
Chapter 274: The Lashings

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The repeated pounding of stone echoed across the vast palace, as Lai Mingcheng struck the ground with his bloodied forehead upon each vigorous kowtow.

The Emperor looked at him with dismay, and gestured for the guards to take him away. Then, he turned to Fan Xian and said, "Commissioner Fan, as an officer of the Overwatch Council, your privileges exceed those of many. It is because of this that you need to exercise greater caution with all your dealings, no matter the size or gravity they would possess. Do not embarrass me again."

It had been difficult for the Emperor to think of a method that would resolve these issues harmoniously, but this seemed to be as good as it was going to get. Before Fan Xian could speak once more, the Emperor quickly waved his hand, which called upon a eunuch to declare that the court proceedings had come to an end.

Fan Xian sighed, knowing that he had put a strain on his favor with the Emperor, and that perhaps the man in question wasn't so keen on protecting him as much as he had assumed.

Inside, Fan Xian felt rather unsatisfied, despite how every other officer thought the Emperor had stuck his neck out for him far too much already. Before the officers took leave of the Taiji Palace, they each expressed their regards to Fan Xian and as they did so, it seemed as if the Imperial Censorate had fallen out of favor with each and every chancellor there.

Fan Xian was left bearing a wry smile. As Fan Xian took leave himself, he espied his father across the plaza, walking with a hunched back. Fan Xian ran over to his side, as nearby officers complimented the view of such a loving father and son together at work in the palace.

Minister Fan felt a grip upon his shoulder and when he looked to his side, he saw his son offering support. He sighed and then he too showed a wry smile. He said, "An Zhi, why can you not stay out of trouble?"

Fan Xian felt as if he had been wronged when hearing his father's words, but then he thought to himself, "Who would have thought Xinyang would have kept us within their sights all this time?"

When they reached the gate of the palace, a eunuch softly approached them both and relayed to Fan Xian an order from the Emperor. Hastily, the eunuch brought Fan Xian all the way across the palace once more. Minister Fan looked on in bewilderment and watched him as he went. He thought to himself that even though his son had always donned the appearance of someone who would be accounted for as calm and serious, he could tell from his running posterior that the facade was wearing thin and that he didn't look serious one bit. Juxtaposed with the current solemn atmosphere of the palace, it didn't quite seem appropriate.

Colleagues approached Minister Fan from behind and so he dropped his train of thought and concerned expression to present them with a smile. Together, they all exited the palace. The rain had already stopped, but the area had yet to dry up. The officers of the Imperial Censorate were still down upon their knees in front of the palace's gate, soaked to the bone. It wasn't long before Officer Lai exited the court, as well, and his face was one of tremendous scorn. He approached his men, kneeled and then placed his hat across the left side of his chest.

After seeing Officer Lai's actions, the men of the Imperial Censorate knew that this ordeal was not yet over. Shu the Scholar approached to comfort them, but it was to no avail, and feeling the futility of his concerns, he shook his head and promptly walked away. The rest of the officers, however, were already rushing back towards their carriages. They knew it was only a matter of time before things got worse, so they thought it best to stay away.

Only Minister Fan did not rush, and he called for his servant to retrieve umbrellas for each of the Imperial Censorate's officer's that continued to kneel on the stone floor, in the event that it began raining once again.

Fan Xian, led by a young eunuch, had jogged by many buildings and walls to reach the palace's study. The young eunuch was gasping for air by the time they arrived, but through the use of his zhenqi, Fan Xian managed to maintain his total composure.

He was a little nervous when entering the Emperor's private study, for he did not know what to expect. Following the instructions of the young eunuch, he gingerly stood beside the Emperor's sofa. After a while, the curtains at the back of the room rippled, and from behind them came the Emperor who was dressed in his ordinary regalia. He looked at Fan Xian and gestured with his hand to excuse the regular formalities of bowing and the like.

Fan Xian did as he was told and merely accepted the stool that was offered to him by the young eunuch.

The study was much quieter on this day than the other day. Only the Emperor and Fan Xian were now present, and a peculiar awkwardness permeated the air. Fan Xian feigned an amiable appearance, but his heart was more than a little unsure. Conjecture was conjecture, and no matter how much Chen Pingping had taught him, or how much of his own experience would aid him, no amount of conjecture could predict the way a meeting such as this could unfold.

When Fan Xian thought the Emperor was prepared to put on the guise of a loving father, what the Emperor said broke all of his expectations.

"Fan Xian, you don't lack money. Why do you yearn for more?" The Emperor was not fanciful with his words; they were spoken plainly, guided by his cold stare towards Fan Xian.

A droplet of cold sweat took leave of Fan Xian's forehead. He knew he had been a little prying in the past, and he was starting to believe that the Emperor was aware that he had accepted money from the Liu family. He thought it impossible to lie and hide something so grave from the Emperor, so he stood up and told him, "My Lord, because I am the chief of the Overwatch Council's First Bureau, I need to receive such money."

"Oh?" The Emperor expressed curiosity towards what Fan Xian was planning on telling him.

"If you really want to investigate officers, you must first blend in with them. In the past, the Overwatch Council's First Council was like water," Fan Xian began, "unable to integrate with oil. Even though we have this large spy network, and the power to investigate freely, it can often be like the search for a flower in thick fog; it can't be seen clearly. And in regards to the corruption whose source flows from somewhere upstream, higher-up in the government, it cannot be something that is seen from the outside." Then Fan Xian carefully told him, "If you want a thorough investigation to be conducted, I will have to become one of them."

With a wry smile, Fan Xian kept going, "As you know, I am from Danzhou." When he said this, he looked down, but he could feel the Emperor react to these words ever so lightly.

"When I first entered the capital, hailing from Danzhou, things were considerably different from the get-go. I was just a nobody, but now here I am, in charge of such an important position within the Overwatch Council. My nervousness aside, I always felt as if there was a barrier that prevented my assimilation with the other officers in the government."

The Emperor acknowledged what Fan Xian was trying to tell him before he had finished, and so he coldly told him, "If you are a crane, even if you dye yourself black, you will not fool the crows. I believe that this practice of yours is childish, but as long as you are loyal to the kingdom, no one will prevent you from doing this. But do not forget what befell Zhu Ge. He was a fellow who had the same ambitions as you, but he fell in too deep and could not return."

Fan Xian knew that the Emperor was repeatedly urging him to become an officer devoid of allies. Although he did not say it, he disagreed with the Emperor; so instead, he laughed and said, "My Lord, but just this morning someone was attempting to put me in a rough spot…"

The young eunuch who stood silently in the room was shocked at these words, believing them to be highly inappropriate. He thought to himself that Fan Xian was an arrogant person and that despite the Emperor's adoration for him, such a statement could still induce his fury. Even the prince was one to speak with great fear before the Emperor, so what spurred Fan Xian to talk in such a manner?

Against the eunuch's quiet assumptions, the Emperor smiled to Fan Xian and said, "I wanted to clear your name, but this was between you and your father, and I did not want to get involved."

Fan Xian himself was surprised, learning that the Emperor was aware that the Imperial Censorate was connected with Xinyang. But why would he suppress Fan Xian's desire to resolve this entire situation? Fan Xian thought it was unfair of him and just as he was about to act pitifully towards the Emperor, he saw him rubbing his forehead. The Emperor then spoke, "Come. There is a portrait that I very much wish to show you."

Fan Xian's mind raced with a thousand ideas as for what this portrait could possibly signify. He thought of what Chen Pingping had once said; that the last remaining portrait of Fan Xian's mother resided in the palace.

At that moment, someone pushed the door of the study room open; it was Eunuch Hou. Eunuch Hou was close with Fan Xian, but he ran inside in a rush. He hurried to the Emperor's side and whispered something. Unbeknownst to the others present, Fan Xian still possessed his tremendous hearing abilities, and so he overheard what was said perfectly clear. At what was said, even Fan Xian was brought to shock, believing that the officers of the Imperial Censorate had most certainly gone too far this time.

The Emperor's face sunk and as he looked at Fan Xian, he said, "Kneeling in front of the palace and removing their hats? They are accusing me of being a moronic emperor! If this is what they believe, then I will show them. Deliver them this message; the Imperial Censorate is framing other officers for crimes they have not committed, targeting other councils with ruin and not adhering to the tasks they were established to perform. In response to their incessant disobedience, I declare that they each receive thirty lashings!"

This was Fan Xian's first time seeing the Emperor erupt into such a hurricane of fury and after hearing this, a chill ran down his spine. "Thirty lashings? Such a punishment would rob them of half their life."

The fact of the matter was that this was all bad timing on the Imperial Censorate's behalf. The Emperor was interrupted just as he was about to reveal to Fan Xian a portrait of grand importance. This was unforgivable.

Near the palace's exit, there was a small stream which had to be crossed by a stone bridge. On the wet pavement of the plaza, each officer was stripped of their clothing and the commencement of their brutal punishment was to begin. The cracking of the whip was like thunder, and each time it came down and was lifted up, blood was cast into the air.

The other officers, as soon as they heard the news, returned to the palace with great haste. After seeing the brutality on display, they attempted to convince the Emperor to refrain from committing this deed and halt the violence. When they looked upon Fan Xian, who was there watching, their eyes possessed great fear. After what had occurred this day, even if it was the Imperial Censorate's officers that started it, the Emperor had brought back a disciplinary technique that had not been seen for many years. It was then that they realized how important Fan Xian was to the Emperor.

Fan Xian stood beside Eunuch Hou, and with every crack of the whip, his eyes squinted. Even though he felt no remorse, he made sure to feign some manner of pity toward the old men. He then said, "Eunuch Hou, tell them not to strike with such force."

Eunuch Hou said, "Fan Xian, you have a good heart, but you already told me this earlier. It may look extremely ruthless, but fret not, they are not causing any internal damage."

Fan Xian looked down toward the ground and as he did so he noticed that the eunuch's toes were spread apart widely. He knew this was in fact the secret signal for hitting them harder. He quietly sighed and decided not think of it any further.

Not far from them both, the Imperial Censor of the Left, who was spared punishment by the Emperor, looked on with a pale face. He was sitting on the floor, forced to watch, and seeing his subordinates treated in such a manner was like a slap to the face. The servants that Fan Xian's father had sent still held their umbrellas. They felt tremendous pity for each of them, and even for the Imperial Censor of the Left, who was sat there, speechless, lost-in-thought.

Fan Xian walked towards them and waved to tell the servants that they could leave and return home. And then, in a lamentable tone, he spoke to Officer Lai. "Why did you get yourself involved with all of this?"

Officer Lai was unsure of how much Fan Xian actually knew, and so just continued to sit there in silence, as if he were petrified.

Fan Xian sighed and begged Eunuch Hou to call off the lashings. With no result, he then ran back to the palace and asked the same of the Emperor. His desire for halting the punishments was not due to the sight of blood, nor because he didn't want those who had targeted him to be disciplined; it was to save face before all the officers who might now view Fan Xian as a vicious man.

Fan Xian was running toward the palace and in his heart, he thought, "You old man, trying to use this beating as a way to isolate me from all the other officers. I will not stand for this! I worked hard to get where I am these past two years. I can't lose it all over a few pointless lashes!"

Chapter 275: The Bright Fist in the Dark

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Inside the carriage, it was all dark. The young man raised a smile on his lips, but it wasn't a natural one. It was forced, and it gave the impression that he was trying not to look too deliberate with his expression. It was not right for some men to carry a look of timidity. The end of his eyebrows spread like the strokes upon the paintings in Qing Temple. It gave off an old-fashioned and earnest expression.

"I don't understand." The young man's smile was one of a person who looked troubled. "I don't understand a lot of things, like why he had to investigate me in the first place. Does he not know that I truly admire him?"

His fingers slightly rubbed the inside of a perfume bag that was tied to his waist. He brought his hand up to waft the smell of lilac and allow it to permeate the atmosphere of the carriage. He lightly put his head against the soft wooden wall and with eyes half closed said, "Is it normal for me to admire him? Father was used to an immediate life; why does he think of him as such an important person?"

No one dared to reply to his words for no one possessed the capacity to formulate a response that would put the young man at ease. And so, the young man remained trapped in the vortex of his wild imagination.



The shy smile began to dissipate from his face. He placed his fingers into his perfume bag once more and brought his finger back up to his nose and sniffed vigorously. He wanted to inhale and gorge himself on every fragrant trace that remained on his hand.

"This is not right."

"But it isn't working." The young man sighed and turned around to look at the grapes beside him. He grabbed a hold of the stalk and emotionlessly threw them out of the carriage. "Father loves him far too much."

"More than he loves me."

He looked to be neurotic. He gave a twisted smile, thinking about the crown prince in the palace and thinking about his aunt in Xinyang. He waved his hand and spoke to the officers that were groveling before him and said, "Seek peace."

The Imperial Censor He Zongwei did not participate in this mission. He was surprised at the act and just raised his head. He took notice of the second prince's eyes, ones which looked to be tired, and did not say a word.

The Imperial Censorate's censors were beaten up badly, and they were remarkably bloodied. This event had become the latest hot topic in the capital. The official newspaper that had been released from the palace, however, only made light reference to what had transpired. The newspapers that were released from other publications, though, made thorough descriptions, accounts, and explanations of the affair.

Everyone knew that the Emperor was attempting to display the power of the Overwatch Council to the world through this incident. But what was made even more obvious to all was his affection and protection for the young man named Fan Xian.

This young man had taken a seat in the royal study room, and he had a position of importance in the Overwatch Council. When the Censorate wanted to frame him, they ended up getting lashed by the Emperor. "Fan Xian"; this name was already shining brightly, but now, alongside that brightness, encroached a touch of dark. This dark aura that now skirted the man's name put fear into the hearts of other officers.

On the day when the censors were lashed, there were rumors of the young Commissioner kneeling before the royal study chamber, pleading that the Emperor halt his punishment of the censors. The reason why the censors were allowed to live was because of Fan Xian's mercy and forgiveness of the deeds they had attempted to do upon him. The person who oversaw the punishment was Eunuch Hou. A statement given by this man explained that the reason why the censors were not killed after three lashes was because Fan Xian requested that they not beat the men so harshly.

Fan Xian did not use this entire event as leverage for the Imperial Censorate to owe him a favor, either. Following the ordeal, he remained tight-lipped about the whole event and made no further reference to that day. This attitude worked out in his favor, garnering him more support and preferential outlooks upon his character; after all, he managed to keep the censors alive. For the officers and students who had already supported the young man, it reassured them regarding why they initially placed their faith and trust in him. It worked to remind them of why they bet on the horse that they did.

In the Qing Kingdom, people always thought that the Overwatch Council was just a puppet of the Emperor. Until this happened—perhaps it was because Fan Xian's name was one of such renown—people began to learn that there was a secret, dark operation lurking behind the scenes. At least the impression of the First Bureau was beginning to change. It was not possible for things to remain black and white, with a clear-cut separation of good and bad. There was a morally ambiguous realm residing between the two.

This "grey" zone was where the Overwatch Council resided.

The royal flower-viewing excursion was in a few days. Fan Xian was half-bending his head, sitting in the yard of his house. He was contemplating several things; he wondered what Wan'er was in the process of stitching; he also wondered what Fan Sizhe had been doing to keep himself occupied lately. He even wondered whether or not the second prince, to whom he was much acquainted and in certain ways alike with, still had a smile on his face.

When Fan Xian thought of this, a foreboding sense of unease enveloped his temperament. Shy? Naive? This was Fan Xian's personality. All of a sudden, he had found out that someone of a much higher class and position of nobility had many of the same traits and qualities as him, and it was because of this that his mind was slightly disturbed.

"Sir?" Teng Zijing asked politely. "I did what you requested of me. Miss Shen has already moved in."

Fan Xian nodded in correspondence and replied, "How was she? Has she been acting strangely these past few days?"

Teng Zijing answered, "Aside for the fact that she has been slightly low-spirited, I would not surmise that her acts and ways have been odd of late."

Fan Xian nodded once more. He closed his eyes and told him, "Help me extend an invitation. I would like you to invite the Eldest Lord of the Yan family to come over and have dinner."

"Should I inform your father?" Teng Zijing looked at him whilst asking.

Fan Xian smiled and said, "Of course. If Lord Father knows, then he can come and have dinner with Yan Ruohai as well. This will make him very happy."

Teng Zijing agreed and then informed Fan Xian, "A fellow, the Imperial Censor He Zongwei, visited the manor once more. Do you still not want to meet with him?"

Fan Xian opened his eyes, but a read of them could not be gleaned. He knew this man, He Zongwei, for when Fan Xian first entered the capital, they were both keen to interact with each other in the Yishi Tavern. Back then, that scholar was still allied with Guo Baokun, who was the only son of Guo Youzhi, the Director of the Board of Rites. He would not let the opportunity to engage with Fan Xian slip away lightly. Fan Xian thought of him as a scholar with a passion for power; a curious combination.

In regards to how he had become an Imperial Censor, Fan Xian was well aware of how this came to be. He also knew that this person had come to visit each day for the fast few days, and he knew that he was visiting the manor in representation of a matter pertaining to the princes. Because Fan Xian himself avoided Li Hongcheng, he thought that it was inevitable for the second prince to be annoyed about it.

"I'll meet with him."

Fan Xian waved his hand and took to his feet. The stuff he had prepared in the council was almost ready. To meet with this man and present his thoughts on matters was not the worst thing to do.

Fan Xian had been walking the length of the yard for half the day and even he began feeling slightly annoyed. He walked to the front of the residence, thinking of the night that he returned from the northern Qi Kingdom. He asked himself, "How could I have run so fast?" It was quite possible it all came about through the belief that his sister may have run off and his wife had cheated on him.

To think of such things, he could almost feel the path that winded through the rocks and trees lessen to hasten his passage. He ran to the study near the front residence and acknowledged that the Imperial Censor He Zongwei was already sitting inside.

Seeing Fan Xian arrive, He Zongwei quickly stood up and performed a gracious bow before him. He said, "Greetings, Mister Fan."

Fan Xian waved his hand and said, "It's not as if this is the first time we have met. There is no need for such a display of grace."

This was true. During spring of last year, He Zongwei frequently visited Fan Manor. Perhaps he wanted to do as the Fan family did? Regardless, he did not expect Fan Xian to be so wise as to think of this so quickly. Besides, Fan Xian wasn't too keen on the man due to the fact he often concealed his emotions and true thoughts on certain subjects. It was because of this that he hastily drew a line between them, and did not interact with him much at all.

Having come here a few times already only to be greeted by no one, He Zongwei was aware of the fact that he wasn't entirely welcome or looked upon fondly. But this famous scholar of the capital knew all about the Fan family.

He Zongwei knew that there were no others present in the study he was currently occupying and so, without reprieve or hesitation, he bluntly said, "I came here due to what has come to pass."

"That which has come to pass?" Fan Xian said this sentence and closed his mouth. He raised his eyebrow to look at He Zongwei with a face of interest. But he also waved his hand to prevent further discussion.

He Zongwei's face was tanned. One could see that he was born into a poor family and had spent much of his youth in impoverished conditions. Nowadays, however, it seemed as if his working in the capital and its government over the past few years had given him the appearance of someone most trustworthy. The way he held himself was very much like the scholar he was, as well; someone filled with vehement pride.

His eyes were his most striking physical trait, for they were curiously bright. They complimented his face, which was positioned in a way that silently spoke of him as a person who was truly righteous. It made those who looked upon him feel he would be difficult to get along with. This was an aspect of his character that Fan Xian despised.

"What are you talking about?" Fan Xian squinted when asking this, and he further continued to say, "I do not understand what you're referencing."

He Zongwei was the mouth of the second prince. He smiled, and his dark face highlighted the brightness of his teeth all the more, making his smile one that few could miss. He proceeded to tell Fan Xian, "It was nothing. I made a mistake. I have only come here to deliver a box of tremendous tea leaves; leaves that hail from the Yunwu Mountains. They are courtesy of the second prince."

Fan Xian looked at the unadorned box that had been presented to him, and he fell into a silent trance. He knew that if he were to accept this gift, the odds that had arisen between them would be settled. From the second prince's point-of-view, Fan Xian had not lost anything; instead, he had earned a major boost to his reputation. So, the second prince thought that he would accept the tea and agree to let things go.

"When you misspoke just now, I thought of something." Fan Xian smiled at He Zongwei.

He Zongwei's heart was the recipient of a sudden chill, as he thought of young and handsome Mister Fan. This young man had only recently entered the capital and already he had stolen his thunder as a scholar. How could he have the same expression as the second prince?

"What event are you referring to?" He Zongwei's heart was now trembling with nerves.

Fan Xian looked at him coldly and said, "I left the capital in the spring and travelled to the northern Qi Kingdom. I did not expect that, within a few months, things were to change so drastically within the capital. Even my father-in-law was forced to retire during my absence." He Zongwei's tongue was bitter. He could not formulate a response - that which he had feared the most had now at last happened.

Fan Xian quietly proceeded to speak, "I suppose you know who Wu Bo'an is?"

He Zongwei replied, "He is an advisor of the prime minister."

Fan Xian raised his eyebrows and continued. "Do you recall earlier in the spring of this year that you entered the capital with Wu Bo'an's wife? It's the funniest thing; I cannot for the life of me recall where she has since gone."

He Zongwei gritted his teeth, stood up, bowed, and told him, "Sir Fan, I was too upset about the death in the Guo family. It was because of this that I recklessly brought Wu's wife into the capital. I confess that there is indeed a connection between me and the prime minister's retirement, but this was a matter that involved Qing's law. I did not dare to hide. For this, I can only hope that you forgive me." In his heart, he did not expect Fan Xian to let him off the hook so lightly. But due to his allegiance with the second prince, it gave him the wind to speak. "You can hate and despise me however you wish, but the words and sentiments of the second prince are sincere and true. It is my solemn desire, at this moment, that you do not turn down this gracious gift of his."

Fan Xian looked upon the man before him and lightly said, "I am an officer of the government; I am not inclined to picking on anybody. But as anyone else surely does, I keep accord of those that do me wrong out of spite."

He Zongwei's looked at him with a glint of hatred. He now realized the futility of the parley he had come to engage in with Fan Xian. He thought that although the retirement of the prime minister did have something to do with him, he was just an officer of the Qing Kingdom. It was not at all strange for people to go behind someone's back, and it was not as if Fan Xian and the prime minister were not inclined to use such tricks, either. As he thought about this, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Fan Xian looked upon him with a face of utter disgust and, all of a sudden, did something most out of character for a man of his status. He walked forward and, with a raised foot, kicked He Zongwei in the stomach.

A grand thud shattered the silence, and quite embarrassingly, He Zongwei fell to the floor like a sack of potatos.

This scholar was a rather famous man in the capital, and a member of the Imperial Censorate. He madly brought himself to his feet and yelled, "You-you-you dare strike me!?"

Fan Xian was clenching his fists and said, "Yes, I am going to beat you up. You asked for it. You came into my manor and politely asked for it. Who am I not to oblige your request?" Then, Fan Xian proceeded to throw He Zongwei a few punches. Even though Fan Xian did not dare to beat the man to death, he most certainly resolved to paint his face a wide array of colors.

He Zongwei did not dare stay in the manor any longer. He held his head in pain and remembered that Fan Xian was infamous as being the "Brute of Fan Manor". So, quickly, he ran to the door as fast as he could, tripping and tumbling over himself as he went. Just as he was about to exit, Fan Xian's foot personally escorted him through the door with a tremendously powerful kick. The tea and its leaves followed like a flurry of darts.

Fan Xian, seeing the embarrassing and clumsy figure of the censor, felt quite a bit better. He lowered his voice and said, "You deceive and disgrace my father-in-law, only to think that you can come here and establish peace with a few tea leaves? If you were not asking to get beaten up, why did you possibly come here?"

Teng Zijing popped his head around the corner and with a wry smile said, "Sir, if word of what has just occurred here was to spread, your father would be most displeased!"

Fan Xian shrugged and responded, "I'm just beating up a dog that won't bite; delivering a message to his master."

A few months ago, while Fan Xian was still within the envoy travelling north, he received a newspaper from the Overwatch Council. It was about the prime minister, his father-in-law, and it detailed the progress of his retirement. Through the assistance of the old man Xiao En, the judgment provided over this incident had proven most accurate.

Wu Bo'an was an advisor to the prime minister placed there by the eldest princess. Last summer, he requested the assistance of the second lord of the Lin family and several agents of the northern Qi Kingdom to assassinate Fan Xian on Niulan Street. The assailants that attempted to do this ended up dead. It was because of this that Wu Bo'an's son was tortured by the subordinates of the prime minister in Shandong. Fan Xian was still not aware that it was Yuan Hongdao, Chen Pingping's most covert agent, who did it.

Wu Bo'an's wife was arranged to enter the capital by Xinyang. Quite cleverly, she had to pass through He Zongwei, who put her up in the old residence of an aged Imperial Censor. There, she begged the Emperor for a trial.

The truth of the incident which saw the prime minister evicted from his position was a senseless murder.

On the streets of the capital, a hitman attempted to murder Wu Bo'an's wife. It seemed as if a subordinate of the prime minister sought to silence her, but quite strangely, she was saved by the second prince and crown prince Jing.

This entire ordeal was dragged into the palace, and so the Prime Minister Lin Ruofu made a secret negotiation that allowed him to depart the capital.

Fan Xian began to grow suspicious, contemplating the roles that the second prince and crown prince Jing played in the entire incident. He had done so ever since he read that newspaper. The day he read it was also the day that he started to ponder the second prince's relation to the eldest princess in Xinyang.

Every time he saw Da Bao, Fan Xian could not help but think about his father-in-law, who had no choice but to return to his hometown. This had nothing to do with the politics of the country; it was a personal rivalry between Fan Xian and the second prince. And on this topic, Fan Xian would have further ideas to formulate. He was the son-in-law of the man who was wronged and, for this, Fan Xian would ensure a just retaliation was served.

Fan Xian rubbed his knuckles, and flexed the bones and ligaments of his fingers. Almost immediately, he felt much better. He turned around and returned to the back of the residence. As he was walking, he spoke to Teng Zijing. "Do not mention my actions to father. That He Zongwei will probably be too embarrassed by what happened to spread word of what happened, anyway."

Fan Xian arrived at the back of the residence where Wan'er was still deeply engaged with her stitchwork. He looked at his wife, smiled, and walked toward her.

Of the incident that had just occurred with He Zongwei, it was true that he would have been too ashamed of his beating to tell anyone else about it. It was not something that he would be able to hide from the second prince, however. After hearing of his deeds, the second prince struggled to wrap his head around how Fan Xian could continue to display such arrogance. There was a time when the second prince began to feel as if he had no power or sway in the government, but after receiving aid from the eldest princess in Xinyang, he was able to gain many trusted allies to change that. It was because of this that he viewed Fan Xian as a person of little importance.

Now that he had had the time to think about it, Fan Xian was merely a scholar with brains. Since when did he become such an unreasonable officer? Can one's association with an organization such as the Overwatch Council have such a profound effect on one's character?

The second prince assumed that Fan Xian's lashing out at He Zongwei was merely a release of pent-up, accumulated anger. With him behaving the way he was, the second prince wasn't quite willing to go visit Fan Xian any time soon. But, the beating must have at least worked to lessen his rage by some degree. Following these thoughts, his mind worried the matter a touch less, and so the second prince simply took to writing a letter to Xinyang.

In the beautiful palace in Xinyang, a gorgeous tree of immense age was now losing leaves and twigs to the autumn breeze. The golden leaves landed to decorate a dove-white tent. From inside, a hand reached out and into the air to gently catch a falling leaf. The veins on the hand did not look rough, for they were hidden beneath skin like pale jade. Like the concentrated beauty of a gemstone itself, it was beautiful to behold.

The eldest princess Li Yunrui, who had been away from the capital for over a year, yawned like a teenage girl. She let the leaf go, and allowed it to continue its descent to the ground. She raised her arm to support her jaw and with a roll of her eyes said, "What do you think, Mister Yuan?"

Yuan Hongdao, the man who sold out the Prime Minister Lin Ruofu, had now joined Xinyang. His face was one deprived of emotion, but a certain glint in his eyes revealed that he was afraid. He replied, "Even though the second prince is a member of the royal family, he continues to underestimate his enemy."

The eldest princess laughed and said, "This Fan Xian is just a young man. For you to call him an enemy is a title that far exceeds his worth."

Yuan Hongdao wore a wry smile and he said, "He is no ordinary man. The incidents of the northern Qi Kingdom, although they may not have unfolded the way he wanted - something that could be said about the plans of your own - Fan Xian was involved with it all, but remained clear, clean, and out of sight throughout it all. He even manipulated the northern Qi Kingdom's emperor to secretly assassinate Shen Zhong. For a character with a list of achievements like this, none can say he is reckless or foolhardy. He's even the greatest poet this generation has ever seen. With a personality such as that, I can only fear that his heart views situations and scenarios from different perspectives than most people can comprehend."

The eldest princess sighed. She raised herself up from her bed, and the elegant noble clothing she was garbed in revealed a large portion of her back. The skin was so pale and delicate, it was like a swan.

"This man... Let us not forget that he did not save Xiao En. And before everything was over, he got Shen Zhong killed. The Cui family are over here each and every day complaining. The northern Qi Kingdom's Discipline Commission provost position is still yet to be filled. The Brocade Guard could never dare to lead, and they have even blocked the routes of their shipments."

The eldest princess' trusted aide, Huang Yi, who had been quietly observing the eldest princess and her conversation with Yuan Hongdao, now spoke. He politely told her, "We are trying to discuss it with the empress dowager of the northern Qi Kingdom. But the northern Qi Kingdom's emperor is far too stubborn to pay heed. He has prevented the dowager from giving the position of provost to Marquis Ning."

The eldest princess laughed coldly and remarked, "That old hag in the northern Qi Kingdom is such a fool! Can't she just choose someone trusted and who is not conspicuous? She has to make her brother become some sort of spy leader? What? Does she think her son is stupid?"

Yuan Hongdao was near, and made sure to remind her by saying, "Let us not discuss the affairs of the northern Qi Kingdom. For now, we don't know what's going on in our own capital."

Huang Yi was not keen on Yuan Hongdao, because he had only just recently arrived at Xinyang, but the eldest princess favored him and placed much faith in him. He suppressed his jealousy to say, "After a few minor incidents in the capital, things will calm down pretty soon. I don't think the Emperor wants the leader of the Overwatch Council, the one whom he picked himself, to fight and go up against his son."

Yuan Hongdao coldly laughed and commented, "I am unsure of what the Emperor is thinking, but I know for a fact that this 'Fan Xian' is not a person who is likely to concede. This time the Imperial Censorate attempt to frame him was a simple way to refresh his memory and allow him to recall that there are some things he is unable to touch. Who would have expected the Emperor would be so kind to him?"

Huang Yi had to look into his face to say, "Is Fan Xian going to keep going on about this?"

The eldest princess smiled and spoke, "Mister Yuan does have a point. I should not have been as hasty as I was to try to get the Imperial Censorate to clamp down on him. Ugh, this guy is just so stubborn!" She held her mouth and forced a smile and laugh before continuing to say, "Huang Yi, didn't you say that this son-in-law of mine loves to create trouble? Fan Jian, that old man, gave Fan Xian the courtesy name An Zhi. And now that I think about it, it makes sense. He knows that my son-in-law is unable to remain quiet." [1]

She held her mouth again and laughed once more. It was quite the pretty scene to catch in this palace. Her eyes looked to be vivid and full of life, and her eyebrows were most attractive. They were painted like the raindrops of autumn, moisturizing every room she entered. Huang Yi, seeing this beauty, froze. He could formulate no response. It even caused Yuan Hongdao to be lost in the space between atoms.

"I can only surmise that this good son-in-law of mine will bite the second prince once more," the eldest princess smiled and continued. "Write a letter. Write one up and implore that the second prince makes peace with Fan Xian. No matter how much pride he has to swallow, no matter how bad it must feel… Make peace."

Although the prettiest woman in the Qing Kingdom spoke softly, the power beneath the surface was something none could judge. Huang Yi wanted to say something, but he held his tongue and merely shook his head.

The eldest princess had another sweet smile and she said, "My mother sent me a letter, saying that I should be in the capital's palace for the New Year. When I return there, just you watch. I will play this game that my son-in-law so very much loves."

The capital was in the embrace of another night of autumn. The First Bureau's agents were put into motion.

The Director of the Imperial Observatory was a position that was most tame, but on a special occasion, such as when a star was spotted to be falling, or a lunar eclipse, he had to report to the Emperor. His explanations of such events were paid great heed to and the consequences could be grave.

He was allied with the second prince, but it was not yet his time to prove his usefulness. And already, he had been bitten by the infamous black dog of the Qing Kingdom.

A chorus of whooshing sounds echoed down the lane. A dozen men, all clad in black, looked like demons overtaking the streets. They leapt straight into the manor of the Director of the Imperial Observatory and, before the guards could react, their master was tied up.

They did not depart, however. They then lit up torches in the middle of the manor's yard.

With them now illuminated under this bright light in the yard, the heavily armored guards did not dare to fight the men who were clothed in black.

Wearing pitch black clothing, Mu Tie was leading the team himself. He coldly looked back at the director's family and the others who had come to observe. He said, "The Overwatch Council is working here."

After this, the officers from the First Bureau dragged the Director of the Imperial Observatory out from his manor and shoved him into a carriage. Not long later, it disappeared, becoming one with the shadows of the night. Crying sounds could be heard from the manor as the torches extinguished.

[1] In Chinese, Fan Xian's courtesy name An Zhi can be taken to mean "silence him".

Chapter 276: The Youths Inside and Outside the Palace

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was autumn in the fifth year of the Qing calendar. The young eunuch Hong Zhu was holding onto a thick collection of documents. Struggling with the amount, his back hunched, he ran into the room of the western corner. His little feet dashed along the puddles of the soaked floor with no hesitation. The length of his robe had already been lifted and tied higher for greater mobility and to reduce the chance of tripping. His right hand atop the documents, he used the wide sleeves to umbrella the parchments he was delivering, for he was afraid that the grey skies could at any moment part and make way for another downpour.

He stepped through the door and handed over his regulation papers, and then performed a register check with the other eunuchs that had gathered there. Hong Zhu was relaxed and after carefully signing the documents, gave them over, too.

The office of the palace secretary was an important location that dealt with matters of a great deal, including the affairs of state. In comparison to the past, the office had grown in its relevance and significance. This is because there was no longer a prime minister to lead the six departments. The validity and acceptance of all decrees authored by the departments had to go through the prime minister before they went to the palace, but Lin Ruofu had already retired and returned to his hometown. The position of the office of the palace secretaryhad now garnered a lot of attention and the Emperor had invited many people there to work. The Emperor had called upon the presence of many chancellors there and put the location for their discussions outside the gate of the palace, where it would be easier for them to communicate.

Those who were now in charge of important matters of the imperial court, the palace secretaries, were a few senior chancellors and Shu the Scholar.

A chill wind blew across the plaza of the palace. Hong Zhu rubbed his hands together as he yawned where he stood, outside the door. He was there waiting for a few old men to stamp and return his documents. He could not yet leave, so he just stood there solemnly outside the door. His ears perked to the sounds coming from inside.

Sometimes, the occasional officer walked past him. Whenever they did, they politely nodded to him. Remembering his status, Hong Zhu would quickly return with a salute. No one thought it strange that Hong Zhu was standing outside the office of the palace secretary, for everyone was aware of his position.

Occasionally, the palace would send out a eunuch to come over and watch him. They were all polite and bowed before him greatly. They invited him to a room to stay warm. Hong Zhu didn't show much appreciation or polite mannerisms to these younger eunuchs; he would just nod their way, disregard their suggestions, and remain outside.

He was only 16, but he held quite the position in the palace. The reason why was because the job he was appointed to complete each and every day in the palace was important. But the most important reason was because his surname was Hong. As such, a rumor occasionally circulated about him possibly being a relative of Old Eunuch Hong.

Hong Zhu touched the pimple on his lip once more and felt annoyed. In the past few days, the Overwatch Council had captured many people and because of this the officers were ceaselessly drafting new decrees. The palace secretary was growing increasingly noisier, as well. With more documents to deliver, he had been running up and down the palace all day. The toxins of his pimple had become too much and as he stood there, it popped. He was thinking that after he returned to the palace that evening, he would have to ask the kitchen staff to prepare for him some herbal tea.

The discussion inside the room was not that loud, but he could still hear what was being spoken.

"This is a task best appointed to the Overwatch Council. The Emperor has declined to oblige the decrees and has had them sent back; what is that supposed to mean?"

"Perhaps…" Following a pause, the voice picked up again. "Has the Emperor been of the mind to believe Fan Xian's actions of late have been a bit excessive?"

An older chancellor with an angry voice harshly responded with, "It is more than excessive! Fan Xian is using his own power to beat down those that disagree with him. In but ten days, he captured five chancellors. He had his officers sneak into their manors at the dead of night to take them as they slumbered. This is not the behavior of the Overwatch Council; these are the brutish actions of a bunch of thugs with authority."

A voice that vehemently disagreed with what was spoken now interrupted. "Fan Xian is no sly, sniveling dog; he does things plainly for all to see. He does not hide things. These five officers were captured and a trial found them guilty of their charges the very next day. This was not done in secret, for a bulletin was posted in front of the Supreme Court, explaining the proceedings that had transpired. Any and all civilians were able to come and learn of these events. What Mister Yan said is far too much. The First Bureau of the Overwatch Council was authored to unearth corrupt officials; what does that have to do with him attacking those who disagree with him? Those five chancellors were not doing their job as was originally bidden, and it was because of this they were found out, captured, and subsequently charged."

Old Chancellor Yan replied angrily, "Oh, you disagree that he does not beat down those who aren't in favor of his ways? Then how come following the events of the Imperial Censorate's attempt at framing him, there has been so much additional movement from the Overwatch Council?"

His interlocutor coldly laughed, and then said, "If this was about revenge, then how come he has kept clear of the Imperial Censorate? They are the ones who were responsible."

"It is because the Emperor is smart, and he has forbidden the Overwatch Council from having any interaction with them."

The man laughed coldly and replied with greater intelligence, "Then may I ask you of the connection between the Imperial Censorate and the Imperial Observatory? Can you explain to me why Fan Xian would go after the old goat who leads the Imperial Observatory?"

The Minister of Personnel, Yan Hangshu, was made speechless. It was a while before he responded, but when he did, he coldly said, "Whatever the case may be, we cannot allow the Overwatch Council to expand their influence as they have currently been doing. If their capturing spree continues, there will be no officers left!"

Mockingly, his debating foe responded, "Do not worry. The Overwatch Council lacks the authority to go after officers above rank three." These words weren't entirely comforting, for it was a veiled jab at Yan. He was insinuating that the Minister of Personnel would not become a target, even though he was corrupt. His fear of the Overwatch Council potentially coming for him was undoubtedly what incited his wrath.

The anger in Yan Hangshu now had his voice elevated to the level of a blaring trumpet. Even Hong Zhu, who stood outside, could hear him. "This is ridiculous! Are you truly going to just sit back and watch the Overwatch Council become the boss?"

The person who first spoke before the argument between the two broke out now re-entered the fray of spiteful words as a peacemaker. "Lord Minister, there is no need to be mad. Mister Qin should not speak any further, either. The Overwatch Council can only investigate cases. They are not able to cast judgment or sentence anybody. These few chancellors…" he coughed and then lowly spoke, "guilty or not, still have to go on trial before the Supreme Court. The Emperor has made this abundantly clear that we three have to come to a decision."

The man who had now been identified as Mr. Qin said, "The concerns regarding the Overwatch Council are matters that should be handled by the Emperor himself. I am just a chancellor, and I have no further comment."

Yan Hangshu was fuming. He yelled, "I don't think this can go on as it is! Allowing Fan Xian to run free like a wild dog; do you truly want this kingdom to have itself another Chen Pingping!?"

Hong Zhu continued to guard outside the door. He could hear the conversations unfold clearly. From the corners of his lips, a cold smile was developing, as he thought that the relationship between the Emperor and Chen Pingping was unlike anything they could anticipate.

Just at this time, the Bureau of Military Affairs' councilor Qin Heng pushed the door open with a cold smile and stepped outside. Hong Zhu approached him and said, "Mister Qin, I am in a rush to get back to the palace. When will I receive the documents?"

Qin Heng was in his thirties. He was the son of General Qin of the Bureau of Military Affairs. Last year, when they fought against the northern Qi Kingdom, he was a leader of the Qing Kingdom's armies. He was not qualified to participate in palace secretary affairs, but ever since General Qin's punishment of lashing, he had been sick and not come to court since. In sympathy, the Emperor bid that his son Qin Heng visit the office of the palace secretary and take part in the discussions that were held there. It was a blessing to the Qin family, and it was a sign that the kingdom still valued its military.

General Qin of the Bureau of Military Affairs was sick and had not been to court because of this. People believed it was because the Qin family did not like seeing Fan Xian there, as boisterous as he was. But Hong Zhu knew this could not be the reason, for he had just heard him defend Fan Xian today.

Qin Heng looked upon the eunuch and laughed, saying, "Let them argue. In the end, I highly doubt anyone will go against the Emperor's will. And as for you, you should not peep and listen in on us as much as you do. Even if I encouraged you, you still wouldn't dare to tell anyone, would you? Why risk the possibility of inviting trouble upon yourself?"

Hong Zhu gave a nice smile. Seeing one of the most popular men in the military walk away left him confused, and so he shook his head.

Not long after, the argument inside the office of the palace secretary was brought to a close by Shu the Scholar. Every chancellor tactfully wrote their own opinions on the documents, and they each asked the Emperor whether or not he was sure about this. After all, the five chancellors who were captured did not have a high rank; but still, they were elders of the city. No one wanted to see their friends fall from grace, least of all at the hands of the Overwatch Council.

Hong Zhu had now been given his documents back. He lifted the length of his robe, used his sleeves to umbrella the documents and began running across the palace once more.

The route from the office of the palace secretary to the royal study chamber was forever under the watchful eye of the guards and as such, none would dare bring harm to the documents Hong Zhu was delivering. Along the way, an attractive maid stopped to bid him a fond greeting - one he ignored. The other eunuchs looked at him continue on with jealousy in their eyes, but he pretended not to notice.

He reached just outside the royal study chamber when he stopped to take a breather. He built up his gentle-looking composure and softly opened the door, putting down the documents upon the desk lightly.

The Emperor, who was reading the southern decree, was frowning. He picked up one of the documents and Hong Zhu watched his eyebrows tighten even further. After a little while, his lips moved to speak. "These are mere ordinary men. Shu the Scholar knows about it, and Yan Hangshu must have some guts… Hm. That kid from the Qin family is not bad, either."

Hong Zhu did not dare to listen to the Emperor. He stood aside with a pounding heart.

The Emperor gestured with his hand.

Hong Zhu was brought relief when bidden to depart the royal study chamber, for it meant his duties for the day were over. He followed the blue stone path and took a few turns every now and again until he arrived at the Taiji Palace. In this place, there were a few eunuchs in the process of breaking melon seeds. Seeing him approach, they bid him to come over and sit with them. One of them asked, "Did anything interesting happen today?"

Hong Zhu was annoyed and said, "Nothing much. Nothing of great intrigue can come from listening to old men argue over trivial matters."

The eunuchs quickly spoke complimentary words before saying, "You go back and forth between the royal study chamber and the office of the palace secretary every day. All these important matters of the kingdom unfold right below your nose, so it is no wonder you may not think they are special."

Hong Zhu may be arrogant, but he still had the vigilance to respond quickly and gravely: "What are you talking about? I am just a servant!"

One of the eunuchs laughed and said, "Aside from the Emperor, all of us, officers included, are servants. Hong Zhu, even if you were famous, you would have no idea. Even if the worthless sorts who took to stitching outside the palace were to say that they knew of you, people would think of them in a different way. In this capital, aside from Fan Xian over on Minister Lane, you are to be the second one."

Hong Zhu reached out his hands to smooth his bangs and smiled, not saying anything more. Although he knew that he could not compare with Fan Xian, people always enjoyed boot-licking praise and for them to make mention of him being comparable to Fan Xian was an overwhelming delight. In his heart, he began to feel cocky.

At this time, a shadow hovered past the door to the room they were in. In an instant, each eunuch closed their mouth. Hong Zhu's heart jumped as well, seeing that it was Eunuch Dai, who was a subordinate of Imperial Consort Shu. Although he accepted the task of delivering documents, he was far below the prestige of Eunuch Dai in terms of rank.

Once Eunuch Dai had walked far enough, one of the eunuchs in the room spat on the floor, believing it to be ridiculous how they each and all went silent on his behalf. He harshly spoke, "This Eunuch Dai is nothing compared to what he used to be. It was because my mind was absent, but seeing him like this, there is no cause for us to be afraid of him."

Hong Zhu's heart jumped and simply asked, "Why?"

The other eunuch's eyebrows raised, and he responded, "A while ago, the Imperial Censorate attempted to frame Fan Xian. They even got Eunuch Dai involved. Although the Emperor called for the censors to be punished, Eunuch Dai received punishments as well. I heard a rumor that his entitlement to deliver decrees had been stripped. Even Lady Shu wanted to have him kicked out of the palace."

Another one of the eunuchs wanted to flatter Hong Zhu as well. "When Eunuch Dai was still popular, he frequently yelled and beat up others who were below him. But now that he has lost his position, who should care about him? He is little more than an autumn leaf that has fallen to the mud. He is nothing compared to you, Hong Zhu. You are a freshly budded leaf upon a mighty tree."

Hong Zhu heard these words of extreme flattery and felt it to be unbearable and rude. With a frown, he casually spoke a few words and then departed.

He walked alongside the big pillars of the palace and now he stood before the gate of the Emperor's harem. He saw Eunuch Dai there, and his shadow looked to be one of dejection. He quickly ran towards him and said, "Eunuch Dai, I could you see from afar. I have come here to greet you."

Eunuch Dai was surprised and looked at Hong Zhu. These days, very few of the little bastards in the palace would show the kind courtesy that he did. He knew that Eunuch Zhu had spent much time in the royal study chamber and now his popularity was to receive a major boost. As such, he found it strange that he held onto such pleasantry.

Hong Zhu did not make mention of why he had come, he just used his complimentary words to please him. It made Eunuch Dai happy, and following this, they both departed.

Seeing Eunuch Dai disappear inside the harem, the young Hong Zhu had a boisterous-looking smile.

People thought that Eunuch Dai would lose his position, but Hong Zhu did not believe this. Because Eunuch Dai had a relation with Fan Xian outside the palace, it was only a matter of time before we would return to his feet. Hong Zhu did not have much faith in Eunuch Dai, but for Fan Xian, he held an immeasurable amount of trust.

Everyday Hong Zhu could hear the discussions taking place between those in the royal study chamber and the office of the palace secretary, and it was through them that he learned much of what he knew about Fan Xian and his popularity. The First Bureau of the Overwatch Council captured five officers in as little as ten days, but the Emperor remained neutral the entire time, despite how much the palace secretary complained. They couldn't do anything to Fan Xian.

Five chancellors in ten days. Although they were all below rank three, for a eunuch in the harem, Hong Zhu knew that to make such a big fuss, Fan Xian must have possessed a lot of power. And behind him, a legion of followers. Hong Zhu was always in the royal study chamber, so he was aware of the Emperor's own support of him.

Hong Zhu was playing with a pimple that was ready to burst, skirting his lips. He greatly admired the Fan Xian who was so very much adored outside of the palace. But seeing as they were both young men, he pondered as to why there was such a great difference between them. There was nothing more that he wanted right now than to establish a relationship with him through Eunuch Dai.

The Imperial Observatory and the Ministry of Appointments lost five officers one after another, and the darkness brought by the Overwatch Council felt as if it were beginning to veil the entire capital.

But the civilians of the capital did not care for these matters all that much. The ones who were in trouble were the officers, who had little to do with them.

In the political field, the reviews given towards the First Bureau of the Overwatch Council were mostly negative. Aside from the fact they were killing their own, there were other issues few were privy to. No officer could understand why the young Fan Xian would commit such deeds to officers of little repute.

Aside from a few people, no one knew that the people who had been captured were pivotal pawns that belonged to the second prince.

A lot of people believed Fan Xian to harness a vendetta due to the Imperial Censorate's framing of him, but he was given a direct order from the Emperor to stay away from them. People viewed Fan Xian like a madman who had been provoked, holding a large knife as he scoured the streets slicing innocent bystanders and children, doing anything he could to quell the raging fire of his heart.

But… Fan Xian's behavior in the past couple of years weren't reckless like this.

Fan Xian was smiling as he sat in the Xinfeng Restaurant. His right-hand was holding chopsticks, stirring the tantalizing noodles and meat sauce. In his left hand, he held a scroll that had been delivered by Mu Tie. The trials for the past few cases had concluded very quickly, and so he was given the opportunity to prepare himself. The evidence that the First Bureau had come into possession of was inscrutable and decisive. It looked like sending the evidence to the Supreme Court and Ministry of Justice would yield no issues.

Before this entire thing began, Fan Xian noticed that his father and the crippled old man remained silent. It was because of this that Fan Xian knew where they both stood. This was a matter that he could not hide from; he had to do it. He had to make the second prince feel pain and make him think twice about listening to Xinyang again. At the same time, Fan Xian could reduce trouble for himself.

But the second prince's reaction was different to what Fan Xian had expected. After he kicked He Zongwei out of his manor, he hadn't sent anybody else over to make peace. It seemed as if the pride of being a prince stayed his desire for further contact. With no retaliation of any kind, the entire situation felt strange.

"What is this Baoyue Brothel?" Fan Xian curiously asked.

Mu Tie's face possessed a slightly horny look.

Fan Xian laughed and said, "You are too old for this. Go home and hug your grandson; do not think of such things."

Mu Tie's face became slightly bitter, and then he said, "Baoyue Brothel is a brothel. It was newly established this year. The First Bureau has come to learn that this building has a certain important character behind it. There is much going on there, and something ill is brewing behind its closed doors."

Fan Xian was uninterested in the business of a brothel, and Liujing River was crown prince Li Hongcheng's territory. Although he was fighting with the second prince in secret, he did not want to start a fight with Li Hongcheng just yet. The both of them were friends, and who could tell what might transpire if he was to join in?

But with further interest in what Mu Tie was trying to tell him, he pressed a little by asking more.

With a concerned look, one that displayed a delicate choosing of words, he said, "That brothel is evil. The people there are restless and they are willing to commit any heinous act in the chase of profit. In the few months of its operation, many women who have worked there have shown up dead. Yet despite this, the capital government has remained silent about the entire affair. I fear that a prince may be behind it all."

Fan Xian fell silent. He didn't know if the Baoyue Brothel was the work of the crown prince or the second prince, but the former was the sort who only enjoyed fighting men of equal caliber. He had recently returned from war and the Emperor had granted him much in the ways of reward; it did not seem as if he was the sort who cared for money-making.

In the situation he was in, it was impossible for him to go about offending everyone. He thought that this sort of establishment may have been the work of the second prince; it at least seemed more likely. With a calm expression, he told Mu Tie, "Find some time to go out there and investigate. We need to know more, and if that high-end whorehouse was a way for a prince to make contact with the officers of court, then we may need to plant some bugs on the inside."

Mu Tie shook his head and said, "The security there is pretty tight, and it is newly opened. It may be difficult to infiltrate. Furthermore, the Overwatch Council can only watch over the officers. There is little we can do to the merchants of the city."

Fan Xian looked slightly annoyed, and so he looked at him and said, "Although the Overwatch Council cannot deal with prostitutes, we can deal with the Yamen who take care of them. Just go take a look."

There was something further that he did not tell Mu Tie. He knew that the second prince was too quiet and too nice, but Fan Xian always believed him to hold a trump card up his sleeves and that he was merely waiting for the right moment before its use.

After the business, Fan Xian did not return to the manor. He had a headache and yet he had to go straight to King Jing Manor.

Today, the whole Fan Family was visiting King Jing's manor.

It was King Jing's birthday, but he had not invited anyone else except the family of Fan Jian. The sort of relationship and friendship they both shared were quite profound. Although Fan Xian had no desire of seeing Li Hongcheng, he had little choice but to go.

Walking into the manor, the first thing Fan Xian thought of was about what happened one and a half years ago. He was reading aDu Fu poem near the lake. And when he was done, there was to be a feast in the manor where Zhuang Mohan was spilling blood. It seemed as if so much had transpired around this elegant, seemingly quiet manor.

Fan Xian all of a sudden turned his thoughts to the precious books in that carriage. After he sent the books to the Imperial College as a gift, he had not yet received the opportunity to go and read them. As he thought of this, Li Hongcheng already approached with a bowl of sour juice in one hand.

Fan Xian's heart sighed. He accepted the drink and took a sip. He then said, "You know I like to drink the juice that is produced in your manor." The first time he visited King Jing Manor, he was getting sick from his travel in the carriage. He was given a bowl of the sour juice back then to help him recover, and it was most effective. He had loved it ever since.

Li Hongcheng looked him in the eye and shook his hand, saying, "You are the Commissioner of the Overwatch Council now. You can capture whoever you please. Why can't you capture the juice merchant outside my manor so that he can produce the sour juice exclusively for you?"

Fan Xian understood the jest and with a wry smile and bitter laugh, he responded, "I thought that I wouldn't be able to escape this today. When you approached me with the sour juice, I thought you were going to throw it in my face."

Li Hongcheng harrumphed. He walked alongside Fan Xian and said, "You know that I am still mad?" He looked at Fan Xian and continued, "It's not just that I don't understand, but it's that my brother does not understand, either. You are not with the eldest prince, so why do you care so much?"

Fan Xian shook his head and gave a wry smile. "You think that I enjoy offending everyone I meet? My hand was forced."

After that, Fan Xian pointed to the heavy clouds of that autumn day. There were many things he wished to tell him.

Chapter 277: King Jing's Birthday Feast

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Am I a fool?" King Jing's crown prince looked into Fan Xian's eyes seriously. "Please tell me that I am a fool."

Fan Xian did as he pleased and told him with a sincere tone of voice, "In some ways, I think you really are a fool."

What Li Hongcheng asked was spoken when Fan Xian had his fingertip pointed to the sky, and that which Fan Xian responded to was his battle for authority with the princes.

King Jing's manor's lawns were finely cut, but as tidy as they were, they lacked a certain elegance. The lawn was slightly yellowed and almost looked like a carpet, spread out to skirt the paths with care. Fan Xian knew it was King Jing's own hard work that shaped the lawns in the way they were; through his adoration for gardening, he worked on them each and every day. He pointed towards the grass field and said, "Look, this is life."

Li Hongcheng mockingly responded, "If you are willing to take care of a garden every day, I will have the second brother give to you a few thousand acres of land in Jiangnan."

Fan Xian, in distress, shook his head and said, "I told you; what occurred recently wasn't my idea."

Li Hongcheng had a warm, sunlit face, and as he heard this, he was surprised. The tip of his eyebrows furrowed somewhat. If what happened in court recently was not initiated by Fan Xian, then it may have been the Emperor. If this was true, then that could suggest most vehement things. Did the Emperor not love his second brother?

Fan Xian looked at him and said, "of course, I was a little selfish. You should know that I am not all that fond of the second prince."

Li Hongcheng frowned at these words and said, "Ever since you entered the capital, my brother and I have treated you nicely. Of course, I won't tell you that there wasn't room for improvement, but we have treated you far better than the eastern palace could."

Fan Xian coldly laughed and did not respond.

Both of them walked side by side into the manor. They did not visit the backyard, for the birthday feast was yet to begin. They walked into Li Hongcheng's hidden study room. Fan Xian sat beside a table and between his eyebrows, a chill developed as he looked upon Li Hongcheng.

The servants who served tea had already left and now it was just the two of them.

"Polite? Having the Imperial Censorate frame me is polite?"

Li Hongcheng was surprised, and he wore a wry smile. He said, "The Imperial Censorate was my aunt's idea. I am sure that you know why. No one asked you to investigate my aunt and my second brother, as soon as you returned to the capital."

Fan Xian did not speak of what had occurred Niulan Road, he just shook his head and said, "I told you before that I have my personal reasons. The reason why I have to investigate the eldest princess and your brother is something you should be able to understand, too. Both of them have depleted the palace treasury of its wealth, and what? You expect me to inherit an empty shell next year?"

Li Hongcheng said, "how do I say it? You are the eldest princesses' son-in-law and Wan'er is her only daughter. Do you really think they would push you onto a trail that you cannot return from? Taking a step back will yield benefits for the both of us."

"It is okay to take a step back." Fan Xian looked at him sternly, and said, "I am just worried about you. I know why you are standing by your brother's side. You think that if he was to become an emperor in the future, he will fare better than the one in the eastern palace. His personality does seem to appear nice and soft, and you think that your manor will receive a better life once he takes the throne, but did you ever think about how we constantly refer to him as 'brother' over and over today? Do you truly believe he won't forget about his siblings once he inherits the mantle?"

Li Hongcheng laughed and said, "It is lucky that this is coming from you. Others might believe these words were ones meant to sow discord."

Fan Xian waved his hand and said, "I was serious about what I said, and you believe I am just being nosy… in the springtime, I talked to you near the Liu Jing riverside, telling you that you should not be getting yourself involved in all this." He looked into Li Hongcheng's eyes and said, "I know what you have done. Your identity comes from King Jing, and despite your swathe of subordinates, none are fighters. I am not saying this because I am being arrogant, I am speaking to you in truth. The power you have does not rival mine, so how can you swing between princes so daringly?"

He did not wait for Li Hongcheng's reply; Fan Xian just stood up. With a serious voice, he told him, "What I have just told you may contain traces of narcissism, and perhaps you will laugh at me in secrecy, but the Emperor has already made his choice. I suspect that your second brother is in for a rough road in the days ahead, and that is why I recommend you keep your distance for now."

He patted Li Hongcheng's shoulders with genuine sincerity and said, "I am not saying this for you, or anybody else. I am saying this for Ruoruo's sake."

Li Hongcheng agreed. Although his face showed no emotion, he was touched on the inside. After a while of silence elapsed between them, he said, "You do not understand my second brother. He was forced as well. Besides, we have since founded a profound relationship between us; I cannot let that go so easily."

Fan Xian shook his head and did not reply.

The King Jing's birthday feast had now begun. Upon the big circular table was place a variety of luxurious dishes. King Jing was sat in the first seat, his beard riding the gentle breeze. He was dressed not unlike a rich merchant, a far cry from the noble he was, or the gardener's role he often partook. He could be compared to the boring merchants of Jiangnan, those who had gathered too much wealth and were bored.

Seeing his son walk out with Fan Xian side by side, he laughed. He waved to Fan Xian and gestured for him to approach. He said aloud, "You, come sit next to me!"

What Fan Xian feared the most in King Jing was his vulgar language. With a bitter face, he remorsefully went to sit beside him. Wan'er, who had her hair tied up, laughed at him as she joined. And then, beside Wan'er, Fan Xian's sister went to sit quietly. Fan Xian thought that he had just used Ruoruo's name shamelessly in a petty bid to comfort Li Hongcheng's distressed mind. He despised himself deeply for doing this. He picked up a glass and cheered King Jing, his father and Liu Shi, who were sitting on the opposite side of the table in apology of Fan Xian's late arrival.

There was nobody else at the birthday feast, it was just the Li and Fan family. The elders were here, however, and it did not matter if it was Li Hongcheng or Fan Xian, both were were cautious in their presence. The vast amount of delicious food that were laid out upon the table could not be enjoyed to their fullest because of this.

After a while of drinking, King Jing grew unpleased. He picked up a jar of alcohol and talked to Fan Jing, saying, "How do you teach your kids at home? They've barely said a word since they got here!"

Fan Jing picked up the tail of a deer and put it in his house mouth steadily. He said, "Whatever it is I teach is better than what you do. At least I do not swear incessantly in front of the kids."

"F*ck you! King Jing wiped the drips of alcohol from his jaw and said, "Don't you speak ill of me before my daughter!"

King Jing's wife died early, and he had a few other wives in the manor, but none of them were qualified to sit at the table today. Princess Rou Jia and Li Hongcheng were sat near him, and after the Princess heard her father swear like that, she glanced at Fan Xian. She felt incredibly awkward and quite a bit angry, for she thought her father was being embarrassing.

After hearing this, Fan Jing's face went dark. He then said, "Hit yourself in the mouth!"

Not since Wan'er's marriage and integration into the Fan family had she had seen both of these families sit together. Looking at both of these elders, who seemed ready to begin an argument, she pulled at Fan Xian's sleeves. She gasped when hearing Fan Jing tell King Jing to hit himself in the mouth.

Fan Xian, however, was used to seeing such thing unfold like this. It was actually the reason he showed no concern. It was strange that his father had always been serious and calm, but he was different in front of King Jing. It was during these times that you could see beyond his quiet, self-worn veil, and catch a glimpse of the nuttiness of his youth.

King Jing heard what Fan Jing said, and prepared to fight back. He thought about what he would say next, but when he opened his mouth to talk, all that was heard was "Ouch!"

He had a wry smile on his face, and lifted his right hand to lightly slap himself. It was obviously not too hard, but the sound was crisp and clear for all to hear.

Fan Jing did not let it go, however. He instead raised a chopstick and pointed it at King Jing's nose, saying, "Your son is getting married soon. Perhaps now would be the best time to fix that mouth of yours."

Feeling slightly embarrassed himself, King Jing politely said, "I am sorry for the way I spoke." He looked around the table, taking notice of all the younger people who were there and madly said, "As for what happened earlier, no one heard anything!" He embarrassingly coughed twice, and then asked Fan Xian, "How is my mother doing in Danzhou?"

Lin Wan'er did her best to hold back laughter, and thought about why Fan Jing would ask for King Jing to slap his mouth for saying "f*ck you". Her husband's grandmother was special because King Jing was raised by her in Danzhou

Fan Xian now had a bitter look on his face He was thinking, You elders are the ones arguing, so why drag me into this? Why don't they just exchange simpler pleasantries, like "I wish you good health". He rolled his eyes and said, "King Jing, why don't you take a drink? You have little to do in the capital, and Hongcheng just spends his time relaxing there. Why don't we find some time next year to go back to Danzhou for a little vacation. The tea trees there are the best."

King Jing looked at Fan Xian and understood what he meant. In his heart, he loved the idea, and as such, he smiled and said, "That is a wonderful idea. I am going to march right into the palace and talk to the Emperor about it tomorrow. That being said, you will probably be unable to go, for you will be in Jiangnan next year."

Li Hongcheng, whose ears perked up when he heard this, was shocked. He acknowledged this was a cruel ploy by Fan Xian.

Fan Xian said, "Why am I going to Jiangnan?"

King Jing replied, "you look like you are so smart, all the time. Even the second prince was put at a disadvantage by you. But why are you sounding so stupid now? Next year, you are to take over the palace treasury, yes? How are you to accept this position without going to Jiangnan?"

Fan Xian held his head with a look of confusion and said, "Why must I go to Jiangnan to take over the palace treasury?"

King Jing's eyes opened wide. He looked at Fan Jing and said, "Um, is your son pretending to be stupid? Or is he really this dumb?"

Fan Jing's eyes had now widened. He looked at Fan Xian and said, "I thought this kid wasn't very wise, but thought he was at least a little smart. But now I know, he isn't even a little smart."

Lin Wan'er's cheeks puffed up as she spoke, "My husband is not aware of the fact that the three big vaults are located in Jiangnan. Uncle, you should continue your drink and not proceed to talk about such dull affairs."

King Jing almost choked with laughter, saying, "Ladies are outgoing. So it was true. I am your uncle, after all; how can you keep helping the Fan family after marriage?"

Lin Wan'er was laughing, saying, "I think you like my husband, too. You don't always have to talk about me."

Li Hongcheng, who was sitting next to her, nodded, then turned his gaze towards Fan Xian, who was sitting beside his father. He then saw his father smile at Fan Xian, and a feeling of jealousy consumed him. He and the second prince were the same, disturbed with the notion that their father looked upon Fan Xian with greater fondness.

At the end of the feast, the young ones at the table were drinking, wishing King Jing a happy birthday. By this point, however, he had drank too much and his spirit soared with far too much hype. His words became increasingly ridiculous to hear. He began saying after Li Hongcheng and Ruoruo got married, they should quickly conceive a child. He then went on to say Princess Rou Jia should marry Fan Xian in two years time, avoiding her grace from benefitting any other family.

Ruoruo was nervous when hearing this, and she tucked her hands into her own sleeves without saying anything. Li Hongcheng's face was calm, and he gave a loving look towards his fiancee.

Fan Xian was the most nervous right now, however, and so he quickly replied, "Rou Jia's identity is not something I can accept so lightly. King Jing, you have drank far too much."

The young lady Rou Jia, gave Fan Xian a stern and displeased look.

King Jing reeking of alcohol, said, "In the capital, bastards are everywhere. Do you think I will ever quit my worrying, if she ends up marrying some other yahoo? What identity are you even referring to, anyway? She is my daughter. Or what? Are you trying to tell me that she is not good enough for you?" He turned to look at Wan'er and asked, "Do you have an opinion to share?"

Wan'er started laughing, saying, "I have no opinion. If you can convince my grandmother, then this thing is already settled."

As soon as King Jing heard the word "grandmother", his mind awoke from the intoxication that ailed him. He thought that his mother would not allow Fan Xian to marry both of his daughters, and amidst a barrage of mumbling, said, "I may have to think about this some more. Rou Jia's personality may be too soft and weak… F*ck! Not marrying Fan Xian? That means the empty spot may be open for that northern girl. It wasn't worth it! It wasn't worth it! Fan Xian looks so handsome, and it's going to benefit that female tiger from the north? It's not worth it!"

He looked drunk, and turning to look at Fan Jing, tripped over his words to say, "What was that woman from the north called?"

Fan Jing had evidently drank too much as well. He burped and responded, "Haitang. She is not far from sainthood in the north. She is a student of the legendary master, Ku Hei. I don't know why she looks up to my good-for-nothing son."

Despite saying "good-for-nothing", the words were spoken with a certain streak of pride.

After these words were said, everybody started laughing. Even Liu Shi, who had been quiet the entire time, brought her hands to her mouth as she giggled. Fan Si Zhe and Li Hongcheng laughed the hardest, but Fan Xian was the one who now looked the most miserable. He did not expect that after his father became drunk, he would set loose the chains that upheld his rigorous formality. He didn't expect his father to remember the name Haitang either.

Fan Xian felt a certain pang of pain his right arm, but his face did not change. He gently held Wan'er's hand and held a cup in his left hand. He raised the arm up and spoke aloud, "Let's drink!"

With a chorus of laughter being sung from across the table, even Ruoruo was gently laughing.

"That Haitang…" King Jing suddenly said, "I am simply afraid that she is not a private student of Ku He anymore."

Fan Xian was at first a little nervous when hearing Haitang's name being spoken, but hearing that last sentence, he was now aware that his arrangements were now put into motion. This information was already circulating around the capital.

Fan Jing nodded his head and signalled that he did not understand. He said, "That is strange. This Haitang lady," he looked at his son and continued, "The rumours speak of her enormous talents, and of her being the youngest nine-ranked elite in history. The northern people are known to claim her as being a woman who was sent by God. To have a student like this, why is Ku He not yet satisfied? Why has he begun recruiting again?"

Li Hongcheng knew about it as well, and after furrowing his eyebrows, said, "Is it a conspiracy of the Northern Qi Kingdom?"

King Jing now began yelling and said aloud, "There is no conspiracy! What? You think accepting a student is a conspiracy? The next thing I know, him eating dinner will become a conspiracy of the Northern Qi Kingdom. Stop thinking of such nonsense all the time; you'll only wear yourself out. You are a grown up, and yet you have not done anything of remote worth."

Li Hongcheng gave no response. Fan Sizhe, who was beside him, felt for him. He lifted his glass and proposed a cheer with him.

Fan Jing did not want to see King Jing teaching his son in this way, and so he said, "It may not be a conspiracy, but there is no denying that it is strange. After Ku He's isolation for a few months, he all of a sudden returns with the announcement that he was told by God himself to take on two new recruits? It was an auspicion, elucidated to him from the sky. That is really strange."

King Jing slowly drank a whole cup of alcohol, and with a serious look, spoke, "The four great grandmasters; they are the best of the best. I know that of the other three, the first, Ye Liuyun, has never accepted a student. Si Gujian, although he is not known to accept many people, has taken to the smithing of weaponry, and he created a lot of nine-rank elites in Dongyi City. Ku He used to have four students, and each of them were incredibly impressive."

Fan Xian thought of Lang Tao's scimitar, which was like a reaper of souls, and nodded in correspondence.

King Jing's eyebrows still took on an odd shape as he continued his speech, "But these three grandmasters have not accepted new students in years. All of a sudden, Ku He returns to say he will accept new ones once more? It is a tremendous event for this world. Although people like us may care little for such things, for the fighters of our land, this is an incredible opportunity. If you became a student of Ku He, no matter how you end up, you can forge a great relationship with Tian Yidao." He sighed for a moment, and then said, "If people are able to have a closer relationship with Ku He by being his student, I am sure that the people of this world will only think positively of it."

Fan Xian gave a curious facial expression and asked, "Ku He is a Northern Qi Kingdom grandmaster, so if he wanted to accept a student, he should search for one there, shouldn't he? What does this have to do with us?"

Fan Jing looked to his son and said, "this time, Ku He wants to broaden his search across the world. He wants all to be granted this opportunity. Although he is a grandmaster of the Northern Qi Kingdom, he is only situated there. To be a grandmaster is to be someone of supreme authority and position; rightfully, he should not be relegated to the sole kingdom he resides in. If any of our civilians were given the opportunity to become a student of his, I am sure the Emperor would be pleased."

Fan Xian nodded in understanding, but in his heart, he thought of something else. He did not know how Haitang convinced the grandmaster, but whatever she did had proven to him that he had underestimated her abilities.

After the feast, Liu Shi went to the back of the yard to join in with the women and their conversation. The young ones went down to the lakeside to enjoy the gentle breeze, while Fan Sizhe had disappeared.

King Jing was in the yard he himself maintained. He and Fan Jing both lay upon bamboo chairs; their eyes closed in silence together.

"Recently, Fan Xian has been a little over the top in his behavior. You should rein him in a little." King Jing's eyes were really bright and Fan Jing's face was really calm. They did not look drunk as they had earlier at the table.

Fan Jing agreed, though modestly. He replied, "When he came to the capital, that kid once told me that I could never fully control him."

King Jing "hmmm"'d and said, "if you and I are unable to control him, are we just going to hand over the task to that crippled old man? That crippled old man is full of poisonous thoughts; who knows what he desires?"

Fan Jing was laughing as he responded, "That crippled old man was the person your manor first sent out. Otherwise, why else would the Emperor trust him?"

King Jing coldly laughed and said, "Well, I will let you do as you see fit. Besides, after all these events have begun to wind down, and my interest in these matters wanes." He closed his eyes as he continued talking. "Fan Xian, this kid, he has a good heart. I am merely worried that the Emperor may end up squeezing him too hard, and his modesty may escape him."

Fan Jing sighed and said, "You know, when it comes to this whole thing, I don't have the right to speak on it."

King Jing shook his head and said, "Let those kids to have fun; this is the manner of scene I am most fond of watching."