It's My Secret Technique!

The man was drinking wine and vainly tried get absorbed in his thoughts. The image of the girl sitting next to him captivated his gaze every time he only needed to look at her.

The dark blue dress clung to her seductive сurves, like a second skin. One shoulder was open, and numerous crystals, like shooting stars in the night sky, descended down the fabric from the second shoulder. Her hair was gathered together in a bun, opening the neckline and the neck itself.

Every time she turned her head away from him, the glare of the spotlight shone on her delicate skin. The man, as if enchanted by this light, watched its movement along the skin of the girl - from the earlobe, along the neckline, along the shoulder and gently down. Today she was especially beautiful.

Whether the wine is to blame, or her last provocation, but the pressure inside him kept increasing. One more of her careless moves would make an effect of the lit match. And if he succumbs to the impulse, then there will be an explosion which he can no longer hold back.

'Damn, at the moment the ball is clearly not in my court. Looks like I underestimated this girl,' David glanced at Elena, then closed his eyes and took three deep breaths.

Elena looked at her glass of juice, which was practically empty. Corey hasn't come back yet, the silence could not last forever, and she understood that she would soon have to engage in a dialogue. Besides everything else, she began to feel a strange wave of heat inside her body. Elena raised her hand to her forehead. She seemed not to have any fever. But something was clearly wrong.

'Hmmm, this is most likely due to the fact that I am not used to visiting such places and gatherings,' Elena reassured herself and finished the rest of the juice.

Rick looked at the two thoughtful people sitting nearby and sighed. "Hey, people. Looks like I'm in the kingdom of depression or something. I urgently need a cheerful company!"

Rick took a bottle of champagne and filled three glasses. After that, he gave two of them to Elena and David.

"Um, but I'm not .."

"Elena, I understand everything. But I was so wildly intrigued by the words of Corey! I'll die of curiosity if I don't see it with my own eyes!" Rick slyly looked at the girl.

"Listen, this is just a glass of champagne. Firstly, it is not strong and very tasty. Secondly, even if something extraordinary happens to you, I am sure that two men will be able to resolve this issue. We won't let anybody hurt you otherwise your father will kill me. And I do not want to lose such a valuable partner! Well, what can you say?"

Elena looked at the glass of champagne in front of her. 'Hmmm, I think nothing will happen from such a small sip.' Then she looked at Rick and sighed.

"OK OK. Do not beg me with your puppy eyes," Elena smiled at seeing Rick triumph.

"Oh, I have an idea! Let's drink brotherhood?"

"What did you say??"

"Easy, easy! I was just kidding. But you are going to drink it to the very last drop! And you, buddy, too."

David looked at his friend who was full of enthusiasm and decided that it was better not to argue with him.

"Ha-ha, Rick, I think I understand now how you made a deal with my father. Your style of negotiation is amazing," Elena complimented Rick.

"Honey, this is just one of my secret techniques! The rest is a commercial secret! Well, cheers!"


Two minutes later, a glass of champagne in Elena's hands was also empty.