What Is Your Name?

"Who knows, maybe you can offer me something that will force me to change my proposal for marriage."

"What, for instance?" Elena quietly asked him, completely ignoring how close he approached her. His provocative actions did not affect her in any way.

Daniel wanted to answer the question posed to him, but suddenly his phone twisted and informed the host about the incoming message.

"Just a second, please excuse me," he moved away from Elena, took a step to the side and took out the phone.

The display showed a message from his brother. [Incoming message. Little bro: I agree. The documents about the shares transfer will be ready in an hour.]

'Hmm, my dear little brother, you are ready to take such measures for the sake of this girl. I hope she is worth it,' Daniel thought, then he put the phone away and turned to Elena with a charming smile.

"Miss Lee, it gives me great pleasure to communicate with you, but I have to go, so I have to leave you. I hope you will not be very sad," Daniel smiled foxily, and his words took Elena aback.

"Regarding your girlfriend Corey. I never force girls to communicate with me, so if Miss Williams does not want to, I will not insist on marriage. The words of the beautiful girl are the law to me."

With his every next sentence, Elena's eyes grew wider and wider with surprise. She did not expect such a sudden change in his decision; this man knew how to surprise.

Daniel turned on the charming mode to the maximum level and gave Elena the most amazing smile he was capable of.

He extended his hand to her and said, "I hope you will do me a favor and let me say goodbye to you politely?"

Elena, feeling confused by the rapid change of mood of the man, involuntarily smiled in response and reflexively extended her hand to him.

As soon as the girl touched Daniel's hand, she felt a pleasant wave of heat, smoothly passing into her hand. Elena did not expect the hand of a man to be so warm and tender.

He squeezed her hand gently, and the girl looked from the man's hand to his face.

At that moment, she froze. Daniel no longer smiled, but only looked intently into her eyes. The corners of his lips twitched up, and Elena read over his lips, 'I got you'.

The girl tried to pull her hand back, but the man squeezed it even tighter.

"Wha...," Elena wanted to outrage, but at that moment the man's second hand closed her eyes and everything around her dimmed.

. . .

Elena tried to open her eyes, but the white light instantly blinded her. She immediately narrowed her eyes, and then began to open them slowly, slowly, so that her eyes gradually got used to the light. When she opened her eyes completely and looked around, the girl was shocked by the picture around her.

She raised her head, and several white snowflakes fell on her face. The girl looked around once more and found herself standing among the trees in some kind of garden. The white snow was falling slowly and filled everything around with silence.

Elena made a few steps forward and went through several trees. It was obvious that it was winter, but for some reason, she did not feel the cold. Not far ahead, she noticed the silhouette of a man and headed towards him.

Coming closer, she saw a young guy who was standing and looking at the sky. Snow was falling on his hair and shoulders. He was wearing a thin shirt and light pants. There was nothing else on him.

"Isn't it cold to stand barefoot in the snow?" she asked.

"And what about you?" He replied with a question, without even turning in her direction.

Elena looked down and saw that there was nothing else on her except for the light dress, and she, like him, was standing in the snow completely barefoot.

"Hahaha and you're funny," she heard a cheerful voice over her head, "My name is Daniel. What is your name?"

"Mine?" She asked again and was ready to give an answer, but suddenly the guy's face became blurry and he disappeared.

. . .

"Miss Lee, are you all right?" Elena raised her head and saw Daniel's confused face.

"Y-yes, I'm all...," Elena wanted to answer automatically, but suddenly she felt something wet on her cheek. She put her hand to her face and found a tear on her cheek that was rolling down silently. "What the...," she wiped a tear away and looked at her hand.

Then she looked at Daniel again and anxiously asked him, "Have we met before?"

"WE have not," he replied calmly, raised his hand and gently stroked Elena on the head. "Good girl. Keep an eye on him, or he will do something stupid," Daniel smiled warmly and went into the studio, leaving Elena alone in the corridor.

"What has just happened?" The girl was confused, trying to understand what had happened vainly. And the tears still slowly ran down her cheeks, whether she wanted it or not.