
Chapter 289: Shutting Down

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The security guards outside the room were already knocked out. Fan Xian was standing alone inside, looking at his younger brother, who was only 14 years of age. His face was devoid of any emotion.

It was then that the fighters and the teenagers of the room awoke. There were people who did not know who Fan Xian was yet, but they still looked at him with nervous uncertainty. The young boy whose hand had been the recipient of a crossbow bolt recognised him as the "Mister Chen" of the previous night, and so he screamed aloud, ordering a number of his men to attack Fan Xian directly.

Fan Sizhe was unable to formulate a single cohesive thought as his mind raced; all he did was grab a teapot and went to beat someone with it.


The fighter that first passed Fan Sizhe on his way to attack Fan Xian had received a whack on the head with the glass teapot. Within a second, the man crumbled to the ground, his head bleeding.

The teapot in Fan Sizhe was holding was in pieces, and the boiling hot tea that splashed upon his hand scalded. As for the man that was now on the ground, his head was was emitting steam. Fan Sizhe's eyes were full of shock, and as he looked towards the doors, his right hand was holding the handle of half a teapot. His hand began shaking, and with a change in his tone of voice, he spoke.

"Big Brother, why are you… here?"

Fan Xian did not answer him. The people in the room were currently in extreme shock, pondering why the big boss had knocked unconscious one of his own men. They looked at Fan Sizhe with a combination of consternation and fear. Only the young third prince held a simple, naive look that was not directed at him. He looked at Fan Xian.

The people in the room who were quick to catch on, remembered the title "Big Brother", and from that title, they now understood who the man before them was. His identity was at last clear. The reason why the Bao Yue house had been so arrogant in its operations was because they thought that the Big Boss' owner could lean on his big brother, Fan Xian, the commissioner of the Overwatch Council. They wondered if this man was indeed the one from the Overwatch Council whom they believed they would gain support from.

Fan Xian did not believe he had what it took to be the support of a whorehouse. His eyes looked down and he asked, "Are you coming back?"

Fan Sizhe did not have time to question the consequences he were to face upon his return. He bit his teeth and the cheeks of his chubby face began to wiggle. With an extremely quiet voice, like a whisper, he uttered a single word: "Yes."

He walked to Fan Xian's side with his eyes fixed toward the ground, like a child who had just been told off. Fan Xian looked at his little brother and it only just struck him by how much his little brother had grown in the past two years. His was almost up to Fan Xian's ears. Deep in his heart, he sighed. He then told him, "First of all, yes, you did something very wrong. And secondly, you are not a child anymore. Don't give me that pitiful look."

"Yes." Fan Sizhe dishearteningly groaned.

Fan Xian ignored him and now scanned the room and its dozen fighters/inhabitants. He noticed that there were a few of the noble kids present that he saw amidst the crowd he beat up last night. These were the ones who had run away from Fan Xian, however, so they had not sustained any grievous injuries. Fan Xian squinted his eyes and still recalled their faces, for he had a tremendous photographic memory that most others lacked. Now that the kids knew of who their assailant "Mister Chen" was, however, they had no choice but to bow before him.

"Greetings, Big Cousin."

"Greetings, Uncle."

"Greetings, Uncle Fan."

The two young owners of the Bao Yue house now wore a face of profound sadness, and they approached Fan Xian, bowing as they came. Hearing these people talking of which families they hailed from, Fan Xian was fuming on the inside and could not help but feel disappointed. He thought to himself, What is this madness? I was just going to investigate this big case, and the case turned out to be about me.

It was no wonder why Sang Wen said that the carriages always came from the shangshu lane. These people before him were relatives. If they were not from the Fan family, they were from the Liu family. Fan Sizhe and the third prince were leaders of this place, and by opening this brothel, it was inevitable that they would have to get involved sometime.

Fan Xian shook his head and released his pent-up anger. He hoped that he could throw both of these bad seeds into the pond behind the building.

A while later, he managed to quell the fire in his heart once again. He used one hand to grab Fan Sizhe sleeve like it were a chicken and walked towards the exit of the room. While the two brothers were about to step out, the third prince seemed to at last recover from his thoughts. As he did so, he ended up beaming with a wide smile. He called out, "Mister Fan? Big Cousin?"

Fan Xian turned around and looked upon the youngest prince of the kingdom, and his face also possessed a gentle appearance. "Third Prince, please never try to pretend you are an adult in front of me. And one more thing, I am not interested in having a discussion with a little spoiled brat."

Everyone was aghast. From the day the country was first established, Fan Xian must have been the first person ever to have told off and called a young member of the royal family a spoiled brat. This was most certainly true of the third prince now before him. Everyone was shocked and taken aback by how much tenacity Fan Xian must have possessed. They also wondered that, despite how much the Emperor had taken a liking to Fan Xian, how an officer like this could so easily talk to a member of the royal family in such a manner. The third prince looked at Fan Xian, and the rage that now built up inside him was enough to make his lips quiver.

Fan Xian's demeanor relaxed, then appeared quite polite, and he said, "The way your mouth quivers and moves like that is a nice act."

The third prince almost passed out at the overwhelming anger he was now feeling. But he then thought of what his mother once told him, that when his Big Cousin was bearing such a large smile, it meant he was absolutely furious, and that it was a good idea not to make him any angrier so the third prince settled for the private grinding of his teeth and said not a word.

It was currently the afternoon, and as such, there weren't many customers around. That which had been occurring upstairs was made known to those who were, and so they all moved to the floor where the commotion was coming from. They actually thought it was quite the poignant sequence to watch; a big brother teaching his little brother right from wrong. Those who were aware of what happened the night before also now knew that the elusive "Mister Chen" was none other than the widely renowned Fan Xian. Due to his status, no one would dare interrupt what was going on, but that still didn't quell their ardent desire to watch, experience pangs of worry about what might occur next, in their hearts.

Some of the ladies and security who did not understand the situation were whispering amongst each other; their eyebrows indicating their excitement as they discussed what had been going on. The chubby man who was grabbed by the arm like a chicken… Was he the boss?" they whispered. "He doesn't look like the ruthless and cruel man that was said to own this place."

And who was that "pretty young man" grabbing their suspected owner?

Fan Xian proudly walked forward, dragging the "owner" of Bao Yue. His face didn't show any particular expression, but from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Lady Yan'er, who appeared to be fraught with worry.

His eyebrows jumped. He knew that the situation was steadily escalating, and these events were now laid bare before the citizens of the capital. Still, while he never planned on hiding this entire affair, but he had other methods in mind.

After exiting Bao Yue, they stood in the middle of a quiet and long lane. Parked on each side of the road was a single carriage. Fan Xian was to take the carriage to the west, but the carriage on the eastern side of the road was seen not bearing any markings or emblems of identification. Then, all of a sudden, the curtains inside were lifted: Crown Prince Hongcheng appeared in the window with a look of absolute regret. It was a look that seemed to suggest there would never be sunshine again. He waved at Fan Xian.

The sun began to sink in the west, and its setting was making people uncomfortable. In autumn, the leaves danced on the breeze, away from their trees. From the tree that shadowed him, the sun pierced through the thicket of branches and twigs to illuminate Fan Xian. It seemed as if it blinded him for a while and while squinting, he looked as if he were annoyed by its presence.

Teng Zi Jing appeared as if from out of nowhere and quietly spoke, "Your father knows you have something to do, so we he wants me to deliver your brother home first."

Fan Xian did not turn around, and through the slight movements of his jaw, replied, "Later, there will be someone from our family going into our manor. You make sure that the guards maintain extra watch, and do not allow any of them to leave." He then looked t Fan Sizhe, whose face was robbed of its color and said, "The next person to secretly slips out from the manor next, I will break their legs."

The words were not true, but they were said so convincingly that it drove fear into the hearts of those who heard them. Teng Zi Jing could clearly sense the anger boiling within Fan Xian at this moment, and so with great, near-muted caution, said, "The master said something. He said that you can sort this out. Today, the manor will close in anticipation of your return."

Fan Xian nodded and walked toward Crown Prince Hongcheng's carriage. Fan Sizhe was behind him, and then he started to cry. He yelled out, "Big Brother!!", but received no response. Fan Si Zhi was then made to enter his family's carriage.

Fan Xian stood outside the other carriage, with the Crown Prince Hongcheng at its window; they didn't seem to be involved in cautionary negotiations, but rather, it seemed as if they were idly chatting. Fan Xian laughed and said, "why are you in a rush to bring back Lady Yuan to Liu Jing He?"

Hongcheng had a wry smile and responded, "I can't believe that, even with Yuan Meng, I cannot hide from you."

To this, Fan Xian replied, "you know what I do. To hide something like this from me is difficult."

Hongcheng then invited Fan Xian into his carriage, but Fan Xian merely shook his head in rejection. Looking into the spacious carriage, there was someone elde alongside the curvy Yuan Meng.

Inside was an elegant man half-squatting upon his seat. He looked towards Fan Xian with a gentle, delicate look for that ask for the same.

Fan Xian's pupils became smaller, but returned to normal after a while. He smiled and bowed, saying, "Greeting, Second Prine."

"In the spring, you and I weren't as estranged as we are now." The second prince's lips only moved a little, but you could tell from his eyes how mournful he felt about this entire situation. He then spoke slowly, "How could it come to this?"

Fan Xian smiled and said, "Perhaps Mister Fan does not know how to appreciate one's kindness?"

The second prince then fell silent, but after some time, began speaking once more. He told Fan Xian, "It is not entirely appropriate for us to discuss matters in such a manner. Would you kindly get into my carriage?"

Fan Xian once again put on his smile and shook his head once more, responding, "I need to hurry up and return home, to deal with this delinquent child. I don't have the time to spare."

"I was just passing by." The second prince smiled at Fan Xian as he said this; but such words were not believed by either of them.

The entire conspiracy surrounding Bao Yue house had nothing to do with the second prince. If Fan Xian decided to investigate and question his involvement, it would only be a disadvantage, for it would tarnish the Fan reputation somewhat. If he chose not to investigate, that would be the best course of action, for they would both profit in more ways than one. The Fan family members that aimed to become politicians in the future would have to learn and hone a greater degree of tolerance.

The second prince was aware of the emptying of the palace treasury and due to their dwindling fortunes, viewed the sustenance and revenue that would continually be provided by their brothel establishments to be of great value. But when he weighed the prospect of getting Fan Xian involved, the possible bounty could be immense.

Fan Xian sighed and said, "To investigate this case and unearth its connection to me and my family, and let the second prince see it? This has been a humorous turn of events."

The second prince now shook his head, also, and said, "it is not that funny. The events surrounding the Bao Yue house have been far too complicated. Although I refrained from getting involved myself, I was told by my little brother that at least 70% of the shares are owned by Fan Si Zhe. You two are brothers,and if there is something neither of you can control, then perhaps it would be best to simply let it go?"

Both of them spoke, but each was in the knowledge that there was something that the opposing party was not revealing.

"How did he come into such a fortune, to be owner of this establishment?" Fan Xian shook his head and revealed another wry smile.

"Hong Yi Gong's two grandchildren bought shares of the property, too." The second prince was being quite polite to inform Fan Xian of this.

Hong Yi Gong was in the Liu manor. Fan Xian feigne surprise upon hearing this and said, "it looks as though it would be best if I did not investigate these affairs, then."

The second prince knew that by halting the investigation, Fan Xian was willing to, for at least the time being, make peace. Realizing this, his heart was brought much joy and his face seemed to beam with delight. "Our identity and stature are not the same, of course, but we are both pitiable people trying to survive and do the best that we can here in the capital. You are an important character in the government, and you have always led and been good to the people below you."

Fan Xian replied, "I am not going to hide. I am not an honorable officer that is well-versed in the intricacies of law." He looked into the second prince's eyes and said, "You have accounted for everything that could transpire here, so how could I not take a step back?"

The second prince was taken aback by this remark. He knew Fan Xian would never admit to his weakness. But then, all of a sudden, the man began clapping, devoid of emotion. And from the Bao Yue house, loud noises began to erupt from within. You could hear the collapsing of people, the breaking and destruction of furniture and the screams of the lady inhabitants of that building.

Li Hongcheng's face changed. He did not know how many men Fan Xian had brought into the Bao Yue house from the Overwatch Council's First Bureau, and with great worry, implored, "Fan Xian, to be honest, even if you do make this case and uncover any evidence that incriminates us, why bother? You cannot harm us either way."

Hongcheng is a straightforward person, Fan Xian thought of this with a feeling of self-deprecation.

Seeing Fan Xian's continued resistance to cooperate with him, the second prince maintained his composure, but his heart felt cold. He stared at Fan Xian and said, "these are just childish matters. Fan Sizhe and my brother were merely bored, and so they created a brothel they could both play about in. Don't take it so seriously!"

Fan Xian knew that what had transpired in Bao Yue was not enough to bring down a prince. That aside, the handsome second prince before him obviously had nothing to do with any of these matters. If starting from Yuan Meng, the most he could get involved was Hongcheng. If he truly wanted to investigate, he was only afraid of hurting himself.

"Sizhe is my brother. I will consider and determine the best course of disciplinary action." He looked back towards the second prince and said, "It's just that you should take of your brother, as well."

Hongcheng could no longer withhold his feelings. He vigorously shook his head and said, "Fan Xian, there are matters here that would be most unfortunate for you to misunderstand. The trade in the Bao Yue house really was operated by those reckless, foolhardy boys. Asking Yuan Meng to get involved with the managerial duties? Yes, that I did know about. But neither I nor the second prince got involved."

Fan Xian shook his head and said, "Sometimes, not getting involved and watching things unfold is the greater move." He looked at Hongcheng and said, "besides, I do not believe Fan Sizhe had possessed the ability to find out that you were with Yuan Meng."

The operation to ruin Bao Yue was still going on. From the inside, there were continued screams and the sounds of running footsteps. The second prince furrowed his eyebrows, contemplating whether or not Fan Xian was truly this callous. If it would mean his reputation would go untarnished, he would happily leave his own family for dead, he thought.

Fan Xian was able to guess what he was thinking, and in a self-deprecating manner, looked towards the prince and said, "You didn't guess incorrectly. I did not dare investigate Bao Yue, for after all, I was unable to bring myself to deliver Fan Sizhe to the capital government. If both sides are able to maintain their peace like this, then the Fan family, Liu family and people of the Bao Yue house will not have to suffer pressure from said government in the capital." Even Fan Xian himself thought that the second prince had played a good game, and the price he would have to pay was not at all substantial.

After a while of watching the building from where he stood, he took notice of Mu Tie performing a secret gesture, indicating that they were unable to recover the accounting ledger of the Bao Yue house. He had not expected its recovery, however, for he suspected that Fan Sizhe's dirt had already been taken by the second prince. That kid only knew how to operate businesses on the sly, but he did not know that beneath such a person, there were officers from someplace always keeping an eye on them.

The second prince acknowledged what thoughts had been traversing the currents of Fan Xian's mind and put up a smile, thinking that regardless of what was to happen, the Bao Yue house was established by Fan Sizhe and there was no discernable way for Fan Xian to bury that fact. The Fan and Liu family were now both in this mess, and if he did not want for this news to get out and circulate, he would have to cooperate.

"Bao Yue house will continue its operations." Fan Xian spoke calmly, then continued, "I'm sure you will understand what I mean."

The second prince nodded in confirmation of his understanding, but deep in his heart, he felt a pang of discomfort, for he knew that Fan Xian was not the sort of person you could keep on a leash. He would not be stopped by a simple brothel, he knew that much, but he worried about what game Fan Xian might end up playing next.

Fan Xian decided to change the subject, saying, "Speaking of that, what Hongcheng has done is not right. You are out here dealing with prostitutes, and it is not my desire to confide in Ruoruo about this. I hope you will remain more faithful when the two of you are married. You knew that Sizhe was in the middle of dirty business out here, yet you did not tell either of us. Even though I was an ambassador, and was way from the capital for many months, could you have not informed Ruoruo? It won't be long before you are Sizhe's brother-in-law."

He looked towards the Crown Prince with remorse and said, "Hongcheng, you truly disappoint me."

The second prince was silent. No matter how smart he was, he could not sense the true meanings behind Fan Xian's words. Even Li Hongcheng felt guilty when hearing these words spoken to him, and he had no idea how Fan Xian was to leverage the events that transpired at Bao Yue.

The investigation was still ongoing at Bao Yue. The second prince thought that if he was to agree to a settling of peace, why had he not called it off? He was slightly worried that the black dogs of the Overwatch Council might uncover the connection between the Bao Yue house and Li Hongcheng. He furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Mister Fan, maybe now you can call your men off? After all, this is the capital government's business. The Overwatch Council is supposed to work inside the government, and what you are doing now goes against the Emperor's wishes. He has been quite adamant about it."

Fan Xian smiled and mockingly responded, "I am just following that which my family desired. Coming to this brothel and bringing back a few of my useless and delinquent relatives that enjoy playing around here. Of course, I did bring people from the First Bureau, so you could say it's an abuse of my authority, but the officers in the government always tend to use their subordinates for personal matters. My men only know how to fight, so asking them to retrieve a couple of relatives should be no big deal."

The second prince was now angry; Fan Xian had emphasised the word "family", and so he did not know how to respond.

The noise coming from the Bao Yue house had at last ceased. The officers of the First Bureau of the Overwatch Council were wearing their disguises, and they brought eight people outside. Each one was either a relative of the Fan family or Liu family. They had been deeply involved with the concerns of Bao Yue, and each of them looked disheartened. At the end of the line was the noble kid who wanted to kill Fan Xian the night before and had been shot with s crossbow; he was displaying a whole new batch of fresh wounds.

Fan Xian's eyes squinted and peered at his relatives, each of whom looked terrified. It was as if a frosted wind howled from his mouth as he spoke, "Take them all back to their respective manors."

He turned around and gently said to the second prince, "Do not worry. I promise you I will get it done. But I want these people, and it would not be appropriate to use the law to investigate them. I will use the disciplinary rules and self-given laws of my family to take care of them."

The second prince thought, No matter how well you use your family rules, there is no way to hide the fact that several members of the Fan family own shares of the Bao Yue house. Your reputation is in the line of fire, whether you like it or not. As the second prince watched the Fan and Liu family members be shuffled aboard their carriage to be taken away, his heart shivered as he pondered what exactly his "family discipline" consisted of .

Fan Xian looked into his eyes and said, "For the people who ambushed me last night, please send word so that I am never made to see them again. Yeah…that's it."

Chapter 290: Brother

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The First Bureau of the Overwatch Council possessed the necessary sense of proportion and expertise to flawlessly handle the investigation of the Bao Yue house. As instructed, they retrieved personnel from the establishment who only belonged to the Fan family and Liu family. As for the little bastards that lived in the sovereign manors, many were beaten up by Fan Xian. There were quite a few who weren't too deeply involved with the conspiracy of the Bao Yue house, so they were left alone.

After Mu Tie had finished gathering up those he was tasked to, he didn't report it to Commissioner Fan, who was standing beside a particular carriage, instead delivering straight to Fan manor. The officers of the Overwatch Council saw Fan Xian standing outside the carriage for the longest time without entering. The reverse could also be said for those who were inside it; they weren't coming out. One could almost certainly tell from a mere glance that the people inside that carriage were even more noble than Fan Xian himself. Fan Xian was a relative of the royal family, and whoever was inside it must have belonged to them.

The investigation of Bao Yue hadn't yielded much in the way of progress. Fan Xian desired to destroy the accountancy ledger which incriminated Fan Sizhe in his involvement with Bao Yue. Strangely, however, it had become an impossible task to complete since it couldn't be found, and it was due to his failure in this regard that Fan Xian was forced to concede and establish a temporary peace with the second prince. To continue with his investigation under such circumstances would be a foolish move.

The officers of the Overwatch Council had now left. The officers of the capital government were arriving, coming to clean up the mess and reinstate the stability of the establishment and surrounding area. For all intents and purposes, everything seemed to have gone back to normal. The Fan and the Liu family were still in possession of 70% of the shares and stocks of the Bao Yue house; they were the silent, unspoken pimps of the capital.

Fan Xian was still continuing his intense discussions with the second prince.

It seemed as if the capital city had now rediscovered harmony.

The second prince looked at Fan Xian's peaceful face from the carriage. He felt both admiration and appreciation for the young man, deep in his heart. The events and revelations that had recently transpired within Bao Yue were enough to drive a man insane, but there was Fan Xian, perfectly calm. He had even accepted his call for peace with little to no hesitation. He really was a person who could evaluate a certain, complex scenario and make quick but effective decisions on a whim to best handle what had been dealt out.

Whenever he took sight of that familiar smile on Fan Xian's face, deep in his heart, he thought it to be one of fondness, but that disturbed him somewhat. He repeatedly thought that Fan Xian must be a kindred spirit of his, alike in many ways. Even though he was just an officer, the second prince harbored an overwhelmingly strong desire to engage that man with a deep conversation.

"Hongcheng, you leave first. I would like to talk to Fan Xian in private." The second prince said this quietly, and he did not care for the people on the street, simply disembarking from the carriage.

Fan Xian frowned, but he was a little surprised at the second prince wanting a private conversation with him, as earlier Fan Xian had told him of his desire to returning to the manor as soon as possible. He was not one for a long chat, at least not now, but he was the respected prince, and he had actually disembarked from the carriage especially for him. Fan Xian was keen to hear of what he had in mind to discuss, even if it was not out of respect for the second prince; so, he nodded a yes.

Li Hongcheng looked at him with a sorry face, then bid the carriage drive away from Bao Yue.

The brocade shoes that the second prince had been wearing greeted the ordinary cobbles of the street. He began leading Fan Xian to a nearby teahouse, away from the people who might nosy in and eavesdrop on their conversation. Followers of the prince had moved ahead to clear out the teahouse, so that when they arrived to sit down, they did so privately and only within their own company.

Fan Xian took a sip out of a bowl of tea and with surprising delight as he raised his eyebrows and looked at the prince.

The second prince was laughing, saying, "I knew you would like that tea. Every time we went to visit Hongcheng's manor, you would request that very same drink." He then gently said, "As for Bao Yue, I thought you would hate me."

Fan Xian said, "I am not a saint, so I am afraid that I must inform you that I do have certain feelings about it."

The second prince shook his head and responded, "In the beginning, your little brother was talking about business with my little brother. So yes, I did know about it, and I did indeed help them secretly…" The second prince studied Fan Xian's face while continuing to talk, "but I implore you not to misunderstand my intent. At the time, everyone was under the belief that the Fan family maintained a strong relationship with me and of course, it was never my desire to possibly threaten you. I was merely looking for an opportunity that would yield benefits for the both of us, to strengthen our relationship. How was I supposed to know it would end up like this? I never wanted things to end up this way."

Fan Xian already knew what the second prince was thinking, back when they established the Bao Yue house earlier in the spring, and he was not surprised. But hearing him admitting to what had done was quite the shock. He was unsure of exactly how to reply, and so he smiled politely and told him, "The way you have treated me is quite flattering."

The second prince was not afraid of embellishing this branch of the conversation further, and so he continued by saying, "I would like you to know that I have always held you in high regard. You are quite dear to me… so I did not understand as to why upon your return to the capital you held me in such contempt."

Fan Xian laughed, replying, "What you're talking about is actually silly. I am just a chancellor, for what benefit could I possibly earn by opposing you?"

The second prince peered into his eyes and slowly told him, "I need you to tell me… I know you are unwilling to be the pawn of the Crown Prince, so I do not understand your behavior."

Fan Xian did not expect the second prince to be so honest and straightforward. Within his delightful surprise, he smiled and asked him, "Do you truly not understand?"

The second prince looking into Fan Xian's eyes, then shook his head.

Fan Xian looked up and used the middle phalanx of his fingers to knock the wooden table, as a call for service. As he did this, he said, "Niulan Street."

The second prince suddenly froze. After recovering a while later, he admitted, "it was my fault, wasn't it?" After this, the second prince himself stood up and bowed to Fan Xian.

The son of an emperor bowed before an officer!

There was no expression on Fan Xian's face that the second prince was hoping to see. He was like a stone statue, sitting on his chair. Fan Xian simply looked him in the eye and told him, "You are a prince, and I am just an officer. You are referring to the loss of a life; do you really think apologizing to me will make everything okay? And I, as an officer, should I start crying and be simultaneously grateful for the apology and feel sorry on your behalf?"

The second prince took a deep breath, suppressing a sudden rise in anger that hadn't visited him in many years. In response, he coldly said, "Then how am I supposed to mend fences with you?"

Fan Xian began laughing and said, "When I was investigating my last case, you obviously seemed to know why. Who makes my mother-in-law always look at me with such displeasure, wanting to go so far as to kill me? First, an assassin was sent after me. Then, it was the Imperial Censorate. And next year, I am to take over the palace treasury; this in itself will undoubtedly lead to a conflict with Xinyeng. But if you are able to promise me at least one thing--and I cannot guarantee any favoritism, at least in the future--I will ensure that the Overwatch Council is put in a neutral position."

A chill frosted over the second prince's heart. The anger in his heart earlier was already long gone. In the past few months, the people of the second prince, and the officers that were allied with him, were being kept tabs on by the Overwatch Council. Even the harmless astronomers of the capital were being kept in their sights. All in all, it was putting those who chose to ally themselves with the second prince under great duress. Right now, he had just heard that Fan Xian was able to change the Overwatch Council itself, and so he thought to himself, Who wouldn't want that?

He was quiet for a while, and then he raised up his right hand and gently implored, "please speak, Commissioner."

This sentence referred to Fan Xian by his title, which was commissioner.

Fan Xian looked at him with a smile and said, "if you can keep a certain distance away from the eldest princess, I might very well guarantee your safety for the remainder of your days. You can live happily ever after."

The second prince was taken aback, not expecting Fan Xian to suggest such a ridiculous proposal. To guarantee my safety for the rest of my life? That is absurd! His anger could no longer be contained, and so with an outburst, he said, "You cannot be serious!?"

The both of them weren't actually all that familiar, but it was just that their age and positions shared a certain similarity. But now here they were, just the two of them, unable to get along with each other.

Fan Xian looked at him and said, "I get it; there is something you don't understand. But there is also something I do not understand either. Does the throne feel great to sit upon? Isn't the safety to maintain such a position one of the hardest things to achieve? You have always been fond of literature, haven't you? Shu Gui Fei was the character who was as obvious as daylight; why can you not get what this means?"

Even though the teahouse was quiet with the absence of any other sole individual they were not afraid of the concept of a fly upon the wall. But Fan Xian was almost a little too forthright in his speech. It was as if he was too keen on speaking his mind, and hearing all that he had to say, the prince's heart shrivelled a bit. He mulled it over in his mind, that in this world there were many things that one could only do, but not talk about. For instance, his desire to actually take the throne. Still, he thought to himself, Oh well, at least I am super polite to the Crown Prince. But who could guess that the man in front of me could mention this desire of mine so casually?

It wasn't until today that the second prince fully understood how audacious Fan Xian actually was. The second prince thought about it, but was unable to fathom why he was the way he was.

There was a glow within the second prince's eyes, and its glow came into contact with Fan Xian. The pain that the prince had suffered over the years suddenly began to burn deep inside him, and so he looked at Fan Xian's face and lowered his voice to say, "Everyone knows that the throne is no good to sit upon. But I am of the royal family, and because of that, I must. This throne, if I truly have to fight for it, I will. But even if I did not want to, I would still have to. If I was given the choice, I would rather go study at college each and every day than involve myself in such political intrigue."

Fan Xian squinted his eyes and said, "Has someone forced you?"

Perhaps it was Fan Xian's tenacity that had brought out the second prince's anger, but now he coldly laughed and replied, "Of course someone has forced me! When I was 12, they told me I was a person of virtue. They said if I was to become a prince, it would be a waste of my talents. When I was 13, however, they made me a crown prince. When I was 14, they built me a house outside the palace. It initially looked as if I had been kicked out of the palace, but it was to provide me an opportunity to engage with other officers and chancellors freely. It was also during my fourteenth year that they allowed me to go to the Emperor's study room so that I was able to listen in on the court. Did you know that before me, only the eldest prince was provided a similar opportunity?"

The pretty face of the second prince now began to contort as he continued. "I don't want to fight for the throne, but these matters continue to arise again and again; pushing me towards it. What am I supposed to do? Do you think that the eastern palace believes that I do not want to fight for the throne? The eldest prince was young, but the way in which he looked at me, it was as if his eyes were full of hatred. But we are brothers. When he was 13, he already wanted to kill me. Even if I could convince the eldest prince, there's still the matter of my mother. Do you think she would ever forgive me?"

Fan Xian was speechless, listening intently to the second prince's speech as he spiralled further and further into madness.

"It was he who pushed me into this situation…" The second prince's eyes were like icicles wreathed in flame. To look upon them would make a person instantly shiver. "I need to protect my mother and I need to protect my life. What can I do? If he wants to compete with me, then yes, I will do the same."

Fan Xian looked down towards the ground. He knew that the only person who had the power to push a prince towards the competition would be the Emperor himself. He smiled and said, "Did you ever think that he is merely using you like a whetstone, ushering the eldest prince into maturity?"

"I know about that already." The second prince uncaringly ruffled his sleeves, and said, "We are the sons of the Emperor. Who would be willing to become a whetstone, a tool that would assuredly break in the future? I am going to compete. And if I really do win this fight, and am made to see his pitiable, regretful face, I would be happier to see that than sit on the throne itself."

Fan Xian laughed and told him, "Why have you channeled so much anger and hatred just to release it here? The Emperor has already selected a crown prince. It looks to me as if he understands matters more than you do. If someone wants to throw you into a river, forcing you into a swimming contest, the best resistance would be to not engage or swim down the river at all. Either that or go and beat up the fellow who wanted to push you in in the first place… instead of going all the way down river to strangle your competitor to death."

The second prince finally calmed down a bit, but his face was now aghast as he stared at Fan Xian. He pried his mouth open and said, "What you have just said is close enough to revolt!"

Fan Xian acted as if he did not care. He merely shook his head and said, "You said something that was just as horrible today as well."

The second prince's eyebrows leapt up suddenly. He studied the entirety of Fan Xian's face for a while, contemplating his next words. After a while, he hopelessly pleaded: "Help me, Fan Xian!"

Fan Xian maintained his composure, almost in a way that seemed to suggest a total lack of concern for the second prince's plight. He then shook his head once again.

"Why?" The second prince quietly spoke again."You are going to have to choose a side, sometime in the future."

Fan Xian did not give him an answer, for he was deep in thought. He was thinking, This person in front of me could figure for a big brother, considering our relationship. But I am different from any other officer, for I do not want to make any decisions. I am just a little worried about the Emperor of the Qing Kingdom and the heart of steel that he possesses.

Seeing the near-hopeless gaze of sincerity given by the second prince, Fan Xian finally spoke. "Do not get too close to Xinyeng; that woman is a very smart maniac. Even I cannot calculate or determine her future moves."

The second prince calmed himself once more, and with a gentle smile, returned to his seat.

Fan Xian sighed within, knowing that the second prince sought his alliance solely due to his power and influence. But still, he trusted the eldest prince's power the most. The results of this exchange made for a decent start, but the next time that they met, he resolved to push on the second prince even harder.

"But I still don't want to become your enemy." The second prince said, solemnly.

Fan Xian was quiet for a bit, after some time raising his head to say, "Even if the events concerning Bao Yue had never come to pass, I would still attempt to bring you down."

The look inside the second prince's eyes made it seem as if he thought Fan Xian had made a joke. He thought he was being far too arrogant.

Fan Xian ignored his expression as he quietly continued, "Maybe this is the only way you and Hongcheng will manage to both survive this."

The second prince could hear from Fan Xian's tone of voice that he harbored both pity and disdain for him. Once again, the prince was brought to anger, and so he swiftly stood up and peered right into his eyes.

Fan Xian mockingly said, "My Lord, do not for one second stop to think that you can control all matters. Take a look at what just happened at Bao Yue."

The atmosphere in the teahouse quickly floundered, but as it did, eight people now approached the building. They were each clothed in the same manner of garb, but their faces were veiled, preventing any guess as to their age.

As they each came, every one of them looked as if they harbored a desire for murder.

They all approached with a different look of violence upon them. One came as a sabre, one could be mistaken for a straight-sword and another danced forward with the weight of a great axe. Nothing would halt their coming.

Fan Xian knew that the second prince wouldn't call for his assassination. He squinted his eyes as this ugly band waltzed directly into the teahouse. In a low voice, he spoke, "Gan, Liu, Xie, Fan. Four generals. He, Zhang, Xu, Cao. Four scholars. The legendary subordinates of the second prince; that's what they look like."

The second prince looked at him and said, "Fan Xian, I think of you as an important person. But that does not necessarily mean that I have absolute need of you. Try to somewhat relinquish your overbearing arrogance, would you?"

Fan Xian stood up laughing, waving his hand. He replied to the prince, "the subordinates I have, the Qinian Group, there is no way they could defeat the eight warriors you possess. Therefore, I won't call them out. But there is something I must tell you, and this is as honest as it comes; no matter how many fighters you command, they are useless for a situation such as this. Otherwise, Chen Pingping would already be Emperor."

In the midst of his laughter, he was making comments that were to suggest a rebellion. Yet despite that, he merely walked out of the teahouse as proudly as he had entered.

As he was leaving the teahouse, however, he walked past those most powerful subordinates of the prince almost as if they were not even there. As he passed Gan and Xie, he shrugged. But as he passed Xu and Cao, he waved. The atmosphere was palpable and the tension would have been unbearable for most, as one could sense the desire of those eight people to kill Fan Xian. This atmosphere, having filled the teahouse, now spilt outside to mix with the fading sunlight of that autumn evening.

After Fan Xian had departed, the second prince returned to his table and lay his cheek unto the palm of his hand. He frowned his eyebrows as he began to reflect on the conversations he had just had. He did not know why he had lost his temper in front of Fan Xian, nor did he know why he spoke of so many things that troubled his heart deeply. He took a deep breath, and his pretty face almost seemed to fade away completely, lost to an appearance of stern contemplation. He coldly spoke aloud, "If there ever comes a day where I must kill Fan Xian, how many people will you need?"

Xie Bi An slowly embedded his sword in its sheath and replied, "I can do it alone."

Fan Wu Jiu wore a darkened face and slightly shook his head, saying, "No, the eight of us will do it. That will ensure the end of Fan Xian."

The second prince was not thinking straight, believing that the eight people in the room with him were of differing opinions, as well. Fan Xian was not a character whose motives were ever made clear. Thinking of what had just happened with Bao Yue, however, he was at least confident in the prospect of Fan Xian laying low for some time and not bothering him too much. With that in mind, he shook his head and shelved the notion of assassination for the time being.

Fan Xian, who had now returned to his carriage, carefully washed away the residue of a truth-telling formula from his fingertips. For as much as he had gleaned, he was still a little disappointed in the conversation that was held. He took a big risk in drugging the prince like so, but he hadn't learned of anything particularly useful. And in regards to the second prince and eldest princess, his knowledge of their situation was still far too murky. He had come away thinking that the heart of the second prince was one that was strong, but the spirit of the man was one that forever obliged to the yearnings of a scholar. Fan Xian was no psychologist, though, and such information was useless to him.

The carriage had at last arrived back at Fan manor. Upon its arrival, Fan Xian leapt off the carriage and walked beyond the side door of the manor and through the backyard, ignoring the family members that watched his swift arrival and hasty departure with a perplexed look on their faces. He approached the entrance to his study room and calmly opened its door his hands. Then, all of a sudden, he threw his leg forward.

A scream erupted from within the study room and everyone in the family was stricken with sudden fear. Fan Sizhe , the victim of Fan Xian's ruthless kick, rolled forward like a plump ball into the grandmaster's chair. It shattered into pieces.

Chapter 291: Family Discipline

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Fan manor was separated into two separate districts. The courtyard was luxurious and the buildings that peppered it were large. There were three study rooms, and the one from which erupted a high scream came from the west side, the side which contained the least security. This was the study room that most were familiar with and that people could get close to. Like the squeal of a pig being slaughtered, the sudden scream was a shock to all.

Two women who were also in the study when Fan Sizhe screamed cried out in fear. Fan Ruoruo and Lin Wan'er looked on in horror and quickly ran towards Fan Xian to tug at his arms. They were afraid that their big brother - or husband - was in the precarious position of kicking Fan Sizhe to death. It was a plausible possibility, given his fury.

In their eyes, Fan Xian always appeared to be a gentle and mature young man. Even though there had been previous bouts of anger and sadness, he had never once looked so frightfully mad. Seeing Fan Xian's ice cold demeanor made chills ran down their spines. They were clueless as to what Fan Sizhe had actually done wrong, and they made sure to pull at Fan Xian's arms and not let him go one step further.

After Teng Zi Jing received the order from Fan Xian to return Fan Sizhe to the manor and study room, the boy was like a cat on a hot tin roof. While contained there, he managed to catch a glimpse of Lady Si Si, to whom he hurriedly requested that a message be brought to his big sister and sister-in-law, asking them to come over at once.

Fan Ruoruo and Lin Wan'er had yet to be made aware of what had happened with the Bao Yue house, and so hearing that Fan Sizhe was calling for their help was an amusing joke. When Fan Xian entered the study room that they were in and brutally kicked Fan Sizhe without warning, they immediately knew something huge had occurred. Both of their faces turned a whiter shade of pale as they looked at Fan Xian, fear contorting both of their faces.

"Let go!" Fan Xian yelled out, with eyes as if they had been frozen for a hundred days. "Father already knows about this, so get your hands off me. I'm not going to kill him."

Fan Sizhe was now lying on the floor amidst a mound of broken wood and splinters, playing dead. He peeped out with one eye and was able to see his big brother's face, now a little more composed and calm, and hearing him state that he wasn't planning on beating him to death, he felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, however, Fan Xian coldly continued, by saying, "but I am going to cripple the boy."

As he spoke, he escaped the two girls who were grabbing his shoulders. Fan Xian was too mad and couldn't spare the time to find the family's book of discipline and so he just grabbed the teapot that was on the table and threw it towards Fan Sizhe


The teapot, full to the brim with hot tea, broke into pieces near the boy, who was continuing to play dead.

The tea went everywhere, as did its broken shards of glass. Fan Sizhe let out an audible yelp, as some of the tea scorched his face and bits of glass brought blood to the surface. He couldn't feign death anymore. He jumped up, crying out loud, and went to hide behind Lin Wan'er. Amidst his tears and screams of fear, you could discern "Big Brother! He's is going to kill me! Help!"

Lin Wan'er saw her brother-in-law's face, all bloodied and in shock, and repositioned him behind her. She slowed Fan Xian's advance, who was directly in front of her, still seething with rage, and quickly spoke. "What is this? What is going on here? Is this not something we can sort out through a mature and engaged dialogue with one another?"

Fan Xian looked at Fan Sizhe's flustered face as he hid behind Lin Wan'er. But the anger in his heart did not quell or subside. His mind turned to the wretched deeds Fan Sizhe had committed, and it only stoked the fire. He raised his finger and pointed it towards the cowering child and yelled, "You ask him!! Go on! Ask him what he's done!"

When Fan Sizhe attempted to speak, he could only mumble, for a foul metallic taste coated his tongue as he coughed up blood. He hadn't realised until now how powerful his brother's kick was, and he wondered if this was how he was to die. In this sudden fright, he mustered the courage to call out amidst his tears and weeping to say, "I just opened the house. Do I have to die for it…? Sister, ah… I don't think I will live to see the next sunrise… Ah!"

After one last brutal scream, Fan Sizhe could no longer stand straight. He keeled over and fell to the floor in another act to play dead, which scared the living hell out of Lin Wan'er and Fan Ruoruo, who both raced to his aid. They kneeled down before him and began rubbing his temples.

Fan Xian had at the very least been able to release some of his anger today upon the battered boy. As Fan Sizhe once more attempted to play dead, though, he was angry enough to begin laughing in hysteria. He looked back and noticed the door to the study room was still wide open. In the distance, servants of the manor could be seen taking a peek at the events that were transpiring in the room ,and so he approached to close the door. He emotionlessly said, "That kick wouldn't kill you. So, you better get up."

Fan Sizhe saw how his brother's face was twisted with rage, and did not dare to stand up. He continued to lie on the floor, hiding behind his sister-in-law and big sister, hoping he could stall long enough for his mother to arrive.

Fan Xian had now taken a seat, and as he sat there, none could pierce the veil created by his expressionless face and think of that which coursed through his mind. Fan Ruoruo passed him a cup of tea and gently asked, "What house?"

After Fan Xian finished taking a sip of tea, he closed his eyes and said, "Whorehouse."

Wan'er and Ruoruo were shocked. These two ladies had been shocked many times today, but compared to Fan Xian's kick, Fan Sizhe's opening of a brothel seemed even more ridiculous. Still, they didn't think too poorly of the prospect; it was commonplace for rich kids of the capital to start little businesses of their own. Although running a brothel wasn't something you should be too proud of, as Sizhe was too young to be getting involved in such a business. But did Fan Xian have to get as mad as he did, kicking him so hard?

Fan Xian laughed coldly, bringing out a scroll from his chest pocket, which he passed to his sister. It concerned the investigation of the Overwatch Council on the Bao Yue house.

Fan Ruoruo took it and looked confused. Although the document wasn't too long, it said many bad things about the Bao Yue house. It only spoke about the evidence they had found, so it didn't take long to read it.

The mess earlier had made her hair into a mess. Some of her hair had fallen across the forehead and blocked her eyes. It was difficult to make out her reaction. But then she started to breathe heavily, and you could see that it was a mixture of sadness and anger. She bit her lip uneasily.

Wan'er, seeing how Ruoruo was now behaving, wanted to see what was on the scroll that would make her like this. She wanted to go over to her sister-in-law and see what was on the document, but she refrained, fearing Fan Xian would beat Fan Sizhe to death if she left him unprotected for even a second.

Fan Ruoruo raised her head and looked calm, though she seemed colder than before, and her eyes looked angry. She looked at Fan Sizhe, who continued to play dead and asked, "Did he do all this?"

She asked the question calmly, but in her tone, there was an element of something else. It made the people in the room who heard it feel disturbed. Fan Sizhe had been raised by his big sister, so he was afraid of her, despite being closest to her. With a trembling voice, he asked, "What is going on?"

Fan Ruoruo looked disappointed, wondering since when had her brother become like this. Her eyes welled up with tears as she gritted her teeth and chucked the scroll at Fan Sizhe. It hit his face and she told him, "Just take a look at it yourself!"

Sizhe looked at his big brother, who was still sitting in extreme calm. Then, he looked at his sister-in-law. He picked up the scroll and read it. The expression on his face worsened. Fan Xian had learnt about everything he had done during his time in the Bao Yue house.

Fan Xian now closed his eyes and stood up from his chair.

Sizhe screamed. He leapt up and started flailing his arms around, mumbling to say, "Big Brother, I didn't do this. Please, stop hitting me!"

Fan Xian squinted his eyes while looking at his brother, saying, "If you had personally killed someone and forced women into being whores, I would have kicked you to death by now already. But who are you? You are the owner of the Bao Yue house owner. If you didn't issue the command, why would those kids of sovereigns commit the foul acts that they did?"

Sizhe, with a rattled voice said, "Some things were ordered by the third prince. Not me!"

"Fan Sizhe," Fan Xian coldly laughed and said, "Ruoruo said you really are like a pig. I didn't believe it to be true at first, but here you are, trying to lick yourself clean. I really underestimated you, allowing you to become the thug-boss here in the capital. You really are something."

And he really was.

Fan Sizhe's heart went cold. Although he wasn't old, his heart was mature. He knew his big brother was not paying heed to his plight of defence. He felt wronged, and as he started crying he said aloud, "It really is none of my business!"

Right here, he saw another scary scene.

Ruoruo calmly took out a stick that was the length of an arm. She gave it to Fan Xian.

When Fan Xian had come to the capital, Fan Ruoruo used a ruler to smack Fan Sizhe's hand when he misbehaved. This ruler was the small discipline of the Fan family. What was the big discipline?

It was a stick.

It was a stick with barbed-wire wrapped around it.

It was a stick that would ensure its victim would bleed when hit.

Across the entire Fan family, only one person had been the recipient of such big discipline. That person was the bodyguard of Sinan Bo. They were the most pampered of companions, depending on the Fan family's power and Fan Jian's reputation, and yet they had done something bad in the Ministry of Personnel. Fan Jian used that stick to beat him. Now, he was disabled, living outside the city. One if his legs was broken; he was a sorry sight to behold.

When Fan Sizhe was at school, he saw what happened to that man. Now, he saw Fan Xian hold the big discipline in his hands. His jaw dropped. He couldn't speak.

Fan Xian coldly said to his wife and Ruoruo, "This is something I will be responsible for; but you two will be as well."

Wan'er took a step back to stand near Ruoruo.

Fan Sizhe watched the stick get closer and closer. When his fear reached its peak, he jumped, pointed to Fan Xian and yelled, "Sister-in-law!! Big Sister!! Don't listen to him! Fan Xian, don't you act like a righteous saint. What is wrong with me operating a whorehouse. What is wrong with me being a bully? Who isn't doing such bad things like this in the capital? Why are you going to hit me? I really don't know what you're thinking. It's only because you're having a conflict with the second prince, and I happen to be caught in the middle of it! You'll lose your reputation, and you're now taking it out on me."

Fan Sizhe started crying louder and he continued, "If you have the balls, why don't you just kill me? What kind of brother are you? When I conducted business, how was I supposed to know you'd get into a fight with the second prince. This was none of my business; you never told me anything. Go beat up the third prince, if you've got the balls to!! You're only bullying me because I'm not the recipient of my parents' love. Aren't you a commissioner? Go and arrest the prefect and beat up the third prince. Go on, go! Go, go!"

His face was slapped, but it wasn't too loud. This had him snap out of his tirade, only to be met with the sight of seeing Fan Xian walk closer.

Fan Xian heard him spew such poppycock, and he was infuriated. His hate didn't show it, but his forehead looked green. In the twenty years since his rebirth, this was the angriest he had ever been. What was most important about this entire thing was that Fan Sizhe was his brother. He did not expect him to do anything like he had, and he did not expect him to shout out what he was.

"Shut up!" Fan Xian yelled. "If you wanted to just do business, you know I'd let you. But if you weren't doing bad things, why would people come and threaten me? Do you think I can accept this? Today, I am teaching a lesson. It's one that was long overdue. This has nothing to do with the second prince or the third prince. This is all about you and what you have done."

Fan Xian was both sad and angry. He said, "Despite your young age, you have become such a callous person. Who knows what trouble you will bring to my father? I had great expectations for you, and I will not allow you to tread the path you have currently been taking."

"The princes are nothing; it is you I am angry with! I am mad at you and I hate you! They aren't my brothers. You are my brother." He stared intently at him, coldly continuing, "My investigations shows you were not involved, so you can still be saved. You walked the wrong path, and I will use this stick to correct that course."

After he said that, the stick moved.

Under the family discipline, his pants were in tatters. Blood seeped out from the holes. Screams of agony rang out across the entire manor. The servants were all shocked, as were Deng Ziyue and Teng Zi Jing. Even the gardeners turned around in fright, feeling bad for the young master.

His screaming echoed across the yard, which made the people there feel bad. Fan Sizhe was yelling just moments ago, but now, he was crying and screaming, blubbering for help. His voice gradually weakened, but amongst his fainter cries, he could be heard calling for his mother.

"Sizhe, is going to be beaten to death!" Liu Shi was on her knees in front of Fan Jian. She clutched his legs and pleaded, "Go talk to him! Make him stop! This is enough. What if he kills him?!"

Chapter 292: The Old Fan and the Young Fan

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Liu Shi always looked pretty, as she had a tendency to boisterously show off her noble-heritage through an overt brandishing of elegance each and every day. On this day, however, she did not very much care for her appearance. Today, she was looking pale and tired, clutching Fan Jing's legs as she cried her eyes out, saying, "Please say something! Fan Sizhe is far too young; he cannot withstand this many beatings!"

Fan shangshu looked at the woman in front of her and could do little but sigh. Liu Shi had elected to follow him ever since his wife passed away. Even though Fan Jing had already been titled as Sinan Bo, he still had the emperor to watch over him; it was something no one else knew about. Liu Shi was the granddaughter of a sovereign, but she had chosen to marry into the smaller Fan family, and this was a move that surprised many within the capital. After they eloped, Liu Shi treated her new husband very well, and even pulled him away from the Liu Jing river.

So it was fair to say that he loved her from any and all aspects. But he also harbored some guilt regarding her, as well as for for the person who had now been beaten up in the study room. He was his son, after all. Fan Jing was old, and as much as he felt great sorrow for the image of his son receiving such treatment - his own personal opinion on the matter did and could not bear any relevance. He maintained his expressionless facade, shook his head and said, "If jade is not refined, how can one expect to become an accessory? It is the father who should bear the sins of the son, but kind mothers always foster poor children."

Screams of pain continued to erupt from the study room. All could tell it was Fan Sizhe who was yelling in pain, pleading with with remorse for his his absent mother. Fan Jing's eyebrows jumped, and his heart hopped with them. There were additional words he felt compelled to speak, but he could not say them.

Liu Shi continued to observe her husband's cold and seemingly careless expression, and her tears were finally let loose, rolling down her cheeks in profound sadness. She stood up, brushed her skirt and prepared to escape that room.

"Come back!" Fan Jing then lowered his voice to say, "Fan Xian is his big brother. It is his right to discipline his little brother. If you were to run up to them now, what would the kids think?"

"What would the kids think?" Liu Shi was miserable, and as she turned to look at him, so did the tears continue to roll. "It is obvious that you care about how Fan Xian feels in all of this, but how do you think I feel? Have you no concern for me? I only have one son, and you are just going to stand here and wait as he gets beaten to death?"

She bit her lips as the tears continued to flow, and she continued to plead, "Fine! I know I may have messed up raising the boy back in the day, but ever since he came here from Danzhou, I have always been patient. I have always been cautious. I was afraid he would not have a good life here, but despite that, I have always adhered to what you have told me. I have even continued trying to please every noble in the capital so I have never had to appear as a burden in the face of Fan Xian. The position he bears in this capital right now, I am a part of it, too. Of course, I am a mother, and it is only natural for me to do these things. It is not as if I would go and take credit from him. But as for what is occurring now, how can he so callously beat his own little brother so brutally? If he still remembered what happened back then, I would just give him my life in exchange for my son. Oh, please, don't touch my son. My poor son!"

Fan Jing looked upon Liu Shi's sobbing face, and an anger arose from his boots all the way up to his chest. He angrily yelled at her, "What are you doing!? What kind of person do you think Fan Xian is? Do you not yet know by now? If he let's go of this matter right now, he won't return to it. Although he may still appear young, he knows what he's doing! What Fan Sizhe did crossed the line. If no one were to punish him, then his horrible deeds might very well bring the reputation of our entire family down. If that were to happen, would that still make you happy?"

Liu Shi was no ordinary woman. She only knew of what had transpired at the Bao Yue house today, but it didn't take long for her to surmise that part of this had to do with the competition of power between Fan Xian and the second prince. She raised her hand to wipe the tears from her eyes and said, "It wasn't something that serious at first; it was only because these transgressions were taken notice of by the second prince. That is why he is as mad as he is!"

This woman and her son both shared the same opinion regarding why Fan Xian was actually this mad.

Fan Jing's face continued its stern, emotionless look, but he then told her, "Isn't it that serious? The stuff they had delivered from the behind the study room, it is not as if you did not see it. Sizhe is only so young, yet he was commanding acts that were incredibly reckless. Although he himself didn't do these sordid deeds himself, what difference does that truly make? He commanded the commitence of such acts. Do you really want your precious son to finally get to the point where he murders another with his own hands? Because that would be serious."

Liu Shi couldn't help defending her own son, saying, "Are you sure this is such a rare thing in the capital? Which family out there hasn't dealt with big problems--"

Fan Jing did not wait for her to finish speaking, and cut her off. His dialogue was spoken in a cold tone, saying, "Stop discussing the matter."

Liu Shi listened and did not say anything more. The tears on her face had dried and crusted upon her cheeks, but her eyes were still wet with their presence. Hearing the repeated screams from the study room now begin to subside, her fear and worry only increased. She wondered whether or not he had simply fainted…or worse.

Fan Jing looked at her face and sighed once more. He thought of the conversation he had shared with Fan Xian the night before, and it made the light in his heart dim.

Over the past few months, the business that Fan Sizhe had been doing in the capital was not something that the boy himself was unaware of. He merely lacked the mental aptitude to take concern and contemplate that which he was doing. He thought that it was all one big kid's game, one that wasn't causing grave trouble for anybody else. No one could have possibly expected what Fan Sizhe was capable of, what had transpired over all this time.

"Let Fan Xian handle this." Fan Jing attempted to comfort her, as gently as he could. He continued by saying, "You should understand this; the harsher his punishment, the more true his concern and care for his brother. The fact that he is his half-brother has not crossed his mind in the least. Fan Xian truly cares. Fan Xian has been known to smile when facing his enemies. The entire reason he is going so hard upon him today is because of the care and responsibility he genuinely feels for Sizhe. If he did not think of Sizhe as his own, he would most likely grab a sword and cut him down with little to no hesitation. He wouldn't be that flustered or angry about it either. If you can understand this, then there is no reason for you to worry about it any further. I'll be honest with you; you need to know who it is we can all depend on in this family."

Liu Shi understood what he had said. The Fan family's reputation was huge, as were the stakes for maintaining it. At no small expense could the reputation ever be lowered, and it would have no alternative but to climb. And Fan Jing was getting old now. That is not to suggest he was anywhere near dying of old age, but it wouldn't be long before he retired. In the future, it would not matter if it was Liu Shi or Sizhe; they could not ensure that the manor would be around forever. Its right to remain was entirely dependent on Fan Xian's future successes, and how well he performed in his duties in the kingdom.

When I child is struck, most of the pain is felt by its mother. It did not matter what more great deeds Fan Xian would do following this day, for after the first strike of this evening, Liu Shi would forever harbor some element of hate and resentment towards him.

Fan Jing shook his head, gesturing for Liu Shi to follow him towards the study room. They both began their walk to that building that was nestled between the houses of the yard.

Liu Shi was visibly better, and walked forward with a brisk pace behind Fan Jing. She was so focused that she never left any instructions for the maids who had been following her all this time.

For the servants to see the master and his wife walk so quickly was a strange sight on the grounds of the manor, which surprised them. Although they were not told, this sight, combined with the sounds of screaming that were being emitted from that direction, had them correctly guessing what was unfolding. Their hearts were stricken with worry; if Fan Xian was beating up his little brother so vigorously and with such audible brutality, for those two to approach and intervene would be the cause of great commotion. An argument could most certainly follow, at the very least. The Fan manor had been relatively calm and had seen tremendous growth in the past few years. While the responsibilities of all were taken on with sincerity, it was generally a lively place, with plenty of room for joy. Even the servants held a great sense of belonging there, and with great concern for the well-being of the manor, none wanted to see something unfortunate befall it.

Liu Shi, her face full of anxiety, walked through the yard. She wished she had wingsso that she could fly to the study room sooner. When she looked ahead to see her husband stroll almost as if there was no cause for hurry, she did not dare overtake him.

When they arrived at the entrance of the yard beside the residence, they were greeted by the noise of greater screams. The ferocious lashing of wood against skin could now be heard clearly. Those sounds would have struck fear into anyone in remote proximity.

Liu Shi's mind had already been disturbed, but to now hear these sounds of punishment and the coinciding calls of anguish proved too much for her heart to bear. As if in quicksand, her heart sunk lower and lower until she lost all composure and fell to the ground unconscious; Such was the wretchedness of those sounds, no matter if it was her boy at the receiving end of that atrocity or not.

With great fortune, her maids had decided to follow without being commanded to. When Liu Shi fell to the ground, they were able to catch and lay her down without injury.

The quietest study room of the three located in Fan manor, the one beside the zen garden, was where Fan Xian conducted his business at home. He always forbid anyone from approaching or entering, but this time, there were an additional three people already in there. The person who was sitting behind the bookcase was Yan Bingyun, who had just become leader of the Fourth Bureau of the Overwatch Council. The other two who were sat beside him were Fan Xian's students - Shi Chan Li and the Eight Bureau's leader-assistant Mu Tie.

Alongside Teng Zi Jing and Deng Zi Yue, who were watching the punishment unfold in the yard, those three were Fan Xian's most trusted allies, and of them all, Yan Bingyun's position was the most special. Not only was he a subordinate of Fan Xian, but he was now considered a friend, for a genuine friendship had developed between them. Now, as he heard the sound of wood striking the boy, he could not help but shake his head and say, "This is something that should be dealt with by the government, not by mere family discipline. By doing this, you are not adhering to the law."

Of the three, only Yan Bingyun dared to question Fan Xian's course of action. Shi Chan Li laughed and explained to Yan Bingyun, saying, "We can't have this ordeal blow up too soon. If it was truly put in the hands of the government, and if they were to find out that it was Fan Xian's little brother that was allied with that person in the palace… There is simply no other choice. If that happened, the commissioner would have no choice but to start a war with the second prince. And no matter who won, Fan Xian's little brother would be sure to lose. If the government were to uncover evidence regarding his involvement with Bao Yue, he would either be sentenced to death or exiled more than three thousand miles away."

Mu Tie awkwardly laughed and did not dare respond. After all, he was the one who secretly hinted at Fan Sizhe's involvement with Bao Yue to Fan Xian; in a sense, whatever was to happen to Fan Xian's brother would be an indirect consequence of this deed. Although Fan Xian was satisfied with his decision to come forward with his knowledge, who knew what the rest of the Fan family would think?

Yan Bingyun shook his head once more, as an obvious disagreement to Fan Xian's methodology. He was firm in the stance that deliverance of the boy to the government was what should have been done. Still, he understood why Fan Xian had chosen to go about these issues in the way that he had. Yan Bingyun then spoke, "Our commissioner is indeed a smart man, using family discipline to punish the boy. In the future, if word of the events at the Bao Yue house were ever unearthed and Fan Xian at the palace, his ability to explain his course of action and line of thinking to the Emperor would be simple. At the very least, if the second prince chooses to prosecute the Fan family for hiding crimes committed by their own, it would be impossible."

Shi Chan Li heard his speech and froze. He knew that Fan Xian wanted it known just how brutal this punishment was, for he wished to test the reaction and response of the government's officers. But what Fan Sizhe did was a clear-cut crime, and to go about solving the issue in such a manner would most likely not work.

Yan Bingyun smiled and looked at Si Chan Li, acknowledging wahat was plaguing his mind. He told him, "Don't you worry. Your teacher will sort this all out in no time." In response to this, Si Chan Li's started to think, This has nothing to do with the Fourth Bureau. There must be some extra reason as to why Fan Xian called upon the leader of the Fourth Bureau to be present here, but it was a reason he had not been privy to.

Mu Tie walked near the window. Looking past the zen garden, he watched the thick wooden stick lift up. It was covered in blood and bits of flesh, and when it was brought down again, a scream greeted its arrival. Even though he was an officer of the Overwatch Council, he did believe that Fan Xian was being slightly too harsh on them; seeing the Fan and Liu family members all suffer beneath that wooden stick, he couldn't help but shudder with each strike.

Shi Chan Li then began to write out some documents on the table that were to be important in the near future.

Liu Shi woke up, startled. With ardent determination, she decided to confront Fan Xian. Rubbing her eyes, she saw that the people who were now receiving punishment were the distant relatives. The tool of their punishment was being brought up high, and brought down fast. With each hit, a lash of blood sprayed the ground and a painful screech pierced the air. As long as it was not her baby boy receiving such a beating, she was entirely fine with the sight of that scene. Having been brought quick reprieve, she hastily returned to her former self; the noble, elegant Mrs Fan. With all prior distress gone, she looked on coldly.

The way she saw it, her son Fan Sizhe was prone to making a mistake or two on occasion, but to create so much trouble and commit such wretched deeds across the capital was an impossibility and that if such a thing were true, he must have been negatively influenced by others. She assumed it to be the Fan family members who were now receiving punishment, to be the ones who drove Fan Sizhe to be this bad. Her delusion that led to this belief was so high, she was now filled with nothing but anger at the sight of those being beaten. She ignored any of their strained plights for aid and simply bit her teeth. She then yelled towards the subordinates of Teng Zi Jing, "Fan Xian asked you guys to beat them harder than that. If you don't fix these little bastards, how can they be one day expected to uphold the honor of this family?!"

After she yelled out, Fan Jing and Liu Shi entered the study room. Seeing Fan Sizhe naked, lying on a long stool in the corner of the room, Liu Shi once again lost her composure. In absolute distress, she ran to his side. Looking at the bloodied marks that painted the entirety of the boy's back, she could not help but start crying. She reached out her hand and with her fingertips, she stroked the swollen bruises that now adorned his body. Through her tears, she could only hiss, "My son."

A hand reached out towards her, holding a handkerchief. It wiped the tears away from her eyes for her.

Liu Shi looked up to see Fan Xian… gritting her teeth, she did her best to suppress the raging fires of fury which were boiling inside.

Fan Xian was already calm, for his personal beating of Fan Sizhe proved a great outlet for the release of his own ire. He comforted her, saying, "It will be fine. If you would excuse me for just a moment, I would like to apply cream to the wounds my little brother has endured."

Liu Shi did not want to move aside and leave her son, but she had no choice but to comply. Watching Fan Xian rub the cream across Fan Sizhe's body, it looked as if the boy was dying, and that he was only faintly skirting the edge of life and death.

Fan Jing looked the other way, seeing his daughter-in-law and daughter, standing in a corner. Wan'er's eyes were full of fear, and he thought it may have been because the viewing of the punishment was too much for her. Ruoruo's eyes were full of tears instead, but she was not crying for the punishment the little boy had been forced to withstand, but it was in knowledge of his overall failure to follow in the graceful footsteps of his peers and become a person worthy of respect. Fan Jing shook his head and coughed, and all in the room turned their attention towards him. With words directed at Fan Xian, he spoke, "How is it going?"

"According to your desires, Sizhe will be leaving tonight." Fan Xian politely said. "It has all been arranged."

Chapter 293: Exile

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The conversation between the father and son continued as though no one else was present in the room. The three women who were there were now reeling in shock, asking themselves, Was the beating not enough? He is now to be exiled, also?

"Dear, what are you talking about?"

Liu Shi had a frightened look, and hopelessly looked toward her husband. Fan Sizhe, who was lying down on the wooden bench jumped up. In the critically injured state he was in, no one could guess where that strength to do so came from. It seemed as if the concept of exile was a terrifying prospect for a noble, no matter their age.

Fan Sizhe shot up to hold his mother's legs, his eyes clenched shut as tears fell and rolled down his cheek. He usually had a lot to say, but not this time. The utter shock and near disbelief of the revelation that he was to be sent away had taken the voice right out of his mouth.

The little boy's face was now soaked in tears, and despite the vigorous shaking of his head, he was unable to formulate a single word. The sight, coupled with the brutal wounds that had painted his back red, was most pitiable to watch.

"Dear!" Liu Shu could not hold her tongue any longer, and with a ghastly look of malice and eyes like piercing daggers, she looked directly at Fan Xian. She then fell to her knees before Fan Jing, eyes swollen with tears once more. "No, no, no! He is your youngest son! Are you just going to stand by and watch him get kicked out on your doorstep? Are you willing to accept him becoming a faceless drifter in a foreign country, devoid of love and family?"

She quickly grabbed onto Fan Ruoruo's hands, pleading, "Ruoruo, quick! Return to your father at once, implore to him that he does not need to send away Fan Sizhe."

In Liu Shi's mind, she was thinking, The reason why they are kicking Fan Sizhe out of the family is because of the Bao Yue House. It must be Fan Xian who schemed and spoke ill of his brother behind closed doors. And yesterday, Fan Jing and Fan Xian were both in deep discussion with each other. To save him, I must quickly drag Ruoruo into this. Even though she is not my own daughter, we have lived together for a dozen years now, and she has always taken good care of Fan Sizhe. We all know that Fan Xian loves his sister, also.

Fan Ruoruo was not expecting her little brother to be subject to such a serious punishment, either. With Liu Shi tugging at her arm, she came down to her knees alongside her, and with a voice that rattled nervously, said to her father, "Father, my little brother has learned his lesson. He is sure to never act or commit such deeds ever again. Please forgive him!"

Wan'er was standing alone in the corner, full of fear. She too joined Ruoruo and Liu Shi on the floor, pleading for his absolution.

Fan Jing maintained his composure, until he saw his daughter-in-law kneel down alongside the other two. She was special, and of grander nobility, and so he quickly brought her up back to her feet. He frowned and looked at Liu Shi sternly as he said, "Sizhe has to go. And you are not going to despise Fan Xian for this, because it was my own decision."

Liu Shi's face was full of disbelief, asking herself why over and over She knew that Fan Jing was a person whose apparent softness was to only veil the heart of cold steel that resided within him, and it was this image that made her fall in love with the man. If this was truly his idea, then he would not budge from his decision.

She was a smart woman, and so she bit her lips, and while still on her knees, turned around to face Fan Xian. With an even greater look of pity, she begged, "Fan Xian, could you please say something? Can you not convince your father of something else?"

As it stood, Fan Xian would be the only person in the room capable of changing his father's mind on the matter.

Fan Xian did not dare accept her knee-borne plea, and hastily avoided it by dodging to the side. He approached his father, having in mind to ask him something.

Fan Jing coldly shook his head as he spoke. "For the mistakes and deeds of rotten contempt Sizhe has performed recently, if he were to appear before the court, the verdict and corresponding punishment would be the same. I am removing him from his place within the capital today, as an action performed by the family, rather than the government."

Liu Shi could not believe a word her husband has just spoken. As an assumption that stemmed from the position and power of the Fan family within the capital, owning a brothel and murdering a few prostitutes did not seem like cause for such concern. She figured that as long as the Fan family did not conspire to revolt or hinder matters that revolved around the palace and the palace alone, it did not matter what activities, illegal or otherwise, the Fan family chose to involve themselves in. She could not help but continue crying, asking, "Why are you so cruel? Fan Sizhe is only fourteen years of age."

"It is because of our inability to be cruel in the past that has led to this entire situation." Fan Jing laughed coldly, repeating, "Fourteen?"

Fan Jing now began shouting, "Don't you ever forget that when Fan Xian was only twelve, he had been forced to kill someone!"

The room fell silent after he spoke. Wan'er and Ruoruo were visibly aghast as they turned to look at Fan Xian. They had no knowledge that this had ever occurred. Liu Shi, who had been distraught by the matters concerning Fan Sizhe, was also taken aback by a bit, but now just turned her head and looked to the floor, hopeless.

Fan Xian smiled awkwardly, well aware that such a time was not the most appropriate for this revelation to arise. He carefully picked up the grievously wounded Fan Sizhe and returned him to the corner of the room. He then asked for his wife and sister to bring him to his bedroom, so that he could rest and recuperate somewhat.

"Fan Xian, you come over here later." Fan Jing spoke, then looked at Liu Shi before exiting the study room.

In the study room, only Liu Shi and Fan Xian remained. The atmosphere's awkwardness was almost palpable. After a while, Liu Shi's sensible mind returned to her, and with a modicum of composure, she said, "Are you really going to exile him?"

Fan Xian sighed in his heart and walked forward. When he approached, he lowered his voice to gently say, "Do not worry about it. What father means to imply is that we are only going to remove Fan Sizhe from the capital for a while we strive to have these matters sorted out. It will do him some good to grow up a bit out there…"

Fan Xian had not finished his words before Liu Shi interrupted him, asking, "How far?"

"Very far." Fan Xian watched Liu Shi, who seemed to be a little inattentive. He began thinking about how this smart and elegant woman had lost all control for such a prolonged period of time that day, all due to the worry about the wellbeing of her son. For this, he could not help but feel a pang of jealousy towards his brother. He started to miss someone.

"So, how far!?" Liu Shi screamed.

Fan Xian did not care very much for her behavior and soured mannerisms at this point, and simply responded calmly by saying, "Yesterday, Father was able to put up with this. I suggested moving Fan Sizhe out to Danzhou, so that he could lay low there for some time. But Father worried about the presence of his grandparents there, and them potentially getting involved and spoiling him during our absence. With that being a possibility, it was then that he suggested that he be taken to the northern Qi Kingdom."

"Northern Qi Kingdom?" Liu Shi's felt a bit calmer. Even though the northern Qi Kingdom was extremely far away, it was much better than where the government would of had him exiled to had they been given control over the resolution to this sordid affair. If the government were to decide, he would be sent to the south, a place which was little more than a desolate wasteland. The northern Qi Kingdom, by comparison, was a far safer and far more developed nation. Even though the relationship between the Qing Kingdom and the northern Qi Kingdom hadn't been the greatest in previous years, they had just established a peace treaty. This agreement had put them in a honeymoon phase, where relations were very high and very strong.

Fan Xian saw that Liu Shi was giving him the look of a beggar, and he knew precisely what she was thinking. He tried to comfort her by saying, "There is no need to worry. I have many friends in the northern Qi Kingdom, and I am sure they will look out for him at my behest."

Beams of moonlight pierced the tangled forms of the trees, but its presence was dimmer than the lights that continued to burn in the Fan manor. The young men who were receiving their punishments in the yard earlier had now been taken away, driven in their carriages from the Shangshu Lane. The relatives who had come to greet and see that which had been done upon their sons were each taken aback with faces of remorse. From others, looks of hatred were given. But because of the power that the Fan family possessed, no one dared to speak out against them.

Inside the study room, Fan Xian stood beside his father, making juice for him. For the night, Liu Shi was stood guard near Fan Sizhe, not allowing anyone else within his proximity. The juice that Fan Jing drank everyday, could only be made by Fan Xian now.

"The three people I made mention of to you, I have already had them sent to the government." The three people Fan Xian spoke of were the three now-convicted murderers in the employ of the Bao Yue house. He looked towards his father with a concerned expression and said, "the capital government is allied with the second prince. I can only surmise that they did not expect us to hand them over so easily. Their convictions include homicide, so they can be expected to testify that their orders came from Fan Sizhe and as such, they will most likely be taken-in by the second prince."

Fan Jing smiled and responded, "Don't hide anything from me; I know you aren't the sort to be as careless as that."

"I will handle it. Don't worry." Fan Xian was now smiling, as well. He had now at last made use of the powers Chen Pingping had granted him. He had made use of the assassins in the Sixth Bureau. "They willfully committed crimes that are worthy of a death sentence, but it's just… the family may have something to say about it. For this, we may need you to come out and aid in the resolution of these issues."

Fan Jing knew exactly what he was worrying about. The Fan family was one of the largest families residing in the capital, but there had never been record of an officer charging one of their own before. He shook his head and told Fan Xian, "What resolution can be achieved? We are the ones who are simply delivering them to the government; what does it have to do with us?"

Fan Xian heard these words and took them with great admiration. He descended into deep thought for a while, but then said, "Sizhe is leaving tonight… I have elected for Yan Bingyun to handle these procedures. His disappearance will leave no trace."

Fan Jing nodded, and responded, "I have no relation with the people of the northern Qi Kingdom. In fact, it was many years ago that I slew many of them. Are you comfortable with these arrangements?"

Fan Xian met his father's gaze and understood the cloaked concern he truly harbored for his son being in that foreign country. He nodded and told him, "Wang Qinian is in Shangjing. And that ally aside, Haitang is still there, and we are good friends. The emperor of the northern Qi Kingdom himself is not a bad person. If Sizhe is willing to sit tight in Shangjing and behave, there should be no problem; especially with the relations I fostered in my time there."

Fan Jing sighed, and the grey hair upon his face stood out more today. He said, "You used to say that Sizhe was a smart boy and that he did not have to pursue a road of arduous study. I listened and paid heed to these words of yours. I just didn't expect him to turn out this way… only fourteen and committing such heinous crimes? What was I doing when I was fourteen? I was still in King Cheng's manor, studying alongside the crown prince who is now emperor, thinking of what innocent games we might spend the day playing."

Fan Xian was bearing a wry smile when he responded, "The third prince whom was raised by Yi Gui Pin is even crazier. He is a certified pimp at the age of eight. If this matter was brought to light, the history books that chronicle the Qing Kingdom's history in the future would undoubtedly be too absurd for scholars to believe and out stock in."

"In regards to Yi Gui Pin, I will make sure to inform her." Fan Jing shook his head and continued, "Sizhe is smart, but his intentions have always been in vain. He has always strayed to the side of evil. If this was to continue, things would most certainly turn out even worse. We can use this opportunity as a way to have him travel and be witness to the beauty of this world. At first glance, it may seem like a simple, cruel punishment for the lad, but it is more than that. This is an opportunity for him to mature."

Fan Xian sighed and said, "But this was partially my fault as well."

"You cannot take the blame for this." Fan Jing rebutted his statement and gestured for Fan Xian to sit down. Again, he spoke, "when the Bao Yue house was established, you weren't even in the capital… but I am curious, why do you suggest that I have Sizhe sent to the northern Qi Kingdom? It is a bold move, but it is a decision you seem to have a great deal of confidence in. You know that the northern Qi Kingdom hasn't always been our allies."

Fan Xian did not tell his father of the agreement he had with Haitang and the young emperor, but he still explained his goals. He smiled and said, "Xinyang always smuggled goods through the Cui family to the northern Qi Kingdom. Shen Zhong, is now dead and so their route to do so has proven problematic. I think if Sizhe can be trained for a few years up in the north, perhaps he will be able to take over the Cui family's illicit trade. After all, if this is the sort of business he revels in and can't get away from, then I am going to ensure I put him in charge of one that will really bring in the coin."

Fan Jing smiled and turned to look at his son, who was also smiling happily. The wisdom of Fan Xian's mind had grown exponentially recently. Comparing himself to the rest of his generation and Chen Pingping, the only thing he lacked was simple cruelty.

"When will you be prepared to take on the Cui family?"

Seeing his father so casually ask about his grand plans, his mood to discuss these issues lightened. Without feelings of trepidation, he smiled and said, "it will be after I have taken over the palace treasury. It will be around March or April next year, I should imagine."

Fan Jing nodded, but all of a sudden, his face soured. With a stern look, he told Fan Xian, "Okay, but do not grant them any reprieve. Do not allow them to have the slightest chance to strike back."

This was the first time Fan Xian had seen his father show off his "other side", which existed below the exterior, where resided a man who was quite callous. Looking at his father now, he was quite shocked, and the only response he could give was a nod.

Fan Jing, with a frigid voice, said "Regarding this entire ordeal, you have done well. We can remain as we are for now and bide our time. We can wait until Sizhe is gone, and following that, you are free to do as you please. You will no longer have to ask for my opinion and consent anymore. But there is a certain person…"

"Yuan Meng? Is that her name?" Fan Jing, spoke abruptly. "That which she does is abhorrent and downright evil. We will wait until all this blows over before you get rid of her. Once this is done, this entire mess will have been sorted."

Fan Xian was shocked. He had no idea why his father possessed an ardent desire to kill someone. Was it to be an outlet for the anger that had pent up, concerning the matters Fan Sizhe had become embroiled within? Or was it something else?

What Fan Jing is going to say, shows how this shangshu possessed the greatest humanism, and will highlight the depth of his love and his character. He said, "back in the day, I used to frequently hang around Liu Jing river brothel. I always treated the ladies well and I despised those who would not respect them as I did… and this person, Yuan Meng… she was a worker in that brothel, as well. What I fail to understand, is how could she commit to deeds and commands that brought about wretched ends to those who shared the same profession as she once did? This is not a person I can allow to live."

Fan Xian now understood his reasoning. He thought of the jokes King Jing would occasionally recite, and he remembered that his father was a person who almost lived in a brothel. The fetishes he possessed were still a topic in the capital, even. Having learnt of the manner in which many of the Bao Yue house's prostitutes were murdered, is what drove Fan Jing to feel the way he did about this entire ordeal. It was no wonder as to why he desired her death, as he now did.

Fan Xian took his chance to say, "Yuan Meng is allied with Hongcheng and Hongcheng is to soon marry my sister. Does that mean…?"

Fan Jing did not wait for Fan Xian to finish his dialogue before shaking his head and interrupting him with, "Hongcheng is fine. For the next few days, you should keep an eye on him… but you need to take into consideration that it was the emperor that arranged this marriage; therefore, you should exercise some element of caution."

Fan Xian was a little disappointed in his father, for not putting Ruoruo's happiness as the number one priority. Fan Xian took the time to ponder whether his father put the concerns of dead prostitutes before his daughter. With this in his mind, he knew that for whatever he had to do next, he was on his own.

Fan Xian took leave of the study room with his father, but then entered another study room. He entered here alone.

The three people in the adjacent study room began bowing upon his arrival. Si Chan Li delivered to him the documents, upon which the ink had already dried. He relayed to Fan Xian, "This is the agreement that indicates the transfer of the Bao Yue 's shares; the seventy percent. Please, take a look. It will be all taken care of, once Sizhe signs it."

Mu Tie then said, "The eyes of the capital government never rest. According to the intel a scout of ours retrieved, they had concerns regarding the criminals we delivered. There was also a person who we identified as an ally of the second prince enter the capital government's office. What was discussed there, however, we have no knowledge of."

Fan Xian nodded and said, "it does not matter. We aren't to do anything for the next few days."

Mu Tie furrowed his eyebrows and said, "W if they have misjudged the situation? What if they assume we are in trouble…? And what if they have officers from the government come and apprehend Sizhe?"

Fan Xian looked towards Yan Bingyun, who had been silent the entire time. Fan Xian shook his head and said, "we have the big boss of the Fourth Bureau, prepared to send Sizhe to the northern Qi Kingdom. Who is to find him then?"