You Have Changed A Lot.

Daniel came into the studio, and all the people who were there froze in pleasant shock. After a minute of complete silence, whispers ran through the room in a wave.

"God, who is this attractive man?"

"I've never seen him before."

"Could he be some kind of a new star?"

"I do not know who he is, but I already want to get to know him better."

"This man is clearly a high flier! Just look at all those trendy clothes he is wearing!"

"Ah, I already want a child from him! I can imagine how pretty he was as a child!"

Daniel confidently walked to the center of the hall, not paying attention to the gazes and comments in his direction. He had been used to such a reaction for quite a long time, so he reacted to it only in the case of personal interest.

Currently he had absolutely no interest in all those strangers. All his attention was compelled on the man sitting in the center of the room and preparing for an interview. Chen Lee.

The woman hosting the show was happily twittering next to the President of Lee Pharmaceuticals, diligently trying to look like a noble lady.

She was already over 30, quite attractive, but was known for a very malicious character. The lady was not married and she clearly did not want to miss the opportunity to get to know the wealthy and free man, who, besides, had an excellent reputation.

The host used her most charming smile, but President Lee didn't seem to respond to it very emotionally. He was calm and focused. Any man, looking at his reaction, would immediately understand that he was absolutely not interested in this lady and all her attempts were in vain. It was obvious to everyone, except her.

Daniel grinned wickedly and stepped closer.

"Sorry, can you tell me where I can find the director of the program?" he asked.

"Look for him in the hall, I'm busy now," the woman replied, without even turning in his direction.

'I didn't expect my morning to be so exciting,' Daniel thought, pleased with how well everything went according to his plan. He took a deep breath, and continued in a voice half a tone lower,

"It is a pity, and I hoped that you could help me."

Hearing his words, the woman instantly froze as if she went into a trance, and then slowly turned her head in his direction. Her eyes widened, fascinated by the appearance of a tall and attractive man.

Daniel tilted his head slightly, smiled, and extended his hand to her,

"My name is Daniel Anderson. I am participating in the show as a second guest. I would be glad to meet you."

The woman, as if under hypnosis, extended her hand to him, and immediately broke into a blissful smile.

"Oh my God, are you the very same Daniel Anderson?! A scientist from Greenline Inc.?! I didn't expect you to be such... such... such an attractive man!" the host lady answered in a confused voice as if she didn't have enough air to breathe. This man shocked her to such an extent.

Daniel granted her with a new smile, raised her hand to his lips and gently kissed it, "To receive a compliment from such a beautiful lady is an honor for me."

The woman blushed, covered her mouth with her hand and began to giggle. Although she was older than him but next to this man, she felt like an inexperienced schoolgirl and could not hold back the embarrassment.

The only one who didn't react to Daniel's pompous appearance was President Lee. He looked at the young man indifferently and turned away.

Daniel noticed the calm reaction of the man.

"Hello, Mr. Lee. Long time no see," he said.

Chen looked at the young man but said nothing in reply.

"Oh, so you and President Lee know each other? It is wonderful! I will then leave you for a few minutes; I need to check with the director if everything is ready for the beginning of the shooting. And while I'm doing that you can communicate with each other," the host said and happily went away to look for the director.

Daniel watched the woman leave, made sure there was no one around and sat in front of Chen.

"And you practically have not changed. How many years has it been since our last meeting? Seventeen? Still, Asian blood is an interesting thing; sometimes it is very difficult to determine what your real age is. A person may look young, but in reality be a grandfather," Daniel began the conversation.

President Lee looked at him attentively and said,

"But you have changed a lot, Daniel. I would never have thought that such a well-educated boy as you were in childhood would later turn into such a shameless man as you are now. And how does it feel to reap where you have not sown?"

Daniel's face became more serious. "If you are hinting at a virus situation, then all questions can be discussed privately, and the misunderstanding that has arisen can be resolved," the young man suggested in a businesslike manner.

President Lee looked at him, then turned away and sighed.

"You see, Daniel, there are situations the consequences of which can no longer be changed, no matter how much you negotiate," Chen said sadly.

Daniel froze as he understood what President Lee meant. He looked at the face of an adult man who was melancholically watching what was happening around and seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

"Uncle Lee, regarding that case..." Daniel wanted to raise a topic that had been troubling him for many years, but he noticed that the host of the program was heading in their direction.

The man immediately stopped talking and put on a charming smile, greeting the woman again. 'Damn, I didn't expect this lady to be back so quickly.'

"Dear guests, everything is ready for the live broadcast, I ask you to go and sit down at your seats," the host happily informed and told the guests where they should take their seats.

The woman went to her place and called the assistant to check her makeup. When the young girl approached the host, the latter whispered to her, "Is the compromising evidence we found ready?"

"Yes, miss. All is ready. At the right moment, the director will display it on the screen," the assistant answered her barely audibly and continued, "Are you sure that we will not have problems if we reveal this data in public?"

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained. These materials are too valuable to be left without attention. I'm sure today's show will be one of the best we have ever had," the host said and narrowed her eyes slyly.

The assistant nodded in approval and returned to her seat. The show host got comfortable in the chair and made a sign to the director that she was ready to begin.

The director raised his hand and commanded, "Attention! Fifteen seconds before the start. 10, 9, 8... and action!"