No 'Special' Relations With Him.

. . .

At the same time in the staff room.

"And which one do you like better?"

"The silver one," Corey pointed to the dress lying in front of her.

"Great choice! You will be just amazing in it! Rick will be impressed." Victoria winked at the girl, and Corey was slightly embarrassed.

"You think so? I was just waiting for this evening so much, and this crazy wine situation happened. Damn this Melinda girl. I'm sure she did it on purpose."

"Are you talking about that fake blondie? Relax, I think Rick will not even look at her. Prince Charming is all yours today, so change your clothes and go and get him!"

"Ha-ha, you say! I wish I had so much courage as you have. Even the seemingly cold David did not resist," Corey paused and continued, "Um, Vicky, what is your relationship with Mr. Anderson?"

"And for what purpose are you asking this question? Is it for the sake of your dear friend?" Victoria looked slyly at the girl, but answered her anyway.

"You do not have to worry, I have no 'special' relations with him and do not plan any. For one simple reason...," Vicky leaned over and uttered in a whisper, "... I already have a husband. But this is a big secret. Otherwise, I won't get too far with my job here."

"Got it. I am a grave," Corey smiled and felt relieved. So, her beloved friend has very high chances of success!

The girl changed quickly, and she and Vicky returned to the table.

"My dear Corey, you are finally back! I already started to miss you. You look amazing!" Rick kissed the girl on the cheek and sat her next to him, putting his arm around her shoulders.

Elena exchanged glances with Corey and nodded back, confirming that she really looked great. But Elena's condition itself more and more forced her to think that something was really happening to her. Heat filled her whole body. She urgently needed fresh air.

"Victoria, tell me, please, where is the powder room here?"

"So, you need to go straight to the end of the hall, then down the stairs. There will be a dance floor on the right and a corridor on the left. The first door. Do you want me to show you?"

"No thanks. I will find. Just relax."

Elena left the table and went to the indicated direction. Corey looked at the receding silhouette of a friend and turned to Rick.

"Rick, I think there's something wrong with Elena. What did you do while we were gone?"

"Yes, actually, nothing special. She drank only a glass of juice and a glass of champagne."

"What? Did she drink champagne?"

"And what, she may have problems because of this?" Rick asked in surprise.

"No... A girl like Elena WILL NOT have problems," Corey replied thoughtfully.

The man looked at the girl but did not understand what she meant.