
Chapter 278: Is It Worth Studying Abroad?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Far away from the shores of the lake could be heard the sounds of a mahjong game in full swing. Two old men glanced at each other and shook their heads.

"Fan Xian's opinion was correct. The second one didn't stand a chance, but in this government, many are unable to see it clearly." King Jing waved his hand and continued speaking, "The son I have is different from me, never aspiring to do what I've done. This worries me."

Fan Jing looked at him and said, "Hongcheng and the second prince are getting far too close for comfort."

King Jing began laughing coldly to disparage the conversation and shoo it away. "I think the second prince studied too much for his own good, and it has in turn made him dumb. Screw him! And Wan'er's mother is a crazy bitch; I can't believe he is allied with her. There is no possible way to suggest nothing bad will come of this. And as for my son? Pah! He is a complete imbecile, too."

Fan Jing was smiling and said, "the second one's mother you cannot screw. Shu Gui Fei is a woman of the emperor, but in regards to the crown prince's mother, feel free to screw her. I won't stop you."

King Jing snorted as he out loud, and snorted, "Hongcheng's mother has been dead for several years, though I can only suppose that she is waiting for me in hell. You old man, haha, finally speaking dirty again. Back in the day, you were in and out of a whorehouse everyday, but now you have totally changed."

He lightly tapped the arm of his chair and took a look at the familiar view around him. When he was done, he turned around and said, "Do you remember that house? It was King Cheng's manor. The three of us practically grew up in that manor when we were young. Your mum looked after me and my big brother despite not being able to take care of you, her own true son, regardless of how dirty you became."

Fan Jing wistfully revisited the memories of his childhood. King Cheng was the birth father of the emperor, but the man himself was not one for authority, and he lacked the drive of ambition. His family was a distant relation to the Fan family, but his mother would come to the manor to look after the children, giving her the identity of someone of a lower class.

"No one could have suspected things would turn out this way." Fan Jing smiled and said, "I think my mother in Danzhou is proud to have raised us to be who we are."

"When we three were arguing, I would always team up with you to go against my big brother, but we'd still always lose." King Jing spoke coldly now, saying, "Even though it was kid stuff, he hit hard. You should most certainly know that."

Fan Jing did not reply. King Jing had dared to speak ill of his brother, but he knew he would never do the same to the emperor. Fan Jing now just laughed, and said, "back in the day, somehow Cheng Pingping was always aiding the emperor in matters. The emperor was older than you, and Chen Pingping was stronger than me. It is fairly obvious why we were unable to win."

King Jing shook his head and said, "Yes, and that is why I did not want to fight them. I simply wanted peace. Like that time they investigated the second prince, and Fan Xian knew it clearly; it was because the emperor had run out of money. But they had their kids go sort it out, which was a cruel thing to allow."

Fan Jing was the shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, so being aware of such events in the palace obviously fell under his purview. Bearing a wry smile, he said, "do not blame the emperor. We really are running out of funds. Every department needs that money. The Empress Dowager is still here and the Emperor would not dare treat the eldest princess harshly. Of course Fan Xian was willing to take on such a task, and I earnestly believe that he has what it takes to handle it. Although Chen Pingping's demeanor is becoming increasingly strange, I know he would not allow any harm to come to Fan Xian. There is no reason for us to concern ourselves with such issues."

King Jing looked at him, and after a while, boorishly responded, "you are just like before! You continue to hide everything and be dishonest right to my face. Even now you won't tell me the truth."

Fan Jing laughed and did not say anything.

King Jing's birthday feast came to a close, and the Fan family, split into several different carriages, were now returning to their manor. Fan Xian was bringing both his wife and sister into his house, and something plagued his mind to the point of annoyance. "Where has he run off to? You are his sister-in-law, and you are his big sister, couldn't you two both keep an eye on him?"

Lin Wan'er showed her tongue in response. If Fan Xian had wanted her to play mahjong with Fan Sizhe, she may have been willing, but to take care of a child in a normal manner? Never. Despite her age, she still possessed the mind of a child herself. Listening to Fan Xian speak, she began stroking her tummy. As she did, she wondered to herself, it's been a while; why has nothing happened yet?

Ruoruo was two months younger than Wan'er, but her maturity was considerably higher. She had been taking care of Fan Sizhe over the years, mostly by herself. A few months ago, however, the call for a future marriage came from the palace, and her heart began leaping like the nervous frolic of an antelope. Ever since, the only thing that had been on her mind were the preparing to leave home. She knew that Fan Xian was not being polite with his question, and she knew that he was mostly referring to her, and so she muttered, "Understood."

Fan Xian himself knew that he was being a touch unreasonable. It wasn't fair to insist that a sixteen-year-old girl become a babysitter every single day. In a bid to comfort her, he said, "Don't be upset; I was just saying."

The three of them entered the house, and the maid quickly offered them tea. Fan Xian selected the white teapot and took a sip before asking in curiosity, "Where is Si Si and Si Qi?"

Wan'er laugh and said, "Both of them went with us to King Jing's manor, so it would be best if we let them rest first."

Fan Xian responded, "Those are some high-class maids; they are treated with greater respect than many mistresses of other families are!"

Wan'er, hearing Fan Xian speak, was reminded of something. She asked, "that person is like Si Si?"

Fan Xian was given a shock, and tea sprayed from his mouth and hastily replied, "what are you talking about?"

Ruoruo frowned her eyebrows and said, "Si Si's personality is not unlike Qing Wen. She is pretty casual, and everyone seems to like her."

Fan Xian did not say anything in response, but he did remember that he had not yet written the 77 remaining chapters of Dream of the Red Chamber. Qing Wen would not have a good ending. The problems regarding Si Si and Si Qi had been giving him a headache. He thought that he should have recruited Si Si as a maid earlier. He had grown up with her, and so his master-to-servant relationship was considerably deeper than most, but Wan'er wanted to recruit Si Qi as well; if he was to recruit Si Si. It's what Wan'er had insisted upon.

Everytime he thought of this, Fan Xian felt that the entire situation was absurd, but at least it was one that was founded on some remote sense of happiness.

Fan Xian and Si Si's relationship had a firm and long-lasting basis, but with Si Qi, it was slightly more complicated. He had drugged her numerous times, so he found it difficult to imagine what it would be like to share a bed with her.

Si Si had grown up now, if she did not make a decision soon, he was afraid that she would never get married.

Seeing Wan'er sleepy face, Fan Xian squeezed her cheek. It was so soft and felt remarkable to touch. He gestured to Wan'er, and it was a signal that she understood. She left the room and brought along the maid, leaving Fan Xian and Ruoruo be.

"Do you know what I admire the most about you?" Fan Xian was pouring the tea for his sister as he asked.

Fan Ruoruo tilted her head slightly and used her silky hands to take away the clips in her hair. She ran her fingers through her raven black locks and it descended like a velvet fountain.

She wet her fingers inside the teacup and rubbed her forehead with the tea. With a look of annoyance, she pleaded to Fan Xian, "Big Brother, I am going to worry myself to death! Please don't make fun of me."

Using tea to massage one's forehead was an effective method to calm down. Fan Xian made use of this trick numerous times, and it looked as if Ruoruo had picked up on it. But Fan Xian tended to use cold, leftover tea, opposed to Ruoruo's usage of fresh, warm tea. There was no considerable difference, though.

"I don't plan to make fun of you." Fan Xian sighed and continued, "Sister, you really are quite calm. Like today, when we were in King Jing's manor discussing the marriage. It was already quite difficult for me to pretend it wasn't such a big deal, but there you were, at the center of this affair, fully composed; you really are cool."

Ruoruo's personality was a gentle one, but there was a reason she kept her calm when discussing her future. She looked at her big brother and smiled, saying, "When my big brother isn't home, I am scared. But when my big brother is, I'm not scared. Everything is all because of my big brother!"

Those three "big brother"'s felt like three mountains weighing down Fan Xian's ears. He looked troubled and said, "The emperor himself arranged this marriage. King Jing was happy about it, and so was our father. Even though the crown prince is a little adulterous, he is quite possibly the smartest man in the capital. To back out of this marriage would be extremely difficult, and your unwavering belief in me adds a crushing weight upon my shoulders."

Ruoruo nibbled away at her lips for a moment, but then said, "well, I will do whatever you say."

Fan Xian thought for a while, but then looked upon her with a serious expression. He asked, "do you remember that woman Si Lili?"

Ruoruo looked at her big brother's face and with surprise, nodded and said, "That woman who wanted to kill you?"

Fan Xian smiled and responded, "That's right. I always thought her to be different from most women. No matter what she did, for better or for worse, she always stuck to her own volition and beliefs. She would do things her way and nobody could change that. It's an admirable trait. The day we left the northern Qi Kingdom, I asked her why. She said that it was perhaps because when she was young, her family was mostly dead and she had to live alone with nowhere to go and no one to listen to. She went through a lot more than most women could ever endure over the course of their lives."

Fan Ruoruo raised her head and gently said, "You used to say that to travel a thousand miles and study a hundred books, that is what would benefit one's life."

"That is correct. That is why I was willing to become an ambassador to the northern Qi Kingdom, for on that road, I could study whenever I pleased." Fan Xian looked into his sister's gentle eyes and quietly said, "it is a rare thing to do, to travel around the world and take in the many sights that this world can offer. This is especially true for a mistress such as yourself, who has only ever remained within the capital."

Fan Ruoruo began mocking herself by saying, "Except from living in Danzhou for one year during my youth, the furthest place I have gone to in my whole life outside the capital is Cangshan. To see the Wu Du river and the glorious meadows of the northern Qi Kingdom is something that may never come to pass, just like you said."

"Do you want to see such places?"

Fan Ruoruo gave a delayed response, but vigorously nodded her head.

The way in which Fan Xian had been teaching his sister and developing her maturity was working quite well. The reason she was different from most noble ladies was because every time she heard her brother tells stories, she felt compelled to do as he did. She wanted to visit the places he had been, to meet the people he had met. The women of the Qing Kingdom had the freedom to traverse the capital and elsewhere however they pleased…up until marriage, that is. For as soon as they were taken for marriage, they would be locked up in the manor for the rest of their days. Even if they travelled with their husbands, there would be a great lack of freedom for them on such ventures. To be taken as a wife was not unlike receiving detention for the remainder of their lives. When she thought of how her life may indeed end up wasted in such a manner, her heart was not willing to resign to such a fate.

Fan Xian sighed deep in his heart. If he had opened the windows when she was young and allowed her to see the beauty of the world around them more often, he thought things may have turned out differently. And now, for the predicament she was in, Fan Xian felt compelled to find a way for her to escape what faced her. He needed to find another door she could take.

"Before you marry the crown prince, I will think of a way for you to be sent away." Fan Xian squinted, saying, "all is wrapped around my finger, and going according to plan. Seeing my father and King Jing's reaction, I know I will be able to find a way out for you."

Ruoruo was a talented woman and was quite smart, so she understood exactly what Fan Xian was thinking. She was shocked to learn of what he was planning, and so she said, "Wait… you want me to become a disciple of Ku He?"

Fan Xian lightly tapped her head, and as his fingertips brushed through her soft hair, he said, "Ah, I see you get it now."

Ruoruo's mouth widened and her face revealed utter shock. She thought it was unbelievable. After a while, she pulled herself together and asked, "How would such a thing possible?"

"Well, why would it be impossible?" Fan Xian raised his eyebrows and said, "Ku He is only willing to recruit you, and this is something quite remarkable. And from where you hail is of no concern. Besides, you are a talented woman and would be much welcomed. Taking on another student adds to his prestige; how could he not?"

Ruoruo thought this was a joke. She lowered her head, looked down and mumbled, "I don't know how to fight…"

"Every road is entwined." Fan Xian attempted to boost her morale a little, and provide her some extra courage. "You are a talented woman; you know how write poems. Learning to fight will come quick and easy. Ku He is a grandmaster and of course will understand this reasoning."

Fan Ruoruo quickly lifted her head to look at him with a bubbly expression as she said, "Where did such good luck come from?"

Fan Xian laughed and shook his head. "I have and I will deal with all these matters; it comes from me. In a few days, I will take a fish from the kitchen and put some paper inside it."

Fan Ruoruo's face was still bearing a wide smile and she excitedly spoke, "So everything is prepared then?"

Fan Xian froze and after a while, with a wry smile, he said, "I won't hide it from you, but when I was in the northern Qi Kingdom, I was indeed preparing all this. I thought that if you were willing to marry Hongcheng, then I would not have to continue such preparations. But if you weren't willing, then I would of course have to continue."

"Northern Qi Kingdom?" Fan Ruoruo smiled, looked at him and said, "It looks like this Hai Tang lady was quite close with you."

Fan Xian knew he could not provide a suitable explanation for this, for if he could indeed convince that legendary grandmaster to take on another student, it would only be due to the strength of his bond with Hai Tang. But Fan Xian had paid a good price for this, for how else could he convince a man who was almost as powerful as an emperor to cooperate with him? Unwilling to burden his sister with worry, he chose not to explain.

"Do you want to go study in the northern Qi Kingdom and go travel? Studying abroad is fun." Fan Xian asked his sister directly.

Fan Ruoruo looked down and contemplated it deeply. It was a grand question; she did not give an immediate response.

Chapter 279: Do You Want a Newly Embroidered Handkerchief?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A while later, Ruoruo raised her head, sadly asking, "What about Father?"

Fan Xian frowned as he responded. "I'll still be here in the capital to look after him. You can leave here for at least two years, without worry."

"But… can we really call off the wedding just like that?" Fan Ruoruo was still a bit hesitant about Fan Xian's proposal.

"Ku He's power is reaches further than that odd emperor's of the northern Qi Kingdom." Fan Xian balked, continuing, "even our own emperor would have great respect for Ku He's wishes. And besides, you becoming a student is just an excuse to push back this marriage another two years. King Jing's family is sure to understand."

Fan Ruoruo shook her head and said, "It cannot be that simple, surely."

Fan Xian was starting to get a headache, and so he started to chew on his lip. In regards to the eldest prince and his fight for the throne, he did not desire to tell his sister of this, as she was a person of too much compassion. He thought that if she found out that Fan Xian was in muddied waters and had gotten into trouble in his efforts to cancel the wedding, she would throw herself into the arms of the crown prince.

"The key is, you are only sixteen." Fan Xian was speaking morally. "Sixteen. You haven't even finished growing, and you are to get married already? This is more like a persecution!"

Fan Ruoruo's face turned from pale to red, feeling slightly embarrassed. Playfully, she threw Fan Xian a gentle punch and said, "How can you say that as a brother?" She took a deep breath to gather her courage and composure, continuing, "Besides, when my sister-in-law married you, she wasn't even sixteen yet."

Fan Xian rolled his eyes so hard he almost fainted.

"Big brother, if I can truly leave the capital to see the world, I would be ecstatic. I would be overjoyed!" You could tell from a mere glance at Fan Ruoruo's eyes that she was greatly looking forward to her freedom. "Just… my thoughts of going to leave you terrifies me, at least a little."

Fan Xian started laughing, and said to her, "You silly child. Everyone should be afraid, the moment they first learn of how to become independent. Just like when we had to learn how to walk when we were young."

Fan Ruoruo held her mouth to prevent laughing and responded, "Really? But the people in Danzhou say that you learnt how to walk much sooner than anyone else. And as soon as you began walking, you started running!"

In Fan Xian's heart, he thought to himself, I must be a freak. Normal people cannot do that.

"Okay, but telling you all about this was just me seeking your opinion. If you're up for it, and are willing to do this, then I will make the necessary arrangements and get it sorted." Fan Xian stroked his sister's head caringly and spoke, "You really are the unique sister of Fan Xian. And I am going to make you a woman unique to the entire world."

Fan Ruoruo was touched by what her brother said, but all she did was nod; she made no promises. When she thought about Ku He accepting her as a student, her mind wandered to that Haitang lady and how close she was with her big brother. She thought it was… a little strange. And maybe there was something going on between them. She giggled, stood up and prepared to leave, but said, "My sister-in-law has something to give you. I will tell her to come see you."

Fan Xian was surprised at her hasty departure, and as she went, he watched his sister's shadow disappear behind the door.

Fan Ruoruo was walking through the empty backyard, and she raised her head to the sky. She watched the thick clouds get blown to the east by the wind, the grey sky obscuring the sun - it didn't provide much comfort.

As she walked through the yard, she extended her hands out to brush the holly trees She thought to herself, As early as next year, I may have the opportunity to go to another country. I'll be able to escape this suffocating life in the capital and be free from those incessant, frustratingly boring meetings I must attend with all the other noble ladies. I will no longer have to worry about that grim, loveless marriage. She started to feel joy, but a growing sense of emptiness started to take root in her heart as well.

Fan Ruoruo's fingers subconsciously clenched onto a holly leaf, which gave her a cut, and and she could feel the pulsation of pain. As her finger throbbed, she recalled the words of her tutor, who once told her to always take care of her hands. As she thought of this, she pulled her hand back like lightning. In her heart, she then began contemplating whether or not she should wait for her tutor to return, and perhaps he could offer his opinion on whether or not she should go to the north.

"What were you and Ruoruo talking about?" Wan'er had seen his little sister walk away, and she was asking out of curiosity.

Fan Xian knew to keep it to himself, and so he gave the enigmatic answer: "I can't tell you."

Wan'er went to sit in front of the dressing table, picking up her comb and beginning to brush her hair. Fan Xian, with a smile, walked up to her and took the comb out of her hands. With it, he began combing her hair for her. The comb slid through his wife's hair without any trouble, for her hair was smooth and free of tangles.

Fan Xian commented, "You and my sister both have lovely hair."

Wan'er was giggling as she responded, "That is because of the soap you made in Danzhou. It makes managing my hair far easier, so it should come as no surprise to learn that I can keep it in such a great condition."

Fan Xian did not believe her, so he lowered his head to smell her hair. A sweet fragrance greeted his inquisitive nose, not the smell of sweat that he had expected. Wan'er pretended to be annoyed and said, "considering what you just told me, it is obvious that you haven't paid much attention to my presence. You did not even know how nice my hair was!"

Fan Xian stood behind her and gazed down at his wife, peeking at what was below her garment's neck line. He caught sight of her pale skin and his heart jumped, saying, "Getting close to you does not require the love of my heart, for the mere use of my eyes is enough."

Wan'er was aware of what her husband was referring to, and so she tightened and pulled the neckline of her garment higher. She did not wear anything particularly voluptuous at home, but she did not expect her horny husband would be as smart as to look from above in the way he did.

Fan Xian pulled his wife into his arms and sniffed her fragrance deeply. He then put his face in front of her chest and repeatedly inhaled. He sounded troubled when he spoke, "Recently, really over the past few days, I feel as if I have always wanted something. But I was not sure of what that something might be."

Wan'er thought that he was talking about something sexual, and so she tried to escape his clutch. This failed, for he held her too tight. Fan Xian started giggling and said, "Don't be so stubborn. That which is occurring between me and my sister is a secret for now, yes, but I will tell you of it in the near future."

Wan'er had a curious look upon her face and said, "You are being that cautious?"

Bitterness formed on Fan Xian's face, with him saying, "It may very well be the biggest act of deception in history." He then thought of what his sister said, and so he asked, "Sister said you have something to give me. What is it?"

Wan'er was suddenly brought to anger, and so she grinded her teeth, saying, "That little traitor! I was going to see how well you would behave recently before deciding whether to give it to you."

Fan Xian started laughing, and told her, "It would undoubtedly become mine eventually, so please give it to me, princess."

Wan'er's face wore a scowl and said, "No."

Fan Xian began grinning in an evil manner, as his hands traversed up and down her waist. He began twiddling and rubbing it in an attempt to tickle her. After squealing and shrieking loudly, she finally gave up her resistance. Gasping for breath, she pulled something out of her pocket and threw it at Fan Xian's face, saying, "There! Now let me go!"

A pleasant waft drifted into his nostrils. When it dropped, he noticed it was a handkerchief. He let go of his hands, grabbed it, and then froze.

It was a finely embroidered handkerchief, featuring two mandarin ducks floating upon a river. It was composed of a remarkable material, as if it had been given as a tribute from the palace. The material it was made from could only be gathered in Jiangnan.

The threading was exquisite, also. It did not matter if the colour was yellow, red or green, you could always take sight of the incredible threadwork. Fan Xian thought it might have been a gift from Suzhou.


As for the stitchwork, it was terrible!

You could see the stitches go up and down unsteadily and make out a number of holes in the fine thread. Whoever made this had committed a terrible amount of mistakes. The lines that composed the image were crooked and twisted, not graciously curved as they should have been. The two ducks upon the cloth were supposed to look calm and harmonious, but its terrible creation had rendered them into hideous monsters. The flowers that dressed the riverbed became a symbol for postmodernism.

Fan Xian opened his eyes wide in disbelief at the handkerchief. Even the stitching of the water was just a few flat lines. Those lines were the most accomplished stitches on the entire handkerchief, but Fan Xian asked himself why a yellow thread was chosen for the water.

Was the handkerchief supposed to depict irradiated, mutated ducks flowing down a tainted river?

Fan Xian looked at it over and over again. Eventually, he failed to contain his laughter, and he began laughing out loud.

The laughing would undoubtedly be heard from every corner of the house. Wan'er knew she had made it poorly, and so she sought to flee and hide in her sister-in-law's room. But hearing Fan Xian's hysteria, and how humiliating it felt, she stepped up and mustered her courage. Before she was fully gone, she had turned around and returned to the room. She put one hand on her wrist and with fingers outstretched and pointed with the other at Fan Xian's nose. "Stop laughing!"

Fan Xian saw the anger in his wife's eyes, but he could not manage to contain his laughter. He raised one hand to cover his mouth and brought another to hold his belly, and on the chair, his suppressed laughs had him rock back and forth like a tumbler.

Wan'er was in a flurry of varying emotions. She was annoyed, embarrassed, and had a desire to laugh all at the same time. She stepped forward to try and grab the handkerchief from Fan Xian's hand. It may have come as no surprise, but Fan Xian was most certainly unwilling to return the gift, and so he quickly stuffed it in his pocket. He had barely brought a pause to his laughing when he took to a deepened voice and told her, "Wan'er, this is the first thing you have ever stitched for me. You gave it to me as a gift, so you cannot request it back."

Wan'er was born noble, and grew up in the palace. She always had her servants and grandmother to take care of her; she had almost never lifted a finger in her whole life. This was her first attempt at stitchwork, as she had never been taught before. Even though the final result of her endeavor was a rough one, Fan Xian could see the heart and hard work she had put into creating this handkerchief for him, and he was touched.

He felt sorry holding his wife's hands, now noticing the amount of red dots that were peppered upon them. He blew upon her snow white fingertips, saying, "Do not do stitchwork anymore. I will do it for you. I once learnt how to stitch over the course of a few days in Danzhou, when I had nothing else to do."

Lin Wan'er saw his caring, heartfelt plea and expression of concern, and it warmed her heart. But hearing what he just told her, she also felt somewhat depressed. In response, she said, "I married a husband who looks better than me and knows how to do stitchwork. You are so attentive…" Her lips flipped upside down and she almost cried out, "Fan Xian, what is the point of me living?"

"You're silly." Fan Xian rubbed her soft cheek and said, "If you are not going to live, because of this, then I think all the other noble ladies should gather around and commit suicide together to compete with a genius like me. To know that I can fight, be a linguist, rile up the courts and even wind down by stitching quietly… who am I? The genius of this generation!"

Hearing him boast and wax lyrical about himself, complete with a self-loving look, Wan'er started to laugh and stop her crying. She used her finger to poke his forehead and said, "You are so cocky."

Fan Xian raised his eyebrows, conveying obscure look that could not easily be deciphered. He responded, "To marry one such as you requires hubris."

Wan'er froze, but then put her hands out to reach into his chest.

Fan Xian tried to protect his handkerchief and nervously said, "Hey, you said you'd give it to me. What are you taking it back for?"

Wan'er had a proud look upon her face and she said, "I am not taking mine back. I am taking yours."

Fan Xian was surprised as she pulled out a bandana from his chest. It was the one he stole from Haitang, back when he was in Shangjing. Wan'er was smiling at him as she said, "If you want mine, then I will keep this one then."

Fan Xian's head was initially buzzing with confusion, but it wasn't long before he realised that the reason his wife had endured the pain in her fingertips to create the handkerchief was because she was jealous. Even though he did not love and enter a relationship with Haitang, the evidence in her hands was enough for her to believe otherwise. He was taken aback, and was unsure of how he might defend himself, so all he said was, "Wan'er, you misunderstood. I have told you once before than Haitang was nothing special to me; for what possible reasons would I like her?"

Wan'er made a "hmph" sound from her nose and said, "Your taste in women has always been strange. Back in the day, you complimented my beauty each and every day. I thought it was weird, and that you were just another guy who spoke sweet words to each and every woman he met. But then I heard from Ruoruo that you genuinely believed me to be beautiful. Therefore, your taste is different from everybody else's, so who could possibly believe that you did not find her attractive?"

Fan Xian pretended to be mad, saying, "Who would dare say my wife wasn't pretty?"

Wan'er copied his often-seen shrug and spoke, "no one has ever thought that I am pretty."

Fan Xian started scratching his head in wonder, and so he asked, "is my taste really that bad?"

Wan'er held her mouth to suppress laughter and said, "Do not interrupt me!"

She waved Haitang's bandana in a boisterous manner and in an assertive tone, told Fan Xian, "This is mine. You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

Fan Xian wore a bitter face as he muttered, "No."

Wan'er started giggling, and then ran outside the room. When she was through the door frame, she turned around to say, "You either marry that Haitang woman as a second wife or you put an end to this sniveling and don't miss her at all. You are a man, carrying a bandana of sentimental value in longing for another woman. You are a wimp. Even I feel embarrassed for you."

Fan Xian waved his hand and blew her a kiss. He mockingly told her, "That just means I am more innocent than you."

Wan'er returned Fan Xian's gesture.

Fan Xian all of a sudden thought of a few important things he wanted to ask of her. With a seemingly nervous disposition, he asked, "Wan'er, I recall that you have just had your birthday, so when we got married, you were already sixteen, yes?"

Wan'er was curious for why he asked this, but she nodded in response.

Fan Xian rubbed his chest, saying, "Good…good."

The second day outside of Fan manor, in the carriage:

"Mister, where are we going?" Shi Chan Li was having a headache when he asked this. His teacher, Fan Xian, wore a curious smile that formed at the corner of his lips. He wondered what he might have been thinking about. For the previous few weeks, the capital hadn't been all that quiet; was Fan Xian looking to stir up more trouble?

Fan Xian was looking at the handkerchief in his hands, observing the creepy, malformed ducks smiling back at him. He then felt pangs of sadness for the absence of Haitang's bandana; the apparel of a ninth-ranked warrior. He took a big risk to thieve the bandana in the manner he did, and it was taken away by his wife in a matter of seconds.

He raised his head, seeing Shi Chan Li and Deng Zi Yue both staring at him in confusion. With quick-thinking, he bit his teeth and madly told them, "Let's go. Let's go visit the Bao Yue house. Familial matters have been bothering me, so I want to go there and have some fun. Let's go where I can trade stitchworking tips with the ladies."

Chapter 280: Bao Yue House

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The ladies in the Bao Yue House were not adept in the ways of stitchwork, but they did deal with the needle business. People say that if a person were to work hard enough, they could grind an iron rod into a needle. If this was true, then those girls at the Bao Yue House were pretty good.

Today, Fan Xian wore a disguise in his bid to relax. The party that had accompanied him had decided to travel in an ordinary carriage, doing so in the department and promptly going to the quieter western side of the city. The carriage was brought to a halt outside of a three-floor building, and almost immediately, workers came out to lead the horses towards a finer place to park. They were quite experienced with such a task. There were also well-dressed receptionists who kindly welcomed them in.

Fan Xian used make-up on his eyebrows and drew a few pimples on his left cheek just like Fan Sizhe. It was a clever way to look dull and wholly unremarkable. In this very unadvanced society, it would have been difficult for people to recognise him as the oft-spoken of Fan Xian.

Bao Yue House was a wooden building. Any wooden structure had to be built at least three-stories tall so the added weight from above would apply pressure to the floors below and ensure stability. But in the Bao Yue House, the space separating the floors and ceilings was rather large, and the windows were just as tall. If you were to stand before the building, you could quite clearly see the sun shining behind it.

Fan Xian knew that this building's wood must have been of the premium sort, wood that was usually imported from the north. He walked forward and entered Bao Yue House, and as he did, his hands dragged across the sturdy wooden pillars before the door almost subconsciously, confirming his theory on the wood's origin.

It was still early, but the lobby was already full of visitors. There was a small circular stage in front of Fan Xian, on it a woman dressed in plain clothing. She played her guzheng with her hand, the sounds coming from it able to soothe any soul.

Fan Xian squinted his eyes, realizing how complex this brothel was. The three of them followed a receptionist and were led to the second floor. They chose a table at the back of the house and sat down. Fan Xian sat near a rail and gestured with his eyes as a signal to Deng Ziyue and Shi Chanli to sit down. He looked down a little and found that the rail had gold paint on it, not unlike that found in a palace. It was luxurious and sublime to behold, and the untarnished decor indicated that the establishment had not been around that long. It also told him that the owner must have been a very wealthy man. It already seemed as if Mu Tie's judgement was correct, and that this place did indeed bear some connection to the princes.

This Bao Yue House truly was a little strange, and the elegance of the establishment was almost overbearing. It didn't seem that appropriate, and it gave the place an almost sickly aura.

The decor was inappropriate for a brothel.

There was no security to be seen here, nor was there a pimp adorned in makeup. Perhaps even more strangely, there weren't any prostitutes walking around with their bust exposed. The fresh taste didn't make it seem like a brothel at all. Fan Xian entered the capital a year and a half ago and had been privileged to enter a few places that looked like this, but this was the first time he had seen it all laid out in such a way. He leaned on the rail to look outside, and his heart jumped.

The building was not on the main street, and despite the crowd downstairs, the place was quiet. The was a large pond behind the building that was long and slim, affectionately dubbed the "Skinny Lake" by the populace.

The three of them now sat against the rail, and they could feel a gentle breeze coming from across the pond caressing their backs. It was an indescribable feeling. Fan Xian could not help but pat the rail and squint his eyes. There were several small houses behind this primary building and situated near the pond, and they were rather hidden between the trees. Through that green veil, it was almost difficult to make out the gleaming white walls. Due to his supreme eyesight, Fan Xian was able to pick out a trench behind one of the houses used to release contaminated water. He noticed the color red in the trench, which told him there were many girls living in those houses. It looked as if the primary Bao Yue House was a restaurant used to welcome customers and that the place for fun would have been in those places.

Just like visiting Ming Shan, there had to be mist cloaking the mountain; a veil that would only excite aspiring adventurers.

This wooden three-floor building known as Bao Yue House was like the mist enshrouding Ming Shan. To put those mini rooms behind the house was a way to incite excitement in the customers.

The person who ran the brothel had to be a very smart man. If he was a person he could buy out, and did not have a few homicides hanging over his head, Fan Xian would have considered the prospect of hiring him to take over the palace treasury.

But in regards to the livelihood of working in a brothel, Fan Xian had a rather simple outlook on the subject: A customer was a customer and a prostitute was a prostitute. One of them paid a certain amount of money, and the other person uses their body to earn it; a zebra can't change its stripes, and a pig in a blanket is still a pig.

He looked out at the yard near the pond and could not help but shake his head, imagining that this dreamy villa was making more money than it ought to. It was a charming, luxurious establishment, yes, but from his own viewpoint, a disturbing thought plagued Fan Xian's mind. Repeatedly, he wondered how many bones and bodies of innocent women had been buried beneath the soil of that garden.

While Fan Xian was lost in thought, Shi Chan Li had already placed an order for a few dishes. Bao Yue's service was excellent, and in a short amount of time later, two young servants appeared. They looked to be about thirteen to fourteen years of age, and they were carrying with them meals. They placed the refined plates gently upon the table without so much as a squeak; it was obvious how highly trained they were.

The food on the plates looked absolutely delicious. The dish with camellia shrimp exuded a mouth-watering fragrance. In a bowl that contained chicken soup and noodles, there were yellow drops of oil sitting neatly on the brew. Another dish contained succulent slabs of beef soaking in oil, providing a pedestal to an array of finely diced onions. Alongside those were presented a variety of smaller side dishes that looked and smelled divine, also.

After a pretty young servant poured each of them their drinks, Shi Chan Li signalled for them to leave. Fan Xian gave him a smile, admiring the young student for his relaxed demeanor and daring ability to make decisions confidently before him.

The wooden spoon in the chicken soup looked troublesome to use, but once it was moved, the waft of a tantalising fragrance permeated the air. Even Fan Xian could not help but be pleasantly surprised, and so he accepted the bowl that was passed to him by Shi Chan Li and complemented it kindly.

To go with his disguise, Fan Xian had taken upon the alias "Mister Chen"; a name that was chosen by his master, Chen Pingping.

The three of them at the table were eating and admiring the view as any three friends would. They drank together and engaged in idle chit-chat, discussing the various events and affairs around the capital and whatnot. Deng Ziyue was manager of the Qinian Group, and his primary concern was always the safety of the commissioner. In this place, one could not tell friend from foe, and as such, he was unable to completely relax. Deng Ziyue found himself bound to a perpetual state of unease and caution. Amidst the drinks he was offered, and the stern looks given to him by Fan Xian, he eased his tension just a touch.

After they drank, Shi Chan Li could no longer hold his tongue. With a frown and a deepened voice, he asked, "Mister Chen, what are we doing here today?"

Fan Xian gave a slight laugh and replied, "Of course, we are going to dip our toes in and enjoy the most luxurious of activities this capital can provide." He quickly scanned the area, and after he confirmed no one was watching them, he lowered his voice and said, "Mu Tie gave me the intel that he did for a purpose, even if that purpose is not made immediately clear. Him being unable to say anything tells me that there must be something hidden here, and I am going to suss out what it is."

Shi Chan Li shook his head, and with a wry smile, said, "Although I pity the women that live here in this brothel, living a life like this is regretfully common and is something that the law freely allows. Why must they put their lives in such danger like this?"

Fan Xian used his chopstick to bring a silk-like slice of tender beef to his mouth and slowly chewed on it. He then laughed and responded, "In a single month, Bao Yue House has taken the lives of four women. The manner of their deaths was senseless and cruel, and of a horrid nature even I could not fathom to perform, and that's saying something, and I have come a long way in that regard."

Shi Chanli frowned once more and said, "The case files are for the Jingdou government to handle. The Overwatch Council is only in charge of observing the officers of the court - we don't have the authority to involve ourselves in this. Master, do you have something else on your mind?"

Deng Ziyue took another swig of his drink for a touch more dutch courage and said, "We are going to investigate the malfeasance of certain officers in the government in the capital to deal with. Besides…" he looked at Fan Xian, and after receiving permission to say it, lowered his voice and told them, "the identity of the real owner of Bao Yue House is something the Overwatch Council has yet to learn of. Strange, isn't it?"

Shi Chanli was shocked, thinking that despite this, the spies of the Overwatch Council were everywhere in the capital. Even the sovereigns in their manors were perpetually concerned about the presence of a spy peeping on them at any given moment. In a month's time, they had already uncovered the knotted ties connecting the second prince to Xinyang. But Bao Yue House was merely a brothel and bar; how could they not uncover the identity of its owner?

His heart was pounding at the possibility that, behind Bao Yue House, the owner was connected with…

Fan Xian acknowledged the thoughts that were running through Shi Chanli's mind, and realized that they echoed his own, saying to him, "If the owner was able to evade the surveillance of the Eight Bureaus of the Overwatch Council, there had to be a person on the inside, covering his tracks."

The most amazing thing about the Overwatch Council was how professional it was and how flawless their members were in executing their appointed tasks. It was quite surprising, considering how many complicated systems were combined and fused into a single organization. To find a chink in the Overwatch Council's chain was nigh impossible, so when the events surrounding Zhu Ge were made public, it sent out shockwaves across the capital. No one would have expected that two days following the death of Zhu Ge, someone within the Overwatch Council was already working for the princes. This is what plagued Fan Xian's mind the most.

He was the Overwatch Council's commissioner; who would allow someone to commit evil upon their own doorstep? Therefore, he had to come and check out Bao Yue House himself today and find out…

Who's sticking their chopsticks into my own bowl. I'd do well to spruce up the boring lives my subordinates lead.

"What can a student like me do?" Shi Chanli personality was one of those calm people, and favored a simple life. This was because he was a scholar. This was the first time he had done something even remotely exciting, and his nervousness and the trepidation on the face regarding the matter were as plain as a day.

Fan Xian replied saying, "You don't have the strength to fight back, I know. I brought you here so you could take a look. That's all." Fan Xian patted Shi Chanli's shoulder and told him, "I'll just use the fun of the public to treat you."

Shi Chanli froze, immediately understanding that which he had meant. The scholar was not yet married, and the thought of this made him blush. With surprise, Fan Xian laughed with great humor and said, "You and Hou Ji Chang are amongst the smartest young men in the capital. Have you never visited a brothel to mingle with women?"

Shi Chanli was visibly in a state of awkwardness, and he worriedly cried out, "I'm useless! I'm useless!"

Fan Xian laughed once again and affirmatively told the scholar, "In a place such as this, it is impossible for you to be useless."

Not long after, the sun began to sink with the onset of darkness. The pond glowed in the twilight like a shimmering gold, which was somewhat dulled by the bad weather. Like the instantaneous casting of a spell, the lights of Bao Yue House now lit up. With an innumerous amount of lamps now burning, the entire building was lit like a beacon of the night. The reflection of the scattered lamps were cast upon the pond and from afar, they looked like bright stars twinkling in the night sky. This was sight more beautiful than the sunset itself.

With the settling of night, more and more people came to Bao Yue House, for the most popular hour of the day had arrived. Many litters were now parked in front of the building and exited their cabins dressed in casual garb. While their attire might suggest otherwise, their method of arrival and the way in which they walked spoke of their true nature - they were officers of the capital. They were visibly comfortable as they entered, which suggested that they came here often and had grown fond of the establishment. Many of the officers arrived in the company of wealthy merchants.

Fan Xian thought of using the funds of the Overwatch Council to cover the costs that would include getting Shi Chanli to lose his virginity. While the officers downstairs were keen on sticking to a wealthy merchant to cover their expenses, Fan Xian thought this course of action would be best for them. Not only was it safer, but it looked better as well.

The area in which they were sat near the rail was getting darker, and the shadows began to encompass the trio. Fan Xian squinted his eyes and looked over to the brighter sections of the establishment. He recognized the faces of a few officers at the feast, a number of them entering a dining room with their wealthy company, though Fan Xian was unable to make out their identity. A little while later, all the rooms were full, and the second floor was completely packed. The sound of music, the sound of rabble and the sounds made by the clinking of glasses were elevated in volume, and the place was looking to be very lively. Voluptuously dressed women began to come out, apparently appearing to be quite popular.

Fan Xian looked at the leftover dishes and diminishing reserves of drink upon his table, pondering whether or not the owner was aware of his true identity beneath the disguise he had adopted for the day. He also wondered whether or not the owner's knowledge of this would be cause for another big scene.

"You guys should have fun." Fan Xian heartily told his party.

Shi Chanli looked nervous, and anxiously asked, "Master, where are you going?"

Fan Xian answered, "I came to this establishment of delightful relaxation and rehabilitation to do just that. If I don't put myself in danger, what could I possibly hope to achieve?"

The way he said this was incredibly soft and sincere. Deng Ziyue and Shi Chanli had to believe what he told them, but they were still unnerved about the prospect of coming to a brothel and sleeping with a prostitute.

Fan Xian smiled and said, "Later, when you are to spend time with the women, do your best to obtain as much information as you can. There is no need to ask of who the owner is, just ask the girls what things are like for them on a day-to-day basis. The more casual your approach things, the better your results will be. Don't make it an interrogation. If you believe a possible question may be inappropriate to ask, don't ask it. Don't have them start thinking we are here for something else; that is the most important thing."

Deng Ziyue looked at Fan Xian, and it was at this moment he believed his master was indeed here for the investigation and this entire day wasn't to be an excuse for a visit to a brothel. That being said, the gathering of intel was a minor task and something not ideally suited for officers of their level. There was most certainly no need for the commissioner himself to be there.

At this time, the small yards were lit up with torches, and they bloomed like golden flowers.

Deng Ziyue stood up and waved for the attention of a servant. He said, "Come set things up for us."

The servant accepted a nugget of gold that was roughly the size of a person's fingertip. His face was frozen as he was shocked to find out that those three were actually rich customers. In a rush, he ran over to the receptionist to tell him. In equal haste, the receptionist then went over to greet them, apologizing about the supposed incompetence in their earlier service of them. They led them downstairs, graciously holding them as they walked. They began chatting along the way, and it seemed as if they had a desire o uncover the identities of the trio.

Fan Xian merely ignored them, pulled his arm away and walked ahead of them.

Shi Chanli was in the back, chatting with the receptionist. He told the man that he was a scholar of Jiangnan and that he came here for a simple visit. Of course, in a desperate plight to save face, he implored to the receptionist how he had wandered into the establishment without prior knowledge of it being a brothel.

The receptionist was smiling and he said, "Three gentlement? In Bao Yue House, there is nothing we cannot do in service of your comfort and entertainment, for whatever your desire may be, it is a command we will diligently work to serve. And serve it we will."

During this dialogue, the man glanced at Fan Xian and watched him walk forward. Without a doubt, he thought, he was the most important individual amongst the trio. From a mere glance at Mister Chen's behavior, you could tell that he was no commoner; he did not even bend an ear to listen to what he had just said. If he had to wager a guess, he would assume that he were a rich officer's son from Jiangnan.

The Bao Yue House's design was truly awful. Upon exiting the restaurant downstairs, one would immediately arrive at the shores of the pond. You could hear the chorus of many birds singing in harmony from behind the yard. It was as if two separate worlds existed side by side in complete tranquility.

The three of them were now being led by the receptionist, approaching a yard that contained a multitude of smaller houses. It was impossible to compare this place to the main house, for after you stepped in, a number of pretty women came forward to welcome you. Their smiles beamed as they danced and quickly approached the trio, one woman clutching each of the men's arms. They welcomed them into the room as a wife would welcome her husband home.

Inside the house was warm, and a radiator in the corner gave off sensual heat. In an autumn such as this, it made the night feel like spring. The fake flowers that decorated the tables were made of soft, southern silk; they were beautiful to behold.

A most pleasing fragrance now greeted their noses. Fan Xian furrowed his eyebrows and then looked back and smiled. He saw Shi Chanli become grossly embarrassed before a beautiful woman, and so he told him, "Relax. It isn't like you have a grumpy wife at home."

He took off the cape he was wearing, and the woman who stood beside him graciously took it off his hands. As she did, she said, "You three men have already eaten, so would you like to listen to songs now? Or would you prefer to drink a little longer?

Fan Xian reclined on a sofa, waved his hand and replied, "Bring us a few more seats. I would like to hear a few songs now, but I would appreciate a massage while I listen."

The woman who served him displayed a happy, complacent face and appreciatively responded with, "Mister, you are such a gentleman." Then, she quickly put his coat away and a few servants poured tea for the trio from outside. They brought the cups in and gently placed them down beside each of the men, which were accompanied by a plate of rare and costly fruit from the capital. One woman went down on her knees upon the sofa and placed her delicate hands upon Fan Xian's shoulders to massaged them gently.

Fan Xian knew that the more he was willing to spend here, the greater the service they would receive. Feeling the strength being applied to his shoulders, he was comfortable, and satisfied with the attention they had so far received. He looked at Shi Chanli beside him, who continued to writhe and wriggle in a restless, distressing manner. He then looked at Deng Ziyue, whose face looked like it had been chiseled from stone, unmoving and serious, as if he were still at work. In his heart, Fan Xian thought to himself that they were "good-for-nothings" and that all it took was a mere glance to deduce that they were inexperienced in such a place. The awkwardness of their appearance made Fan Xian feel somewhat embarrassed, not just for himself own behalf, but for the Overwatch Council as well.

The woman that had been massaging Fan Xian's shoulders slowly led her hands lower and lower and the two plush articles of the woman's body pushed against Fan Xian's back. All of a sudden, he noticed that he had not yet asked for the woman's name or even taken notice of her face. It was surprising to even himself just how cold his behavior had suddenly become. After a while, he politely asked, "what is your name?"


The woman put her sweet-smelling sleeves in front of Fan Xian and her enlarged, voluptuous chest smartly joined in with the massaging of his back. The way she spoke her name was seductive, also, like a gentle wind blowing directly into his ear.

Fan Xian could not help but start laughing at the sensation, he reached his hands to his ears and humorously told her, "That tickles!"

He knew that Yan'er was using an alias, but what was strange was that after he looked upon her face, he could see how truly pretty she was beneath all the heavy make-up she wore. Was this manner of beauty a common sight in Bao Yue House? Did the management truly select random servants to serve a nobody?

Just when the room was beginning to look boring, the woman who was to perform songs for them entered. Fan Xian looked at the woman and thought to himself, Has this woman been hired by Bao Yue House too?

Translator's note: Litters: Chairs enclosed in a small cabin, usually carried by servants. They go by many different names in different cultures, but litter is an umbrella term for them.

Chapter 281: Sang Wen

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The lady who entered the house to sing was called Sang Wen. She was a famous singer in the capital back in the day, and her tremendous popularity at venues made her a difficult sight for even the noblemen.

The reason why Fan Xian knew her was because one year ago, whilst he was on vacation with his wife to the west of the capital, they resided in a small village for a while. At their summer house there, she was invited by Wan'er to sing a few songs for them both.

During this blissful summer day, a breeze rustled the still waters of a lake and, on its bank, Fan Xian sat beside Wan'er, Wan'er's sister, and Ye Ling'er. He was in the company of three girls and he felt as if this was his favorite moment since his reincarnation. As Sang Wen sung the lyrics "a woman appeared like a fairy" it brought Fan Xian back to the time when he first met Wan'er in Qing Temple. Sang Wen left a strong impression upon him that day; an impression he would not soon forget.

Sang Wen entered the house and bowed before proceeding to the corner of the room to sit. Within her arms she held a lute and after a brief moment, she asked, "What would you like to hear?"

Fan Xian's eyebrows sharpened, realizing that she did not remember him. He wondered if she would at least recall the poem he had written for her. Last summer, in that wondrous little village, he copied a Tang Xianzu poem and presented it to Lady Sang Wen. She left with it in hand, and it wasn't long after that her popularity grew and she became famous across the capital.

"Sing 'Plucking Laurel Branches'."

Fan Xian was lying within Yan'er's arms. With eyes half-closed, he had put in the request for a fairly ordinary song, but in his heart he was thinking, "A singer like this Sang Wen, how can she be owned by the Baoyue Brothel? And how can they just send her out so casually? Yan'er isn't like any of the other women in the brothel, either. Could it be that the owner of this establishment recognized my identity?"

Ding! Ding! A sound roused Fan Xian from his deep contemplation. He smiled and thought to himself, "Maybe I am correct? Perhaps the Baoyue Brothel does know of who I am, and they are secretly treating me with greater grace than is normally given. I don't have to worry about being caught with a courtesan, because I am Commissioner. The worst that could happen is the Imperial Censorate trying to impeach me once again."

Sang Wen possessed finely curved eyebrows that accentuated her frailty. She did not wear lipstick and so she looked a little pale. Her overall facial structure was pretty, but she had wide, protruding cheeks that made her face look rather large. Her lips were also quite wide in comparison to the average pretty girl.

Her fingers gently strummed the strings of the lute and with her lips hardly open, she began singing, "Why does the skirt appear wider? It's because I'm skinnier, and my waist is slimmer. I don't want to eat, I cannot sleep and breathing is a struggle. If we can live together, then I am not afraid to die. I would sooner die before subjecting myself to the throes of love. Unfortunately, I have been working so hard for so long. The expected life of marriage and love became one of lonesome solitude."

Her singing voice was soft, and it echoed the sentiment of each lyric; particularly the lyrics "breathing is a struggle". Yan'er's breathing became heavier when Fan Xian laid upon her, and it was something he found quite seductive. Fan Xian's eyes were still half-closed when he felt the cold rim of a cup touch his lips. He did not open his eyes, for he was comfortable with Yan'er delivering him wine, and as he consumed the beverage, it filled his body with a warm sensation. He thought, "Having the occasional night of relaxation isn't too bad. As for the owner of this establishment, he who has treated me so well, I ought to find out who he is later."

As the song came to a close, a strange atmosphere permeated the air of the room. Fan Xian slowly opened his eyes and looked upon Sang Wen. As he looked, he was able to tell that her aloof mannerisms weren't because she recognized Fan Xian, but that she was being cold on purpose. Perhaps it was because she was in a row with Baoyue Brothel?

The final few lyrics of the song described it clearly. It relayed the tale of a woman whose husband was traveling to a distant land and that she missed dearly. The man chose to remain there and for that, her hatred of him grew to match the love she had for him.

The song was simple, and the lyrics were simple and great. It was a suitable tune for someone of her identity. It was just… the people who visited this establishment came for little more than a prostitute to spend time with and an opportunity to drink through the night. For her to sing a long like this, it didn't quite seem appropriate.

Yan'er saw Fan Xian's soothed demeanor, and when she saw it, she conveyed a worried expression. Quickly, she poured more alcohol into his cup and delivered it to his lips. She pleaded, "Mister Chen, Sang Wen is a famous singer in the capital. Ordinary folks cannot usually see her. Why not get her to sing a few happy songs for you?"

Sang Wen did not expect the most popular lady of the house would protect her. In her tragic-looking eyes resided a glimmer of appreciation. She did not want Yan'er to be punished because of her own mood. She acknowledged how inappropriate the song she sang was and so she stood up, bowed and said, "Mister Chen, please forgive me."

Fan Xian merely grunted in reply.

Everyone in the house was looking his way. Shi Chanli and Deng Ziyue had no idea what to expect next. They didn't expect it when Fan Xian immediately smiled and replied to Sang Wen, "Everything about this capital is different from Jiangnan. This place is nice, and even the songs tell of how people should be nice, as well."

All the girls heard Fan Xian tell this joke and felt relieved. Yan'er, with a smile, said, "If you all become nice people, how am I supposed to find work?"

Fan Xian chuckled and gently slapped her leg. And as his hand remained upon her thigh, he gently slid his hand up her lap. After this, she stopped massaging his shoulders and so they both sat up facing each other, drinking.

Sang Wen went back to it, and began singing another song. "Like a fairy in a dream, the raven-haired woman wore a sparkling tiara. The adornment bore the delicacy of a sunny day, glistened like the youthful joy of spring, and was sculpted in the manner of the round of the autumn's jade lotus. After the consumption of much alcohol, her face was both red and shy, like a beautiful woman walking out from the canvas of a portrait. May I ask the fairy, with the moon setting in the west, which year it is?"

After she was done singing, Fan Xian was the first to compliment her, by saying, "Great song!" And then he turned to look at the pretty face of Yan'er in his arms and said, "This song is for Yan'er, for she glistens with the youthful joy of spring and bears the arms of a delicate lotus." One hand trailed down Yan'er's fingers through her sleeves to feel her skin and his other hand stroked Yan'er's cheeks as he continued: "You are a beautiful woman, it's just your ability to drink alcohol is bad. Your cheeks aren't red at all."

Fan Xian looked at a person nearby, who was holding another prostitute. He was red all over and possessed the squirming face of one consumed with lust. His name was Shi Chanli. Fan Xian looked his way and told him, "These words are for you."

The girls all thought him funny, and each began laughing. Yan'er was smiling and quickly filled up two cups. She toasted in his name and drank the whole thing. All of a sudden, she began thinking; "This man is a master flirt. Is he really like Yuan said? Is he an officer from the government?"

It was now deep into the night. Fan Xian told the two horny men Deng and Shi to each go to their separate spare rooms in the house. The walls of the establishment must have been built well, for they had been in their own rooms for a while now, and not a peep was heard. Fan Xian laughed, thinking that Deng Ziyue may have actually maintained his composure for protecting his master, and not given into the temptation of doing anything with the beautiful woman that accompanied him. But he was not from the Third Bureau, so if he were attempting to obtain information from the prostitute, it would be a difficult thing to do. Shi Chanli was afraid that he may be eaten alive by his woman. Earlier, when they drank, he was able to taste the horny drug in the wine, which he explained to be a common addition to the beverages that are traditionally served at brothels.

Inside the room, Sang Wen's face was one of alertness as she looked upon "Mister Chen", who was lying upon the sofa. She was unsure as to why, after having played every song, he wanted to keep her there.

Yan'er's clothes were loose and her hair had been brought down messily. She looked at "Mister Chen" and was surprised that this person the Baoyue Brothel had been focused on was requesting two women at once. As she thought of this, she began to feel uncomfortable. Yan'er acknowledged the fact that she was the most popular woman in the building, but found it hard to believe that she alone would not be enough to satisfy this young man. She knew that the management earnestly desired Sang Wen to work at the establishment, but due to her cost, they had to close down one branch of the brothel to be able to afford her. However, Sang Wen was a performer, not a prostitute, and due to her fame within the capital, she was able to strike a deal that ensured she never had to sleep with any man.

When Yan'er was just about to put on a smile, she did not expect tonight's client to vigorously grab a hold of her. And as she was pulled, she was overcome with the feeling of warmth inside her. It was as if she lost all strength, and was brought gently down upon Fan "Mister Chen" Xian's chest.

Yan'er, upon seeing the smile upon Fan Xian's face, then began to think that the four dots upon his face weren't quite as obtrusive as she initially believed them to be. The entirety of his being was soft and compassionate; he was rather sexy, also.

"I asked you to massage my shoulder earlier. Why don't I massage you, as well?" Fan Xian used one hand to hold her waist and another to rub her temple.

Yan'er was surprised, unable to overcome the soothing sensation that his fingers delivered unto her. She lost consciousness and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Seeing Yan'er lying down upon this man's knee without further movement, Sang Wen looked to be in shock. She stood up, with her hands holding her mouth and her eyes full of fear.

"Do not be afraid. She is only sleeping." Fan Xian told her. He then carried the woman who had pleased him all night long onto the bed, before placing a pillow beneath her neck.

Yan'er looked to be in a state of tranquility, with her eyes closed tight. He briefly wondered what she would dream about. After seeing this, Sang Wen was able to confirm that Yan'er was indeed not dead. But still, with great trepidation, she made her way to the door. She was still unnerved by the way that the young man hypnotized Yan'er through a two second rub of her temples.

Fan Xian sat next to the sofa and looked at Sang Wen. He gestured for her to be silent.

All of a sudden, she felt dizzy and a second later Fan Xian was directly in front of her again. Without knowing what was going on, she was prepared to flee the building. And it was at this point she heard a voice whisper directly into her ear, saying, "How can a famous woman end up in a dump like this? Lady, you are so cruel for not remembering me!"

Sang Wen thought that the evening's proceedings had been far too intense for her. She looked at "Mister Chen", and when she glanced into his eyes, her mind swiftly recalled the mellow summer of the previous year.

She opened her mouth wide and her eyes beamed with surprise and delight, but there was a glint of sorrow hidden away in there, also. It appeared as if she had a thousand things to tell Fan Xian.

Fan Xian looked at her face and knew of how fortunate he had been on this day. He shook his head to prevent her from saying anything more and then he walked behind the bed where a toiletry bucket resided. He squatted down and then used his zhenqi to transform his finger into a blade. He tore into the bed sheets and collected a ball of cloth. With it, he plugged a conspicuous hole which resided behind the handle of the toilet frame.

Chapter 282: Fan Strikes

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Baoyue Brothel was not a simple place. Seeing this well-hidden peephole, Fan Xian knew what was going on behind the scenes at this brothel. For as much money as they would earn from the prostitution trade, the proprietors would also collect information obtained from the eavesdropping upon the dialogue of officers who visited the place, those who thought they could spend their time privately and freely. If Fan Xian hadn't been as attentive as he was, few would be privy to the knowledge that someone lurked behind the bathroom.

Sang Wen looked at him strangely, bit her teeth, and then fell to her knees before Fan Xian.

Fan Xian smiled gently, but did not stop her. He decided to make a quick sweep of the room to ensure there weren't any more peepholes, so that their discussions could not be heard. As for why she fell to her knees, he was able to tell; but he chose not to say anything. He sat upon a chair and grabbed a blanket. He lay it across Yan'er, who remained unconscious upon the bed and as he did so, he said, "I ask, you answer."

Sang Wen understood. She pulled herself back to her feet. She was of the guise that she was looking forward to having a talk with Fan Xian, and then walked in front of him. She gazed behind him and Fan Xian shook his head. He couldn't spare the time to explain what he had done to Yan'er, but he wanted to bring comfort to her mind, at the very least. "She won't wake up for a while, so there is no fear of her eavesdropping. You should relax."

Sang Wen nodded in response.

Fan Xian was aware that Sang Wen had previously worked at another brothel called Tianchang Bordello. He did not ask what brought the Tianchang Bordello to shutter its doors for good, nor did he ask what terms the Baoyue Brothel used to employ Sang Wen. Those would be pointless questions to ask, so he said, "Do you have a contract with Baoyue Brothel?"

Sang Wen suddenly looked rather joyful, acknowledging that Fan Xian sought to help her out of her current situation with the brothel. She quickly responded, "Yes. But they forced…"

He did not wait for Sang Wen to finish her sentence, and so he continued, "Today, they had you serve me. Did they arrange this?" Fan Xian had assumed the unimportant identity of "Mister Chen", so why would they have someone as distinguished as Sang Wen to perform exclusively for him?

Sang Wen decided to place her entire faith in Fan Xian, knowing that only the famous Overwatch Council's Commissioner could release her from this esoteric establishment and perhaps even aid her in obtaining some sort of vengeance over the closure of the Tianchang Bordello that Baoyue was responsible for. She said, "I overheard that the people that run this establishment believe you are an officer of the Ministry of Justice, and that you have come here to investigate a homicide. That is why they sent out Yan'er."

Fan Xian started laughing. He wondered how the brothel saw through his disguise, but was amused that they believed him to be an officer of a wholly different department. Sang Wen looked at him and said, "Your follower possesses the aura of someone who belonged to the government, and it scares people."

That would be Deng Ziyue.

Fan Xian gestured to change the subject, and told her, "I would like to know something. Could you guess who the owner of Baoyue Brothel is?" Fan Xian used the word "guess" because inside the Overwatch Council, someone had been purposely concealing this person's identity. Therefore, it was highly unlikely that she would know of this person. But still, she had worked and lived here, and this was one of Fan Xian's only leads.

Even though Sang Wen did not know why the Overwatch Council was so invested in this topic, she still tried her hardest to remember. She was unsure, but said, "It must have something to with the Minister Lane. Whenever the Baoyue owner arrives, they do so in great secret. Despite that, however, the carriage this person uses to arrive is always the same. There are no signets on the carriage referencing any particular family or household, but I have seen its roof cluttered with many fallen leaves. I know of which tree such leaves belong to, and it is a native tree of the northern Qi Kingdom. In the entire capital, only the Minister Lane hosts such carriages."

Fan Xian looked at her, and seeing this, she continued, "When I was young, I lived in Minister Lane, so I know all about it."

Fan Xian then asked, "Who is the woman that manages this place?"

"Her surname is Yuan."

Sang Wen's dialogue came thick and fast, but sure and gentle. Fan Xian appreciated her aid and earnestness, and told her, "You are quite astute. You could most certainly work within my Council."

Those that lived in Minister Lane were not actually all ministers. It was a place where many barons resided; the extremely noble sorts who helped in the founding of the kingdom. But now, the Emperor was strict in his ruling of the kingdom, so the influence and illegal dealings that were often done by the barons were few. They were well-behaved.

And in regards to this Ms. Yuan, Fan Xian simply smiled and thought about Hongcheng's subordinate, Lady Yuan Meng.

With this heap of new intelligence, Fan Xian was more than satisfied with today's outcome. His near-interrogation of Sang Wen had now turned into a friendly chat, due to how pleased Fan Xian was. Following their conversation, he was now aware that Baoyue Brothel had quite the background. The establishment had only been open since the summer, but in this short time, they had already been able to bring ruin to a number of other brothels in the capital. The method they used to accomplish this was bloody, and the brutality of their methods was what led to Sang Wen being within their employ.

"Within two days, I will have someone buy you out." Fan Xian was not being helpful out of the kindness of his heart - he merely thought this to be a fair exchange. And having a singer like this relegated to performing in a brothel, of all places, was a waste of talent. Besides, even Wan'er adored this person, too. Therefore, he decided to arrange for someone in the council to visit, pay a fee, and deliver Sang Wen away from the brothel. He also thought that this would test the respect that the brothel's owner held for the Overwatch Council.

Sang Wen was overwhelmed with joy. She had always been precarious during her time in Baoyue Brothel. She had even witnessed prostitutes from another establishment being beaten to death. She spent every moment in the brothel thinking of how to escape. She had only met Fan Xian once before, but she never thought of seeking him out due to their estrangement. She could never have dreamed that she would meet him again on this day, and to be made this promise. With Fan Xian's position in the government, his plan would definitely go through. Due to her newfound happiness, she burst into tears and fell to her knees, thanking him.

Fan Xian had already seen her on her knees once, so he did not want it to happen again. He moved toward her and picked her up.

At that moment, from outside the room, there was a roar of utter fury.

"I'm going to kill you!"

After this bark from a middle-aged man, the door was broken into pieces. The shadow of a man quickly entered and rushed towards Fan Xian, throwing the palm of his hand in the direction of his chest.

"No!" Sang Wen was brought to terror and fell back down to the floor. As she looked at the assailant, she saw how his face had been wrapped up, masking his identity.

The palm was like a blade going towards Fan Xian's face. He avoided the blow by turning his stance sideways and did not look back. Pulling his hand from out of his sleeves, he threw out his own palm towards the attacker.

The palm Fan Xian extended looked to be moving really slow, but this was merely an illusion. By the time the aggressor could cast another move, Fan Xian's arm had extended to its fullest.

The palm coursed through the air at a plodding velocity, yes, but it was stable and of a directly composed trajectory. It slightly came into contact with the enemy's hand.

And from this gentle collision erupted a deafening sound.

The foe who had entered the room with the speed and aggression of lightning and thunder, now made his exit with the momentum of a rocket. Through the force of Fan Xian's palm, he had been launched out of the room as if he were the rock upon a catapult.

The wooden door that had already been shattered was now strewn about with this final smash. The enemy did not solely get thrown through the door frame, either, but he was launched far across the yard, all the way to the gate and into the pond there. A massive splash was heard.

Fan Xian then continued to stand there, as if nothing had happened.

Sang Wen, after viewing this scene, let out a loud scream over the fright and shock she had just experienced. In her mind, however, she was thinking, "Oh my days! A guy who seems so gentle wields such incredible power?"

She did not think about the attack Fan Xian had just committed, and quickly stood up. With tears still rolling down her face, she grabbed the length of her skirt and ran outside toward the pond. She wondered if the person who attacked Fan Xian was dead or alive.

Fan Xian looked down at his hands and noticed the presence of some dirt, which told him that his assailant had most likely been crouched down in the bushes outside. With a concerned expression, he humorously thought to himself, "With poor skills like that, he must be a reckless man."

Sang Wen was pretty popular in the capital and it was expected of her to have fanatical obsessives following her, tasking themselves with her protection. Even though these captivated followers of Sang Wen could not beat the muscle of the Baoyue Brothel that guarded her, they still did their best to ensure her safety by protecting her from the shadows - to the best of their abilities, leastways. That one fighter must have been waiting in the yard for hours. Sang Wen had finished her performance a while ago and hadn't exited the room for a long time since, so he must have thought Fan Xian was doing something awful to her. That most likely prompted the attack.

Fan Xian knew that this situation could not be hidden from anyone, so he ran into the yard, as well. At this time, Deng Ziyue was already at Fan Xian's side with a grizzled expression. Shi Chanli, however, was still off in the land of nod. Fan Xian gazed over at Deng, the man whom he had selected to be at the head of Qinian Unit, and gave him a look of approval.

He wasn't just satisfied with the speed at which Deng Ziyue woke up and sprung to his side, but he was satisfied with the results of his very own attack.

After he finished his attack, he reflected upon the time that he went to the capital from Danzhou and practiced in the Cang Mountains. He had been an ambassador to the northern Qi Kingdom and traveling on the road was an arduous trial, but one that proved fruitful in the betterment of his fighting abilities. The pressure of the road, combined with the battle he fought alongside Xiao En on the cliffs of Shangjing, and even with the fight against Haitang; he had received so many varying influences and witnessed so many different tactics and methods of combat, he had now combined them all into one. He believed that his power had now reached a level that was almost terrifying.

If this had happened before, his attack might have utterly destroyed his opponent's right arm. But now, to possess this power, would it ever again be possible for him to suppress an enemy without killing them? Thinking of this, in his heart, Fan Xian expressed gratitude to Haitang and the late Xiao En. But of course, most of all, he appreciated the faith Chen Pingping always placed in him, and the opportunities he had provided.

He did not need to thank Wu Zhu, however, for he was family.

The pond's water was still disturbed, and ripples continued to formulate. Whether or not the man who was floating upon its restless water was dead or alive remained to be seen. It was a dark night, though, and the blood that had seeped into the water was unable to be seen by those who had gathered there.

In a brief time following this event, the festivities of the Baoyue Brothel resumed, and the body of the man had been brought to shore with a net.

The Baoyue Brothel's guards gathered around the pond, and in their midst was a good-looking, albeit aged woman. She possessed an expression of terror at first, but then approached Fan Xian to say, "I could not protect you, Mister Chen. This was all my fault."

Her face seemed to show a combination of both fear and apology, but if one looked closely, her eyes told a different story. Behind that veil, she was looking upon Fan Xian with a certain coldness, and a desire to test him.

Chapter 283: Ruthless Fighting

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Fan Xian watched the cold eyes of that woman blink. He knew that the Baoyue management and staff had arrived outside purposely late, and he suspected that perhaps the assailant's presence in the yard was already known to them. Fan Xian had blocked the peephole inside, and eager to learn of Fan Xian's true identity, this could have been their next play in a bid to bring the enigmatic "Mister Chen" and owner to a meet.

They continued to believe that Fan Xian was from the Ministry of Justice, and still did not know who he truly was. If they had known of his true identity, they would have sent someone with greater prowess to "greet" Fan Xian at that late hour.

The unconscious fighter had been pulled out and he lay before everyone, getting the grass wet. The old woman gently said, "I heard earlier that were was a humorous individual called Mister Chen present. I would never have thought that he could fight as well as this."

This was to be the naked test. Fan Xian looked at her, but did not bother to reply. He simply walked back to the door that led to the courtyard. Of course, the door was little more than broken planks of wood and splinters at this point, but it had also made for a draught, and now the warmth of the chamber he had spent the night in had depleted. The room, however, could now be seen clearly.

The eyes of that woman were suspicious. They believed that the three people who had come to visit the brothel were from the Ministry of Justice and that they had come to investigate a homicide. This is why they had sent out Yan'er. They sought to obtain as much information about the trio as they could, but they never expected "Mr. Chen" would be made aware of their peephole. Sang Wen had been in there for far longer than she was supposed to, also, which is why they had these proceedings arranged.

They thought that if Mister Chen were to use a single palm to counter-attack the assailant as he did, his identity would be revealed and then they could host a discussion and perhaps strike some sort of a deal. The old woman never anticipated Fan Xian would see her as nothing and instead coldly walk back inside.

The woman gritted her teeth to feign a smile and hollered, "The deficiency of the Baoyue's security is entirely our own fault. We did not mean to scare you off. Consider your evening's expense on the house. Please forgive us."

Fan Xian's eyebrows were warped, as he replied, "Okay then. You guys can get out."

Seeing him respond as indifferently as he did, the old woman rushed a little and asked, "Sir? Why must you be so heartless? For when you are outside, you should always have a few friends." By now, the old woman completely believed that Fan Xian was from the Ministry of Justice; therefore she did not beat around the bush so much.

Fan Xian was not heartless; it was just that the old woman was unqualified to host a negotiation. He looked in her general direction, but his eyes did not grant her the courtesy of meeting hers. "I am here to enjoy the ladies, not make friends."

The woman felt a chill run down her spine, unable to figure out what sort of person this Mister Chen truly was. As gently as she could, she said, "But this door has already been ruined. I plead that you seek your refuge in another room."

Fan Xian smiled and looked at her. He sat on the sofa and did not say a word in response. Then, Deng Ziyue, who was at his side, said, "My lord does not want to move. Why don't you go bring a couple of partitions over to cover the door frame? Those will do."

Leaving the door open; what kind of sick joke was that? Deng Ziyue's face was one of stone, but in his heart, he was quite embarrassed. He was afraid that the ladies of the Baoyue Brothel would come to believe that Fan Xian was a nude exhibitionist.

And now, after all this time had elapsed, Shi Chanli was finally roused from his slumber. He was patting down his clothes as he came out. In the house, a number of messy, half-naked girls had gathered to overhear the conversation that was held between the old woman and Fan Xian.

The old woman's eyes rolled. She caught sight of Yan'er sleeping on the bed. She secretly felt happy, but she decided to feign anger. "That damn girl! How can she sleep through all this, ignoring the customer like this? This is a terrible thing for her to do." The old woman began shouting, "Someone, beat up that incessant girl for me!"

Fan Xian frowned upon hearing the woman's words. Her face did not change when she repeated and elaborated upon her barked order: "Beat her to death!"

She was of the mind that this turn of events would harden Fan Xian's resolve to reply and engage her in a proper conversation.

With a continued frown, he said, "You keep calling for death and a beating in my presence. You are so annoying. She is one of your people, so she is also a concern of yours. If you want to beat her to death, find me another beautiful woman in her stead. But remember, I like them curvy."

Fan Xian's speech was soft in its tone and deliverance, but the meaning was heartless all the same.

The young man had the appearance of someone quite nice and sweet, but he harbored no care for the woman he had just slept with. The woman felt frustrated. She had traveled a lot in her day, and her ability to read people was nothing short of the finest. She knew that if she truly were to have Yan'er beaten to death before him, his eyebrows would lax and the frown would dissipate.

"Why does the 13th Yamen of the Ministry of Justice have someone such as this in their employ?" The old woman was in shock.

Fan Xian was starting to feel annoyed. Deng Ziyue looked at his master and acknowledged how he was feeling through a quick, good study of his eyebrows. He coldly said, "Get out of here!"

The woman gritted her teeth. Even though they had both not formally begun an argument, and Fan Xian was remaining as enigmatic as ever, the Baoyue Brothel could not afford to lose any customers or potential business. For this, she decided to retreat.

Beyond the expectations of all who were present, just as the old woman and Baoyue's security was about to exit the yard, Fan Xian coldly spoke once more. "Keep that man."

These words may have appeared random, but they were loaded with the pride of authority. Tonight, the old woman who had been at a disadvantage the entire time, replied, "Sir, this man must be delivered to the authorities to be dealt with."

Fan Xian had at last decided to do as she said. He smiled and told her, "The officers can deal with it but the Ministry of Justice cannot?"

The old woman laughed on the inside, thinking he was to finally reveal his identity and forego his veil of concealment. Before she could say anything in response, Fan Xian was ordering a servant, saying, "That Sang Wen; I want her."

The Baoyue Brothel had only been established a few months prior, but it had a powerful background. The old woman knew that the true owner of the business had some affiliation with the Overwatch Council, and so she wasn't afraid of the Yamen of the Ministry of Justice in the least. Hearing Fan Xian make demands so rudely, she was filled with fury and yelled, "Sang Wen's price is lavish and out of your expense. The 13th Yamen is far from the top, and if it is the Ministry of Justice that is to field this sort of sum, such a figure could only be provided by the minister himself or either of the ministry's executive assistants. Might I ask which one you are?"

Fan Xian's eyebrows were raised, and he responded, "I am none of those. I merely enjoy Sang Wen's singing voice. So, I am willing to offer 200 tael for her." The reason he desired to free Sang Wen from the employ of the Baoyue Brothel was because they already knew they had held discussions together in the room for some time. If she was to remain in the house another day without him there, he was afraid that she would soon become another corpse in the pond.

The woman was enraged enough to begin laughing maniacally. In the midst of her hysteria, she said, "Well, well, well. This lord is going to use his authority to crush this establishment. It seems to me as if you aren't aware of how deep our pond truly is."

"Less chit-chat." Shi Chanli finally spoke. In an attempt to match Fan Xian's tone, he said, "Sang Wen is a performer of the capital; she is not a prostitute for the army. According to the Qing Kingdom's law, if anyone is willing to buy her out, the Baoyue Brothel has no choice but to comply. What? You think we can't present you with a few hundred tael?"

A few hundred tael. The woman was made fuming at the petty sum, for if someone truly desired to buy Sang Wen's freedom, the cost would be at least 2000 tael. The three people who had come to cause so much trouble now presented a ridiculous offer to purchase the establishment's finest talent? Thinking it over, she had now completely lost her wig. She began yelling, "If you can present me with 10,000 tael, I'll hand her over to you immediately. I'll even throw in that useless man for free!"

For 10,000 tael, one could purchase a dozen houses. One could even use it to buy enough food for several lifetimes. Even in an affluent location such as Jiangnan, 10,000 was no small sum.

The old woman began laughing coldly, believing no one would fork over such an amount for a woman who could only sing and wasn't even all that pretty.

This was the opportunity Fan Xian had been waiting for. Without squandering it, he immediately waved his hand and said, "Okay then, present me with the contract."

As soon as he said this, everyone within earshot was audibly surprised. Even Sang Wen herself, who was still stood next to the wet man, was in such shock as to possess a distorted expression. And as for the old woman, she said nothing; she stood there like a petrified chicken.

"Pah!" The sound reverberated loudly. Another woman had entered the yard and slapped the old woman across the cheek. This woman was quite beautiful, and she bowed before the trio and with a smile said, "Mister Chen truly is a humorous man who likes to jest.

Fan Xian did not know who this pretty woman was. She possessed red lips, and her soft eyes were crowned by thin eyebrows. Her lips bore a lovely smile, but she gave Fan Xian a feeling of discomfort. From the outside, she looked to be weak, but her inside propagated a feeling of unease, that made it seem as if she despised the trio, despite her fonder mannerisms. Fan Xian believed her to be the subordinate of Yuan Meng.

"This is no joke." Fan Xian pocketed his smile and continued, "10,000 to buy a person was the deal. Unless you mean to imply that the Baoyue Brothel is intent on not honoring this proposition?"

The beautiful woman looked at Fan Xian coldly and said, "Baoyue Brothel is willing to give you 1,000 tael to put tonight's transpirations behind us and swept under the carpet, to be forgotten about."

The Baoyue Brothel was willing to pay Fan Xian 1,000 tael, but he noticed the disdain in this pretty woman's eyes. Mockingly, he told her, "Tonight was fun. There was no trouble. I only want to purchase Sang Wen and that man. Are you daring to not honor the proposed trade?"

The beautiful woman did not expect Fan Xian to harbor such disrespect towards her and asked, "Can you truly bring forth 10,000 tael?" By now, it was no longer about freeing Sang Wen or even an investigation of the Baoyue Brothel; it was about which side possessed the most power. But the Baoyue Brothel was not willing to relinquish their hold on Sang Wen easily, and the beautiful woman did not possibly believe Fan Xian could possess such a sum on his person.

Fan Xian stroked his smooth hair and did not speak. Shi Chanli stood beside him and told her, "You don't have to worry about that."

The beautiful woman, with ice in her eyes, gazed at the trio and harshly spoke, "Ah, I see. You three are here to bring ill repute and tarnish the reputation of the Baoyue Brothel, aren't you?! Well, you should know that even if you were to free her today, I am afraid you may have to send her back tomorrow."

The meaning behind her words was intimidating, but Fan Xian did not care, for his position and authority had reach considerable heights, as of late. He continued smiling and looked her way.

"I will give you 10,000 tael tonight, but I am also afraid you may have to return it on the morrow."