
Chapter 261: Leaving the Palace to be Lords

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In a corner of a public square outside the palace, on a street connected to Xinjiekou, going along the length of the street, one could catch a faint glimpse of a bashful crescent moon hanging in the dusky twilight sky. Li Hongcheng dismounted his horse and casually waved his hand. Sizing up the beautiful, effeminate friend who stood before him, he couldn't help but smile. "That's quite the blush you have on your face. It's an incredible color. I presume you have made quite significant gains today."

Fan Xian laughed in response. "We've not seen each other in many months, and your first words are to mock me. The great Crown Prince Jing, the fifth-ranked, rich playboy of the capital. Why would you make life difficult for me when it's already hard enough as it is?" Among the younger generation, Li Hongcheng was naturally afforded the greatest respect. Fan Xian had deliberately pointed out that he was fifth rank. If this were any normal friendship, it would inevitably appear frivolous. But between the two of them, this was a sign of affection.

Li Hongcheng was a little surprised. Fan Xian had always been so reticent to provoke him, and had always hidden a deep humility within his gentle smile. Why this change of temperament today? He recalled something, and presuming that he now understood, he laughed heartily. "Your life is hard too? His Majesty favors you greatly. He even bid you to stay behind after the royal court meeting. The city's officials would be chomping at the bit to undergo such hardship."

Fan Xian waved a dismissive hand and said nothing. Teng Zijing, who had been waiting outside the palace, had already come up to greet him, but seeing that his young master was talking with the Crown Prince, he was reluctant to interject. "Young master," he said hurriedly, "your father said previously that I was to accompany you."

Li Hongcheng smiled. "Is that so? Does Fan Jian worry that I will entice his son into heavy drinking?"

"Follow me, then," said Fan Xian.

As they talked, the carriage from Fan Manor rolled forward. Li Hongcheng had his attendants bring forth his horse. He turned his head to look behind. "Are you still only happy to sit in a carriage? Will you not ride on horseback?" he asked curiously.

"If we're not pressed for time, then why ride a horse?" asked Fan Xian.

Li Hongcheng couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. "If the people of the capital didn't know that you were both a talented scholar and a fighter, then they might well look down on you, presuming you were just a puny bookworm." In the Kingdom of Qing's martial tradition, young people saw horsemanship as a mark of glory. Fan Xian did not choose to do so. When there was a carriage available, he refused to ride on horseback. News of this strange trait of his had spread throughout the capital.

Fan Xian scolded him with a laugh, then climbed into the carriage. "Horse-riding is a pain in the buttocks."

The Prince's attendants had surrounded them, and combined with the attendants from Fan Manor, they formed a group of a few dozen men, protecting the Prince on horseback and the unremarkable black carriage as they travelled eastward along the street.

There was no curfew to speak of in the capital. Though night had already fallen, there was still quite a number of people walking the streets. Seeing this eye-catching squad, catching a clear glimpse of the valiant young man on horseback, and then seeing the insignia upon the carriage, they realized the identities of these two men. The people of the city all knew that the diplomatic mission had returned. Since he was travelling with Crown Prince Jing, they presumed that the person inside the carriage was the illustrious illegitimate son of Fan Manor, Master Fan. They couldn't help but stop and stare, brazenly calling out to the carriage: "Master Fan! The immortal of poetry!"

News of last year's events in the palace hall banquet had long been on the lips of the common people of the city, and the news of Zhuang Mohan's bequeathal of his books, intentionally assisted by the Eighth Bureau of the Overwatch Council, had also become common knowledge. Fan Xian's standing had improved further. The verses now spreading through the land - "do they not know? do they not know?" proved that he had once again picked up his pen. Now the common people knew that young Master Fan had been cavorting in broad daylight with a female disciple of Ku He in front of countless young nobles of the north. When they thought of it, their passions were further aroused. It was even more brilliant than Zhuang Mohan's leaving his books to Fan Xian. Did you see? Lady Haitang, who you treat as a holy woman, was nothing more than a delicate flower waiting to be picked by our young Master Fan!

Fan Xian had become a source of great pride for the common people of the capital. Of course, they were also a source of pride for him. As he travelled along the road, people came out to wish him well. Many of them were scholars, as well as a few blushing maidens coming to express their adoration.

Young Master Fan had won over the hearts of the people. Everyone had involuntarily overlooked Crown Prince Jing, even though he was the highest young lord in the city. But Crown Prince Jing didn't seem displeased in the slightest. Instead, he smiled happily. It seemed like the reverence that Fan Xian was receiving was his honor too.

Hearing the sounds of discussion and well-wishing coming from outside the carriage, logically, one would presume that even if Fan Xian were not to pull back the curtains of the carriage and wave regally, at the very least, he would have a satisfied smile upon his face. But no one could have imagined the grudging bitterness in his smile.

The reception that the Crown Prince had arranged was at Yishi Tavern, the restaurant where Fan Xian had once let forth his critique of moral character upon first arriving in the city. It was considered to be quite an extravagant establishment, but it wasn't a particularly quiet place, and wasn't exactly the greatest restaurant in the whole city. Fan Xian couldn't help but wonder why exactly Li Honcheng had chosen this place, but he had no particular objection to it.

Once he had dismounted the carriage, he found that Yishi Tavern was unexpectedly quiet. There were only a handful of people on the street in front of it; the usually-bustling restaurant was peaceful. If it weren't for the brightly-lit lanterns inside the place, he would have suspected that the restaurant's business had collapsed in the few months he had been away.

Seeing the note of puzzlement in Fan Xian's eyes, Li Hongcheng thought it best to explain things. He smiled. "This was all my doing."

Fan Xian laughed bitterly. "Even if you are the great Crown Prince, this is far too great a display of power. So many of the city's nobles and officials come to Yishi Tavern every day, and yet you've caused them quite some inconvenience just to invite me to dinner. Perhaps you will arouse their ire and their gossip. If you wanted it to be quiet, then we could have gone to the west side of the city. Even if it's just that you like their food, then you could have just booked a single floor. Booking out an entire restaurant just for two people is really rather ostentatious. If news of this reaches the palace, I'm not sure they'll be too happy either."

Li Hongcheng saw that his words were sincere, and for a moment, he said nothing. He felt quite moved. "What is there to fear?" he asked with a smile. "It's quite likely that everyone already knows. My father likes to grow flowers, and I like to pick them. I have always been hasty in my actions. I can never escape the label of 'idle prince'. What does it matter?"

Fan Xian knew that this all came as a part of his status. He laughed and shook his head. "You're soon to be married, and yet you don't know how to exercise moderation."

Hearing him talk of marriage, there was a faint look of mirth on Li Hongcheng's face, though he was slightly embarrassed by the subject. "You're no miser yourself. You've got quite some power behind you, and on top of that there's the young lady you married... let me speak plainly with you. In the palace and in our residences, we as the younger generation must observe a degree of decorum. But once we've left our palaces and manors, we are lords. Let people talk!"

They were impetuous, outrageous and arrogant words, but coming from the mouth of Li Hongcheng, there was nothing provocative about them.

Fan Xian had taken his fair share of liberties at the palace himself. He laughed and followed him in. There was a sign that read "Yishi Tavern" in fine, gold-lettered calligraphy. Li Hongcheng stopped and pointed at it. "Do you remember where we first met?" he asked.

"It was right here," said Fan Xian with a smile.

"Correct. But within the space of only a year, you have gone from someone who criticized the moral character of our so-called 'talented scholars' to the most well-known talent in all the land." Li Hongcheng couldn't help but shake his head and laugh. "If you could have imagined the great Zhuang Mohan bequeathing his works to you upon his passing, would you still have scolded those scholars as you did then?"

Fan Xian thought back to that encounter a year ago and sighed with emotion. "When a year begins, no one knows how it may end. I don't care if you laugh at me. At the time, I had just entered the city, and I was an illegitimate son with not a scrap of knowledge or experience. It's only natural that I was full of discontent."

Li Hongcheng smiled at him. He knew the reason why his young friend had changed so much within a year. The Emperor's favor, the tacit protection of Minister Fan, and a strong marriage - these were all great factors. But for someone so young to become a Commissioner of the Overwatch Council and be granted a seat in the Imperial Library without having any talent at all was completely unthinkable. What was more, the Banxianzhai Poetry Anthology and his various endeavors were all the proof the world needed of his talent.

As for being a Commissioner of the Overwatch Council, the nobles of the capital had never linked Chen Pingping with Fan Xian. They simply presumed it was the Emperor's will, and that scoundrel Chen Pingping had simply complied with a royal decree.

"Even though you always try to drag me out to cavort along Liujing River, I've never relied on my talent to hoodwink pitiful young women." Fan Xian looked at the somewhat stumped Li Honcheng and laughed, patting him on the shoulder. "So as for those damnable scholars, I'd scold them all the same."

As he saw it, Haitang had been hoodwinked by his poetry, but she wasn't a pitiful young woman at all.

The two of them stood in front of Yishi Tavern, reminiscing about old times and getting emotional. The staff inside the restaurant were rather nervous. Although they didn't know how the restaurant's owner had convinced the Crown Prince to hold the reception here. If young Master Fan's first meal out since returning to the capital was to be at Yishi Tavern, then the restaurant's reputation would grow considerably. Perhaps rich scholars would come from the south one day to eat here, bringing their shiny coins with them? Although Yishi Tavern already had quite a good reputation, when it came to fame, power, and money, who could say no?

Luckily they didn't have to worry for too long. Li Hongcheng and Fan Xian had already strolled arm-in-arm into the restaurant. Behind them, two guards from the prince's mansion followed behind, standing guard outside the entrance to the building. The attendants tending to the carriage from Fan Manor joined the other servants.

With a creek, the door to Yishi Tavern closed. This was perhaps the first time in the thirty years since its founding that it had done so.

As the doors closed, Li Hongcheng seemed to look unthinkingly behind him, and noticed a number of secret agents in plain clothes stationed in key points in the restaurant. He was well aware that they were men from the Overwatch Council, there to protect Fan Xian, but even he wasn't sure which bureau they had come from. The Crown Prince sighed. "You still say that I'm arrogant. Look at all the people from the Council who stand guard for you while you eat. And you had the Tiger Guards as your bodyguards went you went on your diplomatic mission. When it comes to arrogance, I'm nothing compared to you."

The two of them had ascended to the third floor. They separated the sliding screen doors, and a small round table stood there laid with a number of fine cold appetizers. Fan Xian chose not to stand on ceremony, and sat down on a stool to explain things to him. "The Tiger Guards were there to protect the mission, and now that I'm back in the capital they're no longer with me. As for the Council..." he laughed bitterly. "After the incident at Niulan Street, do you think the Council would be happy to let me walk around the capital by myself?"

Hearing this, Li Honcheng became rather angry. "You don't think at all. You quietly exercise your power as Commissioner of the Overwatch Council. Look at how nervous the Council was after the Niulan Street incident. I presume that at that point you already were... If it weren't for the fracas at the Ministry of Justice, I'd still be completely in the dark."

At the time of the Niulan Street attack, Fan Xian was still yet to give his famous poetic performance before the Emperor. Both the Crown Prince and the Second Prince were secretly trying to find out just why the Emperor trusted Fan Xian so much.

Fan Xian explained nothing. He wiped his hands with a hot towel and began to drink his wine. He said nothing for a while. He had forgotten the taste of the city's wine. Li Hongcheng laughed bitterly, knowing that he wouldn't explain anything to him.

Not long after, a waiter came and laid dishes upon the table. Knowing that the Crown Prince and Master Fan had much to discuss, the staff knew that the two guests would tactfully say little in their presence. After he left, Fan Xian took up his chopsticks and began to pick at a plate of fish belly. He smacked his lips and took a gulp of wine, clearly enjoying it very much.

Li Hongcheng looked him up and down and laughed. "They've put down a fine bear paw but you make a beeline for the fish instead."

"I like bear paw and I like fish," blurted out Fan Xian. "If I can't have both, then I'll gladly choose fish over bear paw." [1]

The answer aroused Li Hongcheng's curiosity. "Why?" he asked with a smile.

Fan Xian scratched his head and laughed. "You wouldn't understand. It's just something I read in a book once."

Since it was his reception, it shouldn't have been quite so lonely. But Fan Xian had already sent people to inform the Crown Prince that his journey had been hard, and he didn't want a great number of people to accompany them. What was more, the Crown Prince knew that Fan Xian was in the doghouse with his wife thanks to his little poem, so he hadn't called for dancing girls to join them. However, Li Hongcheng was an influential man who knew how to treat people well. The two knew each other well. They spoke a little about Northern Qi and made some small talk as they ate and drank. The food was light yet agreeable. Fan Xian could finally be himself to an extent, and he was quite happy to eat.

After drinking a few rounds quite quickly, the Crown Prince found himself unable to drink much more. He pointed at Fan Xian and scolded him. "I hear that you got rather drunk in Northern Qi. How can you have suddenly become such a seasoned drinker?"

Fan Xian had studied medicine intensively. His zhenqi was powerful, and there was no way a few cups of wine would leave him drunk. The reason that he had gotten so drunk with Haitang was entirely because he wanted to give vent to the gloom he had felt for years. He had deliberately sought to get drunk, and nothing more. Hearing Li Hongcheng's words, he laughed. "You are a great man. What good does it do me to get drunk in front of you?"

There was a sudden look of fascination on Li Hongcheng's face. "That Haitang... does she really seem like an immortal being?" he asked, his voice low.

Fan Xian spat out his wine. Fortunately he quickly turned it away and spat it on the floor. He laughed scoldingly. "Is that why you asked me here today?"

They had drunk three rounds. Fan Xian's eyes got brighter as he drank. Li Hongcheng was intoxicated. He pointed at Fan Xian's handsome face. "Fan Xian, I don't know what you came across on your mission. But now there's something different in your face."

Fan Xian unthinkingly touched his own face. "What's different?" he asked curiously.

Li Hongcheng scratched his head and took a sip of wine. It seemed that he was trying to figure out how to say it. After a moment, he laughed. "It's like before, you had this faint smile on your face, like you do now, and it made people want to approach you. But it always belied a sense of distance, as if you didn't want to get too close to anyone. And now, your smile doesn't have that deliberate simplicity. It makes people feel at ease, and there's a brightness in your eyes. Your words and your mannerisms are like polished jade. They're so gentle."

Fan Xian laughed appropriately. But thinking on it, he presumed this change was probably due to that night he spent in the cave. He finally understood a number of things, and he had begun, deep in his heart, to view himself as a part of this world. He had begun to make true plans for his future. It was no wonder that this change on the inside had led to changes on the outside.

Li Hongcheng got progressively drunker, and yet Fan Xian remained sober.

"I know that the Emperor has put you in charge of the palace treasury." Li Hongcheng seemed not to be taking his liquor too well. "Maybe you could send a little my way in future."

Though it was a joke, coming from someone with the stature of the Crown Prince meant that Fan Xian had gained face. Fan Xian couldn't help but feel somewhat astonished. He looked at him. "You're first in line to the throne. Why are you concerned with such things? Don't tell me that His Majesty has cut off your allowance."

Li Hongcheng poked out his tongue in a mocking expression. "You know I spend quite a bit of money. A shopkeeper of Qingyu Hall has helped my household arrange financial affairs, so there's a little income, but not enough..." He sighed. "You also know that the Emperor's brother has not been willing to do much these past few years. He even only enters the palace to visit grandmother once a month. He is a pigheaded fellow, an idle prince lacking in filial piety. And I am hindered by my status. It is difficult for me not to put on airs in my dealings with officials. There are times when it gets difficult."

Fan Xian seemed rather surprised. "If talk like this got out, nobody would believe it," he mumbled to himself unthinkingly.

Li Hongcheng waved a hand, spreading the smell of alcohol everywhere. He laughed grimly. "Being a son of the royal family really isn't worth a damn. You don't need to feel embarrassed. The palace treasury ultimately goes to the royal family. You don't need to be so thankful that it was given to you. In the past few years when my aunt was running it, who knows how much I got out of it. Even when the Guo family's house was searched on your order, and they seized 130,000 taels of silver, the palace treasury was still in deficit. If you go and see my residence in Wuzhou, you'll see where all the people's blood, sweat, and tears have gone."

Fan Xian was rather taken aback. He knew that the Crown Prince was telling him this especially.

Looking at the Crown Prince, who was now slumped over the table, Fan Xian smiled coldly to himself. Wu Zhu had been right. There really was no one in the world who was worth trusting. His travels in Northern Qi had been emotionally exhausting. He knew that friendship was hard to come by, so he was quite aware that Li Hongcheng had only hosted this reception dinner in order to announce to the capital that Fan Xian and the Second Prince were close, but he still hadn't refused. But he still hadn't expected him to stake his honor on such a huge lie.

Li Hongcheng, Crown Prince Jing, had a trusted aide under his command, who had always secretly handled his carnal affairs on Liujing River. Although it was not particularly illustrious business – seemingly incongruous with the role of the Crown Prince – he was willing to provide an unending supply of silver for it. The Crown Prince had kept his affairs extremely secret. If Fan Xian had not sent men to investigate this fixer, named Yuan Meng, last summer, then perhaps the Second Bureau of the Overwatch Council would never have learned of this matter. It was no wonder he dared to bewail his poverty before Fan Xian.

But Fan Xian also knew full well that the Second Prince had not necessarily taken a fancy to the money in the palace treasury. But while the Eldest Princess had been at the helm, the Eastern Palace had also had a hand in the palace treasury. Perhaps the Second Prince only planned to rely heavily on Fan Xian, figuring that this was the best way to get one over on the Crown Prince.

And he also understood that there was some truth to the Crown Prince's lies. There were in fact a number of noblemen who did not act so unrestrainedly - even Fan Xian would have to do so if he did not have the support of the bookstore behind him. The man in charge of the state treasury was also part of his household, and it was very likely that he had fingers in numerous pies - his children were not supporting him with money, so how could he survive merely on an official's salary?

The feast had been consumed, the wine drunk dry. Fan Xian tapped Li Hongcheng twice. He didn't respond. He was reluctant to find out whether Li Hongcheng was genuinely drunk or had been faking it. He pretended to stagger as he helped Li Hongcheng up from the table and walked outside with him, where attendants, previously informed by the staff of the restaurant, stood to wait upon them.

The wooden door of Yishi Tavern opened and the early autumn wind blew through. Fan Xian shook his head and tried to get some kind of reaction from his friend, but none came, leaving him somewhat disappointed.

At that moment, a middle-aged man in simple clothes came out of nowhere, and bowed in reverence toward Fan Xian. Fan Xian bowed slightly in response, then frowned slightly. Since Li Hongcheng had closed down the entire restaurant for them, with guards posted on the door, how could this man get inside?

Seeing the suspicion on Fan Xian's face, the man hurriedly responded in a servile manner. "I am Cui Qingquan, the proprietor of Yishi Tavern. It is an honor to meet you, Master Fan."

So this was the owner of Yishi Tavern. Presuming he was there to lick their boots, Fan Xian found himself about to laugh unthinkingly. Then he suddenly recalled the man's surname and frowned. "Cui?"

Cui Qingquan smiled. "Correct. The leaders of my clan asked me to convey gratitude for the favor and kindness you showed our second son in the north. They know that you are a fine poet, and not fond of doing such things, so I have been assigned to wait upon you today."

Fan Xian nodded, his face expressionless. He knew that the Cui clan were a prestigious house with a foundation in the capital, and that they did business in the north. Master Cui, who had begged him for his life in the rain as he kneeled before the diplomatic mission in Shangjing, was one of their number. He presumed that the Cui clan knew of his transgression, and so had wanted to deal with the matter by every possible means.

Cui Qingquan had very tactfully not stepped forward. He passed him a box. "It is wild dwarf ginseng. Though it is not hugely efficient, it is best used to dissipate the effects of alcohol. It has been washed, and it is best chewed for optimal effect."

Fan Xian nodded, and Teng Zijing took the box.

Sitting in the carriage as it made its way down the long street, Fan Xian opened the box perched upon his knees. He discovered that it wasn't filled with ginseng at all, but a thick pile of banknotes. He frowned as he looked through it. There was as much as 20,000 taels of silver there!

Teng Zijing sat opposite him, stupefied. "The Cui family knows how to spend their money."

Fan Xian's face didn't change, though he was rather surprised. This sum represented months' worth of income from the Danbo Bookstore, and the man had casually handed it over to him. Of course, he also understood that if the Cui clan wanted to do business in the north for the palace treasury, then they had to be on good terms with him. When he thought about the well wishes he had received on his journeys to and from the palace that day, he couldn't help but sigh. Though he had lived in two worlds and his temperament was far more persistent than the average person, at that moment he truly experienced the feelings that power can bring, and it made him somewhat frustrated.

But the Cui clan had sent their money in vain. Since Fan Xian had already made his decision long ago, the Cui clan would one day find themselves buried alongside the Eldest Princess. When he thought on it, his enmity toward the Crown Prince softened slightly. After all, men only have one life, and when all is said and done, they had to take advantage of each other and that was it. But he didn't like the fact that Li Hongcheng seemed to treat him as a fool. In the end, he still wanted to keep him as a friend.

Teng Zijing looked at his master's face and realized what he was thinking. He frowned. "Is this appropriate?"

Fan Xian looked at him and laughed. "The Crown Prince said something to me before. 'Once we leave our palaces and manors, we are lords.' What's inappropriate about it?"

The carriage came to a secluded side street. The moon was at its zenith in the sky, its light silvery and dim. Fan Xian dismounted the carriage and dismissed the prince's attendants. Teng Zijing knew that they had been followed and protected by secret agents of the Overwatch Council the entire time, so he said nothing.

He waved over at the shadows, and an agent of the Overwatch Council quietly stepped forth. He was also one of Wang Qinian's men, who was considered to be Fan Xian's closest advisor. Fan Xian looked at him. "Deng Ziyue, send a secret message back to the Council tomorrow. Investigate the Minister of Appointments, the Director of the Imperial Observatory, and the Assistant Imperial Censor to check whether they have any involvement with the Cui clan's businesses."

Deng Ziyue suddenly lifted his head, his eyes wide and bright. "Commissioner, we cannot investigate the royal family without an imperial decree." He was of a high rank within the Overwatch Council, so he was secretly aware that standing behind these three ministers was the Second Prince.

Fan Xian frowned and waved his hand. "It's just vetting a few ministers. Why are you so alarmed?"

Deng Ziyue knew that his facial expression had not satisfied the Commissioner, and he quickly responded.

Fan Xian looked at him. "Wang Qinian understands what he should and should not ask. Since you have taken his post, you can learn."

Frightened, Deng Ziyue accepted his orders. Then he looked at the box that had suddenly appeared in front of him. He didn't dare open it. He simply clutched it to his chest and walked along behind Fan Xian, who kept his hands clasped behind his back. Finally, he gathered his courage to ask him something. "Sir, how shall I make contact with the Council from now on?" He also did not know whether or not this question was one that should be asked.

Fan Xian stopped walking and smiled. "Don't do it through official channels. That can be recorded. You need to directly contact Mu Tie of the First Bureau."

"Yes sir."

Fan Xian carried on walking, taking the rare chance to appreciate night in the city that he had been away from so long. He didn't want to squander the opportunity. He only said a few more words.

"I'm not giving this box just to you; I'm giving it to all of you."

[1] Fan Xian is referencing Mencius, who said "I like fish, and I also like bear's paws. If I cannot have the two together, I will let the fish go, and take the bear's paws. So, I like life, and I also like righteousness. If I cannot keep the two together, I will let life go, and choose righteousness."

Chapter 262: The Lone Bureau

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was nighttime in the capital, and the evening had been quieter than Shangjing ever was. Qing's citizens were not ones for such effervescent times, and as such, they would frequently withdraw and stay in their homes at day's end. Of course, this did not include the gondola operators taking travellers up and down the rivers and women of the night, busy in their brothels.

Fan Xian paced slowly on this night, and Deng Ziyue followed him, carrying a few large boxes. All of a sudden, Fan Xian stopped and waved to the darkness behind and in front of him. From out of the night, the presence of several of the Overwatch Council's guards was revealed, as if by accident.

"Everyone in the capital knows that you accompany me in the shadows. Why attempt to remain out of sight?" Fan Xian laughed as he said this.

Deng Ziyue possessed a wry smile and said, "The government is not fond of seeing the Overwatch Council's secret agents out on the streets. Their presence scares the civilians, also; that could never bode well for your reputation."

Fan Xian understood what he had spoken and replied, "You guys are always running across people's roofs. Aren't you afraid of waking those who are asleep?"

The agents were speechless, for not a word came to correspond with Fan Xian's jest. They did, however, depart the roofs and descend onto the streets. They were revealed to be the "nobodies" of the Overwatch Council; those who were trained vigorously and diligently over time by Wang Qinian, for his appropriately named "Qinian Unit" at the behest of the Council. Nowadays, these highly trained individuals tended to follow Fan Xian. In the Council, Fan Xian was boisterous and cocky, regardless of the issues he was tending to, for it seemed each and every person from any and all departments were nice to him. Alongside his generous salary, he received hefty bonuses each month, as well. The recent changes had filled the agents that watched Fan Xian with a sense of pride.

It was late into the night by now, and the air had become rather chilly. Deng Ziyue quickened his pace to place a black cloak upon Fan Xian, before returning to an appropriate distance behind. There were now eight of them walking along the streets, clad in the Overwatch Council's specialized black outfits. Its length ended just above the knee, and its color was so dark as to mask anyone who desired concealment.

Under the moonlight, this collective held to a tight formation around Fan Xian, each in flawless sync with each other, all without saying a word.

The following day, Fan Xian went to visit the Overwatch Council building on Tianhe Road.

As he walked forward, numerous officers bowed before him.

"Good morning, Commissioner."

"Good morning, Commissioner Fan."

He smiled and replied to each of them, but he did not halt his own passage - he kept his pace toward the room at the back of the building. He pushed open the door and saw figures from the eight bureaus all sitting down together.

Fan Xian bowed before them all and, with nervous expressions, they each did the same to him. Yan Ruohai from the Fourth Bureau in particular was looking at Fan Xian with overwhelming joy and an expression of sincere appreciation. This was due in part to the last two days he had spent gleefully with his son, Yan Bingyun. For obvious reasons, only wheelchair-bound Chen Pingping - who sat at the end of the table - did not rise to greet Fan Xian.

Fan Xian coughed and went to sit at Chen Pingping's right side. Fan Xian thought it surprising that his teacher was absent and, as perceptive as always, Chen Pingping knew for where his mind lay. As she rubbed his knees gently, he said, "He has gone to Jiangnan on a mission. I cannot reach him, either."

Fan Xian laughed and lowered his voice, and looking forward, said, "When are you due for a holiday?"

Chen Pingping looked at him and replied, "That entirely depends on when you are set to replace me."

To have a meeting like this was quite a rare occasion for the Overwatch Council and, coincidentally, Fan Xian was present for the past two. As a matter of fact, the past two meetings had revolved around him to a certain degree. They had each read Fan Xian's detailed reports of the events that transpired up in the northern Qi Kingdom, and they were relieved to hear that the spy network that had been established there was okay, but that was the extent of their concern.

In regards to Fan Xian's nomination of Wang Qinian being the one to handle business with the northern Qi Kingdom henceforth, nobody had any qualms with the prospect. Fan Xian was commissioner so he would have the authority to instate Wang Qinian on this job and secondly the man in question really was quite experienced with the dealings of these two kingdoms. If he had worked harder during his earlier years, the possibility of Wang Qinian becoming one of the key figures of the government was quite real. Fortunately for him, he was a follower of Fan Xian and, perhaps unsurprisingly, Fan Xian was always sure to strive to raise the rank of any who did indeed follow him. For Wang Qinian to deal with the northern Qi Kingdom, one must also account for it being quite a hostile place; dealing with such a place was quite suited for a man like Wang Qinian. Seeing what befell Yan Bingyun was a testament to this.

Later, when they announced the personnel arrangements, nobody had any idea of what to expect. The officers in the council always believed that after Zhu Ge of the First Bureau committed suicide, the position had always remained vacant, but this was not true. Chen Pingping left the position open in anticipation of Yan Bingyun's return. But now that he had returned, Yan Bingyun chose to succeed his father in the Fourth Bureau, instead. Who was expected to fulfill the position in the First Bureau now was unknown.

Chen Pingping was struggling to keep his eyes open and said, "Ruohai has been in the Council for too long and has become tired of his position. Therefore, he will be quitting his position in the Fourth Bureau. He has prepared a letter for the Ministry of Personnel, requesting a quieter job better suited for him in his old age." Chen Pingping didn't seem pleased at the revelation that Yan Ruohai was leaving his position, but he knew that he was concerned about his son's life each and every day during his time away, in addition to being tired of being in the Council. Yan Ruohai also knew that it would be unwise for him to remain in a position of power alongside another family member. Therefore, if he was to allow Yan Bingyun a position within the Council, he himself would have to leave first.

Amongst the Overwatch Council's eight bureaus, it would seem like the chiefs of each bureau were lacking authority, but this was most certainly not the case. If you were in charge of one department, not even the higher-ups in the Council would dare offend you.

Fan Xian looked at Yan Bingyun's father and noticed that his eyes did indeed look tired, but that did not beguile the obvious look of relief concerning his departure from the Council.

Now that Mister Yan and the Director of the Overwatch Council had established who was to succeed Yan Ruohai in the Fourth Bureau, nobody said a word until the chief of the Second Bureau asked, "The position in the First Bureau has been empty for quite some time; someone must take it on… Mu Tie…" He stroked his head before continuing, "No, though he is peerlessly loyal, he is a hopeless flatterer. He is not suited for such a position. The First Bureau is perhaps the single most important bureau within the Council. It is in charge of observing each and every officer within every facet and organization of the government - we must find someone suitable for such a position."

All the others in the room nodded and agreed. The First Bureau was the most revered of all the bureaus. Aside from Yan Bingyun's father, all the other chiefs present began to mull the possibility of them ascending to lead the bureau.

Chen Pingping slowly turned his head to look at Fan Xian, who had a dubious look upon his face and said, "Starting from today, the First Bureau will have no chief. The authority of this position will be given to Fan Xian."

These words were spoken lightly, but the implications weighed upon everyone's hearts like stone. Their sudden thoughts of taking such a position had quickly dispersed, as nobody would dare to compete with Fan Xian. He was already everybody else's superior, and it would come as no surprise for them to learn that Fan Xian would one day succeed Chen Pingping upon his retirement. But for now, at least, he was to take control of the First Bureau, and nobody would dare to object.

The hearts of all who were present fell stern. The position of Commissioner was already one of high authority and little restriction, but for a single person to now possess the powers of Commissioner and chief of the First Bureau at the same time? That was unheard of, and it would also mean the Council would never need to comply with any activity of the First Bureau. This was slightly unfair, for every other bureau would have to cooperate with each other to get something done, which made the current position of the First Bureau higher than the rest. In a matter of minutes, Fan Xian had become their boss, and whatever he said had to be carried out.

But even Fan Xian was surprised at this sudden turn of events. He pondered as to why Chen Pingping would give him control over the First Bureau. He turned to him and asked, "Chen Pingping, I was reluctant to become a Commissioner, and in my time in this position, I haven't taken care of much business. If I also take control of the First Bureau, what benefit could that yield the Council?"

Chen Pingping replied, "If you haven't yet had to deal with certain fragile matters specifically, that is why I am putting you in charge of the First Bureau - so you can gain the experience you need."

After the meeting, every officer present went to congratulate Fan Xian on his new position. Those in the Overwatch Council were prone to do such things in finer grace and, as such, Fan Xian did thankfully not receive many words that would constitute an eye-rolling suck-up. As everyone left, only Yan Bingyun's father remained with Fan Xian to thank him.

In his heart, Fan Xian was humbled and so he laughed, saying, "Yan Bingyun and I are friends. And besides, it was purely business, I did not have to go to great lengths. There is no need to thank me so much."

Yan Ruohai, seeing Fan Xian's humility, really admired the young man. He slapped his shoulders and smiled, before saying, "In a few days, I will send you an invitation so that you may visit my manor."

"Of course, of course." Fan Xian did not think to reject, for he was curious as to how Miss Shen was faring in Yan Manor.

In the room now, only Fan Xian and Chen Pingping remained.

"This is ridiculous!" Chen Pingping looked at Fan Xian with a scowl. "I know Yan Bingyun is a calm and rational fellow; he would never have thought to bring that woman back to the capital. This was your idea, wasn't it?"

Everyone was afraid of Chen Pingping, but Fan Xian never had been. He was quite playful before him, but not this time. He had been wronged, and so he said, "Director Chen, this has nothing to do with me! That Miss Shen, as soon as she entered the envoy, she went to stay with the princess inside her carriage. It's not as if I could have dragged her out and killed her."

Chen Pingping replied, "On the way back to the capital, I had riders follow the envoy. If this was not your idea, how could that woman have entered the envoy alone?"

Fan Xian froze, unable to explain. Upon thawing, he said, "It was an ill-fated relationship."

Chen Pingping cared deeply for Fan Xian, and so he decided not yell at him. He simply asked, "Why are you exposing the Qinian Unit?"

Fan Xian knew he could not hide this, but he had a prepared response for it if he was ever asked about it. He told him, "It is because I desire for the Council to have more presence and transparency. To perpetually hide and conspire in the dark, it is no wonder why people fear us. It is not necessary for us to do this."

"More presence?" Chen Pingping's eyebrows were skewed somewhat, and so he said, "You are quite thoughtful. Perhaps you are correct, and this is for the best."

Fan Xian aided Chen Pingping in lifting the blanket above his knee and said, "Slowly, now. Take your time."

Chapter 263: A Youngster in the Bureau

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"We're fighting for time. How could I hope to take it easy?" Chen Pingping's thin face did not show any expression. His smooth, beardless chin made the wrinkles on his face appear deeper and his overall appearance older. "Remember, I'm not that much younger than Xiao En."

Fan Xian kept a dim silence. He picked up an ashy scent from this old cripple and reported some secret information gathered during the envoy. However, he did not reveal he had had a long talk with Xiao En in a cave one night and found the location of the temple.

"When will Si Lili enter the palace?" Chen Pingping seemed confident that he could control that woman from so far away.

Fan Xian frowned slightly, pondering about when he would come in contact with Si Lili's younger brother. He replied, "I'm having someone arrange that right now. It's nothing major for Northern Qi and shouldn't be difficult."

Chen Pingping nodded and said, "You too know that the position at the First Bureau was originally left for Yan Bingyun. But no one expected Yan Ruohai to retire at such a young age. Yan Bingyun had been working under his father, so he is quite familiar with the Fourth Bureau; it's not a bad decision for him to stay there. That, however, leaves the First Bureau to you. You must take great care."

Fan Xian squinted. "Is there anything specific I must pay attention to?"

Chen Pingping looked at him with a strange smile. "There are a lot of things. To tell you the truth, His Majesty always hoped you would reorganize the First Bureau. If you don't monitor the officials in the capital closely, there will be trouble once they get too close to the princes."

Fan Xian felt a chill and started to silently curse that esteemed one in the palace for making him clean up his sons' messes.

Chen Pingping's dried-up finger gently tapped the handle of his wheelchair. The joints of his fingers made them appear like stalks of bamboo. Fan Xian listened to the sound of the tapping and realized the handles were hollow, just like bamboo. He made a strange association; could the most terrifying old man of Qing be like bamboo, showing its strength against the wind?

"You did well up north," Chen Pingping said. "I know what you're planning making Wang Qinian stay behind. But as long as His Majesty doesn't give the word, you may not take action."

Fan Xian frowned, "The Eldest Prince got a lot of money out of this. And you know I'm going to take over the palace treasury next year. If I don't clean this up before that happens, I'm going to take over a complete mess. How can I face the world when I won't be able to accomplish anything?"

Chen Pingping gave him a look, "Lady Cui appeared on the Eldest Princess's behalf and illegally sold goods to the north. If you were to disrupt this operation, is there anyone suitable to take it over?"

Fan Xian thought Chen Pingping would recommend somebody, so he perked up his ears.

Chen Pingping waved his hand. "I'm going to report this to His Majesty. The emperor too felt the Eldest Princess has influenced too much in recent years, even though they are family. If the emperor does not say so, you must not act… Know that the Council also want you to firmly grasp the palace treasury. Firstly because you're the Commissioner, and secondly because the palace treasury has been crucial in maintaining the Council's current position among the Three Departments and Six Ministries."

Fan Xian asked, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Chen Pingping looked at him and lowered his voice, "The Overwatch Council keeps watch over hundreds of officials, so it cannot have any involvement with the other divisions. National duties and Council duties had always been made separate, and each year the Council really does use up a considerable amount of money. But so far, not a single coin has come from the national treasury, and no one can order the Council around. That is what they call independence."

Fan Xian understood. "The Overwatch Council's spending came directly from the palace treasury."

"Correct," Chen Pingping continued. "This is the iron rule that was set by your mother so that the Council would separate itself from the other officials. It is why when you're in control of the Council, you must consider the thousands of Council officials and all the personnel abroad. The healthier the palace treasury is, the more solid the Council's financial foundation is. As long as that is the case, the Council can maintain its state of independence."

Chen Pingping chuckled coldly. "Since that bloodshed thirteen years ago, His Majesty has made countless of changes. The Department of Military Affairs was changed to the Ministry of War and now to the Bureau of Military Affairs. This is just a microcosm of the greater change. Even though there haven't seemed to be much fundamental change, in reality, those departments were already mixed together into a pile. The Council remained unchanged because of its independence."

Fan Xian smiled bitterly. "Isn't it still at the mercy of His Majesty's one sentence?"

"That's why you must struggle!" Chen Pingping chillingly stared into Fan Xian's eyes. "If one day the palace wants to break up the Council, you must fight! If the Council becomes as broken as the Supreme Court, I'm afraid… that the great Qing will slowly end up like the Wei dynasty!"

Fan Xian understood the old cripple's worries. He had an extra life's experience and knew the importance of keeping the Overwatch Council independent.

"Which is why the palace treasury and the Overwatch Council are one." Chen Pingping emphasized each word. "Your father is being too naïve! To control the palace treasury, you must hold authority and tightly control this Council! And to control this Council, you must ensure its life source! Do not underestimate money; it can destroy organizations under even the strictest control."

Hearing his father being chided, Fan Xian, as his son, could only listen.

Fan Xian went to the First Bureau on the same day and properly took up the position. The First Bureau wasn't located in some square, dark-gray Council building, but in a courtyard next to the Supreme Court. The front gate was still just as solemn. However, the plaque that was hanging from it made Fan Xian almost shower Teng Zijing, who was driving the carriage, with spit.

Fan Xian supported himself against the carriage, forcing back his laughter as he looked at this nondescript plaque.

"Per Imperial edict: the Overwatch Council of Great Qing, First Bureau"

For the moment, Fan Xian felt an absurd mix-up in time, as if he had arrived in another timeline, standing in front of an Overwatch Council which was famous for its oilfields.

He didn't tell Mu Tie beforehand, and the official papers weren't sent out by the Council yet, so the Council members of the First Bureau had no way of knowing the new chief would arrive today. Those who were outside the front gate looked at their visitor who was laughing like an idiot in complete contrast against his handsome face. What was he doing still standing outside?

Fan Xian was already heading inside with Deng Ziyue and a few other aides. Teng Zijing refused to go, wanting to distance himself away from places like the Overwatch Council. An old man, around fifty years old, walked out, asking, "My lords, what has brought you here today?"

Fan Xian was a bit surprised; no one had gotten in the way the first time he barged into the Council. That was because no one in their right minds would go to the Council without a legitimate reason. Thinking quickly and looking at the doorman, Fan Xian wondered if the First Bureau often received visitors.

Although he wasn't wearing his official garb today, Deng Ziyue and the others were wearing Council uniforms. The doorman wasn't sure of their identities and therefore was very polite.

Fan Xian ignored him and continued straight ahead. Deng Ziyue raised his arm and stopped the old doorman.

Once inside, Fan Xian discovered the First Bureau really was different. No one came to ask any questions, and several rooms were completely empty. Somewhat puzzled, Fan Xian found a chair and sat down. Some faint noise could be heard behind him.

Many members of the Qinian Unit were originally from the First Bureau, and one of them was with the Commissioner today. His name was Su Wenmao. Seeing the expression on the Commissioner's face, he hurried to go find whoever was in charge. Unexpectedly, he couldn't find anyone. Su Wenmao was also confused. He had only left the First Bureau a year ago; how did the place become like this? Fortunately, he still knew where to find tea and hot water, so he brewed some for Fan Xian.

Fan Xian wasn't in a hurry and slowly sipped his tea like some elderly official in the palace.

Deng Ziyue stared harshly at Su Wenmao, wondering why he hadn't found anybody. Su Wenmao could only smile uneasily. He really didn't think the First Bureau, under Director Chen, would have become so idle.

The doorman peeked inside and discovered the visitors were only drinking tea, probably waiting for someone, and therefore paid them no mind. The group sat awkwardly, until Fan Xian stood up. Signaling the others to keep seated, he walked over to the cabinet to the side and looked over the dusty casefiles. No one came to stop him, a sign that the conduct here had declined severely.

Suddenly, a few people came in, all dressed in Council uniforms. In their hands was a large bamboo basket full of fish, which were chilled with ice and appeared fresh. They didn't even look at Fan Xian as they passed him. Instead, one of them saw Su Wenmao and yelled, "Old Su, you got the time to drop by today?"

Su Wenmao felt very embarrassed, but he saw Fan Xian's hand signal. Returning a smile, he said, "The Commissioner is doing a report today. We have nothing better to do, so we're just strolling around." The Qinian Unit knew Fan Xian's methods, so they dared not drop any hints

With a clap, that person told the rest to take the fish inside. He then said to Su Wenmao, "You sure climbed up to a high position following that young sir. Just how high will you climb in the future?"

Su Wenmao replied, "The Commissioner is strict. I dare not to take advantage of his name and misbehave."

The person laughed, "Let's change the subject. The First Bureau would never be so lucky anyway. Come…" He beckoned Deng Ziyue and the rest of his colleagues. "Since you're here, no need to leave anytime soon. We all know how long Council meetings take."

Deng Ziyue turned his head to the other side. Having been rejected, the man believed Deng Ziyue was only showing off because he had Commissioner Fan's backup. So he chatted for a bit with Su Wenmao, and was then prepared to leave.

Then Fan Xian walked out and asked with a kind expression, "Hey, I saw your basket of fish earlier. For lunch, I assume? I'm afraid I must bother you to share some."

It was a bit dark. The man didn't see Fan Xian's face clearly. He only knew he was talking to a young man. Chuckling, he said, "We couldn't afford to eat them now. Later, they're to be sent back home."

"Really? Then they must be some high-quality fish, or else you wouldn't have chilled them with ice." Fan Xian said.

"Of course!" The man's face was full of pride, "What we got are yunmeng fish, delivered with extreme urgency from the south, 800 li away. Netted from the great lake, their taste is damn fine. Without ice they would have gone bad already. Even the high-ranking officials in the capital don't get to eat it so easily, only the military. And fortunately, we're the Overwatch Council, or else there's no way we could have gotten any."

"Ah, so it was given by the army." Fan Xian smiled. He knew the various departments of the capital would try to get on the First Bureau's good side, but he didn't know they would spend this much effort.

The person then said, "Very well, since you all are here waiting for Sir Commissioner to finish his meeting, please sit here for a moment. I must go inside first to get my share of the fish."

Fan Xian said, "We're in no hurry; we just came to ask Sir Mu a favor, but weren't able to find him. Please help us out."

The person smiled. "I thought it was some urgent business. Okay, I'll go report. You wait here."

He then headed toward the back while chuckling. Once outside the view of Fan Xian's group, his expression changed. He jogged to the last room and kicked opened the door!

Inside, a few people were playing Mahjong. They were startled and started to curse. Mu Tie, sitting in the main seat, threw a Mahjong tile. "What's wrong with you? Are you really this desperate for some fish?"

The person stuttered, "Sir Mu, a youngster has come to the Bureau."

Mu Tie frowned. "Who is it? If it's someone we know, bring him here. I don't want to give up this hand."

"I don't recognize him," The person's voice was shaking, "But Su Wenmao is with him. I suspect… could he be… that young sir?"

Mu Tie was shocked. He slapped the table and pointed at the man. "You… you've got to be responsible for your words!" Mu Tie was so scared he walked around in circles, "Is it really the Commissioner?"

"I believe so. I dared not call him out to his face, so I hurried to inform you. If he really is Commissioner Fan, you must be careful."

Mu Tie was panicking and ordered people to clear the desk. He jogged to the front hall along with the others, saying "Feng'er, this is all thanks to you. After this I'll have your aunt arrange a nice marriage for you… Damn. The Commissioner came so suddenly. Thankfully you responded quickly… I expected no less! Not dropping the disguise, excellent!"

The agent called Feng'er wiped away the cold sweat on his hands. "It's all thanks to your brilliant guidance."

Chapter 264: Rectification!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mu Tie walked in with a dark expression. Without even look at the visitors, he said in a cold voice, "Which lord wishes to see me in person? This better be important. Do you not know how busy the First Bureau is?"

Su Wenmao winked at his colleague. Actually, Mu Tie was aware who came and was only putting on an act, pretending to just notice Su Wenmao's hint. He turned around suspiciously and saw the young man.

"You are?" Mu Tie frowned and took a step forward. Suddenly, with a shocked expression, he fluidly knelt down on one knee. "Lord Commissioner, Mu Tie at your service!"

Fan Xian showed no expression; he had no intention of playing along.

In a cheerful voice, Mu Tie said, "Sir, why didn't you tell us you were dropping by today? Now that we made you wait outside, it reflects poorly on us."

Fan Xian still didn't say anything, but the corners of his lips curled up. Seeing this smile gave Mu Tie a chill; it was well-known that this young Sir Fan always smiled the sweetest when he was at his angriest. As a result, Mu Tie lowered his voice, "Um… Sir, uh… I."

Fan Xian kept on smiling and looking at him in silence.

A look of regret appeared on Mu Tie's tanned face. He dared not utter another word. He knelt again.

The atmosphere was utterly crushing.

Regardless, after Zhu Ge's suicide, Mu Tie had been running the First Bureau and taking care of pretty much everything. For that reason, Fan Xian did not want to make a fool out of him any longer. Frowning, Fan Xian said, "The guest hall is too dirty. It is unsuited for keeping visitors."

Startled, Mu Tie's mood perked up immediately. He harshly chided Feng'er, "Get someone to clean the place up, quickly!"

"The case files are left out in the open. That's not where they belong." Fan Xian smiled.

Mu Tie quite literally jumped up and hollered toward the back, calling forth the other officials of the First Bureau, who began to move those dusty case files back to a secure room. The officials had all been slacking off, their laziness apparent as they staggered out. They saw Sir Mu obediently standing next to a young man whom they didn't recognize. However, since their job was to carry out various investigations, they were able to figure things out quickly and realized who the young man was. Greatly startled, they picked up their pace.

Soon, the place had been cleaned and the case files put away. The First Bureau still retained its ability to react quickly.

"Other than those absent due to Council duties and those who cannot expose their identities, I want to see all the personnel of the First Bureau. You have one hour to gather them before me."

With that, Fan Xian sat back down. He then reached out his hand, and Mu Tie fawningly delivered a cup of tea. Somewhat dejectedly, Mu Tie said, "Right away, Sir." He knew it would be incredibly difficulty to fool this young lord; and besides, his entire future was in this young man's hands. Mu Tie had no choice but to obediently carry out the order, hoping Fan Xian would dislike him less.

"Just for that, no need for you to go." Fan Xian took a sip of his tea. Finding it cold, he made a face. Just as Mu Tie hurried to pour him another cup, he looked at Mu Tie and set the cup down onto the sparkling-clean table. "Follow me inside. I've some things to say to you."

Wasting no time, Mu Tie ordered a subordinate to go summon all the absent Bureau members that were not out on official duty. He then followed Fan Xian to the backyard. Looking at Fan Xian stepping inside the room he had just exited, Mu Tie became nervous.

Fan Xian frowned, looking at a Mahjong tile by the doorsill. "I see how this Bureau held the most authority within the Council; even the Mahjong tiles are made of jade."

Sweating, Mu Tie explained: "It's fake jade. I wouldn't dare lie to you. It was a new product made by the palace treasury two years ago, and the First Bureau received a set. The material resembles jade, but it won't shatter when dropped. This set has always been here in the Bureau. No one dared to take it back to their own home. Normally… when there isn't much work to do, we occasionally play… This is truly shameful; please punish me harshly."

Fan Xian shook his head. "Let's put this aside for now. I'm only disappointed by the fact the First Bureau of the Overwatch Council would do this shabby of a job at hiding its tracks. You did play Mahjong here earlier, correct? You put everything away. Why is there a single tile by the door?"

Mu Tie wiped away the sweat on his forehead; he had thrown that tile at his nephew earlier; some servants must have failed to see it when putting the Mahjong set away.

Fan Xian sat down and looked at Mu Tie. "What have you been doing? Seeing how the place is short on work, it's not really a crime to play Mahjong once in a while…"

Just as Mu Tie felt a sense of relief after hearing that, he heard a thunderous slap! Scared senseless, he cowered in front of Commissioner Fan.

Fan Xian had smacked the table forcefully. With his power, obliterating this table into pieces was child's play. But his intension was simply to make noise. In a cold voice, he chided, "After seeing the fish, I found out you guys have the gall to receive benefits from other departments. Do you have a death wish? If the rest of the Council finds out, you're most likely the first one to be executed."

Mu Tie immediately knelt down. He stammered but couldn't come up with words; he didn't realize a basket of fish would be such a big deal.

Fan Xian continued coldly, "Didn't think that basket of fish would be a big deal, did you? You and the rest of the First Bureau should especially know about the rules of the Council. If you chummy up with those Court officials, how the hell will you investigate them?"

Fan Xian always carried himself as a gentle person, but even a gentle person gets angry at times. His words were chilling and serious, and they made Mu Tie feel dreadful.

Fan Xian was surprised and disappointed; not only in the First Bureau he was about to take over, but also in the official kneeling before him.

"Stand up."

Under normal circumstances, such seriousness was not needed. But Mu Tie knew he had to put on his best, most formal behavior. Besides, he had at least some connection to Fan Xian. Mu Tie only dared to rise to his feet after Fan Xian permitted him to do so.

Staring at his striking face—with its dark skin and thin iron lips—Fan Xian frowned. "In the entire capital, you are the first to know my real identity…"

When the investigation for the Niulan Street case was underway, Mu Tie had visited Fan Manor to ask questions. At the time, the Fan household didn't have its current fame. And yet this young lord revealed his identity as the rumored Commissioner of the Council. For Mu Tie, it was a rare opportunity. He had thought his years from that point on would get easier, but unfortunately that opportunity went to Wang Qinian instead.

"This year, you've helped me with some things." Fan Xian squinted. "Logically speaking, you should try to pick up after me. But you didn't, and I am very pleased with this. I thought you were a man of honesty. I was not expecting you to change so much in just a year. You once carried yourself so properly you even felt uncomfortable flattering your superiors. And now, you've become like this, a slippery, lying official who spends his days just coasting by. I am so disappointed."

The only one more disappointed in Mu Tie was Mu Tie himself. Although he wasn't as close to Commissioner Fan as Wang Qinian was, and although Commissioner Fan did not have any grand plans for him, Mu Tie still rose from seventh-rank to fifth-rank within a year; he was well aware it was all thanks to Commissioner Fan.

Mu Tie took a deep breath. He didn't try to explain himself. Instead, he lowered his voice and said, "Sir, I shall make up for it in the future."

Fan Xian noticed the change in Mu Tie's demeanor; the man now spoke reflecting his actual rank. With a hint of admiration in his eyes, Fan Xian said, "Good. Not everyone has the talent to be the supporting role. Don't get hung up on how Wang Qinian does things. You should return to your former self – the man who was so dedicated in carrying out the investigations. Of course I won't ruin your future."

A storm is followed by clear skies, and clear skies are followed by another storm. Mu Tie thought the Commissioner's mood was like the summer. Fan Xian then lowered his voice. "So tell me, how did the First Bureau become like this? I've been to the other Bureaus, and there is no comparison. The people at the other Bureaus all watch themselves and work diligently. Playing Mahjong? They made sure to hurry even when coming out for greetings… and look at you! How is this place any different than a marketplace?"

Mu Tie was already determined to redeem himself. He did not dodge anything and said, "Sir Commissioner, the blame does fall on me. It's just that in the past year there hasn't been a proper chief taking charge, and the other personnel didn't really obey me, so the whole place started to fall apart."

Fan Xian was aware of that. The first chief of the First Bureau secretly aligned himself with Xinyang and sold out Yan Bingyun, which led to his capture. When the Council investigated itself later, Zhu Ge, having failed, committed suicide. From that day onward, the First Bureau had been without a chief. Partially because Chen Pingping wanted to wait until Yan Bingyun's return, and partially because, for the time, there wasn't anyone suitable to take such a controversial role.

"Even without leadership and management, the regulations and duties still exist, so why is everyone idle? Did the Council never discipline you?" Fan Xian asked.

Mu Tie didn't understand either and shook his head, saying, "The regulations are indeed there… but for we in the First Bureau to take any action, we must first receive word from the Council. Without a leader, the ordinary officials like us can't just go around and wait for things to happen."

Fan Xian became angry. "Did the Second Bureau not send in any intelligence in the past year?"

"They did, but we do not have the legal authority to initiate investigations on officials third-rank or higher. At the very least, we need the Director's permission."

"Third-rank or higher means you can't do anything. What about those of lower ranks?" Fan Xian was feeling a bit hopeless.

Mu Tie replied, "Sir, I really wouldn't dare to hide anything from you. Even though the First Bureau is the most crucial in name, it is the most useless in practice, and the reason is simple. The Second and Third Bureaus only deal with intelligence, poison, weapons, and other inanimate things; the Fifth and Sixth Bureaus are responsible for guard duties; the Seventh Bureau deals with criminals; and the Eighth Bureau deals with books. Of the eight bureaus, only the First and Fourth Bureaus interact regularly with ordinary people, and the Fourth Bureau is mainly focused on foreign and domestic affairs. No lower-ranked official would dare to go against the Fourth Bureau. They withdrew those county magistrates after coming up with some random excuses. Who would dare question them?"

Speaking here, Mu Tie started to mock himself. "The First Bureau is located in the heart of the capital, looking glorious and all, but the ones we deal with are the officials of the Imperial court. In terms of status, they're more distinguished than we are, never mind rank—it's only natural for them to treat us well because of the Overwatch Council. But if conflict were to arise… they certainly wouldn't be afraid of us."

That did not sound right, Fan Xian had never heard of such immense uselessness—"You have the authority to investigate any official below the third-rank. If they want to get on your good side, it's only because they fear you. How could there be any confrontation?"

Mu Tie laughed at himself. "Sir, those officials might be below the third-rank, but what about their teachers, mentors, and whoever's backing them? They had already spread out a large network in the capital. For certain cases, even if we do dig up evidence, it won't be easy for us to report the findings."

Fan Xian squinted, "Why?"

"Simple. Those in the First Bureau also live in the capital." Mu Tie sighed. "While their wages are much higher than what the average court official earns, their relatives still need a source of livelihood. Putting aside anything involving the officials, let's take selling vegetables for example. If you investigated a low-ranking official, then whoever backs that official could make it so that you wouldn't be able to set up a vegetable stand. On top of that, they would do it completely within the law so that there is nothing you could do about it. As for those with connections to the palace, they wouldn't even take us seriously. An official's corruption might be known to many, yet we could not do a thing… why? Because Eunuch Dai of the palace might be his uncle!

"Ever since Sir Zhu… chose to end his life for his own crimes, the First Bureau has been without a person in charge. There's no way we would offend the court officials so easily. Who doesn't have relatives? We're all trying to leave some breathing room in case of future interactions.

"I must admit that I too had acted with self-preservation in mind for the past year. Other than the big cases sent down by the Council, I pretty much did no investigations. Sir, it's not me being a coward; living in the capital is simply too difficult. There are simply too many officials I have to face on a daily basis."

Fan Xian responded calmly, "This is how I need you to talk to me from now on. In rectification, the first thing that needs to be fixed is the First Bureau only trying to please your superiors without actually being productive."

This was the first time Mu Tie heard the term "rectification", and for some reason it made him afraid, so he quickly began to ask Fan Xian for advice. As Fan Xian spoke expressionlessly, Mu Tie listened as if in worship. Afraid he might forget something, Mu Tie prepared a brush and some ink to write things down… Some time passed before Deng Ziyue lightly knocked on the door. "Sir, everybody is here."

Barring those made unavailable due to their duties, all the personnel of the First Bureau were present, each in official uniform, standing solemnly to hear the Commissioner speak.

Fan Xian sat in front of them without any intention to stand up. He scanned the crowd and gave a slight nod. To his satisfaction, the past year did not take away these men's solemnness. He could detect the Council's signature gloom about them.

Mu Tie leaned down and whispered to Fan Xian, "The First Bureau is special. The men here are all the ones that could show themselves openly. The majority of our personnel are still hidden. The list of names is being kept by the Council and could not be accessed. If you wish to read it, you need the First Bureau's report and permission from the Director." Thinking of Fan Xian's position, Mu Tie added, "As the Commissioner, you do not need permission from the Director. I am going to work on that report in a bit."

Fan Xian shook his head. He said with a smile, "No need. Starting today, I am in charge of the First Bureau. If there is a need for any reports, I will have people write them."

Mu Tie stiffened for a moment. He thought Commissioner Fan was only here today on an inspection, not to take charge of the place! But then Mu Tie showed a face of joy after realizing working with Commission Fan every day would make it easier to get close to him.

It was all quiet for a long time. Fan Xian did not speak, and the officials remained standing without relaxing their posture one bit. Although they were not soldiers, their black clothes were still quite pleasing to the eye, reminding Fan Xian of Scotland Yard in the rain.

A long time later, Fan Xian stood up and said lightly, "I am Fan Xian. Starting today, I am your boss."

Most of the men had guessed who Fan Xian was, but having the famed young Sir Fan take charge of the First Bureau today still surprised them. Still, the majority were happy. After all, after Zhu Ge's death, not only did work become difficult, but the Bureau was being looked upon with disapproval even within the Council. Now, under young Sir Fan's leadership, who would dare to get in the way of things? They believed they would secretly receive even more benefits from the other departments in the capital.

But what Fan Xian said next chilled them all.

"I know how you spent the past year." Fan Xian smiled. "From now on, that way of life is over."

After this very simple statement, Fan Xian sat back down and gave Mu Tie a look.

Mu Tie stood up and cleared his throat. Looking at the men with authority, he said, "I have gathered everyone here today because the Commissioner has some things to say for his first day in charge of the First Bureau. And now, I have things to say as well, on the Commissioner's behalf. The main points were all suggested by the Commissioner. I ask all of you to listen carefully."

And the men did just that.

"Today, I want to talk about the way we conduct ourselves." Mu Tie frowned, deeply bitter. "Why must there be an Overwatch Council? Why must there be us, the First Bureau? Because there are corrupt officials out there taking advantage of the people, lying to His Majesty, and twisting the law. His Majesty wishes for honest rule, the people should live enjoyable lives, and the law must be upheld. Those are the reasons why the First Bureau exists."

Mu Tie had always been known as an investigator, so the crowd of officials were stunned at this political speech. But facing the weight of His Majesty, the people, and the law, no one dared to say anything.

"We, the First Bureau, are His Majesty's eyes and ears. If we wish to fulfill our duty in assisting His Majesty, we must be united in action, stay in optimal condition, and act with authority! In reality, however, we have been the opposite…"

"What problems do we currently face? His Majesty had been clear. We are not without accomplishments. On that, the Commissioner has commended us." Mu Tie's voice suddenly turned cold. "… But! There have been many issues in the past year. I, who was in charge, assume all responsibility and will ask to be disciplined tomorrow. However, starting today, you must cease any actions which go against Council regulations.

"Do not privately use the First Bureau's name as a way to receive gifts or money from other government divisions.

"Do not, for any reason, refuse to make any reports.

"Do not maintain frequent contact with any outside officials. If doing so is required to investigate a case, you must report this to at least three people!

"We must strengthen our organization and efficiency, strengthen…

"Strictly adhere to Council regulations and related policies. If any one of you have done anything improper in the past year, you have ten days to report to me without consequence."

As Mu Tie kept talking, the crowd of officials grew tense. They didn't know this was the so-called "rectification". All they knew was that if Commissioner Fan really wanted to, they could no longer leach off benefits like they had done for the past year, and would instead once again be involved in the dangerous work of antagonizing high-ranking officials in the capital. Many couldn't help but appear troubled or even bitter.

Even so, there were no murmurs among themselves, nor were there any objections. Though there were changes in expression, each official still forced themselves to stand motionlessly with extreme self-control—they had been trained by Chen Pingping himself, and were still the most disciplined secret agents in the world.

After Mu Tie finished speaking, Fan Xian stood up. With his hands behind his back, he smiled. "If there are any objections, please speak now."


The difference in status between Fan Xian and the Council's ordinary personnel was too great; no one dared to disagree.

Grinning, Fan Xian casted his bait. "Come together and think, all of you. The Director sent me here to show that each of you is still being held in high regard. You all know how busy I am; if this were some ordinary government division, I'd be too lazy to come."

Hearing this made the crowd relax a bit; Fan Xian was infamous for hiding malice behind his smile, and this time, no one was able to see it. Not to mention, with Fan Xian's noble background and his reputation as the world's leading scholar, no one expected him to know all the shady business of the Council. Together, they decided to agree with Fan Xian for now and bowed. "As you wish, Lord Commissioner."

Fan Xian frowned slightly, a bit dissatisfied.

Mu Tie was standing close to Fan Xian and saw the glint of coldness in the Commissioner's eyes. Believing Fan Xian to be dissatisfied by his subordinates for not showing enough loyalty, Mu Tie anxiously signaled to Feng'er, who was standing in the front row, with his eyes. Feng'er was Mu Tie's distant nephew, and also had the family name Mu.

Mu Feng'er thought his uncle was signaling for him to make an objection—but how could he refute the Commissioner?! Terrified, his legs shaking, Mu Feng'er thought back on his uncle's kindness and steeled his resolve. Stepping forward, he made a clear salute and said, "Lord Commissioner, while the First Bureau watches over the hundreds of officials in the capital, private relations are unavoidable. Everyone has relatives. My older brother-in-law, for example, works in the Equestrian Bureau. It's fine for me to avoid interacting with him, but I'm afraid there would be much unrest once back home."

No one dared to laugh despite hearing such mischievous words. No one knew why Mu Feng'er was so bold today.

Fan Xian was secretly happy, but he kept a gloomy expression and chided, "You think Council regulations are a lump of excrement for you to smear all over your face? Mu Tie, drag this distant nephew of yours outside to await punishment!"

Mu Tie sighed and did as told with a sad face. Fan Xian scanned the crowd coldly. "Anything else to say?"

Everyone knew Fan Xian was abusing his authority. Unexpectedly, someone came forward and said, "Lord Commissioner, it is our duty to carry out investigations, but what should we do in cases of people of high status? What should we do if our families are being troubled? What should we do if the palace speaks out?"

Everyone was quiet. The First Bureau was most afraid of dealing with officials who had connections to the palace. As mighty as the Overwatch Council was, it still belonged to the palace.

Fan Xian was extremely calm. "Use my name."

Those words meant that when dealing with whoever dared to use their status or connections to threaten the First Bureau, simply throw out the name Fan Xian! Nowadays, with the exception of officials above the third-rank and members of the nobility, no one would dare to mistreat Fan Xian's subordinates and risk offending him.

With one hand controlling the Overwatch Council, the other controlling all the money, who would want to offend him?

That official still spoke out despite what just happened to Mu Tie and his nephew. For that, Fan Xian looked at him with slight admiration. Slowing his speech, Fan Xian said, "Let me hear all your opinions. I hold nothing against you."

That official had just said all he wanted to say and struggled to add, "I believe it is only right for us to not accept valuables in private, but there really is no harm in accepting some under the Bureau's name. Also, setting up good relations with other government divisions could aid in future investigations. And lastly, after dividing up the benefits, it's nothing but a bonus."

Fan Xian knew they all treasured the benefits they received and laughed coldly. "Speaking of payment, you earn three times as much as a government official of the same rank. Even though you don't have as many outside resources, you're still being paid plenty, which has been the Council's intention since its creation. What's there to complain about?"

Su Wenmao was a bit more familiar with Fan Xian. He said, "The Council always endured retaliation from the officials and disdain from the people, and the First Bureau is in a rather special situation. Since the Imperial court isn't willing to give out bonuses, so…"

Fan Xian shook his head and stopped Su Wenmao. He stared at the Council members gathered before him. The heavy atmosphere had been crushing down until there was only silence. Then, Fan Xian said slowly:

"Do not ask what the Imperial court can do for you—ask what you can do for the Imperial court."

Su Wenmao was stunned for a moment. Upon further pondering, he realized what Fan Xian just said was extremely meaningful. He felt a sense of admiration for Fan Xian, while at the same time he felt a sense of shame in himself. Indeed, when those of the First Bureau were all plotting for their own benefits, did they ever think about why the Overwatch Council was established?

The official who had spoken out before Su Wenmao was also awed. Years of education and training by the Council and discipline by Chen Pinping made him feel like his mindset had returned to how it was when he stepped into the Council for the first time. Deeply moved, he clasped his right fist and shouted:

"All for Qing."

"All for Qing!" was what all of them had to memorize on their first day in the Council.

Fan Xian was happy and clasped his fist in return. "All for life," he thought to himself.