
Chapter 294: Drawn Together

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After all the necessary proceedings had been arranged, Fan Xian entered the bedroom. Liu Shi was lying on the side of the bed, and appeared to have already fallen asleep. He gently woke her up and had her come to the corner of the room so they could talk. Liu Shi still had dried, crusted tear marks upon her face, but it looked as if she had already made her decision. Now, with a nod, she confirmed her agreement to the new arrangements. No one knew what Fan Xian had told her to convince her.

They were moving further into the night. Because it was the autumn, few insects now made noise in the dead of night. Ruoruo continued to keep Liu Shi company as Fan Xian moved to approach his little brother, who was still in slumber. Looking across his face, observing the ravageous pockmarks that dotted his face, he could not help but shake his head and laugh. He took an ink pad from the desk and retrieved from his pockets the document that Shi Chan Li had formulated earlier in the evening. With his unconscious hand, Fan Xian pressed his brother's fingertips against the ink and then upon the document.

Seeing the white document with its red fingerprint, Fan Xian looked satisfied and nodded. After today, the 70% of shares that Fan Sizhe had procured for the Bao Yue house would now belong to someone else. From now on, his little brother had nothing more to do with that wretched brothel.

Wan'er could tell he was not in a good mood, so she made a humorous, mocking face at Fan Xian. She received no response, however. Deep in her heart, she had been feeling slightly useless throughout this entire affair, so the very least she thought she could do was get and maintain a smile out of him.

Fan Xian then smiled back, saying, "This has nothing to do with you. Kids should always go out and explore, and it is through that they can become wise men." Then, all of a sudden, Fan Xian asked, "Has Lady Shen returned yet?"

"To the west pavilion," Wan'er began speaking, "Master Yan has already headed out."

"Good." Fan Xian calmly replied, and then sat on the side of the bed on which Sizhe was sleeping. After a while, he decided to stand up and call for one of the servants in the kitchen to prepare food for everyone. For himself, however, Fan Xian made congee. He was blowing into it as he ate slowly. He desired to give Yan Bingyun and Lady Shen the necessary time to get their affairs in order. The most important part of all this was to provide Liu Shi some additional last-minute timing to spend with her son before his departure.

He did not know long it had been, but Deng Zi Yue had come to see Fan Xian, following a servant. He nodded.

Fan Xian understood. He did not need anyone else's aid, so he got up and went to Fan Sizhe's bedroom. He picked his little brother up and walked him outside to the carriage that awaited him. Despite all this, Fan Sizhe was still soundly asleep. Liu Shi gritted her teeth and came over to stroke his cheek. Ruoruo, sullenly played with his thick ears, and Wan'er looked on, profound sadness welling up her eyes.

Only the Sinan Bo, Fan Jing, was still asleep in the manor, seemingly without care for the well-being of his departing son, who was soon to be taken to a foreign land in which he would be mostly alone and without knowledge of when he could return.

"You guys go first." Fan Xian looked towards Yan Bingyun, whose face was as expressionless as an icy mural, and continued, "I'm counting on you. But be on your guard once you depart from the capital."

At such a late period in the night, the capital gate had long been closed. Only those from the Overwatch Council possessed the power and authority to allow someone outside its gate at a time like this.

Yan Bingyun slowly raised his head to meet Fan Xian's gaze, asking, "You are not coming?"

Fan Xian looked down at the ground and replied, "We will meet up in Song Lin Bao. For now, there is something else I must attend to."

Fan Xian was able to see clearly, despite the dim lights, and he took notice of the tears rolling down his little brother's shut eyelids; it was obvious he was awake. But why he chose to feign unconsciousness before his mother, Fan Xian could only guess. Fan Sizhe's lips were trembling, and Fan Xian imagined that he must now hate him and his father very much.

In the darkness, aside from the Qinian Group, swordsmen from the Sixth Bureau also lay in wait. With the skill that these people possessed, unless it was the second prince using the power of the Yi family, none would be able to oppose them.

Fan Xian stood beside the carriage, his eyes returning to the ground. He waved his hand at the carriage.

The carriage then began its departure, and slowly rolled away beyond the gate. The three women who were standing at the back of the yard in Fan manor all wore a solemn expression on their face. Liu Shi's face looked the worst.

A few carriages without emblems or identifying brands now trotted down the streets of the capital in the dark. No one knew what methods or arrangements Yan Bingyun had utilised, but their departure and subsequent exit from the capital walls went without a single hitch. Now they were travelling northbound, and had been doing so for about half an hour. Seeing the moon illuminate the hills and highlighting one particular knoll that was decorated with short trees, it signified their arrival at the Song Lin Bao.

The band now stayed in place, awaiting Fan Xian's arrival.

Fan Sizhe, who was in the carriage, opened his eyes. His face was still adorned with that same look of recklessness, and so he said, "Aren't you afraid that during this trip, the one where I'm being exiled, that I could run off at any given second?"

In the carriage, only Fan Sizhe and Yan Bingyun remained, Yan Bingyun turned to gaze at the boy and coldly told him, "You are a smart person, so of course you know what you need to do. It is because of you and that which you have done that Fan Xian has exerted a lot of effort in arrangements that will keep you and the rest of the family safe."

Fan Sizhe lowered his voice to say, "Or he is merely doing all this just so that he can protect his own reputation?"

Yan Bingyun mockingly said, "If reputation is indeed all that he cares about, then he would have sent you straight to the government. Who could deny his actions then?"

Fan Sizhe knew what was going on, but he was stubborn and not willing to admit to his mistakes. He screamed, "Father would not allow this to happen!"

"The Minister?" Yan Bingyun's cold eyes turned to an expression of jest, and he mockingly said, "The Minister's thoughts are not something you and I are permitted or able to understand."

Fan Sizhe now looked tired, and he asked, "Mister Yan, where is my big brother sending me to?"

"The northern Qi Kingdom." Yan Bingyun plainly responded.

"Uh…" Fan Sizhe's face dropped to one of complete hopelessness, and he sighed as if he were deflating. With an upset look that extended beyond what one could think possible of a person his age, he lay down once more. He accidentally grazed a wound on his back and within a second, began screaming in pain.

Yan Bingyun thought it funny, and so he turned to look at him. He said, "Fan Xian's medicine, although it is useful, can be extremely irritating. Just try and keep it together." When Yan Bingyun was in the northern Qi Kingdom's capital, Fan Xian had done the same thing for him.

"I knew what I was doing. It looks really bad, but I did not hurt the bone. Why are you trying to garner pity?" Fan Xian coldly said this as he entered the carriage.

Fan Sizhe saw the look on his face and thought of the family discipline he had just received. His mind wandered to the pain he endured, but quickly snapped back to the present from that fearful recollection.

"Where have you been?" Yan Bingyun furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Fan, saying, "Time is of the essence."

Fan Xian put down the person on his back, laying them down next to Fan Sizhe. All of a sudden, a pleasant fragrance permeated the air of the carriage. Fan Sizhe was shocked, seeing a pretty woman's face and in this fright, he shouted to Fan Xian asking, "What have you done to her!?"

The person Fan Xian had taken was the popular prostitute of the Bao Yue house, called Yan'er.

Fan Xian looked at Fan Sizhe and with the intent to mock, said, "You pity her? It looks like your evil personality has been influenced by the genes of your father, in which you cherish women of the night. When you established the brothel, why did you not care for the women then?"

Fan Sizhe and Yan Bingyun had no clue what Fan Xian was referring to when he spoke of "genes", but that was beside the primary point of their current confusion. Why in the world had Fan Xian brought that stranger along with them? To capture her, however, well--Fan Xian was already known to be a master of drugging, and in a time like this, when the brothel of a certain prostitute was half-laid to waste, the kidnapping of one such employee was not something that would prove difficult.

"She must be your first woman, yes?" Fan Xian looked into his brother's eyes and softly asked.

Fan Sizhe thought about it and then nodded for his reply. With a look that begged for mercy, he hoped that Fan Xian would be willing to let her go.

Fan Xian shook his head and sighed, "You really are better than me. You lost your virginity at the age of fourteen…" Fan Xian gave an outburst of laughter. A second later, though, he returned to seriousness and said, "I know the way you treat this woman is special, and that it is different. And I too can tell that she cares about you in return. That being said, your age gap could very well put you as her sibling."

Fan Xian's lips widened once more.

"The Bao Yue house will no longer be safe. If this lady, Yan'er, was to stay there, I thought you might have been concerned for her future safety. It is not as if I could return her to the manor. Father may allow such a thing, but if I were to turn my back for a minute, Liu Shi may very well end up killing her!" Fan Xian calmly continued, saying, "I thought about it when we had established the prospect of sending you north. Even though we are doing this to test you, it is of no use to leave you there alone. Without anyone else, how are you going to develop your mind? That is why I am having Yan'er sent with you.

Fan Sizhe and Yan Bingyun were both staring, their eyes wide open. To be exiled from the capital in the company of one of the greatest prostitutes of the kingdom, was this truly banishment? Or was it merely a vacation?

"Big brother, what are you trying to do?" Fan Sizhe still did not believe this kindness despite all the arrangements that were currently in motion. After everything that had happened, he was now being granted the manner of treatment that few of the Fan manor's sons could ever have hoped to be given. He had mumbled to say what he had, for he was frightened whilst looking towards Fan Xian's calm demeanor. But still, even as he did so, the pain of his ravaged backside began to feel lighter.

Yan Bingyun looked at Fan Xian, and he once again felt that no matter how well he had come to know him, he was still as unpredictable as ever. Shaking his head, he patted Fan Sizhe's shoulders, saying, "your big brother is a wonderful man."

Yan Bingyun now disembarked from the carriage to provide space and privacy for the brothers who were soon going to be separated.

There was to be little silence in their time together, for they spoke intently. Fan Xian looked at Fan Sizhe with gentle eyes and said, "Why did you not say goodbye to your mother?" Fan Xian did not await his response, and he kept going. He asked, "Do you know why I am so mad this time? And do you know why your father and I have decided to send you away?"

Fan Sizhe looked down at the floor of the carriage, and after a moment, perked his head up to say, "For sending me away, I will at the very least have no worry for the government sniffing around and investigating the Bao Yue house. Even if they did so now, they will most likely believe I up and fled, and it'll have no bearing on the reputation of the family. With me gone, you can now all freely compete with the second brother."

"Not bad." Fan Xian was happy to notice that under his influence, he had started to refer to the second and third prince as second brother and third brother, respectively. Secondly, it is a part of my punishment." All of a sudden, Fan Sizhe raised his head in endurance of his pain. He began crying, and told Fan Xian, "but I do not want to go… Big Brother, the northern Qi Kingdom's people are so mean. And what am I to even do when I get there?"

"What can you do?" Fan Xian gave a serious response, saying, "You should capitalizee on and do that which you are best at: business."

Fan Sizhe looked like a simple child when he raised his head. He did not look anything like the suspected owner of the infamous Bao Yue house might be thought to have looked like. He then asked Fan Xian, "Business?"

"Yes." Fan Xian responded. "Father has given me permission to arrange and proceed with what I have planned. After much deliberation, I'm going to give to you one thousand coins as a capital investment. When you arrive at Shangjing, I will also call for a trusted ally of mine to look after you. Aside from this, however, I will not provide you with any other help. If you are able to take this satchel of one thousand coins and turn it into ten thousand coins over the course of the next five months, then perhaps then I will acknowledge it as prof of your own true value. Furthermore…"

"Increase the sum by ten?!" He did not wait for Fan Xian to finish, and blurted out in shock. "I am no god."

"Well, in that case, that is your own problem."

"1,000 coins is far too little to accept as capital." Fan Sizhe was embarrassed and annoyed, he continued, "with this measly sum, whatever I do will be small and humiliating!"

"What crap are you going on about? Enough with the nonsense! Back in the day, when we only owned Dan Bo bookstore, how much did that cost us?"

"Humph! For me to have what it takes to replicate that success, you must go right ahead and write more chapters for Dream of the Red Chamber, so that I may sell them there. Under those circumstances, then yes, I can guarantee you I will make that one thousand coins become ten thousand coins."

"That won't happen. The person named Cao was already driven insane the last time I forced him to handwrite and hand-in a multitude of copies of that book. No one is willing to produce and distribute that book now."

The brothers continued their talks as if nothing had changed. The atmosphere and mood had lightened up considerably, and they were happy. Fan Xian observed his little brother's chubby face and could not help but sigh. He then told him, "It is dangerous out there. Father told me that I can't look over your shoulder that much. Whatever happens to you out there happens; you need to exercise a great deal of caution."

Fan Sizhe went silent and simply nodded. After a brief moment, he said, "Big Brother, you once said that I am a genius of business. Do not worry. I will succeed."

Fan Xian replied, "I hope you won't be mad at me for kicking you out of the capital."

Fan Sizhe just shook his head, and did not say another word.

Fan Xian understood the confliction he must have felt within his heart. He frowned and told him, "What you said to me earlier, when you told me why you were to be exiled, it was not true."

Fan Sizhe raised his head with a visible confusion.

Fan Xian quietly said, "Eve if you were to stay in the capital, there would be nothing to be afraid of. You think I cannot protect just one person? Just going to hide anywhere else and waiting until this all cools off would be fine. And I know for a fact that the second prince won't do anything to me. Even if the government wants to investigate the Bao Yue house, it's not as if they could march into our manor and take you away that easily."

"The second reason, when you said it was because I desired to punish you, that was mostly correct." Fan Xian looked at the prostitute from the Bao Yue house who was still sound asleep, then he calmly said, "On your journey to the north, I do not doubt you will come in contact with some manner of trouble along the way. But compared to the misdeeds you have truly committed, what you meet with will not be equal in comparison. And if I sent you back to Danzhou, as might have been expected, I can only surmise that things would turn out worse there."

Fan Sizhe was a little scared, hearing all this. He squeezed himself, but as he did so, his wounds began to ache painfully once more. He did not speak of this, but in his heart, he pondered the question, Why must you send me to the north?

Fan Xian squinted and told his brother, "I never thought you would do something so reckless as this. What you have done, even if you did not know it, is wretched and cruel. If you remain in the capital, people are going to lure you into doing things that are merely for the sake of getting to me or our father. In times like this, you may fall into the darkest pits of our society. As such, I think it would be best for you to see more of this world. For your maturity, exploration and the occasional hardships of the road will work wonders."

He all of a sudden gave Fan Sizhe a cold look and said, "By doing business, we have to do things either by hook or by crook. But you must get a grip, and learn the difference between them. But do not be overzealous in your dealings. Take your time, otherwise, things are prone to backfire. And furthermore, you only live once; it is therefore best for you to spend that time being nice to others. Look to the bright side of life, little brother."

Fan Sizhe always felt that what had occurred to him following his acquisition and loss of the Bao Yue House to be unfair. He saw its establishment as a monument to his success. Even though many seedy dealings and horrid affairs tainted the soil of its prosperity, it was not something he paid heed to. He lied back down on the carriage seats and said, "What you just said has a lot of justice to it. If people did not know you, and heard you say all this, they would never believe you to be a member of the Overwatch Council. They would think of you to be some sort of bookworm in the Imperial College."

Fan Sizhe's words were quite taunting, but Fan Xian did not let that bother him; he only raised his eyebrows in response. As the commissioner for the Overwatch Council, the spies he had under his command were masters of the dark and were renowned for committing foul deeds under the guise of shadow. It was just a brothel, and no matter the amount of iron control and unbendable will an owner of such an establishment had, it did not come close to the abhorrent management of the Bao Yue house and the same could be said for Fan Xian and the Overwatch Council. Not thinking of it this way, it was no wonder why his brother did not think fondly of his speech.

Fan Xian smiled and said, "Do you think I am an evil person? Using these high-moral mannerisms to talk to you. Is it just me being ridiculous?"

Fan Sizhe saw his big brother smile and began panicking, but his eyes rolled twice. This was an obvious indicator that he thought it was ridiculous.

"I am not a saint, nor am I much of a good person." Fan Xian continued, "even an executor, he who is responsible for the deaths of many may still love his family. He would know of what I am talking about. People who work like us, even though we always carry the stench of blood, we still desire for our brothers to be free of such a smell. We want them to be clear. Perhaps it is because we face the evil in this world on your behalf, and we do so in the hope that our siblings may never need to themselves; it is our duty."

Fan Sizhe heard his brother repeat the word "we", and wondered its meaning.

Fan Xian now thought of telling his brother about Xiao En and Zhuang Mo Han. With a smile, Fan Xian began reciting his tale, "I do not know how many people Xiao En had killed in the duration of his lifetime, nor do I know just how many wretched deeds he may have also committed. But still, he always wanted his brothers to become proud officers of the court. And in this desire, he succeeded; for Zhuang Mo Han did not disappoint him. Until the night he died, I admired that man profoundly. Even though I am not smart, if Xiao En was capable of doing this, I want to replicate such success as well."

It seemed as if Fan Xian wanted to convince his brother, but it also seemed as if he was providing himself comfort. He said, "It is a marvelous thing, a being good person. And I want to be a good person."

Fan Sizhe now heard of this crazy secret for the first time and with his mouth agape, he remained silent for quite some time. After a while, with a voice that trembled, he said, "But I looked at the book Mister Zhuang wrote, and man, did it give me a headache. Big brother, if I were to become a scholar, it would be an arduous road."

Fan Xian found his musing humorous, and replied, "With a brain like yours, of course you cannot study."

Fan Sizhe had no prepared response for this, but instead, asked Fan Xian about his earlier tale. He said, "That story you spoke of…"

"Just try your best to conduct business. Strive to become the manner of merchant that will go down in the history books." Fan Xian encouraged him by further saying, "being a merchant does not have to be as everyone may imply, in which you must conduct shady dealings everyday. In this world, there are perfectly successful merchants that conduct their business entirely by the book."

Fan Sizhe harbored a look of weary confusion and responded, "To become a merchant, all that is required of us is to turn a profit. How am I to become truly heard, by conducting this business on the straight-and-narrow? Even if they have it made, it will only become a tasty dish for the greedy, corrupt officers of the government to come dine upon."

"You have me and Father. If you do things right, no harm will come to you or your business." Fan Xian gave his brother a gentle look and said, "Did you forget about the Ye family? You and I talked about this in Cangshan. The sole reason for your fervent desire to conduct business ever since you were young was because when you were small, Father always told you tales of the Ye family. If that mistress of the Ye family did not die, I can guarantee you that no government or kingdom in this entire world would threaten them."

Fan Sizhe, with eyes wide open, momentarily froze. He said with unease, "The business of a brothel can generate extreme amounts of money. It produces more profit than any other venture." His little brother still did not see the value or importance in maintaining one's reputation in the field of trade; he still thought that the simple generation of earnings is all that mattered.

Fan Xian smiled and told him, "I once asked a person in Qingyu Hall, and he told me that the Ye family would conduct any manner of business. Anything except that which was illegal. At first, of course it was because the leader of the family was a woman, and she would hate the thought of making illicit trades. But also, it was because evil was and still is evil. No matter how much money one could line their pockets with, it did not change the fact that doing something wrong was indeed wrong. It's like being water, trapped between the banks of a small river. You will forever keep moving, but never does the opportunity to make big waves come. If you want to become a master of business, continuing to hang around these small rivers will not yield to you the success that you so crave."

Fan Xian himself didn't know why, but was beginning to talk and talk with greater excitement at each passing sentence. Perhaps it was because the possible fate of his brother was touching the innermost sanctum of his heart, though he said, "It is not easy to live your life. You must try your best to achieve things to their greatest potential. To be a merchant, you cannot be satisfied by remaining in the realm of illegitimate exchanges, and you cannot be satisfied with being one of little renown either. You may not even be satisfied as a royal merchant. For utter satisfaction, you must become a merchant of the whole world. The wealth of one individual can be enough to change the fate of an entire kingdom. For this, everyone would admire you and know your name."

The way he spoke, as if everything was so simple, was beginning to give Fan Sizhe a headache. He awkwardly looked towards his big brother and told him, "The Ye family dealt with armaments and weaponry of war. They even helped the Qing Kingdom destroy the northern Wei Kingdom. The northern people weren't very fond of that family because ofit. As to how I conducted my business in the Bao Yue house, I only committed a few minor misdeeds. Yuan Meng only killed a small number of prostitutes, but as for the mistress of the Ye family, who knows how many innocent people she had killed? Big brother, what you're saying is…"

Fan Xian did not know to respond properly, he simply waved his hand and decided to stop comparing Fan Sizhe to the Ye family. He then said, "Regardless, it is not very nice to become a bully and author of murder."

Fan Sizhe looked worried, and told Fan Xian, "but Big Brother, I really do not wish to leave the capital," and continued, "Both Mother and Father will remain there, so could you at least take extra care in looking after them? For me, please?" He knew that after what had happened with Bao Yue, the only thing that could be done to ease tensions was to leave. The excuse for the second prince to attack Fan's family would be gone. Even though Fan Xian would not admit it, it was the thought and sight of his father's resolve within all of this that made him truly acknowledge the danger and trouble he had placed his family in.

After the speeches made by Fan Xian, the fourteen year old boy was given the appropriate determination to go north and succeed. He now thought to himself, if I live my life and become just like the mistress of the Ye family back in the day, what a wondrous achievement that would be!

Fan Xian nodded and leaned closer. Into his ear, he whispered to him the names of those he could trust in Shangjing.

Fan Sizhe heard what his brother truly desired and his heart froze. The palace treasury… smuggling to the north… the Cui family… and a terrifyingly large sum of money… Am I truly capable of doing this?

Chapter 295: The Night Outside the Capital

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Do you remember last year, when I used the Black Fist to strike Guo Baokun? Did the capital government come around, asking me about it?"


"Do you remember the incident in the spring exam this year? Did the Ministry of Punishment come around, asking me about it?"

"No." Fan Sizhe was a little confused as he looked at him. Was his big brother seeking to remind him of the Qing Kingdom's laws? But the problem was, those two cases had threads that led nowhere. Any effort to resolve them, was hopeless as they had pretty much disappeared. In the Qing Kingdom, an individual's power could go above the law, and what Fan Xian seemed to be telling his little brother went against what he had preached in regards to justice.

Fan Xian laughed and patted his bum, saying, "Both times, you were the one holding the cane to beat the officers. Despite your insistence on being someone who's always been cocky and rude, you have always been nice to me, even though our relationship is one that has existed for a mere two years. That is, unless I am mistaken."

Fan Sizhe's backside was plagued with marks and pulsating waves of pain that did not seem to relent. He gritted his teeth and said, "Then why were you so rough to me earlier?"

Fan Xian smiled and said, "First, I was really mad. And that was not something I was willing to hide. Second, if I didn't beat you up badly enough, how was I supposed to convince the public that the Fan family is strict and law-abiding? I would say it was a half-and-half thing. Half-acting, half-true."

Fan Sizhe suddenly spoke in a voice of absolute seriousness, saying, "Big Brother, the events in the north are ones of extreme significance; are you truly willing to let me handle them?"

Fan Xian replied, "You will first need to prove that you are capable of taking on such a task."

Fan Sizhe gritted his teeth to display his enthusiasm and said, "Yes, I can do that."

Fan Xian nodded and looked towards the Bao Yue's prestigious prostitute, who continued to sleep soundly next to Fan Sizhe. He raised his eyebrows and told him, "Yesterday, when we investigated the brothel, I noticed how fondly that woman thought of you. I am your big brother, and I know that your personality is one of harshness and cruelty, but when you are supposed to be gentle, you should indeed become so. You will soon understand how much more curious and fun life can be when you slow down to appreciate the smaller things."

Fan Sizhe was still quite young, and when it came to the discussion of men and women, he blushed like any child would. With a red face, he nodded.

The two of them had been conversing in the carriage for quite some time, and now, the carriage began moving forward slowly. It signalled to them both that their time together was now over, and the time for them to separate had at last come. Fan Xian mournfully shook his head and said, "This trip you are going on will be fraught with danger. Although you must despise me on at least some level, I can only hope that, in the future, you will understand my reasoning for placing you on this path. This is done without ill will, for I have nothing but good intentions. And in regards to how you may feel about your father, you should not hate him for a single thing. It is important for you to realize that in this world, rare is it to find someone who will look out for your greater interests outside of your father and family. You are extremely young, yet you are already being exiled. Auntie Liu is sad about all of this, as is your father."

Fan Sizhe's face was one of utter dejection. He nodded and saw the shadow of his brother disembark the carriage. He thought of what his future may soon hold, and as he did so, tears welled up in his eyes, and a profound sadness now veiled his heart.

"Big Brother! Come and get me before long!" The shadow that departed now froze in place, and within those few second, a voice replied from the darkness. "Have no fear, for I will remedy all of this soon enough."

Seeing the carriage disappear into the enveloping darkness of night, Fan Xian's mind drifted. I am not a good person myself, so how is it that I can expect him to be? Perhaps what I said earlier was correct, and that the relationship between people can be quite fascinating. Perhaps Wang Jing Wei never hoped for his son to become a traitor as he had been? Or perhaps Hitler would have preferred for his potential son to merely take up painting?

Of course, it was unknown to Fan Xian whether or not such a thing may have come to pass, but he did see Xiao En and Zhuang Mo Han harbor great respect and love for each other, despite their differences. Their relationship was both touching and inspirational to Fan Xian.

In the legendary brothers' maintaining of their relationship, there were many things that Xiao En did for Zhuang Mo Han without his knowing. Nobody ever knew of these deeds, for Xiao En was a secretive person who favored sticking to the shadows. Furthermore, Xiao En never admitted their shared lineage to others due to the danger it may have posed to Zhuang Mo Han's reputation as a scholar. To do these deeds without acknowledgment was an admirable thing indeed.

When Zhuang Mo Han was around 70 to 80 years of age, at the twilight of his life, his reputation peaked. It was during this time he sought to help his brother, disregarding the principles he had held onto throughout his lifetime. He travelled from the north to the southern Qing Kingdom in a bid to frame Fan Xian. The price he had paid was not something entirely material, for he gave up that which he cherished the most.

And yet despite this, as outlandish as it may have seemed, it was Fan Xian who stood beside each of them as they passed away.

Fan Xian was brought to his senses when the carriage was long gone. He sighed in his heart and worried the prospect of Fan Sizhe turning to despise him. He wondered if, one day, what if he himself was to fall into a pit of darkness and end up too far gone, suffering the same fate as the late Xiao En? Would Sizhe end up like Zhuang Mo Han, giving up all that he possessed to save him?

The wind rustled the mountainsides and across the plains before the capital. Fan Xian mocked himself for mulling such thoughts and shook his head. He humorously thought to himself that with Sizhe's personality, he would only go so far as to lose 10,000 coins in a bid to save his brother's life, if it ever came to such a thing. If the price was any higher, Fan Xian worried that his fat, greedy little brother would have to contemplate the decision deeply.

Yan Bingyun approached to stand by Fan Xian's side and spoke, "you are a very manipulative person."

Fan Xian, curiosity piqued, asked, "Why would you say that?"

"You use everyone around you, and have them believe you have their best interests at heart…" Yan Bingyun's lips raised slightly.

Fan Xian calmly replied, "You don't have a brother. You would never understand such a relationship. I really am looking out for him, in the hopes that he will one day become a better person. Perhaps my methodology is a little too harsh, and there is every chance it will all be in vain, but what else can I do? This is as far as I can go with my level of power. At the very least, I can tell myself I played a significant in the role of Fan Sizhe's ascension to adulthood."

"This is what I wished to point out." Yan Bingyun followed his line with a nod. "You are still a cruel person."

Fan Xian went silent, knowing that Yan Bingyun was sure to continue his dialogue.

"The second master is still young, and the state of affairs between our kingdoms is complex… and yet fully aware of this, you happily exile him. It's as if you're sweeping him under a rug so that you can halt the possibility of others blackmailing you. Your course of action is so radical, I would be surprised if the second prince could think this far ahead." Yan Bingyun relayed his dialogue with cold earnestness.

Fan Xian faintly smiled and responded with a question, "How do you think a person should live their life?"

Previously, Fan Xian had posed this question to Ruoruo, Sizhe and Wan'er. In this world, Yan Bingyun was now the fourth recipient of Nikolai Ostrovsky's ultimate question.

Yan Bingyun heard the question clearly and shook his head before replying, "Mine is rather simple: As an officer of the Overwatch Council, and one who is loyal to the emperor and kingdom, I strive to elevate the position of our land so it may one day dominate the whole world."

"To dominate the whole world?" Fan Xian mocked his response and further added, "What is the purpose in doing that?"

Yan Bingyun was shocked. As a young person of the Qing Kingdom, born at a time when their homeland were rapidly expanding, people tended to harbor this desire naturally. It was a passive thought, accepted by all. It was strange to hear someone question the desire for why they sought to extend the reach and further the prosperity of their kingdom. And after having asked, Yan Bingyun had no idea how to explain this concept to Fan Xian at first.

"When the land is divided, many countries sprout up, and the concept of war is a difficult circumstance to avoid. Civilians lose their homes… if this is an unavoidable conclusion to the creation of a multitude of different countries, then why not have one sole, dominant one? There would be no need for more war."

After much deliberation, Yan Bingyun eased his mind.

Fan Xian shook his head and said, "I never believed in the idea of dominating the world. When the land is split up for too long, it tends to come together. But when the lands are together for too long, the desire for segregation and independence tends to disrupt the peace you speak of. So, the lands separate once more. This unification and division tends to come and go every few hundred years. If the lands that split up have no desire for war, where then does it come from? Unification… it is not an effective method to avoid war and foster everlasting peace. It is a seed that's future harvest is war. If everyone did not think of it that way, then perhaps the world would indeed be peaceful."

Yan Bingyun looked at him with a mocking face, and spitefully said, "That is a childish thought!"

"I understand." Fan Xian sighed and continued, "but for the duration of my existence, war is the last thing I desire to be involved in. In the last year, the number of people who were killed at the hands of our council tallied up to around four hundred. In August, when the river burst its banks, over ten thousand people were estimated to have died. If a war was to begin, I am only afraid another one hundred thousand people would be a victim of it."

"Even though our qualms with the other kingdoms have been suppressed for now, it is not something that will last forever. It is only a matter of time before more war visits our lands." Yan Bingyun scoffed and finished by saying, "Even if you were to collect the four Great Grandmasters as your personal fighters and used force to quash the ambitions of vying royal families, what would occur following your death?"

Fan Xian laughed and said, "After I die? After me, the flood."

The most barefaced sentence spoken by Louis the Fifteenth finally made Yan Bingyun's face change. He shook his head and sighed, before saying, "I thought you were the benevolent sort, merely shrouded in darkness. Hearing what you have just said, I knew I was being too polite to you… you are not just cruel, you are an extremely selfish man."

"I think you have misunderstood. I told you before that I wasn't a saint." Fan Xian frowned and continued by saying, "although it would not hurt for me to try and become one."

"A saint who is in charge of the Overwatch Council?" Yan Bingyun looked towards Fan Xian as if he had just seen a ghost.

"How are you going to live your life?" Yan Bingyun rarely obtained the opportunity to speak with his master as they did in the northern Qi Kingdom.

"I plan to live it well." Fan Xian said this vaguely, a pointless sentence for which he did not await a response. He laughed and said, "I would like to thank you and your father for arranging Sizhe's journey north." To make a person secretly vanish and depart from the Qing Kingdom, evade officers that guard the borders, ask for help from the Fourth Bureau of the Overwatch Council and commit embezzlement, it would have been impossible for Fan Xian to do all of this alone.

"You are my boss." Yan Bingyun replied straightforwardly.

Fan Xian understood his thinking and told him, "I will report to the head diplomat."

He continued and said, "Did you know that the first night we left the capital alongside the envoy, where we first made camp was right here? Right here at Song Lin Bao." He touched his nose and self-mockingly laughed and said, "back when we were in the envoy, there was a prostitute named Si Lili, and today Sizhe is getting exiled. Although his situation is far worse than the position I was in, I still got him a prostitute of his own to keep him company. It seems as if his journey north won't be so different from mine."

Yan Bingyun winced at the words he had just heard spoken. He shook his head and thought it quite difficult to get used to Fan Xian, particularly when he was more than willing to show his obscene side to his close subordinates. Desiring a change of subject, Yan Bingyun said, "There is nothing to worry about anymore, at least. What are your plans next?"

Fan Xian gave a wry smile and responded, "I plan to deal with a certain prince; why? Do you think I will go so far as to murder him?"

Yan Bingyun coldly spoke, "from what I have seen, I wouldn't put anything past you."

Fan Xian smiled and said, "you've come a long way in understanding me… but there is no rush; we will soil Hongcheng's reputation one way or another. We will also keep the second prince's subordinates busy while giving the Cui family a good push."

As Fan Xian ended his talking, he gently said, "I won't deal with the Bao Yue house anymore. You can aid Shi Chanli with clearing up those matters. And as for what you would like to do afterwards, that is entirely up to you. Besides, you are really good at formulating conspiracies, and in this field, your talents exceed my own."

Chapter 296: Repossession

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Bao Yue house was still in business. Word had spread amongst the populace about recent events, and it was quickly gaining notoriety as "the craziest brothel in the city". The people whispered about the Fan family fighting the second prince, and following that, all who were involved with the establishment were promptly taken back to the Fan manor and beaten with canes for hours. But then, that was all. But some concerned voices spoke of the Overwatch Council's impotence in the affair, and some were saying that their watchful eyes were flagging, being unable to keep the sordid deeds of the Bao Yue house within their sights. Not long later, however, as the events winded down, so too did the people's interest, for they thought it all to be over.

To the belief of many officers, things had unfolded and been resolved as naturally as they ever could have. With the confrontation between Fan Xian and the second prince, it was believed that many of Fan Xian's actions were taboo and that he had been far too cocky, doing many things he should have respectfully refrained from. Additionally, it was now known that it was the second master of the Fan family who owned Bao Yue. Although the family's general reputation may have taken a minor hit, the revenue they would have earned over the many months would more than make up for it. And with everyone working together to resolve the matters until things returned to a state of normalcy, it was to be a win-win situation.

But for the civilians who did not know of what had transpired, all they were aware of was that an investigation by the Overwatch Council into the Bao Yue house had been undertaken, and at some point, a number of the tortured wails of beaten children echoed from beyond the walls of the Fan manor. It was all so very strange to them. Many of them would think, Since when did our emperor's special unit begin dealing with brothels? What happened in the Fan manor, I wonder? Why have all those young, thuggish brutes disappeared off the streets all of a sudden?

It did not matter who knew what about what, however, for the general consensus was that this was another petty squabble between the nobles of the city. Its rapid conclusion was most likely due to the network of relationships between families, it was assumed, and that was of benefit to all.

But as for the managers and ladies of the Bao Yue house, they did not seem as relaxed as they once did. Ever since the investigation into Bao Yue, the owner of the establishment had disappeared. Rumors had circulated in regards to a certain "young owner" who was now forbidden to leave the manor he may have belonged to, but confirmation of such a thing had not yet been achieved. As such, all were concerned for his wellbeing. As for the second owner, his identity was somewhat special and so it was rather obvious as to why he could not show up frequently. On the surface, Bao Yue house may have looked fine once more, but under the hood, tensions bubbled as things were put into motion.

Elsewhere, the officers under the second prince's command were left wondering why the Fan family were willing to send the three men who were directly involved with the homicides straight to the government.

Ever since Mei Zhi Li was transferred to another department, this important Yamen had been under direct control of the second prince. People should have known that the capital government was heavily influenced by the will of the second prince. If the Fan family was preparing to incriminate their own who were involved, and send the second master to Yamen to avoid ruining the entire family's reputation, then why were there certain rumours perpetuating the belief that the second master had actually been placed under curfew? Furthermore, it was strange to see that there was little movement or action from the Fan manor.

The second prince was having a headache, attempting to wrap his head around the current actions of the Fan family. He did not expect that the Fan family would so quickly decide to exile one of their own to a foreign country, in the dead of night, as he had learned they had. The way the Overwatch Council performed their appointed tasks truly were without fault. With the mounting pressure, he had thought to act upon these issues, but before he could do anyone, word was received of the Fan family's severed ties with the Bao Yue house. They were clean, and even if they were to try and preemptively move on Fan Xian, his unpredictability rendered it near impossible to calculate what course of action would be the best to take.

No one could correctly guess what Fan Xian was thinking, and no one could ever guess what Yan Bingyun was capable of.

On this day, the wind blew gently, caressing leaves on their journey to the ground. It was the perfect day for a hike and a good day to observe the flowers of those meadows.

In six days' time, it was to be Royal Flower Observation Day. Officers and civilians alike would bring their families out on a hike to view the flowers of the kingdom. Since it was also the daytime, the Bao Yue house was now quieter than usual. Because they did not know the future of their favored establishment, and because the owner of the place had been missing all this time, the customers who were always delighted to come were now deflated upon their seats. The ladies that skirted the pond did their best to cheer the horny old men up, and unknown bugs were writhing beneath rocks and stones, awaiting their impending doom.

The workers inside the house were restless as well. With cloth, they went about wiping down surfaces casually, in an attempt to stay motivated, unlike their detest of the activity in prior, more jovial days. Fan Sizhe would often give the order to wipe down tables with a pure white cloth to highlight whether or not there was a single speck of dust. Although they now went about cleaning of their own volition, it was done in a haphazard, careless manner.

All of a sudden, a person walked in. He possessed extremely thick eyebrows, as if they had been painted upon his face. Because a person of such an appearance was a rare sight, it was one that was easily remembered. He had been here before ,and the waiter who had once served him recognized him immediately. In shock, he jumped up, but did not approach him.

One worker looked upon him with a strangeness in his eyes, and as he finished wiping a table, he slung his cloth over his shoulders and said, "Welcome!" His speech was like the sound of music, and its tone was joyous to hear.

The person gave a wry smile, and looked a touch awkward. He stood in the lobby of the Bao Yue house for a while before shaking his head and speaking, "Tell Shi Qing'er to come and see me."

Upon hearing this, the worker was taken aback. She thought of this customer to be somewhat boorish, particularly with his speech mannerisms. His request to immediately see Shi Qing'er, and his reference of her name, was unusually direct. There were many nobles in the capital, but for those that would come to the Bao Yue house, which of them would not be nice to her?

The worker who recognised who this man was snapped out of his daze, wiped the sweat from his brow and approached the fellow. He politely said, "I will deliver the message, sir." And then, one of the other works led this strange person to the third floor. He was brought to the quietest, nicest room in Bao Yue, in which others were told to treat him nicely.

After that person went upstairs, all the workers who remained on the first floor gathered around each other and began talking. They did not know why that person had come here and, even though the Bao Yue house was not in any immediate danger, the past incidents had left all of its staff in a state of anxiety.

Although this person with bushy eyebrows seemed to be one you could easily mistake for some common, bureaucratic nerd; one person finally remembered who he was. He was the person who arrived at the Bao Yue house with Mister Chen. Who was Mister Chen? He was the big brother of the owner of the Bao Yue house and the most popular person in the court. The person that had arrived had to be Mister Fan's good friend, and as such, it was a person who was of a high rank in the Overwatch Council.

Everyone was shocked in the house, for they all knew what transpired that day. They were only afraid that the brothel had gravely offended Master Fan, and this made the owner of the establishment suffer. And now, on this day, someone else had been sent. Was the Overwatch Council going to make a mess again? Would the business still be able to operate as it usually did?

It was then that someone sighed and said, "I see. I am only afraid that the brothel might have to give out a large sum of money to resolve its issues. It is a shame that although the big owner was really cruel at times, the way he did business was tremendous. But for no reason, we will have to stuff the pockets of another couple of officers to remain afloat. Even if the business is going well, I only fear that it would be a waste."

"Bah!" Someone was unable to cope with the sight of the person who was speaking, acting like a priest of the Qing Temple. Mockingly, he said, "You idiot! The owner of Bao Yue house is Fan Xian's little brother; there is no way the Overwatch Council would take money from us. Do you expect the brothers to take our money in their left hand, only to hand it to their right hand? Furthermore, their old man is a shangshu; he would always have his eyes on them."

A person with a skinny face spoke up, "then what is this subordinate of commissioner Fan doing here?"

The person with large eyebrows who had arrived at Bao Yue was Shi Chanli. Today, Fan Xian had been relaxing, and because he was little more than a self-disciplined, honorous scholar, Shi Chanli had been commanded by his teacher to visit the brothel. As it went against his nature, his mood was soured.

Si Qeng'er's eyes had a strange look to them, though she politely poured him tea nonetheless. Her moderate, but her disdain for the man did not stem from him being an officer; it was because he was a close friend of Fan Xian. The owner had vanished a few ago, and this person was visiting. After thinking a whole she softly asked, "Mister Shi, I have no idea why you have decided to come visit us on this day."

Shi Chanli was hesitant to reply.

Si Qing'er was a person selected by the third prince. She did not know much about the Fan family, but seeing him hesitate, she was given the wrong idea. While cusping her mouth, she began laughing, "We are all family now. Is Mister Shi still planning on… tearing down this building?" When she said the word "tearing", it was pronounced so deeply, it sounded otherworldly.

Shi Chanli's thick eyebrows furrowed, for he disliked how frivolous this woman was. He therefore steeled his expression and immediately presented a document. With a deep voice, he told her, "I did not come here today to destroy the house. I have come to claim ownership."

"Claim ownership?"

Si Qing'er was visibly rocked. She clasped the document she was given and gave it a quick look, her face curdling with every passing second. When she reached the bottom of the page and took sight of the red fingerprint, she gritted her teeth. After a long silence, she seemed to have digested the shock of the revelation, and with widened eyes, asked, "the big owner gave up all shares of this house… to you?"

Her words were paced unevenly... 70% of the shares was a most incredible sum of money; how could it have been transferred so quickly and easily? Si Qing'er knew it could not be this simple, and so she furrowed her eyebrows and asked, "Mister Shi, this is too much. I cannot agree with it."

Shi Chanli now revealed a wry smile and responded, "I don't need your agreement. From now on, I am your boss. I am the owner of the Bao Yue house. I came here today just so I could notify you."

Si Qing'er gritted her teeth and said, "Might I ask you, Mister Shi, where is the previous owner of the Bao Yue house? This is such a big thing, I fear I must see it in person to believe it."

Shi Chanli could write very well, and the document he wrote a few days ago had been composed quickly and cleanly. What he himself had not expected was Fan Xian's desire to position him as the brothel's new owner. In his heart, he felt extremely uncomfortable, and he had the thought that he was merely inviting more and more trouble to himself. When he heard her ask her question, he coldly responded, "Do you truly believe that this ownership transfer document can be forged? Do not be a pest! The accounting folk will be here later, so don't you think about doing anything unruly."

Si Qing'er was now aware that the Fan family was preparing to severe all of its connections to the Bao Yue house and use the scholar before her as little more than a pawn. Her ranking was not high enough to learn of any more, however, and she thought it strange that Yuan Meng had all of a sudden disappeared. So, she said, "the Bao Yue house is going to be owned by someone named Shi? I am just trying to get by with my work here; I would not dream of competing with you." Her heart was calmer now, and so she smiled and said, "Thirty percent of the shares are still possessed by the third prince, but I am sure that Mister Shi is well aware of this by now."

No matter what, as long as the third prince owned the sum of shares that he did, the Fan family could not wholly escape their ties to the Bao Yue house. Even so, she did not know that Fan Xian had never planned to wholly scrap the establishment, and instead wanted to obtain some form of ownership. There was a lot of coin to be earned.

Shi Chanli looked at her and smiled, and both of his bushy eyebrows came alive as he told her, "Today, I am merely laying claim to the house. Therefore, I am going to have to ask you to notify the other owner that I plan on taking the rest of the shares, also."

"You plan to take those, as well?"

"What arrogance!" Si Qing'er was brought to rage as she yelled this. She was aware that the transference of ownership between the Fan family and their closest allies was a simple deed to do, but she did not believe that taking the third prince's shares could be done quite so simply.

Now, Shi Chan Li was comfortably slipping into the prospect of him being the owner of a brothel. He told her, "to collect this thirty percent of shares, I have many ideas. To bring it up now is to respect the second owner; you must understand this."

Si Qing'er responded coldly, "oh? It looks like I'll have to thank you, but I just don't know… how much you are willing to pay?"

Shi Chanli raised his hand and lifted a single finger.

"A hundred thousand coins?" Si Qing'er asked, thinking that such a price was fair enough. If the Bao Yue house was able to maintain its current traffic and continue to generate the income it currently was over the long term, 100,000 coins for 30% of shares was a fair price.

Shi Chan Li shook his head.

"Only ten thousand coins?" Shi Chanli was shocked.

"I only have one thousand coins." Shi Chanli professed honestly, and said, "To be a scholar is to almost always be poor."

"Ridiculous!" Si Qing'er shouted madly. "Do not think for one second that because you are associated with the Fan family that you can do anything you want. It is the third prince who owns the rest of the shares, he of the royal family!"

Shi Chanli raised his eyebrows and said in a friendly tone, "Do not misunderstand. Seventy percent of these shares are owned by Shi Chanli. That's me. It has nothing do with any other family. And it is irrelevant who owns the remainder of the shares."

Si Qing'er, with a frosted voice, told him, "About the remaining thirty percent what if he is not willing to sell?"

"Firstly, there's always the chance a few documents might turn up, incriminating a particular person in the harboring secret ties to a foreign country. As for what this crime is called, I am not so sure." Shi Chanli was now laughing, and he continued, "Secondly, it won't be long before an establishment by the name of Bao Ri house opens up in the capital. If I own seventy percent of the shares, then I can fire everyone in the Bao Yue house. That goes for the waiters, as well as the ladies. If this was to happen, then the Bao Ri house may find itself in a wonderful position. Lady Qing'er? This is something for you to think about. The Bao Ri house has yet to exist, but how much time do you expect it will take to bring down the entirety of the Bao Yue house?"

Si Qing'er was wearing a surprisingly confident, almost smug look. Without backing down, she retorted, "Regarding your first point, I do not believe it. Is the Fan family… no…Is Mister Shi truly willing to let the Bao Yue house shut down? Squander the seventy percent of shares so that everyone loses?" With a face beaming with pride, she then said, "As for second suggestion? That would be impossible. When the owner originally chose this spot for the Bao Yue house's establishment, it was done with very precise, very contemplative thought. He also paid particular attention to the contracts he signed with the girls in ensuring how their contract cannot be rescinded. How do you expect to make them all leave?"

Shi Chanli shook his head and sighed. He then said, "It looks to me as if Lady Si Qing'er does not fully understand this situation… You have to understand that I am the owner of the Bao Yue house. No matter what the contract says, I have the final say-so."

Si Qing'er face warped.

Shi Chanli stood up and pushed open a window. With a hearty smile, he told her, "In regards to where the Bao Ri house will be established, I won't hide it from you. It'll be established right next door to the Bao Yue house. It is right beside the pond, also. The only reason why I came here to claim the house today, is because I have been busy these past few days. I was busy claiming the land next door."

Si Qing'er's eyes were wide open in disbelief and she was left speechless.

Shi Chanli was now intoxicated with the power of being being the owner of the Bao Yue house, and he had wholly assumed the role of a cruel businessman. He was loving it. He reached his hand out the window and waved his hand along the breeze, telling her, "and about us perishing together, I have no fear of doing that. If the other side refuses to quit, then I will have no choice but to bring us all down together. Although the seventy percent of shares is a lot of money, it is the least of my concern right now."

After his utterance, He thoughtmy identity as a scholar, and assume the role of someone far more powerful, where I can bully others freely? He really was being a menace to Si Qing'er. Although he had only made shallow, simple threats, they would be more than enough for them to give up the hope of resisting such a takeover.

The land beside the Bao Yue house truly had been taken over by the Overwatch Council, but at what method they used to claim it, none knew. Shi Chanli knew that every step they took in claiming ownership of that land was flawless. The proceedings were overseen by Yan Bingyun and it all went without a hitch. And now, if the third prince was unwilling to give up the thirty percent of shares, Yan Bingyun would have to find a way to bring down the Bao Yue house within ten days or less. If this was done, there would be no coming back for Bao Yue.

"If you don't know how all this stuff began, it's best not to worry your little mind about it." Shi Chanli did not need her to send a message to the third prince anymore. The matter of Fan Xian wanting to claim the Bao Yue house had already been sent by the Fan manor to Yi Gui Pin, who was residing in the palace. Yi Gui Pin was the one overseeing the punishment of the third prince, and the boy had been made to copy out archaic books all day, everyday. Even if he felt bad about his money getting scammed by his big cousin, there was nothing that he could do to right what he was currently being wronged.

He saw Si Qing'er's face take on a look of confusion. The nature of a scholarly fellow being nice is something that could not be avoided, and he unwittingly smiled at her and said, "I am a nice person. In the future, if you continue to work for me, I won't treat you poorly."

But who was to know that Si Qing'er was a person of extreme stubbornness? She had always wanted to be responsible for the second owner. The second owner was a young boy, but she thought of his identity and thought that Shi Chanli was overstepping his boundaries. It was common to see people fight for businesses in the capital, but who would dare to push back against a prince?

"If the second owner sends a message, I will let you know." She gritted her teeth and continued to speak, "but the figures of money that are penned into the ledger will have to be calculated by you and I correctly. Do not mess this up."

Shi Chanli nodded. The repo men who had been waiting outside now at last entered. Seeing this group of people, Si Qing'er's eyes were stunned; these were the secret agents of the Overwatch Council dressed in casual clothing. And to prohibit the entry and actions of a group such as that, who could do such a thing?

She looked upon the group of people. One person in particular had a long beard, and he repeatedly complimented the decor as he walked about. As she took sight of him, she could not help but sigh. And that is all she could do, for she could no longer muster the effort to speak. She had tried her best, but there was nothing she could do to prevent Fan Xian from taking the money from the third prince.

Even with the Qingyu Hall's Yi family's accounting, there was no wriggling out of this one. Her worst dreams had now been realized, and in her horror, she thought of her cherished establishment being owned by a man named Shi… no, by that damn Fan Xian!

He would definitely not choke on the money he was to receive, and he probably wouldn't need water to swallow it down.