
Chapter 532: The Song Of Jingdou's Cicadas

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The end of summer in the seventh year of the Qing Calendar was hotter than in previous years. The first autumn rain had yet to arrive. The three months of heat gathered in the streets of the private residences and could not be dispersed by the wind. It made Jingdou feel like it was covered by a cotton blanket near a hot stove.

After the Jingdou residents rose in the morning, they would feel a thick layer of sweaty residue on their skin. After having washed up and left the house, another bucket of sweat would well up. In one day, one would feel that their body was endlessly sticky and be uncomfortable.

However, the cicadas were happy, crying out with all their might. Except, they were not shouting themselves hoarse or crying out the last sorrows of their life like they did in the late summer and early autumn of other years. Rather, it seemed they were keeping some energy and creating reverberating sounds with great ease and skill. The chirping sounds repeated continuously among the green trees outside of Jingdou. It disturbed people in their rest and ridiculed their difficult situation.

A green bamboo pole suddenly split its leaves and accurately pierced into a spot on the branch. The cicada that had been singing at the top of its voice only felt its vision go white and a layer of something being smeared all over its face, preventing it from opening its mouth. In its urgency, it wanted to use its limbs to pull at it. However, even it was caught in the sticky substance, unable to escape ever again. The cicada could only sigh and think to itself that it was true, one should not be pleased too early.

A young eunuch gazed with pride at the tree. Reaching back, he gently and softly put the bamboo pole away and picked up the cicada that had been caught, throwing it into the big cloth bag at his side. Just as he was about to continue, he caught sight of the person by the wall of the courtyard enjoying the shade on a bamboo chair. He trotted over eagerly and said something close to the person's ear. He opened the cloth bag like he was presenting his accomplishments for the other person to see.

The eunuch lying on the bamboo chair was Hong Zhu. He slanted his eyes and glanced down, making a noise of acknowledgement to show that he knew. After thinking for a while, he furrowed his brows and said in a low voice, "How many times have I told you? You need to stick the wings together, yet you always aim for the head. You've only caught this many during this time? When the empress dowager is disturbed from her rest, are you going to go accept a beating?"

The little eunuch quickly begged for forgiveness. He then led the other dozen eunuchs, who were standing in a daze under the trees, to continue sticking the cicadas.

Hong Zhu half leaned on the bamboo chair and watched the figure of the eunuch with narrowed eyes. For some reason, he remembered the situation when he had first entered the Palace. There were many trees in the Royal Palace, so there were a lot of cicadas. Since this year was very hot, it had continued until this month. The nobility in the Palace had long grown irritated at the cicada song. Fortunately, Hong Zhu had thought of this idea and had sent a few groups of eunuch to various places in the Palace to stick cicadas.

No wonder the Emperor and empress both liked him. Such a meticulous and thoughtful servant was rare.

Hong Zhu forced a smile. This was something Sir Fan junior had thought him. Presently, Sir Fan junior should be at Dong Mountain. Hong Zhu wondered how the Emperor's worship of heaven was progressing.

When the Qing Emperor had left the capital to worship heaven, he hadn't followed precedent and left the Crown Prince in charge. He had asked the empress dowager to rule in his stead. The politics of this was clear. Everyone in the Palace was carefully waiting for the day the Emperor returned to the capital. Each person's heart was anxious. All kinds of rumors flew round and round. The empress dowager was holding court from behind a curtain while the Eastern Palace had long lost power. In the entire rear of the Palace, there wasn't a single nobility who stood out to take the lead. A kind of panic inevitably appeared in the peace within the palace walls.

Hong Zhu was different in this mess of panic. He originally had wanted to stay in the Eastern Palace to serve the empress and Crown Prince. For some reason, the empress dowager had transferred him to Hanguang Palace. Half a year ago, the Eastern Palace caught fire. Everyone in the Royal Palace knew that all the eunuchs and serving girls in the Eastern Palace and Guangxin Palace had died mysteriously. Although no one dared to discuss this matter, they became a bit more fearful and kept their distance from Hong Zhu, who was the only person to survive.

Everyone had died, but Eunuch Hong was still alive. This was terrifying in and of itself.

Hong Zhu stood up. His heart was rather dim. He was a slave, but he was one who valued friendship and loyalty. Thus, he didn't know what to do with himself in the Palace Looking at the decline of the Eastern Palace, he actually felt some pain.

He headed toward Hanguang Palace with his body slightly bent. Although he was very young, he already began to have the aura of a dead person like old Eunuch Hong.

The soldiers at the 13 city gates were forcibly keeping themselves alert in the oppressive heat as they carefully checked and examined the documents of the people entering the capital. The Jingdou garrison army raised their level of alertness in the Yuantai Camp. The thousands of Imperial Army soldiers protecting the Royal Palace stood on the high palace walls and used a suspicious gaze to examine everything at their feet.

The entire strength of the Jingdou defenses was controlled in the hands of these three military groups. In the present quiet and strange situation, if there was any slack, it could cause a major problem.

None of the three factions could become complacent at all. With the Great Prince in the lead, they forcefully crushed any disloyalty and unusual movements.

The common people were not as nervous as the officials and military. In such hot weather, the prosperous citizens of Qing Kingdom did not want to stay in their hot and stuffy homes. They had the habit of ducking into shady tea shops to drink the inexpensive cold tea and enjoy the large leaf fans the palace treasury produced. They talked about recent events in court and trivial gossip about their neighbors.

For the common people of Jingdou, the Royal Palace was not all that different from their neighbors.

The cicadas sang loudly on the trees outside the tea shop. Some were so blind that they stopped on the tea shops green banner, turning the large "tea [JW1]" character into "thistle." The chirping cries perfectly drowned out the discussion of the busybodies inside the shop.

They were discussing the matter of the Emperor going to worship heaven. The rumors had gone around for months. Everyone knew the Emperor had truly made up his mind this time to depose the heir. However, for the past two years, the Crown Prince had been kind-hearted and composed. He was different from how he was in the past. Everyone, including the officials and common people, were wondering in their hearts, Why was the Emperor deposing the heir?

Not many people asked this openly, but there were people who dared to talk about things secretly. All in all, the Jingdou people had sufficient sympathy and comfort for the Crown Prince. Perhaps it was because they all had the psychological need to sympathize with the weak or perhaps, as elderly people, they wanted the world to be a bit more peaceful and didn't want there to be too many waves because of the deposition of the heir.

The people of Jingdou and officials in court had no idea that the storm about to sweep through the intersection of summer and autumn in the seventh year of the Qing Calendar would roll through like thunder in a way that no one had expected, sucking in everyone and all the land in Jingdou.

With a whoosh, the great wind swept through Jingdou's wide streets without any warning. It rose through the dense private residences, passing and sweeping through. The wind had come too suddenly. It blew off the shady hat of the fruit stall owner who had their head down in drowsiness, revealing a pair muddled eyes. The wind sent the fruit rolling madly. It blew so hard that the cicadas on the green banner outside the tea shops could not hold on and dropped with a crack to the ground.

The guests sitting by the railings in the shop looked out in curiosity, feeling confused. It had already been stuffy for three months, was a timely autumnal rain going to finally fall?

Then, they watched as the originally clear blue sky was suddenly covered by layers of rain clouds surging in front of the southeast direction. It was as if Jingdou was covered with a large lid as a shadow enveloped all the people in the city.

The layers of clouds turned and rolled endlessly, as if countless dragons were lining up in order. At times, wisps of clouds pulled out and appeared terrifying.. Such thick rain clouds foretold the storm that was about to arrive. Looking at these clouds, the storm was probably going to be unusually ferocious.

The guests in the shops were joyful rather than shocked. They thought to themselves that the heavens were finally allowing the world to become clearer.

With a crash of thunder, the rain finally came pouring down. The pedestrians on the streets all sought shelter, while the guests in the tea shops narrowed their eyes and watched with great joy at the long unseen rainwater and special beauty that seeped out after the manors were soaked through.

The rainfall was not particularly strong, but it was particularly cold. In barely a moment, the guests in the shop began to feel shivers of cold and couldn't help but be surprised. In the past, the autumn rains had always come down gradually. It always needed to rain at least three times before the heat could be driven away. Why was the rainwater so cold this year?

Given the knowledge of the people in this time, they didn't know that a dozen days ago, the largest hurricane that summer rose above the East Sea. This hurricane headed straight for Dong Mountain and poured down an endless amount of rainwater 50 li away from the shore. Without losing any power, it continued straight into the hinterland of Qing Kingdom with the water vapor and moisture from above the ocean.

This hurricane was interesting. It did not cause much disaster along the way. Rather, it brought an instantaneous drop in temperature and water to the long overheated Qing Kingdom.

The guests rubbed their hands as they drunk the hot tea and quietly cursed the heavens for being too strange. No one had brought an umbrella when they came out, much less a raincoat. They could only suffer the shivers of cold in the shop.

"What happened?" Someone suddenly asked as they looked in the direction of the city gate.

Hearing these words, the people who liked excitement all moved closer to the tea shop's railing and looked in the direction of the city gate. Separated by distance and layers of foggy rain, it was difficult to see what had happened. They could only vaguely sense some movement and panic of the soldiers. Jingdou's city gates were set in four directions and guarded by the 13 city gate soldiers. It was always guarded strictly. It was rare for a situation such as the present one. Thus, the guests were all very curious.

It couldn't be an army coming to attack the city. Putting aside the inherent absurdity of this, even if there was an army coming to attack Jingdou, the outer garrison would be the first to meet the enemy. The scouts set up in corner towers by the city gates department would ring the alarm at the first instant.

The clip-clopping of horse hooves rang out as they stepped through the rainwater on the street. It sounded urgent.

The guests stared. They saw a handsome horse speeding anxiously from the city gate. There was only this one horse. Everyone understood that there must have been some urgent message entering the city, so everyone relaxed.

Seeing the white foam around the mouth of the horse and the dirty and sallow appearance of the rider on the horse, everyone's heart tightened again. They all quietly wondered to themselves if something had happened at the borders.

The rain continued to pour down. The exhausted horse drew on its last reserves of strength and ran for its life against the wind and rain. The stern looking rider with tattered robes showed no compassion at all for the life of his steed. He waved the horsewhip in his hand ruthlessly and urged the horse to maintain its fastest speed. Stepping through the street below the tea shop, it sent up a wave of rainwater and shot straight in the direction of the Royal Palace.

Fortunately, the rain had arrived first, chasing the pedestrians and stall owners to the eaves at the sides of the street. Otherwise, who knew how many people this rider's careless charge would kill.

The guests watched as the man and horse disappeared into the rain and into the end of the Chang Street. Involuntarily, they let out a breath and digested the dead-silent tension earlier. They looked at each other, not knowing what exactly had happened in court.

"Tied with a white cloth…" a slightly older guest suddenly said in a trembling voice.

The tea shop became even quieter. Although the Jingdou people born later had not lived through the large battles when Qing Kingdom was expanding its borders, they had heard of it talked about. Back then, in the most wretched of the three Northern expeditions, tens of thousands of the Qing army had been injured or killed. That year, the rider bringing the news from thousands of li away also had a white cloth tied around him.

"The rider bringing the news…" someone asked in confusion, "Didn't Governor Yan just win?"

"It's an express horse from the army." It was clear that the slightly older guest was once in the army. His voice continued to tremble. For the messenger to wear a white cloth, something major must have happened.

The discussion in the tea shop abruptly stopped. Everyone, including the waiters and shopkeeper, all sank into silence. Everyone stood silently by the railing, looking at the street in the rain and silently praying that nothing had gone wrong with their country.

"Here they come again!"

Inside the tea shop, a young man cried out anxiously and helplessly. At this moment, there was no longer an panic and unease at the city gate. There was only a stern atmosphere and wariness. The second rider was even faster than the first. He was like a streak of smoke, speeding past the tea shop.

This rider wasn't wearing any armor, only deep black clothing. Holding the reins with one hand, his feet kicked urgently. His face was covered in black tracks left by the rain.

The left arm that was holding the reins had a piece of white cloth tied to it. His right hand was holding up something like a token. He charged straight through the city gates, along Chang Street, and toward the Royal Palace.

Everyone in the tea shop looked toward the guest that had shown in-depth knowledge of court earlier with expectant gazes, hoping they would hear some good news from his mouth.

The old guest's face was deathly white as he mumbled, "It's the Overwatch Council."

After some more time, a third thousand li express message once again forcefully charged through the city gate guarded by the gate guards and stepped onto the rain-soaked street below the teashop. Like the previous rider, this one was similarly wretched. It looked like riding thousands of li, changing horses and not messengers, to deliver the report to Jingdou in the quickest time possible was a tiring and difficult task.

The rider on the horse did not feel tired. He only knew that if he didn't deliver this astonishing news as quickly as possible into the Palace, Qing Kingdom might encounter huge problems.

The rainwater washed over the rider's face that had been split open under the baking sun and attacked his red eyes. It could not hold back his speed. The horse sped past Chang Street in the direction of the Royal Palace.

There was also a white cloth tied to his left arm.

At this moment, the guests in the tea shop had become numb to the repeated shocks. They all opened their mouths but couldn't say anything. Although they didn't know which faction of the court the third rider represented, they knew the message the third rider brought to Jingdou must be the same one. Having received confirmation from three factions, then some disaster must have befallen Qing Kingdom.

There was a deathly silence in the tea shop. Everyone had lowered their heads. The elderly guest sat down shakily with a deathly pale face. Everything went black in front of his eyes as he fainted to the ground.

Everyone rushed over to rescue him. No one noticed that the rain had lightened up slightly outside. Although the rain lightened, the cold had arrived. The cicadas that had been full of bluster a moment ago finally began to feel that the will of heaven could not be denied and that life was fickle. They also could feel the mournful chill of autumn and began to burn through their own life. In Jingdou's large streets and little avenues, they sang their last song endlessly.

Chirp… Chirp… Dead[JW2] … Dead…

Jingdou sank into a previously unknown state of fear and confusion. People didn't know what had happened. It was only in the evening that they heard the clock in the corner building in the Royal Palace. Slowly and shockingly, it began to ring out with the red dusk after the rain in the background.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

In the depths of the palace, there were many people in the expansive Taiji Palace, but it was completely silent. The Qing empress dowager, who was temporarily in charge of national politics, had walked out from behind the beaded curtain. Her phoenix robes were severe and dignified.

The empress dowager stood silently in front of the dragon chair. Her right hand was being held by Eunuch Hou. Hong Zhu was waiting at the side with brush and ink but saw the empress dowager's hand clearly. It was shaking uncontrollably in Eunuch Hong's hand.

Inside the palace, the three messengers, whose energies were already stretched to breaking point, knelt. The rainwater on their bodies soaked the luxurious carpet. They remained kneeling with their heads lowered, not daring to make a sound. They were terrified that they, an unlucky crew, would eventually destroy the good fortune of this palace that had stood proudly for over 30 years.

The empress dowager glanced at the three of them coldly. Gritting her teeth, she cursed sinisterly, "What's all this crying?"

After saying these words, the concubines in the palace, who were sobbing mournfully, forcefully stopped their tears but could not wipe away the horror and fear on their faces.

With Eunuch Hong's support, the empress dowager sat down in a chair next to the dragon throne and said, "Immediately seal the Palace. Prince Heqing will organize the Palace's defense. Those who disobey will be beheaded."


There was a wave of agreement from below while the Great Prince, with hot tears in his eyes, raised his head in surprise and glanced at his grandmother. He felt the heavy burden on his shoulders. His emotions were unusually violent at this time, so he could not understand what the empress dowager's order meant.

The empress dowager continued, "Summon the scholars Hu and Su into the Palace."


"Summon the Commander of the City Gates, Zhang Fang, into the Palace."


"Immediately close the city gates. They are not to be opened without my orders."


"Delay Dingzhou offering prisoners of war. Have Ye Zhong return within two days. It is hard work on the borders. National matters should come first."


The empress dowager's brows suddenly furrowed. Although she had been calm the entire time, she still felt a buzzing beginning in her head. She lightly rubbed her temples and said, after thinking for a moment, "Summon King Jing, Minister of Revenue Fan Jian, and Qin Heng into the Palace."


The empress dowager said coldly at the end, "Have the empress and Crown Prince move into Hanguang Palace. Lady Ning and Yi Guipin should come as well. Also, bring the Third Prince."

The Great Prince lowered his head and felt his heart tighten. He knew that his grandmother still did not have faith in him. However, with the mournful atmosphere at present, he would not quibble over such things.

The day had already turned to dusk. The sound of clocks had stopped outside. The candles in Taiji Palace swayed and appeared to be gloomy and uneasy. The present controller of Qing Kingdom, the already old empress dowager, suddenly coughed. A complicated emotion flashed through her eyes. Faintly, she said, "Have the internal court invite the Eldest Princess and Princess Chen to live in the Palace temporarily. Have Fan Xian's pregnant concubine also enter the palace."


The empress dowager had not managed matters for a long time. However, each of her orders right now touched people's hearts clearly. She was trying, in the shortest possible time, to segregate the entire city from the outside world and have the figures who may cause turmoil controlled within the Royal Palace.

Suddenly, a childless concubine cried out manically, "Fan Xian assassinated the Emperor! The empress dowager is going to wipe his family. How could his family enter the Palace?"

After these words came out, the palace was silent. The empress dowager looked at the concubine like she was looking at a dead person and slowly said, "Drag her out and bury her."

A few guards and eunuchs came forward and dragged the already manic concubine out. Who knew which patch of flowers or tree they would bury this poor woman under.

The empress dowager swept her gaze coldly across the people in the palace and said in an icy voice, "Mind your mouth and head. Don't forget, there is plenty of empty land in this Palace."

There was sorrow in everyone's hearts, but they didn't dare say anything. Their feelings of sorrow and confusion were the same as the concubines. They weren't crazy, so they didn't speak.

"Where is Chen Pingping? Why hasn't he entered the Palace?" The empress dowager asked with an icy expression.

Hong Zhu stopped the brush in his hands. Meeting the empress dowager's questioning look, he said in a trembling voice, "After Director Chen was poisoned, he returned to Chen Garden to be tended to by the royal doctors. He probably still doesn't know…"

The empress dowager's gaze turned icy. She gritted her in rage and said, "Send orders to that old dog. Tell him if that he doesn't get into the capitol, mother and son are all going to die!"

The people left, and the Palace fell silent. After she had made the most stabilizing arrangements in the shortest amount of time, the empress dowager of the Qing Kingdom suddenly seemed to have the energy sucked out of her. She collapsed against the back of the chair. She slowly closed her eyes. A tear wet the lines by the corner of her eye.

[JW1]"茶" – tea

"荼"– thistle

[JW2] The onomatopoeia for the sound of crickets is phonetically similar to the phrase "dead"

Chapter 533: There Is a Layer of Skin on Every Person's Heart

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A faint sound of sobbing came from a corner of Shufang Palace. Yi Guipin, with slightly red eyes, looked at the eunuch kneeling in front of her and managed to smile and let him leave the Palace. Her hand, which was drawn back into her sleeve, clutched her handkerchief tightly. In a raspy voice, she said, "I don't believe it."

The Royal Palace was a mess. The empress dowager had sent out order after order. Whether it was the empress in the Eastern Palace or Lady Ning, they were all to immediately move to Hanguang Palace to live. Yi Guipin, who had raised the Qing Emperor's youngest prince, was no exception.

Yi Guipin had clearly heard this order. She he knew that the so-called move to Hanguang Palace was only to better keep an eye on the people in the Palace.

Her state of mind was somewhat lost. She didn't know what kind of situation she and her son were about to face. The Emperor was dead? The Emperor was dead! Her hair at her temples was somewhat messy. She shook her head with strength, as if she wanted to chase this shocking news out of her head.

"How could the Emperor die? How could he die?"

She bit her bottom lip tightly. A white mark was left on her smooth, red lips. The rain outside the palace had stopped, and the cicadas were resting. A chill filled the air. It seeped into her heart and enveloped her body, making her give an involuntary shiver.

Although the Emperor never had much particular interest in women, and there were only 20 or so concubines in the palace, Yi Guipin was the one most favored in recent years. If it was said that she had not a shred of affection of the Emperor, that was false. Her sorrow, fear, and unease right now were not just because of the news of the Emperor's death.

The military, Overwatch Council, and the province sent messages thousands of li to Jingdou and brought a very important message for the nobility in the capital: the Emperor had been assassinated.

The reports from the military and province said that the one who had assassinated the Emperor was Commissioner Fan Xian of the Overwatch Council.

Sir Fan junior had colluded with Dongyi's Sigu Jian. During the worship of heaven at Dong Mountain, his treasonous heart exploded out, and he killed the monarch.

The report from the Overwatch Council only confirmed the news of the death but was particularly unclear on the specifics. This, on the contrary, corroborated the truth of the two earlier messages.

Yi Guipin did not believe it!

It was not that she didn't believe the Emperor had already passed. She did not believe that this matter was done by Sir Fan junior. It made no sense. The Emperor went to worship heaven to depose of the Crown Prince. Fan Xian's position would only become gradually more stable after the heaven worship. How could he, at this juncture, suddenly choose such an absurd action?

Yi Guipin was truly scared. She felt that a net had already fallen on Fan Xian and was about to fall over Shufang Palace. She was born to the Liu family. Her honor was bound to the Fan manor. Furthermore, the Emperor had appointed Fan Xian as the Third Prince's teacher.

If Fan Xian truly became the main culprit of a rebellion, the Fan manor would be completely wiped out. The Liu family would be hard pressed to make a narrow escape. Yi Guipin might be pushed into a well, while the Third Prince…

"Mother! Mother!" The Third Prince, who had just heard the news, came running toward the Palace, crying as he ran. When he ran to Yi Guipin's side, he stopped his steps dazedly. Using his gaze, which was more mature than his peers, he glanced carefully at his mother.

Yi Guipin nodded her head a little absentmindedly.

The Third Prince pressed his lips together and forcefully resisted, but he couldn't manage it. With a sob, he cried and threw himself into Yi Guipin's embrace.

After a moment, Yi Guipin gritted her teeth and. Using all her strength, she pulled her son up from her embrace. Looking ruthlessly into his eyes, she said with force, "Don't cry. You're not allowed to cry. This is not yet the time to cry… Your father was an indomitable monarch. You can't cry."

The Third Prince, Li Chengping sniffed, but stood staunchly in front of his mother and nodded heavily. Since he had lived for a long time within the Palace and followed Fan Xian in Jiangnan for a year, this sinister and ruthless prince, who dared to open a brothel at nine-years-old, had long received enough practice. He knew the words his mother was about to say were important.

"Right now, the rumors are all saying that it was your teacher, Sir Fan, who assassinated the Emperor." Yi Guipin stared into her son's eyes.

After a glimmer of panic flashed through the Third Prince's eyes, he immediately calmed down and said in a hard voice, "I don't believe it! Teacher is not that kind of person. He has no reason."

Yi Guipin managed to smile and patted her son's head. "Yes. Although there are reports from the military and the province, not many people will believe that your teacher would harm the Emperor. You have to know, he is the official that your father had the highest regard for."

"It is not just us who don't believe it," Yi Guipin gritted her teeth and said, "The empress dowager also doesn't believe it. Otherwise, Fan manor would have been razed already and that crazy woman wouldn't have been buried by the empress dowager."

The Third Prince nodded.

Yi Guipin lowered her voice and said, "But the empress dowager won't completely disbelieve it. For some reason, your uncle is about to enter the palace. Elder sister Chen and that girl Sisi are also coming into the Palace. If the empress dowager truly believed that your teacher was responsible for what happened on Dong Mountain, then the Fan and Liu families would sink into desperate straits."

"What can I do?" The Third Prince tightened his fists. He knew that his future wholly betted on his teacher, Fan Xian. If his teacher was truly cast as a hoodlum who killed the monarch, then he would never have a chance to turn his fortunes around.

"Don't do anything. You just need to cry, be sad, and keep the empress dowager company…" Yi Guipin suddenly sighed. A pitiful expression flashed through her eyes. Pulling the Third Prince back into her arms, she said, "While the Dong Mountain matter is unclear, and for each day that your teacher does not return to Jingdou, the empress dowager will not immediately take action against the Fan family. We need this time to influence the Crown Princess and to wait for teacher to return.

The Third Prince was silent for a moment and then nodded. He was the same as his mother. They always had great confidence in Fa Xian. In their hearts, as long as teacher returned to Jingdou, he would be able to resolve the entire matter.

The eunuchs began to prompt people outside.

Completely distracted, Yi Guipin began to prepare for her move to Hanguang Palace.

A ruthless light flashed through the Third Prince's eyes. He took out the poisonous dagger, which Fan Xian had gifted him, from under the table and carefully hid it in his cute shoes.

He did not agree with what his mother said earlier. Hanguang Palace might not be any safer. For the chair that father had left behind, what crazy things were beyond his two brothers?

The Crown Prince, Li Chengqian, slowly organized his clothes. There was not a trace of maniacal joy on his face. When the news of the Emperor's death had traveled into the Palace, the Crown Prince reacted like all the princes and officials. He fell to the ground sobbing and found it difficult to cover up his sorrow.

Other than sorrow, his face was also deathly pale. Walking to the door of the Eastern Palace, he faced the dusk in the distant east and bowed deeply. Two strings of tears fell from his eyes.

It was a long time before he straightened his body and stood pin-straight. In his heart, he thought sorrowfully, Father, it is not that I am not filial, it is just that you have already forced me past the point of no return.

Hong Zhu stood with guards outside the door to the Eastern Palace, waiting to invite the empress and Crown Prince to move to Hanguang Palace.

The Crown Prince glanced toward the Palace doors and then turned to glance at the empress. He furrowed his brows slightly and forcefully hid the impatience in his eyes. Holding his mother's hand, he said quietly beside her ear, "Mother, please restrain your grief."

The always well-dressed and well-adorned empress had been, for this half year, been trapped in the Eastern Palace and had long lost her previous magnificence. She had suddenly heard the news of the Emperor being assassinated at Dong Mountain. This woman, who had been childhood sweethearts with the Emperor, finally broke. Her entire person was like a zombie as she listened to the messages coming in from various palaces. She had only sat on the low couch and cried.

"Your father is dead…" The empress gazed at her son with vacant eyes.

The Crown Prince slowly lowered his head and said, "I know, but every person will die."

His face was still filled with sorrow, but these words were said with extreme indifference.

The empress seemed to suddenly recover her wits. Understanding these words, she gazed at her son with disbelief. She opened her mouth wide but couldn't say anything for a moment.

"The worship of heaven was not completed," the Crown Prince said in a low voice. "I will openly and lawfully become the next Emperor of the Qing Kingdom. You are about to become the empress dowager."

Countless complicated emotions surged into the empress' heart. Her lips trembled. It was not until after a long time that she finally said haltingly, "Yes, yes, yes… Fan Xian that damned… I… I said it long ago, he was a bad omen. Our Li family would eventually be destroyed by the mother and son. When we go to Hanguang Palace, immediately ask the empress dowager to give an order to wipe out the entire Fan family. No, behead both the Fan and Liu families, and also kill Chen Pingping, that old dog!"

The Crown Prince's hand suddenly tightened. The empress felt the pain and closed her mouth.

The Crown Prince leaned close to her ear and said each word quietly and clearly, "Don't say such things. Remember, say nothing at all. If you still want me to sit on that dragon chair, then don't say anything. Presently, no one believes that Fan Xian assassinated the Emperor. If you talk like this, even fewer people will believe it. We need to wait in Hanguang Palace another four or five days. When all the evidence and witnesses have come back, at that time, even if you don't say anything, the empress dowager will know what to do."

The empress shook all over as if she had never known this son of hers.

In the end, the Crown Prince said quietly by her ear, "Qin Heng is coming into the Palace in a while. If you say something to the old man, only then it will it be possible to speak to the empress dowager."

In the Second Prince's manor, not far from the Royal Palace, the Second Prince was, like his brother, imitating a sorrowful expression while organizing clothes. As members of the royal family, they were good at putting on a show. When he was thinking of many things, the expression on his face was still very appropriate.

Wangfei Ye Ling'er stood coldly to the side and looked at him, not going forward to help. A moment later, she asked in a quiet voice, "Do you believe it?"

The Second Prince's hand paused. He answered calmly, "I don't believe it. I think highly of Fan Xian. He doesn't have any reason to do this."

Ye Ling'er furrowed her pretty brows and asked, "Then why are all the rumors saying this?"

"Rumors are only rumors and stop at a wise man." The Second Prince lowered his head slightly and rolled up his snow-white sleeves. He had worn a light-colored unlined robe and appeared particularly subdued and silent. "Before there is evidence, I will not believe that Fan Xian would be so daring and presumptuous."

Ye Ling'er's heart softened. She said quietly, "Be careful going into the Palace."

The Second Prince managed a smile and patted his wife's face. "What is there to be careful about? Father is gone. However, right now it is a secret. There is no mourning. Once the matters are cleared up in Dong Mountain, the entire country will fall into mourning. Then, the Crown Prince will take the throne, and I will still be that unremarkable Second Prince."

"Are you satisfied?" Ye Ling'er looked at him in surprise.

After a moment of silence, the Second Prince suddenly opened his mouth and said, "I won't lie to you. I suspect that the Crown Prince orchestrated the Dong Mountain incident."

Ye Ling'er was shocked and firmly covered her mouth.

The Second Prince forced a smile and said, "It is not more than a guess."

After saying this, he headed to the door of the manor. In the corner, he called over his trusted aide and quietly ordered, "Tell father-in-law to be ready to enter the capital at any moment."

The Second Prince stood at the door to the manor and suddenly felt that the sky above him was already giving off a blue and beautiful light. There would never be anyone else who stood above him. He knew clearly about the Dong Mountain incident because the Eldest Princess had never hidden anything from him.

If the Crown Prince wanted the throne, then he could have it. However, regardless of whether Fan Xian was alive or dead, how could the old men standing behind him just let this go?

A cold smile rose to the corners of the Second Prince's lips. He would help the Crown Prince and let him sit on that chair temporarily. He would let him face the Overwatch Council and the Fan family's powerful counterattack. He would only have to watch coldly as the Crown Prince, that useless piece of trash, was exposed in the future as the main culprit behind their father's death and watch to see what he would be reduced to.

There was no time to be sorrowful.

No one who heard the news of the Emperor's assassination had time to be sorrowful. After that moment of shock, they began to calmly, even coldly, organize the aftermath. Those who had the right to sit in that chair began to make preparations. Those who had the authority to decide who that chair was going to belong to began to secretly communicate.

Although the empress dowager had, at the first moment, requested the related persons to enter the Palace, it still gave people enough time to communicate.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten that the person who had died was the most powerful ruler since the inception of the kingdom. He was the Emperor who had ruled this land for over 20 years. He was the symbol of the Qing people's spirit.

The opportunity in front of their eyes and the fragrance before their noses destabilized their states of minds. They only had time to be excited and scared, and pretend to be sorrowful. However, they had no time to truly feel mournful.

Except for one person.

The Eldest Princess pushed open the door of the Royal Palace's side courtyard, which had supposedly been closed for a number of months, and stood calmly on the stone steps to look at the carriage and eunuch below that had come to take her into the Palace. There was not a single tremble on her beautiful and exquisite features. She wore a simple white robe that was charming and plain.

She didn't turn to glance back at the side courtyard. She slowly lifted her head to look at the blue sky that was left after the clouds and rain had dispersed. The sorrow on her face grew stronger and stronger, thicker and thicker. When it reached a breaking point, it became lighter until there wasn't a glimmer of emotion to be seen. Her jade-like skin seemed to become transparent, allowing everyone to see her true emotions.

Her pain and calm.

Li Yunrui smiled slightly, giving off a clear light in all directions. Toward the Emperor's spirit somewhere in the distant mountain, she quietly said, "Brother, go in peace."

Then, she sat on the carriage and headed toward the Royal Palace, which was about to decide the fate of Qing Kingdom.

Unlike the Crown Prince and Second Prince, she didn't think it was necessary to have defenses against the Overwatch Council and the Fan manor because she stood taller and saw further. The crux of the matter had already been confirmed by the three horses that had run thousands of li to return to the capital. The later things would all easily go with the flow.

As long as the Emperor died, the entire matter was over.

Regardless of whether the empress dowager believed that Fan Xian had killed the Emperor, she was still, after all, the empress dowager of Qing Kingdom. She had to believe it. Furthermore, the Eldest Princess also had ways to make her believe it.

As for whether the Crown Prince or Second Prince took the throne, the Eldest Princess Li Yunrui did not particularly care. What she cared about was that person's death.

I can help you. When you abandon me, I can destroy you.

The woman in the carriage smiled and then cried.

The rainwater slowly dripped down from the branches of the trees outside the city gates. A few days had already passed since the three riders had brought the news to the capital. There was no such thing as a true secret. The strange actions of the guards at the Palace walls and the city walls, the Jingdou government bailiffs coming out to preserve the peace, and the Overwatch Council's strange silence, allowed the people to faintly guess at the truth of the matter.

The truth they didn't dare think about.

The people's reactions were always different from that of the nobility. They saw things more straightforwardly and, sometimes, more accurately. They only knew that the Qing Emperor was a good Emperor. At least, looking at the lives of the Qing People, he was a rarely seen good Emperor.

Thus, the people were sorrowful, unhappy, crying, and dazed. They didn't know what the country was going to be like. They also had doubts in their hearts. No matter what, they did not believe that Sir Fan junior would be that godforsaken traitor.

At first, the officials also didn't believe it. However, Fan Xian's personal 500 Black Knights had still not reported back, and the official boat that had been stopped in Danzhou had disappeared with a trace. The words of the lucky "survivors" from Dong Mountain all pointed to Fan Xian. Countless pieces of evidence began to gather in the Royal Palace. Although they were not enough to prove anything, they were enough to convince some people who wanted to be convinced.

Fan manor was already under control. The national government was also under control. Perhaps what was about to arrive was a reign of terror.

Rumors said that the Palace was preparing for the Crown Prince's ascension. The almost deposed Crown Prince was going to be crowned. History and reality were absurd.

It was at this moment that a soybean oil merchant, wearing a straw hat and using a government document, finally entered through the east city gate that had changed from completely sealed to half sealed. He walked to a corner in the south of the city and entered an inn.

Through the window of the inn, one could vaguely see the front and back residences of the Fan manor, which was heavily surrounded by soldiers. The merchant took off his straw hat and looked at the distant manor. He covered his chest as he coughed. A complicated expression flashed through his eyes.

Chapter 534: The Beginnings Of Autumn

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After a number of autumn rains, the picturesquely disordered noble manors in Jingdou had all been lightly soaked.

Fan Xian held his fist next to his lips and coughed. He then pulled his gaze back from the window. He breathed heavily for a moment and then slowly sat on the bed.

The inn had a clear view of the beautiful scenery in the south of the city. Although the mattress on his bed was not thick, it felt very good. He unconsciously slid his palm across the fabric and sighed. Seeing the sight of Jingdou's familiar streets after the attack at Dong Mountain, Yan Xiaoyi's chase north, and escaping death countless times, he couldn't help but feel as if it all were a lifetime ago.

After using the assault rifle to kill Yan Xiaoyi, he recovered from his heavy injuries in the meadow a full two days before he had enough power and energy to head to the little-known path that wound through the mountains.

After suffering through indescribable difficulties and making his way through the little trail Uncle Wu Zhu had told him about, Fan Xian entered Song Kingdom, which was under the protection of Dongyi. In that small vassal state, he didn't dare act impetuously given his unhealed injuries. He only asked the innkeeper to get him some medicine.

Although his medical skills were not the best in the world, he had spent a lot of time learning about healing knife wounds and curing poisons from Fei Jie. In addition to getting the right medicine for his injuries, he had Tyrannical zhenqi in his body as a foundation. Tianyi Dao's natural aura also flowed and healed. In this way, his injuries gradually became better.

However, Yan Xiaoyi's shot was too powerful. Although it didn't hit his heart, it had shocked his heart meridian. This injury had not yet healed. His heart meridian was damaged, so his coughing could not be suppressed.

Fan Xian was aware of the state of his body. At most, he was at about 60 percent of his peak condition.

Leaving Song Kingdom, he passed through the south of Yanjing. Even though he later rented a carriage to enter Qing Kingdom, he still took a huge detour. By the time Fan Xian had disguised himself as a soybean oil merchant and entered the capital, he was many days behind the messengers. Furthermore, it had been tiring traveling the thousands of li. His gradually healing injuries began to linger.

All along the way, Fan Xian carefully avoided making contact with subordinates in the Overwatch Council. After entering the Qing Kingdom territory, everything that happened in Jingdou and the initial reactions were all supported by the intelligence reports.

He did not contact subordinates in the Overwatch Council because he was somewhat worried. If the nobles in Jingdou actually put the blame on his shoulders, even if he was the Commissioner of the Overwatch Council, who would be loyal to a traitor that killed the Emperor?

Fan Xian was not willing to test human nature, even if they were subordinates of the Overwatch Council.

In the afternoon, he disguised himself and went out and walked a circle around the streets. Many of the important places were already under the control of the Imperial Army and Jingdou Government. In particular, he could feel the existence of many aces around his home, so he didn't make contact with the people in the manor.

After carefully avoiding the medicine hall, he entered a hidden treasury in the Third Bureau and took out the medicine he needed. The Third Bureau always needed a large number of medical supplies. Furthermore, most of the members were strange people who only knew to bury their heads in medicine. As the Commissioner of the Overwatch Council, he knew this distribution well. Without anyone knowing, he managed to obtain the medicine and trusted that no one would find any traces.

He also went to the Overwatch Council and Bureau of Military Affairs. The Overwatch Council appeared fine, but he knew the Council was being watched at all times by the internal court. As for the Bureau of Military Affairs, it was also busy. He had a detailed understanding of military processes, so he confirmed that the empress dowager in the Royal Palace still controlled everything. She had wisely chosen, at this dangerous time, to move the border guards and began to put pressure on the surrounding areas.

Returning to the inn, he applied his medicine and soaked his feet in the icy well water. Fan Xian lowered his head and didn't say a word. He then raised his head and took a towel to randomly wipe at his feet. Lying on his bed, he looked in a daze at the beams above and considered the most important matter. Did the Emperor truly die?

His emotions were complicated. He felt shocked, subdued, disappointed, and strange. If the Emperor was truly dead, what should he do next?

He touched the Emperor's handwritten letter and royal seal hidden under his clothes. He closed his eyes to rest, gathering energy for his actions at night. However, he could not slip into peace for a long time. The later situation would be dangerous. There were two choices in front of him. Regardless of which choice, they were both a kind of gamble.

If he wanted to stop the Crown Prince taking the throne, he had to think of a way to enter the palace and give the Emperor's letter and royal seal personally to the empress dowager. However, Fan Xian knew that if the Emperor was truly dead, given the empress dowager's thinking, she might directly destroy this letter for the stability of Qing Kingdom.

The Crown Prince and he were both the empress dowager's grandsons. However, the empress dowager had never liked him. She had even guarded against him because of Ye Qingmei's past. No one knew how the empress dowager would decide. If she truly decided to continue hiding the truth of the Emperor's assassination, then Fan Xian and everyone around him would naturally become the first batch of sacrificial pigs and dogs on the Crown Prince's path to the throne.

There was another choice. Fan Xian could contact all his supporters in Jingdou and completely expose the truth of the assassination at Dong Mountain. Both sides would reveal their armies and have a vicious and open battle. Whoever won would have the right to decide the direction of the history books.

Many people would die in this choice, but it appeared to be safer for Fan Xian himself. However, Fan Xian had no way of contacting his father or Chen Pingping. Rumors said that Director Chen had, because of a cold, taken the wrong medicine a while ago and been poisoned. Since then, he had been bedridden.

Fan Xian didn't know whether Chen Pingping was faking it or not. The report he had peaked at in the branch had stated clearly that the person who had administered the poison was the master from Dongyi. There were three master poisoners in the world. Xiao En had died, and Sir Fei had left. If the third master had truly done this, then Chen Pingping being poisoned was not something difficult to imagine.

The Royal Palace had still not confirmed that Fan Xian was the true culprit behind the Emperor's assassination and had not had the court send out wanted notices. They had already secretly considered him the most wanted person. Once Fan Xian revealed himself in Jingdou, a restless and endless pursuit would certainly greet him.

The most disadvantageous news reaching Jingdou for Fan Xian was Yan Xiaoyi's failure and his survival. Regardless of whether the empress dowager believed Fan Xian, once his survival was known, she would still want to control this grandson. She would decide his life and death with one eye on the future of Qing Kingdom.

Wan'er and Sisi were in the Palace, while his father was under house arrest in the manor.

Lying calmly on the bed, Fan Xian's brain was spinning rapidly. In the end, he came to a decision. At night, he would not return to Fan manor. Instead, he would directly enter the Palace. Even if he couldn't persuade the empress dowager, he believed he would still be able to obtain some advantages for himself. After all, in the palace, he had many helpers. Furthermore, many people would stand firmly on his side for the sake of their own interests.

As for Fan manor, the Imperial Army was commanded by the Great Prince. It would be a great threat to his father.

After thinking through all of this, another day had come to an end in Jingdou. The faint colors of dusk seeped through the window and gave the inn room a warm color. Fan Xian suddenly opened his eyes. They were filled with a powerful confidence and determination.

As long as he could wash the crime of treason from himself, he had the Overwatch Council in his hands. Although the Great Prince's Imperial Army while outside the Palace, he had his father's governmental powers and the help of Yi Guipin and Lady Ning inside the Palace. He also had Eunuch Hong Zhu, who was following at the empress dowager's side.

As long as the Ye and Qin families' armies could not enter the capital, who would be more powerful than him in Jingdou?

"The order has arrived at the Western expedition army camp. The 5,000 soldiers presenting prisoners of war have uprooted their camp and returned west. In about 10 days, they will begin the battle." Inside the Palace, an old general sat on a soft chair and respectfully spoke to the empress dowager. "The ruler of Nanzhao is still very young. He shouldn't cause any big trouble. As for the East and North, the Northern expedition army is riding the high of their victory. Governor Yan should be able to subdue Shang Shanhu. The Yanjing Western camp borders on Song Kingdom. They only need three days to enter their territory. Dongyi wouldn't dare act impetuously."

The empress dowager slowly nodded her head. The news of the Emperor's death had already spread throughout Jingdou. Although the Palace had managed to subdue it, this information would eventually spread throughout the world. No one knew whether or not the other powers in the world would take this window of opportunity. When the leader of the pack was dead and a new leader had yet to emerge, some might greedily seek out benefits for themselves. Thus, before handling the matter of the country's throne, the people of Qing Kingdom's first task was to use their powerful military to subdue some people's ambitions.

"Not enough," the empress dowager glanced coldly at the old general and said. "Send out my order to have the Bureau of Military Affairs prepare a plan for battle. Within half a month, the armies of three roads must attack outwards with 100 li of land as a limit. I don't want any more land. But, if there is one li less land, have Ye Zhong, Ye Xiaoyi, and Wang Zhikun cut off their own heads."

"Your Highness is wise." The old Master Qin sighed. As the highest ranking military official, he understood why, at this time, Qing Kingdom had to attack outwards. He still said with worry and doubt, "I'm afraid that the food supplies won't be able to keep up if we suddenly send out troops."

"We'll fight and then return. Northern Qi and Dongyi are not deserts. Why can't they be taken by force? It is only half a month of battle. There is no need to consider so much." The empress dowager said coldly, "At this time, the Qing court cannot fall into chaos. We must kill and take to push other places into chaos."

Chapter 535: Please Lend Sir Your Moral Character

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hanguang Palace was silent for a long before the empress dowager's voice rang out again, "What objections do you have?"

The old Master Qin lowered his head and respectfully said, "I dare not. However, it is best to do everything according to the rules. I pray that your will alone will be done."

After the empress dowager thought for a while, she slowly nodded her head. Doing things by the rules meant that since the Emperor had already passed, then it should be the Crown Prince who succeeded to the throne. The empress dowager thought of the conversations she had had with the Crown Prince these few days. Her satisfaction with this grandson grew deeper and deeper. She felt that he was much more clear-headed than his mother.

No matter from which angle, the Crown Prince succeeding the throne was her first choice. She had also received the support of the important officials in the military, so there was no reason to change all this.

"What about Fan manor?"

"Your Highness, you shouldn't have forgotten about that Ye woman in the past."

After another death-like silence, the empress opened her mouth and said, "You can go now."

"Yes." Old General Qin bowed and backed out of Hanguang Palace. Before he had gone far from the Palace, he unconsciously turned his head to look back. It seemed he could faintly hear someone crying inside.

The old man's heart suddenly tightened. Thinking of the wisp of imperial spirit on the distant Dong Mountain, a feeling of fear and shock he had never felt before welled in his heart. He felt cold sweat begin to pour out of his back. He increased his footsteps to leave the Palace.

After the first two days and two nights, the concubines that had been invited into the Palace on the empress dowager's orders returned to their own Palaces, except Lady Ning, Yi Guipin, and Lady Shu. These three concubines had all given birth to princes. In such an unusual time, if she wanted the Crown Prince to safely ascend the throne, the empress dowager had to hold these three women in her hands.

As for the Eldest Princess, she returned to Xinyang Palace, which she had been away from for so long.

The empress dowager sat alone on the low couch while a few old housemaids served her silently in the background. Yellow light from the lantern shone on the empress dowager's profile, clearly highlighting the countless lines on her face. It made the currently most powerful person in Qing Kingdom appear old and decrepit, beyond the help of any medicine.

"Could I have made the wrong choice?"

This doubt at the bottom of the empress dowager's heart was like a venomous snake that endlessly chewed on her confidence. Faced with such old age, suddenly hearing the news of one's son's death was, for any elder, a difficult shock to endure. The empress dowager had valiantly subdued her sorrow and began to plan the most reliable and safest path for Qing Kingdom's future.

"If he was still alive, he would certainly blame me."

The empress dowager slowly closed her eyes and thought of the Emperor who had already left this world. Her heart was filled with sorrow. The visit to Dong Mountain to worship heaven was for the purpose of deposing the Crown Prince. Now that the Emperor had died, she, as his mother, was about to help the Crown Prince ascend to the throne. The Emperor's spirit had to be very angry.

For the sake of Qing Kingdom and continuation of the territory her son had conquered, the empress dowager seemed to have no other choice.

Even the terrifying thought that lay across her heart could not influence her choice.

The empress dowager suddenly opened her eyes. It was as if she wanted to find her son's spirit in the Palace. She looked quietly into the dark Palace. Her lips opened slightly. Using a low voice that only she could hear, she said, "I don't care who hurt you or if it was the person I chose, but you are already dead. Do you understand? You are already dead, so nothing matters anymore!"

The empress dowager was not a stupid country housewife. The so-called evidence that had arrived day after day into the capital did not make her completely believe that the grandson who lived outside of the Palace, and whom she was not very close to, was the true culprit behind emperor's assassination.

She even vaguely suspected her daughter and other grandsons had their role in the Emperor's assassination. No matter from which angle one looked at it from, the Emperor's death allowed these people to obtain the most wonderful results.

However, there was no use in doubting. Belief was a subjective choice. The empress dowager knew that if she wanted some peace of mind in the years before her death, she must force herself to believe that Fan Xian was the true culprit and the Crown Prince would be a wise Emperor.

"Empress dowager, the Eldest Princess has arrived." An old housemaid reported in a low voice.

The empress dowager waved her hand weakly. The Eldest Princess, in white Palace robes, slowly walked into the main half of Hanguang Palace. She bowed respectfully to the empress dowager, appearing very timid.

The empress dowager was silent for a long time before she waved her hand again. All the housemaids and serving girls quickly left the main hall, leaving the vast and silent Palace to the mother and daughter.

The empress dowager looked at the trace of tears at the corner of her daughter's eyes and lost her focus slightly. A moment later, she said, "I heard that you've been crying without end these days. Why hurt yourself like this? He has already died. We can do nothing by crying."

The Eldest Princess smiled peacefully. Using a warm tone of voice, which she had never shown in front of the empress dowager before, she said, "Your teaching is correct."

She sat down beside the empress dowager and gently nestled against her like a little girl.

The empress dowager was silent for a moment and then said, "That brother of yours is an unreliable fellow. Since the Emperor has died, you should come often to talk with me when you have the time."

"Yes, mother."

The empress dowager glanced at her daughter from the corner of her eyes and furrowed her brows, "Try to convince me about the matter with An Zhi."

The Eldest Princess was startled slightly, as if she hadn't thought that her mother would ask so straightforwardly. After a moment of silence, she said, "I don't understand what mother means."

The empress dowager's gaze gradually grew cold and then rapidly faded. In an even voice, she said, "I just need something that can convince me."

The Eldest Princess lowered her head and said after a moment, "Fan Xian had a reason for doing this."

"What is it?"

"Because his mother is Ye Qingmei." The Eldest Princess raised her face and looked at her mother with a faint glimmer of melancholy. "Furthermore, he never considered himself a Li."

The empress dowager did not become angry and peaceably said, "Continue."

"He colluded with Northern Qi people in Jiangnan. The specifics will become clear once it is investigated," the Eldest Princess said calmly, "There is also something unexplainable between Fan Xian and Dongyi. In recent days, the young ninth-level ace by his side is Sigu Jian's last disciple."

"You mean Thirteenth Wang," the empress dowager said.

The corner of the Eldest Princess' brows furrowed slightly. It was as if she had not thought her mother would know so much about this matter. She lowered her head and said, "Yes."

"Many months ago when Chengqian went to Nanzhou, he relied greatly on Thirteenth Wang's care along the way." The empress dowager's gaze became calm. "If he is one of Fan Xian's men, then I think An Zhi is a good child."

The empress dowager continued slowly, "The Crown Prince has already told me about Thirteenth Wang." The old woman sighed. "Over these few days, the Crown Prince has worked hard to defend Fan Xian. Just going by this point alone, Chengqian is also a good child."

The Eldest Princess nodded her head, "I also think so."

The empress dowager watched her daughter quietly. "Each of the Emperor's children have their positive qualities. I am very pleased with that. Thus, I don't wish to see these juniors continue being manipulated by you."

"I understand your meaning," the Eldest Princess peaceably said. "From today onwards, I will know my place."

"Over these years, although the Emperor had been somewhat stubborn and muddle-headed, he was still your brother." The empress dowager's brows gradually furrowed. Her eyes were filled with thick sorrow and helplessness. Looking at her daughter, she couldn't speak for a long time.

The Eldest Princess turned her body slightly and revealed her beautiful face under the light.

The empress dowager raised her palm and swung it heavily against the Eldest Princess' face, making a crisp crack. The Eldest Princess have a muffled grunt and fell to the floor. A trickle of fresh blood flowed from the corner of her lips.

The empress dowager's chest rose and fell quickly. It was a long time before it gradually calmed down.

It was unclear whether Fan Xian already made a judgement on the situation in the Palace that was closest to the truth. If he knew about this, he would definitely not have chosen to enter the Royal Palace and tell the truth of Dong Mountain to the empress dowager in person, as well as giving her the Emperor's letter and the royal seal.

Amidst this world-shaking event, Fan Xian had to admit that his mother-in-law's choice made for a very simple, clever, and effective plan. As long as the Emperor died, regardless of whether it was court officials or the empress dowager, they would all consider the Crown Prince, who was becoming more and more like a ruler, as the first choice.

From the perspective of titles and for the sake of stability, there was no better choice than the Crown Prince.

Once the Crown Prince ascended the throne and after the dust had settled, Fan Xian would have to think of a way to get to Northern Qi to live off a woman. The problem at hand was that the Fan manor was under the control of the Royal Palace. His wife and concubine, as the rumors had it, had both already entered the Palace. Even if he wanted to go live off a woman, he couldn't leave them behind.

The women in the Li family were indeed one more vicious than another.

While Fan Xian repeated the words "old whore," which had a long historical tradition, he used the cover of darkness to flip over a tall wall and land gently in the green garden.

This was a giant manor. Although there were not any ace guards, there were many people in the manor. Many officials came and left. To get from the feet of the wall to the study, still injured Fan Xian felt a surge of blood and almost revealed himself.

Outside the study, he listened for a while for sounds inside. He then used a dagger to pry open the window and flashed inside. His gaze landed on a decorative cloth that was as white as snow. He couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly. He turned and choked the throat of the official who was about to cry out in shock. Moving close to his ear, he quietly said, "Don't yell, it's me."

Hearing his voice, the official that he had subdued shook like he had been hit by lightning. He then gradually relaxed.

Fan Xian looked warily into his eyes and dragged his iron-like hands away from his throat. If the other person actually disregarded his life and called for someone to capture him, he would probably be hard pressed to escape Jingdou alive given his present condition.

This was a gamble, but Fan Xian's life was just one big gamble. His luck had always been good enough.

The official didn't call out for help. Instead, he looked at Fan Xian's pale face with a strange gaze like he was slightly confused and pleasantly surprised.

"Old man Shu, don't look at me like that." Fan Xian confirmed his judgement and pulled back his dagger before sitting down across from Shu Wu.

After much thinking, Fan Xian decided to first find his scholar who had reached the highest official position. Among all civil and martial officials, he felt that only this student of Zhuan Mohan's was the most trustworthy due to his moral character and virtues.

Shu Wu looked at him with a complicated gaze and suddenly opened his mouth, "Three questions."

"Please, go ahead." Fan Xian replied.

"Is the Emperor dead?" Shu Wu's voice trembled slightly.

Fan Xian was silent for a moment, "When I left Dong Mountain, he wasn't dead yet. However…" He thought of the figure on the approaching ship, Sigu Jian hidden at the side, and of the baldy who was likely to take action. He furrowed his brows and said, "He should have died."

Shu Wu sighed and didn't speak for a long time.

"Who is the main culprit?" Shu Wu watched his eyes.

Fan Xian pointed at his own nose and said, "According to intelligence reports from the military and the Overwatch Council, it should be me."

"If it is you, why would you return to Jingdou?" Shu Wu shook his head. "Such a loss of reasons does not align with the nature of gentlemen."

Both of them fell silent. Fan Xian suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Since I have come to find you, I have something to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"You cannot let the Crown Prince take the throne." Fan Xian stared into his eyes and said each word clearly.

Shu Wu's brows tightened then relaxed. He lowered his voice and said, "Why is that?"

A faint expression of self-mocking rose to the corner of his lips, "I trust that Shu the Scholar would not let a scumbag that killed his father, the Emperor, sit on Qing Kingdom's dragon chair."

Silence filled the room. Fan Xian stood up and took out the letter he had hidden close to his body. In a quiet voice, he said, "Shu Wu, accept the edict."

Shu Wu's heart shook. He knelt on the ground. His hands trembled as he accepted the letter. Doubt surged into his heart. He wondered to himself, If the Emperor was already dead, then who had written this edict? However, he had been in court for many years and had long handled matters Cabinet of Official Papers. He was very familiar with the Emperor's handwriting and tone. He only looked at the front and back of the letter before knowing that it was the Emperor's writing. He couldn't help but feel excited. A wetness rose to his eyes.

Fan Xian opened the letter and gave it to Shu Wu.

The more Shu Wu read, the more he was in shock and anger. In the end, he couldn't help but slam the table at his side and cursed loudly, "A wild wolf! A wild wolf!"

Fan Xian gently held onto his hand and didn't let Shu the Scholar's palm strike the table. Slowly, he said, "This was written by the Emperor the night before he had me return to Jingdou."

"I will enter the Palace immediately." Shu Wu stood unable to hide the anger on his face, "I have to see the empress dowager."

Fan Xian shook his head.

Shu Wu furrowed his brows and said, "Although a funeral has not been held, the Palace is already beginning to prepare for the Crown Prince's ascension. There is no time to lose. If I am too late, then it will be too late for everything."

Fan Xian lowered his head and was silent for a moment. He then said, "This letter was originally for the empress dowager."

Given Fan Xian's power to hide in Jingdou and extraordinary strengths, even if the Palace was strictly sealed, he would certainly be able to find a way to enter the Palace and meet the empress dowager. With this letter and the royal seal he saw earlier, the empress dowager would believe Fan Xian's words.

"Ah…" Shu Wu's expression immediately changed. He stared at Fan Xian in a daze, "Impossible!"

"There is nothing impossible in the world." Fan Xian's eyes leapt like they contained spiritual fires. "You are a civil official, while I am one part of the royal family. I can see much more clearly the thoughts of the nobility in the Palace. If I were not afraid of the empress dowager, why would I brave the risk of coming here tonight?"

He was silent for a moment and then said, "The dynasty of the Li family has always been something filled with life. It naturally made right the changes to itself and ensured its survival and the entire royal family had the authority to control the world. Under this condition, nothing else is important."

Fan Xian looked at Shu the Scholar and calmly said, "Everything has already been made clear. No matter how you choose, it will be right. You can pretend I never came today."

Shu Wu sank into a long period of silence. This official of Qing Kingdom had suddenly become older all over. After a long time, he said in a raspy voice, "Since you have come and I now know, I cannot pretend that you never came."

Fan Xian was slightly moved.

"I am curious. Although Minister Fan is, at this moment, under house arrest in his manor, you have other friends in court. Why did you choose me and not someone else, such as Director Chen or the Great Prince?" Shu Wu asked with a smile. His eyes gave off a comforting light.

Fan Xian also smiled and said, "Martial power is the last way to solve a problem. At the end of this matter, there will still be a need for martial power. Before action is taken, Qing Kingdom needs to be reasonable."

He calmly said, "As for why I would choose you to be reasonable on behalf of the Emperor, the reason is simple. It is because you are a scholar."

Fan Xian said, in the end, "I am not a pure scholar, but I know what a true scholar should look like. For example, you and old master Zhuan Mohan. Scholars have moral character. I am borrowing your moral character."

Chapter 536: The Sound of Sorrow

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The entire city was unadorned and covered in plain white silk. It was as if a great snowfall that seeped coldness into people's hearts had fallen in September. Snowflakes seemed to be landing on everyone around the Royal Palace and in each of the streets, alleys, and private residences. They were not true snowflakes. Rather, they were white cloths, pieces of paper, lights, hangings, and lanterns.

The pure whiteness was clean. It subdued the sorrow and tears in the people's chests, who were terrified of disturbing the saddest day Qing Kingdom had experienced in 20 years.

The news of the Emperor's demise could not be hidden forever, particularly as the rumors grew. The empress had to make a prompt decision. She could not wait for the group sent to Dong Mountain to retrieve the Emperor's body or for the various investigations to continue before she announced the earth-shattering news to the world.

The people of Jingdou had long prepared themselves. Once they received the court's confirmation and saw the large white lanterns being hung on the corners of the Palace, they were still greatly shocked. As frequently happened after a person died, they began to think of his positive qualities. Regardless of what kind of person the Qing Emperor was, during his 20 years of reign, the people of Qing Kingdom lived in the happiest period of history to date.

Thus, for a night, Jingdou was filled with cries of sorrow.

The Qing nobility wanted to tell the people that the Emperor had fallen ill and died at the summit of Dong Mountain. As for what the true truth was, perhaps, it would only be gradually exposed in many years and rush like floodwaters into the hearts of the Qing people. The nobility would once again use the people's emotions to seek out their own personal benefits.

It was not yet the day for the entire country to mourn the Emperor, but Jingdou had already become a white-covered world. Furthermore, the Minister of Rites and officials of Honglu Temple had followed the Emperor into death on the summit of the distant mountain. All the actions to be carried out appeared to be somewhat unsmooth. Like a song of sorrow, in the middle, there would always be a number of forced pauses.

It was precisely because of this disorder and the sorrow of the major figures in Qing court that made many sink into a kind of terror and feeling of unease. Although the Emperor was not known for shocking actions and appeared somewhat mediocre and quiet, he was the nucleus of Qing Kingdom's spirit.

After everyone became used to their sorrow, they felt it was absurd. How could the extraordinary Emperor, who had the desire to unify the world, die so silently? It was not that they could not accept the Emperor's death, it was that no one seemed to be able to accept his manner of death. It was so silent that it was strange.

Now that the unifier had quietly died, what would greet Qing Kingdom? Would it be collapse after chaos? Was it a re-ignition of desire after a calm inheritance?

Seeking stability, everyone's minds were wet. They turned their gaze toward the dragon chair in Taiji Palace and hoped desperately that a prince would quickly place his rear into that chair and stabilize Qing Kingdom's politics.

The Crown Prince was the first choice. Whether it was because of his title, relationship to the empress dowager, or the observations of the officials, it was reasonable that it should be him who inherited the throne. However, everyone knew that the main purpose of the Emperor's visit to Dong Mountain was to worship heaven to depose the Crown Prince. Some people came to their own conclusions but did not dare say it.

The officials who entered the Palace to weep before the coffin saw, from a distance, the Crown Prince leaning against the coffin crying. A chill and respect rose in their hearts. It was as if they had seen the rebirth of the Emperor at a younger age crying beside the coffin.

The rumors of what truly happened at Dong Mountain moved among the officials. Some people believed it had something to do with Sir Fan junior, while others did not believe it. However, Fan Xian had disappeared. Perhaps he had died on Dong Mountain or escaped because of his crimes, leaving behind his father, wife, and unborn child to escape to a distant foreign country.

The officials knew that if Sir Fan junior did not have the ability to flip the tables, then he could only bury his name in darkness while the big picture was set.

The empress dowager sat in the doorway of Hanguang Palace and heard the waves of crying coming from behind the Palace. Her brows furrowed almost indiscernibly. A glimmer of sorrow flashed through the old woman's eyes. She knew that this was not the time for her to succumb to her sorrow. She had to hand the Qing Kingdom wholly over to the next generation before she could truly rest.

According to the Li royal family's old traditions, there was a yellow copper basin placed outside the door. Paper money used by the common people were burning in the basin. The yellow money gradually burned into a pile of ash like it was foreshadowing that nothing was permanent in life. No matter how brilliant and boundless a life was, in the end, it would be nothing more than a wisp of smoke and a pile of ash.

The entire Palace was busy in subdued nervousness. The inner layer of the Palace walls were not high. The bamboo tip of the white banners the internal court had ordered could vaguely be seen hurrying across the wall, heading toward the front of the Palace. Inside Taiji Palace, an event that would determine the future of Qing Kingdom was going to happen. Everyone's gaze was fixed there.

In contrast, Hanguang Palace was particularly cold and quiet. The empress dowager drew back her gaze from the tips of the bamboo poles and said in a slightly raspy voice, "The court cannot fall into chaos. If the Palace is a bit chaotic today, it is fine."

She turned to look at the old official at her side. Doing her best to speak in a warm tone, she said, "You are a senior official and greatly trusted by the Emperor. At this critical juncture, you should be thinking about the court."

Shu Wu was half bent over. His old and peaceful gaze watched the gradually dying flames in the yellow basin. Lowering his voice, he said, "I understand. However, the Emperor's posthumous edict is here. I dare not disobey."

A leaping flame flashed through the empress dowager's eyes and was immediately extinguished. Gently extending her hand, she threw the unopened letter into the basin. The originally almost extinguished paper money in the basin immediately began to burn more fiercely.

The letter the Emperor had personally written the night before he was assassinated and the posthumous edict that appointed the successor to the Qing Kingdom gradually burned with the useless paper money sacrificed to him.

Shu Wu stared at the letter in the copper basin and didn't speak for a long time.

"Since the person is already gone, then what he once said is no longer important." The empress dowager suddenly dissolved into a coughing fit and didn't regain her breath for a long time. She looked at Shu Wu with a sincere gaze. In a warm tone, which she shouldn't have had, she said, "For the future of Qing Kingdom, the truth has never been important. Isn't that right?"

Shu Wu was silent for a long time then shook his head. "Your Highness, I am only a scholar. I only know that the truth is the truth, the imperial will is the imperial will, and I am the Emperor's official."

"You have already done your best." The empress dowager gazed at him calmly. "You have already done what an official should do. If you see Fan Xian again, remember to tell him, I can give him a chance to wash himself clean. He only he as to stand out."

A chill rose in Shu Wu's heart. He knew that if Sir Fan junior had actually entered the Palace to see the empress dowager last night, at this moment, he would probably have already become a scapegoat for the Emperor's assassination. He would have become a brilliant cannon blast before the Crown Prince's ascension.

He bowed to the ground and respectfully said, "I am going to Taiji Palace."

The empress dowager smiled slightly and shook her head. "Go. You have to know that everything is destined by fate. Since there is no way to change, and any attempt to do so would make the matter worse, then why try to change it?"

Shu Wu was a senior of Qing Kingdom and very respected in the hearts of the people. He had students all over the court. However, he had a very stubborn personality. Today was the Crown Prince's ascension ceremony. He gave no thought to his life and death and forcefully requested to see the empress dowager to try and change the matter.

It was only this old official that had the authority to do this. If it had been another official, they would probably have become a wronged spirit at the foot of the Palace walls. At this critical moment, the empress dowager had focused on stability and would not be overly pushy toward this old official.

Shu Wu had not changed anything. If he was clever, he would quietly wait until the Crown Prince had taken the throne and immediately offer to retire.

Shu Wu walked alone to the doors of Taiji Palace. He did not hear the calls of the plain-clothed official or Eunuch Hong's announcing the Crown Prince's edict to invite the scholar into the palace. He only stood at the palace door in a daze. He looked at the messy sacrificial group on the square outside the palace, the pin-straight white banners, and the imperial soldiers warily looking around. He heard the sounds of firecrackers in the distance and severe ring of the whip. He suddenly felt a wave of hot blood surge into his head, making him dizzy.

From this moment onward, Shu the Scholar's head was sunk in a haze, causing him to be like a wooden person. He walked dazedly into the expansive Taiji Palace and stood in the second position with the civil officials.

He didn't hear what the empress dowager said with sorrow from behind the beaded curtain next to the dragon chair. He also didn't hear the sincere crying of the four princes and other children and grandchildren of the Emperor or the crying of the Qing officials that echoed in the Palace.

Only a few words here and there wormed into his ears such as, "Fan Xian,""rebellion,""arrest," and "wiping out a family."

Shu the Scholar dazedly followed the officials as they knelt on the ground. He dizzily stood up and remained quietly to the side. In front of him, Hu the Scholar glanced at him with concern. He used his gaze to convey a reminder and cautiousness but hid the coldness in his heart.

All of the officials hid it well. There was only sorrow and nothing else.

Shu Wu furrowed his brows. He couldn't hear anything. He looked at his colleagues, with whom he was usually so familiar, standing in rank. At this moment, he felt they were all strangers, particularly Hu the Scholar in front of him. The two of them were friendly. Although they didn't have any time to talk from last night until now, outside the Palace, he had given him a secret signal.

Why was Hu the Scholar so calm?

Shu Wu's brows furrowed tighter and tighter. Suddenly, his body trembled. The ear that had gone deaf for a long time suddenly began to work. He heard the music ringing out from outside Taiji Palace.

He opened his mouth. It was only now he realized that everything was said and done. The Crown Prince was about to take the throne.

Shu Wu's strange behavior was noticed by many people. However, the officials at court all knew that the previous Emperor and Shu Wu had always gotten along well. Suddenly hearing of the Emperor's death, the old scholar was probably overwhelmed by emotions. It was natural for him to be somewhat dazed, so not many people thought much of it.

The empress dowager, sitting behind the beaded curtain next to the dragon chair, stared coldly at Shu Wu's every action. Her gaze turned a few times. A eunuch walked behind Shu Wu, ready to help the old scholar go rest.

The Crown Prince's gaze landed on Shu Wu. Forcefully hiding his sorrow, he said, "Scholar, go to the side room to rest for a moment." He no longer looked at the crowd or glanced at his brothers below the steps. He calmed his emotions and began to walk in the direction of the dragon chair.

Standing in front of the dragon chair, the Crown Prince looked down at his brothers and officials kneeling on the ground. He knew that after he sat down, he would become the fifth monarch since the inception of Qing Kingdom. He would be a ruler who controlled the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people in his hands.

This was a goal he had fought for a long time. To get here, he had been scared, jealous, and wanton, and then finally learned his father's silent endurance, calm, patience, and ruthlessness.

When this goal was suddenly right before him, Crown Prince Li Chengqian's emotions were calm to the point that he felt it was strange.

His gaze dropped as he looked at his second brother below. He looked at the calm and gentle expression on his face and, for some reason, thought of Fan Xian, who had already secretly sneaked into Jingdou.

The news of Fan Xian's survival came from the direction of Dongshan Road last night. The Crown Prince's heart felt like it had sprouted a sugar thorn, sweet but pained. For some reason, he let out a breath after learning about Fan Xian's survival. As for his second brother… An icy smile flashed through the Crown Prince's heart. The Ye family's army was not far from Jingdou, yet it was still difficult for his brother to find peace.

"Please, would the Emperor take the throne?"

Crown Prince Li Chengqian bowed three times to show his respect to heaven, earth, and the people. He straightened his body and looked at the officials kneeling in the hall. It was as if he saw the hundreds of millions of people kneeling to him. A satisfaction in controlling the world rose in him. However, it suddenly disappeared without a trace. He only felt that this matter was so boring that it made one irritated.

Perhaps he was the only Emperor to sit on the dragon throne with a frown.

As Li Chengqian thought this, a corner of his heart gave a sigh. He turned his body to bow respectfully to the empress dowager and began to sit down on the dragon chair.

Shu Wu felt that he had truly lost his head. In a solemn and sorrowful moment, in which the entire court was silent and all the officials were kneeling, he actually moved. Coming to the dragon chair, he bowed his head to the ground and cried out in a high voice, "No!"

Once the word "no" was out, everyone in the hall was shocked. The face of the empress dowager behind the curtain darkened. A few eunuchs began to move in Shu the Scholar's direction. It was the Crown Prince, who was about to sit on the dragon chair, who let out a breath. He finally understood his doubts.

The ascension could not be so smooth. There had to be some waves.

As Shu Wu called out that word, he awoke from his dazed condition. The old scholar took in a deep breath and felt a rare clarity. He knew what he should do.

Sir Fan junior wanted to borrow his moral character, so he would toss it out as a reciprocation of the Emperor's many years of patronage and protection, as well as the Qing people's hope toward the officials.

Shu Wu didn't even look at the eunuch coming to help him. He straightened his body and looked at the empress dowager behind the curtain and the Crown Prince in front of the dragon chair. Using all the strength in his body and all the honor in his life and lives of his entire clan, he cried out in a sorrowful voice.

"Before the Emperor passed, he left a posthumous edict. The Crown Prince is not to inherit!"

The entire Palace was silent. No one spoke.