
Chapter 265: Xinfeng Restaurant

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The sky had grown dark, and a gloomy atmosphere now veiled the capital. The aridity of autumn was replaced by a cold rain that both battered and cleaned the tile roofs of residential houses and firmly washed the dust-caked streets. With its coming, this rain marked the first chill of the year; the fifth year of the Qing calendar.

Fan Xian was rubbing his hands as he sat in the second floor of the Xinfeng Restaurant. A wind tarp had been installed outside the window, and Fan Xian watched it mesmerized. He averted his gaze towards the First Bureau yamen across the street, and then to the Supreme Court's yamen. Comparing both yamen, the one that belonged to the First Bureau was considerably quieter. The officers from the Overwatch Council looked to be at ease, not at all like how they used to be.

The rectification had been going on for a few days now. Of course, Fan Xian did not believe that the yelling of a slogan would rewrite the regulations in any immediate capacity, if ever. In secret, he had been continuing his investigation into the affairs, sour relations and corruption that had become ingrained within the Overwatch Council. He had ruthlessly fired numerous individuals and even sent many officers to trial at the Seventh Bureau. The atmosphere in the First Bureau had now at last received its turnaround for the better, and like a timekeeper's clockwork, the yamen began to work as efficiently as they should.

Fan Xian had not yet become accustomed to being on-duty at the First Bureau, but he rejected the idea Mu Tie had proposed to him, which involved the erection of an office room for Fan Xian to quietly work and wait within. What Fan Xian elected to do instead was to book every table of the upper-floor of the restaurant across the street. Upon doing so, he was able to relax and recline in the quiet that came with the lack of customers, and snack out all day, all the while being in close proximity to the First Bureau.

This is now where he sat. On the table Fan Xian was sitting at, there was a bamboo steamer with a single bun inside. It was no ordinary-sized bun, for it occupied the entire space inside of the bamboo steamer! Its outside was gleaming white and possessed 18 folds, and from the inside came a steady flow of steam which made one's mouth water. He gently blew the bun and then stuck his chopsticks inside it, which created an eruption of juices.

Fan Xian picked up a wheat straw and asked, "Do you want the juice?"


Fan Xian smiled and laughed, using the chopsticks to split the bun further. He collected the meat that resided deep within its fluffy interior and put it upon a plate, which he passed to the person at his side. He comfortingly told him, "Dabao, the sauce is hot, but the meat is not. You should still blow on it before eating."

Dabao heeded Fan Xian's words well and blew the plate with all the might of his lungs.

Ever since Fan Xian's father-in-law retired, the Fan manor had become quiet. When Fan Xian was in the northern Qi Kingdom, Dabao had spent much of his time visiting the manor in his absence. When Fan Xian returned, he did not see Dabao for a number of days and he wondered why. After asking Wan'er the reason why, she told Fan Xian that because he had just returned to the capital, she sent Dabao to the Lin manor. After Fan Xian heard this, he wasn't very happy. Even though they only sought to preserve his reputation, they did not dare to put the Lin manor is an awkward position. But in that manor, the people there were quite picky and difficult to please, and now the Lin manor only had Wan'er and a distant relative to take care of it.

Ever since he took the job at the First Bureau, he had been brushed off his feet every single day. Fan Xian could hardly believe that he did not have the time to take care of this matter, so he decided to take advantage of this lazy, rainy, windswept day and talk to Deng Ziyue about bringing Dabao out to the Xinfeng Restaurant to try out its most revered dish, the jietang bun. He could return him to the manor later.

"Stop blowing, you can eat it already!" Fan Xian was laughing at his brother-in-law.

He had no idea why Dabao's mental capacity was that of a child, something which undoubtedly led to him adhering to every word Fan Xian would say. With immediacy in response to Fan Xian's words, he turned his head down and gobbled up the meat in one mouthful. As Fan Xian watched him do so with haste, he pondered if he had even tasted the food.

When Fan Xian saw this, he thought about Zhu Bajie from Journey to the West eating pepino melons and he could not help but laugh.

Deng Ziyue was present, but he sat at a different table. He watched the scene and thought it to be slightly creepy. There were 30 people from the Qinian Unit, and they were divided into four smaller subunits to provide Fan Xian protection from each and every angle. Deng Ziyue had taken over Wang Qinian's position, and dared not leave Fan Xian's side for a moment. And as such, Deng Ziyue was the only person who knew precisely what Fan Xian had been up to in the past few days. In his heart, however, he knew that he was merely following a Commissioner, a person whose full intentions were often masked and kept secret - even to his closest allies. After Fan Xian cleaned up the First Bureau, he had yet to receive a specific order from him, and so he just sat in the Xinfeng Restaurant eating food and singing songs to the delight of his master. He thought to himself, "As a Commissioner, the fact that he is so keen to look after his mentally handicapped brother-in-law is surprising, and I greatly admire him for it.

From downstairs came the sound of heavy footsteps, and hearing them he snapped out of his deep thoughts. His hand clenched the hilt of his sheathed sword and he quickly turned to peer at the stairs that led to the second floor of the restaurant. This person was revealed to be Mu Tie, and he had been spearheading the investigations into determining whether certain suspected officers were indeed guilty of committing unlawful acts. He was also responsible for maintaining the morale of the entire department and making preparations for the secret mission Fan Xian had tasked him with. He was an incredibly busy man who had been put under a large amount of pressure. His eyes were visibly sunken and dark, and from the way he held himself, he looked worn out, tired and unhealthy.

Mu Tie took off his rain hat and raincoat and tossed them into the corner of the room. He carefully presented a cylinder from his chest pocket. What it was made of wasn't known, but it was evidently waterproof, for the paper inside was still dry as a bone.

Fan Xian approached Mu Tie and took it from him. He got to reading it immediately and with a focused expression read every line, clearly fixated. Slowly, a frown formed upon his face, and his mood took a sour turn. At the beginning, when he first returned to the capital, he had asked Deng Ziyue to investigate the chancellors that possessed deep ties to the second prince. It had nothing to do with the Cui family. After Fan Xian became chief of the First Bureau, this mission was immediately given to Mu Tie as his first task.

It seemed as if there was no incriminating evidence to be found, but it was as Fan Xian expected. Those sorts covered their tracks well and would go to great lengths to avoid anything dirty showing up, but still, what Mu Tie had uncovered was perhaps almost too clean. The Cui family were nobles and over the years it was impossible for them not to have given any kickback to the Minister of Appointments or Director of the Imperial Observatory. Their record was too clean to be true and so Fan Xian sighed, before asking, "As that all there is?"

Mu Tie nodded.

Fan Xian asked, "Did the Second Bureau ask anything?" Mu Tie looked at him, shaking his head and said, "The Second Bureau is cooperating with us. They believe it to be an order from the palace, not an investigation instigated by you. I can assure you that no one knows."

"Did the Second Bureau not possess any information?" Fan Xian only noticed now that he was still holding a pair of chopsticks, an indication of how involved with the matters that he was. He laughed at himself, and placed them down upon the steamer. Now, his greatest enemy was the eldest princess in a faraway place called Xinyang. No one knew when the eldest princess was due a return to the capital, so he had to confirm who within the palace was allied with her and find out who was not, all the while she and the Second Prine were away.

Mu Tie spoke softly and politely, but he found himself to possess more confidence and so he said, "In regards to the investigation in the capital, the Second Bureau is in charge of obtaining the necessary information, but they still cannot match the First Bureau in that regard. Do not worry, my lord."

Fan Xian nodded and gestured to Mu Tie that he could leave.

He waited until Mu Tie left and then Fan Xian looked at the parchment he was given once more. Reading the jargon, found himself lost in a sea of thoughts. The document recorded the Cui family's bribing history, and included the dates of such "transactions" and whom they dealt with. Most of the officers in the government were included, but there was no trace of the second prince and his closest allies. This disappointment gave Fan Xian a headache, and his gut feeling suggested there was a problem there. So, amidst the barrage of words that had been written onto the parchment, he was unable to find anything of true value.

Fan Xian knew of his own proficiency in assassination, how to maintain and handle authority, and the production of certain fabrications when the time required it. After all, he would always present himself as someone soft and approachable, but his heart was like one of a killer. He was not a person who could comfort others, nor was he good at analyzing information. He knew of his dexterities and limitations, and working within those, he could excel at what he was best at. It was because he had such a strong grasp of himself that he could get a strong grasp of others and tell what sort of person they were.

He thought about the plan he conceived in Shangjing, in the northern Qi Kingdom. He sighed and thought about the goofy-looking character who helped him a considerable amount during his time there - Wang Qinian. But of course, the person who ensured the effective execution of the plan was Yan Bingyun, and right now, Fan Xian was remorseful at his inability to secure him as a follower upon his return to the capital. "Who knew that the Overwatch Council would take on Yan Bingyun for the Fourth Bureau? And then for me to take up the First Bureau?" He had desired to suppress Yan Bingyun's intelligence, but that was an even more difficult task now.

Fan Xian looked at Dabao and saw him eating noodles like a madman. He laughed and picked up the now empty bun and put it in his bowl. Fan Xian dipped it into the noodles and then quickly put it in his mouth before chewing it heartily.

Dabao was shocked at the presence of a hand quickly appear and disappear in front of him. With a slow reaction, he raised his head to look at Fan Xian. He then shook his head before resuming his feast upon the noodles.

Outside, it was still pouring. And as the heavy rain lashed the streets, a mist arose, veiling the streets and houses, limiting the visibility of those who braved the outdoors. The chill had descended upon the city by now, and as the breeze picked up its speed and strength, the people outside were remarkably windswept. It was as if the wind itself was seeking the warmth of the people's necks.

Fan Xian placed a coat upon Dabao and carefully tucked in the clothes around his neck to ensure the wind would not breach his own warmth. He then tapped his shoulder and said, "Xianxian has some business he must take care of. Why don't you return to the manor and go play with Wan'er?"

Dabao was chewing an apple. He mumbled back, "Sister is so mean… me… Fan… play."

Fian Xian understood what he meant and began laughing. He wondered if any of the officers, chancellors, businessmen, prostitutes and even poets of this world capable of owning a simple heart, such as the one Dabao possessed. Perhaps life would be so much simpler and easier if they did.

Fan Xian then carefully spoke to Teng Zijing, and the carriage that belonged to the Fan manor departed for home. Deng Ziyue looked at Fan Xian and asked, "Sir, where should we go now?"

"To Yan Manor."

Chapter 266: She Showed Self-Respect, You Became a Pervert

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In such heavy rain, instead of staying in the Bureau to be served by his subordinates; or chowing down on delicious food in Xinfeng Restaurant; or going back to the manor to enjoy some warm tea; Fan Xian insisted on going to Yan Manor. Deng Ziyue was mildly surprised.

"Allow me to call a carriage," he said to Fan Xian as he was about to cross the street.

Fan Xian shook his head and put up the hood of his raincoat. Unintimidated by the downpour, he began to walk down the street, allowing the raindrops to fall on his dark gray coat.

Most of the Council's uniforms were rather ordinary, but there were exceptions. For example, there was the special raincoat for operating under rainy weather—the sleeves were roomy and not too long, and the entire coat was made from a waterproof fabric. It also had a hood, giving it a strange resemblance to both a wind jacket and a cloak. When rain fell, each drop would smoothly glide down the fabric.

When Shu the scholar saw this raincoat for the first time, his artistic sense was inspired and he dubbed it "lotus coat", since the material repelled water just like it was made of lotus pads. Contrary to its artistic name, however, the raincoats looked too strange and went against the established aesthetics, so it failed to become popular among the general public; only personnel of the Overwatch Council would wear it.

Today, when it rained in the capital, the sight of anyone wearing this raincoat meant that the Council was out taking care of some matter or another, prompting ordinary people to stay away.

Fan Xian was walking in the rain, and the Qinian Unit dared not linger behind. Just like on that moonlit night, they divided themselves and followed, neither too far nor too close. Together they walked down the long street in silence. Only the splatter of water could be heard from the rain which fell onto their clothes and from their boots when they stepped into puddles.

Seen through the haze, this small group carried a killing intent.

The owner of Xinfeng Restaurant was quite fascinated by the scene. This Commissioner Fan sure was amazing; somehow that strange Council raincoat managed to look good on him.

Yan Manor wasn't too far away. The group went through an alleyway and then took a right turn after they exited. The front gates of Yan Manor weren't too wide, but Fan Xian felt them quite imposing when he remembered that the father and son who lived here controlled the entirety of Qing's foreign spy network.

Yan Ruohai had been in charge of the Fourth Bureau for over ten years and had gained the respect of both Shen Pingping and His Majesty. Even the high-ranking court officials would not dare to show him any disrespect. Technically speaking, however, his rank was very low due to how the Overwatch Council was set up back in the day. In order for all members of the Council to operate more easily, His Majesty had been forcefully raising their political statuses through an award and merit system.

Several years ago, Yan Ruohai already a second-ranked earl. After Yan Bingyun was sold out by the Eldest Princess, His Majesty, in an attempt to appease the Council officials, directly promoted Yan Ruohai to a third-ranked earl. Even Fan Xian's father, the current Minister of Revenue, was merely a first-ranked earl. This just showed just how well His Majesty treated the members of the Overwatch Council.

However, the door plaque had remained the same; nothing was changed which would show the new status. The characters were written in black ink rather than gold, which made it seem quite low-key. But Fan Xian knew that, other than the other than the senior ministers who had inherited their titles from fiefdoms, only officials who had been granted a manor by His Majesty had the right to label their titles on a plaque. That meant that Yan Manor, too, was once granted by His Majesty. It could not get any more low-profile even if it wanted to.

The doorman, from a distance, recognized the group as Council officials, but he didn't know if they were the Master's colleagues or the Young Master's friends. He hurried down the steps to greet Fan Xian's group.

Fan Xian took off his hood and asked, "Is Yan Bingyun home?"

The doorman was about to say that the Master wasn't home, but hearing that Fan Xian was here for the Young Master, and judging by Fan Xian's appearance, the doorman was able to guess Fan Xian's identity. He replied respectfully, "The Young Master is home. If I may ask, would you be the Lord Commissioner?"

Fan Xian nodded and took off his raincoat. The doorman took it and opened an umbrella, "Sir, this way please."

This doorman was a smart one; he knew the Young Master most likely wouldn't have made it back without this Commissioner Fan and therefore invited the party in without reporting their visit first. Fan Xian smiled at the doorman and walked in quite naturally. As he ranked above both Yans, there was no need for excessive formalities.

This was Fan Xian's first visit to Yan Manor, so he was rather curious regarding its layout. But as he followed the doorman, he saw nothing of interest except for the artificial hill that was absurdly huge and covered in green moss.

Around the hill, they had arrived at the inner sections of Yan Manor. Fan Xian, from a distance, saw the pair under the pavilion and smiled. Signaling to the others not to follow, he went ahead along the stone path, making as little noise as possible.

Under this rain, even the ground directly under the pavilion was getting damp, but the pair did not move, sitting and staring blankly into the rain.

One of them was the Young Master Yan who had just returned to the capital recently, the other was Miss Shen who took many risks in following him. They did not speak, nor did they look at each other; they just stared into the rain, as if hoping the downpour would form a screen to reflect their gazes into each other.

Fan Xian smiled bitterly as he discovered there was now a hint of warmth in the eyes of Yan Bingyun, who otherwise bore his usual cold expression. As for Miss Shen sitting beside him, she seemed to have gotten out of her misery which resulted from her family's tragedy; her face now has a hint of bashfulness, although her eyes seemed lost.

The way they pretended each other didn't exist presented a rather interesting situation.

What struck out even more to Fan Xian was the fact Miss Shen was wearing the clothes of a maidservant, while her ankles were shackled, the long chain of which ran all the way into her room. Apparently, Yan Bingyun had chained her up!

Fan Xian quietly observed for a bit longer. Seeing that Yan Bingyun still hadn't noticed his presence, Fan Xian sighed as he knew Yan Bingyun must not be as relaxed as he appeared.

Fan Xian cleared his throat.

Yan Bingyun turned around and was greeted by that despicable, gentle smile. His eyes were full of rage, although it was not clear if he was responding to being disturbed or to the fact a captive was pretty much forced upon him.

Miss Shen's expression darkened as she saw Fan Xian. She gave a slight curtsy and went back to her room, the sound of her chain echoing behind her.

Yan Bingyun didn't seem to be surprised by Fan Xian showing up unannounced, but Fan Xian wasn't expecting the Yan manor to be this unfrequented. Sitting down where Miss Shen had been sitting moments ago, the residual heat distracted Fan Xian. Forcing back his inappropriate thoughts, Fan Xian said, "I was expecting your place to see more visitors after your arduous return, and here I see you and Miss Shen sitting teary-eyed together in this rain."

Yan Bingyun explained very seriously: "First of all, we were not looking at each other. Second of all, the tears all came from the sky, not me."

Fan Xian shrugged and didn't say anything.

Yan Bingyun continued, "Father never liked dealing with Court officials, and I'm not famous in the capital like you, so it's only natural that we don't get many visitors."

Fan Xian shook his head. "I know you were well-known in the capital as a young gentleman before you left for Northern Qi. Now that you've returned, your promotion is pretty much guaranteed. How could there not be anyone knocking on your door trying to get on your good side? Even if you belong to the Overwatch Council, which is separate from the Imperial court, I doubt anyone would miss this opportunity."

"Father kept three dogs to guard the door, so no one dared to approach."

Fan Xian was puzzled, "But I didn't see any when I came in?"

"Today the rain is keeping away visitors, so the dogs are taking a rest."

Fan Xian didn't know what to say.

"And Sir, why am I being graced with your visit today?"

Young Master Yan was purposely trying to distance himself from Young Sir Fan, although it also had to do with his upbringing. Fan Xian didn't care, however, and took out a tube. He opened the tube and took out a scroll, which he tossed to Yan Bingyun.

Yan Bingyun read through the contents briefly and showed an unnatural expression. "Sir, you must really have faith in me. But still, this is how the First Bureau gets by. Letting me see this is breaking regulation."

Fan Xian smiled. "Don't think you get to avoid me every day just because you're going to receive your father's position soon… Since you're calling me 'Sir', it means you're fully aware that I, when pushed, can easily order you to be relocated to the First Bureau and demote you, and you wouldn't be able to do anything… With that said, enough nonsense; read this report."

Yan Bingyun became angry. "How could you pull others into your dirty waters?! Sir, if you try to oppress me again using your rank, I'm going to tell Director Chen!"

Fan Xian waved his hand and jeered, "Go ahead, just don't regret it when I move you to the First Bureau to be a registrar."

Yan Bingyun forced down his anger and asked, "What do you want to know?"

"Something big." Fan Xian chuckled as he stood up. "I want you to find out if there are any relationships between the Second Prince and the Cui clan."

Again, all was quiet.

Yan Bingyun's face held neither shock nor fear. He said, "Since we were in Shangjing, I knew you were definitely going to deal with the Cui clan. On that, Sir, you did not hide anything from me. However, the Second Prince? There is nothing about him having any connection with Xinyang." Yan Bingyun knew Fan Xian was dealing with the Cui household because of the Eldest Princess. To investigate the relationship between the Second Prince and the Cuis was also directed at the Eldest Princess. Yan Bingyun could not figure out why this would involve the Second Prince.

"Intuition," Fan Xian said calmly. "Regarding Xinyang, I was being frank with you from the start because it naturally brings up the possibility of us joining forces. As for my suspicion toward the Second Prince, it was because during the half year I spent in Northern Qi, I found him to be too quiet… Only recently did I discover this seemingly secretive Second Highness holds so much authority and attracts so many officials trying to get on his good side."

When analyzing the situation using the viewpoint of Fan Xian's previous life, when royal siblings fought for the throne, the Crown Prince pretty much had his future guaranteed without him needing to do anything. Indeed, in the past year or so, without the Eldest Princess's influence from the shadows, the Crown Prince had done just that. The same, however, would not apply to the Second Prince. For him to secure a spot for himself, he had to act one way or another. A quiet dog may still bite, but a quite prince will not seize power.

Yan Bingyun gave Fan Xian a strange look. "Sir, it appears that you've decided to get involved in the princes' struggle after all."

Fan Xian smiled and shook his head, "No, I'm merely making preparations so that I won't lose a roof over my head because of them."

Yan Bingyun was silent for a moment, as if calculating how this might influence the future. Any civil servant would care about where this nation was headed, especially young and high-ranking officials like Fan Xian and Yan Bingyun.

"Sir… You belong to the Crown Prince's faction?" Yan Bingyun suddenly raised his head and somewhat disrespectfully stared into Fan Xian's eyes as he asked this idiotic, overly-direct question which did not leave any room for reconsideration.

That caught Fan Xian off guard, but he smiled and shook his head. "I do not."

There was another instant of silence from Yan Bingyun. Then, he too smiled. "Ah… So you are with His Majesty."

Fan Xian did not respond, knowing Yan Bingyun would definitely offer his help—being locked away for a year, plus staying put to heal his wounds after his return, made Yan Bingyun ache for some fun or exciting action. It was no wonder he bit hard on Fan Xian's hook.

Yan Bingyun looked at the scroll again, thoroughly this time, and shook his head. "Although the First Bureau scouts in the capital aren't as good as they used to be, they're still excellent. But still, with something as big as this, we must not rely on the reports in the capital alone. Information needs to be compared with other information, and this here is already established and not too valuable. I know that Mu Tie; he is quite capable dealing with single cases. But this is too big for him to control. If… Sir, if you trust me, let me take care of this."

Trust? Fan Xian looked at Yan Bingyun's lowered head and saw the silver strands in his brow, even though Yan Bingyun was still young—only a few years older than Fan Xian. Fan Xian squinted and said, "I trust you." This thing called trust was supposed to be this simple and based on one's mood.

"How long do you need?"

Yan Bingyun raised his head, his tone flat but carrying some self-confidence. "I return to the Fourth Bureau next month. I shall inform you by the end of the month."

Fan Xian nodded. "Is there anything that requires assistance?"

Yan Bingyun shook his head. "If this gets out of hand, I don't want to be the scapegoat."

"Worry not, I like goats." Fan Xian laughed. Not only was he happy for the fact he and Yan Bingyun seemed to have rediscovered the connection they had in Shangjing, but also because he knew if Yan Bingyun were to seriously start investigating, then Yan Bingyun was guaranteed to follow his footsteps from now on.

The relationship between the Second Prince and Xinyang had to be investigated, but it was more important to sway the young Yan to his side.

"One more thing." Yan Bingyun suddenly frowned. "I wish to… request a team of soldiers from you."

Fan Xian was curious. "Haven't you been resting since you got back? Unless you are also doing your own secret investigations? As for requesting soldiers, you father at the Fourth Bureau has so many capable ones—why ask me?"

The rain began to fall harder, splashing against the stone-paved ground as if trying to riddle the surface with countless pits. The trees in the yard, which were getting plenty to drink, began to droop their leaves and branches, shying away from the downpour. Yan Bingyun flashed a look of worry before saying, "There's a serial murder case in the south spanning several provinces. The thirteen yamen of the Ministry of Justice lost many men, but they weren't able to catch the murderer. His Majesty sent this case to the Council."

Fan Xian nodded. He had been well-informed, having once received the Council's secret report when he and Yan Bingyun were still in Shangjing, although at the time he didn't give it too much thought.

Yan Bingyun then said, somewhat puzzled, "This goes under the jurisdiction of the Fourth Bureau, but unexpectedly, after the Fourth Bureau took over the case, thirteen agents died one after another without finding a single trace of the murderer. Furthermore, their deaths were reported to have been extremely gruesome, which means this killer must be a very powerful martial artist. Of course, we have no way to confirm the rank, but we estimate this killer to be ninth-ranked judging on how they were able to kill so many of our men without leaving a trace.

Fan Xian also became interested in this case. In the current world, as long as a martial artist boasted ninth-rank prowess, they would be welcomed and solicited regardless of which nation they were in. Even the military, for certain reasons, changed its usual attitude and began to try to attract such masters.

The problem, however, was that not many people in this world were ranked ninth or higher. Most of them resided in Dongyi City, due to its wealth and the presence of the Sigu School.

Which was why, for martial artist who were ranked ninth or higher, they could become part of Qing's military and defend the nation, like the Ye clan, or they could be like Friar He of Northern Qi, and become an assassin specializing in missions on foreign soil. Supposing that the murderer enjoyed freedom, in the worst-case scenario, they could go to Dongyi, where they could help back up the merchants and go to the Sigu School in their spare time for some sparring sessions… Those were all very lavish options to choose from.

But a serial killer? Was there also rape or robbery involved? There was simply no need for a ninth-ranked master to resort to such actions.

"Perhaps we're dealing with a perverted killer." Fan Xian signed. "…Who finds thrill in killing."

Yan Bingyun frowned, apparently unaware that such people could exist. Of course, he didn't fully understand what Fan Xian meant by "pervert". He said, "The Fourth Bureau lost too much, hence the need to send out very powerful fighters. And as you know, ninth-ranked martial artists are rare to begin with, and the ones in the capital all rank above my father. So the Fourth Bureau couldn't say anything, and His Majesty isn't going to permit it either. That's why, Sir, I would like to borrow soldiers from you."

Fan Xian was curious. "But the First Bureau doesn't have such masters either… Even counting the guards back home, two are seventh-ranked, and that's already impressive."

Yan Bingyun gave a smirk. "The one I want is… Gao Da! And the six other blades under his command!"

Seeing Yan Bingyun's scheming appearance, Fan Xian wanted to slap him. Chuckling coldly, Fan Xian said, "We sure are of the same mind. I also want to have Gao Dao by my side, and I asked the old man the first chance I got. And the result?" Fan Xian spread out his hands. "It was but wishful thinking. Just like you. They belong to the palace; the palace isn't going to lend them out whenever we ask."

"I don't care about that." Yan Bingyun grinned. "If in the future Gao Da gets transferred under your command, the Fourth Bureau would like to make use of him for a few days.

Yan Bingyun's rarely-seen grin stunned Fan Xian slightly. He knew the Yan household had various connections in the capital; perhaps they overheard something? The thought made Fan Xian's heart skip a beat. Could he really take command of Gao Dao and the other six swordsmen? The possibility of such fortune made Fan Xian laugh. "Let's take your wishful thinking as a blessing. If that day really comes, there's nothing wrong with lending them to you."

Having addressed the important stuff, Fan Xian took a glance into the room and began to chide Yan Bingyun. "How has living with Miss Shen been recently?"

Hearing this, Yan Bingyun turned back into a chunk of ice. "Sir, please have some self-respect."

"Self-respect my ass!" Fan Xian cursed out. "You, chaining her up like that, are you letting her have self-respect too? You're just like that serial killer down south… a pervert."

The rain kept falling. The atmosphere was far from harmonious. Fan Xian was waving his arms around, full of himself, while Yan Bingyun was speechless from rage. He could guess that "pervert" didn't have a nice meaning. Finally, unable to contain his anger, he said, "If you didn't leave her in the envoy, would I still be tormented out of my mind?"

"Dressing her up like a maidservant is not going to work long-term. Besides, I don't see the point of the chain. I doubt Miss Shen would want to go anywhere else with you here." Fan Xian continued to mock Yan Bingyun.

"Then, Sir, do you have any ideas?" Yan Bingyun laughed coldly. "And that Princess from Northern Qi is also something. After only a few days in the capital, she managed to persuade the Great Prince to come to the manor and pressure me to treat Miss Shen well. She's Shen Zhong's daughter, a wanted criminal of Qi. I can't kill her, I can't release her, what do I do?"

A faint wail could be heard coming from inside.

Fan Xian withdrew his gaze, having just found out that the Great Prince also knew about this. Putting on a serious expression, he said, "If it really is an inconvenience, I could take Miss Shen with me."

Yan Bingyun suddenly raised his head, and Fan Xian adamantly remained silent. A while later, Yan Bingyun slowly nodded.

Fan Xian and his group left Yan Manor, this time with a carriage which was called over from Fan Manor. Fan Xian wasn't in the mood to stroll in the rain. Sitting in the carriage and looking at Miss Shen, who appeared fearful, he smiled. "It will only be for a few days, Miss Shen, so please be at ease. Once things start to calm down, I shall bring you back."

Because of his feud with the Eldest Princess, Fan Xian was justified in investigating the Second Prince. However, Fan Xian also had some more personal reasons that he would never disclose. With the scale of things being so huge this time, Fan Xian could not place complete trust in Yan Bingyun without having a grasp over certain things. Trust, though established on intuition, would only equate to mutual benefit when there was not enough of it. So far, Fan Xian was only satisfied by the fact that, with Miss Shen in his manor, Yan Bingyun would be sure to come over often to talk.'

Fan Xian talking away Miss Shen made Yan Bingyun secretly feel a bit unpleasant, but otherwise he wasn't really against it due to being influenced by the ways of the Overwatch Council. After all, to him, Miss Shen was like a time bomb. While it hadn't gone off yet, Yan Bingyun and his father were already quarreling on a daily basis. What Fan Xian did was akin to a trade in an attempt to achieve mutual trust, and also to put things temporarily to rest.

Looking out the window, Fan Xian sighed. A year ago, on the night when he opened that chest, it was also raining. Comparing his state of delirium on that night with his current brooding boredom made him realize this world had deeply changed him before he could change it.

As the rain died down, people began to come out, and the carriage slowed. There seemed to be some traffic as the carriage stopped. Another carriage came up from behind and pulled up next to Fan Xian's carriage. An arm in a light-yellow sleeve reached out and lifted the curtain of Fan Xian's window, followed by a joyous cry, "Master!"

At this moment, Deng Ziyue had already drawn his blade, and Fan Xian signaled him to stand down. Looking at the other carriage in shock, Fan Xian was surprised the other party had remembered their relationship as master and disciple.

Ye Ling'er's bright eyes stared back, also in shock, but she was reacting toward the presence of Miss Shen. "As expected of my Master… Which household did you lure her out of?"

Fan Xian retorted, "Since you still remember me as you Master, you should speak to me with more respect. You are going to be a princess soon; why are you outside wandering about in this rain?"

Fan Xian had already started to suspect the Second Prince as the true culprit behind the incident on Niulan Street. The feast was hosted by the Second Prince. While later investigations revealed that Si Lili had informed the Eldest Princess, whose agent was planted in the Prime Minister's manor and then planned the assassination with Wan'er's second brother, Fan Xian never let down his guard due to the Second Princess setting him up to run into the Crown Prince.

Everyone thought the Eldest Princess supported the eastern palace, Fan Xian was no exception in the beginning. But now, looking at everything carefully, what would the Eldest Princess gain in doing so much to support a proper heir, the Crown Prince?

And after he and Prince Jing ate at Yishi Tavern, Fan Xian unexpectedly discovered the owner was from the Cui household, which was rooted in Xinyang. Linking those together was not enough to prove or explain anything, but it was enough for Fan Xian to place firm belief in his instincts. The Second Prince being so quiet was abnormal; a great power must be supporting him in the palace.

Should the Second Prince turn out to be in the same direction as the Eldest Prince, then there was nothing Fan Xian could do other than apologize.

Despite having launched his investigation of the Second Prince, Fan Xian did not feel or show any conflict when looking at the girl, who was to become the Second Princess next spring. His first meeting with Ye Ling'er was far from pleasant, and afterwards he had fought her coffin-breaker technique with his cheap tricks. But after his marriage, she often came over to the manor to accompany Wan'er, and from those visits, Fan Xian came to appreciate this pretty girl whose eyes were clear as jade. To him, she was easy-going and free-spirited, unlike the average daughter from a rich family.

Ye Ling'er referred to Wan'er as "older sister" and Fan Xian as "Master". Fan Xian found it hard to bear being called master in front of Wan'er, because the title made it sound like he was an entire generation older.

Ye Ling'er said excitedly, "Master, how come you never visited me after you got back?"

"Master, where are you going now?"


Fan Xian rubbed his temples in response to Ye Ling'er's barrage of words. Smiling bitterly, he sighed, "Sun Wukong, you're causing mischief again."

Chapter 267: Eunuch Dai's Wise Decision

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian had taught Ye Ling'er a few tricks by the lakeside, but it had all been in order to learn the Ye family's Coffin Breaker technique. It amused him that she had brought up last year's events. "Where are you going?" he asked, fondness in his voice.

"I'm going to your house to see Wan'er," said Ye Ling'er. She looked at Miss Shen standing beside her as she said this, though snorted and said nothing

Fan Xian didn't much like her naturally carefree arrogance, but as he was not one to judge others, he decided not to say anything. He retained a respectful air, and though Ye Ling'er was accepting of this, she knew from their interactions over the past year she that he was the kind of man who paid attention to detail. She smiled. "Don't worry. I know you're a big shot in the Overwatch Council now. A woman in a nice house isn't likely to come out onto the street."

Fan Xian laughed and said nothing. It was then that the crowd in front of them seemed to disperse as the Ye family's carriage made its way through before stopping. It seemed that Ye Ling'er had discovered something worth looking at.

Fan Xian waved a hand, signaling for the carriage to continue on. After he came up to the Ye family's carriage, he put on his raincoat, and Deng Ziyue and a number of other members from Wang Qinian's team followed close behind.

In the carriage, Ye Ling'er saw that they were all wearing black raincoats and walking through the rain, and finally realized that Fan Xian was not merely passing through Dengshikou, but had specifically come to Dengshikou to handle matters.

Every day, Dai Zhen of the Dengshikou Produce Inspectorate would wait for fruits and vegetables to come in from outside the city, ascertain their quality, then divide them up for selling. He also saw to the daily food orders for the royal court and the great families of the city. Specifically, he was a kind of kitchen porter for the noble families of Qing, though he had a wide range of responsibilities. One stick of celery was not worth anything, but a hundred sticks of celery were. A single egg was worth nothing, but a hundred eggs were enough for Yishi Tavern to turn into a feast.

The Produce Inspectorate was not considered a government office; it had no rank, and because of the many different places it served, it did not even have a supervisory office above it. Perhaps the officials paid it no attention because they felt there were no ill-gotten gains from delivering food in the city. In fact, Fan Xian was quite aware that new policies regarding this form of production had been put in practice from time to time over the past few years and were occasionally left unfinished. His Majesty was simply fooling around, and this subordinate structure was thoroughly disordered and redundant.

Dai Zhen was head of the Produce Inspectorate. Over the past few years, he had gained a steady supply of cash from eggs and vegetables. He presumed that he was the only one who knew just how much profit could be made from such unremarkable things. Often, in the middle of the night, he would laugh to himself in bed. Even when his most beloved concubine urged him daily to ask his uncle for a decent, honorable position in the bureaucracy, he said nothing.

It was marvelous. He was probably the first person in all of history to have made such a profit from selling vegetables. Dai Zhen couldn't help but consider himself a genius.

But today was the day that he would cease to be so pleased with himself. In the autumn rain, the personnel of the First Bureau of the Overwatch Council had come to shut down his pitiful little department, and were blocking the way to Datong Lane. Datong Lane was where the peddlers sold their groceries, and it was where a third of the city's food was purchased daily.

He face was ashen as he rushed into his office and saw those devils in black clothing inside. He patted his cheeks to make his smile seem softer. "So the men of the First Bureau are here. As it is mid-autumn, we have a number of rare fruits on offer. Perhaps I can offer them as a gift..."

Today, the person heading the case at the First Bureau was Mu Feng'er. He knew that this action today had been part of a demonstration by Commissioner Fan, and he dared not be negligent. He looked at Dai Zhen and spoke coldly. "Master Dai, come with us, please."

The officials of the First Bureau had already confiscated his accounts. They began picking out people in the street based on the names on their register and escorted them into their carriages outside.

The autumn rains were still falling. Dai Zhen felt colder and colder. He smiled apologetically. "I'm no 'master'. Perhaps you are mistaken, Master Mu." He customarily slipped a banknote into Mu Feng'er's sleeve.

Mu Feng'er looked at him and felt slight pity for the man. Could it be that he had not heard that Commissioner Fan was now heading up the First Bureau? Two stone-faced officers came up from beside him and kicked Dai Zhen in the back of the knee, forcing him to the ground. They took rope from around their waists and bound his hands tightly in one swift move. It seemed that the First Bureau had been doing that sort of thing a lot that year.

Dai Zhen fell to the floor, his thoughts in disarray. There was a sharp pain in his wrists, and he was both ashamed and furious. Finally, he could hold back no longer. "What are you doing?!" he shouted, cursing them.

Mu Feng'er gripped the object in his breast pocket and thought for a moment before deciding not to take it out. "This is official business, and we ask for your co-operation, Master Dai."

Dai Zhen panicked, his eyes swiveling around the room. "Help!" he yelled in a loud voice. "The Overwatch Council are trying to kill me for my money!"

When the First Bureau team had rushed in through the rains to raid the Produce Inspectorate, the people of Qing, always fond of a good scene, had already gathered around. But fearing the black-clad men of the Council, the commoners did not dare get any closer. Now captured, the once-arrogant Dai was a sorry sight indeed. He was fearful, and though the hired thugs that he had hired in secret were roused by his cries, the Overwatch Council blocked their path.

Dai Zhen's hands were bound, and his heart was beating fast. He knew that when the Overwatch Council made a move, nothing could make them stop. He howled for his life. "The Overwatch Council want to kill me for my money!" In truth, he was truly distraught. For a moment, he couldn't think of doing anything but shouting those words. He hoped that his uncle in the palace would hear the news as soon as possible and intervene before he was taken to their terrifying prison.

Looking at the excited crowd outside, Mu Feng'er frowned. He took out a document from his breast pocket, and read out Dai Zhen's crimes aloud to the people.

The workers and common people of the city all believed in the government and trusted them. After all, everyone knew that Dai Zhen's hands weren't clean in the slightest. But as the crowds gathered, it became harder for them to leave. The First Bureau had only sent a handful of men, and seizing the accounting books and gathering testimonies seemed rather difficult.

Looking on the scene, Mu Feng'er felt rather angry, but he glanced in the distance beyond the crowd and saw two carriages that were over to one side. A group of unfamiliar colleagues from the Council were escorting Commissioner Fan, dressed in rain clothes. He peered through the heavy rain, and his heart pounded.

"Go!" he yelled.

Dai Zhen's hands were tied. He knew that the Overwatch Council's prison was a place that officials could not go to. His face reddened as he howled himself hoarse. He was like a child throwing a tantrum, laid out on the floor and absolutely unwilling to leave.

His henchmen had gathered around outside. Although they wouldn't dare lay a finger on the men of the Council, they forcefully blocked them from returning back with their detainee.

As the rains fell, Fan Xian glanced at the scene on the not-so-distant stone steps, making a silent evaluation of Mu Feng'er's capability. He heard Ye Ling'er's curious voice come from the carriage behind him. "Sir, the work that you Council men are doing seems rather absurd. Hassling a minor official in broad daylight. What's next? If the commoners see what you are doing, then how will that reflect on the royal court?"

The rain beat down upon Fan Xian's rain hat. The droplets fell down from the brim, hiding his face.

"If an official does not care for his reputation, there is no reason why the royal court should cover for them," he said calmly. "Ling'er, despite being just a minor official, he can graft 5,000 taels of silver from the palace in the span of a year. As for the profits he's made on Datong Lane in the past few years, who can say?"

Ye Ling'er was by the carriage window, and the rain water had soaked the hair on her forehead. There was a look of interest in her eyes. She had been planning to enjoy herself at Fan Manor today; she hadn't expected to run into Fan Xian, and certainly hadn't expected them both to be witness to such a scene. She finally realized that a petty official could still make off with a large amount of money.

At that moment, and with great difficulty, Mu Feng'er's men finally fought their way out of the Produce Inspectorate, approaching Fan Xian and dragging the miserable Dai Zhen with them through the heavy rains.

The thugs who had encircled them seemed to have caught sight of the strength and power that those two carriages represented and did not dare rush forth. As for the commoners, seeing Fan Xian and Deng Ziyue's uniforms, they seemed to sense the chilling air that emanated from the two men, and unthinkingly retreated.

Dai Zhen was still a forceful petty official. His official's garments were already soaked through by the dirty rainwater. His hair was scattered across his round face, and he looked truly exhausted, yet he still scolded them ferociously. "You Council men, you take what we have, and you still want more? And now you want to torture my money out of me!"

When the ignorant masses surrounding them heard his words, there was a sudden look of realization on their faces.

Fan Xian lowered his eyes and looked at the official who struggled before him, flailing his legs like a tied-up hog about to be slaughtered. He was not concerned about getting him to shut up, because the common people had always seen the Overwatch Council as a shadowy organization. Even if Dai Zhen cursed them all day long, it wouldn't have any effect on the situation. And today was simply a trial run; the main objective was seeing how his subordinates handled affairs.

Seeing a look of shame and uneasy anger on Mu Feng'er's face, Fan Xian shook his head. "Why did you not choose to capture him at home, in the middle of the night? Although it's raining today, you knew that Datong Lane would be full of people, and the whole scene could easily descend into chaos."

Mu Feng'er was stunned. The new regulations were clear - from now on, cases were to be handled out in the open as much as possible, so they had chosen to arrest him at his office. If things were as before, then of course they would have taken him in the middle of the night. How was this his fault?

Fan Xian did not wait for him to explain. "Even if you had done it in the middle of the day, you could have closed up his office and left immediately. Could you not have let him quietly come with you to the Council? What use were your methods? Reading out an official record of his crimes. Did you think you were bureaucrats from the Supreme Court? Do I have to specially employ a clerk to follow around after you make official proclamations?"

Hearing his harsh words, Mu Feng'er grumbled. On the one hand, Dai Zhen had some serious support behind him, and they feared the possible consequences of making a chaotic scene. On the other hand, he worried that the commissioner, as a gifted scholar, would look poorly on their usual cloak-and-dagger methods.

Although the commissioner was known as an immortal of poetry, it seemed that that did not contradict the secretive methods of the Council. Hearing Fan Xian's mockery, it seemed he felt even more strongly about them than Mu Feng'er did.

At that moment, Dai Zhen let out another howl as he lay face down on the wet ground. His eyes were covered by the mud, but he saw a glimpse of who Mu Feng'er was reporting to. He knew that this was a major figure in the Council, and he couldn't help but feel afraid. He didn't recognize Fan Xian, but he recognized Ye Ling'er in the carriage behind him. Ye Ling'er was the only daughter of the Commander of Defense. Ever since she was a child, she had enjoyed riding on horseback through the city streets. There were very few of the city's denizens who could not recognize her.

Dai Zhen immediately cried out to the young woman in the carriage. "Lady Ye, please, help..."

Ye Ling'er looked at Fan Xian's strangely calm face. She did not dare say a word, and abruptly pulled her head back inside the carriage.

Dai Zhen knew that he was done for, and finally played his trump card. "Do you know who my uncle is?" he yelled. "How dare you arrest me! My uncle is... ugh!"

Seeing Fan Xian signal with his eyes, Deng Ziyue knew that he did not want to hear Eunuch Dai's name spoken aloud, and wanted him muzzled.

At that point, Mu Feng'er understood, and somewhat shamefully took from his breast pocket a small wooden stick, both ends tied with rope, and crudely placed it in Dai Zhen's mouth. The stick was stiff, and tore at the corners of Dai Zhen's mouth, leaving him unable to speak, with blood dripping from both corners of his lips.

The people around them were shocked. Fan Xian paid them no attention. "I don't care who his uncle is," he said, speaking to Mu Feng'er. "I only care who your uncle is. Do your job well. Don't bring shame upon Mu Tie."

Mu Feng'er let out a slight grunt of shame in response and hauled the bloody-faced Dai Zhen to the carriage. His subordinates had caught a number of the thugs who had hidden themselves in the crowd, and they turned around and beat them fiercely to the ground with his Council-issued truncheon, not giving them a chance to resist.

Seeing him lay blows upon them, the gathered commoners were filled with fear, and immediately and loudly dispersed. Once they had reached a safe distance by the corner of the street, they turned around to watch curiously once more.

Through the rain, all they could see were a few agents of the Council dressed in raincoats, brandishing sticks, their faces cold as they beat a number of men on the ground. The men did not dare fight back, perhaps due to the power the Overwatch Council had amassed over the years.

It was a rather bloody sight.

Fan Xian looked at the commoners who had been watching the spectacle from a distance, and imperceptibly shook his head. Yet what surprised them was the fact that he did not return to his own carriage, but lifted his hat and went directly into Ye Ling'er's carriage.

Ye Ling'er was shocked. How could a man so brazenly enter her carriage?

Fan Xian pretended not to have realized this. He looked at Ye Ling'er's slightly damp hair, hesitated, then pulled a handkerchief out of his breast pocket and handed it to her. Ye Ling'er took it and dried off her damp hair. She could smell a slight perfume on the handkerchief, and presumed that it was Wan'er's. She smiled, then asked him what all that earlier business had been about.

Fan Xian laughed bitterly and told her all about Dai Zhen's circumstances. "Such a trifling matter," she asked curiously. "Why did you have to see to it personally?"

Fan Xian sneered. "The water is deep in the capital. Despite Dai Zhen being just an official who sells vegetables, he's managed to steal quite a lot. The reason he's so brazen is because he's got support. His uncle is Eunuch Dai of the palace. I'm overseeing all this today because I'm afraid that my subordinates might move too slowly and allow Eunuch Dai to catch wind of things. If I didn't get involved, the First Bureau would have no way of catching the man inside the palace."

Ye Ling'er looked into his gleaming eyes. "My father once said that matters are most complicated inside the palace. He told us never to get involved. You're quite brave."

"It's just a eunuch; nothing more." Fan Xian smiled. Eunuchs had no rights anyway.

Ye Ling'er shook her head disapprovingly. "Don't underestimate the palace eunuchs. They have their own masters, and if you make them lose face, you will also cause the palace concubines to lose face."

Fan Xian was somewhat stunned. It seemed that the thought had only now occurred to him. A moment later, the smile returned to his face. "And why should I fear that? I don't much care for Wan'er going to the palace and acting as a go-between. If the concubines find me troublesome, then as a Prince Consort, at worst I'll get a slap on the wrist from the palace and nothing more."

Ye Ling'er cocked her head to one side and looked at this fearless young man, unsure of what he was thinking.

The carriage reached the gate of Fan Manor, and the two of them got out. Teng Zijing was waiting outside. Fan Xian told him to tell his wife to make space for young Miss Shen in the rear house. He then led Ye Ling'er into the manor, not without forgetting to take his handkerchief back from her.

The handkerchief had been stolen from Haitang. And Fan Xian wasn't willing to give it away.

Eunuch Dai was the favorite of Imperial Consort Shu, and Ye Ling'er would immediately become the concubine of the next Emperor, which meant that Concubine Shu was essentially her future mother-in-law. Ye Ling'er would also immediately become the liege of Eunuch Dai. Fan Xian had gossiped with Ye Ling'er before regarding these relationships. He wasn't willing to give her the handkerchief, but he had to use it where he could.

The rain fell on the capital all day long, though had somewhat subsided by sunset. Having received the news, a flustered Eunuch Dai hurried out of the palace.

He was a popular figure within the palace. Because Imperial Consort Shu was a woman of outstanding literary talent, she often helped the Emperor compose works, and she took Eunuch Dai along with her. He also had the responsibility of sending imperial edicts - when Fan Xian first learned that he was to be named Functionary of Taichang Temple, the decree was issued by Eunuch Dai, and there were a number of benefits related to this. Now he could enter and leave the palace regardless of the rules, and no one would dare complain.

Eunuch Dai stood in the doorway of the Produce Inspectorate, his face red. He looked at the mess inside and heard the shrieking of the people around him. Anger rose up within him, and he pointed a scolding finger at his nephew's subordinates. "I already told you! The other government offices in the city aren't worth a damn, but when the Overwatch Council come knocking, you better lick their damn boots!"

One man clutched his half-swollen face, sobbing. "My lord, normally we gladly hand out money. Today, the boss handed a banknote to the man from the First Bureau. Who knew they were going to follow their instructions to the letter?"

Eunuch Dai's rage made his whole body tremble. "Who would dare humiliate us like that!? Who are these scoundrels? I shall find Mu Tie...How dare they cross the Dai family!"

He was a eunuch of the palace. The Overwatch Council had no right to interfere with him, and he was confident in saying so. Filled with rage over this humiliation, he took a sedan chair to the First Bureau and find the person responsible. Though his nephew Dai Zhen was a good-for-nothing, he had still sent plenty of money his way over the years. He could not simply stand by and watch as he was beaten half to death by the Council's men. Everyone in the bureaucracy knew that when you entered the Council, the only way you could leave would be missing a few vital parts.

The sedan chair came to the gate of the office of the First Bureau. Though Eunuch Dai was filled with doubt, he was determined. First, he asked a footman to go inside and make inquiries. A moment later, the footman returned and whispered something in his ear. Eunuch Dai's face immediately changed. He paused for a long time, then spoke through gritted teeth. "Go back to the palace."

Covered in bruises from head to toe, a thug saw Dai's sedan chair return to the palace. For a moment he was alarmed. Unable to approach the gate of the First Bureau, he yelled after him. "My lord, you must seek justice for us!"

Eunuch Dai was a cunning man indeed. His experience in making proclamations had trained his tongue in the art of speaking carefully. He spat out some phlegm which just happened to land on the man's face, and his voice quivered as he spoke. "I am a eunuch! Not a judge!"

Having said this, he retreated to his sedan chair, feeling thoroughly uneasy. The footman had made it clear. The person in charge of today's operation was none other than Master Fan!

At that moment, Eunuch Dai realized that the Emperor had already given Fan Xian control of the First Bureau... but why had young Master Fan chosen to target his nephew? Eunuch Dai knew full well that his nephew was corrupt, but when it came to the scale of corruption in the capital's bureaucracy, he was little more than an ant in comparison.

He had no idea that Fan Xian simply wanted to train his men and open up the market. Yet he presumed it had something to do with him, and when he thought of the Fan family's considerable power, Eunuch Dai's blood ran cold.

Watching the sedan chair pass by, Dai Zhen's hired thug dimwittedly wiped the disgusting spittle from his face. He couldn't understand it. Who was Eunuch Dai so afraid of?

A few days later, Eunuch Dai sought out an opportunity. He brought up the matter in front of Lady Shu, hoping that she could intervene on behalf of his nephew and pass on any news to him. To his surprise, Lady Shu had already somehow learnt of it, and was thoroughly aware of his nephew's situation. She was thoroughly determined to have him punished.

At that moment, Eunuch Dai realized that Fan Xian had somehow already blocked any way for him to take alternative action. Filled with shock and fear, he gave up on any hope of retaining his dignity, and rushed to Yi Guipin's chambers in a shameless attempt to curry favor with her. He hoped to use her connection with Lady Liu to quietly transfer money to Fan Manor.

Meanwhile, Mu Feng'er, who was in charge of the case, was racking his brains. He looked at Dai Zhen, who had yet to be transferred to the Celestial Prison, and felt a certain frustration. It was this this no-good wheeler-dealer who had caused him to lose face in front of Commissioner Fan, and yet Commissioner Fan had ordered that this ruffian was not to be punished. Why? He felt the purse of silver coins hanging from his belt with his hand, and couldn't help but grumble.

Chapter 268: Interlude of Black and White

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian ordered the First Bureau to capture Dai Zhen precisely because of the head eunuch standing behind him.

Seeing that even Eunuch Dai submitted without a hassle, all the officials in the capital were stunned by the First Bureau's determination and Commissioner Fan's method. In the dark, the First Bureau began to systematically carry out its work. Going by the usual procedure, they broke in under the darkness of the night and silently took those officials back to the Council.

Such a sudden purge brought a cold wind to the capital. The various officials thought this great scholar was going to shake up the entire capital like he did with the examinations back in spring. But gradually, people discovered that wasn't the case. The officials involved were all ranked rather low and unimportant. There were no major cases involved either.

The senior members of the Imperial court and the princes' subordinates did not show any strong reactions. As time passed, they discovered this disturbance did not threaten anything crucial within the political circles, only bringing knocks on random doors. Once again at ease, they guessed that Fan Xian, being new to his position, was merely trying to show off his power.

While nothing became widespread, there were always people who worried that something would, which was why over the past few days, Lady Liu became the busiest person in Fan manor. Contrary to her usual ways, she began to collect money, which was turned over to Fan Xian, who gave the majority of it to the Bureau and the remainder to Yan manor.

Since ancient times, money had been the best tool to buy people, to placate them.

As a result, the First Bureau personnel became more motivated in their work, while those that came close enough to touch Lady Liu's fingers became much more at ease—the ones giving out money, receiving money, all received their own consolation.

With everything entering the main phase, Fan Xian did not go to Xinfeng Restaurant that day. Instead, he stayed home in his book chamber, looking through the casefile written by Mu Tie. Mu Tie's handwriting wasn't exquisite by any means, but the content was clear-cut.

Eunuch Dai's nephew, after paying a hefty fine, finally returned from the Overwatch Council. Taking advantage of a loophole in Qing law, he wasn't sent to the Ministry of Justice or Supreme Court, but he could no longer keep his lowly position of inspecting produce. There were some other minor cases, all of which were taken care of appropriately.

Under normal circumstances, since the Overwatch Council wished to investigate the case involving the Produce Inspectorate, not only would Dai Zhen lose his official headwear, he would most likely lose his head as well. However, Fan Xian was somewhat appreciative of Eunuch Dai being sensible and considerate, helping him avoid some future complications, not to mention Ye Ling'er went to the palace on her own accord to speak on his behalf and to deliver a plea from Lady Shu; it was only natural, then, that he do them this favor.

Shi Chali, watching this young "master" sitting across from him, felt uneasy. After the spring examinations, he and his three good friends—Hou Jichang, Yang Wanli, and Cheng Xilin—had already been sent out to become local officials. According to the letters, they were all doing well in their counties—Prime Minister Lin, having been serving in the Imperial court for so many years, naturally had many connections in the various counties. And now, with everyone's eyes on Fan Xian, his three "proud students" were being looked after as well.

Among the four, only Shi Chanli failed to land himself on the score list and therefore was unable to begin a career immediately. Before Fan Xian left for Northern Qi, he left Shi Chanli a letter, telling Shi Chanli to wait for his return. Contrary to the letter, however, this Sir Fan immediately took over the duties of the First Bureau. Shi Chanli really had no clue on how to help the master; his friends had all become important officials, while he could only sit and copy some casefiles. Despite being an outgoing person, Shi Chanli couldn't help but brood over that realization.

Fan Xian raised his head, smiling, "Is this getting too boring?"

Shi Chanli smiled bitterly, "Teacher, you're several years younger than I am, and yet you're able to remain so calm and steady amongst all this paperwork. It looks like I, as the student, must hone my patience."

Fan Xian chuckled. Had it been Hou Jichang, he would definitely stand up to retort; had it been Yang Wanli, he would probably start asking why he was releasing a major criminal. Only Shi Chanli would be so mild-mannered to the point of lacking words. It would appear that Fan Xian hadn't been wrong in choosing him to stay by his side.

"Stop calling me 'teacher'," Fan Xian said, "it just feels so ridiculous. I'd rather you call me 'Sir'."

Shi Chanli was confused for a moment. It was actually quite common for a test-taker to be younger than the test official, so he didn't feel anything wrong with it.

Fan Xian gave him the casefile on the desk, "Do you have any thoughts on the matter?"

Shi Chanli didn't know if Fan Xian was testing him, but he had thoroughly memorized these official documents in the past couple of days. He shook his head and said honestly, "I really don't understand… Sir, what does this mean? If we're really going after a tiger, we shouldn't have to keep an eye out for these rats."

Fan Xian smiled, "It's to give those cats over at the First Bureau somethings to do, to familiarize, so that they wouldn't panic too much when the time comes to tackle big things."

Shi Chanli pretended to not hear "big things" and said sincerely, "Sir, it is only expected for an official of the Imperial court to alleviate some of His Majesty's concerns and do work for the court. But in the past few days, even though you only went after the smaller targets while letting the bigger ones go, you still offended some people."

"Offending people is one of the Council's essential traits," Fan Xian explained, "As you know, the Overwatch Council is His Majesty's private organization. It is not a public tool, but a personal one. We devote our loyalty to His Majesty only. Having said that, no matter if it's from the views of the palace, or from our own views, we must play our role of provoking people… With the First Bureau situated right in the middle of the capital, surrounded by all the prosperity, it has started to lose sight of His Majesty's original intention, and is now lacking toughness and ruthlessness. The reason His Majesty let me take charge of the First Bureau was to regain our initial role as the ones most willing to offend people."

With Fan Xian being this transparent, Shi Chanli could no longer disguise anything, "So His Majesty wants you to… become a solitary official, without support."

Fan Xian nodded, "Impartial, taking no sides, His Majesty wants me to become a second Chen Pingping, it's just that…" Fan Xian changed his tone to a slightly mocking one, "I visited Sir Director's manor, the extravagance there surpasses what some members of the nobility could afford. But the loneliness of it was just simply not for me."

Shi Chanli immediately understood what he meant and put on a pained expression, "But Sir, if you only agree out of courtesy without any sincerity, you could not fool His Majesty's wisdom and insight. I fear it would only be detrimental to your future endeavors."

Fan Xian grinned and didn't say anything. Under normal conditions, that old emperor shouldn't have any thoughts crueler than a tiger's.

Shi Chanli also realized he had said too much, so he changed the topic, "With the First Bureau's current investigations, although the tradition of apprehending people at night has been restored, you still wouldn't keep information hidden. What if someone were to find out and expose everything? On that I really have to disagree."

Fan Xian asked, curiously, "Why?"

Shi Chanli replied, "The Overwatch Council is His Majesty's special organization. Excluding its special privileges set by Qing law, it is able to shake hundreds of officials largely due to its mysteriousness and the way it operates in the dark. People are ignorant, the more they don't understand something, the more they fear it. Sir, now that you intentionally put the First Bureau on display out in the open, I fear it will weaken people's fear and lead to them not taking Overwatch Council seriously."

Fan Xian acknowledged what Shi Chanli said, but responded, "I know you disagree with some parts of the First Bureau's new rules—the release of information, for example—and I do admit that keeping our public image as a demon which devours people in the dark would greatly benefit our operations."

Shi Chanli was surprised Fan Xian agreed with him. Was Fan Xian unhappy about his image in the eyes of the people and trying to change it?

What Fan Xian said next invalidated that question, "On the other hand, I don't care how people view the Overwatch Council… But you must understand, I'm currently only in charge of the First Bureau, not the entire Council. With it in the capital, other than the agents planted in the manors of nobles, everything simply could not be kept hidden. The officials in the capital are as numerous as stray dogs and swimming fish, with they have tens of thousands of connections… Since I can't maintain the First Bureau's secrecy, I might as well do things out in the open; it might even add to the intimidation."

Fan Xian then said seriously, "But, I only demand that the results of the investigations be presented clearly and honestly. In order to accomplish that, I am willing to accept all sorts of means to get it done, no matter how dark and sinister… You should know that I do not wish to be a saint."

Shi Chanli nodded, satisfied with that. Sure enough, his teacher really was someone who dared to expose the wrongdoings of current politics, and he was simply reserving his opinions at the moment.

Fan Xian, unaware of Shi Chanli's thoughts, said, "Starting today, with all the cases being handled by the First Bureau, you are to write a report which is going to be posted after each one is closed and sent to the Ministry of Justice of Supreme Court. You should explain the details in it, such as how the case came to be. As for the location, I already decided on that wall between the First Bureau and the Supreme Court.

Shi Chanli was flabbergasted, "This… This… This goes way too far against the grain. The Ministry of Justice post wanted posters, the Imperial court post the results of examinations, the Overwatch Council… Also posting announcements?!"

Fan Xian became moody, "It's the First Bureau, not the Overwatch Council! Didn't I say to be more open in doing things? Unless you want me to write a novel and sell it."

Shi Chanli misunderstood and responded happily, "That would be for the best. You would be able to clarify the people's confusion and also somewhat maintain the First Bureau's do-not-approach vibe… Besides, you have already opened a bookstore, which would make things even easier."

In his anger, Fan Xian spat out a breath of disgust and walked outside, with Shi Chanli carefully following behind. Eventually, Shi Chanli couldn't hold back his question, "Teacher, does this mean I've now started working in the Overwatch Council?"

Fan Xian sighed, knowing that no scholar in this world would want to get involved with such shamelessly dark organization. He patted Shi Chanli on the shoulder and said, "You are my private secretary. I'm going to have a word with my father to temporary place you in the Ministry of Revenue. Let's stop here and discuss this at another date. Don't worry, no one is going to point fingers and call you the Council's dog behind your back."

Walking in the shockingly huge garden of the Fan manor, Fan Xian frowned slightly, "Using dark and sinister methods, to achieve clear and honest results?" He accepted the fact he wasn't a saint; although he would more than gladly serve Qing and its people, make some adjustments to the rotten politics and at least ensure the embankment of that great river to the south wouldn't crumble so quickly. As for the changes he made to the First Bureau, those were out of his personal desires.

Despite having the title of "Poetry Sage" and being secretly praised by the recent generations of scholars, twenty years of dirt from the Overwatch Council would still more or less tarnish his reputation. That was the reason why he wanted the First Bureau to operate more openly; a favorable reputation would assist him greatly in the future.

Thinking about dark and sinister versus clear and honest reminded Fan Xian of when he chatted with Hai Tang in Northern Qi. He had mentioned how the dark night gave him dark eyes that he rolled at the world. He couldn't help but be worried about the situation up north, not knowing if Hai Tang could successfully arrange the task—Uncle Wu Zhu was still missing, and there were no words on Ku He returning to Shangjing.

A few girls could be heard chatting in the distance. Today was a clear autumn day, the grasshoppers were jumping about in the grass, while the last remaining cicadas of the year, nearing the end of their lives, screamed away in the trees. Big Bao was catching ants; Fan Sizhe wasn't at school, but wasn't home either.

Fan Xian squinted and discovered Ye Ling'er had come to visit again. He couldn't help but groan to himself. Every since that girl believed she had been a great help to Fan Xian, she had been visiting more frequently in the past few days without any restraint. When Fan Xian saw the timid Ruo Jia sitting next to Ye Ling'er, he felt even more troubled. The young girl had turned thirteen… But still a young girl nevertheless, and Fan Xian did not want a young girl to look at him with such adoration.

Recently, Fan Xian had refused Li Hongcheng's invitations on multiple occasion. Before Yan Bingyun finds out anything, he had to keep a low profile. And today he must keep himself away from Rou Jia, the little girl who seemed to fall in love with him. Channeling his zhenqi, the young Sir Fan silently leapt out of the manor using the qinggong he has practiced before.

Arriving at the residence Wang Qinian had bought for one hundred and twenty silvers, Fan Xian took a seat in the innermost room and stretched comfortably. This was his most secret hideout. Other than the Qinian group and Chen Pingping, no one knew he often worked on both official and official businesses here, not even his own family members.

Deng Ziyue put two bamboo tubes on the desk and then withdrew from the room. He knew he hadn't earned the same amount of trust from this Commissioner as Wang Qinian.

The two tubes were of similar color, perhaps both coming from Yan Mountain in nearby Shangjing. Even the wax seal looked alike, showing the same degree of neatness that shouldn't be touched. On the tube were subtle marks to let the Council agent in charge of delivering them know that these two letters were top-secret and belonged to two separate routes in the northern network.

Picking up the tubes, the first thing Fan Xian did was to inspect their seals. On the wax seals was Wang Qinian's unique handwriting, which could not be easily forged. Having made sure the tubes weren't opened, Fan Xian took out the letters.

One letter came from Si Lili, while the other was from Hai Tang. Fan Xian had set up a communication line specifically for Hai Tang in order to keep contact with her more easily.

Si Lili didn't have much to report. While she did what Fan Xian and Hai Tang had planned for her to do, which was to join Tianyi Dao, her efforts after entering the palace hadn't shown any results for the time being. As for Shangjing, Chen Zhong's household was completely dismantled; other than being a heavy blow to the Rear Faction, it didn't incite any severe repercussions. Shang Shanhu had been trapped at home and the letter made no mention of Ku He returning to Shang Jing. Although no one dared to suspect otherwise, Si Lili strongly believed that grandmaster had been wounded in one way or another.

Fan Xian smiled. In this world, only those couple of grandmasters could tussle with that man-eating monster named Ku He.

Hai Tang's letter didn't even mention the word "grandmaster", not that Fan Xian expected her to disclose anything. All he cared about was how she had handled that task.

After giving it some thought, Fan Xian began to write a reply, urging Hai Tang to proceed with their agreement. For Hai Tang, it was something that could be done on a whim, but for Fan Xian, it was of utmost importance. In his letter to Si Lili, he only recited a short poem by Li Qingzhao as a gesture of consolation, nothing more.

During the days he had spent dealing with the First Bureau, what took up most of Fan Xian's mind was Ruoruo's marriage to Li Hongcheng. This fundamentally had nothing to do with the prince's character. To Fan Xian, whether their political standpoints would come in conflict depended on one crucial aspect.

Would Ruoruo like it?

The answer to that was a negative; Ruoruo had made it clear. Fan Xian, like all older brothers, felt helplessly frustrated at this girl in puberty, thinking, "So you're never going to get married, ever?" However, he was mostly being protective. Since his sister didn't like it, he must break up this marriage; it was that simple.

But doing so was no trivial matter. In a sense, it could be considered the most complicated matter Fan Xian had ran into since leaving Danzhou. This match had been made by His Majesty, there was simply no room or reason for Fan Xian to intervene.

Fan Xian was left with two options: first, keep a close eye on the Second Prince and be ready to bring him down at any moment while dragging down Li Hongcheng at the same time; requesting that the marriage be annulled when that happened just might work. Second, starting with Ruoruo, make an offer of interest not even the emperor could ignore and have Ruoruo leave Jingdu for a time.

With his first option, there was no knowing how much chaos it would cause. As for the second option, it seemed so insubstantial not even Fan Xian felt confident.

"As they say, 'a general's success came from the deaths of thousands'; must I cause the deaths of thousands to break apart this marriage?"

Fan Xian laughed at himself. If unsuccessful, he could merely trouble Uncle Wu Zhu to bring Ruoruo to wander the world. On the other hand, His Majesty shouldn't execute the entire Fan household over this matter.