The Crime.

David lowered his eyes, carefully studying the document lying on his desk. The man sitting opposite clenched his fists in anxiety.

"Um, Mr. Anderson, I hope our offer will interest you. We will be grateful if Lenali Enterprise agrees to co-finance our project," he added, trying to hide in the embarrassment in his voice.

Their company has been seeking a meeting with this man, David Anderson, who is known in business circles as a reliable, but very demanding partner, for two months. And now, sitting face to face in front of him, the young man, who was just over twenty, felt increasing pressure.

David, without a single emotion on his face, carefully studied their business plan, periodically counting some figures on the calculator. Lenali Enterprise was known for its active support for promising start-ups, and the conditions of the corporation were the most favorable in the market, which made the competition among new projects really fierce.

And now, the young founder of another startup with excitement and trembling in his knees was waiting for his fate.


The man froze at the same moment as he heard the frightened voice of his wife in his head. David jumped up and left the conference room like a hurricane.

"M-Mr. Anderson?!" The man's secretary shouted in dismay at her boss and ran after him, but as soon as she went out into the corridor, the men had already disappeared.

The young businessman looked from the papers on David's desk to the open door, where his chance for success has just slipped from, a little more, and tears would have appeared in the man's eyes, "Is this a rejection?"

. . .

David, without thinking for a second, teleported to Elena's office. In addition to the main working area, there was another small room in the office with a cozy and comfortable sofa and shower, where the girl could relax at any time. This room was soundproof and devoid of surveillance cameras to preserve the privacy of Elena and David if they wanted to have some privacy there or discuss something personal.

Also, the room had a separate entrance, but the door opened only by fingerprint, so no one could get through the outer door except Elena herself and her husband.

The man teleported to this room; he knew perfectly the location of the surveillance cameras and knew all the blind spots in his building. In the future, he would not want to answer uncomfortable questions regarding how he could get from one place to another in a second.

David pushed open the door of the lounge and froze in place. Anger and rage, like an eruption of a volcano, overshadowed his eyes. Elena was lying on the sofa with her mouth gripped, while another man pressed her body down with his own and with enthusiasm and tenacity tried to pull off the girl's clothes.

Immediately, David rushed to Carter, dragged him from the girl and with all his might hit him in the face with his fist. The man flew to the side, hit his head against the wall and passed out.

David quickly looked at his wife, and, making sure that everything was all right with her, pressed her tight to him, "You OK?"

"I...I am fine, but Harry..." Elena shook her hands in the direction of the body of a man lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

"He is still alive, but he urgently needs to go to the hospital," David checked the pulse of his subordinate, although it was barely noticeable, still it was felt.


An unexpected, angry roar made both of them flinch. Carter growled like with an inhuman voice as if a wild beast in agony. He swayed and rose from his knees, raised his head and looked with fury at a couple of people in front of him.

"What the hell?! Is that Carter?!" David asked, the man in front of his eyes was very far from how he knew him. At that moment he was even far from being a human.

"Yes, I don't know what is happening, but something is wrong with him!"

David hid Elena behind him. It even seemed to her that Philip's behavior was too strange. Regardless of what kind of a womanizer or a spoiled man he was, she saw no reason for him to come down that much, and even more so, to kill someone. This man was too proud to take such measures.

Carter bared his teeth and took a step forward, his eyes completely turned red, as if covered with blood, his nostrils widened with panting, sweat appeared on his forehead.

The man took two more steps, David closed Elena and prepared to attack, but at that moment Carter's knees gave way and he collapsed to the floor. Philip grabbed his head and began to tear his hair out, screaming in a heart-rending voice like he was tormented by wild pain.

Elena squeezed her husband's hand, afraid to even breathe. The whole picture resembled a scene from a horror movie.

But not even five seconds passed before the man's whole body twitched, and he collapsed to the floor, immobilized.

There was complete silence in the office. What just happened was beyond reality.

David went over to Carter's body and went down to check his neck, there seemed to be no pulse, "God damn it! Call an ambulance now!" he shouted to Elena. The girl grabbed the phone and dialed 911.

"Adam, what the hell is going on?!" David shouted into the receiver of his telephone after contacting the security chief.

"Um, sir, I don't understand what you mean," the man answered in a confused tone, boss Anderson's voice was full of rage.

"Send the people to my wife's office, now! Clean the reception and elevators for the ambulance and police, set up security along the perimeter of the building, block all entrances and exits and do not let anybody in. No one can leave the building until the police arrive. Clear?!"

"Yes, sir. Will be done. But what is going on?" The security chief's question remained unanswered, as by then David had already hung up.

The police and the ambulance arrived within ten minutes, the doctors took the bodies of both men to the hospital, the police collected evidence and released everyone to clarify the circumstances of the case.

The working day was finally over.

. . .

"How are they?" David asked, noticing his wife walking down the stairs.

"Sleeping like little angels," Elena smiled.

The time was about half past nine in the evening, and Ashley and Sean, having played enough with Grandpa Lee at home, returned with almost no strength. Driving them to sleep was usually another problem. But today, to the surprise of the adults, they themselves went to their rooms.

Both children had their own rooms in the Anderson house, as Ashley and Corey often visited Elena and David. The house was bought before Elena gave birth to a son, so they planned a second room for their daughter. But after his wife spent two weeks in a coma, David abandoned the idea of having a second child and the free bedroom went into full possession of Ashley.

Elena sat on the sofa and sank into the warm embrace of her husband, "Thank you so much for coming to the rescue. If it wasn't you…"

"Silly, there's nothing to thank me for. You are my life, you know that I am ready to risk anything and do everything possible to make you healthy and happy," the man wrapped his arms around the girl, hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Then just be always here for me," Elena answered and hugged her husband in response. Once again, she caught herself thinking that his arms were a place where she felt completely safe and calm.

"Hmmm, besides... Almost ten already! Corey and Daniel are coming soon! Damn, it got out of my head that I invited them to us today!"

"I called Daniel, but his phone is off. Although if Corey is here, he certainly won't miss this chance," David said, reluctantly letting his wife go when she decided to leave his arms to head to the kitchen.

"Oh yeah. Considering that Daniel's perseverance was finally rewarded, I don't exclude that you can soon become an uncle," Elena giggled, at which David only grinned. He was eager to tease his older brother in this matter.

Elena headed toward the kitchen when a doorbell stopped her halfway. She looked at the intercom display and immediately opened the door, "Hello! You were a little earlier, I was just about to make tea and-" Elena's eyes froze in confusion,

"Oh, God, Corey, what happened?! You look like something terrible has happened!" Elena took her friend's hand, led her into the living room and sat her on the sofa. Corey was pale as if she had met death itself, it was clear from her eyes that the girl was crying a lot.

"Hey, baby, what happened?" Elena asked her in a low voice, Corey raised her head and pain and despair reflected on her face.

Corey opened her mouth and winced when another doorbell interrupted her words.

"This must be Daniel. David, please open the door. My bunny, I'll bring you tea now, and you'll calmly tell us everything, okay?"

Elena knew that hot tea was the best medicine for her friend when she was worried. Corey nodded and stared toward the door, waiting for David to open it.

She assumed that she would be scared, but did not think that it would be so scary. How can she look into the face of Daniel after what happened between her and Rick? She was disgusted with herself because she showed weakness and went on about emotions.

David opened the door, but an unknown man was standing in the doorway instead of his brother. He raised his hand and showed the police badge, "Mr. David Anderson, I suppose?"

"Yes, that's right. You came about today's incident?" David asked, this was the most obvious reason why a policeman could come to their house at that hour. But why did he bring so many people with him, and even come here with three cars? David looked behind the inspector and saw four more men in uniform with machine guns.

"My name is Inspector Glen Cowels. I will have to ask you to go with us to the police station."

"Sir, with all due respect, I understand your work, but it's already night. Can we postpone this matter until tomorrow?" David asked, he sincerely could not understand why the law service needed to interrogate him at such an hour.

"No, sir. You do not understand the situation. I'm not here to interrogate you, but to arrest you."


A cup of tea slipped out of Elena's hands and scattered across the floor into small fragments, "Wh-what? What did you say, sir?" She was sure that she had heard something wrong.

A policeman took a paper from his coat and unfolded it, "I have a warrant for the arrest of Mr. David Anderson. You are charged with the murder of Mr. Philip Carter." The inspector waved his head at his assistant, who took out the handcuffs and snapped them on David's wrists.

"Mr. Anderson, you have the right to remain silent, you have the right to have a lawyer. Everything you say can be used against you in court. And now I ask you not to resist and follow us to the police station for a thorough interrogation."

Elena re-read the arrest order with her eyes and her hands were getting cold every second. She hoped it was just a vision or another nightmare from which she was about to wake up.

But the paper in her hands was too real to the touch. Everything that was happening was real.

Her David was officially charged with the murder of Philip Carter.