Before I Met You.

The sun set over the horizon and the city plunged into the darkness of the night, filled with the radiance of street lights.

Two people climbed a narrow path to the top of the hill, hand in hand.

"David, I remember that last time lanterns were hanging here. Why is it so dark now? I see almost nothing," Elena looked around. If it were not for the light of the lights of the night city, that was on the foot of the mountain they would not see a thing in that pitch darkness. But even this light allowed her to see only the silhouette of a man who was walking in front of her.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" he asked.

"No, but—" At this moment, Elena felt how he let go of her hand. "David?" The girl shook her head, but the young man seemed to have been gone.

She took a step forward and immediately jumped back, "Oh, Lord!" She looked down at her feet, trying to understand whether it seemed to her or not. She timidly raised her leg and took a step.

As soon as her foot touched the ground, the surface under her shoe began to shine with bright colors. Rainbow colors play began to spread in different directions, fascinating for its beauty. Elena took the next step, and the bright rays beneath her feet sparkled with a new force.

She no longer looked under the sides and fully focused on the radiant beauty under her feet. Like a fairy from a fairy tale, with her every step she filled the world around with rainbow light, forcing the darkness of the night to retreat farther and farther.

Elena took another step, and the rainbow rays from under her feet scattered in all directions, illuminating the trees along the path and the entire way to the very top. She reached the small stone steps that led to the final point on the top of the hill.

At the very first step, there were several bushes with bright red roses, about two meters high. A light breeze was playing with their petals and spreading a delicate fragrance, making the girl's heart beat faster. "Waaa, I only saw such on TV!" Elena raised her hand to reach the flower bud.

As soon as the girl touched the petal, the rose bounced and crumbled down. But the girl did not have time to feel anything, as the petals rose from the ground and twirled before her eyes in a whirlwind of air. The petals from the other buds joined them at that moment, and Elena was standing surrounded by this floral tornado and watching that astounding dance of roses before her eyes.

The petals slid down her dress and headed up the stairs, calling the girl behind them. She followed them, and as soon as she stepped over the last step, she saw a young man looking at her with love and tenderness.

"God, David, how did you do that?!" a happy smile never left her face, "I felt like some kind of Disney princess! No, it was even cooler than in Disney!" She reached out and caught one of the rose petals circling around her.

"Let it be my little secret." He walked over to Elena and stroked her cheek. The girl immediately closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth emanating from his palm.

David's heart stopped for a moment, and then it began to pound furiously.

"Elena, before I met you, I was like this dark garden. There was life in it, but it was consumed by darkness. But once you took a step and entered my life, it was instantly filled with light. Every step you take, every move you make, your breath and the sound of your heart - all this fills my life with meaning and warmth."

The man took a step back, sat down on one knee, and took a small beautiful box out of his pocket.

Elena, of course, had seen such scenes in films more than once and was always surprised by the reaction of the main characters. She didn't understand before why there was so much surprise in such a situation? But now, she was like this main character from a romantic film and was ready to scream with happiness.

The girl covered her mouth with her hand and there were tears in her eyes.

David opened the box and took the ring out of it. Then he took Elena's hand, put this ring on her finger, and only then asked the most important question,

"Elena, do you agree to be my wife?"

"Pff, silly, they usually ask first, and then put a ring on a finger," replied the girl, tears streaming down her cheeks.

David smiled and kissed her hand, "Well, you still have only two options - yes or yes," he rose from his knee and looked intently into her eyes.

Elena saw her reflection in his eyes, and also saw love, tenderness, and something else ... something similar to sadness?

She touched his cheek with the tips of her fingers and pressed her lips to his lips, "I will be the happiest wife in the world. If you are next to me, then I won't need anything else. I love you, David."

The young man smiled, and without saying anything more, he pulled the girl to him and covered her mouth with his hot kiss.

. . .

A little house at the top of the hill was filled with silence until it was dispelled by intermittent breathing and the loud sound of two hearts beating in unison. Moonlight, falling through the wide windows, reflected from their naked bodies that were united into one coherent whole.

He pressed her alluring body to himself, greedily filling her every cell with his own nature. She completely surrendered to the power of his hot embraces, dissolved in his passion and submitting to his comprehensive affection and desire.

She belonged to him and he belonged to her. They loved each other deeply and reverently as if it was the last night before the end of the whole world.