheng Huairen said nothing and merely handed him a letter.

Sitting in the carriage, Fan Xian felt the letter inside his sleeve. He had not had time to read it, but he could already feel its weight. Once the day's business was concluded, he had to deal with it. Next to him was Wang Qinian, a talented tracker, and Gao Da, a powerful warrior. But he lacked someone who could aid him in judging his current situation and analyzing information.

He couldn't help but think of those students he had picked out during the civil service exams. They had probably all been sent away to take up their positions by now. But while they may have been talented administrators, that didn't mean they were talented when it came to getting involved in such conspiracies. Even if he had wanted to train Shi Chanli, there hadn't been enough time. Fan Xian's heart suddenly skipped a beat. If he could get Yan Bingyun freed quickly, he was sure it would no doubt be a great help to the palace's plans.

At that moment, Wang Qinian respectfully passed him a tissue. Fan Xian raised his head and glanced at him. It turned out to be a banknote worth 500 taels of silver. He frowned. "What's this?"

"Commission from Shopkeeper Yu of the glassware shop."

Fan Xian looked at him again and smiled. "Commission for an IOU... you and Gao Da can split it. And give some to those Tiger Guards."

500 taels of silver was quite a large sum of money, but Fan Xian didn't look twice at it. Only someone from a rich family like the Fan family could have cultivated such a habit. Fan Sizhe was now making an income of tens of thousands of tael a year, so he had no reason to care about such a sum.

Next to them, Lin Jing laughed. "Master Fan regards money as if it were dung. I am in awe."

Fan Xian knew that he didn't really admire his honest practices; perhaps it was more that he admired his family's wealth. He laughed and said nothing. Neither did anybody else for the rest of the journey. The carriage made its way through Shangjing's calm and beautiful streets, finally coming to an area where many high officials and nobles resided and stopped outside the gate to the manor of Chang Ninghou, the Marquis Ning.

There were some similarities between Shangjing and the Qing capital. The spring wind blew through the branches of the trees in every manor, and the sun shone down, dispersed through the canopy of leaves. Fan Xian stood by the side of the carriage, looking at the long stretch of road and the stone lions that sat outside the grand facades of the buildings. For some reason, he thought of the first time he had entered the Qing capital.

The carriage stopped outside Chang Ninghou's gate, protected by the Imperial Guards. There was no small amount of hubbub outside, with some people already beginning to peek out of the shadows. Marquis Ning's servants, looking at the carriage stopped outside the manor, seemed unsure of what to do - were they supposed to welcome them in, or hurry in and inform their master?

The servants could see that the visitors were garbed in fine clothing. These were the envoys from Qing! What reason was there for these envoys to personally visit the manor of a high official of a foreign country? If this were indeed permitted by both countries as part of the itinerary, then Marquis Ning's manor would have made preparations sooner. How could they arrive so silently?

The gatekeeper swallowed his spittle. What were they playing at? Did these envoys not understand convention at all? The diplomatic mission was not here on official business. Fan Xian had decided to cause trouble and shake off his escorts from the Office of the Grand Herald, so the only Northern Qi official with him was Commander Wei. Seeing that Fan Xian and his entourage were planning to enter Marquis Ning's mansion, Commander Wei was concerned. He blocked their path. "Master Fan, this cannot be done without the approval of the royal court. An envoy cannot fraternize with a court councilor. If you are truly on good terms with Marquis Ning, Master Fan, then it even more important that you do not enter. If you were to cause trouble for Marquis Ning, then what?"

Marquis Ning was the brother of the Empress Dowager. What trouble could they cause? Fan Xian muttered to himself. It would be good to cause him some trouble, considering his son had hidden himself all day. But he kept a smile on his face. "There's no harm in it. This morning I spoke with His Majesty in the palace. If His Majesty doesn't mind, then who cares about idle chatter?"

When he brought up the Emperor, Commander Wei was stunned. Had he really gone to seek confirmation from the palace?

Fan Xian and his three subordinates had already entered Marquis Ning's gate. The gatekeeper hurried out to greet them. He was respectful, and his words were clear. Fan Xian felt a secret sense of praise. This really was a high-ranking noble family. "May I trouble you to inform the Marquis that his drinking companion from the south has arrived?" asked Fan Xian.

Fan Xian had learnt this kind of familiarity from the past year's worth of official banquets. The gatekeeper was surprised. He knew that his master had travelled south to Qing the previous year, and he had heard that he had gotten drunk in the south a number of times. Was this really that young official before him?

But he still did not dare go up and report it to his master. After all, these were foreign officials entering the mansion. This was a serious matter. As he fretted, a sound came from the corner gate, and someone came out. "The master requests the pleasure of your company," the person said, bowing to Fan Xian.

Fan Xian had not expected it to be so easy to enter the Marquis' mansion. He entered the main hall. Seeing the middle-aged man in a chair, he laughed, and walked up to him to embrace him warmly. "I haven't seen you in a year. You look more svelte than before, Marquis." In fact, last year in the Qing capital, he had only met this envoy from Northern Qi a handful of times. The last time had been their night of drinking at the palace. He only vaguely remembered what the Marquis looked like.

Marquis Ning was the brother of the Empress Dowager. He held a highly respected position. He had never met with such "warmth" before. He cleared his throat and spoke with some awkwardness. "A year indeed. Young Master Fan, your reputation has only grown since. What has brought you to my mansion today?"

"I only entered Shangjing yesterday. This morning I was chatting with His Majesty. As a matter of fact, as soon as I realized that I had no other acquaintances in the city, I thought I simply had to come and pay you a visit, Marquis."

Chang Ninghou's face was pale and his eyes were swollen. He was 45 years old, but excessive drinking had left its mark on his face. As he got close, Fan Xian could clearly smell the alcohol on him. It seemed that he had been drinking all through the night. Fan Xian was amused. It appeared that the gift he had brought had been the right approach.

Not only was Marquis Ning a drunkard and a womanizer, he was also something of a blowhard. The Empress Dowager had two brothers. Chang Anhou could still lead soldiers into battle, and although he was the leader of a defeated army, he was still stronger than him. The Marquis had spent many years lazing around the capital. He was a slow-witted sort, and relied on the support of his sister, the Empress Dowager. Only in this way could he naïvely welcome Fan Xian, an envoy from Qing, into his mansion.

Fan Xian's main reason in visiting was to get closer to the brother of the Empress Dowager. The other reason was to use Marquis Ning to get one over on that vice-minister Wei.

Sure enough, when he saw the wine that the servants brought in, Marquis Ning laughed, his eyes narrowing. Although he did not have a clearly respected role, being the brother of the Empress Dowager was enough to make him think little of people. Even if Fan Xian were a commissioner of the Overwatch Council of the Kingdom of Qing, it didn't cross his mind. When he heard the news from the gatekeeper, he thought of that young man with his handsome face and impressive ability to hold his liquor. After returning to Northern Qi, he had thought often of the time he had "lost", and so he let Fan Xian enter his manor.

As soon as he saw the jars of fine wine, the Marquis felt even happier. He deeply believed in his own intelligence, and this Fan Xian was indeed a knowledgeable and tactful fellow.

According to the Overwatch Council's reports, Chang Ninghou was from the borderlands. Although he had once studied under Zhuang Mohan, he was unhappy with his position at the royal court of Northern Qi. The officials of Northern Qi always presumed that he had been promoted as a result of favoritism on the part of the Empress Dowager, so few bothered to take him seriously. In the royal court, his reputation was not even equal to that of Wei Hua. And so the Marquis was frequently drunk. It was the middle of the day, and yet the staff of the Marquis's manor immediately prepared a great feast. Chang Ninghou ushered the foreign officials in, and they began to eat and drink their fill.

Fan Xian narrowed his eyes and sipped from his cup, watching the old man as he greedily smacked his lips. He laughed. "Marquis, when we were coming in, Commander Wei said that we might end up causing you trouble."

"Perish the thought!" scolded the blustering Marquis. "When visitors arrive at my gate, how can I turn them away? Last year in the Qing capital, you and Master Xin Qiwu accompanied me graciously indeed. Today I shall return the favor. Who would dare do anything less?"

Fan Xian agreed. After three rounds of drinks, he could see the Marquis' pale face getting gradually rosier. His expression looked somewhat distracted. Knowing that the man had drunk a little too much, Fan Xian decided that now was the time to ask the question he'd been meaning to ask. Hearing it, Chang Ninghou was somewhat taken aback. "Master Fan, you wish to meet with Master Shen, Provost of the Discipline Commission?"

Chapter 218: Do You Want To Get Rich?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian laughed. "I have heard that when Shangjing was once in chaos, Marquis, you took a great risk in leaving the palace, carrying a letter written by the Empress Dowager to Master Shen's Brocade Guard, which eventually redeemed the situation. From that moment on, everything went well for Master Shen in his career, and you have kept on good terms with him, so I thought I would ask you if you could introduce me to him."

The incident he spoke of was perhaps the one single impressive moment in the Marquis' life. Chang Ninghou was already drunk, and at this point his face was bright red. His drunken thoughts were clouded, and there was a boastful look on his face, but no matter how stupid he was, he still felt there was something strange about what he'd just heard. He let out a drunken belch and fixed Fan Xian with an odd look. "Young Master Fan, you are an envoy. Meeting with the Provost of the Brocade Guard's Discipline Commission... is rather at odds with custom."

Fan Xian looked anxious. "Marquis, as you know, when a diplomatic mission visits a foreign country, there are a great many inconveniences." He lowered his voice. "I won't lie to you, your grace. I have also offended a number of officials in the Qing capital. Even His Majesty himself was unwilling to defend me, so he used the excuse of this diplomatic mission to kick me out of the country."

The Marquis nodded and let out another belch. He felt rather distressed. Last year, Northern Qi had lost the war, and all of the influential officials with ties to the Empress Dowager had had their feet held to the fire for it. Chang Anhou had been demoted, and Ninghou himself had been sent away to the south to be signatory to a humiliating treaty... Fan Xian's great offense against the scholar-officials of Qing had indeed been rather shocking. The Prime Minister had been deposed, as had the Director of the Board of Rites and 16 high officials. News of the exam hall scandal had even reached the royal court of Northern Qi, and so Chang Ninghou believed Fan Xian was telling the truth.

"But why exactly do you want to meet the Provost?" Chang Ninghou felt somewhat uneasy, and in truth, he was not sure what it was that this southern official wanted to do.

"I want to get rich. Do you, Marquis?"

The words "get rich" filled the Marquis with a sudden interest.

"Business." Fan Xian filled up the Marquis's wine goblet. There was no one else in the dining room save for the two of them; the young man and the old man. He spoke in a whisper. "You may well have heard, Marquis, that in two years' time at the latest, I will take control of the palace treasury of the south. At least 40 percent of the goods of its associated businesses are sent to the north, so I must be sure to have good relations with the Discipline Commission. Otherwise, how can I ensure their smooth passage?"

The Marquis looked at him, shocked. Without thinking, he yelled, "You mean smuggling?"

Fan Xian put his index finger to his lips, smiled, and took a sip of wine. "Look, Marquis, do you want part of this business or not?"

The Marquis had already begun to sober up a little—partly from shock, and partly from happiness. What had Qing's success of the past years relied on? Was it not the former businesses of the Ye family? If one could turn the profit of the southern court into one's own personal profit, just how much money could one make?

But Chang Ninghou was still wary. The audacity of this young southern official! The Marquis sat in thought for a long time. If Fan Xian wanted to smuggle goods, then he needed a good relationship with the Discipline Commission. Corruption? Not in the slightest!

In any case, Fan Xian was taking money from the palace treasury of Qing. There would be no loss for the Qi royal court whatsoever! If they were smuggled, then the prices of the goods could be lowered. The palace would still make money. The Empress Dowager and his nephew the Emperor would probably be pleased with the arrangement. Seeing as he stood to gain and others stood to lose, then why wouldn't he do it?

The Marquis took a voracious gulp from his goblet. "Very well! I shall arrange for you to meet Shen, but..."

"But what?"

"Fan Xian, let me be clear. This business must be done with the palace's approval."

"That's not possible!" Fan Xian was resolute. "I have already said too much. This business can only be carried out by the three of us. If you tell the palace, then would I not be risking everything by putting myself at the mercy of the Qi royal court?"Chang Ninghou knew that Fan Xian was right, but he still laughed bitterly. "This is serious business. I dare not get involved."

"Then I ask that you think about it, Marquis," said Fan Xian coldly. "But my life is on the line here. You must keep silent."

There was a sudden flash of ruthlessness in Fan Xian's eyes. The Marquis saw it, and was not scared in the least, but instead gave a grim smile. Such an illustrious official, dealing in such underhanded trickery. The Discipline Commission was no match for him. Perhaps the Marquis was so astonished by the possible profits to be made from the smuggling that he had forgotten that Fan Xian's true role was very much like that of the Discipline Commission.

Looking at the Marquis's expression, Fan Xian knew that he had more or less taken the bait. He laughed and changed the subject, bringing up the diplomatic mission's scuffle with Chang Anhou's manor and asking Chang Ninghou if he would intercede.

At that moment, Chang Ninghou was thinking only of the meeting between Fan Xian and Provost Shen, and how he could enter the palace and convince the Empress Dowager to approve of the business, which guaranteed a profit. Hearing Fan Xian's words, he naturally took complete charge of the situation in his response. "That brother of mine can never do anything right. He always causes trouble. Do not worry, I will deal with this matter."

They had drunk much and not eaten enough, and thus were quite merry. Fan Xian took his leave, and climbed into his carriage, preparing to head back to the diplomatic mission's lodgings. At that moment, he suddenly heard the hurried beating of hooves in front of him and immediately stopped the carriage.

Fan Xian peered through the carriage curtain. Sure enough, there was Chang Ninghou's son. Wei Hua, vice-minister of the Office of the Grand Herald, hurried up to him. He couldn't help but smile - it seemed that the four objectives behind his gift to Chang Ninghou had been achieved.

"Master Fan, just what were you thinking?" Wei Hua gritted his teeth, speaking in a low voice to Fan Xian in his carriage window.

Fan Xian let out a drunken belch, and the sour stench filled Wei Hua's nostrils. He laughed and wafted it away with his hand. "Your father and I are old drinking buddies. As I am here in Shangjing, it's only right that I pay him a visist."

Wei Hua was angered. "You are the envoy of a foreign nation. People are paying attention to your words and actions. If you truly wish to visit acquaintances, then you must wait until our official business is concluded, and arrange things through myself and the Office of the Grand Herald, or ask for an official decree from the palace through the Ministry of Rites. What if the royal court hears of your unplanned visit and summons my father to the palace tomorrow to give an explanation?"

Fan Xian laughed. "The Marquis is an easy-going chap. He didn't mind at all. You are very different from your father, vice-minister."

Wei Hua tried his utmost to quell the anger in the pit of his stomach, grinning and bearing it. "My father is fond of drink, as everyone knows... Master Fan, just what were you thinking?"

Fan Xian's drunken expression disappeared, and he fixed Wei Hua with a cold glare that made Wei Hua feel rather uneasy. "What was I thinking? I thought I would offer your father a business opportunity."

Wei Hua was unsure what he meant, but he had a feeling that it was risky. He placed his hand on the carriage window frame and frowned. "Master Fan, if you have something to say, say it directly."

"I was looking for you today. You've been hiding." Fan Xian looked at him with an odd smile. "I wanted to find the vice-provost, and he was not at the Ministry of Rites. I wanted to ask, who should I be looking for?"

"Should everything not be being sorted out between yourselves and the Ministry of Rites?" replied Wei Hua, somewhat awkwardly.

"The territory is being divided, and the prisoner exchange is also underway." Fan Xian looked at him. "But there is something I need to deal with. As a vice-minister of the Office of the Grand Herald, you should know it cannot wait any longer. By tomorrow, I must meet with someone."

"The procedures are complicated. You cannot simply meet with someone any time you please."

"Very well, tomorrow I shall have another meeting with your father." Fan Xian laughed, his expression suddenly changing. "We shall drink, and chat, and discuss business. A diplomat's life is quite a happy one."

Having said that, the carriage, under the escort of the Northern Qi army, happily went on its way down the street.

Wei Hua angrily threw his horsewhip to his servant and walked toward the manor, asking them when Fan Xian had arrived and what he had done. Hearing that Commander Wei had accompanied him, he relaxed somewhat, presuming that the Emperor's officials were unlikely to make a big deal out of it.

Entering the main hall, he saw that Chang Ninghou was still drinking. The anger welled up in him, but he forced it back, and respectfully bowed.

Seeing that his son, the family's brightest future prospect, had returned, Chang Ninghou laughed. "Come, come," he said, slurring his speech. "We had a guest today. It was that Fan Xian I've spoken so much about. Hey, that fellow got hold of two jars of the finest strong wine from Toushui Street."

Finally, Wei Hua could not take it any more. He sighed. "Father, he is an envoy from an enemy nation. There are countless people in the royal court watching both us and Chang Anhou. Could you..."

Before he could finish, Chang Ninghou was already howling. "What!? I am the brother of the Empress Dowager, and if I wish to entertain guests in my own home, then I shall do so!"

"He was no ordinary guest! He was an envoy of Qing!" Wei Hua's voice became louder. "Because our family is not like other families, even if it's only for the sake of the Empress Dowager, you should not have let Fan Xian in today."

For some reason, Wei Hua's anger had spilled over, and Chang Ninghou had softened. He clutched his goblet. His face looked bleak. As he spoke, he almost sobbed. "For my sister's sake? Ever since she entered the palace, I have been humiliated! What sort of a man am I? I was a student of Zhuang Mohan! But in everyone's eyes, what am I? In all these years in the capital, when have the ministers of the royal court ever bothered to visit me? The only ones who call on me are the ones without any sense of shame. I'm sick of it."

Chapter 219: What's It Got To Do With Minister Fan?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"It's rare that I have an envoy visit me, my boy," said the Marquis, his voice trembling, "even though I am the brother of the Empress dowager. But that was Fan Xian, the immortal of poetry. It reflects highly on me indeed!"

Wei Hua was also feeling increasingly crestfallen. He knew that although his family lived a life of luxury and had considerable power, when it came to their reputation in Northern Qi, they were not spoken highly of. His position of vice-minister in the Office of the Grand Herald had finally managed to shut some people up, but people still presumed that it was a favor granted to him by the Empress Dowager.

He sighed. He knew that his father had studied under Zhuang Mohan, and that he had been preparing to do great deeds all across the land, but due to his aunt, his father was left only able to be an idle nobleman. His melancholy had grown over the years, as had his attachment to drink, and so Wei Hua could say nothing more. But when he thought of the things Fan Xian had told him before he had departed, he still felt a certain quiet fear. "Fan Xian just told me that he wanted to do business with you. He is a commissioner of the Overwatch Council of Qing; what business can he do? And what business would he need you for?"

"I'm just a middleman," replied Chang Ninghou. "The person he needs is Master Shen."

"Uncle Shen?"

"That's right. Fan Xian's father is Minister of Revenue in the south. He himself is Prince Consort, though not legitimately. He will take over operating the businesses of the palace treasury from the Eldest Princess. He wants to meet Master Shen because he is taking steps to prepare for his future position. On their journey north, without your Uncle Shen escorting them, this shady business could not last long."

Wei Hua's jaw dropped, shocked by what his father had told him. "You mean... he's planning to smuggle goods?"

"It's a trap!" This was Wei Hua's first response.

"He didn't threaten me," said the Marquis, shaking his head in disagreement.

Wei Hua was agitated. "Do you not know that there is still an agreement between our two countries? Fan Xian is anxious about it, and His Majesty wants to delay it to cause the Qing diplomatic mission to worry. In doing this, regardless of whether or not this business is legitimate, if you really have arranged a meeting with Master Shen, then we can't disassociate ourselves from this. If Fan Xian comes looking for me again, then how can I put him off any longer?"

"So His Majesty says it should be delayed, and it's delayed?" Chang Ninghou looked at his son. "In any case, that man will be set free, and if we can get some benefit out of it and help Fan Xian, then we should. What's there to worry about? Anyway, your aunt is still in the palace."

Wei Hua sighed. He didn't know what to say. After a long while, he finally spoke in a quiet voice. "Do you think Fan Xian is telling the truth? I really don't understand why he would take such a great risk to smuggle goods into the country."

"Men will die for money, just as birds will die for food." Chang Ninghou was still drunk. He thought himself the sort of man who understood the world completely. "The palace treasury?" he said with a sneer. "That's quite a goldmine. It's a shame that it doesn't belong to the Fan family! Even if his father is the Minister of Revenue for the Kingdom of Qing, how much benefit can he make from the public purse? If Fan Xian really does smuggle goods produced by the palace treasury's business up north to sell, do you know how much money that could make?"

Wei Hua was a clever, nimble fellow. He frowned, then came up with a rough figure. Over the past decade and a half, the Kingdom of Qing's every expense had been funded by the businesses left behind by the Ye family. At the same time, they had made plenty of money from other places across the land. If Fan Xian really could pull off such a shocking stunt, the profit he could make... was stupendous!

"Fan Xian... wants to pocket that much money?" Wei Hua seemed to be finding it hard to associate the talented Master Fan he had heard so much of with this kind of greed.

With a wry face, the Marquis poured himself another glass of wine and belched. "What do you think? You know, poets have to eat too."

After he finished speaking, the Marquis, once a gifted scholar of Northern Qi, was now asleep hunched over the table. He was covered in liquor and gave off an unpleasant smell.

In the carriage, Wang Qinian looked at Lin Jing, who was pretending to be asleep next to him. He gave Fan Xian a disapproving glare. It seemed he felt that the commissioner should not have spoken so brazenly of smuggling in front of a minister of the royal court.

Fan Xian smiled. "You don't think I was being serious, do you?"

Wang Qinian thought he was. As did Gao Da. Who wouldn't be tempted by the prospect of taking complete control of the palace treasury and making huge profits from those glass wares? Fan Xian was not tempted, because as the Eldest Princess saw it, the palace treasury belonged to the royal court, and as Fan Xian saw it, the palace treasury... belonged to the Ye family. It was his. At the least, one day, it would be.

Taking his own family's goods and smuggling them to the north to sell them at a lower price? Only an idiot would do that. But the issue was that no one knew Fan Xian's true intentions. No one knew Fan Xian's deep history with the businesses of the so-called palace treasury, so everyone who heard of Fan Xian's plans all presumed that the young gentleman of the Fan family wanted to carve his own little niche out of the pile of gold that was the palace treasury.

Fan Xian didn't want to carve out a part for himself. He wanted the whole pile.

"Don't pretend to sleep." Fan Xian yawned. He felt tired. Next to him, Lin Jing opened his eyes awkwardly and looked at Fan Xian with slight apprehension. Although he was the vice-envoy, the young official before him was not only the chief diplomat, but also a commissioner of the terrifying Overwatch Council. He saw nothing as off limits for discussion in front of him. He spoke of illegal business that would see his assets confiscated and his entire family executed. It was hard to say for sure whether, on his way home, he wouldn't end up encountering some unfortunate accident arranged by Fan Xian.

Fan Xian smiled as he looked at him, and clapped him on the shoulder. "Playing dumb? I'm talking about this in front of you, so of course I'm not afraid if you know. If you go back this evening and write a letter to the capital, don't worry, the royal court will understand my plans."

Even if the royal court didn't understand, the Emperor would.

Lin Jing forced himself to believe that the young master would not become the most corrupt official in the history of the Kingdom of Qing. He swallowed, trying to moisten his dry throat. "Master, why did you visit Marquis Ning's manor today?"

"First of all, I want to establish good relations with the people surrounding the Empress Dowager of Northern Qi. Hm, now it seems that the Emperor of Northern Qi is looking out for our diplomatic mission." Fan Xian lowered his head, closed his eyes wearily, and continued talking. "At the same time, I got Marquis Ning to sort out the incident that happened at the gate of our diplomatic compound. After all, people were beaten by that brat, the young son of a Marquis, so something had to be done..."

Hearing him call the boy a brat, Wang Qinian and Gao Da smiled. Their master was quite right.

"...without having an effect on our current diplomatic affairs. Thirdly, I wish to meet with master Shen, and that can only be organized through Marquis Ning. Fourthly, I wanted to scare Wei Hua. Whether or not the Marquis has confidence in the offer I gave him, I presume he will secretly make sure things are done quickly."

"Why are you taking such a complicated series of steps... in order to see the Provost of the Discipline Commission?" Lin Jing frowned. "He is a truly powerful official, unlike Marquis Ning. Northern Qi won't allow it."

"So I wanted to see what Marquis Ning thinks of it. In any case, if it doesn't work out, there's no great harm." Fan Xian opened his eyes and yawned again. "As for why I want to see him? That is Council business. I can't discuss it in front of you, Master Lin."

Lin Jing shivered when he thought about Fan Xian's real position. He said nothing.

Fan Xian yawned again, and indeed yawned incessantly throughout the journey. It seemed that he really was unbearably tired. After entering the palace today, he'd barely had a moment's rest.

"What do we do in the meantime?" said Wang Qinian quietly. "This is Shangjing, the capital of an enemy nation. Will we disguise ourselves and try to make contact with our spies in the city?"

"That won't be possible." Fan Xian stuffed his knuckles in his mouth, attempting to stifle yet another yawn, trying his hardest to speak through his fatigue. "We can't make our spies take that risk. It's not time yet. What should we do in the meantime? Sleeping would be best. And waiting for Wei Hua to bring us to Yan Bingyun tomorrow."

He fingered the stiff letter in his clothing, and a slight, worried frown appeared on his face.

After he had read it, without changing his expression, he ripped the letter into tiny pieces. This was a habit he had picked up from his time in the Cang Mountains. The pieces became almost a fine powder. Even if the intelligence experts of the Second Bureau of the Overwatch Council were to pick it up, they would have no way to put it back together.

The letter was written by someone named Huang Yi. Fan Xian had heard that name before. It was one of the Eldest Princess's advisors in her fiefdom of Xinyang. In the Overwatch Council's top-secret briefing, they had pointed out this scholar's shady relationship with the Eldest Princess.

"Help, help, help. I'm not some kind of firefighter." Fan Xian laughed bitterly. He finally realized the complicated connections behind this matter. Chen Pingping clearly did not know that Xiao En knew a secret about the temple. The Eldest Princess didn't know either, so the motive for their actions was simple and clear.

Chen Pingping wanted Yan Bingyun to return and Xiao En to die, because he hated that old man and he presumed that it would be a good training experience for Fan Xian.

The Eldest Princess didn't care whether Yan Bingyun lived for died, but she wanted Xiao En to live and take over command of the Brocade Guard, because she liked to see Shang Shanhu and Xiao En working together, standing between the Empress Dowager and the Emperor of Northern Qi, looking for an opportunity to cause trouble in the north.

Although he didn't know the entirety of the Eldest Princess's plans, Fan Xian had already decided that his mother-in-law, far away in her fiefdom of Xinyang, had definitely formed some kind of secret agreement with Shang Shanhu. Otherwise he couldn't have spent as much money as he had.

The Eldest Princess knew nothing about the leaflets, and had not discovered their secret explorations of Guangxin Palace. But Fan Xian had hidden in the shadows, and, keeping a safe distance from the Eldest Princess, was waiting for an opportunity to strike. Now, far away in a foreign country, he had received her letter, and could not help but feel somewhat perplexed.

After all... what did it have to do with Minister Fan?