My Soul and Body Belong to You.

Elena looked at the young man enthusiastically, "So what do you have in mind? What do you want?"

David leaned toward her ear and whispered in a languid voice, "My love, in this world I want only one thing - you."

"Ha? David, I'm serious!" The girl's cheeks were filled with fire.

"Ahaha, I'm absolutely serious, by the way," he laughed in response.

Mr. Lee and Jun left the office and found Elena on the couch, beating on David, who was laughing heartily.

"And what caused such fun, do you want to share with us?" he asked the couple.

Elena took an embarrassed glance aside; David patted her on the head and turned in the direction of Chen. "Do you have Elena's childhood photos? I want to see them, but she does not give them to me," the young man made a sad face.

"What? When did I-"

"Of course I have! Five albums! I also have several video discs on my computer. Do you want to have a look?" Mr. Lee suggested.

David's eyes lit up with anticipation, "Of course I do!"

"Of course I do not!" Elena was indignant. Showing such pictures to him was too much embarrassment for her.

"I also want to see them!" Jun joined the men's team, excited by the upcoming viewing of the family archive.

Elena tried her best to dissuade her father from showing everything he had got, but she failed. Mr. Lee was in a great mood and he gladly put everything he had on the table. The girl was in the minority and all she had to do was sit next to them with a reddened face right up to her ears, while the men were cheerfully looking at each of her photos, starting from childhood and ending with the admission to the Academy.

Much to the gloom of the girl, and to David's immense happiness, Mr. Lee turned out to be a man who loved to capture every meaningful and not very significant moment in his daughter's life. David did not expect to receive such a portion of his beloved Elena even in his wildest fantasies and enthusiastically viewed every photo and video recording.

The emptiness of those many years that he was searching for her was filling with a meaning, as if he also spent this time next to her. Her smiles, her successes, trips, travels, contests, competitions — he eagerly remembered every detail of her life when he was not near her.

So they spent the whole day until the evening, discussing what Chen and Elena were doing before they met with David and Jun.

A few hours spent together in shared memories made it possible to create strong family ties between them. It was a big and friendly family.

The sun was setting as they watched the latest video from Elena's admission to the Academy.

"Father, may I take Elena with me? I wanted to take her to one place," David asked Mr. Lee.

"I think you can no longer ask me for permission if you want to take your future wife somewhere," Chen smiled in response.

"Understood," David smiled and turned his eyes to Elena, going down the stairs. She was wearing a white dress, reaching to the middle of the thigh. The girl's shoulders were open, and her beautiful neck was framed by an exquisite pendant. Her hair was pulled up, and a few strands of waves fell on her face.

She was so charming at the moment that the man was speechless. He still could not fully believe that this amazing angel was his woman and belonged only to him.

"Wow, I, of course, saw that my sister was pretty, but that was just wow!" Jun could not hold back his admiration.

"Yes, baby, you look amazing. I even envy David, you don't dress up like that for your dad," Mr. Lee also expressed his opinion.

"Ahaha, dad, okay, don't embarrass me," Elena's cheeks flushed and she looked at David, whose gaze didn't take his eyes off her even for a second.

He took her hand and brought it to his lips, "My queen, you look amazing," the young man whispered and left a light kiss on her skin.

"David!" Elena blushed even more and looked at her father, but he only smiled even wider in response.

The young man laughed, taking his girlfriend by surprise, "Well, I am stealing this beautiful lady with me, so do not be bored here," he said, took Elena by the hand and led her away.

"Don't you think it's a bit too much, use your older brother as a driver?" Elena got into David's car, which Daniel arrived with.

"Well, first of all, I already had plans for the evening, and it would not have inspired me to have my girlfriend at the wheel. Although I was pleased when you brought me here." David started the engine and they started off. "Secondly, Daniel can get to the hotel by taxi with no problem."

"Pfff, does it only seem to me, or are you intentionally acting with him like this? I even sometimes feel sorry for your brother."

After observing the communication between the Anderson brothers for a while, Elena came to the conclusion that the older one had a brother complex with an emphasis on excessive guardianship and teasing, and the younger one resisted this copious attention.

David understood the girl's thinking and added to his excuse, "You just don't know what my childhood was because of his obsessive attention!" The man began to enumerate the moments when Daniel behaved even worse than their mother, well known for spoiling their children with too much love.

Elena was listening to her beloved man, and it was obvious to her that these memories evoke David's joy, which he tries to hide behind intentional dissatisfaction.

"Ahaha, okay, I pretend I didn't notice anything," the girl giggled.

"Hey, what are you hinting at now? That I do enjoy it when my brother is teasing me?!"

"And don't you?" Elena slyly squinted and David rolled his eyes.

"Okay, sometimes it makes me laugh, I agree. But, in general, I get annoyed with that." No matter how he was tortured, he will never admit in his life that he appreciates his brother's attention, despite his obsession.

Elena noticed David's embarrassment but decided to keep silent and looked out the window with a smile.

The urban landscape was rapidly passing outside the window, gradually giving way to lower buildings. David drove up to the foot of the hill and drove the car up the slope. Elena immediately recognized this place.

"Don't tell me that you rented a whole mountain from your acquaintance again?"

The girl remembered their last visit here when the most beautiful observation point was closed to daily crowds of tourists and local residents only because David decided to treat her to dinner top of the mountain with stunning views of the city.

"And what kind of owner is it that who just so easily closes a profitable business for the whole day only at your request?"

This place was the most popular among couples and city guests, and to keep it clean, every visitor paid a symbolic payment in several cents, but, considering the number of visits per day, even in one day, a very impressive amount came out.

"This place belongs to one beautiful and charming lady, who I am in a wonderful relationship with," David replied, and with all his attention he began to expect the reaction of his girlfriend.

Elena's face went dark immediately, "And how close is your relationship?" She asked with a threat in her voice.

"Ahaha, don't worry, my love. You can have no doubt that my soul and body belong entirely to you alone," the young man calmed her, 'Like this mountain,' he added to himself.

Because this observation point was the property of Lenali Enterprise, and he absolutely did not lie when he said that he had a wonderful relationship with the owner of this land. In the end, the owner of the mountain was sitting next to him in the car in person, completely unaware that she had just entered the territory of her possessions.

He imagined how stunned her face would be if he had told her about such unexpected news. From this idea, he was having fun and he could not stop laughing.

"And what would that mean now?" Elena skeptically raised her eyebrows, suggesting that David had laughed at her earlier reaction.

The man parked the car, folded his arms on the steering wheel and put his head on them, his eyes looking at the girl with tenderness.

"Nothing, just once again I realized how much I love you," he answered in a whisper, and the car sank into complete silence, hiding the sound of two hearts in love from the rest of the world.