WARNING! The chapter contains scenes of violence.
Elena opened her eyes and looked at the unwanted guest. His appearance did not cause her much joy even before, now that she knew about his intentions, she, of course, did not want to be in his presence.
But she could not refuse him without good reason. In addition, the girl had to finally make sure that her vision was exactly the vision of the future. She knew how a man was going to act, and all that was required of her was to change at least one link in this chain.
"Mr. Carter, if you don't mind, let's get down to business right away. It's already evening, I don't want to detain you," the girl replied. She changed her posture in the chair, checking to see if the current situation would change. If everything remains as it is, then in his answer the man will have to offer her dinner in a restaurant.
"Elena, I have asked you so many times to call me Philip. And you're right, it's already evening, so how about transferring our conversation to some cozy restaurant?" Carter repeated the words exactly, as she had supposed.
'Damn it, I really got in trouble,' she smirked to herself, that did not go unnoticed.
The man was reading the emotions of her face with full attention and saw in her what others would not even pay attention to. Physiognomy was one of his most developed skills, which only people close to him knew about, since he actively used it when seducing innocent lambs that fell into his spider web.
But in the case of Elena, he turned out to be incredibly blind that even his skill did not help him recognize the true state of things, and misled his master. Carter was sure that the girl simply was teasing him with her disobedience and thus hinting at more open actions on his part. Well, he liked that turn of events even more. If she wanted him to be tougher and more assertive, he would do it with joy.
"Philip, since you are here, let's not waste our time and discuss everything here," Elena declined his offer.
Fire flashed in the man's eyes, 'Oh, and she's cockier than I thought. I'm not against "discussing" our affairs here.' The man glanced at Elena's desk, to his joy there weren't so many objects there, and he began to imagine in what position he would like to take her on this desk.
He unfastened the button of his jacket and spread his arms out to the side, sitting in a chair like a king. The collar of his shirt was unbuttoned, and the fabric was translucent, allowing one to clearly see his muscular chest and abs. The man was completely confident in his appearance, as he repeatedly observed that women drooled while looking at him. And the woman in front of him should not be an exception.
"Well, I don't mind discussing everything here. But as you know, this is a rather sensitive issue, so could your secretary leave us alone?" Carter cast a scornful look at Harry, he was surprised that this secretary did not leave the office as soon as Philip entered.
The man did not like this tall bespectacled man with an arrogant expression. But looking at Harry one could see that he didn't care who was sitting in front of him. Carter noticed that although this secretary looked frail, his posture and shoulders showed that elastic muscles were hidden under his clothes. If he did not know that Harry was ordinary office plankton, he would have thought that the guy was into sports.
The men exchanged cold glances, while Elena considered her further course of action. She already knew what would follow after Harry left the office. But even this knowledge did not inspire her with confidence that she could resist alone.
And in order to radically change this situation, she had only one thing left.
"No, Harry will stay here. He is always present at my meetings," the girl replied and shuddered slightly. For a moment, it seemed to her that her guest's eyes turned red, but it stopped as fast as it appeared. What she was sure of was that her answer didn't please Carter.
The man clenched his fists, his jaw tightened.
"As far as I remember, you came to apologize to me, didn't you?" Elena got down to business, she did not want to drag out this situation even for a minute.
Carter crossed his arms and leaned on her table, "That's right, honey. I was sure that you would accept me with joy, but now I have the opposite impression. Or does it just seem to me?" The fact that she refused to send this annoying secretary away caused a storm of indignation in the man. How much more was she going to tease him with her behavior? No, today he will not leave without his prey. And no flimsy secretary will be an obstacle for him.
"Mr. Carter, I don't understand what you mean," Elena crossed her hands on the table in response. This man did not even try to make a false apology, however, she didn't really need his apologies.
Carter's eyebrows instantly frowned, and at that moment the girl felt his tight grip on her wrist, "Oh no, you perfectly understood what I had in mind," hissed a man and pulled the girl by the hand, ignoring the presence of a third person in the office.
Elena cried out in pain, but what shocked her at that moment was the reaction of Harry. The man forcefully unclenched Carter's grip on her hand, brought the guest's hand behind his back, grabbed Philip by the head and hit it on the table with all his might, "If you touch Madame this way ever again, be sure that you won't need your hands anymore. I'll tear not only them but also your legs so that you will forever forget the way to Lenali Enterprise."
Realizing that he was not resisting, Harry let go of the man, straightened his jacket and added in an even voice, "Mr. Carter, your meeting with the head of Lenali Enterprise is over, please leave the office."
Elena looked at her secretary in shock. Who is this man? Was he really her Harry, restrained and pedantic to the point of madness?
Carter straightened up and grinned, saying nothing, he went toward the door but stopped next to the vase. Having taken out one of the roses, the man carefully examined it, "Elena, you need to get rid of this secretary, he is behaving too arrogantly for such a position. Although…"
The man's eyes flashed red, he broke the flower stalk in half, and the next moment something happened that neither Elena nor her secretary could have expected.
Carter took only one step, Harry's eyes widened in surprise when, in a split second, an unwanted guest moved across the room and stood in front of him.
"I will do it myself," the man finished his speech, and the sharp edge of the stem of the flower stuck into the neck of the secretary with force, piercing his vein. Carter lifted his hand, sent another blow and Harry fell to the floor unconscious.
Elena looked in horror at the scene before her eyes, unable to utter a sound.
"You... you... you killed him?!" the girl shouted, not believing that all this was happening in reality.
"Who knows," Carter shrugged as if nothing had happened.
Elena looked at Harry's motionless body lying on the floor, scarlet blood slowly flowing to the sides.
'Oh God, what have I done?!' the girl thought to herself, if it had not been for her decision to leave the secretary in the office, this would not have happened to him. But then another awareness came to her. It can't be that Carter just...
She rushed to the console to call the guard, but the man blocked her attempt. The girl shuddered with surprise and backed away when he appeared right in front of her in a matter of seconds.
"You .. How do you....?" She did not believe her eyes, the man in front of her seemed a completely different creature.
Carter bowed his head, the pupils of his eyes were deep red like blood, "Oh, a friend of mine recommended a little thing to me here. I did not know that it had such an effect. How about experiencing something else in action?"
Elena cried out, the man grabbed her as if she weighed nothing, pulled her from the table and threw on the sofa, pressing her with his whole body.
"What are you doing?! There is a surveillance camera here! The guards had already called the police!" No matter how she resisted, this man was motionless, and she felt like she was crushed by a concrete slab. Whatever her fighting and self-defense skills were, she could do little against a strong man, and this man possessed inhuman strength.
"Oh yeah? And where are your guards?" Carter asked in a low voice, his sounds more resembled the roar of a rabid beast.
Elena was scared even more. Indeed, where were the guards? Although it all happened in less than five minutes, it is impossible for them not to react.
"Enough!" Carter shouted when she tried to hit him with a knee between his legs, and immediately blocked her, "I'll bring you such an apology that you will remember for life! Rubbish, how dare you humiliate me at all! How dare you raise your hand against me!"
A man grabbed the girl by the neck and began to strangle her, he bent to her ear and hissed, "Get ready. I will not be gentle."
Elena felt herself gasping for breath. She squeezed her eyes shut.