The Courage to See Your Fear.

David followed his wife into the kitchen, put the file folder on the table and walked over to Elena, "Are you really okay?" asked the man, hugging the woman from the back.

"Yes, everything is fine, don't worry," Elena turned her head and smiled, then turned back to the plates on which she laid out the sweets she had brought with her.

"What happened to your eyes? Are these lenses?" David buried his chin on his wife's shoulder and watched with interest as she took each croissant and laid it out on a plate with the others, creating a spiral pattern.

"No, they were like that when I woke up."


"I don't know," Elena shrugged. "Apparently, dad's genes decided to take revenge," a light chuckle escaped her lips. She turned her head to David and kissed him. The man eagerly responded to her initiative, put his hand on Elena's cheek, turned her to him and deepened the kiss.

"I won't let you go for a second. Let me be considered a complete possessor, but you must be in my field of vision. Always," David whispered, stroking Elena's face with his fingertips. "When it's over, can we go somewhere? Just the two of us? I suddenly realized that we hadn't had a full honeymoon in six years. Sean, work, other things... Our son is already big, and there is someone to look after him. Let's leave everything, leave our phones and settle on some island for a month without communication with the outside world. Only you and I…"

"And what are we going to do there?" Elena inquired, playful lights flashed in her eyes.

"Anything you want," David replied with a broad smile, "I want to watch you sunbathe and swim in the ocean completely naked," the man narrowed his eyes and bit the tip of his wife's nose.

"Sounds tempting," Elena laughed and held out a croissant and biscuits to David in her palm, "Wanna try?"

"Of course," David picked up a black coal that only vaguely resembled a cookie and smelled like fumes.

"Why did you choose this one?" Between the two treats, the croissant was obviously more delicious and prettier. And he had such a smell that even someone who does not eat pastries would have salivated.

"Isn't that why you offered me two options? To make my own choice. This burnt thing struck me as very cute," David did not hesitate a second, tossed the whole cookie into his mouth and began to chew it.

"Mmm, just what I thought. This thing is delicious!" he leaned over to Elena and said in a conspiratorial tone, "Can I eat these ones, and let the rest eat the croissants? Although I don't like sweets, but these are, um, some incredible cookies," David was not sure what to call this dish, since it had an incomprehensible shape, "Elena, I don't want to offend Corey, but this tastes better than all her desserts. Real food of the gods."

The man pulled off another black coal from the plate and put it in his mouth, savoring how it melts on his tongue, "What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?" Elena's gaze was surprised, admirable and grateful. David flinched as tears ran down his wife's cheeks, she turned away and brushed them away with her hand.

"Did I say something wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked in confusion.

"I'm not the one who is crying. Everything is all right. Thank you, David. You are the best," Elena hugged her husband and picked up a plate of refreshments, "Let's go to the living room! Are the boys at home?"

"Elena, wait," David grabbed the woman's hand, "About Marcus. I understand that he is your father and we really need to discuss a lot. But I'm not sure it's a good idea for him to be here," the man exhaled and ran his hand through his hair.

"It was a great shock for Nick to learn that he and Marcus are related, you know? To be honest, we are still shocked by this information. After everything that happened to Nick and after the situation in Mexico, I'm not sure if these two should cross paths."

Elena raised her eyes to her husband, and for a moment David thought that someone else was looking at him. This sensation was not unpleasant; rather, it was unusual.

"David," Elena said quietly, but there was a hidden power in her voice, "You can see the essence of things, you can distinguish true from false. But what is the point in it if others are blind? Truth often hides behind lies, and love can be discovered behind hate. As well as vice versa.

And only a person can determine what is in front of him. It takes courage. And courage can appear only by overcoming fear. Think about what you are afraid of, and do not close the eyes of others to their fears. This is the only way you can help them see the truth. But whether they want to do it is for them to decide."

Elena released her hand from David's palm, smiled, and left the kitchen.

. . .

Marcus stopped by the fireplace, which was framed with photographs. A large Christmas tree was standing nearby, strewn with garlands and balls. These photographs were familiar to him. He saw them the last time he secretly visited this house. But today among the old frames there were new ones - shared photos of David and Nick, Nick with Daniel, Sean.

Marcus took the one with Nick laughing and began to examine the young man's features. Now it was clear from whom he got the blue eyes. Sean had heterochromia, and Nick's eyes were both the same color. Marcus wondered how the guy did this. Did he do this on his own, or is he wearing lenses? It didn't look like lenses.

The man smiled. This child was full of mysteries. He would like to ask him a lot, but Nick is unlikely to want to communicate with him. What happened in his future that this guy has such a strong hatred for Taubert?

"What are you doing here? Weren't you going to Lina's charity concert?"

Marcus turned his head and saw the one whose photograph he was holding in his hands. Nick was walking down the stairs, with his hair tousled and his shirt rumpled. The guy was wearing pants with some cartoon characters, he was yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"It seems like someone recently woke up?" asked Marcus, putting the photograph back on the fireplace.

"God, you have no idea how my father tortured me all morning. His training is even more hellish than what you have done with me in the future. I get the feeling that he's making Rambo out of me," Nick yawned and stretched. The guy looked completely relaxed and sleepy.

"Training? How sweet." Marcus tried to hide a grin. This Nick from the future was funny. Taubert even felt sorry that this game was unlikely to last long.

"Armand, I understand that today is a holiday, but to wear Santa's hat? Are you serious?" Nick laughed, "Was it Lina who made you put it on?"

Marcus shrugged, "What can't you do for the smile of your beloved woman."

The front door clicked, and a few seconds later a man entered the living room.

Nick looked from the one in Santa's hat to the other one. The smile left the guy's face.

He looked at the first one again. The corners of Marcus's lips curled into a mocking grin.

"Merry Christmas, Nicholas. Did you miss your grandfather?"