The Power of Blood.

The light in the room went dark. A chill went through Armand's body, as if the temperature around him had dropped by twenty degrees.

"You...," Nick hissed, the fury in his eyes was directed at Marcus. "How dare you come here?!"

In an instant, he crossed the room and raised his hand to strike. Marcus jumped to the side, dodging the guy's fist, the man's face remained calm and relaxed.

He grabbed Nick's hand and led it behind the opponent back. Nick growled, disappeared and appeared again, now behind Taubert's back. The guy grabbed the man by the neck, Marcus chuckled under his breath,"Nicky, have you decided to strengthen the theory in practice? It is commendable. But no matter how pro your father is, experience is on my side."

The man turned, grabbed Nicholas's hand, threw the guy over him and pressed him to the floor with his knee. "Did you even use the illusion so as not to disturb your family? What a caring grandson I have," Marcus muttered, openly playing with the boy.

"Shut up! I am disgusted with the thought that your blood is flowing in my veins!" Nick freed himself from his grip, rolled over and lunged at Marcus.

To his surprise, Taubert did not move. Nick grabbed the man by the throat, but Marcus didn't even raise his hands to stop the guy.

"You! How could you?! How could you do this to her?! To us?! She was your daughter!" The energy flowed from Marcus's body through Nick's fingers into the young man's body, he squeezed the hand on Taubert's neck even tighter. The skin on Marcus's face was covered with red sores, but the man did not care.

He saw with what hatred and resentment Nick was looking at him, and although Marcus did not yet know the reason, he could guess it.

"You can think whatever you want about me. It's your right. But the fact that you have my eyes won't change. And you have to come to terms with that, Sean Nicholas Anderson," Marcus said in a calm voice.

"Nick, that's enough. Let him go." Armand put his hand on the guy's wrist. He did not intervene in their wrangles, but he would not have allowed the situation to be taken to an extreme level either.

In the corners of Nick's eyes faint tears appeared. He pulled his hand away from Marcus's with such scorn as if the latter was some kind of leper. "I hate you. I will not forgive you. Never."

Nick took a step back and looked at the twins. How did it happen that one of them replaced his real father, and the other killed both of them? The one who was supposed to protect his family got rid of everyone who was dear to Nick. And this man was his own grandfather?

"Armand, I don't know why David allowed this...," Nick looked at Marcus with disgust, "this person to be in our house. But if he doesn't get lost while I'm changing, tell David that I won't set foot here ever again."

"Won't you even open the presents that Elena and I have chosen so carefully? It's a pity," Marcus put on an offended face for a moment, but then it became indifferent again.

Nick clenched his fists at the mention of Elena. He was tormented by nightmares for a week and the scene in which the woman covered him with her body and took the blow. If David had not explained to him that she was alive, and their lives, as partners, were connected together, then Nick would not have withstood such pressure.

"After all that has happened, do you dare to call her name? You're even more disgusting than I imagined, grand-pa," Nick's face was calm, his gaze was cold. Marcus saw his youthful reflection in the guy. Even if Nick refused to accept the fact of their relationship, the power of blood was obvious in such small gestures.

Nicholas turned around and walked slowly back up the stairs, and only a minute later somewhere on the second floor a door slammed loudly.

"I said it was a bad idea to come here," Armand looked at his brother's grinning face, but that feigned amusement was not reflected in Marcus's eyes.

"Tell that to your niece again. It was Elena's idea. Although I admit I didn't resist much." Marcus shrugged and flopped onto the couch. The skin on his face was almost restored, but his strength was reduced.

The man could be wrong, but it seemed to him that Nick became stronger. The speed of energy absorption by young Anderson was higher than the capabilities of Marcus.

Marcus did not rule out that if he does not resist, then Nick is quite capable of killing him. This was both pleasing and sad at the same time. Now Marcus knew that there was at least someone who could end Taubert's existence, but he could not place such a sin on the shoulders of his grandson. One sinner was enough in their family.

"Nick is an open and emotional guy. He's been through a lot, Marcus, and he's still young, so he often lets his emotions take over." Armand sat down beside him and rested his elbows on his knees. He was looking at the beautifully decorated Christmas tree, but in his heart the atmosphere of the general holiday aroused mixed feelings.

"God, Armand, are you comforting me? How lovely!" Marcus laughed at his brother's words, "Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to be offended by a child. Although I'm sure he has reasons for that too."

Marcus leaned his head back against the couch and closed his eyes, "You know what? I said the same to our father before his death. That I am disgusted that his blood is flowing in me. And he just laughed and said that if I consider him a monster, I must first look in the mirror."

They both fell silent. Marcus mentioned their father for the first time in his conversation. On the other hand, they didn't have that many conversations. Too little for such a long life.

"Did you-"

"I killed him," Marcus replied briefly, to which Armand only said nothing. Younger Taubert, although he did not know for sure, was somehow sure that Marcus did it.

"And if you're wondering, then his death was not long," Marcus opened his eyes and turned his head to his brother, "But painful." He was sure that he would not see condemnation in Armand's eyes, and he was right.

After a short pause, Armand leaned against the back of the sofa next to Marcus. The man's lips curled into a faint smile. "I have a box of excellent Bavarian beer at home."

"I have three boxes in my base," commented Marcus.

"Hmm, two boxes for each, right?"

Marcus closed his eyes again and smiled, "It turns out so."