
Chapter 527: The Sad Little Arrow

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was at the end of a hot summer, so the entire mainland was enveloped in high temperatures. Although this group of boundless mountains was next to the sea, it could not receive the moisture and coldness the sea wind carried with it because of the terrain. It was humid and hot. That was why the mountain woods had such a strong scent of decay and so many heart-rending dangers.

It appeared to be drier because the meadow at the top of the mountain was directly open to the sky. The dangerous terrain also kept away large predators.

At this moment, it was already noon. The white, brilliant sun poured down the heat, fervently granting most of it to the meadow path. The sunlight was extremely powerful. The original green grassroots were beginning to give off a white light. One could imagine how high the temperature was.

The little animals had already burrowed into the dirt to avoid the head. The birds had already flown to their nests at the middle of the mountain to wait for morning to come out again and search for food.

The entire meadow was silent and peaceful. Only the occasional mountain breeze would lift up green and white waves. The porcelain blue sky and comfortable white clouds softly watched these waves. The entire world was very beautiful.

If there weren't the two humans and the fresh blood flowing from them, it would have been even more beautiful.

With a groan, Fan Xian slowly opened his eyes that had been glued shut with sweat and blood. He squinted at the sky and found there seemed to be a spot of light in his eyes he couldn't get rid of. He didn't realize that it was a problem caused by being under the blazing sun for too long. Unconsciously, he stretched out his hand to bat at it but found his right hand was very heavy. His hand was still tightly holding the assault rifle.

He then changed to his left hand, but a bone-deep pain made him cry out involuntarily.

The pain woke him up properly. He lowered his eyes slightly and looked in a daze at the arrow on the left side of his chest. The arrow had pierced all the way through. Only the feather was left outside of the body. Fresh blood flowed out endlessly and made the black feather even bloodier.

Bending his left leg slightly, he managed, with great difficulty, to find the black dagger in his shoe with his right hand. Slowly and carefully, he reached below his back and followed the very small crack between his body and the meadow and cut through lightly.

After the stem of the arrow was buried deeply in the mud was broken, his body immediately relaxed a little. However, this slight movement caused a wave of extreme pain from his chest. With a deathly pale expression, he almost cried out again.

Pushing through the pain, he used the dagger to remove most of the arrow stuck in his chest. It left behind only a small head to conveniently remove the arrow later.

After doing all this, the pain had made him sweat bucket loads. The sweat had even washed his face clean of the blood.

He faced the sky and breathed in heavily. His eyes looked absentmindedly at the blue sky and white clouds. He didn't bother to hide from the eye-piercing sunlight. He felt that there was nothing better in the world than being alive. If he could never see the sun again, he would be very regretful.

Fan Xian's luck was good. Yan Xiaoyi's arrow had accurately pierced into the left side of his chest. When the tip of the arrow reached him, Fan Xian had also pulled the trigger. Although the M82A1's recoil was not very strong, it still forced his body back a little.

It was this instant that caused Yan Xiaoyi's arrow to slightly miss its original target, avoiding the all-important heart, and instead entered through the left shoulder.

As for whether or not Yan Xiaoyi died, he didn't want to think about it. He only felt tired and wanted to just lie down on the mountain top's soft meadow, which separated him from the world, and enjoy a rare rest. Besides, if Yan Xiaoyi didn't die, given his current condition, he could only be killed.

Since it was so, what point was there in thinking about it?

But he had to acknowledge it. There were still many things in the world waiting for him to do. A moment later, a weak figure appeared on the suffocating silent meadow. Dragging his injured body along, Fan Xian carried the assault rifle. Step by step, he walked through the meadow toward the patch of blood.

He had thought 300 meters was too close. It was so close, it frightened him to his core. Now, he felt these 300 meters were too far and endless.

By the time he had walked to Yan Xiaoyi's side, he almost couldn't stand anymore. His legs shook uncontrollably. The powerful, precious weapon supported his entire body weight. The exquisite barrel of the gun sank deeply into the mud.

Fan Xian didn't care. No matter how powerful a weapon was, it was actually no different to a cane. If one could not throw aside the cane, perhaps they would never learn to walk alone.

He looked at Yan Xiaoyi lying in the pool of puddle. He narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows. His emotions were complicated. He didn't know what he should be feeling.

The fresh blood had finished flowing and seeped into the mud below the green meadow. The top left part of Yan Xiaoyi's body was completely gone. It had changed into a shapeless mass of flesh. It looked like a tomato that someone had squeezed until it exploded. The red fruit flesh and jam were sprayed all over the ground. It was very terrifying.

Since his youth, Fan Xian had gone with Fei Jie to dig up graves and saw corpses. He had seen countless sinister and horrifying sights. However, looking at the sight in front of him now, he couldn't help but turn his head away.

It was clear that Fan Xian's shot had become skewed. However, the mighty power of the weapon's materials was sufficiently demonstrated at this moment. After being hit by such a powerful attack, even a powerful warrior above the ninth-level still could only pay with his life.

Fan Xian calmed his emotions and turned back his head. He walked to Yan Xiaoyi's complete and unharmed head. He prepared to stretch out his hand to close the eyes of this warrior, who had died with a grievance.

However, he saw the already opened eyes and stopped his action. It seemed he was still alive.

"Perhaps you can still hear my words." Fan Xian was silent for a moment. Between his words, there was some uncontrollable coughing. "I know you think this isn't fair, but there has never been any fairness in the world."

Yan Xiaoyi did not have any reaction. His eyes remained open, staring at the sky.

Fan Xian was silent for a moment and then said, "I didn't kill your son. It was Sigu Jian. In the future, I will get revenge for you."

It is uncertain why Fan Xian would tell such a lie beside Yan Xiaoyi's body. In reality, his thoughts were simple. He felt that this kind of death was unfair to Yan Xiaoyi. For such a talented warrior, this death was a great wrong. He knew better than others what one would think before death.

He knew what matter weighed heaviest on Yan Xiaoyi's mind. If Yan Xiaoyi thought that he was the murderer of Yan Shendu but was unable to kill him to avenge his son, this warrior would probably be extremely unhappy.

These words were just to comfort Yan Xiaoyi's heart. However, Yan Xiaoyi's eyes still did not close. Fan Xiang laughed self-mockingly and wondered to himself whether he was comforting a dead man or comforting himself.

He quietly said, "They weren't wrong. You are indeed very powerful. You could even try and challenge those strange old creatures. Thus, I have no way to kill you. The person who killed you also isn't me."

After a moment of silence, Fan Xian continued, "This is called a gun. This is the most important essence of a civilization. Although this kind of essence was not good for that civilization."

Yan Xiaoyi's eye still had not close. However, a crack came from his neck bone. His head tilted and landed on his own flesh. This ninth-level ace had long died. Although his bones had been shattered by the bullet, it was not until now that it could no longer support the weight of his head. It fell down like a falling leaf.

Fan Xian paused and stared in a daze at the dead man's deathly pale face. For a long time, he didn't know what to say. After a while, he raised his head to gaze into the sky. It was as if he was looking for some clue in the blue sky and white clouds.

"Those who were good at war died by the hand of soldiers. Those who were good at swimming drowned in water. And those who were good at archery died by the arrow." These were famous sayings that people had concluded. The god-like archer Yan Xiaoyi had eventually died to a Barrett. Regardless of whether this conclusion was fair or the process was absurd, the blood and flesh all over the ground proved the bloodiness and plainness of this logic.

Yan Xiaoyi was the most powerful enemy Fan Xian had killed in his new life. He still felt respect toward the puddle of flesh and blood on the ground. In particular, this one day and one night chase helped him, at the final live and death moment, finally understand something. Without question, this would hugely affect the rest of his life.

He was overly afraid of death. All his actions were always cautious and gloomy. He could kill with decisiveness and be unhindered. He never had Haitang's open-minded frame of mind or Thirteenth Wang's obsession and courage. It was not until Yan Xiaoyi had forced him to the edge of the precipice did he truly destroy that smear of darkness in his heart. Bravely, he stood up from the grass and raised the gun in his hand.

From then on, he stood tall.

Maintaining his respect for Yan Xiaoyi, Fan Xian continued to emotionlessly perform the aftermath work. He took the gold wire longbow beside the body and then worked hard to drag the half missing body to the side of the precipice.

Standing beside the precipice, he estimated the position and slowly crouched down to pick up a stone. He then began to carve up the body. The sun was very high. On the green grass between the blue sky and white clouds, a handsome pale-faced young man held the stone and continuously chopped at the body beside him. Blood sprayed in all directions. The scene looked disgusting.

He pushed Yan Xiaoyi's half body and the rock off the precipice. For a long time, no sound came back.

After doing all this, he was exhausted. A strong pain in his chest made it difficult for him to stand. Wretchedly, he sat down on the ground with his head spinning slightly.

He knew that he had to rest and tend to his injuries. The remnants of blood and internal organs in the grass would be digested by the creatures in this primitive forests in a few days. However, he still needed to destroy all traces that the assault rifle had left behind.

A cough made the small arrow pierce through his side and tremble slightly. A heart-rending pain spread out, making him grunt involuntarily in pain.

Not at the same moment, and on the summit of Dong Mountain inside the Qing Temple building, the Emperor, who had been surrounded at Dong Mountain, looked through the window in a daze at the faint and slightly warm morning light outside the window.

"I wonder if that child will be able to return to Jingdou safely." He spoke slowly. This was probably the first time he had shown such gentleness to Fan Xian in front of outsiders.

Old Eunuch Hong smiled slightly. His deep wrinkles were filled with calm. It was as if there were not 5,000 rebel soldiers at the foot of the mountain or a Great Grandmaster in a straw hat slowly ascending the staircase to heaven.

"Sir Fan junior is naturally talented. Furthermore, there are not many powerful figures outside Dong Mountain," Eunuch Hong said warmly. "The road shouldn't be difficult. What is important is after he returns to the capital."

"It shouldn't be difficult to handle matters inside Jingdou." The Qing Emperor smiled slightly. "I am liking this child more and more. This time, it will depend on him again."

Old Eunuch Hong sighed in his heart, thinking to himself, Since you like you him, why do you suspect and then tempt him? What difference is there to what you did to the Second Prince in the past?"

The Emperor no longer talked about his illegitimate child that had escaped. He turned and gazed at Eunuch Hong and said calmly, "This time, I am depending on you."

Eunuch Hong continued to keep his body bent. After a moment of silence, he slowly said, "I am a servant of the Qing Kingdom. Ever since the inception of this country, I had always eagerly anticipated the day the Qing court can unify the world. It is my honor to be able to serve the Emperor."

This was not an expression of loyalty. There was no need for such extra words between the Emperor and the old eunuch. However, with the army surrounding the mountain, Eunuch Hong still slowly said it as if he urgently wanted to tell his thoughts to the Emperor.

The Emperor looked calmly at Hong Siyang. His expression gradually became heavier and heavier. A moment later, he raised both hands and bowed down to Eunuch Hong.

Given the Emperor's supreme status, bowing to a eunuch was a difficult scenario to believe. Hong Siyang was indifferent. He calmly, and even somewhat coldly, accepted this bow.

The Emperor straightened up. An expression of unswerving determination rose to his face. "What I promised you, what I promised the Qing Kingdom, what I promised the world… In the future, I will show it to you."

The day had long brightened, and the thick fog had dissipated long ago. The rebel army camp was on a little mound behind a few rows of green trees at the foot of the great Dong Mountain. The rebel commander, who wore all black clothing, watched the mountain calmly for movements. His calm gaze was filled with peace. There was not a glimmer of excitement or elation.

"Don't attack anymore. It's no use," the black-clothed commander said peacefully to the people beside him. It was as if he was talking about some trivial family matter. His attitude was warm but did not brook any doubts.

Yun Zhilan, with a longsword on his back, glanced at the mysterious figure and furrowed his brows slightly. Although he didn't approve of the other person's judgement, he did not speak out in retort. The siege around Dong Mountain this time was like a thunderstorm destined to shake the world. As a great sword master, Yun Zhilan did not wish for himself to influence the larger picture.

The area around the mountain gate was silent. The remaining few hundred Imperial Soldiers had already withdrawn behind the gate. The 5,000 longbowmen of the rebel army attacked a number of times but were completely repelled by the defensive power inside the woods. The team that attacked this time was a powerful group with the Dongyi aces as their nucleus.

Yun Zhilan had great confidence in the strength of the disciples from the Sword Hut. He thought that if he led the bowmen in a powerful attack, even if the Qing Emperor's most powerful Tiger Guards were hidden in the woods behind the mountain gate, he could still rip open a gap.

Furthermore, the bravest little disciple in the Imperial Army… When he was faced with his peers from Dongyi, would he still continue to act?

Morning came. The birds rose in fright. With a whoosh, they charged out of the woods and ripped off a few green leaves. One could imagine how shocked the birds, who had rested for a night, were. What startled the birds was the brilliant snow. Each piece was like a merciless, long knife.

Real knives flew through the woods. In a moment, they had completely poured out, invading the usually solid but now very weak woods. They shaved off countless bits of bark and branches and attacked with a clatter. Pieces of the trees fell into the mud with a thud.

Countless grunts and wretched cries rang out in an instant. The blood in the woods flowed without end. Dismembered limbs and broken arms were tossed into the air and fell toward the ground. Unexpectedly, the first battle encounter had progressed miserably. One could see that once these knifemen had been pushed to their end, they finally exploded out with the most valiant strength.

Yun Zhilan's pupil constricted. He knew that the black-clothed commander's judgement was indeed correct. He didn't dare wait any longer. He waved his hand to send out the arrow banner of command.

The aces from Dongyi led the remainder of the rebel guards and managed to retreat out of the woods. Looking at the situation, if they said it was an utter defeat, it may be more appropriate.

This was only a war of prevention in-between breaths. The rebel soldiers who had attacked the mountain gate had suffered 70 percent in injuries and deaths. Even the Dongyi aces had lost five people.

Yun Zhilan's heart hurt. He didn't know what to say. Dongyi didn't have the large number of soldiers that Qing Kingdom and Northern Qi had. The most powerful sword masters trained in the Sword Hut. Even though only five people died, it was still a heavy loss.

He knew that the defensive power at the Emperor's side was terrifying. But he had not thought that the other party's mountain guarding power would be strong to this extent.

"It's the Tiger Guards," the black-clothed man on the horse gazed at him and said calmly. "Legend says that the seven Tiger Guards at Sir Fan junior's side could join together and force Haitang to retreat… While on this peaceful Dong Mountain…"

He smiled slightly, "There are 100 Tiger Guards."

Chapter 528: The Great Grandmaster

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The great Dong Mountain was the strangest and most beautiful mountain. Facing the ocean with its back to the land, its front was a stone precipice as smooth as jade. To its back, there was a green forest nurtured by the fertile soil. In people's rational thoughts, it was impossible for anyone to go up or down the smooth precipice. This record was broken by Fan Xian.

The rear of Dong Mountain was also dangerous. Other than a set of long and straight stone steps that climbed steeply into the clouds to the summit of the mountain, there was no other way up. If one wanted to forcefully attack, they could only proceed along this path. Particularly in the narrowest part, if one man held the pass, 10,000 enemies would not be able to pass. It was a location easy to guard but difficult to attack.

The reason the rebel soldiers chose to surround Dong Mountain was because they were considering it from a reverse perspective. Since it was difficult to ascend the mountain, if the army surrounded it, then it would also be difficult for the people to come down.

Up until now, the rebel soldiers had good control over the situation. The Qing Emperor's people had broken through a number of times but had all been mercilessly beaten back. After being pushed back behind the mountain gate, the major crossroads at the foot of Dong Mountain were all controlled by the rebel soldiers.

The rebel soldiers did not think that although they had surrounded the mountain, they were not able to ascend even a single step.

There were 100 Tiger Guards on Dong Mountain. If this was a simple mathematics question, then they needed 14 Haitangs to be able to openly defeat the Qing Emperor's powerful guards. In reality, there was only one Haitang in the entire world.

At the Tiger Guards' sides, there was that the man whose foolishness contained a portion of brave heroic spirit that no longer existed in this world: Thirteenth Wang.

With such powerful guards, in addition to Dong Mountain's strange terrain, even if the elite of the rebel army succeeded in surrounding the mountain, to forcefully ascend the summit was still as difficult as reaching the heavens.

It was like the name of that long stone staircase, the staircase to heaven.

Although one desired to ascend to the blue sky, it was not possible for mortals to accomplish.

Thus, the black-clothed commander of the rebel army decisively gave the order to temporarily pause all assaults. However, he continuously reinforced the patrols around the foot of the mountain and blockade.

After giving this order, he turned around. Gently patting the horse's back, he said calmly to Yun Zhilan beside him, "At such a grand moment in history, you and I only have the privilege of being a silent bystander."

Thirty years ago, there were no Great Grandmasters in the world. After the Great Grandmasters appeared, only then did people discover that a person's strength could be so powerful. Since they were so powerful, these Great Grandmasters could influence the circumstances of the world.

It was because of this that the Great Grandmasters lived in reclusion and rarely came out. They were terrified that their speech or action would bring turmoil to the world and affect the lives and deaths of the people they wanted to protect.

However, this place was the mysterious and beautiful great Dong Mountain, and it was the Qing Emperor at the summit. It seemed that only a Great Grandmaster would have the right to act.

Once a Great Grandmaster took action, the powerful and courageous generals and great sword masters would retreat to the back. Their brilliance was completely subdued like a piece of coal that couldn't glow. They could only hope to have the privilege of seeing history happening.

The long stone steps seemed to be without end. At a very high location, one could faintly see mountain fog floating. A man wearing hemp clothing and a straw hat stood calmly at the first step stone of Dong Mountain's gate.

The stone steps were completely covered with blood. Some were dried, and some were fresh. They gave off all kinds of disgusting smells. It was unclear how many Imperial Soldiers and rebel soldiers had paid with their lives for the loss or gain of an inch of soil.

He stood calmly, as if he was not standing on bloody steps but on fluffy white clouds. The mountain breeze picked up. The figure swayed, rising high like an immortal being. It seemed that he wished to ascend up 1,000 meters. He was not going to the heavenly palace. Instead, he was going to the temple at the summit of the mountain.

When this man appeared on the first step, the soldiers inside and outside of the mountain fell silent at the same time. There wasn't even a single cry of surprise. They were terrified of treating this figure irreverently.

The black-clothed man and Yun Zhilan, who had been on horseback the entire time, quietly dismounted and slightly bowed their bodies to the back of the normal hemp clothes to express their respect.

They knew this man had already come to the foot of the mountain last night but they didn't know how he had appeared in front of everyone. They didn't need to be surprised. The appearance of such people in this world was already an unexplainable matter.

The rebel soldiers no longer made any more movements. After the Tiger Guards, Imperial Army, and people of the Overwatch Council in the woods were silent for a while, they seemed to fall into a panic. No matter how loyal they were to the monarch and how much they loved their country, they had never thought they would openly be enemies with this person. In particular, the people of Qing Kingdom still considered this extraordinary ace, who liked to ride boats and float on the ocean, as the kingdom's guardian angel.

This god was about to ascend the mountain despite the Emperor's edict. As to what his goal was, everyone knew.

The Tiger Guards became nervous. The Overwatch Council Sixth Bureau swordsmen's mouths were a bit dry. The Imperial Army was so scared, they almost couldn't hold their weapons steady in their hands. To do battle with a god, this already surpassed most people's imaginations and mental fortitudes. They also knew that although the opponent was only one person, he was more terrifying than 1,000 soldiers and 10,000 horses, even if there wasn't a sword in his hand.

Ye Liuyun had no sword in hand. They did not know whether or not he had a sword in his heart. Last night, his sword had pierced through the sometimes calm and sometimes raging ocean at the foot of the mountain. It had pierced through layers of white waves, sheared off a reef, injured Fan Xian's heart meridian, and finally pierced into the solid stone of the precipice. The entire sword had disappeared, leaving only a slightly protruding sword hilt on the precipice.

Everyone knew that Great Grandmaster Ye Liuyun was even more terrifying when he had no sword in hand. The legends said that he had, for some reason that no one knew about, abruptly abandoned his sword. He came to appreciate the flowing clouds in the mountains and let go. From then, he entered the realm of a Great Grandmaster.

By now, Ye Liuyun had stepped onto the second stone level. Finally, the Tiger Guards hidden behind the mountain gate came to their senses. The first things to welcome the Great Grandmaster's ascent of this mountain was a rain of mournful and powerful crossbow arrows.

This was the great killing weapon the Overwatch Council had prepared. It was the repeatedly firing crossbow that had once made an appearance on the south plains of Cangzhou. Firing so many times at such a close distance, who would be able to dodge it?

On the plains far away from the mountain gate, the black-clothed man and Yun Zhilan watched this sight without blinking. They were not worried about Ye Liuyun's life and death. No one thought that a mere rain of crossbow bolts would be able to stop a Great Grandmaster. They didn't want to miss the sight of a Great Grandmaster, who usually appeared like a mythical dragon, taking action personally.

The black-clothed man thought to himself that if he were faced with such an urgent rain of crossbow bolts, he would certainly be injured.

Yun Zhilan was thinking about how his teacher would handle it.

When Ye Liuyun was faced with the arrows that were about to pierce his body, he only waved his hand.

This wave was like a mountain pine chasing away clouds, because it did not wish for the white fog to hide its beautiful appearance. This wave was like a drop of rain falling through the cloud, not wanting the dark clouds to prevent its chance to be close to the mud. The strangest feeling that this wave gave the watchers was natural and soft but also decisive and quick.

Two completely different natures melded perfectly and in great detail in this simple wave of the hand.

As his hand fell, the arrows lightly dropped to the ground. When the high-speed arrows met his hand, it was like a slowly flying cloud was being plucked piece by piece by it and then thrown onto the ground.

The heart of the black-clothed man chilled. He quietly said, "I can't see his hand clearly."

Yun Zhilan remained silent and did not speak. He had wanted to see whether this Qing Kingdom Great Grandmaster was at a higher or lower realm than his teacher. Unexpectedly, he didn't understand anything he saw.

Given the power of his and mysterious black-clothed man's eyesight, they only understood one thing. When the gentle Ye Liuyun released his hold, his speed was so fast that he could strike out gently but no one could capture the motion of his fingertip.

"Not only is he fast," the black-clothed man muttered to himself, "clouds have the most shapes in existence. His hand is gentle and terrifying."

When Ye Liuyun was in Suzhou in Baoyue Brothel, he had once used a pair of chopsticks to strike away an arrow fired by Fan Xian's side like he was chasing away a mosquito. However, this time at Dong Mountain's gate, he waved his hand and showed his mastery.

He took another step up.

Knives flashed brilliantly. Snow seemed to fly through Dong Mountain in June. The snow charged directly toward the straw hat.

It was unclear how many Tiger Guards screwed up their courage and, without planning to do so, chose the same time to strike out because of the responsibility and fear in their hearts.

The long knives danced emptily. The power of the knife blades were enough to split the skin and envelop Ye Liuyun's entire body within them. For so many powerful knife attacks to be stacked one on top of another at the same time, they were completely capable of chopping Fan Xian and Haitang into pieces.

However, it did not strike Ye Liuyun.

Only a twisted and ugly sound of metal dragging across was heard on the stone steps. Ye Liuyun's straw hat remained on his head, but his person was like a billow of smoke, moving immediately through the layers of knives. Abruptly, he came to a place above the stone steps, leaving the Tiger Guards behind him.

He stretched out his two arms. The two balls of twisted metal fell to the stone steps. With a crisp clanging sound, they rolled down a dozen times and split open.

Only then did the people see that these twisted pieces of metal had originally been the long knives the Tiger Guards had attacked with.

He was powerful enough to bend gold and bundle rocks. After Ye Liuyun had perfectly demonstrated that his realm had far surpassed that of the mortal realm, he only stood calmly on the stone steps. Suddenly, his body swayed. A corner of his hemp clothing rose in the wind. Leaving his clothes behind, the pieces of hemp clothes rose with the mountain breeze and rolled around on top of the stone steps.

At an unknown time, a young man covered in dried blood appeared in front of him. His eyes were clear and spirited. He held a green banner in hand.

Thirteenth Wang.

A gust of wind blew past. It seemed that the cloud cover that hid the summit from the mountain revealed a corner of the temple.

A muffled huff came from the stairs.

Ye Liuyun took back his hand. With his head lowered, he looked at the green banner by his feet that had been split in half. A confused smile flashed through his emotionless eyes. He then coughed a few times.

At this moment, Thirteenth Wang was still flying in the sky as fresh blood sprayed out habitually. His person drew a long arc and landed extremely wretchedly in the woods, knocking down a very large tree very far away to the right of the stone steps.

Even a ninth-level ace was not a match at all for a Great Grandmaster.

Ye Liuyun coughed a little.

A glimmer of worry flashed through the black-clothed man's eyes. He knew that although Ye Liuyun did the impossible and defeated the rain of arrows, the Tiger Guards and young and powerful ninth-level ace, he was still affected. Given the Great Grandmaster's realm, he shouldn't be hurt. The three times that Ye Liuyun had struck out, he had purposely been lenient. However, there would always be some problems when facing the Qing Emperor's subordinates and aces, who were red-eyed with terror and rage.

A Great Grandmaster was the one closest to a god. But, after all, they were not a god. They had their own country.

Ye Liuyun was carefree and without obstructions. Even though he was here to kill the monarch for his family, he was still so gentle that he would not harm the people of Qing Kingdom.

Then, he saw the Great Grandmaster's hemp clothing gently float down and land in front of him. His steed became curious and sniffed it.

Chapter 529: The Mortal World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At the summit of Dong Mountain, the fog had cleared, the wind was gentle, the clouds had gradually parted, and the true appearance of the temple was revealed. The Emperor of Qing Kingdom, in a bright yellow dragon robe, stood calmly by the railing waiting for Ye Liuyun's arrival. When the foot of the mountain was surrounded by 5,000 longbowmen, and particularly after traces of Dongyi's aces appeared in the rebel army, the Emperor who had never miscalculated seemed to finally feel that, for the first time, things were beginning to surpass his control. A faint worry rose between the middle-aged man's brows.

The chime of a clock rang out from among the old temples with black round eaves. It refreshed the mind, moved one's spirit, and calmed one's mind. However, it caused disquiet in the world. The document used in the heaven worship was burning in the stove. The light smoke rose in spirals. The Crown Prince's numerous crimes, as listed by the Emperor, seemed to have been told to the ethereal temple and will of heaven.

The Qing Emperor's most important task was completed. All he needed to do was bring the groundless heavenly revelations back to Jingdou, depose the Crown Prince, and then chose someone that pleased him more.

However, at this moment, a straw hat slowly passed through the final line of stone steps to the summit of Dong Mountain and suddenly appeared before the Qing officials in front of the temple.

The Emperor looked calmly at the awkward and mundane face under the straw hat. He looked into the eyes, which were as clear and soft as autumn waters, and slowly said, "Uncle Liuyun, you came too late."

Ye Liuyun had walked up the mountain, unable to be stopped by anyone. Standing calmly in front of the temple, he didn't speak for a long time. Minister of Rites and Ren Shao'an unconsciously lowered their bodies in a bow toward Qing Kingdom's Great Grandmaster.

In front of Ye Liuyun, only the Qing Emperor remained standing upright. Although old Eunuch Hong, who was always at his side, was bent over, everyone knew that he was always bent over as if looking at ants walking on the ground. It was not because he was showing respect to Ye Liuyun.

"How could you say I am too late?" Ye Liuyun looked at the Emperor and sighed. His tone was full of impatience and regret. "Perhaps Your Highness has received an order from heaven from the worship this time?"

"The Mandate of Heaven has always been with me. I did not fear the danger and came thousands of li to Dong Mountain. My wishes will be fulfilled," the Emperor said coldly.

Ye Liuyun lowered his head slightly. After a moment of thought, he said, "For such a thing as the Mandate of Heaven, it is always difficult to understand. Although Your Highness is not a common person, you should still not be presumptuous as to give out punishment on behalf of the heavens."

The Emperor looked coldly at Ye Liuyun standing more than 30 meters away. "Perhaps you are here today to only give out admonishments and have no intention of expressing fury on behalf of the heavens?"

Ye Liuyun laughed bitterly. He slowly raised his right arm. His sleeve slipped back slightly and revealed a right hand without a glimmer of dust or dirt. The fingers were smooth and tidy. It was not a limb an old person should have.

His right hand pointed at the pool of blood in front of the Qing Temple and a few of the Qing Temple priests lying in the blood.

"Your Highness, the person expressing fury is you," Ye Liuyun said compassionately. "The priests are Ascetic Monks that serve the temple. Even they knew Your Highness' worship of heaven this time was to create disorder. If a monarch gives a disruptive order, the official cannot accept it and neither can a priest. That is why you killed them."

The book of the Crown Prince's crimes had come from the internal court. The chosen crimes were not broad enough. Such improper actions were committed by the Crown Prince many years ago. Presently, the composed and filial Crown Prince was completely different. When the Crown Prince had been deposed in the past, there had never been such a muddle-headed edict and nonsense worship document.

The Qing Temple on the great Dong Mountain had a long history. Although it was not in Jingdou, a number of the major Qing Temple priests often came there to live in recluse. Following the strange death of the Great Priest and the Second Priest Great Master San Shi's death by arrows, Qing Temple's strength, which had already been severely weakened by the Qing Emperor, became even more derelict. That was why all the priests at the Qing Temple in Dong Mountain appeared so humble and obedient from the mountain gate to the summit.

When the Emperor officially began the worship ceremony to accuse the Crown Prince and begin the process of deposing him, there were still a few priests who stood forward bravely and expressed their objection with strong words. They stated that the Qing Temple would never become a sharp knife in the hands of a muddle-headed ruler.

The court's silent infringement of the Qing Temple and the deaths of the two leading priests made the priests in the Qing Temple on Dong Mountain feel boundless anger. The arrival of the rebel army at the foot of the mountain gave them boundless courage.

That was why these priests had turned into bodies beneath the black eaves of the Qing Temple. Their courage had become smelly, fly-attracting bloody water.

When someone disobeyed the Emperor's orders, he never feared to kill them, even if they were priests on Dong Mountain. The only people the Qing Emperor didn't kill were the ones he temporarily had no way to kill, such as Ye Liuyun.

The Emperor calmly watched Ye Liuyun by the stone steps and said, "Uncle, you are not as stupid as the common people. You know these priests are no more than mere mortals. Even if I kill them, what does it have to do with the will of heaven?"

Ye Liuyun furrowed his brows slightly. "Even if the priests are mortals, this temple is not mundane. Presumably, Your Highness knows that better than me. To kill someone in front of the temple and have the blood flow to the stairs, is Your Highness not afraid the heavens will rain down judgement?"

The Emperor's expression was indifferent. Putting his hands behind his back, he was silent for a moment. He then spoke each word clearly, "For you and I to live in this world, it is not the end of the world. Thus, in my entire life, I have never respected ghosts and spirits. I have only respected you."

Ye Liuyun was silent and speechless.

The Emperor turned his body and calmly looked at the black temple eaves. The old roof tiles on the eaves shone with a solemn light under the early sun. He said, "That is why I invited an old friend to meet with you."

There were few people who had the right for the Emperor to refer to as Ye Liuyun's old friend. When the clock in the Qing Temple rang out again, the wooden door to the side yard was pulled open with a creak, and a gust of mountain breeze swept through the summit, Wu Zhu walked out.

Ye Liuyun only smiled. There was some emotion and bitterness in his smile.

"Many years have passed since the farewell in Danzhou. It has been over two years since I heard news of you." He gazed at Wu Zu amicably. "I had thought you had already returned. Who knew you were at Dong Mountain?"

A summer two years ago, the Northern Qi Imperial Advisor Ku He had become injured in a secret duel. As one of the four Great Grandmasters, Ye Liuyun guessed that the person was Wu Zhu.

Ye Liuyun's words hid too many messages. Other than him and Wu Zhu, probably no one else would be able to understand. Fan Xian had been far away on a precipice and did not hear anything of the conversation the two had at the bottom in Danzhou.

Wu Zhu was just as neat and efficient as before. After saying a word, he stood at the door to the little courtyard and didn't move another step in. He faced Ye Liuyun at a distance but was a bit closer to the Emperor.

The word he said was, "Hello."

It was merely one word, but it shocked and moved Ye Liuyun more than when he had walked out of the courtyard earlier. He couldn't resist laughing with relief and great sincerity.

Then, the smile abruptly stopped. Ye Liuyun turned to face the Emperor and inclined his body slightly in a bow. Sighing with admiration, he said, "Your Highness has calculated well. No wonder you made a trip to Dong Mountain to worship heaven. You even managed to dig out this strange creature. I can't help but feel admiration, even if I don't want to."

Hearing these words, the Emperor's expression didn't change. On the contrary, the extremes of his eyebrows twitched slightly in a way that would not be easily noticed by others. The entire worship of heaven was a setup targeted toward Ye Liuyun. However, when Wu Zhu, the vanguard of this setup came out, Ye Liuyun did not have the reaction of falling into a trap.

For such a thing as advantage, it was always give and take. The worry in the Emperor's eyes briefly appeared and was immediately hidden. Presumably, he knew the major matter that he and Fan Xian had guessed was finally about to become reality.

The Emperor glanced at old Eunuch Hong beside him. His gaze was calm but contained a multitude of meanings. It seemed to be asking, Why didn't you act immediately? Given the realm of a Great Grandmaster, even if it was two to one, if they didn't grasp the opportunity a moment ago when Ye Liuyun's defenses were slightly relaxed because of Wu Zhu's mysterious appearance and they still wanted to kill Ye Liuyun on the mountain, it would still be a difficult task.

Old Eunuch Hong completely ignored the Emperor's gaze. His gaze was fixed with unusual heat in front of him, through Ye Liuyun's shoulders and directly into the woods below the stone steps.

He took half a step forward to stand in front of the Emperor and slowly straightened his body.

Eunuch Hong, who seemed to have spent his entire life bent over, suddenly straightened his body. With such a simple action, an indescribable aura began to surge into his body, moving with strange majesty toward all directions on the summit.

The people knew clearly that Eunuch Hong's body did not become bigger. Everyone experienced an illusion in that instant. It seemed that Eunuch Hong had become an invincible god. A bright eye-piercing light emanated from his entire body, completely covering the Qing Emperor behind him.

The power of this gust of zhenqi seemed to vaguely have surpassed the limits of a mortal flesh and blood body. It was extremely tyrannical.

The leaves of the boundless forest fall shower after shower; the endless river rolls hour by hour. This was the first poem Fan Xian copied in Jingdou. Putting aside whether or not the calligraphy of the Great River was appropriate, this poem had spread all over the world.

On this day, fortunately or not, everyone on Dong Mountain thought of the first two parts of this poem in this instant.

They felt a sudden surge of sword qi wreaking havoc in the woods below the stone steps. Even the distant summit of the mountain was saturated in this intense sword qi. The green woods began to shed leaves for no reason. The leaves piled together.

Ye Liuyun looked at Eunuch Hong and said, "You are an exemplary person, yet you suffer to be a slave?"

Eunuch Hong's silver-white hair floated in the wind. In a hoarse voice, he said, "The Great Grandmasters are all slaves. I am the Emperor's slave while you all are nothing more than slaves of this world. What difference is there?"

Chapter 530: Meeting At Dong Mountain

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At this moment, Gao Da thought he was flying.

He flew over the layers of green forest in the middle of the great Dong Mountain and faint mist in the forests. He flew over the arrows that had been fired high. He flew higher and higher.

The higher he flew, the furtherer he saw. In that instant, Gao Da saw the mountain gate at the foot of the mountain. He saw the long stone path, blood stains on the stones, flashes of knives in the forest, and the sword shadow by the stone path that was like a venomous snake.

Then, he fell down heavily, breaking through countless branches before landing with a crash on the wet floor of the forest. He almost fell off the steep cliff.

Gao Da gave a muffled grunt and used the zhenqi in his body to forcefully resist the attack. He bounced up again like he was full of springs. His hands gripped the hilt of his long knife tightly. Raising his foot, he got ready to charge once more onto the deadly path.

With one move, he felt all the bones in his body had shattered at the same time. A grunt came through his nose. The pain was impossible to endure. At the same time, two streams of blood leaked out from his nose.

Gao Da's legs turned to water. Unconsciously, he turned his hand to stab the long knife into the ground to support his body. Unexpectedly, as the tip of the knife came in contact with the muddy ground, it shattered into countless pieces of metal in an instant.

Amidst a crisp clanging sound, Gao Da fell miserably into the mud in the forest. The knife at his side had shattered. All he held in his hand was a pitiful remnant of the knife hilt. His eyes were full of shock and fear. He appeared unspeakably pitiful.

He had been sent flying by one person and one sword.

As Fan Xian's personal guard, Gao Da had the strength of a level-eight ace. How mighty was he when he had forced back the enemies along in the Northern Qi Palace? Even among the Tiger Guards in the Palace, he could be considered one of the top. However, he had unexpectedly been swatted aside like a mosquito.

Gao Da looked at the sword light on the distant stone path with a complicated gaze and darkness in his heart.

Fan Xian had taken them, the seven Tiger Guards, far away from Danzhou. They had unexpectedly been brought by the Emperor to Dong Mountain. Following that, there was the assassination of the Emperor. As a Tiger Guard, his first and foremost task was to protect the Emperor's safety. Although Gao Da didn't know that Sir Fan junior had already slipped down the precipice, he still led the other six Tiger Guards into the larger group of palace guards. They began to carry out a merciless massacre on the steep stone path.

With over a hundred Tiger Guards guarding one mountain path, logically speaking, there wasn't an ace in the world who could break through and ascend the mountain.

However, there were always a few existences that didn't follow logic. For example, the Qing Kingdom's Great Grandmaster Ye Liuyun, who had dissolved into a flowing cloud and passed over earlier. Or, the man holding a sword and killing all in his path as he focused only on what was in front of him. His sword intention had already reached a peak.

Gao Da swallowed the slightly sweet saliva in his mouth and forcefully calmed his breathing. The noises he could hear from the stone path were becoming weaker and weaker. He knew that his brothers had probably already died by the hand of that Great Grandmaster.

The most foundational requirement of a Tiger Guard was loyalty to the Emperor. Even though they knew that the person in front of them was the most powerful in the world, they stood with unswerving determination on the stone path in front of the Emperor's body. Spraying out blood for a just cause, their chests were split open. Undaunted by perils, they refused to take a single step back.

Gao Da's first reaction t was that he should charge over and stand, once again, in front of that terrifying man and become another roaming spirit under his blade, even if he had already suffered heavy injuries and his sword had shattered into little pieces.

However, in this instant, Gao Da hesitated a little.

On the long stone path covered with blood, countless Tiger Guards had tried a seven-person surround, using the techniques learned during daily practice to defeat a ninth-level ace. All their hard work was in vain. The sword that seemed to be from the underworld and carried a relentless energy danced round lightly. It was burdened with a heavy air of murder. It chopped through their knives, arms, and heads.

The reason Gao Da was able to survive, even after flying out, was because, he had been affected by two years of Fan Xian's influence. Involuntarily, his merciless knife carried a faint mark of Fan Xian's little tricks.

He no longer killed mercilessly and refused to retreat. Thus, even though he still could not hold out against one attack from that man and his meridians had been attacked and split by the sword intent, he still survived.

Since he had survived, was he going to go back and die? No!

A strange light flashed through Gao Da's eyes. Sir Fan junior had said countless times that in all matters, one had to first preserve their own life. Only then was there a chance to correct things. Dong Mountain had been surrounded. If he charged out once more and died on the stone path, that wouldn't fix anything.

He used his hand to cover his mouth. Fresh blood flowed out between the cracks in his fingers and didn't make a single sound. He looked down below the woods. The rebel army's defensive blockade had relaxed a little because of the arrival of the two powerful figures.

Gao Da gritted his teeth. His eyes were filled with unswerving determination. He decided he was going to find an opportunity to break out.

From the moment he made this decision, he was no longer just a Tiger Guard of the royal family. He had no idea how much shock this decision of his would bring to the world in two years.

Drip, drip. Drops of blood slowly dripped down. It was a very slight noise, but seemed ear-piercing to the point that those present felt that sound of blood dripping was better at cleaning up one's spirit than the sound of the clock in the old temple behind them.

The blood was dripping from the tip of a sword.

This sword rose slowly and passed over the last level of stone stairs and appeared in front of everyone on the summit of Dong Mountain.

The sword was very normal. Nothing unusual could be seen. Even the hilt of the sword was casually wrapped with a layer of hemp rope and appeared rather old and tattered.

It was this ordinary sword and the not very reflective blade of the sword that emanated a chill and a power. It made one feel fearful, particularly as the blood on its blade slowly collected at the tip and then slowly dropped down. It seemed to make those who were watching feel that the blood on the tip of their hearts was also flowing out of their body.

Their faces all became pale. Then, they saw the hand and person who held this sword.

He wore a straw hat and hemp clothing. His figure was not big and tall. On the contrary, he appeared to be small and short.

This was at complete odds with Ye Liuyun's image of being carefree and unconcerned with the mortal world. This man, because of the smallness of his body, tattered hemp clothing, dirt and blood covered body, and bloody and broken sword in his hands, appeared incomparably wretched.

No one laughed because of this wretchedness. They knew that when he killed, he was merciless. Speaking in regards to the level of terror, he was even scarier than Ye Liuyun.

Old Eunuch Hong looked peacefully at the wretched sword master on the steps and smiled slightly. He slowly drew back the tyrannical aura he had emanated. His entire body bent down. He returned to the appearance of being an elderly eunuch.

The Qing Emperor watched the stone steps with a cold expression. Looking at Ye Liuyun and the newcomer, he took a light step forward and calmly said, "Looks like Yunrui really put down the capital this time. Uncle, how could you go crazy with her? Family and country, family and country. To betray the country for your family, I had truly not expected this."

Since the terrifying man was standing with Ye Liuyun, it meant that the most powerful and strange old creatures in the world had come together and made a decision. They could not allow the Qing Kingdom's most powerful Emperor to date continue existing.

Ye Liuyun smiled warmly but did not explain or defend himself.

Ever since the terrifying figure wielding a sword had come to the top of the precipice, everyone had fallen silent. They were terrified of disturbing of him. However, the Qing Emperor was not scared at all. He stared coldly at the hemp robe full of holes and mockingly said, "Sigu Jian, why are you not retiring in the Sword Hut? What are you doing at Dong Mountain? Look at your wretched appearance. Do you really think you won't have to pay after kill all of my Tiger Guards? An idiot will always be an idiot. After the Qing court cured your idiocy, it's fine that you didn't repay us. But, you just had to take your sword and forcefully kill your way up the mountain, using up all of your zhenqi. Looks like after all these years, your brain still doesn't work any better."

A short man, an old and broken sword, and a body of wretched clothing had mercilessly killed his way up the stone steps and killed over a hundred Tiger Guards. In the entire world, there was only Sigu Jian who only concerned himself with what was in front of him, who pushed forward with compelling sword intent, and who protected Dongyi and the surrounding vassal states for 20 years with a single sword.

No one was disrespectful toward Sigu Jian. Only the Qing Emperor dared speak to him in such a tone. However, when the mocking words fell into the ears of those who listened closely, one could hear there was a sense of severity outside but fragility inside.

No one ignored the Emperor speaking to them. However, Sigu Jian couldn't even be bothered to glance at him. He only stared in a daze at old Eunuch Hong at the Emperor's side. Gradually, the eyes of this Great Grandmaster began to burn. It was as if he watched to pierce through the shadow beneath the straw hat and melt off old Eunuch Hong's pale face.

The small Sigu Jian opened his mouth. His voice was not like his body. It was bright like a great bell. His tone was relaxed but trembled slightly with excitement.

"It was you just now, right? What powerful zhenqi…" Sigu Jian stared at a daze at old Eunuch Hong. "I know Fan Xian has also taken this path. So, you are his teacher. That means the person who let out their power a dozen years ago in the Royal Palace in Jingdou was you. The rumors under heaven do indeed make sense."

The Emperor of Qing Kingdom had been completely ignored by this Great Grandmaster. Although the Emperor was not angry, his gaze gradually became colder. Looking at Sigu Jian, he said, "You have tried to assassinate me three times, yet you've tragically retreated without even seeing my face. Did you receive an unexpected surprise today?"

It seemed that it was only right now that Sigu Jian heard what the Emperor had said. His gaze turned to him. Looking at the Emperor's face, he suddenly shook his head. "You are much worse looking than your son. What is there to look at?"

The Emperor smiled slightly, "Naturally, you are talking about An Zhi. You've met him before?"

Sigu Jian tilted his head and said, "I have a granddaughter disciple named Lu Sisi. Her sister had clearly been killed by Fan Xian. After seeing Fan Xian from a distance in Hangzhou, this girl completely forgot her hatred and became a love-struck fool. Every day, she's holding some "Banxianzhai Poetry Anthology" and reading it. Fan Xian, that pretty boy, must look pretty good."

The sea breeze gently blew past and wound through the summit of the mountain. The Qing Emperor laughed loudly and said, "You Dongyi people are indeed all a little silly."

After a moment of thought, Sigu Jian said seriously, "I am an idiot. My little disciple is even more of an idiot. And, my granddaughter disciple is a love-struck fool,. This is as it should be."

Then, this Great Grandmaster suddenly gazed at the Emperor and said, "In things like governance and war, I am not as good as you. There are few in the world who are more powerful than you. Therefore, I must be respectful to you. Just then, I was impolite to you. Please don't take it to heart."

"You are too polite." The Emperor seemed to be a bit enchanted and bowed slightly.

The Emperor and Sigu Jian began to laugh loudly at the same time. Even the increasingly powerful sea wind could not stop the spreading of this laughter. Sigu Jian's laughter was imbued with pure zhenqi and could break through the window without a problem. The Emperor's laugh could do so because of the heroic spirit he had cultivated after being Emperor for a long time.

The laughter stopped abruptly. An awkward silence descended. It seemed that neither side knew how to continue with this absurd drama.

The killer and the killed. This was a question and not a lengthy drama that needed them to exchange pleasantries, chat, speak of history, or tell stories.

Why did the Qing Emperor and Sigu Jian clumsily perform such a scene earlier?

The Qing Emperor slowly put his hands behind his back and sighed. Without looking at the two Great Grandmasters by the stone stairs, he calmly said, "Originally, I had set up this plan in accordance to Yunrui's intentions in an attempt to keep uncle here. I had not expected Yunrui's plan to be so crazy or consider the safety of the country by binding Dongyi and Northern Qi to her battle carriage."

He turned his head back. Without a glimmer of fear, he calmly looked at the shadowy part of Sigu Jian's face under the straw hat. "The Great Grandmasters have not appeared for a long time. Once they do, they are certain to rock the world. Today, both of you have come here to accomplish your mission. Although I am not afraid of death, I don't want to die. That is why I have no choice but to delay. I do not understand why you would delay with me for so long."

Sigu Jian was silent for a moment. His wrist naturally dropped down. Appearing somewhat rushed and ill at ease, he smiled strangely and said, "Why am I so interested in this eunuch? Of the four strange creatures in this world, the three of us could be considered soul brothers. Only this eunuch likes to hide in the palace. It is because I understand Ye Liuyun that I understand his personality. If it was possible, he would act by himself and would not wait for us outsiders to interfere with the Qing Kingdom's internal politics."

Sigu Jian became calm and said respectfully to Eunuch Hong, "Even if you are here, Ye Liuyun would still act."

He said one last thing as an explanation for the Qing Emperor's question. "Naturally, Ye Liuyun has his own reasons for not taking action so I can only wait and see why he didn't take action immediately."

Ye Liuyun smiled gently and turned his body to face Sigu Jian. "Stupid Jian. Do you still not feel it at this time?"

Sigu Jian's body was small, so the straw hat on his head appeared particularly large. A patch of shadow completely hid his face. At this moment, even though the shadow was heavy, the people on the summit seemed to see a bitter smile on the corner of the Great Grandmaster's lips and a strange expression on his face.

Everyone felt their hearts jump. They wondered what kind of realization would make someone like Sigu Jian, who regarded swords as sentimental and could kill people like mowing down grass, be silent for so long.

Sigu Jian turned and straightforwardly raised his sword in greeting toward the door of the old temple behind everyone's back. A moment of silence later, he said, "I truly cannot understand why you are joining in on these stupid mortal matters."

The officials and priests that Sigu Jian's gaze landed on were terrified. They quickly moved out of the way, terrified of being touched by his gaze. Following Sigu Jian's gaze, the people split up to create a path, revealing the black wooden door of the old temple in the back and Wu Zhu, who stood outside in full black as if he had already combined into one with the temple.

Sigu Jian's gaze pierced through the air like two swords, landing on Wu Zhu's clean face and the black cloth that seemed impervious to dirt and dust.

Wu Zhu did not move or have any reaction.

Sigu Jian sighed.

The Emperor began to laugh again. His laugh this time was unconstrained. "I can come, why can't Lao Wu come?"

The Emperor withdrew his smile and looked coldly at Sigu Jian.

Ye Liuyun smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying to Sigu Jian, "When the mountain was surrounded, Fan Xian was on the mountain. Naturally, he also came."

Sigu Jian had no interest in the specific process of when they surrounded the mountain. After pausing for a moment, he suddenly opened his mouth and began to curse with complete disregard for his manner and dignity as a Great Grandmaster. He managed to curse for a number of breaths without stopping and used all the filthy language he could think of!

"F*cking Yun Zhilan and Yan Xiaoyi! Two dumbasses! Why did they blockade that pretty boy on the mountain?" Sigu Jian cursed with panting breaths. "Are they trying to kill me?"

Suddenly, his state of mind trembled. He looked icily at the Qing Emperor. Laughing mockingly, he said, "Bringing Fan Xian to the mountain and having found such a good helper… No wonder you're not scared at all. Looks like I was wrong earlier. I am not as good as you at governance and the military, but I am also not as good as you at suppressing my own children and family."

The Qing Emperor smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

It was clear that both Sigu Jian and Ye Liuyun were shocked and wary at Wu Zhu's sudden appearance at the summit of Dong Mountain.

Although they were Great Grandmasters, history and the miraculous incidental happenings in this world had already proved many things. Otherwise, Sigu Jian would not have put down his face and sent Thirteenth Wang, his last disciple whose temperament was most like his but exceptionally gentle, to Fan Xian.

Was it not because of this blind man?

Sigu Jian suddenly looked at Wu Zhu and quietly said, "Don't get involved in this matter. Go down the mountain. This Emperor isn't a good bird. Us elders will give you a promise. Fan Xian will live well in this life. Even if he doesn't stay in the South Kingdom, if he comes to Dongyi, I will let him be the master of a city."

Everyone present remained silent, but their eyes began to show expressions of shock and fear. They didn't know who the black-clothed man standing in front of the temple door was to be able to stop two Great Grandmasters the instant before they carried out their assassination of the Emperor and make Sigu Jian, who was always ruthless, give out such a big promise.

No one would doubt the words of a Great Grandmaster.

Everyone was curious as to who exactly the black-clothed man tied so intimately to Sir Fan junior was.

The Emperor's brows furrowed slightly. He realized that Wu Zhu had his head lowered as if he were thinking about something.

Wu Zhu thought for a while then slowly said, "I'm sorry. Fan Xian asked me to protect the Emperor's life."

Like Ye Liuyun, Sigu Jian also opened his mouth wide and sank into a shock that was greater even than seeing Wu Zhu. It took a moment before he shook his head and said, "After 30 years of not seeing you, who knew that you became chattier. I didn't know it was you, I would have thought you were an imposter."

Wu Zhu shook his head. He couldn't be bothered to reply to this boring comment.

Sigu Jian straightened the hat on his head and said, "Wu Zhu, we were friends in the past. I don't want to take action against you. You have to know, I have tolerated a great deal from Fan Xian in the two years after Niulan Mountain."

Everyone's hearts jumped again, wondering just what kind of friendship did they have?

Wu Zhu said in a quiet voice, "At that time, your snot had reached the ground. Absolutely filthy."

Sigu Jian laughed loudly. "I am still just as filthy. I am still that snot-nosed and idiotic teen. How about it? Do you want to go squat with me?"

The corner of Wu Zhu's lips tilted up slightly as if he wanted to smile. In the end, he didn't manage it and only shook his head.

Sigu Jian was silent for a long time. He then shook his head and sheathed his sword in the scabbard at his side. Ye Liuyun asked, "What are you doing?"

Sigu Jian pointed at old Eunuch Hong and Wu Zhu. He then looked at Ye Liuyun and said without good humor, "Two on two. Only an idiot would make a move."

Ye Liuyun put on an awkward expression and said, "But are you not an idiot?"

"I am an idiot," Sigu Jian said seriously, "but I am not a lunatic."

For the people present, including the officials of Qing Kingdom, priests, and a few of the eunuchs, this was actually their first time seeing these legendary figures who were like gods in the heart of mankind. After the initial respect and fear, seeing this conversation, countless absurd feelings grew in their hearts. Were these old men like children really the Great Grandmasters that had secretly influenced the state of the world for the last 20 years?

The Emperor watched this scene and waited for the curtain drop on this drama with calm in his heart.

If Sigu Jian and Ye Liuyun truly retreated, then this drama would become a farce. However, Sigu Jian was not an actual idiot. He knew what horrifying consequences there would be if he actually allowed the Qing Emperor to return to Jingdou alive.

At the top of his voice, Sigu Jian cursed, "In any case, I won't do a two on two. If that traitor doesn't come out now, I am immediately going down the mountain."

Hearing these words, the Emperor's pupils constricted slightly. His expression became cold.

Clouds floated across the middle of the mountain. A heavenly sword split open the stone path. Falling leaves went with the wind.

The wind went by. The light dispersed. In a moment, a third person wearing a straw hat floated naturally to the summit of the mountain like a falling leaf.

Ku He had finally arrived.

Chapter 531: A Great Journey

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

No wonder a Great Grandmaster is a Great Grandmaster. Even when they're cursing up a storm, they can still manage to curse out a Great Grandmaster from thin air.

Wang Qinian was hidden behind Ren Shao'an, whose face was filled with terror, and habitually made a joke in his mind. His mind began to spin. While no one was paying attention, he silently began to move backward. He and Zong Zhui were equally known as the two wings of the Overwatch Council. When it came to skills relating to escaping and going into hiding, there was no one who could match them. At this moment, everyone's attention at the top of Dong Mountain was completely focused on the third man in a straw hat that had suddenly appeared. No one would notice if one person disappeared in the crowd.

Wang Qinian thought to himself that this was probably the advantage of being a minor character. Much like Gao Da who had worked hard to save his own life in the middle of the mountain, they had stayed for a long time beside Fan Xian and were not quite the same as the other loyal and filial officials in the world. Survival was the most important thing. Even if the Emperor was about to kick the bucket, they had to survive.

Wang Qinian's disappearance could escape the notice of everyone in the world, but it could not escape the notice of the Great Grandmasters. However, they were watching each other and the Emperor. They did not spare any thought to watch a dry and nameless old man.

The layers of dark clouds gathered without reason. Hovering in the sky high above the summit of Dong Mountain, they covered a good half of the blazing sunlight. The summit of the mountain was again enveloped in gloom and sea breeze.


The Minister of Rites was a fearful elder. He should have stood out and harshly criticized the despicable assassination scene in front of him. But, he couldn't say a word. Ren Shao'an, an official of the Taichang Temple, was not old. He should have stood at the Emperor's side and helped the Emperor block the powerful air of murder coming from within and foreign countries. But, he didn't dare.

No one dared to move. No one dared to speak. Boundless complicated emotions rose in everyone's hearts. It was trepidation, fear, excitement, hopelessness, respect, or sorrow.

Too many things had happened on this mountaintop today. Too many major figures had come. It caused the ancient temples in picturesque disorder to begin shaking in the sea breeze. The copper bells on the corner of the eaves rang out to give their greetings to these major figures.

Ye Liuyun, Sigu Jian, and Ku He were three Great Grandmasters that the people of three countries bowed down to. The three Great Grandmasters all lived in various corners of the world. Ku He was an Imperial Advisor in Northern Qi. Sigu Jian protected Dongyi with a single sword. Ye Liuyun floated on the ocean and was difficult to find. In this world, there was not a single person who could make all three of them appear at the same place at the same time. This was a conscientious choice as one at the apex of the mortal world.

However, now, they had come to Dong Mountain for one person: the Emperor of the most powerful country in the world and the person with the greatest power in the world.

At the Emperor's side stood Eunuch Hong, who had never left the capital.

The Great Grandmasters met on Dong Mountain to assassinate the Qing Emperor.

The peak of martial arts in the mortal world and the peak of power gathered here. Such a miraculous sight had never appeared before in the history of this land. It would never happen again in the endless years to come. Such a sight could usually only exist in people's imaginations or in the stories of a Northern Qi novel.

The Qing Emperor, who was the target, and the three Great Grandmasters would never forget that in front of the door to the old temple still stood a blind man with a piece of black cloth tied around his eyes.

"Greetings, Your Highness." The last Great Grandmaster, who had ascended the mountain, also wore hemp clothing. His feet were bare. The hemp cloth pants hung straight to his ankles and did not hide the feet that were not touched by dust or dirt.

The Emperor bowed slightly in greeting. "It's been a year since I saw you. You seem more energetic."

Ku He slowly took off the hat on his head and revealed his bald head. An air of calmness exuded from the wrinkles on his forehead. In a quiet voice, he said, "Your Highness also seems very energetic."

The Emperor had already shaken off his earlier shock. Since Lao Wu and Sigu Jian could be here, then Ku He could be here. He laughed bitterly. He seemed to sigh in admiration that the sister he had purposely spared could be able to create something of such a scale.

"I truly do not understand how Yunrui managed to convince all of you."

In less than a moment, the bitterness completely disappeared from the Qing Emperor's smile. Upright and unafraid, he said, "You are not mere mortals. I am a son of heaven and also not a mere mortal. If you kill me, do you have the courage to shoulder the chaos in the world after I die?"

There were no lies in these words. Once the Qing Emperor was assassinated, no matter how the Eldest Princess twisted the situation in Jingdou, Qing Kingdom would take a large hit. The assassination of the Emperor would not just tear a large wound on the hearts of the people. Once the always stable Qing court took such a large hit, if they wanted to maintain internal balance, they would have to find an external avenue of venting their anger.

The Qing Emperor's calm came from his judgement of the present situation. If he were assassinated on Dong Mountain with the participation by powers of foreign countries, regardless of whether officials in court were loyal or not, under the powerful pressure of a newly passed monarch, they would have to send out troops.

Given the Qing Kingdom's powerful military strength and bloodthirstiness bred into the people, once they raised the battle flag of vengeance for the Emperor, how could Northern Qi and Dongyi stand against their overflowing murderous rage? Even if the other side had a Great Grandmaster, there was certain to be chaos in the world.

"Once I die, tens of millions of people will die." The Emperor smiled contemptuously and looked at the three Great Grandmasters. "The three of you have always liked to consider yourselves protectors of the common people. Ku He, you protect Northern Qi. Sigu Jian, you protect Dongyi. However, because of my death, it will cause your people to die, suffer hunger, be humiliated, fall into destitution and lose their homes. They will be unable to take a breather for a hundred years. Is this exchange worth it?"

Ku He smiled slightly. "If Your Highness does not die, will you not send out troops? Will a great battle not happen?"

The Emperor said slowly, "In these 20 years, there has not been a great battle. You all know why that is so."

Ku He sighed. "Your Highness directs troops like a god. Qing Kingdom grows in power each day. The reason Your Highness pities the millions of common people and has not declared battle is for no other reason than the fact that us old men are still alive. Otherwise, even if you unite the world, it would be one that has been pushed to the edge of breaking. Naturally, Your Highness does not want this result."

"Correct. I am waiting for you all to grow old, waiting for you all to die." The Emperor's eyelids lowered slightly. "I am younger than you, I can wait."

"We cannot wait anymore." Ku He sighed again. "Otherwise, after we die, who will maintain peace in the world?"

The Qing Emperor's sword-like brows gradually knitted together. The small wrinkle between his brows contained a glimmer of coldness and tyranny. "Peace? Only I can give this world peace! Can the three of you, who have no understanding of the times and are savages that only know how to fight and kill, give the people of this world peace and prosperity?"

The Northern Qi Imperial Advisor who had ascended the mountain last smiled warmly and said quietly to the Qing Emperor, "How the history books in a thousand years describe today's matter on Dong Mountain is not something that we mortals can control. No one in the world can be responsible for the distant future. What we want to see is nothing more than a presently peaceful world."

Ku He's palms came together slightly. "We have to at least take responsibility in this world before we are old or die."

"Thus, I must die?" The Qing Emperor smiled slightly and turned his head to gaze at Ye Liuyun. "Uncle, you are a person of the Qing Kingdom. You float on the ocean and are carefree. If you want me to die, is it also for the peace of the world? Don't forget, Qing Kingdom has killed countless people in Northern expedition battles. Your Ye family takes up at least 30 percent!"

Without waiting for Ye Liuyun to reply, the Emperor turned to Sigu Jian and smiled coldly. "What about you? A sword-struck man who kills people like mowing down grass, yet you dare to say that you cherish the world? Perhaps you killed everyone in your family for peace in Dongyi?"

In the end, the Qing Emperor looked at Ku He with disdain and said, "Tianyi Dao is very popular among Ascetic Monks, but you monks are not involved in production. You are completely supported by the people. So, what are you? Nothing more than a bunch of vermin."

"Zhan Mingyue", The Qing Emperor said coldly. "Don't think that you can wash all the blood from your hands by shaving your head."

"Uncle, you are only doing this for the survival of your family. Of course, I had originally planned to kill you here. If you want to kill me, I won't have any resentment."

"Sigu Jian, you've protected Dongyi for many years. I want to destroy Dongyi, so it is logical that you would come to assassinate me."

"Ku He, you are the Imperial Advisor to the Emperors. I want to swallow Northern Qi whole. With the benefits there, there is no need to speak of your crude behavior."

"These three people all have reasons to kill me, as well as the right to kill me, but…" He looked at the three Great Grandmasters, who each had a shocking cultivation, and could no longer hold back in his disdain. "You all have various kinds of agendas up your sleeve. Why squander time in making another excuse to bully the world?"

"Do you think wearing three straw hats and three pieces of hemp clothing makes you common people? Wrong! You have always been strange creatures that shouldn't exist in this world." The Qing Emperor stared coldly at the three Great Grandmasters. "Are you worthy to beg for the lives of millions?"

The Qing Emperor gently shook his sleeves and laughed for a long time. The laughter was full of contempt and ridicule. Perhaps he was ridiculing the Great Grandmasters who stood at the peak of the mortal world or himself for the fact that calculations were, in the end, no match for the will of heaven's feelings of predestination.

"Fine, fine, fine. The way of heaven is never fair. Three ignorant people want to ruin my great plan. In these 20 years, I often ask the heavens why you strange old creatures were not born a thousand, or a hundred, years ago. Why must you be born while I am alive?"

The most powerful middle-aged man in the world suddenly drew back his smile and coldly said, "Now that everyone has arrived, what are you all waiting for?"

Ever since Eunuch Hong had pulled back his aura, the Qing Emperor had stood at his side with his head raised surrounded by the Great Grandmasters. He smiled and talk without fear. How self-confident and spirited was this? If it had been any other noble in the world in his present situation, even if their state of mind remained clear, they would still sink into some kind of difficult-to-endure emotion.

Only the Qing Emperor continued to speak frankly and with composure. Between his eyes and pupils, there was not a glimmer of fear. There was only a calm after the astonishment. After the calm, there was a faint glimmer of melancholy and helplessness.

He coldly talked and asked questions toward each of the three Great Grandmasters. The overly arrogant attitude did not grow any weaker at all in the dangerous situation. His powerful breathing techniques he had used for many years allowed him to naturally exude a ruler's supreme might, even when surrounded by those who were at the peak of human power.

Given the Qing Emperor's methods, courage, and determination, there were already signs of a great unification 20 years ago. He had the power to complete this massive task. Since the beginning of Wei Kingdom, there would be another country for 10,000 mornings. The Qing Emperor would become a true collective master of the world.

However, 20 years ago, Qing Kingdom's plan to unify the world was forced to slow down. In the process of Qing Kingdom taking over from Wei Kingdom and becoming the most powerful and prosperous country in the world, there was a sudden leap in the martial arts' realms in the mortal world. From 30 years ago, there gradually appeared a few Great Grandmasters in the mortal world. In this history of mankind, there had never appeared such a strange creature who could resist the machinery of a country with one man's power.

Once such a terrifying Great Grandmaster appeared. Even someone whose nature was as strong as that of the Qing Emperor's still had to temporarily withdraw the vanguard of their troops to seek a temporary balance on land.

"What else are you waiting for?" The Emperor used a mocking tone to ask once again. "Are the Great Grandmasters also afraid of me? Zhang Mingyue, you have long hidden your tracks and have not come out. Are you worried that this situation on Dong Mountain is a set up by myself and Yunrui?"

The Qing Emperor had the power to hit on one's thoughts with a single sentence, even if the other person was an unfathomable Great Grandmaster.

Ku He smiled slightly. The top of his head reflected the faint light below the grey clouds. He seemed to have already become one with this part of the summit. In an even voice, he replied, "When all is said and done, Northern Qi and Dongyi are the two places that have been hurt the most by Your Highness and the Eldest Princess these years."

For such a great opportunity on Dong Mountain, the three Great Grandmasters all wondered whether the Eldest Princess' suddenly loss of power and the sudden deposition of the Crown Prince was a great conspiracy created by Qing Kingdom. Thus, they had to see true problems within Qing Kingdom.

Everything before them now, Yan Xiaoyi's rebel army and the changing of commanders right before the battle, already proved all of this.

Something strange was happening on the ocean. The layers of grey clouds above the summit of Dong Mountain grew until they connected to the horizon between the sea and sky. The entire dome of the sky was covered by dark clouds. The day gradually became darker. The rolling and squeezing in the clouds seemed to be very clear, as if some unnamed power was gathering in the changing and struggling layers of cloud.

The wind whistled. There were hidden rumbles of thunder from between the clouds. It was as if they were the pained groans of the heaven and earth. Suddenly, a drop of rain fell.

In the patch of sky where the layers of grey clouds were the thickest, the summit of Dong Mountain had already entered a very mysterious realm. When the first drop of rain fell, it just happened to land on the dragon embroidered in gold thread on the Qing Emperor's bright yellow dragon robe.

The rain hit the right eye of the coiled dragon. The yellow cloth became darker, making the dragon appear darker and more sorrowful.


The four unusually strong paths to power appeared at the same time on the summit of Dong Mountain enveloped by grey clouds. They interfered with each other, feared each other, clashed with each other, and gradually flowed together and shot straight into the sky. They crossed swords with the thick clouds hiding the might of thunder up in the sky above the summit.


The four paths to power contained real power and were perfectly joined together, entering a mysterious realm. When the first drop of rain landed, it gained control of everything on the summit of Dong Mountain. All the life completely integrated into the realm of truth and power began to lose control of their own spirit.

The officials of Qing Kingdom and the priests of the Temple did not fall to the ground because of the pressure of the terrifying atmosphere. They remained standing except their entire body was frozen without any chance of movement. They were terrified, but their pupils were unable to constrict. They lost control of their bowels, but their urine was unable to wet their clothing. They wanted to scream but were unable to open their mouths.

The long green grass all around the summit fell down like swords, pointing toward the center of the field like they were worshipping the ruler of the mortal world.

The copper bells on the eaves of the temple swayed. However, the metal clapper inside followed the movement harmoniously and did not make any sound. The yellow dirt moved at a speed visible to the naked eye slowly toward the cracks in the stones. It shrunk into a line, a timid and trembling line, hiding from this boundless power.

There was not a single sound. All the sound had been sealed behind a thick protective screen made of truth, power, and fear. The clashing of thunder amongst the layers of cloud and the light sound of rain falling on dirt had all become subtitles. One could see but was unable to hear.

Truth beyond the ninth-level and power beyond the ninth-level. People always wondered what would happen if such power was completely demonstrated. On Dong Mountain, the top aces in the world had taken action at the same time. This wave of might may be faintly surpassed by the boundaries of humankind. It was beginning to move endlessly closer to the nothingness of the way of heaven.

A big wind picked up without sound. Heavy rain fell without anyone hearing a drop.

The rain fell against Master Ku He's pale old face and was not turned into rain powder by the pure zhenqi in his body. It slid down gently and naturally, wetting the front of his robes, hemp clothing, and bare feet. The gale at the top of the mountain flew his clothing backward while he was like a mountain, calmly standing on the summit welcoming the raging wind and lashing rain. He didn't purposely try to resist it. He only gently and naturally mixed with the wind and rain.

He was borrowing power from the mountain, wind, and rain to calmly face the extremely Tyrannical zhenqi.

Eunuch Hong held onto the Emperor with one hand. His entire body had straightened and released all of the Tyrannical zhenqi in his body without reserve. His hair and beard expanded and split open the court eunuch's hat on his head. His clothes danced against the direction of the wind. His entire body exuded a Tyrannical aura that even spirits recoiled from. It seemed he was going crush the mountain, the wind, and the rain.

A wicked light suddenly flashed through Master Ku He's eyes, a wickedness that was completely at odds with Tianyi Dao's intentions of peace. He began to chant something, but it was impossible to hear what he was chanting. It caused his body to sway without support in the wind and rain. Not a glimmer of baldness could be seen.

Of the four powers present, only Eunuch Hong had released all his power. His aura shot into the sky, shocking the rainwater around him and the Emperor into a cloud of powder that filled the air and blurred the surroundings.

The Tyrannical way could not be sustained, particularly one that was so earthshaking and in defiance of the natural order. Eunuch Hong's eyes shone with a strange light like he had become 10 years younger. Was he burning through the essence of his own life to delay these three Great Grandmasters for a moment and give Wu Zhu a chance to save the Emperor?

However, Wu Zhu stood in the rain and allowed it to soak through the black cloth. He didn't move at all.

He didn't move but that didn't mean that he would never move. Thus, Sigu Jian moved like rainwater that had changed directions. He streaked past a black shadow and moved like a spirit to stand between Wu Zhu and the Qing Emperor.

Sigu Jian also didn't move. He only gathered his power. He lowered his head and the straw hat covered his face. The sky full of rain seemed about to completely swallow the short man wearing hemp clothing.

No wind or rain was powerful enough to be able to swallow the sword he held upside down in his hand.

Wu Zhu glanced at the sword in Sigu Jian's hand through the black cloth.

The sword continued to glow with an icy light and blood-lust. The storm seemed to suddenly dim for an instant.

Sigu Jian still did not move. The Unreasonable zhenqi in his body began to force its way out through the hundreds of small and large holes in his clothing.

These hundreds of tears were the price this Great Grandmaster paid for killing over a hundred Tiger Guards in one go.

Sigu Jian's zhenqi was just like essence and shot out from the tears in his clothing. Although there was no noise, looking at the rapid swaying of the clothing near the tears, one could feel it unusually clearly. After these pieces of zhenqi forced their way out of his body, they did not dissolve into the air. They drew a mournful arc and danced around his body..

The rainwater became pieces of blades, dancing soundlessly and completely clear. It appeared incomparably magical.

Wu Zhu slowly lowered his head and turned his hand to grasp the metal drill at his waist as his brows furrowed.

In an instant, the rainwater blades around Sigu Jian's body danced with more excitement. They severed all life around him and enveloped the entire summit of the mountain in an aura of hopelessness and death.

Sigu Jian had not yet pulled out his sword because he himself was a stupid and stubborn sword.

Ye Liuyun also didn't pull out his sword because he had already pierced it into the stone precipice at the foot of the mountain. Of the ]Great Grandmaster aces present, only he appeared to be somewhat desolate.

He was a person of the Qing Kingdom. He was the Ye family's guardian angel. He was referred to as an uncle by the Qing Emperor. He wanted to kill the Emperor of the Qing Kingdom.

His hands that could break gold and snap jade, collapse the clouds, and catch the winds, remained steadily and gently in his sleeves. He still had not brought them out.

Suddenly, Ku He made the first move. He only moved one foot. He only took a light step toward Eunuch Hong's side.

Eunuch Hong seemed to feel that a mountain was pressing down on him. His brow twitched. The middle finger of his left hand extended out slightly. Leaping out like thunder, his pure Tyrannical zhenqi broke through the other person's integrated power.

Mountains split.. The rain stopped.

Ku He brought his hands together. The sky full of rain and wind changed directions in an instant, crashing toward Eunuch Hong's face.

When the rainwater touched Eunuch Hong's face, it did not leave any marks. However, there seemed to be a few extra lines on Eunuch Hong's smooth face. He had become a little older.

The rainwater immediately evaporated away. Eunuch Hong once again raised his index finger and pointed it toward the empty space in front of him. Although there was no sound, it forced the rainwater to split. It cracked open the top inch of the stone path, revealing the cowering yellow dirt underneath. Even the yellow dirt could not endure such ruthlessness. Countless particles rolled and twisted together, squeezing out the moist water vapor.

Ku He was like a falling leaf, floating back without touching the rainwater. The piece of stone slab he had stepped on earlier suddenly disappeared. Because of the dryness in the thunderstorm, it revealed a cracked skin like yellow sand.

He felt sympathy in his heart. He knew that this colleague of his that had hidden in the Qing Palace for dozens of years had thoughts of leaving today. Otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen such a forceful way. This was a powerful Tyrannical zhenqi. For such powerful zhenqi to released, even a Great Grandmaster's body wouldn't be able to support it.

However, he floated forward again like a falling leaf, grabbing onto Eunuch Hong's left hand. Eunuch Hong's brows rose up. Ku He's clothing began to move.

The air between the two of them changed endlessly, startling the rain and wind that passed through into becoming calm. There was still not a glimmer of sound.

The rainwater ran down the straw hat and formed a waterfall, covering Sigu Jian's face. He lowered his head and gently released his fist, letting go of the sword hilt. In the storm, he put two fingers together and pointed it to the horizon in an unknown direction.

He drew a line with his fingers. The storm around him immediately became chaotic. The sword intent swelled.

The long sword slowly slid down from his hand. It stopped in midair and refused to fall further. In a moment, it regained its brilliance. A streak of light pierced through the tip of the sword. The sword intent pointed directly at the ground and then back to the sky. Pressing forward, it could not be stopped.

A bottomless black hole appeared seemingly without reason on the ground.

Wu Zhu lowered his head and gripped the metal drill tightly in a reverse grip. His thumb pressed down on his index finger until the joint turned slightly white.

Ye Liuyun knew he had to take action now. This last attack had to be completed by him. This was the most important part of the deal.

He slowly opened his eyes. His gaze was calm. From inside his sleeves, he extended out his white-like jade hands.

Ye Liuyun activated all of his power. The balance in power was immediately broken. Eunuch Hong's Tyrannical aura could no longer stand against the combined attacks of three Great Grandmasters. A small tear was immediately made in the mysterious realm.

A small tear on a bubble can destroy everything.

Sound returned to the world.

A muffled boom sounded between Master Ku He and Eunuch Hong. When the two different zhenqi natures had clashed together earlier, the sound had delayed until now. The muffled boom was like thunder, wind, and clouds.

The shoulders of Ku He's clothing had been completely shattered, revealing a pair of old shoulders filled with bloody marks. His gaze remained calm and peaceful. His hands were still gently wrapped around Eunuch Hong's right hand. The falling leaf was once again blown by the mountain breeze, floating in a strange but also natural path upward.

The Imperial Advisor's right hand lay gently on Eunuch Hong's chest.

Eunuch Hong's appearance grew even older. His chest suddenly swelled out explosively. It shook off Imperial Advisor Ku He's gentle and close palm, which contained the power of heaven and earth.

Ku He's face was pale. He gently pressed on a second palm.

The Emperor sighed and let go of Eunuch Hong's hand he had been holding. The sigh rang out in the mountaintop that had long been silent. It appeared mournful and peaceful.

"Waves only bloom for a moment. Compared to a rock of a thousand years, there is little difference. It is like this for passing clouds. It is like this for Your Highness."

Ye Liuyun finished chanting this Buddhist verse expressionlessly and came to stand in front of the Qing Emperor. At this moment, Ku He was with Eunuch Hong, and Wu Zhu was with Sigu Jian. There was no one else left in the world that had the right to stop him from completing the last strike to kill the Emperor.

A flash of lightning in the sky finally arrived at the mountain top. The sound of rain also grew heavier.

The lightning flashed and disappeared. It only provided illumination for an instant. It was truly a lightning moment. It was in this instant that Sigu Jian saw Wu Zhu, across from him, let go with the hand holding the metal drill.

Sigu Jian's mouth split open in a smile. One of the two fingers placed together stuck out. Rainwater dripped down from the tip. The sword that had been hovering at his side the entire time flew out with a whoosh. It drew a half-circle around his body and pierced straight toward the Qing Emperor's back.

In front was Ye Liuyun, while Sigu Jian pressed forward from behind, gathering all the zhenqi in his body into one strike. Even a Great Grandmaster would not be able to handle this. Matters had finally reached the final moment.

The Qing Emperor had already let go of Eunuch Hong's hand. He didn't want this old eunuch to die in the Grandmaster's battle because of him. His right hand shook, but his face was calm. He was already prepared to welcome death.

People eventually had to die. Rainwater entered the Emperor's lips. It had a slightly bitter taste. The dragon on his dragon robe was soaked with rainwater and struggled in the clouds, appearing particularly dissatisfied.

After the flash of lightning, the sound of thunder finally arrived at the top of the mountain. With a crash, loud booms rang out one after another.

The Qing Emperor stood proudly on the mountaintop waiting for death.

The Qing officials and priests had already fallen to the ground in the water. Looking at this heartrending scene, they knelt on the ground and cried, "Your Highness!"